#anyway this is my new favourite gifset
eastoncowan · 4 months
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max domi postgame - 21.1.24
5 notes · View notes
freckleslikestars · 2 years
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The X Files: Demons
Living Polaroid Project: 96/219
87 notes · View notes
comfy-whumpee · 7 months
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Being in the #whump community bingo! How many do you get?
Full list of squares:
first whumperflies stories
“they have all of my issues lmao”
favourite trope version #3547
everyone knows I love whump vs. nobody can know
posted as screenshots on pinterest
posts that are one line but hit just right
tag games that take 5 hours to scroll past
beloved mutual going feral in the notes
found your new best friend via niche tropes
discussions on improving diversity
“dead. i’m dead. this killed me.”
extremely nuanced, developed characters called A and B
bad things happen bingo never completed
fighting the morality police
fanfic about the character with 0.3 seconds of screentime
ao3 links for the really saucy stuff
“bestie you forgot your readmore” “OH NO”
prioritising fun
one of your OCs is called Sam
sharing irl experiences to inspire each other
gifsets of shows you’ve never heard of
twelve reblogs deep in the au with the mutual
picking the trope to fall asleep thinking about
making a whumpee for your friend’s whumper and vice versa
blacklisting a tag your mutual loves but supporting them anyway
crack posts and shitposting about agony
anonymous asks for the most fucked up tropes <3
monthly challenges for almost every month
realism has no power here
an arcane but extremely detailed tagging system OR nothing
that one trope you will always reblog
misspelling it ‘whimper’
everyone from the discord server knows the plot twist
whumpee who gets every disease
intro post with 200 notes
watching the show from all those gifsets
297 notes · View notes
telomeke · 4 months
✨2023: A Summary✨
Post your most popular and/or favourite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
I was tagged by:
@colourme-feral (here);
@lurkingshan (here);
@dribs-and-drabbles (here);
@ranchthoughts (here);
@chickenstrangers (here).
Thanks for tagging me, sweeties! 🥰 Hope the new year is treating you well. 😍
Apologies for being a bit late with this, but after I got back from my 2023 year-end break there was a ton of stuff to attend to, with deadlines suddenly looming much closer than they had seemed looking through eggnog goggles. 👀
But anyway I have a bit of time before the next deadline, so I'm going to use this window to try and summarize my 2023 on Tumblr. 😁 (Some of the posts referenced below may not fall into the definition of "edit/gifset/analysis" but that's just me being honest: my output on Tumblr is definitely a bit of a mixed bag! 🤣)
✨JANUARY 2023✨
MOST POPULAR POST – A meme summarizing Greta Thunberg's epic takedown of toxic masculizard Andrew Tate, with the help of Jerry's Pizza boxes, Elon unbanning Andrew on Twitter, and the domino effect:
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‌ (above) Post linked here
FAVORITE POST – Of course it's something to do with Bad Buddy. 🤣 I posted about my experience viewing Bad Buddy's corner at the GMMTV Exhibition in Osaka, with photos and write‑ups about actual wardrobe and props that appeared in BBS (especially Baseball Mom and the Ep.12 memory board! 🤩):
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‌ (above) Post linked here
MOST POPULAR POST – A write-up about Jim and Li Ming's confrontation in Moonlight Chicken. More than just a teen-versus-(surrogate)-parent argument, the scene was also an insight into elder/junior dynamics and the importance of self-control in Thai culture:
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(above) Post linked here
FAVORITE POST – Oh don't make me choose between my kids! It's a toss-up: the more popular one is a Bad Buddy post about the pause before PatPran's second kiss on the rooftop in BBS Ep.5 (yes, THE Kiss™):
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(above) Post linked here
But also sharing the Feb 2023 favorite spot in my heart is a post about GMMTV producer/director cameos (in My School President and other series) and what they might mean beyond the show:
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(above) Post linked here
✨MARCH 2023✨
MOST POPULAR POST – This was written after Michelle Yeoh won a SAG Award for Best Actress and was nominated for an Oscar in the same category. I thought most of her newer fans wouldn't be aware of Tan Sri Dato' Seri Michelle's death-defying stuntwork (I'm really not exaggerating here) during her earlier years as an action hero in 80s and 90s Hong Kong moviedom, so I wrote a piece about it:
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(above) Post linked here
If you've not watched the video linked therein yet, you should. And then carefully pick your jaw up off the floor (as I had to, the first time I watched this). Not to give too much away, but it involves Michelle riding a motorbike helmetless atop a rickety Malaysian train carriage with no safety measures at all. 👀
FAVORITE POST – My favorite post for March 2023 is about the characters' names in Moonlight Chicken, and it's so long I had to break it into two parts. (Whenever it's an Aof show, you can usually expect the characters' names to carry some significance, as was the case with Last Twilight and Bad Buddy too.) So Part 1 of the Moonlight Chicken post is about the names in general, what they mean for their characters and any relevance they might have for the narrative:
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(above) Post linked here
And Part 2 of my favorite post for March 2023 is about Wen's name, with a detour into political color symbolism in Moonlight Chicken:
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(above) Post linked here
✨APRIL 2023✨
MOST POPULAR POST AND FAVORITE POST – It's the same post doing double duty, about the prevalence of the chue len Korn as a character name in Thai dramas:
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(above) Post linked here
There aren't that many actors named Korn, so I found it quite befuddling that so many characters would have that name, but there you go. And "Korn Kob" Songsit Rungnopakunsi was ultimately crowned king of the Korn harvest: 😂
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✨MAY 2023✨
MOST POPULAR POST – Our Skyy 2 x My School President's red-hot comment on Thai politics, with Principal Ratchanee (Gun's mom) announcing a subversion of the election process:
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(above) Post linked here
FAVORITE POST – My favorite post in May 2023 was a look at linguistic wordplay on some t-shirts in Moonlight Chicken, touching on the themes of generational change, eggplants, etymology and cute little weiners:
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(above) Post linked here
✨JUNE 2023✨
Well! Our Skyy 2 dropped its Bad Buddy episodes beginning 31 May 2023, so June 2023 was dominated by BBS for me. 😍
MOST POPULAR POST – A (sort-of) review and analysis of the Our Skyy 2 x Bad Buddy x A Tale of Thousand Stars episodes:
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(above) Post linked here
FAVORITE POST – Do I really have to choose? Top of my own list is the most popular post above, but I'm going to list another one that was just a Phupha-whisker away in second place, and it's the OS2 x BBS filming locations:
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(above) Post linked here
I love research and analysis, and tracking down the Bad Buddy filming locations was especially fulfilling because it combined the opportunity for me to exercise my bloodhound instincts and also find out more about this show that I love so much. (The locations were not very well-credited in the original BBS, unlike later GMMTV offerings, so it was very satisfying hunting down mystery BBS locales based almost solely on visual clues.) I've got almost the whole list of BBS locations now, although I've yet to post the last few (which are minor locations only).
So I'm very proud of the work I've done on identifying the BBS filming locations – and also a little alarmed at how powerful Google plus a bit of logical deduction can be.
Stay safe on the Internet people! Don't ever reveal too much private information about yourself, because my time doing this and other location posts has shown me that online info can all be tracked down and consolidated to identify what might have seemed to be pretty well-hidden at the start. Which bodes ominously for privacy and safety, online or off. 👀
✨JULY 2023✨
MOST POPULAR POST – A write-up about Bad Buddy's Nong Nao, Pat's beloved comfort object. But in the unraveling of Nong Nao's significance to BBS (and this was surprising to me too) we got further insight into Pat's character as well:
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(above) Post linked here
FAVORITE POST – OK, so the Nong Nao post above is quite my favorite for July 2023, but it also shares that spot atop my list of faves with this reply to a Bad Buddy Ask from @pandasmagorica about Pat and Pran's emotionally-laden verbal zingers on the Ep.5 rooftop, before they took that step forward beyond the point of no return and fell into The Kiss™:
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(above) Post linked here
It's not just about how well the dialogue was written, or how well Ohm and Nanon brought the scene to life. Part of why this post is special to me is because the scene demonstrates how well-crafted BBS actually is, with an underlying logic and consistency that holds up no matter how hard you prod and poke at it (which, for the record, wasn't quite the case for OS2 x BBS). When you can analyze the characters, their actions and reactions in-depth as though they are real people with real motivations, and no inauthenticity shows through, you know there's been a whole lot of deep-rooted work sunk into it. I'm still in awe of what Khun Noppharnach has wrought. 👀
But there's another reason why this post is also one of my faves, and it's rather more personal.
It's because this Ask is the first one where @pandasmagorica lifted the Anon veil to use his own Tumblr name. And that was when I felt I'd made a new friend right here on Tumblr. 😍 I'm actually quite reticent in real-life, so I don't make friends easily – but I do treasure the friendships I have once made (even though I can be pretty bad at staying in touch; doesn't mean the feelings aren't there still – far from it). I'd learnt to recognize @pandasmagorica's voice even when his Asks were anonymous, and this particular Ask made my heart swell with happiness. So even though we haven't communicated directly in some time, dear @pandasmagorica, please know that you're still a treasured friend to me! 💖
✨AUGUST 2023✨
MOST POPULAR POST – This was a bit of throwaway fluff, an assembling of images pointing out the visual similarity between a promotional poster for Only Friends (on the same day as the show's debut, which was 12 August 2023) and a poster for the iconic 1990s sitcom Friends:
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(above) Post linked here
Image posts and zingy hot takes always garner likes and reblogs so much more easily than long, thought-driven essays on Tumblr, especially when they ride on a wave of hype (as this one did, on the absolute tsunami welling for Only Friends). Doesn't mean the post or the series are really anything of substance though! 😂
FAVORITE POST – I have more than one in August 2023, and they were momentous for me. 🤩 The first is my analysis (loving, yet incontrovertibly loopy to the point of near-lunacy) explaining my finding why Director Aof put the incongruous Baseball Mom t-shirt on Pat in Bad Buddy Episode 5. If you've not read the explanation yet, the answer will surprise you:
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(above) Post linked here
There's also a Part 2, because as usual I had so much to say, and this second part explains why PatPran's Ep.7 rooftop encounter is also a parallel with (and counterbalance for) the Epic Rooftop Kiss in Ep.5.
Anyway, my other favorite post for August 2023 is also dear to me because it points out some very clever visual rhetoric in Be My Favorite that was carefully woven into a particular scene, taking up the clarion call for marriage equality in Thailand:
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(above) Post linked here
Screenwriter/director Waa Waasuthep Ketpetch really piled on the magic into this one scene. It was fun to pick it apart and look at all the different elements, within what was otherwise an only somewhat complex and not too challenging series (that still managed to be highly entertaining nonetheless). 😍
My MOST POPULAR POST and my FAVORITE POST are one and the same, which was an apology to any legitimate Tumblr user I might have blocked (as were facing yet another onslaught of porn bots with believable names suddenly following our Tumblr blogs):
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(above) Post linked here
I then got a few snarky comments (from people whose names I didn't recognize) letting me know that people whom I've blocked can't read the post. 😮
But that's not exactly true (this is Tumblr after all). 🤣
I've since found out that if you've been blocked, you can still view the blog that blocked you, as long as you read it in blog view but not dashboard view.
If you've been blocked, here are some salient points to know:
You can't search for that blog on Tumblr (but Tumblr's search function is pretty much rubbish anyway, and you can still find the blog with a Google search).
If you know the name of the blog, then typing the URL (in the address bar) using blog view format (as opposed to dashboard view format) will still bring you there. For the difference between blog view and dashboard view (using my own Tumblr as an example) – typing telomeke.tumblr.com into the address bar will take you to my Tumblr in blog view, while typing tumblr.com/telomeke into the address bar will open my blog in dashboard view. You can still view my Archive (if I haven't hidden it) and read my posts, even if I've blocked you.
This one should be obvious – you can't like, comment on or reblog any of a blog's posts if that blog has blocked you. You can't DM that blog either. You can send Asks, but they will not be received. And that's part of the delicious irony that Tumblr bestows if you block any hater troll from your blog – you can continue posting everything that set them off in the first place, and they will still be able to see it, but they can no longer send any negativity your way. (You can also troll them back with impunity, but why waste precious time and energy like that? You won't know if they've seen your trolling, just that they can. 🤷‍♂️)
Asking to be unblocked is a bit trickier if you've been mistaken for a bot and inadvertently blocked. You'll need to ask a friend with a Tumblr account to request the unblocking on your behalf, or you'll need to set up a new Tumblr account just to send in this new Ask/message.
Anyway, the point of my post above was to let newbies know how important it is to humanize your blog, so as not to be mistaken for a bot and blocked – it would be especially rueful if the blog that blocked you (thinking you were a bot) was one you followed because you liked the content in there!
✨OCTOBER 2023✨
MOST POPULAR POST – This was a jokey review of/(slash)/reaction to the newly-released Red Peafowl trailer:
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(above) Post linked here
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FAVORITE POST – @pandasmagorica sent me an Ask about PatPran's sex life in Bad Buddy, and this was a fun look at the physical side of their love (that they, and Director Aof, kept mostly hidden from view):
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(above) Post linked here
Because BBS is extremely self-referential, part of me now thinks they kept so much of PatPran's sex life under wraps in order to squeak by the ratings – this is what the cookout scene with Junior in Ep.11 seems to be telling us, IMO.
And they succeeded in getting a 13+ age rating, allowing Bad Buddy's message about LGBTQ+ positivity and growing into your authentic queer self to reach exactly the audience demographic that needs it (and of course even beyond them too 😊).
MOST POPULAR POST – This was a look at the meanings of Mhok and Day's names in Last Twilight:
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(above) Post linked here
FAVORITE POST – I'm cackling with fairy godfather glee because I got to inflict the warm fuzzies on people in the Bad Buddy fandom, by helping them relive their first time watching The Epic Rooftop Kiss in BBS Ep.5 (on the two-year anniversary of that event).
YouTuber "Chib" had put together an absolutely genius montage of a myriad reaction videos to The Kiss™, and my post was simply a link to it. But the ensemble of gasps and outpouring of unbridled emotion onscreen had so vividly brought back memories of my own first time watching PatPran's rooftop moment that I just knew I had to share it. I think Bad Buddy fans who watch the video will absolutely see themselves in it:
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(above) Post linked here
MOST POPULAR POST – The Sign really happened in a big way when December 2023 came around, and my most popular post is testament to that. I wrote about the naga and garuda mythology underpinning the narrative (hat tip to @respectthepetty for getting the ball rolling 👍) and the subject seems to have resonated with a lot of viewers because the post is still getting notes a month later:
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(above) Post linked here
But the post above really should be read in tandem with others that followed, because the series is really going all in with the naga and garuda, and there's lots to take away if you're a culture and linguistics fiend like I am. Additional info linked below: 🤩
Evil jellyfish (Tharn's pet name for Phaya, a mistranslation of the Thai แมงกะพรุนไฟ that actually means fire jellyfish, which is a nod at the flames of the garuda);
Nong Khai, naga fireballs and the dance of adversaries;
More naga and garuda references in Ep.4 (although the storytelling had become a bit muddled by then).
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(above left) Post linked here; (above right, top) post linked here; (above right, bottom) post linked here
The props, lighting and wardrobe are also playing their part to add to the visual feast of naga and garuda references. I may post more about these if I can find the time. 🤩
FAVORITE POST – All the above (Signposts? 😂) are dear to me. But tying with them for top spot on my favorites list at the end of 2023 is this one, a tongue-in-cheek look at QL objects of carnal affection:
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(above) Post linked here
Not meant to be taken seriously (and maybe I shouldn't have been focusing on the actors themselves instead of the characters they play) but it's all in the name of good fun. 🤣
And that's a wrap! 🥳
Dunno who to tag next because I'm so late with this, and I think everyone will have already played by now. So I'm just going to tag creators at random (excluding those already tagged above) – if you've already done your post, please send me a link because I'd love to read (and re-read) what you've done!
Apologies if I've missed anyone out – if I've ever liked and/or reblogged a post of yours, please know that you're special to me too and do feel free to play along. (And do tag me please, so I can read your post! 😍)
P.S. This site (JetBlackCode) is super-helpful in searching for and filtering your posts: 👍
41 notes · View notes
orionsangel86 · 11 months
Subtext Glorious Subtext! A Dreamling on Netflix analysis in The Sandman - Part 5
How romantic it is to be defended by ones love!
My favourite century! This is where the show starts deviating more heavily from the comic and upping the heat on the subtext (probably why it remains a popular century in fandom especially for gifsets).
Firstly, the show makes some good choices by changing certain elements in order to increase character likeability, which I think were necessary tbh. In the show, Hob mentions getting into a “new trade” regarding shipping and slavery. He describes the process to Dream and is immediately scorned for it via the “poor thing” line. In the show, it is implied that Hob’s involvement in the Slave Trade is something new for him. Dream is immediately dismissive and judgemental of this (as we would expect any decent person to be). Hob initially defends himself “It’s just how its done.”  but agrees to consider Dream’s advice.
This is not how either the comic or the Audible audiobook go and honestly, I was surprised.
In both comic and audiobook, Hob brags about the slave trade. He talks gleefully about actually having a hand in starting it 200 years back. He’s proud of this. He’s completely repugnant in both comic and audiobook and it makes you want to punch him hard. Dream only makes the following comment: “You take pride in treating your fellow humans as less than animals?” but he is otherwise not dismissive or disgusted by these things. He is not judgemental, just curious and surprised. When Hob dismisses this question as it being “business”, Dream drops the topic. It isn’t until the very end of the scene after Johanna’s interuption that Dream tells Hob its “a poor thing...” and that is where both comic and audiobook leave it without giving Hob’s reaction to this line.
You can see why the show made the wise decision to change these things. I think it is another example of where the show is taking the story and characters in a softer, kinder, and more likeable direction. We have to remember that the show versions of Dream and Hob are NOT their comic counterparts. Both comic characters are unlikeable at times and Hob in particular is just generally a pretty shitty person. It is difficult to marry the two versions of Hob sometimes because Ferdie gives SUCH a likeable, warm, engaging performance. Yes, Show!Hob is still a slaver for a short while, and yes, that is absolutely not forgiveable and fandom would be wise to ensure that this is never downplayed or ignored, but I think it is worth mentioning that the show has made the decision to lessen his involvement in the slave trade compared to his comic counterpart. But we shall see where they decide to go with this particularly nasty part of show!Hob's history in future episodes.
I think the show in many ways is taking a more classical view of the Sandman characters - here are your good guys and here are your bad guys, here are the people we want you to love and root for, and here are the ones you should love to hate. The comic tends to keep the majority of characters in the middle ground of morally grey. They have a rather cynical viewpoint imo that works for a gritty graphic novel about a depressed eldritch entity. But that viewpoint wouldn't work so well in a high budget fantasy drama series with a desire to draw in as big an audience as possible.
Anyway, back to 1789. Aside from Tom and Ferdie acting like they want to climb each other all the way through this scene (the sexual tension is through the roof throughout), all of fandoms favourite elements here are new.
Whilst Hob does ask for Dream’s name again here in the comics, there is no response or reaction from Dream given before Lady Johanna interrupts them. In the show, it is clear that Dream is about to give an answer - Hob almost gets his name. This is - tropey. The interruption may be comic canon but the almost response to the answer you’ve been craving for 400 years isn’t. A brilliant little addition. The audience is on the edge of their seats wishing Dream would just tell Hob who he is dammit! It adds to the expectation that eventually Hob will get his name. Dream's identity reveal at this point is basically a Chekov's gun. Hob will get it, even if we don't see it happen.
Then we get the fight. There is no rambling from Hob about some Jack Constantine he knew, instead he is calmly making flirtatious jokes at Dream right in front of Lady Johanna’s salad. “I look terrible, you look worse.” The terrible drawing from 1689 is new for the show, as in the comic it is simply a description of the 1689 meeting that Johanna found. Making it a portrait instead gives the characters something to react to, and I do love how bad the caricatures are in the drawing. Though sorry Hob, but anyone can see that Dream absolutely does not look worse than you, and your teasing flirtations are kinda obvious.
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The two characters share catty side eye glances in silent communication as Lady Johanna talks which indicates how close and comfortable with each other they have become by this century.
When Hob jumps up to attack the thugs, he goes for the one with the knife at Dream’s throat first. Hob gets to be an action movie star for a short moment whilst Dream looks up at him in subtle delight. It’s glorious.
AND THEN Dream ONLY makes a move once he sees Lady Johanna has her blade at Hob’s throat.
In the comic, the minute the thugs get their blades out and Lady Johanna threatens them, Dream is like nope! Magic sand! Poof!
But the show, oh the glorious, brilliant, creators on the show, decided this was going to be a “partners defending each others lives” scene. They want to protect and defend each other! They care about each other.
And then we get this:
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GIF by ghorestes
Dream. Darling. Sweetheart. He may not have needed to, but you enjoyed it nevertheless.
“Clearly. Still, I didn’t want to be drinking here alone in 100 years time.”
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GIF by mrskillingjoke
(Thank you to all gifmakers by the way I am kissing you on the mouth for the gifts you give us)
LOOK AT HIM. We all obsess over these little moments I know, but this is CLEAR flirtation.
If there is a better example of *eye fucking* anywhere outside of a season 4 Destiel scene I have yet to come across it.
It doesn’t even stop there. Because right after the best example of *eye fucking* I have seen since season 4 Destiel is an honest to god proposition.
Hob: "So do you want to find another pub tonight?"
Dream: "She may have told others about our meeting. It wont be safe for you."
Hob: "Im perfectly safe. I can't die remember?"
Dream: "Aye, but you can be hurt or captured. We must be careful"
Hob: “Always.”
So what new info has the show given us with this scene?
On a surface level, Hob wants more time with Dream. He wants to find another pub to continue their date.
On a subtextual level, Hob is full of adrenaline from the fight and the mystery man he’s been obsessing over for 400 years is looking at him like he wants to jump his bones. He wants to find another place so they can continue their date, and possibly fuck until the adrenaline has worn off.
On a surface level, Dream cares about Hob’s safety. He doesn’t want them being seen together together outside of the tavern to draw attention to anymore of Lady Johanna’s goons.
On a subtextual level. This is 1789 Hob and they hang men for doing what you very clearly want to do, and it’s not safe with the additional attention Lady Johanna and her goons have put onto you. If I go with you now, they could follow and find us in more compromising positions. Don’t risk it.
In the comic at this point, I would argue that Hob is still nothing more than a curiosity to Dream. He does not show him any real affection or care, and certainly doesn’t comment on his safety at any point. Whilst comic!Hob at this point is clearly itching for more info on Dream, he doesn’t ever push for it, and he is never as focused on Dream as he is talking about other people he’s met and interacted with. They are barely friends.
But by 1789 in the show, we have genuine care for each other, camaraderie, a growing friendship, and arguably sexual attraction.
The other point to note is something I only realised after answering this ask the other day. Comic!Dream has never had anyone else truly care about him enough to rescue him or come to his defence since Alianora (and he basically married her). When Hob defends Dream in the show, its so impactful to Dream because this is a version of Hob who truly cares about him enough to endanger himself (a trait comic!Hob never shows). No wonder Dream looked so pleased and acted so coy about it. He really was ready to pounce!
Basically 1789 is the turning point century. The point at which the show starts to lean heavily into homoerotic tropes and increases the tension. In this century we get:
An almost name reveal followed by an unwanted interuption
Amused side eye glances at each other sharing unspoken communication
Flirtatious jabbing over a bad drawing
Defending each other from harm
Putting themselves at risk in defence of the other
A thinly veiled proposition
Genuine concern and care from a character that never appeared to care previously
Ridiculously over the top eye fucking
All of which adds up to further the audiences investment in the continued development of this relationship whether romantically or platonically and which therefore makes the break up in 1889 even more impactful.
The analysis continues for 1889 in part 6!
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wen-kexing-apologist · 4 months
✨2023: A Summary✨
Post your most popular and/or favourite edit/gifset/analysis for each month (it’s okay to skip months!)
tagged by @dribs-and-drabbles, thank you! this was a fun review and I was interested to see how many times my favorite post and the most popular post coincided (or didn't)
I wasn’t writing meta
Most popular: Heart’s Confrontation- the scene breakdown that started it all!
Favorite(s): Heart’s Confrontation, Moonlight Chicken Sign Language Index- I really had a lot of fun figuring out the similarities and differences in American Sign Language and Modern Thai Sign Language!
Most popular: Best Criers in Moonlight Chicken- it's funny, short, and sweet
Favorite(s): Moonlight Chicken is for the Queers, Isn’t it Difficult to be Born Poor?- I loved writing these so much!
Most popular: A plea for Akk to have unrestrained summer fun
Favorite(s): Bed Friend and Reflections Part 3; Songkran, Water, and KingUea- Not to sound egotistical or anything, but I was really proud of myself for the conclusions I came up with in both of these pieces
Most popular: Silence- I think this was one of the only things I wrote in May
Favorite(s): Silence- THE ACTING IS JUST SO GOOD OKAY?
Most popular: By/For/About Queers Part 1 and Part 2- these only have the most notes because this was originally a post from @absolutebl that I added thoughts to, so most of those notes are from them
Favorite(s): Phupa and internalized homophobia Part 1 and Part 2- it was really fun getting to unpack my past assumptions about Phupa and work through those until I came out the other side with a new blorbo.
Most popular:  Lack of Touch in BMF
Favorite(s): Rain, BL Boys, and Reciprocity; Trans Allegory in Cupid’s Last Wish; Body Language in La Pluie, Episode 12- I especially liked Rain and Reciprocity because I think it has really shaped how I watch shows since then because I want to see if my theory holds.
Most popular: Only Friends, Boston, and Queer Culture
Favorite(s): Only Friends, Boston, and Queer Culture, Pause for Reflection, Part 1: Respectable Promiscuity and Only Friends- listen, I was going to write boring, academic, cited work about sex/porn as a joke, okay? I didn't expect people to actually engage with them as excitedly as they did!
Most popular: A Must Read- I give all credit for the success of this post to the Teen Vogue author who wrote the article and to @waitmyturtles who sent this link to me
Favorite(s): Pause for Reflection, Part 2: Only Friends, Racism, and the Commodification of Queer Asians; Poor Boy; Who is Mew Anyway?- Honestly, I had a wonderful time writing all the essays for Only Friends
Most popular: Best Scene in Only Friends and Why it was Sand and Nick Kissing
Favorite(s): Let’s Talk About Sex!, Why I Like BL, Physicality of Characters- the sex essay for my 69th essay was fun, and hilariously appropriate because I had recently answered the physicality question and could use it as an example
Most popular: Physical Touch and Hands in Last Twilight- It made me feel so warm and fuzzy that people would notice I wasn't posting about this show and want to hear from me <3
Favorite(s): IS BROTHER ANURAK THE ONE ARMED MAN?- I will never reach a higher high than when my obsession with hands finally paid off and I figured this shit out a month in advance of Part 2, I'm a motherfucking genius
Most popular: Hands Touching Hands- I love throwing in complete key smash type of analysis from time to time as a treat cause I keep forcing people to read literal long-form essays all the fucking time (sorry, not sorry)
Favorite(s): Top 5 Favorite Food Moments, Best of QL 2023: Favorite Lines, Best of QL pre-2023: Favorite Lines- I love when I can cause people emotional pain, and all of these not only stabbed me in the heart but took a couple of people down with me as far as I can tell from the tags.
It's wild to have done this, because I haven't really been keeping an eye on my stats until now. I've made almost 400 original posts this year, and increased my notes by 25,000 annually looking at 2023 compared to 2022. I have been a lonely little tumblr goblin since 2012. I came on here to read other people's smart thoughts about things I was watching and to reblog gifs, and I never really thought building community here was possible, but here I am 11 months after making my first BL analysis post with a bunch of friends I didn't know a year ago, and about 20 more lenses through which I watch my silly little gay shows.
tagging: @bengiyo, @ranchthoughts, and @rocketturtle4
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biaswreckmepls · 2 months
Gentle reminder - reblog!
Hi everyone!
Not sure if you've been keeping up with all the changes that keep happening on tumblr, but every single time this website and company is acquired by someone new, they try their best to turn it into another facebook, or instagram, or tiktok, or whatever the cool new social media platform is. It's a fundamental misunderstanding of how this platform works and the benefit of the anonymity and workings of the unique algorithm. But every single time, they've tried. First when yahoo got it, then when it went to verizon, and then when they sold it to automattic. Now with the death of tumblr live, they're trying to do another rebrand.
Tumblr is one of the few remaining online spaces where we get the opportunity to truly curate our online space, and share and experience things in a way that can't be capitalised on. The concept of a tumblr influencer doesn't exist, because there's no advantage of it, there's no benefit of being an 'influencer'. But the only way we can keep this website around, is to keep using it as the way it was originally intended, in the way that other websites have not worked.
Likes on tumblr are not the same as likes on instagram or youtube, they don't really do anything! They don't help the creator, they don't help promote the post itself in any meaningful way, it's just a way to safekeep it for yourself later. And while that's a totally valid reason to want to like something, just as a reminder of something and a way to revisit a post later in the future, I would highly encourage everyone to try and reblog things as well!! Whether it's art of your favourite ship, whether it's a gifset of your favourite onscreen couple, whether it's a meta around a certain show, or whether it's discussions of the latest major current news event, the only way to truly circulate it and create a positive impact is by reblogging! The more people that get to see any given post, the better.
As an example, KOSA is becoming a thing again, and we're all being encouraged to act against it. I wouldn't have found out about KOSA if someone I follow hadn't reblogged it first, and then i reblogged it again. KOSA is one thing that could impact our online experience DRASTICALLY, and it's imperative that we spread the word about it - forewarned is forearmed, and only when we know about it can we take action against it, right?
I'm not saying this to try and promote this blog at all. I won't lie and say a few more reblogs on this blog here and there wouldn't be nice, but frankly at the end of the day my blog contributes little to nothing to the larger fandom discourse in the grand scheme of things. I'm saying this for everyone else out there. If you want tumblr to survive and thrive as our internet experience continues to evolve in the coming decade, keep using it as much as you can! Reblog anything and everything you can! Your one singular reblog can have a butterfly effect on a post. When you just like, the movement of the post stops there.
And tying into my blog (sorry lads, i'm only human and have to make it a little relevant for me as well 😭), if there's one type of post on the website you encounter anywhere that I strongly recommend you reblog, it's a poll. A poll only serves it's function if it reaches people who can actually vote on it, and we can only get a true reflection of the views of the masses when the most number of people get to participate in it. That's democracy, babey!
Anyways, that's my biannual rant. Back to your regularly scheduled programming, and see you in 6 months for the next big rant!
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capinejghafa · 1 year
What are five of your favourite Grishaverse quotes? Send this ask to 5 of your favourite grishaverse blogs!
this is a lot tougher than i thought it would be... and i've made a gifset for everyone one these lol i added a bonus because i don't feel like i praise tolya enough (or at all), but i wanted to add it so badly so my bad.
“I would have come for you. And if I couldn't walk, I'd crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we'd fight our way out together--knives drawn, pistols blazing. Because that's what we do. We never stop fighting.” (Kaz, Crooked Kingdom)
[Genya] watched the others move up the step, then said, “Na razrusha'ya. E'ya razrushost." I am not ruined. I am ruination.”(Genya, Ruin and Rising)
“We learn to hold our heads as if we wear crowns. We learn to wring magic from the ordinary. That was how you survived when you weren’t chosen, when there was no royal blood in your veins. When the world owed you nothing, you demanded something of it anyway.” (Inej, Crooked Kingdom)
“What are you doing?” [Genya] whispered. “Studying something beautiful,” [David] said without the faintest hint of flattery, as if he truly were trying to find the formula for the woman before him.” (Genya and David, Rules of Wolves)
"He needed to tell her … what? That she was lovely and brave and better than anything he deserved. That he was twisted, crooked, wrong, but not so broken that he couldn’t pull himself together into some semblance of a man for her. That without meaning to, he’d begun to lean on her, to look for her, to need her near. He needed to thank her for his new hat." (Kaz, Six of Crows)
bonus: (it's so long, sorry)
Zoya bristled at that. “The Second Army was a refuge.”
“Maybe for some,” said Tolya. “The D*rkling took Grisha from their parents when they were only children. They were taught to forget the places they came from, the people they knew. They served the crown or their families suffered. What kind of choice is that?”
“But no one experimented on us,” said Zoya. And some of us were perfectly happy to forget our parents.
“No,” said Tolya, resting his huge hands on his knees. “They just turned you into soldiers and sent you out to fight their wars.”
(Zoya and Tolya, Rules of Wolves)
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pharawee · 2 years
Every week I think, yep, Big Dragon - favourite show right there. But then the next episode is even better than the last one and here I am, with five gifsets in one evening and ideas for about a dozen more. I'm truly living my best life, even if my version of photoshop is waging a constant war against Windows 11 🥲
But on to this week’s episode review:
This episode is aptly titled Good Old Days, and there’s so many flashbacks and memories and little stories being told. It’s all woven together so well. It even comes with its own red thread of fate.
It all starts with a flashback of a flashback and we learn two things almost immediately: Mangkorn’s really close to his mum and she knows about her son’s crush. Being the amazing mother that she is, she approves.
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Her son has his eyes on the Moon of Business Administration, after all (what a catch!).
That his crush goes back to their first year of uni didn’t really shock me because the reveal is pretty much the same as in the book (which has even more of an enemies to lovers vibe - honey, stop punching your future boyfriend just so you can be near him). I’m actually really happy that they kept this part in because I really liked the “plot twist” (hey, it counts as a plot twist if there’s hardly any plot). They even hinted at their whole rivalry only being a thing because Mangkorn kept hanging out at Yai’s Faculty and everyone thought he was there to “steal” girls (when in reality he was there to make heart eyes at Yai). 
Mangkorn fell first AND he fell harder. This is it, this is the whole show.
Well, a big part of it anyway.
And speaking of Big.
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I’m definitely not immune to older characters kneeling down to tend to their lover’s shoes/feet. There’s just something almost reverent about it. An unwritten rule that is broken because someone just cares so very deeply.
If only Nine knew about the colour-coding in Big Dragon, then he’d realise that Yai's wearing a red jacket and that’s Mangkorn’s colour. He never stood a chance.
But I loved this repeat of a similar shot in episode 2, when Mangkorn and Yai meet in the hospital:
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Nine is even wearing the same kind of shoes that Yai usually prefers. He truly is the embodiment of Yai’s comfort zone - which makes Nine’s metaphor about well-worn, comfortable shoes so fitting. Only that Yai is very direct in saying that he sees Nine as an older brother only.
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Which is why I don’t get why he’s kissing Nine back for a full minute in slow motion and several different camera angles, but hey, it’s Big Thanakorn. I don’t blame him (Star Hunter, I beg you, give this man his own show! It’s been 84 years etc).
Maybe this is why Nine refuses to read the room even after Yai tells him to never do it again. 
Enter the yin & yang pendant Yai conveniently loses as a kid while playing with - gasp! - Mangkorn (negl I’m not a fan of the whole “I’ve loved you since we were children” trope but I get why they included it here). 
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But the red thread of fate it’s hanging from is even more obvious, and it weaves its way through the entire episode, thereby connecting the past and the present - and binding together Mangkorn and Yai.
Meanwhile, in the present, Mangkorn contemplates doing his Master’s abroad - something he obviously didn’t plan for as long as he thought he had Yai in his life (no, really, was he like “no, I can’t go to New York. There’s this crush I fight every day at his Faculty building. Clearly I can’t go!”).
Oh, and apparently he’s told everyone - and I mean everyone! - about his crush on Yai. He’s told his Mum. He’s told Ajo. He’s told Hong. They’re all rooting for him! At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if he told his professors, too (which will come in handy once he withdraws from the program). This is just so damn adorable.
Too bad Yai won’t have any of it.
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This scene is incredible in so many different ways, though.
It’s set in an empty room, one side red, the other a murky green, all strict vertical lines that can’t be crossed. The room is a piece of their past, a (messed up) memory that Yai wants to destroy, while Mangkorn (as part of his job as an intern) wants to preserve it. He clings to “their story” in the same way.
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But Yai has a different story to tell. It’s shown through a mirror and it’s really unnerving, the way it makes Yai almost irrecognisable (and this is all Mangkorn gets to see - he doesn’t see how much Yai struggles with his emotions, too).
If only Yai knew how close he is to the truth, though. Mangkorn has wanted to get close to Yai for years, even though it hurt him. And now Yai is telling him to “stop fighting”. Ouch.
It’s the little nod he gives right at the end that absolutely kills me dead. And even before that, the whole scene is so different from every other conversation they’ve had so far. There’s no argument, no back and forth, not even any kind of miscommunication. 
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It’s the way Mangkorn is literally fading into the background.
Good thing there’s still the red thread of fate.
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And it’s interesting how Mangkorn is shown approaching the cruel mirrored version of Yai to return it to him - like he’s breaking through his barriers.
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Yai, through the power of instant flashback, understands immediately.
And I love how later, when he lashes out at his father and his father’s girlfriend, the camera lingers on their reactions even after Yai has already left. He’s literally blind to the hurt he’s causing in his own distress. He’s accusing his family of being cold without his mum, but of course it is. That’s what grief does. That’s what it turns into when it isn’t shared.
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Because of course his father has already visited his late wive’s grave first thing in the morning. But what good is that to Yai when he’s never seen his father grieve? No wonder he thinks him cold.
And now it’s Mangkorn’s turn to wear green as he makes up his mind (good thing he’s told everyone about his love life - that certainly makes it easier to seek advice).
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While Yai, surrounded by red, is allowed to heal:
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And the red thread comes full circle.
And maybe I’ve cried for ten minutes straight after I’watched this scene.
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Nine. You’ve talked about this. How is this brotherly? What are you even doing here?
Now it’s Hong’s turn to give advice (good thing Mangkorn has told everyone) and maybe she and Nadear won’t have to elope to the UK after all, like they did in the book (but Star Hunter, consider this: it’d be very cute), because looks like they’re going to tell the dads to get with the times. Oh, yes, and Mangkorn looks very pretty as he finally dares to choose:
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Also, finally someone who’s not completely oblivious to their students talking loudly in class. NatureBL is healing.
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The green jacket! The soft lighting! The red brick and green leaves! 
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And I wonder how many times Mangkorn has daydreamed about this exact scenario🥺
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I’ll leave you with this brand new reaction image because you deserve it after reading through all of this. Thank you Jame, thank you Jet, thank you unknown third guy who I’ve never seen before.
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backslashdelta · 5 months
top 10 gifsets you've made the year - go go go!!!
HI HEY HELLO thank you for this very unexpected question I will be happy to answer it for you and also for me!!
We're gonna start at 10 and work our way down :) I will say that these aren't technically in order of my favourite, it's more about how objectively good I think they are, but obviously my personal preference is coming into play a bit too.
10: Klaine + stages of their relationship. This is a pretty simple one but I think that works in its favour, it's a fun concept and I think I did a really good job with the colouring (which is an area I feel like I've improved on a lot this year).
9: Kurtofsky as king and queen of hearts. I think this concept is SUPER cool, it's something very different from a lot of other things I've done and I think it came out really well. I really like the reds and the reflections and just yeah I think it's neat. There are some things I would probably change if I were to do it now, but overall I'm still pretty happy with it.
8: Klaine duets on Spotify. I love a good Spotify gifset and I also think I did a good job with the colouring on this one.
7: New Directions + Seasons of Love lyrics (not the scene from the show, just using the lyrics). I love how warm this is, I like the text effects I ended up with, and it just has a really warm cozy vibe. It feels special to me. And it was a gift, so that makes it extra special.
6: Kurtcedes in 4 Minutes. This isn't very complicated but I think the colours REALLY pop and I think I did a good job with picking what clips to use and the fonts and all that.
5: Kurt + Gin Joints lyrics. This bitch LOVES a good glitch effect and she loves a good b&w vs colour contrast and she loves a lyric gifset and she loves some mixed fonts featuring a cursive. This might not be the best gifset in the list technically but it IS the one that I think about the most often it replays in my head frequently I love it a lot.
4: Klaine in Come What May. I killed it with the colouring and that smoke effect is super cool. I refuse to be modest because I know this set is a banger.
3: Puck's Kiss Costume. I think the colouring in this slaps and the text effects/font choices are pretty cool and work super well with the set and the layout works really well too, just all around some great choice and execution on my part imo.
2: Kurtofsky in Prom Queen. When I started making this I never expected to love it as much as I do. But I just think it's really gorgeous. I love the colours mixed with the black and white. I think the blending turned out really well, I sometimes struggle there so I'm really happy I pulled it off so well here. I love the effect of the simple font and the line down the center pulling it all together, and then the jagged line and the glitching text at the bottom I just want to SCREAM it makes me feel things. I don't know if you're supposed to say stuff like that about your own creations but I'm saying it anyway. But yeah. I just think I did a great job. And this one was a gift, too, which is fun.
1: Santana + Epiphany lyrics. I think this is probably my best gifset of the year technically speaking. On top of having some top notch colouring, it's also got some great blending, overlays, text animation, and a fun funky layout gif too. It's just a really cohesive set and I spent a lot of time on it (and so did you lol) and it turned out really really soft and pretty. I'm not usually a gold/yellow/orange girlie when I make gifs and when this was conceived that's not what it was going to be, but I am really glad it turned out that way because I think it really works!
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lingy910y · 1 year
Ian and Mickey Meta Questions: Clothing
this is my moment 🙏 aka just me rambling to myself @gallavichmeta
1. When do you think the first time was that one wore the others clothes? And what feelings did they have about it?
I’m looking through gifs and it seems like the earliest occurence is during 2x01/3x11 with this grey hoodie? and my only interpretation of this is that sometime during the s2 summer, Ian left it at the dugouts after they fucked. and Mickey saw it in the corner of his closet since he also forgot to give it back, and naturally was drawn to it without realizing it’s Ian’s to help him cope with how sad he was :/
2. Mickey is the youngest brother in his family and Ian is the middle brother in his family. What feelings do they have about hand-me-down clothing?
Mickey didn’t care at all cause that’s the way life was for him in Terry’s household, sadly.
Well canonically Ian was tired of living under Lip’s shadow and he’s his only older brother, so naturally some of his clothes are his hand-me-downs. You can also see that in the show. I think that Ian didn’t rly mind this particularly, just shows how close he is with Lip y’know? and they have different styles but so similar at the same time esp Lip’s is more nerdy
3. Do you think either of them have a favourite outfit or item of clothing?
Oh I know Mickey fucking LOVES his black boat neck sleeveless tank. mans wears it all the time, like if he was in a dress up game this would be his default option. I saw a cute fanart speculating that the reason why he mostly wears sleeveless clothes esp in early seasons is bc he overheard Ian saying he esp loves a r m s in men so he cut them specifically, but I feel like he felt uncomfortable and wants to stretch his arms. we all know how he’s a man of action
On the other hand Ian is obsessed with military outfits 💀 first of all bro got the ugly buzzcut. ok sure, whatever, he changes hairstyles every season anyway. but then he was wearing his rotc uniform everywhere?? cutting it into shorts for the club? and he dared mickey to wear the camo for the gig 💀💀 he literally has a kink for it and it’s embarrassing i’m sorry. tho I’m a hypocrite cause he does look good in it, but when does he not? if a watch counts as an item of clothing tho I’m gonna say that instead
4. Do you think either of them have a least favourite item of clothing?
Can I say Mickey’s first wedding suit? Because he was yanking the bowtie when he came out of the dressing room and the whole thing was both literally and metaphorically was suffocating him. which was why it was so meaningful for him to get to choose his white suit (and other stuff in his second wedding), even if he had to straight-up take his and Ian’s by force ASDKFJL
Ian telling Mandy he didn’t want to starve himself to fit that golden thong was so :((( I think he also greatly regrets his job at the club, so all memories involving it are prob bad for him. rly wished the show didn’t just brush how he felt under the rug
5. What do you think their personal style says about them?
Well Mickey’s style screams thug (not necessarily king of the southside) that’s for sure
Ian’s fashion sense is very wack lmfao. I think it just means that he’s a silly goofy boy! Someone said "every cis gay millenial dude owns this shirt" under a gifset of his raglans 😭
6. What items of clothing hold most significance for them?
Didn’t Mickey personally say in 11x05 that he “loves this shirt” in response to the black shirt he was wearing, and the whole fandom agreed that it’s the same one that Ian wore to Mexico 🥺 MEANWHILE HE WAS WEARING THE FLANNEL?? THAT SPANS A WHOLE TIMELINE
And Ian’s EMT jacket def means a lot to him. Everytime I look at it I gain new waves of emotion so I can’t even imagine what he feels when he reminiscences during late nights TT
7. Do you think the way Mickey’s sense of style changed over time was to do with his relationship with Ian?
Yes, definitely. Says a lot that he was dirtier in the early seasons, like he never gave a fuck abt his appearance bc there were other things to focus on before Ian did. I can imagine Ian nuzzling Mickey’s shoulder during another one of their summertime fucks at the dugouts, so Mickey wanted to clean up nice for him without directly saying anything. And how overtime, he dressed more and more fashionable :D
8. Ian has worn a few different uniforms (ROTC, janitor, EMT, prisoner, fake EMT etc etc) over the course of the series, how do you think they made him feel?
I feel like the ROTC and EMT uniforms made him feel empowering, like he’s reaching his ambition of doing something with his life. Then the other ones like his stripper outfit as I’ve mentioned in 4, janitor, prison, fake EMT uniforms rly made him feel horrible. But I think he did grow to like his prison uniform after seeing Mickey in that white tank top all the time, maybe?
9. How does their emotional state affect their clothing choices?
It does, but I can’t necessarily find much apparent examples? But I like how in 3x09/ abandoned building, Mickey was wearing his sweater. I think sweaters and sadness definitely go together
10. We see Mickey wear colourful/Hawaiian shirts a couple of times, how do you think those types of clothes make him feel?
It makes him feel fun! The first time he clicks his tongue, does a little dance, and asks ian for his approval & the second time he lets out a “ooh!” He’s a cutie. I rly get emotional whenever Mickey gets to experience the little joys in life that he never rly got to express when he was younger. Then I get emotional for a different reason - he had a whole dream of laying in the sun with Ian in Mexico but he ended up doing it alone or not at all I’m fucking crying
11. Compare their first and last appearances, what do their outfits tell us about the characters?
They both dress more “maturely” in the last eps compared to the first ones :0c cargo jackets(?) !!!
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Self Indulgent Unrelated to Fic Content
@itsstereksterek tagged me in this and I thought...
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25 fun and cute questions to brighten the spirits and get us through the holidays!
Hiya all! I’ve created this list as a reminder of happy memories and great times with our loved ones since I think we’re all feeling a tad blue this holiday season. Tagging my favourite blogs but all are welcome to answer :)
Best gift you’ve ever gotten: my husband sent me on a scavenger hut to get the new HP book. (back before we knew about Joann.) It was so cute and he put so much work in it.
Nicest thing anyone’s ever done for you: I try to notice lots of nice things people do and be grateful. I think sometimes just someone touching you and saying are you ok?
Your favourite holiday memory:  Parades make me cry. In a furiously happy way. IDK man. It happens. But our city has a big Thanksgiving day parade and we use to go all the time and just feeling safe to be myself enough with my family is always a good memory.
Where you want to go first once we can travel again: I don't get to travel much anyway, but I've always wanted to go to Eastern Europe.
Your spirit animal: This isn't a good phrase to use. Let's strike it from our vocabulary.
Your OTP: That's not cool. Arthur/Eames were my first. Sterek is my longest and Steddie has recently had me in it's grips. How do you pick one?
Tumblr pals you want to meet in real life: It would be so fun to have an Eyebrows meet up right?
Soulmates: real or fake: fake. it's much harder than that.
Favourite holiday food: chorizo stuffing
What you wish you were doing right now: I'm pretty good actually.
Your safe space/where or who you feel most at home with: I feel happiest at home with a book and my fam.
Favourite hobbies: reading, tumblr-ing
Cooking or baking: baking. Fun fact I went to patisserie school.
Reading or writing: both, but reading is easier cause someone else has already done all the work.
Gifsets or mood boards: i like both. I can't make either so I'm impressed by the work people do for both.
Coffee or tea: coffee
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City or suburbs: I've never lived in a suburb.
Someone who can always make you laugh: my husband.
Someone who always brightens your day: my doggo, Oso.
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Favourite day of the week: I don't really have one. Any day I am off?
Favourite animal: sloths!
Dream vacation spot: a place where i can lay around and read.
Writer, artist, or creator(s) you want to see more of:  I always want more queer content and/or POC content. Especially in spaces that are dominated by white cis men. LIke sci fi and fantasy.
Favourite movie, television show, and song: The Thing, The Good Place, and right now it's Curses by The Crane Wives
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Feel free to do it yourself! And tag me so I can get to know ya'll
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queerxqueen · 2 years
new tag game! be your own biggest fan! 💗
making a new post 'cause the other one was super long!! but shout out to @there-was-a-hole-here-itsgonenow for tagging me, and @magentamee and @likegoldintheair for starting this tag game
link 3-5 of your favourite & most underrated posts, that you have made! If they’re hard to find, just choose something recent that you think deserves some more love!
then tag 5 other people to keep the positivity flowing ✨
Why Byler is the Only Logical Outcome of Stranger Things: A Necessary Breakdown of Will, Mike, and Eleven’s Narrative Arcs
This was the post that fully entrenched me in Byler fandom and Byler tumblr and helped me find a nerdy community of beloved mutuals, and I still feel like it's a great primer/entry-level Byler analysis that can help more general-audience-type viewers see the Truth.
most underrated:
my "byler truther energy" gifset
idk i thought it was funny but the gif quality is v low
most unhinged:
Why Byler Can Be Canon and Mileven Should Breakup
These are the most unhinged for me just because I generally tried to stay away from negativity or being fully anti-anything but these posts marked me getting more and more unhinged with my anti-m*leven slander lolol
i’m tagging: @willthewise7 @hawkinsp0st @estelinhabb @ronance-and-reddie
anyway this was neat to reflect on my time in the bylersphere thanks yall <3
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galactic-pirates · 1 year
I just posted this in my favourite Trek discord but I am going to post my ramble here as well for posterity :)
I still haven’t seen this weeks episode of Picard. Give me a couple of hours.
BUT I have seen some gifsets and it appears the era appropriate Enterprise returns. Between that and the ready room scene I am half convinced that getting those fanservice shots of “look they are back together just how they were!!!” is the only point of the season and whatever crap they had to fling at the wall to get those shots didn’t matter to them.
Anyway I would like to propose an alternate season 3 pitch that would achieve those exact same shots.
It’s Frontier Day. Between the synth ban reversal (and now being a synth! The first human to synth?), and of course the new Borg showing up/narrow averting the Galaxy catastrophe of the season 2 finale Picard’s star is on the rise again. He is enjoying a resurgence in reputation. Therefore it’s only natural, especially with Geordi in charge of the museum that as a special show (for the kids maybe as some kind of living history?) they put the Enterprise-D crew back together. It is supposed to be a performance. Perhaps for StarFleet recruitment even. A little reenactment of one of their famous missions.
But then. Something plotty happens like maybe the Borg watching over the new wormhole thing sound the alarm as “something is coming through” duh duh duh. All hands on deck. No time to change ships. Picard isn’t about to sit this out so they warp into action. More plotty stuff like maybe to beat whatever comes through they need to understand it, so to explore/negotiate etc. they go through to learn things.
Anyway the Enterprise-D and crew are on mission. Alone in a strange new part of the Galaxy dealing with this new threat.
So stakes are high check. Have to work as a team check. Everyone is back and on the Enterprise check.
A plot like this would have
a) allowed the characters to express discomfort at having to adopt roles that haven’t been theirs for 30 years. Show how they have grown, but also allow for nostalgia and what remains the same.
b) drawn on previous seasons of Picard, for better continuity
c) who has experience in a Federation unknown part of the Galaxy? Seven from her time on Voyager allowing her to both have her own nostalgia trip, and also have something really concrete to contribute.
d) allowed for some interesting conflicts because if Seven and Raffi had been deployed as the “starfleet officers kinda ‘in charge’ as they are active StarFleet and none of the Enterprise crew really is (they got the gig due to working with Picard so closely before) then with this unexpected adventure what’s the chain of command? What’s the protocols? Especially if said regulations had changed over the years.
e) finally it would break some new ground and give future Trek new plots to explore. Maybe introduce a whole new alien type. It could also do some heartwarming Federation stuff about ruefully acknowledging past mistakes, at the same time as trying to do better and show these new people the best of who the Federation can be
Worf and Raffi could have still teamed up for ‘away missions’ as two of the fittest/most able crew members. I still remember what Riker said about his knees 😂
Riker and Picard still could have butted heads over how to handle stuff. Like I said with the discomfort of having grown away from the roles they are now being forced back into.
Deanna’s abilities could have been vital. I’m sure all of them could have had a chance to shine.
The only kinda question mark as to whether this could have fitted in somehow is Data’s resurrection. I guess perhaps they could have rebuilt him and then ‘unveiled him’ as part of a “look a Federation hero has returned” as a Frontier Day celebration cue Picard’s horror that they are treating Data like a prop not a person, that they had revived him potentially against his wishes, and maybe even allow Data to consider his future and what he wants from his newfound life. Does he still want to be StarFleet/their poster boy synth? Does he want to explore other aspects of life? Will they let him go if that’s what he wants?
Anyway I think something like this could have ticked the boxes and egotistically I think it’s a better premise than the season 3 we had. So thought experiment time!
If you were a Trek writer how would you have written season three? What direction would you have gone given the parameters of the nostalgia TNG focus?
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suzteel · 9 months
Happy, happy birthday to you! 🥳🥳🥳
I hope you have the loveliest day, I hope this new year will have amazing things in store for you! 💕
Thank you for the things you bring to the fandom and ESPECIALLY thank you for the 'Pete + wincing' gifset - that might be my most favourite thing that came out of the whole rewatch event, ngl. 😂💕
Anyways, have a good one! 🎉
Thank you so much 🥰
I always appreciate when people like my sets and that one was a fun one. So happy it brought you joy. ☺️
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darkinerry · 1 year
15 questions
Tagged by @sherlockig and @bizarrelittlemew . Thank you my sweeties :*
Are you named after anyone? Not really. My grandma simply met a girl named Marlena, never heard the name before but she loved it, and so she convinced my mom to name me that.
When was the last time you cried? Day after New Year's Eve. Had a bit of a crisis then.
Do you have kids? NO NO NO. My pets are my babies tho <3
Do you use sarcasm? No…? 😏 (but mainly IRL, less often online)
What’s the first thing you notice about people? Probably just the vibe they give off, also -at my work (retail), what manners they have, whether they reply "good morning" etc. But also their aesthetic/style; whether it vibes with mine, or the complete opposite.
What’s your eye colour? A lovely shade of brown, if I say so myself :))
Scary movies or happy endings? I like scary movies but Happy Endings all the way!! <3
Any special talents I don't think so? 🤔 Unless we count constantly knocking things over as a special talent 😂
Where were you born? In a town over, in a shitty (at the time anyway) hospital.
What are your hobbies? Playing video games, riding a bike (with an inclination towards MTB), photography. I also used to do horse-riding for nearly a decade and it still holds a special place in my heart <3 Special mention goes to making fanvids and to making gifset with Taika :))
Do you have any pets? Oh yes, absolutely. Currently it's a dog (adopted ✌) and my beloved cat (born at my house <3)
What sports do you play/have played? I've never really played sports, but I was into horse-riding and volleyball, but only ever did both as a recreational hobby.
How tall are you? 162 cm (5'3)
Favourite subject in school? In primary and middle school I loved Polish and Computer Science the most, but in high-school my favs were Geography and History.
Dream job? Horse-riding instructor. The dream that has begun with my riding, and it's still there <3.
Tagging @snake-snack-stede , @saltpepperbeard , @girlbossblackbeard , @lokigodofsex , @scary-flag , @plexxaglass ; but no pressure 😊
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