#anyways don't mind me i'm just having a mild crisis
quatregats · 2 years
Am attempting to apply to anthro grad school and why does anthro make me feel dumb :’)
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kitkatt0430 · 3 months
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Six (Or More) Sentence Sunday!!!! Remembered to do this before getting caught up doing other stuff today.
“It’s a timeline based off what I remember strongest for the through-line life that would have made it to the version of the multi-verse crises that led to this multi-verse rebooting into the next,” Barry said. “There were a lot of timelines to sort through and reject in my memories. Still an ongoing project, getting my closet in order.” Eobard rolled his eyes. Of all the inane things to turn into his mind palace… an infinitely large closet. “Next up on the ‘who’s that criminal meta’ game, should be Danton Black. He’s going to be gunning for Simon Stagg. The way this timeline would have played out if I hadn’t gotten my head crammed full of future events? I’d have stopped him, barely, but Danton commits suicide rather than let me stop him from falling out of what should have been shatterproof windows. A gunshot won’t break that glass but a handful of determined clones can? Someone committed fraud with that install,” Barry rambled and then shook his head. “Sorry. I’m a bit talky today. Anyway. You killed Stagg anyway in that timeline. I’ve never been sure why, but no great loss there. Met enough alternate versions of him that for a half decent reason I’d happily drop him off the nearest cliff and call it a hiking accident.”
No one likes Simon Stagg. Especially not 'brain full of infinite realities' Barry Allen.
This scene is from the first part of the tentatively named fic 'Networking' for the Timeless Nonsense series. Barry was getting a little more work in on sorting out the timelines and plotting his next moves when Eobard dropped in to see how it's progressing. This fic will contain Barry heading over to Starling to drop in on Oliver, Felicity, and Dig. But also... Eobard winds up visiting someone he hasn't seen since before the accelerator explosion after learning this person is essentially on Barry's hit list for easier timeline management. He doesn't realize he's having a bit of an ethics crisis, but Eobard is totally having a bit of an ethics crisis. (Don't worry, it's not Simon Stagg. He's gonna die in the fic after this one and no one is gonna feel sorry about it.)
I also finally made some progress on The Story of HR Wells as a sort of back and forth between past and present that'll end either with Cynthia arriving on Earth-1 of HR lending Cisco the original copy of his World War M historical accounting. It's part of Coffee, Drumsticks, and Social Revolutions and I'm doing some world building in here that'll mean I need to go back and do a bit of editing on the fics already posted. Mostly minor things - Earth-19 refers to it's doctorates a bit differently now and other stuff that really makes it feel a bit more like a close-but-not culture over there.
By then it’s time for lunch with Caitlin before the apartment hunt began. He keyed Caitlin into the transmogrifier so that she sees him, not the part Randolf and part HR blend that he was wearing for the rest of the world. They chat about nothing in particular really, but HR can’t help but notice she’s hiding a second patch of cut-short hair with her barrettes today. Maybe it’s time to try the whole reaching out thing. Even if she doesn’t reciprocate, at least HR would have tried to help her. And she might still reach out in return down the line. He started with a mild complaint about his shoulder. “I’m glad I’ve got you along or I might just take the first apartment I see so I can put a mattress in it that won’t cause that nerve in my shoulder to pinch. Messes up my whole arm for the day when it happens. Or more than a day sometimes.” “Oh no,” Caitlin frowned, going into doctor mode. “You’re sure it’s just a pinched nerve?”
HR is trying to help Caitlin deal with what he still currently thinks is just PTSD problems, but it turns out the things he's about to tell her about his struggles with coping with the aftermath of brain damage from a war wound - in the first conversation they have here and a few subsequent ones - help her with her fears about how different her own thoughts become whenever her powers try to become active.
Obviously, what Caitlin's going through is quite different from HR did, but she's still struggling with her brain chemistry changing on her, altering the way she thinks and feels about everything. And HR understands how upsetting and frightening that is in a way no one else on Team Flash does.
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super-ion · 1 year
Ion & Emily
The Honeymoon - part 2
(part 1, masterpost)
Cannonball sails across the room. It's almost beautiful until she slams through the drywall.
I wince. I know she's indestructible, but still… that doesn't look fun.
She steps out of the hole in the wall and rolls her shoulders. She looks pissed.
Holy shit. I love my wife. She is amazing.
That said, I thank my lucky stars that she retired from superhero stuff before she met me because she is abso-fucking-lutely terrifying right now.
Well, I guess that's mostly because she swore never to put the mask on again and somebody went and kidnapped me and forced her hand.
That particular somebody launches a stream of lightning at her. She manages to throw her arms up in time to absorb the bolt. I guess it grounds through her suit because she doesn't bat an eye.
I should probably pause and explain what's going on. So, a couple years ago, Emily's brother shows up on my doorstep asking for help. Newsflash, he's a superhero. He tells me Emily's in danger, and she and I were sort of dating at that point, so of course I'm helping him out. We get to the Tower and second newsflash, Emily's actually a retired superhero (which, in retrospect, I probably could have figured out on my own if I hadn't been panicking about her being in danger). Anyway, this hero Thundercloud has gone full villain, like A-list villain, like civilian casualties villain. The three of us take him down, hurray! At some point I guess he broke out and he's got an axe to grind. He tracked us down. In Paris. On. Our. Honeymoon.
Seriously, who the fuck does that?
I guess he decided to kidnap me because he thinks I'm a bigger threat? Because I'm technically a villain and she's a civilian? I don't know, whatever his logic, he just made a gigantic mistake. If there's one thing I know about Emily, it's if the people she loves are in danger, the gloves come off. She's got like two settings, mild mannered retired superhero and absolutely ready to fuck your shit up.
She bares her teeth and lets out a primal howl as she sprints towards Thundercloud.
It's the hottest thing I've ever seen.
Also!! Her costume! God damn!
It's like the sexy grown up version of the one she wore as a teenager. It's sleek, it's modern, and the black and pink hugs her curves and muscles perfectly.
She's so transcendent that I momentarily forget that I'm a supervillain. Can you blame me though? I'm literally living out one of my teenage fantasies here. Like… my inner fourteen year old is re-experiencing baby's first gender crisis.
An unmistakable whiff of sulfur tickles my nose, snapping me back to reality. Somebody crouches behind the chair I'm tied to and gets to work on the handcuffs. Of course they're low tech, anything with any kind of tech and I'd have been out in minutes.
"You like it?" Lady Lacuna says as she cuts through the first cuff. "Bit of a late wedding present."
My eyes slide back to Cannonball and the familiar logo, it's unmistakably my version of her logo.
"Oh shit," I said breathlessly. "You made her that?"
"Technically it was her idea," she replies. "I did make a couple design choices with you in mind though."
I swear, I owe this woman the biggest favor.
She finishes cutting and the second cuff falls off. My power floods back as whatever nullification crap was in them wears off. My head is still fuzzy from all the lightning bolts that are still flying around, but I can suddenly feel the hum of the power lines running through the building and the grittier digital signals in distant computers.
Lady L slaps a gauntlet into my hand. It's one of mine. I slip it onto my wrist and my awareness expands further.
I jump to my feet. I've got to help my wife. Lady L grabs my by the shoulder.
"Girl, no!" she hisses. "You don't have any of your gear. He's going to fucking fry you if you try to engage."
"But Em… uh… Cannonball?" I plead.
I look back to see Cannonball deliver a roundhouse kick to Thundercloud's head.
"She's got this," Emily says, watching Cannonball with an unreadable expression.
She's right. I don't have any of my gadgets or armor and my powers are pretty useless in a stand up fight.
There's an explosion as Thundercloud unleashes one of his finishing moves. I'm knocked back a few steps and I have to shield my eyes against the blinding light and the patter of rubble.
As I open my eyes, Cannonball is there. She's been thrown across the room again and has skidded to a halt at my feet. She's dirty and sweaty and her hair is singed, but she's just as beautiful as I've ever seen her.
She blinks up at me.
"Hey, gorgeous," she says, sending my heart aflutter.
"You… you look amazing," I stammer.
She glances down at her costume, which is holding up remarkably well considering the punishment she's been going through. She grimaces slightly before forcing a cockeyed smile.
"This old thing?" she asks as she drags herself to her feet. "Thought it might be good to dust it off and relive the glory days."
Before I can come back with anything, we hear a groan behind us and Lady L is staggering and clutching her head. I don't know if you've ever seen a head wound, but there's always like an alarming amount of blood.
An instant later, all the hair on my neck lifts up and I barely have enough time to dive out of the way of another lightning bolt.
It strikes Cannonball in the chest, knocking her back and she lets out a string of curses that I'm definitely not repeating. She looks at me, then at Lady L.
"Both of you get out of here," she says. "I've got this."
I give her a nod and she sprints towards Thundercloud again.
I don't have to be told twice, not with Lady L being injured. I grab her by the arm and drag her behind a desk.
"Let me see," I say and pull her hand away from her head.
"I'm fine," she says, slurring slightly.
She's… probably fine. The wound looks a lot worse than it is, but I'm pretty convinced she's got a concussion. She definitely needs medical attention.
"We gotta get out of here," I say. "Do you think you can manage a portal? Dr Hands has that townhouse in the city."
She blinks, trying to clear her head.
"Y-yeah," she says. "I think… yeah…"
She raises a hand and the fabric of reality rends open with an almost audible scream.
Without a second thought, I drag her through.
It closes right behind us and the silence falls like a wet blanket, the sounds of a super fight replaced with the night sounds of the city.
We're… not at Dr Hands' place. We're in a park somewhere. Still in Paris as far as I can tell. It's after midnight, so it's pretty deserted. That said, I'm really not a fan of the idea of dragging an obvious super who is very obviously injured through this place.
I can't even speak French. Like I tried downloading a dictionary into my brain and… well, it didn't go very well. I've mostly been relying on Emily to get around.
Jen. Focus.
The gauntlet Lady L gave me has connected to the internet, so that's good. Without a HUD, it takes me a minute to get oriented, but I manage to determine that she only missed our destination by a couple blocks, so that's good.
I get her arm over my shoulder and heft her up.
"Come on," I say. "It's not far."
She nods, but doesn't say anything. Actually she looks like she's going to be sick. That's probably not good.
We make it about a block and a half when she staggers and slumps in my arms.
"Hey, L! Hold it together just a little more. You're supposed to be rescuing me, remember?"
She huffs a laugh.
"No, I'm just backup. Your wife is doing all the work."
She turns and grips my collar. Her eyes are glazed, definitely a concussion.
"Never," she says deliberately. "Never, ever let her go. Never take her for granted."
So… I've heard their story, or at least Emily's side of it, but it hits a little differently when your wife's ex is staring you in the face and commanding you to cherish her.
I nod.
Oh my god, I think she's about to start crying. She lets go and staggers to a bench. I have to lunge to catch her before she smacks her head again.
"I fucked up," she blubbers. "I did it again, I fucked it all up."
What am I supposed to say to that? I'm sorry it didn't work out between you and my brother and also my brother-in-law who is also kind of your nemesis?
"I still love them," she says. "Dale and John were the best things to ever happen to me."
She takes a long ragged breath.
"I still love Emily," she wails.
Okay, so... you know that feeling when your best friend who's a supervillain admits she's still in love with your wife, but your wife used to be a superhero and had a nasty breakup about superhero stuff, but ended up falling in love and marrying a different supervillain?
Actually, that's really weirdly specific. You very probably don't know what that's like.
I rub her back gently. It seems like the right thing to do. But then she sniffs and she's blinking her tears away as she looks at me. Her lips part and there's something desperate in her face. She leans forward…
Is she…?
Oh shit, she is trying to kiss me.
Nope. Nope nope nope.
I gently take her shoulders and push her away.
"Sarah, buddy," I say as gently as I can manage. "I'm flattered, but we're not going to do that right now. Maybe you can buy me and Em breakfast and we can talk this over, but right now we're going to get you some medical attention."
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cosmic-rainestorm · 3 years
Jealousy looks good on you - Brainy x reader
Warning:jealous Brainy. Also spoilers for S5E10.
This was requested by @diva-1992
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It was strange to say the least, seeing multiple versions of your boyfriend in the same room. Ever since crisis and the rebirth of the Earth, many things have changed. A few examples is the fact that there is no more multiverse, everyone we have met on the different earth's is on one earth, Lex Luthor is liked by people and now there is multiple Brainiac 5's.
Other than the initial strangeness, the initial incident of when they all saw you and the mild discomfort from how the other Brainy's looked at you that went after a couple of minutes, you found it absolutely hilarious how they all contrasted from each other. Plus, they were generally great people to be around once the staring got to a bearable amount.
Happy Querl was easy to talk to and very enthusiastic, maybe a tad bit too much. Scared Querl had great fashion style and could have a nice conversation with once he wasn't in a constant jittering mess. Female Querl was confident and was straight to the point whilst also considering her words, although she could be kind of cold at moments. However none of them were the true Brainy, your Brainy. The one you fell in love with. He was a mix of all three but even better, and you loved him for him.
He, however, couldn't get past his own insecurities and jealousy over how well you got on with the others, and what they all did when they saw.
Situated in the room where eyepatch Brainy was left to rest, you couldn't help but feel sadness towards the man laying in front of you. He looked exactly like your Querl, except for the eyepatch, so how could you not feel an emotion to a dead man who looks identical to the one you love, even if you are yet to say it.
Prime Brainy strode into the room, pulling you out of your thoughts almost instantaneously. He pulled you into a hug and kiss you softly on the head in a form of reassurance that things would be okay.
"Brainy, I-I know that it isn't you lying on that table, but hunny, I can't help but feel grief towards him," you whispered to your partner "he looks exactly like you, probably thought like you as well, I can't help think of what his life was like on his Earth, if he found someone who got him like you and I get each other. Plus, knowing there is a killer coming after Brainiac 5's doesn't help ease any worries that you could be next. I-I-I can't lose you Querl."
Tear started pricking in your eyes at the mere thought of losing your Brainy and he could clearly tell the rodeal was upsetting you. As a couple of tears started falling down your cheeks, Brainy cupped you face ever so softly to try and centre you as he spoke,
"y/n, if you are feeling guilt for grieving for this man, don't. Your right, he does look like me, except for the eyepatch, sprock it is cool," he exclaimed with a small smile making you laugh "and he probably thought like me as well. If anything, you feeling grief towards my doppelganger shows how much you care about me, and it flatters me. And darling, you don't need to worry about me dying anytime soon. I'm not ready to leave you and I won't be for a very long time. Everyone is trying to figure out how exactly eyepatch me died and how to stop it should it happen again. In mean time, do not worry about whether I am alright or not okay?"
With that, you both got back to work to try an figure out how the other Brainiac 5's got to your Earth. However, that got disruptive when a certain ponytailed Colouan squealed your name and pulled you into a kiss, leaving both you and Querl stunned to say the least.
"Sprock y/n, I am so glad you made to see you, but why are you on this Earth?"
After the initial stun of the kiss, you blinked your back into exist to see two very similar but different Brainy's infront of you. I didn't help that when the other Brainiac's walked into the room, they also kissed you (angsty Querl on the top of your head and Female Querl also on the lips) and asked the same question. All you could do was stand there frozen until you fully comprehend what ahd just happened.
"Ummmmm, I'm on this Earth because I - live - hereee, " you uneasily resonded "I'm y/f/n y/l/n, I'm uh guessing you knew my dopplegangers huh."
You laughed slightly xnot knowing how to act as they all gave you looks of apologises. However your Brainy seemed to look more pissed off than apologetic to what just happened. Especially since his fist was slightly clenched whilst he rested his face atop it.
"Yes, it seems they do," he gritted out when suddenly he became very calm "y/n, do you mind if I have a word with my fellow Brainiac's, I would like to ask them questions surrounding how they got here but would prefer to ask them alone."
He simply smiled at you waiting for your answer. If you were honest, it not only scared you a little, but also intrigued you.
" Um yes of course dear. I have diagnostics to run anyway. It was uh lovely meeting you all."
With that, you left the room that all the Brainiac's were situatedto run diagnostics and simulations to try and solve their problem, whilst also getting away from all the staring and awkwardness of what just happened . However, Brainy wanted to know the reason as to why the other 3 were continuously looking at you and to why they kissed you
"If you don't mind me asking, why exactly were did all three of you kissed MY y/n"
All three turned to each other then looked at him. It wasn't until female Brainy spoke up did he get his answer.
"Well on my Earth, y/n was my wife for a year and a half and my partner for 4"
"Ah yes, she was also my girlfriend for 2 years, 7 months and 13.5 days. And what a tremendous girlfriend she is, well was I guess." Happy Brainy explained with a hint of sadness.
"ye-yes, y/n was m-my girlfriend for nearly 3 years as w-w-well. I loved her dearly, I would do absolutely anyth-thing for her."
Brainy was finding this hard to comprehend. Not only were they all him, they all had relationships with their Earths' version of you. It gave him a strange feeling, a feeling he severely did not like.
With his anxieties running wild, he left the room to run calculations and to try and keep his mind off the whole scenario.
It was only two hours later when you found Brainy huddled up in a spare room with a tablet. The other three had apologised to you and aexplained their situations and how it would take getting used being around a y/n that wasn't their own.
Leaning against the wall, you admired the Coluan that you were in love with and smiled softly to yourself.
"So, this is were you've been hiding, I was starting to worry darling."
After not getting an answer back which was odd to say the least, you started to get worried about Brainy.
"Brainy, are you okay. Is the other Brainiacs being here cause you to stress." you softly asked
No answer, only the soft murmuring of jumbled words could be heard from Brainy, a sign of either he was deep in thought or highly stressed.
"Querl, what's wrong, please talk to me"
"why would it matter" he huffed angrily "you probably prefer talking to one of the other versions of me."
You couldn't believe what he was saying, why would you want to talk to the others, you had obviously gone looking for him so you could spend time together away from the drama.
And then it hit you. You almost scolded yourself for not noticing it sooner. The clenched fist, the sudden calm nature of his commanding question, the forced smile, and the lack of contact just now.
"You're jealous, aren't you?" you pondered aloud with a slight smirk.
The question caused his head to whip around to face you, making you smirk more out of amusment.
"I am not jealous" he slightly gritted out.
"Oh but I think you are dear"
"That is proposterus-"
"It isn't though, because all he telltale signs are the-hmph"
In an instant, you were backed up into the nearest wall, Brainy towering over you. His breathing heavy, his hair dishevelled and his dark eyes piercing into your's. (If this isn't definition of scared and horny I don't know what is)
"y/n I am not jealous. I just don't like when they look at you or when they are talking to you or when they are near you. Especially after they had l kissed you. This is highly rational since you are MY girlfriend and you are the person that I fell in love with and I don't want anyone to get in the way of us, not even my dopplegangers since I am that in love with you!" he huffed out.
It took you both awhile for his confession of love to dawn on the both of you. At this point, both of your breathing was slightly erratic due to his confession (and because of Brainy, I mean damn). Brainy couldn't read your reaction to his reveal, whether you were happy, sad or confused. He was about to say he was sorry when your lips started to curl upwards into a smile that could only be described as full of love and adoration.
"I love you too, I have for a long time though I just didn't know how to tell you. And Querl, no one can get in the way of that, not even your dopplegangers, because they aren't you, they aren't the Coluan I fell so deeply in love with."
Brainy was ecstatic and so full of emotions that he leant down and kissed you feverishly on the lips, pouring every emotion he felt for you into that kiss, which you reciprocated with ease.
"Agent y/l/n, Director Danvers would like to see you"
Breaking apart with a slight gasp for air, you leant your forehead against Brainy's, slowly bringing your breathing back to a normal pace.
"How about when I've finished talking to Alex, you and me can work together to figure how the other Brainiac's got to our Earth. And once we have it all sorted out, you and me can go back to my place, order takeout and watch some movies. That sound good.
"Yes, I would very much like that, my love."
As you slowly walked towards the door to leave, a grin appeared on your face as you turned back to Brainy.
"Oh and by the way. You look extremely hot when your jealous love."
As Brainy entered the main control room, he saw you, Kara, Alex and the other Brainiac's standing around the main control panel.
With jealousy still coursing through him, Querl strode towards you and pulled you into a passionate kiss, shocking the others.
As he pulled away, he turned to his dopplegangers and smiled.
"y/n, is mine, got it"
Once they had all nodded, he walked away with a grin, leaving you a blushing mess and ran after him to slightly scold him.
14th May - just proof read it as I saw some misspellings
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langdxn · 4 years
Ma'am I am having a mild crisis and you are the only person I could think of to bring this up to..I saw Chris's new pictures on Instagram (I know you know what ones, I saw you liked it.) And let me tell ya Chris has never been my top MIW crush, but now after seeing that I'm like dear fucking lord..I was not ready for this..I don't know if I've ever felt this much attraction to him and its fuckin with me!! That is all, again I'm sorry you were literally the only person I thought to bring this to.
oh i’m terribly sorry to prolong the agony, we’re these the photos you mean by any chance? 👀
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I FEEL YOU. SO BAD. my heart did flips the moment i clocked it was Chris and not just some random insta model. how dare he be so damn perfect!
i don’t tell people this for fear nobody would believe me, but Chris single-handedly gave me the confidence to do my job. if it weren’t for this man, i definitely wouldn’t still be in the music industry. i interviewed him at the beginning of my career and i was straight up terrified, he was the first person i’d spoken to that genuinely dazzled me and i stumbled over every word, but Chris supported me through it and i hear his words of advice in my mind every time i start an interview now.
so this effortlessly beautiful man is also responsible for letting me loose on the world. big mistake, Cerulli.
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anyway, where was i? oh yeah, those photos have effectively killed me too. aaaand now we have ridiculously high standards for all men, right? 🥵
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