#anyway. not gonna main tag this i think but feel free to add on to it if you wanna
galaxdora · 11 months
I kinda hate the consensus in the om fandom that having sex with Simeon is like. A sin. Like yeah, he might get punished for it, but he would have gotten punished for simply falling in love with any human so. The sex part isn't necessarily the problem. Also I think the ban on angels falling in love with humans was to prevent something like MC from happening and now that MC actually exists? Not exactly anything they can do about it. This is also bc of my hc that a lot of the angels explore each others bodies Michael and Lucifer.
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void-occupation · 3 months
Alastor's Animal Noises
I won't call this an unpopular headcanon, just one that is slept on.
So, everyone knows about Alastor making deer noises, both in canon and fanon. In the show he canonically makes little fawn squeaks when Rosie hugs him (which lives in my head rent free at all times) and does the elk scream a couple times throughout the show. Fanon is just as up in arms about this trait of his, and I think it's great.
What if he ALSO made alligator noises? HEAR ME OUT - trust me, you won't regret it.
When you really think about it, there are a large amount of traits that Alastor has that would make it logical for him to share traits with an alligator as well as a deer. These include: teeth/habit of eating sinners(cannibalism) (alligators are known cannibals), place of origin being Louisiana, persistent presence of bayous in his life (near his home in the living world, supposedly where he hid his victims, where he died, and the bayou in his room), ambush predator (makes you feel at ease by being unassuming then strikes before you even realize the danger), and his temper (appears calm until he's NOT) just to name a few.
Despite what people tend to think, alligators actually make a TON of different sounds, though there's a few main ones I'll talk about.
First one is the territorial growl.
I feel like Alastor could make this sound when he's being territorial (obviously), threatening, or protective (as rare as that is). He begins making this sound a lot more often the longer he stays at the hotel because he begins to see it as his territory, and the residents as his people (not that he'd ever admit that lol). Also, I feel like hearing this loud, bass-feeling noise from this rail-thin deer man would be a bit jarring, especially if you'd never heard it before
Second sound is the defensive hiss.
This is a sound Alastor would make if he's feeling threatened. I'm thinking scenarios where he's annoyed/mad/anxious are when he'd hiss, because they're all scenarios where he'd be trying to get something or someone to leave him alone. It's a very different yet very similar sound to a cat's hiss. They can mean similar things, but hearing an alligator hiss is significantly more threatening, which fits Alastor's character. Also, it means he can still sound terrifying when he's the one who's scared (if he manages to make a distressed gator sound rather than a distressed deer sound that is lol)
And of course, we can't forget the mandatory cute sound, the baby swamp puppy chirps.
If he gets to make fawn noises, you bet your ass he's gonna make swamp puppy laser sounds. The scenarios where he'd make these noises are a lot more rare, but they definitely exist. He wouldn't ever admit it, but he sees Rosie as a mother figure, and just as he tends to greet her with fawn squeaks, Alastor will subconsciously start doing little baby gator chirps when he's looking for her and can't find her. His instincts are to call out to her so she can find him - the same way baby alligators do with their mothers - and the side effect is that he makes cute little laser chirping noises without even realizing it. He has a tendency to do it when he's looking for anyone he likes who is older than him. Zestial finds it charming and the few times it happened to him, Husk refuses to talk about, a lot of mixed feelings brought up by the fact that the man who owns his soul has given him at least somewhat of a parental role subconsciously.
anyways, these were just my thoughts on it, feel free to add on your own or use it as inspiration for your own work (let me know though, I want to see it!!!!) (putting this in the lee!alastor tags to feed the imaginations of my friends there who are always starving for more things)
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freddie-77-ao3 · 3 months
sup yall we're vibing here
anyway. hey, my name's freddie, and i'm finally trying to write an actual intro/master post which... we'll see how this goes.
important stuff is highlighted in orange.
so, basic stuff:
as I said, my name's freddie. he/him pronouns. i'm a college student (majoring in accounting, might add a psych minor). not gonna say which college but i'm currently in california.
i've been on tumblr since 2019 i think? not under this account, this started as a fandom account and then spiralled out of control... really fast. um, my regular tumblr which i've not actually opened in ages is @chronicchthonic14 so. yeah.
not particularly relevant to this blog, but i might mention it at some point so, i have autism and adhd. and some other things but. like. that list is very long and those are the two most relevant because i promise if i come off wrong/mean, i didn't mean to, i just forget to make my words normal. but. those are the two most referenced. if for whatever reason someone wants to know more or has questions you can send an ask ig?
i'm scottish, born there. moved to US when I was four. finishing uni and moving back.
some quick warnings
this blog definitely contains cursing/vulgar language, whatever you want to call it, so if you're not comfortable with that, probably not the blog for you, as i don't tag cursing or anything for you to filter out.
if, for whatever reason, if i ever reblog something that contains a slur (against racial minorities, queer people, anything) i will ABSOLUTELY tag that though.
also if anyone has any trigger warnings they think any content needs, please let me know-- asks, dms, comments, reblogs
the cursing thing also applies for sort of dirty jokes? think that only applies to like. two posts and very not explicit. those aren't currently tagged but if they get any more explicit they certainly will be.
queer identity because the explicit reminded me, i'm asexual, and probably straight. maybe bi? dunno, don't particularly care. and i'm trans. ftm. this isn't the blog i talk about that on usually though, unless it relates to a specific ask or a fandom thing.
which, getting into what this blog is for because i can't think of anything else i need to add here (guys let me know if i forgot important stuff, please, i'm an idiot!!! i will forget the important stuff and write random shit instead!! i've already deleted three tangents from this!!)
fandoms!! ones i write and/or post about or will potentially post about
percy jackson extending to hoo, toa, tkc (definitely post way less about this), mcga (again, way less). haven't read TSATS or COTG yet, but spoilers are fine. i post way more about minor characters. write fanfiction for and have some posted (both on here and ao3) and a bunch of snippets.
dcu-- films, comics, animated shows, all of it. personally, my favorites are young justice (the comics, not show version), new teen titans, and batman inc (batgirls, nightwing, and red robin esp). late 90s yj run is my favorite, and i loved the DCeased event. favorite batman comic is definitely court of owls run. no fanfics posted, but some on docs.
mcu-- way less so, but have a stucky oneshot. slowly making my way through in timeline order.
throne of glass. i'm an aedion and chaol apologizer because they do a bunch of dumb shit but then WHO DOESN'T in this series. fanfics in doc, not posted.
this would go on for ages if i listed everything so instead, here's an ask i answered on my fandoms/genres and everything. feel free to send me asks about anyone. if you send me something about radium girls i may cry though (tears of joy) so there's your advanced warning.
main things you'll see on my blog are incorrect quotes, snippets, and the occasional fic
my... idk, contact policy? seriously what do i word this
asks are always open, anon is on.
if you send hate... whatever. i'll probably delete it.
unless i find it funny. then I'll post it. there's really little you could say to me that would hurt.
when i say asks are always open, you can drop anything you want.
literally anything
you need to vent? want advice? want to request headcanons? request a fic? give me a prompt? ask random things about me? something else I've forgotten? go right ahead
if you want to ask me to update my fics? go right ahead. sometimes i forget i didn't post something.
send as many asks as you want, i don't care if it might be spam
i can't promise i'll respond to asks in a timely manner, sometimes i open my inbox and forget they exist for months, i'm sorry. if it's something you really want answered you can send another one
dm's are alright? if you want to be friends or something, go right ahead.
anyone can reblog any of my posts/comment/heart, i don't care. you want to heart 50 things in a row? i adore you. if i had kids, you would get my firstborn
if we're mutuals you can ask for my insta/give me yours.
now, other accounts:
anyway, i think that's it?
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rockerscentral · 6 months
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(A rockers-related Rhythm Heaven ask blog!)
Info can be found under the line break.
The Basics: (or the General Info)
This blog serves to be a more creative way for me to share all of the ideas that I had planned out for the Rockers, along with some other guys, mainly following a story-esque format that follows their "backstory" and how they had originally met up to become the well known rock duo they are now!
Following up on the text above, just to clarify and put it straight, the blog will not start out with the both of them right away, and will likely follow the perspective of one or the other.
While there will be art for a bunch of the asks, especially for standard posts that are needed to progress the story, I cannot guarantee that there will be something drawn for each ask, though I do wish to try and do so. That applies to whether it's a colored sketch, actual drawing, a simple doodle, etc.
Some characters may have different names than some that may be commonly used as a fan-name from the fandom, the main case of this going to Student (name being Jamie.)
This whole blog's going to be a headcanon fest, considering how a majority of this is me making shit up for the most part, so please keep that in mind if you see different portrayals for one thing or another.
Additional Notes:
If you are running another character-based blog, it is completely alright to interact with this account! Just keep in mind that this is technically taking place in the past, which means that any asks that are sent that mention anything that could be in regards to any present matters /foreshadows anything about the Rockers will likely be ignored.
While it may not be prevalent for the long run start of this blog, I do ship the Rockers together, and would probably come up at some point very later on when the time comes, so be weary of that if you don't like the ship and such.
This blog is only being run by me, myself and I ( @submaskudari ), so things might be a bit slow depending on the situation.
I will also answer asks that are out of character for those who wish to know anything from me specifically ^_^
Unless there is only one character that's available for asks, please specify who you are sending an ask towards, otherwise it may be pushed back out of confusion.
Blog Rules:
Don't be a weirdo in the asks LOL
NO METAGAMING.. I have no idea how that'd play out anyways, but this still applies :sob:
Try not to spam the ask box, or be repetitive with asks.. I'm just one guy, and sometimes it might take a moment to spot it.
Transphobia, Homophobia, Racism, Proship, and all of the other bad shit is not welcome here, so please see yourself out if you fall under said criteria.
Please be kind!! I am just a little guy, again.
# (insert character name) + ask: Asks that are directed to said character #main art reblog: main blog posts that either feature Rockers/ Blog-related content. #refs: Simply the refs I work off of for the characters I draw here. # (insert tumblr user here): Asks sent by said user/blog. #asks: Ask posts in general. #ooc ask: Asks that are related to the blog, but are directed to the blog owner (me) rather than an ic ask for the characters. #masterpost: what do you think LOL #sillyart: probably gonna be labled under shitposts or verrry bad doodles, just goofing around! #rockerscentral: tag for chrono-order posts, asks or non asks
#djschoolcentral: april fools posts (chrono order, too)
This will be updated time from time as the blog progresses, rather it'd be for rule additions or something else. If anything, I'm probably going to add a blog Q&A for any additional questions that anyone may have, so feel free to ask!
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slothpower-central · 10 days
Rolling out the Red Carpet for the Cinema branch!!
Hello,hi, it's me that one person who makes the funny videos and thinks she can draw(she cannot) Inspiration hit me in the middle of my film studies course while watching Vertigo by Alfred Hitchcock and I thought "what if I made my own LCB branch where every sinner is based on a movie I've watched in my film class (and just general classic Hollywood cinema) and so I did it! The branch is currently VERY unfinished,as I add a new sinner each week for every film we watch in the class,so lemme introduce you to the guys that I've at least doodled so far(awful art incoming lol)
First up,we need a manager,or should I say,director(get it, because it's based on movies?) anyway here's Dorothy! If it wasn't obvious, she's based on the Wizard of Oz,She may or may not have come from the Outskirts and now she's running around with these sinners,and her little dog too! Oh and her red slippers(boots now,IG lol)? Those have a use, clicking her heels 3 times allows her to bring her sinners back to life!
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Our guide is Glinda! Also based on Wizard of Oz,I have....not drawn her yet! But she is ultra hands off,she mainly communicates by sending Dorothy letters in bubbles,oh and did I mention she's a color fixer? ...yea I probably should have started with that
Now onto our actual sinners, don't ask me about major plot details about them,I haven't worked it out yet,
Sinner #1,This is Chaplin! Based on Modern Times by Charlie Chaplin,this guy is more of a fusion of the two main characters of the movie since uhm...neither of them have names and frankly their stories are both so intertwined that You could easily mix them together so here we are. They are the most comical of the sinners,I have described them as having a lot of cat like behaviors to a degree, and they are selectively mute(silent film lol) They have a white board they write on like it's Lethal Company and they have Heelys(mainly for the funny)
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I haven't uhm.....finished sinner #2 yet because everytime I try to draw him my art style makes him look like the Pringles mascot lol but it's Kane! Kane is based on Charles Foster Kane from Citizen Kane by Orson Welles! Right now currently he's like "god I'm in a company of all women...AND CHAPLIN" He's rich like....richer than Hong Lu rich,he does seem to offhandedly mention something Rosebud and it seems almost like he's searching for it...wonder what that could be?(Btw go watch Citizen Kane, I'm not telling you what Rosebud is)
Finally out last Sinner at the moment: Sinner #3 Judy based on Judy from Vertigo! Yessir this is the reason for the branch, her source got my imagination spinning (she may or may not be mine and Amia's favorite atm of the branch) I would have made Scottie a sinner but......I hate his ass and need him exploded and not in the cute way(JUDYYYYYY YOU DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER GIRLLL) Judy is also 20x more fun as a character than Mr. "I'm gonna stare at women for 70% of my screentime" Honestly I could gush so much about her but I won't to keep this brief... essentially by the end of Vertigo Scottie convinces her to change everything about herself to turn her into his lost love/obsession Madeleine (ai know there's more too it but uhm....Go watch Vertigo, I'm not spoiling the movie)[PS, Ignore the doodle in the corner, that was from an idea that Amia's OC Tessie and Judy would get along well]
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Tomorrow we'll actually have Sinner #4 who's gonna be based on someone from the movie Sunset Boulevard ( I don't pre watch these bc my attention span actually increases so much when I analyze movies for Limbus)
Anyway I'll keep updating you on the Cinema branch their tag is "LCB Cinema Branch" if you want everything in one place oh! And feel free to draw my lil guys if u want,just @ me or tag me or something. uhm don't ask about their weapons or colors or anything I haven't thought that far ahead yet lol
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helielune · 21 days
Pls tell me about the perfect app that lives in your head rent free
hello!!!! ok!!!!! i am here to dump all my brain sludge right here now!!
to preface i know there's like a bajillion productivity apps out there with varying degrees of quality so the likelihood of this already existing is very much nonzero BUT i think the possibility of it not existing yet is also very nonzero so here it is!!
essentially, the main premise is that one post, which said 'if thinking naruto would be proud of you for brushing your teeth, then grab that toothbrush dattebayo' or something along those lines.
it's an app that gives you a character to motivate you and work alongside you and celebrate your successes with you and encourage you to get up when you're. currently not up
mockup images!
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is this miku? maybe.
anyways so the basic user workflow is that you would open the app (perhaps through a morning notification, if you're into that) and be greeted by your beautiful and supportive character, as well as your daily tasks. then you get to work!
each task or work session you complete will earn you currency! and with that currency you can deck out your character in the shop! think of a picrew. you can change their hair. their clothes. their body type. you can turn them into naruto if that helps you. you can make a whole new character if you want! and then you'll have two supporting characters!! this will all cost you 'work' though.
notes about the to-do list area:
morning routine section. this would hopefully be sort of a built-in feature. it would give you a morning notification to do all this stuff and include an animation of your character doing routine stuff with you so you feel like you have a friend brushing ur teeth with you lol
the tasks all have a label attached but i guess you don't really need one if you don't want one
the little tag that says '25m' on laundry means that you think doing the laundry will take 25 minutes of focus time. if you click on the hourglass icon next to it, it'll take you to a timer for 25 minutes automatically.
if you don't set time it'll just give you the default pomodoro timer sessions, which you can change in your settings. i'm a freak for settings so if this actually gets made you can rest assured there will be enough minute settings to go around
it lets you do 'counter' type tasks too, see 'apply to jobs'. thanks to habitica for that idea
notes about the timer page:
basically it tells you to focus on a single task. if you clicked the timer button for a single task in your list on the homepage that will be the highlighted one. if you clicked the general timer button then it'll just pull the first or a random one or something. but it only shows you one.
unless you click the expand button because i'm not gonna lock you out of viewing your own todo list
you can also 'quick' add a new task! like y'know when you suddenly realize you need to do that extra thing on the side just WRITE IT DOWN instead of getting sidetracked. maybe if i feel like it i'll let you take photos for tasks or speech to text or y'know. just make it easy and quick
during the breaks it plays a little break animation to remind u to drink water or eat something or whatever
i think i need to move some buttons around and stuff but generally this is what so many hours of my life (like years of turning it around in my mind plus the past few days of making these images) has turned into. some other features i would ideally have are screen time checkers so your character pops in when you've been on your phone for too long and says Hey. plus other stuff but this is already long
am i ever actually going to make this? probably i'd only get to a super basic version of it. at least a todo list. but those apps already exist...
there are some super limiting/challenging problems that i haven't really been able to solve. like 1. the picrew. god damn i want to make a picrew so badly but i just do Not have the time or energy. and if i use animations inside this thing to make it cuter than i would essentially be making a whole picrew like FIVE TIMES (FOR THE FRAMES).
and it leads into the next issue 2. the continuous motivation. it's easy to be motivated when you're using a brand new cutesy app and have like a hundred things to buy but what if you run out?? how many things do i have to draw to keep up with the demand and keep it motivating?? especially if the items in the store are hit or miss (which is. inevitable, because no store can be 100% only things that you want to buy) then the pickings get slim REALLY fast.
3. the personalities of the characters. it's one thing to provide a character and make its personality myself (i would do that anyway, a small handful of default characters, because you do need to get started somewhere) but it's another thing entirely to make a billion different lines of text to minutely capture the possible words of encouragement that every fictional character you ever liked would say. so you can have an accurate replica of them in your motivational app for maximum motivational affect. is this actually important to people? idk but i feel like if ur productivity app said smth weird and u went like 'he would not fucking say that' it might break the spell. so
thats the basic rundown if u have any questions OR FEEDBACK (!!!!!!!) hmu if you want to use this app also hmu but maybe don't depend on me making it in full... so some alternatives i found while looking for inspo are
habitica (classic gamification, does a lot of similar stuff including personalization!)
finch (just a supportive buddy, mostly for habits and self care)
otto (it's really cute and basically you take care of a Creature by focusing, but it's only a browser extension i think)
someone on a reddit thread made a feature-heavy gamified habit/productivity browser extension here and it seems very useful!!!
also other resources:
Magic ToDo - GoblinTools breaks tasks down into subtasks for you! it's not always 100% accurate but can be a start :) especially since you can decide how many parts you want
forest (i used this a lot before, it's more of a screen time stopper but it's got a sort of fatal flaw in that you have to actively begin using it each time. sometimes i just need someone to kick me out of a scrolling loop.) (also after they started monetizing the prizes it got boring :( )
my friends used opal before for screen time reasons but it's paid. if u have money that's probably a good choice
'amazing marvin' is another productivity/habit browser extension which is also paid. if you're into paying. heard it's good and super customizable to you too
i once tried cold turkey to break my screen habits and at least i can say it is VERY effective at what it says it does. just be careful with what you block lol
if u made it this far here's an extra miku for ur troubles. i drew it bc. i was gonna make a sprite and then got lost in the sauce. these mockups are gonna singlehandedly make me a master at ms paint mouse/trackpad drawing
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btw it's not wednesday september 11 right now unless it is for you in which case how is it living in the Future? or the Past. i don't make the time rules
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antimony-medusa · 7 months
Question for the qsmp community. If I wrote a modern au that had background/implied qphil/qwilbur where they are both adults and definitely not related would people be normal. Or would everyone immediately hate it bc of the ship. I wanna make it clear im not trying to get attention for a potential fic i just want to know if you guys think i would get death threats.
Asking here for further reach, to remain anonymous, and to generate opinions and discussion! Thanks :)
That's an interesting question, and I welcome other people weighing in on that! I think I have definitely seen fics float by that have implied background qphil/qwilbur, and I don't recall the authors getting hate in their notes. Your milage may vary, but I've seen people do it and be fine. Note that these were e-rated fics however so people were already a bit more ready to be freaky, you might find more pushback if you're writing something teen-rated?
But the familial relationship on QSMP is much less firmly defined than it was on DSMP, and frankly a fair bit of the sandduo interactions are kind of uncomfortable to interpret as being between a father son duo, so when it comes to things people are doing with ships, saying "actually they're not related and wilbur's extended sexual discussions with someone he wants to approve of him are /sex" is not the craziest ship out there.
If you were doing main focus philbur I would say be prepped for hate comments or people telling you to add warning tags— I did once see someone with a "they're not related" tag with someone in their notes arguing with them that they should tag it for incest or pseudo-incest, even though best as I could tell that wasn't a feature of the work at all, it was an au where they were like, unrelated coworkers. But just as a background ship, honestly most people are not reading that closely.
My general guess would be that you'd be fine if it was e-rated, you're not gonna get more blowback than you would for smut for any other english-speaking streamer. It's a bit more dicey if you're wandering into the wilds of the t-rated and m-rated fics.
I would recommend starting out in the Anon collection if you're unsure, I have literally done the research and people will still happily read anon fics. It just won't be traceable back to you if someone decides they hate the author of this HORRIBLE fic where the cubitos do (less than they've done on screen in sorry boy videos now).
Anyways I'm very sleepy so if someone else has opinions, feel free to weigh in! I am just someone who browses in the tag sometimes, I don't have a lot of experience with posting QSMP fic. Tell anon your thoughts if you will.
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colttechn-l-gy · 7 months
yo!! i'm colt (im 20 wsg), im gay and cosmoveric boyflux (he/they/neos), see my pronouns page for my neopronouns list
cringe culture is dead, so i'm gonna be cringe on main!!!!! im a border collie therian and a furry, so im ultra levels of cringe aren't i, fight me
this post is way too FUCKING long so feel free to read this intro and leave it at that idrc i wrote this for me anyways (/hj)
yes i format my page like a 15 year old so what?? i never mentally recovered past middle school anyways
im medically diagnosed with major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, borderline personality disorder, and bipolar 1 disorder........................... ya boi is fucked up god damn (im being medicated for my bipolar but we're workin on the rest trust me)
i post books under the pen name alvin viana !!
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by the way fuck the algorithm tumblr can suck my metaphorical dick
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if you want to you can send me asks about any of the fandoms im into or ships i like just be wary about sending spoiler content (like endings or other paths) unless i've explicitly posted about it before
i'm not gonna bother listing all my ships bc a lot of them are pretty obvious just bc of these post dividers (saiou is a comfort ship of mine, could you tell?) but feel free to send me other ships (i will judge you harshly for them /j)
so moving on, some of my fandoms include: sonic, danganronpa, stardew valley, cotl, fnaf, vocaloid/sekai, warrior cats, pokemon, anything from hyv (except tot), ninjago, cookie run, promare, my little pony, aphmau, yttd, undertale, space leaper, food fantasy, afterl!fe, mystic messenger, nimona, lackadaisy, murder drones, tadc
anyways below the cut is some extra misc info you can look at if you want to, mostly just links and other random shit nobody gives a fuck abt (except for me bc im just like that)
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yes im a kinnie no i don't care about doubles no i won't tell you my full kin list i'll just randomly drop the fact i kin characters sometimes
if you want a few of the characters i personally idenify with the main one is freminet / fremmy from genshin impact
some of my other major kins include albedo, wanderer, herrscher of sentience, vflower, ivypool, starlight glimmer, kokichi ouma, surge the tenrec, kieran, and lio fotia
i kin more characters those are just the main ones, i'm the worst combination of all your least favourite character tropes!!!!
feel free to ask me about my kins if you want, or ask what kin shift im in idrc, i dont kin shift that much anymore but sometimes i do
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i do edits and moodboards sometimes??? i guess?? sometimes i'll make icons or whatever, sometimes i do fancy dividers, hell did you guys know im an artist i do that sometimes too, occasionally i do sprite edits if i feel like it but i'm not that good at replicating artstyles so shrugs, mainly just do ur classic 2018 tumblr edits here
so uh if you want some icons or whatever the fuck else i listed
✨ Feel Free To Send Requests ✨
i don't have much of a blacklist other than don't be weird about ships (so no pr*sh*p stuff) and don't ask for nsfw/gorey stuff
but i do edits pretty rarely so don't expect a lot from me lmaooo
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for some reason i also made tags for some of my bs ramblings so stuff usually tagged with .txt is miscellaneous bullshit i post (ocasionally some of my posts are funny, i think)
some, but not all of them, may include: legendary post archive.txt, the brainrot.txt, random.txt, art.txt, psa.txt, save.txt/saves.txt, asks.txt, fave.txt signal boost.txt, promo.txt, random.txt, textingronpa.txt, the journal.txt
most of my personal ramblings go under random.txt but occasionally i add other stuff, so if the tumblr search function allows you to peruse the tags go ahead idrc if you do
in particular my primary tag is 'the journal.txt', as this is where most of my rambling about my novel series go, i've been working on the series since 2015 so i don't like to shut the hell up about it lmfao
a lot of my posts are LONG POSTS, so if you don't wanna see long posts please blacklist the 'long post tw' tag bc that's what i normally tag them as!!! yes, i mean it, ill post them a lot
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hey i have a shit ton of ✨ social media ✨ and ✨ miscellaneous bullshit websites ✨ if you wanna check em out, idk why you'd wanna do that tho all my cringeposting is already here
i've got some accs i'm only leaving up to ward off impersonators so i'm not linking them here but if you want to know what they are idrc if you just ask me through the askbox or whatever
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aroace-poly-show · 11 months
Hi you said you want to ramble, could you ramble some more about hollow ☆ wonderland i tried looking through your blog but search is. not working. so i failed to find anything at all
HEHEHEHEHH OF COURSE!!! and the reason for that is probably bc i haven’t posted very many details about them!! most of my rambles have been contained to dms with two of my friends and a currently 2.4k word doc of word and idea vomit 👍
anything posted before the most recent ask hasn’t been tagged correctly either, iirc i had a brief summary of the group a while ago though, tagged with “nightcord wxs” i think?? cause i didn’t have a name for them yet at the time. not changing it cause i’ve figured out more stuff since then so it’s sort of outdated. there’s probably a few posts lost in the marlo’s stuff tag, though that i didn’t tag properly but it’s okay those rambles are probably somewhere in my google doc.
anyway, since you didn’t rlly specify something in particular i’m probably just gonna ramble about whatever comes to mind. once again under the cut cause i can tell this is probably gonna get a bit long:
hollow ☆ wonderland is an online music group, and their videos are like kikuo style ones. but not necessarily ones like you are a useless child and aishite, more ones like and then you became the moon, welcome to the star inn, don’t look at me in that way, etc. pretty cutesy and happy sounding with a cute art style and then the lyrics tell a pretty dark story. that’s their general vibe. there’s a few songs i associate with them like judas by abuse (like i mentioned before) but i can’t confidently say it’s the kind of music they’d make. maybe that’ll change though we’ll see.
the group is composed of hoshi (tsukasa) the main lyricist, koki (emu), the artist, tako (rui) the animator and eventual co-lyricist, and kurage (nene), the composer.
they’re all silly online friends who like making music videos together and while none of them really talk about their issues pre-main story given that they’re not super close/don’t know each other super well yet, they still enjoy doing this together and care at least a little bit about each other.
i’m still figuring out how exactly the main story goes, but i’ve definitely made more progress now so HOPEFULLY i figure out a coherent story soon. i rlly do want to write a fic for them but don’t get your hopes up too much.
a few basic ideas i do have currently are some stuff like tsukasa, despite also being on his last hopes like the rest of them, is going to be the one to really encourage them all to start theater again. their sekai is a rundown theme park with lots of fireflies around, all the plushies are still there but they’re also worn down and have lots of patches and stuff on them. wonder stage has been closed down already, but it hasn’t been like torn down or replaced with a new attraction or anything. will it make a comeback? will hw be using it? we will see :)
i think the world hasn’t even started yet is still gonna be their untitled too. i’m thinking for their unit fits it’s gonna be something similar to the circus jester set cards? or at least the face paint thing. i’m absolutely giving them the face paint thing. and then there’s some other plot ideas i have but i’m not totally sure about them yet and i dunno how much sense they make on their own so i’m not gonna add them here.
uh. tsukasas name is hoshi since it means star iirc? so obviously he gets that name. koki meant something like to glitter, to shine, and i think emu would have liked that enough to choose it. and i already mentioned why rui and nenes names are what they are 👍
that is all for now. once again i’m more than happy to answer any other questions (like seriously i was so giddy and happy getting asked about them) so yknow feel free to ask. might answer a bit late cause i’m in school atm and have a lot to say but i will answer it eventually :3
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totallyrealkoraidon · 25 days
Alright, let's get this outta the way.
I basically only made this because the "main" blog I have keeps getting drowned in my own reblogs when it's meant to be primarily an RP blog.
But, uh... Yeah. I finally have a face now. Sort of. Say hi, you'll probably see it way more often as time goes on.
...I guess I should make a proper introduction.
Hey. I go by Delta Korai up here, but you can just call me Delta or... well, Korai (Other nicknames work too, be creative!). I go by he/they, and I'm bisexual, with a lovely Haxorus boyfriend.
As my last name implies, I'm Korai-donkin. Love that sandwich dragon, and I relate to him so hard.
But anyways. I'm also a huge Pokemon fan, basically a walking Pokedex. I'm also a HUGE PMD fan, and I actually frequent sites like Comic Fury and Ao3 for fanfiction, and I'm actually working on a fic of my own!
On that topic, I'm also a writer! Big time. I work on a ton of stories in my freetime, and I intend on working on a legitimate fantasy story sometimes. A lot of it's actually written, but I want to scrap it and start over.
...I've been saying "I," "Me," and "My" a lot. But the reality is, well... I'm not exactly alone.
I discovered a little earlier in the year that I'm plural. I... think.
Meet Phi (She prefers if it's pronounced "fee", but the way you'd pronounces the letter works well, too). She goes by she/they, and is kind of a closed book. She likely won't be up *here* for a long time, at least until she finds herself comfortable talking to people by herself. Just in case she does, though, we'll tag those posts "#Phi here" or something along those lines.
I have a ton of friends up here, and among my closest are @that-fellow-from-dres, @responderandrew/ @ifbench, @nbtelethia, @lea-the-mew, @kupkastdashboard, @drizzileiscool, @magicmechanism, and @henarten! I... might be missing a few folks, but that's either because they don't have Tumblr, or I completely forgot their url.
This is gonna be where I end things for now, but I'll add things when I'm not drunk off sleepyness.
BTW. Terfs, homophobes, pedos/"MAPs" and nazis/neonazis DNI. Scumbags. Otherwise, feel free to talk to me!
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lilietsblog · 2 years
hi, i noticed you reblogged my post highlighting my tags talking about how i don't appreciate likes, specifically saying something to the affect of "artists do appreciate likes" and i'd like to clear something up, I Am An Artist, My Posts Don't Often Get Reblogged and so i'm Not Getting New Eyes On My Posts and i'm Getting Discouraged‚ like why should i post art if nobody's gonna see it?
i don't really care for likes, all a like is to me is a "hey i saw your post! not gonna say anything about it, just saw it!" and its so easy to do with double tap to like, if i could turn them off on my posts i would, i promise you that. you literally highlighted my tags and said the opposite about People Like Me, basically about Me, which is just an absurd thing to do
also, did you see what blog of mine you were reblogging from? my sideblog for reblogging things to, because my main is for my art, other things "wouldn't match that wallpaper" so i put them on a dedicated blog so i can add tags and interact more without just liking posts, because i've been on the other side of getting like 11k likes or whatever and 5k reblogs‚ meaning i got hardly any feedback and people are now seeing it through the top posts of #long furby or whatever (not to mention that 5k reblogs started with a staff member reblogging it to the radar? so like, reblogs can really do some work)
i know its a bad idea to interact with discourse, especially when its something i could just block you for, i mean i'd really rather not talk to a like truther, but i'd like to tell you these things so you get a perspective of where i was coming from with those tags‚ and so you reconsider your argument against them
i hope you have a nice day‚ feel free to not answer this ask if it doesn't match your wallpaper, please stop telling artists what they should think
here's an idea for you too, turn off double tap to like, try to only interact with posts Intentionally, treat a day like you only have 100 likes or something, make a like matter, show us artists we're wrong
First, I'm not on mobile, "double tap for like" is not a thing in the browser. And I do interact with posts intentionally - if I don't like the post I don't put "like" on it, I just like the overwhelming majority of what's on my dash and I'm always happy to see (almost) any art that people on here actually made. I like it! Quite intentionally! It all matters to me! Like if I don't have the headspace to consider the post I don't - don’t scroll further I get off tumblr and go do something else
I didn't actually see what blog of yours I was reblogging from, no, I don't normally look at those things /sideglare into the "dont reblog from terfs" discourse/
And no, likes don't just mean "I saw your post". Yes, it's easy to put them, but people still choose to. They mean "I saw your post and I am glad I did and I want to see more of these". Literally tumblr has actual algorithms that determine things based on likes - whether to show something in a tag, the "based on your likes" recommendation thing.
>I Am An Artist, My Posts Don't Often Get Reblogged and so i'm Not Getting New Eyes On My Posts and i'm Getting Discouraged‚ like why should i post art if nobody's gonna see it?
>all a like is to me is a "hey i saw your post!
people. seeing your posts. which is what you're saying you want. ???
Anyway, the real reason I'm wading into this discourse is that arguments like yours ARE MAKING PEOPLE STOP LIKING ART. Engaging with it at all in any way. Instead of going "ooh I should go through this blog and like this person's art, make their day, ooh look this picture is cool enough I want to reblog it!" people just go "artists are touchy, better not go on this dude's blog at all lest I accidentally like something"
like... not just yours. You're not the only person losing out on potential reblogs here. Everyone is. This campaign is driving art appreciators away, period.
Oh, and maintaining a sideblog is not something you can expect from other people as a mandatory obligation. It's not tumblr tax to be obligated to have a sideblog. Nor to blog anything at all. "Hey, if you don't post anything people are going to think you're a bot" =/= "hey, if you don't post anything you're evil and don't belong here".
P.S. If I did do that? If I did limit myself to 100 likes per day for ONLY STUFF THAT REALLY MATTERS?
You would have no way of knowing that, would you? Even if the likes I gave your art were from my Precious 100 Likes Supply, you would still be upset by them?
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redjaybird · 5 months
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mun name(s): Yams Mun pronouns: She/her/they/them, but also don't mind whatever OOC Contact: DMs or D.isco (mutuals/people I vibe with only ask for my d.isco)
Who the heck are my muses anyway:
He's a little shit that causes problems and pisses people off for the heck of it. A bit of an edgelord (is that an understatement?), rude, vulgar, and extremely tough to crack if you want him in friendlier stages. Good luck. He's not going to make it easy for you.
Points of interest:
He has various verses, some things may change depending on what verse things are in. Details in his design are important and have stories behind them. In his main verses, he has extra strengthened abilities and a little extra chaotic surprise, sometimes. He has a lot of anger issues and is really shit at dealing with other emotions, often turning them into anger, too, because he doesn't know how else to handle things. He likes to think of himself as a villain, but really he's more like an anti-hero. And he's got a whole revenge case he's trying to deal out. He's got some emotional issues that he refuses to talk about, and others he will just spill because he likes to talk about himself. And he's got trust issues.
What they’ve been up to recently:
Well, this varies for people and verses. Things won't be following the same paths for everyone he interacts with. In in his main f.c5 verse, he somehow got himself in a position where he's gotta help protect the Seeds, because of the relationship he ended up in with Jacob. Everything in the B.L verses kinda got put on hold, but these days its after his Arena fell. A vampire verse, in the f.c5 land, has been distressing him. Bloody City (original) verse is getting more developments lately (yeehaw). Depends on what version you wanna deal with, really.
Where to find them:
In general modern times, usually Chicago. In the borderlands, usually Pandora. In F.C3, on Rook Islands, hanging with the pirates. In F.C5, Hope County, usually in Jacob's region. Frontier, the pirate is in Montreal in the company of Mr. Grant and Mr. Pond.
Current plans:
Plans? What are plans? We'll have to see what unfolds. Anything could happen.
Desired interactions:
Enemies to awkward found family member, enemies/rivals, slow burns of any kind of relationship (because its almost always a slow burn with him), helping him learn to cook maybe? (his whole fear of stoves and fire issue man), dad bird dad bird dad bird dad bird (has an accidentally adopted daughter in some verses btw), etc.
Offered interactions:
Uh, do you like problematic little shits? Do you like conflict? Stories are boring without conflict, after all. And it makes the good times so much more worth it, you know? If you for some reason want him to work with you, however, the price is gonna be a little different. Because he doesn't care about money.
Current open post/s:
Keep an eye out for random IC posts, they happen a lot, and are generally open to anyone if they don't have a tag. (I don't always tag ic posts but I do always tag any trigger warnings when I think they need it.) Some will have specific verse tags, sometimes, just so you know where things will be focused on but yeah, generally most things are open unless someone specifically gets @'d on.
Anything else?:
[I'm not super great at writing, and am especially bad at describing things in words, but Jay will make up for a lot in dialogue because he loves talking. Interactions can inspire art, lots of drawing going on here. Also things never stop developing. I've been running this character for 12+ years now and I'm still developing him.]
Tagging: whoev's wants to do this thing go for it, i tried
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stuffie-medical-vents · 3 months
Hi, very nervous system here.
Listen our father is 100% a narcissist. He was our main abuser. (NOT SAYING NARC ABUSE IS REAL BECAUSE IT ISNT)
We have tried SO HARD to explain to him why the shit he did is abusive and not acceptable. We tried fighting back, talking with him, writing to him so he can't cut us off and yell, sending him screenshots of mental illness symptoms of ours and how they're disabling.. like we've tried everything. We don't have NPD but we have ODD so I get hating criticism or being told something if it isn't done right but we've tried being gentle, writing professionally worded letters... and he still thinks he's in the right and we're just an ungrateful confused little shit who doesn't deserve anything nice. I mean he's a shitty person anyway but I want him to understand us.
We want to try and explain why he's in the wrong.
Coming to you because I'm hoping you might have some answers as to how I might be able to get him to sit down and listen to me when I speak! When any of us speak!
I'm sorry if I didn't word anything write and any of it sounds shitty I don't mean it to! Fully support cluster PDs! I just think it's his NPD that's causing him to ignore our voice because he's stated he feels bad for some of the things he's done, which means he understands! He just won't listen to what we have to say and why what he did is entirely wrong and not justified and how if effected us.
I hope this makes sense.
Our mother was also very neglectful and she's definitely a narcissist too but she's done way more listening and learning than he has. She's gotten much better and even apologized. I want to help our father too and maybe even mend our relationship since he's apparently upset that we never speak to him and didn't wish him a happy father's day and he can't seem to figure out why. If we can get him to finally stop cutting us off and speaking over us I think we can make him understand! I just don't know how to do that.
Hello. This isn't the usual thing I do. If you want more further things, please go to @fluffy-clusterb-paradise. But I will answer. Anyone who sees this, please see the tags before clicking.
As someone with NPD, I will answer to the best I can. First off, I appreciate you being as respectful as you can. But remember, don't throw that word around if you don't know. But if your father has been diagnosed with it, then it's fine. And it's good he shows some remorse. I'm gonna try my best to explain and give some of my points of view.
People with NPD gain that due to childhood trauma. So he most likely went through something and never properly had a father, which caused him not to know how to be a proper father. Which is understandable.
Here's where my advice comes in. I think he should go to therapy. And maybe you could convince him too. But other than that, here's what I got to say. Have you ever heard of the talking stick or feather? Maybe try that exercise. Get a random object, and the person holding that object can only talk. You start first, then give him the object so he can talk. And the cycle repeats? Will this work? Maybe and it may not. But if it doesn't. Walk away. Make it obvious that you won't listen if he won't. But don't speak, that might make it worse. Just walk away.
Disclaimer: I can't say what it will work. And I am not always in the best headspace. So, my writing may act dramatic or irrational. But please also keep in mind that I've been abused badly most of my life. So I'm used to taking high measures and cutting people off.
What can I say, though?: I recommend asking him if he learned how to be a father. Asking him what he thinks about you. How he feels about his actions. If he knows how to help. Feel free to use any of these or add on. These are only suggestions.
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was thinking some thougths about
Tumblr media
Marisa i think is the kind of person who makes it her business to know everybody, and include herself in all the circles. Basically act like she’s the main character of whatever location she goes to. She’ll make their business her business (if it interests her) or vice versa. It’s all part of how its important for her, an ordinary human, to feel like she can stand equal next to all these strange, extraordinary beings... I was thinking of making a big relationship chart that was just Marisa and everybody else i care to think about associated with her, but got lazy so instead i’m just gonna spit out a few of those thoughts, sorted by some locations.
in the forest of magic, she’s the most outgoing of all the magiciians and would be asking and bothering them about their studies and experiments even if they didn’t ask first. Between their own individual projects, they sure trade notes a bunch and do the occasional collaborative project.. Maybe moreso with Alice, and Marisa would have to really prod Narumi to take part.
in the scarlet devil mansion, Marisa is almost like an extended member of the family. At least, Flandre probably makes the occasional joke(?) that she’d rather have Marisa has a big sister (and Flandre now says that about a certain backdoor god...), Patchouli thinks Marisa (and Alice. And all other magicians other than herself) are novices and is patiently waiting until they’re all on her level, and Sakuya figures that if Marisa is gonna intrude as much as she does, she’ll make subtle(?) attempts to recruit her as a fellow servant.
i think most times when she tries to visit eientei, she’d probably just get lost in the bamboo grove and so just end up hanging out with Mokou and Tewi instead (she runs into Reisen the most in the human village). I think she’d often be trying to get gossip/information out of either or both of them (one is really old and the other hears a lot from all the rabbits) but ends up just bumming around and eating snacks with them instead.
She goes to all sort of places on youkai mountain. I think she’s only tolerated in kappa territory because she’s in the good graces of Nitori. usually, anyway. Whenever Marisa makes Nitori mad, there will be a picture of Marisa in the kappa base with a caption that says ‘Kill on sight!!!’ until Marisa apologises enough. Conversely, she wouldn’t be allowed in tengu territory even if she was Aya’s best friend, which she isn’t, but she’s always trying to convince/bribe/flirt her way in. ...And also when she stops by the moriya shrine, she always asks the gods to give her blessing for free and then calls them stingy when they don’t.
She’s probably popular among parts in the human village, being one of the premier incident resolvers! There would also be people who are wary of her because she’s a weird witch and all, but I think I like the irony that humans would go to Reimu first for their youkai problems, but prefer the presence of Marisa who seems less ‘otherworldly’ in comparison in their eyes. I think Marisa would be happy with that though, as it adds to her charm as a mysterious heroine who comes and goes.
and last thought for now (this is a lie. more in tags), though she’s not the only person who takes it upon herself to make sure the hakurei shrine or its shrine maiden doesn’t collapse upon itself, she’s definitely its number one most frequent visitor.
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nyandela-catalogue · 7 months
︵︵୨୧ PINNED POST ୨୧︵︵
Gonna make this short and simple:
[edit: We post stuff that’s ~16+ rating max, so do with that what you will.]
Main fronters (lately) are Mark, Cesar, Adam, and Jonah
Bodily an adult (2002)
Alters will tag with their names (if they want to)
If you want to see our cool and pawsome vrchat/3d model-related tiktoks, you can go here: TikTok Page
We try to add subtitles when we can in our videos, and we’ll try to add good or adequate alt text to any photos we post on here.
Further links/info to where you can find other things we do are in one of the pinned posts on that page :)
Our Neocities :) (has links to our twitch, yt, etc)
@kinito-bonito <-KinitoPET blog
pronouns + emojis
VRChat groups
Official Nyandela County Spotify Playlist(tm)
Nyandela County AU/The Nyandela Catalogue
small statement on Alex Kister situation (HAS BEEN EDITED)
important post <-addresses harassment
blogs lore lol
post abt The Singing Reindeer
(more info below readmore since i dont want this to be 13 miles long -Mark📕)
Do not come to us asking for medical/system/relationship/etc advice, that’s not what we’re here for
We will post Mandela Catalogue and AU-related stuff here, as well as source-related posts.
We will not be seeking external sourcemates, as we have everybody we need.
However, if you wanna talk to us, go ahead- just make sure you clarify who you’re talking to.
We don’t do the “doubles dni” thing bc A) gatekeeping alters/sources isn’t something we believe in, and B) we don’t judge who you are. Just be nice lol
We block fairly freely. Don’t take it personal. Or, if you do take it personal, keep it to yourself honestly. We don’t need more bullying or harassment over misunderstandings.
Anyway, we’ll tag things as necessary and will always put warnings for flashing lights, fast movements, and/or other possible necessary warnings.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to drop them in the askbox :)
1 - Playful “flirting” is okay(as long as you’re of-age), but don’t try to date us. We don’t date outside of our system anymore bc of repeated trauma 🙃
edit: above boundary made more clear
2 - We will talk about trauma and possibly-triggering and/or dark topics. If that isn’t your cup of tea, the back button/door is right there.
3 - Don’t tell us what we can and can’t do. We likely don’t know you, so your opinion isn’t going to be held to the same value as someone we do know.
I think that’s everything for now… Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy our blog~
-(Alt) Cesar🥀
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lemonade-juley · 2 years
It's like 3:30am but I feel like making the Rejuv oc mutuals sad. Do ya like angst? Do you like the fictional lil characters experiencing horrible trauma? Well rn I'm gonna drop some info about Anya's past life trauma and how that trauma tortures her in the present despite not even remembering
Trigger warnings for general bullying and other abuse related to bullying. Nothing like, super incredibly detailed or anything but I feel the need to put a warning here. Also if you think I should add anymore trigger tags feel free to tell me
Anya had very severe bullying growing up from a young age up until she ended up dying. She may have had a very loving family but the bullying was intense and she hardly had any friends. A lot of that bullying ended up effecting her big time, and carried over even when she was revived to be made into the Interceptor. That bullying tended to include several things.
-Anya was always considered "weird" and a "nerd". She liked reading and playing games and enjoyed learning and always had good grades in classes. She really liked cat Pokemon a lot, and always wore cat ears because of that and it was an interest she had her whole life even in the present. She did a lot of stimming and the like, and she's always had sensory issues, especially with touch (she always wears gloves because sensory issues in her palms were awful), and Anya was for most of her life, only semi-verbal. Kids are brutal and frequently picked on her for these things. Anya was generally seen as annoying and weird and "too quiet". Teachers and other adults didn't really do anything, and Anya unfortunately convinced herself that she'd just get into more trouble and more bullying if she told her parents. Since she was never physically assaulted (or at least assaulted enough to leave any injuries. She did get pushed down a few times), and her already present difficulties speaking and general shyness were present from the start, her parents also unfortunately never noticed her deteriorating self esteem and growing depression.
-Also, Anya was easy to make cry and frankly still is, plenty of times bullies just bullied just to get her to cry.
-Anya didn't really make many friends, and those who did also got targeted by the bullies, and would end up distancing themselves to avoid it even if they actually liked Anya. She was generally very lonely and tried to avoid doing anything that would put more attention on her, which means she avoided extra curriculars or other after school activities over those fears of getting even more bullying. As Anya got older into middle and high school, her bullies started to get into habit of doing pranks and the like to get her embarrassed. Anya was victim to several "getting fake asked out" pranks, usually pranked by people she actually had a crush on (usually found out one way or another and got spread by rumors). And Anya frequently got "friends" who only really befriended her to convince/force her to do stupid things because Anya was easily duped. Unfortunately all this led to Anya having very bad trust issues and constantly being afraid that her friends can and will just drop her like an unfavored toy or something. It's gotten marginally better with actually having good friends in the Rejuv crew, but the fear of her friends just abandoning her is always in the back of her mind. Getting a crush on Erin felt awful to her because she was afraid she'd end up being the same as her previous crushes. Thankfully and obviously this wasn't the case, but it was a constant fear.
-Anya feels the need to try and hide her stimming, or try and force herself to go without. Frequently made fun of by peers or scolded by adults for doing things like flapping her hands and the like really put her into a mindset of trying to hide anything like that. The most she does usually is maybe play with some object in her pocket or something. Again her close friendships with the main cast help her come out of that she'll, but it's rather slow.
- as for Anya's eventual death in her past life, it actually happened because of the bullying even though it technically was an accident. She fell victim to yet another getting fake asked out by a crush she had, some girl she was actually starting to trust and be close to was only doing so to get the best reaction she could out of Anya from the prank... This caused Anya to break down and just start running away while she was being laughed at. Unfortunately Anya, in a state of crying and barely looking where she was going, ended up running straight into the middle of a practice field where a Pokemon battle was going on. She got hit straight on by an Electivire's thunder punch and was flung full force into a wall. Anya died from her wounds extremely quickly, but the only thing on her mind as she faded was the betrayal of trust and a horrible feeling of relief.
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