#anyway. cannot stop thinking about the horrible games of exchange that the show sets up. saving your loved ones costs you your friends.
tortoisesshells · 1 year
Flynn & Lucy 23. while we slept
first off: I really meant this to be a happier thing! But I got in my head about it, and. Well.
to be a living thing (Timeless, T, Lucy & Flynn mid-season 2/post "The King of the Delta Blues", ~850 words, warnings for Lucy wondering about the Grandfather Paradox of time travel verging into nearly suicidal ideation.)
In which Lucy looks to Flynn for companionship, even as she weighs up whether she'll be able to walk away from their war on Rittenhouse alive - or even having existed, to begin with.
She hasn’t been sleeping well, Lucy Preston thinks, staring at the cold featureless concrete ceiling of the Bunker – she hasn’t been sleeping well for some time. She keeps a notebook of this, and things like these: a diary of useless little wakefulnesses, the things she thinks about where it is just her and the spidering crack above. Amy. Her mother. Dad, so far back in the past he seems less real to her than – than Abraham Lincoln – whose grey matter she still shudderingly thinks she can feel on her, months or years later. How she has cut innumerable alleys through time, and ducked through them, and yet the past she had is still stubbornly out of reach, and though her hand (of its own accord, it seems) goes again and again to her locket, it does not seem any longer to be a living thing.
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I Spy
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Pairing: Frankie “Catfish” Morales/Fem!Reader (AFAB, no y/n)
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: Brief mention of bad(abusive/manipulative) parents, general adult topics, swearing.
Summary: You meet a cute guy at a bar, you date, you fall in love, and oops, it turns out you’ve both been lying about your careers. Classified only stays classified until you get assigned a mission together. (SpecOps&Spies, with Young!Frankie)
A/N: Hey guys, I was bad and started another fic. Whoops. This one is for Triple Frontier because I love that soft boi Francisco. The flavour of this fic, the vibe if you will, is basically the spiderman pointing meme. I’ve vaguely set the timeline to like mid-2000s? so I’ll be trying my best to stay true to technology and aesthetic of the era. There was so much denim. Anyways, that means I’m trying to write for about a 27-33 year old Frankie and a similarly aged reader. I don’t see this series being more than a couple chapters at best, so it’ll be short and sweet. Also, like, very little angst if I can help it; I just want this one to be a good, cute, fun read. Hope y’all enjoy! Xoxo
“So, you’re coming out tonight, right? You’re not busy or anything?”
“Please don’t say it like that, you know how busy work actually is. And I’m a grown woman; if I didn’t want to go to a shady dive bar with you and your very loud friends from the office, I’d say so,” You loved your best friend, and you missed spending time together, but you really couldn’t say the same for her co-workers.
You had nothing against the women she worked with, and you found that they were all perfectly lovely and usually quite fun to be around… it was just that when the alcohol came out, the volume control and verbal filters disappeared.
You wouldn’t say that barhopping was what you’d prefer to be doing tonight, along with more or less babysitting your friend and her friends, but you didn’t know when you’d next be able to squeeze in a night off to just hang out and have fun, so this was happening. You would laugh and smile and keep the drunk secretaries from going home with questionable people, and then you would look back on your ladies’ night with fond memories until you could eventually attend another.
You had known when you picked your career that it would be an around-the-clock, all-day, every-day sort of thing. You never deluded yourself into thinking you would have much of a social life or long-term relationships. Most partners, hell even most friends, would have a problem with you jetting off for weekends, or disappearing for days at a time under mountains of paperwork and appointments.
It just made your best friend that much more important to you. You’d met as kids, went through years of school beside each other, hung out, did stupid teenager things and then stupid young adult things together. You’d cried and laughed and fought and made up a million times, you’d gone to different colleges and still kept in touch, moved away, moved back, and you were still going strong. She was your ride-or-die, your anchor and your parachute and everything in between, so if you could use some of your precious, hoarded, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it time off to see her, that’s just what you’d do.
“You should take some of that fire, and direct it at your boss. Tell him no for a change. I’d love to see his face at that!” She meant well, always trying to look out for you and your health when it came to your beyond demanding job. You weren’t even allowed to tell her a fraction of what you were doing in your professional life, and she knew it, but that didn’t stop her from being ready to throw fists at your employer at a moment’s notice.
“One does not simply tell the über-rich that they don’t need to fly to Paris, again. Being a PA is a full-time nannying gig, except your charge is an adult who can argue when you say no, and you cannot put them on timeout when they’re being a brat. Where he goes, I go, and unless something drastic happens, it will probably continue on like that for a while.” She laughed at your jokes, and your heart hurt a little less at her glee. You knew she would never give up on you or blame you for your work being unpredictable, but that didn’t make the sting of last-minute cancels and missed outings hurt any less, for either of you.
“But it must be nice, just getting on a plane and going somewhere amazing at the drop of a hat. Travelling the world like a superstar, meeting people, having amazing adventures with mysterious strangers…”
“Easy there, Mamma Mia, your wanderlust is showing. And I’d take you with me in a heartbeat if I could. You were born to be a jetsetter, not to be stuck in this town with nothing but the office cubicle beside you to stare at. And I still think you should apply for one of those immersive culture grants you keep mooning over. They’d be fools not to fund your writing expedition!” She was an incredible person, three full degrees to her name in the time it took a normal student to get one, and a brain that could run miles around the rest of the professionals in her field. But she was tethered to this quiet backwater town, and she wasn’t free to fly like she deserved.
“You know I can’t just… go, like you can. My mom, it’d just break her heart… I don’t want to leave her alone, not after Dad,” You honestly doubted that you’d ever meet a woman more horrible and undeserving of her own daughter’s kindness. Helen was a parasite full of lies and manipulations and greed, and she had attached herself like a bad rash to your friend after she’d chased away the rest of her family members.
Your friend searched for the good in everyone, but you wished she’d stop looking for it at that home.
“You deserve your own happiness and freedom, and she should be encouraging you to spread your wings if and when you’re ready.” Politicking your friend was never something you enjoyed. She was the last person you wanted to use your negotiating credentials and sly subterfuge tactics against, but you wanted, needed, her safety and health more. You considered it almost bribery; dangling her dream future in front of her in exchange of being rid of the garbage in her life.
“Hey now, we’re getting way too deep into sad-drunk night conversations, and this is strictly a happy-fun-drunk night. Please leave all baggage and woes at the door, thank you!” You admitted your defeat and surrendered your verbal power point on Why Helen Needs to Disappear. You would get her next time for sure, give her the accelerant to burn down that bridge. “Anyways, the reason I called was to remind you of our haunt for the night. One of the girls, Kelly, you remember Kelly, found this adorable little hole in the wall. A total boys’ club apparently: darts, pool, sports games on the TV, but Kelly’s sister’s friend’s brother Tyler said the place was a favourite of the local army guys. So, if nothing else, we’ll at least have some hunks to look at for a while. It’ll be great!”
You jotted down the directions to the bar as she listed them, and the time you were expected to arrive there.
“Oh! And wear that cute little blue number you bought last spring; I know you still have it so don’t you dare lie. It makes your ass and legs look divine, and I think you could stand to make a new acquaintance tonight.” That Little Blue Number was buried in the back of your closet where you had hoped it would remain forever, but luck was not on your side tonight it seemed. But it did make you look, and feel, fantastic.  It was just so… breezy. “And heels! Real ones, not your cute little personal assistant kitten heels. Those black strappy ones would work like a dream!” You just sighed dramatically into the receiver and agreed to her demands.
“I’ll let you go now, and yes, I suppose I can be presentable tonight, dress and all. See-ya later!”
Hole in the wall was right. This place was basically underground it was so on the D.L. It was warm inside though, and in the middle of autumn with so much skin on display, you could not be more pleased to get away from the chilled outside air.
You would describe the interior as comfortable with a hint of rustic; lots of warm dark wood and low lights, mixed with the soft Latin music crooning in the background and the few patrons’ conversations adding to the ambience.
All in all, it was probably the nicest dive bar you’d been to in your hometown.
Your party was easy to spot where they had claimed a group of pushed together tables towards the far side of the establishment, and you carefully made your way over to them in your tricky high heels.
You said your hellos to returning faces and introduced yourself to the new additions, and accepted the chair you were pointed to and the drink pressed into your hand.
And so, the hours rolled.
You had enjoyed two fruity cocktails and a flaming shot before you called it quits on the alcohol for the night. You still had a few hours to sober up enough to drive home safely, and you would be able to help the girls get to their rides and ways home too. You appreciated having a social drink or two, but you didn’t care for hangovers and would happily take slightly tipsy over party-hard drunk anytime. Plus, your contract stated you were on-call, always, and you could be required to navigate high-stress negotiations at the drop of a hat. It was just better to cut yourself off, then reap the consequences of your actions later.
You tapped your friend’s shoulder as you walked past and leaned over to talk into her ear. “I’m getting some water for the table; do you want anything else?”
“Mmmm, no I think we’re good for now, thanks!” She was plastered already, but she had a huge grin on her face and was laughing at her co-workers’ stories, so you considered it a win of a night. You gave her a pat goodbye and swayed your way to the bar.
But you just were not accounting for the uneven floorboards, or how much your heels affected your currently less than steady equilibrium, and before you could blink you were teetering over into a nasty fall.
“Whoa there, easy does it, muñequita” Arms wrapped around you and pulled you back into a warm chest. “Careful now, don’t go twisting an ankle in those fancy shoes.”
You certainly did not account for the man you turned around to face. Wow.
His hands glided respectfully from where he had caught you around the waist to your still bent and held out elbows, steadying you as you swayed dangerously again.
Warm brown eyes, soft brown curls, and the sweetest smile you’d ever seen. It felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest, and you knew that it wasn’t left over adrenaline from your near wipeout. He was gorgeous and handling you so gently, and you wanted to spend forever in that moment.
“Hey there, palomita, I’m Frankie, can I buy you a drink?”
[Next Part]
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jinmukangwrites · 4 years
Whumptober Day 24
Blindfolded | Sensory Deprivation
Note: might continue this one if enough people yell at me. Do not ask to be put on a tag list.
Warnings: Torture of a minor, blackmail, blood, violence, vomit, more tws in tags
Summary: Slade blackmails Dick into joining him. Things go downhill for Dick when Damian tries to get involved, and Slade decides the interference is a perfect opportunity for a lesson in torture.
The gym is the only place in this entire mansion where Dick feels safe. Or, at least a little in control of his life. It's been months since he's sold his freedom, and while he's allowed free reign of the entire building excepting the west wing and the basement, there's hardly anything he can do in any of these empty rooms besides glare holes in the walls.
At least, while he's in the gym, he can pretend the faceless punching dummies belong to Slade Wilson. 
Because fuck that guy. 
It's the safest place in the mansion. It's the only place he's allowed to work himself up to the point of hitting, kicking, and screaming. As long as he doesn't harm the equipment or himself, Slade doesn't care what he does in here. Granted, if he shows his frustration too much anywhere, Slade will use it against him. Which is probably why whenever Slade needs something from him, he looks for him inside the gym.
So maybe it's not the safest place in the mansion.
But it’s still better than cold, empty rooms.
And Dick doesn't really care anyway. Everything stopped being safe the moment he was pinned to the carpet of his own apartment and whispered to that… that…
His knuckles ache. The punching dummy just wobbles, and Dick wonders what would really happen if he tore it apart. 
He doesn't even get to entertain the idea of slamming his fingers into the tiniest weakness of the padded fabric to rip it at its seams, because before he winds up for another punch, the sound of heavily booted footsteps make themselves known behind him. 
Which definitely means something is up. If Slade wanted to come in here just to mess with Dick, he could have easily left his movements more silent than a moth's wings. He punches the dummy, wipes sweat from his brow, then turns to glare at his captor. 
It's not Slade who looks back, but Deathstroke in full attire. 
Something is definitely up. 
"Apprentice," Deathstroke says smoothly, sending chills of annoyance down Dick's spine. He hates everything about this, but Slade refusing to call him anything other than apprentice or boy is just an insult to injury. It's like Slade owns him. Like Dick doesn't have a right to any other name. 
However, instead of lashing out like he oh so desperately wants, he straightens his posture, flattens his expression, and brings his hands behind his back to grasp onto each of his wrists. 
Time for the most humiliating thing of all of this. His mouth already tastes disgusting. 
Dick can't see Slade's face under his mask, but he knows the other man is grinning. It's been months, and Slade has yet to tire from Dick's discomfort. 
"Tell me," Slade practically purrs, folding his arms across his chest and looking too relaxed. "Do you remember the conditions of your stay here?"
What's Slade's game? Why is he bringing this up now? Dick grinds his teeth for just a second before forcing himself to respond. 
"I do what you say, when you say it, and immediately follow any and all orders without question."
"And in exchange?"
 Now Dick can't help but feel a little bit of his uneasiness show in his face. He swallows and shifts his feet. 
"You won't detonate the bombs."
Dick can practically smell Slade's smugness as he asks "and where are the bombs located?" 
Dick takes a deep breath. "Inside the skulls of Jason, Tim, Cass, Duke, and Damian."
How Deathstroke got the bombs inside all of their heads, Dick will never know. All he knows is that he came back from patrol one night to find Deathstroke sitting on his couch, the X-rays of each of their heads sitting on his coffee table. Of course, he didn't know it was their heads until he was overpowered and manhandled to the ground so Slade would explain it all too happily. 
Dick doesn't know what Slade's plans are this time around. He hasn't done anything besides force Dick to train in various forms of combat. He hasn't said anything about joining his mission or killing people or… or anything. Just training. Dick's beginning to think he just enjoys having power over Dick. 
"Come," Slade says, forcing Dick from his thoughts, "I have something I need you to do."
Dick forces himself to nod, and not question why Slade brought the bombs up. He simply brings his hands to his front, unwraps the tape around his knuckles, and follows along even though the sweat sticking under his workout clothes is uncomfortable and he'd much prefer a shower before dealing with whatever Slade wanted from him. 
The walk through the mansion halls are as lonely as always. Dick's sure that even if Slade wasn't a jackass with the thirst to kill for money, this place would still be empty. The entire mansion was built somewhere within the Appalachian mountains, practically in the middle of nowhere. Hidden expertly within the trees and designed to be practically invisible to any eyes traveling above. To get here, they had to take a helicopter. 
A helicopter. Dick cannot stress that enough. 
He lets his mind wonder as he follows Slade. It's probably for some sort of training exercise outside. Maybe he's being brought to the gun range? He tries to tell himself it's nothing, but there's still an inkling of unease in his gut. 
Why did he bring up the bombs?
Slade suddenly comes to a halt, and it's all Dick can do to not slam into his back. He stops and looks at the door Slade stopped in front of with widening eyes. 
The door to the basement. 
One of three places Slade has forbidden. 
Slade doesn't bother with any dramatics like locks or passcodes. No doors are locked here. Dick knows better than to push anywhere he's not supposed to. 
The literal heads of his family are on the line. 
He watches with a horrible emotional cocktail of nervousness and curiosity as Slade turns the handle and opens the door. There's nothing special right away. Just stairs leading down into the shadows. 
"Follow," Slade says, and Dick does. 
The travel down is… uneventful to say the least. Nothing to see besides stone steps and gray walls. However, Dick quickly becomes aware of a drop in temperature. A dramatic one. One that seeps through his sweat soaked clothes and straight into his bones like freezing little needles.
It's when they reach the basement floor he realizes why it's so cold, dark, and secretive down here. 
It can hardly even be called a basement once Dick gets a good look. 
It's more like a dungeon. Long hallways, iron doors with iron bars, dim candles built into the walls… 
It's Slade Wilson's personal prison. 
Which is strange, because Slade doesn't often take prisoners. Dick's normally the only one to own that title when it comes to Slade. 
Slade doesn't give him a chance to really take in everything and just continues down into the dungeon, passing door after door, each holding just glimpses of various dangerous looking tools and chains and contraptions… ones that have Dick's head spinning just by thinking about the range of torture that can be performed in each room.
His bewilderment must be more obvious than what he meant it to be, because Slade turns to look at him and lets out a chuckle.
"You have questions," he notes. 
Dick swallows and turns his head from the doors. He forces himself to look Slade right in the eye. Or… the hole where his one eye is hidden under.  "… I do."
Deep breathes. "What is this place? Why are we…"
Slade chuckles and turns away, grabbing at a ring of keys from within one of his pockets. It seems the no locked doors policy doesn't apply down here. "I didn't plan on taking you down here so soon," Slade explains, turning down a seemingly random corner. "I planned for you to know this place… intimately… soon enough. Except, well, something came up. And I supposed this portion of training could begin a bit earlier than planned."
He stops in front of a door, one that's more heavier fortified than the rest they had passed. The iron widow on the door is covered by a steel plate, possibly making the inside completely shrouded in darkness. 
Dick watches with growing anxiety as Slade pushes the key into the door, turns it, then steps back to allow Dick a clear, complete view on what's inside. 
His stomach twists violently. His breath leaves his lungs like he's taken a violent blow to the gut. 
There's chains hanging from the center of the dark room, shackles locking tightly over clenched, bare wrists. There's a boy hanging from them, his uncovered toes just one chain link away from having enough purchase to let his heels touch the grime covered ground. He's not wearing a shirt, and his pants are torn near his knees. 
Wrapped around his eyes is a blindfold. Over his mouth is a painfully tight looking leather gag. Locked over his ears is a pair of what is definitely sound canceling headphones. 
Dick finds himself backing away, his heart in his throat, but he quite predictably runs into Slade's chest. He can feel every single one of his nerves twist violently as Slade wraps his fingers around Dick's biceps to keep him standing there, in the doorway, with the perfect view of his littlest brother hanging in chains. 
Then, his eyes slide to the side of the room where there are metal tables set with… with tools. Knives. Hammers. Whips. Pliers. Brands. 
He almost chokes on his tongue when Slade leans down so his mouth is right by Dick's ear. "He tried to fight me all alone on my last visit to Gotham, demanding to know where you are. I easily took him down, but he needs to be taught a lesson, don't you think?"
Slade’s last trip to Gotham was three days ago. Has Damian been here… hanging here for that long?
"Slade…" Dick whispers, shocked that his voice still exists at all. 
The hands on his biceps tighten. 
"Master-" Dick quickly corrects himself, but it doesn't fix a single thing. Stirn, unmoving hands begin to force him to walk forward until he's fully inside of the cell, able to smell the faint reek of a child's sweat, and the smudges of blood that stick to his skin. Dick clutches his fists so tightly he can feel his fingernails threaten to break skin. The closer he gets, the more wounds he can see on Damian's mostly naked body. 
Slade was careful taking him down. 
"Now here's what you're going to do," Slade growls while Damian continues to hang there. Blinded, deafened, gagged, helpless, probably completely unaware that they're in the room. He lets go of Dick's arms and walks towards Damian. He curls a hand in Damian's hair, causing the boy to tense. 
Dick wants to scream. 
 "You're going to do exactly as I say with no back talk." Slade tugs on Damian's hair, causing a muffled grunt, before he taps the pointer finger of his free hand right onto Damian's left temple. Right where the X-rays showed where the bombs were implanted. "Or else."
Dick can hardly sort his thoughts. He can barely breathe. All he can focus on is the hand in Damian's hair, watching as Slade pulls his head back so his neck is exposed, showing the beginnings of an Adam's apple that bobs nervously. 
"Master-" Dick gasps, he can't even keep his voice even. 
Slade squeezes his hand in Damian's hair, causing Damian to bend backwards even more and release short, almost panicked breaths. The sensory deprivation must not be doing any favors for him. The way his toes barely touch the ground doesn't even allow him to feel for vibrations. 
"Pick up the knife, boy." 
And something shatters in Dick's chest. "Please, Master- I'll do anything-"
"Pick up the knife!" Slade snarls, and Dick can't help a full body flinch. "If you question me one more time, I'll chain you up to watch me break him myself. Only, if I do it, I'll make sure he dies slowly, and painfully. I won't even use the bomb."
Dick wants to cry. Instead, he sucks in a breath and turns to the table, picking up the first knife he sees with shaking hands. He tells himself that he's doing this to save Damian's life. That if he does as he's told… Slade should let Damian go. 
Teach him a lesson. Teach him a lesson. 
Slade's not sending a message. He's teaching a lesson. Which means he won't be forced to kill Damian. 
Just learn how to torture him. 
"Good boy." Dick can practically hear the smile in Slade's voice as he finally lets go of Damian, backing up so the boy is left hanging in his shackles, breathing hard and definitely fighting off anxious twitches.
He holds the knife out in front of him, the light is low in the cell, but he can definitely tell how sharp the edges are. He honestly would rather plunge this knife into his own heart than put it against his kid… but Dick has a feeling Slade wouldn't let Dick go that easily. Somehow, Slade won't let Dick die here. He'll keep Dick alive, then chain him up, and force him to watch Damian gain gruesome death that he doesn't deserve. 
He's helping Damian. He's helping Damian. He's doing this to make sure he lives. That they all live. 
So he holds the knife out in front of him, approaches, and forces his face to not show how much distress he's in. His lips wobbles, and Slade definitely notices it, but he doesn't comment on it. Just chuckles.
God, Dick hates him so much.
"Put the edge against his jaw… but don't press hard enough to cut flesh," Slade says, and Dick crawls away to some corner of his mind to do exactly as he's told. Robotically. Not feeling anything. His brain is screaming. "Run it down his neck, yes just like that. Trail the tip over his chest, not cutting, but let him feel it. Let him imagine the things it can do to him. We will prove his expectations to be underdeveloped in a minute-"
And Dick does as he's told. He trails the knife over Damian's skin, forcing himself not to flinch every time Damian's breath catches. He brushes where Slade tells him to brush, threatens with a small push when Slade tells him to threaten. 
He breaks skin on Damian's back when Slade tells him to break skin. 
I'm sorry Damian, he can only scream inside his mind as digs the blade in at an awkward and extremely painful angle near Damian's collar bone. 
The kid writhes and certainly does his best to ignore the torture… but he eventually screams through the gag. 
And Dick keeps doing as he's told. The shattered pieces of his sole are now a fine, crushed dust. 
"There we go…" Slade compliments happily, when the first tear appears under Damian's blindfold. "You're doing great, apprentice."
And it doesn't stop there. And Dick keeps doing as he's told. He keeps pressing the knife. He keeps trailing it. Tearing skin. Puncturing sensitive places. Using Damian's struggles and tremors against him. 
Like a monster. 
I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry.
Eventually, Slade finally tells him to stop. Dick backs away like Damian’s fire. He watches with wide eyes as Damian sags against the chains and heaves a shaking breath that rattles his entire blood splattered chest.
“Go upstairs, shower, and go to bed,” Slade says, putting a hand on Dick’s shoulder. Dick can’t help it, he flinches. All he can think about is how Damian is desperately trying to get a hold of himself. Unaware that the torture is over. Unaware that it was Dick who… who… who did this. Slade doesn’t seem to care about Dick’s flinch. He just tightens his iron strong grip and leans closer to Dick’s ear. His mask is off now. Dick can tell by his familiar hot breath against his cheek and ear. “You did good, apprentice. I’m proud of you.”
“What…” Dick breaths, memorizing every line of red on Damian’s skin that he caused. Dick swallows down a mouthful of vomit that tries to rise. “What about-”
The grip on his shoulder shifts, thick fingers squeeze the base of his neck dangerously. “I said go upstairs. Shower. And Go. To. Bed. The brat is no longer your concern.”
There’s a threat in Slade’s voice. One that Dick has been conditioned to immediately obey for fear of worse punishment. Fear of a button being pressed and every single one of his siblings…
He looks at Damian for a heartbeat longer; tells himself that Slade will let Damian go. That Damian will soon be back at the manor and recovering. 
Dick nods his head then turns heel, forcing that little pit of despair to turn into something that could be mistaken as hope. He walks past all the other cells, not looking inside a single door, before he’s running up the stairs two at a time and sprinting to his room.
The moment he’s in his bedroom—a large one at that, but filled with nothing but a bed and a dresser—he beelines to his bathroom and is already stripping his clothes before he can close the door behind him. He tries to wipe his arms and hands with his shirt as he takes off his garment, but he can still see smudges of red on his skin. He turns on the water as hot as it can go then collapses by the open toilet.
He empties everything in his stomach, then continues gagging every time he smells blood on his body until steam has completely fogged up the mirror.
He flushes the toilet and steps into the scalding water, hardly even noticing how his skin burns.
All he’s aware of is the red running pink down the drain, and the drops of water on his cheeks that is definitely from the spray of the shower.
He’s not sure he’ll ever forgive himself.
He’s not sure he’ll ever be able to fully wash the blood from his body.
All he can do is stand there and let the practically boiling temperature of the water assist his emotional turmoil in becoming something physical.
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bruno-in-barovia · 5 years
Session Three
We reached the village of Barovia after about a day’s walking. The place looked deserted around its outskirts. All was quiet, except for the faint sound of someone crying in the distance. We hurried along the main street until we reached a tavern called Blood on the Vine. There was a huge raven perched in the square. Come to think of it, there was raven imagery all over the place.
Anyway, we headed into the tavern and Elliott made a beeline for the bartender to find us somewhere to stay… and to buy clothing. He’d gotten some from Vasili, which meant that Opal and Haku and me were the only ones left in our skivvies.
The place was pretty empty. There were three women ogling Haku from their table and one man nursing a pint in a far corner. On that subject. My gods. This guy was the most gorgeous twunk. I cannot stress that enough. Rugged jaw, soft-looking hair to his shoulders. Oof.
Naturally, I started in his direction before remembering that, oh yeah, I’m in my underwear and the people look kind of spooked. Elliott sidled back over and suggested I step out to ease the atmosphere. I had to agree. I need clothing so badly. I notice that no one needed Haku to leave, though. They were too busy leering at him to be intimidated.
After a while, Opal came out of the tavern and suggested we scavenge through the abandoned houses in town for clothing and other supplies. I was skeptical, but she explained that it was the bartender’s idea. Off we went.
As we entered the first house, I was still miffed that Haku didn’t have to leave and was trying not to dwell on it, and maybe that’s why it didn’t register in my head right away when Opal’s foot went through a step and hits the motherlode of rat swarms. They came pouring out of there, hissing and biting, and we ran for it out of the house and down the street. I got bit up pretty bad almost right away, and the swarm followed us in this terrible furry wave as we ran for the tavern, screaming for the party as we got closer. Elliott, Lith, and Haku came running out and Lith threw a few fireballs into the swarm, which scared it off. I was feeling a little lightheaded from the blood loss. There were so many of them. Great chasm, we could have died. We could have died right then and there. I got kind of overwhelmed the more that the idea sank in. It wasn’t until Haku suggested we try the nearby store for clothes that I snapped out of it.
Five of us went to the store while Elliott headed off to do some promotional work for the tavern in exchange for a better rate on our rooms. The owner was a dick, though, and I wasn’t sure I could haggle with him over clothing. Zazear actually tried to steal some clothes off of a rack and got caught, the dingbat. Haku befriended his nephew and offered to take him with us back to the tavern for a drink. How does he do that? Well, we gave up on bargaining and headed back to the tavern.
Elliott met us on our way and handed out some pies that he had gotten from an old woman selling them in the town. They were delicious.
In the tavern, that hot twunk from before approached us. And there’s me, still bare. Ugh. I am so not on my game lately. He introduced himself as Ismark Kolyanovich. And then he said he’d like to hire us to escort his sister to another village. I guess she’s in some kind of trouble with the lord of the valley? Plus he says he’ll have clothing for us! Thank the gods!
Elliott got us three rooms in the tavern for that night, so Opal and I paired up for one of them to tend our bites and sleep. I feel pretty bad for Elliott stuck in his room with Zazear. Lith was all too eager to bunk with Haku, of course. In the morning we all headed over to the Kolyanovich house. People and wolf footprints were all over the ground.
Hot Twunk’s—I mean, Ismark’s—sister Ireena let us in, and we got some plain clothes. It’s not as good as armor, but hopefully Athros will protect me, if I’m careful.
Ireena only agreed to let us escort her like Ismark wanted if we also helped to bury their dead father beforehand. Ismark showed us to his father’s coffin, and we talked through how we would get it to the local chapel and then our party would leave with Ireena for the larger town of Vallaki. Neither of them have ever been outside of the village of Barovia before, so Ismark is operating on the idea that Vallaki will be safer for Ireena because it’s bigger, and they have no plan for any specific place for her to stay in there. I don’t think that’s going to hold up, but it sounds like these people have more pressing problems than finding a specific place for Ireena to go. The tracks outside of the house make that clear.
Ismark put on a set of leather armor while we arranged our marching order. I tried not to stare, but oof.
Haku and I carried the coffin on our walk to the chapel while the others flanked Ireena. I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary on the way, though. If Ismark and Ireena weren’t acting so skittish, it would feel unnecessary, but they’re terrified of this Strahd guy. Which makes sense, just going off of the things we saw in that death house and assuming they’re linked. Y’know, what with the statue of “Dread Lord” Strahd and all. 
The local chapel was a mess. The outside was battered, and once the priest, Father Donavich, lets us in, we could see the sanctuary was torn up as well. Yeah, that wasn’t foreboding at all. Father Donavich’s deity is a sun god he calls the Morninglord. He was acting really nervous and came across a little shifty, but it had been so long since I was in a chapel that I didn’t care.
Ismark headed out back to dig the grave for his father. Zazear ran around opening doors, while Elliott and the others worked on clearing the debris in the sanctuary. I helped Father Donavich prepare the body for burial.
Someone was making sounds under the floor. Screaming, whimpering, generally horrible sounds. Before I could ask, Elliott pulled Father Donavich into a side room. When they came back out, he looked pretty disturbed. I felt like I should investigate, but he indicated that it was better to ignore whatever was going on. For now, I agreed.
Everything seemed to be going smoothly right up until Father Donavich finished the funeral rites. Then a pack of wolves and dire wolves padded out of the mist, and this man on a fiery horse rode up out of thin air. Strahd. He looked just like the statue we’d seen in the death house.
Strahd started talking to Ireena from up there, but he kept calling her by a different name. Tatyana. Weird. Ireena replied all angry and afraid and refused to go to him, and the rest of us circled a little closer around her, ready for a fight. Then Strahd poofed into mist and reappeared by Father Donavich. He whispered something to him and then bit him on the neck. What in all that is holy? Donavich fell down as soon as he let go. Then Strahd turned his attention back to Ireena. He commanded her to come to him, and something was different this time. Ireena started forward, looking dazed. Elliott grabbed her to keep her from obeying, but Strahd poofed over, tore her away from him and poofed back to his horse with her in tow.
The wolves attacked as soon as Strahd got out of the way. I sent up a prayer and unleashed a bolt of magic at Strahd. The clearest sense of Athros’ guidance I’ve ever had came upon me and the magic tore through his chest. I almost celebrated, but the hole closed right away and Strahd just looked at me. Damn it. 
Elliott was knocked out in the fight. Strahd poofed a few more times, biting Haku and Lith. Seriously, what’s with that move? Unlike Father Donavich, though, they kept on their feet. 
Finally, Strahd returned to his horse, bit Ireena, and set her down. He turned toward us just before he left and told us to “take care of Tatyana” for him. 
We were left with our group in tatters, Father Donavich dead. I healed our wounded members. Thank the gods none of them died or I wouldn’t have been able to help. Ireena woke from her trance and claimed not to remember anything from the moment Strahd showed up.
What are we going to do now? The mission is still on, but this really proves how incapable we are of facing Ireena’s enemy to protect her. He could have killed her or taken her back to his castle, and we couldn’t have stopped him.
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hgfstreamchats · 6 years
Leo the Lion
Starscreamapillar: Greetings. Knock Out: Evening, Starscream. Starscreamapillar: A bit of light comedy before the horror sets in? Knock Out: We'll be needing it. Starscreamapillar: That's ominous. thenightetc: Hello! Knock Out: Hello, night human! thenightetc: ...Why was he naked in the first place? Knock Out: Korean spa. Unless you find it funnier without context. Knock Out: In which case, no one knows. thenightetc: Ahhhh. Starscreamapillar: . . . . . Knock Out: Understand that I couldn't *not* show this. Starscreamapillar: You are a terrible mech. Knock Out: Thank you! Knock Out: Alright, time for Leo. thenightetc: Well. thenightetc: "Is a cannibal" thenightetc: Oh Starscreamapillar: Oh, this does not bode well at all.
thenightetc: Uh. thenightetc: Look at him, he's malnourished Knock Out: Hideously so! Starscreamapillar: And then she died. thenightetc: Long live the king. Knock Out: Hah! Starscreamapillar: So he died of dehydration. Knock Out: But not before going blind from taurine deficiency! thenightetc: And HE'S malnourished, too. thenightetc: Not really. thenightetc: You can have predation, or you can have famine and disease. Knock Out: The antelope already looks disease ridden. thenightetc: oh my god Knock Out: None of us will ever be free. Starscreamapillar: Why? Why did you do this to us? thenightetc: Because elephants have doctors Knock Out: And aren't headed by the females anymore, apparently. thebes: Hello! Whoa, what's this now Knock Out: A disaster. thenightetc: It's about a vegetarian lion. Starscreamapillar: I am fairly certain elephants are not hunted by helicopter. thebes: deeelightful thebes: this looks like a terrible video game screen cap Knock Out: And as to why I'm doing this, that's an excellent question. Starscreamapillar: I sure do enjoy the flashbacks to 20 seconds ago. Knock Out: ... Knock Out: Anyway! thebes: eh, at least it's not Strawinsky and the Mysterious House thenightetc: He's AFRAID of water? thebes: apparently! Starscreamapillar: The water killed his incompetant mother. thenightetc: Oh, right. thenightetc: Alligators can come out of the water Knock Out: Shove. thenightetc: Quick question, is the movie shipping the lion and the elephant Starscreamapillar: And now a fire. thenightetc: Pfff, he's not going to die.  He's the narrator thenightetc: They were born like five minutes ago, how do they even know what a "daddy" is? Knock Out: And that a normal family just *demands* they have one. Starscreamapillar: You are asking complicated questions from a movie that seems to have been written by a three year old. thebes: this sure is how animals work Knock Out: Just take the children into the unforgiving desert. thenightetc: So he's basically kidnapping these babies thebes: There are real lions who adopt members of prey species but... they still eat meat Knock Out: Breakdown and Impact want to make sure everyone knows that that's the voice of McCree. thenightetc: Yikes. Starscreamapillar: Hopefully he was paid well for this nonsense. thenightetc: Oh my god Starscreamapillar: I am going to bet that he ends up shot by the end of the movie. thenightetc: We can hope. thenightetc: What thenightetc: Really, what? Starscreamapillar: No one knows. Knock Out: Oh please, no. Starscreamapillar: Why did this become a musical? Why? thebes: and why in such rapid succession thebes: at least space out the awful! thenightetc: "friends", i.e. one friend and five babies Knock Out: Five kidnapped babies, no less! thenightetc: I'm rooting for the cheetah to eat the monkey Knock Out: Back towards the jungle, where their parents are? Nonsense! thebes: honestly more predation in general would make this movie more interesting thenightetc: Annnd, end of the movie Starscreamapillar: If only. thenightetc: He's dead, very sad, we can stop watching these.... uh, credits. Knock Out: Maybe he would have been strong enough to crawl back up if he ate meat. thebes: his design is so weird, it's like someone made a whippet a lion costume thenightetc: Turtles don't have teeth, by the way thenightetc: Since they keep showing us them Knock Out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sM8pDH-HMc Knock Out: He's essentially this. Starscreamapillar: Yes. thenightetc: ha! thebes: "You're vegetarians, who cares what you do" is a VERY appropriate reaction to this movie Knock Out: Isn't it though? thenightetc: oh my god thebes: THAT'S HOW WINGS WORK thenightetc: Hey, hummingbirds can hover!  That means every bird can, right? thebes: Sounds legit! thenightetc: Bah, let him go thenightetc: Sleep it off. Starscreamapillar: . . . . Why? Knock Out: Why any of this? Starscreamapillar: -You- did this to us. thenightetc: Have we... offended you somehow? Starscreamapillar: They are going to steal that zebra's milk. Knock Out: Suffering together builds character. thenightetc: I don't think a zebra would have enough milk for two elephants Knock Out: ...Alright. this is horrifying. Starscreamapillar: Bring back the sex robot. It was much less disturbing. thebes: YOU ARE BOTH KIDNAPPERS, YOU DON'T GET A SYMPATHY MOMENT Knock Out: And you assaulted a mother zebra and held her daughter hostage in exchange for a crack at her udder. You're monsters. Knock Out: Leo needs to be digitally replaced with the sex robot. thebes: that'd definitely be a better movie Starscreamapillar: So the sex robot can kidnap infant animals? thenightetc: That sure is how rainbows work. Knock Out: Yes. Starscreamapillar: Perhaps the heart of the jungle is another euphamism for heaven, like with the dinosaurs. He killed them all. thenightetc: They're all hallucinating from hunger. thenightetc: Oh no. thenightetc: Protector. thenightetc: Really. thebes: right? thebes: her rhythm is awful Starscreamapillar: It just doesn't stop. Knock Out: It's a crater. Starscreamapillar: She did not say all that while falling over a cliff. thenightetc: "Just like I stole them! Knock Out: Hah! Knock Out: That sure is how post-traumatic triggers work. thenightetc: So, when Savanna gets there.... thenightetc: looking for her kids......... Starscreamapillar: They're all dead. Knock Out: Dead in the lake of mercury. thenightetc: Is that milk? Knock Out: In the original Italian version, apparently. thebes: CHEETAHS DON'T LIVE IN THE JUNGLE Starscreamapillar: They don't live in milk caves, either. thenightetc: He saida  BIG elephant thenightetc: "my babies" Starscreamapillar: Kill him. thenightetc: Eat him. thenightetc: But he's narrating. thebes: Eat him. Give his death more meaning than this entire movie has. thenightetc: He would have wanted it that way. Starscreamapillar: Otherwise the vultures will eat his remains. Starscreamapillar: Did she just raise the dead? thenightetc: I guess so. thenightetc: Or he was just asleep. thenightetc: Wow. Starscreamapillar: He demands it. thenightetc: He should have brought the antelope thenightetc: He actually SAW it Knock Out: The antelope can't even make up his mind whether he was captured or killed. thenightetc: You wanna fight the whole herd at once? Starscreamapillar: The herd is cowards. thenightetc: Guess so. Starscreamapillar: I called it. thenightetc: Heh. thenightetc: Uh. thenightetc: I called that but I'm not happy about it. thenightetc: "You're such a good dad, let's have horrible mutant babies together" thebes: okay, I have to ask, how is organic a descriptor here. What could they possibly have that's not organic in the WILD. thenightetc: Technically, salt thenightetc: Who did they kill fo rthat? thenightetc: Cheese?! thenightetc: Ice cream? Starscreamapillar: He did not say vegan. thenightetc: But where are they GETTING it? thebes: that song did NOT have to be that long Knock Out: The same place they're getting hot fudge, apparently. thenightetc: ...Also, stir-fry. thenightetc: How are the animals cooking things. Starscreamapillar: They made a terrible little camp fire. thenightetc: And where are they getting oil and utensils? Starscreamapillar: You are assuming they are using those. thenightetc: You need oil to fry things. Knock Out: It's not the most awful mystery this movie poses. thenightetc: Right, that's reserved for the elephion children. Starscreamapillar: Indeed. Thank you again for hosting Knock Out, it was just awful. I can look on my own broken reality with a better perspective now. thenightetc: Yes, thank you for.... showing us this. thebes: I choose to believe this was all a hunger hallucination from the lion and no one was kidnapped or blackmailed over the diet that should have killed him thenightetc: Maybe someone's been secretly feeding him meat in his sleep. Knock Out: I blame the antelope. Knock Out: And it was my pleasure. Immense pleasure. thenightetc: We'll get you for this, don't worry. thenightetc: *get you something nice Starscreamapillar: You are just terrible. thenightetc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97CRwd_U2FU Starscreamapillar: You cannot force me to watch that. Knock Out: DEAR UNICRON. thenightetc: :) thenightetc: You Were Warned. thenightetc: And now we all know what happened barely offscreen in-between Savanna lying down and the elephant babies appearing. Knock Out: Just fountains and fountains of it. thebes: nature: endless questions you don't really want answered thenightetc: Well!  On that note, goodnight.  And thanks for hosting! Knock Out: Goodnight, everyone! thebes: good night!
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50 Meet-Cute Couple Stories That Will Make You Believe In Love Again 
New Post has been published on https://onlinedatingloves.com/awesome/50-meet-cute-couple-stories-that-will-make-you-believe-in-love-again/
50 Meet-Cute Couple Stories That Will Make You Believe In Love Again 
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1.I was waitressing, he came in all the time with his friends. Him and I became friendly, played jokes on each other, he grew to be one of my favorite regular customers.
Then, there were a few weeks when he didn’t is an indication at all, and I realized that I actually missed him. I didn’t have any of his contact details. I told myself that if he ever came back in, I needed to take the chance and ask him out.
Next night he came in, I guess we both had the same idea. He asked me before I could. I wrote my number down on a piece of receipt paper( which he still has ), we went out the next night, and we’ve been together ever since. He’s the love of my life.
2.Way back in 1980, I was working in south FL. A guy I worked with was retiring soon and had bought a vacation cabin in north GA. He showed me a picture of the cabin and posing in front was a dark haired beauty who he identified as his daughter. I remarked she was very attractive.
Forward a few weeks and he tells me the daughter had just broken up with her boyfriend, was in the dumps, and asked if I wanted to ask her out.
We went on a blind date, were married 2 years later, and now have three grown children and scheming where to go for our 37 th anniversary.
3.We were at a business networking event where the rule was that you were not allowed to buy drinks for yourself, whatever you bought you had to put it into someone else’s hand as an opener to dialogue. So this gorgeous brunette strolled up to me, put a gin-and-tonic in my hand, and introduced herself.
Hello, wife.
4.I considered him in the grocery store, and I thought he was handsome. I approached him in frozen foods as he was looking at a 5 lb. container of chicken nuggets. I asked if he was married, and when he said no, I asked if he would like to take me out some time. He set the bag of chicken nuggets on his head like he was about to pass out and we both chuckled. We are married with 4 year old twin boys now. :) 10/10 would recommend approaching a handsome stranger in the supermarket.
5.Soccer game. I was watching my good “girl friend” at the time play. Game ends and I go down to the field to congratulate her. Asked her where the other team was from, and I never heard of the place, so I said fuck it, went over to the cutest daughter on the other team, gave her my number, and here I am 4.3 years later with a girl I hope to marry. Having a pair of balls and saying fucking it can either pay off tremendously or back fire horribly.
6.I am a Match.com commercial for the wife. I had sent her a message after her account expired. She renewed her account, got my message, and 10 years later we are married with 3 kids and a dog.
7.We were both character musicians at Disney. We danced down the street together and couldn’t even ensure each other’s actual bodies at all, but the sweaty banter afterwards did it.
8.Online dating. Moved half-way across the country to be with her. I always wanted a nerdy-gamer daughter for a girlfriend and I got my wish.
Totally worth the move.
Cannot underline how fantastic online dating is to introverts, once you get over the ridiculous sum of rejection, and had recognized that patience is your friend, and lastly, learn to be honest and put endeavour into your messages/ profile.
9.OkCupid. After wafting through about 2 years of bullshit, failed dates, ghosting, etc I messaged this daughter. At that phase I was desensitized; why bother putting endeavour into your first message when 95% of daughters don’t reply?
I hit her with some genuinely corny father joke and she did answer and giggled. We got to talking, eventually agreed to meet up for a beer.
We agreed going in that we’d began with only a beer and lay everything out on the table. If either of us wanted to cancel the date we would , no hard feelings. A brew turned into two, was transformed into dinner. That turned into a second date, then a third. The first year was transformed into a second, then a third.
Now we’re engaged and simply booked a wedding venue.
10.That bitch t-boned me. She said she’d let me take her to dinner if we didn’t get the insurance involved. Having typed that out, I now ensure I get fucked that day on so many levels.
11.Worked together. I was supposed to have a party for all people at the job. My heat went out that day so I had to cancel. She didn’t get the message and presented up. Asked her if she wanted to take some shoots of of Jack Daniel’s and get “warm”. Twelve years later still taking shots and getting “warm” on a regular basis!
12.No idea where I got the nerve but she was sitting on a blanket alone watching a group of us doing medieval combat reenactments. Didn’t get a good look at her before I plopped down beside her and said hi. She turned and smiled and I immediately supposed,” Oh hell. She is way out of my league .” Turns out I get her on the rebound nearly 32 years ago. Still out of my league.
13.I was at a birthday party for a friend. He was the friend of my friend’s boyfriend. We hit it off right away.
14.We were both in a psychiatric hospital. We’ve been together almost 13 years. I was there for depression and anxiety, he was there to avoid a homeless shelter. I know it sounds crazy, but it kinda works out for us. We’ve gotten in a much better financial situation.
15.We met at a friend’s Halloween party- I have always been a huge Harry Potter fan, and of course, he was dressed as Harry Potter. The rest is history!
16.We all met up at the home of a mutual friend to go to a festival together. I arrived first and was told to open the door when she knocked. She saw me and said “You’re not mutual friend! ” We drunkenly hooked up at the party subsequently that night and are now merrily married with children.
17.I sat in the parking lot at a gas station. He parked his truck on the corner where you aren’t supposed to park. I screamed at him. We got married.
18.College! We had a few class together and he kept staring at me from afar. I went up to him one day and said hi, he fell the bagel he was feeing and I knew he had it bad for me. That was almost 9 years ago and we’ve been married for nearly 5 years. He’s the best thing to ever happen to me…
19.Reddit, actually! We were both active in a dating sub( a sub about a dating app , not a sub specifically for dating) which objective up creating a fitness challenge( members of the general notion began as, improve yourself so you can be a better partner and find someone !) We were placed in the same fitness group and genuinely hit it off. 3.5 years later, we’re planning our wedding.
20.On the train. He was on his style back from find a client, I was on my way back from working at a trade carnival. Neither of us felt especially like talking but somehow we didn’t stop talking once we started. We exchanged numbers and kept messaging/ talking backward and forward and started dating not quite a month subsequently. That fateful train ride was 4 years ago. We’ve been happy with each other( and uncharacteristically talkative around each other) ever since and got married last year.
21.First day of grad school, she was sitting behind me and I was typing on my iPad. She showed me that if I took two thumbs and slid them apart over the keyboard the keyboard would shift and I could use my thumbs easier to type. We are now happily married and typing on my iPad is much easier.
22.In the work infringe room. He was putting a Totinos party pizza in the microwave( poor college kid) and I was like, “Those don’t go in a microwave.” Married almost 12 years now, I’m still bossy but his cook abilities have improved.
23.I had a coworker who defined me up on a blind date with his sister in statute. It was a bbq at his house. When I got there, I saw this gorgeous female with an ass so fantastic it brought tears to my eyes. And speaking of eyes, hers were magical. So bright and when she smiles, her entire face illuminated up. Unfortunately this was his wife. Her sister was nice but not for me. I thought about the guys spouse almost every day. But I never acted on my feelings. A couple of years later, he got divorced and she called me. She had been thinking about me, too. We dated for 3 months and got married.
18 years later, still going strong. And dat ass … mmm mmmm mmm.
24.She was the first person to get in my taxi the first day I started driving cab. We’re still married 25 years later.
25.We both worked component hour at Macy’s while going to school. Unbeknownst to one another, we both had a rule of not dating anyone that we worked with. I casually knew her since she was a flyer and worked different departments, but I would find her every once in a while working the department that was on the way to the punch in/ out clock. One day, while entering the store for run, she was leaving and she tells me tomorrow is her last day. I asked for her number and we’ve been together ever since. That was back in 1985.
26.She worked at the cookie store in the mall, and I ran at a knife store nearby. I would close my store for hours on end to hang out with her.
27 . She was a personal shopper at Macy’s. My mom, appearing out for her son, told this really cute girl she was helping find a jacket for to” look up my son on facebook.’
Well, she did, and 6 years later( 2016) we got married, and my mommy died 6 weeks after our wedding. She was so proud of what she did. As we sit here expecting our first infant, I wish she was here every day. She would be so proud. I miss her so much.
28.Ok Cupid. First time I tried online dating, and I was the LAST person he tried fulfilling on online dating. I didn’t put a painting up, and “hes taken” a chance anyways. Married with a kid and a home 7 years later
29.We met at work and casually dated for a few weeks before I got really sick. I was hospitalized for a while and it was very traumatic. He insisted on remaining by my side throughout the whole ordeal, and we are merrily married 10 years later.
30.A few weeks after a really rough breakup my friends decided to take me out to cheer me up. I met my current SO at the bar that night and we hit it off. I aimed up taking him home that night supposing perhaps I just needed rebound sex( I had never taken a guy home from the bar prior to this ). He objective up texting me early the next morning and we’ve been inseparable ever since. He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.
31.I was unemployed and had a job interview in the city( NYC) and was a few mins early for my interview so I stopped by a Starbucks to get a beaker of coffee( I know Starbucks is terrible but I wanted a cold brew) while on line I noticed her but didn’t do anything because I was focused on this interview. Anyways she had an issue with her order and turned around and accidentally bumped spilled her coffee all over me, she apologized and offered to pay for my dry cleaning and we exchanged numbers and talked texting and objective up dating. Aimed up didn’t going to that interview but aimed up get a better task so is not merely did I get the girl I also got a job.
32.I’m a commercial airline pilot and she’s a flight attendant. We fulfilled working together years ago when I was first start now as a co-pilot.
I’m planning on retiring early in a few years, she quit her job about 5 years ago to stay home and take care of our kids.
We own a bed and breakfast out in northern California my spouse runs while I’m away, and I’m looking forward to retirement so I can spend more time with her and the kids and helping her operate the place.
33.I was enjoying a cigarette on the smoking deck( designated smoking area) when a girl “re coming out”, sat down and said, “God dammit, fuck this.” I told her to watch her mouth. She said, “Fuck you motherfucker, I can say whatever the fuck I want to say.” We have been married for 10 years last February.
34.My church choir( college freshmen congregation) had seven women in it. I was the only human. After our first performance in a service, a girl came up and asked me who I was, and complimented me on being brave enough to sing in front of everyone.
A few weeks later she’s leading a mid-week venerate thing, and asks if I could sing something solo. I tell her yes, but I require an accompanist. She says she plays piano. I already thought she was cute, but when she started playing at our run-through, I was so breath-taken I missed my entrance.
It took me a while to ask her out, but four years later, we’re blithely married.
35.We met on Neopets as kids and became best friends. Years afterward we realized we were both into daughters so it worked out perfectly and we’re engaged.
36.Staring at her boob to drive a pervert away.
So we were in stage crew in high school. There was a healthy divide of 40+ girls and 4-5 guys including me. There was a lot of flirting, and well … Just naughty behavior all around. Usually boundaries were well respected and everyone had a good time constructing sets and props.
My friend, the perv in this story, is annoying this daughter and I can see her inconvenience. I walk over and ask what he’s doing and she responds :P TAGEND
” He’s staring at my boob and he’s not allowed to !”
To which I answered,” Am I allowed to ?”
She said yes and I proceeded to enjoy the sight of her massive boobs for a few seconds until I watch him in peripheral walk away pissed off. Afterwards, I apologize for his behavior and go back to work. She started talking to me more and eventually we discovered ourselves in a relationship now going on 7 years this July!
37.The day I gratified my husband in a college acting class. Our first class ice breaker was to walk around, and every time the prof said stop we had to stare into the eyes of the person closest to us.
We did this for 5 rounds. Guess who I had to stare at all five times?
We somehow got partnered up for our final acting scene despite not picking each other. We practiced for a few weeks and got to know each other and started going on dates after that. By the time we finished the class we were all over each other.
38.The scene: a shitty three tale home with a sinking floor supported by a makeshift pillar in the basement. Every surface is sticky.
I’m in the back, taking a break from my friends in the midst of a small party. I love them deep but also really wanted everyone to just sort of disappear for a little while. You know, how you usually feel on a Friday night that feels exactly like the last two dozen Friday nights.
I needed someone to complain to about how much I disliked everyone else at the party at that moment. Assure a cute redhead I vaguely recollected from one class and was drunk enough to launch into a little ranting without much of an introduction. Turns out she need to rant too.
39.First class on my first day in college, I see this beautiful girl waiting outside my class for the professor to unlock the door, and realise I have to be with her.
We started dating after a few weeks, and are married now.
Love at first sight.
40.We met at work! We get hired 6 months apart to design bridges and neither of us had ever designed a bridge before, although we had all the needed qualifications to make our boss believe we were capable of learning this.( In other terms, we were both fresh out of engineering grad school and had a strong background in analysis .)
Our desks were side by side, and we liked each other immediately. Our dynamic was very much” office spouse/ office spouse “. It stayed like that for two years. He was very good at designing bridges, as it turned out, and moved up speedily. I was merely ok at designing bridges, and was not moving up, so I took a chore in a different department( thankfully, I have moved up well here ), and after I left, we realized we missed each other, and started dating.
We live together now, and couldn’t be happier.( He still designs bridges .)
41.College my sophomore year. I was on the men’s lacrosse squad and she was on the women’s lacrosse team. It was the first week of school( I only transferred from another college) and I was sitting with a few people at lunch. She strolled in and I asked my friends who she was and they let me know. I said ” I’m going to end up marrying that daughter .” She had a BF of 5 years( afterward found out that he was a dick) at the time and some guy that plainly liked her said ” good luck trying to get that …” She eventually sat down at the same table as me and we chatted. Apparently one of the other girls on her squad let her know what I said about marrying her later that day. I received a text a few hours later from a random number and it was her. That’s where it all started. We were very good friends for a while and she eventually aimed things with her bf and we started dating a few months later. We have been together for 6 years and we are getting married next year.
42.She sat down next to me on the first day of grad school. We both were into Neil Gaiman and Modern Poetry. I let her borrow the first few trades of The Sandman.
After that we started hanging out more, I demonstrated her around the city( she was from out of township ). Bought her a develop pass with $20 on it, but I was slacken to make a move. If it wasn’t for her roommate saying,” Dude, guys don’t buy develop pass for you if they don’t like you ,” we might not be together.
Been together 7 years.
43.She was my waitress when I was out with some friends. I left my number( first and only time ever) she called and 19 years later we are still together.
44.I was really into Scott Pilgrim vs The World when it came out in theaters when I was in high school. Bought all the graphic fictions, find it 4 times in theaters, bought the soundtracks, and bought the video game when it came out. I was obsessed.
After classes aimed and as I would stroll to the bus, I noticed on occasion this daughter walking down the dorms wearing a Scott Pilgrim shirt. I had to meet this girl!
Well the day came during a field trip to Gettysburg and there she was wearing the shirt. I get so nervous, had to work up the heroism, and she was also with a friend who is best friend’s with my previous girlfriend. Oh boy this was going to be tough.
Ended up not being too bad. I asked her the obvious question if she was a Scott Pilgrim fan and we hit it off from there surprisingly. Even more a coincidence, when we got to the buses, all I wanted to do was talk to her more about Scott Pilgrim and we didn’t because she sat next to her friend but she was a seat behind me, this entire field trip. It was destiny.
Anyways we’re close to 8 years strong together and will watch Scott Pilgrim once a year.
45.We fulfilled online on this is something that cringey anime-themed roleplay website and have been together for 4 years and married now. We try to forget about the site but some times we reminisce and wince together.
46.His mothers bought the house next to my grandparents home when his mommy was pregnant with him and I was two. I assume that I satisfied him when he came home from the hospital? It’s not something I recollect, he’s just always been a part of my life.
There was a period of time where we hadn’t seen each other for over eight years, and one night I was Facebook stalking a second cousin of mine and my old childhood friend’s mommy popped up! Through her I detected him, reached out, and within three months we were dating. Next month we celebrate our third marriage anniversary.
47.We were in the same class for a program for people on welfare.
Soon after the conflicts aimed, I determined a task in the city. I recommended that she apply since we were still hiring, and she got hired too! Not soon after that, I helped her out by letting her know my home had a room open to rent( 1 house 5 bedrooms, I was a tenant ), and she moved in. I wasn’t seeking any kind of relationship with her.
One day I heard her chuckling while watching Youtube and it was the most beautiful and genuine laugh. I thought to myself “fuck”. A couple weeks later we were watching Stranger Things and we started holds hands and cuddling.
We’re getting married next year
48.Technically we shared a hospital room at birth. Both our moms were stuck together. My mom is his aunt’s best friend( 20+ years ). The session we remember came subsequently. About 6 years old. I told him he was ” super duper handsome” and leaned in to kiss him because I’d seen it on a show. He kicked me in the vagina and ran away.
The boy aimed up chasing me for years. We ultimately started dating at 18 and now 10 years and 2 beautiful sons later, we are still going strong!
49.In a hot tub. I was about 14 and her best friend was dating my best friend. I set my limb around her and said ” do you come here often ?” Knowing it was an extremely cheesy pickup line. Now, about 16 years later, I still use that line on her when she’s in the bathroom, in bed, in the kitchen…
50.I was very drunk at a house party in college and was building my way to the bathroom to run throw up when I insured a girl who just lost a drinking game, and had to chug a beaker of a bunch of different alcohols. She was like she actually didn’t want to, and I figured since I was going to go throw up anyway, I might as well do it.
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Read more: thoughtcatalog.com
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