#And sometimes kinda... Censors shit
thyandrawrites · 10 months
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Part two of me being pedantic about nuance because I can
While the official translation isn't wrong at all, I feel like the phrasing chosen here makes Nagi appear more distant than he actually is. In japanese, his inner monologue is more akin to "I'm sorry, Reo. Please, let me say something a bit selfish"
He's using causative. He's asking Reo's permission. And sure, we could make a case for how he doesn't say that aloud, so it's a moot point... But the implication is that he knows Reo won't like this but he wants Reo to be okay with it. For his sake. Just this once.
And "I'm gonna say something selfish" doesn't convey that at all. If anything, it makes it sound like he knows Reo won't like it and he doesn't care
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mantisgodsdomain · 5 months
"oh, yeah," we think, "we could probably cross this over into Li nked Uni verse if we actually draw out the canon for long enough, smacking different versions of the same character into each other is always fun especially when it has the potential for massive cultural differences and shit like running into things where the thing that has been forgotten has significance beyond the things that are remembered. Hey, we should probably check the comic in order to comply with the six-month rule, we don't think we ever finished-"
We return from the reference images. We have remembered why we didn't finish looking into the base comic.
#we speak#negative chatter#moving one level of fandomization away from og LU to merely use them as inspiration for bootleg LU with more base game inspiration#we forgot why we had the author blocked. we remember now#we probably wont elaborate further on this because we keep a firm policy of not publically shit talking folk at random#we just kinda got Unexpectedly Sandblasted by them being weird abt furries&otherkin in a random twi light reference post#we are censoring this so it does not go into their tag btw! no one likes random shit talk and this is just us being vaguely pissy#the wording is vague enough that they feel like theyre like. they dont mean to imply they DISLIKE this group#they just find them strange and offputting and they strongly dislike that they project anything onto A Character#as we do not control their life and theres nothing we can do to force them to Not be uncomfortable or act Strange towards a group#all we can really do is like. scrunge up at an attitude we find it VERY difficult to mesh with and go our separate ways#the multitude of takes on these characters and the way that their fandom is so creative about them and produces so many different Ideas#is very fun! and we heavily enjoy reading it sometimes! however we cannot enjoy the base comic#because though we know that the author likely didnt intend it to come off like that and we know accusations of hate would be FAR too strong#we cannot shake the feeling that we are the sort of thing that they would look upon as a deeply offputting aberration#and they merely avoid voicing that out of a mix of manners and a wish to not get into discourse while hundreds of people are watching#so it is best to keep our distance where we don't have to be uncomfortable at the subtle bias that will pervade through all art#and they dont have to get grated against in ways that may negatively impact things from us having little shame in our existence#which is to say theres like a solid chance that the bias is not malicious and is in fact just like. lingering cultural bias type shit#however we arent gonna deal with that and us being a huge obnoxious weirdo might be liable to push them against us via abrasion#being exposed to smth more often can very easily actively push you against that thing by virtue of dislike of the people who like it#and though our individual action may not mean much in the scheme of things it will do less harm to both of us if we back the hell off#give that shit some time to soak without being prodded at too hard and hopefully someone else will be able to open the conversation better#because with bias especially you CANNOT break it down with one or two discussions#and you very much have to have the person with the bias willing to step back and examine that pattern of bias and unravel it#because if you go up at people like “this is WRONG and heres why” theyre far more likely to get defensive and feel attacked#and then double down because they feel attacked and don't want to give in to people who have been Nothing But Rude To Them#its a pattern of thought that can be a real bitch to deal with and we really arent capable of the subtle approach it requires to break thro#anyways. where were we. oh yeah we forgot why we blocked someone and now we're making a tumblr post about it
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pixeljade · 5 months
The images on that post were hidden for awhile and literally just came back today. No one was "still seeing them" they just got unhidden, and it took quite awhile for that.
Actually I caught them visible literally when the news first broke of them being taken down so yeah again maybe this website that is infamous for being broken as hell is just broken as hell, and attributing everything to malice makes you into a bitter person who jumps at shadows. Hope this helps bye 💖
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shoezuki · 7 months
Ok related to that last post cuz I'm still thinking bout it but truly the way ppl have somehow jus fucking allowed themselves to adopt the censorship of 'naughty words' is absolutely insane to me like. Especially with whole ass adults!!!!!
What does it DO? what is the fucking point? Why even give in to something started by corps wanting to sanitize media? Like if you're talking bout suicide or murder and replace those words with 'unalive' or 'unalived themself' it's so???? Kinda fucked cuz you're ALREADY speaking about suicide and murder inherently? Taking out the words themselves doesnt mean youre NOT discussing it. Is the discussion OK but the words themselves so disdainful? Does not saying 'suicide' somehow make it easier for you? Does it lessen the severity of such things so it's more digestible? Or are you just so weak to trends?
Honestly. Outside of censorship cases like YouTube and tiktok. Such self-censoring feels so disrespectful to the audience like. Do you really think I can't handle the word 'sex' or 'death'?
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immoralraigan · 2 years
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@box-of-characters​ asked:
farus looking at a human anatomy book and scowling like ew guh yuck icky
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I mean back in the day he prolly woulda done that
... but yeah naw these days it’s just like
“every cell in my body knows my first time was not a healthy one and I don’t wanna be reminded”
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cosmogenous · 6 months
oh and another thing
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happypotato48 · 2 months
This Is A Gay Asian Rant About BL Comments Made By Some Queer Westerners I See Sometimes.
So you know of those gays (usually white) that made dumb tiktok dancing to list of countries that legalized same sex marriage and list of countries that discriminate against LGBTQIA+ poeple as a way to say something racist. yeah i kinda got the same vibes from some comments regard how asian BL is homophobic just cause they don't live up to queer western standard. look, i'm not saying that some BLs and their creators don't deserve criticism regard how they capitalized/exploited queerness for an easy cash grab.
But people need to understand that Asian countries despite recent progress are still very much culturally conservatives. so when people says that thai bl is homophobic and all the characters looks like bunch of straight guys, which is true for some olders thai BLs i'm not gonna denied that. but after all this time and newer BLs generally being very queer and most of creators being out queer themself and poeple still making these comments, i'm annoyed.
And don't get me start on the actors. you don't know them! why are you making assumption and calling them queerbaiter just cause they acts in bl. like maybe they're straight, maybe they're not but what they're definitely doing is making queer content for you know, queer people here. so when you made halfass comments about their sexuality what do you think that made other queer people who still in the closet feels. and when you add the nationality to that, "these thai bl pair are this and that, this korean actor is so ungrateful for his bl past", etc. when our societies are still very much still in progress regard LGBTQIA+ acceptance. it make us living here feels fucking awful like somehow we're lesser queer than people in the west just cause we don't have citibank at pride or some shit.
And the shittiest in my humbled opinion are comments regard censored chinese bls. people do know like, that the creators making these bls are risking their livelihoods for this. that these shows getting make at all are miracles. yes it sucked that they're censored but they're still very much queer shows making by queer people who want to express thier queerness despite the chinese government being the chinese government. when people dimissing these shows as not belonging in queer media, you're also dimissing their creators and audiences as not belonging in the community.
Look what i want to say is that we're trying our best over here, and maybe our best are not up to your liking. the ways we talk and express our queerness maybe still can be perceived as problematic by western queer standard. but these media are our house and you're the guests. for people aren't shitty we appreciated that you're here engaging and loving our media, this is your home too and you're welcome in it. i can speak for myself that i very much love being here on tumblr and interacting with people from all over the world who love BL. but for people who are being shitty sometimes about asian bl.
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hecksupremechips · 2 months
Mizuki and Date though like. Imagine being 8 and your parents are filthy rich and going through a bad divorce. Your mom treats you like shit, lashing out at you, hitting you, saying she wishes you were never born all because you were behaving like a child. Your dad is more comforting, but he doesn’t do anything to stop the abuse and he spends his time invested in a completely different family, a girl who you love and look up to but he loves her more than you and it fucking shows. Then your dads new friend, some fucking bachelor in his late 20s, is just like "wow you guys are the worst fucking parents ive ever seen" and next thing you know your dad is sending you off to live with him. And it’s just a massive kick in the head cuz you go from a rich lifestyle to living in some really shitty tiny ass apartment with this guy who’s clearly never been around a child in his entire life and he doesn’t know how to behave and does a really bad job of censoring himself like he has a bunch of dirty magazines that he can’t hide very well cuz it’s literally a studio apartment and also he talks to himself sometimes, it’s really weird. He doesn’t even have the slightest clue what he’s doing
And he’s the best parent you’ve ever had
Because fuck, it all really hurts. You have to cope with having never received any love from anyone, and with the fact that your parents clearly don’t want you and can’t even be bothered to send you with anyone even kinda responsible. And this guy has a scary job with crazy hours and you don’t know anything about him and neither does he. But still, he never once hits you or tells you you’re not allowed to cry. He just gives you space and doesn’t push you to feel any sort of way about him. And sometimes, he’s even kind. He makes you some stew, even though it’s a bit chunky. He lets you sleep in the bed and takes the couch for himself, even though he complains about the massive back pain he’d never trade his spot for a second. He pays attention to events at your school and gives you your favorite stuffed animal when you make good grades, even though you called it ugly. He gets worried sick when you come home with bruises and puts on a goofy voice and trains you to defend yourself and you develop some highly deadly skills and even though it’s really abnormal, he buys you a bench press so you can get stronger. There’s this distance there, and you feel really weird caring about someone who you aren’t related to, but you find yourself wishing it was meant to be like this all along, that maybe, he’s secretly your real dad and he loves you like his real daughter
And when you say "I’m back" he says "welcome home"
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absolutebl · 7 months
BL recs (from any country) that don't have any s*x scenes? I'm too ace to enjoy them at all. Happy ending preferred, angst v welcome:)
BLs Without Sex Scenes
Oof, this is a hard one. Is a dead fish kiss okay? I do have a heat sorting on the spreadsheet of doom, and there are some with no kissing at all, but a dead fish kiss is in most of the HEA ones.
BLs with No Kisses
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21 Days Theory (Thailand, YouTube) - the only thing I didn't like about this pulp was the fact that they don't kiss, so... yeah, this is my first pick for you. Very YA first love angsty, fantastic queer rep and side characters. RECOMMENDED
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My Esports Genius Brother (China, Gaga?) - it's hella odd censored bromance but enjoyable. No real angst tho.
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HIStory My Hero (Taiwan, Viki) - basically a BL with no sex or kissing, but also body-swap so is it BL? I can't remember the end but I think it's happy?
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Silhouette of Your Voice AKA Hidamari ga Kikoeru (Japan, ????) - this 2017 yaoi adaptation is a full on BL just no kissing at all. The source manga (I Hear the Sunspot) is a favorite of mine and the casting was decent. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for you (but not in general). Grey only.
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Love of Siam (Thailand, ????) ALL THE ANGST, I'm pretty sure the most they do is hug, I could be v wrong though because too sad for me to ever rewatch. Very formative to the Thai BL industry.
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The Lover (BL cut) (Korea ????) sometimes you can find the BL cut on YT, it has slapstick comedic sexualized moments that are maybe a little homophobic (or something), no actual sex or kissing, but no angst at all. (Korea's working some shizz out with this early offering.)
Kabe Koji AKA Kabesaa Doujin Sakka no Neko Yashiki-kun wa Shounin Yokkyuu wo Kojirasete iru (Japan, Viki) - I watched this and I was excited about it before it aired, but I seem to have expunged it from my memory and kept no screen caps in annoyance, so that's all I got.
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Love in Spring AKA Spring of Crush (Korea, ????) - a crossdressing historical that flew utterly under the radar. I decided it just wasn't really BL, but it has BL aspects and it's kinda a little queer... or something. Grey only.
Evening Cafe (Thai pulp, YouTube) - No heat and no kisses, but a decent lead pair, about a boy who works in a cafe and the new employee who has a crush on him. That’s it, that's the whole story.
A Shoulder to Cry On (Korea, Viki) - Has no kissing and many people found it really good as @isisanna-blog reminded me, thank you). It certainly has ALL THE ANGST. (I did not like it at all, but I'm a terrible judge of this kind of BL.)
What Did You Eat Yesterday? (Japan ???) - this is such a lovely show, very warm and comforting and slice of life. There is very little angst, they too old for that shit, but little to no sexual content either. It's very warm and loving. A safe extremely yet queer show - and oh boy do we not get many of those. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Censored Bromances
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So No Kisses (TM) for the gays but the hets might do stuff I didn't pay attention to. All these from China. Some happy, most not.
The Untamed
Word of Honor
SCI Mysteries
Stay With Me AKA Addicted 2.0 (I never watched this so there may be rough play)
Mr CEO Falling in Love With Me
The Fairy Fox
Youth in the Breeze
Precise Shot
Advance Bravely
His Cat AKA His Cat Boyfriend
The Male Queen: Han Zi Gao
The "Ghost Boyfriend" series
Past Youth
I Go To School Not By Bus (Hong Kong short)
Recommended Shorts with no kisses, but cute & fun
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The 8.2 Second Rule (Japan YouTube)
One Last Order (Korea, Gaga)
Love Advisor (Thailand, YouTube)
BLs with Dead Fish Kisses (maybe? only one, if any)
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His the series: I Didn't Think I Would Fall In Love (Japan ????) - (NOT His the movie) this one has all the angst you could want in your whole life. ALL OF IT. Japan wins at emo, it's their THING.
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Cherry Magic AKA 30 Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard AKA 30-sai made Dotei Da to Mahotsukai ni Nareru rashii AKA Cheri Maho (Japan ????) - there's sort of some bed tussling and implied sex but you could imagine them just being snuggles for the mains, the sides have dead fish kiss. In general there's some angst but not much. It's fluffy and great. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
Bonus: overt ace representation for one of the side characters.
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Meow Ears Up (Thailand Viki) - sides may kiss? I enjoyed this pulp especially at the start, the premise is fun. I think my biggest complaint was lack of kissing.
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My Love Mix Up AKA Kieta Hatsukoi (Japan Viki), a case could be made for a demi seme in this BL. So much frenetic angst around bisexual identity crisis. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
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My Ride (Thailand Gaga) - my favorite Thai BL pulp the sides have a good kiss and the mains do kiss but it's v dead fish, not at all sexual, and it comes at the very end. Otherwise extremely chaste, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this BL, queer and complex and engaging.
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I Want to See Only You AKA Kimi no Koto Dake Mite Itai (Japan ????) - This is a beautiful piece of cinema well acted, about two boys who are opposite personalities and grew up together. The only kiss is the one pictured above, v dead fish. Full review here.
Nobleman Ryu's Wedding (Korea WeTV) - 12th Night goes BL in this cross dressing historical that ended up feeling like a Cinderfella fairy tale, lightly dramatic and utterly charming. Full review. There is one dead fishy kiss at the end but it's otherwise aggressively pure.
If you like this last style of KBL (with a kiss at the end being okay, I have quite a few more to recommend). Until 2022, most KBLs only had one dead fish kiss in them, so you are pretty safe with pre 2022 KBLs. They tend to be quite chaste and de-sexualized. Other good examples: Wish You, Light on Me.
That's all folx.
Some of the above I may be misremembering (since I don't rewatch this kind of BL and my memory is shit). And I may have forgotten some too, so I hope comments with jump in.
Others to consider:
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gingeredmink · 1 month
Dreamers as tumblr users AU
Because my brain can and WILL go off the deep end off absolutely nothing
Mado posts a bunch of art and music with zero tags or description and is famous somehow, she's kinda seen as a cryptid.
Uro throws everything on one blog [anime gifs, recipes, goofy animal vids that she always tags as #THISISMEEEE, funky tunes, ect], she's amassed a large following due to unhinged text posts and drawings of cursed lil guys
Sabi has a gore/macabre horror blog, sometimes posts selfies in goth outfits that Uro reblogs and gushes over in the tags
Sou does gothic writing stuff, he's the kind that takes the writing prompt of the day sorta stuff and runs with it. Also gives long thought out advice when asked and is surprisingly chill. Uro posted a selfie with him once [his face was censored with a cat sticker] and people lost their mind
Tats/Lefia share a blog and sign their post with either ᘛ���ᕐᐷ or ⊹₊♚₊⊹ to show who's posting. It's overall really cute stuff but sometimes Tats posts a bunch of depressing shit out of the blue and freaks people out.
Muma and Sometsuki have really simple blogs full of bunnies with random aesthetic posts here and there. Sometsuki's has lo-fi with violin bgm
more random interactions under cut cause I don't wanna drop a tolkein novel of dreamer thoughts in tags.
The closest thing anyone's ever gotten to Mado speaking was when Uro asked if she likes cats and she replied with, "ↀᆺↀ"
People begged Uro to get Mado to say more and she always responds with absurd nonsense like, "I cannot force the Mado to speak, she offers her words as blessings and we should be thankful for when she graces us."
Sometimes Uro's a clown on Tat's post and Tats just responds with "ᘛ⁐ᕐᐷ ✂"
Sabi and Tats did a Silent Hill cosplay together one time [Sabi was Heather Mason, Tats was some little monster child]. People still get surprised every time Tats shows their horror fan side.
Sabi sometimes makes edits/art as covers for Sou's writing and vice versa
It's hilarious seeing Sou's more serious/somber posts get broken up by him responding to some nonsense from Uro like, "Every day I wonder what I did to deserve your acquaintanceship." [uro just replies with, "aw, you know you love me~"]
Muma somehow has a thing like shimeji set up on her blog so you can interact with the little bunnies on it.
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gayrogues · 9 months
after seeing many posts over the past year or so about what level of murder and violence is in-character for the riddler, and changing my own opinion on it so many times, i’m finally writing my own take about it. i’m gonna preface this by saying i’m not writing this to hate on anyone’s interpretations, nor am i vagueing anyone who’s posted their own takes on this recently - i don’t think there’s a “correct” interpretation here, actually! i’m just here to infodump :]
first things first, the riddler does in fact kill people, we know this. but, i do think i know what comic contributed most to the misconception that he’s never killed anyone back in the early days of his character, and to the interpretation that he’s just a little guy whose crimes are mostly harmless:
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(from when is a door, by neil gaim*n - censoring his name because he’s on this website and i’m afraid of somehow summoning him)
i often see this page cited by people who think the riddler should be a silly harmless guy, and it very much shaped my own cringey sanded-down interpretation of the rogues before i got deep into comics. but how true is it? (disclaimer, i know that “when is a door” is about nostalgia for the silver age/batman ‘66/etc. era of batman media, not neil gaim*n claiming that this is how every batman comic has been before a certain point - i'm not trying to actually disprove anything that was said in this page, and a lot of the examples i'll be mentioning were published after this comic.) first, let’s look at his pre-crisis appearances.
right from the riddler’s first introduction in detective comics #140, he puts some dude in a puzzle death trap. in many of his following appearances, he tones it down and mostly just sticks to stealing shit or trying to kill batman, with no civilian casualties. (not always, though - there’s a few issues here and there where he kills a random guy or tries to blow up the city, like batman #292 and detective comics #362.) there are very few issues where his crimes are almost entirely harmless, like the brave and the bold #68. this statement from jim gordon in batman #362 sums him up, for the most part:
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things start getting more inconsistent in the 80s/90s part of the post-crisis era, which was when the previously mentioned “when is a door” was published. you have the question #26, which implies that the riddler has been very harmless up until this point - gordon states that the only person edward is likely to hurt with his crimes is himself, and he’s considered such a minor threat that they let him go free because prosecuting him wouldn’t be worth the effort. then there’s dark knight, dark city, where he happily tries to kill a whole bunch of people including babies for the sake of a scheme. then there’s showcase ‘94 #4, with this comment from jeremiah arkham:
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then there’s the batman chronicles #3, where he’s back to casually shooting people to death. then there’s the long halloween and dark victory, where he’s some pathetic guy who kinda just shows up sometimes and isn’t enough of a threat for batman to send to arkham. you get the idea. of course, there’s more within these issues than what i’ve mentioned - in the question #26, he’s pretty on board to start killing people despite his previous harmlessness, while in dark knight dark city, both his henchmen and batman comment on his bloodthirstiness as being out of the ordinary for him. (not to mention that it’s debatable how much control he had over his actions, because he was kinda being possessed by demons.)
unfortunately i’m not going to keep going down a timeline of every riddler comic because there’s still so many i haven’t read, and this post was mostly meant to analyze his 40s - 90s appearances as many characters began taking a darker turn after that point. i have a few more screenshots from the 2000s onwards pointing to a generally harmless riddler, but there really aren't many:
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(i don’t remember which one this is from, sorry)
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(catwoman lonely city #2 by cliff chiang - i feel like i maybe shouldn’t include it because it’s an elseworld, but it did influence my own characterization of edward back when i interpreted him this way. i recommend this comic so much btw)
i don’t really have a conclusion for this post, or a specific interpretation i'm arguing for - i just wanted to analyze how accurate this somewhat-common fanon portrayal of him is, based on the era of comics that i think a lot of fans are drawing from. thanks for coming to my riddler ted talk :]
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danelloevee-sky · 9 months
The words disability and disabled, as well as autistic or autism have been censored on sky.
I was trying to explain something to a friend and I just couldn't. But I could say abunch of curse words just fine.
Kinda upset about, but maybe it was only happening to me? Is it happened to you or am I only censored?
The censors for the in-game chat are often inconsistent and sometimes it censors things that make no sense to be censored
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As you can see I was able to say the words separately, but I got censored when I was saying that someone was autistic
I understand that it’s frustrating (I also get frustrated when it censors me randomly) but you don’t have to worry too much about it I think. The censor is just really shit lol
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turtletoria · 1 year
not to clog up your askbox with south park bs but as someone with an sp friend the show itself is kinda insane like there's episodes with antisemitism and all kinds of shit ass takes but at the same time there's disabled characters which are treated well and gay couples who are really good rep and generally sensible takes about racism? mixed in with fatphobia and plenty of other bullshit no less, ig the few good bits is what makes ppl keep watching it
no worries i love complaining ^_^ also apologies for the length, but this is a very fascinating phenomenon because of how notorious sp is ?? yet it is being fandomized like literally any other blorbo show... it's like if people started legitimately blorbo posting about family guy or american dad or something of the same vein
anyways i got super interested in this topic and read a couple articles, but i like this one the most:
essentially, yeah, i can see what youre saying about the "good bits" but the biggest problem, as referenced in the above article, with this show is that 1) it's a super long-running old and influential show, and 2) satirizing or making fun of "all sides" or equating opposing political stances as if they're on the same playing field is disingenuous and dangerous to marginalized communities.
despite positive portrayals, this show is so blatantly an "equal-opportunity offender" that i honestly dont see that as a saving grace for this show, but more so why it's so problematic - this show is not focused on creating faithful or just representations of disabled people, LGBT+ people, or people of color. it feels more like these representations are there as a way to maintain the centrist ethos of the show, a no-sides taken approach. But this inclusion of marginalized people can only be shallow and disingenuous at best if the same show normalizes bigotry against those same groups.
I especially wanted to highlight this bit in the article:
"The truth is that no one seems to have really made much effort to censor South Park in quite some time. They are no longer the outsiders fighting back against the establishment: They are the establishment, two of the world's richest comedians whose signature show cost Comedy Central $192 million to renew back in 2015. But so long as they position themselves as underdogs, they risk empowering those who seek to use their invented victimhood as a smokescreen for bigotry. This is Fox News' gambit when they talk about the war on Christmas, Trump's angle when he attacks the "fake news" for criticizing him—bullies acting like victims to spark that particular, put-upon sort of outrage that ignites their base. When South Park acts like it's still the rebel throwing rocks at the establishment, rather than a platform for the grievances of two insanely rich straight white men, it's playing the same game."
and before someone goes "blah blah its just jokes why so serious (haha joker reference)" have you considered that sometimes jokes are unfunny? sometimes satire doesn't land, and for good reason. i just hope that people (especially younger people) eventually realize that.
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faggotstump · 3 months
alright let's play a game of catch up:
Whats up new followers? I'm Olli/Skylar "fuckass" Liam Blvd Sys, or Olli faggotstump ! I am autistic, and plural (headmates are here on occasion, tags list and whatnot linked in pinned) and I have BPD which kinda fucking sucks for everyone involved sometimes
Um. I post art very rarely. And I plan to post more writing soon I guess?.
Fair warning this is a fall out boy blog for faggots dykes and trannies (I do not censor/tag those words as I use them to describe my identity. I do not tag for swearing either.) and I post a lot about them + other bands sometimes but especially Patrick Stump, who I am ggods worst faggot about. Therefore I get post limited so often there's a trinity of people in my inbox about it.I also post peterick stuff on occasion because who give a shit anymore. "RPF is fine" or whatever Pete Wentz said.
Another fair warning I do have a more personal blog (@cork-tree-mp3) where I am much more significantly disordered and gayer. I talk about fucking Patrick Stump over there too. Sorry. Preferably mutuals only follow but I don't really care at this point just please read pinned . thanks!
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bluest-planet · 1 year
Wasn't gonna tag this originally, but if you follow me for my current chaiflower atsv fic, although it has nothing to do with it, being on the tag for atsv on AO3 has really made some things apparent to me.
Specifically how the fandom, and the fic writers on ao3 writes for the characters and their subject matter.
Now, dark fic and taboo subjects in fanfic isn't a new thing and it's never going to go away. Which is a good thing, bc the second we demonize and try to censor that kind of stuff, is the second we loose a lot of the kinds of stories we can tell.
Writing is a medium for humans to experience something with no stakes. Be it dangerous or just a good time, it helps us explore our thoughts, and feelings of scenarios we might never have to face but prepare us, or have already had to deal with and help us deal with those scenarios.
I'm also not gonna police anyone and tell em what you can and can't write fanfic about. Do whatever the hell you want, and make sure to tag your shit appropriately, it's a common courtesy and it's a bad thing to not do because even if you don't face any repercussions for it; do you really want to be the one people avoid because of a bad rep?
Moving on, let me just preference; I am an aroace person. I am also Mexican/Salvi. I think Miguel is cool complex antagonist and I'll admit he does have a sculpted ass lol. He's cool and conventionally attractive, with a neat personality people can mess around with. I get why there's a thirst for him.
But I think we should acknowledge how... He's treated by the fandom. Especially during that first week of spiderverse coming out. I don't mind smut, I just ignore it and move on with my day if smth doesn't appeal to me. But when you don't put fics under readmores, or put in tags so it's seen by everyone ur gonna have to deal with people skimming or having a base understanding of what kind of smut n stuff you're writing.
I'm not kinkshaming or anything, you do you, but it quite frankly has made me (and maybe a few others I've seen but don't quote me on that I only speak for myself.) Uncomfortable with this 'Latine Lover' trope people have stapled onto Miguel. I can imagine it's worse for his comic fans, but sometimes people really do be out here writing wish fulfillment smut fics where they're plastering their, kinda racist stereotypes and fantasies onto this Mexican character. If that was it tho? I wouldn't be making this. Because I know that eventually it would die down as time passes and we'd all move on.
Then came the flowerfang/MilesxMiguel (or any other of the spider teens) fics.
Look, again. Dark fic is a part of fandom whether you like it or not, it's up to your personal decision whether or not to engage with it. I don't. But I do think some people should be self reflecting and analyzing why these are being written at the high rate that they are and if you enjoy them or get something out of it is fine, but just be aware and critical of what you're reading and not let it cloud judgement or the actual characters' movie portrayals. It's so easy to let fannon dictate how you view characters, which are often dumbed down and stripped of their original identities for instant gratification.
When these characterizations become wildly accepted, it's often not an issue because people don't have to read it or engage with it in their own little corners. However it ends up highlighting the racism prevent in these spaces. Because to me, it feels like a lot of this is coming from white or young fic writers (although that maybe might not be the case, but I'm trusting my gut here. No shade to young writes either lol I'm close in age w the spider kids) Doing what they want with these amazing black and brown characters and low-key ruining the fun for non white fans, specifically Black and Brown fans.
Fandom is only a safe space and escapism for white fans, and anyone else is forced to carve out their own space and safeguard it from these racist depictions.
When Miguel is not being painted as a 'Latine Lover', he's a predator, or a violent monster, hypersexual Mexican man, or a creep, or someone who's unreasonably angry worthy of no redemption. It makes him so terribly black and white, and while he may be a dark gray that doesn't negate the fact his complexity is being washed away so these writers can have a clear villain who fits this view of violent Latino men hurting women, and kids.
And while I still have this view of a cool antagonist, and can block tags for my own safe experience, that doesn't fix the fact that his character is going through this fanonization with an abundance of dark fic will change perception. Things don't just disappear if they're outta sight. It's still there. With an oppressive force and sour after taste to see how bastardized he's becoming to a majority of what fics are being created and setting precedent for.
Same goes for Miles; saved by the fact he's a young, smart, skinny kid and the protag. But that doesn't spare him from his own fanonization as this meek, weak, soft, baby, cryboy who needs to be comforted or face the worst trauma ever in order to get some trauma porn/wump outta him bc that's all he can be used for apparently. Instead of the confident, heroic, creative, outgoing and friendly kid who sticks up for what's right. I can't speak for black fans and how they feel about this characterization of him. But as a latine fan?
Miles is amazing. He's funny and cool, he's young and talented, and he doesn't take anything from anybody because he's been taught right. I may not be Puerto Rican but Miles is just.... Such a good representation for other latines. So to see him be striped of these traits a lot of the time for others that have been exaggerated; clumsiness, awkwardness, emotional availability, sweet, and caring attitude taken too far it's bad.
Part of it is the racism. People see this dark skinned boy and babyfy him to make him less complex, take away the sharp edges for something soft and malleable, something more digestible and able to process for their own needs. And another part of it is;
Writing is hard.
Believe me! I'm a fic writer! It takes me a long time to write, I edit, and I go back to add or take stuff out, I rewatch or reread whatever I need to make sure I'm doing my best with these characters and somehow try not to fumble the bag with my own scenes and how I interpret their character and relationships to tell a good story to my standards.
And sometimes I still get it wrong!
Which is totally normal! Hell! You don't have to even do all that, fic writing should be fun. You wanna write that chatfic, dark fic, one shot, smutfic, fix-it? Do it! Find your creative drive and do something with it! You get better the more you try!
Sometimes people write and don't realize what they're doing. They're doing it for fun and maybe don't consider some of these problematic traits they're writing. Or they don't know how to approach the character, dumb em down so they can start easy at first, and then get comfortable writing like that instead of slowly getting better with time bc it's for fun.
I take the steps because I want to make something accurate and introspective, not everyone is like that. Even I like wild fun chatfics or crack fics once n a while to shut off my brain.
But you're gonna have to learn that not everyone is gonna like what you write. That if properly representing the characters is what you want, you take that time to put all the love and care into that writing. Putting in that extra work does wonders, and it makes you a better writer! And it creates a good space for others to feel welcomed into!
I didn't even get to how Pavitr Prabhakar is also woobified most often than not, or how discarded his girlfriend Gayatri is in favour of gay shipping (although she doesn't have much screentime, and his ships aren't with white characters so I get why it happens.), Or all the drama I didn't even know about till recently around Punkflower, and Hobie's character. But I'm getting tried so let's wrap this up;
Fandom is gonna fanon. Yes we are responsible for our own experiences and what fan content we engage in, but that doesn't mean we should also turn a blind eye to racism, problematic tropes, or bad characterization. Just because it outta site doesn't mean it's outta mind, and doesn't effect others. I'm not saying harass these creators, no. They are people and at the end of the day they're not hurting anyone and just creating like you are. Leave them be.
But what I am saying is that you have to be the change you wanna see in fandom. As cheesy as that is. You gotta create and encourage the people you do like and enjoy the works of, and foster a fandom that does more than take the easy route. With time we might just win out the bad white fanon.
Or maybe not.
But at least we tried, and we made our point.
(and for the folks who do struggle or participate in these racist tropes or portrayals and fanonized characters and realize their mistake or want to do better; I encourage you to take a step back, rewatch the movie of you can and really study the story and characters. If not? Then listen or read the posts of black and brown fans. We're not all right, and some even have bad takes, but try to broaden your circle. It'll help you make your writing better. I'm not mad, I don't hate these writers. They have their own amazing moments and fics it's great! They're not villains, they're just people doing what they think is fun. They just need a push in the right direction sometimes.)
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julyourwitch · 10 months
~ 𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕥𝕠 𝕞𝕪 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕪 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕘 ~
My name is Agathi but you can call me Julie or Jul (these are my nicknames that I use for a long time, my old nicknames are kinda embarrassing XD)
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I'm from Greece 🇬🇷 The most beautiful and unique country!
(Some people had passed me as Bulgarian/Russian/German girl idk why maybe it's because of my skin and my face/characteristics 😆😆)
Anyways! I'm 21 and my major is cooking,although I don't like it much or hate it, just yk kinda boring (?) Well sometimes bad decisions can bring you good opportunities or chances in your future! Soooo, my fave color is black, green and shades of green, gray, brown etc 🤎🖤🤍💚
My big 3 are: ☀️♐ ⬆️♉ 🌙♏
And now the most important and lovely part of me!
When I was 5-6 yo I had a terrible "accident" (not me but the little boy who were with me and I was in front of this "accident ")and after this incident... A lot of things had happened in my whole life till so far.
I used to feel, sense, sometimes with blurred vision shadows, souls, spirits and most of them were powerful for me as a young Julie who didn't know a shit about these thingies 🤪
Soooo after all these things, incidents, situations etc in 2015-2016 I started learning from my mom how to do readings aka past-future-present reading with the playing cards! (My mom also is spiritual and we got this gift from her dad) so I was constantly learning and learning and learning (only what she feels I couldn't even see the numbers or smth). In 2018-2019 had the worst experiences ever, when I say the worst I mean THE WORST. it was the first time that I was so hurt, broken emotionally and betrayed from a friendship back then I thought I loved. Yeah sure some people take a small/part piece from your heart with them and it's totally fine. I had- I was too close to have depression. And no it's not the "omg I'm so sad, I can't this I can't do that" it's more like" bed, always in bed not even thoughts, not even emotions, everything was meaningless for me, my windows always closed not even be able to see if it's day or not,in bed with the same position every day/night.not even go to pee, take a shower nothing. I was like" Nothing matters, it's just another day or night. " not even hungry. For almost a year.
For real I had HAD the urge to live, to survive, to feel again, I started crying out of nowhere, crying constantly for 4 hours (yeah it's a lot) and from 2020 till now I can say..
I'm so grateful for everything, for my journey that was tough and hard for me, for real when they say"with the pain comes the courage and strength after" hits different. I am grateful and thankful for every moment that has made me struggle, hurt, cry, be angry, resent, be disappointed, withdraw, fear, hesitate, shout, judge, exclude, censor. And yet difficulties and heavy emotions make you more dynamic, powerful, more prepared, more mature and rational/ logical. Because you know you'll meet them(vicious cycle of emotions) again and that's why life is beautiful and special. each of us is fighting for HIS own life alone. That's why we entered this human body to learn a lot, to live a lot, to understand a lot, to understand a lot,to experience a lot, but above all there is no such thing as forgiveness.
(This long text may hurt your eyes guys I'm sorry 😭😭)
I wanted to let you know that this is me, you can always ask me questions if you want to learn more about me and that you matter, you're loved, you're amazing, you're wonderful and pretty soul, so gentle and kind. Your existence for me is a gift and every existence is important and gift for everyone.
I deeply love you, with my whole heart. 🖤✨
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