#anyways i haven't settled on a name for them yet and I'm still trying to design a more fun outfit for them
jennablackmorebooks · 7 months
Thinking again about adapting a couple of my characters from ~2012 and I've got the perfect names for adapting them but... they didn't really... do anything? in the stories they were in. So how do I make a story with them. They had jobs and names and cute-coloured uniforms. That's just about it. And yet!
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harlequinalis · 1 year
Devastated that the Eso Necrom update in June is so far away but that doesn't mean I can't start designing my arcanist (how do these house of reveries mask/hoods even work with elf ears? I have no idea 💀)
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kafus · 6 months
ok i've decided i want to infodump about vee and nova a little after all! because uhh not only am i impatient because autism but i also. want to dip my toes into talking about this. just days ago i was still terrified but now i am Tentatively Brave... if i can talk about it here casually like this then i should be able to write a more formal summary later some other time
i've tagged this post appropriately (at least i think i have, feel free to suggest if i should add more) but also a heads up here too before i keep talking that while i'm not going into graphic detail on anything there are STRONG themes of organized sexual abuse of a child, sexual abuse of animals, and grooming! (there are no disturbing visuals in this post, just text)
takes a deep breath alright so the deal with these two. back all the way in 2021, i decided i wanted to make "vent ocs" as in i just wanted some concrete/consistent designs i could use in vent art drawings that weren't a direct reflection of what i envision myself to look like or whatever. i was going through a lot in 2021, in december 2020 i had just gotten my first big repressed memory back and my life was in a whirlwind of change and heavily increased PTSD and DID symptoms, so i was using art a lot as an outlet. in the end i settled on this drawing, based on the design taste i would have had as a young person (god the quality is so old now LOL i've improved a lot but anyway)
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i was intending for these two to be just visual designs and nothing more than that but i got attached and actually ended up giving them a whole storyline and everything, which is something i admittedly hadn't done in a long time up to that point so that's cool.
the reason i preface explaining the premise of the storyline with this is because i think it's important to acknowledge that these two are intrinsically tied with my real life and the feelings i experience as a CSA/OA survivor. not because i think someone has to go through awful things to write or draw about them necessarily, but because i am passionate about expressing myself. it's important for me to be seen in some way, to be heard after years of silence. it is not safe for me mentally to share the exact details of my abuse online rn (and please don't ask for them!) but i also don't want these two to be removed from the message that i survived something and this is me making art about that in an abstracted and magical way with a fictional universe that brings me a lot of comfort. i hope this makes sense lol
oh and also with that in mind if you think for even a second any of this is a weird sex thing for me or some shit please stop reading this post and go do something else with your time. this is my trauma expression and i don't need to be compared to the people i was abused by when i was a literal toddler thank you!
AANYWAY so! premise! gonna be point blank with it! vee (not her original name but shh) is born as a normal 100% human girl, aka without the eevee ears and tail. she is groomed from a very young age (like, toddler age) and eventually abducted by her groomers which happen to be members of... well right now it's team rocket because i haven't spent the time to worldbuild a new villainous pokemon organization yet. roll with me here. she is taken to a remote facility out in the middle of fucking nowhere and is never returned to her previous life or family.
Why? well i'm glad you asked! the org is running a bunch of different experiments in this facility and one of them happens to be trying to enable humans reproducing with pokemon. this doubles as both a money thing and a power thing. they seek out a child as the victim of these horrible experiments because children are easily malleable. way easier to control a child than an adult who already has a firm identity/self.
vee is the child they chose. surgery is forcibly done on her to give her working eevee ears and tail, and also like, fuck with her body chemistry and stuff. she's biologically part eevee now. yes this is bullshit pokemon magic science LMAO but she is kept in this facility and chronically sexually abused for a few years by pairing her with various mons and trying to get eggs to happen.
the experiment isn't working though so they hypothesize that giving her a dedicated partner, especially of the same evolutionary line, would help, and they raise nova from birth as an eevee to take on that role. eventually the two of them are paired together. despite the acts they are forced to commit on each other and the abuse they endure, they actually become inseparable very quickly cause like. they don't have anyone else. and also they just genuinely care about each other. additionally at this point nova has evolved into an espeon and has telepathic powers, so him and vee can communicate linguistically with each other, so you know that helps
generally my current focus of this story is in the early years, when vee is 12 and younger, before they start realizing that shit is fucked up and they need to escape (up until that hypothetical point they have been successfully groomed into believing everything happening to them was not abuse/was normal). i have left out a metric fuckton of detail here just to get across the basic premise. i am constantly exploring vee's psyche, nova's psyche, it's like an in depth exploration of the mind of an abused child in horrific circumstances and god it's cathartic. i love these two so fucking much
btw i guess this art has more context now huh haha after i infodumped off the plot to my sister they looked at this art again and was like. OHHH THIS IS EVEN MORE OMINOUS AND HARD TO LOOK AT WITH CONTEXT. AND I WAS LIKE YEAH!!!! YOU SEE THE VISION!!! THE SYMBOLISM!! ETC!!!!
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uh yeah if you read this far thank you and i just wanna say i've been building up the courage to talk about these two for GENUINELY two years, it has been over 2 full years since that initial drawing, and i am nervous and jittery posting this but i do not want to die without having shared my work with the world and i'm willing to take the risks to get my voice out there. so you reading it is very much appreciated ur like my first step into being more confident as a survivor lol
oh and fwiw despite these guys being so correlated with my trauma it's not offensive to make headcanons or ask me questions about them or compliment darker art of them however you want, in fact i love that shit!! please i've been holding these guys back for two years i have so much to say that hasn't been said. as much as i am nervous i am EXCITED
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abellalu · 6 months
Adventures on a Foreign | Chapter 3
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Summary: After narrowly escaping Thanos, Loki is given a chance for a new life. The Avengers allow Loki to live in New Asgard with his brother, Thor. However, The Avengers are not quick to put their trust into Loki. SHIELD Director Nick Fury recruits an Agent who was once said to be one of the most promising SHIELD Agents, to follow Loki and ensure that he has no plans to harm Earth. Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Reader Word Count: 2k A/N: Welcome back everyone. Hope you all had a happy holiday(s). Lots of interesting conversations in this chapter and setting up a (hopefully) interesting journey for these characters. [ Previous Part | Masterlist | AO3 ]
The sun had only started to emerge when Loki decided to visit the downtown of New Asgard. He knew someone was watching him as he walked down the cobblestone path covered by overgrown grass. There was no point in glancing back and he knew it was you following him.
It had only been a few days since the two of you arrived in New Asgard. For most of that time, he stayed in Thor's house only adventuring as far as the garden. Today, Loki decided it was time to see more of what was supposed to be his new home. He knew there were whispers among the city about his arrival. 
Loki had assumed that his visit was early enough that most of the city would still be asleep and the streets would all be empty, giving him the chance to explore without the staring gazes of others. What he didn’t account for was you knowing that he would be up so early. 
Did this woman sneak a tracker on me in the middle of the night? He wasn’t sure he could ever get used to your ever-existing presence, but for now he continued on,
As Loki continued to walk through the town, he heard footsteps approaching him. At first he assumed it was you, but as he turned around he was greeted by a different presence, “Valkyrie, I'm surprised to see you wake this early,” Loki said quietly.
“I could say the same to you Prince Loki. I haven't seen you explore at all since you and your Agent arrived,” Valkyrie said as she continued to walk to Loki’s side and smiled at him. “She’s quite pretty isn’t she.” 
Loki rolled his eyes, “Don’t you already have a lover. I don’t think she would be interested anyway, she is taking her job of observing me far too seriously.” Loki looked around him trying to find where you were hiding.
“Don’t underestimate me Loki, I could seduce her if I wanted to,” Valkyrie laughs to herself, “But you’re right. I do already have plenty of lovers that need my attention. That and I have a city to rule.”
“Yes, I sure hope your lovers don’t distract you from your work.”
“I’m fully capable of multitasking.” She signaled to Loki to follow her “Tell me what do you think of this city, Prince Loki.”
Loki looked closer at the buildings, many of which still had not turned their lights on yet. People seemed to be settling into their homes and building their new lives. There aren’t many businesses in New Asgard, or at least not as many as there were on Asgard. It was becoming a functional city and even some novelties were appearing, namely the new library featuring both Midgardian books and the copies of Asgardian books that were managed to be saved. 
“You are doing a good job my King, the Asgardians deserve a new home and you are providing them a beautiful one,” Loki earnestly said. 
“There’s lots of work to be done Loki.” Valkyrie smiles softly, “But I do appreciate the sentiment, especially from you.”
Loki tensed. “And why do you need my opinion?”
“Because you are a Prince, it was your home too that is now gone,” Valkyrie asserted. 
Loki stopped walking and Valkyrie looked back towards him. “No matter how many times you call me a Prince, it doesn’t make me one. Not anymore.” Loki wasn't sure if he was ever truly a Prince of Asgard. If anything, he was the heir to Jotunheim. Thor was the only Prince that Asgard ever seemed to need.
“These will always be your people, Loki. I know what it’s like to try and abandon them to create a new life. But I was miserable, I didn’t feel like myself again till I helped fight during Ragnarok. I know you felt a similar way. You could have run away and left them to die, but you didn’t. You felt good fighting for your people and can continue to serve them now.”
“I think you put too much faith in me,” he said gravelly.
“Maybe,” Valkyrie shrugged. “But I also know you want to be more than the villain in stories. This can be a new start for you and your relationship with the people of Asgard, just like me.”
Loki turned away and began walking back to Thor’s house. “Goodbye Valkyrie,” he murmured. 
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Mission Report for Director Nick Fury
Loki Laufeyson is…
You've been sitting at the kitchen table for over an hour, desperately trying to find the words for your mission report. 
This morning you heard Loki get up, having always been a light sleeper. It was useful for the job though, as it helped you stay aware of his every move. That's all how all your time has been spent in New Asgard: listening and waiting for Loki to make his move.
For the most part, Loki kept to himself. The change of routine today, made you assume that it was the start of some malicious plan. But when you followed him into town, he did nothing but observe the city until he had a conversation with the King of New Asgard, Valkyrie. 
Having no more time to procrastinate on your mission report, you decided to give Loki some space for a few hours. As you stared at the blank page on your laptop, you heard the door to the house creak open soon followed by a boisterous voice.
“Soon we shall need a celebration, but for now-” Thor entered the kitchen, the large smile on his face somehow grew bigger. “Hello our dear Lady, how is your day so far?” Following behind him is Korg, a tall rock-made creature with an ironically soft disposition. 
“Hello Thor,” you smile back at him. “My day has been well though now I’m just trying to get my mission report for Fury done.”
“How is your mission going so far? Are you taking time to explore and enjoy the city like I suggested?” Thor asked.
You sighed, “My work is my top priority Thor, I haven’t had much time to explore. But I will eventually, I promise.”
“My brother has been too difficult to work with, has he? Because I promise, I know he wants to change and work with-”
You cut him off, “He hasn’t been too much trouble. He’s just been… distant, I guess. It’s hard to fully know he’s goals and ambitions when he always tries to keep to himself.” Thor frowns at first, but then he slowly smiles again. 
“Well you must talk to him then! Loki has been reclusive, yes. But I swear that if you try to reach out to him, you can see him for who he truly is.”
You stay quiet for a moment, before Korg speaks up. “We just saw him, he was looking over the water on the edge of the hill.”
You looked at Thor's hopeful gaze as he anticipated your response. “I'm hoping you're right, Thor,” you said as you stood from your chair.
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Loki was far away enough from the city that all he could hear was the crashing of the waves below him and the calm wind moving through the tall green grass.
After this morning running into Valkyrie, he needed time to himself. Instead of going back to the house, he found this spot. A place where he had a birds eye view of the water, but was still surrounded by the rugged mountains. 
“It's beautiful here,” you interrupt his thoughts. 
“It's nothing like what Asgard was.”
“It was glorious wasn't it,” You said softly as you walked up next to him. The proximity makes him uncomfortable. “I'd never been to Asgard, you'd have to describe to me what it was like.”
“It was,” Loki quietly looked down. “But it doesn’t matter now that it’s gone, we simply have to move on.”
“How do you plan to move on Loki?” What are your goals here on Earth?” It came out more accusatory than you meant, but you couldn’t resist. You know so little about this man that you are required to watch for most of the day. 
“Trust me, I am not going anywhere and I already tried world domination. Now if you’ll leave me be.” Loki said as he walked back towards the city.
“There is another title you are referred to as Mischief. God of Lies, is that correct?”
Loki paused. You were correct, there are many names referring to Loki. Many of the names now have negative connotations even if they just started as a descriptor. But the God of Lies title was always said with malice. 
“Well you’ve created a problem, see, I could admit to being the God of Lies but that could be a lie or I could say I’m not and that could also be a lie. No matter what, you are not closer to the truth.”
But to Loki’s surprise, you laughed. “Maybe, but here's the thing, Loki.” You walked closer to him. “But I still like to know more about you, if you could-” you think to yourself for a moment. “If you would talk to me, I’d greatly appreciate it. I hear so many different stories about you.”
“And which ones do you think are the most accurate?” Loki asked, looking directly towards you.
“I don’t think any of them are fully accurate, some yes, have more truth to them. But I want to have my own perspective on who you are. I think that’s how I’ve lasted so long as a SHIELD agent,” You laugh quietly. “It gets me in trouble often, especially with Fury, but I know I need to trust my instincts and not assume everyone around me has the right answer. I need to discover for myself.”
“Fury certainly made an interesting choice sending you here.”
“Oh absolutely, do you know what he said to be when he assigned me this mission? ‘Loki annoys the hell out of me and so do you,’ In his mind it’s the perfect match I guess.” You try to hold in your laugh, but Loki just scoffed. 
You continue, “We’re stuck with each other for who knows how long, Loki. We have to find a way to make it work.” You look up at him, focusing on the sharp angles of his face. 
“I suppose so,” Loki begrudged. 
After a few moments of silence, the two of you walk back to the house. You excuse yourself to work on your mission report and Loki goes upstairs to his room. He closes the door softly behind him and lays on his bed, his hands covering his eyes. “Norns, this woman will be the death of me.”
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At the same time, on a far away planet called Chitauri Prime. 
The Chitauri, tall gray monstrous creatures, are yelling at one another. In months since they lost their army leader, Thanos, they argued back and forth on how to move forward as species. 
“We must continue to fight!” one Chitauri yells. “We will avenge our leader and kill anyone who ruined his plan!”
“Our army is weak now and there are too many that were against Thanos!” another yells. “We can not rush into battle, we have to be strategic about our first attack without our leader.”
“Then we will get a new leader.” Soon everyone turned to the older Chitauri, one who stopped fighting battles many years before Thanos was killed. “There is an option, one that we have not been ready for, but now it is time.”
Chitauri looked at each other, confused by what this elder was saying, but he continued, “We will have our leader, he is known as Warlord, he ruthlessness and brutally made us put him into hibernation. But we always knew there would be a time where he would need to fill a role no one else can.” The elder Chitauri walked up the stone steps to the platform, the Chitauri all stared up at him.
“And I know exactly where our first war will be. The downfall of Thanos is all due to one man, the dark prince of Asgard. He was the one that failed us, he is the reason Thanos never got the infinity stones. We were promised Earth if we helped Loki.” The Chitauri cheered, captivated by his speech.
“We will kill Loki and destroy Earth, to avenge our leader and bring honor back to our species.”
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wild-karrde · 1 year
One Step at a Time - Part 9
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Master List | Previous Part | Next Part
A/N: IS THIS THING ON??? OK HI HELLO I HAVE RETURNED WITH THIS FIC AND I KNOW I ALWAYS PROMISE THIS, BUT I PINKY SWEAR THE NEXT CHAPTER WILL NOT TAKE AS LONG (in fact, I already have a good chunk of it written). I'm super excited to introduce some new characters (and also maybe make a reference to a certain mechanic that I haven't yet named in this series). But anyway, I AM VERY EXCITED FOR THIS CHAPTER AND I HOPE YOU ALL LIKE IT. THANK YOU as always to the wonderful @teletraan-meets-jarvis for beta-reading this for me and helping me hash out characters and plot and just generally screaming encouragement at me!
Chapter Rating: T
Warnings: language, copious amounts of new OCs (because I cannot help myself)
Word Count: 8.3k words
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Lothal wasn’t nearly the paradise Sorgan had been, but it would have to do. Instead of lush green foliage and thick forests, the planet’s landscape was dotted with rock formations that broke up the dead, yellowing grass that covered its plains. Everything appeared to be a different shade of tan or grey.
Arni had told them that the planet had experienced famine and drought during the war, crippling its agricultural industry. But where the farmers had floundered, the mining industry had flourished. The planet was peppered with veins and cave networks that were rich with various metals and minerals that the Empire found useful, so of course it hadn’t wasted any time in swooping in and setting up shop.
Chuckles had been hesitant to travel to any planet that had an Imperial presence, but as Arni pointed out, it was almost impossible to find a world where the Empire didn’t exist in some capacity. Their best option was to find a planet with plenty of rural areas to disappear into, and Lothal provided that. There had been a moment where Chuckles considered returning to Sorgan, but he knew that Ry and Oks had likely had to come up with a story for the drunk that had stumbled out and never returned. Showing back up, especially if the Empire was still around, would only complicate things for them, and that was the last thing he wanted to do for the two women.
So Lothal it was.
Chuckles and Arni had selected a small, family-owned mining operation to target for their next place to settle. The Kern Brothers Mining Company was well away from any major cities, and as a result, a small sort of township had cropped up around the mine itself. It seemed to be a fairly new establishment based on the many job postings that Arni was able to find on various forums, and by all accounts, other than the occasional inspection and weekly supply drops, Imperials largely steered clear of the small community, instead relying on shipments delivered by droids or automated vehicles. 
It wasn’t perfect, but it was about as close as they could hope for. 
As Chuckles settled the freighter into one of the crude landing zones outside of the township, the two younglings pressed forward to get a look at their new home. Aside from the mine, there appeared to be one strip that served as a main part of town, and the area was peppered with buildings that had clearly gone up in a hurry to accommodate the workers. Many of the dwellings seemed to be built from whatever could be salvaged in a hurry, or like the Ayyshus, it appeared many families opted to live out of whatever vessel had carried them there. With opportunities coming and going everywhere across the planet, it made sense to remain mostly mobile should they need to pull up stakes and move on. 
Chuckles could see Nita was less than impressed, and Arni was chewing the inside of their cheek, eyes darting around and taking in every detail. Chuck grinned as the two kids turned to him, clearly trying to hide their disappointment.
Not much of an adventure compared to Sorgan. But, it’s quiet. And probably boring. And we could use boring.
“Not much to look at, is it?” he teased, and he could see both of the younglings relax, apparently considering themselves released from having to pretend.
“It’s very… dusty,” Nita concluded.
“And dry,” Arni added.
“But it’s ours,” Chuck countered. “And we’ll make it what we want. And if not, we’ll find somewhere else.”
Nita nodded, appearing to find this an acceptable compromise, but something had drawn Arni’s attention. They giggled, pointing out the front viewport of the freighter. “Nita! Look! A tooka!”
Nita leapt into the co-pilot seat, leaning forward on the control panel to peer outside. “WHERE?”
The speckled creature scratched at an oversized ear, surveying the ship with disinterest.
“TOOKA!” Nita squealed. “Open the hatch Chuckles! I wanna go make him my friend!” She leapt down from the seat, sprinting towards the ramp and bouncing on her toes eagerly.
Chuck tried to stifle his laughter, releasing the hatch and lowering the ramp. He watched as the two younglings raced outside in the late afternoon sun, Nita at a full sprint with Arni calling for her to slow down so as not to frighten the creature. 
The tooka was most definitely not looking to make new friends, lowering its ears and hissing at the approaching younglings before bolting off of the rock it had been sunning itself on. The clone pilot couldn’t help but grin as he watched the two children chase the Loth cat through the grass, shrieking and squealing as they raced in circles after their furry quarry.
We’ll find a way to be happy here. Dust and dryness be damned.
The sun was beginning to approach the horizon already, casting everything in hues of orange and pink as the cool evening breeze kicked up, rustling through the grass. Chuckles strode down the ramp, leaning one shoulder against a landing strut as he watched the two younglings. 
Yeah. We can make this ours.
The following morning, Chuckles headed into the small settlement to look for work. From all of the notices Arni had looked through for job postings, it appeared that the mining company had plenty of positions to fill. Chuckles had opted to once again cover his face, deciding it was a risk not worth taking yet. 
Actually entering the settlement did little to improve his first impression of it. The town was far from a booming metropolis, and while he hadn’t expected to find anything close to the scale of Coruscant’s glittering skyscrapers, he also hadn’t anticipated the rusted out husks of buildings that lined the dirt road that appeared to serve as the main street of the settlement. Even though the sun was barely beginning to break over the horizon, the township was already bustling with activity. Groups of children scampered by, stopping to stare at the stranger with the covered face as he made his way towards the mine entrance. Chuckles had become accustomed to children staring at him during his time as a pilot. The ground troopers were fairly commonplace on Coruscant, but the pilots always seemed to garner special attention from any younglings in the area, wanting to know what it was like to soar among the stars and shoot down vulture droids. 
However, it was the stares of the adults that made a certain tension take root between his shoulder blades. It seemed that there was no shortage of variety in terms of species and homeworld, but they all knew one another, and they also were easily able to identify anyone who wasn’t part of the community. Wary eyes seemed to follow him, and after a few failed attempts at a friendly wave, Chuckles shoved his hands in his pockets, fixing his gaze on the large building in front of him. 
The mine’s main office was certainly one of the most well-maintained structures of the settlement, which he supposed made sense considering it was likely the first thing built, and also the structure that largely sustained the entirety of the small settlement. It was the only multiple-story building in the entire community, well-lit windows glowing in the early morning haze. It was easy to identify the employment office with its freshly painted signage. What did surprise him was the lack of activity inside. He’d anticipated a line out the door, or at least a few applicants waiting around to be met with. But the lobby was completely empty when he entered, a soft chime announcing his arrival, seemingly deafening in the silence. He had to fight the urge to flinch. 
The only other occupant of the employment office was a burly Latero at the far end, who glanced up when Chuckles entered. His eyes roved over Chuckles’s frame, clearly surveying his build and physical usefulness before he heaved himself to his feet with two of his four arms, unleashing a deep sigh and making his way over to a large desk that appeared to be the most central piece of furniture in the room. There, he plopped down heavily on a stool, glancing up at Chuckles again and clearing his throat impatiently. Chuckles took his cue, striding quickly up to the front of the desk, trying not to nervously rock back on his heels. 
“Well?” the Latero prompted.
His voice was gravelly, and he raised a bushy eyebrow at Chuckles, toying with the ends of his facial hair, which was streaked with grey. His forearms were thick and scarred from years of hard labor, and he wore a jumpsuit that was stained and torn in various places. A stitched on name tag on his breast identified him as Jerrno. 
“I’m uh… looking for a job,” Chuckles replied, internally cringing. 
Jerrno snorted. “I figured that much. What kind of work?”
“Whatever you’ve got.” 
The Latero paused, glancing up at Chuckles as though he was an idiot. 
Maybe I am. 
“If ya don’t have career aspirations, do ya at least have a chain code?” 
Chuckles hurriedly produced his chain code disk, handing it to the Latero, who scanned it, eyes glancing back and forth over the lines appearing on his datapad before he glared at Chuckles. 
“No employment history.”
“I worked at a common house. Off the books.”
“How long?”
“Five months.” 
Somehow, Jerrno’s expression became even more judgemental. 
“I’m guessing there’s no references available then. Since ya were ‘off the books.’” 
Chuckles flexed his hands nervously. “‘Fraid not.”
The Latero leaned heavily on the desk, steepling his fingers on his uppermost set of arms while his bottom two gestured at Chuckles. “Son, I know ya see there ain’t exactly a line out the door here. We are hurtin’ for people, but I can’t hire ya if I don’t even know who I’m hiring. ‘Specially with no relevant experience.”
“Listen, I’m strong, and I’m stubborn, and I’ll bust my ass however you need me to.”
Jerrno heaved a sigh. “I don’t even know what species ya are with that getup, and that makes me think you’re hiding from somethin’. I do need people, but not ones that are going to land me in hot water. Understand?” 
Chuckles’s palms were sweaty. 
“I’m human.”
“Can ya take off the mask and prove it?”
We don’t have enough supplies to get anywhere else. It has to be here. We have to make this work. 
Maybe enough time’s passed. The war didn’t really make it to Lothal anyway. Maybe he doesn’t know what a clone looks like.
He sighed, tossing caution to the wind as he pulled off the mask and goggles. 
The Latero’s eyes widened in recognition. Chuckles’s heart fell. 
“You’re a clone.”
Chuckles’s fingers itched for his blaster. He’d left it on the ship.
“I get that a lot,” he replied steadily, hoping a lie might get him at least to the door. 
Jerrno raised an eyebrow. “Son, I served the Republic. I’d know that face anywhere.” 
Chuckles’s mind was racing, but before he could come up with a solution, the Latero heaved another sigh. 
“Well, at least I get the lack of work history now. You’re right, you’re a hard worker. Never met a clone that was a slacker. We can find something for ya. Maker knows there’ll be more of ya with the decommissioning happening.” 
“Decommissioning?” The question was out of Chuck’s mouth before he could stop himself. Jerrno paused. 
“Yeah. Was just announced a handful of rotations ago. How come ya don’t know?” His beady eyes narrowed suspiciously.
The lie came easily this time, and Chuck delivered it as flawlessly as his nerves would allow. He tapped the scar on his cheek. “Bad accident towards the end of the war. They weren’t sure what to do with me, so when it ended, I was released from duty. Guess you could say I got decommissioned early. But being a clone hasn’t exactly made work easy to come by.” His mind was racing, trying to come up with a lie while simultaneously attempting to process what decommissioning would mean for his brothers. 
Some of them surely survived. What the kriff does that mean for them? 
“Accident, huh? It affect ya too much physically?” Jerrno asked, his eyes still slightly narrowed.
Chuckles forced a dry laugh. “Not exactly winning any beauty pageants, and sometimes have some aches and pains, but I promise you won’t find a harder worker than me.” 
Jerrno surveyed him one final time, eyes raking over the scar on Chuck’s face, how he was standing, his overall manner. His gaze felt like an inspection, and Chuckles straightened to attention out of habit. The Latero huffed a laugh. 
“Alright, I think we can find a place for ya. Opening up a new vein first thing tomorrow. Forewoman’s a Nautolan named Anjii. I’ll let her know you’re comin’.” He popped open a drawer, pulling a badge from it and scanning it with his datapad. “Mine entrance is just through the main gates and on the right. Be there tomorrow morning at 0815. Anj will be waiting for the crew, and you’ll get up to speed on the job. We’re expanding in a hurry to meet Imperial quotas, so it’ll be trial by fire. Got a name?” 
“Chuck. Chuck Ayyshu.” 
The Latero punched a few buttons on his datapad, his brow furrowing. “Chain code says Chuckles.” 
“I’d prefer to go by Chuck if that’s alright with you.” 
“No skin off my ass.”
Chuckles assumed his face would draw enough attention on its own. He didn’t feel the need to also have a name that made him stand out more. 
The Latero handed him back his chaincode, and Chuckles tucked it hurriedly away along with the badge he’d been given. 
“Make sure you pack a lunch and water. And don’t be late.” 
“When do I get paid?” 
Jerrno glared at him as if he’d asked an impertinent question. 
“Got two kids I’m feeding,” Chuckles explained.
The Latero’s expression softened. “I didn’t think clones had kids.” 
Chuckles couldn’t help but giggle at that. “I’m sure there’s plenty of kids out there that have my genetics. But these two are adopted. They lost their families in the war, and I lost mine when I left the GAR. So, we found each other.” 
Jerrno nodded. “A fairly common story nowadays,” he said quietly. “How old?”
“Ten and five.”
The Latero’s mouth crinkled into a smile. “I give ya your credits every two weeks. If ya can hold out to the end of this week, I’ll see if I can get ya a bit of an advance. To help ya get settled.” He extended a hand. “Name’s Jerrno by the way. Jerrno Kern.” 
Chuck clasped his hand in, giving it a firm squeeze. “I take it you’re one of the Kern brothers then?” he asked, jerking his head at the logo on the back wall with the Latero’s surname emblazoned in bright orange lettering. 
Jerrno nodded. “Yep. Me and Teef are makin’ a go of it here. Seems promisin’.” He gestured out the door towards the street. “There’s a school on the main drag for your kiddos. The second largest building here. Got a little red sign and some flowers out front. Not a fancy education by any means, but the teachers there care about the kids. Even have a few getting ready to apply to university in a few months.” 
Chuckles smiled. “Thanks. I’ll be sure to look into it. My oldest certainly would like that.” His chest tightened as the words fell from his lips. 
My oldest. Arni is my oldest kid. 
It came so naturally, but his eyes were suddenly a bit misty at the realization. 
“And your youngest?”
Chuckles giggled. “I’m sure she’ll hate it, but she’ll go. Might take some bribing with her favorite snack. But the older one keeps those well-stocked, so shouldn’t be too much of an issue.” 
Jerrno nodded. As he finished punching information into Chuckles’s newly-created employment file on his datapad, the clone noted a holo on the far desk he’d originally been sitting at. It was an old image, but it showed a much younger version of the Latero that sat before him, a female Latero he assumed was his partner, and two squealing younglings, their heads tipped back in uproarious laughter. The image seemed at least a decade old, and he wondered what had become of the children. There was a certain grief in Jerrno’s eyes that made him think the story didn’t have a happy ending. 
“School starts at 0800. I’d drop the kids off on your way to the job tomorrow.” 
“Got it. They need to bring anything?” 
“The teachers have managed to keep a small stockpile. They should be set unless there’s a shortage.” 
“If that’s the case, is there a store I can shop at?”
“The only store is Grinz’s place. He has a pretty good selection normally. Should be able to find what ya need there. But if ya ever can’t, talk to Grinz. He’s got a few good connections that are able to get just about anything ya might think of.” He paused. “But if it’s ever an emergency. Medicine or the like, ya come to me. I can get anything expedited.” 
“That’s kind of you.” 
The Latero huffed a laugh. “We take care of our own out here, Chuck. We have to. That’s the only way this all works.” He pushed himself to his feet, the stool he was perched on making a loud scraping noise as it skidded out from under him. “Don’t be late tomorrow,” he repeated. 
“Thanks. I won’t.” 
“Why can’t we just stay on the ship?” 
While he’d anticipated perhaps some resistance to the idea of school from Nita, Chuckles could honestly say that the fight she was putting up was far more than what he’d expected. She’d appeared to be somewhat receptive to the idea the night before when he’d brought it up over dinner. But now, she appeared to be completely changing her tune when confronted with actually having to go.
“Honey, we’ve been over this. School is a good thing. Right Arni?”
The young Twi’lek shrugged, their nose already buried in their sketchbook. When they looked up, Chuckles gave them a pleading expression, hoping they’d provide some sort of support.
“Sure. It’s great if you like to learn,” they mumbled. 
Not what I was hoping for, but sure. 
The little Pantoran was still digging her heels into the dust with every step, making the short walk to the schoolhouse take an eternity. Chuckles was already beginning to feel the margin of time ticking away that he’d allotted himself to get the kids settled into their classes before dashing off to his first shift. 
I promised I wouldn’t be late. I have to believe kriffing up before I even get started won’t give the best first impression. 
He attempted to lengthen his strides, but Nita tugged firmly, and he almost tripped over her, stumbling and biting his lip hard to keep himself from swearing in frustration. Mercifully, the building that served as the schoolhouse was within view, and he finally readjusted the small pack of food and water on his back and scooped Nita up, tossing her over his shoulder. Her protests grew louder, drawing some additional attention from the townsfolk that were beginning to emerge from their dwellings for the day. Chuckles gave them a tight smile and sheepish wave as Nita thrashed in his grip. 
She’s never done this before. WHAT is HAPPENING?
“She seems upset,” Arni mumbled.  
“Yes, thank you for that very astute observation, kid,” Chuckles muttered, finally setting Nita on her feet when they were within a few steps of the school’s front door. He could hear children squealing and laughing inside, and some round faces were pressed against the windows, their attention drawn either by Nita’s shouts or just the fact that there was someone new and exciting outside. 
Reaching down, he patted Nita’s head in between the buns that Arni had carefully styled that morning. “Honey, you’re gonna have a great time. I know not everyone can get as excited about school as Arni, but I still think this is gonna be good for you.” 
The little Pantoran was completely unswayed, her large golden eyes brimming with tears as she realized she wouldn’t be convincing her adopted parent to let her stay home. “Chuckles,” she whimpered. “Please don’t leave us.” 
He squatted down, holding out his palms towards her. “I’m never leaving you, honey. It’s just temporary. I gotta go to work, but I’ll be back to pick you up before you know it.” She took his hands, and he pulled her closer, speaking quietly enough so only she could hear. “This is just something we need to do in order to blend in here. School is supposed to be fun! Plus, don’t you want to learn some new stuff? Hang out with other kids?”
Nita’s golden eyes were still shining with tears, and she buried her face in his shoulder, muffling her voice as she whispered to him. “All of the other kids I used to hang out with are dead.” Arni stiffened next to her. 
Chuck’s heart stuttered in his chest as the realization sunk in. He pulled Nita into his arms, wrapping her in a tight hug. 
“Oh honey. I’m so sorry. I didn’t put it together.” 
“It’s not your fault,” she said quietly, some of her tears finally breaking loose. “I’m just scared.” 
“We’re about to start this morning’s lesson!” a voice called from the door. “Will your children be joining us today?” 
Chuckles peered around Nita’s shoulder, meeting the golden eyes of the tall, blue-skinned woman standing in the doorway. She was watching the three of them patiently, some of her dark hair blowing in front of her face in the early morning breeze. Chuckles gave her a helpless smile, and she nodded, seemingly understanding his current predicament.  
“I promise that won’t happen here. You won’t lose your friends again like that. You know that, right?”
Nita nodded into his shoulder. He knew that was little consolation. He’d held similar fears during his entire career, fears that his ship would come apart around him again, fears that he’d lose his entire squadron again. He’d known then he was playing a statistics game, and even though he thought Nita’s likelihood of living through a second once-in-a-millenium genocide that included children was almost zero, he knew that wouldn’t do anything to dissipate the fear she was feeling. His eyes drifted back to the teacher, who was still waiting patiently in the door for her new pupils. 
“Look, your teacher is just like you, honey,” Chuckles tried, nodding at the woman.
“Actually, she’s a Wroonian, not a Pantoran,” Arni corrected. Chuckles glared at them. They shrugged. “They’re different.” Turning, they called over their shoulder to the teacher. “Just a minute. My sister’s a little nervous.”
A sudden thought struck Chuckles. “Arni, are you alright doing this?” he asked, suddenly fearful he’d missed a cue from them too, something that would indicate they shared Nita’s fear. But they nodded, their lekku jiggling with the motion. 
“I’m fine. I want to go to school. But I’m worried about her.” 
The Wroonian woman approached them, squatting down next to Chuckles in front of Nita. “Hello, dear girl. What’s your name?” 
The little Pantoran examined the woman in front of her, her large golden eyes raking over the newcomer from head to toe. A gentle waft of the woman’s perfume filled Chuckles’s nose, inundating him with the smell of vanilla and cinnamon, but he resisted the urge to look over at his new compatriot, instead focusing on Nita and her reaction. 
The wrinkle between Nita’s eyebrows appeared to soften as she observed the teacher for a few more moments before she finally replied, “Nita. My name is Nita Ayyshu.”
The woman smiled at her gently, extending a hand. “It’s lovely to meet you, Nita. I’m Endoline, but you can call me Teacher Endi. Does that sound alright?” 
Nita nodded, slowly taking the teacher’s hand. Chuckles saw Endi squeeze it lightly in greeting before turning to Arni. “And who might you be?”
“Arni,” they replied with a shy smile. 
“Excellent. Well, would you both care to come and join us? Today, we’re focusing on mathematics in the morning with sciences in the afternoon. Do you like either of those things?” 
“I like both of them,” Arni replied eagerly, their large brown eyes lighting up in a way Chuckles hadn’t seen from them before. 
Endi turned to Nita, clearly hoping to elicit a similar response. Chuckles was internally churning, praying to whatever deity was listening that she’d take another step closer. 
“I don’t know about math, but I suppose I like science,” the little Pantoran conceded. “I like the flowers that Arni draws and the notes they make about them.” 
Endi’s smile widened as she clapped her hands excitedly. “Well the two of you couldn’t have picked a better day to join us then. This afternoon, we’re walking out towards the rock formations to see what sort of native flowers are out there and document their life cycles. Does that sound fun?”
Arni appeared to understand that their enthusiasm was noted by default. The three of them all seemed to be holding their breath as Nita mulled it over. 
Finally, she smiled slightly, wiping at her eyes. “That does sound fun.” 
“Very good,” Endi said gently, pushing herself back to a standing position. “Would you like to come and meet the other students? They’re always excited to make new friends.” She reached out both hands towards them. The two children looked up at Chuckles, who gave them an encouraging nod. 
“Go with Teacher Endi. I’ll be back to pick you both up at the end of the day. Ok?”
“Pinky swear?” Nita asked. 
Chuckles huffed a laugh, extending both pinkies. “Pinky swear.” 
Both younglings locked their little fingers with his as Endi stood by patiently. Once their oath had been sealed, they both took her outstretched hands, and she began leading them towards the door. Chuckles stood, trying not to bounce nervously as his two children disappeared inside the school.
Never trusted them with anyone besides Oksann and Ry. And I knew them pretty well before I ever let this happen. I just met this woman. 
He took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. 
And it’s going to have to be alright. 
Just before closing it, Endi cast one more look over her shoulder, giving him a soft smile. It was then that he noticed how strikingly beautiful she was, her golden eyes twinkling at him in the early morning sun as she tucked a dark curl back into place behind her ear. 
Dark curls. Just like… 
“I assume you’ll be at the mine if there are any pressing issues?” she asked. 
Chuckles dug his fingernails into the meat of his palm, chasing away the memory of someone he’d long kept buried. “Yep. I shouldn’t be too late picking them up.” 
An indignant shriek ripped through the air, and Endi’s head whipped around as her brow furrowed into an authoritative stare that even made Chuckles’s insides ripple. He couldn’t tell who she was looking at, but he certainly didn’t envy the kid. 
“Dez, what have we discussed about pulling Ooni’s montrals?” she asked firmly. A sheepish response that Chuckles couldn’t make out came from somewhere behind the windows. “Thank you for apologizing,” Endi replied. “Now let’s all take our seats.” She turned back towards the door, giving Chuckles another warm smile. 
He mouthed good luck at her. 
Her smile widened and she winked before she shut the door the rest of the way, and Chuckles couldn’t ignore the way his heart fluttered this time. 
Well. That’s new. 
His feet carried him towards the mine as he tried not to think too hard about the heat in his cheeks. Or the other individual with dark curls and sharp eyes. 
Whatever Chuckles had imagined Anjii might be like, he’d never have gotten close to reality. The Nautolan was about as rough and tumble as anyone he’d ever met. She swore more than even his most vulgar brothers, was covered in tattoos, and took no shit from anyone. He hadn’t met many Nautolans in his lifetime, having only bumped into Master Kit Fisto once or twice in between briefings during the war, but whatever impression Fisto had given him of Nautolans, Anjii quickly dispelled. 
0814. Cutting it close, he thought as he’d sprinted into the shaft, scanning his badge and almost tripping on his way through the entry point in his haste. As he hurriedly clipped his badge to his belt, he ran into something solid that knocked the wind out of him with a loud oof. He stumbled backwards, clutching his chest and wheezing as the obstruction in his path whipped around and stared at him with piercing black eyes. 
“You the new blood then?” the Nautolan asked, hardly seeming phased by the collision. 
“Yep. You Anjii?”
“You see any other water dwellers lining up to work on this dried up husk of a rock?” she grunted, glancing down at her datapad. “Go by Anj though. And you go by… Chuckles?”
“I prefer Chuck,” he muttered, mentally making a note to find out if Jerrno had given his real name as some sort of hazing exercise. 
“I would too with a name like that,” Anj cackled. “Doesn’t exactly make you sound like a serious person.” She circled him slowly, eying him up and down. “Clone then, eh? The name makes more sense, I suppose. But why not something cooler like ‘Zap’ or ‘Comet’?” 
Chuckles shrugged. “It’s a family name.” 
If Anj got the joke, she didn’t let on, only responding with a muted “hmph.” As she circled him, he felt his shoulders immediately draw up and back, his spine straightening to attention out of reflex. 
“At ease, soldier,” she guffawed. “We’re not like that here. I’m just sizing you up since you didn’t have a position listed.” 
“And?” he prodded. 
She stopped in front of him under one of the dim tunnel lights, and he finally got a good look at her. She was at least half a meter shorter than him, but he sensed that didn’t bother her. Her skin was a dark grey, and every visible piece of it that wasn’t dappled with light scarring was covered with ink, although he couldn’t discern any of the symbols from this distance. Several of her tendrils had woven bands wrapped around them, and each tendril shifted from grey to a bright green at the tips. He also noted one or two of her tendrils were missing, cut off at various lengths like a bad haircut and scarred at the ends. She didn’t appear concerned with his appraisal of her as she tapped a long finger against her lips. 
“We’ll put you in the clearing crew to start. I assume Jerrno told you we’re blasting into a new vein today.”
“He did.” 
“Good. Deploying droids is a pain if we’re not certain about a vein, especially since we don’t have enough in the fleet yet. So we’ll be clearing manually until we’re sure about the new prospect. Then we’ll redirect a few of them down there to help.”
“Jerrno and Teef planning on upping their droid fleet?” he asked. “Figure if they’re serious about expansion, might want to do that rather than relying on manual labor.” 
Anj scoffed. “Course they are. But you need to make money in order to do that. I don’t know how long you’ve been out of the tube, but in case you can’t tell, this is a fairly new setup.” 
Chuckles huffed in exasperation, trying to keep his temper in check at the reference to his creation. “I suppose it was too much to hope for to not have what I am get talked about, but if it’s alright with you, maybe we keep the tube jokes to a minimum.” 
“A sense of humor is necessary for the job,” Anj replied with a shrug. 
“Yeah, well when you’ve had the term ‘tube-bred freak’ screamed at you enough times by the people you’re supposed to be protecting, it somehow loses its charm,” he muttered through clenched teeth. 
Something shifted in Anj’s expression. She rocked her weight to one foot. “Fair enough. I didn’t know that’s how it was. I apologize. Won’t happen again.” 
“Sorry to be a buzzkill,” Chuckles mumbled. He wasn’t used to being apologized to, and as a result, wasn’t sure how to react. He felt his knuckles creak as he released the fists he didn’t even realize he’d clenched. 
Anj huffed a laugh, stepping forward and slapping him on the shoulder. He’d assumed she was strong, but her grip was still surprisingly firm. “Another thing you need to survive down there is a good sense of trust. I don’t know how many mines you’ve been in, but it’s dangerous work. We watch each other’s backs and make sure everyone goes home at the end of the day. You spend enough time down here with the same people day in and day out, you become a bit like family. And that means we don’t make each other feel shitty or othered. Unless they’re an asshole and deserve it. Got it?”
“Yes, ma’am,” he replied with a lopsided grin. 
“None of that shit, now. Not when I was just starting to like you.” She stepped past him, heading towards a set of lockers. “Now, let’s get you fitted for some gear and get down there. If you survive the first week, we’ll work on getting you some personal stuff more fitted to you.” She popped open a locker, and a pile of helmets spilled out with a clatter. “See if one of those will fit your dome.” 
Chuck squatted down, picking through the battered plastoid helmets. “Not everyone lasts the first week?’’
Anj barked out a laugh as she popped open a different locker that appeared to be her personal one. It was more well-organized, and she pulled out a bright green helmet that matched the tips of her tendrils. “Most don’t make it three days before they pack up and bug out. Jerrno’s assured me you’re made of sturdier stuff. We’ll see how you fare.” 
Anj hadn’t over exaggerated, not by a long shot. By the end of the day, standing felt like an overwhelming physical endeavour, and Chuckles leaned heavily against the interior of the lift as it carried them out of the mine’s depths. It had been slow going, but they’d managed to successfully open the vein, finding more doonium than they’d anticipated. When the dust from their blasting had finally cleared enough to see again, they’d cheered when they caught sight of the glittering metallic streaks in the walls around them. Even Chuckles had giggled like a maniac, his breathing filter making his laughter sound like mechanical hiccups. 
Now, every muscle in his body was screaming with exhaustion. When the hissing of the lift’s purge system finally ceased, the crew around him all removed their breathing gear and helmets. Chuckles followed suit, running his fingers through his sweat-soaked mohawk. His hands were blistered under his gloves, and every exposed bit of skin was covered in a thick layer of grime. As he hooked his breathing mask to his belt, he inhaled the sharp, fresh air, nearly choking on how cool it was compared to the filtered warm air he’d been breathing all day. His stomach growled loudly, reminding him that he hadn’t packed enough food or water for himself, something Anj had teased him about before offering him half of a protein bar she’d stuffed in her pocket. 
“The new ones always underpack on their first day. You’ll figure it out. Or you’ll quit,” she’d joked.
With heavy eyes, he observed the rest of his crew that were jammed into the lift with him. There were two other human men in the crew whose names he’d already forgotten. They’d eyed him warily when Anj introduced him, and for the most part, they’d kept their distance throughout the day, which was just fine with Chuckles. There was a tall Nikto that had identified himself as Lu, who also appeared to be Anj’s second in command. He was quiet with fiercely observant eyes and always seemed to be at Chuckles’s elbow any time he had a question, answering quickly and firmly before moving off down the line to help somewhere else. It was a bit unnerving, but Chuckles’s appreciation outweighed the nerves. The technical specialist was a young Rodian that had enthusiastically introduced herself as Helly before talking Chuckles’s ear off about the type of droids they’d need and how she calibrated them to precisely mine the doonium, ensuring that there was minimal environmental contamination from the surrounding rock which made purification efforts down the line less difficult. He was positive he couldn’t regurgitate any of the information she’d shared back at her with any sort of accuracy, but she honestly just seemed excited to have anyone listen to her for more than five minutes. She reminded him a bit of Arni. 
“You alright back there, rookie?” Anj called over her shoulder as she undid the wrap that was holding her tendrils in place under her helmet, shaking them loose. 
“Yeah,” Chuck managed to reply. “Easiest first day I could have asked for.”
Anj chuckled at that, and even Lu huffed a laugh. “Then we didn’t work you hard enough,” the Nautolan replied. 
“Make sure you take it easy tonight and consume plenty of water and electrolytes,” Helly chattered at him rapidly, offering him a flask of water. “It’ll help your muscles heal, and-”
“Hells, don’t overwhelm the guy just yet. We want him to come back tomorrow, remember?” Anj teased. “He’s been kind enough to endure your dumping all day. Let him have a moment of peace.” 
Helly seemed unbothered, but Chuckles still felt a twinge of guilt. “Thanks,” he rasped, returning the flask after taking a massive swig. “I’ll be sure to put down a few more liters before bed.”
Helly nodded silently, but her eyes sparkled. He wasn’t sure how she still had so much energy. 
Maybe I’ll get there eventually. 
Several minutes later, the lift doors slid open and Chuckles shuffled out along with the rest of the crew to the lockers, where he replaced the items Anj had outfitted him with at the beginning of the day. The helmet had been a little small, and he made a mental note to try and size up the following morning. 
Anj squatted down next to him, removing the air monitor she kept strapped to her ankle. She leaned over, speaking quietly to him. “I’d recommend at least two canteens of water tomorrow and plenty of protein bars. Dried fruit is good too for the sugar. Nothing greasy or you’ll be looking at your lunch again before the day is out. Got it?”
“Got it,” he mumbled. “It always like this?”
“What, sore to the point where you think you’re gonna die and ready to collapse on the first flat surface you see?” She laughed quietly. “Yeah. Seems about right.” She clapped him on the shoulder. “See you tomorrow, Chuck.” 
He managed to get his gear put away into the correct lockers before limping through the checkpoint. His legs seemed to get a little less sore as he walked, but he could feel the blisters on the bottom of his feet promising retribution at a later time. He rolled his shoulders and was greeted with the burn of muscle soreness. 
I think even my eyebrows are sore. Not sure how that happens. But Maker, everything hurts. 
His feet somehow carried him back to the schoolhouse’s front door, where he found a handful of children filtering out slowly. When he poked his head inside, he saw Arni sitting at a desk furiously drawing in their sketchbook, their tongue poking out of one side of their mouth. Nita was perched on a bench in the back of the room, weaving flowers into a chain with Endi. At the sound of his boots thudding on the hardwood flooring, Endi’s eyes snapped up, her warm smile lighting up her face again when their eyes met. Chuckles was suddenly very aware of how filthy and unkempt he looked. He ran his fingers through his mohawk again, trying to muss it into something presentable. 
Endi leaned down, saying something softly to Nita, whose head whipped around. Her eyes lit up when she saw Chuckles, and he almost melted with relief as she launched herself off the bench with a chain of flowers clutched in her hand and raced towards him. 
Despite his knees screaming at him in protest, Chuckles managed to squat down to the little Pantoran’s level as she eagerly danced in front of him.
“Teacher Endi helped me make this crown with the flowers we found today. Isn’t it pretty?”
“Fit for a princess,” he agreed, taking the delicate blossoms she held out to him. He grinned at her before leaning forward and putting the crown on her head, nestling it around her buns. “See? Perfect.” 
Nita giggled, bouncing on her feet. 
“What about you, kid? You have a good day?” Chuckles asked, glancing at Arni. 
They nodded quietly, but an irrepressible grin was spreading across their face. 
“Good stuff.”
“Do you have a moment?” Endi asked, coming to stand next to him. 
“Uh… yeah sure,” Chuck replied. “Nita, Arni, why don’t you two go wait outside while I speak with Teacher Endi?” 
The two younglings nodded before sprinting out the door, laughing loudly. 
Chuckles watched them go before trying to push himself to a standing position. He grunted as one leg cramped up, and he would have toppled over if Endi’s hands hadn’t caught his arm, helping him lean against one of the small desks. 
“Sorry about that,” he mumbled, trying to ignore the heat rushing to his cheeks. 
“It’s quite alright. You look like every other miner that’s just survived their first shift with Anjii.” 
“That bad, huh?” he joked, sitting heavily on the top of the desk. 
A silence hung between them for a moment before Chuckles cleared his throat. “So, everything alright with the kids? Did Nita settle in?” 
“She did,” Endi assured him. “And everything’s fine. I just like to meet with new parents to see if there’s anything I should know about their children. And…” she paused, searching for words. “I can tell by your family dynamic that it’s likely there’s a good amount I should know.” 
“Because I’m a clone?” he asked, bristling slightly. 
“Because you’re all different species, because they call you by your first name, and yes, because you’re a clone. It’s not for the reasons you think. I just know that you can’t have been a parent long yourself. You were a soldier, bred for fighting.”
“I can take care of my kids.”
She sighed, raising her hands in surrender. “I’m not saying you can’t. That you haven’t. They obviously love you, and I can see how much you care for them. All I’m saying is that it must have been a large adjustment. I can only assume that they’re orphans, and judging by Nita’s reaction this morning, they haven’t been separated from you very much. I just… I just want to see if there’s anything I can do to make this transition easier for them. And for you.” 
Chuckles nodded, some of his defensiveness melting away. “You’re right,” he conceded. “They lost their families at the end of the war. I was discharged early due to injury.” 
Mostly true. If I hadn’t of hit my head hard enough, I’d have been another cog in the Imperial machine. 
“We’d tried to make a home on a different world, but it’s been hard to find work because of what I am.” 
“But now that the decommissioning’s happening, you’ve had a little more luck?”
“Yeah. People don’t think I’m a deserter,” he joked. 
She laughed softly. “Well, I think what you’re doing for them is something special. I’d argue that you’ve done enough with your service during the war, but taking on two orphaned younglings is something else entirely.”
“It hasn’t been easy,” he agreed. “But never because of them. The two of them just fit with me immediately. There were growing pains of course. Still are at times. But… but I can’t think of them as anything other than my kin at this point. Weird as that may sound. They’re my kids. And I want them to be happy. And I want to give them a sense of normalcy. I think them going to school here will be good. Arni loves to learn.”
“They are a very special student,” Endi agreed. “Their journal is impressive. The way they document everything in such detail and then can recall it later. It’s astounding, frankly. They’re quite advanced for their age.” 
“And Nita is a bit of a firecracker.” 
“That she is,” Endi giggled. “She was shy at first, but I’ll be surprised if she doesn’t unionize the entire class come the winter. I may be facing a mutiny.” 
Chuckles tipped his head back and laughed loudly at that. “Well, be sure to comm me when that happens. I’ll stand with you against her uprising.” Leaning forward, he whispered conspiratorially. “I’m not saying bribery should be your first tactic, but a bag of fried crispy snacks will get you a long way.” 
“Noted. You’ll be my first consult should such an uprising occur.” Her eyes were sparkling, and there was a purple blush in her cheeks. She had darker blue freckles, Chuckles noticed. They dotted over her cheeks and nose, and one or two larger ones were visible on her neck. She cleared her throat, and his eyes snapped back to meet hers. The purple hue in her cheeks had deepened, and suddenly, his face felt like it was on fire. 
Way to leer at the teacher on the first day. Good job, you kriffing nerfherder. 
He pushed himself to his feet hurriedly. 
“Well, I suppose we should get going. I appreciate you helping them along on their first day.”
“Of course,” she replied, standing quickly as well. “There is one other thing.”
“Yes, Nita did tear a hole in the knee of her leggings today while climbing on a rock. She skinned her knee slightly, but a little bacta should do the trick. We bandaged it the best we could here.” She stepped forward hesitantly, and it was then that he noticed a piece of flimsi in her hands. She held it out to him. “I know new clothes are expensive, and seeing as you’re just getting settled, I imagine credits may be a little tight. If you want, I know how to mend clothing. I’d be more than happy to patch up her knee.” She tapped the flimsi. “This is my comm frequency if… if you’d like that.” 
Chuckles was fairly certain his face was going to melt off of his skull. His stomach was churning and a tingle ran up his spine. When he looked from the scrap of flimsi to Endi, her cheeks were somehow even more purple, and he imagined his entire face had to be glowing with how hot it felt. 
“Th-thanks,” he stuttered. “I just might.” 
“Alright then.” 
They stood awkwardly for another moment before Chuckles carefully folded the flimsi and stuck it into his pocket. “See you tomorrow?”
“I’ll be here.” 
“Good.” It felt like a silly thing, but his brain felt completely scrambled, and it was the best response he could come up with before he turned sharply on his heel and stepped outside. 
That was not how I expected this day to end. 
Nita was twirling in circles, kicking up dust as her hair ribbons fluttered around her face. The flower crown was still firmly perched on her head. When she caught sight of Chuckles, she raced towards him. Arni was sitting on the steps, still sketching. 
“The princess of the Starlight would like a piggyback ride home,” Nita stated, her spine erect as she attempted to address him as regally as she could. 
“Nita, he’s sore. I don’t think-” Arni started, but Chuckles put a hand on their shoulder. 
“I can do it. If you carry this,” he said, handing off his lunch satchel. Arni took it, looking on nervously as Chuckles sat down on the steps, patting his shoulders. 
“Your chariot awaits, my lady.” 
Nita squealed with delight, racing up the steps and wrapping her arms around Chuck’s neck. He tucked his arms under her knees and stood, teetering for a second before regaining his balance. Arni looked on with concern, but Chuckles tossed them a reassuring wink. 
It was a good day. I may not be able to walk tomorrow, and they might not like school as much, but I’m counting today as a victory. 
“Faster, Chuckles!” Nita demanded. 
Huffing a laugh, Chuckles whinnied like a fathier as he broke into a gallop, the blisters on his feet forgotten. Nita shrieked with laughter, and Arni jogged patiently next to them. When Chuck looked over, they were laughing too, their deep guffaw that they seemed to reserve for only their most joyous moments. For the first time since they left Sorgan, it felt as though Chuck’s heart might burst out of his chest with happiness. 
We can make a home here. We can make it ours.
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Tag List: @seriowan @partofttheeternalsoul @rosmariner @misogirl828 @ellichonkasaurusrex @zoeykallus @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @gjrain20-starwars @staycalmandhugaclone @redheadgirl @fordo-kixed-rex @wizardofrozz @ariadnes-red-thread @extrahotpixels @justanothersadperson93 @leftealeaf @meekaielmyerhs99 @kaminocasey @echos-girlfriend @lucyysthings @obihiddlenox @merkitty49 @littlemissmanga @clonecyaree @baba-fett @sleepingsun501 @rexxdjarin @samspenandsword @babygirlrex0504 @ladytano420 @fxlsealarm @runforrestr @rennyboo9 @djarrex @rain-on-kamino @ladykatakuri @arctrooper69 @hidden-behind-the-fourth-wall
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bluskye-27 · 2 years
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Secret's Out!
Summary: Ace, your ever-dumbass best friend, decided to run his mouth about your crush. Now how would the pineapple-loving man react to this? 🍍🐦
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"You're lame."
"Shut up, Portgas."
Ace and his best friend Y/n were sitting next together during their Math class. Not wanting to listen to the teacher droning, the freckled male turned to annoy his seatmate.
"What'cha doin'?" Ace whispered, peering over at his friend's desk just to be blocked by their hand. He pouted. "Come on, lemme see!"
"No way in hell, Freckles. Go mind your own business." Y/n huffed, covering their doodles with their hands. They have to protect it, or else the damn freckled gremlin would not let them live it down. After all, it's a doodle of them and-
"Holy shit! Is that Marco and you?!" Ace hollered, flustering his best friend successfully. "And you even drew little pineapples! Are those your kids?! Haha!"
"Shut the fuck up, Portgas!"
Ah, did I forgot to mention that they're still in class?
"Y-yes, Ma'am!"
"Oh~ Marco! I love you so much! Mwa!" Ace mocked in his best impression of Y/n. He laughed, making kissing sounds into the air. As for the latter, they're currently trying to drown out his high-pitched voice, face down on the cafeteria table.
"Ugh, shut up!" They hissed angrily.
"Marco~ Let's have kids! I want pineapple kids~!"
"Ace, I fucking swear I'll-!"
"What's up, you guys?" Thatch cuts in, placing down his tray of food on the table. "Heard you guys got sent to the office! What did you idiots do anyway?" The brunette snickered, eyeing the younger duo mischievously. "Spill out the details, children!"
"Ugh, not you too!" Y/n whined, smacking Thatch's shoulder. "And no, don't you dare listen to Ace's bullshit." They huffed, grumbling under their breath.
"What! I haven't even said anything yet!" Ace bellowed, looking at his best friend with a fake innocent look. Y/n glared at him.
"You two are loud as ever, huh? Why don't you guys tone it down a little bit-yoi?" And in came the root of their problem, Marco, their second oldest of the group. After settling down at their table, the blond looked at his friends curiously. "What's the situation?"
Thatch snorted, nibbling on his fries. "I dunno. These two got sent to the office but won't tell me why." He pouted. "Come on, just tell us already!"
Marco sighed, rubbing his forehead. "You guys got sent to the office again? What the hell have you idiots been doing-yoi?"
"Oh~ Marco! You're definitely the cause of the problem, I'm telling you!" Ace cackled, eyeing the horrified Y/n beside him. "Right, Y/n~?"
The older pair perked up at the mention of the blond's name. "Marco?/Me?" They looked at each other before at the pair across them.
"U-uh, don't believe Ace! He's lying!" Y/n whisper-shouted, pushing the former away. The said male shook his head in return. "I'm not lying!"
"You are!"
"I'm not!"
"I'M NOT!"
Glaring at each other, the best friends got into a heated staring competition, making Thatch and Marco sigh at their antics. They both knew how stubborn they could be when they're in a disagreement.
"Okay, stop. We get enough of y'all arguing." Thatch scolded, shaking his head in exasperation. Marco sighed exasperatedly, crossing his arms over his chest. "And mind telling me why am I the cause of your stupidity-yoi?"
Ace grinned evilly, feeling victorious. "About that! I saw Y/n doodling a picture with them and-!" Yet he was interrupted when the said friend abruptly stood up with a dark look on their face, staring in a threatening way at the freckled male.
"I'm leaving." With that, Y/n walked away, leaving their three friends dumbfounded.
They all stared in disbelief at their friend's back until Marco spoke. "...Ace, what the fuck did you do?" He growled in annoyance.
However, the idiot was still gaping at where his best friend had went. "Uh..."
Thatch gave the freckled male an accusatory look, "Portgas D. Ace, you're in BIG trouble now!"
Ace was ashamed. And it tripled when Marco was glaring daggers at him and Thatch mocking his stupidity. Good job, best friend.
"Oh, fuck. Now it's raining?" Huffed Y/n, glaring at the water constantly dropping from the dark clouds. "And where's my umbrella?! I swear I put it in here!"
Unbeknownst to the panicking h/c protagonist, a certain blond friend was sneaking up behind them.
"H-huh?!" Getting all defensive, Y/n tried to hit the person but stopped themselves when they saw who it was. "Marco!"
The said blond smiled lazily at them, ruffling the other's hair affectionately. "Why are you panicking, huh? Did you forgot your umbrella-yoi?"
Turning away to hide their flustered face, Y/n nodded in agreement. "Y-yeah." Marco chuckled at his h/c friend in amusement. How can a feisty person become so shy all of a sudden? He smiled, finding their flustered state cute.
"H-how about you, Marco? Did you have an umbrella?" Gaining some confidence, Y/n asked the male timidly.
"Yes. Would you like me to walk you home-yoi?" Marco tilted his head at them, holding the said device.
Their cheeks became slightly pink, but it went unnoticed by Marco.
"Come on." With that, the blond started walking away with Y/n following beside him under his umbrella.
It seemed like they were in comfortable silence, neither of them saying a word as they trudged through the pouring rain. Y/n wanted to speak but couldn't find the words when they were very close to their blond crush.
"Why did you stormed out earlier? Did something happened between you and Ace-yoi?" Marco spoke, glancing at his younger friend from the corner of his eye. "You seemed very upset too."
Y/n bit their lip, unsure of the situation. After all, Marco is the very cause of their scuffle with Ace. 'Should I tell him?' They asked themselves, measuring the consequences of their possible answers. Maybe they should lie-
"You have a crush on me, don't you?" Marco blurted out, smirking at his h/c friend. But that damned smirk got wiped off when he noticed how Y/n's about to explode in embarrassment. "Oh shit, it's true-yoi?"
All Y/n did was nod, avoiding the surprised look the blond was giving her. Secret's out, they sighed.
After a few seconds, Y/n finally found the courage to look up at the taller male and opened their mouth to answer. However, that was exactly what they didn't expect. Because before they could utter another word, the blond grabbed and pulled them close, dropping his umbrella in the process.
"I have a crush on you, too-yoi."
Guess Y/n now has to thank a certain freckled best friend for his loud mouth, huh?
Bonus Ending:
"Ow..." Ace winced, rubbing the bump on his head he got from his angry pineapple look-alike friend before.
Meanwhile, Thatch was laughing his ass off at the sight. "Serves you right, idiot!"
Ace just glared at him before gaping at the gloomy weather outside the school building.
"Oh shit, it's raining. Good thing I've got an umbrella!" Roughly unveiling the said device, Thatch can't help but recognize the umbrella Ace has.
"Hey, Ace?"
The said freckled male looked at the brunette curiously. "Yeah?"
"Isn't that Y/n's umbrella?" Thatch pointed at it, confusion swimming in his orbs. In response, the freckled idiot grinned proudly. "Yep!" Cue the umbrella breaking.
Thatch sighed, pitying the younger male's constant misfortune. "You're dead meat, Portgas."
Ace can't help but smile sheepishly. "Guess now we have to run under the rain, huh?"
The brunette facepalmed.
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Tagging @kazenomegaminowanpisu !
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yorshie · 7 months
Give me a 20, 10, and 5 for the ask list please! Also boo hiss about the insomnia
-justalotoffanfic (I gotta get a shorter name)
I totally forgot about this list! lol, but thank you for sending in the ask! Had to think about it for a little bit though, sorry. Also yeah, insomnia is not great, it gets worse in the darker months cuz my body thinks I'm lying to it, but yay~ writing time til I can pass out lol
Here's the list if someone sees this and wants to see that whole thing, yes I'm still accepting asks from it. ASK LIST
[5] Is there a tiny detail in one of your fics that you feel goes tragically unnoticed?
Hm..... This feels like a wishy washy answer, but there are actually lots of things in my fics that I think aren't noticed by a lot of people, but that's perfectly ok! Everyone notices different things, and I wrote things the way I did because I NEEDED to get them out, not because I needed someone else to notice them. I know I place a lot of emphasis on actions over words, or speaking the bare minimum with words and defining emotions through actions and things that go noticed and unnoticed, but I know a lot of people just read the stories to unplug, not to think about all the little significances that are only coded towards ME anyway. For example, in SMR i have Donnie show his *want* to touch reader through the way his shoulders cave into their space. It's not him giving into his desires, and so the way I let the audience know the *desire* is there is through how his shoulders cave towards them. I'm not sure where I picked that particular trait up, but I've always liked stories that give sensory telltales and then leave it up to the reader to dissect them. Like, I would rather have characters *show* how comfortable they are through touch than, say, kissing. Kissing is such an easy way to show affection, and don't get me wrong I love writing kissing, physical affection is a love language of mine, but Leo letting reader run their hands over his arms means more to me than him kissing them, if that makes sense.
[10] If you could banish a single trope to live at the bottom of the ocean, never to be seen again by any human eyes (or at least your own) which trope would that be?
Oo that's a tough one, because I'm more from the 'if I stay over here with my sandbox and you have your sandbox, I don't care what you do in yours as long as you don't try to break my toys" sort of approach to tropes. Now, this next thing I'm about to say is not a direct attack on anyone, I just don't like it in my "sandbox" so to speak. Crying during intimacy. I just can't stand it. And I don't mean tears of like overstimulation or tearing up cuz it feels so good, I mean writing characters having intrusive thoughts at the end of intimacy and just going into a depressive sad swan dive into a crying jag. Like. Great. Now's the time to look your partner in the eyes and start crying because they've had a shitty life or you just remembered how you wanted a love like your parents and you've found it.... Idk I just don't wanna think about my parents or depressive shit right then. Like: Ah yes, I am in fact liquid limbs right now from the good time loving. Time to cry over me. No, no, it's fine, what's one more bodily fluid afterall. Ok, that's all, I hope if this is someone's jam though don't take my words personally please. I love you and your sandbox hypothetical person, and if you hold your writing up I will clap for it, I just won't add it to my sandbox
[20] Is there anything about any one of your fics that you have been dying to discuss but haven't had the chance to?
*inhales so sharply i start vibrating in my seat* there is. Oh there is, but idk if I can talk about it yet, since It's technically in the planning stages. I will have to settle on dropping some stuff about SMR that I have been keeping on the back burner that I wrote into the story originally, but I don't know if it'll be directly mentioned in the writing. Hoyt has a strictly platonic relationship with reader, and the reason he's in the story is to tie it more to M*A*S*H and a little bit more of the characterization of how I handled the reader character at first. Because at first pass of the story, it was more of a slow burn where reader actively kept their feelings for Donnie on lockdown, and Donnie was the one making repeated entreaties to get them to help their group, sort of a 'hey this medic keeps showing up where ever we're fighting and I keep saving them why are they throwing themselves into danger?" sort of thing, but it required the story to be told more from Donnie's point of view and I ultimately moved away from that. Reader was a lot more distant in that one as well, and fighting Donnie's interest in them. So when I changed that to reader and Donnie more so orbiting around each other from the beginning, Hoyt was created to stuff most of that wariness and distrust into. He acts as the 'voice of reason' in the storyline, as we'll see in the next couple of chapters especially. I might one day do a little one-shot of all the snippets I have stored away of Donnie basically chasing reader through different battlefields, always trying to get them to turn and acknowledge that they want the same things, and reader being just caught up more so in the fatality mindset of not knowing/caring if they survived. I'm glad I decided to go with the found family trope over it because I don't think the original left room for reader to bond with the other turtle family members.
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zahroreadsthings · 1 year
Question: What do you do with your afternoon?
Response: Play darts with strangers. I still hardly know anyone.
Check notes for previous instalments
'Do I get to kick you out if I bring friends over?'
'Who would you invite?' Deema asks bluntly.
'... Yeah, okay, point taken. When do I need to go?'
Deema waves you off when Isla arrives. You stroll into town and wonder what you should do. There are a lot of places you haven't been to yet - the local library, for one - but it's true that barring Lex and Deema you don't have friends around here.
It's not like you were the most social person back home, but who's going to stop you from trying something new? You hope it's not too early to join a game of cards or darts. You're much more familiar with cards but considering how empty places along the main street are looking, you'll happily settle for darts.
You're further into the north side of town than you've ever been and are about to give up when you decide to give The Barnacle a chance. You push the heavy door open to reveal a room with low ceilings and torches burning despite the time of day. It's smaller than the other places you've seen today but you can see four people bickering around a dartboard, which is four more people than you've seen elsewhere.
What's the worst that can happen? you think. You raise your voice. 'Room for one more?'
A man with his back to you looks over his shoulder and yells, 'Another one!' The others turn and cheer.
You take that as a yes and join them.
'You know 501?' he asks.
'Uh... rundown?'
He walks you through the rules while fending off interruptions. Everyone starts with 501 points and points scored on the board are reduced from the total. The first person to reach zero wins. Simple enough.
'We're about to draw straws for the scorekeeper. Here, get -' he cuts himself off to look for another straw.
'It's cool, I'll do it.'
'You sure? It's boring.'
'Keeping numbers and I are boring in the same direction. Really, it's cool.' A table's already been drawn up on the scoreboard, anyway. The hardest part's done.
'You're cool, Scorekeeper.' He slings his arm around your shoulders. 'Calix, Cal for short, Callie for medium.
You're about to introduce yourself when another person steps forward.
'I'm first!' She writes 'Ruby' on the scoreboard, picks out her darts, and throws. While you write out and subtract the numbers she calls out Callie continues talking.
'How many people have asked how you're finding it here?'
'Conservative estimates say three hundred.' You give your chalk to the next player who writes 'Rowan' then continue writing out scores under zir name.
'You've done this before?'
'Used to be a bookkeeper.'
'Oof. Fancy.'
Callie and the last player, Ash, take their turns. You rock on your heels. It'll be your turn in a moment.
You write out Ash's score (scarily accurate aim, you note) and put your name down. You're up.
Playing with the only way I could figure out how to incorporate some level of risk a la dice rolls. I'll randomly decide which of these will make the player not flop at darts and use the votes distribution as a kind of sliding scale. (If, say, 'bad at darts' gets two thirds of the vote the player will be worse off than if it gets half etc)
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papermint-airplane · 1 year
I feel like talking about Aiden more and I'm still away from my computer atm so here are some random facts about him
He loves the color pink. He's obsessed. It was outlawed on his home world because the ruler had some grudge against it but he used to buy black market (pink market?) pink goods and smuggle them home for his collection.
He doesn't really understand love. It's not an alien thing, it's purely an Aiden thing. He feels attraction towards other Sims, but the second his heart starts fluttering and he goes weak in the knees, he freaks out and thinks he's dying. He does want to find love and settle down one day, so he carries a heart monitor with him on dates.
He loves juice -- the fruitier, the better. He doesn't realize it's alcoholic and doesn't understand what's happening when he gets juiced, but he just can't stay away from it.
It's unknown how Aiden ended up on Earth but we do know it was not intentional on his part. Whether he was banished for his pink contraband, abandoned by his friends as a prank, abducted by humans, or took a nap on a transport ship and accidentally got dumped with the rest of the cargo, we just don't know. By which I mean I haven't decided which one is funnier yet.
He can't really tell the difference between Sims and animals. Not like he can't tell they're different species, of course, but since he's unfamiliar with the multiple forms of life on this planet, he doesn't know which ones can talk and which ones can't, which ones are sapient, etc. Parrots are extremely confusing to him.
He tends to stick to desert areas because those are places most likely to be visited by UFOs. He has so far been unsuccessful in flagging any Sixam ships down but he keeps trying.
His favorite food is the last new food he's tried. As much as he hates being stranded on Earth, he loves Earth food. It's the one and only area of his life in which he is the least bit adventurous.
He's been kidnapped to star on a reality TV dating show twice.
His name is Aiden because I thought it sounded similar to alien at the time but also because I thought the idea of Space Ireland was really funny. He doesn't have an Irish accent in my mind, though. His actual birth name is some ridiculously complicated unpronounceable Sixam name and he just chose Aiden to blend in a little better on Earth. But I still think the concept of Space Ireland is funny.
I could not for the life of me remember the original last name I gave him years ago so I chose Ayy in reference to the "ayy lmao" alien meme. It's funnier (to me) than whatever I picked before anyway. I feel like Aiden saw it on a bumper sticker and identified with it.
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totallynotinacult · 6 months
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She's in very early development, but.... I may or may not be working on a TADC OC
Kinda self insert? But also not?
Possible name: Squirble?
Obviously a squirrel
Plushie but like, one of the thick ones?
Mainly felt with pom-pom ball like tail SPECIFICALLY the kind with the silver :3, and her claws (if I decide to keep them, I make her hands and feet more cartoony), eyes, whiskers, and teeth are like hard plastic
Her eyes are very beady, expressions are shown through eyebrows and eyelashes
I haven't settled on a solid color scheme yet but I'm thinking pale blue?
Has DEFINITELY caught her tail on fire at least once by driving her motorcycle through the ring of fire
Kinda short tempered but keeps her problems to herself (they totally don't bottle them up for later when they explode in an outburst that NOBODY ever expects)
Isn't really friends with anyone but she does think about Jax alot (not self projecting idk what you're talking about)
Her main performance act is crazy (and dangerous!) stunts that usually involve motorcycles, ramps, and fire/explosions
Outside of performance, she's very timid (unless she ever gets closer to anyone then she never shuts up and is the most insane person you've ever met)
Dabbles in a bit of every hobby (drawing with gangle, sewing or cooking with ragatha, mild pranking with jax, looking at bugs with kinger, or trying out new fashion ideas with zooble) but never really feels like she fits in or is good enough at any of them to pursue them further.
Also feels lost and lacks a sense of self. Imagine not knowing ANYTHING about yourself and desperately trying new things to see if they click and you can finally have a sense of identity but no matter how much you do you still have no fucking idea who you are :D
Definitely some imposter syndrome goin on here, especially with her stunts. She hates doing them, feels like she'll never be good enough, and is very subconscious even though everyone else is impressed.
Anyways back to silly headcanons, she has buck teeth when she opens her mouth :}
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starknife-starmimi · 1 year
My fluff ideas are either:
Mimic helping buy Starline clothes
Mimic finds Starline not in bed and instead working on a project
[ I'll be doing the 2nd idea in this post and saving the 1st one for another post /gen /pos ]
"You're still up?"
Mimic groaned as he leaned against the doorframe, rubbing his tired eyes with a displeased look.
Startled, Dr. Starline swirled his desk chair around to gain sight of who had spoken. His surprised expression relaxed once the octopus had entered his sight.
"You say that like it's midnight."
He lightly joked.
"Yeah, because it's three AM in the f#cking morning."
Mimic harshly snapped.
Starline fell silent, unsure of why Mimic’s tone made this situation sound like a bad thing.
The doctor was used to pulling all-nighters and skipping meals in the name of science and success. Staying up until three was nothing out of the norm for him.
After all, it was productivity and success that mattered. Worrying about his health would simply hold him back from his full potential.
As Starline remained lost in his thought, Mimic walked over to his desk before leaning against the side of Starline's chair.
"How long will it take you to finish whatever this is anyway?"
Mimic asked, attempting to soften his tone while directing his tentacles towards the large computer in front of them.
Starline stared at the computer screen in front of him for a moment. He was still in the process of tweaking the base coding he had obtained from Belle back when him and Mimic kidnapped her from the Restoration.
Making a quick calculation in his head, Starline’s eyes returned to Mimic as he answered.
"Considering the time I've already lost while talking to you, I'd say about 45 more minutes if I continue now."
"Yeah, no."
Mimic responded deadpan.
A hushed "What?" escaped the platypus's confused bill before being interrupted by Mimic's tired sigh.
At this point, the octopus could barely keep his eyes open, yet he still continued.
"You're overworking yourself again. Seriously, I'm surprised you haven't gotten f#cking sick or some sh!t yet. When was the last time you even fell asleep?"
Starline rested his head in his hand, leaning against the desk as he attempted to remember… Though at the same time, he couldn’t help but be taken aback by the sudden sign of care coming from Mimic of all people.
But eventually, his drowsy mind focused and settled on an assumed time.
"Somewhere between three to five days. I lost track after a couple of nights....."
For a mere second, Mimic's dark eyes seemed horrified before lowering back to their exhausted stare.
"You can finish this sh!t tomorrow, just go get some d*mn some sleep..."
"Mimic, I don't think you understand the fact that I'm on a very tight schedule that I must stick to in order for everything to go smoothly and in order to succe- WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"
Starline nervously yelped as Mimic bent over the chair's armrest and scooped him up into his arms.
"Making sure you get some d*mn sleep. Now are you going to go to your room or make me bring you over there myself?"
Starline took a moment to process the situation. Not only was the shorter octopus able to carry him bridle style without breaking a sweat, but also that fact that he enjoyed this. His stiff and sore body finally relaxed in Mimic's arms. He was in the grasp of a ruthless mercenary, yet he never felt safer.
Starline slowly rested his head against Mimic's. Whispering with a soft smile.
"I think.... I'm a little too tired to walk back...."
The doctor's whispered words left Mimic flustering a sky blue and his hearts fluttering with warmth. Though not wanting his emotions to show, Mimic rolled his eyes in a non-existent annoyance.
Now stabling his grip on the platypus, Mimic began walking away from the desk and out of the room, as it took Starline mere minutes to peacefully fall asleep in his arms~
[ I hope this turned out alright!!! I'm still trying to get back into the habit of writing again, so I might come back and make some edits to this tomorrow. ]
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abruptlymystic · 11 months
channeling my fumbles with trying to be ✨commercially viable ✨ into a potentially useful information
I made a post? Article? on substack about my first month on kindle vella, the highlights are;
Gee it sure would be nice if this worked out for serial fiction
I have seen people launch their indie author careers with kindle vella bonus money and that would be pretty great if I can get it to work out
I'd like to be more disciplined anyway, experiments fun
I made $9 between bonus money and royalties in my first full month of 'trying'
I wasn't able to hustle the way some people who see greater success are able, I am still unable to work out a consistent posting schedule due to Life™.
In May I made absolutely nothing, as I was unable to get a new chapter up pretty much at all or participate in facebook promo games (maybe my seething hatred for them gets its own post later...)
June I was able to post a couple chapters and participated in a few more promo games... I made $5
July is not going to plan once again but I have gotten a chapter up, made a chapter trailer about it, and here's hoping everything settles enough that I'll be posting more chapters this last week of July.
Currently, I feel extremely doubtful even if I do get myself on a schedule it would fix anything. I haven't tried hard enough with chapter trailers to make a definitive judgement; They work for my RoyalRoad series, but that's 100% free. The name of the big bonus game seems to be promo games on facebook and I hate that so much. Maybe people find actual, loyal readers that way, but I have yet to. I also am uninterested in spending so much on coins or reading things I don't actually care about just to hit quota. IF anyone even reads, I have a suspicion most just unlock and move on.
Also beginning to doubt this series' ability to earn enough to put back into things like buying ISBNs, hiring a cover artist who isn't me, editors, formatting, paying for things like bookfunnel... At least, it doesn't seem like it'll be happening through kindle vella.
I'm not allowing myself to quit until I have finished this book (In The Hollows of the Wilderbog if anyone is so inclined) or felt like I've given vella a fair shake (consistent posting, better marketing, etc) but it's a little disheartening how hard you have to work to find readers on the platform.
that's it, that's my report, hopefully maybe it helps somebody else gauge if they'd like to try with the platform or nah, idk.
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rosaiel · 1 year
[There's art down below for those curious! I just talk a lot, sorry lmao]
Since I've been very quiet, I figured I'd give a small update; within the last few weeks I was able to reconnect with my friend @/maskedlin (not sure if you'd be okay with being tagged or not) and she encouraged me to take an old universe of mine that I had been working on years ago but lost a bunch of information on, and turn what little I still had and could remember into a Zelda AU since it was an idea I was toying with, due to the fact that I always underhandedly associated this universe with Zelda seeing as how Zelda was one of my big inspirations for the universe (alongside The Elder Scrolls series, Final Fantasy 12, Okami, and The Witcher series).
I don't have too much developed in this AU yet; not even a proper name (like I said I've only been working on it for a couple of weeks now, forgive me) but in doing so I've been able to revive and rework an old OC of mine that I haven't touched in years (she was the main protagonist in my universe), and has also given me the chance to rework a bunch of other 'dead in the water' OCs as well.
In this AU, I have taken my original universe (named Feldris) and reduced it to a neighboring country beside Hyrule, given this universe has a much more 'high fantasy' feel. In the original version of Feldris, the most prominent race there were the Aku'Rae (an elven race- think kinda like your Wood Elves/Bosmer from The Elder Scrolls; they live in trees, but in a very dense jungle-quese forest that's brimming with magical, mystical energy, who have abilities more along the lines of the of you Cleric, Druid, and Bard classes, just a tad bit more "feral" if you will), which have now been renamed to the Hylu'Rae; they are essentially a sub-species to the Hylians as they had split off from the Hylians eons ago when Hyrule and Feldris were first being established, due to a dispute between the Hylian clans when trying to unite them, and thus they split off and settled in Feldris instead of Hyrule. Due to Feldris' vastly different environment and biomes in comparison to Hyrule's, this clan evolved over thousands and thousands of generations to adapt to the environment, becoming the Hylu'Rae we know today. With that in mind, let me introduce the main protagonist to my AU (besides Link of course lmao), Shani'Lynn! She goes by 'Shani' for short.
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I won't go too much into the details of the Hylu'Rae just yet, as I plan on making detailed reference sheets for the Hylu'Rae and all of my versions of the race in my AU in due time, but Shani's basic reference should give you enough of an idea of their differences from the Hylians.
Anyways, I'm very proud of Shani and I plan on designing more travel related outfits for her along with some weapons as well. I'm very excited to more on her and my AU more!!! c:
In other news; fir those of you watching me for my Pokémon content with my persona; no, this Zelda AU will not replace that at all. Pokémon is my main special interest and invades my brain 24/7. This Zelda AU will simply be something I work on alongside my Pokémon content.
ALSO- Go check out my girl @/maskedlin's Zelda AU fanfic 'Magic's Wake' on Ao3!!! >:O iwillfightyouifyoudont
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mechanicalinertia · 2 years
STMPD Recommends Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Fanfiction: ArrowSMorgan's Group Chat
Remember how I said I wasn't super invested in Cyberpunk Edgerunners? Well, uh, I guess I lied. The anime itself is okay at best, BGC is better, but there's some pretty dope fanfiction in all this mess.
Yes, that's right, I'm doing reviews of Edgerunners fanfiction, stuff that has more views than even Divine Patronage by an order of magnitude more often than not. Most are, as I said in my previous post on the topic, true-blue copium and know it - one might say that an ending which revels in killing off all its cast save two is a bit of a bummer and cries out for alternatives. I've even seen one fic, one which I haven't read yet, argue that a different ending might actually be more punk, less, uh, nihilist? I think that was the implication.
Anyway, let's start with the Edgerunners fanfic that has over 50K views and has earned every single one of them. Ladies and Gentlemen: Group Chat.
The premise is simple if goofy: Lucy, main heroine of the show, starts a group chat for everyone to dick around in, except for Pilar 'cause the last time they did one with him he got people arrested. Which is painfully ironic, because 2 chapters in and the immediate topic of conversation is Lucy talking to Rebecca about how massive David's dick is. Other topics of conversation that come up - how old Kiwi is and how Rebecca thinks anyone who's mature is automatically old, Rebecca's weird cat Butterbean, whether or not Maine is David's dad... and then Maine and Dorio bite it.
And then the second trick the premise is pulling besides shitposting comedy comes into play. Namely, the characters actually communicate to one another. David gets depressed, like really depressed, like as depressed as you would expect from losing the only father figure he ever had in his life, and instead of resolving to hunt down every netrunner who might come after David, Lucy actually tells Rebecca what's going on, and gets her and Kiwi to go buy him groceries and weed and Stay At His House.
After that, communication... happens! And that leads into what even the author calls a Tenchi Muyo situation, with David hooking up with Lucy, Becca, and Kiwi (yes! yes, the Kiwi who decided to sell David out in the anime before he dragged her down with him, that Kiwi!) all at once! And then things get weirder when David meets Adam Smasher in a bar! And they actually get along okay even though they both know better than to try being friends, but David's like super chill with the big ol' murder-borg who talks like, in David's own words, an anime villain! (Smasher types in all caps, too, because of course he does. It reminds me of Homestuck in a lot of weird but good ways.)
So the fic is mostly slice-of-life, with sex scenes relegated to spinoff fanfictions in the same 'series', and with a multi-viewpoint action sequence turned into this really cool micro-visual-novel in itch.io. It's all good fun, like really good fun, especially once the gang settles down and unwinds a little and the world is built out in amusing ways - Kiwi being a master at fighting games, David trying to make Arasaka-brand curry and making sure to get the right brand, not the Adam Smasher super-spicy stuff, David being super cute with Rebecca's cat, David getting to beat up Katsuo again for a different job. Despite still feeling grounded in the world of 2077, it all feels natural, humane, wholesome in a way a lot of other fix-it fics can't quite nail. It feels like - and I'm pretty sure this was the intent, the author's a Fate fan - the Hollow Ataraxia to the main Fate Stay Night.
And what better note to end on than that? Hollow Ataraxia's a blast to read, and so is Group Chat, for roughly the same silly reasons.
Damn. I'm really getting into Edgerunners fanfic even though most of it is a) copium and b) not always of the highest quality. Watch this space; I've got more coming.
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deadgiants · 4 months
I'll hand it to "the Hound," it gave me a lot to think about.
This has been bouncing around my skull for a few days, though it's not really something that I mentioned in the posts while reading it.
Connla's conception and death are all told in the Hound, but they're also very much changed. I do want to preface that this post is more musing than argument against the book, though I do think it shows a kinda gross through line of a very modern sexism in the story.
So in this, the moment when Connla is conceived is depicted in two tiny panels following Eva (Aife, the angicizations are awful) invading Scáthach's school because... she thinks she could teach better than Scáthach? But then she's welcomed back, so everything is cool, and her and Cú have barely implied sex. Cú leaves to go home from exile early on the next page I think (not sure that's how exile works) with the knowledge that Eva (Aife) is pregnant. Importantly though, when he leaves, all he does is give her a ring for Connla to be identified by, and instruction to send him to Ireland at some point.
The key difference here is that in the original telling (or oldest we have) CúChulainn gives these full instructions, framed as geassa;
Connla cannot turn back once he starts his journey, he must not refuse a challenge, and must never tell anyone his name.
I dont Know Bogan's mind, but it's here that I can see where he may have thought "well that makes no sense, why would he do that?" Which is fair if you don't think too long, it is a mythological telling from a culture we don'thave the full context for, but the solution he settles on is to make Eva (Aife) be the one who insists that Connla not tell his name, and that he should come to Ireland and act as aggressor, rather than simply not be able to turn down a challange. The framing makes this read as some malicious act on her part, as though making CúChulainn kill his own son is an act of vengeance for his unceremonious departure unrelated to her.
It also serves again to remove agency from CúChulainn while I think trying to humanize him. In the original he: willingly couples with her, instructs her to send Connla to him in the future, and puts these geassa on him. It gives Aife in the original test less agency for him to make these choices, but to only give women characters agency to make them temptresses, or malicious and calloused feels like a zero sum at best.
This was supposed to be a shorter post, but I haven't gotten to the thing I even really meant to yet because any analysis of this comic cascades into a half-dozen other things.
The thing I wanted to get to is, in a nutshell, CúChulainn needs to know who he's killing when he fights Connla. It may be my interpretation of the story, but from my repeated readings I think CúChulainn and Emer know who Connla is basically from the moment they arrive on the scene, and are trapped by their own laws and mores to play out the scene as if written ahead of time. This created a much more tragic scene of people who know what they are doing, and must continue to do it anyway. It also createds a much more poignant foreshadowing for CúChulainn's battle at the ford with Ferdiad where CúChulainn is in some ways put in Connla's place, knowing that he must move forward, but knowing ahead of time what it means, while Ferdiad is trapped by his society to try to kill one of his greatest loves.
If CúChulainn doesn't know at all who this random 10 year old is, then it's still a setup for the battle, but only in a thematic framing, without as much emotion.
I said before this post isn't as much about the Comic being bad as the others. And while there is something I'm going to say i. Another post following this that IS. The reason this one isn't is that I totally get these choices, or the motivation for them, I still think theyre badly thought out, because the internal logic of the story is damaged by having these characters do the same actions for different reasons, both internal and external. I can see the problem here especially of "how do you adapt this narrative for a modern audience?"
I think the answer is, don't.
Adapting the characters and changing the reasons for events that need to happen in the story in the way they did here, full of (I don't like that I keep saying modern, because it implies a fundamental difference between then and now in people hearts that I don't think exists) contemporary sensibilities, stemming from a neo-liberal society, started in the late 90's, makes the story flow naturally only if you dont think at all about how events connect. It's building a lego set but the top hald are mega bloks.
All adaptations have an element of authorship and will by their nature be personal to the time and place they are made, adaptations that try to be the exact thing are almost without fail boring and somewhat sterile. This seems to be an intentional overwrite of the original, like they were going to "fix" parts if it, and honestly if you feel like you need to fix something like folklore and mythology in order to make it good, maybe you're not the person to do that adaptation.
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There are enough posts on here at this point that I feel like maybe a pinned post with a little more info and some navigation links might help.
This is the fault of @vibratoryblurriness if for some reason you want to know anything more about me or who to blame any of this on, and that's who likes/follows will show up as being from.
This mostly exists for my own sake because I have a variety of health problems, sometimes including memory problems, and it's nice to be able to look back and see what I thought about something if someone asks about it a few years later. Occasionally someone else stumbles on it and that's neat too.
I think I've finally settled on a tagging scheme, but I haven't gone back and edited everything yet. If I remember I'll change this message after doing that (current progress: everything from the beginning through nearly the end of May 2022, plus everything from the end of December 2023 until now). The plan is to tag full names of games, "x series" for things that are part of series/franchise x, and anything that shows up in the list after "mentioned:" comes up in the post but isn't the main focus of it. I'll try to keep an updated list with all of them in this post under a read more, but we'll see how that goes.
Actually forget about that probably. I just realized that with the number of posts I've made the list is going to be waaay over the limit for the number of links you can have in a post, so I'm going to have to come up with a better way to do it. I'm still updating all the tags and keeping my own list of them anyway until I figure out something that works in every web version of Tumblr plus the app though.
baba is you
banjo kazooie
boyfriend dungeon
cities: skylines
faerie solitaire harvest
fallout 4
frederic: evil strikes back
frederic: resurrection of music
f-zero gx
hero of the kingdom
hyrule warriors: age of calamity
hyrule warriors: definitive edition
jewel match solitaire
jewel match: twilight solitaire
just cause 2
just cause 3
katamari damacy
katamari damacy reroll
the legend of zelda: breath of the wild
no man's sky
phantasy star online
phantasy star online: blue burst
regency solitaire
reigns: her majesty
super mario odyssey
super mario sunshine
swallow the sea
theatrhythm final fantasy
theatrhythm final fantasy: curtain call
universal paperclips
wave race: blue storm
the witcher 3
xenoblade chronicles
xenoblade chronicles 2
bemani series
cities: skylines series
faerie solitaire series
fallout series
final fantasy series
frederic series
f-zero series
guitar hero series
hero of the kingdom series
hyrule warriors series
jewel match solitaire series
just cause series
katamari damacy series
musou series
phantasy star online series
phantasy star series
reigns series
theatrhythm series
wave race series
xeno series
xenoblade series
zelda series
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