#this was not supposed to be bleak! there was supposed to be dialogue!
dearbraus · 16 hours
  ˚ ᡴꪫ You Could Be Mine Tonight; Interlude I
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— Chigiri Hyōma
⊹ Details. 18+ minors dni, gn!afab!reader, chigiri puts the go in egoist, first meetings, author self insert, selfship lore heavy, reader is italian-american living in italy, set in verona, some italian dialogue, first meetings, ⊹ Run time. 1.4k ⊹ Note. Fawn is back again with yet another series of sorts. This is my selfship lore with mister Chigiri Hyōma and will be expanded upon whenever I am inspired so enjoy! <3
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The fair city of Verona fed the romantic daydreamer that crawled into the deep recesses of your chest as a child. In spite of spending your last six months settling in, you couldn’t fathom ever tiring of waltzing through the old, cobbled streets and imagining the lives led by those living over five hundred years ago in the middle ages. Idling wonder if they too ran their fingertips across the smooth, rosy marbled walls. Or, if they gazed upon the stars while resting in the Piazza dei Signori as you did when your red wine tinged evenings drew to a close.
You supposed the reality of those living all those years ago were far more bleak than proposed by the Middle English romances you studied during your undergraduate. Still, it didn’t mean you couldn’t imagine a display of courtly love spilling over the aged edge of Juliet’s balcony; a gallant knight who was far more romantic than the whiny Romeo, and a demure lady who was more akin to a blossomed flower than a person. With the sky, a most remarkable shade of blue– far more dazzling than anything you’d seen back home– and the scent of sweet flowers carried on the breeze, it was difficult not to lose your thoughts within a fairytale-like dream.
A rich waft of freshly brewed espresso rouses you from your thoughts, bringing you back to the small café you’ve made into your home for the afternoon. Sparing a glance back to your laptop where your latest novel sits open, you sigh before snapping it shut. As romantic as Verona was, your fantasies failed to inspire an ending to the chapter you’ve spent the last month working on. You blamed the lack of direction on your recent move, halfway across the world from North America to Europe but in the droll truth you suspected your lack of romantic experience was beginning to impede upon your ability to write a romance novel. Shoving your things into your bag, you offered a wave to the barista before clearing out.
The next building over was calling your name.
It was a small, family owned bookstore that had been passed down at least six generations and resided between two restaurants. The current owner, Signor Fiorentino seemed perpetually miffed by the constant racket amassed by the staff when on break but was always amenable when offered fresh biscotti. Which was precisely why you picked up an extra one at the café in case you decided to head over.
The small bell above the door rings as it opens, announcing your presence, “Ciao signore!” You greet, shuffling through the cramped rows of shelving. 
A smile tugs at your lips as you reach the small checkout counter where he sits. Signor Fiorentino is perched upon a well worn stool, thumbing through a copy of today's newspaper.
“Buonasera Signorina,” he grins at the sight of you, his smile growing wider when he takes notice of the biscotti in your hand, “Is that for me?”
You hold your hand out in response, passing it over to him, “You know it is,” you say, resting your elbows on the counter, “So, have you gotten anything new in stock?”
Your hopeful tone dwindles when Fiorentino narrows his eyes at you.
“Buttering  me up with sweets are you?”
“What! No!” You frown, “But … I was wondering if you’d heard back about that custom bound copy of Romeo and Juliet?”
The expression he wears tells you he hasn’t. With a sigh, he shakes his head, “The seller says it's on their backlog and they’ll get back to me soon.”
You wear your emotions on your face as if it were your favourite sweater, never one to masterfully disguise the disappointment you felt. It was your greatest flaw that loved to rear its ugly head at the most inopportune moments. Like now. The corners of your mouth dipped into a petulant frown, your bottom lip jutting out. You became a mirror image to the kindergarteners you taught English to. They were cuter than you when they did it.
“Cara mia do not stress!”
Sometimes, he speaks to you as if he were your family. You allow him to far more often than you should. He reminded you of your nonno, you supposed that you reminded him of his children and grandchildren who had long since immigrated to North America. Reaching over the small counter, he rests a weathered, spotty hand onto your forearm.
“I’m not,” you mutter with a small sigh, “I’m just frustrated.”
He gives your arm a sympathetic squeeze.
“I know.”
Returning his smile, you turn to the dozens of book lined shelves in search of something to satiate the burn of disappointment you wished to mask. Your fingers graze against the lip of the dust covered shelves as you pass through them, floating around the shop as though you were a spectre rather than a customer. You settle in front of the stack of mediaeval literature. Pursing your lips, you tilt your head to get a better view of the title, Amorosa Visione. A long, narrative poem. It wasn’t exactly your first pick, you much preferred Middle English romances but you needed to branch out every once in a while. Pulling the book off the shelf, you took a step backwards as you skimmed the blurb printed on the back.
Another step backward causes you to bump into another person.
So engrossed in your reading, you hadn’t noticed they joined you in the aisle. Dipping your head down in apology, you offer them a smile.
They scoff, looking you up and down.
“I’m sorry,” you apologise, hoping they spoke English, “I didn’t see you there.”
His expression only worsens, “Yeah, right like I’m supposed to believe that,” he snips in English, flicking a strand of bright red hair from his eyes. 
He turns toward you, standing with their arms crossed over his chest. His sunglasses slip down his nose as he peers at you. You blink in shock, face warming at the sight of him. He was pretty, unfairly so. With long, pretty lashes that frame sharp magenta eyes which cut right through you with his glare. Shaking your head, you remind yourself that he was a jerk who was irrationally annoyed over you accidentally bumping into him.
“I … I don’t understand what you mean,” you frown, “It was an accident, I promise I wouldn’t bump into a stranger on purpose.”
“You don’t recognise me?” The man asks, pushing his sunglasses further up the bridge of his nose with his middle finger.
You shift uncomfortably under his gaze. He seems to pick you apart with his clipped words and harsh stare as if he were given hours to scrutinise each miniscule part of you rather than a few measly minutes.
“Am I supposed to?” You cock your head to the side, “Are you an influencer or something?”
You give him a once over, taking in his attire. He was dressed fairly casually but still looked rather put together. The accent that shrouded his words told you that he too wasn’t from Verona, but nothing in the way he carried himself struck any ounce of familiarity. The arrogance and accusation that lingered in his narrowed gaze seemed to align with your view of celebrities and micro influencers. 
Disgust flashes in his eyes,“No, I’m a professional soccer player,” he explains, “Manshine City, ever heard of it?”
“Okay …”
“I thought all Italians were huge soccer fans,” he says with a shrug of his shoulders.
You stifle an eye roll,“That’s a kinda a misconception like how not all Canadians are obsessed with hockey and say “aboot”” your comment doesn’t elicit a laugh like you hoped it would, instead he gives you a strange look, “Besides, even if it wasn’t we tend to be pretty nationalistic.” 
A lull passes between the two of you before he speaks again.
“I apologise,” he says, almost begrudgingly, “For assuming you were some desperate fan.”
Biting back a snarky remark, you laughed to yourself. Were all athletes this full of themselves? 
“No apology needed.”
He purses his lips before nodding his head.
“Just uh, don’t give the shop owner the same attitude unless you want to be chased out of here with a broom.”
The corners of his lips quirk up into the smallest of smiles, “I’ll try to keep that in mind.”
Tucking your book beneath your arm, you slink out of the aisle with a relieved sigh. You hoped, whatever other soccer players that may have been crawling about this fair city were certainly less egotistical than him.
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© all content belongs to dearbraus. do not modify, repost, or redistribute.
networks; @houseofsolisoccasum @interstellar-inn
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tortoisesshells · 1 year
Flynn & Lucy 23. while we slept
first off: I really meant this to be a happier thing! But I got in my head about it, and. Well.
to be a living thing (Timeless, T, Lucy & Flynn mid-season 2/post "The King of the Delta Blues", ~850 words, warnings for Lucy wondering about the Grandfather Paradox of time travel verging into nearly suicidal ideation.)
In which Lucy looks to Flynn for companionship, even as she weighs up whether she'll be able to walk away from their war on Rittenhouse alive - or even having existed, to begin with.
She hasn’t been sleeping well, Lucy Preston thinks, staring at the cold featureless concrete ceiling of the Bunker – she hasn’t been sleeping well for some time. She keeps a notebook of this, and things like these: a diary of useless little wakefulnesses, the things she thinks about where it is just her and the spidering crack above. Amy. Her mother. Dad, so far back in the past he seems less real to her than – than Abraham Lincoln – whose grey matter she still shudderingly thinks she can feel on her, months or years later. How she has cut innumerable alleys through time, and ducked through them, and yet the past she had is still stubbornly out of reach, and though her hand (of its own accord, it seems) goes again and again to her locket, it does not seem any longer to be a living thing.
Read the Rest on AO3!
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autistichalsin · 5 months
All dialogue options for Halsin's request for a story for the children in the epilogue
There are generic options, unique options for Durges, each Origin, and even for Origin paths (I.E. Justiciar Shadowheart vs Selune path Shadowheart) so I thought I'd collect them all here! There are some nice characterization moments here, and I love Halsin's reactions to some of these. (Also, I had no idea Gale could still ascend to godhood as a mindflayer? Or at least there's dialogue for it here...) I hope you guys enjoys these!
All characters/Tav:
Regale Halsin with tales of your past six months.
Halsin: You have kept yourself busy - I expected no less, in truth. I shall be able to keep the children enthralled for a few more nights yet, thanks to you. And should you wish to retell of your exploits in person? Well, I shall not object to a night off.
All characters/Tav:
The truth may be a little flat. Spice it up a little. (This triggers a skill roll for deception)
If the roll succeeds:
Halsin: You are truly incapable of disappointing. The children shall be rapt - and have no fear; all due credit shall be given to the tale's originator.
If the roll fails:
Halsin: Hmm, do I detect a certain... exaggeration? You could give Master Geddarm a run for his gold - though I suppose he has little need for it now, Oak Father bless him. In any case, my audience will favour a good tale over veracity any day - I thank you for your offering.
Any character who accompanied Karlach to Avernus:
Halsin: I am glad you and Karlach have an enduring friendship - it shall serve as a strong lesson for the children, as well as a stirring tale.
Any player who became a mindflayer:
My exploits have been limited by my new form. I live as a pariah, feared by most.
Halsin: Yet not by me. I shall tell the children of your heroism and sacrifice. They shall know what they owe to you, trust me.
Mindflayer characters who have plans with the Emperor:
I have been dwelling far from the public eye. Yet the Emperor and I have grand plans in motion - that I cannot speak of.
Halsin: Too murky for a children's tale, I fear. Perhaps I should focus on the hero you were, and the sacrifice you made. But thank you for sharing, nonetheless.
Mind flayer characters who are allied with the Emperor:
My new form demands discretion. I have been amassing power in the shadows with my ally, the emperor.
Halsin: I see. Perhaps the children can learn something from your ambition in the face of adversity. Thank you.
Mindflayer characters who killed the Emperor:
My exploits have been limited by my new form. I live as a pariah, feared by most.
Halsin: And with an appetite for the grey ambrosia that dwells within every skull, I presume? Perhaps I shall remind the children of your heroism and self-sacrifice... and skip over the brain-eating until they are older.
Dragonborn Dark Urge:
How about a ghost story? A spectral dragon who will haunt the little ones' dreams, if they don't behave.,
Halsin: Most enthralling - though perhaps it may lead to some sleepless nights for the younger ones. I can make something palatable with a little showmanship and creative licence - thank you.
Any Dark Urge:
Tell Halsin a detective story, where in the end, the intrepid Fist discovers they had been committing the murders all along.
Halsin: A touch bleak perhaps, but considering the amount of orphans in my audience, I am sure they shall manage. I can make something palatable with a little showmanship and creative licence - thank you.
God Gale:
Recall the parable of the Yearning Orphan, your youngest follower and already a great prophet spreading your doctrine...
Halsin: You are truly incapable of disappointing. The children shall be rapt - and have no fear; all due credit shall be given to the tale's originator.
Also God Gale:
Tell him of the tribulations of godhood. The politics, the bureaucracy, the endless prayers to answer...
Halsin: Well luckily for you, mortals have a habit of embellishing their run-ins with gods... I am sure I can muster something to captivate the children from what I can glean of you.
God Gale:
Well, I have developed a taste for togas, for one thing.
Halsin: I am glad you have kept yourself occupied. No doubt I will be able to spin a few yarns from the children from this. Thank you.
Mindflayer God Gale:
Well, I've been doing my best to not frighten my followers. I'd hate to be one of those gods.
Halsin: I am glad you have kept yourself occupied. No doubt I will be able to spin a few yarns from the children from this. Thank you.
Non-god Gale who went back to Waterdeep:
I've been researching the tale of the first Blackstaff, Khelben Arunsun. My abridged notes would make for a fascinating bedtime story.
Halsin: I see... well I trust your sources, of course. Perhaps the historical record can survive an embellishment or two, for the sake of the children. In any case, you have my gratitude.
Non-god Gale who didn't return to Waterdeep:
What haven't I done? Delved into dungeons, read secret tomes, taken out a rogue shadow mage or two. Enough magic and mystery for a treasury of tales.
Halsin: Why, Master Dekarios, I had no idea you would continue to stoke the fires of adventure. I commend you - as shall the children, once they hear of your exploits. Thank you.
Dark Justiciar Shadowheart:
Tell Halsin of how you consolidated your power over Lady Shar's church, purging the disloyal with bloody vigor.
Halsin: My. Perhaps a tale for the older children, once I trim off a few of the... less savoury details. But thank you, all the same.
Also Dark Justiciar Shadowheart:
I have been continuing to serve Lady Shar however I can.
Halsin: You are stalwart, even in service of darkness. There will be a lesson there for me to impart to the children... with a few details glossed over, perhaps. Thank you.
Selune path Shadowheart who killed her parents:
Tell Halsin of how you've roamed far and wide, now that you are free of Shar.
Halsin: The shadows were concealing a true adventurer's heart then. Thank you - the children shall be rapt.
Shadowheart whose parents are alive, whether Selune path or Dark Justiciar:
Regale Halsin with tales of your tranquil life with your family and coterie of animals.
Halsin: Yes, I thought I caught the scent of a wolf upon the wind... the children shall love this, but be warned - they may insist upon a visit.
Selune path Shadowheart:
I have been forging my own path, away from Shar's influence.
Halsin: I shall be honoured to speak of you to the children. To embrace change as you have shall make for a stirring example. Thank you.
Any path Shadowheart:
I've been at something of a loose end - roaming and adventuring as I see fit.
Halsin: Countless tales have begun with a roaming adventurer - I am sure I shall keep the children enthralled for years to come with your exploits. Thank you.
Orpheus path Lae'zel:
I have ridden a red dragon to battle as a Warrior of the Comet. The lich queen Vlaakith will fall by my hand.
Halsin: Oak Father preserve you - I hope you have a tight hold on the beast. But this shall make for a most stirring tale for the children. I may even have to tone down the details, for fear they get too excited...
Lae'zel who stayed in Faerun:
I have travelled the harshest lands of the Sword Coast, piercing the hearts of the lich queen's countless assassins.
Halsin: Ha! I think some of the more bloodthirsty children will relish this, thank you.
Wyll who became a Grand Duke and made an eternal pact with Mizora:
I embraced my hellish side and dedicated my life to rebuilding the grand city of Baldur's Gate.
Halsin: The makings of the multi-night epic. The children shall rush to their bunks in order to hear the next chapter, thank you.
Wyll who became a Grand Duke but didn't continue his pact with Mizora:
I turned from my hellish past and dedicated my life to rebuilding the grand city of Baldur's Gate.
Halsin: A noble calling. Your tale shall inspire a whole generation. Thank you.
Wyll who stayed the Blade of Frontiers and made an eternal pact with Mizora:
The Sword Coast is safe as ever thanks to the Blade and his infernal powers.
Halsin: The classic tale of the Blade, but with a twist? This shall go down very well with the children, I sense. Thank you.
Wyll who stayed the Blade of Frontiers and ended his pact with Mizora:
The Blade of Frontiers is back on the hunt. The Sword Coast is safe as ever.
Halsin: Many of the children have already heard of you, as it were - do you know some of them scarcely even believe this old bear could be acquainted with such a hero? But the authentic sense that your recollections bring to the tale shall win them over, no doubt. Thank you.
Wyll who became the Blade of Avernus and made an eternal pact with Mizora:
No hellbeast is safe from the Blade of Avernus and his infernal powers.
Halsin: Thank you, the children shall be agog. I do believe some of them use the number of beastly fangs and claws present in a tale as the yardstick for its quality - which puts yours right at the top of the heap.
Wyll who became the Blade of Avernus and but ended his pact with Mizora:
The Blade of Avernus is on the hunt. The Hells shudder at the very mention of his name.
Halsin: A classic tale. I expect it shall inspire more than a few of the children to start practising their ripostes with wooden sticks.
Wyll who became the Blade of Avernus, made an eternal pact with Mizora, and went to Avernus with Karlach:
The Blade of Avernus and his companion are on the hunt. No hellbeast is safe from his infernal powers.
Halsin: A formidable duo. I am glad that you and Karlach have each other - it shall serve as a strong lesson for the children, as well as a stirring tale.
Wyll who became the Blade of Avernus, did not make an eternal pact with Mizora, and went to Avernus with Karlach:
The Blade of Avernus and his companion are on the hunt. The Hells shudder at the very mention of his name.
Halsin: I am glad you and Karlach have an enduring friendship - it shall serve as a strong lesson for the children, as well as a stirring tale.
Astarion who didn't ascend, but defeated Cazador:
I've been revelling in my freedom, rediscovering the joys of the night.
Halsin: Sanguine joys, no doubt? Perhaps I shall smoothen out some of those details - the children do not need to know the full truth of your diet. But they shall be rapt all the same, thank you.
Astarion who didn't defeat Cazador:
Halsin, I've been hiding in sewers and eating rats. It's not a glorious tale.
Halsin: Ah, but the glory can be found in the telling. The children love tales of underdogs, facing odds most unlikely. They shall appreciate your story, trust me.
Astarion who didn't defeat Cazador and became a mindflayer:
Halsin, I've been hiding in sewers and eating rats' brains. It's not a glorious tale.
Halsin: Ah, but the glory can be found in the telling. The children love tales of underdogs, facing odds most unlikely. They shall appreciate your story, trust me.
Ascended Astarion:
My tales are a little heavy on murder and sex. But if the children want to hear them...
Halsin: Hmm. Perhaps I can substitute the bloodlust and... eh, general lust for cuddles and animals in the retelling. The children may be confused, but no matter - they will soon be asleep. Even with a few little white lies, rest assured that they shall be engrossed. Thank you.
Ascended Astarion who became a mindflayer:
My tales are a little heavy on murder, sex, and tentacles. But if the children want to hear them...
Halsin: Hmm. Perhaps I can substitute the bloodlust and... eh, general lust for cuddles and animals in the retelling. The children may be confused, but no matter - they will soon be asleep. Even with a few little white lies, rest assured that they shall be engrossed. Thank you.
Karlach who went to Avernus alone:
Tell him of how you lost your horn.
Halsin: Truly? I never would have guessed that is what happened. And to think I believed I had the measure of you... but I am glad to be wrong - the children shall be captivated.
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cowgirlcherrie · 1 year
totally clueless! ❀*ੈ✩‧₊˚
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pairing: 90s! house-sitter! Abby x college! bratty! bimbo! fem reader
synopsis: The year is 1995, California, Beverly Hills. You were in your sophomore year of college, starting adulthood when your dad decides to leave the mansion in the hands of a house sitter who you thought was a buzzkill and in return, she thought you were a brat. You were totally and indefinitely clueless.
warnings: 18+, MDNI, hyper femme black coded reader, making out, heavy body touching,tad bit of smut, mostly supposed to be comedic and funny, strict-ish parents(if you squint), partying, alcohol mention, slight manhandling, mutual pinning, teasing, closeted reader (also if you squint), wet daydreaming, enemies-ish to lovers,
a/n: if you watched the movie then you would know that it naturally has this comedic bubbly, unserious aura to it, which I tried to emulate here (the ones that get it, get it)considering that it does take place in the 90s as the fic does too, there is heaaavy usage of 90s slang, so if the some of the dialogue seems cring-ish or theres phrases where you’re like who says thattt??? 90s slang. A lot of the scenes mirror ones directly from the movie! just a heads up, but this is a treat to all of you so I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it ! <3
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The bubble of your bubblegum collapsed into your glossed lips as you chewed vastly out of irritation. Here you stood at your 10am debate class, uninterested in today’s flash debates but it was part of your final grade —the thought of an ugly red F on your grade report frightened you, it was nothing that white out or your pink decoration tape could possibly fix. Some would say that you were overdressed for school, wearing a matching pink set and platform heels that sparkled on your ankles making you look flashy as you walked. All you could do was tap your hands at the side of the podium as you moved your hips from side to side, watching as your professor paced around the classroom giving his warm-up speech. Your debate opponent was a girl named Cheryl, her outfit visibly lackluster compared to you which you found to be too grey, matching the bleak wall of the classroom. Now you didn’t know Cheryl well, besides the fact that the girl had been a walking airhead and a terrible debater. This should be an easy A. 
“Okay y/n…Cheryl, your topic is— should public schools require uniforms?” Your professor stated, making his way to his desk to be out of the way of the students. You widened your eyes in excitement, sending a smirk and wink to Cheryl who only rolled her eyes back at you.
“Cheryl will take pro position, Y/n you will be con, 5 minutes”
“So,” You begun, taking the gum out of your mouth, throwing it into the trashcan behind you. 
“Hypothetically, wearing uniforms is the equivalent of being unimportant, and that’s what the school system doesn’t want us to be—correct? Uniforms signify unity thus why it's called uniforms...duh! But it creates a false sense of security. Because if we all look the same then that means we all think the same which is totally buggin’, I mean- think about it this way. At my 5th birthday party, my daddy got all of my friends the exact same pink outfit, how would they know it was my birthday if we were all wearing the same thing? I was going postal, and he didn’t put my name on the cake! All I’m saying is, if maybe the school system ditched wearing the same outfits, maybe we would know how to separate a wolf from a pack of sheep” You finished your speech, sending a bright smile to the audience who clapped and cheered as you flipped your hair behind your shoulders in response. Your professor, staring at you furrowing his eyebrows at your response. 
“Uhh— right, and Cheryl?”
“How am I supposed to answer that professor? The question was: should public schools require uniforms and her response has nothing to do with uniforms” Cheryl combatted, staring at your professor displeased. You simply shrugged which earned a laugh from your best friend Dina in the front row. 
“Hello…Would you want someone to wear the same thing to your big day,” You claim in a know-it-all tone making Cheryl roll her eyes shouting, “Whatever!”
As if an angel had been ringing a bell, class was dismissed. If you were being honest, you thought your response should have earned you an A in the class, perhaps a gold star with a “Good Job” underneath. Oh- you could dream. Your heels clinked across the tile as you reached into your bag to pull out a fresh stick of gum. Popping the tough pink goodness into your mouth, groaning in satisfaction as the flavors liquified on your tongue. 
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝
“Oh snap! Williams on your six, her outfit is hella fly” You whispered to Dina as the two of you trotted down the hall. The both of you let out a fit of giggles as you sneakily turned your head to catch a glimpse of Ellie Williams who was walking right past you. She was a part of the skater clique, with baggy jeans and a tank top decorating her body as she kept a roughened-up skateboard tucked under her arm. The sight of her was enough to make anyone drool, even you who was the campus’ unattainable girl. 
“Oh my!— JNCO jeans and guess what underneath?” You challenged Dina, smacking your gum in your mouth. The two of you made eye contact, rushing to look at Ellie’s waistband.
“Holy cow”
“Calvin Klein!” The two of you shouted in sync, followed by a shriek. Any outsider who had seen the two of you would have thought that you were fangirls, the way you giggled and twirled your hair. Eyeing people up and down the hall as if they were hunks of meat. It was all a girl could desire. It got even better when you got home. Dina dropped you off, considering you didn’t have your license and the two of you went to the mall directly after the debate class had ended. This meant the weekend was slowly approaching, as the bright California sun beamed on you. 
Your heels walked up the steps to the mansion, swinging the bag in your hand as you hummed material girl by Madonna. Putting your pink keys into the door, walking in feeling as if the house no longer felt warm. The air must have cut off, making you frown as you close the door behind you.
“Daddy, I’m home!” You shouted, making your way into your dad's office to see what he had been up to. Ever since your dad started working from home more often, it seemed as though he occupied himself more with work than spending time with you. Frequently you wondered if he even actually remembered your name.
“Daddy?” You question, peaked your head into his office only to be met with silence again. 
“I’m not your daddy, but let me know when you find him” A voice comforted you from behind. Shocking you at the softness, getting ready to pepper spray the intruder that was in your home. 
“Oh, Snap! You almost killed me,” you exaggerated holding your hand over your heart as you looked at the woman in front of you. Your eyes transitioned from startled to lustful gaze as you looked the woman up and down. She was giving you a similar look. You liked what you were seeing, a hot shot. The woman in front of you wearing a blue polo crewneck which you could moan at the sight of. There was nothing like good fashion that turned you on quicker. Her hair was long, a piece tucked behind her ear exposing her ear that was decorated in piercings. 
“And who are you?” you questioned defensively,  now crossing your arms across your chest. 
“Abby,” She instantly put her hand out for you to shake, withdrawing it when she saw that you weren’t taking it instead you gave her a disgusted look, as your nose scrunched up.
“House sitting for your daddy, while he’s away, I go to college across town.” Abby teased as you smacked your teeth in response. Who did she think she is? Coming into your home and disrupting the safe space that you have created for yourself. She was the first person to try it. It did excite you. Typically people gave up talking to you at the slightest attitude you gave, but Abby didn’t wanna give up. Perhaps you met your match. Abby’s eyes glanced over your body looking at the outfit you wore. Slutty she thought, looking back up at your face, specifically your eyes admiring the soft makeup you had on and long lashes that made you glow. 
“A little bit much for school don’t you think” Abby picked, tugging at the hem of your skirt making you swat her hand away.
“As if!— people don’t do enough” you snapped. Now you weren’t opposed to having a little bit of fun. With Abby? You were down to do all of it. But part of you felt guilty, your wishful thinking turning sour. What would your father say if he saw his house sitter and daughter eating each other’s faces off? 
“You’re a buzzkill” you sassed Abby watching her reaction her body withdrawing away from yours, turning her head slightly in disbelief.
“And you’re a brat” she spat making your mouth go wide.
“I don’t like you” You confessed, finger jabbing into her chest, your body pushing forward, getting closer to her.
“Suck it up!” Abby snapped, pushing you back against the door with a loud thud as her hands resided against the office door, caging you in. 
“Eat sh—” 
With that Abby roughly grabbed your chin leaning her nose close to your neck. Her breath heated up your neck as her lips made a trail from your ear down to your neck, no pressure applied. "Say you don't want me," She whispered into your neck, and that’s when you smelled her. Ralph Lauren, a classic. Your nails scratching her arms in need, quickly clamping your thighs together feeling a sudden wetness pool beneath you.
"I don't.." you moaned out as Abby moved up to your lips this time, her hand still gripping your chin as she cast a chaste kiss on your glossed lips. She hummed at the taste of bubblegum. It was sticky, but it didn’t bother her. "You sure?" she questioned pulling apart quickly for air.
You pulled her back in, "No" Your hands entangled in her hair as she deepened the kiss, detaching her lips again, making you whimper in disappointment. Instead, her lips went to your neck, this time laying actual kisses across your brown skin as she swirled her tongue against your neck. Her hand was under your skirt as she played with the hem of your underwear before moving back to the outside of your skirt, her hands tugging them upward to bunch up the fabric in a fist. In return, you grabbed a fist full of her hair as broken moans escaped your lips. Your body slightly grinding into hers, lips parted as she redirected her hands back up to your chest, groping, slightly squeezing, making you moan again.
Abby’s fingers snapped in front of your face as you blinked rapidly. There was no lipstick marks on Abby’s lips, your skirt was still intact and untouched, of course none of that was real! your body felt warm, like the heater suddenly started to work within the mansion. You wonder how long you were in that day dream as it felt authentic, wayyyy to real to be something that didn’t happen. did Abby feel it too? Abby gave you a confused look wondering why your bambi eyes suddenly turned into a startled doe stuck in the headlights.
The house phone started ringing. You pushed Abby off, fixing your skirt as you bolted into the kitchen to get the phone. Picking up the phone off of the stand hitting the green button in a hurry, hands shaking.
“Hello, l/n residence, y/n speaking” you answered, leaning against the marble kitchen counter trying to catch your breath. The adrenaline pumping through your veins as you tried to fix your appearance swiftly. Even though no one else was in the house besides yourself and Abby, you grew conscious that someone was watching you through the phone. You ran your hair through your curls, twirling some strands for the sake of definition.
“Y/n, its Dina! I got deets,”
You let out a sigh of relief, you were just glad it wasn’t your father. The man would have asked you everything under the sun. Like what you were wearing? Why you were breathing so hard, and how was…Abby. Right, Abby. As if she had been called, Abby promptly walked into the kitchen adjusting her crewneck, her lips a saturated shade of pink from the peppermint chapstick she owned that slightly numbed her lips with a plumping, tingling sensation. Abby was now shoulder to shoulder with you. The fabric of her crewneck rubbing against your short sleeve shirt as she reached into the microwave to grab the bowl of popcorn, which has likely fallen cold at the exchange the two of you had. 
‘Spill!” You gushed as you bent down to take off your heels to which you felt your hands being slapped away as Abby was now on her knees to assist you seeing that your hands were doing nothing for the straps on your shoes. Your mouth was agape watching as Abby was on her knees for you, her hands softly grazing your bare legs which made you close your mouth quickly. She was lucky you didn’t kick her in the face.
“Ellie just asked me on a date! She’s takin’ me to the skatepark, and then we are gonna meet you in the valley, at the house party on Friday” Dina confessed, making you gasp. For two reasons 1. Because Dina finally got the date with Ellie 2. Abby had been toying with you. This time you did kick her sending a gentle jab to her chest which resulted in her throwing her hands up, snatching your heels up in one hand before grabbing the popcorn bowl to walk away. 
“Sweet” you dragged leaning against the kitchen counter as you tapped your pink nails against the marble. You paused for a minute before a light bulb went off above your head, and a good idea plagued your thoughts.
“You should come over! Check out my stylin’ new closet, I have the perfect outfit that you would totally rock!” You jumped, twirling your hair as you danced in the kitchen.
“Daddy said no company and no parties” Abby shouted, still teasing you about the first impression you made on the girl, making you throw up a hand before walking into another room.
“It’s no biggie, one problem though, I got a house sitter, and she’s kind of a downer?” You whisper lowly into the phone, hoping that Abby wouldn’t hear you from where she sat on the couch.
“Is she hot?” 
You groaned rather loud not bothering to answer Dina’s question. Yes, Abby was hot. You were already starting to cool down but the dirty thoughts of Abby absolutely wrecking you clouded your brain tremendously.
“Just come over, D” you finished, hitting the red— end call button, making your way back into the kitchen to put the phone back up on the stand. 
“Where you goin’ ?” Abby questioned, her curiosity getting the best of her. She sat on the couch with her legs kicked up as she watched a movie on the television. Her eyes not breaking contact with the screen in front of her.
“To go play dress up while I plan how to save my best friend ” You whined, and there it was again. That fucking attitude sent Abby into a spiral. You loved exaggerating your tone, the way Abby’s eyes would go dark before giving you the most raunchy response made your legs buckle underneath you. Slowly you picked your heels up that Abby had gracefully taken off, her eyes finally looking at you, she blinked fast letting out a sigh, redirecting her eyes back to the tv screen. 
“Whatever,” Abby snickered as you shrugged, bolting up the stares. You were totally clueless. The moment you shared with Abby rather fast but you couldn’t get the thought of the girls hands all over you of your head. But you had better things to worry about, right? Like the valley party and playing cupid for Dina. 
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝
“Does this look hot?” You implored, running your hands up and down the form-fitting baby pink dress. Your curly hair, freshly washed, moisturized with curl-defining cream. It was free with the front twisted back in rows of 4, secured by white butterfly clips to match the cropped white cardigan resided in your hands. Today was Friday, and you swore you had nothing to wear. Your room looked like a tornado ran through and shook the room— clothes covering the beige carpet, but you couldn’t be bothered to fix it. You wanted something hot, something that screams I came here for a good time. Due to Dina’s absence, there was no one to tell you if you looked okay or if the outfit was so last year. So narrowing down your options, you ask Abby. Walking over to where she sat on the couch, one arm up resting behind her head, as her legs were crossed on the coffee table. You pushed your body in front of the tv screen, standing dead center to Abby.
“Dude seriously?” Abby growled, moving her head in different directions to see around you. 
“Abby, don’t be a loser… just help me,” You whined, begging the girl to look at you just once. Abby didn’t budge, so instead you moved closer standing in front of her on the couch, it was as if she was trying to ignore you. That only made you more frustrated begging the girl some more. “— Please Abs, just look” and that’s when she did, her blue orbs aligning with yours, flickering down to your body. 
“Nice dress, who are you all dolled up for?” Abby’s voice was low, turning down the volume of the tv to hear your voice,
“Party, remember? I was on the phone with Dina about it yesterday,” yes, yesterday, how could Abby forget about yesterday. Truth is she couldn’t, spending her night in the guest bedroom thinking about all the possibilities that could have happened if the phone just didn’t ring. Abby nodded simply, wearing a stoic expression on her face. 
“Right, Dina” her name rolled off her tongue, dragging out the ‘a’ and emphasizing the ’n’ in your best friends name.
“Yeah she’s my friend, and she has a date, so you’re helping me”
“What about yours?” Abby wondered tilting her head at you, causing you to throw your sweater at her face instead, collapsing next to her on the coach with a loud huff. 
“My what?”
“Your date?’ 
“I don’t have one because I don’t want one— chill out!” You declared sinking into the couch as Abby snatched the sweater you threw at her off her face, throwing it back at you. Shifting her body to look at you next to her. 
“Jeez, no need to be tight, get loose” Abby assured, putting her hand on your shoulder. Your body tensing, feeling a sudden burst, like a recharge, as Abby’s hands touched your exposed skin.
“I need to go…” You mumble, suddenly feeling small again, the way you felt when Abby had your back against the office door with her head tucked into your neck. 
“Put that,” Abby pointed at your white sweater “on.” She finished, taking a sip of the glass of water that was in front of her on the coffee table. You were confused, under the impression that the outfit didn’t need any more redirection, it was simple and the cardigan would crowd the rest of the dress
“I thought the outfit was fine…” You argued, unbuttoning the buttons on the cardigan,  
“Put it on,” Abby hissed “It’s cold out” she corrected herself, breaking eye contact to put the remote back in her hands. Abby turned the volume up on the tv, she was suddenly cold. It seemed like this was the game she played, giving you just enough attention to keep you going and then taking it all back like it was the biggest mistake she ever made. Now at this point in time, as you got to know the girl there was a solid 10 things you liked about her and another 10 that you absolutely despised. You’d consider her a friend, even though her snarky attitude made you think otherwise and the fact that she almost devoured you on the glass floor. 
You walked off, headed for the front door — reaching onto the round table, at the entrance. Grabbing your purse which was naturally filled with lip gloss, pink gum, Nokia, and your wallet, swinging the small white bag over your shoulder. Preparing to twist the door knob, you paused releasing that there was no way for you to get there. Dina was with Ellie so that was a no and you couldn’t drive yourself, no license. You let out a sigh as you realized the inevitable was going to happen. 
“…Abby!” You exclaimed from the door, as your body leaned against the front door, swinging the purse back and forth in your hands.
“Yes?” the girl shouted back from the other room.
“Can you give me a ride, I can’t drive” you exposed shyly. Now this was embarrassing, you thought. You were a college virgin that couldn’t drive. But your road test was tomorrow so at least you could eliminate one of those things. You were anticipating Abby saying no, which means you would have had to turn around and trot back up the stairs, watching the Breakfast at Tiffany’s vhs on repeat until your eyes closed. 
“I-uh-  Sure.” Abby hesitated. Not because she had second thoughts, but rather because she wasn’t expecting you to actually ask her let alone keep things friendly. It was typically common for you to ask for help but it didn’t seem like Abby was one of the people that you’d want it from.  You let out a sigh of relief, the sunken feeling in your stomach going away as Abby made her out of the living room and to the door, jiggling her keys in her hand as she pushed you to the side to open the front door.
“Let's get you to that party, shall we?” Abby flashed you a smile while motioning for you to exit the house first making you smile back. Her kindness eased your heart considering she spent the 24 hours so far,  treating your existence like a job. At times it felt like she was your babysitter, the next thing you know she would say no more shopping! and freeze your credit card in a block of ice. You wanted nothing more than to grab the girl by the face and give the most heated sloppiest kiss on her lips, but choosing to control your urges you gave Abby a swift kiss on the cheek instead. Running out the door and to the parking garage, failing to catch Abby holding her cheek where you left a glossed kiss mark
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝
The party was a bust, an absolute disaster. You regretted going slowly after an hour of being there. Dancing on the dance floor with Dina as the two of you twirled around each other to the beat of the music, but this was interrupted when Ellie dragged your best friend away, leaving you alone and now at the alcohol table, looking to see if they had anything other than alcohol on the table. Somewhere along the night, you lost your white cardigan, but you weren’t mad about it considering it was your least favorite.
Reaching across the table to pour cola into the red solo cup, you were interrupted by someone clearing their throat from behind you. Jesse, a member of the skater clique was best friends with Ellie. Now you weren’t interested, yet Jesse had been pretty keen on hanging around you but you would rather not. There was rumors going around campus that he liked you, but you completely disregarded it, that was your good friend, and there’s no way he could of mistaken your kindness for flirting. The boy was nice, slightly ditzy but he wasn’t your type, and by type, you just didn’t like men. But you couldn’t outright shout, I’m gay and men are cute….NOT! At risk for being called every slur under the sun. In the past, you have tried countless times to set Jesse up with Dina, but that ship repeatedly crashed before it could sail. Instead, your face scrunched in disgust, as you turned around again pretending that the contents in your cup were more interesting. 
“I like your dress,” Jesse spoke up from behind you, leaning his hand against the table, once again that skateboard of his tucked underneath his right arm. You looked at the boys outfit which made you cringe, a white tee with a flannel on top, with khaki shorts that didn’t even match.
“Thanks… I would love to compliment you but the khakis are clashing with the plaid…” You commented dryly, bringing the cup up to your lips, drowning in the fizzy soda. There was a pregnant silence, and suddenly everything was awkward. It’s not like you wanted to have the conversation instead your body rocked to the music as you lip-synced the lyrics. 
“I love this song…” Jesse coughed out making you acknowledge his existence again. 
“Rad!” You claimed, walking off to go find Dina, who was now next to Ellie at the dining table, you were glad she was having a good time, even though you were not. But you felt as though you were getting in good deeds which had been certainly better than nothing.
As you entered the room, another girl, who you have known to be Nora, did as well, with an old business card intertwined in her fingers. You squinted your eyes at the card when it clicked for you what was happening,
“Hey everyone! let’s play suck n’ blow” The girl exclaimed causing you to throw your head back in annoyance. Suck n’ blow was fun when you didn’t have someone who would fuck up the game and use it as an excuse to lip-lock with the girl that they found the most attractive. At the table stood, Nora, who was next to Ellie, followed by, Dina, Jesse, yourself, and other members of the skate clique completing the circle. As the game started everything was going well, Everyone was moving fast yet successfully transferring the card from one set of lips to another. Finally, it was your turn, Jesse holding onto the card, leaning into your face just enough promptly dropping the card and slamming his lips on yours. You shrieked as the crowd laughed and cheered making you push the boy off of you, rolling your eyes at the boy who was looking at you with a smirk,
“You can’t even play the game correctly, it’s called suck n’ blow for a reason, are you mad!” You shouted, playfully punching Jesse in the arm. Your hand hit the table picking the card back up and handing it to Nora who was going to restart the game.
“Excuse me,” you excused yourself from the table feeling your Nokia buzzing from your purse, rushing to the backyard which didn’t seem to get anymore quieter, picking the phone out of your bag and to your ears
“Hello~” you sang sweetly as you paced around the pool, watching the bodies slam into each other, laughter being heard from the individuals in the water.
“Sweetheart, where are you, I called the house and Abby picked up saying you were out, do you know what time it is” It was your father. You tried to think fast the quickest way to get out of the current situation that you were in.
“I went shopping, in the valley with Dina of course…” You lied bringing up your nails to your arm scratching your bare arms at the cool air that blew past you.
“The valley? Jesus- Y/n get home!” your dad yelled on the other side of the phone, ending the call promptly before you could argue. Despite being grown, you were still a little girl in your dad's eyes. His first and only daughter and after the absence of your mother, he was certain to not let you out of his sight. You rolled your eyes, typing the house number into the number pad, listening to the rings before the signal connected.
“Hello, l/n residence—”
“Abby! Glad you answered, can you pick me up, I’ve got to head out — Dad called, thanks for that by the way” You confessed, making your way out of the backyard gate and around to the front lawn which had been overly decorated for the occasion.
“Be there in 10,” Abby asserted, having no problem with picking you up.
“Did you know you are the best Abigail?” That was the first time you used her full name in a sentence, She wasn’t opposed to you calling her by her name, rightfully so, but the way it rolled off of your tongue brought a smile to her face. If it was anyone else she would have been quick to correct them, telling them not to call her that. You were pushing every nono she had, but she was too enamored to correct you.
“Don’t flatter me—” Abby assured, hanging up the phone without saying goodbye. You smiled to yourself, maybe it was all the good deeds that you have done, but you weren’t sure why you were continuously given kindness, especially from Abby who didn’t owe an ounce of it to you. your smile departed as you saw Dina and Ellie coming out of the front door of the house and meeting you at the front lawn.
"Y/n! Leaving so soon?" Dina shouted, letting go of Ellie's arm, running to you to give you a gentle hug to which you returned holding on just as tight.
"—Yeah, it's time for me to head out, road test tomorrow I have to be up at 9" You grumbled letting go of your best friend, eyeing Ellie who gave you a gentle smile. You thought Ellie was even prettier in person and you were glad that your best friend found someone just as cool and creative as her, even if you weren't a part of the same clique. Your eyes redirected to behind Elie seeing Jesse which made your smile drop instantly, turning back to facing Dina at your hip.
"Where are you headed?" You questioned seeing as it looked like the trio was preparing to leave as well
"Skate-park, I would ask if you wanted to join but it seemed like you were rather occupied" Ellie suggested, wiping her hand across her nose and sniffling slightly. "No biggie!" You claim as you put your phone back in your purse. Jesse opened his mouth to speak, tripping on a piece of gravel as his solo cup lunged forward spilling all over your dress. You let out a gasp at the sudden cold liquid traveling down your dress and your legs, leaving a wide wet spot on your dress.
"My fault! I'm-"
Before you could respond to his cries of apologies, A black car pulls up in front of you, honking the horn as you locked eyes with Abby in the driver's seat.
"Uhm...I gotta go, see ya" you stuttered, voice shakey as you waltzed to the passenger side of Abby's car slamming the door behind you as the trio watched you with a fearful expression. Abby began pulling out of the spot she temporarily parked in, making her way back to your house with ease. You were silent.
"Where's your sweater...shit what happened" Abby questioned finally seeing your appearance that was rather messed up. contrasting to your usual scent of vanilla and cake she smelled cheap vodka and fruit juice. Keeping her eyes on the road, Abby reached into her glove compartment handing you napkins which you took in silence. Abby was startled by your silence. You rubbed the napkins down your dress, rings clashing with the fabric, tears pooling in your eyes as you did so. Your body shook as silent sobs escaped your mouth, lips quivering as you wiped your dress. At that point you had no clear direction, your tears mixing with the wet fabric only adding to the dampness of the napkin. You repeatedly wiped your dress, ignoring Abby like she wasn't there, whispering a ray of "I'm sorry" as your hand-worked fast to fix the issue, but Abby pulled over next to a random house, stopping the car
"Sweetheart let me see," Abby was gentle with you, hitting the light above the two of you, grabbing the napkins from your hand as you cried while she wiped away the loose liquid on you. Sniffing gently Abby was muttering "You're okay" under her breath as she continued to use the last of the napkins.
You sniffled, "Do you think I'm a bad person, Abby" you questioned between tears as Abby looked at you in confusion. Where was that coming from? You bring a hand up to wipe the tears away from your face, anxiously twirling a curly strand in your hair, looking at Abby through your eyelashes.
"Y/n, you're one of the most genuine people I know...and that means a lot to me considering I've only known you for almost 48 hours. I know enough to know you aren't a bad person" Abby affirmed. Fixing your dress with her hands as she reached over giving your hands a squeeze. "Then why do I feel like a bad person?" You begun,
"M-My life is a disaster! —I was so focused on giving my best friend a good love experience, somewhere along the way I lost her, it seems like she doesn't need me anymore, maybe I'm buggin' -don't get me started on my dress…" you ranted, no longer crying as you broke your silence.
Abby's jaw clenched, she didn't know what to tell you, or how to soothe the clueless expression you wore on your face that wasn't without some form of intimacy. True Abby would kiss you until you forgot about the problem you were going through, she was holding back.
"Listen don't beat yourself up, you're a beautiful person unlike most I've met in the hills, and you wanting what's best for your friend is a clear sign of your selflessness" Abby assured you, now putting the car in drive and continuing the route she was taking now that you were in a slightly better mood.
"God I feel like such a buzzkill!" You shouted, hitting your head against the headrest which felt more like throwing your head on a pillow thanks to your curls.
"you're not me," Abby teased as you now were laughing with the girl next to you. You were amazed at the fact the girl was able to transform your sudden sadness and give you the encouragement that everyone neglected to give you. You just wanted a simple reminder that you were doing good and Abby gave you just that
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝
It was day three of Abby housesitting the mansion and you will admit, you have grown to like the girl. She brought a different energy that challenged your norm and every rule you ever set for yourself. Sitting on the kitchen counter in your matching lapel collar cropped blazer and skirt set. Your hair was styled differently today, A simple puff as it gave the small hoops in your ears a chance to shine, and brought attention to your eyes.
"How did your test go?" The road test. Which you failed the first time, but it was an absolute miracle that you passed it. You have learned from your mistakes! No longer hitting the curb with an oops, instead hitting all of the marks perfectly. You reached over the counter holding up a white slip with a BIG-inked signature.
"Uh huh-- that's right, I passed" You sassed in enjoyment hopping off the counter to dance around the girl. Abby laughed at your behavior as you flashed the white slip in her face,
“Guess that means you won’t be needing me anymore,” Abby joked, nudging your arm to which you gave her a really? look. “Who says I won’t need you?” you exaggerate looking at Abby with your arms crossed.
Abby shrugged, “Just sayin’ in a few hours, you go back to being you and I go back to being me.” Why did she have to remind you of that? You were too caught up in the moment to realize the fun between you was actually coming to an end. You’ve gotten used to her company, loving that the girl teased and hackled you like no other. But you wouldn’t want it any other way.
“Who said we have to act like we don’t know each other” You offered, as your soft moisturized fingers traced up her exposed bicep, muscles flexing under the fitted short-sleeve top she wore.
“I just assumed that’s how it would be,” Abby carried on in a knowing tone.
“My dad likes you, and he doesn’t like anyone, so you can be over as much as you like” You continued, spinning around, prancing to the counter digging your hand in the bowl of freshly washed grapes.
“and do what— exactly, I’m not playing dress up with you” Abby assured making you knit your eyebrows at her response. Bold of her to assume that you’d want to style her, you thought she was perfect as is.
“Who said we are going to be playing dress up, more like- putting down the biggest WWE match as I am scream—”
“That’s enough,” Abby shut down as you teased her. You were such a tease. She could practically feel the hair on the back of her neck as you said that. Abby wasn’t a hook-up person, she didn’t do that. Thinking that’s all you wanted, she wasn’t going to stand for it. Abby said nothing else instead shifting past you to make her way back into the guest room as she was packing her stuff. You frowned watching her walk away from you, hundreds of questions popping up in your head as she got further away from you. Were you coming off too strong?
ʚɞ ⁺˖ ⸝⸝
Nightfall has fallen over meaning you had 4 hours left with Abby and you didn’t speak to the girl in 6, since the kitchen incident. While you were writing in your diary with your fluffy pink pen in your room that’s when it all suddenly clicked for you. Glancing at the paper where you had written hearts all around her name you wrote in cursive, sealing it with your very own kiss next to it. You liked Abby. Those 10 things,
10 . The way she challenged everything you said
9 . The way she teased you to make you laugh
8 . The way she wore her hair down because you said you loved it more than when she wore it in a braid,
7 . Her patience with you
6 . Her style, which you would do absolutely nothing to change
5 . The scar on her cheek, which apparently, she got after a soccer game her freshman year of college
4 . The way she moved your curls out of your face, saying she wanted to see your eyes more
3 . The way she encouraged you to keep going even when you made a mistake
2 . Her smile when you said anything that remotely made her laugh
1 . The way her lips almost met yours, yearning for a single taste
That’s it! — you like LIKED Abby,
“I like Abby!” you shouted, gasping as you slammed your journal shut at your epiphany. Rushing down the stairs in your matching pink pajama set. As your foot hit the top of the stairs preparing to ascend downwards but you stopped yourself on the imperial staircase, collapsing on the ground, throwing your body in defeat. There was no way you could tell her now, How could she like you? — She even said it yourself, you’ll keep doing you and she’ll be herself. It was all temporary. You rubbed your palms into your silk pajama shorts thinking of everything you could possibly say, all possibilities sounding like the worst one. Ignoring the sound of wheels on the tile stopping in front of the door in front of you.
“Why do you look like a kicked puppy,” Abby spoke up, her hand holding the telescopic handle of her suitcase. You have lost track of time, she was heading out in about 3 hours. You hadn’t realized that all the time you spent in your room was like a princess being locked away in a castle. You eyed her, black trousers and the same white t-shirt tucked into her pants secured with a belt. Her hair this time was in a braid, and now you wondered if you imagined the whole thing. Abby walked up the main stairs, taking a seat next to you.
“Are you here to say goodbye, or were you just gonna leave?” You snapped eyeing the girl in front of you.
Abby scoffed, “did you want me to?”
“Duh…It would of been morally right but maybe I need to chill out” you confessed
“No,no I wanted to” Abby confirmed. The two of you sat in silence for a minute before you broke it, slicing the thick air with your powerful words.
“Abby, that is brutal, the truth is I don’t want you to leave… I really like you Abby” you confessed tucking a piece of your loose curls behind your ear. Abby watching you with pure bliss and sincerity.
“You…like me?” Abby questioned, checking if what you said was right.
“Yes, and it pains me to see you go because I don’t want you to think I don’t want anything more but I do and I want to spend every mo—” Abby shut you up with a kiss. That was it! she finally kissed you! It was romantic, and beautiful, like your lips touching a bed of flowers, you could almost feel your body ascending off the floor. The kiss was long as you leaned into her body that locked perfectly into yours like a puzzle piece. Her lips were smooth, most likely from the peppermint chapstick that she wore that contrasted your glossed pink ones. The two of you pulled apart as her head rested against yours, breathing heavily.
“I want to take you on a real date” Abby confessed, which made you give the girl a shy smile as she stroked your cheek, “you know, to buy you real flowers, show you a bangin’ time” Abby finished as she bought out a tiny slip of paper, shoving it into your hand as she was now getting up adjusting her clothes,
“When you’re ready, give me a call”
You watched as she walked away in amazement, eyeing her backside as she walked with much pride. Abby grabbed onto the handle of her suitcase opening the front door, stopping to give you one final look. Abby lifted her hand to her lips blowing you a kiss, which you mimicked blowing one back. You were never certain about anything until now, tears pricking your eyes in joy as you smiled at the girl leaving.
“Oh, I will!” You sassed running in the opposite direction of the stairs up to your room.
While some may say happily ever after was overrated, you thought otherwise. What you thought was going to be a nightmare turned into the best 4-day weekend, you’ve ever had in the hills.
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stylerm2world · 1 month
Okay. Just finished the finale. Overall, this storyline was really awful and sooo poorly written. None of it made sense.
Tim had this huge murder pact, which prompted the breakup and lead Tim to go to therapy. Huh?! So we get no payoff of the therapy, other than “she was a really good therapist.” Excuse me sir, no she fucking wasn’t. At least he acknowledged the ridiculousness of him going to therapy resulted in learning the therapist was a blackmailer tied to Monica??!!! I am just curious if the writers were making fun of themselves by acknowledging the ridiculousness of this storyline in the dialogue? That was supposed to be Tim’s growth arc? Don’t get me started on the “Freak in the sheets line” way to reduce a female character and their relationship to a punchline about sex. Classy.
All season long, Lucy has taken hit after hit, been treated like absolute and complete shit by ever person around her. Don’t get me started on Nyla, Angela and Nolan. She loses her dream, which is barely mentioned and is dumped by her person. There is absolutely no acknowledgement of that at all either. Tim’s big speech to begin to repair is “You are kind to me. I will try to be kind, if you let me.”WTF??!! Not once, did he acknowledge how he hurt her, just a generalized BS statement. “I ruined everything.” This scene is supposed to be my hope for the future. Looks pretty bleak.
You are kind to grocery store clerks, not the person you supposedly love, who you hope to repair with after you hurt them deeply. But, I guess that is the best this show can do.
I just can’t. I just hate I can’t get the time I have spent invested in this show and relationship back. Alexi obliterated what was built over 5 years in the space of 2 episodes. There was no greater story or character development. It didn’t have any meaning or purpose other than to introduce the Blair/Monica connection. Had nothing to do with the undercover issue at all, which we spent half of last season and the beginning of this season talking about, which could have been a real obstacle for them to work through.
After seeing what Alexi did to Castle, I should have known better.
They are gonna make Lucy a doormat because Tim is kind to her. It’s infuriating because the inherent misogyny in the story is so obvious. How can these be the same writers who wrote this great line, “way to trivialize female anger.” Here we are.
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thewisecheerio · 7 months
Shadowheart telling people to STFU in a myriad of ways is peak comedy. Shadowheart and Gale: Gale/Shadowheart banter while exploring Haven. Gale: Look at this place. Such horrors defy description… devnote(in very bleak/grim surroundings) Shadowheart: Silence can be best. Give it a try sometime. devnote (A little cheeky, though they're in a grim place.)
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Shadowheart and Astarion: Shadowheart and Astarion banter while travelling through swamplands. Shadowheart: Ugh, I hate swamps. The place reeks - probably full of bloodsuckers as well. devnote(Disgust. Travelling through swampland.) >Astarion: I can't blame them. You're delicious. >>Shadowheart: If that was an attempt at flirting, I should let you know I prefer the strong, silent type. >>End >Astarion: Shadowheart! You wound me. devnote(Responding to 'swamp's probably full of bloodsuckers') >End >Astarion: Probably. devnote(Shadowheart's that the swamp's probably full of bloodsuckers. She doesn't know you're a vampire.) >End
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Shadowheart and Astarion, acknowledging the fact that her previous attempts to shut him up haven't worked: Banter between SH and Astarion in the Gauntlet of Shar. Shadowheart: You're uncharacteristically quiet, Astarion. Awed into silence? Astarion: Awed? By this? Please - size isn't everything. At least when it comes to temples. Shadowheart: Well what would impress you, then? Astarion: Oh, I don't know, but a little more colour wouldn't hurt. All the black and purple just makes me think of bruises…
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Romance dialogue between Shadowheart and Player: Shadowheart: You know what I really love about you? When you play the strong, silent type. Let's keep this short, shall we? Shadowheart: You know, just because I join you at your bedroll from time to time doesn't mean you need to talk to me quite so much. Is this urgent? Shadowheart: Personality isn't everything, I suppose. Plenty of relationships can limp along on physical attraction alone. What do you want?
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Bonus Content - Gale and Astarion: Astarion tries to flirt with Gale. Gale reacts. Astarion: I am enjoying our walks together, aren't you, Gale? Gale: Uhm… Sure. In silence.
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Unfiltered opinion below ⬇️(long)
Transformers prime
Listen, you can like what you like, but tfp is not the Pinnacle of transformers media like every salty old fan of it says it is
Repetitive soundtrack
The soundtrack isn't varied, all of the music is comprised of grandiose orchestral pieces that become so goddamn repetitive it leaves you feeling empty. There's never any other emotion present in the music other than
"feel epic now pls"
I shit you not. There are scenes that are "supposed" to be funny, but it's just stale dialogue with absolutely no background music so it doesn't work at all. Any emotion conveyed with music is either epic, sad, or action and nothing else
"Haha, no moments of silly, that would kill the seriousnesz emo vibe U_U"
Terrible setting
Tfp is also much more visually unappealing due to the uncanny af models, the barren and drab backgrounds, and a convenient lack of humans to "disguise" from
not to mention how fuckin weird they look
sims 4 mfs
I'm so sick of animation elitists saying TFP's the better show because it's 3D and 3D is somehow Automatically better because it's "more advanced and sophisticated" which if you ever dipped your fingers into animation at all, you'd know how untrue that is
Feats of storytelling can be attained with either or, and the execution is dependent on the style and narrative that the show presents
TFP was trying to go for a visually darker theme, which is why they went for a realism. The only problem is that the settings are bleak and devoid of any soul
Speaking of which
Robots in disguise... From what???
Outside of team prime, there are literally no humans with speaking roles that have actual story importance
except for Silas
until there are infact- no, non-team humans of significance ever again, either because they couldn't afford the voice actors anymore, or they just chose to never bring them up again.
We don't get to actually see people, we only see the implication of human dwelling and it's lackluster.
There's never any of that conflict or tension that the show promised with the disguise plot, and It pisses me off so much because not only do a bare few of the fights happen around or inside of inhabited areas
but these robots
"Honey, do you hear that loud, metallic ripping and obnoxious plasma fire?"
"Must be the neighbors shagging, Gerald. Don't be such a paranoid freak<3"
"Fair enough Cathleen, let's go back to playing spiderman 2 for the ps5"
"robots In disguise"
respectfully, Hasbro- you can eat out my entire ass with your forked tongue, ye fuckin liars✨
The Nothing Narrative
Tfp legit feels like the circle jerk of patriotism, oh my god.
Sure, it sounds far fetched but let's not forget that this show has agent fowler sucking off the American government every chance he gets
Its so audacious to show the devastation that war brought to cybertron, only to turn around and be like
"So kiddos, wanna join le special forces" at the end of it
How can you be anti war and pro US military?
The US
The leading imperialistic force in the world for the last 200+ years?
That's who you wanna prop up as a stand up figure in your "war is bad" show??
H o w
How Does That W o r k that's so fucking stupid
Wasted potential
considering wasted character opportunities that pissed everyone off, tfp weighs down the heaviest
1.Breakdown could've joined the autobots-killed off because they couldn't afford the va
2.Airachnid could've come back as a larger threat with her hoard of zombie/vampire insecticons -transported to Luna 1 and then never seen from again because they couldn't afford the va
3.cybertronian pirates were supposed to appear but didn't because they didn't use their own production bible
And that shit show sequel
(nice one hasbro, you really rodded yourself up the asshole with a ferocity for the millionth time)
Oh and that one moment that legit pissed me off
When megatron pulled that
"because I now know the true meaning of oppression, and have thus lost my taste for inflicting it"
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This prompts the question for me
Why would you even waste the little budget that you had creating this show with a premise that literally lies to the audience??
Its so funny that people meatride this show so hard because of animation elitist bullshit like "3D animation is better than 2D"
And yet, despite the scathing review I just gave I do not gaf if you watch this show and like it, that's literally great for you
But don't ever claim that it does narratives better than TFA/Earthspark dude, omg
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thethirdromana · 7 months
In honour of Doctor Who's 60th birthday, here are 60* things that I like about less popular** Doctor Who stories.
(*in multiple posts because I'm falling foul of the character limit)
(**IMDB rating of less than 7/10)
1. Susan is great in The Sensorites. She's at her absolute best in stories like this where she gets to be genuinely a bit alien and a bit weird.
2. "So," said someone at the BBC, "we're going to produce an allegory for different political systems, using insects. Choreographed by a mime artist. On a budget of about £2.50." The Web Planet might not entirely have succeeded, but my god, you have to love that they tried.
3. They introduced Jamie, the best companion, in The Highlanders! How is does this have less than a 7/10 rating, what is wrong with you people. It's Jamie.
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4. I applaud the utter bonkersness of The Underwater Menace, and Patrick Troughton really gives it socks.
5. The Wheel in Space is proper 60s sci-fi: Servo-Robots, x-ray lasers, radio beams! I can practically smell Penguin mass-market paperbacks thinking about it. And with the introduction of Zoe, it completes my all-time favourite TARDIS team.
6. The Dominators contains the Quarks, who are adorable. They weren't supposed to be, but it doesn't matter.
7. Zoe is still relatively new to the TARDIS, but she has heaps to do in The Krotons. Nice having a female companion who's written as smart and capable.
8. We have entered the 70s, so with Colony in Space, we get Social Issues. Especially an Evil Mining Corporation, which are always fun.
9. More Social Issues in The Mutants, but this time they're paired with big sci-fi ideas. Ancient tablets! Strange life cycles! Love how much is going on here.
10. The Time Monster is like the Eurovision of Doctor Who. Deeply silly, but what would Doctor Who be without silliness? I'm sorry about Jo's coccyx too.
11. I love that they returned to Peladon in The Monster of Peladon, especially with the 50-year time jump. I'd like to see that kind of follow-up more often.
12. Is it not cool to love K9 any more? Well, I like my Doctor Who with a dose of silliness, and The Invisible Enemy delivered that. Every time traveller needs a robot dog.
13. The design of the Seers in Underworld is excellent, I love a brass dome.
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14. Doctor Who doesn't have enough giant squidmonsters looming on the horizons. I'm glad the The Power of Kroll does something to address the deficit.
15. The Creature from the Pit gave us the line "a teaspoon and an open mind", and I appreciate it for that at least.
16. Romana wears one of her best of many splendid outfits in The Horns of Nimon.
17. I liked all the arch dialogue between the Doctor, Enlightenment and Persuasion in Four to Doomsday.
18. Heathrow airport is an underrated setting. I also appreciate how Time-Flight prominently features Concorde, making it far more 80s than they could ever have planned.
19. I don't intend this to be damning with faint praise (even though it probably sounds like it) but my favourite thing about Arc of Infinity is that we get a little jaunt through 80s Amsterdam. I do love a tram.
20. Babyfaced Martin Clunes doing his spoiled princeling thing in Snakedance is enjoyably disconcerting.
21. Terminus is tense and scary and bleak. Another one that I'd expected to be more highly rated.
22. Warriors of the Deep gives us a very solid base under siege. Silurians + Cold War is a winning combination.
23. Landing in a modern village doing a historical re-enactment in The Awakening is a witty touch.
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24. I can’t say I enjoyed the idea of the Doctor’s violent moods in The Twin Dilemma, but I have to commend it as a punchy way to introduce the new regeneration.
25. The Mark of the Rani should surely get some love just for introducing the Rani: camp, delightful, iconic.
26. Herbert turning out to be HG Wells in Timelash is a lovely twist and handled well.
27. The Trial of a Time Lord is so grand and ambitious. If the show hadn't been struggling in general at this point, it would be among the all-time greats.
28. With its colour-coded gangs and faux-urban slang, Paradise Towers is gloriously of its time in a way that currently feels quite naff, but that I suspect will be fascinating to revisit in about 30 years.  
29. Delta and the Bannermen is action-packed and has one of the best titles in 80s Who.
30. Possibly the most terrifying moment in all of Doctor Who is Kane's face melting in Dragonfire. This series is nothing if it doesn't send children running for safety behind the sofa.
31. Got to love it when Who gets aggressively anti-Thatcher, and they never did it more than in The Happiness Patrol.
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
@sallysavestheday and @grey-gazania, thank you so much for tagging me! This seems like fun.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 55 non-anon works under the username HewerOfCaves. (122, counting anon fics and my previous usernames).
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 168.204, but if I count my previous lives on Ao3, probably around 400.000
3. What fandoms do you write for? Silmarillion. I'm an one fandom kind of writer.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Idea Dump - 20-chapter collection of random ficlets and drabbles
For the World's End - My very first fic in the fandom! Post-canon Maedhros angst
We Live a Lie - A slightly disturbing ficlet about Fëanor in Arda Unmarred
A King Uncrowned (A King Enthroned) - Maedhros and Fingolfin on the day of Fingolfin's coronation
Ages of Secrets - Russingon and the people who knew their secret through the ages. Tbh, I'm still baffled that this is among my more popular fics.
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I can't rest easy until I've responded to all my comments.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Heh, I thrive on angst, so this is a very hard question. I can't choose just one. It's a tie between Monomachy (Maedhros and Fingon cross paths during the Third Kinslaying), Happy Ending (Maedhros daydreaming, it's just... bleak) and Alone in the Unknown (Maglor reaches his breaking point, Maedhros reached his a long time ago; this entire series is angsty, but this part is the angstiest of all).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I went looking and was surprised to discover that I've written fewer happy endings than I thought :D But I still have some!
Peculiar Spiritual Connection - QP Russingon and their happy, carefree post-canon ending with just a smidgen of angst.
Greetings Without Farewells - Teenage Maedhros and Maglor, kid Celegorm and Fingon are happy in the bliss of Valinor.
What's in a Name - Debatable because the protagonist, Turgon, is decidedly not happy, but everyone else is, so...
8. Do you get hate on fics? Hasn't happened yet, thankfully. I hope it never will.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I actually started writing smut and am actively trying not to be embarrassed about it. As to what kind... What kinds are there? :D So far, I've written two kinds - wouldn't this be fucked up and wouldn't this be hot. Here's what I have:
Proxy - Maedhros/Fingon, unrequited Maedhros/Maglor. Wouldn't this be fucked up kind of fic. All characters are definitely fucked up.
The Hunters - Maedhros/Aredhel and they are both women. Wouldn't this be hot kind of fic. It would.
Kaleidoscope - Fingon/Sons of Feanor, M-rated but still fucked up.
Purification - Maedhros/Thingol. Actually, I think this is both wouldn't it be fucked up and wouldn't it be hot.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? My only attempt at writing a crossover crashed and burned. It was supposed to be SPN/Silm :/
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I hope not! I'm not aware of it at least.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! Very nice people have translated some of my fics into Chinese and Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Once, in a different fandom. It was a reincarnation AU, and me and the other author took turns writing each life of the characters. It was very fun.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? It's Russingon. No contest. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Every WIP is a WIP I want to finish but doubt I ever will. If seriously, it's probably my Maedhros on the Thangorodrim fic. I started it about five years ago and haven't finished it yet. And it's not a long fic! If I finish it, it'll be 5k at most, I think. I don't know, I'm just over Maedhros suffering. I want him to be happy. That's a lie, but I just can't deal with the whole Thangorodim torture.
16. What are your writing strengths? Dialogue. Twist endings. Breaking people's hearts.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Descriptions. Beautiful comparisons and metaphors. Also, I have a very narrow focus, meaning that there is only one fandom, one ship and very few characters I write for. I rarely diversify.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic. Not a fan. A few words are fine, but entire lines are too much for me.
19. First fandom you wrote for? I shan't say.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? It changes all the time. Right now, I'm fond of To Evil End. Fingon lives, but will it change everything for the better? The answer may surprise you but probably won't.
Tagging @eccentricmya, @runawaymun, @echo-bleu, @searchingforserendipity25, @undercat-overdog
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emotionalcadaver · 2 days
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you for the tag, @runnning-outof-time! 🖤
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Peaky Blinders is the only one I'm actively writing for at the moment, but I've also written for: Inception, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Dunkirk, and In Time.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
These Devilish Intentions 
Does the Devil Have a Heart
Bloodied & Broken
In the Bleak Midwinter
Not Afraid of a Little Blood
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I always try to respond, even if it's just with a 'thank you.'
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably Dance of Darkness. I tend to not write super angsty/unhappy endings that often.
7. What’s a fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
There's so many because I'm a sucker for happy endings. Maybe A Sleepless Dream? The ending for that one is all fluff (and smut 😏).
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have, yes. Mostly from both Grace x Tommy fans and Lizzie x Tommy fans (do I get a medal for somehow managing to piss off both factions of psycho fans 😂?) It used to bug me a lot, but now I've gotten to the point where I just roll my eyes and hit the block button.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes, I do!
10. Craziest crossover?
I don't really do crossovers. I prefer to keep things contained to one single fandom. It's just easier for my brain that way.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, thankfully!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, nor do I give permission for my fics to be translated.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not, but I would be happy to with any of my mutuals! I have beta read some things for people before.
14. All time favorite ship?
Am I allowed to be horribly egotistical here and say Tommy Shelby x Lucy Winters (my OC)? Because that's the honest answer 😂.
15. What’s a fic you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
So fun fact about me, I literally cannot work on a new project until I've finished the one I'm currently working on. My brain throws an absolute fit if I try to. And I cannot leave projects unfinished. So while it may take me a while at times, I will always finish a fic/series that I've started to write.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm pretty good at writing fluff and comfort. Anything that involves the characters getting to snuggle and be disgustingly adorable together.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I honestly struggle sometimes with trusting my readers to understand my intentions, and as a result can end up spelling things out or over explaining something. I think it comes from spending so many years in fandom and seeing people come up with some of the most braindead takes on things at times. I really need to get better about trusting my audience to be able to understand the nuance and complexity of what I'm trying to write without me having to spell it out so obviously.
Also I sometimes get so stuck in writing dialogue that I forget to describe things in enough detail 🫣
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I don't mind it others' fics, so long as a translation is provided somewhere. Personally, if I'm writing something that is supposed to be in another language, I'll keep it in English but put it in italics and specify that it is being spoken in another language. I don't trust Google translate to translate things accurately.
19. First fandom you wrote in?
Technically the MCU, when I first started writing fanfic back in middle school (never posted any of it though).
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
It's so hard to pick just one! Probably Lady of the Various Sorrows. It was the culmination of a plot point I'd been building to throughout the series, and it allowed me to dabble in some angst while also being able to write a ton of comfort and fluff.
No pressure tags: @cillmequick, @justrainandcoffee, @moral-terpitude, @evita-shelby, @lunarubra
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eyra · 8 months
20 questions for Fic Writers
thank you to everyone who tagged me and I'm sorry it's taken me a month to do this.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
25 plus a few that I've posted anonymously. bonus points if anyone ever finds them.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
just HP/marauders these days
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Brief History of Dragons - people like this Remus I think.
Beneath a Big Blue Sky - my love letter to Yorkshire.
Statten Park - an old one but I do actually still like this, it's a lot of fun.
Sunshine on Leith - can we knock this out of the top five already please.
And a Hedgehog in a Pine Tree - I'm so surprised that this is here, it's such an inconsequential little thing. people like Christmas I suppose.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
oh god I try I really do, every email that comes through with a new comment makes my day but I'm terrible for leaving them all unanswered in my inbox. I'm sorry to everyone who has ever left a comment that I haven't responded to.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
The Proctor House for sure. A Winter, Forever Ago is pretty bleak too.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
most of them! probably the most joyous is something like Beneath a Big Blue Sky because you've been on a decent journey to get there. that goose threatening everyone's happiness and all.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
not really. one comment I do get sometimes is that the way I write Remus/Sirius is OOC and yes I agree, it absolutely is. Remus in Beneath a Big Blue Sky has nothing to do with e.g. Remus in Ullswater. those men have never even met in a bathroom. James in A Brief History of Dragons is an arsehole compared to living legend James in Beneath a Big Blue Sky. Sirius in Statten Park is a complete stranger to Sirius in Heartstones. none of them, really, have much to do with their canon counterparts. just bits here and there but I haven't read the HP books in well over a decade and I don't really remember what these characters are actually like beyond the surface-level stuff, so a lot of what I write is fairly OOC. it's all done knowingly and intentionally and I'm not going to change that.
9. Do you write smut. If so, what kind?
oh gosh a little bit a little bit. please understand that I'm a repressed Englishwoman and I'm trying my hardest. Seventeen Hours and Statten Park are both fairly smutty. I'd like to write more but I'm awkward af.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
no not really my thing but I do like to take other stories and plonk marauders characters into similar worlds - Ullswater was very much inspired by If We Were Villains.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no but people keep nabbing them to get them printed and then apparently sell them? so actually maybe yes. grow up.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no because I'm a control freak and I don't allow my work to be replicated. sorry about it. I think people have done it for personal offline projects though and that's absolutely fine.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
back in the day I used to co-write with my then-partner but it was just bits and pieces, not full fics. again, I'm a control freak so I'd struggle with this. I need to get my own way always.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
right so I should say Remus/Sirius but honestly... Remus/James just reaches places other pairings simply cannot. so it's a toss up.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
oh god how long have you got. I think one of the reasons I dislike Sunshine on Leith so much is because I put that stupid note at the end promising a third part in a few weeks. that was in 2020 and I've still not done it. help.
16. What are your writing strengths?
description, particularly when it comes to: natural landscapes, buildings, food, weather. I think I'm alright at witty dialogue too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
actually writing anything down. also action, can't do action to save my life.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I don't think I've done it but I'd give it a go.
19. First Fandom you wrote for?
I think it was LOTR and yes it probably still exists somewhere on an old desktop computer at my dad's house and yes that thought keeps me up at night.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
The Proctor House and Beneath a Big Blue Sky
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horsetailcurlers2 · 3 months
back again with my obnoxiously long stream of thoughts while watching greys anatomy for the first time (SEASON 17 bc the show is going downhill but i’ve invested way too much time to give up now)
-i really don’t like watching the covid seasons of tv shows. it just makes me depressed
-i have been getting to the point where idk if the show is worth watching anymore, but i’m going to stick it out and also cut this season some slack
-i like the flashback thing. maybe this is dumb but i’m wondering if some of that was footage they already had before covid happened and they found a way to repurpose it??
-“i’m not okay with you dying, owen” very unrelatable, teddy
-at the risk of sounding like i care for owen hunts well-being, i am BEGGING for him to just be single for once in his life. figure your shit out without having to have a new wife every five minutes. i thought he’d make progress with that therapy thing but at the end of it he was just like “figuring out the root of my trauma made me realize i DO love teddy :D”
-i know she’s not dead but this also isn’t the same limbo from the drowning incident so i’m confused
-so are we saying that heaven is canon in the greys anatomy universe??????
-owen has every right to be pissed at teddy, but it sounds like he’s forgetting he also cheated on his first wife lol. not that that makes it okay, i just mean that some of the things he’s saying are beyond hypocritical
-i am the worst person in the world for shitting on a child actor like this but the little girl that plays zola sucks at fake crying
-a death has not upset me this much on this show since mark and lexie
-part of the difference in the writing that i was talking about with the last few seasons is that i feel like they aren’t letting us draw our own conclusions about how we’re supposed to feel about things anymore. like they’re telling us through dialogue exactly what we’re supposed to think and feel about every situation and it’s kind of annoying. or it’s spelling out exactly what each character is feeling all the time instead of showing us. the dialogue is just sort of forced and clunky and after-school-special-y
-i like that there’s been more of a focus on teddy. other than the henry storyline, she’s sort been a bit unexplored until recently
-damn teddy’s life really has just been rife with tragedy
-tell him amelia !! get his ass
-is teddmelia a ship??? i kind of want it to happen
-lexie and deluca would’ve gotten along like a house on fire :(
-the beach is beautiful and the scenes are great but i DO NOT need to be seeing derek’s bare feet and ankles so much
-“i just really need to be crying right now” amelia is so real
-this season is the most upsetting to me i think because it’s the most real. i think that’s why i don’t like covid seasons of shows. other seasons might draw inspo from real world events but in 2020 there was no way to write a show without talking about all the awful tragedy going on so even if they try to infuse hope into all the bleakness there’s no escapism. which i’m not saying is a bad thing at all. like it would’ve been worse to just write the storylines as if nothing was happening in the real world.
-baileys immediate reaction to the guy who thinks covid is fake being to go to the stairwell and just yell “WHAT? WHAT?!” is so real
-i like the idea of jo switching to OB but i think it’s a little ignorant and naive to say it’s because it’s “happier” than surgery. like realistically it’s bc she likes the idea of bringing babies into the world bc she’s been unpacking the way she came into the world and stuff. but saying it’s happier just feels like a way of saying “easier” and i thought we were past the weird elitist attitude a lot of the characters had towards obstetrics and gynecology in the early seasons.
-i’m happy for tom with his activism and his hospital shares
-a semi public proposal and using the kids to pressure her (inadvertently?) does not seem like amelia’s style even if she hadn’t been questioning whether or not she wanted to get married.
-overall a good chunk of this season was alternately too bleak or too boring. i wish we got to know winston a bit more. everyone felt just slightly off kilter. giving it a pass bc covid season. hopefully the next season (and my possible reaction/commentary??? if it’s worth reacting to) will be better
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beckyblah · 2 years
How do you feel about the latest lore stream? About c!Tommy and c!Dreams last moments
Short answer: it was really bad and a bit hurtful, honestly
Long answer: It really stinks that this was the ending but I personally was bit braced for it. Tom-the-guy had talked about how he was going to kill cTommy during the original disc finale back in January 2021, so I was sort of prepped for him dying. That said, still sucks that he had such a bleak story. I also think that it was kneecapped by the fact that Big CCs - either Dream or Tommy - really wanted season 2 to be a "continuation" of season 1 without any of the baggage. Imo, it could have just been a full reset, but working within the constraints they set for themselves really robbed the audience of any conclusion or resolution. On top of that, by making everyone forget the events of season 1, the server basically reset to zero. It undid everything in the story and caused cTommy's story to lose a lot of the meaning it had. It ended up being suffering for no real reason. Often stories that reset or have everyone forget are either about the little enjoyments in life, or are about brutal nihilism. In this case, while I think cc!Tommy tried to address the former - that things ending and dying is ok - he missed the mark simply by having his character have been so beaten down and hurt.
To add insult to injury, that cTommy's last words to the man who tortured him as a teenager, who murdered him multiple times, and would never ever feel bad about those things was that he was "sorry." That really, really sucks. I personally think that Tom-the-guy did NOT mean for that to come across as forgiveness or even true understanding, but that it was supposed to mirror the end fight in No Way Home. It was meant to be that superhero story trope of being better than the bad guy, and rising above them. I think personally he was trying to write cTommy as kind and self-sacrificial and a True Hero. But for a myriad of reasons that did not come across well and it felt a lot more harmful than I believe it was ever meant to be.
Both things compounded to make the end just so absolutely depressing and hurtful to watch that I honestly cannot blame people for some of the reactions that I'm seeing. And it fucking sucks to see people see it as a somehow "good" ending. Or worse, using it as an excuse to spout straight-up abuse apologism.
All this to say that while I do think it was bad, and I do think people are valid when they're hurt by this ending, I personally don't think it was purposefully cruel. I think it was a very earnest swing and a miss on an ending that needed to wrap up a lot of story in a short amount of time, with a lot of constraints, and all the dialogue had to be improv'd live in front of thousands of people. And I could be even more charitable and say that cTommy was a character whose deep and upsetting trauma was written by a privileged 16 year old, who almost certainly had no idea what he was getting himself into, but who tried to do some justice by the character he had written. I could be uncharitable, too, but frankly I've got a bad case of CC bias so I'm Being Nice To Him.
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defira85 · 1 day
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @elvenmother thank you!
How many works do you have on AO3? Currently 109
What's your total AO3 word count? Okay WITH THE CAVEAT that I am incapable of writing short fic or ficlets and can only write long fic and have been on AO3 since 2011.... it's 2433956. Yes that is 2.5 million words
What fandoms do you write for? Mostly computer game adjacent - Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Baldur's Gate 3, Cinders, Critical Role, Avengers (comics verse, not movies), Once Upon a Time, Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Stardew Valley, Touchstarved
Top 5 fics by kudos? Recovery Begins (Finn/Poe), A Safe Port in a Storm (Cullen/Dorian), The Courtship of Dorian Pavus (Cullen/Dorian), The Atonement of Cullen Rutherford (Cullen/Dorian), An Empire's Ransom (Ona'la||Jedi Knight/Thexan)
5. Do you respond to comments? I had a bleak period from about 2019-2022 where I was in a black hole of depression and creativity where I wrote nothing and felt a deep shame every time I got a comment on AO3, so there are people I have never responded to, but otherwise I'm adamant about replying to EVERYONE
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Hmm. It could be Grief, a fic about Arcann observing the bounty hunter performing funeral rites for her dead husband. It might also be A Piercing Little Star, which I wrote for the DA Big Bang in 2013 about Leliana and Warden Bethany. And Ten Years Gone, about a very minor NPC couple from DA2, has a bleak ending
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I'll be honest, it's Keep Telling Me To Breathe, my Durgetash fic. Purely self indulgent ending there.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Not in a long time, but it used to happen more frequently on Deviant Art and on anonymous kink memes. People were more free about being assholes on LJ because they could do it anonymously. A few on AO3 but again, it's been awhile.
9. Do you write smut? Do I write anything BUT smut lmfao. I mean, yes I do, but I love writing smut, so...
10. Craziest crossover? I'm not much of a crossover gal, the closest I've got at the moment would be some multi-Hawke adventures that I wrote back in my DA2 days where one of my Hawkes was running around in universe with a friend's Hawke
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Touch wood but no, not to the best of my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! I've had multiple of my Dragon Age fics translated into Russian
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before? My co-conspirator @sithrightsactivist will confirm yes, and I'm basically a co-writer with @angelicfangirl on her Calli/Arcann (Swtor) fic
14. All time favourite ship? I don't know if I have one? Hnngh. I guess Ona'la/Thexan because he's essentially my OC at this point in time. I can't read other Thexan fics because I'm like, no, that's wrong, he's supposed to be married to Ona'la. And Elissa/Justice makes me feel a lot of very big emotions because I made her to be a garbage person, an outlet for a lot of my own ugly feelings and self worth issues, and yet someone actually fell in love with her and found her worth cherishing as she was and that stunned me. And Durge/Gortash, I know what I like
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Sigh. It's probably my Stardew Valley fic. Or, no matter how many times I try, my Raina Temple/Shara Jenn||Watcher Two fic (SWTOR).
16. What are your writing strengths? I write GREAT smut. And I do phenomenal worldbuilding
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I don't know when to shut up. I can't write short fic to save my life. I don't actually know how people write such tight, careful fics in such a small amount of words
18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I did it more when I was younger and thought I was being very clever but I know enough now that I know better than to try and butcher other languages like that. I know it reads as clumsy at best to native speakers so I try to avoid it. Unless it's fictional, and then I go ham.
19. First fandom you wrote in? First? Very first? I probably wrote stories about being April O'Neill with the TMNT. I wrote about being batgirl when I was like 8. Otherwise I think it was the Wayfarer Redemption Cycle by Sara Douglass or The Belgariad by David Eddings as a teen
20. Favourite fic you've written? HOW CAN I JUST CHOOSE ONE???? Okay well I'm the most proud of Keep Telling Me To Breathe (BG3) and An Empire's Ransom (SWTOR) changed the trajectory of my life for the better. Also? I'm the only person who's written Justice romance fic, and yes, I do mean Awakenings Justice and not "inside Anders' pretty body" DA2 Justice, so I'll own that
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neutralgrey-fallout · 2 months
I always thought it was interesting that in Fallout 3, there's a dialogue option to report Vault 87 as the source of the super mutants of the Capital Wasteland. This is the Brotherhood's main mission under Lyons while in the wasteland (before the Enclave show up)-- eliminate the super mutants. And so the game lets you report this information to an important NPC just before the final couple missions of the main story.
And of course it has no actual consequences because Fallout 3 is Fallout 3. But the way it feels focused on, it feel like it's supposed to be important.
This is all to say, I really like to think about what would have happened post-main story with Vault 87.
I always imagine the BoS take the underground route through Lamplight Caverns. They come across Little Lamplight, and because kids are no match for soldiers in actual power armor, the kids have no real choice but to stand down. The BoS pass the kids off to the protected Aqua Pura caravan routes they have. The children can make contact with safe settlements. Some of the Lamplighters get taken in by kind adults, some manage to fend for themselves among the settlements. Others, like Moriarty, disappear into the wasteland, chasing their mercenary fortunes. Vault 87 becomes a secured research outpost and turns the tide dramatically in the fight against the super mutants. Once the mutant population is under control, the vault 87 post becomes a dreary and bleak "punishment" assignment for irritating Scribes-- just like Scribe Yearling in the Arlington library.
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softpine · 1 year
Would it be too spoilery to ask if you can reveal a plot or two that would have gone differently if you weren't worried about people's reactions? I've been so curious ever since you said your characters are meant to be way worse people
oh sure!! it's not always that i'm worried about people's reactions, sometimes it's just because i dropped the ball or had other stuff going on. i just don't want anyone thinking they made me feel this way!!
the biggest one is that caroline and beth were supposed to get a divorce 🥴 back when they were fighting a lot over asa's worsening condition because caroline was adamant that asa was seeing ghosts while beth thought he was having a mental health crisis. but when asa went into another coma, they ended up reconnecting and slowly rebuilding their relationship (mostly because caroline stopped pressing the ghost issue). it felt natural to me and i think it worked out fine, but i wish i had gone with my gut.
my original plan was for them to drift even further apart when asa went into his coma. caroline would've gotten REALLY desperate, like séance / psychic medium kinda desperate, and beth would've gone the opposite direction and start contacting every doctor she can find. finn would've watched them fight and felt guilty for "destroying" asa's family, who seemed pretty damn perfect in finn's eyes. finn would wake asa up as normal, but the damage was already done, so caroline and beth would continue fighting. finn would beg asa to stop messing with ghosts/time travel and focus on his family (of course it should never be a child's responsibility to save their parents marriage, but finn spent his entire life placating his family and feeling guilty for their actions, so naturally he feels this way). asa is stubborn and doesn't listen (like usual). so that actually drives a wedge between asa and finn too. at the same time, danny and mikaela were not on the best terms because danny lied about going on tour. so everyyyybody was fighting 😭
in the heat of the moment, caroline would've suggested they get divorced, expecting beth to disagree and keep trying, but beth went completely silent instead, and it was an "oh shit this is really happening huh" moment for both of them. they would separate for a while, things still wouldn't get better, so they start talking to divorce lawyers. finally, asa steps in and does some light time traveling (lol) and revisits a bunch of his parents' best moments together so he can go back to the present time and drop hints, like "hey mom who taught you how to swim?" "did you guys have a favorite coffee shop?" "is it true you worked at the diner before i was born?" etc. just little comments that make beth and caroline remember the good times without being too obvious. and it kinda works?? caroline is waiting with her lawyer one day when beth shows up in a fancy dress and says "get up, we're going on a date". everyone is like ??? but beth explains that although they've known each other their whole lives, they never really got to just date each other, because asa arrived so soon after they got together. so they go out to dinner but they pretend it's a blind date. and they get really drunk and do karaoke to 'love is a battlefield' because duh. the next morning, they both call their lawyers and say oops never mind about the divorce thing :') and they stay separated / casually dating for quite a while, still building up their relationship. it would've had a happy ending, but it would take much more work to get there!
overall i just thought this story line would be too bleak and frustrating rather than being "fun" drama, but idk... i wish i went for it anyway. it would've been fun to deal with adult drama rather than teen angst for a change. i still have a bunch of leftover dialogue if you're curious!!
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later, after they've been fighting for a while:
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this was the other option that would've had basically the same function as the scene above:
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i repurposed this sex planner discussion here lol:
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