#anyways here's my first hobi one shot
gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Ok sooooo, I’ve been like lowkey stalking your page, specially your Hobie x reader stuff…..I’m in love, your writing is 🤌. Anyway if you’re open to the ideas could you do a spidey reader with light light manipulation powers and their personality matches their powers. Just some cute fluffy opposites attract kind of thing with Hobie. Even if you don’t feel like writing for it that’s totally fine! I love your work so much, have a good day!
I took a lotta inspiration from dagger (cloak and dagger) for this so 🫶🏽🫶🏽
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Everyone thought Hobie was scary for some reason. You didn’t see why, he was great.
“Hobie!” You called out. He turned back as soon as he heard your sweet voice. He smiled as he stopped walking and waited for you as you ran up to him.
You ran up and hugged him, putting your arms around his neck as he picked you up, your legs around his waist.
You covered his face in kisses. Smiling as you hopped down.
“How are you?” You asked him.
“I’m alright, love, how are you?” He asked, as you both continued to walk.
“I’m good.”
You both talked for a while, then you both walked into Miguel’s office for a new mission.
He looked through some files, and then looked at you both as he picked one up.
“Cover up your neck.” He mumbled, looking at you and handing you the file.
You grew embarrassed as you realized the hickey that Hobie had given you.
“Y-yes sir.” You said, as you both left the office.
Hobie laughed and you hit his shoulder.
“Hobie! It’s not funny.” You whined.
“It is to me.” He snickered.
You sighed and opened the folder.
“Another Kraven? I feel like this is the millionth one we’ve done.” He said, looking at it.
“Feels like it. Oh well.” You shrugged. “As long as I’m with you I don’t care.” You kissed him on the cheek.
He smiled slightly at that, as he opened up a portal.
“Ladies first.”
You giggled, and walked through the portal, him following behind you.
“Alright, so on my watch it says that he should be… south of here.” He said, messing with the watch and looking that way.
You looked around, it was dark out, your white suit bright in the darkness.
You both started to swing, your bright white webs glowing in the moonlight.
(Your webs are Kinda like Miguel’s)
Finally, he looked up and stopped swinging, so you stopped. He pointed at a man with giant stature. He was wearing a coat, as most kravens did. And tight leopard leggings.
You both watched him some more, he was walking down a street. You guys followed behind him.
When he went down a small alley, you both quietly walked behind for a while. After a while, You webbed him up, he turned around quickly and broke the webs. You blinked in shock.
“Well.. I don’t know what I was expecting but it wasn’t that.” You said, looking at Hobie.
“I was.” He snickered. Kraven tan towards the both of you.
Your eyes went wide as he did so. You shot a light blast from your hands, the light solidifying as it left your hands.
Kraven took a fall, and Hobie then shot his webs, and webbed him to the ground.
Kraven yelled, and broke free of the webs. He went to throw a punch at you, but you stopped him with your hand.
“That is one strong arm you got.” You said, pushing him back, as Hobie kicked him from the back when he didn’t expect it.
He groaned in pain, and almost fell on top of you before you pushed him off.
“ewewewewew.. you couldn’t put on some deodorant or something?” You groaned and wiped your hands from his sweat.
He quickly got back up, and you used your powers to make a bright, glowing row of daggers, and threw them at him.
He fell back next to the wall with cuts all over him.
You and hobie both webbed him in a ball, and then gave each other a high five.
“That was.. sexy.” He mumbled.
“Really? I mean you weren’t so bad yourself.” He lifted up his mask quickly, and so did you. You both kissed, Kraven rolled his eyes and was gonna say something when hobie webbed his mouth. He grabbed your cheek, and it was more rough now.
“Hiya! So Miguel asked me to check on you both but it seems like you’re busy...” Lyla’s cheery voice appeared.
You gasped and pulled away, pulling your mask down.
“Lyla! Sorry. Yeah, we got him.” You said, going next to Kraven and posing next to him. He just side-eyed you
“Great! I’ll let him know. You look glowing by the way.” She winked at you and you just smiled as she disappeared.
Tag list- @enviinotes @rayis-psychotic @korizzybee @animechick555 @stupid-ninja @rreasonablydumbb @xxqueen-of-horrorxx @spidypunkk @criodzasn
@techta @1eonk @chipstermation6 @whosace16 @I-pandamic-I-
@spider-phoenix @zebralover @my-melo-gf @wiz-te-ria @tzuyuzzs @luvsaluv @mxkn
@deputy-videogamer @666kpopfan @jared-oranges @likelilac @jjkclub
@kitty-kei @blaxk-widow @hoesindifferentshows @lavsluvsu @lampylamperson @artsykerfuffleplus @notbluees @sp0kyzz @arlipooh
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kenchosaikuo · 1 year
This is my first ever one-shot, fanfic, sort of post so bear with me if it is really bad.
The idea for this is how I think the Across the Spider-verse characters would react to you kissing them with lipstick on. Be warned it will probably be horrifically ooc or maybe it won’t, never tried writing from another characters perspective before. Tried to be gn!Reader but might lean a little more to the feminine side. It’s also not in any particular order.
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Miles Morales
This boy would be a mix of nervous and flustered at the same time. Bonus points if you grab his face while you kiss him, he would short circuit in a second. He’d bounce back after a minute but still be pretty flustered, would definitely stumble over his words while trying to act like he’s ok. Would try to hide how red his face is by covering them with his hands, if you pull them away from him. Oh boy. Prepare for the rebooting process. May or may not take longer than 5 minutes. Would probably wash the mark off, y’know because of his parents and all.
“I- Uh- um. T- thank you f-for um.. that. Um. It felt n-nice” “You good baby?” “Y-yea I’m good.” “You stuttering a lot. You sure you’re good babe?” “Yea. Just need a few minutes to reboot”
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Gwen Stacy
Would have a more controlled reaction. She would be flustered but wouldn’t show it as much as Miles would. She’d probably get a little red on the ears and on the cheeks but other than that she’d be ok. She might stumble over her words a bit and look away as to hide some embarrassment. Would definitely tell Hobie about what happened and talk about how life is going. Bonus points if you use her own lip stick. Would probably wash the mark off so her dad doesn’t know.
“Dang you got rizz like that” “If it’s making you smile like that, then I guess I do” “Wait is that my lipstick though” “Sure is” “Rizz 9000”
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Peter B. Parker
(This is before MJ and Mayday)
I feel like he’d get slightly flustered by it but not so much so to where he would stumble over words. Almost like Gwen. He would pull you in and give you kisses in return too. Whether it be on the forehead, the lips, or anywhere else expect a kiss in return. Would probably tell you to do it again. After a few minutes of sitting on the couch and exchanging little pecks I imagine it would turn into a little movie night with just sitting there and exchanging kiss while the movie plays. Might get distracted when the movie gets good though. Would probably forget about the mark and just leave it there.
“Wait hold on I’m lost. Is she dating him or is she dating the other guy” “Wait what, I thought she was with him and she cheated on him with other guy. Dang it P now I’m confused” “Oh well this movie was confusing anyway. Now where were we?”
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Miguel O’Hara
Would enjoy it. Hands down. Would let you do it. Depending on where you kissed him he would have different reactions. So like on the forehead or cheek, the more sweet areas I feel like he’d kiss you back in the same place. If you did it on the lips, depending on the time and place, it could potentially turn into a little make out session. Now, should you do it on the neck you better prepare yourself for when he’s done working. He’d also probably do it back to you as well. I mean he would get his fangs out and bite you, should you wish. He’ll mark you just like you marked him. Depending if the relationship is known or unknown to others depends if he’ll keep the mark there. If the relationship known he’ll keep the mark there until he showers (if even takes a break from his work). If the relationship is unknown he’ll try to keep it there as long as possible but if he’s gotta go that lipstick stain is coming off.
“Hermosa, what did you just do?” “Nothinggg?” “Sure. Come here Hermosa” “Yes?” “*Bites down on readers neck* Now we are even” “How is that anywhere near even”
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The Spot
Would probably get real giddy and happy about it. Cause you know like after he got turned into the spot he’d get turned down by a lot of people cause they mean so it would make him happy to know he’s still loved and not considered a monster in one persons eyes. Anyways, he’d be really happy and would make sure to keep the mark on there just in case he runs into the Spider-Man’s so he can show that he’s loved by someone. Would probably look at Miles and flaunt it. Would make sure the mark stays there. If it rubs off he’ll tell you to kiss him with lip stick on again.
“Guess what Miles, I pulled a girl before you ever could, HA, take that. I’ve got more rizz than you and I ain’t even human no more”.
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Jessica Drew
(Before the baby and getting married)
Would get a bit embarrassed about it. I feel like she would like it though. Bonus points if you use her lip stick. She’d probably do the same thing though. Just at a different time to catch you off guard and see you get all flustered and embarrassed. She also seems like the type to not just give one kiss but multiple. Kind of like Peter in a sense. If she were to do it back she would do it multiple times in multiple different areas. Would probably keep the mark there for as long as she could.
“My turn!!” “Wait what Jess hold on” “Mwah and mwah” “I was supposed to be the one to catch you off guard” “Haha, nope”
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Pavitr Prabhakar
Would be almost as flustered as Miles but be able to handle said flusteredness better. He’d blush and maybe stutter slightly but he’d be able to cope. Would probably also grab a drink of chai so to calm himself down. He would also definitely get romantic when you do kiss him. He’d probably kiss you back too. Definitely get expect everyone to know. Gwen, Miles, Hobie, Peter, Jess, Miguel even. Everyone is gonna know. Would probably keep the mark there for most of the day too.
“Pav did you really need a cup of Chai to calm down” “N-No, I just like the taste of it” “Sure, but you got it just at this moment in time, can’t be a coincidence hmm??” “Anyways so how’ve you beennnn”
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Hobie Brown
He’d probably do it right back. He’d take the lip stick and kiss you all the same way you did him. Alongside Pav and Spot he’d flaunt it everywhere he goes. He would not get flustered either, he’d be surprised but not flustered. I’ve the feeling he’d tell you to do it again and again until his face is peppered in lip stick marks. Would definitely leave the lip stick marks there. May or may not avoid taking a shower just so they stay on longer.
Oi!! Whatcha doing there” “Just giving you a little kiss” “Well you’re doing it in the wrong spot mate. It’s supposed to be on the lips not on the cheek” “Or I could not do it at all??” “Alright point taken, go on”
The End :D
It you enjoyed reading that let me know. OH and give me suggestions too and any critiques you might have. Anything that’s helpful to my writing is gladly appreciated.:D
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jhilsara · 6 months
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I Can See You
Pt. 1/ Pt. 2/ Pt. 3/ Pt. 4/ Pt. 5/pt. 6/Pt. 7/Pt. 8/Pt. 9/ Pt. 10/
Pt. 11/ Pt.12/Pt.13/Pt. 14/Pt.15/Pt.16/Pt.17/END
It's over! I can't say thank you enough for joining me and my adventures with Hobie and Mariana. I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did. I really grew attached to MJ and Hobie as their story just blossomed before me. While this is the end of the main story, I'll probably have a couple of one shots here and there for them. I just love them so much. Anyway~ once again thank you so much for reading this silly little fic and if you made it this far, I truly appreciate you for reading :)
please leave a kudo on ao3 or a comment <3
~Several Months Later~
MJ is trying to push her way through a rampaging crowd. She’s fighting against the current, but she could care less. The adrenaline pumping through her as she tries to look above the sea of people.
The screaming in her ears is starting to get irritating though. She elbows past a much larger man and finally gets somewhere off to the side where she can get a good visual.
Through the settling dust she sees Spider-Man knocking around the Vulture in the air. She brings her camera up and tries to take a few quick shots before she starts filming. She was getting tired of trying to frame the best front-page photo’s for Spider-Man slander at the Daily Bugle… but none of her other coworkers were willing to get that close to any of the action. She did get hazard pay from it and she was going to milk the cow dry as long as they were paying her.
They didn’t need to know that she’s got a small advantage since her boyfriends the vigilante… at least she feels somewhat safe getting up close to his fights. Even if the so-called vigilante in question does scold her every single time.
She was starting to kind of like it, it was just proof that he cares, not that she’d ever tell Hobie that.
Once she get’s a good enough photo, well, better than what her other coworkers have made in the past. She brings out her phone to film.
This wasn’t for the Daily Bugle, it was for her own personal blogging website. If she was forced by the corporate overloads to make money by slandering her boyfriends name, she could at least run a little side gig that tells the truth.
If she got more website hits on her blog than then Daily Bugle’s she didn’t brag, but god did it boost her ego. Especially since Mr. Jameson was too dull to figure out she was running the blog on the side anyway.
He wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box.
She’s scanning her phone to zoom in on Spider-Man and the cocky bastard has the gal to look over to her and shoot a peace sign at the camera. She rolls her eyes.
“As you can see our vigilante isn’t taking this fight very seriously since he’s flirting with the camera… It’ll make a nice fan cam later though.” She says sarcastically as she follows the fight.
Hobie’s high above, fighting the Vulture in the air. That was the nice thing about the Vulture, nothing was close to her on the ground.
Not like the Lizard a few weeks ago who literally flooded the whole street. Her shoes were permanently damaged. Not to mention her sliding down the road like a poor excuse of a slip and slide. She did get some stellar photos and videos from that. Even if she almost fell down into the sewer.
Hobie had finally conceded to the fact she was going to be near his fights. By her volition or by her new job. He couldn’t escape it. So, he did the next best thing, he started to make her gear that she could at least use to help herself.
The first being a web shooter. It wasn’t set up exactly like his. It was discrete enough to look like a watch. It was mostly to stop her from falling, which is how she saved herself from falling into the sewer.
The month it took for her to figure it out and feel comfortable enough to use it was not fun. Hobie was trying to teach her how to swing her weight, but he was a stick in comparison to her. She’s seen what his webs can do, she knows they can hold her easily. It was trusting herself to not screw up the momentum that was scary. That and the fact she didn’t like swinging to begin with. Even if it was Hobie’s favorite, it certainly wasn’t hers. The actions gave her whiplash and made her nauseous.
She only used the web shooter when she absolutely had to. She was more than happy that today Hobie was flying through the sky. She could safely keep her feet on the ground.
The Vulture shots his metal feathers as an attack toward the swinging vigilante. Hobie swings too close toward her and it has MJ running from the projectiles hitting the ground.
She keeps her camera steady as she readjusts to follow the fight again, “The Vulture should really start learning how to aim if he’s going to resort to his feathers.” She comments as she keeps filming. “I mean, how often have they really hit Spider-Man?”
There’s no one really around her but a few reporters on the sides of the streets. Most of them keeping their distance far away. MJ was the only one willing to get this close to the action. Which is why her online blog was skyrocketing in popularity. She didn’t even think about making one until one day Mr. Jameson pissed her off. He was ranting and raving about how the Daily Bugle was the only news source worth listening too because of how good their images were of Spider-Man.
Or as he said, “That no good Spiderpunk running around and destroying our city!”
If she had to bullshit some article calling Hobie Spiderpunk one more time she was going to vomit in Mr. Jameson’s waste basket. It was such a playground taunt. He couldn’t even be more creative!
It also made her eye twitch that her boss was using her perfectly good photos to slander her boyfriend. Hobie didn’t care. In fact, he never looked at a single news source, the most he did was hijack the police scanners to aid him. Didn’t stop the fire burning under her though. If MJ was anything, she was loyal to a fault. So, what if it meant she got a little petty? It was all in good faith. She made her blog that night, as a counter protest to her boss. She never expected her ramblings and bad videos to explode overnight.
It was an added bonus that her boss had also caught wind of her blog and couldn’t do anything about it. He had demanded MJ pay closer attention when she was out, to try and figure out who ran the blog. The man clearly couldn’t put it together that it was her. Who else would get that close to Spider-Man’s fights? She didn’t even disguise her voice, but she made sure to never show her face.
Hobie just found it amusing if anything else. She had a decent following online and made sure her content was always free. If she was going to report on what was happening she wasn’t going to profit off of it. Unlike the Daily Bugle who hid their slanderous newspaper articles behind a paywall. She loved what she did, uncovering stories and being near the action. It gave her a rush like no other. Even if Hobie would wish she wouldn’t get so close.  
This was one of those moments she wished she wasn’t so close.
“Shit, shit, shit!” She’s running from falling building debris. The vulture had taken a large chunk off the old brick building to her left. She could hear the car alarms going off as the falling pieces were crushing the cars underneath. 
She feels arms wrap around her tightly and she stops struggling almost immediately. Looking up to see Hobie’s mask staring down at her. A heavy sigh leaving his mouth.
“You were doing so good this time. Outta way and everythin’.” He teases half-heartedly.
She rolls her eyes before shrugging, “To be fair, I didn’t expect the bird to throw such a hissy fit he’d take out the corner of the building.” She replies.
Hobie sighs and nods. He sets her down a good distance away. “He’s really bloody upset over somethin’… I couldn’t tell ya for the life of me. I tuned him out ages ago.” He turns to dash off and take care of the giant bird man.
“I’m wastin’ my breath, but don’t follow alright.” He tries to tell her. She just hums in acknowledgement and she rushing off right behind him.
She was almost like a shadow with her new job at the Daily Bugle. Always behind him. It still frightened him. Had the rage simmering underneath his the second she was too close to danger. That dread would probably never fully go away. It was just a matter of trusting each other. He’d come running to her if she needed him, and vice versa. The least her could do was arm her so she could defend herself. Not that she needed too much defending. She did explode the Goblin with their own bombs. He knew the dangers that came with being Spider-Man and she had taken them with so much grace and shouldered them with him. It was more than he could ask of anyone.
Yet there she was, next to him, like she was always meant to be.
She grabs a few more photos and is able to catch the end of the fight. Hobie having the Vulture wrapped up in his webs.
“Once again, our friendly neighborhood Spider-Man can be found protecting us! He’s a little cross with me right now so I won’t bug him. I am expecting some fan cams from this footage so don’t let me down!” She signs off her video and shuffles her belongings into her bag.
Hobie turns to see her and she waves in small acknowledgement before jogging off back to her office. He shakes his head but goes to handle the Vulture, knowing he’ll see her later anyway.
Mariana’s curled up on the couch, nursing a half cold tea, when the door gently opens and she hears him kicking off his combat boots.
“Long day?” she calls out to him sitting up to look over at him.
He gives a dry chuckle before walking over to kiss her forehead. “It was more than just the birdman today,” he sighs.
She frowns looking up at him, “Go take a hot shower, I’ll make you something.” She whispers holding his face.
He nods his head and presses another soft kiss to her cheek before walking to the bathroom.
She shakes her head and gets up with a full body stretch. She goes to grab the leftovers from the dinner she cooked earlier. She goes to warm it back up for him, it wasn’t too cold but definitely not as hot as when she originally cooked earlier. It won’t take very long so she starts on a drink too. She goes over to the kettle and starts making him a cup of tea, while also making herself a second cup. Pouring her lukewarm tea down the sink. She leans against the counter and waits for it to heat up.
She doesn’t hear Hobbie come behind her as he wraps his arms around her waist. Pressing his half naked body against hers. She leans her head back to look up at him.
“Ya know, this would be lovelier if you weren’t still slightly wet.” She teases him.
He groans and shoves his face into the crook of her neck. “Don’t care.” He murmurs placing a soft kiss to her shoulder.
She smiles softly and moves her hand to pat his cheek. She doesn’t stop her task of making them tea but it becomes a slightly more difficult task with one hand.
Hobie slowly starts swaying their bodies to an unheard tune in his head. She easily moves with him as she makes their mugs. The silence isn’t stifling, it’s more relaxing than anything. His weight on her is comforting and he places more soft kisses against her skin, moving from her shoulder up her neck, to her cheek, and finally to the corner of her lips.
She turns her head to follow him, chasing his lips with hers. She hums contently against him.
“I have to pour our tea Hobbie.” She whispers against his lips.
He presses another kiss, this one deeper and longer. “Can wait,” He grips her hips to make her turn fully to him. He presses his forehead against hers, closing his eyes.
Her hands snake up his arms and down his bare chest, touch feather light. He makes a deep groan in his throat. It has her chuckling softly.
One of his hands goes to grab both her hands, capturing them easily. His other hand moves from her waist to grip the counter behind her. His mouth moving down to her ear, “Watch it…” he whispers, “Don’t start something you can’t finish.” He presses a kiss under her ear.
She starts to squirm a bit, “Oh piss off!” She giggles her face heating up, “I’m not the one who walked in here half naked.”
He leans back and sighs dramatically. “I haven’t done the laundry in a minute luv.”
She rolls her eyes, “What you need is to just move in already.” She tries to say nonchalantly avoiding looking up at him.
He hums in thought, “Is that you officially asking me or joking?” He teases trying to make her look at him.
Her face grows redder, as she tries to wiggle away from him. He other hand releases hers and he blocks her in against the counter.  Leaning dangerously closer to her.
“I… I want you to move in, I mean you come here every night anyway, I just think it would be easier if-” she’s starting to ramble running over her words.
Hobie cuts her off with his mouth, kissing her once more. Pulling back to smile lazily at her furiously blushing face.
“I’m just teasin’. Course I’ll move in.” he tells him softly.
“Okay, perfect, cool…” she says quietly, eyes avoiding his.
“I’m keepin’ the house boat though. Don’t want to leave all my spider stuff here.” He says seriously.
She laughs with her chest, moving to wrap her arms around his neck. “I’m okay with that.”
He moves to grab her thighs, lifting her to wrap her legs around his waist. She makes a small noise before holding onto him tighter.
“Hobie! What about the tea, and your food!” She tries to scold him, but her laughter gives her away.
“It can wait, just want you right now.” He says walking them to her bedroom.
She leans forward, her small laughter being swallowed by his lips. They fall onto her bed together and her hands move to hold his jaw, deepening the kiss.
If someone told Mariana a year ago she’d be in a relationship with her cities vigilante she’d call them crazy. She’d also find it impossible that her path would have crossed with his to begin with.
She wouldn’t believe anything that’s happened to her this past year of knowing Hobie. She’s felt herself change for the better, becoming braver than ever. He’s everything she could ask for. Parts of her have healed in ways she never thought they could. The scares are still there, but they can fade with time. She doesn’t feel like a dog who’s been kicked one too many times anymore. She’s found her home in his heart. She knows he’ll protect it, like she protects his. It’s precious that she’s found this love and all she wants to do is nurture and grow it.
She loves him and she thinks she could forever.
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Tag List: @missshelleyduvall
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ladyelissarose · 1 year
Hello there I saw you accepted request so I thought about a somewhat nsfw headcanon of hobie with a tattoo artist partner. And like they’re giving him a tattoo and after that there is some “aftercare”.
Anyways wish you the best of luck with this idea and I love you work <3
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Hobie Brown ‘Spider-Punk’ x female tattoo artist reader
Warnings: NSFW HC! 18, fluff :)
Author’s note: Thank you for your sweet words @brainrottsworld I appreciate them entirely Here is this HC for you, I hope I did it right, this will be my first one. Have a great day :) enjoy ;)🤍
SFW Part-
•To put it simply on how this relationship started, any kind of piercing Hobie had, you gave it to him. And every time he came back for a new one, you more than gladly skimmed your fingers over where he wanted it, then carefully added the new gem.
•Hobie was your favorite customer, he was mostly kind with a little bit of a sass here and there, overly sarcastic as hell- but he only used it towards others around you, to see you laugh. Your smile was the best part of his time being there at your tattoo shop.
•Soon he started coming by for more, but in the end he’d mostly sit there on top of your little counter and you two would just chat about life and what you believed in. Every word of his you drank in and couldn’t find any reason of why not to like him. He made you feel seen and understood, plus- you two shared the same thoughts about the government and all.
•What turned into ‘supposed appointments’ soon became he would just come by and be at your shop all day. You wouldn’t mind tho, you actually missed him when he couldn’t come sometimes. He always said his ‘work’ had crazy hours.
•Sometimes he’d come back late with new cuts and scratches, and you’d use your equipment there to clean and patch him up, that’s how you two started coming closer. He never told you how he got them, but he only mentioned that it was the government’s fault.
•Soon Hobie found an excuse to let his hands wander on you as you took care of him (he said it helped distract him from the pain) but he loved to color in your tattoos and give you ideas of where to put a new one. His fingers tracing his imaginary designs always lingered on you longe than they should’ve.
•After that day you two got even closer- and what marked the seal was when you kissed him. He had his face practically in yours that day as he pretended go draw a design on your cheek, so you took the shot and closed the small gap he left.
•There was no room for you to doubt he didn’t feel the way you did, or wanted the same.. for after that, all he did was kiss and love on you. Protect you from weird customers that filtered with you too much to his liking (he’d kiss you in front of them to let them know)
•When work didn’t call, he was there by your side with no excuses. He even let you tattoo your name on the inside of his wrist, letting you know, that he wasn’t letting you go.
•When the busy hours would turn dead, he’d be in between your legs for a while, eating you out and telling you to relax and he’d take care of the rest. He’d plant open mouthed kisses to every tattoo he passed by, saying they were all his favorite.
•He knew you loved it when he used the words like ‘doll’, ‘my puppet’, ‘love’ and shower you with adoration every time, never missing a beat. He adored the sounds you made when he’d finger you hard and make you come all over his face.
•There were times he’d sense a customer approaching, and if he was in a teasing mood, he’d leave you on the edge and have you wait till they left then he’d finish you and wipe your tears away from the overstimulation of waiting for too long.
•But there were other times he’d be dying to taste and feel you come on his face, that he’d speed up the process and go harder just so you could finish on time. Leaving your juices coated on his face and smirk at you the entire time while you did your job and he could see you trying to relax from your high.
•On his harder days at work, he’d come straight to your place, switch the ‘open’ sign to ‘closed’ and tell you to turn around and bend over the table. He didn’t have the chance to prep you with his fingers when he’s already lining his cock with your pussy and telling you to take it.
•Hobie could easily be hard and rough, hitting all the right spots and sucking your skin on the tatts as always. He groans loudly when he’d feel you pull on his bottom lip by his rings or tug on his hair when he thrusts impossibly deeper. But you never minded, only accepted it, for you knew he needed to take off the weight of his day on you through pleasure.
•If it was in the middle of the work day, he’d push his cum back into with his fingers and help you get dressed. He almost gets hard again at the thought of his cum dripping out of your pussy as you worked and walked around showing customers the different tattoo ideas.
•On calmer days, Hobie liked to take his time with you, slow but deep strokes, not needing to say much as he loved for hearing your sweet moans and pleas for him to go faster. But he’d tell you to be patient and squeeze for him, and hold onto his shoulders or pull his hair as he rode out your highs long and softly.
•When Hobie pushes you to your absolute limit, where you’re fucked out and barely staying up, he’d close your store and walk you up the stairs to your apartment that rested above your shop and lay you down after cleaning you up. He’d never make you do more or even lift a finger if he brought you too far.
•He loved caressing your skin and rubbing away all sores or tense muscles from your love making, it did something to him to know he could bring you to that point of exhaustion. Yet he always cared for you and gave you everything you desired afterwards, cuddles, snacks, another round if you were ok with it- just anything. And he’d do it gladly.
•Asking questions as always to keep up with you was a must afterwards and during even. Hobie couldn’t live on if he knew you were hiding something from him. But thankfully so far you’ve loved everything about him and are very open about what you like that he does to you.
•One of your favorite ‘times’ with him was when he asked you to place a tattoo of his guitar right under his naval, and once it was all designed and finished, you surprised him with a blowjob right after. It was thrilling to hear his little moans and feel his cock hit the back of your throat every time he’d buck his hips.
•One of his favorite times was when he discovered you had put his name over your hip bone as he kissed you down to your pussy, you bet he didn’t let you go until you had come at least three times on his face while saying his name. That part of you became one of his pride and joys.
•Overall Hobie was a great lover and person... he gave entirely to you in every aspect, from love and safety to sex and pleasure, praising you for everything and thanking you for loving him.
•Maybe he was the quiet and off guy with others, but with you? He was a whole other person... he was himself.
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
Cosplay Time!
Miles: I'm going with Ganke to another Anime Convention! -to his friends, Gwen and Pav being at his place- I want your guys feedback on my current costume!
Gwen nodded: Sure!
Miles happily went to the bathroom: I'll go change and you can tell me if it's good or not?
Pav: Oh yeah, fashion show! -he claps his hands happily-
Miles went off to change, then Hobie came through the window: Sorry, I'm late, mates. -he looks around to find Miles- Where's Miles?
Gwen pour herself a glass of soda in her cup: He's changing. He's gonna show us his cosplay outfit for the next convention he's going with Ganke.
Pav nodded hugging his stuffed Chopper pillow: Yeah! I bet it's another One Piece cosplay.
Gwen: Ohh, I wonder who he'll be?
Hobie sat on the window seat: Then I'll sit here and wait for him.
Miles: Here I come! -He burst through his room cosplaying as Nico Robin before the time skip, wearing her iconic purple outfit- What do you think? I'm doing a bit cross dressing this time!
Gwen and Pav gasps and awed: Whoooaaa, that outfit is cute!
Miles noticed his boyfriend: Hey bae! Like my outfit for Anime convention? -He smirks doing his posed-
Hobie had a nosebleed. Pav freaks out: Ahh, someone find a tissue!
Then Hobie got two tissues in his nostrils: You look amazing, luv. But you're going with Ganke? -he eyes his Sunflower wearing a short skirt, and revealing chest. All too damn sexy-
Miles posed: Yup! This is the one I'm going with on the first. Me and Ganke planned to do the whole One Piece gang this time! Since last time he did Luffy and I did Zoro!
Gwen asked: Wow, so are ya'll doing all of them?
Miles: Yup!
Pav: What made you wanna cross dress?
Miles: When you're a cosplayer, it's pretty common to dress up as a male or female character. Normally a lot of girls dressed up as boys for their BL ships. Sometimes there's femboys dressing up as cute popular anime girls. I wanted to give it a try! Also me Ganke were betting who would dress up as a girl and I lost, hehehe. -he rubs his neck-
Hobie's eyes darken being jealous: You and Ganke are going together... dressed like that?
Gwen sang: Somebody's jealous!
Miles pouts: Relax, Hobie. We're just cosplaying. Anyway, I got two other ideas. -he went out of the room to change to his other cosplay costumes-
Pav giggles: Miles looks cute! I wish I was bold enough to do that!
Hobie grew jealous: I would prefer if he wore something else.
Gwen giggles: Your just jealous because he's going with Ganke!
Hobie huffs.
Miles pop out wearing an Nami outfit: What do you guys think? I know the wig is cheap, but I met someone that can fix it for me. -He stood wearing Sami's outfit from the Enies Island Arc- I got this one for Nami but another one with her iconic red dress! Ganke is gonna dress up as Sanji.
Pav claps: Ohh, your going for that ship, huh?
Miles: We thought it was a good combo. Though, my thighs rub too much, I might need to wear some biker shorts.
Gwen giggles having a mischievous idea: Wow, you don't want the fans to see your panty shots? I heard a lot of dudes go around looking for cross dressing guys to capture them wearing sexy panties. -Hobie's body stood tensed-
Pav: Ew, people are gross.
Miles pouts: Well, I'm not dressing up to satisfy some weird fetish. I just want to dress up, it's an art form. Cosplaying is about being one with the character you love.
Gwen: Yeah, I get that, but if you wear biker shorts... those guys are gonna be pretty disappointed. -She said a bit persuasive- Imagine all those nerdy perverted weebs wanting their favorite character wearing sexy lace panty, and your just teasing them. They see your skirt and then flips it over to catch a glimpse. Hell, they might even harass you!
Hobie's eyes widen as he stood darkly: That's it. I'm going! -No one gets to fondle his Sunflower-
Miles blinks surprised: HUH! Your going? I thought you didn't like-
Hobie cut him off as he went up to face his boyfriend: No one gets to touch my Sunflower! -His eyes serious- I'm going.
Miles groans: Ohhh, I see. I can take care of myself!
Pav: Oh, I wanna go! I always want to go to a convention!
Gwen: Looks like there's no choice! -She smirks widely- We're going!
Miles: You guys don't even like anime conventions!
Hobie scoffs: So? I'll protect you! I highly doubt Ganke can.
Miles huffs: Fine! But All of you guys are cosplaying as One Piece characters, it's only fair!
Gwen smirks: Ha, I already started watching it so I know who I'm going to be.
Pav nodded: ME TOO!
-At the Anime convention-
Gwen smiles widely dressed as Yamato: Ha! This is gonna be fun! Wow, look at everyone dressing up. -She spotted people dressing up as the Spider Band-
Pavitr dressed up as Chopper: Wow, look at the huge balloon! This is so cool. This convention is different from Anime NYC!
Ganke fixes his glasses dressed up as Sanji: Heh, this convention is new, and much bigger than Anime NYC. Apparently, this one will have many special events and many sponsors.
Gayatri giggles dressed as Deer Mink: I feel so cute! Thanks for inviting me! -She looks at Miles as she wear her own multi-verse watch Hobie made for her-
Miles dressed up as Nico Robin in her purple cowgirl outfit wearing a sparkle purple cowgirl hat: No problem. Luckily I was able to hack and get more tickets without problems. I'm glad the outfit fits you.
Gayatri giggles: I feel cute! -She hugs Pav's arm- Cute couple!
Miles smiles at his boyfriend: What do you think, bae? You like your outfit?
Hobie stood wearing a muted green Kimono with three fake samurai swords dressing up as Zoro. His demeanor really pulled the look off even if he didn't have green short hair. His wicks still bouncy and free forming with light spray dye paint on the tips. HIs punker aesthetics remain on the outfit showing off his edgy style: Hmmm, I should've spray painted this robe.
Miles pouts: Bae, I made that costume! Don't ruin it! Besides, you already look so cool. Everyone is watching you since you enter. Heck, they are taking pictures! -He pointed as people were trying to take photos of Hobie in his Zoro costume- You pulled it off better than me!
One girl came up to Miles: Can we get a photo of you, Robin! You look so cute!
Miles saw his friends: You guys go on ahead! I'll pose a bit.
Gwen: Alright. Come on, guys! Pav wants to see the limited Edition Cat ears!
Pav: Yay! I want the pink one!
Hobie stood with his arms crossed until he noticed another group of people coming up to him: OMG! Can we get pictures! You look so badass!
Hobie: Fine!
Miles stood taking pictures being overwhelmed with so many. It's more people than last time. Cross dressing as Nico Robin had more of popularity that he didn't expect: Heh. Heh. -Nervously posing not sure how long to keep up. He was unaware of a guy behind him-
Hobie's spider sense tingling quickly looking over at a random guy about to get close to Miles: Huh! -His eyes widen-
Miles looks over his shoulder spotting Hobie quickly stopping a random pervert that was about to lift Miles' purple skirt up: Huh, Hobie?
The group gasps: Wow, he even move fast! Dude is actually Zoro!
Hobie tightly grab the guy's hand almost threatening to break it: I would think twice, if I were you, mate?
The guy stood scared and nervous by Hobie's dark glare. Miles turns around being in shock: Ew, what da fuck, man! -He became grossed out by the pervert-
The creep: Hey, let me go!
Miles tug on Hobie's sleeve: Don't hurt him, Hobie. He look like he learns his lesson. Let security handle him.
Hobie scowls: Fine. -he lets go of the creep once a security guard came to take the man away.-
Then the group went to the two to take photos. Miles posed with Hobie: Don't we make a cool duo! -He winks at his punk boyfriend- Do you like cosplaying? -His eyes sparkles knowing Hobie enjoys being Zoro-
Hobie blushes: No. -he lies-
Miles giggles: Awe, well too bad. I like it, it's so much fun cosplaying with you. -He was about to pose by himself until he felt Hobie's hand grabbing his own-
Hobie holds Miles' hand: I don't hate it as long I'm with you. -He let out a small smile at his Sunflower-
Miles smiles widely: I'm glad, bae. -The two hold hands as they continue their day at the convention.-
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circuitspinner · 1 year
got any spiderverse fic recs?
actually, i do! it's pretty much all ghostflower though (and entirely gwen-focused due to my personal biases; i do intend to branch out more at some point) so sorry if you wanted something a little different!
(also, this isn't every fic i've read and liked, just some of my absolute favorites!)
look at me, falling fast is a fic that i have thought about literally daily since i first read it, which means a little over two weeks now. it goes over gwen's perspective of the scenes we get with her and miles on earth-1610 in atsv, and its take on these characters (and gwen in particular) just clicked with me in a way not a lot of fics i've read in this fandom have so far
threading the needle is the only incomplete fic on this list, because i generally avoid things that are unfinished- it was published as a one-shot initially, and the first chapter can be taken as a standalone. the premise is pretty simple: how would atsv be different if gwen had known about the existence of earth-8? once again, i just love the way she's characterized here, especially in that first standalone chapter.
watercolor skies is set sometime after the hypothetical end of btsv, where gwen still hasn't returned home to earth-65. for lack of a better way to phrase it, there's something that feels very relatable about her complicated relationship with her father.
salad days takes place during the timeskip between gwen joining up with the spider society and finally going to earth-1610. i don't have a lot to say about it, other than (like everything on this list) i really like the way it handles the characters.
waiting is a little alternate-universe fake dating au (that spirals into a full-on series that ends up hitting some of the same beats as atsv does, interestingly enough) that i think is really fun to see with these characters! gwen actually makes a decent first impression on miles' parents in this universe
watercolour girl is, in some sense, about gwen's relationship to her hair- and how it relates to the people she loves.
a litany for survival is about the canon events in gwen's life. it's something that just really resonated with me the first time i read it. something about the way it's written just really clicks for me, i think?
to slip from your tongue like words is actually from hobie's perspective; his observations on gwen's obvious affection for miles and his subtle (for him, anyway) attempts at encouraging her to go against the society.
ghost of me is about gwen struggling to cope with the guilt and grief over what happened with her world's peter parker, and being blindsided by the anniversary of his death.
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xeenybobean · 1 year
☆ Hello! My name is Xeena and I am a new writer on Tumblr! I’ve written on Wattpad before so my writing is good. I’m still trying to work around this, so please bear with me! 
★ Requests are open!! Please do not rush, I will try to update as much as possible since I am on summer break! I am so obsessed with the new Spiderman movie and I want to write based off of my favorite characters in the film!! 
☆ Characters I will write for (for right now anyways! Will update more characters!!) 
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Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
★ Earth-42 Miles Morales 
"The Secret"
★  Miles Morales 
"Behind that mask"
★ Hobie Brown
★ Miguel O’Hara
★ Pavitr Prabhakar
☆ Hope you enjoy my writing if you have any tips for formatting or writing tips please don’t be afraid to share! 
★ To request dm me or use the Google form in my description!!
Sadly my school is starting soon and I have no motivation to write any long stories I will be posting some head cannons here and there from time to time but my brain juices for writing long one shots and fics like my precious one isn’t up to par!!! Idek how y’all do it lol I will try my best tho. Requests are still closed I wanna try and brainstorm ones without any guidelines rn! Hope you all lovelies understand <3
Please DO NOT steal ANY of my writings without contacting me first!!!! And be patient if I don’t respond!
☆ Love you all! - Xeena
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stormblessed95 · 2 years
Memories 2021 Disc 4
So I asked again when I said I was going to watch memories in full if you would be interested in commentary from me as I did so. There were a lot of people who said yes, so here we are! I have officially watched BTS Memories of 2021. Here are my thoughts as I went. There were 7 DVDs in this one. Reminder that these aren't going to be smoothly written out thoughts. You get these like I'm live reacting, texting my bestie or live tweeting. Lol it'll be in like bullet point format sort of, just... a commentary post as I go. Lol Part 1 Here covers Discs 1 - 3. Part 2 here will cover Disc 4. Hope you enjoy anyway! Let's go!
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Disc 4
Butter Jacket Making Film:
I love that they all picked the 6 digits for the mug shot signs that meant something to them. Namjoons was his childhood home units. JKs was the date he moved to Seoul. Tae's meant that he was one of seven. Jin and JK giving Jimin cute heart eyes as Jin measures Jimins height (as he makes himself smaller) on the wall and calling him cute 😍 Jimin jokingly putting his hand in front of JKs face and Jungkook licking his hand 🤣 Jikook meeting eyes at the end so sweetly too.
Jikooks unit shoot was so cute! As was Jimin redirecting his hand from the automatic way it almost went to go pet the back of Jungkooks head instead of just simply putting his arm around him. Lol that muscle memory gets ya everytime! And the way they were fooling around and smiling so much 🥺 Tae looks like he is trying to seduce Yoongi in every photo! He needs to STOP MY HEART CANT TAKE IT! His eyesssss! Lol they were so cute all curled up on the floor though for their Taegi unit shoot! The tension nam2seok tried to keep for their unit shoot but they couldn't stop giggling and having fun during 🤣🤣 vmin bickering over their poses in the ot7 shoot while JK just held Jimin by the waist sneaking his hand underneath his crop top and gently caressing the skin under his shirt on his waist and smiling so much lol OKAY. Post over that here. Everyone giving end of shoot ending mentions and Jimin just continuing to slap at and low key feel up JKs chest. Man though. Everyone looked so good for this shoot! These outfits were top tier! And JK staring so sweetly at Jimin as he gave their ending "see you on day 2!" Ending comment. Lol the LOVE on this day, oh boy!
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Day 2 had them at the car wash!! And Jhopes blond and pink hair 😍😍😍 IN LOVE. The editors will NEVER let the Yoongi cat agenda die "Lil meow meow doesn't like the water" and I live for it honestly! Namjoon saying he's never washed a car before because he can't drive 😅😂 Jimin accidentally breaking props at the set because he was goofing off too much 🤣🤣 everyone giving a video camera to record each other and the chaos and unruly dizzy footage we are given 🤣 like toddlers hadn't a camera honestly lmfao. Yoongi filming Hobi and Jimin and Himself. Hobi filming Jin while JK sticks his hand down a flexing Jimins shirt in the background because OF COURSE THEY ARE lol. And all the cute dancing! First Vhope, then Jihope, then taekook. Then all the giggles of the 7 of them playing in the hose. And my heart is so happy! I love seeing them have fun!
Day 3 has them at the beach! And it's fun but it's freezing! Lol Hobi dancing and singing about sandcastles as a staff member tries desperately to keep up with him and keep him covered up and warm in a jacket 🤣 Jimin acting so baby trying to pretend he isn't freezing his ass off 😍😂 Tae (and Yoongi too) in headbands will always be my FAVORITE concept. Give it to me more please. JK ignoring every staff member calling for him as he was engrossed in filming himself write ARMY in the sand like the absolute cutie he is. Lol lol their group shots have them all looking one way together and Jimin being cheeky and looking the opposite direction to grin at Yoongi instead 😂🤣 cuties! And adding on here my post about more jikookery in the jacket making film.
Butter MV Making Film:
Everyone is watching back some of their shooting and Jikook just complimenting Tae on his flirty demeanor lol. "Not everyone can do that!" The praise! I love seeing it. Lol Tae accidentally kicking Jimin during their duo part of the dance and Jimin saying that since Tae noticed and said sorry, it was all okay. If he hadn't noticed he would've had to be dramatic about it. Lmfaoo all the other members being completely unable to leave Jin alone or stop giving him weird compliments while he was trying to shoot his solo scene. Lol their loving hyung!
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The absolute CHAOS of the members during Sugas rap verse. Lmfao pure insanity. The way Hobi was like "what is happening?" And Jimin who was in the process of being lifted and tossed around was like "I literally do not know" 🤣🤣🤣 their giggles though too! So cute. And then Jimin just SHOUTING like mad imitated Tae's sneeze. They can't leave each other alone for a second 😅😂 and the random little chin tap cut we got from jikook. So much fun
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Day 2 starts with JK just staring at Jimin as he dances his little heart out lol. I'm glad they always can have fun on set! Jin saying they had to do sexy poses for the opening but that he isn't sexy so he hopes it turns out well. Man, I know you own mirrors!! Everyone packed into the elevator and Yoongi ticking Jimins chin 😭 the captions saying the Miniz find each other adorable! *crying*
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3J all Watching Jins freestyle dance with the biggest hype smiles and filming him too. They LOVE Jin! Hopekook both staying to watch Jimin dance too, and Jihope cheered on JK. Hobi saying he stayed to watch and cheer for all the members through their dance 😭🥺 lmfao Tae doing quick arm exercises to show off his muscles in his sleeveless shirt and Sope both keep petting his arms and complimenting his big muscles now 😏🤣 Jin pulling a finger heart out of JKs vest pocket was adorable too. And jinkook always pretending to fight each other non stop! It's how they open up day 3 too!
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Legit just having a dance party on the stage set they had and having such a good time. Lol Tae literally dancing up to and for everyone and being so cute. It's absolutely giving "I will marry bts members" vibes. JinMin bickering and playing during the breaks and giggling so much. Jin refusing to leave Jimin alone and let him sit down. Lmfao and of course you know JK has to join in on all the teasing too. My JinJiKook. And all the bickering and fighting for camera time during ending mentions is as always, the most adorable. Their smiles! More Jikookery Clips
Butter Practice Making Film:
I love that Yoongi got there first and started lowkey warming up on his own but how happy he got when Jin showed up, immediately going over to hang out together 🥺 it's also fascinating to watch Kookie show up to practice half asleep, literally FALLING ASLEEP sitting up to getting more and more chaotic as practice goes on. Until he is full on going crazy, sliding around floors on his back and full chaos potential is unlocked 🤣
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Vmin are so precious. Working together for their duo dance part in the middle. Jimin said it was hard to see where his spot was that he was spinning into since he was going into it backwards, so Tae said he would hold out his hand so that Jimin could just see easier where he had to go, aka, spin into Taes arms 🥺😂 cuties! Dance leader Hoseok is ALWAYS a pleasure to watch work too!! Seriously though, the break is when chaos reigned. JK had vmin on his shoulders, boxing with Jin, helping (?) Namjoon with his push-ups and just in general acting silly to make his hyungs laugh. Lol he is amazing.
The next jump to dance practices for Butter is after they've all gotten their new hair done for the MV too! Purple hair Koo Supreme 😍 everyone warming up and Jimin helping Tae with his footwork! The encouragement given!! I really truly do love watching Dance Leader Hoseok and Main Dancer Jimin take their craft seriously and be so helpful to the whole group too. And always giving their advice with lots of praise too. It's awesome. Taekook making faces at each other in the back of formation and then in the front at the mirror to make everyone laugh 😂 Jimin teasing JK watching their practice moves back over too 🤣 they work SO HARD but always have so much fun too! And another day of practice starting off just with jikook having fun together playing a game of tag/catch. Their smiles! More Jikookery too.
The Late Late Show with Stephan Colbert Making Film:
The Actual performance should be here too
Their first promotional activity they've filmed for Butter, which was filmed the stage for even before the song released! Opening with 2seok and Vmin reviewing their choreos together! All the little mistakes made during their first run through in the new place and the shy smiles and giggles coming from those who messed up 🤣 Yoonmin reminiscing over their last time on the show where they did their BWL stage. Vmin having an impromptu chair workout during one break. Jinkook having an impromptu boxing match during another. Besties always having fun! Jimin talking to the cameras, talking about their set and when asked about his hair, sharing it was his idea. JK hovering around the whole time waiting for a good time to jump in and get to tease his hyung. Lol which results in playful smacks and chasing. 😂😂 Staff: "that was an eye catching opening you filmed" Jin: "I was just walking so if that was eye catching, the only explanation is that my face is eye catching" YES JIN know your worth!! Lol Tae watching Jin talking to the camera from the side and whispering into his in ears with his mic and telling him instructions of what to say 🤣🤣 their smiles while having fun together are so cute! The editors throwing Namjoon under the bus for the last filming scene! Lol "we could be done after this one take. Except spot what's wrong in this frame.... namjoon going the wrong direction" 😅🤣🤣 Jin turning to scold Joon right after the director yells cut too 🤣🤣🤣 they were all a little tired and ready to be done! Lol perfect second take though! The members laughter as the whole set has to be reset up, including all the confetti they had fired off 😅😂
Good Morning America Making Film:
The actual performances should be here too!
Hobi being so excited to perform the tropical remix of Dynamite! The editors calling Yoongi a cat for the millionth time. 3J being silly together in the way background. Jimin climbing the tower after Yoongi to hang off it with him and the editors calling Jimin a cat too. Jikopo smiling at each other as soon as they finish singing Dynamite. Some of my favorite things 😍 Jimin telling Hobi to aim for JKs head with the beach ball while they were singing and Hobi actually doing it 🤣 JinMin starting a game of foot volleyball, with the 94z joining right in too and JK just watching the 4 play with the cutest smile.
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I'll never get over Taes ponytail for this performance either honestly! Lol I love it. Vmin trying to decide what to do for their pair choreo and pulling Hobi in to help them decide. Their dance leader! They ended up deciding to do a high five and exchange glances as they walked. Which did look so sweet. Ending mentions at the end of filming were cute. They were all TIRED. Lol Tae leaning all his weight on Jin. Lol and Jikook couldn't have been standing closer together if they tried. 😂 AND THEN WE ALSO GET TANNIES WITH A PUPPY CONTENT! Which was clearly incredibly distracting for the members during shooting lmfao
Sirius XM Making Film:
Adding the performance here again too! Plus my post over more Jikookery from this making film too.
Everyone finding their spots and warming up for the Dynamite performance. JK just sitting there over and over trying to do the bottle flip game. Jimin joining him, getting it in 2 goes and proudly trying to show it off to Jungkook. And then JK warming up with a shout, Jimin = copy/paste. Lol they have tons of fun together always. Staff setting everything up... members goofing off with a playing with the set. Lol Jihope tossing a ball back and forth. JK playing darts and decorating his mic with darts while the poor makeup noona tries to do his makeup around all that 🤣 Jikook randomly holding hands and on/off doing a "grip contest." And their break time turning into a heated Rubix cube solving technique debate. Lol tannies doing a dance party to Butter at the end of the transitions and JK dancing with minimoni! Arms around Joons shoulders and Jimins waist 😍 and Tae riding a bike across the set 🤣 JinMin doing a perfectly in sync ending pose together too!
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For the butter set, Jikook keep joking about the set being the inside of Hobis stomach since he ate the butter in the MV. He humors all their BS so nicely 🤣🤣 I always love how much they compliment each other and are so humble about it. Tae telling Jin how good he is at the "know that I got some heat" part and Jin going "its because Jhope taught it to me." 🥺🥺 and during JKs dance Hobi shouting "OH JK! What's with those hips!!" And JK just being so proud and Saying "I really worked hard for that" lol Poor Jimin had his mic break and didn't have any extras so he was trying on everyone else's extra mics before asking for Hobis because Hobi "also has a small head." Lol and Tae taking great "offense" at Jimin saying his head was big. 🤣 basically just saying "we (pointing to JK) have normal human sizes and you just have an extra small head" 🤣🤣 Jimin going "I'm getting to learn more about the members heads today."
Butter (ft. Meg Thee Stallion) Special Performance Video Making Film:
Jhope saying that Megan did such a great job as a featuring artist that it really inspired him 🥺 I really love their friendship yall. And the fact that it inspired him enough to pull 3J back together for this is AMAZING. I love that he did this! Jimin warming up by playing basketball as soon as he arrives is so wholesome too. When Hobi said they installed the hoop for Yoonmin, he REALLY wasn't kidding!! JK calling Nick, the choreographer, over for help with the dance as SOON as he arrived was really cute. They work so HARD. Whatever you do, don't make a drinking game out of hearing them say "last time" lol you won't survive it!
The comfort they give each other is so sweet. Hobi cheering for them and giving encouragement. Tips shared for a better performance so easily between the 3 of them. Jimin leaning on JK during a break where they watched their performance and massaging his neck and shoulders for him so comfortably. Jungkook also comforting Jimin with some really sweet back rubs too. "Just have fun. Our fans will like it." It's honestly our favorite thing to see! Back for another day of filming because they are PERCECTIONISTS lol. And they take the cutest 3J photos we all still treasure before starting. Jikook goofing off shooting hearts at each other and doing their little meme dance before getting serious. Hobi smiling so cutely at Jimin practicing his facial expressions for the hand choreo and praising JK for his outfit when he comes back wearing white for the 3 of them to match better. Jikook smiling so cutely as they hold hands for encouragement before starting another take, Jimin grabbing Hobi to join all 3 of their hands together 😍 and Hopekook teasing Jimin for those last few "one last take" requests. Lol I really really love our 3J and I feel so blessed they worked this hard to bring us another dance collab!
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And this wraps up Disc 4 for memories! My next post will cover the next Discs as well too! Thank you for letting me share! 💜
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Here you go, for the self-ship ask game.
I'd love to hear about your silly little guys :3
🎠💭 🎇
Anyways !!! These will be Hobie based cuz I'm still figuring out my other f/o's but still.
🎠- What’s your favorite thing about your F/O’s personality?
Oh brother, first of all I don't think we acknowledge enough Hobie is so so Vibrant(?) Hobie is, so well written and how he is so meticulous about everything! He knows that the spider hq is bad, and he gently nudges Miles to not wanting to join. And automatically accepting miles into the group, I hate how some people portray him as cold! Have you seen this man's interactions???? He's tickled pink when he sees miles.
💭- What’s your favorite uncommon headcanon about your F/O?
HE HAS HETROCHOMIA, he has such pretty eyes and they are hazel in some shots, but I like to imagine he has one brown eye and his other has sectoral hetrochromia in the other, one side being brown and the other being blue.
🎇- Which is the most CURSED crack selfship you’ve thought of?
Ok, context I was little like 13, I used to ship myself with Dave strider, and Donnie (tmnt) as like a love triangle, I had no idea what self shipping was, and I don't consider them f/os but I was cringe n free to kiss a turtle and a knight of time when I was 13.
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spidercom · 1 year
If you can, may you please do a Pavitr x spider person male reader? :)
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Pairing!:Pavitr and spider!M/N!
Warnings?:None just major fluff.
Summary?: Pavitr wants to tell reader something but doesn’t know how so Gwen helps him out at the ‘hangout’ for the two.
(Y’all this is my first one-shot like thingy so if it’s bad then uhh- nvm💀)
Just like any day in Hobies Dimension. Pavitr was ranting to the marvelous 3 (marvelous 3 being Miles, Gwen, and Hobie.) about you, your costume your personality all that stuff. Eventually Hobie just chuckled and decided to say something ��why don’t you ask him out ‘den eh?” All the three nodded in agreement while Pavitr blushed crazily. “Yeah! Y’all seem like a cute couple!” Gwen says with a big grin as the chuckles. “I- what?! I don’t have the guts to do that!” Pavitr says raising his hands for a dramatic effect. The 3 laughs at his nervousness and possible embarrassment. “I mean that’s what happened with me and Gwen.” Miles says as Gwen blushes and slightly smacks his arm. “Yeah, but anyway. Y’all are gonna hangout tomorrow right? Jus’ ask ‘em out then.” Hobie says jumping onto his couch. “Fine! But I’m gonna need help.” Pavitr says crossing his arms with a pout. Gwen chuckles “I’ll help! I got the skills to anyways, right Miles?” She says in a teasing tone turning her head to Miles as he blushes a dark red out of embarrassment. “Here take this comm, it’s only connected to our network.” Hobie says handing him a comm. Pavitr puts the comm into his ear as the 3 head back to their original universes.
The next day the 4 meet up in Hobies dimension again. “Alrighty so… what time are you supposed to hangout with M/N?” Gwen says eating a banana Hobie gave her. “Well since we’re meeting up at his dimension I guess around 5?” Pavitr says in a questioning tone checking his dimensional watch thingy. Gwen sighs as she lays her head onto Miles’s shoulder. “Well you better get ready because it’s almost 5 in his dimension.” Gwen chuckles as Pavitr panics quickly grabbing his things and leaving, not before saying goodbye to the 3 though. As Pavitr jumps through the portal he quickly closes it swinging to your usual hangout spot. As he lands onto the roof he sits onto the edge waiting for you. When he sees you land into your heroic but unusual pose he shouts. “Hey M/N!” He says waving to you with a huge smile. “Hey Pav!” You wave back to him as you walk up to him siting next to him on the edge. “Uhh- M/N I-I wanted to ask you something..” Pavitr says glancing at you as a small blush appears onto his face. “Ask away Pav.” You say with a chuckle as you take your Spider-mask off to look up into the stars. (Y’all took like 2 hours to get there so it like 7 pm now. ITS WINTER BTW BTW.) “U-Um ..” he stutters fiddling with his fingers for a second. “W-will you go out with me?” You both say blushing a bright red as Pavitr looks to see your reaction. You turn your head to face his as your blushing a bright pink. “Ofcourse I’ll go out with you!” You both say again with a laugh. “Jinx!” You both say loudly pointing your fingers at each other. Y’all sit in a comforting silence as you both turn back to the stars. You lay your head onto his shoulder with a sigh as the star’s light shines into your beautiful e/c eyes. “Your eyes are beautiful.” He mumbles loud enough for you to hear it. “So are yours.” You say giving him a kiss on his cheek as you lay your head back onto his shoulder as he blushes profusely. “T-thank you.” He says softly as you both stare into the night sky of New York City for the rest of the night.
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Loki Season Two Trailer Thoughts
So the Loki season two trailer just came out!! I’m being a hundred percent normal about it, and I did not get road rage multiple times on my drive home because people were going too slow and I wanted to get home to watch it, and I did not watch it in my car while muttering to myself, because I am a fan of Loki a normal amount. Anyway.
While I’m sure some of my initial thoughts, theories, and opinions will change the more I watch it, if we get more trailers or sneak peeks, and once the season actually premieres, I want to compile some of the things I’m thinking with this first real look at the season.
First off, I still desperately want to know if this is the Mobius from the end of season 1 who didn’t know who Loki was, whether because the timeline got fucked up or Sylvie accidentally sent Loki to an alternate universe, or if Loki found his way back to the original Mobius (or Mobius got his memory back).
Is this adorable cinnamon roll named Hobie? They are so cute and I hope they’re in the show more than Casey was, who I also loved.
I don’t want to turn this into just a blow-by-blow, reaction to every second of the trailer, but holy shit Sylvie what the fuck did you do when you killed Kang???
So Hobie (I still don’t know if that’s his/their name) says it’s impossible to time-slip in the TVA. Does that mean the TVA is on the Timeline now because of what Sylvie did? Or is this TVA, the TVA from the finale, on the Timeline because it’s an alternate TVA? If that’s the case, then when we see Loki see himself in the past (his past) maybe he’s not only time-slipping but universe-slipping. (And also he does his hair flippy thing like three times and it’s everything.)
I think know this Piranha Powersports business he shows up in front of, but I can’t think of how at the moment. I’ll need to look into it more. BUT THERE’S JET SKIS SO NOW I’M THINKING WE MIGHT SEE PRE-TVA!MOBIUS HERE!!! 
I wonder if he’s slipping into Sylvie’s past too.
I’m looking forward to see what people think about the pruning stick on the mosaic of the Time-Keepers shot, because I’ve got nothing at the moment.
Okay, so my theory about the Quantumania post-credit scene was incorrect. They’re not in Victorian England. They’re in either 1893 Chicago or 1904 St. Louis, because they’re at a World’s Fair with a Ferris Wheel. (I’m furious they’re eating popcorn, because there are plenty of foods that could have placed them squarely at specific world’s fairs, but popcorn is old news by 1893. However, it has been established that I’m a nerd who sometimes fact checks things, and in looking up the history of popcorn, the wiki says, “Popcorn accessibility increased rapidly in the 1890s with Charles Cretors’s invention of the popcorn maker. Cretors, a Chicago candy store owner...” (”Popcorn,” Wikipedia, emphasis added by me) So they might be in Chicago. And I have more thoughts for why they might be in Chicago.) 
That guy that I think is attacking Mobius? The one Loki finally uses magic to rescue Mobius from? He’s being damn obvious, way too obvious for his usual methods, but I still think it’s the Devil in the White City, the infamous serial killer HH Holmes. 
Good lord Mobius please tell me you didn’t put that pie in the microwave. That is meant to be cold. Also, ugh, one piece, two forks, damn you! Do I have to teach you how to flirt? You don’t want lessons from me, I promise you. (I’m sorry, but we all knew the lokius was going to come out somewhere on this post.)
I feel like I should know the movie on that marquee but I do not. That’s what post-trailer Buzzfeed listicles are meant to teach me. But...is that...B-15 in her past?? Are we finally explicitly getting her backstory too?!
(I know I’m skipping whole shots but I don’t know what to say about them at this time, I’m sorry.)
So there’s an outside to the TVA? And the outside of the TVA is just nothingness space except for the Sacred Timeline, which looks like the router or whatever from Wreck It Ralph 2 before they get to the main hub of the internet? It looks like one hell of a cable problem. It looks like something a certified electrician would take one look at and be like “You’re fucked. I suggest you move before your house burns down.” And Mobius is going out there just strapped to the vacuum hose with Mark 0 of NASA’s spacesuits with the face plate duct taped closed? THERE’S ANOTHER SUIT RIGHT BEHIND HOBIE, USE THAT ONE! Mobius, did Loki accidentally take the brain cell with him when he time-slipped? Okay, I’m done.
Wait now I’m not so sure the guy at the fair was Holmes. Why would they have taken him in? Because I’m pretty sure the guy Loki’s knocking to the ground (or maybe doing the mini-time-travel thing on from episode one, it’s hard to tell) is the guy that attacked Mobius. Is he a Loki? 
The silhouettes of Loki and Sylvie’s horns against the wall is cool as shit, I want that painted on every wall in my house. 
Is that Renslayer with the thing?
But the doctor is B-15. Are both of them B-15 (the woman in gold looked similar, that’s why I thought it was her), or are we getting another badass character? Girlfriend for Sylvie, maybe?
I think that’s Renslayer in the Victorian garb, but man I’d love it if it was Mrs. Sharp from Where Mischief Lies, even though we’re not in England.
“God of Mischief” not God of Lies, not God of Evil. Hell. Yes. 
I’m trying to figure out where he is when he’s fighting the hunters. At first I thought he was in the Norse wing of the British Museum (or something to that effect), where he meets Theo in Where Mischief Lies (I’m desperate for an easter egg, I’m sorry). But I’m pretty sure those are not Viking longboats. My best guess is he’s still at the world’s fair, but I don’t know where Mobius is or why the TVA is attacking him now. BUT WE’RE GETTING MORE MAGIC!
Disappointed Mobius didn’t know which was the right Loki. Still excited for more magic though!!!
Is that the Titanic?
It’s Chicago.
Who is this fucker in the box? I want to know right now!
Oh good, Mobius is wherever the hell they are with the boats. 
68 days. I am going to lose it. 
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mariabtsos · 6 months
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One That I Want ||m.yg||Chapter 5: Like
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Description: It is summer of 1956, and leader of the T-Birds Yoongi is working at a food joint at the beach to make extra money over the summer, when he meets a pretty girl. They start a summer fling that unfortunately had to come to end, but an unexpected turn of events will bring them back together.
Genre: 1950s au, angst, fluff, some smut, Greaser!Yoongi x Square/Goody-Two-Shoes!OC.
TW: underage drinking and smoking, sexual content, violence, misogyny (it’s the 1950s so peak macho man era).
Word Count: 1k+
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It was time for cheerleading tryouts and Lottie had spent the whole week preparing for it; she'd had some experience with it back home, at least the gymnastics part of it. She hadn't been to a gym in a few months since moving here though, so she was worried she'd be a bit rusty.
"Say Kim, are we just going to ignore the elephant in the room about Yoongi being a student here?" Jiyoon asked her leader as she retouched her bright red lipstick.
"When the time is right we will tell her," she responded, not concerned about the situation.
Some may think she was trying to do this out of jealousy, which was a in part true. Kim would be lying if hearing how wonderfully Yoongi had treated the foreigner over the summer, especially when all they had done the year prior was necking and petting with really no smushy stuff going on. However, she also did not like that Yoongi had led Lottie on this way, not writing to her or maybe using some extra won for a long distance call? As far as she had come to know, the foreigner was gone for him, she genuinely cared for him and she didn't strike Kim as the snobby type, so she knew she wouldn't have judged him for not being someone fancy.
"Kim?" Nayeon called, she replied with a simple "mhm?."
"How come we never tried out for the cheer team?" Nayeon asked. "No thanks, I prefer to do my screaming in private," the leader stated whilst chuckling, making the others do so as well.
"Hey girls!" Lottie greeted the group, they all greeted back, she sat and talked to them for a bit to ease her nerves.
Not too far away the T-Birds were leaving the school for the day, someone was having a party in Ilsan, so they decided to go and crash at Namjoon's after. The aforementioned and Yoongi were the first out, then Hobi and Jimin as they talked about a way to get some chicks tonight, the oldest was the last one out of the building, hearing some of the commotion he saw that cheerleading try outs were about to start.
The first one up was someone who looked foreign, her skin was a pretty light caramel color, and her hair a rich dark brown, she was a sight among the other girls trying out, then again he'd flirted and necked with most of the girls trying out anyway.
"Yah, hyung are you coming or did you decide looking at cheerleaders is more important?" Namjoon called for him.
Jin cackled, shaking his head at his annoying dongsaeng. Paper shakers weren't something he usually looked at, at least not as of recently, the others were more prone to it, according to Hobi, their flexibility came in handy in bed. He decided he would keep her existence to himself for now, wanting to meet her before any of them.
"Get bent, Joon," the older shot back as he jogged up to Yoongi's car, jumping onto the back seat and subsequently driving away. Jin couldn't help but look back and see her being lifted up to the top of a pyramid. He didn't know why he was so hooked on her. He decided he would clue his friends in once he had at least gotten to talk to her, since they always shared stories about their latest conquests anyway.
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Try outs had just ended and Lottie was talking to Wendy, she'd made the team! Which meant she had to know when the first and following pep rallies would be, to say she was stoked was an understatement. As her conversation continued however, she couldn't help but feel like she had a pair of eyes watching her during try outs and now she had that same feeling, she found who was responsible for that when she was tapped on the shoulder, she saw Wendy's eyes widen which prompted her to turn halfway so she could see who was behind her.
"Hey!" A handsome blond greeted her, he had the cutest boxy smile. "Hi!" She greeted back, turning to fully face him.
"I guess I'll give you a bell tonight, later gator!" Wendy said behind her before walking away.
"Name's Kim Taehyung! I couldn't help but notice how killer of a performance you just had," he complimented her, "I'm sure I'll score a ton of goals if I got you as my paper shaker," the cute boy stated confidently, a smirk on his face that made him look absolutely dream like.
Lottie giggled at his words, the pink rising to her cheeks, "well, if you're one of the players I'll make sure to cheer loudly for you," she shook the pom poms in her hand, "my name's Charlotte Hutchins, but everyone calls me Lottie," she extended her hand to him, he took it and left a small kiss on it, very gentleman like.
"Well, I'm happy to have you on the team Lottie, although, it might be hard to focus with a knock out like you on the side lines," he added, not letting go of her hand, he started caressing her knuckles with his thumb, a very comforting gesture that had Lottie blushing.
She heard some other guys calling his name, she assumed it was his teammates. They both looked back and he sighed looking at her with that pretty smile again.
"Anyway, I hope you cheer loudest for me, I'm the captain so I'll need that extra support," he stated, winking at the brunette, making her cheeks redder. "I can't hang for long, but I'm sure I'll see you at the pep rally next week, baby?" Taehyung asked her, Lottie could only reply with a nod.
As she watched him get to his friends, she realized how dumb it was to be pinning for a guy who she would probably never see again, so she decided to focus on the now. If her and Yoongi were meant to be, they will find each other again later, for now, she couldn't wait for Wendy's call later so she could ask her more about Kim Taehyung and what he was like.
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Random Facts About About My Stories/Writing:
•Risk it all was going to have a Kuina, Chishiya love triangle (I vetoed the idea)
•My YoonMin Fic was initially a yn x yoongi fic
• Twisted Feelings didn’t gain much traction at first I nearly ended it until a friend told me how much they enjoyed it. (This is why comments and inbox submissions are so important)
• Come Here Sweetheart nearly was scrapped, I found it hard to do.
• I initially didn’t want to write for Niragi but ended up doing it anyway.
• I have so many stories that need editing but not enough time so I hate looking at past work because of the mistakes.
•Trust Me was supposed to be a one shot but I wanted to write more, I was going to turn it into a series and didn’t. Jimin was going to break YNs heart. ( I was depressed lmao)
•I have had a Kuina and Ann 4 chapter fic sitting in my drafts for a year, it’s complete and edited but it but I have a lot of personal stuff in it and it may be too heavy so idk what to do with it.
• I figured out my sexuality/identity after reading/writing The Gentlemen.
• TGM hobi was going to join the relationship (my idea) I changed it when I understood more of what he represented for so many people.
•I want to write me own universe story, I have a few ideas for a story but it would be 200k plus and I can’t decide on the ship. I want to finish all my current stories and then work on it.
•I wrote the first 20 chapters of risk it all in 3 weeks, I was exhausted and left myself so drained. Never do that.
• Many of my story plots started from dreams or one liners I see in random places, I don’t plan many of my stories. Risk it all, trust me and twisted feelings are the only ones.
•I got de@th threats for posting BTS fics but continued anyway bc I have too many ideas.
•I really do have too many ideas and my hands can’t write fast enough. I hate that I can’t get my stories out the way I want too.
• I tend to write between 10pm and 4am I have insomnia and can never really sleep, I edit during the day but very rarely will I write in the day time.
•someone recommended me my own story on Twitter, I felt so good 😭
•In quiet getaway I was going to make it an angst fix with more than 1 chapter but it worked well for the 1000 special. I was worried to post it bc a friend had wrote a similar trope in her story little so you know (recommend it 100) and I didn’t want her to think I copied her.
•we may revisit the futures of the 1000 followers special couples depending on what people want.
•Not So Dinner date was supposed to be Jin x reader but I changed it to Namjoon.
•Risk it all Chishiya was going to kill Niragi
• Risk it all Arisu was going to fight Chishiya but didn’t
•I have risk it alls ending planned out it’s just a matter of writing and posting, I’d say there’s 20-25 more chapters.
•Twisted feelings will have around 40 chapters.
•Hoseok and Jimin were contenders for the day date in the last chapter of TGM but it changed when jimin won the fan gave and Hobi was eliminated
• hobi was going to be angry at yn for eliminating him but I couldn’t do that
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7ndipity · 1 year
Hiii Sara!!💕 Hope your doing well!!
Omggg it’s been a while following you and your work and I hadn’t seen your wip list that full as it is now!! I’m getting excited by all the new content that’s coming!!! at its own time, of course 🤭 I also hope it’s a good time to send a request?
Sooo, I’ve been thinking (and kind of dreaming, bc I CAN’T PRETEND ANYMORE) how it would be being kissed by your bias? Mine is Hoseok, so… my mind flies high 😵‍💫 idk If you’d like to write a Drabble/blurb/one shot? to Hobi being your very first kiss? I think he would be really sweet and delicate with his partner but progressively makes a little spicy? And a little playful idk🫣. Btw, if you want to write an OT7 reaction , I don’t mind at all! However your feel it Sara <3
Mmm I haven’t kissed anyone in my life sooo,,, I’m sorry if my request is kinda unrealistic or messy?? 🥹I’m just trying to imagine how it would be like to experience that,,, but anyway, hope you feel comfortable with my request !
Have a good day and take care!💕✨thank you for all the work you share with us!!
Omg thank you so much for your sweet message! I'm so glad you're as excited for all the wips as I am!I just posted the reaction here, and I loved the Hobi idea as well, so look for that in the next few days!(I’m also right there with you sweetie, forever single gang over here🙋. Don't worry about it tho, everything in its own time💜)
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dearweirdme · 1 year
So, I wanted to ask what are your thoughts on Taekook not appearing in a new Samsung campaign.
So, in the last 24 hours Samsung held their Unpacked event where they presented new flip and fold phones, as well as a smartwatch and a tablet. Yoongi was the only member who actually attended the event. Makes sense to me since he is an obvious loyal fan of the brand and also the one who composed several ringtone for them. As the event was happening/happened official Samsung accs posted two set of pictures of the members holding the phones. Here's one of the threads.
As you can see only 4 members are there. Namjoon, Yoongi, Hobi And Jimin.
Some people started wondering why Taekook hasn't made an appearance (the campaign was obviously shot after Jin enlisted so no mystery here). Some think that maybe two of them didn't renew but I don't think it's true.
I, in my head, came with a few theories.
First of all, I think that Taekook will appear in the next campaign for their new galaxy phones that will come out in the beginning of 2024 (Feb / Mar).
Now, the reason for that maybe either solely due to the contract with Samsung running out or also planned around Taekook's later album releases and enlistment.
In the first case, the contract is ending so Samsung decided to split the last appearance by the group in two (since they can't get OT7 anyway) or probably even three with Jin advertising similar product a year later after discharge. So now it's NJ, YG, HS and JM, Taekook in Feb and Jin a year later. And after that contract finished. (Samsung may be also trying to stretch their appearances until full discharge of all the members in 2025)
In the other case, maybe NJ, YG, HS and JM advertising now because NJ, YG and JM will soon all go to the military after NJ and JM release (?) their projects. That will leave Tae and JK to do the galaxy campaign in Feb together while releasing their albums in late 2023 and possibly in early 2024. And then they enlist together.
I feel like this Samsung ad split confirms (sort of) that NJ, YG and JM will leave (together) sooner than Taekook.
So what do you think, is it simply Samsung trying to smoothly finish the contract) wait till full discharge to renew) OR it has something to do with album and enlistment plans?
Hi @madmadmadalice!
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I'm not actually sure what to think of it. But, I do think it's possible Tae and Jk just didn't sign on for Samsung this time. Assuming there hasn't been a longstanding contract to abide to, they do have the luxury of choosing this time maybe. It coud be a case of schedules not matching even. I don't see this as much of a big deal, though it does stand out. Maybe you are right and they will appear in a different add later on. We'll have to see how it goes. THings like this often start making more sense after some time has passed.
I do think Namjoon and Yoongi will be enlisting soon. Jimin is a complete mystery to me, since some things make it look like he will have another album out.
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jjungkookislife · 2 years
So I’m not sure how well I am going to answer this but I will try my best and I’ll answer them all cause why not 🤷‍♀️
1. Okay, now this is so difficult cause I love a lot of your work but if I REALLY HAVE TO CHOOSE SOME 🫢😂
• The Nanny - cause of dad!Jin and baby Dae-hyun 🥹 need I say more? Lol and it’s also the fic that led me to you so that’s that
• Butterfly Tattoo Studio - do I really need a reason? It’s the boys AS TATTOO ARTISTS. I love the whole idea of this story and its characters. The MC is also open-minded about the boys’ relationship which made me love her even more. I really loved this and am actually patiently waiting if and when you update it, no pressure though ☺️
•Ho-Ho-Home Series - cause what’s NOT to love? It’s Minnie as the cutest most amazing human and the bestest bf/husband 🥺
Whew 😮‍💨 that took me so much time cause it was so hard to choose only three 😣
2. • The Nanny - the last one cause everything’s good and fluffy and she’s finally moving in 😁
• Butterfly Tattoo Studio - can’t really choose, both were amazing plus, the texts were also fun to read
• HHH Series - well, it’s a one shot so that’s already my fav chap lol 😂 but I guess I’ll just pick my fav drabble and it’s between Birthday boy cause he had the best birthday ever 🥰 and Pain cause it just showed again how amazing he is as a bf 😩
3. I have to choose HHH Jimin cause I can’t help but fall in love with his entire being in the story🫣
4. I’m gonna go with Little Mouse💜Jk and Crybaby💜Joonie just cause both couples are adorable for me
5. None. I read them all 😉
6. When I read your work Shadow, I automatically thought of Shego and Dr. Drakken and found out that it was based on them. I really loved that. And I also could not get enough of that couple, they were chaotic and adorable together 😍
7. Tongue Like Candy, cause I didn’t know it was gonna end that way. I really thought it was gonna have a happy ending so I got blindsided with the ending. Don’t know if you still plan on writing a continuation of this in the future but I just want to say that I wouldn’t be opposed to it if you did 👀😂
8. That you have this ability to mix smexy scenes with fluffy ones, and I just can’t help but love the story and the couple in your work more and more 😌
9. I don’t really have anything specific. I always get excited when you post something new or update an ongoing fic. I literally am just thankful to anything you share with us despite being busy so thank you so much for that ☺️
10. I also don’t have an exact answer for this and I did enjoy it but I guess MC with Hobi along with the other boys. The whole Butterfly Tattoo Studio Series was really interesting when I first saw it. The whole idea behind it along with each of the characters shown was really refreshing. I didn’t know I would love it as much as I did after reading it.
11. Nothing in particular, I would honestly love anything you write so feel free to post and share anything you like when you want to 😊
12. I think I’ve re-read most of your work from time to time when I miss them but I always do it when you update an ongoing fic to refresh my memory on that story.
13. I mean I’m not really that active here in Tumblr but I have reblogged every fic of yours when I first read them and I think I recommended and told some of my friends your stories cause I really loved them.
14. I think I mentioned it above already but it’s Butterfly Tattoo Studio
15. Don’t really have anything with a specific work but can I ask what are your current wips? Like what stories are you planning to work on this year? No pressure by the way, just curious. You can choose not to answer this if you don’t want to disclose it or you’re not sure what to answer.
Anyways, I hope I answered them all correctly and that it didn’t get cut. This took me much longer that I thought it would but I hope it came out okay and complete ☺️
ah <33 this made me so happy! thank you! I'm so glad you enjoy the nanny and that's the fic you found me with <3 I've been working on it here and there so hopefully I'll be able to finish it soon <3
ah BTS I've also been working on the next chapter and i adore them all, especially Jimin's character lmao and HHH I've been thinking of them a lot! I reread it all recently and ugh he's just the sweetest. I have a drabble for them at JK's bar that I'm working on next <3
I'm glad you enjoy those chapters! <3 and the texts as well. i feel like they're so easy to write for in butterfly :)
Jimin in HHH is just the bestest boy! I swear he makes me delulu every now and again 'cause he's a sweetie!
i adore LM!JK so much, he was so shy and sweet! and then Joon in Crybaby! I think that's one of my top 3 Joons <3 I'm happy you like them! :) and thank you for reading all my fics too!
oof i have a lot of series i need to work on lol i just get so excited i post before they're done and then take ages to finish them (if i do) but yes Shadow, i adore them, there's some angst coming around but I've been working on their fic here and there and i have it plot(ted?) out but just writing it the way i want is hard lol
ah yes! it kind of ended abruptly but the OC definitely didn't want to hurt her brother and i have been working on a part 2/conclusion i just got stuck with it and then i hated what i wrote so i had to rewrite some and i got stuck again lmao I'll have to have a look at it soon.
i love writing fluff and smut the most, just couples being happy and in love and just all over each other. i try not to do too much angst especially without happy endings 'cause it hurts my heart :(
ahhh you're an angel, thank you <3
piercer!hobi just came out of nowhere tbh and it was just supposed to be a one shot but then i got an idea for the second chapter with jungkook and tae and of course Jimin !
<33 thank you! that means so much to me! and thank you for reblogging and recommending my fics <33
I'm working on The Nanny, TLC, my collab fic Bad Decisions will be out tomorrow, the last chapter of milk! should be out in February, i think i have a one shot called La Boda and a second/last part of Ah, Mr. Kim :)
thank you so much for taking the time to send this in and writing all that out! I was so happy to read this this morning! Thank you <3 I hope you stay safe and get lots of rest and I hope you enjoy bad decisions tomorrow <3
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