#anyway. eeping now. hopefully you are eeping too
synonymroll648 · 1 year
okay so trans storytime with s! this one has a happy ending :)
it's october 2021. i have known i was not cisgender for about a year. i've been out as genderqueer for a couple months. due to the previously discussed "men are evil" shit i'd internalized, i am firmly in denial about the fact that i'm a guy even though it's pretty fucking obvious i'm male.
so, i'm at homecoming with my friends, we're vibing, and one friend decides she wants to take photos. we take one photo as a group, then she takes one of the boys, then says we should take one photo of the girls. then she looks over at me in my short-hair-suit-and-tie glory and goes "well, girls and s!"
i appreciate that she's not calling me a girl, but something feels more uncomfortable than if i'd just been left out of the picture altogether. if i had to do gendered photos, i think i would have rather been grouped with the boys. i don't know how to say any of this. i take the girls-and-s photo and wish i had the balls (pun intended) to be in the boys' photo.
somehow i don't recognize this as a sign that perhaps i am a boy.
fast forward to august 2023. i'm at camp and we're having a dance. my group of friends taking photos. after we do one photo all together, the rest of the group splits up by gender. this time, i decide to join in the boys' photo, no one says anything weird, i look great, and now it's one of my favorite pictures. gender wins.
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THAT DOES HAVE A HAPPY ENDING!! GENDER DOES WIN!!! that's super duper awesome growth in terms of trans acceptance, vv proud :DD
also. the 'wish i had the balls' joke made me smile. ty
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plushee-cant-draw · 1 year
As I've started doing for. every update now, here are all of the new quotes for the update beta, "Terror Below" :3
I. am very normal about it so far.
(Spoilers under the cut, of course. Also it is incredibly long.)
Firstly, though, I'm kinda sad that the ancient fuelweaver doesn't react at all to the portal being repaired. I tried summoning him after getting it fixed, but nothing changes, and I checked his quotes to be sure, but nothing new was added. Hopefully Kiel will give him something to say TwT.
Secondly, I'd go check the update out first if possible or see if a guide for the new things added is out, as even after playing it for a little bit...
I still haven't seen everything new added and don't know what some of the new quotes added are even for.
-- Rifts 2 SHADOWRIFT_PORTAL = "That drop looks like it goes on forever.", SHADOW_FORGE = "What dark designs will it bring to life?", SHADOW_FORGE_KIT = "It would be unscientific of me not to at least do some experiments.", FUSED_SHADELING = "I liked you better when you were smaller, and bothering someone else.", FUSED_SHADELING_BOMB = "Bombastic!", VOIDCLOTH = "Those shadows are all cut from the same cloth.", VOIDCLOTHHAT = "It makes me feel dark and mysterious.", ARMOR_VOIDCLOTH = "Oh drat, there's a tear across the front!", VOIDCLOTH_UMBRELLA = "I always hate when my hair gets melted by acid.", VOIDCLOTH_SCYTHE = "It makes harvesting so easy, it's scary!", SHADOWTHRALL_HANDS = "Hands off!", SHADOWTHRALL_HORNS = "It looks hungry for a fight.", SHADOWTHRALL_WINGS = "The wings seem to be just for show.", CHARLIE_NPC = "Wait, is that...?", CHARLIE_HAND = "It wants something dreadful.", NITRE_FORMATION = "It's definitely some kind of rock.", DREADSTONE_STACK = "It's coming from deep down in those chasms...", SCRAPBOOK_PAGE = "Someone else out there likes to scrapbook.", }, ANNOUNCE_SHADOW_RIFT_MAX = "Something sinister's on the horizon.", ANNOUNCE_SCRAPBOOK_FULL = "I already have all these.",
-- Rifts 2 SHADOWRIFT_PORTAL = "Nope. Not going near that.", SHADOW_FORGE = "Alright, let's get weird!", SHADOW_FORGE_KIT = "I have to put it together myself?", FUSED_SHADELING = "Eww, it's so creepy!", FUSED_SHADELING_BOMB = "They sure go out with a bang.", VOIDCLOTH = "Finders keepers!", VOIDCLOTHHAT = "You never know who might really be hiding under that hood.", ARMOR_VOIDCLOTH = "I think I look good in red.", VOIDCLOTH_UMBRELLA = "At least it keeps the rain off.", VOIDCLOTH_SCYTHE = "Farming just got a bit less boring.", SHADOWTHRALL_HANDS = "What has two hands and no feet? Whatever that thing is.", SHADOWTHRALL_HORNS = "Go snack on somebody else!", SHADOWTHRALL_WINGS = "You don't scare me! Okay, maybe a little.", CHARLIE_NPC = "Have I seen her before...?", CHARLIE_HAND = "You want something from me?", NITRE_FORMATION = "I don't know how anything could grow in that weird rain.", DREADSTONE_STACK = "It's growing from way down below.", SCRAPBOOK_PAGE = "Another page for the emergency kindling supply- I mean scrapbook.", },
ANNOUNCE_SHADOW_RIFT_MAX = "Did anyone else see that weird glow?", ANNOUNCE_SCRAPBOOK_FULL = "Looks like stuff I already know.",
-- Rifts 2 SHADOWRIFT_PORTAL = "Wolfgang will be very careful not to fall into that.", SHADOW_FORGE = "Creepy hands make things for Wolfgang.", SHADOW_FORGE_KIT = "Is almost done!", FUSED_SHADELING = "Is creepy and crawly!", FUSED_SHADELING_BOMB = "Boom bug!", VOIDCLOTH = "Scary little rags.", VOIDCLOTHHAT = "Eep! Is too dark in there!", ARMOR_VOIDCLOTH = "Creepy shirt is happy to be worn by Wolfgang.", VOIDCLOTH_UMBRELLA = "Wolfgang would like less spooky umbrella, please.", VOIDCLOTH_SCYTHE = "Wolfgang will cut with one mighty swipe!", SHADOWTHRALL_HANDS = "Creepy shadow wants to arm wrestle?", SHADOWTHRALL_HORNS = "Eep! Wolfgang's muscles are too tough for chewing!", SHADOWTHRALL_WINGS = "Scary flapper!", CHARLIE_NPC = "Wolfgang has seen that face in the dark...", CHARLIE_HAND = "Is needing something, yes?", NITRE_FORMATION = "It grew from burny rain?", DREADSTONE_STACK = "Scary rock comes from scary place...", SCRAPBOOK_PAGE = "Is page of funny scribbles.", },
ANNOUNCE_SHADOW_RIFT_MAX = "Maybe is best to not go toward creepy light, yes?", ANNOUNCE_SCRAPBOOK_FULL = "Wolfgang's scrapbook will fit no more!",
-- Rifts 2 SHADOWRIFT_PORTAL = "Endless, swirling nothingness... how serene.", SHADOW_FORGE = "What terrible things will I create?", SHADOW_FORGE_KIT = "I suppose if I tried I could piece it together.", FUSED_SHADELING = "It knows nothing but pain and hunger.", FUSED_SHADELING_BOMB = "They lead such short, explosive lives.", VOIDCLOTH = "Tattered remains.", VOIDCLOTHHAT = "I can disappear into the darkness within.", ARMOR_VOIDCLOTH = "This ragged cloak will either protect me, or be my shroud.", VOIDCLOTH_UMBRELLA = "I will stay under its shadow.", VOIDCLOTH_SCYTHE = "One swift motion, and the work is done.", SHADOWTHRALL_HANDS = "Another nightmare to torment me.", SHADOWTHRALL_HORNS = "Will the darkness consume me at last?", SHADOWTHRALL_WINGS = "There is no face beneath that hood.", CHARLIE_NPC = "Are you the true face of the darkness?", CHARLIE_HAND = "Do I dare approach?", NITRE_FORMATION = "It thrives while the rest of us burn.", DREADSTONE_STACK = "Do I dare imagine what kind of darkness it grew from?", SCRAPBOOK_PAGE = "A lost and lonely page.", },
ANNOUNCE_SHADOW_RIFT_MAX = "That glow... does it lead to my doom?", ANNOUNCE_SCRAPBOOK_FULL = "Nothing more will fit in my scrapbook.",
-- Rifts 2 SHADOWRIFT_PORTAL = "Intriguing and deeply worrying in equal measures.", SHADOW_FORGE = "I do not care for this type of magic.", SHADOW_FORGE_KIT = "It cannot be utilized until its been assembled.", FUSED_SHADELING = "It is reminiscent of the parasitic shadows we encountered before.", FUSED_SHADELING_BOMB = "Its body is highly volatile.", VOIDCLOTH = "This unusual fabric may be quite useful.", VOIDCLOTHHAT = "Prolonged use will surely have detrimental effects on the mind.", ARMOR_VOIDCLOTH = "Armor against metaphysical damage.", VOIDCLOTH_UMBRELLA = "It provides a useful barrier against acid droplets.", VOIDCLOTH_SCYTHE = "A common harvesting implement, with an admittedly unsettling appearance.", SHADOWTHRALL_HANDS = "I would advise against challenging it in hand-to-hand combat.", SHADOWTHRALL_HORNS = "A ravenous shadow beast.", SHADOWTHRALL_WINGS = "Its wings seem to be utilized for propulsion, not to remain airborne.", CHARLIE_NPC = "I'd like to give that young lady a stern talking to!", CHARLIE_HAND = "It requires materials.", NITRE_FORMATION = "The acidic rain seems to have caused a chemical reaction, producing these formations.", DREADSTONE_STACK = "Its source must lie even deeper underground.", SCRAPBOOK_PAGE = "What a hideous sight! A page torn from its book!", },
ANNOUNCE_SHADOW_RIFT_MAX = "As nonsensical as it sounds, there is something dark about that \"light\"...", ANNOUNCE_SCRAPBOOK_FULL = "My scrapbook has already been completed.",
-- Rifts 2 SHADOWRIFT_PORTAL = "Watch where ya step.", SHADOW_FORGE = "Was this really a good idea?", SHADOW_FORGE_KIT = "It won't do much good sitting there like that.", FUSED_SHADELING = "Yeesh, this place is overrun with shadow critters!", FUSED_SHADELING_BOMB = "That can't be good...", VOIDCLOTH = "It ain't flannel, but I can work with it.", VOIDCLOTHHAT = "A dark hood, full of secrets.", ARMOR_VOIDCLOTH = "Quite the getup, eh?", VOIDCLOTH_UMBRELLA = "As long as it works, I won't complain aboot how it looks.", VOIDCLOTH_SCYTHE = "Luce says she doesn't like him.", SHADOWTHRALL_HANDS = "You'd better keep yer hands clear of my axe!", SHADOWTHRALL_HORNS = "Better not get too close to that big fella.", SHADOWTHRALL_WINGS = "You're not some kinda bird hiding under that hood, are ya?", CHARLIE_NPC = "Her face looks familiar, I think I've seen it in my nightmares.", CHARLIE_HAND = "Not exactly a helping hand, eh?", NITRE_FORMATION = "Guess that rain wasn't all bad, eh?", DREADSTONE_STACK = "I don't like where this is going, and I really don't like where it's comin' from.", SCRAPBOOK_PAGE = "Huh. Wonder where it came from?", },
ANNOUNCE_SHADOW_RIFT_MAX = "I don't like the look of that light.", ANNOUNCE_SCRAPBOOK_FULL = "Looks like stuff I already know aboot.",
-- Rifts 2 SHADOWRIFT_PORTAL = "Mind the gap.", SHADOW_FORGE = "What shall I fashion from the shadows?", SHADOW_FORGE_KIT = "There is work to be done.", FUSED_SHADELING = "They grow up so fast.", FUSED_SHADELING_BOMB = "That is one persistent tail.", VOIDCLOTH = "It would be a shame to let this material go to waste.", VOIDCLOTHHAT = "Darkness is an often underrated accessory.", ARMOR_VOIDCLOTH = "The fabric really breathes.", VOIDCLOTH_UMBRELLA = "It's just my style.", VOIDCLOTH_SCYTHE = "If menial tasks must be done, they should be done in style.", SHADOWTHRALL_HANDS = "You think you're the master of sleight of hand?", SHADOWTHRALL_HORNS = "I'll leave a bitter taste in your mouth, pal.", SHADOWTHRALL_WINGS = "You think you can look down on me?", CHARLIE_NPC = "Charlie...", CHARLIE_HAND = "I'll... see to it.", NITRE_FORMATION = "A large growth of nitre.", DREADSTONE_STACK = "It comes from the depths below.", SCRAPBOOK_PAGE = "Curious. It may yield some useful information.", },
ANNOUNCE_SHADOW_RIFT_MAX = "Something's stirring...", ANNOUNCE_SCRAPBOOK_FULL = "I know all I need to already.",
-- Rifts 2 SHADOWRIFT_PORTAL = "A chasm to Hel itself.", SHADOW_FORGE = "It doth conjure powerful, accursed things...", SHADOW_FORGE_KIT = "Dare I toy with such a thing?", FUSED_SHADELING = "'Tis naught but a pest to be crushed beneath my boot!", FUSED_SHADELING_BOMB = "'Tis small, but lively!", VOIDCLOTH = "Remnants of a fallen foe.", VOIDCLOTHHAT = "I despise the thought of hiding one's face in combat.", ARMOR_VOIDCLOTH = "This garb invites madness...", VOIDCLOTH_UMBRELLA = "A shield against the elements.", VOIDCLOTH_SCYTHE = "A formidable weapon against non-meats.", SHADOWTHRALL_HANDS = "To arms, fiend!", SHADOWTHRALL_HORNS = "All thou shall taste is the bite of my spear!", SHADOWTHRALL_WINGS = "Thou art swift, but not swift enough!", CHARLIE_NPC = "At last, you reveal yourself!", CHARLIE_HAND = "It seeks an offering.", NITRE_FORMATION = "A boon from the burning rain.", DREADSTONE_STACK = "It hails from a place deeper and darker than even here.", SCRAPBOOK_PAGE = "From whence hath you come, mysterious page?", },
ANNOUNCE_SHADOW_RIFT_MAX = "Hark! 'Tis a most unnatural light!", ANNOUNCE_SCRAPBOOK_FULL = "I hath already completed my tome.",
-- Rifts 2 SHADOWRIFT_PORTAL = "W-we don't think we want to look down there...", SHADOW_FORGE = "We'd rather do crafts with paper and glue...", SHADOW_FORGE_KIT = "Where should we put it?", FUSED_SHADELING = "Ouchie! It bites!", FUSED_SHADELING_BOMB = "You're not one of our spider friends!", VOIDCLOTH = "It's definitely not spider silk.", VOIDCLOTHHAT = "It makes us look pretty spooky.", ARMOR_VOIDCLOTH = "It makes it look like our tummy's smiling!", VOIDCLOTH_UMBRELLA = "It keeps us dry, and gives us lots of shade!", VOIDCLOTH_SCYTHE = "He never used anything like this back on the farm.", SHADOWTHRALL_HANDS = "We wonder if they get dizzy walking like that...", SHADOWTHRALL_HORNS = "We don't want to get gobbled up again!", SHADOWTHRALL_WINGS = "Aww, no fair, we wish we had wings!", CHARLIE_NPC = "Are you the lady from the dark?", CHARLIE_HAND = "We think it wants something!", NITRE_FORMATION = "It's a big stack of rock stuff!", DREADSTONE_STACK = "More of that scary rock...", SCRAPBOOK_PAGE = "Oooh, we found a page!", },
ANNOUNCE_SHADOW_RIFT_MAX = "What was that creepy light?", ANNOUNCE_SCRAPBOOK_FULL = "We already filled up our scrapbook.",
-- Rifts 2 SHADOWRIFT_PORTAL = "This place is falling apart at the seams.", SHADOW_FORGE = "Might as well put the shadows to work.", SHADOW_FORGE_KIT = "Just needs a bit of elbow grease.", FUSED_SHADELING = "I don't like the look of those chompers.", FUSED_SHADELING_BOMB = "Watch out, it's gonna blow!", VOIDCLOTH = "I can work with any material.", VOIDCLOTHHAT = "Some folks think it's safer to be kept in the dark.", ARMOR_VOIDCLOTH = "Looks pretty tattered, will it really protect me from anything?", VOIDCLOTH_UMBRELLA = "It sure provides plenty of shade.", VOIDCLOTH_SCYTHE = "It gives me the creeps, but it sure works like a charm.", SHADOWTHRALL_HANDS = "What? Mad I left ya hanging?", SHADOWTHRALL_HORNS = "It's gonna chew me up and spit me back out! Literally!", SHADOWTHRALL_WINGS = "Must be one of the higher-ups. Ha...", CHARLIE_NPC = "Charlie, wait!!", CHARLIE_HAND = "You want something, huh?", NITRE_FORMATION = "Oh, I've got big plans for that!", DREADSTONE_STACK = "Must be a lot of the stuff growing down there.", SCRAPBOOK_PAGE = "Let's see if there's anything interesting written on it.", },
ANNOUNCE_SHADOW_RIFT_MAX = "I've got a bad feelin'...", ANNOUNCE_SCRAPBOOK_FULL = "I can't squeeze any more pages in my scrapbook.",
-- Rifts 2 SHADOWRIFT_PORTAL = "The ground is crumbling!", SHADOW_FORGE = "A place for dark concoctions.", SHADOW_FORGE_KIT = "I'll just put these pieces together, and voila!", FUSED_SHADELING = "It does not look friendly!", FUSED_SHADELING_BOMB = "It's about to pop!", VOIDCLOTH = "Leftovers from those nightmares.", VOIDCLOTHHAT = "To protect my head while unraveling my mind.", ARMOR_VOIDCLOTH = "Will it really keep me safe?", VOIDCLOTH_UMBRELLA = "I fear it will bring bad luck whether it's opened indoors or not.", VOIDCLOTH_SCYTHE = "Did I just see it twitch?", SHADOWTHRALL_HANDS = "I don't want to end up in its clutches.", SHADOWTHRALL_HORNS = "Oh my, it looks hungry... and I'm probably delicious!", SHADOWTHRALL_WINGS = "My fears have taken flight!", CHARLIE_NPC = "Mon dieu... Is that the face I've seen peering from the shadows?", CHARLIE_HAND = "It needs an important ingredient.", NITRE_FORMATION = "Adding a dash of acid to the mix created these formations.", DREADSTONE_STACK = "More of that curious stone.", SCRAPBOOK_PAGE = "Ah! Someone has left a page here.", },
ANNOUNCE_SHADOW_RIFT_MAX = "What was that eerie glow?", ANNOUNCE_SCRAPBOOK_FULL = "My scrapbook is already filled to the brim.",
-- Rifts 2 SHADOWRIFT_PORTAL = "Hyuyu, watch your step!", SHADOW_FORGE = "Those idle hands should be put to work, hyuyu!", SHADOW_FORGE_KIT = "All work and no play makes for an irritable imp.", FUSED_SHADELING = "The stuff of nightmares!", FUSED_SHADELING_BOMB = "Keep away, I don't want to play!", VOIDCLOTH = "Bits of tattered reality. And it comes in my color!", VOIDCLOTHHAT = "A hood of night, that blocks out all light.", ARMOR_VOIDCLOTH = "It broke the chains of its previous plane.", VOIDCLOTH_UMBRELLA = "The rain of pain falls mainly on this plane.", VOIDCLOTH_SCYTHE = "Alas, it reaps no souls, just grass.", SHADOWTHRALL_HANDS = "This one's all topsy-turvy, hyuyu!", SHADOWTHRALL_HORNS = "You wouldn't want to eat a sweet little imp like me!", SHADOWTHRALL_WINGS = "A fright, taken flight!", CHARLIE_NPC = "The Shadow Queen is finally seen!", CHARLIE_HAND = "It seeks a stone of dread.", NITRE_FORMATION = "After a while it formed a pile.", DREADSTONE_STACK = "Who knows where it grows from?", SCRAPBOOK_PAGE = "Where is it from? Not knowing is half the fun!", },
ANNOUNCE_SHADOW_RIFT_MAX = "Calling that \"light\" wouldn't be quite right.", ANNOUNCE_SCRAPBOOK_FULL = "I already know everything there is to know, hyuyu!",
-- Rifts 2 SHADOWRIFT_PORTAL = "Anybody down there?", SHADOW_FORGE = "Scary hands helping?", SHADOW_FORGE_KIT = "Not done yet", FUSED_SHADELING = "Scary Biter!", FUSED_SHADELING_BOMB = "Look out!", VOIDCLOTH = "Leaves? No...", VOIDCLOTHHAT = "Dark inside", ARMOR_VOIDCLOTH = "Smiling?", VOIDCLOTH_UMBRELLA = "Burny Rain Taker", VOIDCLOTH_SCYTHE = "No... wants to hurt friends!", SHADOWTHRALL_HANDS = "Not friend...", SHADOWTHRALL_HORNS = "Big Biter!", SHADOWTHRALL_WINGS = "Scary Flier", CHARLIE_NPC = "Hello lady!", CHARLIE_HAND = "Want something?", NITRE_FORMATION = "Bunch of Pow Rocks", DREADSTONE_STACK = "Growing up, up, up!", SCRAPBOOK_PAGE = "Book leaf?", },
-- Rifts 2 SHADOWRIFT_PORTAL = "Glorp! Ground broken!", SHADOW_FORGE = "Make me things! Now!", SHADOW_FORGE_KIT = "It not ready yet.", FUSED_SHADELING = "Something stuck to its tail?", FUSED_SHADELING_BOMB = "It gonna 'splode!", VOIDCLOTH = "All torn up.", VOIDCLOTHHAT = "It dark inside!", ARMOR_VOIDCLOTH = "Scary shirt...", VOIDCLOTH_UMBRELLA = "Huh? Th-there a storm in it!", VOIDCLOTH_SCYTHE = "Swish swish, bye-bye plants! Hee-hee!", SHADOWTHRALL_HANDS = "G-go away!!", SHADOWTHRALL_HORNS = "Hey! No eating!!", SHADOWTHRALL_WINGS = "N-not scared of you, florp!", CHARLIE_NPC = "It the scary night lady!!", CHARLIE_HAND = "What you want, florp?", NITRE_FORMATION = "Big bunch of funny rocks.", DREADSTONE_STACK = "Oooh, big shiny rock!", SCRAPBOOK_PAGE = "Found page for scrappy book!", },
ANNOUNCE_SHADOW_RIFT_MAX = "N-not scared of weird light, florp!", ANNOUNCE_SCRAPBOOK_FULL = "No more room in scrappy book.",
-- Rifts 2 SHADOWRIFT_PORTAL = "I wish I could get a better look inside...", SHADOW_FORGE = "It's really handy! Get it? Because it has hands?", SHADOW_FORGE_KIT = "Don't worry, I'm great at setting things up!", FUSED_SHADELING = "Woby, look! It has a ball on its tail!", FUSED_SHADELING_BOMB = "Woah! The ball's alive!", VOIDCLOTH = "All that's left of that poor shadow monster.", VOIDCLOTHHAT = "Woby doesn't like it when I wear that.", ARMOR_VOIDCLOTH = "It almost looks like it has a face, doesn't it?", VOIDCLOTH_UMBRELLA = "An umbrella that comes with its own lightning!", VOIDCLOTH_SCYTHE = "I think it just blinked!", SHADOWTHRALL_HANDS = "They seem fun!", SHADOWTHRALL_HORNS = "I bet they're friendly!", SHADOWTHRALL_WINGS = "Oooh, neat! That one can fly!", CHARLIE_NPC = "Excuse me, ma'am! It's dangerous here, do you need any assistance?", CHARLIE_HAND = "We should give it a hand! Heh. Good one, Walter.", NITRE_FORMATION = "Huh. Looks like a big clump of rocks.", DREADSTONE_STACK = "I bet there's more buried deep underground!", SCRAPBOOK_PAGE = "I should add it to my scrapbook!", },
ANNOUNCE_SHADOW_RIFT_MAX = "What was that weird light? We should check it out, Woby!", ANNOUNCE_SCRAPBOOK_FULL = "I've already filled out my scrapbook.",
-- Rifts 2 SHADOWRIFT_PORTAL = "This isn't good...", SHADOW_FORGE = "Quite a nice change of pace to have shadows working for me.", SHADOW_FORGE_KIT = "I'll have it up and running in just a tick.", FUSED_SHADELING = "You stay away from me!", FUSED_SHADELING_BOMB = "What a nasty little thing!", VOIDCLOTH = "Tatters of spacetime.", VOIDCLOTHHAT = "Oooh, it makes one look rather mysterious, doesn't it?", ARMOR_VOIDCLOTH = "I prefer chains that have a pocket watch at the end of them.", VOIDCLOTH_UMBRELLA = "At least it will keep me dry.", VOIDCLOTH_SCYTHE = "Did I just hear a whisper? No, I must have imagined it.", SHADOWTHRALL_HANDS = "Try all you might, you'll never catch me!", SHADOWTHRALL_HORNS = "I will not be your dinner!", SHADOWTHRALL_WINGS = "Shoo! Shoo!!", CHARLIE_NPC = "She looks happy... that doesn't bode well.", CHARLIE_HAND = "Me? Help YOU?!", NITRE_FORMATION = "How exciting, more rocks!", DREADSTONE_STACK = "It's coming from deep below the surface.", SCRAPBOOK_PAGE = "Did I leave this here?", },
ANNOUNCE_SHADOW_RIFT_MAX = "Something has shifted...", ANNOUNCE_SCRAPBOOK_FULL = "Didn't I already fill out my scrapbook?",
annnddd that's all of them. have fun with them
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max1461 · 2 years
Do you know about formal logic? if so, do you know how defining a statement as a fixed point of a formula can make sense?
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I do, but I haven't studied modal logic at all. I think that maybe @loving-n0t-heyting would be able to help you? Not sure though.
Anyway, just from the excerpt you sent, what it basically seems to be saying is that a proposition P is common knowledge if P is true, and everybody knows P is true, and everybody knows that everybody knows P is true, and so on ad infinitum. But this definition contains an infinite conjunction (infinitely many ands), which logical systems typically do not allow, instead requiring that all statements must be finite in length. So this presents a problem for trying to definite "common knowledge" as above in formal logic.
The solution that they present is to define it as the fixed point of a particular logical expression. So, I don't recall exactly what background you have in math, but I assume you know about fixed points in general. A fixed point of a given function f is an element x such that f(x)=x. So, speaking a bit informally, a fixed point of the expression x^2 would be an element x such that x=x^2. In this case, the equation has a solution because the function x^2 does indeed have a fixed point, in fact it has of two them: 1 and 0.
Anyway, very often, we can convert an "infinite" statement into a finite one by talking about fixed points. The classic example is the infinite fraction 1+1/(1+1/(1+1/(1+1...))). Uh, hold on, it's better if I can get a picture:
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How can we interpret this infinite fraction? Well, we can notice that, because it repeats infinitely, just the part in the denominator is equal to the entire fraction x itself! So we can re-write this equation as x=1+1/x, and now the statement is finite! In order to solve it we just need to find a fixed point of the function f(x)=1+1/x, which turns out to be the golden ratio.
Sorry if this is all too basic and it's all stuff you already know—again, I don't recall exactly what your math background is, and even if you know it already hopefully it will be interesting to somebody else.
Anyway, this is the strategy that is being attempted in the screenshot in order to define common knowledge in a finite way. They have this operator E, where EP means "everyone knows that P". And they want to define a common knowledge operator C, where CP means "P and EP and EEP and EEEP and EEEEP and...", but they can't because that's infinitely long. But notice that, much like in the golden ratio example, "EP and EEP and EEEP and EEEEP and..." is equivalent to "E(P and EP and EEP and EEEP and...)". And guess what: that part in the parentheses, "P and EP and EEP and EEEP and...", is just the whole of CP again! So we can re-write
CP = P and EP and EEP and EEEP and...
CP = P and E(CP)
and now that's a finite expression. And it defines C as a fixed point x of the expression "P and E(xP)".
As to how this definition is made, like, formally, I don't know. Maybe they're working in a logical system in which you can just axiomatically declare solutions to fixed-point equations to exist, so they're saying "it's an axiom that this expression has a fixed point C". I am really not sure. And if this is the question you were asking, sorry for all the fluff and then no actual answer. But hopefully someone else can help you out with this.
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iamthecomet · 2 years
Can I uhhh. Get a cute lil Ifrit blurb. With either Dew or if ur comfy with a sibling of sin (only if you are comfy with it)
Date. Niiiiiight. Roses. (Literally typing this half eep.)
For you, anything.
Ifrit/Sibling date night it is. <3 <3
Everything has to be perfect. He can't afford it not to be. He's been thinking about this all week. Planning every detail. This is more attention than he's ever paid to anything. The other ghouls, mostly Dew and Swiss, have been picking on him about it. Even Mountain made a comment when he went to the greenhouses to get the roses.
It was casual, easy. But still, a dig.
If you need roses you really must be in trouble.
That's the assumption. That he's fucked it up somehow. Already. He just started talking to this Sibling and everyone is sure he's already ruined it.
He hasn't. He hasn't had time to ruin it. He hopes he won't. He just wants to do it right this time.
He barrs everyone else from the common room, dimming the lights. And striking the candles to life with a snap of his fingers. And then he waits. And waits. His sibling bursts through the door fifteen minutes after he asked them to meet him. They're panting, hair askew, cheeks flushed with exertion. "I'm so sorry," They say, rushing across the room to him. "Sister made me polish the silver in the chapel, do you have any idea how much silver there is down there?" Ifrit nods, he smiles. He's polished the silver before too--as a punishment. He reaches for the sibling, gathering them into his arms and pulling them close. He presses his nose to their hair, and breathes deep. There's something special about the way a human smells. The other ghouls make fun of him for that too. But it's nice. A mix of sweat, and shampoo, and perfume. They're warm against him, soft, real. They dig their fingers into his shirt as he hugs them. They tip their face up to his and he catches their lips in a kiss. He tries to keep it chaste, he has plans for tonight that don't necessarily involve him fucking them on the table, but the thought isn't out of the question. They sigh into the kiss. When he pulls away they stand on their toes, trying to chase after him. "Later, love. Dinner first."
"Did you make it?" They look concerned. He laughs, the legend of his cooking has clearly spread to more than just the ghouls. He shakes his head.
"I paid Aether to do it."
They laugh. And pull out of the circle of his arms to look around the room. "You did this?" He tries to see it through a fresh eye, tries not to see it as the common room he spends the majority of his time in. He's turned the main lights off, and supplemented them with candles and string lights. He stole the tablecloth--deep red--from the chapel. Hopefully, he can get it cleaned and back before anyone important notices. He even lifted the good plates and silverware from the kitchen. It's nice. As nice as a Ghoul can get in the abbey anyway. He'd love to take them out for real. To a fancy restaurant where you buy wine by the bottle instead of the glass. He's never wanted that before, it scares him a little. But he tries to shake it off. Now isn't really the time to think about it. Not when the sibling is turning in place looking at his handiwork like he's just handed them the moon. "Where'd you get all of this?" "Where do you think?" he laughs. He grabs them by the wrist pulling them towards the table. "Thief," they accuse.
"All for you," He pulls them back into the warmth of his body because he can't resist. The food can wait. He wants the taste of their lips on his again. He wants to sink his fingers into their hair, he wants-- Them. Just them. For as long as he's on this miserable planet. He wants this.
He swallows the words he wants to say, it's too soon. He'll scare them off. "Thank you," they whisper into the hollow of his throat. "I can't believe you did all of this for me."
Ifrit presses his lips to their forehead. "You're worth it."
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steadybelieverpersona · 4 months
Ch.14: Wangshu(4/4)
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After leaving Mt.Aocang, the trio headed to their final destination, Wangshu Inn, where they'll hopefully find the Yaksha
Paimon: Oh, this seems to be Wangshu Inn. Compared to Jueyun Karst, this place seems basic. Are we really gonna find an adeptus here? Let's take a look. Paimon reckons he'll be on the balcony. Heh, doubt we're going to find him in the kitchen.
Y/n: You just want to go to the kitchen and eat, Paimon
Paimon: Hey!!! *stomps her foot*
Aether: *sighs*
When they made it to the balcony, they couldn't find the Yaksha, but they decided to admire the scenery before them, and soon the Yaksha appeared
Xiao: To the blind, everything may not be as it appears...
Aether/Paimon: !!!
Y/n: *happy* "Xiao!!!"
Xiao: *noticed Y/n* "Qingxin?" A Sigil of Permission? You came prepared. Though this only prevents me from hurting you myself. Doesn't stop you from getting hurt in other ways.
Paimon: Uhh... Paimon doesn't get it...
Xiao: Too much contact with our world is breaking the rules. Mortal souls are not as robust as those of adepti, nor can your blood carry this level of adeptal energy. It's for your own good. Leave. Now.
Y/n: "Right, How could I forget that, Xiao kept telling about this, Did D̴̨̡̛̥̺͓̤͖̗͎̩̳̠̦ͣ͌̉̋̽ͣ̍͌̅ͭ̈́͞_̸̣͓̜͉ͤ̔́̎͟͝o̢̡̦̟̹̮̩̦̜̟̪̞͐͒ͦ̒͊͂̓̋̆̄ͣ͌ͤ̆̉ͥ̉ͣ́͢͜͢͜͞ţ̵͓̞̜͉̤̯̟̟̪͉̗ͨ̐ͤ̿ͬ̃̓̇̈ͩͦ̐͞t̸̛͚̘̥̻̙̻̥̖̅̐̓́͛ͯͯͯ̌͐ͮ͒͘̕͢͟͝_̸̨̡̘̱̮̭́̑ͣ̏̚ǫ̡̧̛̫̼̗̻̟̗̰̰̜͖͎̜̹͗͗̍̎ͬͮ́̉ͩ̀ͯ̊̽ͤ̍ͬ̚r̴̢̢͔̤̫̭̮̗̺̺̹̤̜͉͚̻̐ͣ͌ͣ͐̀ͥ̐͑ͭ̈͐̔ͪ͋̆͊̅ͦ͆͆̑͘e̴̡̛̲̩̼͇͎͉̫̱̖̝̝ͮ̄̊́͑̀ͩͮͯͨͥ́̅̽ͯ̎ͥ̓ͮͪ̎̕͘͘͟͠͡ traumatize me so bad to the point where I can't remember anything but what he did?" *holding her heard while having a pained and sad expression*
Paimon: Wait a sec, we came here to...
Xiao: *disappeared*
Paimon: Argh! Paimon's... peeved! All he does is think about himself! Paimon wants to give him an ugly nickname... but if you tick off an adeptus, the only thing you'll probably ever find in treasure chests is cabbages! Bleurgh! Ugh... Guess we should go ask the boss lady of the inn about just how she manages to talk to adepti.
At the front counter
Y/n: Exuse me, could you please tell us about that adeptus?
Verr Goldet: Oh? You've already met Xiao? Not bad. Not often, he's in a good enough mood to agree to see people.
Paimon: That's his good mood?
Verr Goldet: Oh yes, the adepti are very hard to come by. Many people go their whole lives praying to them, never once actually getting to see one. When the Geo Archon built Liyue, he borrowed power from the adepti. But most of them only know how to protect Liyue by fighting. So for many millennia, it has instead been humans who have led Liyue, whilst the adepti have lived hidden away on the outskirts.
Paimon: You really know a lot, huh boss lady.
Verr Goldet: It's not "boss lady," it's just boss... Anyway, seen as you have the favor of the adepti, things should be a lot easier. Well... If you wanna know my opinion... If you keep Xiao in a good mood, things should be okay.
Paimon: Good mood? Can't really imagine what a "good mood" looks like for that "Vigilant Yaksha."
Verr Goldet: Haha! Will be interesting, won't it? "Come to think of it, I've never seen him smile either..." How 'bout this — you go see the chef for a bowl of Almond Tofu, and a plate of whatever it is you are best at making. Almond Tofu is one of the few human foods Xiao likes. The other dish is up to you.
Y/n: Ooh! I know! A Satisfying Salad would work. It's easy to prepare and it's nutritious at the same time
Smiley Yanxiao: Can't you guys see I'm on break, kids? Scram.
Y/n: *intimidated by his appearance* E-excuse me, we'd like an Almond To—
Smiley Yanxiao: Scram!
Y/n: Eep!!! *hides behind Aether*
Paimon: Whoa, this chef guy's service is about as good as that Wagner guy's back in Mondstadt.
Aether: *serious and a little pissed off* It's for the boss, Goldet.
Smiley Yanxiao: ... I see. If it's for the boss, then guess I don't have a choice now, do I? But my heart's not really in it right now, not enough to make a dessert as painstaking as Almond Tofu.
Paimon: And why is that?
Smiley Yanxiao: A fencer's hand must be steady, so too must the hand of a chef. But my hands, I'm... they're not steady... Because ahh, a traveler once told me that this inn... is haunted.
Y/n: "H-haunted!?! Like those horror stories!?!" *scared*
Smiley Yanxiao: And then, just now — just now! In the kitchen... I saw something... something not right.
Paimon: "This chef looks so intimidating, but speak of ghosts, and he becomes weak."
Smiley Yanxiao: I keep thinking... even Wangshu Inn isn't safe. I—I can't keep a steady hand for something like Almond Tofu.
Paimon: Alright, Aether, Y/n. In the name of high-quality Almond Tofu, we need to go check this kitchen out.
At the inn's kitchen
Paimon: Doesn't seem to be anyth— ......
Aether: *sees the ghost of a girl running*
Paimon: #@&%*!
Y/n: *scared* Waaaaaah! *immediately runs out the kitchen*
Paimon: *quickly follows after her*
Aether: Uh....
Smiley Yanxiao: What!? You saw it too! There really is a ghost! What... How can I...
Y/n: *holding onto Aether*
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(Pretend it's you and Aether and ignore the Ayato on Thoma's back and the bug spray, I haven't been able to find the artist since I just saw the comic on YouTube, of you guys know, let me know so I could give credits)
Paimon: Okay, so he's useless now. What do we do? Forget it. Let's just go see the boss lady again.
Aether: Y/n, please get off so I could properly walk...
Verr Goldet: Hehe... Scared of something so insignificant. Hard to believe he was once a notorious bandit.
Paimon: You don't seem that afraid of ghosts, boss lady.
Verr Goldet: Gods and ghosts, I've seen it all before.
Paimon: Come to think of it, others don't seem to know there's an adeptus here at the inn, except for the boss lady...
Verr Goldet: Shh! Say any more, and you'll be divulging my little secret. Right. Best you two be off. Go see to it that little ghost doesn't go scaring anybody else. Not that I'm ordering you around. It's like the adeptus said that mortal souls are not as robust as those of the adepti. So as to not be harmed when dealing with the adepti, you can start by practicing with that ghost.
Aether: *finally managed to pry Y/n off him* But how should we persuade the ghost?
Verr Goldet: There is a calligraphy painting in the inn known as the Witness Sigil. It's been in circulation for over a thousand years. Go take a look at it. Once you have, look for a place outside where you can see the exact same Witness Sigil formation.
Aether: Alright, but I think it's best if Y/n stays here and rest up
Y/n: Eh!?! Why? I'm fine
Paimon: Paimon agrees, Paimon notices that Y/n doesn't sleep well, and when she does, she immediately wakes up due to nightmares and even refuses to go back to sleep so lately you haven't been sleeping well Y/n
Y/n: But...
Verr Goldet: I can set up a room for you right now, I also noticed that detail, too, don't worry, once you hit the fluffy bed and pillows, you'll have a good rest
Aether: We'll wake you up once we finish with the problem
Y/n: ... *gets gently pushed by Verr Goldet in order to get guided to a room*
After following the ghost around and defeating the ruin guard, she possed(Nah, I hated this part of the Archon quest😃)
Dusky Ming: ♪ Silly-churl, billy-churl ♪...
Paimon: Phew... Finally caught you. Paimon's pooped.
Dusky Ming: ♪ Silly-billy hilichurl ♪ ...
Paimon: Haunting things isn't nice! Little girl, are you listening?
Dusky Ming: ♪ Chilly-churl, frilly-churl ♪ ...
Paimon: Now listen here, young lady!
Dusky Ming: ...Okay. Dusky Ming won't tease the travelers at the inn anymore. Next time, Aether can come play with Dusky Ming. If you don't come and play, Dusky Ming will come find you~
Smiley Yanxiao: Wh-What... You really got the ghost to promise to stop haunting the inn? Wow... You really are something... I am in your debt. Please wait a moment. I'll make you the smoothest, silkiest bowl of Almond Tofu.
At the kitchen
Smiley Yanxiao: Haha, my hands are steadier than ever now that she's gone.
Paimon: Hey, let's go check up on Y/n
Aether: I was about to say the same thing
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(Pretend it's you)
Y/n: ...Aether? Paimon?...Xiao? Dad?...Papa? *scared*
Y/n was just all alone in this dark and empty void, and only the silence finally ended when screams of bloody murder, pain, and agony of people were heard
???: You...
***: You're the reason why we died
Y/n: *covering her ears* Who are you!?! What do you want with me!?!
We died because of you...
It's your fault!!!!
Soon, many black arms emerged from the void, all aiming twords Y/n with the goal of making her suffer like they did
Y/n: No!!!
Y/n: *immediately wakes up*
Aether: Y/n!!! You alright? *worried*
Paimon: You were crying in your sleep.... *worried
Y/n: eh? *wipes her tears away*
Aether: Was it a nightmare? Do you want to talk about it?
Y/n: ... *nods her head in "no"*
Aether: ...Alright, well, we just came to check on you, we finished with the ghost, so we're just waiting for Yanxiao to finish making the Almond Tofu
Paimon: Yeah!! We could get you a snack while we're at it. A snack will make you feel better
Y/n: Alright...
When they returned to the balcony, Xiao was there, and it seemed that Xiao noticed them and was not that happy when they returned once more
Xiao: ... You three again.
Paimon: Wait! Don't go disappearing again.
Y/n: Here... *hands the food to him*
Xiao: What's this?
Paimon: It's your favorite, Almond Tofu! As well as this distant traveler's best dish — a Satisfying Salad. Aether, Y/n! Quick! Tell him everything before he finishes eating!
Fastforward the summary of recent events
Xiao: Rex Lapis... How could this be? I... I can't imagine it. Though times have changed, I've never imagined a Liyue without him. The ruling Qixing... Just what role have they played in this? ... I will seek Moon Carver, Mountain Shaper, and Cloud Retainer. It is time they, too, made their decisions.
Aether: Will the adepti take over his role in Liyue?
Xiao: Adepti do not turn on their responsibilities. I have my reasons to not want to be tainted by the mortal realm, but... responsibilities are responsibilities. Our god is the God of Contracts, after all.
Paimon: Wait! Paimon still has one last question.
Xiao: Hmm?
Paimon: That... Dusky Ming. She's...
Xiao: When conquering demons, on occasion, you can come across spirits who have never hurt anyone yet are also not yet able to be moved on. So I asked the innkeeper and the boss if they could keep her here for a time.
Paimon: So really, Wangshu Inn was looking after her! Really keeping a wide range of business going, huh!
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Skit of what happened before Aether and Paimon went to check on Y/n:
Y/n: *sleeping peacefully*
Xiao: *sitting on the bed next to her* ...Qingxin... *tucks a strand of hair behind her ear*
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(Pretend it's you and Xiao)
Xiao: "My Qingxin returned..."
Y/n: *starts to move uncomfortably in her sleep* No...*crying* I'm sorry...
Xiao: *places his hand on her head softly, caressing it* ....nightmares....*hears noises coming twords the room*
Paimon: Paimon wonders if Y/n is finally getting the rest she needs
Aether: We'll find out
Xiao: "Shit" *disappears*
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0 notes
🪹anon here again i didn' realize i had made so mistakes in the previous ask lol sorry it was part of my 2am feral sprees :pp anyways uh I wanted to ramble a bit more about ur fic b4 i go eep. So if I'm reading this right, the Watchers finally got rekt (hopefully) by intruders (<- ooooooh hoo👀) and that's when g escaped. I think dats a pretty cool idea, Watchers are always portrayed as these allknowing and powerful entities with barely any weaknesses in sight, so to see that they were beat up in ur fic by people is so refreshing. i hope They were nuked down to the size of an amoeba.
Also the thought of Grian being so lost and hurt and alone finally letting himself break down in the frail baby world is giving me emotional damage. him not understanding the hermits kindness and believing he himself incapable of being kind OUGH. I'm eueueueueue.
I just want to hug the eyeball waffle boi give him soup and tuck him 2 bed. he's such a sad sad hurt little creachur🥺 pls
At least now he has The Entity and Scar and maybe later on the rest of the hermits 🥺
Also the fact that everyone already knew he was there and saw him but didn't do anything about it is a funny thought. G really thought he was being sneaky the entire time meanwhile everyone else is like "yo i saw magic creachur fren in my backyard last night" or something lol.
ur a really good writer dude i find it really interesting and cool, it's rotating on the back of my mind at all times :)) i hope u have a good day and get all the good vibes and riches (snacks , quality eepy time, etcetc) u deserve I'ma come back and ramble lateerr I'ma go sleeep now-🪹
Hi again!!! 
You are always welcome to ramble about my fic /gen
You are right! The Watchers did get rekt, and they’re permanently gone because I realized I can write whatever I want XD They were indeed destroyed by intruders, who.. May end up revealed in the fic? So I don’t want to spoil that, but yes that’s when Grian escaped, because taking advantage of the chaos is one of my favorite things to see in any media :) I’m glad you like the idea! I’ve always liked the idea of so called gods being able to be killed, and it’s something I incorporate in as many places as I can because I’m just like that XD. 
I apologize for emotional damage, I will make it up to you in the next chapter, I promise. (yay it hit right tho :3)
I can assure you that he will get plenty of love from the hermits. He will be a bruised but not hurt creachur by the end of the fic. 
Yes! He has good friends, and is gaining more every chapter :D I don’t think I’ll be able to hit every hermit unfortunately, because that’s simply too many people, but yes. (slight spoiler, next chapter is full of friendship development)
Grian ain’t as sneaky as he’d like to believe, that’s for sure XD It’s one of the biggest details that inspired me from Watcher’s Care. I just love it so much. Just, the idea of becoming attached to and then aware of this being that you’ve never seen (except in my fic because I thought it was funny) I just love it so much. 
Hope you got/get some good sleep! I really appreciate your rambles and the well wishes, and hope you get good vibes and riches as well <3
0 notes
intheticklecloset · 4 years
We’ll Make You Happy Again (My Hero Academia)
Primary Universe
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@veryblushyswitch​ Yaaaaas! I loved this idea so much! I wrote this one the evening after I found out I needed surgery. It made me feel better in the moment, so hopefully it brightens your day as well! Have some cute cheer-up tickles! ^^
“Whoa, hey,” Kirishima said, stopping suddenly as he and Bakugou strolled past the front door together on their way to the kitchen. “Check that out.”
Bakugou glanced to where Kiri was looking. Outside – by himself on the grassy front lawn of their dorm building – sat Deku, curled up in a ball with his arms wrapped around his knees. The sight was…different, to say the least.
“That’s not normal, is it?” Kiri asked.
Bakugou scoffed but said, “No, not really.”
“Should we ask him what’s up?”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t care.”
Kiri rolled his eyes. “Fine, dude. Be that way. I’m going to ask him if he’s okay.” That said, the redhead pulled open the front door and stepped outside, walking toward the green-haired boy on the lawn. Bakugou wanted to leave, but for some stupid reason found that he couldn’t. With a loud groan, he followed his friend outside.
“Hey, Midoryia,” Kiri said gently as he knelt next to Deku. “What’s up?”
“Huh? Oh, nothing.” Deku quickly swiped a hand over his eyes. “I’m just…just taking a minute.”
Kiri glanced up, noticing Bakugou had joined him, and shot him a quick smile before plopping down to sit beside his friend. “Anything you want to talk about?”
“It’s really nothing. I’m just having an off day, I guess.”
“Did something happen with Eri?”
“Oh, no! No, Eri is fine. She’s doing well. This is all me.” Deku buried his head in his arms again. “Sorry. I don’t really have an explanation. I just feel down right now.”
“That’s okay. I think we all have those days. Sometimes you just wake up feeling…bleh, right?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
Kirishima nudged him. “Hey. Anything we can do to help?”
“We?” Deku finally lifted his head to really look around, and that’s when he saw Bakugou. “Ah! Kacchan!”
Bakugou frowned down at him. Now that he was making eye contact, it was obvious the nerd had been crying. “Nothing happened? You just feel down? Seriously?”
“I-I…yeah, it’s nothing important. I just don’t feel like myself today.” Deku glanced away. “I know it’s st—”
“Shut up.” Bakugou knelt down with the other two and grabbed onto Deku’s sides. “And cheer up, already. Being in a bad mood is my thing.”
“Ah! W-Wahahahait, wait, I wahahahasn’t ready!” Deku squeaked, instinctively curling up, but he couldn’t hide the smile on his face. “Kacchan, I cahahahan’t tahahake this right nohohow!”
“I’m not going to torture you, idiot.” Bakugou glanced up at Kiri. “Little help?”
Kirishima – who until this point had been too stunned by his friend’s surprising actions to do anything but stare – suddenly snapped out of it and grinned, helping the blonde lay Deku flat on the ground with his arms above his head. Kiri avoided his hips, knowing it wasn’t wise to go straight for that spot. Especially now, when their friend clearly needed playful giggles more than screaming laughter. Instead he scratched lightly along Deku’s ribs and sides. “Cheer-up tickles, huh? Sounds fun to me! And I think you need it, Midoriya.”
“W-Wahahahait!” Deku giggled, his smile as bright as ever while he squirmed from the gentle touches. “You dohohohohon’t have to dohoho this!”
“Of course we don’t have to,” Kirishima agreed. “We want to. Besides, it’s been a while since I got to tickle you, let alone have you almost all to myself while doing so.” The redhead smiled. “Feeling any better?”
“I-I-! I mehehehehean, k-kihihihihind of…” Deku admitted, blushing through his giggles. Then he yelped when Bakugou joined in again, scribbling in his underarms. “Ahahahahahaha! Kacchan!”
“You’ve seriously got to get more creative, nerd.” Bakugou grumbled, but he was smirking. “All you ever seem to be able to do is say my name when I’m tickling you.”
“W-Wehehehell what ehehehelse do you wahahahant me to say?” Deku protested, then immediately wished he hadn’t asked.
“Oh, I don’t know.” Bakugou began to dig a little rougher now. “Admit that I’m going to be the number-one hero.”
“Bakugou!” Kirishima chastised, giving him a look. “Not now!”
“N-Nohohohoho, I’m gohohohoing to be the nuhuhumber-one hehehehero!” Deku managed to tilt his head back and meet Kacchan’s gaze, despite his unstoppable giggling. “You cahahahahan’t make me sahahahay differently!”
Bakugou felt something rise in him at those words. It took everything in him not to completely wreck the nerd right then and there for that. “We’ll talk about that later,” he growled. “For now I think I’d settle for some begging.”
Deku didn’t reply this time. He simply lay there under their tickling fingers, giggling frantically but happily. Kirishima grinned.
“Feeling better, Midoriya?” he asked.
“Have you had enough?” There was a pause. Kiri beamed. “No? Then mind if we take it up a notch?”
Deku’s eyes widened and he lifted his head. “Nohohohohot my hips!”
“Oh, come onnnnn.” Kiri smirked and started skittering his fingers along the hipbones anyway. “I think you could use just a little laughter.”
“P-Plehehehehehease, nohohohohohoho!” Deku sputtered. His head fell back onto the grass as more hysterical giggles spilled out of him.
“Hey! Spiky hair! I’m supposed to make him beg!” Bakugou snapped.
Kiri laughed. “Well you’re up there and I’m down here, so I beg to differ, Bakugou.”
“You don’t think I can make him beg unless I tickle him there?” The blonde let out a laugh. “Think again.”
“AiieeeeEEEEE!!” Deku squealed, tossing his head back as laughter burst from him without any warning. Bakugou continued digging into his underarms roughly, forcing him to make all kinds of sounds. “NahahahAHAHA!! WAhahahAIT!! KAHAHACCHAN!!”
“Come on, man, we’re supposed to be cheering him up, not competing to see who can make him beg more.” Kiri flashed his fiery blonde friend a smirk. “But if you want to challenge me, I’d be happy to take a rain check.”
Bakugou laughed again. “You’re on!”
“Ah! Hohohohohohold on a sehehehehecond, guys!”
“Relax, Midoriya. We’ll talk about it later. Right now we’re just going to tickle you until you’re happy again.” Kiri slid his fingers under Deku’s shirt to scribble directly along his stomach and sides, grinning at the “eep!” the green-haired boy let out. “Now, help us out a little. Where do you like to be tickled the most?”
Deku let out a sound that was somewhere between a whine and startled squawk, his face suddenly flushing a dark red. Clearly flustered, he could do nothing but shake his head and giggle crazily.
“Not gonna tell us, eh?” Bakugou grunted.
“Don’t worry.” Kiri pressed a little harder, earning a fresh round of giggles in return. He chuckled at their helpless friend. “We’ll figure it out. Then we’ll tickle you there until you’re too happy to care about anything else. Sound good?”
Deku squealed, so flustered he could hardly giggle properly at this point.
Kiri beamed. “Great! Let’s get started.”
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Damian, the baby assassin, Dupain-Cheng (Part 5)
Hellooo everyone! I'm... somewhat alive. I'm so sorry this took so long to update. Welp, I can't believe that this is the end of the first arc. Thank you guys so much for your support.I wouldn't have been able to get this far without all of you. I´m so excited for whats to come. Also Tysm @beautiful-disasters-sunshine​ for beta reading this!
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So, recap
Marinette kidnapped/adopted Damian after seeing him with Talia in the Miraculous Café. She gives him the choice between staying with her or a non assassin relative. He chooses to stay in hopes of stealing the miracle box, but since that didn’t work he lashed out and tried to kill Marinette and her friends repeatedly. This makes Marinette doubt in herself because she feels guilty about the whole situation. After hearing Marinette cry, Damian runs away confused at the whole situation, but he didn't get far before realizing that he was actually okay with the idea of Marinette becoming his mother. Marinette finds him and they go home.
After that, Damian began to feel more comfortable around Marinette. 
Their dynamic changed. No longer was Damian desperately trying to escape, and now that the walls he had built had almost completely crumbled Marinette began to learn more about the boy she considered her son.
For example, she learned that he liked art. 
The moment she found out she ran to her favorite craft store and bought all sorts of things ranging from paints and canvases to a couple of sketch books and a variety of pencils.
Damian, of course, tried to tell her how unnecessary it was. 
But Marinette ignored him.
She cleared a corner of her studio where she kept all of her sewing machines and the commissions she was working on, and set up the new supplies.
The two could be found on most afternoons peacefully sketching and painting in that room while munching on the leftover pastries from the café.
Another regular activity was to go out to various places to get inspiration for said projects. Whether it was an outdoors market, or a quaint town bordering Paris, Marinette loved to show Damian all her favorite places to visit whenever she needed inspiration.
She loved to see how his brow furrowed in concentration as he sketched. How he used his natural ability to pick up on little details and used it to make beautiful pieces of art.
And of course being the proud mom she was, Marinette hung up all the paintings all around the house, despite Damian's protests. She even taped some of his sketches on her side of the "Creative Room", as Marinette liked to call it, to use as inspiration for her designs. 
Damian also continued to go to school. It took a lot of macarons and begging to let the principal of the school allow Damian to go back, and it only happened once they agreed to a reasonable punishment.
Marinette was rather relieved at how difficult it had been to convince them. 
It was reassuring to know that the faculty in the school she chose was willing to address the issue instead of turning a blind eye to someone with enough money like they had done when she had been in school.
Also, there was a new addition to the family.
Since seeing Damian look at a flyer of the animal shelter with interest, Marinette suspected that he liked animals more than he was willing to admit.
This was confirmed when she arrived home and found Damian trying to lure a dog out from under his bed.
Marinette obviously allowed Damian to keep the dog and almost burst into tears when for the first time, Damian called her "mom"
Together, they managed to get the dog to come out from where he had been hiding. The poor thing looked so frightened, and kept shying away when they got too close.
Marinette sang a soft lullaby that her mother had taught her hoping that it would help the dog calm down, and it did. 
Hesitantly, he walked closer to Damian and eventually let him pet him.
"You're a little survivor aren't you?" Marinette whispered. Looking at the dog who was now  falling asleep in Damian's gentle embrace.
A small smile graced Damian's face. "Naji. We must name him Naji" He murmured, taking Marinette by surprise. "It means 'survivor' in arabic. Naji has experienced a lot of difficulties, but yet he survived them all and he has now found his home." He explained.
Marinette didn't think he was only referring to the dog.
Marinette paced nervously around the living room as she waited for it to be time to pick Damian up from school.
The reason she was so nervous was because she was hoping to ask Damian if he was okay with being adopted by her.
She had to pull some strings but after waiting for a long time she had finally gotten the permission she needed to legally adopt Damian.
The only question was if he was going to accept.
Naji walked over to her and laid at her feet making Marinette stop dead in her tracks. 
Despite being skittish around them, Naji had an uncanny ability to know when either Damian or Marinette was upset. He would usually try to sit near them and eventually he would allow one of them to pet him gently.
It was adorable if Marinette did say so herself.
Naturally, Marinette sat on the ground and patiently waited for Naji to approach her. Meanwhile, she closed her eyes and made herself relax.
It was all going to be okay. If Damian didn't like the idea then that would be fine. It wouldn't change her love for him and hopefully the proposal wouldn't make him draw back to himself.
Naji sat on her lap as she continued to calm herself down.
Finally, Marinette glanced at her watch and saw that it was time to pick Damian up. Giving Naji one final pat, she stood up and got her keys.
The pep talk she had just given herself had become a sort of mantra for her. 
When Marinette arrived at Damian's school, she noticed that Damian was with another kid his age. Damian looked somewhat bored as the boy talked.
Nonetheless, Marinette could only feel pride as Damian continued to listen to the boy.
Taking notice of her, Damian excused himself and walked to the car.
"So, I see you made a new friend." Marinette said after exchanging greetings. She was unable to keep a teasing tone out of her voice.
Damian frowned, "I was merely tolerating his presence. I would hardly call that a friendship." 
"Yeah, sure. Keep telling that to yourself honey." Marinette replied with a grin. "Anyways, how was school today?"
Marinette listened to him as he told her what he had done throughout the day. When he was done Damian noticed that they were going the wrong way. He told her as much.
"Your right mon petit oiseau"  Marinette sighed as she pulled over. "Damian, I have something important to talk to you about." 
Damian looked at her, a hint of worry seeped into his eyes. "Is there something wrong, Maman?" 
Marinette's heart swelled at the name, it gave her the confidence she needed for what she was going to say next. 
"Damian, I love you as my own son. That- that's what you are to me… my son." Damian's concern grew as tears started to roll down Marinette's cheeks. "And I don't care for technicalities or anything," she continued, grabbing Damian's hands between her own. "But… I would like to legally adopt you."
Damian could only stare at Marinette in shock.
Being legally adopted by her was something he had never actually considered. He knew how complicated that would be, but if she was asking then… maybe it was possible? 
He thought about what it would mean. Perhaps he could change his last name and leave behind his grandfather's legacy behind for once and for all. 
Damian didn't think he would ever be able to escape the league. For most of his life he didn't even want to. But Marinette had cared for him more than his own family had. 
It would be incredibly stupid not to accept. So with that in mind, Damian made up his mind.
"I… I am not opposed to this idea Maman." Relief flooded Marinette's features "Though I must ask how you managed to make it possible?"
Marinette choked out a small laugh. "Let's just say I'm very persuasive and I have friends in high places."
Yeah, that made sense. 
Their time in the courthouse passed by in a blur. When they walked out Damian felt... lighter. Like a weight had been lifted off from his shoulders.
This was his new beginning. Damian felt relieved because he had no doubt that with Marinette's guidance he would be able to right the wrongs he had committed. 
He no longer had to fend for his own because someone was going to be there for him. To protect him.
To love him.
And for the first time in his life Damian felt safe. 
Past Damian would probably be ashamed of that, but now? Now only felt joy. 
Because he was no longer Damian Al-ghul. 
He was Damian Dupain-Cheng.
~♡~♡~♡~ TAG LIST ~♡~♡~♡~
@elmokingkong @anjuschiffer, @ii-fox-demon, @justcourttee, @tazanna-blythe, @lozzybowe, @idontfuking, @wannajointhecrabcult, @bakergirl13, @rosalineandrosemary, @art-is-hard-to-do-sorry, @our-preciousss, @consumeconstantly, @jiso-lee, @allthegooddaimenettenamesaregone, @justcourteesuportline, @finallyaniguana, @user00000003, @whydoexamsexist, @justafanwarrior, @violetfandomaddict, @smolplantmum, @fidget-eep, @cadenceh2o, @justarandomtumblerblog, @tomanyfandomsonmymind, @emmathedestroyer, @emotionalsupportginger, @insane-fangirl-of-everything.
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“How Did All This Happen?”- A Memoire by one Marinette Dupain-Cheng 2
wow. okay. so first off i dont have an update schedule but im on winter break starting next monday so i just have a lot of time on my hands. if this progresses into next year updates wont be as frequent. hell updates probably wont be as frequent next week either. who knows not me. Also i have a few spots left open on the tag list for those who were wondering.
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
without further ado 
People Fucked Up and Now It’s All Marinette’s Mess to Clean Up II
Marinette knew how she ruined the eastern coastline, but for all that is magical she could not fathom how that team of hero proteges managed to completely decimate the western side. She knew they were capable of it though, Constantine had warned her that they had an interesting habit of bending, if not outright breaking, the rules and legislation of the UN. He had also warned her that the group of Justice League mini-me’s had a unique calling card. The symphony of everything going to total shit in the background was the declaration of their presence on the island. She hasn’t even seen them from her new cliffside perch but she knew they were there by the distinct sounds of explosions. God, she hoped that super son wasn’t there. And she really hoped he didn’t get his indestructible hands on the magical dagger and destroyed it. It was one thing to return from this mission empty handed. It was an entirely different kettle of fish to return and join her grandfather in having “Broken a magical artifact” added to her list of crimes against the universe. Adrien would never let her live it down. No, Chloe would never let her live that down. She probably would put it on her headstone or something. 
Deciding she has wasted enough time, Marinette began enacting one of her contingency plans in hopes of salvaging this night. She had brought the Tiger, the Horse and the Cat miraculouses for this mission, fearing that a Ladybug Cure would bring too much attention to her and her family. She was right in that fear because reconstructing two coastlines would not fly under international radar.
She called upon the magic of the Tiger, camouflaging with the scenery as she made her descent back to where Kobra himself hopefully still was. 
She found him making his escape from the hellfest that was once their base of operation, followed by two other members. Marinette begrudgingly gives her thanks for the intruding hero team who distracted the cult from her presence and created enough wreckage that forced the cult members into separating. Sneaking up from behind, she jumped on the shoulders of the one furthest back. A swift jab to his throat, and Marinette was using his falling body as a springboard to kick the second cultist. At this point Kobra was aware of her presence and tried to attack her. Keeping the magical dagger on his person, he moved to grab Marinette by her hair. Extending the claws from her panja bracelet, Marinette slashed Kobra by his outstretched hands and used her semi-sentient tiger’s tail to retrieve the dagger. Before Kobra could regain his bearings, Marinette merged the Tiger and the Horse and made a hasty escape to her hideout.
She was greeted to the sight of her grandfather who Marinette believed was entirely too relaxed, enjoying some mint tea as he watched the night sky be curtained by smoke mushrooms from the nearby island. He was reclined in one of the couches in their AirBnB back in Trinidad. She dropped her transformations, Roaar and Kaalki flying to the kitchenette. Plagg slowly came out of Marinette’s purse and pointedly avoided her gaze. So the hellcat did have a guilty conscience, she lamented. Who knew? Apparently accidentally sneezing from the sand on the beach of Santa Prisca, and leaving behind a new cliff, was not one of the Destruction god’s finer moments. If he had any. 
“Don’t tell Tikki,” he began. And look, actual names, he must have been really embarrassed if that’s how he’s referring to his counterpart. 
“Don’t tell me what?” The answering scream Plagg released was actually comical and Marinette decided to be merciful. “Don’t worry Tiks, just a hiccup in the mission but all is well now.” Plagg looked at Marinette like he was about to lay worship to her for not selling him out. He took it in stride and joined the other Kwamis on the counter, already with a cheese wedge in hand.
“You did well, Mei,” her grandfather began. “I will report to Constantine and we will discuss further in the morning. For now get some sleep.” That was a dismissal if Marinette ever heard one so she placed the panja bracelet and the glasses, the tiger and horse miraculouses, back in the box and retreated to her room. A quick shower and a call to her parents later, Marinette was left awake in her room. Bored.
Plagg soon joined her, and despite his earlier reservations, he was brimming with chaotic energy. He had an idea and nothing spelt trouble faster than Plagg’s ideas. Apparently Plagg was curious about what the other young heroes were even doing on the island and wanted to know more. Now Marinette had half a mind to tell him to go by himself and leave her out of it. But she was kind of curious too. They weren’t after the dagger, that much she figured, or else Constantine would have had them go for it instead. So why were they there? A voice that sounded painfully like Kagami in her head told her not to be bullheaded and leave well enough alone.
Ignoring that advice, Marinette went to the den to retrieve the Tiger and the Horse again, the two most suitable for reconnaissance missions. Plagg, of course, would still be accompanying her for it was his shitty idea anyways. 
“Going somewhere?”
The two turned to come face to face with Wayzz, Tikki and Master Fu, all wearing matching faces of disappointment but not surprise.
“We were just going to stake out the island again, figure out what the other hero team were up to.” Marinette was not going to quiver under their gazes. No. Nope. Her maman may not have been an assassin, but she still didn’t raise a weak bitch. Hell, she shadowed one of the most feared assassins for her more formative years. She. Would. Not. Break.
“It was Plagg’s idea.” She broke. 
“HEY!” No offense to Plagg, but he was the only one out of the two of them that was immortal, he could survive Tikki’s ire. 
“It’s not a bad idea, Master,” bless Kaalki and all their endeavors. “If the hero team were not after the dagger, but still after the Cult of the Kobra, investigating would provide valuable insight to what plans the cult had for the dagger in the first place. And perhaps, allow us to put in cautionary measures to prevent the cult from finding other magical means to meet their ends.”
“Yeah, what they said.” Marinette wasn’t all in favor of extending the mission if they did find anything concerning, but she committed to this idea and she’s going to see it through. Logical rational and self-preservation be damned. 
@deathwishy @neakco @ virtualreading @f-rget-lt @your-resident-chicken-nugget @nathleigh @toodaloo-kangaroo @irontimetravelflower @trippingovermyfeet @t1dwarrior-of-earth @tip-tap-tired @fidget-eep @thenillabean @officiallydarkgeek 
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angelqueen04 · 2 years
So, yeah. This happened. And that. And OMFG, that too.
Look behind the cut if you’d like to see my screaming about the first two episodes of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Sooooo, yeah. OMFG. It happened. Obi-Wan Kenobi starring Ewan McGregor and his Fabulous Hair has reappeared on the screen in the first time in, like, nearly 20 years. Did I scream into my couch cushion? Yes. Did I freak out about things other than Ewan McGregor on my screen? Yes, that too. Was still the most important thing on my screen Ewan McGregor on my screen? You bet your ass!
I will say, the prologue itself made me break down crying. Because of course we’re going to revisit the Jedi Temple during Order Fucking 66 again. Of course we are. But the younglings were going to hide. I take this to mean one of two things - that they were able to give the clones the slip and hide out somewhere on Coruscant and it will come into play later on in the show, or these younglings are meant to represent the younglings who made it up to the Council chamber to hide there until a certain someone found them...
So, here we are. Ten years after The Worst 48 Hours of Obi-Wan Kenobi’s Life When His Brother/BFF/OTL Destroyed the Galaxy on Account of Being Sleep Deprived. It’s clear Obi-Wan has not entirely recovered from those harrowing hours. He still suffers from Heartbreaking Nightmares about it (though, sadly, these Heartbreaking Nightmares do not double as Shirtless Nightmares - though at least we got a few Ankle Flashes so we can’t complain *too* much).
I admit to being a little confused that the Inquisitors are so well-known in the galaxy. It’s been a few years since I watched Rebels, but my impression was that they were not exactly a household name, but I could be wrong. But holy shit, these guys are not fucking around, and they’re not even looking for Obi-Wan (except for Reva, anyway). And holy shit, we came *this close* to seeing Uncle Owen getting shanked ahead of schedule! Eep!
I loved how they showed us 3 separate scenes of Obi-Wan working at his job, showing the bland repetitiveness that has become the majority of his life, and how he still does manage to find small ways to break up the monotony. And OMG, I totally recognize that toy spaceship! Owen may have put his foot down for now, but we all know it will still end up in Luke’s hands! Happy shrieking for that minor point of continuity! *beams*
And then there was Leia. I am completely in love with our little spitfire of a Princess. She’s an adventurer, a wanderer at heart - something she comes by honestly. Loved getting to see her with Breha and Bail (OMFG IT WAS JIMMY SMITS HE WAS HERE TOO *CLINGS*), and seeing something of her life on Alderaan. I just about broke down into tears (again) when Bail and Breha talked about how one day Alderaan would one day be Leia’s to lead... Damn it Star Wars, why do you take every opportunity to stab me in the heart?
But perhaps one of the best things was that Obi-Wan Kenobi joined the ranks of so many people who just fall face first into taking orders from Leia Organa. Leia looks at the gloves, Obi-Wan says no. Leia puts the gloves on, Obi-Wan hands the stall owner a few more credits without another word. *cackles* Oh, and the moment where he took a few seconds to say a few words about Padmé and how Leia reminds him of her without speaking her name also made me tear up.
Oh, and Reva stabbed the Grand Inquisitor. Just throwing that out there. So that means either it wasn’t a fatal wound (which ensures that he lives to die when Kanan and Ezra blow him TF up a few more years down the line), or this Grand Inquisitor isn’t the same Grand Inquisitor of the Rebels era. But when Obi-Wan is standing on that little shuttle, in complete utter shock, ignoring Leia asking him if he was okay, as it all runs through him. Anakin is alive. Anakin is alive and has been hunting him for the past 10 years. Anakin is alive, and has been walking around the same galaxy as Luke and Leia and holy shit Obi-Wan is freaking out. Hopefully when he drops Leia off on Alderaan, Bail and Breha give him a few tranquilizers to calm him TF down. 
And another last thing: Temuera Morrison’s oh-so-brief cameo of a down-on-his-luck clone made me sob. It’s so indicative of how terribly the clones were treated by the Empire. Used up until they were no longer useful and left to beg on the streets. FUCK YOU SHEEV PALPATINE FUCK YOU I HATE YOU SO MUCH THEY DID NOT DESERVE THIS. But also, Obi-Wan’s face when he spotted the clone. There had to be so many flashbacks going through his mind - of Cody, of Rex, of all the other clones he’d known, how things ended... and yet Obi-Wan still gave some of what few credits he had. This to me highlights the kindness of Obi-Wan Kenobi. He will help even those who have wronged him.
I’m sure I’ll be back to rewatch these over the weekend. BECAUSE OMG MY BAES ARE BACK.
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Humans are Space Orcs, “Protective Humans.”
Saw this suggestion in my inbox from a couple months ago lol :)
“I am glad you could agree to come commander, with all of the …. Issues with the LFIL, we have had a really difficult time trying to maintain good relations with the rest of the galaxy.”
“We are glad we could come, of course, anything to help people understand humans a little bit better, plus Dr. Krill has a speaking engagement at the conference, so my coming here was twofold.”
“Ah, yes, your little doctor, when I heard about his particular speech, I have to admit I am very intrigued and excited. Anyway, we are glad that humans could come and help us with our mission. Even with human tourism growing in certain sectors of the galaxy, there are still many places were humans had never been seen, and it is in those areas where we have the most difficulty. They hear the rumors, and they see reports on the news about the worst kind of humans, and they just get scared.”
Commander Vir pulled to a stop standing next to the conference director, A Finnari by trade with a relatively trustworthy face despite being an alien, “Well, then they wouldn't be the only ones. Humans have been practicing paranoia against ourselves for thousands of years.” 
Out in the hallway of the conference center, aliens bustled by many of them staring on at the commander and his group of following humans with wide frightened eyes. Some of them pointed in excitement while others shied away to the other side of the hall.
It was still true that less than 7 percent of all aliens in the galaxy had ever seen a human, and for many of these, that fact was no different.
This would be their first time seeing a human.
The commander had to bite back his innate response to smile at them, seeing as most aliens, like most animals, considered the display of teeth to be a threat. So he simply waved a hand garnering a few flinches, and a number of curious head tilts.
Maybe someone should do a seminar on human body language, perhaps then the general public would feel more comfortable around them.
“Anyway, we thank you for coming, but your friend’s lecture is about to begin, and I am very excited to see how it goes.” The commander nodded to the Finnari director, and he, and the other three humans with him, Maverick Ramirez and Dr. Katie stepped into the room where doctor Krill was setting up his presentation.
As was becoming routine at the conference, they received a gasp and an eruption of mutterings as they appeared from the doorway. 
Dr Krill looked up from his work, as the humans inched to the side of the door trying not to be too disruptive, “Stop right there you four, and come here.”
In confusion the humans did as directed.
Dr. Krill stood up voice electronically amplified over the sound of the room, “Can everyone hear me, good, that is very good, now today I am going to be talking about a subject that, as the humans say, is very near and dear to my heart. That translates as, it is very important to me.” he motioned the humans to sit down on the stage, and they did as ordered though rather awkwardly, “Now I thought about just speaking to you for today, but have decided that, you aren't going to be able to keep your focus away from the humans anyway, so I might do us all a favor and add them into my lecture as a way to introduce you to them in a controlled environment, and hopefully, after today, you will come to see the humans as I do. Great allies, and an undeniable opportunity for friendship.”
“now , I wanted to do something a little different today, something a little off from my normal structured way of speaking about humans because I find it very displeasing the way the rest of the galaxy sees humans, and I want to change that. I tried determining a fact about humans that is the most forgiving and the most empathetic. Something all of you would enjoy.”
There was a muttering of intrigue about the room.
“Well I am going to start off with a little bit of a lecture. A lot of you may not know that humans give live birth to their offspring, not eggs like the Vrul, Rundi, or the Celzex, but more like the Tesraki or the Drev. however based on the physical structure of the human, and the slow evolution to walking on two feet. Humans are only capable of producing offspring at a reasonable size generally around six to seven pounds, and arguably no greater than twelve to fifteen pounds, though there may be exceptions. Now, as you know six pounds is very very small compared to the end result of a human, and the size of the head has the greatest bearing on this issue. The human head shape requires offspring to be born extremely underdeveloped, so underdeveloped that when they are born they can barely see or hear and have no ability to coordinate their own movements. It takes almost an entire rotation of their planet around their star in order for a human to walk. In essence it takes as much as eighteen revolutions before the average human is no longer taken care of by their  parents.”
There was a muttering from the crowd.
“Now based on the surprising helplessness of the human offspring compared to the final product, they tend to be very loud, and very difficult to take care of seeing how underdeveloped they are. Generally if any one of us were saddled with an offspring like that we would probably just give up, but the human brain is so hot wired to love their offspring, that none of those annoying things generally tend to matter. In fact, the power of a human’s bonding abilities is so strong that they can even bond to creatures that are NOT human in nature.”
Another surprised murmuring around the crowd.
“A human will have the same reaction to a nonhuman than they do to their own young, and in that case, this means that a human will protect the offspring of another species with their own lives. Human parents have been known to kill, lift objects five times their size, and fight off even more dangerous predators for the safety of their offspring, and they will do it for yours too..”
This time the murmuring around the room was almost palpable, it was as if they could hardly believe what they were hearing.
That couldn't be right.
“What if I told you that the safest place our offspring could be, is in the arms of a human.”
That caused an absolute uproar of chattering, and Krill had to wait a few minutes before the room calmed down.
The humans were looking between each other with some curiosity hardly believing what they were hearing, not sure where this was going.
“now , I have brought forward a couple of gracious volunteers who trust my judgement enough to help me demonstrate what you are about to witness .”
“Our first volunteer.” He motioned to the side of the stage were a Rundi was waiting, as she walked onto the stage, the crowd noticed at least three tiny shapes running around her feet.
The human turned to look eyes wide, to the crowd they almost looked hungry.
“Dr. Katie, can you tell me what you are thinking.”
The human looked up her wide brown eyes somewhat magnified through her glasses, “I want to hold one so bad.” She turned her head towards the rundi, “Can I hold one…. Am I allowed to do that. I’ll wear gloves.”
The rundi mother seemed surprisingly calm allowing the human to come over and pick up her little ones holding them gently in their hands running a finger over their tiny heads. One of the humans was holding the tiny creature to his chest. Patting its tiny head with one finger. 
“You see the protective nature in which the humans hold young that isn’t their own, I picked the rundi first specifically for this reason, simply because they don’t look remotely human. Arguably the humans shouldn't even connect them with their own young, and yet this is the posture of a creature that isn’t going to let anything happen to their charges.” He turned to the humans. “What would you do if someone tried to hurt these little rundi?”
The darker human looked up from the creature he was holding to his chest, “I don't know probably rip their arms off and beat them with them…. But that's probably a bit graphic so… er, i would be very very upset?”
“Great save.” The commander muttered, stroking his hand delicately down the little Rundi’s back, who seemed to be enjoying it rather happily. Of course all the humans were wearing gloves, considering that the rundi had an aversion to water, and humans had a habit of shedding it wherever they went.
They actually seemed disappointed when they had to let the tiny creatures go.
Not that they were disappointed at the next moment  when A dark blue-black tesraki brought out a fuzzy little bundle.
One of the humans made a strange squeaking noise. Again begging to hold it.
The humans seemed to be having even more fun than the rest of the crowd was having watching them. 
“You see the younger a creature of a different species is, the more likely humans are to adopt it with their social bonding.”
“Look at its little pig nose eep!” 
“Hey let me hold it. You don’t have to be a hog.”
“You can fight me.”
“Sharing is caring.”
“What if I don’t care.” The humans jostled with each other for a turn holding, petting or cooing over the creature, though their aggression seemed to terminate at a predetermined distance from the small one, and if it wasn’t obayed, there were other humans to make sure they kept in line. 
“You see, I would wager to say that your children are safer with humans than they are with you. Not to call you a poor parent. But humans will take falling impacts, jump in front of speeding vehicles, and their bodies are known to be quite durable.”
The commander was leaning over Dr. Katie’s shoulder stroking the Tesraki’s huge ears with one finger, “So soft.” 
“Though the creature does not have to be fluffy, but for some reason humans really enjoy it, despite their own young being hairless. In fact there are many humans that much prefer to have a creature of a different species than they are interested in having one of their own 
“Furbaby.” A human whispered as the tiny Tesraki was appropriated back from them.
“My next demonstration we have to thank by way of lord Celzex.”
The humans lifted their heads, eyes widening, “No!”
What came next was an excessive spectacle of human happiness characterized by a lot of squealing from both male and female humans, and a ton of tiny, angry little balls of colored fluff with massive eyes and huge feet.
Dr. Katie sat in a corner holding a handful of the little colored fluff balls in her arms, “Guys….” She moaned, “I think I’m gonna cry, this is pure happiness. I want all of them.”
Maverick lay on the ground flat on her back as at least ten of the tiny creatures crawled all over her. It was pretty clear they were trying to attack, but to the human it caused nothing more than an eruption of giggling.
The commander and Ramirez sat opposite each other trying to wrangle a small heard of the fluffies who ran about in an angry circle.
Needless to say, the humans were very disappointed when they had to be taken away. 
Ramirez held out a hand, “Wait, but, no….” 
Maverick was frowning looking down at her empty hands like she was missing a finger.
“And now for my last demonstration.” The doctor began.” Motioning his last volunteer up.
What came next was a nine foot tall male Drev, cradling a tiny shape in his lower arms.
Excitedly, the humans rushed over, and the Drev seemed to have no problem handing over his young to the pack of cooing humans.
Maverick bumped Katie out of the way, and took the tiny creature in her arms running away with it across the room.
The other humans trailed after Craning their necks over her shoulder and trying to see the tiny creature who opened its little beak like a baby bird chirping and blinking at them.
“I swear if anything happens to this child I will kill everyone in this room and then myself.” 
“I didn’t know they were so frigging adorable. Shit, I want one.” The commander grumbled playing with one of the tiny hands.
“Yeah, who wants a human baby anyway, these ones are way cuter., and they don’t smell.” 
“Maverick, if you don't let me hold it, I promise I will have you on bathroom duty for the rest of your foreseeable career.”
Maverick frowned, “Just five more minutes.”
“Fine, five, but then it's my turn.”
The doctor continued to lecture as the humans sat in a circle passing around the tiny drev, “You see in a time of crisis, a human will wrap themselves around their offspring using the rigged bones, and taught muscles of the shoulders, back and ribcage as a shield  diffusing impacts and cushioning falls. It is also quite common for an entire pack of humans to form up around younger humans to protect them.”
The commander had appropriated the tiny Drev from Maverick and was softly stroking a thumb against its tiny cheek. The small creature opened its mouth like a baby bird, chirping slightly before nuzzling its head against the human’s chest growing quite comfortable against the warm, soft human.
“Its official, I am the favorite.” The human announced 
“No no, you see, sleeping, now you can’t take him away.” The other humans pouted and the commander grinned.
“You see it is all thanks to the annoying and underdeveloped nature of the human offspring, that we can thank for human over protectiveness. Now, this effect lessons somewhat as you grow older, but generally speaking it never goes away entirely. A human will bond with anything, a broken piece of equipment, an item of clothing, and definitely you, for sure. Should you be cautious about which humans you trust? Certainly, but we exercise that caution daily with each other.”
He motioned to the group of huddling humans holding the tiny sleeping Drev.
“Just remember this image here the next time some propaganda string tells you humans are monsters.” 
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leon-heart · 3 years
Little Lies (Part I.)
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Fandom: ATEEZ
Pairing: Song Mingi x f!reader
Summary: You and Mingi have a friends-with-benefits relationship right now, and he’s invited you to one of his formal events as a friend. But, do you both feel more for each other? 
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: Mentions of sex, alcohol consumption, swearing
Series: Part 1 of ???
A/N: This is my first piece on this blog eep! I hope you guys like it, as this is the first time I’ve jumped into writing for kpop. This is intended to be a series, so hopefully you stick around for it!
“You’re sure the company is okay with this?” You asked from before the lit mirror you were examining yourself in. Again and again you’d adjusted the all-black outfit to no avail. Was this appropriate? Were you too dressed-up, or not enough? Nerves bubbled like a pot unattended on the stove within your abdomen.
“I’m sure, yeah,” came Mingi’s response, slowly rising in volume and clarity as he walked through the door and into the bedroom of your apartment to stand behind you. “I already checked with everyone. Said they’re excited to see you.”
He was clad in black as well, the custom-made tuxedo a stark departure from his typical oversized tees and baggy jeans. The jacket trimmed his waist in neatly, making it nearly impossible for you to divert your eyes from his body to his attentive face.
“I’ve missed all my hugs, you know,” your eyes crinkling at the corners with mirth as you spoke. “It’s been, like, what? Three weeks since I’ve seen everyone?”
“Mmm,” Mingi mumbled around the shirt sleeve between his teeth. He was using his mouth as leverage to button the cuffs, he released the softly dented fabric once the gold buttons slid home. “Sorry, you know, something about not wanting outsiders in the dorms--not that you’re an outsider but...”
“Don’t worry about it, I get it.”
“But I missed you,” he whined, his lower lip jutting out and revealing the soft, goofy, sweetheart hidden under that dark layer of serious formal attire. You wanted to kiss his lip back in place, reassure him he was missed as well, but seeing his rouge-stained lips was a private treat for you alone. And, teasing him always turned out to be fun.
“Missed me, or missed the sex?”
“Both?” He replied sheepishly, peering down at his polished shoes as if they’d save him. “B-But Jongho misses you, too.”
“Don’t deflect this onto him, you’re not smooth,” you spoke through a chuckle.
His response was to bow his head, pressing a soft kiss against the bare skin of your shoulder. 
A shiver ran down your spine at the soft gesture. Large, warm hands skimmed along your sides, planting themselves firmly on your waist. His chocolate eyes on yours sent small butterflies tickling through your abdomen, and for a moment you were lost in him. 
Him. Your friend. Your fuck-buddy. That reminder always jolted through you before your heart could be swallowed by his further. Every day spent with Mingi was another day that you sank deeper into whatever this arrangement was.
Unwarranted, a torrent of questions that usually kept you up at night ran through your mind. Should I end this? Could I end this? What is this, anyway? Am I being foolish?
The centimeter you stepped back as your brain processed its internal onslaught did not go unnoticed, the grip on your waist loosening and the soft eyes looking down upon you flickering with disappointment momentarily. Why you pushed him away every chance you could was an issue to conquer another night. For now, your hands ran up his arms, tracing over his broad shoulders and moving to cup his face gently.
“As much as I love your affection, we gotta keep it to a minimum or none at the party, handsome,” you advised, turning his head softly back to yours after it pivoted away in anticipation of your next words. “We’re not...together and since there’ll be other groups there-”
“I know,” he groaned quietly, pressing soft kisses along your jaw as your body melted into his. Mingi was skilled at taking a blow and morphing it back into love to shower you with. “After this, just friends. No benefits?”
“Just friends, no benefits,” you acknowledged, your heart aching in your chest as you pulled back to give him a faux smile. Your mood needed bolstering in the wake of the overly discussed topic of your relationship.
“Do you want a drink before we go? I’m driving,” came Mingi’s soft voice. It was one he used when he was aware that you were deep in thought and it worked well to coax you back to reality. 
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
Unanchoring himself from you, he retreated from the bedroom and into the living room, trusting you to follow. After momentarily hesitating, you padded along the hallway to join. Crystal glinted in the dim light caused by the sun setting as Mingi carefully examined your drink selection.
“Bourbon,” you called, coming up to rest your hand on his lower back.
“Sit, I’ll bring it to you.”
“Don’t drop it.”
The leather couch accepted you into its comfortable embrace as amber liquid transferred from bottle to glass, your gracious bartender serving it between his slender fingers.
“Thank you,” you said with a soft smile, tilting the glass to your lips to welcome the strong flavor cascading along your tongue. “I needed this.”
Mingi was still standing, his hand massaging the back of his neck, “[y/n], I’m nervous.”
“Mmm,” you intoned, swallowing. “Why’s that?”
“What if you fall in love with someone else there?” His voice fluctuated to a higher octave to punctuate his question. His normal voice was loud on its own, and rose whenever he was anxious about saying something. 
A snort escaped you before it could be stopped, and you put the glass down against the coaster on the coffee table, grinning at him. He couldn’t help but smile back at you, but it was strained and did not meet his eyes.
“I highly doubt that,” was your response. “Besides, I’m there to spend time with you. Meeting other people is just a side benefit to going.”
“I thought that was the whole reason you wanted to go to one of these,” he queried, watching you stand and straighten your dress carefully. “You said it was part of the deal, right? You remember?”
“I remember...maybe I changed my mind. I’m allowed to.”
Your attempt at cutting the tension built since the prior conversation didn’t appear to have an effect on him, his hand still sawing across his nape.
“I’m good, I’m good,” he said with a forced laugh, burying his hands in his pockets. He was obviously trying to bring his jovial spirit back and failing. How had the mood changed so drastically? Did he not realize just how deep into your feelings for him you actually were?
“Should we go? We can’t be late,” you asked while your fingers knotted together. Mingi gave a quick nod before rushing you from the apartment via linked hands, excitement mounting now that you’d escaped the suffocating apartment.
After all, tonight was a promise kept: the chance to accompany him to a party you’d never be able to attend otherwise. The chance to meet talented, and beautiful, people.
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mintvender · 4 years
I recently found your blog and I really like it! Can I request if it's still open? Ignore if it's not :D
Y/N that deals with schizophrenia. I think I spelled that wrong-
anyway, Love your works, Bye!
Don’t worry, it’s still open, love. It will always be open until we are at a good distance through the series, or there’s too many of them. Anyways, I am not too well versed in this area, so correct me if I’m wrong. Enjoy 🌿
BTS’ Reaction of Y/N Dealing with Schizophrenia
Warnings: Potential wrong infomation
Schizophrenia, a chronic brain disorder that may include symtoms like delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoughts, and lack of motivation. There is no cure for schizophrenia but with treatment, the symtoms will greatly impove.
At this period of time, mental illness is considered to be almost nonexistent, and is greatly shamed upon due to the fact that the individuals is extremely vulnerable. If you were to have this disorder, not only will you be judged by the general public but people will also doubt your capabilities. You will have to work extra hard in order to be recognize.
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Peonies: Aside from their beauty, they also signify ‘healing’, meaning to send a message to the receiver that they are supporting them on the healing process.
Kim Taehyung
With how long you guys have known each other, Taehyung would definately know when you are experiencing these symtoms. Most likely, he will also know what could trigger a reaction and would try to prevent that from occuring. When Taehyung first heard of your disorder, he was confused but then panicked when he heard that it was uncurable. Though, as times go by he would be very supportive of you considering how much he have learned from you. You may even be his role model during his youth years.
Whenever you begin to have a more severe reaction, Taehyung would be there to try and help you, comforting if you are frighten by whatever you are experiencing. He will also observe your actions to predict what will happen as well. Taehyung will also be one of the best people to talk about your experience just because of how comforting his presence will make you.
“ Talk to me whenever you’re ready, Y/N. I will be here when you need me.”
Kim Namjoon
Finding a cure or a way to improve your symptoms is one of Namjoon’s top priority. He will always have the time for when you seek him out for help. Taking note of your symptoms, expect Namjoon to spend hours on end reading manuscripts about potential cures and experiencing with them. Unlike Taehyung who will just be focus on being presence there, Namjoon will be more involved to helping you and actively trying to understand this disorder.
Namjoon won’t take offense to anything you say as he understand that what you are experiencing might not put you in the right mindset. Whenever you guys are talking, he will always make note of whatever you are experiencing, and research more into that.
“ How is it this time? Worse than the last? Alright, don’t be afraid, I’m here.”
Jung Hoseok
Hoseok discovered your disorder when you began to mumble incoherent phrases, some that were quite insulting. Hoseok, was quite surprised by your abrupt change in demeanour and ultimately got offended, thinking that your insults were targeted towards him. However, he did notice that you were quite different from your normal self, so he decided to approach you. Upon realizing that you were indeed confused, he would be less offended and try to calm you.
After that, expect him to go ask Namjoon about your situation. Hoseok would then be much more understanding but wouldn’t know what to do in that situation. As he is not used to it, Hoseok would have to put in more effort to know when your symptoms are occurring.
“ Alright? ... No! Don’t worry, I’m not offended, just surprise. It’s getting easier so don’t worry too much.”
Min Yoongi
The moment he knows that you have this kind of disorder, expect him to be more attentive to you. He will be less clingy but more protective of you, not as much as Jungkook though. This would also mean that he would have to be more independant as he does not want to bother you with his little problems.
Might also get insecure because of how capable you are despite suffering from such a disorder; when compared to him, Yoongi would feel so guilty for not being able to help you. However, he also admires you for your determination and courage to not care about the world and continue to move forward.
“ Do you want more tea? ... You should take a break, your majesty.”
Jeon Jungkook
Jungkook might be the most overprotective out of the entire ensemble. Might be because it’s his job, or jut his own feelings. Regardless, do expect for him to stick around much longer than normal. At the beginning, it was quite often that Jungkook would get speechless with your confused actions but he does know how to support you when those times comes — courtesy to Namjoon’s lecture.
As he is the person who is with you at all times, Jungkook will skillfully intervene in any situations when he sense that you are experiencing those symptoms; it does not matter, how important the occasion is, your health is his top priority. Sometimes, he might seem to be overbearing but you understand that it comes from a good intention.
“ Excuse me, the majesty is exhausted from the countless nights being awake. The meeting will continue at another day. hank you. Now, please excuse us.”
Kim Seokjin
Most of the time, Seokjin would act like a mother than any other roles. This will increase when he has personally see you experiencing said symptoms. Unlike his chatty self, Seokjin will act quite motherly during these times, putting his pride aside, knowing that whatever you are saying is not on purpose.
Seokjin will also secretly send people to search far and wide for cures of this disorder and will be very impatient when his people eep coming back empty handed. He gets quite anxious at the thought of potentially losing you again, despite getting told that it is not fatal. Though, he will keep that a secret and continued teasing and humouring you during your guys’ time together.
“ YAH! Where are you going?! Didn’t I told you that you need to stay in bed and rest? Are you even listening to me?!!”
Park Jimin
Jimin, despite sometimes being quite overbearing, knows when to stop his play and be serious. With you not being to control when such things would happen, Jimin would have to be more observant when he is with you. Knowing how hurt a person can be when you don’t have their permission to do certain things — especially when they are vulnerable, Jimin definately understands that it will only make you dislike him.
As a result, he will, surprisingly be there whenever you are frighten or uncomfortable. Unlike Taehyung, he will just sit there and simply wait. He knows that if he does it long enough, your body will hopefully understand his actions and relax itself, comfortable within his presence.
“ Don’t worry, I will just stay here and wait for you. Take your time, Y/N.”
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Copyright © 2021 MintVender
All rights reserved.
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wolfcha1k · 3 years
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Warning, story passage below has blatant sexual references :U Proceed if you are a dirty heathen ~
The night had been wonderful, hot like fire and glowing bright as the sun. It made little sense, darkness had no place in the dwelling of light but Eep had seen enough impossible, wonderful things to call it baloney.
Speaking of which… she stretched out leisurely at full height, arms above her head and toes curling as her legs splayed about. It was a good thing their pallet was roomy, she cast her green eyes around the bed. Shame about the bed frame though, hopefully Hope wouldn't be too upset it'd been broken.
Despite a mild ache in her muscles, she felt amazing. Her blood hummed softly through her veins as she reflected on the night, curious touches turning into more. Eep glanced at the slumbering mass beside her, unceremoniously splayed out in a heap with the torn sheets tangling his legs.
Oh, she'd ruined those too. Maybe Hope would be a little mad. She leaned over him to look at his sleeping face, exhausted with bruises peppering most of his neck and shoulders. One spot in particular was very red and blistered with the distinct shape of teeth marks. Eep wondered if she'd been too rough, he hadn't seemed to mind it but now…
She shrugged the thought off and flopped back down, not wanting to wake her sleeping lover just yet. He would wake when he was ready but in the meantime Eep saw no harm in shimmying herself under his lightly muscled arm. The feeling of his body pressed against hers made her smile, familiar and comforting and home. Instinctively almost she felt Guy suddenly roll over with a pitiful whine, clutching her close so he could properly hold her.
Eep resisted the urge to purr in delight, content with this new arrangement as she took in the moment of the lazy morning. Just him, her and the light filtering in through the window.
"Hey…" Guy suddenly muffled against her ear, husky and raspy as he tried shaking off the sleep. Eep wasn't sure if he was dreaming or actually awake, it was hard sometimes to decipher.
"Hey what?" She greeted back anyway, fondly stroking one of his stripes that streaked his slender shoulders.
" Hey you made me hurt in places I didn't even know existed," he groaned pitifully though didn't sound regretful. He was obviously very stiff and the multiple bruising probably didn't help. "I'm not prey, you know.'
"Yeah but it was good savoring you though," she teased with something of a predatory smile.
"Too soon," he told her with a tired grin, aching all over as he unfurled himself from her warm body. Parts of him protested especially when last night they'd been closer in a way he never could imagine with her. "I need a few days to recover from that."
He sat up, swinging his long legs off to the side of the bed. She gazed at him shamelessly with loving eyes, elbow propping her head up as she rested her palm on her cheek. He was beautiful, unique in his appearance and despite it all she adored every aspect of him to the point she ached in new ways. She felt like she was on a cloud, floating.
It was a new and jarring change, something that made her flustered as well despite all that happened. It was hardly planned to couple, merely comforting Guy after a bad dream that plagued him. Night terrors were common for him at times, last night had been a night with no moon. The darkness triggered memories and scars he never delved deep into with her, he wasn't ready. Those specific phases of the moon seemed to trigger these dreams for him, of what she didn't know.
He'd jerked awake, disoriented and Eep had immediately noted the shift even though she had been asleep. The scent of fear was heavy and so strong it'd been enough for her to scope the room for an actual threat, groggy as she was. She quickly found her senses, sharp as a cat and turned to her bedmate. After seeing Guy curled up with his head on his knees shaking, it was easy enough to put two and two together. Her heart ached for him.
"Guy, it's okay. You're safe, I'm here. It was just a nightmare," she soothed and reached to take him in her arms. His tear stained face touched her neck and his long arms embraced her tightly. She shushed him through his quiet cries, holding him close and he could hear her heartbeat, reminding him she was warm and alive.
One thing suddenly led to another, Guy drawing her closer to him needy and desperate to know this was real. His hands clutched her hips so tight it reminded her he actually had strength under that nimble build of his. She'd touched him tentatively, rubbing the tension from his shoulders and kissing his forehead.
She murmured reassurances until suddenly he'd caught her lips against his with a hunger she never felt before in him. The dream had been awful, was all he had said against her lips, and part of her had a feeling it'd involved her somehow. So she just hugged him tightly and let the tension go. Between a whimper and a groan that sounded like “Don’t leave me” inbetween a nip to her throat, it was a kiss so unlike their other ones. It was something different and soon their only witness had been the sleeping suns once he rolled her over. The sky was good at keeping secrets to themselves.
Things had gotten out of hand and after the rush of passion, they'd tried again more softly the next. Taking the time and patience to love one another without the rush as if The End returned; Eep found gentle touches inspired a different kind of fire that burned under her skin, blazing her heart. It had made her cry and he'd kissed every tear off her face, gentle as he always was. Even if before she had nearly bitten him raw the first, growling like an animal and ravaging him like prey. She was always the forward one in their relationship and Guy never minded that. For once she liked being the vulnerable one, letting him lead.
They had been joined in a way that made her shiver just thinking about it, bonded and the way she loved him felt even fiercer somehow. She hadn't known he could be so possessive, maybe it wasn't the right word, primal and passionate seemed unable to describe the shift she'd felt in him either. She didn't have the talent of words like her husband, he was all poetry and dreams. The moment felt so real again, caged in his arms. His eyes bore into hers, reminding her of the fire that had brought them together. Her name had been like a prayer on his tongue, over and over again until…
"Eep?" That didn't sound like the one in her memory, it lacked the breathlessness, the longing and how he'd held her through it all. Eep jolted, uncharacteristically sheepish despite how bold she'd been moments ago. "Are you alright?"
"I'm good, I was just... reflecting, I guess," Eep confessed as she sat up.
Guy had gazed at her for a long moment with brazen before turning to give her privacy as he fetched her the discarded dress. "Well, I hope it's good thoughts," he told her with a modest little look, back to that awkward young man she was used to.
"Oh, they definitely were," she reassured him, donning her tiger striped dress and stretching once again.
Guy had found his trousers that somehow found themselves draped over the light fixtures. He hopped up and grabbed them, bemused how'd they gotten up there. It made Eep laugh.
"Guess we were too eager and I got a good arm," she joked. "Sorry about um…" She approached him to tenderly touch a bruise.
"You bite worse than Sandy does," he teased back with a pained little groan. Guy approached a mirror in their bedroom on the banister to tend to his unruly hair. "I can't believe I'm even walking."
"I thought it was the woman who had the tougher time," she mused with mirth tinged words, approaching to wrap her arms around his lanky frame. Her chin rested on his shoulder. "I could run laps right now."
"I think you ravished me," he exclaimed, looking at her face in the reflection. It was twisted in suppressed laughter, Eep lightly brushing her nose against a spot that lacked a hickey. Guy leaned away with a little look, pouting. "Hey, I need some skin still you know."
"You look good like that," she grinned and Guy scoffed at her, finally finishing his top knot. "I have a thing for battle scars."
"A battle indeed," he huffed, unable to resist the dumb smile on his face. "I don't know how we'll explain the broken bed frame to Mrs. Betterman, she worked hard on that."
"We can make something up," she quipped, gently kissing his shoulder on a spot she hadn't practically chewed the skin right off. "The sheets we could probably sew back up, you're good at that, you have the hands for it."
His ears burned at the implications she unknowingly put there, or perhaps she did and was just being the sly little minx she was. "Yeah…" He cleared his throat, flustered.
Eep scoffed when she noticed the flush crawling up his neck, "I didn't mean that." Then her reflection smiled back at her from the mirror, unable to resist a good razzing. "But if you're that desperate for an ego stroke, well…"
"No, no, uh… this is good enough." Needing a distraction, he turned to look at her unruly mane of red hair. "You need a good brushing."
"I like it like this though," she teased, blinking up at him under her eyelashes.
He knew where this was going and shrugging her away, he shook his head in amusement. “Enough of that,” he told her playfully, making his way towards the patio after comically hopping along on one foot each as he put each furry boot on. “C’mon, it's early enough still to catch the sunrise.”
Eep always relished their mornings together, even if most of the time she was not at all one to wake early. Her body just couldn’t do it and when she would, she’d grouch and complain until Guy got her some bitter bean juice or ushered her into the showers. This morning though was a different one, Eep smiling softly as she looked out the window. She never felt so restful and satisfied, blissful even. She followed Guy out the door now that she was fully dressed, idly combing her fingers through her hair.
She found Guy standing there under the rays of the sunlight, tinging his caramel skin into an almost golden color. It outlined him and even though she knew every indentation of his body, the sun only highlighted it for her. Feeling her eyes on him, Guy turned to face her with a fond expression on his face. Her body felt warm from the rising sun, perhaps though it was just the raw, unadulterated love on his face that did it. Eep almost shyly plodded to stand beside him.
“It's beautiful this morning,” she remarked, gently leaning her head on his shoulder. Guy mimicked the movement, cushioned by her thick hair.
“Yeah,” he agreed, drawing away a bit just to peer down at her, a sweet little smile making him look charming. “Beautiful.”
Eep flushed, linking her arms through his as she hugged his bicep, muffling her face into his shoulder.
It just made Guy press a gentle kiss on her hairline, chuckling. “Since when do you get flustered, love?”
“When you say sweet things like that,” she quipped, looking up at his happily beaming face. Eep pouted like when Douglas didn’t get the scraps from dinnertime. “It’s not fair.” “What isn’t?”
“You have such a gift with words,” Eep huffed at him, turning to look towards the sun. “I see the sun, but you see sun light. ” She extended her hands out after letting him go, mimicking how Guy would get so animated when telling his stories.
Guy was bemused. “Isn’t that the same thing, Eep? We’re both looking at the sunrise,” he told her affectionately, turning to gaze at the sun as it climbed its way into the sky. It went from a deep orange like embers on a fire into a lazy blue tinged yellow at its belly.
“It’s different than that,” she said with a shake of her head, admiring him with soft eyes.
“I don’t really think so,” Guy insisted, brows furrowed as he let the thought stew in his head. “You see a lot of wonderful things too.” An idea came to him and gently he grabbed her hand in his, tangling his long fingers with hers so they were pressed palm to palm. “I wanna show you something.”
Without another word, he raised their arms up above his head, letting go after so both reached for the sun. Light cascaded down her fingers and down her arm, the faint rays of morning warming her skin like soft butterfly kisses. Guy pressed his shoulder against hers, not looking at her but Eep could easily feel the love with just the contact itself.
She looked at both their hands, nostalgia taking her back to a time that felt like forever ago. Eep dared to finally glance at him, meeting his eyes with a little smile of her own. “I’m glad you got to cross my sky, Guy.”
The words made him grin wider as he nuzzled his head against hers, finally lowering his arm to wrap it around her waist. “And you say you can’t be poetic,” he murmured. "I'm glad you are my Tomorrow too"
They loved each other tenderly for the rest of the morning, merely basking in the light.
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moonamite · 3 years
Unusual encounter.
Sunlight peeked through the treetops, a gentle breeze rustling the leaves. The trees were tall and proud, towering over the small form below them. Pushing through the slightly overgrown grass was a purple jester, with a sour look on his face, muttering to himself. He flicked his ear as the grass tickled his sides. “This is SO stupid!” He complained out loud to himself, kicking over a small rock. He’d gotten into an argument with Kirby earlier. It wasn’t even a big argument! It was a little quarrel! And that frog-face Meta Knight thought he was threatening him! As if he ever would! He only tried to take over the world ONCE and that Old Bullfrog was STILL not over it! EVERYTHING IS STUPID AND UNFAIR AND I HATE IT HERE. Then he saw something dart out of the corner of his eye. A frog? No, it was WAY too big to be a frog... He crouched down and stalked in the direction of the noises, his ears perked. He hesitated for a little while longer... and then... POUNCED! His golden wing-talons slammed into a big slimy wriggling thing. And what was even weirder was that it screamed. “Eep! I’m sorry!” The mystery person shrieked, squirming under his grasp. He looked down and- Oh. False alarm, it was just the King’s dopey secretary. “Hey! You! It’s you, the snail from the castle!” He shouted. He’d seen him anxiously sneaking around in the castle when he’d hang out with Kirby. “Erm... Yes, it’s me... Can you please get off me?” The snail said, straining his voice. He got off him, and watched him straighten himself out. The large Mollusk twitched his long whiskers, wincing. “What are YOU doing here?” He asked harshly. The snail looked down at him- Which was SO ANNOYING, he HATED BEING SHORT- And sighed. “I wanted to see what kind of plant-life grew in these forests.” He explained. “Um. What are you doing here...?” He asked cautiously. Marx was somewhat surprised that this cowardly snail was conversing with him, of all people. “That old fart Meta Knight got mad at me for no reason! AGAIN!” He complained. “All I did was get into a small argument with Kirby, and he was acting like I spat in his cereal or something!” The snail tipped his head. His face was SO DOPEY. It was like his thoughts moved like a glacier. His eyes reminded Marx of a swamp- Green, drippy, and slow.  He looked back up to him after what felt like FOREVER, and made a face. UGH, why is everyone so HARD TO READ? “I know Meta Knight.” He said slowly, nodding. Marx rolled his eyes. “OBVIOUSLY.” He said. “And?” The snail blinked. “Well, maybe I can talk to him about it? I’m sure I can explain everything to him.” He explained. Marx narrowed his eyes. “Really? You?” The purple mollusk flinched. “W-well... That’s why I said ‘Maybe’. And, I’m sure he’ll listen if I Talk to him. Give me a chance? Um- Please?” He said hopefully. Marx opened his mouth. Then closed it. Wait, Said the little voice in his head. What about Kirby? It whispered obnoxiously. What would he want? It asked. He considered this. He’d probably want me to give this guy a chance. Even though he’s a TOTAL STRANGER. But that’s what Kirby would do, he’d trust him. Because that’s just the kind of person he is. He growled and rubbed his forehead in between his talons. Why am I such a ball of mush? “Fine.” He said, startling the snail. “I GUESS you can try.” The snail nodded. “Ok... I guess I’ll get going now...” He paused, gazing at the jester. “I’m Escargoon, by the way.” He said, pretty late into the conversation. “Who are you?” Marx snorted. “You don’t know me? ME?” He asked, bewildered. Well, that does explain why he isn’t more... you know, TERRIFIED. Escargoon shook his head. “I’m Marx. And that explains a lot.” Escargoon looked at him, confused- An emotion he COULD read. “Long story.” He said, waving a claw dismissively. “Well, Marx,” He started, turning around. “I’ll get going now. It was... Interesting to meet you?” He said, making an awkward face. Marx barked a laugh, and they parted ways. Well, it kinda made sense. He had heard rumors that the odd purple snail- Escargoon- Wasn’t from around here. But Meta Knight would probably tell him everything, and he’d hate him like everyone else did. But It’s not like I care! He thought, panicked. Why would I care? Who cares? Not me! I only just met him anyways! MARX, YOU BIG DOPE. STOP CARING. STOP CARING ABOUT THAT WEIRD, DOPEY, MUSHY SNAIL. He groaned. He knew what he was feeling now- And he was feeling SO ANNOYED.  UGH, I HATE FEELING FEELINGS.
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kayr0ss · 5 years
Welcome Home
[LWA, Diakko, domestic, family, baby?, cute happy shit]
Akko and Diana are still settling into this new life, routine, and responsibility. But coming home to this...? It was the best thing that ever happened to them.
Diana clicked at the button of her retractable pen, eyes moving rapidly from left to right and back again. She paused, humming softly to herself while she appraised yet another essay on how ‘the advent of big data and analytics is a turning point in the synthesis of magic and artificial intelligence technology. She scribbled her remarks on the paper’s margin:
‘Revise – provide suggested guidelines and security measures for magic-infused data-driven machinery.’
Now, it may come as a surprise to many, but Diana never really considered herself a traditionalist. In fact, her on-going tenure at Luna Nova’s higher-education learning center is heavily decorated with progressive and future-minded research and perspectives. This idea, however, simply sounded a little too much like… Croix—and she wasn’t going to pretend that kept her at ease. But Diana also believed that very few people fall far beyond redemption, and Prof. Croix’s appointment as the Head of the Magical Engineering Ethics Board was the perfect example of redemption if there ever was one.
‘As we’ve learned historically, aggressive technological progress should be done under the guiding hand of ethics and humanitarian agenda,” she jotted down. She spared a quick glance to the office clock her before diving back down into the paper.
Still early, she thought to herself, I could probably finish this stack before going home and—
“Quarter-past-five!” she suddenly exclaimed, forgetting that her former working hours of until well-past-eight were no longer applicable. Recent events had turned her entire world… upside-down.
“Grading will have to wait until tomorrow,” she hurriedly—but meticulously, of course—tidied the papers into her drawer; the pile on the left for marked papers, and unmarked papers on the right. Her keys jingled while she put her belongings back into her handbag, and the hurried clacking of her heels signaled the other professors of her early retreat back home.
Diana Cavendish rarely rolled her eyes, but by Jennifer the traffic was horrendous on the north-bound lane. Which she wouldn’t even be on, had she not forgotten the towels she was supposed to buy earlier in-between lectures. Akko reminded her thrice that morning (each time answered with an obedient, “yes, dear.”) Diana was once again reminded that one of the most surprising—and amusing—things she discovered since her marriage to the brunette witch was that between the two of them, Akko was ‘wife-zilla’.
And there was extra-emphasis on the ‘zilla’ part lately. Traffic be damned, she was going to get those towels.
The sharp whistling of a boiling kettle startled Akko out of the sports magazine she was so deeply engrossed it. Shit shit shit—she clumsily shut the glossy pages closed, darting towards the kitchen and—kami-sama, why did Diana think it was a good idea to have doors everywhere? “Stupid door,” she groaned, anxious to silence the whistling lest it disturb their special guest.
She lunged towards the stove, snapping the burner knob closed. “I could have done that with magic,” she flicked herself on the forehead, old habits from a magic-less childhood kicking in during the oddest moments. She blinked, scanning the kitchen counter for a small box before realizing that she left it back at the living room. “I’m almost as bad at this as I was at transmutation spells!”
About five minutes later, she was jogging back towards the dining area balancing a warmed tumbler in one hand, and several plastic utensils in another. She narrowly avoided tripping over the carpet (“Fuck!”), and was unfortunate enough to hit her shin across the low coffee-table, warranting an impressive parade of crisp, native-to-Japan curses. Thank Kami-sama it was Friday, she thought with relief. Diana would be taking over evening household duties by Monday and she damn well needed a break; even if a break meant more hours working.
She tipped the warmed tumbler over and let a few drops of its content spatter at the back of her hand.
It was still too warm but should be just fine by dinner time.
[Capitalism is a predator, but I’m nearly home.]
Diana hit ‘send’, letting her wife know that she was around 2 blocks away while waiting for the last stoplight to turn green.
[As long as u got the towels lol. Tnx, luv u :-*]
Diana smiled at Akko’s reply, turning her attention away from her phone screen when she saw the soft glow shift from red to green. Yes, she had the towels—and maybe a full set of Reuven-Eilhart designer night pajamas. Or three.
She also brought home new ‘friends’—she saw that the store had recently released a set of ‘We There Bears’ themed products. Diana remembered Akko raving about them; they were apparently quite the in-thing as of late. She was immediately drawn to the pure-white polar bear with an interestingly unreadable expression. “That un’s ‘Nice Bear’,” the clerk supplied. “But if y’gonna get ‘im, you gotta get the whole gang else he’d be lonely.”
And so she did—because if Diana ever did anything she never did it half-way done. Frizzly Bear and Fanda sat snugly beside him in the backseat.
The blonde witch pulled up into their driveway, sorting out her belongings before stepping out to unload her shopping bags from the back. She opened the door and couldn’t help but laugh at herself.
“What has become of me,” she smiled, wondering how to bring three bears and several frilly-looking things into their house without painting herself as silly.
Warm, yellow light flooded through the dining room curtains, and the familiar sound of their car alerted Akko to Diana’s arrival.
“She’s actually home on time,” she remarked to a little fellow seated at the end of their dining table, pulling on an exaggerated expression of being impressed. But Diana’s arrival always makes her smile, so she walks towards the front door so she can giver he wife a hand and—
She paused, taking a strong sniff of something which was coming out of the kitchen.
“Oh, no.”
The pizza! There was pizza burning in the oven! She bolted back towards the kitchen for some damage control, relieved to find that the pizza was only beginning to blacken at the crusts—easily salvageable.
“Mou, Diana’s gonna give me an earful,” she whined in defeat. She could hear the sound of their door unlocking, followed by footsteps through their dining area and the rustle of shopping bags being unloaded.
To her surprise, Diana had no drop of sternness in her voice. “I’ve missed you,” she cooed.
Akko broke into a grin, turning to face Diana. “Missed you to—”
She bit back her words, fascinated at the sight of her wife, looking weary from a long day, cradling their beloved Sara with all the fascination in the world. Their daughter giggled up to her mother, hands reaching for her face, prodding at Diana’s nose (which scrunched up adorably) and pulling at her platinum curls before squealing in delight.
“I may have missed you, as well.” Diana teased, tossing a smile to Akko’s direction.
“That’s hardly fair!” Akko tried to pout, walking towards the two people she loved most in the world.
Diana nuzzled against Sara’s forehead, running her fingers softly over the thin patch of light-brown hair beginning to grow longer. Sara perked up immediately when Akko came into her field of vision.
“I think she likes me better,” Akko whispered before kissing Diana’s shoulder. She wrapped an arm around the pair and tickled at Sara’s nose.
“Not a chance.” Diana leaned her head against Akko’s, watching as Sara grabbed onto Akko’s finger with a chubby little hand.
“Did you buy her another hundred sets of pajamas?” Akko raised an eyebrow.
“Only three,” Diana tried to hide her defensiveness. “And... several room accessories?”
Akko laughed, “pretty soon we’re going to run out of space in her room. This little lady has got you wrapped around her finger!”
There was no use denying it, so Diana simply rolled her eyes.
“Come here,” Akko smiled. “Welcome home.” She moved up to her tiptoes, and Diana turned her head to meet the brunette half-way for a small kiss. She appreciated the way Akko’s embraced tightened around her torso and warmed her chest; the way it made her family feel so... whole.
Akko pulled back, but Diana chased after her to steal another quick kiss, amused at the way Akko would still blush whenever she did that.
“So,” Diana gave her wife a look, “burnt pizza for dinner?”
“Mou, Sara! Your mother is such a bully!”
A/N: Woohoo finally churned another one out! I’m feeling a bit sick, and it’s early in the morning, so hopefully there aren’t that many typos/errors. Anyway I’m doing fine, hope you all are too! I’ve been re-reading Appointments over and over so I can get a feel of the writing style and flow I used to have for it and finally finish the next chapter. I do feel out of touch from how I was back in 2018; so I really need to do a lot of fanfic reading. You guys have any suggestions?
ALSO - meet Sara! Her name means vivid blossoms; it’s Japanese but also western-sounding so win-win for both moms. A homage to ‘Botany’, with the flowers and everything. She was originally meant to be Leia, because I’m a big Star Wars fan, but hey! I saw Sara and instantly thought it was the best fit. Hope you enjoyed. :) [Also, I’ve noticed I tend to switch between past / present tense a lot and I’ll be working to actively fix that moving forward!]
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