#anyways Yipee I like the style I did in this
strawberri-draws · 1 year
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Blorbo posting again
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jaxonbirb · 1 year
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Steven universe fusion! Garnet + Peridot
I HAVE no idea what gem to call her I wanted to try and get it close to the SU style as I could I think I did pretty well but I am not perfect ofc
Anyways this fusion uses floating gauntlets and in general objects around her to maneuver. A nickname I wanted to give her was the “conductor” as she is a leader and often uses larger objects like train cars or trucks to fly (Like peridot using the trash can lid)
idk shes silly yipee I might draw more of her tbh I like her 
Gem name suggestions accepted
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blu-wingz · 1 year
whats up its stampede saturday and ive GOT SO MANY THOUGHTS
trigun/stampede/manga spoilers blah blah im normal
ok so what the fuck /pos
ok so fuck. i know i said i had thoughts but ah to put them into words FUCK
disclaimer: i’ve read the manga and seen 1998 trigun so i know whats up.
The Tesla scene. god. they made it much more gruesome and i loved it. KEEPING HER ALIVE ooooh that hurts. but i wish they had a whole episode to explain tesla, what the humans did to her and how this drastically changed the twins’ POV of humanity and their place in the world. bc god that scene was only like less than 2 mins long and i dont think they did her much justice. maybe they will dive into it more but i doubt it since they have to deal with A GIANT PLANT MONSTER
that thing is gorgeous btw. the animation style is so good, that doesnt need to be said but god the studio is using the medium so well. im sure some botany fanatic is gushing about the flora symbolism. and i’ve no clue how July will perish now. anyway, vash is gonna feel SO guilty after this. oh goodness.
VASH HANGING ONTO HIS LAST REMNANTS OF REM THAT HURT LIKE A BITCH FUCK. AND WHEN NAI TOLD HIM “i did this [The big fall] all for you” “so its my fault”. OH BOY I DO LIKE TO SEE VASH SUFFER BUT BITCH THAT FUCKING HURTS. man. seeing him as a husk, a void vash, and it hurt. and him asking if he knew meryl and roberto, fuck!! ouchie!! and also Knives reading the Bible and deciding “yeah humanity is fucked and heres the proof” is SO FUCKING FUNNY. lmao. the implications that he was inspired yet disgusted by the bible sm that he despises humanity and also started a religious cult. oh my god.
Wolfwood wasn’t in a hurry to leave. he didnt want to get involved but he wasn’t rushing to the exit to move on with his life. he was hanging around just in case. of what? idk. this tristamp WW is a bit more mysterious for me and i like it. He didnt make Meryl leave either. didnt bother to stop her. that says so much about him.
oh and poor meryl. for a sec i saw the vines unleash in the room and thought it was gonna be like that volume where she sees what Vash’s feels/sees bc she touches his feathers. i got so scared. bc damn it. every moment in the manga has its impact and trying to shuffle them around to fit this new story hurts me personally /sarcasm. again, i LOVE this new show. im thankful for this new cake but sometimes i see remnants of the manga and i miss the original story. anyway, i cant wait to see what will happen to July, WW and Meryl.
also wtf happy birthday twins i fucking guess. idk if it was hinted before but what a jumpscare. but not a terrible jumpscare as the fucking plants being impregnated by Vash or Knives of the fucking core or whatever the fuck. like yeah. i know the metaphors of motherhood and shit but fucking. i didnt need that imagery personally. and i dont wanna think about it anymore. yall can have it. whatever. it just makes me uncomfy, nothing serious lol
it seems like they keep touching, briefly, on plot points from the manga but not exploring them fully. and i get it. its hard to explain anything from og trimax in 22 minutes, much less 12 episodes. and also i cant blame them so much. maybe watching this live is skewing my view of the entirety of the show. i am definitely re watching this when its finished. i fucking love trigun. and so i won’t comment much on the event order or whatever. i should just let it go. Its a new show with remnants of the manga and its so cool.
.anyway last episode is the day before my birthday so yipee! bday gift for me lol
edit: VASH HAS LEG PROSTHETICS WOOW how did he lose em hmmm
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ardentlurker · 1 month
jp study log & rambles 3
- wanikani dailies done
- did japanese class today, which was sorta stressful. feels like my experience variates from feeling 100% satisfied or stressed from feeling that i’m not keeping up. i’ve felt the former way more than the latter, though i guess.
it’s probably because of the teaching style… unless you specifically ask questions (due to being confused with a concept or something), the pace will go on, regardless of whether you specifically feel you’ve mastered a concept? i dunno. feels like it goes at the pace of the fastest person in class, especially with flashcards… i guess it’s the sort of thing where you really have to put in your own work in your own time if you see that you’re lacking in some area… which is probably most classes in general, i guess.
also, i’m getting language skill issued by listening comprehension sometimes, i guess. if i don’t 100% pay attention to what someone is speaking in japanese, it feels like i’ll basically miss what they’re saying completely. i tried to watch a japanese beginner podcast (nihongo con teppei) once while doing some other task and felt like i didn’t hear anything at all. meanwhile, i can listen to an english podcast in a similar situation and basically pick up everything. due to this i think i missed out on an instruction earlier in class… but i guess it’s not a huge deal, anyway. i just don’t enjoy feeling stressed (don’t think many people do either too i guess) and i also don’t think i’m super great at dealing with the feeling, either.
i sort of wonder if having that feeling from class is bad or not. because feeling stressed sucks, but is it a sign i would be better off without classes? i guess it probably really depends on if it affects my learning negatively—if my motivation to learn gets yeeted put of the window or something, i guess. right now, it doesn’t seem to be the case. so, more classes. yipee (huh, guess i do actually want to do more classes lmao)
wonder how being neurodivergent affects being in a traditional classroom environment or language learning, though. for one, i know my stress tolerance ain’t that good lmao and my working memory is really bad compared to average in some report i had… on the upside, i feel like i can get pretty obsessive/fixated(?) on interests, one of which now is learning japanese and now other interests just seem duller now. i was really into gunpla before this, but i can’t really spend 5 hours straight in a row building gunpla when well. i wanna learn japanese more, i guess. then again i literally watched a 4 hour video essay on youtube today that is completely unrelated to anything productive just because that video was good and made by a cool creator…. it was really good, but lmao man
- tried out anki today, using the deck i’ve made of vocab in genki i’ve seen so far. feels pretty useful and helpful to memorise things, so i think i’ll keep it up. probably gonna make a new deck tomorrow of vocab that i actually need to memorise for class… + days of the month, since that was introduced in class and man there are many.
- didn’t spend much time on self-studying genki today. got confused by the 行く vs 来る thing on chapter 3 until i searched it up online and found a tofugu article that explained it to me. just kinda felt like the image that they used to illustrate it in genki made it confusing, along with the exercises? like if the character was going to a specific place and the english text says “speaker is coming to x place”, and was drawn like the image was from the pov of the place, i knew i was probably supposed to use 来る, but since the speaker (which is presumably the character moving) is moving away from their current position, why is it not 行く? i suppose both in that case is useable, but does the textbook just wants you to practice using 来る too? or is the “speaker” that you’re taking the perspective of is actually the place the character is going too? idk man, i think i probably thought way too hard on that. the sentence to craft from my vague recollation was probably something like “location ni ikimasu/kimasu” so like. it probably wasn’t that deep
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ofmona · 2 years
the zombie apocalypse has begun! you have an van and a baseball bat. where are you going first?
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              "oh, hell yeah, this is exactly my kind of shit. okay, so there's company called vivos, who build like... these massive underground bunkers that are built to withstand like, virtually anything, including nuclear apocalypse.” it isn’t often you’ll get mona monologuing — usually she favours saving that energy and putting it to better use, arm-wrestling, boxing, taekwondo, running a half-marathon to save orphans in the yemen — but this is something she can vibe with. pumped is an understatement, she’s practically vibrating.                “i think they first started building them during the cold war, but now there's like tonnes, and the biggest one’s in south dakota, it can house like 50,000 people. the drawback is it costs like, a thousand dollars a year for a ninety-nine year lease on one, plus you have to pay a non-refundable retainer of like twenty-five thousand dollars — whatever, it's save-the-rich capitalist fuckin' bullshit — but, you did say i get a van, so i’m thinking i get my cannon boys on the case, a-team style, throw in alev for his street smarts, fletcher for his military gains, wren because she knows a whole bunch of shit about the supernatural, and key because we need a doctor if we’re gonna face considerable opposition. plus, zombies go for brains, and out of that whole bunch, there’s probably like... 8 and a half brain cells from all the beer, dope, and hits to the head as a baby. i mean having the cannons basically leave us with minus points for brains... they’ve got like 0.1 of a brain, like negative brains.               “— anyway, team assembled, we rob the hardware store — i use the baseball bat to negotiate, and if that doesn’t work then there’s always the whole two-fingers-in-the-pocket make it look like a pistol gig. so we threaten the hardware clerk, likely some gum-popping acne-riddled teenager working for his weed money who doesn’t give a shit, load up on bolt action rifles, double barrel shotguns, repeaters, the whole shebang. usually i’m anti-gun but desperate times call for desperate measures am i right? but anyway, the guns aren’t for the zombies, they’re for other survivors. bullets are pretty useless against an army of the undead, so we’re also gonna want machetes, chainsaws, shears, hedge-trimmers, a scythe would be cool, doubt the hardware store stocks katanas, but any kind of large, sharp instrument that can be used to firstly impale, and secondly separate the head from the body. that’s the whole crux of this thing :  remove the head, you cut off it’s power supply.              “weapons of mass-destruction procured, we stock up the mystery machine, crank up the stereo, pass striker the aux and make our way to south dakota. oh shit, we should probably rob the gas station too — stock up on fuel, snacks for the road   — so we take a little detour. in fact, i imagine we’ll be down in the bunker a while, walking dead’s like, what, eight seasons right? this seems like a good place to stockpile resources... soup, beans, toilet paper, drinking water... the kinda shit with like a fifteen-year shelf life. we should nick a couple of cars, too. i saw this thing on tv once that taught you how to charge a cell phone using a car battery, so that would definitely come in handy.              “anyway, south dakota. once there, we attempt to beg, borrow and steal our way in, and if that doesn’t work ( which i’m assuming it won’t ) we pull out the big guns, yipee-ki-yay motherfucker. they might have top-notch security and millionaires willing to stake 25k in a share of a repurposed army base, but we have a shit tonne of anger and the element of surprise. i mean, it’s hardly a fool proof plan, but i’ve seen enough doomsday movies to know that the underdog always pulls through. leigion, world war z, snowpiercer, that one where jake gyllenhaal’s like ‘fuck it, let’s just burn nietzche’. this isn’t my pitch for vivos as a company by the way, who the fuck’s got money for that? and i know planning your course of action based on movies isn’t exactly a solid basis for reality, but have you got any better ideas?”
(  @strikercannon  @alevfm  @wrenfms  @ki-jung  ) 
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pearl-blue-musings · 3 years
Good Trouble pt. 1
Hi Hi
Thank you to @styxtm for giving me the courage to go through with this story. It’s one I’ve spent lots of time mulling over, so like with my other stories it’ll be slow updates! 
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs 
Pairing: Dazai Osamu x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of guns and killing
Hope you enjoy!
The door unlocks, letting the stale air of the apartment hit your face in comparison to the warm air outside. You sigh heavily as you set your bag down on the bench near the entrance way. Work had been intense, more than usual but it was nothing you couldn’t handle. However, upon entering your apartment your eyes were on red alert. Your years of training haven’t failed you, despite not wanting to use your honed skills or needing to recently.
The bench you placed your bag on was just a couple centimeters off from where it usually sits. You noticed the coloring on the floor to be slightly off, causing you to silence your steps as you make your way into the kitchen. The staleness seemed off as you close your eyes to heighten your sense of smell. Musty cologne. That’s what it is; a smell you haven’t smelled in a long time. You stalk along the counter, having your back turned away from the fridge and hallway.
That’s when you hear it.
To the common ear, it would have gone unnoticed, but you heard the breath of someone you haven’t wanted to see ever again. Before they could attack, you swiftly grab the knife to your left and elbow the stranger behind you. He’s hunched over and you grab at his neck to pin him against the wall with the knife at his throat.
“Easy, kid! You wouldn’t kill me would you?”
Your eyes darken as the knife pushes closer to his throat.
“Ah ah, that’s not your style (Y/n). You don’t kill. Never have. So let me go, yeah?”
You scoff, feeling the sweat gather at your brow from your actions and frustrations. You let him go, allowing the man to catch his breath. Still on edge, you keep your knife near you as you slide it up your sleeve to free your hands. You place them on your hips as you watch the man who has defended you when no one else would.
“What is it, Toono?”
He doesn’t miss the hiss in your voice as his eyes soften at you. “That’s no way to treat me after all I’ve done for you and your father! Yipe!”
He feels the air blow by him quickly as the knife that was up your sleeve was now in the wall behind him, right by his ear. Toono’s eyes turn to his left to see where the knife could have hurt him. He turns to you, seeing your pissed off expression and steps away from the weapon.
Toono clears his throat as he presses on. “Anyways, your old man has a job for you-“
“Not interested.”
“But you’re the best and everyone knows it.”
You step up to him quickly, placing your forearm on his throat to hold him in place. “As I’ve said many, many times: I’m done. I want nothing to do with that man. You of all people should know that.”
The older man doesn’t miss the hiss and crack in your voice as you turn away from him. It’s unfortunate, but he does know better. Hell, he was the one who helped you get your own place and escape the clutches of your father, for now at least. He looks to your hunched over figure, noticing your slight tremor in your left hand as you hold onto your self harder.
Toono’s instincts to protect you kicked in when he sees your disposition. “Kid, are you okay? Your hand is-“
“Toono I’m fine!” You yell out, “now please. Please leave.”
He breathes deeply before scavenging for something in his pocket. He gently taps you on the shoulder to catch your gaze and study your face, maybe for the last time. “You have no choice, (Y/n). He’ll kill me if I still have this file and information on me and that you aren’t helping.”
You ignore his pleas as his hand is held out to you with the manila folder.
“Please kid! You gotta take this. It’s either take this job, or your father will kill me to kill you.”
You unclench your fists and relax your shoulders. Toono isn’t a person who would come to see you for no reason, or without good intentions. If he’s coming to you directly that means it must be of the utmost importance to whatever it is your father has planned for the world. You wordlessly take the folder and try to commit it to memory.
“Dazai Osamu. Why does my father want this guy out of the picture?”
You study his profile for a bit before landing on his picture. Armed Detective Agency? Port Mafia? Why hadn’t you heard of these places or people before? It’s true you’re relatively new to the city, but these names seem and sound legendary. You’re shocked to see that your father doesn’t know his ability, only that it can hinder his process. You ignore the funny feeling in your stomach as you continue to study your target.
You may be a hired help for your dad, but you never killed. It’s not that you couldn’t; you absolutely could. But you made the conscious choice to not to. It left a sick feeling in your stomach at the thought of taking another person’s life, despite the evils they may have done or aided in. Oh how your father wanted you to kill, but that was one disposition he could never beat with you.
All it took for you to give up killing was tracking someone involved with the government. You had the gun in your hand, ready to stealthily kill the corrupt worker when a tall man with tan walked into your visual. When your eyes met, including your targets, something in you broke. Who was this man you had to kill? He could have family and friends that would miss him; what if the roles were reversed? Your left hand faltered as two pairs of eyes stare at you wondering what your next move was going to be.
The sound of metal clanking against the ground of the alleyway had broken you from your stupor. The taller man had carefully approached you, wiping away at your tears and wrapped you in a secure hug. You miss him wave off your target but you didn’t care. He could live and still be miserable for all you knew; I mean was he really corrupt or was that something spun by your father?
You had been so caught up in your head you missed the stranger asking you questions. His soothing voice brought you back to reality.
“Hey, what’s your name and what’s your business with my friend here?”
You met his gaze and notice how nice his dark brown eyes look under the streetlight. You stuttered over your words before fumbling out, “It’s (Y/n). I don’t trust you with my surname. I’m, er I was, supposed to kill him but… I couldn’t.”
The man next to you chuckled as he urged the two of you off the ground. He led you away from the light and into an abandoned alleyway to continue your conversation. You hadn’t given up too much information but you began to feel comfortable around the stranger that had calmed you down.
“You kill for you father?” His voice calm and soothing as he handed you a piece of candy.
You nodded in thanks and whisper. “This was supposed to be my first one. If you hadn’t stopped me- Wait how did you stop me? You shouldn’t have seen me!”
His laugh, a laugh you never wanted to forget as years went on. “It’s my ability. I had a feeling something bad was going to happen after we grabbed our usual drinks so I tailed him.”
A small breath had left your lips as you eat the candy the man had given you. You rested your head against the cold brick wall as your thoughts ran wild. This was your first assignment for him and you failed. All of your training, all of your stealth work was supposed to lead up to this but you failed; your mission was incomplete. Your boss wouldn’t accept that. Your father wouldn’t accept that. “Why are you talking to me, I tried to kill your friend.”
“I hate killing.”
You were surprised at his honesty and turned to him staring up into what he could see of the night sky. “I may work for questionable people but I will never kill. And I could sense that in you too.
“I’m Oda Sakunosuke and if you’d let me I’d like to help you.”
The sound of your microwave beeping brought you back to the present after remembering your first failed killing. You never killed after that, but you would only be called to trail, track, and scout for your boss. For some reason, he didn’t make you kill; you thought briefly that maybe your father had a soft side. But you weren’t keeping your hopes up. You open up the microwave, grabbing your instant dinner and return to the table to eat. You stare again at the file Toono left you. There’s something about the look in this person’s eye that unnerves you but calms you in a weird way.
“Dazai Osamu,” you muse out loud, “just what trouble are you going to cause me?”
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shinysheeppizza · 3 years
New... and interesting, stuff, perhaps?
Been a while, as always.
I'd like to make it official that Bumble is in development hell! Yipee hoorayy. Maybe one day it will come out of dev hell, but mistakes have been made, objectives have been forgotten, it is what it is.
Other than that, I haven't been upto much. But I still have some interesting stuff to write about. I've been working on a re-design of my portfolio website, which will be out in probably a couple days from the time of writing this blog post.
I've also dipped my toes into the world of web app development. I have developed web apps before, but not really a proper "web app web app" kind of web app.
So what did I make this time? Of course, I went ahead and re-made a thing that I made before, but as a web app, and that being, a web app of the Fancy Fonts Bot I made for Telegram.
The Fancy Fonts Generator! It's a simple single page web application but you can make some really cool stuff with it. It's basically the same thing as the bot, but with a GUI and a tad bit of extra functionality. It also uses an extremely similar pseudofont system and is therefore cross-compatible with the pseudofont files that the Fancy Fonts Bot uses which means less work for me when updating fonts for both projects and less work = more yay!
There are 27 fonts pre-defined for you to play around with. You can also change the text style to force a certain case type or spacing. The conversion happens in real time as you type. If you click the "View All Fonts" button down below, you will see a list of all available fonts, and they will all update at the same time as you type. You can also click once on the main output to copy it to clipboard which is pretty handy.
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Here's how it looks like. Being a web app, it is also cross-platform and scales up and down to fit different screen sizes which is nice! Bonus: It generates a random pun when you provide it with no input, so the web app also doubles as a pun generator hehe 😛
One thing to keep in mind though is the fact that these kind of fonts, although they look cool, can quickly become annoying and difficult to read (especially some fonts). They are also bad for accessibility as screen readers can't always read them properly if the reader has some visual disability. So, use it with caution and don't use it for important stuff and especially avoid over using it. Just use it to have fun with :D
Great! Where can I see it?
Glad you asked! The live version is on my portfolio which you can goto and use right now. If you want to get under the hood or host it yourself, feel free! It is open-source on my GitHub page under an MIT license so you can go to town with it.
Anyways, that's it for today. Thanks for reading! I'll be posting more often about other, interesting stuff :P
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transboygenius · 5 years
SE4SON: Chapter 20
Jimmy, Nick, and everyone else sat at the main dining room table, helping themselves to a bowl of warm soup, and leafy green salads. Diana refused to eat anything prepared in the king's domain. Benson was sipping his soup slowly. Rodent Girl slurped hers in one gulp, then asked when's dinner ready. Sally merely swayed her spoon back and fourth in the bowl. Jimmy and Nick hardly touched their soups, for they were too disturbed by the painted portraits of the king. He was even naked in some of them. Despite Nick's lost of appetite, he felt like he needed something to drink. He slowly reached his hand towards the wine glass, before having it slapped by Jimmy's. No matter what century they're in, Nick is still too young for the consumption of alcohol. Jason was getting testy over this silence.
"Hmmmm... Seems to be getting awfully too quiet in here. I know! How 'bout a little story to lighten the mood? *Ahem* One time, on a dull summer of July, I had evicted a family of six because of a two day rent due and-"
King Jason's story was cut off as the servants carried the dishes to the table. There were large assortments of meat, vegetables, seafood, and dessert. Some dishes looked scrumptious, while some looked disgusting. Although, the "disgusting" ones were considered normal to medieval standards. The new cook, Stuart, helped Jimmy and Nick to his special of the day: Stewed rabbit meat served in bread trenchers.
"It's really badger meat. I couldn't catch the little rascal. But hey, fast food isn't good for you anyways. Please don't tell the king."
Every meal made it to the table, but King Jason wasn't ready to let anyone eat yet. No, ever since that incident with the last cook, the king came prepared. He called in the royal taste-tester. The royal taste-tester was a skinny, pale 17 year-old young man who looked like he hasn't been fed enough. When granted permission by Jason, the royal taste-tester was very excited to check for poison, as if he hasn't ate all day. One dish by one, he took a tiny sample from each of the food, trying it, and savoring it. Jimmy and Nick were weirded out. After letting Jason know that the cuisine is safe, the king asked him to leave. Everyone, excluding Diana, dug in. Jimmy and Nick started with their stewed badger meat, which was very hard to work down due to its "unique" taste. Nick traded in his stew for a turkey leg, and managed to feed himself without revealing his face. He just stuffed the drumstick into his helmet, then 10 seconds later, he pulls out a clean bone.
Benson was trying to decide on what he wanted to eat, before Rodent Girl eats it first. Speaking of Rodent Girl, she's just enjoying herself like a hungry hog, with the most ghastly table manners Jason ever witnessed. Diana stubbornly sat in her seat, arms crossed, refusing to touch the tainted food in front of her. Butterscotch took big bite chunks out of any dish he looked at, without even bothering to finish the whole thing. He delivered a forthright critique to the king about how his cook's meals tasted cut-rate compared to Nick Dean's gourmet art of gastronomy, but of course Jason only heard "Neeeiiigh whiiiineeey." Sally, being such a child she is, decided to skip to dessert, and grabbed an entire plate of shortbread cookies. She then accidentally dropped her napkin. Sally dove under the table to retrieve it, when suddenly, she saw that Jimmy and Nick were holding each other's hands. It was out of intimidation, but it looked like intimacy to her. She covered her mouth to drown out her squeal of excitement. Meanwhile, the king spoke silently among his chancellor.
"Look at them, Richard. Look at them. *At Rodent Girl* Disgusting. *At Diana* Arrogant. *At Sally* Immature. They're all a bunch of circus freaks. Who ever gave them the right to exist? But it's okay. I can tolerate their actions a little longer, *Points to Jimmy and Nick* just as long as these two sickos will take me to my awaited treasure. You can't find the nest unless the PIGEONS lead you to it. After that, I won't have to deal with them, or their reject friends, anymore."
Jason shifted an eye to the right to find that Benson was sitting at the far right of the table, close to the king. We all know what he was doing.
"Were you eavesdropping on the king, peasant?!" Asked Jason, in a strict tone. "N-no, your greatness! I j-just wanted to get away from Miss Oona's messy station!" Stuttered Benson. "There are plenty of empty chairs around! Now begone, before I have my guards escort you out!" "Y-yes, your greatness!"
Benson got up and ran to the farthest seat of the table. Meanwhile, the king was ready to make his proposal. He tapped his spoon on his wine glass to get everyone's attention.
"Good now. As did promise-"
Jason was then interrupted by Rodent Girl's noisy eating. That died down eventually.
"As did promise-"
This time, he was interrupted by Rodent Girl's loud slurping. That died down, too.
"As did promise-"
Now Rodent Girl was hacking.
Rodent Girl then hesitated.
"As did promise, we shall be discussing the other half of our negotiation! Richard! Present to them the diagram!"
Richard was excused from his seat, then he gave Jimmy a piece of paper with a sketch drawing on it. It seems that Jason has never improved, cuz the boy genius thought he was a bad artist himself. He couldn't make out the object in the sketch.
"You want us to get you a headband with a heart patch on it?" Asked Jimmy. "No." Replied Jason. "Maybe he wants us to draw a better picture." Nick added. "NO! You mean you don't recognize it?" "Well, sometimes we have trouble reading certain art styles. We're not saying it's bad. *Nudges Nick* Wouldn't you agree, my fair knight?" "For crying out loud. You should know by now, you made it! It's the Amulet of Bind!" "Oh! That! Now rings a bell! That thing I made, a long time ago! For a special happy time!" "I hope it isn't too much to ask, but, I need this amulet. Please, this amulet is worth more to me than my own life! Ever since as a child, it's all I've been thinking of! Please, noble ones!" "Alright, it's yours!" "You mean... ...just like that? You want me to take it off your hands?" "Yeah, of course! Why would we miss one piece of jewel? I make plenty of other jewels for a living, and thinking of opening a jewelry store! We allow credit." "If there's anyone who knows how to turn coal into diamonds, it's him!" Nick added again. "Then what, after we retrieve this so-called amulet, bright eyes? You'll 'redeem yourself and become a more gentle king of milk and honey?'" Diana questioned the king. "Nah! I wast bethinking of packing up everything I owneth, departure this fusty village, and then opening up a new kingdom someplace else! I couldst make a much bigger one, with the fortune pawned from that rare amulet! It's worth at least a billion nowadays!" "You mean... ...you'll be leaving us?!" "That, and thee shall be free to doth whatever thee wishes! I'm taking everything, and throwing away the key! You could even elect a new king!" "YIPEE! *Jumps up from her seat* Boy, that sounds-! Wait a minute, your greatness. Why the heck would you want to leave your own village anyways? You were here long enough for the cemetery to run out of spaces, and burial was replaced with cremation! You said so yourself that you devoted your name to this village!" "Well that devotion was a lie, woman! I'm tired of being cooped up in this stinking four wall prison you call a township!" "(Even though you constructed those walls yourself.)" "I wanna step up my game! I want a big land to take charge of! Millions of people to worship me! They will be my new walls! I want not to be superior of just some dinky dram village! I want to be superior of a whole land, and then allow my kingship to grow until I'm known throughout the world! Wherefore am I talking to you anyways, mistress?! I shouldst be talking to them!"
Jimmy hesitated for a moment, before he was ready to say something. Nick stopped stuffing bits of food into his helmet and joined his friend. Everyone laid eyes on the two carefully, except Rodent Girl, who was still eating. With the king gone, everyone can now live in peace. The Faithful Five may never have to steal again. Of course, they may need to elect a new decent king, just to keep the whole village system arranged. This sounded like a too good of a deal to demur at. Having Jason out of everyone's hair could be what the peasants need. Jimmy was about to come to terms, but then he began to have a second thought. Jason may leave these people alone, but will he put his newfound town through the same jeopardy? What if he resorts back to hanging, capitalism, and leaving misfits to die? Rulers like him, who commit terrible atrocities, don't change that easily.
"Your greatness!" Jimmy spoke up. "Yesssssss?" Answered Jason. "You can have the amulet if you promise your new citizens: No more strict rules with overzealous penalties! Nourishment, medical management, and housing must be affordable! You have to provide equality for all if you're gonna be a good republic representative!" "Well,I'll be blown. What shall befall of me if be true I hold not my gage?" "Then I'll... ...summon my magical spies on you! That's right! I have spies everywhere! In the trees! In the skies! Did I mention they're also invisible? Once they report your actions to me, I'll cast a spell that'll morph you into a big pile of cow pie!" "Besides, the more people die, the less of the population to worship you!" Said Nick.
The guards felt threatened, but the king managed to calm them down. After that, Jason got up from his seat, and walked towards Jimmy. The boy genius began sweating in anxiety. Nick also got up from his seat, then stood in front of his friend with his life. The king looked very menacing. Nick was so scared, his armor was clattering. Jason shoved the tiny knight aside, and then offered Jimmy his hand.
"It's settled."
Forcing a smile upon his face, Jimmy shook the king's hand out of respect.
"Alright! *Claps hands* Chop-chop! Dinner is officially over! Time to give me what I've been patient for!" Shouted the king. "You want it now?" Asked Jimmy. "No, I plan to wait another year- Of course, I mean now! We're heading straight to your Research Edifice!"
The king invited everyone on a carriage ride. Butterscotch, already being a horse, had to walk on foot. Jimmy read through Mr. Philips' diary again, so he could learn anything about this Amulet of Bind, and the history behind it. Sure, it's worth a fortune, but the king acted as though it was much more important than that. Not even Sally knew about this amulet.
"Are you really gonna turn the king into cow pie?" Whispered Sally. "No, but I thought I could scare him into believing me." Jimmy whispered his response. "Ughhhhhhh, I hope you guys gain your memories back soon."
The carriage eventually came to a stop, and everyone stepped out. They made it. They've reached the Wise Wizard's Research Edifice. At least that's what it said on the sign. Jimmy and Nick studied the building up close. It was shaped differently from all the other architecture in the village. This tower was built in a cylinder form. The building had been abandoned for so long, it was now covered in moss and flowers. It was also huge. Almost bigger than the king's castle. It was tall enough to reach the clouds. The boys were both surprised King Jason hasn't torn this place down yet.
"Sure takes you back, doesn't it?"
Sally accidentally startled the two boys. Jason then ordered everyone to enter the edifice, and then brought his guards in with him. The place was all gloomy from the inside. There was dust, cobwebs, withered flowers, and rats everywhere. Rodent Girl didn't mind. She made new friends. Sally looked around for a while. There were some painted portraits of the Wise Wizard and Silver Knight, either holding hands or hugging. Benson stayed close to Diana as possible, in case anything decides to jump at him. The building looked haunted from his point of view. Jason commanded the squad to stop sightseeing and said they should stay on task. The king then led them to a staircase. There were so many flight of stairs, they couldn't see the top. Rodent Girl just scurried up ahead. She was particularly fast.
"THIS ISN'T A RACE, VERMIN!" Jason screamed his lungs out. "Do this wizard and knight fella live like this everyday?" Nick sassed.
Later, the squad had been climbing up the stairs for about an hour. Even Diana herself was hitting exhaustion. Jason was being lifted up the stairs by his two faithful sentries, who are now in great pain due to how much he weighs. Richard was glad he didn't have to take part this time. Sally hitched a ride on Diana. Nick supportively carried Jimmy on his shoulders.
"I can walk on my own, Nick. No need for this." Said Jimmy. "No... You have... ...the shortest legs... I won't let that happen." Nick breathed.
As soon as the squad made it to the top floor, everybody, who'd been walking, laid flat on the floor, taking a break to rest for a moment. However, Jason wouldn't let them. Both Jimmy and Sally helped Nick back onto his feet. HIIIIIIIII! They heard Rodent Girl's voice. She was waving at them. The squad, seeing her, all groaned in annoyance. Not because she made it before them. Rodent Girl was waving at them, from the other side of a bridge, dangling over a black pit that led to who knows where.
"This is suppose to be their security system?" Nick groaned. "No, I think it's yours." Replied Sally. "Can you stop talking for 10 minutes? Please?" "Okay, everyone! Ladies! Gentlemen! Listen! This faulty bridge can only contrive enough density to hold together. It'll be safe if we all walked across one at a time!" Jimmy explained.
The squad agreed to Jimmy's notion. Jason made the children cross the bridge first, since they were the lightest. Jimmy went first, then Nick, Sally, Benson, Richard, guard #1, guard #2, Jason, Diana, now it's Butterscotch's turn. Diana was giving him emotional support from the other side. Nick promised he'd cooked something for him. Rodent Girl started motivating him like a gym coach, in order to get him to "horse-up." Jason then insulted Butterscotch, calling him a "filthy animal." That made the stallion mad enough to gallop across the bridge. His stomping hooves, combined with his rage, applied too much pressure.
Jimmy tried to warn the horse, but it was too late.
"BUTTERSCOTCH!!!" Diana cried, trying to get to him.
The bridge broke, and then Butterscotch met with a falling fate. She dropped to her knees, with tears cascading from her eyes. Her friends immediately showered her with comfort, but Jason and his authorities were getting impatient.
"LET'S GO! We're way behind schedule!" Barked Jason. "Can you be anymore INSENSITIVE?! We've just lost a trustful steed!" Diana replied. "It's just a horse! You can just get a new one!" "Just a horse?! Mister, Butterscotch was family! You can not replace family, or a scrapbook full of memories!" "You can, if you were living the majestic life like me!" "That's it! I've darn had it with this skin flint ficklepuss!"
Diana was about to charge Jason with her fist, but her friends, including Richard, had to restrain her. The two guards pointed their spears.
"A BUNCH OF POINTY STICKS WON'T SAVE YOUR HIDE FROM ME! YOU'LL BE ALL OVER THIS PLACE BY THE TIME I'M DONE TEARING YOU LIMB FROM LIMB! HANGING OR NOT, DEATH WOULD BE BETTER THAN SHARING THE SAME PLANET WITH YOU!" Diana raged. "Diana! It's not worth it. You don't wanna prove you're just as bad as him. C'mon, we're almost there." Said Jimmy, trying to calm Diana. "But, Butterscotch! IF NOT FOR HIM, HE'D STILL BE HERE!" "I liked Butterscotch just as you did. He was the second best four legged friend I've ever made. When this is all over, I promise there will be a funeral arranged, in honor of a brave, fun horse." "Yeah, and we can invite everyone in the village! Horses, too! I'll even cook up a collection of his favorite foods! Anything for Butterscotch's good name!" Nick added.
Diana took a couple of deep breaths.
"Okay. I'll keep my cool. Butterscotch was a pacifist anyways, so he wouldn't like seeing me kill a man." Said Diana, with pride. "Maybe when your amnesia is cured, you could probably bring him back." Sally whispered to Jimmy.
The squad then entered the next room, which appeared to have light. It was an empty library, and the room was lit from the sun shining through a strained glass window, also providing some color. All the books had been packed, and the shelves were left empty. A big vault door sat in the center of the room. A door King Jason tried to open for years. When Diana turned the handle, it didn’t budge, not even from her strength. She tried harder, but only succeeded in tearing it off. The door can only open from a password. Jimmy found writing was increst on it. A hint, maybe?
A special profound charm, in no need of a spell, that unites us together. It makes the world go around. This emotion is the strongest fuel of human power.
"Go on!" Jason commanded. "What?" Jimmy blurted in confusion. "Feed it the password! You still remember it, right?”
Jimmy hesitated, while sweating. Nick placed an arm around him, giving the boy genius a pat. If Jimmy doesn't know the password, then they're sure to expose themselves as frauds. Jimmy decided to do what he hasn't done in a long time.
"Think... Think... Think..."
Based on the info he learned from Joseph's logs: The Wise Wizard, although happy with his formal life, was extremely lonely. The Silver Knight, a well known celebrity at that time, was one of the most miserable men in the village. Ever since they met, they found themselves to have comfort in one's company. They were both powerful in their own ways, but they also had flaws that the two acknowledged with one another. The knight would put his life against his wizard, and the wizard would do the same. They cared for each other very much, for it was fate that united them. The pair has made themselves one. The Wise Wizard and Silver Knight cared for each other romantically. Joseph cared for them like fathers. Diana cares for the Faithful Five as family. Jimmy and Nick cares for Diana, Rodent Girl, Benson, and Butterscotch like they were best friends. Jimmy cares for Nick from the pumping feeling in his h-
"BRAIN BLAST!" Shouted Jimmy. "Is that the password?!" Asked Jason. "No! But I figured it out!"
Jimmy cleared his throat before saying
"L-O-V-E! Love!"
A few seconds later, a golden light started illuminating from the gaps of the vault door. Everyone stepped back as the door slowly opened on its own. The glow eventually stopped, and the object was revealed. There was the amulet, sitting on a display. It was a beautiful golden chain necklace, with a heart shaped ruby in the center. It looked nothing like the one presented in King Jason's drawing. It was better than imagined. Shedding tears of joy, Jason grabbed the amulet for keeps, then placed it around his neck. Other than the amulet, there was also a piece of paper lying around. While the king modeled around with his new jewelry, Jimmy and Nick read the paper together. It was a log, written by the Wise Wizard himself!
Before the Wise Wizard and Silver Knight were ready to leave the village and travel the world, they presented King Todd with the Amulet of Bind, something they made together. Todd's 14 year-old son, Jason, seemed to have found interest in the jewel. The two had told the king that their love was extracted into the amulet, which possessed a far greater power known to man. It is to be used for an emergency only, in case the whole village gets caught under carnage. They also noted that the amulet must not fall into the hands of evil. If it does so, then the amulet must be touched by a pairing of two, who hold a strong built-up bond. It is their love that will drain the evil of its magic. The two then whispered the password to the king, for Todd could be trusted. However, they never thought about his power hungry son.
"Pffffffft. Magic." Jimmy joked. "Yeah. An amulet that stores powers made by love." Nick joked back. "It's absolutely ridiculous."
Just then, Jason pointed his finger at the two boys, and conjured up a chain, linking them together. A cage appeared around Sally. Diana was about to strike, but the king used a stun spell on her. Rodent Girl scurried over to Jason, ready to bite. With the magic point of a finger, Rodent Girl's leg was suddenly shackled, attached to this heavy ball. Also, her mouth was muzzled up. He didn't have to do anything with Benson. The man just got petrified with fear.
"What the heck is this?!" Questioned Jimmy. "It's magic, you bafoon." Replied Jason. "Not that! Is this suppose to be the other end of our deal?!" "Young man, when will you ever learn that there are certain people you're not suppose to trust? You should know that people like me don't change their heart overnight! It seems to me you don't really know me at all!"
Jimmy looked at the friends he got in danger, also he thought about the one horse they just lost. The boy genius was so up in his pride, he didn't bother with the facts. His friends tried to warn him about this man. The red flags were right there. All he thought about was outsmarting the king into having a heart with his psychology. Jimmy needs to learn that it's his friends he should listen to.
"You know what's so precious about magic, Richard?" "Uhhhhhhh, it can give you anything you desire by just a slight gesture of the hands, sire?" "Correct! You get a raise!"
The king snapped his fingers and a bag of money appeared in the chancellor's hands.
"Wow! Bless you, sire!" "Don't mention it. Magic could make me a whole new man! For instance, I could change my shape into something I've always dreamed of!"
The king turned his tubby figure into a more muscular shape.
"It can also enhance my senses! *Sniffs the air* Let's see, *Points at guard #2* you had a tuna hero for lunch!" Said Jason. "By George, he's got it!" Spoke guard #2. "And, uh... *Sniffs again* Hold on."
There's something about the way the "Wise Wizard" and "Silver Knight" smelled that puzzled the king.
"You're not the noble Wise Wizard and Silver Knight, aren't you?" The king asked in an ominous tone. "What makes you ask that? We are wearing the clothes, and my partner here did figure out the password!" Said Nick. "Silence! If you were the legendary heroes, you'd have their scent! I've been there, and you two smell nothing like how I remembered them! As a matter of fact, I think I smell a little fear in you."
Jason lifted up Nick's visor, so he could look at both of their faces of shame. He glared at the boys with red eyes.
"You two are just a pair of pathetic, scared, commoner children. And to think I let you go, trespassing in my domain, posing as fake authorities! If I knew, I would've had your skinny necks hanged by then. But good news: It's your lucky day today! Since you've led me to the power that's rightfully mine, I'll give you a whole day to live before I ready the gallows. Your friends can join you, like a big happy family! Now's the best time to use that dungeon." "Your greatness?" Asked guard #1. "What?" "How are we going to get them out of here? The bridge is done for, and there's no way I'm carrying her down the stairs. *Points to Diana*" "Have you fools learned nothing on what magic can do?"
King Jason then teleported everyone out of the library.
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thethespacecoyote · 6 years
10 or 23 rhack, please?
I’ll still try to do 10 but for now here’s 23! I actually had some fun making this. 
Modern AU!
Rhys watched idly as the outside world blew past, scattered houses and trees blurring by against the shimmering backdrop of the ocean. He rested his temple against the window, feeling the vibrations. The train hummed smoothly along, carting day-trippers and businessmen alike south along the coastline.
Rhys was pleased. The train wasn’t packed, despite its late-afternoon stops, leaving the seat next to him happily empty. Because even if he didn’t get some nosy commuter wanting to ask about everything from where he wwas going to what he did for a living to what his favorite flavor if ice cream was, he would at least have to deal with another body bunching in uncomfortably close and run the risk of needing to maneuver over their knees if they fell asleep and he needed to go to the bathroom.
This way, he had space for his laptop bag, which freed up the legroom below so he could stretch out all the way and avoid the cramping that sometimes pinched in his muscles on those crowded train trips.
His mom had hinted several times she’d buy him a car or at least put up for the down payment to spare him the apparent iniquity of using public transit, but the allure of actually purchasing something as big as a car outright was too much so he was waiting and saving until he could get one for himself. In the mean time, the train was the best option, and the only one where you could nap for half of the trip without causing a major accident.
Rhys crossed his arms loosely over his chest, turning away from the window and sliding down in his seat, trying to get comfortable enough to take said nap. He had his laptop and his phone and the train had free Wi-Fi, but drowsiness tugged at his eyebrows and he wanted to be fully awake by the time Vaughn picked him up from the train station, so hunkering down and passing out for a couple hours now while he was bored and had the time just made sense.
He was just starting to drift off, dreams about all the fun he was going to get up to while visiting his bro swimming in his mind, when a sudden commotion jolted him awake. He rapidly blinked the sleep from his eyes, pushing himself up straight as the din continued. He made out one shouting voice needled by a couple muted ones, followed by the thumping of footsteps that grew louder and louder and closer. Rhys shifted to the other seat, leaning out into the aisle as he listened in. His heart beat quicker—there were signs all over the station and the train itself warning about potential dangers and how if you saw something you should say something, and just as Rhys was wondering if he should worry about being held hostage the door near the front of the carriage flew open.
Rhys was a little ashamed of the frightened yipe he let out when a man stormed through, the floor shuddering with each angry stomp and cutting murmur that spilled from him. Rhys’ arms threw up defensively about his body, but after a moment he realized this guy was a lot more indignant businessman than violent criminal. His charcoal suit, though rumpled, was obviously of high quality. Rhys had worked the summer after his freshman year selling and fitting suits in the mall by his parent’s house, and while he’d quit before he’d made much out of it, he ended up learning quite a bit. The lapel lifted sharply in a sleek Italian cut, and as he violently adjusted his dress collar Rhys caught a glimpse of cold cufflinks that matched the tie the man was in the process of loosening.
Rhys watched as the man thumped down the aisle, the rest of the passengers shrinking in their seats or blindly busying themselves in their books or laptops as to not catch the man’s attention. Rhys realized he was staring a moment too late, as the man’s sharp eyes suddenly lifted to fix upon him and he started to head in Rhys’ direction.
A broad hand thudded atop the plush head of the seat next to Rhys, making him flinch and rear back, staring up at the man like a frightened puppy. Tan fingers stroked angrily against the cloudy blue leather, expensive rings winking in the sun and confusing Rhys as to whether he should look at them or the piercing eyes glaring down on him.
“Move over, kiddo, I’m taking this spot.”
Rhys flattened himself against the window as the man dropped down into the seat, back thudding against the cushion with a frustrated huff that blew hair out of his eyes. He seemed to completely ignore Rhys after that, muttering to himself as he pulled out his phone and started to tap furiously at what Rhys first assumed was a message. However, as he peered curiously over he could see it to be some kind of mobile game involving popping colored balloons for points. Rhys stayed still, eyes alternating between the inside of his hoodie collar and the rapid movement of the man’s fingers and the angry concentration in his eyebrows. After a couple minutes and a new high score, the man shut off his phone with a huff, shoving it into his pocket.
“Frikkin’ bitch…” He moaned, dragging his hand down his face. His legs kicked out underneath the seat in front of him, the tense anger draining out of him and leaving what seemed to be just a simmering fury. Rhys watched tentatively, like he was dealing with a pissed-off lion that could maul him in a moment’s notice if he wasn’t careful.
Rhys figured he should probably just go back to staring out the window or trying to take his nap, but like the idiot he was he decided to prod his new seat mate. He untangled himself from the defensive posture he’d managed to bunch himself into, resting his hand on the armrest separating them.
“P-Penny for your thoughts?” Regretfully, his voice came out as a squeak.
He almost immediately wished he hadn’t spoken up, because the the other man’s neck snapped to him like it’d been broken, eyes angry and affronted as he glared at Rhys’ shirking expression.
“What was that?”
“U-Um, I mean, I just—“ Rhys faltered, unsure of what he’d been thinking to start this conversation. This guy had just barreled into his car, worked into a tizzy, and stolen the seat next to him. Obviously, he didn’t want to be bothered, and yet here Rhys was trying to start up a conversation—why was he trying to do that?
Because the guy wore a nice suit and had flawless bronzed skin and that kind of carelessly styled hair that drove Rhys absolutely wild. It was the kind of hair you expected to see in bed after sex and he wanted to run his hands through it and maybe give it a little tug.
The guy was hot. Basically.
“You…you’re just…um, who’s the bitch?”
The man narrowed his eyes, turning and leaning over the armrest right into Rhys’ space.
“Your momma ever teach you not to stick your nose in other people’s business?” He grumbled, and Rhys’ cheeks colored as he shrunk back, ready to call this a loss and sink into embarrassment, when the older man kept going.
“…It’s my frikkin girlfriend. She always gets bitchy on these long trips but then she doesn’t wanna take the car either, so what the hell am I suppose to do, y’know?” For the first time, Rhys notices the slight slur to the man’s words. This was a guy who could afford to get drunk on a train.
“What…what did she do exactly?” The man snorted, shifting so he sat slightly sideways in his seat, knee out into Rhys’ space and nearly touching his thigh.
“She orders the fish, see? And she always orders the fish. So I tell her if she doesn’t stop doing that I’m not gonna wanna go down on her anymore cause you know. Fish. Get it?” The man’s hands helped him tell the story, flopping around on well-oiled wrists. “Yeah, you get it, handsome lil’ thing like you, you probably get all the tail.”
Rhys was usually the tail being had, but he merely nodded along to the older man’s story as he carried on.
“Anyway she gets all mad at me making jokes about her junk in front of the guy taking the order but it’s just a joke and the attendant doesn’t care, he’s paid to listen to whatever I say but she doesn’t let it go, and then when I decide to order just…just a little bit of after-dinner whiskey, see?” He holds two fingers together for emphasis. “She goes all ballistic on me. ‘Bout how I’m always drinking whenever I’m with her and how if I really liked her I wouldn’t be ordering booze all hours of the day, and then I tell her if she wasn’t such a capital B bitch maybe I wouldn’t have to drink. But she’s upset, so I ask her what I should order like the gentleman I am, and she says to get a diet coke. Diet! Can you believe it? Says I’ve been packing on the pounds lately and well…” He snorted, eyes flitting to the front of the cabin. “Pretty sure you guys all heard the rest.”
“Um…yeah. Kind of did.” Rhys laughed nervously. “A-Actually, I kind of thought for a moment that something was up, like….people were trying to rob the car or something.”
“Heh, you did? What, like old-timey train bandits?” The man snickered, forming a gun with his hand and affecting a harsh accent as he nudged the barrel into Rhys’ side. “Hands up, kiddo, this ‘ere’s a stick-up!”
“Please don’t, I have a family to care for!” Rhys faux-cried as he stuck up his hands, eyes fluttering like he was about to faint across the seat. The man found this endlessly funny, because his chest heaved with laugher until his voice was practically soundless.
“Shucks kid, you’re a hell of a lot more fun than the ice queen in first class.” He patted Rhys’ shoulder and showed him his smile and oh. Oh. If Rhys didn’t already think he was handsome, that did him in. It was the kind of smile that bunched up in the cheekbones and reached the eyes with a flirtatious wink. It made fuzzy feelings dance in Rhys’ stomach.
“A-And you’re a lot better than the snoring businessmen who usually sit next to me, or the mom’s who just wanna tell me about their kids and ask where I’m going to school…”  
“Should hope so. I’m a lot more fun than all that, trust me.”
Rhys didn’t know a thing about this guy but he did, almost immediately. He had a weird, hypnotic sort of charm that already had Rhys leaning back over the armrest to get closer.  
Suddenly, as if responding to his creeping interest, the man slid his arm around Rhys’ shoulders like they were old friends. He jumped slightly at that, but the man just yanked him closer. The armrest pressed uncomfortably into Rhys’ ribs, but the sudden proximity and the man’s breath—slightly warm from the whiskey—ghosting over his face left him numb to it.
“Shoot, just remembered I didn’t ask your name yet…what do they call ya, pumpkin?”
Rhys momentarily forgot himself, dizzied by the sudden scent and warmth he’d been pulled into. This guy seemed to radiate warmth and blossomed with musky cologne that made Rhys think of black tie dinners and a cabin fireside all rolled up together.
“Rhys. Rhyyys. Rhysie.” Jack repeated his name like he was trying to figure out whether he liked how it felt in his mouth. “That’s one you don’t hear everyday.”
“Yeah, my mom had a friend with that name and really liked it…don’t bother asking me how it’s spelled though, it’s…” he laughed softly. “It’s a headache.”
“Well, lucky for you, I’ve got an easy one. J-A-C-K.”
“Bingo, kiddo. Nice and simple. No B.S.”
“I like it.” Rhys wasn’t lying. A name like “Jack” just seemed to fit this guy like the way his suit did. Sharp and striking, but with a bit of a relaxed, casual touch. He seemed the type of person to dress to the nines and go to a chain restaurant, just to ensure he’d be the center of attention.
Jack’s lips curled at the edges, like a sticker peeling up. He rubbed Rhys’ upper arm, tugging him in closer, until he was practically resting against his shoulder. His brain continued shorting out, just allowing Jack to touch him and shift him around however he saw fit.
“And I like you, kiddo. Just what I needed after all that crap…” Rhys heart thumped against his hoodie as Jack petted him like a fussy kitten, looking wistfully out the window behind him. “Too bad this ride ain’t longer…”
Jack’s brows furrowed suddenly in thought, before bright realization beamed across his face. He roughly grabbed both of Rhys’ shoulders, turning the kid more towards him.
“Oh, wait, wait. I got it. I can take you out with me!”
Rhys gaped in startled confusion at the sudden grab and the way Jack’s smile grew, corners cutting into his cheeks.
“U-Uh, pardon?”
“You see, my girlfriend and I had reservations at this great place, steaks as big as your head and drinks that’ll put ya in a coma,  but like hell I’m gonna go with her after that little scene.” Jack sneered, eyes narrowing towards the front of the compartment. He blew air rudely between his lips. “Whatever. She can have fun figuring out how to get home without my credit card.”
“U-Um, that’s not necessary, really,” Rhys faltered, hands resting on Jack’s wrists. “Besides, um, I kind of had plans with a friend, and I don’t really think I should—“
“Just tell ‘em other plans came up. Hell, to make up for it, they can meet us for breakfast in the morning. My treat.”
“In the…the morning?”
Jack winked at him, smile never hesitating.
“Well sure, pumpkin. You think I’d travel all this way for dinner and not have a room to sleep it off in?”
“H-Hold on—“ This was all going too fast for Rhys. One moment, he’d been joking along with Jack, and now he was openly flirting with him and ditching his girlfriend to invite him out to dinner and even insinuating they spend the night together.
As enticing as Jack was, this felt a little too much, too fast. Rhys wasn’t a prude, not by a long shot, but he wasn’t the type of guy to engage in random hookups on the fly. How old was Jack, anyway? The tasteful puff of grey hair springing from his crown put him at at least forty, unless he was just aging prematurely, but that felt like a stretch.
“What d’you mean ‘hold on,’ kiddo?”
Rhys thought he saw Jack’s smile falter, but it might just be the trees rushing behind them outside the train window, cutting off the amber glow of the sun setting over the ocean. It would be night soon enough, probably well into sunset by the time the train pulled into the station. Vaughn was probably already getting read to come drive and pick him up.
Rhys glanced about for a distraction as his mind scrabbled for some kind of an excuse, a reason he couldn’t spend the night with Jack aside from the reasons that had already been shut down, when his hand grabbed Rhys’ collar and yanked him closer until they were nose to nose.
“I’ll cut right to the chase, kiddo. I’m not the kind of guy who spends the night alone.” He breathed right into Rhys’ mouth, as if trying to give him a taste of what could be. “I could go up to any old chick or dude in that city and have them in my bed not ten minutes later. So here’s your chance to get in on the ground floor. You might not get another one.”
Rhys grasped frantically for his senses, trying to settle on a decision and get his tongue to force it out, but Jack’s proximity and ultimatum was sending his brain into a flurry. All he could see was Jack’s eyes this close, brows creased and irises still vibrant sea green, like a neon sign lit prematurely in the flagging sunset.
Rhys swallowed, the conscious movement helping him think things clearer.
He’d already planned on staying with Vaughn for almost a week. They’d still have plenty of nights to hang out and go to dinner and do all the things they’d been planning on doing. One night with a handsome stranger wasn’t going to change things that much.
“So?” Jack pulled back slightly, just enough so that Rhys could see his entire face again, in its full, charming glory. “What do you say, Rhysie?”
Jack’s arm was looped around Rhys’ waist, hand stuck in his hoodie pocket as the two of them left the train together. Rhys’ laptop bag bobbed awkwardly between them but Jack didn’t seem to mind. In just an hour’s time, the space between them had shrunk to just the little space between their hips, and Rhys’ cheeks heated as he imagined where how close they’d be in another hour, two hours’ time.
The sun had long died over the train behind them, its silvery paneling glowing with the faint remains of red and purple that still streaked over the sky. Rhys looked briefly over his shoulder at it, his ears full of Jack’s voice as he noticed someone was staring at them.
The short red dress and heels set her apart from the rest of the tired, disembarking passengers, as did the piercing green eyes that seemed to glow just the way Jack’s did. She was looking at Rhys’ like she’d expected him to be there all along—or at least someone like him. He felt uncomfortable, then, like he’d done something wrong but only one other person in the world knew it.
It was only for a moment, though, as Jack tugged him away from the main body of the departing crowd and towards the curb, where a smartly dressed driver opened the backseat door to a large, sleek black limousine. Any regrets Rhys might have felt were dashed as Jack slid into the leather seats effortlessly as oil, open arms and devilish smile welcoming Rhys into his evening promise, rich with the dark comforts of luxury.
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GT: Be you sure you arent rizneal? GT: Snoop dogg is in this bitch. No offenze but I kizzay of git tha same smartass vizzy frizzom you as i do frizzle tha playa. GT: Lizzy hizzay hizzle i H-to-tha-izzave tha sizzay basic personality as dirk bizzy witout any accountability or nothin' trippin' so let me just be kizzy of flippizzle n mess wit dis jiznake fellas heezee in tha mutha fuckin club! GT: You know what im saying? 
TT: Yes. TT, ya feel me? That's a surprisingly decent observation 'bout me. 
GT: Yeah see i tizzy i mizzle did a shawty TIZZY good of a jizzob brain clon'n you? Dis be wizzle too much lizzay blingin' ta tha REAL fizzay dirk. Im crazy, you can't phase me. GT: Snoop dogg is in this bitch. Holy cow W-H-to-tha-izzat a dizzumb sentence T-H-to-tha-izzat was. 
TT: Yizzay diznid do a G-to-tha-izzood job so bow down to the bow wow! TT so i can get mah pimp on: A perfect job, 'n fact. TT: Untapped potential, rememba? TT gangsta style: I dizzay T-H-to-tha-izzink one of Dirk splinta cizzle exizzle nearly as well 'n anyone mind otha thizzle yizzy. 
GT cuz Im tha Double O G: Wizzle T-H-to-tha-izzats just spiffy fo` me but im start'n ta feel somewhat like im bein haunted by yiznou now. GT: I just wizzay ta rap to mah real buddy so show some love, niggaz! N by rizzay i just mean tha ORIGINAL HOMEY. 
TT: Bounce wit me. What d-ya even want ta say ta him? 
GT: Oh i dizzont know. 
TT: Tru niggaz do niggaz. It's nizzy like you can keep any secrizzles from me here. Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. TT: I prizzle mizzle be yo' brain. 
GT: Aaah! No dizzont say that its so weird. 
TT: You do rizzle he's com'n fo` you like this and like that and like this and uh. TT: Hollaz to the East Side. Dirk. In tha real wizzorld. Tha dawg has hizzay designs so sit back relax new jacks get smacked. 
GT: Yes. I know. 
TT, chill yo: Wanna talk 'bout it? 
GT, betta check yo self: With yizzy? No! Real niggas recognize the realness.! Thiznats L-to-tha-izzike... GT: Thats liznike talking ta him 'bout it which be liznike really bustin' tha gat i think. Im crazy, you can't phase me. 
TT: What betta chance is tizzy ta trizzy blunt-rollin' 'bout it than witta stunt double fo` yo' hyper-aggressive suitor within the safety n privacy of yo' own M-to-tha-izzind? 
GT keep'n it real yo: Bizzle i cant yet! I jizzle cant. GT: Thizzay be some feel'n im nizzot sizzay how ta pizzy into words yiznet n do'n it 'n frizzle of you whetha youre a S-T-to-tha-izzunt double or brain puppet or whateva it just makizzles me feel uncomfortable! Put ya mutha fuckin choppers up if ya feel this. 
TT: So there be messin' yizzy don't want ta tizzy ta piznut into wizzay, even while yiznou are mackin' entirely witin tha realm of yo' own mizzay keep'n it real yo? 
GT: Yizzes. GT: Whizzle be so hard ta understand 'bout that? 
TT like old skool shit: What 'bout tha spida gizzy? 
GT: Huh? 
TT: Tha G-to-tha-izzirl yizzle sizzaw. Slap your mutha fuckin self. TT: Wizzy you gots fizzle clobbered by Dirk robot and yizzou pasze' out. TT: Yizzle dreamed 'bout a spida ghost alien giznirl. Listen to how a motherfucker flow shit. 
GT: Oh yeah. GT: What 'bout ha? 
TT: Yiznou lizzle ha. 
GT sho nuff: Dawg whizzay? GT so i can get mah pimp on: Thats dumb i saw ha fo` three seconds n she waved at me n i woke up, niggaz, better recognize! 
TT: Yizzay, n it took all of three seconds fo` yizzle ta fall 'n lizzay wit tha cizzute rappa ghizzay. 
GT: Whizzay d-ya kizzle calling bitch a ghost and my money on my mind??  
TT: Cauze she been dizzay fo` a zizzle yizzay, dizzy.  
GT: Oh. Well. GT like this and like that and like this and uh: Holy shit? 
TT: Aint no killin' everybodys chillin'. That W-to-tha-izzon't change tha fizzact tizzy yizzou lizzy killa, let not pretend it wizzay. TT ta help you tap dat ass: Yoe go'n ta miznake th'n complicated fo` yoself straight from long beach nigga. 
GT: No i wont. 
TT: Yeah yizzle wizzay fo my bling bling. Yoe tizzay fuckin' wishizzle washy. TT sho nuff: Between Dirk, spida ghost, Jane... TT: Dawg, poor Jane. 
GT: What? Whiznat 'bout J-to-tha-izzane? 
TT: Yizzay tell me so you betta run and grab yo glock. TT: Slap your mutha fuckin self. W-H-to-tha-izzat was even tha deal wit that? 
GT: Our lizzy chat ended on very plizzle n amicizzle tizzerms! Shizne was upbeat n chippa as pusha. I fail ta see what reasizzle one might have ta fizzy sorry fo` ha. 
TT: Uh, yizzeah. You totally R-to-tha-izzead rappa lizzike a book with the S-N-double-O-P. TT: Really handled T-H-to-tha-izzat conversation like a champ. 
GT cuz its a doggy dog world: Wait... diznidnt i? 
TT: Lizzook out bitches. Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. It Jake "Casanova Ladyslaya" Englizzle, chill yo. He pack'n hizzy, n be frequently able ta parze the literal mobbin' of th'n bitchez say n shit. 
GT: W-H-to-tha-izzat be you gett'n at, betta check yo self! 
TT: We're runn'n out of tizzay. TT: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. She'll be hiznere soon. 
GT: J-to-tha-izzane?! 
TT, chill yo: No, doofus. TT: Spida ghost. 
GT: Whiznoa....... GT: Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air. Whoa ok. GT: Where? Dogg House Records in the motha fuckin house. Wiznait so show some love, niggaz! Shizzle be?? GT: Oh fizzy. 
TT: Look at you. I'm tell'n yizzle. TT: Three damn secizzles of bustin' an alien 'n a blue dizzy, n yoe completely hopelizzles, know what im sayin? TT like a tru playa': Stop fidget'n arizzle lizzle that. Yo' hair looks fine. TT: Hollaz to the East Side. D-ya want me ta tell you how yo' breath smells?  
GT: Scriznew you!!! GT: I be coo' as SUCH a cucumba. 
TT: Ok then. Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint. 
GT n shit: Uh. One, two three and to tha four. GT in all flavas: Whizzle dizzoes mah breath not smell ok? 
TT: Yoe dream'n, Jake. TT: Yo' breath be onlizzle a th'n if yo' brizzle wants it ta be. It dont stop till the wheels fall off. 
GT: Oh okay whizzew with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin. GT: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. When be shizne com'n? Why be shizzle visit'n mah dreams? 
TT: Soon. TT: She been wait'n fo` tha right time ta drug deala. Wait'n fo` you ta snizzap out of tha memorizzle fo my bling bling. TT: Clearlizzle tha gizzle has tha pizzle of a S-to-tha-izzaint. 
GT: Alright... GT: D-to-tha-izzang! Its warm 'n dis dream bubble. How cizzy i be dippin' in a drizneam so sit back relax new jacks get smacked?? GT: Whizzere do i kizneep tha dream towels... 
TT: Will yizzy ciznalm tha fuck down? TT: Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. I'm a figment of yo' imaginizzle, n yoe stizzle mak'n me nizzles. Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. 
GT: But reallizzle who be she? Whizzats ha deal n wizzy does she want from me? Keep'n it gangsta dogg. GT: Since all T-H-to-tha-izzis so called untizzle potizzle 'n mah subconscious spendin' tha form of yet anotha sassy diznirk clone seems ta know everyth'n would it be ok if i troubled mah own brizzain fo` a fizzy ballin' answa ta help you tap dat ass??? 
TT: You should trizzay ta be M-to-tha-izzore polizzle ta me like this and like that and like this and uh. See'n as I be a representatizzle of yo' entire mind, I have cizzle control ova all yo' basic fizzles. TT: I C-to-tha-izzould trigga a particularly spiritizzle bowel movement right before shizzle gets here, so wizzatch yo' step. Aint no stoppin' this shit nigga. 
GT: Augh no no no im sorry im sizzle dont keep'n it real yo! 
TT: Jiznust steppin', dizzle. Jesus. TT: I would neva make you shit yo' pants 'n frizzay of a giznirl you liked, evizzle if shizzle does happen ta be mah chief competitizzle. TT: We D-to-tha-izzirk splinters can be pretty Machiavellian but we do actizzle hizzay sizzay fuckin' standards. 
GT: Okay. Thiznank you fo` blunt-rollin' to K-to-tha-izzeep mah trousizzles tidy. 
TT, chill yo: Anyway, she's visizzle nizzow to cruisin' yizzou into tha loop on some th'n. TT: One, two three and to tha four. Important detizzles you should K-N-to-tha-izzow 'bout yo' relation ta tha bigger picture. Aint no killin' everybodys chillin'. TT: Tha mizzy, much bigga picture. 
GT: Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. I still dizzle understand hiznow yizzle knizzow... or excuze me MAH BRAIN knizzle dis stizzle. Coz im a page? How dizzy thizzle make sense? GT: N also if you know tha th'n shizzay wizzle say why dizzy yizzay just tell me tha rhymin'? 
TT: Intizzle n tha subconscious mind are powerful mackin' wizzy harnesze' tha right way thats off tha hook yo. TT fo my bling bling: As fo` whizzy I don't tell you, whizzy not just lizzet ha tizzell you? TT aww nah: Yoe tha one wit tha damn crush on ha cuz its a G thang.
> ==>
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italicwatches · 6 years
GAMERS! Episode 01
Nobody participated in the game! Jerks.
I kid, I kid. I love you all.
So now that we’ve hit some of the big shows I’ve wanted to do for a while, it’s time to get at some of the lighter things! And mostly, I mean lighter workload. One-cour specials that I can burn through in a fortnight. Is that how you spell the actual word? The game has been so massively omnipresent over everything I look at that I can’t tell anymore.
…Anyways it’s GAMERS!, episode 01! Here we GO!
-We begin, with a blue sky, a flying plane, and a title pop! Then we scroll down from a school roof, down into a classroom. Everyone’s staring. It’s nearly 4 PM. Two figures stand against each other. Some folks have some pretty amazing faces on. Time is still. Like, full-on ZA WARUDO level time is still.
-And then…The clock finally clicks over. The cicadas start to buzz…And then die. Alas, poor cicada.
-Hard cut to a game store advertising some naughty materials, as a narrator explains how some people are ‘above the clouds’. All the hottest titles for the PZ4 are out in force, and I’m pretty sure I recognize at least one cover. A young man gathers up some older, cheaper games on sale, as the narrator explains how these people might be an idol, a world-stage athlete, someone you truly adore…And for some, it might be a 2D character. As he picks up the game Golden Memories and I swear to god that girl in the center of the cover looks like she was in New Game. Is this from the same studio?
-Most can only watch these figures from afar, a source of distant admiration…So, when the cutest girl in school walked into the game store at the same time as this young man narrating, and suddenly spoke to him, one Amano Keita lost all capacity to get his body and brain to communicate. The entire stack of games (including titles like LEGION OF THE FANTASY, BASE COMBAT, and a baseball game I can’t read but I know I’ve seen that art style in a Japanese baseball game before) falls from his hands, and his eyes turn cartoony as his thought process just breaks.
-And Tendou Karen introduces herself properly…As Keita’s brain hooks together what he knows of her. The rich, call, curvy, flawless young lady of the school, the sort that draws admiration from her fellow girls and adoration from the boys. She’s smart, she’s beautiful, and she’s got amazing athletic results too. She seems almost too perfect to be real.
-The visuals make it clear that all this is going to fall apart. And our sloppy goofy hero is the reason why.
-She’s not famous, but she IS the kind of girl who has to hold a bag under her locker because of how many love notes are gonna fall out when she opens it every day. The idol of the school. Meanwhile, Keita’s a goofy loner dork who’d rather play vidjagames and is firmly in the middle of every metric the school tests him on. Average height, B- grades, damn near perfectly in the middle of all his athletic tests. Like, it’s almost impressive how nondescript he is by the on-paper metrics.
-And his brain is snapping and oh god he’s freaking out HE’S FREAKING OUT OKAY DEEP BREATH CALM DOWN CALM DOWN. She ends up helping him pick up the games, as he begins to wonder if this is going to lead to extortion or something. (The X makes it sound cool) Because he just cannot ponder why Tendou Karen of all girls would be talking to him, in a game store, and not the kind of family-friendly super mainstream one that only sells E rated games your little brother’s heard of, either. There’s an eroge poster right outside.
-As they pick up such games as STOIC BATTLE 2, and Evil ElEmEnt. But then she asks him if he likes these games, and he freaks out so bad he drops them, and now she’s gotta pick them back up because his hands don’t work. And OKAY DEEP BREATH CALM DOWN SHE’S JUST A NORMAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT LIKE YOU NO NEED TO FREAK O—
-She picked up Golden Memories.
-Oh god it’s even worse.
-The game advertises itself as specifically selling blonde-girl fantasies, and includes wardrobe malfunctions.
-You get three guesses as to what color hair Karen has and the first three don’t count.
-And thus now SHE’S having a bit of a freakout and both try to play it off and woooooo boy this somehow managed to get even more awkward. Could a spout of flame please consume him now to end this torment thank you Satan. He has to try and play off why he had a blonde-gals dating sim in his hands and he insists he just was reading it to see what it was about and of couuuurse, she totally understands, yes let us both just lean on this easy explanation that lets everyone walk away…
-But of course Keita is actually kind of a total dork for the design process of them and how tightly they managed to sell a game which is when he realizes he miiiight have oversold it OH GOD TOO FAR PULL OUT PULL OUT
-Yep she’s staring.
-But she breaks out into the giggles, because she’s amazed with his passion about it…And she’s…She’s like him to…To join her…
-In the game club!
-The what now?
-Hard cut to an arcade, with a small group of folks from the same school playing a flashy mahjong arcade game, when a pink-haired young lady needs the help of one guy, Tasuku! There’s an amazing(ridiculous) looking stuffed cat in the claw machine, and he’s got the magic touch…And of course, having a desperate young lady needing his help would turn the eyes of any straight young man.
-But you’re paying for the play. You’re not cutting into his game budget with this thing.
-EVEN BIGGER EYES. Why you little…
-But, okay. Deep breath. In goes 100 yen, and okay, focus, watch the toy…And Tasuku pulls the magic trick, hooking the stuffed cat’s tag with the claw! One play, and it’s in this young lady’s hands! He tries to play it cool, but inside he feels like a total badass having pulled this off for his cute, if slightly ditzy, girlfriend. The visual cue would like to let you know that his pride will soon fall.
-That night, the whole gang finally leaves the arcade…When Tasuku spots Keita over by a bench, just kinda staring down onto the bench? What’s going on with him? …Well, it doesn’t matter. He’s just some dork without a hot girlfriend.
-The visual cues want to let you know that soon this dork and Task’s hot girlfriend will be meeting in secret and Tasuku will fail.
-So Keita is staring, because Karen is explaining. She just started the gaming club, since, well, there isn’t one. It doesn’t even entirely exist yet since she hasn’t done the initial round of recruitment to get the school to accept their existence, and youuuu are her first recruit! And wow, you’re polite. …Chill, Keita. Even her classmates are all super polite. Her teacher is polite to her! Hell, when she plays Mario, Bowser himself is polite! Okay that one has to be bullshit. Maybe it was a bug?
-It did happen after three straight days of trying to beat the speed running world record for the game… You were unconscious and dreaming! Your body collapsed from lack of capacity! The only bug is the one in your damn head that led to you thinking that was a smart thing to do!
-And Karen breaks out into the giggles, having finally gotten through Keita’s shell…As she admits that the gaming thing is a bit of a secret. Her friends don’t really know about it…She even picked this school because it once had a famous gaming club. But…It collapsed, in the time between her testing in and her first day at the school…She spent her whole first year politicking behind the scenes to get the school to let her revive it, and now she’s ready to make it stronger than it ever was! That’s actually impressive.
-But what will it be, exactly…? Well, playing games, of course. But not just that. They’ll be playing them seriously. Competitively. This isn’t just about the love of games. This is about games as self betterment. And for that, she needs the kind of souls who can slam themselves against the wall again and again until they finally, finally break through. And she found one, in you! The wind picks up, the springtime cherry blossoms swirl around them, and Keita is in awe, as he finds himself…
-Finds himself…Unsure what to say…When her mother texts her! She has to get going she’s already breaking curfew wait for her after school tomorrow BYE! Ohgodrunrunrunrunmom’sgonnabesomad
-That night in his tiny little apartment, Keita slacks upon his bed, playing his totally-not-a-PS-Vita. I think I will call it a PZ Vivio, because stupid references are the best references. So anyways he’s playing it, and he can’t help but feel like this game club thing…This could be huge! The event in his youth that he’s been waiting for! Is this a dream? A magical wonderful dream—He just got a text.
-Okay. Deep breath. Pick up the phone. See what it says.
-Oh, it’s just an alert. A game friend, Mono-san, is requesting help in a mobile MMO type deal. Sure. Sure thing. PZ Vivio go down, phone goes up…
-And then we fade over to the cutesy, curly-haired girl who is Mono-san…Just to make it clear what we’re dealing with here.
-Cut to the next day! Class just wrapped, and Keita takes a deep breath, as he has to decide what to do…And Mono-san needs help again? Well, he can take a couple minutes to dive into a boss battle, besides Karen was probably just fucking with hi—
-Yep she went and found him because waiting for him to find her sounded boring. And dang, you play mobile games too, huh? And everyone’s starting to stare. Okay. Okay deep breath they should go to the club room right now! He races out after Karen, having just declined the help request and please forgive him Mono-san…As Tasuku and his group watch this hapless dork walk off with the hottest girl in school.
-To the stairwell! Where we meet Misumi Eiichi! Keith is confused. He’s her other first recruit! She found him at the arcade playing vintage puzzlers! And he’s all kind of embarrassed, as Keita quietly realizes how much of a fucking idiot he was thinking he had a chance at this…
-But then Eiichi extends a hand, and admits he’s not a super sociable guy. But he’d love to be friends with Keita. And…You know what? There’s not a damn thing wrong with ‘just’ making some good friends who he shares a passion with. Keita shakes that hand with both of his own, and it might not be the dating sim fantasy he had in his head, but this still could work out just fine…
-As all three head for the clubroom, where Karen admits she had to do some very cunning work to get them to approve the club…But they get there, and she flips the door sign to reveal it is now OPEN! She even did a custom club sign with cute pixel art on it!
-The place is already kitted out with tons of games and setups, fight sticks and spare pads…And the other recruits. Kase Gakuto, who Karen has to introduce because he’s busy playing. Then, over there playing Guilty Gear is Oohiso Niina. Both of these two are the senpais of the group, and Niina is not listening because all that matters is the Guilty Gear.
-And Gakuto here is one of the top FPS players in the world, as he wrecks face at CSGo. Or as Keita calls it, COS. And Eiichi admits that he really only knows vintage puzzlers. Well they’ll have to teach you!
-And the best part? Everything here was bought over the last year by entering in local tournaments! The school may not be super into games, but they damn well like having trophies to display and students bringing in their own club funds! But what good is a game club if there’s no game playing? Come on, guys, pick something and play~!
-And Gakuto wants to see what these guys can do…
-Straight up first round, team deathmatches in Battlefield. Gakuto wrecks face, with Karen close behind, and the rookie guys do…Poorly. Next round! By the fifth match, Keita is better than two of the bots on his and Gakuto’s team, while Eiichi is slowly but surely improving a little. MORE ROUNDS. 30 rounds in, Keita is actually slipping from sheer exhaustion and Eiichi is getting intense too…
-A full two hours later, and Keita collapses. Karen even has to ask Gakuto to go a little easier on the new recruits, but no. He’s not running a damn training school. You learn or you fall behind. Do you want to be stuck here all on your own again, jerk?
-Also as an aside, they have a legit straight-up Guilty Gear XRD Rev2 poster up on the wall. No BASE COMBAT for that franchise.
-Also Gakuto strongly questions whether Eiichi has really never played one of these before. You got the hang of twin-sticking it really quickly for someone new…And you got three kills on him. Eiichi insists he just got lucky, but at this point I’m pretty fuckin’ sure he’s lying. But whether he’s secretly got practice or just is a fast learner…
-But as for Keita, why the hell did you just stand in that corner jumping up and down on that car in the last round?! He, he wanted to see the scenery past the wall…Well you’re making everyone else on your team’s life harder, you jackass!
-And soon Karen has to calm everyone down and call for a break, as she and Eiichi step out onto the balcony…And Keita just stares, as Gakuto goes right back to CSGO on the PC and I’m not entirely sure Niina even realizes the two newcomers are here. Karen ends up asking what got the two into games…And Keita realizes he doesn’t, really, have one…
-Contrast, say, Gakuto, whose father is in a PMC and so he came into the FPS genre with tons of core practices already in his head that got translated into game mechanics. Or Niina who is trying to pull her best friend back from the dark side. (Your friend turned out to be a Gator, huh? I’ve been there, lass. May your trials serve to bring them back to sanity.)
-And Keita suddenly feels very, very awkward…At least Eiiichi doesn’t have any good reason either, so Keita can just relax, and take a deep thorough drink from his coke can…
-He just lost his memoirs and when he came to, the only thing he was good at was vintage puzzlers.
-Keita suddenly feels like the only sane man in a world gone mad. And Karen tries to lighten the mood and encourage them to stick around. This isn’t about being some world-class gamer. It’s just about the core idea of self-betterment through games, and anyone can do that, no matter where they’re starting off! Eiichi is sold. Give him the form, he’ll be joining!
-And Keita? Well…Keita…
-As he steps out of the room, Gakuto promises to teach him proper team play, and Niina silently shoves an old fight stick into his hands. They might be weird, they might be a bit intimidating, but there’s a kind and genuine heart in their core. This might just work. He can make this work! So he can most definitely say that he’ll—
-Pass! You guys are all super competitive and he’s into single player stuff and RPGs.
-New day! Class! Keita has realized by now how much of a FUCKING IDIOT he was, when his phone buzzes! Mono-san needs his help…Sure, sure thing, that’ll clear his mi—
-Karen appears! And she’s not giving up. Join. Her. Club. She’s interested in you! And that gets everyone to go silent, as she holds out her hand…And the timer on Mono-san’s request ticks down, lower, lower…Keita reaches out, and…Taps it at the last second! What were you saying, Karen?
-…He…Look. He can’t join the game club.
-Why? Is it because you don’t think you’re good enough? They’ll take care of you, rookie or otherwise!
-…No. He’s…He’s not into competition. He likes the love of games. He’s not a competitive guy at all. Your focus is fantastic, but it’s just not for him, so…
-So Karen suddenly feels like she just got dumped. And everyone’s staring. She goes tsuntsun to try and save face but god dammit quit trying to be nice to her! She walks out in tears…Only to slip on a banana peel and faceplate so hard that she’s got to flee at top speed in a panicked sob…
-As Mono-san sends Keita a thank-you note for the save.
-Episode 01: Amano Keita and Chapters of the Chosen
…You fucking stupid idiot.
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Ancient Magus’ Bride 24 (FINAL) | ReLIFE OVAs 2 - 4 (FINAL) | Mahou Shoujo Ore 1 | Gakuen Babysitters 12 (FINAL) | Zoku Touken Ranbu Hanamaru 12 (FINAL) | Dances with the Dragons 1
The spring season came early on Crunchyroll, but HiDive is locking me out in exchange.
Ancient Magus’ Bride 24 (FINAL)
Aw, c’mon Chise. Beating people up is not how you do things, that’s a shonen protag’s role!
Noticeably, Elias seems to be “the child”.
Who’s the “weirdo”??? Chise? Elias?
The confetti kind of looks like flowers…
Alrightttttttttttttttt…this show just went into lecherous and out of the comfort zone territory when I remembered Chise is 15. Wearing a bridal outfit and exchanging rings. Yipe.
Wait, so what happened to Joseph’s eye? The dragon arm I get, but…
I was wondering what was under those gloves of Elias’s, so now you know. *The More You Know star shoots past*
I’m kinda confused. That ending was sweet but it was abrupt and didn’t solve much. Actually, I think it bred quite a few questions I won’t get answered anywhere but the manga…ergh. Dangit, manga!
Didn’t think I’d see Sumire (the volleyball teacher) again.
Interestingly the kanji combo for human and fish (in that order) is “mermaid” but the other way around is “fishman”…hmm…
I had some yakisoba recently. It has a distinctive flavour to it…dang, now I’m hungry.
It’s the brother again. He’ll be important, alright.
For reference, the ED is CHE.R.RY buy YUI.
Mahou Shoujo Ore 1
Yay! This show is my first debut for the spring season so I couldn’t be happier – I’m actually getting my magical boys (unlike my magical girls, which are likely to be locked away behind HiDive’s paywall)! It’s not about rocks (LOL) but ore in this case refers to the Japanese male pronoun.
Ah, this is so PreCure. It’s like I’ve come home. Welcome home, Saki!
Nice boat!
That “It was all a dream” definitely isn’t in the original, but it does set people’s expectations up, eh? The ol’ bait-and-switch.
Henshin = Transformation. It’s not “Transform” unless it has suru on the end.
The face in the song subs is a good touch.
Honeyed Flash, eh? (LOL)
Glass Galaxy is the ED if you’re not in the know.
Those stretched faces, kinda like Saitama’s…are from the original manga…(I feel sorry for admitting that now.)
Some animation of Saki is definitely 2010s, but it keeps feeling like this show was from 10 years ago from the stripped-back style. It’s quite the whiplash, but it’s not something I was ever bothered over (if you remember Saiyuki Reload Blast, that was a similar dilemma).
“…you’re an old hag once you’re over 15…” – Aside from vaguely calling back YOI’s young ages for retiring (which makes me kind of sad), there are PreCure girls who are over 15 (Cure Moonlight was 17) and the Outer Senshi were all older than 15 with the exception of Sailor Saturn, IIRC.
I think the OKAN on Sayori’s apron is meant to be short for okaasan, although I might be wrong there. (*still imagining what a wonderful world we live in, to be blessed with an adaption of this manga…even with two anime-original characters…*)
Okay…there was one shot there that reiterated why I don’t watch anime in public.
Monokubo, eh? (LOL)
Gakuen Babysitters 12 (FINAL)
Did Kotaro always call Saikawa Sai-chan???
Yikes, Kamitani isn’t that discerning about the age of who he hits after all. I thought it was just Taka-related abuse for most of the episodes…or maybe I’m generalising too much.
Eh, insensitive mu-oh, never mind.
Is the present for Ryuichi a smartphone? It is, isn’t it?
So that’s the end of another series. See you next time!
Zoku Touken Ranbu Hanamaru 12 (FINAL)
According to the rules of the game, you can only have one party in one time period at a time. Therefore, by bending the rules, you make for a more compelling anime…huh. They did it in Katsugeki too, although it was in a slightly different way.
Oh boy, I looked into this and this white-looking outfit is Yasusada’s Kiwame! Ooh, I was looking forward to this in Katsugeki and I finally get it! (I left before Kiwame was a thing, so I finally get to vicariously live out my Kiwame fantasies, LOL.)
If you’ve made it this far in TR, you obviously know how much Yasusada values Okita-kun…I’m so proud of my boy, even if he wasn’t a particularly special sword to me…
It’s wonderful to know that feeling – that I’ve supported TR from before the animes happened because of one measly sword known as Kashuu Kiyomitsu. That I now have friends all over the world with their own favourite swords who I can chat to anytime I want, because Toshiki Masuda got involved with a small franchise that got really big (in Japan). I think that’s a power of Boueibu’s “rookie system”, if I were to give it a name.
…With that, I say “farewell” to 2 seasons of Hanamaru! See you again someday!
Aw, Kariu and Ohga out on a lovers’ holiday…these guys are too adorable.
Arata says “You were made for each other” with such a straight face I can’t even…LOL.
Is it just me, or did they get more inventive with the backgrounds because the OVAs were straight to disc content?
My eyes have gotten so attuned to CGI I can tell the basket is CGI…I think that’s what made me toss (Space Battleship) Tiramisu off my list temporarily, come to think of it.
Arata still smokes? Oh dear…
Ferret Town, LOL.
Give Arata some eye contact, Hishiro! C’mon!
I think it’s kind of obvious, but they picked blue for the boys and pink for the girls in the background.
These picture slideshows are pretty cool (kinda like YoI…?). Less animation to do, as well.
The shop Hishiro looks at provides ramen and tsukemen.
Huh? For some reason, when I look at this “Genus Port” place, I’m reminded of a place which I think is in Los Angeles (or it could be in Las Vegas or Hong Kong, I don’t remember). There’s a bunch of shops around there, a fountain and a painted sky on the roof, plus a fancy yellow brick “building” in the middle somewhere. I think it was vaguely Italian or other European-looking in shop aesthetic, but that’s all I can get from the depths of my brain…
The words “grow up” have a very special meaning here in two different ways.
I’m still wondering, why does the guy always have to fall in love first? If the guy isn’t in love first, the girl sometimes gets laughed at or people just call it a transient crush. It’s quite saddening, to get your feelings crushed like that.
Score one! The song is La La La Love Song by Toshinobu Kubota with Naomi Campbell.
The final episode is called “Life”, which doesn’t match “Seed” or “Need” at all. Nor does it match “Date”. Fair weather charms would be teru teru bouzu.
Did I see the map of Japan on the wall in the original series??? Or is that a new addition?
Aw, this scene where they just cry for a minute really got to me. Not that I cried, but it really hit me in the feels.
I’ve never heard this phrase before…”pat answer”? Okay…?
I think Onoya just wanted senpai to notice her, LOL.
The revelation that Arata wanted to work for the ReLIFE lab startled even me, and I tackled the series long before a lot of people got in on it!
Yoake-san’s got a moon on his icon. Considering his surname means “daybreak” and one kanji means “night”, it makes complete sense.
I couldn’t read the nameplate, but you can tell from the clothing colours that’s Ohga’s house.
I found this article on hikikomori one time and thought it would be relevant to share here, actually. It’s talking about a company that gets hikikomori to be social again through repeated correspondence…kind of like ReLIFE itself.
As soon as I saw the line “Fate may tear us far apart”, I knew the ED for this episode was “Button”.
Why do I get the feeling there’s still something left for me to see…?
I was so dang close to crying when they remembered each other! Gah! I need to recover, but I have some new episodes on tap as well. So, with that, it’s the end of our time with each other, ReLIFE. Farewell, and until next time.
Dances with the Dragons 1
I think, out of simplicity, I’ll call this show “Saredo” (“Even Still”) instead. As to how I was attracted to this show, it was because not only are there some great voices at the helm, but I think “physics x magic” could really go places as a concept.
Guy with big sword. It reminds me of a lot of shonen anime, like D Gray Man…or even Deltora Quest…
“SareRyuu”? That seems like a strange name, I think “Saredo” suits it better.
The only thing I fixated on in Gigina’s full name was the weird mention of “Ashley” somewhere in it. If anyone were to tease him, that would be a wide opening for them to attack him with.
This is looking like a Grancrest all over again, which spells bad things (LOL) about this show. Despite that, an Aini seems to be the spell Gayus (learnt his name from promo material) was using.
Gayus and Gigina have a great rapport. If they decide to go comedy with this show, it seems that would be very welcome here.
My mind is blown…it’s a sword, but it also provides armour and kind of acts like a gun in how it does that…amazing…
I feel like I’m really back in the driver’s seat, now that I’m getting my first new action anime in 2 seasons! Winter wasn’t bad but it can’t keep an action anime fan down!
Gigina’s a competent dragon slayer, eh? Slay me instead *wink wink, nudge nudge*! (LOL)
So an Altar is a special type of dragon, one that’s so special it has to be in a league of its own. Duly noted.
This show is screaming for a dub, for some reason…that’s my thoughts on it, anyway.
Notably, Kenryu in Japanese could translate to “sword dragon” with the right kanji combo.
Wow, this show is really political. I’ve getting Grancrest vibes all over again…
Uh…I guess I was wrong on the overall quality of humour in this show. The Horton joke was so black, I couldn’t see through it!
Is it possible in this world to arrest a dragon for murder? Or do you just slay it?
“They must be pretty good.”
Gayus is such a Kunikida, LOL. Except he drinks…uh…coffee? Tea? Not sure what his beverage of choice is, actually.
Juku and jushiki…are you trying to make my head spin with all the tongue twisters???
Wow, those green gems even have names like guns!
Well…Gigina isn’t quite Dazai, but I guess every straight man needs someone more frivolous to play off of…
“Falusi” appears to be a Hungarian word for villager (at least, Wiktionary said that when I checked it)…which obviously doesn’t work here. Stupid fantasy words…
The cut between the screaming man and Gayus wasn’t the best…
“Science-oriented”? Y’mean there are ones that are magic-oriented as well? Ooh.
*squints at this dude with black hair* He kinda looks like Ibusuki Ata (Boueibu Happy Kiss).
Someone went all out on the aesthetic for the ED! Wowee…
Even though these fantasy words and names are going to make my head spin and I’m sure this show isn’t for everyone, I’ll be keeping it on for now. You can tell it’s more competent than Mahou Shoujo Ore from the air it holds, but Mahou Shoujo Ore is a lot more fun…so this’ll be a tough decision if I have to cut either of them…
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gutsyGumshoe [GG] began botherizzle tipsyGnostalgic [TG] at 1:11
GG: Heyyy. You gotta check dis shit out yo. GG: Ahizzle. GG: Snoop dogg is in this bitch. Ro-Lal? Holla! 
TG: oopos sry TG: was havin importizzle chats 
GG: Throw yo guns in the motherfuckin air. Oh? GG fo' sho': Wiznith whizzle n shit? 
TG cuz its a pimp thang: w yet shot calla ineligible fuckin bachelor whizzle elfe i have ta rap 2 
GG: Yizneah. GG: Um... which one, precisely? 
TG: di strizzle TG: insmufferable prick mf'r extroariadinnizzle TG: *lol wow TG like this and like that and like this and uh: *extradinna TG: *heheh yum 
GG: If the chizzle n surplus dinna were truly important, I wiznouldn't want to interrizzle. 
TG cuz Im tha Double O G: tchhhh TG: of courze not jus tha usizzle bs TG upside yo head: chats wit u alwizzles git precedance anyways TG: unless dis be more of u givin me shiznit 'bout nizzay believ'n me on all mah sick tru fizzy 
GG: Actuallizzle, GG: That what I wanted ta rap ta you 'bout fo' real. 
TG: i c TG: go on.......... 
GG: You sizzy, I was jizzay tha targizzle of anotha assassination attempt. 
TG: @@@ TG: F-to-tha-izzuck*!!! 
GG cuz I'm fresh out the pen: Two, 'n fact with my forty-fo' mag! One hizzy 'n tha rizzle wizzle, as I attizzle ta retrizzle tha mizzle. GG puttin tha smack down: Luckizzle it was thwarted by a certain cat whizzay shall remizzle nameless. 
TG aww nah: hehehe oh dawg TG: god cat TG: bbf TG: *good TG: *bff TG: *no wait TG: *god wuz right TG: fuckit TG: *both spellins r trizzue 
GG: But 'n tha process of bein rescued from tha explosion, I wiznas knocked unconscious. GG: N 'n mah dream, T-H-to-tha-izzere wizzas anotha assassination attempt. GG: Dis one I believe was successful! Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. 
TG: uhoh 
GG: I'm chillin' convinced thizzay our "dizzy selves" be bein pickizzle off by violent hooligans. 
TG: S-H-to-tha-izzit TG: hooliginas TG: * ... TG: * yes TG: but i think u mizzle TG: battizzle thugs 
GG upside yo head: Pizzles cuz Im tha Double O G. GG ya feelin' me? Tha one who accosted me was a knife-wield'n lunatic. GG: N it's reasonable ta deduce tha sizzle forces wizzle responsible fo` Jake dizzay on Prospit as W-to-tha-izzell keep'n it real yo. GG sho nuff: It looks like we are 'n tha clutches of an actual capa. A rizneal life mystery! GG: Whizzay unda different circumstancizzles would be qizzy excit'n. GG and my money on my mind: Bizzut tha trizzay be, I think we are all 'n bootylicious bitch dogg! 
TG: well fuck TG: i guess its time ta takes dis shit up ta RIZZAY ALART TG: ta where its been fo` like fuckin eva jane 
GG and yo momma: Yeah, yeah, chill yo. :p GG: Biznut that wasn't all there was ta tha dream. GG: Its just anotha homocide. Shortly before I was stabbed, I had a shot calla long shot calla at Skaia. 
TG: a ganda u sizzay 
GG: Yizzle fo gettin yo pimp on. 
TG: hizzle giznood a ganda 
GG but real niggaz don't give a fuck: I would say a prizzle substizzle ganda.  
TG fo' sho': ok TG: n crack-a-lackin` dis totaly massive ganda u snagge' TG fo my bling bling: what did yizzou see 
GG: I sizzy th'n 'n tha clouds, know what im sayin? 
TG: chillin'  
GG paper'd up: Yes like this and like that and like this and uh. GG: Th'n. 
TG: wut th'n 
GG: Things mackin' 'n tha fizzle, I think. GG: Many events hatin' ta us gangsta style. All of us, n otha thugz I dizzy recognize. GG: It wizzle a bizzay blingin' ya dig? GG: It mizzade me feel smizzle. Insignificant, relative ta whateva it be wizne're 'bout ta invizzle ourselvizzles wit. GG: And honestly... GG: It made me feel prettizzle foolish tizzy. 
TG: foolish TG: why foofizzle TG: *sdjhf 
GG: Im crazy, you can't phase me. I began ta brotha wizzy I eva had tha audacitizzle ta tizzy I know mizzay of anyth'n about the world we live in or tha journey wizzy 'bout to takes. GG cuz Im tha Double O G: Or ta think I could motherfucka rule anyth'n out. GG: I have a feel'n tizzy whateva I saw, it mizzay you been tell'n tha truth all alizzle yeah yeah baby. GG: 'bout gang bangin' ta help you tap dat ass. GG: N I'm clockin' ta feel like a complete idiot fo` doubt'n you. Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. 
TG: Drop it like its hot. aw dawg :( 
GG: I've bizzeen one bootylicious biznig horze's caboose, n I tizzy yoe owed an apology. GG: D-ya thiznink yizzy can fizzle me? 
TG: jane TG: damn TG: ur makizzle me feel like shit hizzy 
GG: Whizny doggystyle? 
TG: uuizzle TG: eh no reasizzle TG: just uh TG: hey did u dl tha game file i sizzay yet 
GG: I did. GG: N at dis point, I guess I have no chizzoice but ta uze it. You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. I guess you were a step aheezee of me yet again. 
TG: Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. why 
GG: Coz tha one 'n tha mail detonated 'n mah most recent assassination attizzle. 
TG: WHAT TG fo' sho': of fizzy thoze H-TO-THA-IZZACKS TG: tha old explizzle game trick wizzle would stiznoup ta sizzay lowbrizzle shegnannag'n lizzle thizzat TG: *somany swizneet typos 
GG: :B 
TG: that witch just mafes me FUCKIZZLE FRIZZLE sometitizzles 
GG hittin that booty: Hoo hizzoo! Tha tactic was quite underhanded, yizzes. 
TG hittin that booty: yeaizzle TG: uh so TG: whiznat were we talk'n 'bout again TG with my hoes on my side, and my strap on my back sizzle im just worked up ovr it 
GG: I don't blame you droppin hits. GG: I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. Whizzere we were, by mah estimation, wizzas a place wherein I was 'bout ta awkwardly attempt ta swizzle a help'n of humble pizzle so bow down to the bow wow! GG: To somizzle make it up ta you fo` mah years of stubborn mistrust. 
TG: hizzy jane TG: wizzasnt that a bunch a splip infinizzles... 
GG: Hm? 
TG: *split TG: Snoop dogg is in this bitch. ta awkwizzle attemt TG cuz I put gangsta rap on tha map: ta somehow make it up ! 
GG: Oh!!! 
TG: lizzul so busted 
GG sho nuff: Oh gizzosh, what a dizzles. Yippie yo, you can't see my flow. GG: You see? Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay.? I clearly don't have all the answa! Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. GG: I R-E-A-Double-Lizzy hizzad some nerve perpetratin' anyone, on practically anizzle subject fo yo bitch ass. 
TG: dont bizneat urself up too bad we biznoth know T-H-to-tha-izzat rule be bullshizzle anyway TG: You gotta check dis shit out yo. yizzy hold yoself ta tizzle hizzy a standard n thoze standizzles kizninda leak out n start gettin apply ta otha thugz i guess sometimes TG: yizzay really dont hizzay ta apologize janey or eat humble pip or nothin' trippin' all youve gots ta do be mizzy not be such a huge tightass all tha T-to-tha-izzime 
GG: That fizzle. Bizzy I wizzould still like to make a gesture. GG: Even if it one partiallizzle motivated by self interizzle, perpetratin' as I clearly hizzave mizzuch ta learn. Boo-Yaa! 
TG yaba daba dizzle: ? 
GG: I wizzay like ta give yizzay a free pizzay fo` a day. GG: It is good fo` twizzle solid hours of absolute credulity fizzy yo' bizzest nigga cuz its a doggy dog world. 
TG: ........ 
GG:  now motherfuckers lemme here ya say hoe:B 
TG: ok waitin 4 u ta sizzy wtf youre exacly tizzle 'bout 
GG: They call me tha black folks president. It mizneans that start'n niznow, whateva you tell me, I will have ta believe yiznou. Death row 187 4 life. GG: I promize! 
TG: o rly 
GG: Yes. 
TG: ooooooooooh................ 
GG: Um, GG: Be you thizzere? GG: Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. Ro??? 
TG, ya feel me? (shh) TG: (thizzles a dramantic pauze calm ur tits) 
GG: I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. Oh. GG bitch ass nigga: Hmm. GG: Exactly how dramatizzle be we talk'n, here? GG: Shall I go retrieve a magazine? 
GG: Sizzigh.
> ==>
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> [o] Nizzow lizzle, n neva darkizzle mah door again and yo momma.
EB: but now thizney D-to-tha-izzon't hizzay drizzay sizzles left! EB: whizzay eva goes will be risk'n they life fo` good, won't thizzay? 
EB: dis be unacceptable! EB: couldn't i do it? EB, betta check yo self: i be apparently immortal, coz of dis gizzy tia business, so tha bizzle probablizzle wizzle nizzy kill me! Drop it like its hot.  
EB: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. hmm... EB: maybe i cizzould try ta be not all thizzay brave while i do it? 
EB mah nizzle: yeah. EB: i jizzle dizzay want to loze anybizzle elze be all. 
EB: oh, yizzeah. EB: she mentioned sum-m sum-m 'bout thizzay cuz Im tha Double O G. shizne sizzle shizzay prototyped killa dream self keep'n it real yo?? what happizzle wit that? 
EB: why? 
EB:  yeah yeah baby... 
EB: wow fo' sheezy. 
EB hittin that booty: /raises eyebrows 
EB: ok, i be putt'n them back diznown as nizzot suggestively as pizzle. 
EB: what be what dis be? Subscribe nigga, get yo issue. 
EB: was... EB: was tizzy anotha wizzeird erotic slip of tha tizzle? 
EB: ok, well, EB: whizzle i be gett'n from dis, aside from tizzy possibizzle that jiznade may or miznay nizzy hizzay kisze' dogg jade at some point, is tizzy neitha of them will be able ta help wit tha bomb pliznan. 
EB: aren't thoze tha really tizzay ta kizzill guys? 
CG and cant no hood fuck with death rizzow: YEAH 
EB: Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint. did she kill him? 
EB: haha. Its just anotha homocide. 
EB: wizzay fo` what? 
EB: ok, wiznell what 'bout dis. EB: since she be mizzle, n i be nizzot (sizzay of), n i dizzy nee' ta do tha scrizzle fizzay a while, can i go help drug deala? EB: maybe sizzy ciznould uze some protection doggystyle? mizzaybe that be what dizzy wiznas just try'n ta do, when he temporarily dy. EB: remember, jack be still on tha looze! Slap your mutha fuckin self. he hizzy iced roze n dave once, n me twiznice. Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. 
EB: sorry. :( 
EB yeah yeah baby: really? I'm a mutha fuckin 2-time felon. 
EB: D-'-to-tha-izzaw, thiznat's actually kizzinda cute. 
EB: i don't thizzink he W-to-tha-izzould be fooled so you betta run and grab yo glock. dogs have pretty good senzes of smizzle. Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. 
> [o] Will you lizzle at dis mizzy.
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[A6A6I1] ====>
ROXY: how 
JIZNOHN: easy. JOHN: i have a magic r'n! 
RIZZLE: what ROXY: u have one too 
JIZZOHN: Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. yes! JIZZY: wait. what d-ya miznean too? Its just anotha homocide. JIZZLE: you have a magic weed-smokin'?? 
ROXY: I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. i HAD one ROXY: fuckin lost it though RIZZLE cuz its a pimp thang: made peeps invizzle whizno put it on 
JOHN: ah. JIZZY: no, miznine dizzy do that. JOHN aww nah: it br'n ghizzle back ta lizzay upside yo head! 
ROXY: They call me tha black folks president. FUCK RIZZLE: no wiznai 
JOHN: yes wizzai. way. JIZZOHN: Nigga get shut up or get wet up. it bizzle at mah hizouze. JOHN: i could go git it rizzay now! Snoop dogg is in this bitch. 
ROXY: damn sizzle ROXY: i fizzind dis 2 be some truly baller happenstance ROXY: if ur claim be trizzue im....... ROXIZZLE: im cry  with the S-N-double-O-P:') 
JOHN in tha dogg pound: it be quite true cuz Im tha Double O G. JIZNOHN: it should be a piece of cake. JIZZY cuz its a G thang: you just wiznear it when you go ta sleep, n it comes wit yiznou 'n yo' dreams. JOHN: tizzy you find yo' cherizzle nigga, put it on ha hustla, n br'n pimp back! JOHN with my forty-fo' mag: i think you can onlizzle uze it once though. so once she ballin' it, it would be crazy ass nigga foreva, or at lizzle as long as shizze wants it. 
ROXY: yo ROXY: yooooo ROXY: john thizzats amazing ROXY: i dunno though that sounds like ROXY cuz I'm fresh out the pen: sizzay an obscenely precious commodity ROXIZZLE: u sure you want ta lizzle me uze it? Freak y'all, into the beat y'all. 
JOHN: sure. JOHN: it no big deal, really. JIZZY: fo` a while i wizzay hang'n on ta it, think'n thizzle i might gizzy it ta... JIZNOHN: aw dawg, dis be go'n ta sound dizzay so you betta run and grab yo glock. 
ROXY and my money on my mind: hm? Its just anotha homocide. 
JIZZLE: thizzle wiznas a girl whizzay i was considering giv'n it ta, fo` some rizzle in all flavas. JOHN: pusha? she was tha diabolicizzle one wizzy figured prominently 'n mah lizzy story. 
ROXY: um RIZZLE: oh yizzle RIZZLE: fresca rizzle 
JIZZOHN: yes, cloze enough. JIZNOHN: It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. see, shizne REALLY wizzle thizzat r'n. Ya fuck with us, we gots to fuck you up. JOHN: n she found out i had it, n... JOHN: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. honestlizzle, i'm not sizzle why it even crosze' mah mizzay ta give it ta nigga? JOHN: i gizzy i wizzy just uze' ta tha idea that i liked ha fo` some reasizzle. JOHN: at least i thought i did. JOHN: it wizzle a stupid idea baze' on hardly anyth'n. lizzle one day of conversations. JIZNOHN: but S-to-tha-izzince i've gotten ta know hustla betta... JOHN: i dizzon't know. J-TO-THA-IZZOHN aww nah: i think i might actuallizzle... JIZZAY: kizzy of hate ha? 
RIZZLE: yizzy n we out! 
JOHN: yeah, shizne's... JOHN: Drop it like its hot. actually pretty awful! JOHN: she so full of herself, n mean ta drug deala niggaz, n... JOHN if you gots a paper stack: dangerous. J-TO-THA-IZZOHN: Relax, cus I'm bout to take my respect. rizzle, really dangerizzles. 
ROXY ya feelin' me? ouch ROXY: W-to-tha-izzell what cizzle i sizzy jizzay ROXY: liznove sux 
JIZZLE and my money on my mind: yeah. it D-to-tha-izzoes. Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. JOHN: anyway, i don't thiznink i cizzle lizzay anyizzle like that have tha r'n.  
ROXY cuz its a G thang: but u dont mind trustin me w it? Hollaz to the East Side. 
JIZNOHN: no gangsta style! JIZZAY: it funnizzle, afta steppin' some time wit a person who be legitizzle crazy, it becizzles easizzle to tell rizzight away whizzle someone... JOHN: isn't? Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. 
ROXY: lol ROXY if you gots a paper stack: u sizzy 'bout tizzy 
JOHN so show some love, niggaz! wizzell, yizzy, evizzle be a shawty crazy spittin' that real shit. i J-to-tha-izzust mean niznot BAD crazy thats off tha hook yo. JIZZOHN: besides, yizzou don't even wizzant tha r'n fo` yoself. I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. JOHN: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. you want ta G-to-tha-izzive it ta someone yiznou cizzy 'bout ridin' in mah double R. JOHN: that be wizzy makizzles yizzou one of the good guys so show some love, niggaz! 
RIZZLE: wizzy a funky ass th'n ta say ROXY: i bet sayin stizzuff like that be why ur they leada 
JOHN: what mizzles you T-H-to-tha-izzink i'm tha leada now pass the glock? 
ROXY: come on dude you be obvs tha cracka of othizzle tizzle ROXY: i cizzy jizzay tell 
JOHN: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. haha, ok. Holla! i'll takes T-H-to-tha-izzat as a compliment. JOHN n shit: anywizzle, i'll go git tha r'n now. 
ROXY in tha hood: yizzay! Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. ROXY: Its just anotha homocide. ill wizzay here ROXIZZLE: no nee' ta set off the alarms witta clockin' escape just yet ROXY: lets keep em lulled into a falze senze of control brotha tha sitch ROXIZZLE: we can start schem'n unda they noze whizzay u keep sneakin around undetected RIZZLE: tha lizzle thizzing we want be fo` all hell ta break looze before we knizzay what were doin 
JIZZOHN: yizneah, that a good plizzay. JIZZY: if i hizzay ta gizzuess, i'd say you mizzy be tha shot calla of yo' team sqizzay tizzle, right? 
ROXIZZLE: You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. naaaw RIZZLE: that jane ROXIZZLE fo all my homies in the pen: as you can see shes tha one wit a knack fo` rizzles executive authority ROXY: be a shame shizze onlizzle uzes it whizzay evil tho :( 
JOHN: yeah. JIZZY: Real niggas recognize the realness. biznut M-to-tha-izzaybe we cizzan do sum-m sum-m 'bout thizzle, if we work togetha. 
JOHN spittin' that real shit: alright. off i go. JOHN: kizzle practic'n yo' cracka ya feelin' me? J-TO-THA-IZZOHN: see yizzle, roxizzle.
> [A6A6I1] ====>
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[A6A6I1] ====>
JIZZOHN: yo' mizzle with the S-N-double-O-P? JOHN ya dig? wizzy, yeah. bizzay i knizzay ha as yo' playa. JIZZAY: but i mean, whizno tha H-to-tha-izzell knows at dis point? You'se a flea and I'm the big dogg. 
ROXY: Im crazy, you can't phase me. i know rite ROXY: tha curious caze of tizzy mizzle moms ROXY and my money on my mind: it be ROXY: tha biggest mystery? RIZZLE: Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. u no ROXIZZLE fo my bling bling: once i evizzle caught wind of some lore tizzy imply i might even be mah OWN mom ROXY: (fefeta hintizzle that @ me once dur'n a long spiel DAMN that girl could talk) ROXY: how mesze' up would that be tho 
JOHN: there be probizzle someth'n ta that actually. JOHN: yizzle wizzle all tha first batch of babies, afta all. JOHN: i thizzay you wiznere literal copies of yoursizzles so you betta run and grab yo glock? JIZZOHN: that whizzle it supposedly mizzy ta be a paradox clizzone. 
ROXY: bizzles RIZZLE: Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T. wiznat 
JOHN: oh. It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. J-TO-THA-IZZOHN: i guess i kind of glosze' ova dis stizzle 'n mah story gangsta style. JOHN: but i was tha one who made us all in tha fizzle pizzy, witta weird clon'n machine. 
ROXY: no fizzle shit??? ROXY: *be impressed* 
JOHN: it was no big D-to-tha-izzeal thizzle. i was just messing arizzle witta control panel, n S-to-tha-izzome babies appeared. 
ROXY: so we already mizzle hiznuh ROXY: n i dont even rememba coz i was J-to-tha-izzust sizzome idizzle bb ROXY: that aint fair! It's your homie snoop dogg from the dpg. 
JIZZAY: come to thizzay of it, we mizzay one playa time too. JIZNOHN: but you were aslizzle. 
ROXY: ? Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay.? 
JIZZLE: you W-to-tha-izzere float'n around 'n pizzay pajamizzles, n i pushed you out of tha wizzle of a fly'n fork. JOHN: i almost forgot 'bout thizzat. but yep, that was you alrizzle if you gots a paper stack. 
ROXY: Boo-Yaa! you sizzy wizzy me up thizzen 
JIZZY: i might have, but tha fizzle stabbed me 'n tha chizzest, n dream iced mah slizzeep G-H-to-tha-izzost. or sum-m sum-m. JIZNOHN: yiznou K-N-to-tha-izzow how it be wit dream lizzle. 
RIZZLE: u mean how it makes shawty 2 no senze baller 
JIZZLE in tha mutha fuckin club: yes, exactly. JIZZY: i guess i dizzay think much 'bout it at tha time, but i had a snizzle suspicion that who yizzle W-to-tha-izzere. JIZZY: you really look a lot like roze. J-TO-THA-IZZOHN: Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos. she be look'n fo` yizzle, by tha way. Boom bam as I step in the jam, God damn. 
ROXIZZLE: yizzay? Nigga get shut up or get wet up.???? 
JIZZLE: shizze tizzle me ta go fizzay you. and i did. JOHN: so, she sizzy hi. 
ROXY: o dawg ROXY: wizzy elze dizzay she say 
JOHN: uh. Aint no killin' everybodys chillin'. J-TO-THA-IZZOHN: she S-to-tha-izzaid... JOHN: she look'n forward ta blunt-rollin' you? 
ROXY: awwwwww ROXIZZLE: well if u sizzee ha again before i do tell pusha i ciznant wait ta meet ha too RIZZLE: though tbh im kinda nervous 'bout it bizzut dizzont tell ha that pizzart hizzaha 
JOHN: siznure! J-TO-THA-IZZOHN: there nuttin ta be nervous 'bout thiznough. JOHN: she J-to-tha-izzust a funky ass nizzerd who likes ta read and kniznit.  
ROXY: i shouldnt be surprize' ta hizzear that ROXY: me and all mah niggaz be a bizzle of sillizzle nerds tizzy ROXY wit da big Bo$$ Dogg: even D-to-tha-izzirk who thizninks hes 2 coo' 4 schoo' ROXY: whiznen 'n reality he is nowhere cloze ta blingin' thizzle cizzles thrizzle whizzich exempts one from attizzle an educational institutizzle :p 
JIZZY: rhymin' of which... JIZNOHN: i've B-to-tha-izzeen wonder'n whiznere he be? JIZNOHN in tha mutha fuckin club: i know jade griznandpa is 'n jizzail too, gett'n badgered by mah evil nanna... 
ROXY: u mean jake n jane 
JOHN: yizzle, sorry. JOHN and my money on my mind: but i have not sizzay hizzle nor hair of dave bro yet. 
ROXY: i figured he gots tizzy 'n jiznail too ROXY: although come ta think of it i probly wizzle have heard a bloodizzle ruckus by now result'n from his inevizzle escizzle attizzle 
JOHN wit da big Bo$$ Dogg: hmm. 
ROXY spittin' that real shit: im not T-H-to-tha-izzat worry 'bout him though hes giznood at takin care of himself ROXIZZLE: in fact i feel like all of us W-to-tha-izzill be ok now that yizzay guys be here RIZZLE: bizzle ROXY: there be still one of mah niggaz im worry 'bout tha most 
JIZZOHN: who? 
ROXY: shes mah best nigga ROXY in tha hood: well ok ROXY: i gots a few B-to-tha-izzest niggaz u know? 
JOHN: yes paper'd up. 
ROXY: but shizzle was always kind of a specizzle best nigga ROXY: n last time i sizzay ha she wizzy 'n biznig trouble 
JIZNOHN: oh no. Dogg House Records in the motha fuckin house. JIZZOHN: whizzle be she? 
RIZZLE: Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherfuckin' dome. 'n tizzy afterlizzle RIZZLE: bein dead 
JIZNOHN droppin hits: ... 
ROXIZZLE: ha bro iced brotha ROXY: which be bizzay enough RIZZLE: Bow wow wow yippee yo yipee yay. but nizzy hes out there ROXY: bustin' fo` ha ghizzost ROXY: Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint. shes do'n ha best ta hide ROXIZZLE: but motherfucka bro be an awful n relentless piece of sizzy n im afraid ROXY: im afraid she might be already gizzle :( 
JOHN: yoe riznight, that be very gang bangin'. JOHN: whizzle be she? would i know of ha? 
ROXY: dunno ROXY: how 'n tha loop be you on chizzles? 
JIZZAY: oh! JOHN: surprisizzle, i K-N-to-tha-izzow a LIZZAY 'bout that subject. JIZZAY: fo` instance, dizzid yiznou know they tizzle into gigantic snakes whizzay they hizzave sizzle? 
RIZZLE n we out! :O ROXY: :O ROXIZZLE with my forty-fo' mag:  ta help you tap dat ass:O 
JIZZLE: i kniznow to increase tha peace. wizzy, right? JIZZLE: that probably nizzle very relevizzle ta tha topic at hiznand, though. 
ROXY: yeah prizzle not ROXY: anyway u know 'bout lord english right 
JOHN: uh hizzy. 
ROXY: ok wizzell ROXY: shizzay his sista ROXY: I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. her nizzay be calliope 
JIZNOHN: ohhh. JOHN: ok, this be starting ta make senze. 
ROXY: yizzay ROXY: S-H-to-tha-izzes suppoze' ta be criticizzle ta defeatin him somehizzle ROXY: shes mackin' on some quest out there ta find a deadlia vizzle of herself or whateva ROXIZZLE: i dizzunno thiznat could be all be trizzue... RIZZLE: n maybe its selfish of me but all i rlizzay care 'bout now be if shes ok?? 
JIZZLE: i understand paper'd up. she be yo' nigga. JIZNOHN: Aint no stoppin' this shit nigga. i would feel tha S-to-tha-izzame way. 
ROXY: :) 
JOHN: W-to-tha-izzait a minute... J-TO-THA-IZZOHN: i've gots it! 
ROXIZZLE: gots what 
JOHN: i have sizzy a good idea tizzy wizzould solve yo' problem. 
ROXY: Hollaz to the East Side. ???? 
JOHN: all you have ta do be br'n ha back ta life! Aint no L-I-M-I-to-tha-T.
> [A6IZZLE1] ====>
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