#anyways im gonna look so bitchin
roaringheat · 2 months
got prescribed testosterone
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faeflowerz · 1 year
So idk if im just biased bc I played the bad fairy in my hs play of sleeping beauty (my peak tbh) but Mal's OB is up there with Vil. Which is poetic since EQ and Malle are probably rivals in the disney IP.
Anyways heres my ranking (worst to best)
7. Idia. And its a little disappointing since his mask is pretty bitchin. I think the armor is where im not feeling it. Its cool and sleek but idk, the ortho's blot monster is kinda the cooler design (not by much).
6. Riddle. All his other fits slap. And Chap 1 is my top 3 favorite chapters. But his OB is kind of not as personal as I want. Like, the detailing in the fit that reflects who Riddle is. The bodice is pretty bitchin but it just becomes roses n cards. Which, i guess is all that the QOH is known for since the source is simplistic. Idk there's some parts I think could have been changed with the lower half.
5. Jamil. The shoes, really. Idk what happened there. But its still kind of unique so it beat out Riddle by a smidgen. Im not sure about the mermaid cut dress tho. The off the shoulder bit is nice and the snakes are cute. I like that.
4. Azul. There's not much u can do with a mermaid but I think he is lacking something that would put him in the top 3. Maybe some more decorations like a shawl or torn seaweed? Hm. He looks sick by way of being in his rare mer form but it also leaves little to imagine his regular mer form, ykno? A simple sprite edit and u got his regular body.
3. Leona. As much as I shit on him, i like his fit. The fabric choice is interesting, especially the larger tattered piece which im wondering if its animal skin?! 😱 His face and hair are also well done and he looks kinda emo? Lol also the fur piece pulls it together along with the jewelry.
2. Malleus. Hear me out. It needs more green. We've been associating Dia with green (cause of the dorm and fire) but its mostly black and purple, which I think does it a bit of a disservice. Now, if he inexplicably gets a second OB form (bc hes the final boss), i will change the judgment. For now, he's second but not without his props for showing his forehead. His horns are fuckin wicked. And his faceup is very pretty/scary.
1. Vil. Idk if its bc i get virgin mary vibes from his fit or what but everything about it fits with one another. I know cohesion isnt really necessary for an OB outfit but its got that grandiose opulence that I feel should be included. This is like a villain song for these characters, the moment when they are merciless and over powered. You should be able to look at them and go "Shit. Am I gonna die???" Come lay your sins to rest my child and catch this mother fucking fade. Also his skirt is the coolest with the ripped pages. Fuck off, thats cool. Uhh. Yeah no complaints here.
Now keep in mind this is just my thots n prayers. If you think the order isn't right, then you're wrong and need to look closer at the OBs. 😌
Fr tho im excited to see what chap 7 brings, especially since it may be a long one like chap 6.
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reindrops927 · 1 year
When I was physically capable of working, I worked in a really toxic work environment (so toxic so many people quit and they ran out of business) and the only reason I stayed was because they didn't have a strict call out policy so when I was having a bad seizure day, I could call out, no problem. A lot of times there was huffing but I got to take care of myself. Anyway, I worked in boh and my boss had a strict "Noone leaves until everyone is done closing" rule, well obviously that person is gonna be the person closing boh because everything from every other station that has to be washed or put up gets put in the back. So typically my coworkers would stand in front of the door and huff and puff while I'm doing dishing, stacking plates, drying dishes, putting everything up, etc. One day I snapped when I heard someone huff and said "you wanna get outta here faster? Get yo ass over here and help, I got a place for each and every one of you im tired of your silent bitchin" ...... my coworkers looked like this emoji 😳 and it was funny, but guess what? Most of them started helping.
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littleferal · 2 years
every time i see a thot post of yours im just like... oh no
anyway i believe that santi is both a fan of edging and being edged 😌 like imagine him looking up at you as he gets lost in the sauce, appreciating how gone you are and the tight hold you have on his hair, tugging every time he pulls away. BUT!!! also the way he laughs all breathy when you turn it around on him, shuddering with every teasing lick -- strap anon LMAO
hahaha you're welcome 😌
mmmmmmhhhhmmmmmmmmm. though i personally feel like it'd be more of doing the edging rather than being edged (at least initially, cos oh boy does a bish wanna top that man) cos it's all about control to him. although i should stress it's not control of you (or any of his other loves), this isnt an ego boost thing, it's a controlling himself thing cos otherwise he's just gonna lose it and he cant do that. so usually he prefers a harder, quicker fuck.
but. you know.
frankie has a way of methodically sneaking past his defences until it's both - a hard fuck but it's drawn out and the wait is wiping his brain. because frankie has to prep him properly - of course mr big dicked does, so stop bitchin' santi. then he's gotta go slow just because and the next thing santi knows it's a confusing mix of tender, slow thrusts balls-deep, and a sharp sting where frankie's got a grip in his hair and teeth against his ear, completely embracing him. it's all the details that get santi overwhelmed - frankie's larger form hot across his back, his sharp teeth but tender tongue and words. how one hand can hold him so safe but the other drags him whichever way frankie wants. they way frankie teases santi like he teases no one else because frankie - only frankie - can go toe to toe with santi without missing a beat, santi doesn't get a choice in being overwhelmed but in the end he doesnt. fucking. care.
and benny has an honesty about him that's there's just no way santi's defences cant fall. how can you really tease benny when it just rolls right off him? because yes he is enjoying this, yes he does want that, benny isn't hesitant or embarrassed in the slightest. so maybe it's quick but it's so overwhelming, it's too much, too good and shit wasn't santi trying to be in charge at the start? except it's all he can do now to stop from cumming so fast, so hard that it hurts a bit that santi ends up edging himself just by pulling benny off him. and benny's fuck drunk expression with spit and pre-cum dripping down his chin doesnt help santi in the slightest, god forbid frankie decides to get involved and take control.
or the way you're a disarming mix of soft and sharp, your curves giving under his hands but you're own gripping his curls til he has no choice but to yield his neck to you. surely santi can let you have just a moment? and then another. just one more to be nice to you. but the next thing he knows all he can think about is that he really just wants to get fucked, please keep doing this.
and and and i was supposed to be talking about being edged. woops. so let's just consider that for a moment, cos it's one of the ways santi shows his love - overwhelming you with drawn out pleasure, some part of his insecurity signalling up in a tiny voice with stay stay stay. so he tries to make it last as long as possible. wants you to pull him in close, the sharp tug at his hair sending a flare of pride coursing along right next to his desire causing a heady mix and a teeth baring grin against your neck.
sometimes it's what he wants cos honestly santi is so fucking filthy and he fucking loves pussy. the guys don't get wet like you, cant soak him like you, dont smell like you, he'd be down there drawing it out for his own pleasure at times. other times he's smug with it by the way it builds his confidence that he - only he - can do this to you. but if you were to ask him for it, ask him specifically? he's so fucking tender, he would give you anything for however long you wanted.
talk to me 🌙
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morizoras-cave · 4 years
Persistent (Request)
Marvel cast x f!teen!co-star!reader
Genre: angst-ish, fluff
Request Description: Hellooo! Could you write a all the marvel cast men x teen! reader? Like they all go out to eat and hangout at a mall or something and when she goes in the women’s part of a store while they are all on the men’s side, some creepy dude keeps on hitting on her and like after she tries to politely decline his attempts and stuff rdj and the rest are like nuh uh this ain’t happening lol
Warnings: language, hints at smexual stuff, harassment, persistent asshole 
(A/N): this story includes anthony mackie, winston duke, sebastian stan, chris evans, robert downey jr and mark ruffalo. im sorry i didnt include alllll of the marvel dudes, but i just find it hard to cram them all into one fic :((( ALSO sorry if the ending is shitty hgssghsgsh
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“You don’t have to bring me with you.”
“It’s too late, we’re bringing you.”
“Y/n, you are not spending your birthday alone!” 
You and Anthony were bickering like always. There was a short break in filming the next marvel movie, and while many people, including you, were planning on going home for the week, Sebastian, Anthony, Winston, Chris and Tom and arranged a ‘guys night out’, if you will. 
You were going to enjoy your birthday that day with your family, but a couple of days before your family had cancelled, because of exams and overloading work. They promised you’d celebrate some other day, but you were still bummed out.
Anyway, Anthony had somehow reluctantly made you admit that you were celebrating alone, and had decided to instead drag you with him and the guys to their ‘night out’. 
“I don’t wanna come and just be a bother to everyone,” you mumbled. Anthony sighed and looked at you. He then diverted his eyes back to the road. 
“You’re not bothering anyone, N/n.”
“Well, you’re gonna have to cancel your plans to the strip club or whatever you were gonna do!” You stressed. Anthony gasped like a TV mean girl.
“Did you really think we were gonna go to a strip club? Y/n, that’s private business, you don’t do that with your guys.” 
“Well, what then?” 
The mall, apparently. 
You and Anthony both stood with your necks craned to look at the proud and boasting sign, ‘mall of America’. He’d shut up after your question and just parked the car, leading you to stand exactly there, in front of that famous mall. 
“You’re gonna go shopping?” you looked at him. 
“Yeah, and what about it?” 
Before you could start another argument with Anthony, you heard a familiar ‘hey!’ and snapped your head in the direction of the caller. Winston, Sebastian, Chris, Robert and Mark were all gathered together, seemingly waiting for you two. 
“Hey, there you are! We were waiting for you,” Chris said with his usual big, dorky smile on his lips. Him and Anthony hugged and then he pulled back to look at you. 
“Y/n, you okay with spending your birthday with us?” 
“Whatever, man,” was all you could say, making the group burst into laughter. 
You would never admit it to Anthony, or any of the others for that matter, but it was actually a lot of fun. You went into many stores for no apparent reason. The guys bought and helped you make a Build-A-Bear, which you named Svenbjorn, and he had a little detective suit and a little bag. 
You ate at a Denny’s, where Mark unfortunately, but rather predictably, spilled maple syrup on himself. Then you looked around stores for fancy suits and clothes and gifts for their loved ones. Your mood was brightened, and the guys sure didn’t seem to be displeased that you were there. 
“Let’s go in here real quick,” Sebastian had said, and everyone walked with him into the clothing store. You hadn’t actually bought anything that day, so you decided that maybe it wouldn’t hurt to look around a bit.
“I’m gonna go to the women’s section,” you said, pointing to the area at the other end of the store. 
“Sure,” Robert waved you off, as him and the others crowded around a blue suit. You rolled your eyes and bounded off to the women’s area. 
Your eyes found a pretty yellow shirt hanging on a rack near the back. You quickly made your way to it, standing and admiring it, checking the fabric and the price. 
“Hey, babygirl,” a cocky voice sounded beside you. You turned your head to see a boy around your age, an ugly smirk on his lips. His words almost made you vomit the Denny’s pancakes you’d just eaten, but you shook off the feeling. 
“Uh, hey,” you mumbled, turning back to the shirt. Now you fiddled with it nervously. 
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing here alone, huh?” his voice was strangely predatory, something about it just didn’t sit right with you. It made you feel alerted and uncomfortable. 
“Looking at shirts..”
“I bet you’d look good in this one,” he said. You didn’t have to look to know he’d found some sheer-ass, see through, titty exposer. You did however peep, and, yes.. You were right. 
“Look, I’m not interested,” you sighed. 
“That’s too bad, girlie, I could make you feel real good.”
You scrunched up your nose in disgust. Your fingers gave up their grasp on the shirt, deciding that it would be best to just get out of there. The sound of your boots hitting the shiny floor sounded, as you began padding away.
“Hey, wait, where are you going?” you heard him walking behind you, the action of persistence making your heartbeat speed up. You were now panicking.
“Hey! Why are you following her?” you breathed out in relief. Winston was standing not too far away, Sebastian and Anthony behind him. He had lowered his voice to sound more threatening, which you normally would laugh at, but considering the situation, you were pretty relieved he did it. 
All the three men looked pretty damn angry. You didn’t know how much of the conversation they’d heard, but obviously enough. Hearing another set of boots, you snapped your head to see Chris, Mark and Robert jogging towards the scene. You made eye contact with Chris, who furrowed his brows in confusion. 
The boy was now looking at the six angry and buff men, swallowing fearfully. He was shaking and surely starting to sweat. You smirked. Asshole. You walked over to stand between Sebastian and Chris.
“Are you okay?” they both murmured, searching your eyes worriedly. The fact that they were so protective of you made you smile a bit. Although, the thought that you needed several men with you to the mall to protect you kind of sucked.
“I’m alright,” you said. Meanwhile, Winston, Anthony and Robert were approaching the kid with disapproving looks. 
“Didn’t your mom ever tell you to respect women? Huh?”
“What’s your issue, kid? You had such a big mouth just a moment ago?”
“Don’t ever talk to any woman like that ever again, you hear me?” 
They didn’t even touch him, just the anger and seriousness in their voices and on their faces was enough to get the message into the kids head. He nodded, breath shaking. Then, he dashed off between Winston and Anthony, running out of the store, like a dog with its tail between its hind legs. 
When the other three turned back to you, they were still angry. 
“I can’t believe him! I can’t believe that asshole!” Anthony muttered, disbelief ridden in his voice. Winston had grown softer, looking down at you in concern. 
“Are you okay, N/n? He didn’t touch you, did he?” You could tell he was actually worried. 
“No, no, nothing like that. It’s okay, guys, it really wasn’t that serious,” you explained, wanting them to calm down. You couldn’t be the reason why their ‘guys night’ was ruined.
“Not that serious? Y/n, he wasn’t backing off when you told him to!” Robert seemed even angrier that you were denying the severity of the issue. You just shrugged.
“This kind of stuff happens all the time, this time I just had you guys with me,” you explained. By the looks on their faces, that wasn’t the most reassuring answer. In fact, even Chris and Sebastian and Mark (the sweetest human being ever, theoretically incapable of feeling anger) were angry now, scoffing. 
“That’s not- That’s-” Chris put his hands on his hips like an angry mom. Sebastian squeezed your shoulder, making you look at him, to see his jaw clenched. 
“Y/n, if that ever happens to you, no matter how big or small, just call us, please,” Anthony said, eyes catching yours to express how serious he was. You nodded. “I mean that shit.” 
“Yeah, yeah, I’ll call you.” 
There was a moment of silence where everyone just basked in their anger, before Mark spoke up. 
“Hey, how about we just continue as planned and go watch a movie at the cinema?” 
Reluctantly, everyone started walking to the cinema. You noticed how your walking formation had changed, almost caging you in, protecting you. Although you, Mark and Winston kept a pretty solid conversation, you couldn’t help but overhear the other’s talking about how angry they still were. Of course, they had every right to. 
The night turned out alright again, as they slowly shook off their anger. The movie was great, and it created something new to talk about other than the ‘disrespectful little shit from earlier’. 
When Anthony drove you both back to the hotel you were both staying at, he had another serious conversation with you. He talked about staying safe and keeping a backup weapon and such.
He wasn’t usually serious, so you listened carefully. You were thankful that they had been there that day. So were they. And from that day on they all were a little bit more protective with you - whether it was in interviews or just in daily life - they kept you close and was always slightly suspicious of anyone talking to you. 
It meant a lot to you, and you thanked them, both for their protection, for an awesome birthday, and for one bitchin’ build-a-bear :)
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@hera-the-writer @marvel-madness @40srogcrs @whatthefuckimbisexual @snarky–starky @garbage-potato @eviemarvel @lozzypoz321 @allthecreativeonesaretaken @missamericana713 @rororo06 @shady80smusicsingercolor @ireadfanficforfun
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saintobio · 3 years
If people are guessing correctly, it means you are great at setting things up! And you are!! You are amazing and i love your writing!
Please take the time you need to rest and don't feel like the chapters should be shorter in order to update faster. You don't owe us anything and we know you have a life outside the blog
That said omgg i would melt if hoejo called me "my wifey" i'm such a subby sucker i would probably forgive him so fast. Rip to mc but i'm different (??
Anonymous said
gojo calling y/n 'wifey' is cute, but the lady at givenchy calling y/n 'mrs. zen'in' is the cutest ! i wanted to stop by and say to always take your time when working on your stories, and i love how they are all beautifully written �� hoping to see toji in the future chapters ❤ sorry for my bad english hehe
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Anonymous said
hi lovely, as always an amazing chapter. you really are out doing yourself!! a lot of readers don’t understand how much time it takes to write something like this especially when you do 8k + every week (almost twice that amount this week!!) plsplspls rest ai, ilysm ppl shouldn’t snap at you for taking a little longer to update.
and to the ungrateful readers out there one week is NORMAL. writing can take hours upon hours sometimes, pls keep sometime for yourself:( she works SOOO hard to pump out chapters every few days so don’t go bitchin. pls make time to check on the socials, spend time with loved ones and rest bb. you deserve it. <3
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Anonymous said
The way I woke up exactly at 3am to read this is 🌚👌
Anyway,,, ch7 was just– "😭🥰🤗😢😰" yeah mixed feelings. At this point I'm just 50/50 on rooting for Gojo x MC,, I'm so conflicted at this point pls. For the first time, I was actually looking forward to seeing Toji and see him be with MC, surprisingly since I never really was attached to his character in canon so yeah thx Ai :'D. This whole chapter just got me so pissed at Sera 😭 like miss maam you're the mistress here,, stay on your lane.
Speaking of "mistress" Gojo really had no right getting mad at MC for saying Sera was the mistress. Like was she wrong🤨🤨 He had the audacity to get angry abt "Mrs. Zenin" and her mini date with Toji when he was the one who called her an "attention-seeker" and told her to stay away from him. Choose a struggle sir🙄🤚
This whole chapter was so great Ai pls— I really love MC sm and tbh I really want her to distance herself from Gojo even for a few days since oml she deserves better😔 her self-worth is too great to be wasted to be with someone like Gojo and she needs to realize to love herself like the queen she is👏👏
Ahhhhh anyway,, Ai thank for you this chapter but please do remember to rest and take care of yourself before anything. *huggies* 🥺❤
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Anonymous said
listen i’m all for anti-gojou propaganda but he was so SOFT this chapter and my heart cannot handle it. he was so vulnerable with mc and omg pls the daddy stuff was so hot i cannot. BUT THE ENDING?? i know i shouldn’t but i hate sera so much!! like “i cant believe you’d actually bring her here” BITCH ITS HIS OFFICE!!! MC IS HIS WIFE!!! WHO TF ARE YOU!!! and i already know that mc is gonna get upset about him tracking sera’s cycle (as she should!!) but like he’s doing it to not get her pregnant. like satoru is literally thinking about mc 24/7 and it seems like mc is thinking about sera more than gojou at this point! im simply crying in the club and i’ll be coming up with all kinds of scenarios in my head until the next update. as always you’re amazing and i can’t wait to see what you come up with next 💕
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Anonymous said
Okay there is no way Sera “loves” him!!! She doesn’t like it when Gojo talk to her about his problems but is okay with talking about Hers??? Like okay we get it you have problems but so do other people!!!! (That kinda sounds bad) like having money is nice and all but there are still problems!!! Gojo has been and still is being abused!!! And the fact she doesn’t what to heat it??? Lmao no. She’s terrible. And like…she has to only like Gojo for his money! She accepted his fathers money! She accepts the gifts Gojo gets her and says “no I can’t…but if you insist!!!” Like bro… no…. She likes the gifts because it makes her feel like a princess which is okay to feel but not when your using someone… and at this point it only seems like she’s using him… sorry for the rant! I’m loving it and I can’t wait to chapter 8!!! I’m scared so I might avoid it for like 2 second because I’m weak 😩 but it’s like exited but scared😩
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Anonymous said
Asdfgghk I can noooooooot gojo gets on every nerve that I have yet i still love him I've definitely had enough of sera like i need her to fuck all the way off
I was so happy when mc finally started giving gojo a taste of his own medicine it's what he deserves but it was still very nice that she was able to help him when he needed it that whole scene was sweet
Buuut I was so sad when I read toji wasnt at the party😭 but here to hoping him and mc have more moments in the next chapter omfg what if in the end she really does end up with him and gojo is sad because she does leave him anyway ignore that that's just me thinking out loud lol
But frfr I super duper love this story and this chapter was a rollercoaster of emotions and I loved it thank you u so very much for sharing it with us
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Anonymous said
...idk man, I just want y/n to grow a backbone and acc put herself first 😞 shes doing everything for him and never for herself which is kinda too nice that its painful 👀 miss girl I can be ur personal assassin, dont gotta pay me I'll do it anyway 🙄 I'm honestly so confused with gojou like I acc cant get my head around this guy man. And that bora bora trip sounds like a pain 😒 how do we even come cry for this guy when I'm literally the one who wants to make him cry blood 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Anonymous said
Literally it sucks so much because satoru has so much trauma from childhood that would honestly mess up anyone if they went through it , he felt that his mom abandoned him and he has an abusive father and his only haven are his memories of y/n, who he relates to the mother that abandoned him 😭. It’s so upsetting because he’s just a broken man who doesn’t know how to fix himself and in return he’s putting all his hurt onto y/n and it’s spinning her deeper into not only confusion but possibly even depression 🥺
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I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF U !! thank u for the messages, reactions, analyses <33 i’m sorry ai is too tired to respond individually but i’ve compiled all of ur amazing asks so everyone can see <33
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kinktae · 4 years
rose: [creates the rewind series] bighit: WRITE THAT DOWN!! WRITE THAT DOWN!!
Anonymous said: Rose, did you see 70s!Tae in the MV in all his glory? 😱😏
Anonymous said: Dynamite goes well with your rewind series 👌🏽🤩
shy-kpop-girl said: Okay... DYNAMITE M/V and Groovy? Did BigHit get inspiration from your fic because the whole time I was thinking about you and could not wait to send you this ask! 😊 The 70's was not my fave style era but BTS makes it look GOOD! Holy Hoseok! And what the hell Taehyung? 🥵 Anonymous said: ROSE FOR YOUR BITCHIN AU WITH JK??? THE ROOM THAT HE'S IN FOR THE DYNAMITE MV? LITERALLY BITCHIN VIBES AJKSKSKS
spicybangtanwings said: im a lil late how are we doing with dynamite jk???? i personally am not coping well. i cant get this correlation between dynamite jk and bitchin jk out of my mind and ALL I could think about is them making out in that attic full of posters and keyboard and guitar 😩😩😩😩 oh yeah did I SAY I LOVE BITCHIN SO SO MUCH i finished it a while back but sometimes i would just space out at work thinking about the characters and how well it was written. ok i am done have a good day/night!!!
Anonymous said: I just re-read the rewind series after 'Dynamite' comeback, I cant helped it! I just had to do it! It sets the moods so damn right! I've actually been roaming around tumblr looking for your blog because I forgot to like the masterlist and all i can remember was "groovy" as the title lol, ANYWAY Dear sweetness human soul, Thank you so much for your amazing writing, i hope you're having a great day! 🥺😭💜
Anonymous said: jungkook in the dynamite mv and the concept photos gives me mAJORRR bitchin' vibes
Anonymouse said: Rose!!!! I screamed when i saw Jungkook in Dynamite mv, his LOOK and his ROOM omggggg, it reminded me a lot of Bitchin'
Anonymous said: i HAD to come back and read groovy again after dynamite’s release, groovy singlehandedly sparked my obsession with the 70’s. your work it just so well written, it’s honestly mind blowing.
Anonymous said: When dynamite MV came out I immediately remembered your 'groovy' and 'bitchin' fics, your writing is so amazing 😭
Would u guys unfollow me if i said i hadn’t watched the mv yet.... KSFDJSKDJ DONT GET ME WRONG IVE LISTENED AND LOVED DYNAMITE IM JUST SCARED TO WATCH IT I KNOW IM GONNA SCREAM and im so exhausted atm i can’t commit to it ksdfkj that sounds dumb but THE SCREENIES I SAW ACTUALLY HAD ME SCREECHING ily ily ily
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wandering-bitch · 4 years
Annotations on Falling in Love with Love (Again) pt 1
Falling in Love is my 3zun Cinderella/Qin Su Solidarity Fixit fic. It’s got some dumb angst, but i promise every ch with Angst (tm) has at least some soft gentle fluff with it. 
It’s structured like cinderella (servant gets surprised with the clothes + disguise for the ball, falls in love, runs away but leaves behind a trinket, gets found out later and happily ever after), but really it’s About recognizing the growth you’ve gone through, and uh. falling in love again. It’s also, to a lesser degree, about how important Qin Su is.
Notes on writing the first third of this below the cut
Every chapter title is a riff on a song lyric from Rogers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella (which you might remember as the Brandy and Whitney Houston movie from 1997). Title is “falling in love with love,” the BITCHIN ballad from the stepmother
i keep stumbling on cinderella aus from parts of 3zun and i never like them bc im picky so i started thinking about this and now im HERE, writing thousands of words and thinking about social shit
in this house we love qin su, by the way
Don’t Believe in Sensible Rules
this chapter was called “Enter the Fairy Godmother” in my outline
writing this fic made me like jin zixuan pfffff
look im not saying that qin su is fucking vital BUT
having qin su know that she’s meng yao’s sister means that he has someone who can empathize with wanting but hating jin guangshan’s attention, and so someone who can remind him that jin guangshan’s respect isn’t worth the effort
aka qin su being actively meng yao’s sister fucking stops him from making terrible choices aka this is my fixit.
originally i just was hand-waving away “it’s a good au bc i said so” but as i built the timeline more, i realized that it all comes down to qin su
which is valid!! because yeah, the middle and end of the fic are about qin su
anyway back to this first chapter
i know in canon qin su is probably younger than meng yao but counterpoint i wanted her to have more respect built into her role
what’s up with meng yao’s makeup? it’s a combination of opera + tang dynasty makeup!! 
you know that promo image of zzj playing an opera performer for a movie next year???  this one??? it’s basically this but on crack
if you’re not thinking about that promo image twice a week then i highly recommend u do it bc it certainly brings me joy and serotonin 
oh hmmm meng yao is wearing a fancy emotionally important accessory??? i wonder what might happen
You’ll Never Know a Finer Night
”a lovely night, a lovely night/ a finer night you know you’ll never see”
qin su + meng yao rights!!!
qin su + meng yao rights!!!
the mengyin han sect is something my spouse came up with for their Nie Parents fic that they’re never gonna write.
you should bug @isimplydonotvibewithjgy to write it. why???
it’s about happy healthy nie parent polyamory!!! 
nie huaisang is named in part after nie mingjue’s mother’s sword
meng yao is only a little bit kidding about stealing a baby for qin su. qin su, in turn, is only a little bit kidding about stealing a baby for meng yao
meng yao fucking with wangxian is very important to me, a bitch
Back In the Past, lan xichen wasn’t so much Jealous as he was frustrated with himself for not saying anything for so long (so long was barely a few months)
“second daughter of a third rate sect” is the type of dumb meng yao shit i love
qin!!!! su!!!! rights!!!!!!!
Most Entrancing Sight Of All
from “the greatest love,” the first song from the brandy version
i actually hate this song whoops
i lov every time i get to write meng yao being clever
it is very convenient for me that im writing the entire fic from his perspective
it’s sword content!!!! hooray!!!!
i looked up so much sword dancing for this it made me so happy
swords!!! good!!!
i do wish i had been better at figuring out ways meng yao could eat li bolin alive, but i wrote it, it’s done, im never editing it again
sword! content!!
The Sweet Invention of a Lover’s Dream
AWWW YEAH my favorite chapter because the xiyao troll showed up and said “oh so meng yao’s a selfish little slut now then” and i think about that every fucking day
the title is from “do i love you” 
the breakup was hard to write bc like. neither’s in the Wrong, sometimes u just don’t fit, and that sucks
like it wasn’t Hard emotionally, but it was hard to balance properly
“Eat Wen Xu Alive” -- meng yao
in my early draft, meng yao + qin su had an agreement to check on each other every hour. i scrapped that but u can see 
“time to meddle”
i had fun learning about azaleas + azalea poisoning
i spent SO LONG trying to decide who meng yao would pin the poisoning on but settled on the li sect being complicit in wen imperialism
nie mingjue is here because nie huaisang whined about it. lan xichen is here because he wants to date someone to move on from meng yao
what’s that? he’s dating nie mingjue? that’s not enough to move on? no, actually, it isn’t
sorry lan xichen the way to move on is just time, not dating
to be clear it’s not that lan xichen is greedy or nie mingjue Isn’t Enough, it’s just that there’s an ache still in lxc’s heart
(there’s an ache still in nmj’s heart)
we’ll actually go over all of this in an auxiliary chapter where nmj + lxc snuggle in the middle of the night
healthy polyamory rights
in case it’s somehow not Obvious, the song lxc is distracted by reminds him of meng yao. 
lxc is one hundred percent that friend who doesn’t let u say anything slightly mean about urself
my one ex specifically wouldn’t let me say i wasn’t smart enough to talk about a sociological issue/socialism thing. it was so sweet honestly
like she would let me not have an opinion but i couldn’t say i wasn’t smart enough
lxc is so proud of himself for that “tell me what this song is about” line and he SHOULD be. it WAS sexy it WAS polite it WAS a good line!!!
im not tooting my own horn im just talking about lxc being a polite, sexy hunk
never forget: so meng yao is just a selfish little slut then lol ok
come back next time for ch 5-8 where we see boys being cute and together and also where qin su gets many more rights
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-I wanna go to a fair:(
-omg is that the band robin is apart of
- This scene is just giving me MAJOR IT chapter 2 vibes
- Aww holly bb
- Are we going to see the shadow monster behind the fireworks or something
- Karen listen to your daughter look at the goddam trees
- Eleven? Still?? Call her el or hane not eleven
- Billy legit told el , now we know where you are or something like that and she didnt bother mentioning it to the others lol
- Lmao high steve/robin is the best
- Trying to make him surf 😂
- Boop!
- “Dad i dont do drugs” ugh chaotic dumbass
- The child has become the father
- “Its close” no shit will we can allllll hear it
- Are only jonathan and nancy armed?
- Yass el looking like a badassssss
- She sliced that thing open like it was bread
- I love when people scramble into a car and someone yells DRIVE! Like no maybe i want to take a lil nap befo-OF COURSE IM GONNA DRIVE
- Steve grabbing the popcorn from the garbage: peak steve
- Sexual feelings: yes
- Lmao hoppers face
- Also wow i love alexei (hes probs going to die anyways right bc we cant have nice things)
- a BoWL
- Mike i love that ur trying to mend things with el BUT THERES A MONSTER ON THE LOSE DONT FKG IGNORE A RADIO
- Blank makes you crazy
- Girlfriends? No
- Boyfriend! *nodding*
- Steve trying to understand the plot of back to the future is also peak steve
- That fair looks epic, why didnthey stop doing them back home!!
- That cellphone thicc
- El doing her mind thing infront of the eggos hehehe
- Im just trying to imagine the scene like shes trying to decide where to sit, stops the eggos and is like this is perfect
- I really hate what they did to lucas this season
- Wtf was their goal with him?
- Im sorry lucas you deserve better
- I found someone better than nancy
- Omg that toilet slide ouff
- It shocked me to my core but i like you 😂
- THAT WAS SUCH A CUTE SCENE (trying to act like this wasnt one of the spoilers i saw lol)
- Steve singing lmao
- Muppet giving birth
- Ive noticed most of my commerns are just quotes at this point lol
- Kinda forgot billy was a thing
- Has he been wearing the same clothes since the first episode?
- That shit must smell
- Oh is alexei going to die at the fair
- The scoop troop is the reason why they have bars on escalators now
- Alexei is so happy with his woody the woodpecker
- Aw man he aint dead yet but bye bye alexei
- Okay now he dead
- Hopper looked good af in that shot
- Is this like an IT/ ST crossover bc i would be v down
- Wow hopper , thats hot (paris hilton voice)
- Only one(1) russian is superior enough to try to kill hop
- Wow the russian was not superior enough that was actually sad
- Spoke too soon he is superior
- yas ellllll
- Aw dustin and el such an underrated friendship
- Does she have like eggs in her leg
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OKAY so I finally got around to watching Descendants 3, I’m watching it right now and I have some stuff to say
opening music number? fuckin bitchin, we STAN whoever writes these villain songs. I do like the ones from the first two movies better, but it does show more of how the Isle of the Lost has changed since the first four went to Auradon (idk if that’s how it’s spelled don’t judge me)
I’ve only known facilier’s daughter for three and a half minutes but if anything happened to her i would kill everyone in this room and then myself
aight, so Hades is definitely going to play a big part in this movie, whether he’s a villain or a bad guy gone good. He’s gonna be important, and it’s a little random because he wasn’t even mentioned for the last two movies
Seeing Cameron being a goofball as Carlos makes me want to cry. I love him and I wish more than anything that he was still here.
anyway, sad stuff aside, Audrey is obviously going to be some sort of villain just based on her whole rant about the proposal. not the best choice for a villain, considering she wasn’t that memorable from the first movie and her motive is a little cliche, but whatever
Mal wanting to close the barrier for good is a little out of character in my opinion
Audrey showing up when she did is also a little random, not sure why that was necessary. She just turned Mal into an old lady and left???? 
The pacing of the whole movie is a little weird so far, but every movie seems like that to me at first and it seems better the second time I watch it so it could totally just be me
and now Mal is back to normal?? what was the point of audrey cursing her in the first place?
the actor for Dr. Facilier could NOT be better!!! I love him, and I LOVE that he has an arcade kinda thing going on in the Isle. just,,,,, UGH he is incredible
k so we visiting Hades now and idk why theyre on this minecart/bike sorta thing? they could literally walk faster than that but you know what the sequence was cool so imma let it slide
he’s wearing shades while he sleeps the absolute madlad
oh god he’s hotter up close
that sassy scarf flip?? im lov he
god this kind of song totally fits his aesthetic. All the songs are absolutely incredible so far and so is the choreography, just like the other two movies
he radiates chaotic bi energy i love this man
i LOVE audrey!! her motives may be cliche, sure, but she is incredible
uma and mal have such a good dynamic 
“i can feel you lurking...” “good” could harry and jay get any gayer
I love Evie playing mediator between Mal and Uma, and the two of them working together in this fight scene??? NICE
Have I mentioned how much I love the choreography?
Evie making them do team bonding sksksksksksksk
is gil flirting with jay
is gil asking him out???
i want harry to stab me with his hook
i would literally die for celia, she’s such a precious kid
okay so Mal wanting to close the barrier is more relevant now that Celia thinks they’re letting all the kids out of the Isle, I take back what I said earlier
god they are so cute together im crying
im literally going to cry i love carlos and cameron
does ben just??? have a beard now??? is that permanent?? god i hope so it’s rly cute
harry radiates disaster bi energy and he’s sTILL FLIRTING WITH JAY, HE LITERALLY JUST CALLED HIM GORGEOUS I’M-
if they don’t end up together at the end i’m gonna RIOT
mal and uma?? working together??? i love them
can i just take a moment to comment on harry’s eyeliner??? ugh he’s hot
i would die for chad
hey uhhhh have i mentioned how pretty jane is??? i love her so much
“mal promised to let all the kids off the isle” ohhhhh DRAMA
ok this is a good fucking scene, evie’s gonna cry and mal- oH GOD OH FUCK THEY’RE ALL STATUES
ohhhhhh a SONG
showing clips from all the movies show her character development is just,,,, UGH i LOVE it! it’s such a powerful moment for her and i love how she’s changed through the series
audrey does such a good evil laugh why was she not a villain sooner
audrey’s been defeated but there are still twenty minutes left??? what’s happening is audrey dead or sumn
ngl i would be ok if uma and harry ended up together theyre kinda cute
again,,,,, i would die for celia
“When you guys try to destroy the world, it’s an error in judgement. But when it’s one of us? Lock ‘em up, throw away the key. Right, Beast?” i,,,, love this man. seriously could hades possibly have been more perfect
hades growling at the beast is,,,, ngl kinda hot
god i love audrey, she was such a good villain, and her apology??? nice
“speech, oh fancy one!” i love jay so much
mal’s speech??? im crying, look at how much she’s grown
it’s a bop!! fuck yeah!!!
the choreography of the last dance number is just?? phenomenal??? 
ok harry and audrey are gonna be a cute couple but can i just say right now that gil and jay are canonically together in my opinion and you can’t change my mind
that last shot of the four of them running across the bridge??? poetic cinema
this movie was such a good ending to the series, i loved how every character developed, the music and choreography was incredible, 11/10 would watch again
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omegawizardposting · 5 years
Okay so I'm single n lonely af and all I want is some good dick. Im bitchin about this to my friend and she tell me she got a gay cousin whos my type ((yeah look wise sis)) and okay with trans men. So she said could hook me up. So I said fuck it it's a date and she hooked up up for today. Not gonna lie he was an absolute BABE. Toned muscles, hairy chest, beard, can actually drive. Real big dick energy. But then he starts TALKING. Remember how I said he could drive? 1/2
2/3 Well turns out this dude is a truck guy. doesn’t stop talking about Honda vs ram vs whatever. Btw we’re having lunch because lunch was supposed to get me laid but no!! Plans change we’re going to a car show apparently! I’m thinking “okay maybe he’s trying to impress me” and you know his muscles & his ass were so distracting. We go and he’s all excited Ed and it’s cute but then he sees some of his friends? co workers? and these are the most hetero peeps ever. Wearing harly Davidson merch
3/3 anyways theyre like OH IS THIS UR BROTHER? _ he doesnt correct them? & theyre all laughing talking about trucks!! Hours pass & I try getting interested but i just wan go home & he asks if I wanna go over to his place and Im like finally & we go and he puts on a movie & Im like “thats code for clean ur ass” so I go excuse myself. I come back, asshole clean as a goddamn whistle n my date is asleep watching fast & the furious. I legit called my friend to pick me up and asked if this was a prank
i ‘m jdfjdkshr9iwqejerl???? kjdkejwuihrjkfjsfj
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dear-happypills · 2 years
            *            *         *      *       *       (          *   *         *          *      *                 *            *         
                      \  _               \ _ /    /                 \  /                            |                   |             ; ; _____________________
me: ... happy?
happypills: WaaoOW. YESH. ahhh. so perty.
me: bleh. how much longer are we gonna stay here?
happypills: aooh. jeeez. whats the rush?. we got the stars. the moon. and that thing next to us. isnt this niceee??
me: its called a tree. and ehh. we could use more wine.
happypills: aoh. TWEE. hullo twee. hullo stars. hullo moon. ahhh. so perty.... thanks so much for doin this man.
me: well you wouldnt stawp bitchin at me to take you out to see this. so.... here we are.
happypills: aaah. so perty. i dunno why youre always complainin about this world when its so nicee. ahhhh. i sure can live here.
me: ... yea. if the world were just these things it wouldnt be so bad. people are the problem.
happypills: lolll. of course. i suree know that.
me: -_- how would you know that?
happypills: because. youre the worst  :D
me: yea,yea.
happypills: aaah. but still. its better to share this with someone than see it on my own. so perty. hehehehehe, the twee looks fawnny.
me: i dunno what you mean.
happypills: its like. its throwing its arms and hands at the skyy. like its waving. heehee.  *** happypills throws its arms and hands out to the sky.
me: stop. stop doing that. i dont wanna draw attention.
** happypills does it more and jumps and down.
happypills: WHEEEEEE.
tree: OOHHH HELL NO. yah think you a funny pill huh??
happypills: ooOHHHH SHIT. the twee talks!
me: o_O;;  well thats a first.
tree: you think you funny??? copying myyy swag and shit.
** happypills continues to jump up and down, imitating the tree.
happypills: HEE HEE!! Yeeaa! but only because youre fawwwny. LOOK LOOK. am i doing it right?
tree: nuhuh. stop doing that now. before i slap the living sap outta yah.
** happypills prances around the tree
happyills: ohohoho catch mehhh catch meh!
tree: *-* yo you really killin my vibes here. go somewhere elsee. prancing around on my roots and shit. 
me: um... mister tree. youre gonna have to forgive him. this is a new environment for him. hes just excited.
tree: you really need to put a leash on your pet. this shit -- unacceptable.
me: =_=;;; well, i sure hope this beats dogs urinating.. and actually shitting on you.
tree: oooHHH. so thats how you gonna play this?? COME HERE BOI. ima uproot yo ass.
happypills: lolololol. mistahh twee needs to chillll. heree, have some  ** happypills pours wine on the tree.
tree: yo, yooo! WTF. 
happypills: whuht... you dont like wine??  :/
tree: NOO bich. give me water!!!
happypills: aoooh. healthy choice. here~  ** happypills pours water.
me: -_-
tree: ah yah. dats better. really soak it in there.
happypills: YESSIR!
tree: anyways. whatre you doin out here boi. out late. talkin to a pill and tree. the fuqq.
happypills: pwahahahaha he does this all the timee.
tree: jeez weirdo. go make friends.
me: lolololol. yeah........ if it only were that easy.
tree: seems easy enough.
me: says the fucking tree.
happypills: hey. i say it TOO!
me: -_- says the pill.
tree: yes... the pill and the tree say so.
me: well. unlike a tree. unlike the stars and the moon. they all leave.
tree: uhh....... find new ones???
me: i..... i.. cant.
happypills: you cant or you wont???
tree: he cant.
me: i... im.....  im.. afraid..
happypills: whiiiyyyy???
me:  its... always. the same. i. i screw up. i get obsessed with the relationship. and i have all these expectations of how things should go; i get fixated on them. even when theyre so insignificant... and more and more people become uncomfortable with me...and i end up, always seeing -- or thinking -- how they just needed me for something.. that they used me for something.. and so i eventually get mad. and i yell... and i scare them away. i freak them out... then slowly the conversations dwindle.. and things change. they like me less. or need me less. and they find someone else or other people who are more normal...  i make.. make them sad when theyre with me.. when all i want. is for us to be happy... and then when they leave. they ignore me. maybe change their number. maybe i run away because my heart is broken at what theyve said or dont, at what they do or dont. and... i become more convinced that everyone that ive known is better without me.. then i find it more difficult to start anything because im sinking in a pain that makes me more and more numb to conversations and interactions with the new people i meet...... ....... ... and i feel less and less normal....
tree: ....
happypills: ....
me: so i look for conversations in the depths of the night with the stars that surround me. the moon that watches over me. a tree that i sit by. and a pill that i keep to talk instead of having to take...
happypills: ........ 
me: ...................... i must be crazy..........
tree: .............................  i think thats the sanest shit i ever heard.
happypills: .......LOL. really?? i hear this all the time and it doesnt get more saner.
tree: thats because you a freak of nature.
me: hehe..
happypills: -_-;;
tree: well..... im just a tree. the most i could do is just listen to yo problems.
me: thanks. youre doing a superb job.
happypills: whu.... .ummmmm HULLLOOO. i like do that always!
me: HAHA shut up and just watch the stars.
happypills: ^-^  pass me the wine buddy.
tree: and give me some moh water.
happypills: YUHHH. feed ussss.
me: ha........ okie.
- happypills
0 notes
Lo and Behold
Glynda dumbass just now blocked me on snap, even though im the one who unfriended her 1st.
Yup, just another petty Jay move, just because you got butthurt.
I deleted my account on Tinder right after messaging her "I'm pissed. Wtf we bonded, dude." and then she said "why am i getting bitched out just for asking one question."
And this was after I accused of her of trying to use me as a sex toy and hiding her true intentions with me, when this whole time (it was just 3 days) your'e telling me you and your boyfriend wanted a 3some. And weeeeee was just talking us two having a bonfire, doing some cooking together, and smoking weed (which i dont need to get back on anyway) but yea her intentions was presented that this was just finna be all about me and her getting busy and having fun. And when she tried to gaslight me and acting there's no reason for me to be mad....like dude no. I told you straight up im not feeling dudes rn and you still had the nerve to go ask me that shit out of the blue and on top of that you waited until 2-3 hrs into us bonding, flirting and sexy talk to even say you had a bf, but it was only until after the 1st 30 minutes you was worried about me getting into a relationship with you.
And I said, "No, boo boo, you wanted a threesome. That right there was manipulative. And I cut people off for doing that.
I deserve better. Buh Bye".
Cause who the fuck does that? And I'm too pretty to be stressed about hoe getting her feelings hurt cause she asked me off the wall question that I didn't expect her to ask when I even asked you does he know about us texting and you said yea, he's cool with it. He lets me have my way. She said nothing about a threesome then.
She waited until after we sent some nudes, got all comfortable, and cute on the flirting and shit....and then boom. Wanna ask for a 3some cause you thought I was a lesbian?
Then when I confront yo ass, you got a problem?
Now look who bitchin, who the fuck blocks somebody that unfriended you on snap and from your view deleted you off Tinder?
A sad petty bitch. Look how your feelings hurt, cause you didn't give a fuck about mine.
Sad ass hoe, remind me just like my ex tryna get me in the same scenario again. Cause yo nasty ass wanna have your cake and yo dick at the same time.
Fuck Her. Wayyy more women to meet in my future, and at least im not cuffed to some idiot.
She thought I was just gonna fuck whoever she wanted to bring in the bedroom with her? She trifling and tried to trick my ass.
Im so done with white trash. Sorry, but technically my ex was too.
Disrespectful niggas. Listening to Jelly Roll. We bonded over country music damnnnn and I thought I could trust you???
Damn. We out here fr, by ourselves.
0 notes
linaisbluepancake · 7 years
Aye bruh this is some straight bullshit. You look too fucking good and have a bomb ass personality and are a bomb ass artist. Like what the fuck is up wit that????? Anyway im bitchin cause youre amazing and i greatly admire and look up to you even tho were the same age lol. Keep kicking ass y hechale ganas reinita, from your local Southern Californian Mexican
I read “this is straight bullshit..” and was gonna start throwing hands at you😂 mae this is like, so flattering? So nice?? So needed??? No sé que fué lo que hizo que you write this for real but im so thankfull smh! Ya te quiero weón(a), se pasa mae, mi corazoncito te lo agradece 😭 lo de reinita me mató, te mando un abrazóte desde Costa Rica hasta allá mij@❤️
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fromwheniwasyoung · 7 years
March 18, 1964
She Loves You’ By The Beatles Plays on the radio in The Hop, girls begin to scream and go to the floor to dance. “Good Golly Mabe, Johnny Boyd has been looking at you all night” Marty Says"Oh wow, Really?“ I replied, As I turned my head quickly to look at Johnny, Then quickly lock eyes with him as he winks in reply, I smile as I continue to dance with Marty.After a about an Hour of exchanging eye contact with Johnny and Dancing with Marty, We go to sit down with Edd, Freddy, Suzy and Roger in the Booth area and listen in to their conversation
Edd: "I don’t think that poor kid knows what he’s gonna have coming to him if he tries to race Mac”
Freddy: “Even if Mac takes it easy on Will, that kids gonna be a cat trying to chase a mouse the whole time. Will’s drives a circus wagon”
They all start to laugh
Suzy: “Hey Mabel How long has Johnny Boyd had a thing for you? He hasn’t been able to keep his eyes off you, and I saw some eye contact being exchanged over there”
“We haven’t be–” Marty Interrupts Me “ He has been like that towards her since last Tuesday when we were all bowling and he talked to her”
“Johnny and I used to be neighbors when we were kids it’s nothing, he probably was looking at Marty” I said
Edd and Freddy Get up, Johnny leaves the Counter and walks toward the booth area
Edd: “Well Guess we are going to find out, He is walking over here. I’ll be back getting some Pop”
“Oh my, how do I look?” I asked Marty
“ You? You always look good what about me?” She replied. The girls being to subtly rush to fix their hair and sit up straight. As Johnny walks up the steps the girls begin to act casual Johnny Leans on Coat hook
Johnny: “Hey If it isn’t my favorite Strawberry Blonde” Johnny Looks at Mabel with a smile, then quickly at the two other girls “Ladies”
Marty and Suzy anxiously: “Hey”
Johnny: “So Mabe do you have plans for this Saturday Night? A bunch of us are going to the beach, have a fire play, some music since the water has been warm, you know.”
“Sounds Cool. Is there going to be any grass?” I asked
Johnny: “Yeah and Sonny, You Know Sonny. He is Bringing some Beers. It sound be a great night, you can bring your friends too. It would be pretty Bitchin’ if you came. So Are you Down?”
“Yeah sure, seems groovy”
“Great, See you Then Doll” Johnny replied as he got up and walked outside for a smoke with his buddies.
Freddy: “So Ladies who’s the lucky Gal?” he motions his eyebrows in a ironic way
Marty: “I was right, It was Mabel. But he said it was open invite for the beach Saturday Night. So Shall the Gang go?”
“Yeah I’m Down” , “Sure”, “Sounds Good”
Suzy Looks at Ed’s Watch as we all settle
Suzy: “Oh, Double Doo-Doo! If I Miss curfew again I am toast, Ed Drive Me Home?”
Ed: “Sure thing, I got some stuff to finish at the shop anyways”
Freddy: “Well guess that means im out too. Marty wanna go see a movie?”
Marty: “Yeah sure Fred!"Freddy: "How bout’ you Mabe? You coming?”
“Nah, You guys go without me, I think I’m gonna stay a bit, don’t wait up” I said
Ed: “Okay, Be safe Mabe.”
Marty and Suzy: “See ya tomorrow!”
They say as they start to get up and leave.
a few minutes gone by. I start to leave The Hop and begin walking downtown, its crowded with teenagers all hanging out, I reach in my bag for a cigarette.
“Ey’ Kid” said a familiar voice. I turn around it’s Rocco looking as handsome as always with his slick back hair, brown eyes and tilted smirk.
“Hey Rocky, How you doing?” I asked
“Good, its going. so hey kid what’s a good looking thing like you doing alone at this hour?” Rocco asked as he slide his hair back with his hand
“Just walking” I said “So what a girl around here gotta do to get a light?” I added as I hold up my cigarette, Rocco reaches into the pocket of his cuffed Levi’s for his Silver lighter and lights it.I put my back against a building wall as I french exhale and Rocky leans his arm up against right next to me
“So Kid, seeing anyone these days?” He looks at me, trying to act cool and smitt
“Not particularly. Why scared you’ll have to share me?” I say and then continue smoking Rocco chuckles.
“Well you know If I’m gonna have a jail bate birdie, I want her to be my Girl.” Rocco Says
“I ain’t nobodies girl Rocky” I arched my eyebrow and then gave a witty smirk
Rocco replies “oh your killing me” While acting out his heart being ripped out dramatically
I laugh as I lift my heel and put out my cigarette. I start walking away while Rocco finishes his act of playing dead against the wall. He begins to speed walk to catch up
“Eh Mabe, Where ya going”
“Home” I said as I keep walking. Rocco stops me by reaching in for my waist.
Rocco: “Come for a ride on my bike, I’ll take you home after. alright kid?”
I don’t respond.
Rocco: “ Come on baby, You love the bike.” He pulls me closer to him and smiles at me. I try to keep myself from smiling back, I failed.
“That a’ girl” Rocco says then kisses my forehead and he walks me over to the bike. He drives me around for a hour or so, as I hug him to hold on. He drives fast. At stop he puts his hands over mine. Once we pull up to my house I get off the bike and fix my hair. As I start to walk toward my door he stops me
“hey” He says and nods his head in signal to call me over. I subtly run back over as he gets off his bike and on the sidewalk, he pulls me in and puts his left hand on my back and pushes me close as we kiss his right hand on my cheek. We hear the porch light turn on and we stop kissing and I take a step back.
“I should head in.” I said
Rocco: “Yeah, good idea”
“Thanks for the ride Home Rocky” I say as I start walking but I keep looking back
“Yeah anytime. Have a good night Kid” He Smiles as he gets back on his bike.I wait in my door way till he drives away and head up to my room for bed quietly.
Stay Tuned for the Next Entry Which is about Saturday Night At the beach with Johnny. See You then.
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kinktae · 4 years
holy crap!! I just noticed y/n’s family in bitchin is like stranger things !!!! I love that sm omg love it so far btw ♡
YESSSS thank u for noticing!! I have a lot of fun with writing bitchin i do hehe
(warning: literal 80 asks under the cut)
Anonymous said: not @ me reading bitchin’ during math literally SLAMMING YHE DESK
Anonymous said: I was going to stay up to wait for Bitchin but I went to sleep instead because today is my first day of school (second year of university) so I decided to get sleep while I still could. Also I read the update on the train sitting next to a random lady and I really hope she didn’t look over at my phone lol. I loved the update and I can’t wait for the rest of the series!!!
Anonymous said: OMG BITCHIN WAS SO GOOD! You're such an amazing writer!!!
jun-sohyunnie-dotnet said: Just an fyi, bitchin' jk is my FAVORITE jk I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Ever. He could stomp all over me and I'd thank him profusely. (And you're writing is absolutely captivating 🥺💕💕)
sugarkinky said: Bitchin just wrecked me for real, U ARE AWESOME ROSE mierda que te amo chica ¿cómo consigues escribir así? Eres perfecta ❤
Anonymous said: Bruh bitchin was everything I wanted and more thank u baby
Anonymous said: Bitchin’ is amazing! I have so many feelings ahhhh!!! I love you and your work 🥺
Anonymous said: Bitchin' is literally my favourite fic right now, it's so good! 😍 Can't wait for the next part!!
gardenofrosesx said: Im in love with bitchin 🥺💗 I think that the song that represent it so well is Wait a minute by Willow Smith, every time a hear it I imagine this fic💗 I send you thousands of good vibes and love and peace to your side! Keep going 💗
Anonymous said: Ahhhh I just wanted to say bitchin is absolutely amazing and is so well written and I’m just completely hooked!!! YOU DID AMAZING!!! Also is there gonna be angst in future chapters BECAUSE IM REALLY NOT READY IF BOTH JUNGKOOK AND OC DENY THEIR FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER
Anonymous said: girl, I finally got around to reading bitchin' and I CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T READ IT SOONER. it's been a while since I've found a chaptered fic that kept my interests but I was hooked with pt 1!!! I love your spin on tatbilb, and I love the characters you created. I have to honestly say, I'm also absolutely in love with the way you write. your descriptions and dialogue hit me in all the right places. I can't wait to see where this story takes me. thank you for doing what you do!
Anonymous said: Love Bitchin so far!
Anonymous said: i keep rereading bitchin pt. 5😭😭 love it so much
Anonymous said: hi!! I just wanted to leave an ask and let you know that you’re one of my absolute favorite authors and your work is incredible!! the concept behind your rewind series is so unique and interesting and all of the stories have been wonderful so far. I’m so looking forward to the rest of bitchin’ because it has been so so so good and I love the way that you’re developing the characters and the plot. I hope you have a wonderful day!!
Anonymous said: just finished bitchin 5 and ................ i cant believe how ure able to write jungkook to Life and characterize him in such an attractive way it makes it so artistic and aknejdjdj it’s art it’s everything
Anonymous said: Argh the grind is real! I’m about to start my exams too so we can both be working our asses off! Also Bitchin is such a great series and I wanted to let you know you’re an amazing writer!!! The series made me so emotionally invested in the characters and I can’t get enough of it!! ITS SO GOOODDD THANK YOU FOR WRITING SUCH A MASTERPIECE
sanniinnas said: Hiii! Love your writings soo much! You have such a talent with words! You inspire me as a writer and make me want to learn writing and English better.
Anonymous said: I am seriously laughing from the asks that have been send to you and i cannot wait to read the ff because now i am busy :( also random fact, my biology teacher told us aboit Rosa Franklin and i already knew about her, and all i could keep thinking was bitchin pt5 and i started laughing. They thought i was a maniac 😎🤙
Anonymous said: just wanted to say bitchin’ is *chefs kiss* and i can’t wait for part 7 🥺 i’m not trynna rush you i’m just excited 🥺
nochusbutt said: okay but FIRST OF ALL, YES BITCHIN’ YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. secondly, my name is Rose too I’m so, what? omg yes I literally share a name with a legend. quote me!! 🥰☺️🤪
Anonymous said: Ahhh I am so excited for Bitchin Pt 6!!! No exaggeration this is my all time favorite fic, I think ab it a lot honestly. Whenever I see 80s aesthetic BTS edits I think of Bitchin and lots of love songs make me think of this fic too. I’m not a huge fan of smut but this fic is just so good. The OCs and Jks interactions are precious and I’m obsessed with the 80s theme! I am a huge fan of angst so I am ready to cry my eyes out. Thank you for writing this amazing fic
Anonymous said: aight...time to go re-read bitchin again ....[insert /ah shit, here we go again/ video]
hear-me-growl said: Wait! Bitchin' is not done?! It's one of my favourite fics ever! I love the whole cliche college vibe, the dialogues are sooo good and the chemistry between Jk and the girl it's just perfect, really. And now you tell me it's not finished.😱 I AM SO EXCITED! you've made my day! Keep up the good work, you are amazing 😍
Anonymous said: AAAAAAAA THE BITCHIN UPDATE WAS SO GOOD !!!!! but also Kiri that bItCh y/n don’t fall for it 🤡😩
Anonymous said: i want sleep but BITCHIN
Anonymous said: Thankyou for updating bitchin sis!!!! But im so sad because this is their first fight(?) i hope they can talk about it and hoping kiri doesnt talk nonsense tp y/n ok :( but I AM GLAD JUNGKOOK REALIZE HE LIKES OC OKEY OKEY! 💜💜💜 sending 💜💜💜💜 to you because you deserve it👏🏼
diortae said: rose I have class in a few minutes and all I can think about is how much I want bitchin jk to raw me what have u DONE
sunnyoongles said: bitchin is literally so good*chefs kiss* i love angst*chefs kiss* i love drama*chefs kiss* i just love the whole rewind series*chefs kiss*
ppampin said: so yesterday i read bitchin pt. 6 three times in a row because it was just so good and now i can't wait to pt. 7 to come out
Anonymous said: Finally got to read bitchin 6, WTF IS GOING ON!? I’m so confused!! Do I trust my so called boyfriend or do I trust “girl code” by my boo’s ex who tried to scare me away from my boo the first time we met ??!!?
Anonymous said: i really need to know something about bitchin 🤔 is kiri a bitch or we don't have feminine rivalry here? help me out rose
Anonymous said: It is almost 1 am in here and I have a morning class but guess who is gonna binge re read all the Bitchin because the last chapter was so good?? 🤔
Anonymous said: I’m so ready for you to break our hearts in bitchin. I live for the angst 😭😭😪
Anonymous said: Rose you are KILLING ME with this story like I'm not even caught up on my favorite TV shows this week but goddammit I still made time for Bitchin' 💕💕💕
cheeky-kookie said: Girl I am sooooo fucking happy with Bitchin' 6. Like I love the small progressions Jungkook is having coming to terms with his actual feelings with Y/N. Also btw, loving the whole Yara/Tae moments going on ;) As always, I'm in love. Thank you for blessing us with this masterpiece
Anonymous said: Rosie !! I just read Bitchin’ and BIIIIITCH you have my feelings on a rollercoaster !!!!!! I’ve never been so invested in a fanfic like this and imma tell you how much I appreciate you for putting your work out on the internet. Especially for free like wtf ! Your writings are some quaLITY shit that I would purchase without hesitation 👌🏽👏🏽 I was wondering if you ever considered going into the writing career ? Anyways have a lovely day 💛💛 -MC
Anonymous said: This ch 6 getting all the attention away from my precious zombie Jungkook 😤 But who am I to say I love Bitchin😂😍 This Kiri better not be playing dirty games we are already not in good terms with her 🧐 And why is nobody talking about the fact that Y/N finally got her event she dreamed of?? Congrats girlll 🎊🎉🥳👌👏
sapphireprinces5 said: I am 1000% not ready for angst between the precious y/n and Jungkook in Bitchin’ omfg i’m honestly terrified and going to buy some tissues from the cvs across the street
Anonymous said: I JUST FINISHED READING BITCHIN 6 AND JUNGKOOK PLS TELL ME THAT JUNGKOOK IS OVER KIRI )))): he couldn’t have been lying about the way he felt for y/n even though it was reheated, right??? I’m SADD. But Rose, you are so beyond talented!!! I love reading your works!!!
Anonymous said: Ok, Rose you gotta let me know if Bitchin’ will have a happy ending, because I don’t know if my emotions can handle an upseti spaghetti ending. Anywho I love you and your writing, everything is chefs kiss. 💗
Anonymous said: bitchin will have 10 parts?????? ma'am u got the power
Anonymous said: OKAY SO BITCHIN’ IS AMAZING AND LIKE— I LOVE (1) DUMB “”””COUPLE”””” Your writing is amazing omg
Anonymous said: Me: already read bitchin completely You: reblogs pt.6 Me: a little refresher wouldn’t hurt 👀
Anonymous said: I wish u the best during your hiatus!!! Take lots of care bby :3 Just wanted to tell you how much I love the 'Bitchin' series, I'm shooketa at how well written it is. Y/N is a really refreshing character, especially as an STEM major myself, it's so relatable to some extent, especially when it comes to appreciating compliments about your inteligence, that really got me, since it's kinda unsual. I hope I found a Jungkook one day then :') jk, but really, I absolutely loved it, you're the best!!!
Anonymous said: hi just so u r aware if u make the end of bitchin’ sad i will cry. that will be on u. my tears will be UR fault.
Anonymous said: i just wanted to say thank you. when bitchin’ came out, there was a part where y/n talks about why she hated her twin sisters. it was comforting to know that i wasn’t alone in feeling uncool or boring. i never brought up my brother because i thought people would see how uncool i was and so i put my effort into school instead. thanks for bringing me comfort and for pushing me to love myself more and to change my viewpoints on the parts of myself i view as boring!!!!! 💛💛💛💛💛💛🌼
this made me :’))) i love knowing that you can find comfort in my characters!!! there is a little piece of me in all my characters but I do try to make them all somewhat different so that other people can relate. best of luck lovely!!
purplealiensblog said: Yo ily and cant wait for the next chapter of bitchin but i have to share: i got a notif on a new chapter and was all excited and then i discover its tumblr being glitchy again and notifying me on the last one :( i hope you will find time soon to write the rest and thank you for writing i love your work🥰♥️
Anonymous said: BITCH I JUST FINISHED READING BITCHIN IN JUST ONE DAY AND NOW I’M CRYING BECAUSE THIS IS MY NEW FAVORITE FIC OF ALL TIME!!!.!.!.! (also sorry my bad englisheu i’m not native lmao)
Anonymous said: HELLO LOVELY AAAAAAAA IM HAPPY YOURE BACK 😩 are u reallyback tho? Hehe im so shookt with the new chapter of bitchin’ has me yearning for more😭 im def a proud bitchinator😔👏 tHANK YOU FOR THIS GIFT BEFORE CHRISTMAS😃 WE LOVE U!!!!💜 we MISSED YOU!! 💜 i hope u are loved and happy and cared for! 💜K
Anonymous said: Hi there !!I hope your doing well ! Taking your time to recover and work on yourself I literally just finshed bitchin to the last update and oof I just gotta tell you what the f How do you write the characters so well... I love me some good characterization like oof ICANNOT JJK IS SO I WANNA SMOOSH HIM IN MY ARMS LIKE PLEASE THE STORY IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING HAHA I HOPE IM NOT SCARING YOU WITHMY CAPSLOCK I just wish to sincerely get my excitement across hahaha I love you boo take care x
nonecesitodenadie said: I rarely send asks but... I'm reading bitchin and I'M LOVING IT, really it's amazing i hope that you can continue it, i send you much love and thanks for your work you're so talented 🥺❤️
Anonymous said: can i just say bitchin' is honest to god such a good good good fic like i'm so in l*ve with it 😩 i've probably reread it thrice waiting for a new update ): i also happen to love your other works so much as well!!
sydney--chan said: Okay so no cap yesterday I was talking to my friend (who also reads your work) about me and my bf n she was like "he loves you the way Bitchin' jk loves Y/N aND I SOBBED ROSE IT MADE ME CRY FOR HOURS
usagionthem00n said: Lol I know you’ve been kinda quiet on here BUT IM HERE TO PLATONICALLY HARASS U???(tbh idk I’m just trying to find a reason to bother you) I-I miss u 👉👈 HOPE THIS POST MADE U SMILE ILL BE BACK BITCH (Um speaking of bitches I still need to join the bitchinators :/) I PROMISE ILL GET TO IT!!!
Anonymous said: HIIII! so, one night I spent about two hours trying to find another great Jungkook story... I was losing hope in finding one BUT THEN I FOUND “BITCHIN” and omg it’s amazing, I absolutely love it!!!!! take care always, have a great day!! thank you for creating such a beautiful story.
Anonymous said: Can I just say.... bitchin is so good! like it’s been so long since I’ve liked a fic as much as bitchin??!!? Everything about it has me like :)))) so yes just wanted to let u know hehe
SO MANY OF U LOVIN ON BITCHIN!! MAYHAPS IM OVERWHELMED (in the best way possible). Thank u everyone who sent an ask in, i am the happiest bean in bed rn reading all these asks C:
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