#do you need a reason to meme (no)
brungeons-and-bragons · 10 months
Me starting GTN after hearing about it from a friend: NEEEEEEED the bone lesbians to kiss
Me finishing NTN: love is all around me and god needs to die.
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moeblob · 1 month
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Does anyone remember when I would draw Glenn being a lil shit to his dad? Anyone?
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rubra-wav · 3 months
POV: You're a Vox simp
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cosmodynes · 1 year
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uncanny-tranny · 9 months
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paimonial-rage · 6 months
Ask meme - 6 and 9 for the dragon men (zhongli and neuvillette) please!
This took so long I am so sorry, but here we go!
[Character Analysis Ask Meme]
What is Neuvillette's biggest insecurity?
Neuvillette’s biggest insecurity is not something he's ever tried to hide. Anyone that has spent enough time with the Iudex has probably heard him mention it before. Simply put, Neuvillette doesn't understand the emotions of humans very well. He never has and sometimes he doubts if he ever will? How many times has this flaw of his costed him dearly in the past? How many mistakes has he made? And how many are there yet to come? How he dreads the thought.
What can’t you trust [Neuvillette] with?
To chase after you - Iudex Neuvillette is many things—polite, kind, intelligent—but he is not a man without faults. Only a few know him well enough to realize he holds many regrets upon his shoulders, majority that were never his burden alone to bear. Should you ever become the source of one of these regrets, you can surely expect to know. With somber eyes and a weight upon his shoulders, he will apologize to you. But don’t expect anymore than that. Not understanding human emotions is not only his weakness, but a prison. He will not attempt to make things up to you nor will he try to make things how they used to be. You’re best off where he can hurt you no more, even if that means he will be left alone to the rain.
What is Zhongli's biggest insecurity?
Who knows lol.
What can’t you trust Zhongli with?
With mora - As knowledgeable and talented Zhongli is with many things, it is a surprise to many to hear that businessmen don’t exactly enjoy making deals with him. How can they when contract discussions always leave them with the [shorter end of the stick]? How many [unforeseen business expenses] do they end up incurring in such a short amount of time? In the end, they always lose more than they gained. What they don’t know is this unfortunate occurrence happens with any Mora dealings with the man. But what can you expect for someone that, by contract, has the Traveler liable for all expenses during his outings with them? It's simply best to leave all matters of mora out of any relationships with him.
With your heart - If there's one thing true about Zhongli, it's that, while he may withhold the truth, he does not lie. So when he speaks of a person warmly, they can very well believe his words to be true. That being said, it is important that one does not mistaken his warmth with depth. One cannot simply entrust their heart to him and expect his in return. How could anyone hope to understand the weight of many a millennia, after all? So while the desire may be cute, it'll never be something he would even consider to reciprocate.
#genshin impact#genshin x reader#zhongli#neuvilllette#zhongli x reader#neuvillette x reader#character analysis ask meme#my writing#i am so sorry this took so long anon i have no excuses#not the happiest with these set of responses either#neuvillette’s insecurity answer is severely lacking#it’s so obvious that it feels too easy but like#the reason why i feel that way is because the answer doesn’t answer WHY tha5 is his biggest insecurity. WHY does it matter to him so much?#the obvious answer is that it is because he cares about humans but why??#the answer i came to is that deep down he wants to be accepted by humans which is why he seeks to understand them but i am not sure#granted that’s just my gut answer. i need to do way more research but i already left you waiting too long#as for zhongli like….. ugh#my first answer for what you can trust him with was a cop out but like!!!#that’s because my second answer is like something i talk about alllll the time when i talk about zhongli OTL#i have a whole series surrounding it orz#i didn’t think anyone would want me to talk about it again so i came up with the cop out answer#but the cop out answer was such a cop out i ended up typing my original idea haha#so you get two answers that are kind of mediocre. i’m sorry. ;v;#all of my other answers for him would be more humorous#you can’t trust him with: common sense… bringing appropriate party cups… arriving to events on time#tho there’s no proof for it you gotta admit that he gives off the vibes of someone tha5 is chronically late to everything#and as for his insecurity like… typically old and ‘spiritually actualized’ people are of the hardest to analyze in terms of insecurities#he has no chinks in his armor#i will be working on your next ask though! hopefully it takes less time ;v;
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mortysmith · 2 months
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fexalted · 2 years
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good omens + text posts (part 7)
oops all crowley
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the-hazbeens · 4 months
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❝ No time for cryin',
We've got a lot of work to do. ❞
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A system ran multi-muse blog for various characters from Hazbin Hotel, as sinned by the Flavors Of Entanglement system. 21+, semi-selective but open to all. 10+ years of experience!!!
Follows from @earthnicity
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batfamhyperfixation · 2 years
Damian: I could never bare that horrible music, I have never listened to pop in my life, mother would only allow refined pieces of classical music be played for me
Jason: *flashback to the time when he accidentally walked in at Damian's bedtime, where Damian was in his crib excitedly toddler/baby dancing and making cooing noises as Talia and a whole group of assassin backup singers were preforming Rockabye by Clean Bandit (and Ra doing the Sean Paul rap part)*
Jason: *snorts* sure buddy
#jason has this secret knowledge that not even damian knows#but damian one time was panicking#like just freaking out#and jason started singing this under his breath and damian just calmed down#and damian is convinced jason is magic and so any time damian panicks#he is like i need a phone i need to call jason#and it kinda breaks the other batkid's and bruce's hearts when they are right there but damian still insists on calling jason instead#but jason just knows to answer the phone now so much so bruce asks to borrow damians phone when he needs to contact jason#but whenever jason picks up all damian says is 'sing to me todd'#jason even made all the outlaws learn it so they could do the parts#and jason is just like you could just call your mom and ask her to sing it to you#she has been doing it for years anyway so she is probably better at it#cause damian refuses to look up the song 'cause then it will be on his history that he was looking up pop songs plus he likes when it is#someone he knows singing' and when jason says just call talia then damian is just like that 'sir are you aware you are a cat' meme#and the other batkids learn it too just so they can all sing it to him but for some reason he still likes Jason's and Talia's versions best#batfam#batkids#bat family#jason todd#incorrect batfamily quotes#damian wayne#talia al ghul#ra al ghul#damian al ghul#the only reason he tolerates roy is cause he is good at the rap part#and the only reason roy agrees to do it is cause jason agrees to sing it with him for lian#and kori tried singing jasons part and the first time it happened damian is just like 'imposter put todd on the phone' so jason takes it#off speaker and hes like 'what buddy' cause every time he is trying to comfort damian he always calls him buddy#and damian just goes 'I like when you sing it to me' and jason is just so touched that he like makes sure to practice and everything
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laesas · 1 year
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Pathetic!Kimhan truthers rise up 💕
#baby-dom chay you are my confidante my best friend my silly rabbit.#for legal reasons this is a lightheated jokey post :')#but it is also what I do every time 💀#I dont know if its because it orders them Chay/Kim on ao3 so when the dom/sub tag is there im like OH MY GOD YES FINALLY LETS FUCKING GO#rare dom-sub variations my beloved#alas.................. people look at kim and think ''hot.'' instead of ''sopping wet pathetic little meow meow''#the power that d/s chay/kim has.#Kimhan 'needs to be in complete control' Theerapanyakul#utterly picked apart by Porchay 'broke down all of Kims careful defenses by accident' Kittisawadt#it just makes sense!!!!!#credit to tumblr user kinnbig for the meme#negative credit for being too much of a puthy to post it tho 🙏#that said my wife does have significantly more followers than me to be angy in the inbox and she does not want that smoke💀#I however needed this on my blog more than my peace and sanity#anyway sub!kim is my hill to die on#youre telling me you dont look at Kimhan Theerapanyakul and want him held down by the throat??#you think he doesnt deserve to be pinned to a wall???#thats like enrichment for him??? he loves it#its perfect. Kim finally doesnt have to be in control and Chay finally gets to!! its just such a neat exploration of trust!!#something something eroticising vulnerability after years of being forced to be stoic and invulnerable and emotionally cut off 💕#the fandom can barely handle sub!Kim so let me stay completely silent on my sub!Vegas thesis....... but like...... 👀#anyway!! babygirlify that man#put that man on his knees agenda 💕
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crescentfool · 10 months
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thinking long and hard about the ballpoint nouveau kit has been making me go through every emotion humanly possible i want to know what it is so badly...
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syrips · 7 months
'you wouldnt like villain blorbo if they were officially redeemed/romanced because the excitement is in the mystery and how canonically it wouldnt make sens-'
ravenloft i10 (1e). DoD (2e). VRGtR (5e).
thank u
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paimonial-rage · 8 months
from your character analysis ask meme, for alhaitham: Are they prone to jealousy? would he be too logical to be jealous? Would his jealousy be in vain or would it perhaps be a sign that his partner has crossed the line of sorts?
Definition of jealousy:
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I apologize for taking some time with this ask. I’m going to answer this in a more analytical format because I think this situation calls for it. I want to say that no, under normal circumstances, Alhaitham is not the kind of person to get jealous. In my experience, there are usually three triggers for jealousy:
1. Reader interacting normally with friends and hobbies and partner gets (unreasonably) jealous
2. Reader getting too involved with spending time with friends/hobbies not realizing they’re neglecting partner which gets them (reasonably) jealous
3. Reader specifically does things that will incite jealousy within partner by purposefully doing things like ignoring partner or flirting with others
Alhaitham would not get jealous under the first instance. Being a very independent person, he would understand and respect his partner’s need for it as well. The second instance would be the closest he’d feel to your definition of jealousy. While he’d be able to withstand it for a while, eventually he’d probably feel neglected and would pull you away to capture your sole attention.
As for the third scenario, while he would get upset and would get jealous, I don’t believe this would happen in a normal relationship. Personally, I would never flirt with someone that isn’t my partner just for fun, even if I’m close to them. I think that’s a very hurtful thing to do to someone that has feelings for you.
So long story short, no, I don’t think Alhaitham is prone to jealousy. Not that he’s “too logical” to be jealous. He just understands and respects people’s need for independence. That being said, he probably can end up feeling neglected if left alone too long.
#genshin impact#genshin x reader#alhaitham#alhaitham x reader#anon#character analysis ask meme#now as i always do i’m going to answer the part you’re looking for in the tags#the reason why alhaitham wouldnt be a jealous person is that hes both reasonable and he doesnt play games#when you enter into a relationship with alhaitham he will make time for you and seek you out#he's self-regulating in that way that he'll make sure to get his fill of you regularly#even if you are busy he'll find some way to slot yourself in your schedule#and like... the thing with him is that he really doesnt need much#itd take you turning him down consistently for other things for him to get jealous and feel neglected#this is when he gets immature because if you try to spend time with him after you can expect some passive aggressive sass#'hmm... you seemed to be having a lot more fun with them instead'#you'd have to make it up to him#add onto that someone flirting with you? he'd swoop in there to stake his claim#that being said i highly doubt this would happen often?#you'd have to be REALLY DENSE to neglect him up to this point#when he is feeling neglected expect him to be more physically touchy#he'd just want you near#haha#sorry this isnt much#i'm the wrong person to go to for jealousy asks#i'm not a person that finds jealousy attractive#unreasonable jealousy i find restrictive and childish#reasonable jealousy i find as a sign i am not doing my job as a significant other#my job as someone's partner is to make them feel loved and needed no matter what#so if theyre not feeling that that means i'm doing something wrong and i need to fix it
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Letter 38
Hi Mr. Unwin,
I am THE WORST I am so sorry for not responding and getting this done — turns out I didn’t actually read your instructions carefully enough 🙃 But then also life got in the way (maybe you’ll be a little less mad if I explain that my wife’s health got MUCH worse, and I had to move out and go stay in a hotel all last semester because the pipes burst at my house, and then I got sick, and I’ve been barely able to cope with my actually insane workload at the university…)
I know you said “a word or two” would be enough for the foreword but like…if it’s going to have my name at the top then I should have something worth saying, you know?
I can’t find the letter that threw me, but here’s the thing. You really need a proper preface to this revised edition, and this “Introduction” is basically just a summary and is fundamentally useless to either a student or someone reading this translation instead of the OG Middle English. Soooooo I may or may not have written 17 fucking pages of commentary on translation….plus another 17 page metrical appendix 🙃
Anyway, that’s where I was in March, and then I got your letter yesterday and now I’m realizing that you literally just wanted me to write like ten lines. Whoops.
All I can do now is send you what I have. Obviously it’s way too long and I’m so so so sorry. It literally hurts my heart to do it, but I’ve marked in red the bits you could keep if you’re okay with a longer piece (1400 words), or if you want it shorter you could keep just the parts I’ve marked in blue (which is like 800 words). But maybe that’s still too long? IDK.
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serabellyms · 6 months
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Just a small reminder to all of my mutuals that my interest tracker is required. This is really, really important as with as many muses as I have, I use a lot of the stuff in it to keep track of things I'm likely to forget, in a way that I'm able to navigate with my disability. I have significant memory & recall issues, and because every blog is laid out/organized differently based on the mun, it becomes infinitely harder for me to find what I'm looking for every time; my tracker rectifies that by letting me organize it in a way that works for me & so that I can more easily find the information I need to interact with people!
I do not send/answer memes or interact in-character in any capacity until it's filled out. It's for my comfort & sanity in trying to run a blog with this many muses. It doesn't matter who followed who first, it's still required. It's generally a one-and-done thing that I can then update as needed on my end, & it's perfectly okay if you're only here for a handful of muses (& you do NOT have to have gone through all my muse pages to fill it out! I just expect you to know the basics from my muse page and/or their verses if those apply & that's it). It's also not set in stone/you can update it at any time/adjust as needed.
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