#anyway ummmm i love them your honor
laundrypause · 7 months
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Ummm ummm ummmm ummmm UMMMMMMM
This is giving country boy from a small town who doesn't have many close friends because he has trust issues believing they all would leave him anyway. Instead his best friends are the animals on the farm he works for, befriends all the chickens and names them famous rappers like Ice Coop, LL Cool Lay, Snoop Chick, Eggnenim, Clucky Minaj, Henny Elliot etc. (he thinks-no, he knows he's funny) But Mr Hunter here harbours a secret (not really, a lot of people know). At night, when all the farm animals are asleep and his chores are done, he goes to town and performs at a local bar. And then comes along a certain someone who works for a record label. Oscar's boss needs a new artist, someone fresh, someone deep and if he doesn't get someone new quickly, then he's gonna be fired. So he ventures out to the country but unfortunately his car breaks down or something like that when it's literally close to ten at night, it's dark and he's supposed to be meeting with a potential artist in another state at 11 am the next morning. Wait, oh is that a bar? In walking distance? Maybe he could ask if there were any mechanic shops nearby that could help with their problem. Upon entering, he heard what he could only describe as euphonious. It was like he died and was outside heaven's gate hearing an angel sing. He tries to turn to the stage to see who this supposed angel is and oh.
Ohhhhhhh. He even looks like an angel. The fluorescent lights on his blondish hair makes it look like a halo. Oscar stays awhile, asks the bartender if they could call someone to tow his car and just sits down to enjoy the vie- uh umm voice yea voice.
Bla bla bla, they get to talking, Logan starts to trust Oscar, bla bla bla, they both confess bla bla bla they're in love your honor. Then Oscar brings up the prospect of Logan signing for a record label and obviously Logan's hesitant but he can trust Oscar right? So he goes along with Oscar's plan, follows him back to the city to yk go and audition for a record label that Oscar's apparently familiar with.
Logan meets Oscar's boss and bam, his boss reveals Oscar to be working for the record label and says something along the lines of looks like you're not losing your job today! The speed at which Logan's face falls. So Oscar was just using him to not get fired? Did he genuinely believe that he was talented or just wanted to save his own ass? Was everything, everything between them all fake? Their relationship or whatever this thing between them, the foundation, all lies. Logan walks out, Oscar tries to explain himself to him but Logan doesn't want to hear it. This, this is exactly why he doesn't trust people, he'll only get hurt in the end. And the one time, the one time he puts his trust in someone, they manage to betray him. It's pretty funny, hilarious even but he can't find it in himself to laugh.
Do they make up in the end though? Of course they do. Oscar doesn't want to have to choose between Logan and his job so of course he quits it and chooses Logan. He gets some flowers and some fishing gear-sometimes on Logan's days off, he'd go to the seaside and fish on his own (he's in love guys, get with the story)-and appears in front of Logan's doorstep. Now, Logan is pretty strong. Maybe not as strong as Oscar but he's pretty strong, he works at a farm for God's sake but when he opens his front door to see Oscar drenched from the rain… (oh yea it's raining did I forget to mention?) Lord, he's not your strongest soldier. He begrudgingly (lies, he would've dragged Oscar into the house) let's Oscar in, makes him use the shower to warm up and lends him his clothes while he makes him a hot chocolate. Even puts a bit of whipped cream (cuz he whipped wbk). It's kinda funny seeing Oscar in his clothes. Oscar's the same height as him but he's more buff, has broader shoulders. Logan let's Oscar explain bla bla bla, happy ending.
An alternative to Oscar appearing at Logan's house is Oscar knocking multiple times but getting no answer. Zilch. Obviously he thinks Logan is still mad at him and goes to run back into the dry, warm comfort of his car. Before he could do that though, he hears a car pull up and out comes Logan (with an umbrella. He actually cares about not getting sick from the rain). Huh, he probably should've noticed the lack of Logan's car in the driveway but he was too preoccupied with trying to find the right words to say. It was all for nothing though because seeing Logan again must have tripped the ‘be embarrassing’ button in him.
Out of all the things he could say, out of the bajillion words in the English language, he said hi.
HI??? HIII??? Hi-5 your face man. Wtf. Logan awkwardly replies, goes over to unlock his door and invites Oscar in. What happens next is the same as the previous.
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Mr Sargeant tryna play coy, tucking that piece of hay behind his ear...
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mrsketchydude · 8 months
I feel like Vash and Milly are kind of an underrated duo, and I'm hoping that in Stampede we will get to see more interactions between them (tho I think it is very plausible since we are already seeing more interactions between Meryl and Wolfwood).
Milly and Vash both read to me as characters who are very positive on the outside to the point some people forget that they are really going through it on the inside. Vash, we clearly see plain as day, mostly thanks to Mr. Woo Woo calling him out, but I feel like we don't see that as much with Milly. I still remember watching the 98 anime and just seeing how heartbroken Milly gets over Vash hurting Meryl's feelings and, ofc, over the death of Wolfwood. And she manages to push through it all, which I mean good for her I guess, but I still can't help but be like "hey are you like actually okay or do you need someone to talk to..?" ALSO the fact people underestimate Vash and Milly when they first meet them. As we all know Vash is dangerous but Milly be carrying a whole fucking gun that ways over 200 pounds apparently??? GIRL IS SWOL AS HELL WTF GODDAMN can you carry me please And she just carries that around basically 24/7??? Her arms must be bigger than my head wtf, no wonder her strap keeps breaking its prob hanging on for dear life Anyways ummmm studio orange *blinks my big ol' eyes* I saw what you did for Meryl could you ummmm *twirls hair* do the same for Milly pretty pleaseeeee? I want my big wife to get the love and appreciation she deserves please and thank youuuuuu this is poorly constructed but I just need more Milly love shes so amazing and I love my strong wife who has a smile brighter than the two suns on No Man's Land
ps can we get more vash x milly content plsssss I still think about this scene in Badlands so much for no reason sdskmdskd like I cant explain it to you im just like "oh I love them your honor, big ol dog boy/girl energy right here", pls let like the 2 other vash x milly shippers out there see this
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zipmode · 7 months
your wizards are seriously so awesome tell. me. everything
WOW this ask looks so broken on mobile for some reason but YAYYY YIPPEEEEE WUNCLE WORLD ^_^ surprisingly fleshed out for a world where literally the only two characters I've been able to think up names for are the titular Wuncle and Earnest.
Wait im gonna put this infodump under a read more. Just in case. Yeah it's a long one.
ANYWAYS it's from a concept I came up with some time last year I think? (GOING BACK AFTER LOOKING UP WHEN I FIRST TALKED ABOUT THEM. IT WAS THIS YEAR. LOL.) Earnest is this miserable kid in the 'real' world whose parents died in a ~MYSTERIOUS INCIDENT~. One day out of nowhere their deadbeat uncle Joe (who they barely remember, hasn't seen him since the death of their parents) yanks them into the MAGIC world where he reveals that he and Earnest's mom come from a super long line of extremely powerful wizards, that Earnest's mom only moved to Boring World to be with the cringe fail love of her life or whatever 🙄, and that Earnest should basically come live with him in his AWESOME WIZARD TOWER instead of the STUPID REAL WORLD so they can study under him to become the next great wizard in the family or whatever.
Instead of being super hyped for this opportunity like Joe THINKS is gonna happen, Earnest is like. 'Dude what the fuck? I barely know you. I don't care about this. Take me back. I miss my Nintendo DS.'
To this Wuncle Joe responds 'ohhhh ummmm actually creating a portal to boringland is incredibly difficult and can only occur like once every ten years when the planets align jussst right so basically you're stuck here anyways 😁👍but don't worry it's cool I'm cool we're cool.' And thus begins Earnest's involuntary apprenticeship 👍
Other characters Wuncle World include:
Wuncles' Familar: Wuncle Joe made a deal with this demon essentially stating that in exchange for his soul (after he dies ((a powerful wizards soul is a rare and tasty treat for a demon))) she works for him and basically does whatever. Basically his assistant. Very silly very goofy VERY VERY EVIL. but cant really do any SUPER evil stuff unless joe says so. At least until he dies :). She's capable of shape-shifting and typical demon stuff but her default form looks like this (old drawings <3) vvv
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DRYAD KID: a little ways away from Wuncle's Tower, which is surrounded by a dense and super magical forest, is a secret town of various naturey creatures. Dryads, Nymphs, Satyrs, Pixies etc etc etc. Earnest learns about it through the Dryad Kid, who at first is like 'OH FUCK yes new kid in the forest', then Earnest is like 'yeah I moved into the wizard tower. With my uncle. The wizard.' And the Dryad kid is like. '.........ohhhhh 😬 that guy.'
Dryad Kid acts as Earnest's primary guide to the magical realms as well as their first glimpse into the fact that Wuncle Joe isn't just some deadbeat fool, but a public nuisance at best and a malicious force in the realm at worst. If Earnest isn't busy doing stupid wizard shit with their uncle, chances are they're hanging out with Dryad Kid.
HONORABLE CHARACTER MENTIONS (even less flushed out guys but still important):
KING AND PRINCE: king of the big main kingdom. Wuncle Joe's old boss. Also not a great guy but it's less obvious at first. His son is the prince who acts as like. A rival to Earnest before they both realize they're kind of in similar boats and become friends.
WIZARD COUNCIL: grand council of wizards that controls. Well you know. Wizard stuff. Fate of the world shit. They fucking hate Wuncle Joe. Hardasses but not necessarily evil.
EARNEST 'S MOM: very very very powerful wizard. Clearly had some crazy beef with Joe before she died but most of the specifics are unknown to Earnest until later in the plot.
Overall plot is like. Earnest gradually discovering that Wuncle Joe is actually the primary antagonist of this world. They have to Outwizard and Outscheme him before he can destroy everything basically.
Thank you for asking about my wizard world Austin in lives in my head rent free <3 this essentially only scratches the surface of its Whole Deal. But this was already super long LOL
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localvoidcat · 2 years
ooo you're right i do wanna hear you headcanons. if. you have any for cesar and mark. yeah.
i think cesar wears a bunch of dress shirts and stuff. hes constantly dressed like hes going to something formal its really funny. there was one kid in therapy that showed up every day in a suit and that's what cesar is like i think.
ummmmm cesar had a bunch of friends he was well liked i think. mark was the exact opposite. anyways they were best friends
idk i think they're just chill. they were just there for each other. cesar helped mark with a lot of his mental health stuff whenever he could
ummmm trans man straight aroallo mark heathcliff and genderfluid straight cesar real. to me. even the canon straight characters are queer in some way to me.
they were best buds your honor.......i think they hung out and they laughed and they were happy maybe. i think maybe they were okay for a bit. i think maybe the world wasnt collapsing on them all the time. i love them sm
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(Fade back in)
(Angel Grove Youth Center 1993)
It was just any other normal day, or what counted a normal in Angel Grove anyway. The youth center was as usual jumping with young patrons from just about every walk of life. This is the haven to the six teens who have been the given the honor of protecting the city by being power rangers, a young man dressed in a red tank top and black warm-ups was sparing with a young African American boy who wore a black tank top and black warm-ups, a young Asian woman was on the other side of the work out floor going through some katas with a young man in blue jeans and a blue striped shirt,
"Ohhh, good move Zack. I didn't see that one coming." Jason said as Zack had laid a devastating shadow kick to Jason's side,
"I told you, my 'Hip-Hop Kido' is unstoppable." Zack said with some laughter in his voice,
"True it is hard to anticipate your next move with all the movement, but you have to be careful about an over aggressive opponent." Jason offered with some wisdom behind him. At that moment Tommy, Kim and the others teleported into a deserted hallway, because Tommy and Kim were use to it when they were younger they landed on their feet the others did not fair so well,
"Oof!" the dino thunder teens yelped out has they had landed yet again on top of each other,
"Guys keep it down! We don't want anyone to know who we are." Tommy scolded in a hushed tone,
"Easy for you to say this is like the second time we teleported." Conner answered as the four teens pulled each other back on their feet,
"Come on lets get this out of the way before Rita decides to attack." Kim said leading the group down the hall to the main area in the youth center,
"Hi Ernie" Kim said,
"Hey Kim, Tommy, how are you? Hey who are your friends." Ernie said,
"It's going good, hey this is Conner, Kira, Ethan, and Trent. Guys this is the greatest guy in the world Ernie." Tommy replied,
"Oh come on Tommy stop your embarrassing me. Its nice to meet you guys." Ernie said as he shock everyone's hand,
"I guess these guys are also rangers. Hopefully the more help Tommy and their friends have the less likely anyone is to get hurt." Ernie thought in the back of his mind,
"Well guys use the equipment to your hearts desires and I think Jason is teaching today and if you guys need any refreshment don't hesitate to ask. And it was nice meeting you." Ernie said as the teens turned to meet up the other rangers from this time period, the six teens made their way to a secluded table and waited for their friends to join them,
"So this is the famous youth center that you always talk about huh Dr. ummmm Tommy." Kira said as she surveyed the layout of the youth center,
"Yeah this is were I met this beautiful lady or should I say girl." Tommy said as he flashed a very charming smile that stereotypically shone at one corner at Kim who in turned blushed,
"Is that natural?" Conner asked hushed to Ethan and Trent, who looked on in awe in what they saw,
"Hey Dr. Forgetful do you remember what day today is?" Kim asked slyly,
"Hmm this is a tough one, could it be the day that I asked you out on our first date?" Tommy answered,
"You got it." Kim replied with a slight giggle in her voice,
"Wait we came back on a very important day in you love life?" Ethan asked puzzled,
"I would appear so, funny how time travel works huh?" Tommy replied,
"Hey would you guys excuse us for a minuet me and Kim need to have a word." Tommy said as he rose from his seat followed by Kim, they walked over to an empty hallway to talk,
"Tommy." Kim said knowing almost exactly what Tommy wanted to talk about,
"Kim since we have a sec now, I need to know who my son is." Tommy said,
"Why did you keep him from me, I would have dropped everything I was doing to be with you and our son." Tommy said with some pain behind his words,
"That's why I kept him a secret, I knew you were still a ranger when he was born. Jason came down to see me after I sent you that letter to see what was up, and he convinced me to come clean with you about it that's what we were doing when we were captured by Divatox, but after it was over I saw you with Kat and I just couldn't go though with it. You looked so happy I didn't want to ruin that for you so I talked to Zordon and he helped me hide our son so he couldn't be used against you or me." Kim explained getting misty-eyed,
"Well I suppose what you did was for the best, but I'm still upset about having the decision taken out of my hands." Tommy said sounding very disappointed,
"I know, and I'm really sorry Tommy but it had to be done. Even Zordon said I did the right thing, and you know Zordon would never approve of anything that would hurt us." Kim said defendingly as she her tears were faintly starting to flow,
"Hey, hey hey, its ok I'm just trying to get over it. Look you did do the right thing; I'm just a little upset; that's all. I can't stay mad at you." Tommy said as he lifted Kim's chin so she could look in his eyes, and what she saw there brought a smile on her face and more tears; but tears of joy. What she saw was love, compassion, and strength; it was then she knew that everything was ok. Her guilt was then laid to rest,
"So tell me who is he? You said that I knew him and that I've already met him." Tommy ask curiously,
"Well like I said back before Hayley called, he is very much like his father. He wears his father's old ranger color-" Kim said as she was cut off,
"-Wait what are you saying?" Tommy said as he started to panic but that that moment Jason and Zach saw how animated in their conversation and decided to go see what was shaking,
"Hey guys what's up? You guys are really getting into your conversation here." Jason said concerned about his best friend and little sister,
"Hey Jace, listen lets get the group together; we all have something to talk about." Tommy explained cryptically, "ok I'll go get everyone." Jason responded knowing exactly what Tommy was implying, a few minuets later the ranger team from the past was sitting at a secluded table with the ranger team from the future,
"what's going on Tommy? Who are these guys?" Jason asked once everyone was settled,
"Ok first off you guys should know that at the moment Kim and I are from the future but at the same time were not, it that makes any sense." Tommy tried to explain but no success,
"What my logic challenged boyfriend is trying to say is that our adult minds are in our teenage bodies." Kim added after seeing Tommy fail,
"Hmm, I see you don't want to interrupt the natural flow time." Billy said,
"Exactly" Kim and Tommy said while the other rangers looked at them,
"Uhhh adult minds here." Kim said in response to the awkward stares,
"He said we don't want to change anything in past because it could change things in the future we know." Tommy translated,
"Ok that answers one question but what about these four, who are they?" Zach asked,
"These are the rangers from the future that the adult Kim and I are from. In the future I lead a new team of rangers and these are them; this is Kira, Ethan, Trent, and Conner" Tommy explained,
"Wait so your still a ranger in the future?" Jason asked,
"Yes" Tommy answered,
"What about us? Are we still rangers?" Trini asked,
"Umm I would like to answer that but I cant, knowing too much about the future could change things. So I can tell you." Tommy explained,
"So what do we do now?" asked Kira,
"For now I guess we should all get to know each other till someone from either here or the future figures out a way to get us home." Kim answered,
"You sound like you know from experience." Trent said,
"It's a long story." Kim said while the old team of rangers looked at her funny,
"Sorry guys I cant tell you about it, natural flow of time and all." Kim responded,
"Anyway Conner why don't you tell everyone about yourself." Tommy said as they all tried to break the ice.
(Ranger Command Center 2004)
Hayley along with the help of Trini and Billy were working feverishly to try and find a way to get their friends back, it was starting to get dark and Mesogog had wasted no time in establishing control over the entire city. Luckily for the rangers Dr. Oliver's house was well hidden in the woods,
"Ok guys dinner is here." Jason called out as he teleported back in,
"What did you get us honey." Trini asked,
"Burger King." Jason answered as he passed out burgers and fries to everyone in the command center,
"Hey if the city is under Mesogog's control how did you get Burger King?" asked Hayley, as the others just looked a Jason for an answer,
"Easy I teleported to Angel Grove and bought it there." Jason explained. As they ate the three former rangers talked about the old days, and exchanged some embarrassing stories about other rangers and in particular about Kim and Tommy, but eventually they three people who were in position to help decided to get back to work leaving Jason to his own vices till Rocky, Zach, Adam, Tanya, Kat, or Aisha to show up; but they wouldn't show up till tomorrow sometime,
"Ok well seeing that I'm the tech advisor for this team I'll take the first night shift, you guys must be tired. Why don't you go upstairs and make yourselves comfortable." Hayley offered,
"Trini you go ahead I think I'll stay here and work with Hayley for a bit longer." Billy said,
"Thanks for that Billy." Hayley thanked,
"Anytime, they're not only your friends. And besides I like working with you." Billy said shyly as Hayley looked at him trying not to blush too much,
"Well . . . umm lets get back to trying to find Tommy and the others." Hayley said as the two geniuses worked.
(Moon palace 1993)
"So it's a agreed then, we attack the red ranger first and soon after the others will fall. One by one." Rita surmised,
"Yes, and we'll launch our attack tomorrow." Elsa added,
"Oh I can't wait to finally be rid of that meddlesome team of rangers." Rita cried out in joy,
"Yes my mistress, finally those accursed rangers will fall before your awesome might." Goldar added,
"Yes and then we'll rule the world." Baboo cheered,
"Yes this is going exactly according to plan." Elsa thought as an insidious grin grew on her face.
"Now if there is nothing else to go over, is there a place in this dump where a person can get some sleep." Elsa asked,
"Sure, GOLDAR! Show our esteemed guest here, to a suitable quarters." Rita ordered,
"Right away my empress." Goldar responded,
"Oh this is not good, now I have two harpies to deal with." Goldar though as he lead this new "guest" to her room for the time being.
(Ranger Command Center 1993)
"Yes Zordon, it has not yet dissipated. Ay yi yi yi yi, it seems to be growing stronger." Alpha explained,
"Ay yi yi yi yi, Zordon is this it? Is this the end of everything?" Asked the panicked robot,
"Zordon wait, wasn't he destroyed before the birth of this universe?" Alpha asked,
"Ok then, I'm on it Zordon." The little robot responded,
"Will do Zordon." Alpha responded.
[A few hours later it started to get dark]
(Youth Center 1993)
As Ernie was starting to close up the shop for the day the rangers decided to part ways after an afternoon of bonding with the past and future. Tommy, Kim, and the dino thunder team were all that were left at the front doors of the youth center after Ernie left,
"Ok well, you guys better teleport back to the command center before Alpha and Zordon get worried." Kim said to the young teenagers,
"Yeah I guess you right." Ethan said somberly,
"Just one question how do you guys always land on your feet? I mean we always seem to crash how on each other." Kira said,
"Its easy, just steady yourself before you teleport and stay frozen in that position and when you land expect little bit of force pushing down on you." Tommy explained,
"Oh is that all" Conner piped up,
"Conner chill be glad that its faster and more discreet than riding around on the raptor cycles." Trent said trying to keep Conner from complaining,
"Hey I like riding around in the raptor cycles." Conner quipped in,
"Conner keep it down, no one is suppose to know who we are." Tommy scolded,
"Sorry." Conner said sheepishly,
"Anyway get moving you guys." Tommy said, and with that the four teens from the future teleported in streaks of their respective colors,
"Well now that the kids are gone, what do you say mom and pop get hang out a bit." Tommy said,
"Well that would be fine if we weren't kids again." Kim said smartly,
"Technically we're teens again, big difference between the two." Tommy responded,
"True very true, but then again you would know." Kim said smartly again with a grin,
"Anyway we need to act like ourselves back in this time so our parents or anyone else don't catch on." Kim interjected,
"Yeah you're right, so see you tomorrow beautiful?" Tommy asked,
"Sure. . . Handsome." Kim said with a smile and a glow, and with that the two other teens parted ways to go to their respective homes for the night.
(Ranger Command Center 1993)
Alpha was working on monitoring the anomaly that had mysteriously appeared when the dino thunder team did, when suddenly the dino teens teleported into the command center. Ethan and Trent landed just like the others rangers of this time with their feet firmly planted on the ground, Conner and Kira on the other hand did not fair so well. Conner landed hard on his back and Kira landed on top of him facing him, they briefly shared a moment of connection when they looked in each other's eyes and almost kissed,
"Ay yi yi yi yi, are you guys ok?" Alpha asked snapping them back to reality,
"Yeah I'm fine." Conner said pushing Kira off to the side,
"Oof, gee thanks Conner." Kira said,
"Sorry." Was all Conner could muster as he and alpha helped Kira up to her feet,
"Anyway were here at night fall like you instructed alpha, what now?" Ethan asked,
"Well back in the bunker you guys were in should be some cots, blankets and such for you to sleep comfortably in. if you guys nee anything don't hesitate to ask I will be here recharging." Alpha explained,
"Cool thanks alpha and tell Zordon good night for me please." Kira said,
"Will do Kira, good night." Alpha responded, and with that dino thunder rangers made their way to their quarters to sleep. When they got there they spent the time talking about how weird things have gotten, after some time and doing they all feel into an uneasy sleep with Conner and Kira holding the other close in their dreams.
(Night skies over Angel Grove and Reefside)
Slowly the vertex starts to grow larger, a stray cat stalks around in the park and is suddenly sucked into the vertex; lost in time or completely destroyed within the vertex for all anyone knows. In its place a large weird looking yellow mouse is thrown into the landscape of Angel Grove Park. The helpless, ghostly form of a ranger that has mastered time and space since his death long ago watches on and takes note of how things are slowly changing for the worst,
"What is going on here? That has never happened before; this is not good the integrity of space and time is deteriorating faster than I thought. This is not good, as things get worse for space time continuum I lose power and what ever form I can retain." The ghostly ranger said as again his ghostly form fades a little closer to oblivion. Something must be done for all parties involved, from the future, the present, and the past to make it through this catastrophe. Lets just hope its not too late.
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channoticedmeuwu · 1 year
Herro! it is I, your newest fangirl again. I was hoping to read more of your works later today before sleeping. Do you have any recommendations? Give me 4-5 of your peyborit works please 🫶 could be anything from angst to cutesy. Also any groups you'd like including txt, skz, nct ♡
OOF YERIN UR THE SWEETEST OMG ILYYYY ty sm for liking my works it makes me so happy 😋😋 sorry this took some time, I hope you haven't gone to sleep yet <3
🤔🤔🤔 ok here's my list (not arranged in mtl fav order) :
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a/n — so I know these boys personally and i compiled all their green (& a few beige) flags together and linked them to which choi line member it would suit the best !!! yeonjun was the only one who wasn't platonic & a compilation — rather just the description of one guy I knew. (was tryna get over my crush, could you tell?) ANYWAYS..... beomgyu still turned out my favvv
a/n — name speaks 4 itself— imagine (implied muscular) soobin with pretty stars splashed across his collarbones...or eye-catching designs on his arms while he wears his black tank top & drives you home <3 ++ saw a thirst trap on IG that inspired this and I was not okay lol I still am not hehehe........ummmm smash 10/10
a/n — could marry me on spot. seriously not ok he could marry me on SPOTTT I'd take him to my mommy and be like hehe hehe hehehehehheh mom .....so like shaadi (wedding) scene? yes not ok lolll
a/n — j a suggestivey domesticy au with soobin <3 lot of kisses & whimpers & lovey dovey obsession w each other <3 need someone like this in my life lolllll deaddd
a/n — yes still not ok after this....I actually love watching the recording process for sm songs & my mind lovessss to wander,,,,, I kind of want to write a p2 for this 😭 we'll see 💀💀
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honorable mentions to WORM!GYU & BEE!MARK ,,,,fantasy aus 😭😭😭 I think I was really high while writing these but nevertheless, it needed to be mentioned.
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raleighcarrera · 4 years
after class
ride or die | colt kaneko x mc (ellie wheeler)
‘part of me wishes things were different. we could’ve met at college… pushed each other in the classroom…’
colt & ellie are classmates at langston. for @rodappreciationweek day 2 (colt day!)
tags: @choicesarehard, @lovehugsandcandy, @pixeljazzy, @theeccentricbibliophile, @troublemakerinspace, @dancingboba, @zigtheeortega 
~10.5k words | M (18+)
colt surveyed the classroom as he stalked through the front door, late, his eyes eventually coming to rest on the last available desk. naturally, it was in the front row of the room, worsening the low level of irritation he already had simmering. 
great. just what he’d been hoping for, at 8:30 in the morning, on the first day of the fall semester. he huffed as he made his way over to it, dropping unceremoniously into the chair. so much for coasting through syllabus week, or sleeping through the morning classes his advisor had recommended. at least he’d made it in before the professor. 
he cut a bored glance to the left and caught sight of the girl sitting next to him. she looked way too perky for the early morning hour, sitting up straight in her seat, notebook already open on her desk. the charms on the bracelet adorning her wrist jangled together when she lifted her reusable water bottle to her lips and sipped from the straw. 
8:30 AM and she wasn’t even drinking coffee? what a weirdo. 
colt’s eyes slid down and lingered on her legs, crossed under the desk. the shorts she was wearing provided ample view of smooth, brown skin, and he smirked at the way she was bouncing her foot before forcing his eyes away. when he looked back up, he noticed she was looking at him, too.
his eyebrows arched, the corners of his mouth quirking upwards. before he could say anything, the professor walked in, pulling the door shut behind her. the girl beside him flushed red all the way to her hairline and averted her eyes guiltily, looking back toward the front of the room as though the lecture had already started. 
colt grinned to himself and leaned back in his seat, pleased as punch. maybe this early class wouldn’t be the worst thing that ever happened to him, after all.
“good morning, everyone,” the professor said, dropping her things on the desk at the front of the room and immediately moving to pass out the syllabus, working her way up and down the rows of desks. “i’m dr. morrell. welcome to law and psychology. the purpose of this class is to examine the ways both industries intersect with each other. over the course of the semester we’ll explore issues relevant to understanding human behavior from the perspective of law and psych and the contributions of psychology as a behavioral science to legal issues.” 
the girl sitting beside him was already taking notes. colt scanned the syllabus as the professor dropped it onto his desk, grimacing when he caught sight of the grading breakdown. two exams, two papers and a group project? surely no hot girl was worth subjecting himself to that.
“i’d like a few of you to provide some examples of where law and psych intersect so that i can get to know you. who wants to go first?”
out of the corner of his eye, colt saw the girl’s hand shoot up. of course.
“go ahead. what’s your name?”
“ellie wheeler,” she answered, “and psychology often intersects with the law when it comes to false confessions. a majority of false confessions occur because of the psychologically manipulative interrogation tactics police use, like the guilt-presumptive reid technique.” 
“very good,” dr. morrell praised. “we’ll be covering the psychology behind false confessions extensively before midterms. anyone else?”
his hand raised before he was even aware of it. “colt kaneko. isn’t ellie ignoring that false confessions are also born from a system that doesn’t take into account dispositional vulnerabilities of suspects? like not requiring a lawyer for juveniles or those with behavioral or personality disorders -- you know, the groups who actually provide a majority of false confessions.”
the professor’s eyebrows raised. colt could feel ellie staring at him in disbelief from where she was sitting beside him. “certainly,” dr. morrell agreed politely, “we’ll be exploring a variety of studies that explain how social pressures, personality traits and potential conduct disorders intersect with police interrogations and confessions. but this is great insight.”
she crossed to the other side of the room to call on another student. colt turned his head and caught ellie’s eye -- she was still glaring at him, looking pissed off and, honestly, even hotter for it. 
when he grinned at her, she huffed under her breath, still obviously annoyed. her gaze snapped back to the syllabus, and though he continued to sneak glances at her for the next ninety minutes, she didn’t look his way again.
she hung back to talk to the professor once they were dismissed, but colt wasn’t about to linger in a lecture hall, even if it meant scoring a chance to talk to the only girl who’d actually captured his attention at college so far. 
the thought of having to wait until thursday to see her again was... unwelcome. as he made his way to his next class, he wondered why he’d never seen her around before. if she was a psych student it seemed strange that they’d managed to go a whole year without having a class together; the program at langston wasn’t that big, and for most of his freshman year he’d seen the same faces, give or take a few, in each of his classes. now, on the first day of his sophomore year, he’d recognized most of the people in law & psych, too. but not her. 
hopefully she’d changed majors and wasn’t just taking law & psych to fulfill a requirement. having her around was going to make the program a lot more interesting -- none of the other people in his courses ever challenged him, and he’d honestly gotten sort of bored picking apart their points all the time. she was a welcome change of pace, and he was surprised to find that he was actually looking forward to her inevitable payback for shutting her down in class. 
colt got to his social psych class with enough time to have his pick of the seats. he slipped into the back row and pulled out his phone, scrolling through the messages he’d missed since last night. a few minutes later, the sound of someone pulling out the chair beside him made him lift his eyes, and a wide grin -- one that he knew well was too obnoxious for even the latter half of the morning -- took over his face when he saw who it was that had sat down next to him.
“hey,” he greeted, nodding at ellie. “looks like you copied my schedule.”
she regarded him with barely suppressed disgust. “my advisor picked these classes. i registered late and got locked out of everything.”
huh. that was exactly what had happened to him, but in all actuality, he’d completely forgotten about the deadline to register for classes. “are you new to the program? why haven’t i had any classes with you before?”
she looked at him like he was insane. “uh, it’s my first day? i just started here.”
okay -- that wasn’t exactly fair. like he was just supposed to assume she was a freshman, when both classes he’d found her in were two-hundred level courses? “shouldn’t you be in intro to psych, then?”
ellie rolled her eyes at him. he watched as she pulled a second notebook from her bag, setting it on the desk next to her water bottle. “i have an accelerated course load,” she explained, “i started over the summer. i’m in the pre-law program? you do undergrad in just three years and then law school for the next three. psych is just one of my minors.” 
so -- she was brilliant. figures. he’d had a feeling.
“well --”
she turned away as the professor walked in. colt rolled his eyes as he started droning on about the course, walking through the syllabus at an agonizingly slow pace. like he gave a shit. the girl sitting next to him was infinitely more interesting.
“...so our first unit will explore social psychology as it pertains to consumer behavior. can anyone name an example of psychology impacting consumer behavior? let’s see... colt. how about you?”
the sound of his name startled him into paying attention again. “uh... packaging? and presentation. grocery store layouts are designed to push certain products so everything from lighting to shelf position impacts consumers on a psychological level.”
“sure,” the professor nodded, “but what about in a social context? anyone else?”
ellie raised her hand. “there are lots of studies that show salesperson interaction can significantly affect consumer behavior. oftentimes the social pressures of the interaction can impact purchasing behaviors significantly.”
“you’re absolutely right. now, if we expand on ellie’s observation...”
colt looked back towards her and found ellie shooting him a smug, self-satisfied smile. well. if that was the way she wanted to kick off the semester, then... color him even more impressed. 
he nodded back at her. game on.
tuesday afternoon came around quickly enough. the class pattern at langston meant that most students had the day off on wednesdays, so colt’s roommate was already pregaming when he got back to the dorm, getting ready to go out later that night.
logan tossed him a beer as soon as he took his jacket off. “hey,” he nodded at him, “there’s a party at backyard tonight. wanna go?”
colt shrugged, cracking the tab on the can and lifting it to his lips for a sip. “i guess. who’s living there this year?”
“i think the lacrosse team,” logan answered, though his voice sounded distracted, his eyes were on his phone. “there’s people going to howl too, though.”
“whatever,” he said, dropping down onto his bed, kicking off his shoes, “we could always start at the bar and go to backyard after. i don’t care.”
a thought occurred to him as he drained the rest of his beer, leaning over to set the empty can on his desk. trying to keep his voice casual, he asked, “do you remember where we used to party when we were freshmen?”
logan lifted his head and smirked at him. “we didn’t used to party anywhere. i went out and you sulked in the room.”
colt rolled his eyes. “i wasn’t sulking.” he just hadn’t wanted to be at school. at all. colt spent most of his freshman year trying to figure out how to get kicked out of college and sent home to l.a., not that it had done him much good. 
“if you say so,” logan hummed, setting his phone aside and heading to the fridge for another beer. colt shook his head when logan looked back at him curiously. “why’re you asking, anyway?”
“no reason,” colt answered too-quickly, averting his eyes when logan’s look turned suspicious, “just wondering.”
logan leaned against his desk, his expression morphing into one of disbelief. “dude. come on.”
colt’s jaw clenched as he grit his teeth. then he sighed and said, “fine. there’s a girl in the psych program i wanted to talk to.”
logan’s face split into a boyish, excited grin. “dude,” he said again, but this time he sounded delighted, “seriously? i’ve only been waiting, like, an entire year for this. what’s her name?”
colt rolled his eyes at him. he should’ve anticipated this reaction. “forget it. it’s not a big deal. if we run into her we run into her --”
“colt,” logan sighed, “you know you could just invite her, right?”
“i don’t have her number. and anyway --”
“okay, whatever. we’ll just find her. i think most of the freshmen should be at the rugby party, we can walk there after the bar. dude, this is so awesome. i’ve always wanted to be your wing man.”
“well, can you try to calm down?” he leaned back on the mattress, shrugging his shoulders. “i don’t even think she likes me.”
“yeah,” logan laughed, “i’m sure you were really nice to her.”
“shut up,” colt mumbled, “it was -- whatever. i’m going to take a shower.” 
logan’s enthusiasm didn’t waver; if anything, it only got worse as he kept drinking. he bothered colt about what he was going to wear for twenty minutes until colt finally gave in and let logan pick from his shirts.
fortunately, he was at least moderately buzzed by the time they made it to the bar and met up with the rest of their friends. even more fortunately, logan started talking to a girl as soon as they got there and left him alone to first survey the crowd for ellie -- no luck there -- and then start slamming back shots.
he lost track of time talking to some girl who knew a surprising amount about cars and soon enough it was approaching midnight and he was drunk, waiting until logan came up for air from where he’d been kissing the girl he’d met in a corner of the bar to remind him about the party.
“oh yeah!” logan said excitedly, one arm wrapped around the girl’s shoulders. she was leaning on his chest, giggling drunkenly at nothing. “christina’s a freshman, too, she said she’d bring us by. maybe she knows the girl you like.”
“dude,” colt said, shaking his head, “come on.” the small group of people they’d met up with at the bar walked with them to the rugby house, where the guy at the door recognized the girl logan had been making out with and waved them all in without a second glance.
the house was full of people he didn’t recognize, which probably meant that most of them were freshmen or people on the rugby team; painfully loud music made it almost impossible to hear logan, even when he leaned in and screamed into his ear, “is she here?”
colt looked around, but he didn’t see ellie anywhere in the living room. he shook his head. “i’m gonna go get a drink,” he called, weaving through the crowd of bodies and walking off into the kitchen, alone.
he bypassed the keg and went straight for the bottles lining the counter. he was pouring vodka into a cup he’d already half-filled with tequila when someone bumped into him, jostling his shoulder.
colt turned around and came face-to-face with ellie, who was unsteady on her feet, brushing her hair out of her face where it’d suddenly fallen into her eyes. she looked different than she had in class yesterday -- the top she was wearing was low-cut and lacy, her shorts tight and short enough to show off the same long, tanned legs he’d been eyeing in the lecture hall. 
she smiled when he finally met her eyes. “oh. it’s you. hi!” she chirped cheerfully, her voice loud and over-excited. the fact that she was being so nice to him meant that she’d probably had a few. her eyes were unfocused as she looked him over, though her gaze sharpened when she stopped on his face again. “what’re you doing here?”
he shrugged, leaning against the counter as nonchalantly as possible. “my roommate wanted to stop in.” colt felt his lips pull into a grin despite himself. “didn’t think i’d see a girl like you in a place like this.”
ellie pouted prettily at him. “what’s that s’posed to mean?”
he laughed. of course she had to be a cute drunk. “you’re just such a goody-two-shoes. i’m almost impressed you made it out at all.”
her arms folded under her chest. colt focused all of his energy on keeping his eyes on her face. “i am not a goody-two-shoes.”
colt took a long sip from the cup in his hand. that he was able to swallow the alcohol straight without gagging immediately proved he was probably too drunk for this conversation. “sure you’re not.”
“i’m not,” she insisted, “i’ll prove it. let’s take shots!”
he glanced down at the cup in his hand, mentally judging how much was left. then, he held it out to her with his eyebrows arched. “okay. if you can finish this you’ll officially have impressed me.”
ellie confidently snatched the cup out of his hand, lifting it to her nose. then she wavered, squinting down into it. “what is it?”
colt grinned at her again. “tequila.”
“it smells like vodka.”
he shrugged. “it’s vodka, too.”
“you’ve been standing here drinking vodka and tequila mixed together? without -- without, like, soda? or juice? you’re a sociopath.”
“look, if you can’t handle it, no worries. maybe we can find you a white claw or something.”
ellie huffed, squinting at him before resolutely lifting his cup to her lips and knocking back the liquid left in it in one gulp.
he pursed his lips together to stifle a smile, and then a laugh, once she started coughing.
“ugh! that is awful,” ellie exclaimed, pushing the empty cup back into his hands, “how can you possibly drink that? no wonder you’re like -- how you are.”
his friends found them in the kitchen before he could ask what she meant. logan clapped his shoulder and asked, “hey, are you ready to go? chase and sean are already at backyard.”
the girl he’d brought with him squealed excitedly when she saw ellie, throwing herself into her arms for a hug. “ohmygod, you should totally come with us!” she exclaimed, “i’ll walk you back later. please, el?”
logan’s face lit up. he elbowed colt hard in the side until colt glared at him and stepped purposefully on his foot. 
“sure,” ellie shrugged, “let me just tell my roommate.” she glanced at colt, the corners of her mouth lifting. “i’ll meet you guys outside?”
he nodded, probably faster than he should have. “yeah.” the longer they all stood there, the more likely it was that logan would say something to embarrass him, anyway. 
there were people drinking in the front yard when they went outside, but he felt like he could breathe a little easier out of the crowded kitchen and living room. as soon as christina pulled away from logan, he turned back toward colt and asked, “soooooooo? was that her?”
“yeah,” he admitted begrudgingly, “but don’t say anything.”
logan held a hand to his chest, wounded. “it really hurts my feelings that you think i’d be so uncool. dude, i want you to get laid.”
colt rolled his eyes. “i don’t need any help getting laid.” and it wasn’t like he was looking to sleep with her and never call her again.
“i know, but --” ellie and one of her friends came out the front door, walking over as soon as they caught sight of them. the girl ellie had brought with her started talking to christina as logan led the group down the street, and colt was surprised when ellie hung back and fell into step with him, at the back of the group.
“so -- you been over here yet?” he asked, pushing his hands deep into the pockets of his jeans.
“nope. but riya said all the upperclassmen hang out at backyard.” 
colt snuck a glance over at her and had to suppress a smile again. “that your friend?”
“uh huh,” she nodded, “we’ve been best friends our whole lives. it was, like, a dream come true when we both got in.”
“cool. well -- backyard is usually pretty fun, but the lacrosse team is living here this year so we’ll have to see if they can hang.”
“who’s your friend?” ellie asked abruptly. when he looked over at her again, he saw that she was staring at logan. he’d recognize the look on her face anywhere. he’d seen it on tons of girls’ faces before. 
ellie was biting her bottom lip.
“that’s my roommate,” he answered stiffly. “logan.”
“he’s really hot,” she murmured thoughtlessly, almost to herself. the sound of her voice was soft, each word starting to slur together. 
colt rolled his eyes. he quickened his pace to catch up to some of the other guys.
“hey!” ellie huffed, and he heard the sound of her shoes on the sidewalk as she rushed to be beside him again, “wait up.” 
the off-campus housing that had always been a party spot had gotten the name ‘backyard’ for said impressive feature; the grass was packed with undergrads when colt and everyone else made their way outside. as soon as they found chase and sean, one of them passed him a lit joint, which he accepted gratefully, thinking there were few things he might’ve liked more, at that moment, than being too high to think about any of the things that were bothering him.
ellie appeared beside him suddenly. “you smoke?”
he stared back at her blankly, and then took another hit. “weed? yeah.”
“oh.” she blinked, looking from him to chase and back again. “can i try it?”
chase shrugged at her. “be my guest,” colt said flatly, passing her the joint and leaving her with the group, walking over to the keg.
logan jogged over while he was filling a cup. colt passed him the first one and went to get another. “so? how’s it going?”
he rolled his eyes. “she’d rather talk to you. it’s whatever.”
logan frowned at him. “i’m obviously not going to --”
“i literally don’t care. it’s fine.” colt walked away before logan could continue. he had only a moment to scan the backyard for someone he actually wanted to talk to before ellie popped into his field of vision again.
“are you mad at me?” she demanded, frowning at him. 
“nope.” the girl from howl who’d talked to him about cars for an hour was waving at him from over by the fence. colt pushed past ellie to go talk to her again. “i owe you one,” he grinned when he approached, “you saved me from an unbelievably awkward situation.”
the answering smile she sent his way was wide -- all teeth. “then you should come home with me.”
he blinked. colt racked his brain, trying to remember if she’d told him her name. “do you live on campus?”
she nodded. “in south. but my roommate’ll be sleeping over here with her boyfriend.” 
if she lived in south, she was probably an upperclassman. unfortunately, that didn’t bring him any closer to remembering her name. 
he squinted at her, then ducked his head, as bashfully as he could manage. “i forgot your name.”
admitting as much was a risk, but it paid off -- she only laughed at him, and then said, “olivia. so? you wanna get out of here?”
more than anything. he nodded, reaching down and threading his fingers through hers. “let me just tell my roommate.”
she let him tug her over to where logan was standing with the rest of their friends. “i’m leaving,” he said, clapping logan on the shoulder. logan frowned at him for a moment before he caught sight of olivia, and then he grinned widely.
“nice. see you later.” 
colt nodded at everyone else before they left, pointedly not scanning the crowd for one last glimpse of ellie. 
he was a fucking idiot for thinking he should pursue something there in the first place, probably. whatever dumb little crush he had on her because she’d impressed him a couple of times had to go.
fortunately, he’d already found another way to occupy his time -- even if it was only for tonight.
he was late to law & psych again on thursday, and everyone in the room was sitting in the same seats they’d taken on monday -- which meant the only open desk was in the front, again, next to ellie.
she shot him a deeply unimpressed look when he slunk into his seat and dropped his head in his hands. like she had on monday, she seemed wide awake and much too excited; she was drinking water again.
“hi,” she said pointedly, like he was ignoring her or something.
colt arched an eyebrow at her. “hi?”
ellie huffed. “where’d you disappear to on tuesday?”
“uh...” he rubbed at his eyes, still feeling exhausted. “just went back to campus, i guess.”
she looked almost... embarrassed, not that he understood why. professor morrell called everyone to attention before she could say anything, and though he really didn’t give a shit, he still turned back to the front of the room, slumping down in his seat as he went.
he did his best to pay attention for most of class, but found himself zoning out for the next hour -- pretty much sleeping with his eyes open. the only part of the lecture he actually caught was five minutes before class was scheduled to end, when dr. morrell said, “and before we go, i’ll assign the partners and topics for the first project so you guys can get started over the weekend, if you want.”
yeah, that was exactly how he wanted to spend his weekend. he rolled his eyes as she started passing out readings. though he was only half-paying attention, he did realize that she was working her way clockwise around the room... and everything slowed to a stop when she paused in front of his desk and said, “ellie and colt. your topic is false confessions. i look forward to seeing your presentation.”
he probably should’ve seen that one coming. it was par for the course with his life, honestly -- just his fucking luck. 
he flipped absently through the reading she’d given them and then sighed, handing it to ellie. 
“don’t look so thrilled,” she said as she took it from his hands. “come on. we can work out a schedule for when we’re going to work on this.”
they headed toward the building they had social psych together in, side-by-side. ellie kept her eyes on the reading as they went, and he took advantage of the fact that her gaze was averted to study her in turn, analyzing the expression her face calculatingly. 
“i’ve read this study before,” she said finally, “this won’t be that hard. we can split the lit review and then i’ll work on the analysis and you can do the conclusion.”
“okay,” he said, a little startled by the way she seamlessly doled out orders. “sure.”
ellie snuck a glance up at him, then, and he didn’t look away, even when she caught him staring. her cheeks were a little flushed when she drew in a breath and said, “okay. do you want to work on it this weekend?”
“that’s fine.”
they crossed the quad together in silence. as they neared the building their next class was in, she hesitantly started, “so -- your roommate...”
colt tensed, but otherwise didn’t say anything. the expression on his face soured when, a moment later, ellie continued, “is he single?”
try as he might to force his face blank, he could feel his look of distaste twisting further into a scowl. “i guess.” at least he’d been drunk the last time she’d subjected him to this.
ellie either didn’t notice his attitude or didn’t care to comment on it; she breezed right past the dark tone of his voice when she said, “cool, because my friend riya -- from tuesday? -- thinks he’s really cute, and i think they’d be perfect together. but she had this awful breakup last spring and i don’t want to set her up with just anyone, so --”
his sneer cleared as she kept blabbing, and he slowly tuned her voice out in favor of the pounding of his own heart. so she hadn’t been asking for herself.
that was... an interesting development, for sure. for sure.
“colt?” he shook himself from his thoughts and looked back at her. ellie frowned at him, her eyes narrowing. “were you even listening to me?”
“yeah, your friend. bad breakup. high school drama.” he shot her a winning smile as he opened the door for her, following behind her and letting it swing shut in the face of whatever underclassmen were coming in behind them.
“maybe we can all do something this weekend,” she suggested, as they made their way down the hallway to the classroom, “get drinks or something after we work on the project?”
“definitely.” fuck. that answer had probably come too quickly to be considered cool, and it hadn’t gone unnoticed by ellie -- she was looking at him from under her eyelashes, smiling shyly. 
she looked really pretty. fuck. 
she followed him to the back of the room again even though they were right on time today and there were plenty of open seats. he wondered what the fuck she was doing when ellie slid into the same desk she’d sat in on monday; she clearly wasn’t a back of the classroom type of girl. but here she was.
“give me your phone.”
he startled. “what? why?”
“so i can give you my number?” again, the look on her face seemed to suggest he was the biggest idiot she’d ever had the displeasure of talking to. “how else are we going to find a time to work on the project?”
colt passed it over wordlessly, watching while she plugged her phone number in and then texted herself before handing it back. “thanks,” he said stupidly, with no idea why. 
“just try not to ditch me again.” the look on her face had him feeling weirdly guilty, like they’d gone to the party together, or something -- like he hadn’t left her with all of her friends. he suddenly wondered how much she actually remembered, if she saw him leave hand-in-hand with olivia or not. 
try not to act like you want to fuck my roommate, he thought to himself, the words on the tip of his tongue. 
before he could put his foot in his mouth, the professor called class to attention. he sat in silence for most of the next hour and a half, until he answered a question and ellie said --
“actually, colt’s forgetting that schemas related to behaviors are known as scripts, and a widely different concept.”
“they’re actually not a different concept at all,” colt said, before the professor could correct her, “they’re a deviation of the same concept on a technical level but operate in pretty much the same way where modification and therapy are concerned.”
“colt’s correct,” the professor said, shooting them both a strange look before walking back to the board at the front of the room, “which brings us to next week’s reading by abelson. we’ll be discussing chapter four in more detail on monday...”
he turned and smiled smugly at ellie. she looked just as deeply annoyed with him as ever, seething at her desk. 
never one to quite know when to stop, he couldn’t resist leaning in and whispering, “maybe you shouldn’t have skipped intro to psych after all,” gratified by the way her hands clenched into fists and how she stared him down with the dirtiest look she could muster. 
suddenly the semester had gotten fun again.
working on their project together went surprisingly well. much better than he had expected it to, given their track record.
but ellie was smart and sharp and witty in a way that felt like something he’d been waiting for without outright searching for it. 
admittedly, he’d caught himself staring at her more than a few times, his eyes mapping the curve of her neck when her head bent low into his textbook, which was used, and therefore free game for her to mark up with highlighter. 
they were probably sitting too close for the library. all the private rooms were taken when they’d first arrived, so they’d found a table in the upper level of the atrium, and though it was sort of secluded in the back corner by the windows they were far from alone. 
but that didn’t stop his mind from wandering. 
“look at this study,” ellie said suddenly, sliding a piece of paper under his nose and forcing him to tear his eyes away from the dip of her cupid’s bow, “what kassin says here about compliance will be an important point for us.”
“god, aren’t you tired yet?” he was almost impressed. it’d been hours. “look around. it’s dark out. you have to at least be hungry.”
ellie’s lips pursed into a thin line. she sighed, but begrudgingly admitted, “okay, i’m a little hungry.” 
his grin widened, toeing the line between obnoxious and charming he so often straddled. “we made really good progress.” well. she had, at least. “let’s call it for tonight. come on, it’s friday.”
she wavered for another minute, but he knew he had her. it still felt like a victory when she finally nodded. “fine. we did make pretty good progress. maybe we can meet up again on sunday?” 
he stared at her as she stretched in her chair, arching her back and raising her arms above her head. “sure. are you going out tonight?”
ellie’s lips twisted into a grimace, and she shook her head. “i wasn’t planning on it. i have a meeting with my advisor early tomorrow morning.”
“on a saturday?” someone sitting at one of the other tables chose that moment to shush them, loudly, and he twisted around to glare at them over his shoulder as ellie packed up her books and stood. he only looked away to follow her out, though she waited until they were in the stairwell to talk again.
“yes, on a saturday. i just want to make sure i’m staying on track.”
colt arched his eyebrows at her as he held open the door to the lobby. “it’s the first week of the semester.”
“well, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared,” ellie huffed, stepping smoothly past his arm and striding to the exit, “school is really important to me.”
“okay,” he said, trying to stifle the smirk that was threatening, “so if you’re such a goody-two-shoes, how’d you wind up missing the deadline to pick classes? doesn’t seem like something that’d just slip your mind.”
ellie’s smile dipped while they made their way back across the lawn. “um.” her voice was suddenly much quieter, and he watched one of her shoulders lift in an unsure shrug before she stiffly continued, “my mom. she’d been sick for awhile, but... over the summer -- she died. i honestly just forgot about registering.”
“fuck,” colt sighed, before he could stop himself and think for a second about what he was saying, “i’m an asshole. i’m sorry, i didn’t --”
“please,” ellie said, already shaking her head, “you couldn’t have known. but... that’s what happened. and i totally had a meltdown when i realized and i seriously almost just deferred a semester to get around it, but i guess everything wound up working out.” 
he was surprised to see her sneaking a glance up at him as they walked. immediately, he averted his eyes. “i guess,” he allowed, decidedly ignoring the strange and unfamiliar feeling that was abruptly squeezing his chest tight, “but, still. that really sucks. i’m sorry.”
“don’t be,” she murmured. her teeth sunk into her bottom lip. ellie cleared her throat, her voice a little brighter when she said, “hey -- do you... want to get dinner? um, if you’re not going out or anything.”
as if. she was the only person who’d been able to get him to go out since he fucking came to this stupid school. “yeah. i mean -- i’m not. so that’d be cool.” maybe he still had a shot at impressing her. “actually, can i show you something? do you like tacos?”
“oh.” she looked surprised, both by his agreement and his suggestion, but despite how floored she seemed she still smiled in a way that lit up her whole face, and he was amazed to notice that she had a dimple he’d somehow never seen before right now. “i love tacos.”
ellie didn’t say another word until they were both sitting down on the edge of the roof, styrofoam takeout boxes balanced in their laps, so he had no idea what her opinion was on any of it. 
she’d remained coy while he led her to his favorite off-campus hole-in-the-wall, quiet when he’d dragged her back to the biology building and forced her up five flights of stairs, silent save for a pointed raised eyebrow when he shoved his shoulder into the door marked roof access - custodial staff only until it popped open and they emerged out onto the roof, easygoing but still a little cautious when he led her over to the edge and sat down with his legs dangling over the side of the building.
now, she had pineapple juice dripping down her thumb as she cradled her al pastor in her hands, giving him carte blanche to stare at her while her own eyes looked out at the city. 
he was desperate to know her take on it all, and frustratingly close to demanding well?! before she eventually spoke up and put him out of his misery.
“this is a great view.”
colt finally diverted his gaze to his own tacos. “don’t tell anyone about it. it’s a secret.”
“that’s a funny way of saying breaking and entering.” 
he rolled his eyes at her, gently shoving his shoulder into hers. “what they don’t know won’t hurt ‘em. besides, we’re not doing anything wrong.”
ellie shrugged her shoulders sheepishly. “i’ve never done anything like this before.”
“we can leave, if you want,” he offered. “i just wanted to show you the city.”
“no.” colt watched her shake her head rapidly, and then ellie leaned in and bumped her shoulder back against his in return. “i didn’t mean it like that. i guess i’m just -- trying to explain. why you think i’m lame.”
he frowned. “i don’t think you’re lame.”
ellie laughed, ducking her head and poking at the styrofoam container in her lap. “you don’t?”
“no. why, because you’re not out tonight? i’m not, either.” in fact, he could probably count all the nights he’d been out since he’d moved in last year on one hand. 
“not only that.” she paused thoughtfully, stopping to take a bite of her taco. “because i take school so seriously, i guess.” 
colt set his food aside to lean back on his palms, looking out over the city. “there’s nothing wrong with wanting to do well. you’d be, like, my parents’ dream child. i’m sure they both wish i’d take this even half as seriously as you do.”
her head turned, and he caught a glimpse of her soft smile out of the corner of his eyes. “did you miss the deadline to register for classes on purpose?”
he nodded. “i’ve been trying to get kicked out since i got here. it’s harder than you’d think.”
ellie laughed. “why would you want to get kicked out? most people would kill to be here.”
“well, i’m not like most people.” colt pushed the toes of his shoes against the loose edge of the roof, silently debating the rest of his answer. “i never wanted to go to college. but shipping me out here so i’d be out of my dad’s way is the only thing my parents ever agreed on.”
“where’re you from, again?”
“los angeles. but i’ve been with my mom ever since my folks split in denver. my dad -- it’s complicated.”
she was quiet. he wondered what she was thinking. after a moment, she said, “i’m from l.a., too.”
colt’s eyebrows arched high. “really? small world.”
“nothing was the same after my mom got sick, though. my dad never let me out of his sight. it got to a point where being home felt like being in prison.” ellie hesitated, her eyes still on the skyline. “part of me was so relieved to come here that i still feel guilty about it.”
“you shouldn’t feel guilty. it’s your life. you should get a chance to live it.” his brow furrowed as he turned to look at her fully, staring at her profile where she was half-lit by the lights dotting their campus. “you deserve to make your own decisions.”
“i know.” ellie closed the container in her lap, then set it aside. she dusted off her hands and finally tilted her head to look at him, a small smile playing at her lips. “that’s the part i’m most afraid of. not -- taking these chances, and doing all this stuff. but -- messing it up. not doing enough, you know? letting... this opportunity to finally be myself pass me by.”
“yeah.” of course he knew what she meant. that was pretty much what he’d spent the last year doing. “well, you should get out more, then. do all the shit you always wanted to do that your dad never let you try.”
“like what?”
he laughed. “fuck if i know. i thought a girl like you would have a list all ready to go.”
“well...” colt glanced down and saw that she was biting at her bottom lip, like she wasn’t sure she wanted to say whatever was about to come out. “i’ve always wanted to learn to drive.”
“okay.” his left palm spread over hers from behind, and he fanned his fingers out on top of hers, gently pressing her hand around the lever. “this is the clutch. it’s how you shift gears.”
ellie shifted from where she was straddling the bike in front of him. he felt her fingers wiggle underneath his, and saw her head bob with a nod. “got it.”
his right hand curled over hers, gripping the handlebar. “this is the throttle.” colt shifted their hands to the lever beyond the handlebar. “and this is the front brake.”
she hummed, her bare arms warm against his. the parking lot he’d left his bike in was deserted, except for the two of them -- they were pretty far on the outskirts of campus, tucked away from the hustle and bustle of everyone getting ready to go out on a friday night. “what about the back brake?”
colt’s right foot gently kicked hers. “feel the lever down here?”
ellie’s sneaker fumbled around, the heel of her shoe kicking him in the shin before she found it. “uh huh.”
“basically, the right side of the bike is for accelerating and braking. the left side is just to switch gears.” 
“this seems a lot more complicated than a car.”
“hey, you want to learn to drive, don’t you? this is the best i can do right now.” but maybe if he ever made it back to l.a. with her, he could show her a really good time. “look, i’ll handle changing gears, okay? you just worry about the throttle. and brake when i tell you to.”
“but how will i know when to accelerate?” her voice sounded a little worried, like maybe she was starting to have second thoughts. he kept his right hand held firmly over ellie’s, moving it to the handlebar before pushing his fingers through hers.
“i’ll give you a squeeze. don’t worry, i’m not gonna let anything happen to you.” 
the words left his mouth before he could even think about them. he blinked at her, a long moment of silence stretching between them. ellie leaned her back against his chest, her thumb stroking the side of his hand. 
he had the sudden urge to kiss her.
“you have a helmet, right?”
colt jolted out of his thoughts, then slid off the bike to pull it out for her. “yeah, of course. here.” it was a little big on her, but it did the trick -- he pulled it down over her head with a grin, endeared by the way she posed playfully once it was on. 
“how do i look?”
“like a total babe,” he answered honestly, pulling his jacket off, too, before handing it to her. “here. better put this on, too.”
“why?” she asked, but she was obligingly slipping her arms into it. like the helmet, it was way too big on her, but unlike the helmet, the sight of her inside of it stirred something within him that he had trouble ignoring. he reached out and settled the jacket on her shoulders more firmly. 
“in case you fall. it’ll protect you.”
“i thought you said you weren’t going to let anything happen to me,” ellie hummed, staring at the way the sleeves of the jacket hung down over her knuckles. in the low light of the dark parking lot, it almost looked like she was blushing a little. 
“i’m not, but it doesn’t hurt to have an insurance policy.” colt reached out and slid the face shield on the helmet down, over her eyes. “come on.”
ellie got back onto the bike from the left side, just like he’d showed her. she really was smart -- probably even too smart for this stupid school -- and quick, too. her hands found the handlebars straightaway, and he moved snugly up behind her, his arms keeping her close. 
their joined left hands pulled the clutch. he shifted to thumb the kill switch with his right hand, and the bike jolted to life beneath them, ellie jerking with it. colt leaned in toward her ear even with the helmet in the way. “relax,” he said, raising his voice a little to be sure she’d hear him, “i know what i’m doing.”
she still squeaked a little when he let the clutch out and the bike slowly started to roll forward. “colt --” her voice was panicked. “help, what do i do?”
“just like we talked about,” he encouraged, “put your feet up. then hit the throttle.”
ellie drew in a deep breath. he could feel her along his chest, and squeezed her hand reassuringly. after a moment, she revved the engine, and then they were off -- a little unsteadily, but in a straight line, at least, heading down the length of the parking lot.
“oh my god! oh my god, i’m doing it. oh my god!” 
she was too cute for her own good. the excited tone of voice she had made him grin unabashedly into the air behind her, and he leaned back a little to give her more control, impressed by how smooth her handle on the bike was, for her first time. was there anything she wasn’t fucking good at? 
“okay,” he said finally, once they started to run out of space, “both breaks, then your left foot. you’ve got it.” he pulled down on the clutch for her, and then ellie easily halted the bike to a stop. he exhaled a breath he hadn’t known he was holding, but there’d been nothing to worry about -- she was a natural.
“wow,” she gushed, practically jumping off the bike, turning around to face him and throwing the helmet off, “i can’t believe i just drove a motorcycle! i can’t believe you do that every day.”
“you did pretty good,” he praised, “for your first time. a few more lessons and you’ll be a pro.”
“really?” now her cheeks really were flushed, rosy and delighted as she beamed at him with pride. “you’d let me drive your bike again?”
“if you want.” thank god they were alone. if logan could see them he’d be insufferable. even colt could admit this was wildly out of character for him, but he would’ve given anything, just then, to keep her smiling like that. “you wanna see what she can really do? i’ll take us for a ride. all you have to do is hold on.” 
“definitely,” ellie grinned immediately, pulling the helmet back on. he’d expected to have to convince her a little more, but -- maybe there was more to her than he’d thought. 
a dangerous prospect, given how much he already liked what little he knew. 
he waited until she was secure behind him before tearing out of the parking lot and away from campus entirely, taking empty side streets until they were on the highway that’d lead them out of the city. ellie’s hands stayed warm around his waist, and after a few minutes, she leaned her cheek against his shoulder, too, settling something peaceful in his chest. companionable quiet stretched between them while he drove, as fast as he could, just so she’d laugh with exhilaration like she did when he got them into the triple-digits.
eventually he pulled over in a random, deserted park. there weren’t any streetlights in this part of the city, so it was dark, and he could only barely see ellie when he killed the engine and she pulled off her helmet to look at him curiously.
“so?” he asked, “how was it? everything you’ve been waiting for?”
“totally.” ellie grinned at him, so widely her dimple popped out. “i know it sounds cheesy, but tonight... is the most i’ve ever felt like myself. do you know what i mean?”
he was starting to. everything had felt purposeless before she’d showed up here. he’d wanted nothing more than to coast through the next few years, if he absolutely had to.
now it all felt different. because of her.
she was the piece he’d been looking for, something he hadn’t even known he wanted but now was desperate to make his. ellie was sharp and beautiful and headstrong, all the things he needed to fit into the void he was suddenly hoping she’d actually be interested in filling.
“it’s not cheesy if it makes you happy,” was what he settled on, swallowing some of the sudden intensity that was slowly taking him over. “you’ve held back for long enough. you should do whatever you want.”
“you’re right.” ellie’s eyes slid over to meet his, and she smiled at him through the dark, her expression soft and sweet. 
colt’s heart thumped loudly. that urge to kiss her was back again, stronger than before. he wasn’t usually the sort of person that resisted an impulse, but part of him was terrified of pushing for more than she was comfortable with, scaring her away with his intensity. he knew he wasn’t the kind of guy a girl like her could handle.
but maybe he didn’t know her as well as he thought he did, yet. ellie leaned in and pressed her lips against his, without warning, surprising him still. colt’s eyes went wide with shock before they slid shut and he kissed her back, twisting on the bike to slide an arm around her shoulders and yank her in as close as she could get.
ellie’s arms, still covered by the fabric of his leather jacket, wound around his waist. she kissed shyly, like she was worried she might be bad at it, but let him take the lead -- and eventually her mouth opened up under his and she shivered in his grip and gave back as good as she was getting, until his mind was blank and the only thing he could focus on was her, under his hands.
they both pulled away at the same time, struggling to catch their breath. she was looking at him like he assumed he must’ve been looking at her: in complete shock, her eyes wide. “wow.”
“yeah.” there was a sarcastic quip on the tip of his tongue, but he swallowed it in favor of studying her face some more -- her cheeks were as flushed as her red lips, which were slowly starting to curve up into a gentle smile. “you ok?”
“um, that was my first kiss,” she admitted, ducking her head. the few strands of hair that weren’t pulled back into her ponytail fell around her face. “i’m probably not helping on the whole you thinking i’m lame front, huh?”
his brain felt like it was short circuiting. “you -- i -- for real?”
“okay, it’s not like i didn’t have options,” she started defensively, rushing to explain, “it just never felt like the right time, and i was waiting for something special, and -- this felt special to me.” her eyes flashed, as though she was waiting for him to start making fun of her at any moment. that was probably fair -- he’d definitely thought about it. “i like you.”
“i like you, too.” probably more than he should. definitely more than he’d ever set out to like anyone, when he’d packed up all his shit and agreed to give this stupid college thing a try. 
but she was a distraction he felt was worth the risk. 
the expression on her face transformed into something cautiously pleased. “you do?”
“you’re kidding, right? ask logan -- this is the most i’ve left my room in three semesters. i’ve been losing my mind trying to impress you.”
her eyebrows arched. “really? it sure hasn’t seemed that way to me.”
“well -- you were giving me mixed signals.”
he smirked as her expression turned indignant. “i was giving you mixed signals? you went home with that girl!”
colt winced. he was really hoping she hadn’t noticed that. “i thought you were asking me about logan for yourself.”
ellie stared blankly back at him. “oh my god, you’re an idiot.” 
“we’re both idiots,” he corrected, rolling his eyes at her. 
just as she opened her mouth to bite back, a loud roll of thunder cut through the stillness surrounding them. “shit,” colt sighed, “we should --”
rain started to pour down in heavy sheets, immediately soaking his t-shirt through to the skin. ellie yelped, fumbling for her helmet while he quickly started the bike up again, waiting for her to squeeze her arms around him before speeding back to campus as quickly as possible.
the foot traffic in his building was minimal -- they’d managed to find the sweet spot in the middle of the night where everyone who’d gone out to party was out already, and it was too soon for people to be coming back, so they had their run of the hallways when they rushed inside. 
they both laughed breathlessly as they raced up the stairs and into his dorm, dripping water all over the floor.
“god, sorry about your jacket,” ellie said, stripping out of it and leaving it on one of the desk chairs, accepting the towel he passed over to her with a smile. 
“it’s fine,” colt said, rubbing his own towel over his hair. “sorry about your -- everything.”
ellie dissolved into giggles that tapered off when he pulled off his soaked t-shirt and flung it into the corner of the room where the rest of his laundry was waiting. 
she was staring.
“see something you like?”
the sound of his voice appeared to startled her into looking away, and she laughed again, more nervously this time. “don’t be a dick. you know you’re hot.”
“maybe, but i wanna hear you say it,” he said obnoxiously, his grin widening. “do you think i’m hot?”
ellie drew the towel in her hands around her shoulders, pursing her lips at him. “i think you’re smug, arrogant, obnoxious and wasting your potential.”
if it were at all possible, his grin grew larger. “and?”
she sighed, rolling her eyes heavenward. “and you’re obviously very hot.”
“thank you,” colt said primly, “was that so hard?”
ellie rubbed the towel around her down her arms again before whipping it off and smacking him gently with it. “your ego doesn’t need any more compliments from me.”
colt caught the towel in his hand and used it to tug her in closer. “maybe,” he allowed, dropping his voice as soon as she came near, “but you’re the only one i actually wanna hear them from.”
she blinked at him. her eyes dropped to his mouth. 
slowly and deliberately, he wound the towel around his hand, pulling ellie in the last few steps it’d take to close the distance between them. she stumbled forward, reaching out and resting her hands on his arms. 
colt locked eyes with her, trying to read her gaze for a sign that he should stop. but there wasn’t one.
he bowed his head and pressed their lips together again, softly at first and then, when she didn’t step on his foot and elbow him in the stomach, a little more boldly, firmly working his mouth against hers. 
ellie slid her hands up his arms and over his shoulders, pushing her fingers into his wet hair and angling him in deeper. for someone who’d only just had her first kiss, she had killer instincts -- something he was already looking forward to exploring. 
if he’d been waiting for a sign that she was the missing his piece his life had needed, this sure felt like it, or something close to it. she was both the type of girl he’d never go after and exactly what he’d been unknowingly wanting for a long time all rolled into one devastatingly sexy and infuriating package. for as long as colt could remember, he’d assumed there was something unsavory about the way he couldn’t bring himself to consider anyone else he met an equal -- like maybe there just wasn’t anyone else as smart, interesting or determined as him, but... ellie somehow managed to be all that and more. 
they had a surprising amount in common. even more surprisingly, that felt like something positive, instead of a curse. 
he settled his hands on the small of her back and pulled her in closer, fascinated by the way his thumbs touched as his hands caged her narrow waist. the urge to get her underneath him on his bed swelled until it was no longer ignorable, though just as he started to walk her back over to it, the door to the room swung open abruptly.
they sprang apart as logan stumbled into the dorm. he looked surprised to see them, but then a wide smile lazily overtook his face and he said, “woah, sorry. i can come back later.”
colt glared at him, but it didn’t stop logan from looking between the two of them with his eyebrows arched meaningfully. “yeah, you should --”
“it’s fine,” ellie said loudly, cutting him off. “is it still raining outside?”
logan blinked, seemingly noticing ellie’s damp hair and colt’s bare chest for the first time. “oh. no.”
ellie squeezed his hand, looking back at him questioningly. “walk me home?”
he exhaled, already nodding as he moved to find a new shirt. “yeah. one sec.”
“good to see you, ellie,” logan nodded, still grinning at the both of them even when colt rolled his eyes and started dragging her towards the door, “come back soon, okay?”
ellie shivered the whole way back to her dorm, making him wish he’d grabbed his jacket again before they left. it was mostly quiet while they walked, though the closer they got to the freshmen buildings the louder campus became, with the night getting late enough that people were finally starting to make their way home from the bars. 
“so much for my meeting with my advisor tomorrow,” ellie said when they slowed to a stop outside of her building, her jaw cracking with a wide yawn. he shrugged at her, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jeans.
this was new to him. part of his brain was insistent that maybe what they’d just done could technically count as a date, though that thought was admittedly a little uncomfortable to confront. 
he didn’t think he’d ever been on a date like this before, or, at the very least -- not one that he’d cared about quite so much. 
but then she smiled at him, and provided a momentary reprieve from his over-analyzing. “this was fun. maybe next weekend you can help me try something else new.”
colt licked his lips and smirked at her. “i have a few ideas.”
ellie immediately caught on to his implication and flushed pink. the way she smiled softly as she glanced away was almost worryingly cute. “we still have to finish our project.”
“i know. i’m not gonna leave you hanging.” he continued to stare down at her even as her gaze flit around the small section of campus her dorm was tucked away in, looking out over the lawn in front of her building and back to him again.
“you mean that?”
“yeah.” ellie finally looked back at him, then, and caught his eyes. he felt one corner of his mouth lift despite himself into a lopsided smile.
“you’re not gonna get kicked out of school?” something like vulnerability shone in her eyes.
“well -- not before next weekend,” colt answered obnoxiously. 
he was hoping to make her laugh, and she did. she reached up and hit his shoulder. “i’m being serious!”
“i know you are.” he paused. getting kicked out of school had always been step one of the plan. if his fucking parents weren’t going to take him seriously, he was going to have to make them -- that started with putting college in his rearview mirror, one way or another. 
changing course at this point felt like a weakness.
but she looked pretty hopeful.
“look,” he sighed, “what do you want me to say? i can’t predict the future.”
maybe it was crazy to even think about putting everything on hold for someone he’d literally just fucking met, but there was no denying the way his pulse sped up anxiously when she frowned and ducked her head to stare at her toes. 
“i’m not trying to start something that’s just going to set me up to get hurt,” ellie said. 
she had a point. he should probably let her get away now, then -- there was no guarantee he wouldn’t hurt her; in fact, it was probably a safe bet he’d do just the opposite. his life wasn’t structured to accommodate a girlfriend. 
...but maybe it was time he learned to adapt.
there were few things colt could promise her with certainty that he wouldn’t break them, but there was one thing he had absolute control over. “okay. you want me to promise you i’ll stop trying to get kicked out of school? it’s done. i promise.”
ellie blinked. she looked stunned, as though he’d said the absolute last thing she’d been expecting to hear come out of his mouth. “really?”
“sure.” the look on her face was soothing, a reassurance that despite how new all of this was to him, he wasn’t completely bombing. “as long as you’ll keep making it all suck less.”
everything had seemed markedly less annoying since he’d met her, just a week ago. classes were fun again with someone on his level to argue with, someone whose buttons he could press effortlessly and who always reacted so perfectly when he did. weekends were filled with promise, an opportunity to do something other than sulk in his room suddenly on the horizon.
time no longer felt wasted or like it was dragging at a snail’s pace -- at least not when she was around. now he was desperate for it to slow down, so he could spend even just a few more minutes talking to her, learning her viewpoint on anything and everything, figuring out what made her fucking tick.
...getting her to sigh in that sweet way she did when their lips touched.
“i think i can do that,” she smiled, setting an unfamiliar warm feeling loose within him. optimism, his brain helpfully suggested. maybe the rest of the semester won’t be that bad.
maybe this college thing had its merits after all. 
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terrainofheartfelt · 2 years
Okay, I just finished 2×06, and THE DATE feels are strong! The fact that Nate's go to identity was Dan, the (imo charged) fight on the steps, Nate picking a fight with the skull and bones group after he finds out they got Dan tied up, and the make up. It just made me so.... *squee*
Not to mention the fact that Nate ditches Chip when he finds out what he did to Dan. He just gets so pissed with Whiskers that it made me smile. That satisfaction I felt watching Chip glower while staring at Date being buds was unfathomable (and the subtext is just 👌). Anyway, just thought I would share my feels and make it everyone's problem.
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STARS!!! I love this journey for you!!! @natearchie @karadnvres we got another one!!!
This episode is so gay okay I love it. In many ways it’s the Nate x Carter x chip love triangle from 1x04 all over again like Dan & Nate become close and chip is like “what the everloving fuck is going on here” and then there’s like a chate breakup and Nate rides the train home with Dan instead??? A whole dramatic romantic arc packed into one episode!!!
And like. The Date stuff alone. Both of them confront their preconceived notions about each other bc previously they’ve been more rivals than anything else: for academic opportunities, for Serena, and this is the first point that they really connect, when Nate sees Dan as more than Serena’s ex and Jenny’s brother with the chip on his shoulder and Dan sees Nate as more than the golden boy who’s friends with The Worst Guy He Knows and exes with The Second Worst Girl He Knows and the guy who broke Vanessa’s heart. And what ho! They actually get along! And like each other (ummmm wow another 1x04 parallel I just realized)
And of course, there’s the fact that the first name Nate comes up with is DAN’S (natie, honey…) and then the whole Skull & Bones thing… Listen. Nate’s hookup (I think her name was Jordan?) gets Dan out of there and unties him and she says “My mom was in the navy.” But LISTEN. We know Nate’s a sailor, he’s been sailing most of his life (his dad goes by The Captain for christs sake), how come you couldn’t undo those knots, huh, Natie??? Maybe you were a little distracted, hmmmst??? And all capped off with “I actually think he’s [Dan] pretty cool” he has a CRUSH, your honor.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #707: The Slap (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
2:23 p.m. at Smash's Mansion.......
Bowser: ('Scoffs') I don't believe your ass already, Ridley. There's no way you actually managed to get a lady's number!
Ridley: (Glares at Bowser) Why? You think just because I'm some monsterous space pirate, I wouldn't have any chances on scoring with anyone?
Hades: (Rolled his Eyes) You practically put the words right out of our mouths on that one.....
Ganondorf: You're appearance alone does seem more threatening.in the eyes, compare to the rest of us.
Bowser: (Gives Ridley a Smug Look on His Face) We have more chances of getting any woman than you wish you can.
Ridley: Really? (Crosses his Arms Together) Then by all means, tell me what exactly you imbeciles have to impress the ladies that I don't!?
Ganondorf: Well, I have muscles, dark magic, a evil, dominate personality....
Bowser: I can kidnap any princess no problem. (Shutters a Little in Fear) As long as it isn't Daisy.....
Hades: (Puts on the Most Smug Like Grin He Ever Had) Do you have any idea who you're asking this to? I'm motherfucking Hades! I can get any woman I want with little to no effort.
Sephiroth: (Smirks Confidently While Holding Onto a Cheerful Pichu in his Arms) I'm already a fan favorite in this town. Isn't that right, son?
Pichu: (Happily Cheers) Pichu!~
Mewtwo: (Crosses his Arm While in an Uninterested Manner) Love and romances are beyond my interest......
Dark Samus: ...................................
Bowser: See, even Dark Samus gas a chance at getting more numbers than you can!
Ridley: ('Groans') Forget I asked.....All I know is that I have enough charm and personality to get as much beautiful ladies than you hooligans can ever dream of havi- (Sudden Feels Someone Tapping his Shoulder) Hm? (Turns Around at the Person) What do you- (Eyes Widened at the Person) want?
The person in question was none other than Chun-Li, who is now glaring harshly at the space pirate in complete silence.
Bowser: (Eyes Widened at the Woman Presence) Holy shit, is that Chun-Li-
Ganondorf: (Sliently Shushes at Bowser)
Ridley: (Confused at the Woman Glaring at Him as he Slowly Raises his Finger Up) Uhhhhhhh.........Can I....help you-
Then, without warning, Chun-Li suddenly gives the space pirate three, stinging slaps across the face. The third slap she delivered was so hard that it caused Ridley to crash on the club's table.
Bowser: (Immediately Got Up From the Table Along with Everyone Else) Oh shit!
Ganondorf: That escalated quickly.....
Sephiroth: (Still Holding Onto Pichu) It's more unexpected if anything..........
Mewtwo: Whatever Ridley did to her, he deserves it.
Dark Samus: ...............................
Ridley: (Groans and Winces in Pain from the Slaps he Has Gotten) What did I....do......
Chun-Li: That...was for murdering Samus' parents, you heartless monster! (Gives Ridley One Final Glare Before Walking Away) ('Hmph')
'A Bit of Silence'
Bowser: Soooooooooooo uhhh.......('Clicks is Tongue') You guys wanna talk about what just happened, or-
Hades: Mheheheheh....Aheheheheh....AH!-
Meanwhile at the Living Room.......
Samus: (Smiles Softly as She Sees her Girlfriend Making her Way to the Sofa) Hey there, beautiful stranger~ What took you so long? And where your bottle of water?
Chun-Li: I uh.... (Looks Down While Shyly Twiddling her Fingers Around) Didn't get the water bottle......
Samus: Really? How come?
Chun-Li: Well.....you see, I didn't get it because.... u-ummmm...........(Finally Sighs in Defeat) I can't lie to you like this, Sammy......
Samus: (Frowns a Little in Worry) What do you mean? What's wrong?
Chun-Li: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) I didn't go to the kitchen to get water. I....went to the dining halls to see one of your mortal enemies, Ridley, in person. A-And by seeing him in person, I mean....... slapping him across the face.....
Samus: (Eyes Widened in Complete Surprised) You bitch slapped Ridley!?
Chun-Li: I-I-I wouldn't go as far as to put it like that! But....('Sigh') If you insist, then yeah..... it's the truth.
Samus: (Almost at a Loss of Words) Holy shit.........
Chun-Li: (Immediately Feels Terrible as She Bows at Samus) Gomenasai! I didn't mean to do something like that! I felt really bad about what happened to your parents and, well, I-
Before Chun-Li could even finish her sentence and much to her very surprise, Samus gives her a sudden yet loving and passionate kiss on the laps, which lasted about a few seconds before she slowly pulling away.
Samus: (Takes a Deep Breath Before Speaking) I love you~
Chun-Li: (Immediately Blushes Bright Red) Really? I-I-I mean!.... Y-You're not... really mad at me?
Samus: What? (Chuckles Lightly) Of course I'm not mad at you, 'hon. I was more surprised that you actually went over there and did it if anything. That and....(Smiles Softly While Blushing Herself) It really made me happy that you did all of this for me. I mean, I know everyone else in this mansionwould've done the same for me, but..... I'm still thankful.
Chun-Li: (Stares at Samus for a Few Seconds Before Smiling Softly Herself) Sammy~ You don't need to thank me for something like that. I just....Did what I thought was right....or at least justifiable. I mean, really, take it from someone who dealt with someone taking their love ones away from them in a young age. Or.....more so.....(Frowns a Little) a father......
Samus: (Begins to Frown as Well) Oh no. I'm so sorry. Who was the guy who did that to you?
Chun-Li: ('Sigh') An evil dictator name, Bison. Hate him with a passionate.....But at least he's finally dead now. So I don't have to worry about him anymore.
Samus: That's good at least. Again, I'm really sorry you had to go through with all of that...... Losing your own father and everything......
Chun-Li: (Smiles Softly) It's okay, Samus. I may still miss him to this very day, but......in a way, his passing......kind of helped that there's more to life than just mourning and being miserable. I may had some stressful times along the way, sure, but....thanks to a few of my closest friends, colleagues, and Li Fein, I still manage to pull through in the end and I'm proud of myself for that.
Samus: (Smiles Softly) As you should be. You are the Strongest Woman in the World after all. (Winks at Chun-Li)
Chun-Li: (Giggles Softly While Blushing) Oh geez....People still call me that nowadays?
Samus: Oh definitely. You do have some impressive feats in your arsenal.
Chun-Li: Maybe. (Gently Holds Samus' Hand with Two of Hers) But I believe you're just as strong as me and any woman in this world. I know losing a love one and...even living with someone who harmed them in the first place, can be pretty tough at times. But as long as you can help your head held high and keep living life to the very fullest, I'm positive you'll continue doing just fine in this world. Don't you think?
Samus: (Simply.Nodded in Agreement) I understand it completely thanks to you. And hey, if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to and all of that, I'm always here for you.
Chun-Li: (Happily Nodded as Well) Thank you so much....... S-So uh....
Samus: Hm? What's up?
Chun-Li: After that kiss you gave me.....(Starts Blushing Again) You really meant it when you said you love me?~
Samus: (Starts Blushing Herself) Oh! Uhh.....Yeah. I....guess I really did. (Chuckles Lightly While Rubbing the Back of Her Head Back and Forth) Sorry about saying it out of nowher-
Before Samus could even finish that sentence, Chun-Li pulls her in and gives her a loving, passionate Kiss on the lips. Causing the Bounty Hunter's blush to turn bright red.
Chun-Li: (Pulls Away From Samus For a Few Seconds While Giving her a Playful Smirk on her Face) Don't be. I love you too, Sammy~
Samus: (Almost Speechless) C-C-C-Cool- (Gets Pulled into Another Kissing Session with the Strongest Woman in the World)
Hades: (Continues Laughing his Ass Off at Ridley) AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
Ridley: (Sighs in Annoyance as He Rubs his Slapped Cheek Up and Down) Are you done laughing now or-
Hades: (Holds his Finger Up as He's Still Laughing at the Still Annoyed Space Pirate) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ('Inhales Deep Breath') AHHHHH!- (Suddenly and Finally Calms Himself Down) All done now.
Ridley: Finally-
Hades: HA! Now I'm done.
Ridley: (Growls at the God of the Underworld)
Ganondorf: Okay! As entertaining as that situation was, I think it's about time we start figuring all of this out.
Bowser: (Smirks Smugly at Ridley While Snickering) Yeah. Like wondering what you did to piss off "the Strongest Woman in the World"
Ridley: (Glares at Bowser) I DON'T KNOW, OKAY!? Seriously, she just slapped me and blamed me for killing Samus' parents-
Hades: Which you definitely did, by the way.
Ridley: SHUT UP! A-And another thing......(Starts Getting Flabbergasted) I-I didn't even know the woman who Samus was!!
Ganondorf: Yeah. How does she knows who the Bounty Hunter is anyways?
Mewtwo: They're in the romance relationship with one another.
Ganondorf: (Turns to Mewtwo With Genuine Surprised in his Eyes) Wait. Seriously?
Mewtwo: (Simply Nodded) That's right. Why else would a veteran Street Fighter go as far as to slap someone like Ridley across the face three times? It's one of the many ways for any partner to defend their love ones honor, after all.
Bowser: Huh. (Chuckles Lightly) Well, good on Samus for scoring someone like her.
Ridley: (Still Irritated).Yeah. Sure. Good for her. Who gives a shit!? I'm still in pain here!
Hades: Oh give it a rest already, you blantent pussy. So you got bitch slapped by your arch nemesis' girlfriend. Big deal! You can just walk it off and-
Before Hades can finish his sentence, one of Dark Pit's girlfriends, Misako, comes out of nowhere and gives him a hard hitting punch in the gut, followed by a flying kick to the face by Kyoko, another one of Dark Pit's girlfriends, instantly causing poor God to fall down into the ground in utter pain.
Hades: (Groans in Pain)
Misako: (Walks Up to the Beaten Hades) That was for making our Angel Boi watch Boku no Pico, jackass! (Gives Hades a Middle Finger Before Walking Off)
Kyoko: (Turns Away While Crossing her Arms and Following Misako Behind) ('Hmph')
Sephiroth: (Still Holding Onto a Giggling Pichu) Well, what do you know? Another unexpected chain of events.
Bowser: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah. And it's two for the price of one.
Hades: That brat.....punched me in the gut......Why.....Why would she punched me in the gut?........
Ridley: Not so funny getting your ass kicked, doesn't it?
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monotonous-minutia · 3 years
DORILLA IN TEMPE (in a nutshell)
(contains spoilers)
Dorilla, a princess, in love with Elmiro (soprano or mezzo-soprano)
Elmiro, a shepherd, in love with Dorilla (mezzo-soprano)
Nomio, Apollo disguised as a shepherd, also in love with Dorilla (mezzo-soprano)
Admeto, the king, also Dorilla’s father, presumably single (bass)
Eudamia, a nymph, also in love with Elmiro (mezzo-soprano)
Filindo, who apparently doesn’t get a title, in love with Eudamia (mezzo-soprano)
Act I
(A pasture outside the palace)
Elmiro: Dorilla! I love you!
Dorilla: Elmiro! I love you too!
Elmiro: Well glad we got that established right off the bat, usually the mezzo has to battle a little bit more.
Dorilla: Nah, you’re cute.
Elmiro: But what if…this was all a dream and you didn’t actually love me.
Dorilla: Oh, come on now.
Dorilla: Elmiro, hide before my dad sees us hanging out together! He doesn’t know about us!
Elmiro: Fiiiiine.
Dorilla: So, dad, what’s this terrible news?
Admeto: I just saw this giant snake hanging around the shore and it’s destroying everything in its wake!
Dorilla: That’s terrifying! But don’t worry, I’m sure the gods will protect us.
Admeto: Well, we’re about to find out. I’m going to consult the Oracle to see what we need to do.
Dorilla: Ooooh can I come?
Admeto: Sure, let’s get going. Oh, hey, Nomio.
Nomio: Good morning, your highnesses. Dorilla, don’t you look lovely this evening?
Dorilla: I do, don’t I? Come on, dad, let’s go.
Nomio: Wait, so what’s this about a giant serpent?
Admeto: Yeah, there’s this monster hanging around and it’s starting to terrify everyone.
Nomio: What if I killed it?
Nomio: No, really.
Admeto: Well, sweetheart, if you were to kill it, I would certainly come up with some grand reward for you.
Nomio: Cool. Consider it done.
Admeto: Sure, kid, sure.
Nomio: Now that they’re gone I can reveal my true identity. I’m actually Apollo in disguise. I’ve come to Earth in another form to pursue my love. I do this a lot. Which obviously doesn’t invalidate what I’m feeling right now. And what I’m feeling is a great love for Dorilla, even though she’s obviously taken and has no interest in me. But that’s never stopped me before! Maybe if I kill this giant serpent, she’ll fall in love with me.
(In a sacred hollow)
Admeto: Oh sacred Oracle, we call on you to grant us your insight.
Oracle: Oh, that snake? Yeah, you gotta feed it your daughter, then it’ll leave you alone.
Dorilla: WHAT???
Admeto: Oh, the horror! My poor daughter! Well, you heard the Oracle. Come on, Dorilla.
Dorilla: Dad, seriously? You’re not even going to fight this?
Admeto: I’m a king, not a miracle worker.
Dorilla: Alas, my wretched fate! But I suppose it’s the duty of a royal daughter to obey and sacrifice myself for the good of the kingdom. On a side note, you’d think I’d get an aria here, but I don’t even get that. Sigh.
(Back in the pasture)
Elmiro: So what’s the big news?
Dorilla: Well, there’s a giant snake and apparently it has to eat me.
Elmiro: There’s got to be something we can do!
Dorilla: Well, if you think of anything, let me know. I have to go get tied to a rock now.
Elmiro: Omg this is just the worst. I have to find a way to save her.
Eudamia: Heyyyy beautiful.
Elmiro: Not now, Eudamia.
Eudamia: Come on, aren’t you done giving me the cold shoulder yet?
Elmiro: For the last time, I’m not playing hard to get. I legitimately do not like you the way you like me.
Eudamia: That’s just rude.
Elmiro: It’s the truth. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to go save the girl I actually like.
Eudamia: Ugh, men.
Filindo: Eudamia! I love you!
Eudamia: So you say.
Filindo: Aren’t you tired of Elmiro rejecting you over and over? Why don’t you return my affection?
Eudamia: Well, I never really said I didn’t, did I? (Hmm, his devotion might actually come in handy.) How about this: you spy on Elmiro for me; let me know what he’s up to. Then I’ll let you take me on a date.
Filindo: That’s kinda sketch, but sure.
Eudamia: You’re the best!
Filindo: YAAASSSS she likes me!!
(On the shore. Dorilla is tied to a rock.)
Dorilla: Oh, gods, in my last moments, can you not spare any pity for me and my people?
Nomio: I CAN (he slays the serpent)
Dorilla: OMG
Nomio: Ummmm….over here? Anyone? Anyone?
Act II
(Back in the pasture)
Dorilla: Elmiro!
Dorilla: Yes Nomio saved me!! Now you and I can live happily ever after!
Elmiro: Wait, Nomio? You mean that super hot shepherd?
Dorilla: …yes?
Elmiro: What if you go all damsel-in-distress on me and fall in love with the person who saved you?
Dorilla: Oh my god, stop being such a jealous tenor, there’s a reason they wrote you as a mezzo.
Elmiro: Right, sorry.
Admeto: Hey honey! I’ve got great news: you’re marrying Nomio.
Dorilla: Uh, since when?
Nomio: Since I saved your life from the serpent!
Dorilla: I didn’t realize that was part of the deal.
Admeto: Well, it’s only fair. It’s not like I could let you marry a lowly shepherd.
Dorilla: And what exactly is Nomio?
Nomio: A lowly shepherd who just SAVED YOUR LIFE
Dorilla: Okay, fair, but…
Admeto: What’s the matter? As far as I know, you’re not dating anyone.
Eudamia: Actually that’s not true! Filindo, tell them what you found.
Filindo: Um…
Eudamia: Do you love me or not?
Filindo: OKAY FINE so uh I kinda saw Dorilla making out with Elmiro a while back.
Admeto: Dorilla is this true???
Dorilla: Um well are you really going to trust everything that Eudamia says when she obviously has a crush on Elmiro too?
Filindo: Wait she WHAT
Admeto: OKAY WHATEVER I really could not care less. Dorilla, you’re marrying Nomio. End of story.
Admeto: I think we established pretty early on that your happiness is not my biggest priority. Now, everyone, let’s put together a big celebration to honor Nomio, since he saved everyone and is going to marry my daughter.
Nomio: Dorilla, will you join me?
Dorilla: Well, I’d rather not.
Nomio: y tho
Dorilla: I’m just not in love with you. Sorry.
Filindo: Eudamia, what was up with that? You said you’d go out with me if I helped you, but this entire time you were making me help you get with Elmiro?
Eudamia: Filindo, my heart is hurting, okay? Leave me alone.
Eudamia: I never actually said that.
Everyone: Bring on the food and bring on the hunt! Let’s celebrate the marriage between Nomio and Dorilla!
Dorilla: I guess it’s just going to be a thing huh.
Elmiro: Dorilla, run away with me!
Admeto: OMG Elmiro ran off with my daughter!!
Filindo: Don’t worry, your majesty, I’ll find them!
Eudamia: Um, what?
Filindo: You wanted me to break them up, didn’t you?
Eudamia: What has gotten into him?
Admeto: Dorilla! How dare you disobey me and run away from your husband!
Elmiro: Alas my love! Don’t weep for me! Or, well, do a little so I know you loved me, but not, like, forever.
Admeto: What the heck is going on?
Dorilla: I refuse to marry Nomio! Just kill me already!
Admeto: You don’t actually have the authority to do that, Nomio.
Admeto: But you’re just a shepherd??
Nomio: …oh. Right. Uh. Excuse me for a minute.
Eudamia: Elmiro, do you really want to just die for the sake of Dorilla? What about me?
Elmiro: Look, I’ve told you, I don’t love you. You’re a cool person, but I’m in love with Dorilla, okay?
Nomio: EVERYONE SHUT UP okay so I’m actually Apollo right so I’m a literal deux ex machina and I just saved Dorilla and I guess I just have to bless the marriage between her and Elmiro because, you know, True Love™. Also, Eudamia, just go out with Filindo, okay? We all know you have a crush on him.
Eudamia: Okay, fine.
Filindo: FOR REAL?????
Eudamia: Yeah, you’re pretty cute.
Filindo: Yeah I am!!!!
Elmiro: Dorilla, my love!
Dorilla: Elmiro, my love!
Nomio: Well, I guess it’s back to Olympus for me.
Everyone: Dude literally no one cares we all know you’re going to be doing this all over again with another girl next week.
Nomio: …that’s fair.
The end
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mazojo · 4 years
You said that Senku is in your top 3 of fave main characters you’ve watched/read. Who are your top 10?
ohHHHH BOIIII I've been wanting to answer this one since I saw you send it nonny asdfghj I love me some good ol’ ranting time and I am about to unload a lot of my trashy fingerling here lmaooo
Iam gonna consider this as main characters from manga’s/anime’s ive read because if I take into account webtoons and series or books ill go crazy ASDFGHJK, here I go trying my best not to shout about them and fail xdxdxd
10- Yamada (From Yamada-Kun and the 7 Witches): ASDFGHJK Super super super random and probably from this list the one I didnt expect I would like so much at the beginning ? but boi he is such a sweetheart and nice guy underneath it alllll, seriously I love himmm and Shiraishi is also a really close bet for this spot but gotta go with my criminal boi ya know
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9- Haruhi (from Ouran): I LOVE HER, an icon at its finest and she is the biggest mood ever ? Asdfghj name a more powerful person, ill wait 😤
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8- Phoenix Wright (from Ace Attorney): I dont talk about phoenix a lot and I feel like this is lowkey cheating considering I really got to love him thanks to the games but as it has a manga and anime I will ignore my set if rules and place him here asdfghjkl. Although Miles and Maya are also tight for my favorite here gotta give it to best lawyer softest boi in town certified dumbass, Phoenix
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ASDFGH He looks like such an idiot on that gif I love it
7- Maki (From Stars Align): as I am writting this my heart breaks a little more each and every single time so thats fun,,,,,,,,,,, Stan Maki because no man would ever measure up and jaja,......ja...... please be okay
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6- Nagisa (From Assasination Classroom): Honestly I dont talk about Nagisa enough, almost never mention him but like, he is always in the back of my mind ya know? just........... really want to rewatch it now ;w; He is such a different main character and the whole psychological aspect to it, iconic
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5- Tanjiro (From Demon Slayer): Next to Yamada, the second character I was surprised to like that much tbhhh..... I thought Tanjiro would be kind of a bland main character from the pictures ive seen and all but boi was I wrong and glad of it. I am a suckER for family oriented characters and just,,,,, bby angel deserves the world and goddammit someone please tell me he is okay? please? anyone? //rip my mental sanity 
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4- Emma/Norman/Ray (From TPN): Lmaoooo okay kinda cheating because its 3 buT hear me out xDD, I am not really sure who is the main character here (maybe Emma??) so I will just count them as a package deal because I cant just leave any of my bbys out of this ya know?? I love every single one of them so they all fit here because dAmn it I cant choose asdfghj Although Ray is kind of my fav but Norman and Emma are my precious beans to protect so yeee
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3- Senku (From Dr Stone): Wellppp as I said in my last post, Senku is such a well done main character in every aspect of it. From his appearance making him super unique to his personality and just, god everything. tbh the second and third place between him and Deku are lowkey tied but gosh Senku sir I love you
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2- Deku (From BNHA): An ANGELLL. Do I need to further expand? Although a lot of people dont like Deku that much as a main character I absolutely adore him. He has gone through so much and his character development and just.....Everything man, we always stan deku in this household.
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1- Dazai (From Bungo Stray Dogs): OKAY KIND OF CHEATING AGAIN BECAUSE I DONT KNOW IF ATSUSHI OR HIM WOULD BE THE MAIN CHARCTER BUT WHATEVER HE GEST A PASS. Ummmm anyways, yes, my husband, my world, the best of the best, Dazai freaking Osamu. I honestly dont even know why I like him as much as I do but I just know that since the moment I saw episode 1, I knew I would fall in love with this idiot. Not only is he wicked smart and cunning but everythinga about him is so interesting and enigmatic godDD, I love love love loveeee BSD, very poetic that my fav main character comes from my fav anime, its all very cinematic 🤧🤧
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Also like, a loot of honorable mentions (cough cough Yuki Sohma and Momiji cough) because I wasn't sure if they were considered main characters or more like, secondary ones. I tried considering the ones that were perceived as the main focal point of the plot but I left out a lot of my bbys ;w;
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halfblood-fiend · 5 years
Fictober 2019 - Day 9
From The Fictober 2019 event <3
Prompt 9 : “It has a certain taste to it.”
Fandom : Star Trek: Voyager
Words : 927
Warnings : none, sorta a companion piece to this, where Giana makes banana bread
“It has a certain taste to it.” - Vorik x Modern!OC
“Okay, corazón. You ready?”
“If you are asking whether I am prepared to be underwhelmed and unsurprised,” came Vorik's voice from his study down the hall, “then, yes, I am.”
“You ready to get your ass kicked?” I countered, setting the glass baking dish on the island countertop with a roll of my eyes. That was gratitude for you. You slave away all day and only get sarcasm for your efforts. Typical day on Vulcan.
The guest of honor sauntered into the kitchen fidgeting with a holo-emitter. I caught him out of the corner of my eye when I checked on the sauce and took out plates.
“I know you’re not going to keep working while we’re eating,” I warned him. “Not after I worked literally all day to make you this stupidly complicated recipe—which, by the way, did you only ask for it because it was so complicated and you assumed I would mess it up by making it from scratch?”
Vorik's face was a mask of innocence, but I could feel the tug of amusement in the corner of our connection that gave him away. “You asked for my favorite meal, and I gave it.”
But the unspoken answer was, yes.
“You’re on thin ice,” I whispered to him before I gave him a kiss on the cheek on my way to grab serving utensils.
He peered with calculating interest at the b’lltarr as I served it and poked the thick, jagged noodles with his finger when he thought I wasn’t looking.
“The consistency looks correct; a detail that is usually difficult to master,” he commented somewhat begrudgingly. “However, you promised it would taste better as well, being handmade out of ‘natural’ ingredients and not protein synthesizers.”
“Can I also assume I shall be able to taste the ‘love’ in each bite?” The ghost of a smile tugged at the corners of his lips and I had to pause the bask in its glory for a moment.
But then: “You'll taste something if you don’t stop giving me this attitude, but I promise you won’t like it.”
I heard the soft exhale of breath, faint, almost like a sigh, which was the closest he ever got to laughing. “Any other threats before we get started?” he asked, setting his holo-emitter aside to pull out forks from a drawer.
“Yes. One. If you don’t say something nice to me about this meal, I am going to start crying.”
I took the saucepan from the stove and spooned the viscous, bluish liquid over the noodles, paused, then added a dollop of sauce in the corner of each of the plates and smeared it artfully. There. Plated and everything. Like a professional.
Vorik gave me a bemused look but knew better than to comment.
“Okay…” I picked up a plate and offered it to him, sucking my lip between my teeth. “Homemade b’lltarr. As promised.”
He kept staring at it and moving the plate in his hands as we took it to the table, but our bond was left frustratingly colorless. Vorik gave no indication of any kind how he might’ve felt about it and that made me wholly nervous. Not just because b’lltarr was the single most frustrating thing I’d ever made (I had to throw out two attempts at the weird noodles because I missed taking them out of the steamer by a few seconds each), but because I really wanted him to like it.
Shockingly, it was hardly about ‘winning’ that ancient bet anymore. I just wanted to make him happy. Or as happy as he could be, anyway. Despite the doctrine of IDIC and it being a hundred and fifty or so years since Sarek and Amanda had first lived here, I knew many of his peers were giving him a hard time about me while we lived on Vulcan, whether they said so outright or not. While Vorik didn’t mention it much, choosing to spare his anxious wife most of the details, I knew he dealt with other’s disapproval to his face a lot more than I did. And I knew it was much more difficult than he let on.
Vorik tasted the sauce separately before taking a tentative bite of it all together.
“You added something to this.”
I pressed my hand to my heart, laughing, “Oh, you caught me. My secret ingredient was poison. Now I’m gonna make off with your estate and become the mysterious widow down the street.”
He shook his head and tried the sauce again. “It has a particular taste to it… Is that…did you put Terran chipotles in this?”
My entire thought process spilled out in a rush of words, “Ummmm, yes, because everything is better with chipotle in it, y’know, and I thought the redspice that was supposed to be in here was a little bit bland, I dunno. So I added the chipotle I had too. It’s, like, a Vulcan-Human fusion now! I thought it’d be sorta cool. Is that…okay?”
“It is satisfactory.”
I let my fork clink to the table. “Woooow. It’s gonna be like that, huh?”
Saying nothing else, Vorik continued to eat the rest of what I served him. Our bond was blank and his face was composed.
“So, is it better or nah?” I finally asked.
The Vulcan swept from the table and served himself more, and I guess that had to count for something. No one got seconds if the food was awful. When Vorik returned he held his fingers out to me. I pressed the pads of my own fingers to his and warm-colored affection blossomed over our bond. Without realizing it, my lips settled into a soft smile as calm washed over me.
“Are you ready, ashayam?”
I started. “Ready? Ready for what?”
“To prepare this again for my parents.”
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Survey #255
“who gives a fuck if they hate you; you’re the god that they pray to.”
How many pillows do you sleep with? Two. Could you go a day not talking to the last person you kissed? It would suck. What was the last song you listened to that made you cry? I didn't like, sob, but "Another Life" by Motionless In White does it. Your ex REALLY needs you at 3am and you have a way to their house would you go? Well, I can't with Sara considering she lives two hours away, and that's by plane. If she lived here, duh. For Girt or Jason, yes. Without saying any names what is one thing that you would like to say to someone(s)? I'm sorry. Would your parents get mad if you got drunk while they were present? No. Would you date someone who lived in another state? Eh, maybe. I don't know if I want to do long-distance again. I mean I probably would, but idk. Are you friends with your ex? Sara and Girt, yes. Who is the person you last texted? Sara. When’s the last time you told people you were fine, but really weren’t? I dunno, I honestly don't lie about that often. When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face? Months back when I found out the shit my therapist said about me and disability. Not only did I want to knock her jaw off, but I sobbed for like, a long-ass time. Who did you spend your summer with last year? Just Mom, really. ... Or wait, maybe that was the summer Sara was here??? My memory is such shit, idk if that was last year or the one before. What’s bothering you right now? Stress about dropping out. Have you lost friends in the past year? I don't think so, at least. Have you and the last person you kissed ever talked about going out? We did date. If the person you’re dating said they were falling in love with you, what would you do? I'm not dating anyone. Who was the last person you were in love with for more than a year? Sara. Do you have a secret life? RP stays a pretty big secret. Have you ever seen the last person you kissed without a shirt? Yes. Do your parents know EVERYTHING about you? No. What are you watching? Nothing rn, surprisingly. I'm listening to music. Are you friends with your best friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend? She's single. Don’t tell me lies, is the last person you texted attractive? Yeah. There’s a serial killer in your house, what do you do? Jump out the window. If the last person you kissed went back to their first love, what would you do? I think I am hers. Do you own any bug spray? No, not currently. We need some damn wasp killer. Every spring/summer, they build a nest literally right above our back door. Are you a good gift giver? Honestly think I'm really good at it. I always try to put a load of thought into it. What's the longest trip you’ve ever been on? The drives to either NY or Florida. I can't remember which is further. Are you a daughter or son-in-law? No. Do you know anyone in the military? Multiple people. Do you like your significant other's siblings? N/A Have you ever received a singing birthday card? Yeah. Those always suck when you open them and boom, loud singing to an obnoxious song. Do you own anything made by APPLE? My iPod. Have you ever tried Hamburger helper? Yeah, that was a semi-frequent dinner as a kid. I never liked it that much, though. What was your first car's color? N/A Do you have a best friend? Ye. Do you remember who your Kindergarten teacher was? I do. Do you have a favorite president? A least favorite? No, considering I don't know enough about any and their policies. Can you french braid? No. Were you ever a girl scout or a boy scout? I was as a tiny kid. I met my first best friend that way. What's your least favorite color? I'm just gonna use the very basic colors: yellow or green. Do you know anyone in jail? Not currently. Do you have kids? Ew. What's the strangest name you’ve ever heard? Apples. Yes. I'm serious. How old were you when you learned to walk? Idk. Do you own anything made of lace? Yeah. What's your favorite football team? Idc. What kind of bubble gum do you chew? Just about any. Fruity is my favorite. Do you wear a one-piece bathing suit or two-piece, a speedo or trunks? NOBODY needs to see me in a two-piece. Did you go to your senior prom? Yes. Do you support a charity? Well of course. I used to give coins to those super-old charity things for sick kids back in the day, but I can't remember the exact charity it was. I also donated hair to Children With Hair Loss a couple years back. I haven't donated to any other that I know of bc no personal income and I don't ask my parents for money really, but boy have I wanted to. I always use that Facebook feature where you pick a charity to share and ask for donations for your birthday, though; I've done the Trevor Project and one for pancreatic cancer in honor of my grandmother. I don't remember the others. Do you pop your knuckles? EW no please don't in my presence @ Sara. Do you scrapbook? No. I just don't have the creative drive and dedication to. If you could change your eye color would you and to what color? A much brighter blue. Have you ever had braces? For a long-ass time because we couldn't afford to take them off. One tooth is pushed too far back because of it. Imagine your dream home, does it have a fence around it? No. I want to live in the woods where *that's* my yard. When were you the saddest in your whole life? 2016 OH WOWIE WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have you ever seen a ghost? I definitely believe I have. Are you a virgin? No. How many books do you read a month? I like, just started reading again, so I can't say. Can you type fast? Very. In school were you bullied? I'm extremely thankful I wasn't. Have you ever swam in the ocean? Yes, I love it. Do you own a boat? Not me myself, no. Dad does. What about a camper? No. Do you read the newspaper? No. Are you on any teams? Team Mystic in Pokemon Go *waggles fist @ criticism* If you died today where do you think you’d go? Idk. Who really knows what happens when you die. I hope it's some serene existence, but, *shrugs*. Do you know anyone who is pregnant? Ummmm I don't think so. Who is the first contact in your cell phone? Best friend! :') What color are you bed sheets? The one I'm using now is light blue. Do you use online dating? I cannot FUCKING believe I was briefly on Christian Mingle I would actually rather die- How often are you sick? Extremely rarely. Did/Do you miss a lot of school? Eh. I had my mental health days and had to leave early a lot. Do you like scented candles? Yeah man. When was the last time you were told you were pretty/beautiful/gorgeous? When I recently changed my FB picture after forever. Do you hate the last guy, other than family, you had a conversation with? No. What’s the last thing that made you laugh? Roman being silly. If someone were to ask you out right now would you say yes? I don't know. Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? Yeah. Name four things you want right now: My fucking tattoo updated laksjdlflw, a healthy goddamn weight, my laptop, and a tarantula omg. Do you prefer to hold or be held? I mean, it depends on who we're talking about. I guess generally held? Are you currently wanting any piercings? You have no idea. Are you afraid of falling in love? Very. What was the last thing that made you feel like your life was complete? lol I've never felt that. You ever slept on the floor with someone you liked? Yeah. Do you still speak to any of your classmates from elementary school? Off the very top of my head, no. Does it take a lot to make you cry? NOPE. What is the wallpaper on your computer screen? Why did you choose it? One of my favorite pictures of Teddy, because I adore and miss him. Is there a pattern on the pants you’re currently wearing? Which one? Plaid. Do you like going to baby showers? Do you go only for the cake? I mean, not especially. They're crowded and it's a bad association anyway since it was the last time I hung out with Jason. The cake is indeed the best part, lmao. Mexican food, Chinese food, Italian food, French food or American food? American. What is the color scheme of your absolute favorite fast-food restaurant? Red, yellow, and blue. Do people ever ask you to do things they’re too short to accomplish? Very rarely. I'm not all that tall. Is there carpet or hardwood floor in your bedroom? Carpet. Do you believe in superstitious things such as breaking a mirror? No. Do you get sick of people who call themselves bipolar all the time? As someone who is bipolar, very much so, yes. Ever have an ultra-sound performed on you? What was it for? Yes, for my liver. I was fine. Do you like those "end of the world," "Armageddon" movies? Not especially. Ever been choked severely on something during lunch at your school? No. Do you remember who you sat next to in Kindergarten? Who was it? No. Has anyone ever compared you to an animal? Which one(s)? No. Do you eat more vegetables or fruits? What’s your favorite fruit/veggie? Fruits, by far. Strawberries and broccoli. Something on the human body that grosses you out the most: This is not intentional or meant to be discriminatory of those with 'em, but penises literally repulse me visually. Do you like meeting new people? What’s your most common greeting? Yeah, even though I'm scared. I think I say "hi" or "hey" most. What is something that bothers you about most surveys in general? Extremely heteronormative. Would you survive if zombies were to take over the world? Why or why not? HA no. I'm an anxious mess that is not fast or nimble in any way. What is your favorite color of apple? Red, green or yellow? I like the reddish/yellowish ones. Do you live anywhere near a mall? Maybe like, 15-20 mins away. If you were dying who would you say goodbye to first out of everyone? My mom. Are you someone who actually likes to babysit children? NO. What’s your favorite lunch meat, if you even like any in the first place? Honey ham. Would you rather write with a pen or a pencil? Why is this? Pencil, by far. You can erase. Scibbling stuff out looks messy. Have you ever wanted to be in a band? What position exactly? I am NOT kidding: one of the motivating factors of me going back to public school after 8th grade was the idea of making new friends and maybe making a band to be the guitarist lmfao. Who is your role model or hero in life if you have one? I have multiple for different reasons, but #1's gotta be Mark, man. Were you a really mean kid or a sweet and quiet kid? I was a really friendly kiddo. Do you keep secrets from your parents that you don’t keep from your friends? I don't think so. What is your father’s best friend’s name? Do you know them personally? Idk who that would be. Ever submit a video to America’s Funniest Home Videos? I don't believe we have. The most painful medical procedure you’ve ever had? Jesus fuck, I wouldn't wish having an infected cyst drained without NEARLY enough numbing medication on the goddamn devil. Are you someone who likes to eat Poptarts? What’s your favorite flavor? Yeah. I like the chocolate sundae one most. Ever have a dream you’re being abducted by aliens? Was it scary? No. What is your favorite flavor of Doritos? What do you drink with them? MMMMMMMMMMM cool ranch. Usually soda with chips. What is your favorite nickname you like to be called? Why do you like it? Ozzy. *shrugs* I like my online nickname and the "y" added sounds kinda affectionate ig. Do you already have your outfit for tomorrow planned out? I don’t plan my outfits. Has your favorite song ever been featured on a commercial? No. What would you say was the best year of your life? Why? 2017. SO MUCH DEVELOPMENT AND HEALING!!!!!!! Have you ever been pulled over by the cops for speeding? No. Is anyone in your family a firefighter? Who is it anyway? No.
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stevieang · 5 years
May I Have This Dance?
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston RPF x Plus-Size Reader Insert
Word Count: 2100
Warnings: If too much sweet fluffiness isn’t your thing, then keep on going.  This is full-on no-holds-barred fluff.
Tags:   @3dsaunt  @andiyholly  @averyrogers83  @babybluesunsets @bettercallsabs @brittyevans  @brookebarnes @captain-rogers-beard @cecygee​   @csrfavs​   @docharleythegeekqueen​  @dorito-distractions​  @everythingisoverrated​  @fabicchi​  @favhearts​  @flawless-disaster​  @gifsbysimplysonia​ @hazeleyedgirl7​   @hennessy0274-blog​ @inumorph​ @jaguars2007​  @jaamesbbarnes​ @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety​  @janeyboo​ @jouhainak​ @learisa​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @lilylovescomics​   @lojo83​   @lookwhatyoumademequeue​  @lostinspace33​  @madicardi​  @magellan-88​   @mamapeterson​   @me-a-hopeless-romantic​  @meyoko10​  @mindingmyownbusiness​ @mizzzpink​ @neverleturheartshow2​  @nomadicpixel​  @part-time-patronus​ @patzammit​ @pinkieandthebrain1​ @redqueen1221​ @rosiethebaker @sebbytrash​  @sgtjbuccky​  @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​  @stark-spangled-banner-man​  @st-eve-barnes​ @stillherebiandabitch​ @sunriserose1023​ @suz-123​ @the-real-kellymonster​    @tutis24​ @winterismyfavoriteseason1945​  @winters-beauty​ @yaykitty3​
Summary: Two of your best friends are getting married and you have the honor of singing at their wedding.  At the reception you’re approached by a famous friend of the groom, Tom Hiddleston.  Much polite flirting ensues.  Will there be more to come?  (That’s not a rhetorical question, I’m honestly asking for your input about whether I should write more.)
A/N: This is my first RPF.  I missed writing WAY more than I thought I would, but life had me completely inundated and unable to do anything but get through what I needed to everyday.  I missed my Tumblr family, I missed creative thinking, and I hope this lives up to what you’ve come to expect and like from me.  Thank you in advance for your time and kindness.  Constructive, kind feedback is ALWAYS welcome.
Oh, and endless thanks to @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ for just being there whenever I call.  She’s too good for words.  Well, my words, anyway.
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“Excuse me, but would you care to dance?”
You were fully engrossed in the game you were playing with the ring bearer, flower girl, and other assorted guests’ children and hadn’t bothered to turn at the sound of the voice.  By the time you felt the gentle but noticeable tap on your shoulder, you had long-stopped wondering who had asked.
“Excuse me? I’m sorry to bother you, but - “
“5-4-3-2-1 Ready or not here I come!”  You slowly and dramatically turned towards the giggles and titters of little voices, slid your hands down over your closed eyes, and widened your stance to catch the little buggers.  As you opened your eyes to scan the room and made unconvincing assertions of how quickly you’d win, you barely caught yourself from plowing into the tall, lanky man who did not try in the least to conceal a smirk.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry.  Did I bump into you?”  Your momentary distress quickly morphed into nervous laughter as you realized with whom the gods had chosen for you to cross paths with.
“Nope, not even a little.  I’m the one who should apologize to you, as I’ve clearly interrupted a highly competitive game of hide-and-seek.”  You snickered and shrugged your shoulders as the back of your dress and each of your hands were unceremoniously yanked by little people who had yet to learn that patience is a virtue.  Maybe that’s why you enjoyed being around children so much - you hadn’t learned that particular lesson yet, either.  
You mouthed “sorry” as you turned your head away, and saw him shake his head, appearing to chuckle as he took off his glasses to clean them.  As he turned towards the other guests, you fell back into the seedy underworld of high-stakes hide-and-seek, but you weren’t likely to forget that moment any time soon.
Tom Hiddleston had just asked you to dance.
As the night wore on, you lost the company of your young compatriots as their parents collected their offspring, thanked you profusely, and carried them off. You were grateful to return to the grown-up world and quickly sought out the bar.  As you sipped on the best gin-and-tonic you’d ever had, the newlyweds and some members of the bridal party found their way over and a chorus of memories, laughter, and challenges rose up.
“C’mon, please?!??!  You can’t say no to us tonight, we’re protected under the “we just got married” statute.  Please????” The drunk pleading by the newly Marrieds almost made you snort Bombay Sapphire out of your nose.  
“You’d better be grateful that I’m in such a good mood.  Give me a minute to go over and introduce myself then I guess I’ll make sure I’m not held in custody on the ‘You Said No To The Marrieds’ statute.”
After a few minutes of getting redirected at each attempt to get away, you took the microphone and cleared your throat.
“Excuse me, folks.  I know you may have had your fill of my singing voice after the wedding today, but I’ve been asked by the newlyweds to close out the night by singing one of their favorite songs, which to be honest, is also one of mine.  I’m told that I cannot deny this request, as it is part of the canon of newly-married law, and since both of them are lawyers, I guess I have to comply.”  As the pianist started the intro, you closed your eyes and swayed.  This one earned you lots of applause (and much-needed gigs) in college, and the words poured out without thought.
The very thought of you and I forget to do
The little ordinary things that everyone ought to do
I'm living in a kind of daydream, I'm happy as a king
And foolish though it may seem to me that's everything
The mere idea of you, the longing here for you
You'll never know how slow the moments go till I'm near to you
I see your face in every flower, your eyes in stars above
It's just the thought of you, the very thought of you, my love
When the last notes faded along with your voice, the remaining guests whistled and cheered.  Your blush quickly faded as your best friends, including the bride and groom, tackle-hugged you and walked you off the stage in a laughing huddle.  You thanked every person that was kind enough to compliment you, and smiled dreamily as you saw the unmistakable frame of the famous actor in the room talking with your best friends.  
As he saw you approach, his smile widened and The Marrieds followed his gaze to you.  He excused himself, gesturing “one minute” while he visited the bar, and quickly returned on his trajectory to you, now with a bottle of water in his hands.  It seemed to roll off his impossibly-long fingers while his other hand gently encircled your wrist.  You were feeling the effects of the performance high, your drinks, and the long happy day at the same time, which loosened your tongue.
“Thank you very much.  I know etiquette requires me to sip daintily, so you'll need to forgive me while I down this in a less-than-ladylike way.  Please don’t tell my mother.”  His laugh was a rolling baritone, easy and well-practiced, accompanied by eye contact that would usually make you turn away from its intensity.
You checked him out as you tried not to gulp.  Thankfully you didn’t choke or need the Heimlich because drinking bought you a minute to wonder what in the hell Tom Hiddleston wanted with you.  Was he trying to return something you dropped? Was he going to compliment your singing? You weren’t quite drunk enough to ask outright, so you capped the plastic bottle and smiled.
“Thank you, that hit the spot.  It was nice meeting you, but I think I’m going to head back….” His smile dimmed a bit as he recognized your attempt to leave. Reaching out, he quickly spoke over you so you wouldn’t end the sentence.
“Ummmm, no.”
Awkward silence. Crickets.
“Excuse me?” Tentacles of weirdness raced up your spine. Sweat formed on the back of your neck as you formulated your escape plan.
His nervous laughter caught your attention. “I mean, yes, it’s nice to meet you, too and you’re welcome, but….”
Your eyes followed his as they cast downward and then popped back up with a shyer, smaller smile.  “I’d hoped you’d have a dance with me.”
Cue full-on tipsy giggles. “I’d love to, but it seems the band is packing up.”  
He let your wrists gently drop and practically leapt over to the bandstand.  After a few minutes of bowed heads, covert pointing, and close talking, he returned with the smile you’d seen projected on a 50-foot screen.   With a short bow, he held out his hand.
“Problem solved.  Now, if you would be so kind as to dance with me?”  
You put your hand in his as he led you to the nearby dance floor.  You remained completely clueless as to what alternate universe you had fallen into. Maybe you were dreaming.  You’d have to pinch yourself to find out, but Tom didn’t give you the time.  
He pulled you closer, placed one hand respectfully on your thicker-than-average waist, and, taking your right hand in his left, placed it on his chest. You looked up and could not hold back soft laughter.  He quietly asked what you were thinking.
The band was doing a sweet rendition of “Wonderful Tonight,” and you hummed along.  As he turned you slowly, the distance between you lessened.  
“Nothing, just having a wonderfully unexpected dance with a world-renowned actor.  It’s how I normally spend my Saturday nights.”  He leaned back to make eye contact, smiled, and returned to twirling.  His hand had worked its way further around your waist and your hand that was not on his chest had moved to cup the back of his neck.  As the last twangy notes played, you tried to pull away, to quickly gloss over any awkward goodbyes, but he held fast.
“I sound like a broken record, but thank you.”  His face quickly changed from dreamy to serious, which was disconcerting.
“What?” Your face belied your urgency to cut to the chase and say goodnight.
He stepped back and moved his hands to your wrists, his light touch giving you goosebumps.
“I’m curious - why do you keep trying to leave? Have I offended you somehow?” His eyes locked on yours, a sincerely curious look on his face.
“No, of course not, but I figured you needed to go and I didn’t want to make anything awkward.  I avoid awkward at all costs.”
“If anything, leaving would be bittersweet. I was hoping you’d have a drink with me so we wouldn’t have to broach that subject yet.”
Your neutral expression masked your shock.  It was a practiced response after years of suppressing laughter when your students did something hilariously inappropriate.  He didn’t press, didn’t ask again, didn’t change his mind.  He simply waited and looked, bringing front and center how uncomfortable it made you to be seen.  
“Let me freshen up, and I’ll meet you in the bar downstairs in 20 minutes or so?”  You giggled, again, as he bowed and kissed your hand, taking your leave and saying goodnight to other guests.
You started to sober up as you took the elevator to your room, took a shower and threw on the outfit you wore to the bachelorette party 3 nights earlier, thanking God you had sent it out to be cleaned.  By the time you made your way downstairs, you felt more like yourself, more in control, less starstruck.
You smiled tiredly as he stood to greet you, offering you the outside seat on the banquette.  It was late enough that you didn’t need to shout, and you had just the right amount of attention from the waiter and bartender, without attracting fans.  You shared your plan to stay in the area for two more weeks, visiting friends and seeing the sights, while he mentioned he was going to be in town for a few days, as well.
You sipped on a delicious champagne Tom suggested and asked him something that had run in and out of your mind since the days of your high school obsession with Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables.  
“Tell me how you split yourself between the real you and the part you’re playing.  I’d guess that every part you play contains some small piece of you, but how do you reconcile that with being “just you,” being the person that your family and dearest friends know? Is it difficult to become someone else and then return to everyday life?”
He listened, smiled softly, and sighed.  “You’ve just asked the same question that was posed to the very first people to pretend in front of others.”  He went on to explain about the psychological work he has done and still does to prepare for roles, the time it takes to transition back and forth between roles and real life, and some funny stories about times when he’s mixed up the two with memorable results.
The familiar chuckle snapped you out of your reverie.  You saw his loose curls move side to side and wondered why he had stopped talking, then realized you’d yawned several times in a row.  “I’m sorry, I heard what you said, but I think your voice lulled me into another state of consciousness.  It’s very soothing.”
His smile was bright, but tired.  “Are you saying I put you to sleep? Guess I’m not as captivating as I’ve been led to believe.”  He cut off your attempt to explain.  “I’m sorry. I know I’ve been going on but you’ve struck the mother lode - asking an actor about how they prepare psychologically for their life’s work is a question worthy of a monologue.  Didn’t mean to hypnotize you.”
He silently covered your hands with his as you brought out your wallet to pay for your drinks.  “Please, let me.  I invited you, remember?”  Your nod was followed by evidence of your stubbornness.  “Thank you, I’ll just leave a tip, then.” He stood as you did, steadying you while you took your leave.
“Thank you for the dance, and the drink, and the conversation, Tom.  It made this gorgeous day even better.”  You kissed his cheek, noticing he closed his eyes while you did.
“Thank you, as well.  Tonight was an unexpected delight.  Would it be alright if I asked to see you again?”
You smiled and sighed.  “You have my number.”
Chapter 2
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staliasjeronica · 5 years
Riverdale 3.18 Thoughts *Spoilers*
First of all, I have not seen Riverdale in like a million years because it has just gotten so crazy and stupid and I’m sick of Bughead and Hiram for some reason going after his daughter for one stupid thing and it’s just repetitive and boring. Like, I have watched SO many greater shows since I just stopped caring to watch, but I heard that Bughead will break up and Jeronica might become actual friends, and that Hiram is arrested, and shit like that, plus the first episode of the fourth season is a tribute to Luke so I feel obligated to catch up before then to watch it. Either way I hate not finishing a season, especially after watching it for two whole seasons now, so… enjoy my technically not-spoilers since it’s been out for awhile thoughts on this episode of Riverdale! P.S. Bare with me if I have forgotten anything since it’s been awhile.
- AWW NO I REMEMBER THIS THOUGH, POOR BABY TEETH :( He was such an adorable little shit he didn’t deserve this.
- Oh yeah FP is the Sheriff… and Jughead is at a crime scene even though he should not be allowed there (Even if the gang is like… sheriff’s in training or whatever the fuck) Still not sure how I feel about FP, and I can’t wait for my rightful queen Toni to rip the serpents from Jughead’s cold dead hands (even though he’s obviously not dead)
- God damn Betty and Edgar again… she still bothers me. Does she realize that looking up his name might not get her anywhere because he’s not famous and therefore won’t have anything on him? I mean yeah maybe small town shit but like she’s acting like twenty million pages of him and his cult should be on the web.
- He walked in the desert to die? Psh alright… sounds stupid as fuck. He acts like farming opened his eyes to how beautiful life is like… chill bruh it’s not that amazing. I mean, it is, but he’s making it out to be like this BIG BIG thing when it’s not… burying and watering seeds doesn’t make you feel reborn.
- Betty had a point about it not telling her about how her mom can see Charles (even though I know he’s alive lolol we all knew)
- Oh yeah Archie got that one place from Hiram… but that dumb bitch asking how they can honor Baby Teeth as if he doesn’t know that you could simply just… stay silent for a few minutes to mourn, or shit like that. But my boy Mad Dog can also dedicate his next match to him too lol
- My baby Veronica!!! Love my queen. CHERYL!!!!!!!!!!!! MY OTHER QUEEN. FANGS MY WHITE COVERED BABY!!!! Poor Toni watching her gf be hypnotized by a fucking cult
- Oh good a horrible plan from Jughead that will probably induce Betty to do something stupid and awful and then pretend like she can do it because she’s Betty Cooper… can’t wait…
- Like, they could have tried it out with Fangs/Kevin because they KNOW that Midge is dead.
- Betty still has that video lol wow what a conniving bitch of a cousin she is. She said she deleted it, and they’re trying to make it out to be a good thing that she lied about a video…
- Veronica my queen,,, I hate that they tie her to Elio’s annoying bitch ass.
- That body does not fucking look like Baby Teeth,,, anyways
- I mean a human could do that lol you just mean that they don’t have a care for anyone. If this weren’t human, they would be like burned from the inside or some insane shit like that… stop being dramatic doc
- Alice! I miss the old her, before the writers decided to try and destroy her. But lmao this news broadcast tho
- Still can’t believe that they made out Betty and her father’s budding relationship a good thing. The fucking… WHAT? Why? How? Literally stop. Thank GOD Hiram or Penelope ends up murdering his ass…
- GOD I mean I get it, Cheryl needs to be brought back but that would be too convenient wouldn’t it… I’m sorry it’s fabricated??? Omfg “have you ever hugged Jason?” CHERYL’S PAUSE. SHE GOT TO HER FOR A SECOND GUHFADSBFKSFHAKSJ
- If this didn’t work with Cheryl, this won’t work with Alice. But Betty doesn’t communicate with people so she wouldn’t know. Also, there’s no date on it so like… she’s bad at making Charles’ gravestone look real. Like, I already know that she’s undercover with the FBI with Charles bc yeah but like… why wouldn’t they just loop Betty in? She could finally back off and stop getting into people’s business.
- AH THERE’S THE STUPID BETTY COOPER ACTION THAT IS NEVER NECESSARY TO ANYTHING!!! Fucking Betty, you chloroform your fucking mom???
- Archie basically calling himself Jughead… ew… Jughead could never
- I know it’s going to happen but I don’t want Varchie to get back together.
- SHE EVEN FUCKING CUFFED HER TO THE BED OH MY FUCKING GOD send Betty to an actual psychiatric hospital far away, not only because then she won’t be in the fucked up town of Riverdale and actually get help, but because then the show could actually give other actors more screen time
- This literally seems like an evil villain showing the hero their backstory… also Alice gotta point she got the news job because of the farm. Betty we know you never think things through, just stop you’re soo fucking bad. Why does her crying for Betty’s 8th grade graduation mean that she’s not who she is now? That has NOTHING to do with her at the farm??????????? Why does she say “that was the past” like it changes nothing why you acting like it does?
- Betty all of your points really are so traumatic for Alice. Like, yeah I get it you and Polly were raised there but she married a fucking murderer and yet this is all about you. I mean, it makes sense but they make Betty push it so hard that I root against her.
- If I were Alice, I’d be so fucking horrified of my daughter. Like, she has done so much shit to her, and yeah Alice has done bad things too but at least she’s being brainwashed (? bc she’s undercover and not able to get out of her cover?) Betty should not be so okay with fucking chloroforming her own mother.
- Betty really acting like this is all on her huh…. I mean literally bring other people into the plot it’s not that hard to actually make it interesting and share the screen time
- Ummmm alright. Also why would you let her take “G” or whatever the fuck??? ALSO JUGHEAD WHY THE FLYING FUCK DON’T YOU TELL YOUR DAD THAT IT’S YOUR FUCKING MOM???
- Evelyn get the FUCK away from Toni. THE ICONIC LINE “Bitch, I love her.” fsjdkhfhaskjfdhsf
- MAD DOG!!! Of course Randy is taking drugs. I mean, that’s cheating so just tell the news and get him disqualified and you win… easy. My boy is NOT taking drugs.
- JELLYBEAN!!!! AND RICKY!!!! I mean yeah they’re both little shits but uhhh that’s kinda sweet
- Lmao how did she start burning those pictures tho… I mean good for her but like… how?
- Betty… threatening to kill someone is NOT a good thing. Get some fucking help. Like, she’s not even scary. Does no one remember how sweet she used to be? I’d be so fucking concerned for her.
- Ew, kombucha? Cheryl, the farm doesn’t need you for brewing kombucha lolol
- FANGS!!!!!!!!!!! But isn’t he a part of the farm when did he get messed up into this boxing shit tho? DID HE EVEN KNOW BABY TEETH? I mean, yes baby get  screen time, but???
- Edgar saying that Betty is a good person… sksksksks since when? And of course she’s afraid of her daughter, she literally doesn’t care about anyone but herself or Jughead and that is not good. I mean poor Betty for having to hear that but Alice isn’t wrong.
- Did… Did Betty not listen to those tapes at all? I know Edgar is a cult leader and therefore he tricks people into doing and saying what he wants but he never said SHIT to turn Alice against Betty. Betty’s doing that all by herself. He literally said that Betty loved her… he’s right you have given her so many reasons to fear you.
- Betty knows that a therapist is to help people? Then why the FUCK doesn’t she get an actual therapist? She desperately needs it.
- Edgar is actually pretty good with words tbh… but then again he kinda has to in order to be a cult leader
- So no one at the Farm is going to get her arrested for kidnapping? FP would have to arrest her lol but alright
- Varchie FRIENDSHIP is cute but I don’t want them to get back together ugh I know it happens but NOOOOOOOO why does the CW always ruin everything good?
- LUKE!!! 😭😭😭😭😭
- Evelyn really trying to make herself the most hated character by breaking up the best couple lol but I’m so disgusted bc I know that Toni ends up actually wanting to be in the farm… if I remember correctly…
- I mean you’re not a MONSTER, Betty, but you’re an awful person.
- I don’t like Kurtz but I really like the actor for him.
- PLEASE TELL ME MY BOY DIDN’T TAKE DRUGS. AWWW JOSIEEEEEEEE I miss her so much she and Archie deserved better.
- When Betty actually does the right thing (having a change of heart for the good) ssksks I’m not used to Betty actually using her brain. It makes it worse that it’s only because of a cult leader but uhhhh
- THE REF SHOULD BE ABLE TO CALL THE DISQUALIFICATION??? That’s so cheating and that is so fucked…
- Also I love that Archie still has the fake serpent tattoo.
- LMAO FUCK YOU ELIO, EVEN DRUGS CAN’T GET YOUR PEOPLE TO WIN. oh… of course he’s gonna fucking die.
- Ugh I forgot that The Gargoyle King was a thing. It’s just so fucking stupid…
- Poor JB,,, anyways go to your dad to help
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eddiemunscns · 2 years
50 - 60 for an oc you don’t get to talk about a lot? :)
I'm doing this for my girl Charlie since I just revamped her a bit!
50. How attentive is your oc? How perceptive are they? How easily do they get distracted?
I think Charlie is pretty attentive. She's been told she's a really good listener before. Perceptive, however, she is not. She can be extremely oblivious at times. At least when it counts anyway. She's pretty focused when it's something she's interested in. Otherwise she has zero attention span haha.
51. If your oc were to receive an award for something, what would it most likely be for? Have they received any awards in the past?
Ummmm this is a really good question actually! I'm not sure. In the past, she was on honor roll pretty much all of middle school and high school. When Dustin was way younger he definitely made her something that said "Best babysitter" on it. And she will fight to keep that title from Steve.
52. In what ways does your oc cope with anger? How easily angered are they? Do they lash out?
Ummm not well at all! Charlie is the type to keep it bottle up until she basically explodes.
53. If your oc was to host a podcast or TV show, what would it be about? Would your oc actually be good at it? What sorts of guests would be on it?
Charlie would definitely host something Buzzfeed Unsolved-esque. She's all about murder mysteries, serial killers, and conspiracy theories!
54. How would you describe your oc's voice to sound like? Do you have any voice claims for them?
She really just sounds exactly like her FC Diana Silvers, haha.
55. How sensitive to sound sound is your oc? Do they prefer constant high background noise, low background noise, or complete silence?
Charlie blares her music all the time on her stereo. Her mom tells her she's going to go deaf one of these days pretty frequently. In regards to background noise, it depends on what she's doing. She definitely needs some sort of background noise though. She hates complete silence.
56. What is your oc's favorite color? If you had to choose one color to represent your oc, what would it be and why?
Charlie's favorite color is a toss up between red and blue. She won't wear them at the same time, but she likes both colors paired with black. I definitely associate her with orange because she loves Halloween!
57. How good is your oc's eyesight? Do they wear glasses? Do they need glasses? Do they have some form of night vision?
Charlie has perfect eyesight!
58. How would you describe your oc's appearance to someone who's looking for them? What features would be most identifiable?
"I'm looking for a short brunette who constantly looks like she's silently judging you."
59. How good at cooking is your oc? What can they cook/what is their favorite food to cook?
Charlie is god awful in the kitchen. She once almost set the house on fire trying to make mac n cheese.
60. How good is your oc at keeping track of time? Are they always late, always early or always right on time?
Charlie is pretty good at keeping track of time, she's always right on time to wherever she needs to be.
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