#anyways lol i swear this is for a reason
cosmodynes · 1 year
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why-the-heck-not · 6 months
I have a handle on my procrastination
…. I accessorized Elvis (the sourdough starter)
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Top 5 Elden Ring's demigods
Argh... Could you've given me any HARDER top to make? :') No matter who I put below 5th place, I will feel like a huge prick @_@ Because they all deserve some praise, and some love. It is just incredibly good writing. Well, fine then, let's try.
Five - Morgott!
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I talked about him already. The absolute tear-jerker character, a member of oppressed minority, that is defending the very corrupt system that deems people like HIM worthless.... He made me cry (/srs ) more than once upon just this sentiment. He is very realistic, and very easy to sympathise with and feel bad for. He certainly radiates a giant soft spot, though (and not JUST because he has dad bod that is completely naked under his robes, hahaha). In a weird way, he reminds me of Asg0re, a character from my other fandom - a big "monster" King who did a lot of bad things on his way, and because of his mental wound, but in the end might melt upon a simple hug or be easily convinced. It is just not what a Soulsborne game would've let us experience, but... honestly, he has not only huge muscles, but also a huge HEART. I love this combination a LOT, it pulls the richest spectrum of emotions.
Four - Malenia!
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She is such a beautiful and impressive boss.... ...that I never talk about her. x) I can't quite explain how my focus works, sorry </3 She scares me a little - and it is not even her fault, but the thing that casually claimed her body, because superior deities have nothing better to do I guess :/ She is holding up very well for someone who has to live in a constant struggle with the horror plaguing her very being. And for someone having to hold up as a warrior of her dear brother's interests despite her body rotting as she goes. And having to repeat 'I am Malenia, blade of Miquella' like a mantra, since Rot is infamous to destroy the memories, and she must not forget what and who she is fighting for.
"She deserved better" is an understatement, I'd say. Her personality shines through the 'influence' that has been ruining her quite well, I'd say. She is a strong warrior, very determined, but very full of honor and love at the same time. I say this in every other post about strong Soulsborne characters, yeah. True bravery is not lack of fear but going despite fear, true power is not being callous unbreakable wall but to still hold your weapon firm through struggle and pain, true personality is what you ARE and not what you are 'not', etc etc. It is always about the feelings.
Three - Godwyn!
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I could not explain why he made it to this place very well, honestly. First, he stroke my weird spider-sense intuition. I was going into Elden Ring mostly in blind, and still keep whatever I can to be revealed as I go! Thus, I did not know anything about Godwyn besides the fact that he was the golden child (metaphorically and literally) that went down as sacrifice during Night of the Black Knives as one having his soul killed. And that he used to be a lovely person. But one day, as I was playing Elden Ring and progressing casually, from nowhere, for no reason, I started to think of this character. Again, for no reason, I was thinking of the 'Deep Sea' and imagining him becoming a mermaid (?), and healing/truly dying/letting new soul grow/whatever by returning to the sea. I even started crying, and I swear, those emotions felt like they were not even mine.
It felt very random, but you can't even imagine my surprise when that same day, I just coincidentally travelled to THAT location, and found him. And, coincidentally, he was posed like this with a mermaid tail. I take weird 'intuition moments' (dreams or waking) very personally as I have many of them (and funny enough, they always have to do with the 'sea' theme). No matter how I feel about this character in the future, but the weird "foretelling", "intuition" bond fixed my attention, so yeah.
He seems like a very loveable person, though... From narration standpoint, it does make the most sense that he of all people had to suffer this way. It just would not have had the same effect if someone less likeable/innocent had to go down. It is... sad, how much of this character is his tragedy alone. But, he befriended a dragon and bridged the gap between conflicting forces, and from what I gathered losing him specifically was what broke Marika, and Mohg named his new dynasty after himself AND Godwyn. Clearly, the guy was the best thing to ever have been associated with the Golden Order, and manifesting everything good about it within his personality alone. Whenever I bash the Golden Order as inherently corrupt thing, I just always think back on Godwyn as a confirmed exception from the judgement. And, of course, he would have enough "kindness" to spread death as new form of existence... despite the fact that his 'true' self would've probably dreaded to manifest living in death of all things.
Two - Rykard
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I talked about this guy since the day ONE I've picked even remote interest in Elden Ring, isn't it so? @_@ Well, I still stand by what I was talking about. Tanith is absolutely justified for being obsessed with this guy. He is like uh... Aldr1ch but executed much better, or rather, in more sympathetic light? I for one honor the narrative of a character who has the GUTS, the S P I N E to sacrifice a lot, their morals included, to just get OUT of the corrupt (!) way their world works. And I have a feeling that so does Miyazaki. x) I think it is a twisted sort of bravery that we are lucky to never experience and only perceive through fiction. But, unlike Aldr1ch, who revels in his corruption and the horrible things he has to do, Rykard, 1) has a loving family and 2) hinted to have or have had sympathetic traits and simply lost his way from.... heheh.... biting more than he could chew... xd heheh... :drum emoji because I am a comedy genius:
But, in either case, ya'll are lucky that the guy is happily married. Ya'll would not survive the intensity of my thirst otherwise. It is just my rule to not touch married characters. I still admire the guy though. Not to mention the fucking UNREAL AWESOME FUCKING DESIGN, one of the best I've seen ANYWHERE, and him having my favorite theme in entire Elden Ring. Like, it was legitimately hard to live down the crisis of him being "taken", because this guy is really loveable, both as a man and as a monster.
One - Ranni!
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Honestly, I always liked the mysterious aura, the clairvoyance and the uhhh... I guess, machiavellianism of this character? "Ends justify the means" character who does some unforgivable things but believes there is no other choice, and the grander purpose is more important. But, she has so many layers. She stepped away from her mother's teachings yet still created a badass illusions to protect her and clearly loves her forever, she has trust issues but in the end needs true friends and true kindness (something even an idiot like Seluvis can see!).
You could see it hurt her to do all that, but whatever freedom could be was worth it. She is just a very complicated character, that goes above and beyond. Letting her own body be killed is badass but understandable, since her body was inextricably tied to the Golden Order, as an Empyrean. Letting her somewhat-brother who was a genuinely good and radiant and loveable person be killed? That's a bit... more drastic... And so on. Indeed, she IS like Rykard in how far she had to go, and how much she had to sacrifice, but nonetheless I uh... would not say she lost clarity of her mind like him? It is interesting how by Dante's Divine Comedy though, Herecy is associated with fire but only on 6th level, yet it is treachery that is considered to be THE sin of sins, and it is the lowest level, and associated with ice, like her element. I am thinking about this very often @_@"
Honorable mention - Radahn!
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Sorry, but I love the guy, despite lack of deep discussion (and becoming a mascot of the most toxic fans). This is ADORABLE that he learned Gravity Magic just so he could still ride Leonard. He appears to be such a goofy dumbass, wholesome person in the "wrong" way, opposing a character that is actually likeable and loyal to the things and people that arguably never deserved it?
But you know I am a huge fan of Rom Bloodb0rne, right? He gives off the exact same 'person that seizes and conceals the horrors of the cosmos from humanity, although their personality and intellect are gone' vibe. It is just... that same vibe of a "silly" character, the comic relief, that turns out to either face a tragic fate or reveals a much deeper personality. He is simple and complicated at the same time! And, well, him having been such a legendary and impressive warrior that so many people gathered just to give him honorable death. This is somewhat impressive. He was actually a very close tie with Malenia.
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karmaajr · 11 days
how I felt being held back in class by my english teacher, thinking she was gonna yell at me for not doing my homework (like other teachers, mostly my english ones) and then she somehow validates me without meaning to and actually speaks kindly to me?? like I'm sorry what??? I've never had a teacher actually see right through me like that? like, holy shit.. I guess I'm actually gonna like english this year >,<
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seaweedstarshine · 9 months
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Sources: Nightmare in Silver (+ TV Tropes haha •ᴗ•), Night Terrors, Flesh and Stone, The Day of the Doctor Novelization, The Day of the Doctor, Amy's Choice, The Crimson Horror Novelization, The Doctor's Wife
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thyandrawrites · 1 year
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Part two of me being pedantic about nuance because I can
While the official translation isn't wrong at all, I feel like the phrasing chosen here makes Nagi appear more distant than he actually is. In japanese, his inner monologue is more akin to "I'm sorry, Reo. Please, let me say something a bit selfish"
He's using causative. He's asking Reo's permission. And sure, we could make a case for how he doesn't say that aloud, so it's a moot point... But the implication is that he knows Reo won't like this but he wants Reo to be okay with it. For his sake. Just this once.
And "I'm gonna say something selfish" doesn't convey that at all. If anything, it makes it sound like he knows Reo won't like it and he doesn't care
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mbat · 6 months
tell me why i dreamt that there was such thing as an extremely rare monster high doll that had some sort of filigree-like pattern on their face and i wanted it so bad but it was rare because literally no one ever wanted it before me. weird
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petrovna-zamo · 9 months
So jealous you love in la i bet the show was so good😭 also love that orville wears his mask everywhere lmao
It definitely has its pros and cons but living in a city where pretty much every artist performs is definitely at the top of the pro list! And it’s kinda funny when T&K reference local things like this that I just so happened to be at too lol
Honestly it was such a good show 😭 I love Tina& Amy so much and have been fans of them for forever so it was everything I expected and more. I know they’re touring through next year and hopefully they keep adding more cities so you can see them too!
Also, seeing Orville irl was so funny because the hat and mask are his disguises but it actually just makes him stand out more so the whole YouTube theater saw him come in. He also sat down like right before the show started and everyone else was already seated so there was a hush over the crowd as everyone watched him. Idk I laughed. Also also my friend was seated a few rows behind him and he blocked the view with his giant cowboy hat so she took a picture and since I was seated a few rows in front you can see the back of my head… and that’s how I technically have a picture with Orville Peck lmao
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#when you actually look at the recipes they're not even that weird or anything I just find the names interesting#there's one just titled ''Rocks'' which I wish would have fit as another option but I used all the spaces lol#Also some of the recpies from the section 'Cookery For The Sick And Convalescent'#are just like 'apple water'' 'beef essence''#I tried to leave out most of the obvious ''weird'' ones like 'jellied shrimp' or potted pigeon or like beef livers or whatever#except for cold fish pudding which I just like because of the specifics#'fish pudding' ? eh sounds normal. 'COLD fish pudding' ? now it sounds funnier for some reason#like what else is it meant to be.. ?? lukewarm fish pudding#Also considered including 'bread queen' 'cracker queen' and 'egg balls'#the name 'baconized meat balls' is funny but also I felt it would skew the reuslts since everyone likes bacon#and would just choose that lol. I also like 'rummage pickle' and 'Creamy Eggs Basket Style'#Which again are all like. relatively totally normal recipes but the way they choose to phrase the titles can sound silly#Like ''rocks'' just seems like some sort of cookie maybe - with currants and raisins in it (not really an oatmeal cookie#but just .. idk.. ?? maybe little balls with fruit in them) but instead of being like 'Raisin & Currant Treats' or whatever#it's like ''yeah lets just call this ''rocks''. like a rock from the ground? yeah'#ANYWAY#Love old books so much.. I should do another one of these where people choose which product is the best out of#all the various weird things shown in the advertising section of the 1880s magazines I have lol#I dont remember clearly but I swear there was like 'Electric shoe!' or something strange. I dont know if I could find enough#though since most of them are just normal like.. buying furniture or things like that#aNYWAY.. hgh.. again I am not just going to post polls forever I do have other things I'm working on lol#I have low energy right now and polls are a lot easier to make than like editing 30 costume photos lol#I have a physical therapy appointment soon hopefully and maybe I can sort out some of the Constant Pains and such
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flynncorvus · 10 months
More BWU Fanart!
So we have (in order) 1- The Original 2- The Vibrancy 3- The 80’s Filter (Not sure if it’s actually 80’s, just picked a timeframe)
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constantvariations · 1 year
Just saw a post that was like "couples in rwby become canon when they hold hands as the scene's emotional focal point" and I'm just ???
Like I'd be far more lenient on this point if there was no kissing at all. Capcom games, as far as I'm aware, have zero kisses across the board even among canon couples. The closest I've seen is the ending of Devil May Cry 4 when Nero and Kyrie lean into each other before getting interrupted by demons. It's basically a running gag at this point
Not to mention the lead up and chemistry between characters are miles ahead of anything rwby attempts. You expect me to be impressed by lackluster, flaccid "canonizing" moments after witnessing Jake "Fuck you, I only care about money" Muller stare at Sherry like she hung the stars and saying in the most worshipful tone "You saved me... Thank you" as they ride a cart out of an exploding factory? And then to emphasize how much Sherry impacted him, Jake changes his asking price from $50 million per pint of his unique antibodied blood to a motorcycle and $50 for gas
Meanwhile, I didn't even realize that Nora still had feelings for Ren until V6 with the "Give me back my man" line, and Ren never showed any indication of being into Nora at all which is why the V7 conversation and kiss came out of the blue. Nor did Jaune ever show any romantic intent towards Pyrrha. These romances start and end at their kisses
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nitw · 11 months
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why do you gotta tell me the same thing THRICE if it's still not out for delivery!!
#leo.txt#it's EXACTLY 15 kilometers away from my home by car! i checked!!!!!! you are so unserious i swear to god#fedex denmark do you not deliver on thursdays or fridays??? hm???? im pretty sure you do??????????????#like come on im this close to just walking out to your storage facility and pick it up by myself! and i'm a lazy asshole with adhd!!!!#denmark is so teeny tiny you could just like THROW THE THING and ill catch it with my mouth like a dog with a frisbee ITS NOT THAT HARD#this package is essential to my life! not really! but you ARE actively killing and murdering me and kicking me in the nuts by withholding i#and yknow what????? you guys don't even deliver it to my house half the time anyway!!! you just get confused because theres 2 doors#and youre like 'lol whatever not my problem' and send it to the kiosk instead!#BUT you never even send it to the NEAREST KIOSK THAT'S LIKE 2 SECONDS AWAY#you ALWAYS send it to the one that's WAYYYYY FURTHER AWAY FOR SOME REASON#what did the other poor storeowner do to you??? why do you hate and mistreat both of us so? isn't life hard enough as it is?#we literally PRINTED OUT A SIGN and TAPED IT TO THE GLASS OF /BOTH FRONT DOORS/#with INSTRUCTIONS FOR MAILMEN#telling you that if the package is too big to fit in the mailbox to the rightmost entrance#then just CALL THE DOORPHONE and you'll immediately be let inside#so you can leave it in the entrance!!!!#WE MADE YOU A SIGN! IT'S FOR YOU!!!! THAT WAS SO NICE OF US#and yet you still just leave us in the dust (THE DUST???) (the DUST.......)#and whenever one of my packages gets sent to the kiosk anyway IT OFTEN TAKES SEVERAL DAYS FOR MY LETTER OF NOTICE TO ARRIVE#/AS A PHYSICAL PAPER LETTER. IN THE MAIL. BY YOU/#LITERALLY 1984#SEND POST
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everymlmhybrid · 9 months
this part genuinely makes me feel like eating dry wall like i can't explain how i feel about it without making some of you finally tire of me and block me about it i think
#.txt#reservoir dogs -#sorry for just randomly posting clips . i was actually working on my vid i swear but then i started Thinking. and here we are.#anyways going genuinely insane in the tags . i'm so sorry. ->#(im only sorry for the sheer amount of tags or if u disagree w/ my interpretations / headcanons. if ur just annoyed lmfao sucks to be you!)#anyways. you guys ever think abt the way orange HAS TO know white's lying to him abt his odds of survival.#bc i think abt that genuinely constantly. all the time thinking about it.#also the ''joe's gonna get you 100% again'' -> first of all . lol. second of all -> ''he was the only one i wasn't 100% on'' hello? HELLO!!#also freddy's voice here makes me feel like punching walls . like it makes me wail in anguish.#no but yeah i think abt the theme of lying & the fact some of the first lies we hear are in this scene in a way#also this part is leaning wayyy harder on headcanon but i always think. like if orange WASNT lying abt who he is. then it'd be reasonable#forhim to not know how likely he is to die and/or how blatantly larry's lying (''i'm talking days!'') but as a cop he SOOO knows he's fcked#but like . what's he gonna do. ''hey i know that's bullshit'' like obviously not and partly bc of How he knows but also bc like#you just don't argue with the only guy who's caring for you while you're seemingly on the brink of death!! LMAO#and certainly not when he's the only one telling you you'll be fine!! even if he's just bullshitting you so you don't freak out!!#I DON'T KNOW i go kinda insane about this scene . as . you can tell.#if you too are insane about this and the implications . don't worry. in several months. my fic will feed you. you will see.#idk . larry lying to and/or for him <33333333 kinda makes me go insane. kinda makes me go wild.#idk. i should be getting ready for bed rn. WHATEVER. bye. logging off. if you read all these i'm in love with you okay#i've just been turngin them around in my head like a microwave for hours so i needed to infodump or else i would explode i think
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funnierasafictive · 11 months
your talks about knowing if someone is a fictive or not is fucking hilarious because like- for us SPECIFICALLY I’m essentally front personified and thus the perm fronter and front gatekeeper as of now but like!!!- for us we operate a lot on what we can (phantom) feel, hear or see- like yeah it’s not most clear but like- suddenly feeling picked up or splatted against a wall but not SEEING it happen to the body and KNOWING it’s not happening to your body is a REAL FAST reality check, drawing something and suddenly feeling like there’s wires under your skin shocking you half to death bc youmanaged to actually draw a brain buddy without realizing even more so.
would recomend checking to see if the voices register as “not yours” or “in another language”- even if you register the words and language if it doesn’t FEEL like what you know as yours/body’s you should check shit out- we primarily use body’s voice or I’m limited to it- however I DO register the spanish and such languages at times and I can 10000% tell you that juanaflippa threatened someone with a gun bc she didn’t want to see a “not my mate” throwing themself on me and I 1000% registered those words as rusian despite body being english only and the voice she had at her disposal as ONLY the body’s voice.
idk if any of this will help anyone but it MIGHT be more aproachable to ask them to say/do something a certain way involving your senses and check that way than other methods,,
AGH THATS SO TRUE. this is nicer than me going "annoy them" BAHAHA
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doggolol · 1 year
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I’m bored and I wanna post art so uhhh
surprise first art post on tumblr???
these are just random doodles I made but I liked how the second one turned out soo (and yes I’m a traditional mf dont @ me)
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the-crow-binary · 1 year
Top 5 favorite and top 5 most hated NFCV moments? :)
>:( Fine. But just FYI I ain't bothering to re-watch the scenes so I'm just going to base it all on my (poor) memory
Top 5 favorite:
5. Isaac fighting alongside Abel. Although Abel is much more important than the show portrays him to be and he should have, imo, appeared much earlier, I remember I really liked his dynamic with Isaac. And the way he protected him before Carmilla explodes all over the place....... me WEAK
4. That Trepha moment where they're like "I'm not looking at you, Sypha." "But you're going to~". They're cute sometimes <3 (the little crack in Trevor's voice as he goes "yes" is- GAH. I want smth like this with the game versions :< (imagine it with Trevor's japanese VA.....))
3. Trevor fighting with two whips was visually cool <3
2. Trevor's first "I love you" to Sypha. ;-; Just when he accepted he was going to die for the good cause ;-; Knowing Sypha was with child and he won't be there for them but at least what he's going to do is going to allow them to live and Sypha will know how much he cared and will remember his last words as a little joke that meant "i know and i am sorry i can't be there for the new adventure" and ;-; THAT SHIT BE GETTING ME EMOTIONAL, MAN. I'm glad they never said those words to each other before, it makes it even more impactful when the times actually come <3 (one of the rare things NFCV does right lol) Though I wasn't as impacted by Sypha's own "i love you", don't know why. :<
1. When it ended. :) disclaimer guys, i literally took the joke from Bee, she deserves the credit for her own peak humour Eh otherwise there's this scene in S4 where Trevor makes Sypha sit down on a bed with him to talk calmly about things instead of rushing in for the first time in weeks, and I saw someone say once that it was his way to try and make Sypha tell him she was pregnant without having to push it, and it's a very sweet idea and I very much like it even if idk if it was the intent. It was a nice Trepha moment anyway. <3
Now to the... ERK. Top 5 most hated moments.
5. The moment Trevor found the Morning Star + The moment where he found that one cross thingy. I put them together because of one concept that links the two and annoys me to death: No one gives a shit about Trevor's findings, not even the show itself. By Trevor's reaction when finding the MS, we know it's like, a big deal. But he's the ONLY ONE to treat it as a big deal, Sypha just goes "lmao what's that ugly thing" and clearly doesn't care about what Trevor explains after. It's like he found a random object on the ground. The show doesn't bother to make us really feel how big of a deal this is. As if Trevor was just exagerating. Then in S4, Trevor find the cross thingy and excitedly shows it to Sypha, who still doesn't care (but at least pretends to this time, i guess, with not much conviction). And I guess the cross isn't as important as the morning star... but I get really annoyed at Sypha just seeing Trevor getting passionnate and going "bruh he found another toy". I would have had less problem with it if Sypha was shown to have interest in Trevor's findings (starting by the MS) before, and because Trevor keeps finding things, she gradually become less and less impress but still pretends to be because well she likes him and he's passionnate and it's kinda cute. But she literally never cared. It's yet another way to ridicule Trevor for me. :/
4. Everytime someone gets snarky/rude or swears. It's like the show is trying to convince itself of how much of an adult it is. "Oh but it's more realistic-" WHERE DO YOU LIVE TO HAVE EVERY SINGLE PERSON EVER SAYS "SHIT" AND "FUCK" EVERY TWO SENTENCE?? I AM BAREY EXAGGERATING. And it makes the joke that Trevor is having a bad influence on Sypha (the "i could piss in a glass and tell him it's beer after he just saved my life" girl) and Alucard (the "yes fuck you" boy) fall flat. Every one is rude in this world. Even DEATH ITSELF LIKE FOR FUCKING HELL'S SAKE
3. Carmilla's #girlboss first appearance. :) Dracula being unable to make his own court shut up is already stupid and horribly irritating (the fact he is actually whispering is more ridiculous than intimidating) but Carmilla appearing like a BOSS, making everyone shut up for SOME reason, and then insulting Dracula's wife, the whole REASON WHY THERE'S A WAR, right to his face with NO CONSEQUENCES FOR HER... URGH I HATE IT I HATE IT SO MUCH (and I am being generous because it is a top FIVE but there is not a single Carmilla moment i liked)
2. The moment Hector trapped Lenore to PROTECT HER. It was the moment I've been waiting for the whole season. The moment where Hector was going to reveal how he manipulated Lenore. The moment where he was finally going to give her a taste of her own medicine. The moment where he was finally going to go "I won't be a victim anymore, I am breaking free, fuck you. I can't believe you actually thought I could feel any kind of affection for a monster". But noooo, because Lenore was made soooo sympathetic, he HAD to actually fall for her! My heart and hopes and dreams literally shattered the moment Isaac arrived and Hector went "don't hurt her!" :)
1. When it started lolllll The two rape scenes. (they were mixed in one so it counts idc) Not because they exist. But because of what they led to. :) AKA, for Lenector: Rape apologism (it's okay because Hector's a man and he enjoyed it :)), romanticism of abuse (Lenore literally humiliated Hector in front of her sisters, talked about how she was going to use him for sex, went "i made you into my pet just like you always needed :)" while Hector was on his knees having a breakdown, then next season without any warning or development he's all fine with her again), the show shitting on the very idea of Hector getting any agency ever, Hector falling for Lenore with NO DEVELOPMENT, out of NOWHERE, because WHY would we need to show and explain why the abused man would fall for his abuser that he seemingly hated and planned on plotting against at the end of the last season?? There's so many things wrong with this ship and you and other people already explained it before. And for the non-twins twins x Alucard: Poor handling of trauma. We see Alucard crying afterward, cool, NFCV likes to make him cry, visibly. Then he PISS on their CORPSES (what a mature show, so well written compared to those shitty games :)). And though I can relate a bit to the "oversharing with a stranger" part, the fact said stranger literally goes "okay...?" when Alucard reveals his trauma to her like HE'S WEIRD FOR HAVING BEEN ABUSED and makes a JOKE OUT OF IT. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK. And then we ever talk about it again or see any consequences of it either. Almost as if the sex scene was useless from the start. :)
Uuuurgh it's finally OVER. There's so much more scenes I could rant about, but hey, it's a top 5, not a top "however much number you need" :) (and thank the LORD it is because it was already complicated and long to make as it is lmao)
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