#anyways pebble didn't write this
oseathepebble · 2 years
i dont understand how people could draw trey as this buff dude sure he'd probably have nice forearms cause of the baking he's done but no way he'd be some beefy dude with big arms
and big boobs
big squishy boobs...
boobs that can't fit into his school vest so he has to unbutton it
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screamin-abt-haikyuu · 4 months
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You're jealous but you can't do anything because you're not dating him (Part 7) - Wakatoshi Ushijima
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6
Pairing: Ushijima x Fem! reader
Genre: Angst to fluff
Warnings: none, really? Reader calls him Toshi.
Requested by: @ushisrever
A/N: Can't believe I posted the last update to this more than two years ago. Has it really been that long???? The incomplete series has been bothering me for two years now lmao. Didn't think I'd ever find a fitting scenario for Ushiwaka but thanks to @dira333 helping me sound off some ideas, I was able to get that perfect "snap!" you get when you fit a puzzle piece in perfectly. Gave me enough brain juice to write this out before going back into hibernation.
Serving you some fresh, hot angst and then some lol. Enjoy the burn and then the healing. For someone who was as far removed from Ushiwaka (emotionally) as one can, writing this actually made me see him in a new light. Loved writing him. Hopefully, it stays as true to his canon nature as it can. Hopefully I don't trash this before it's out💀 but if you're reading this, it's good lol.
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It feels like the entire Shiratorizawa is at the gates of the school.
"I can't believe she's coming to our school!"
"AAA I can't stop imagining how she'll look in our school uniform."
"Do you think she already has a boyfriend? Maybe I have a chance?"
"I don't know about a boyfriend but you certainly don't have a chance with her."
"Must you always be so cruel?!"
"If you think a star child actor who has made it so big in the industry is going to date a simpleton like you, you're delusional."
You sigh, annoyed, as you try to make your way through the babbling crowd. You're already late for your morning classes and you couldn't care any less about Hoshiko Nakamura. Or any celebrity for that matter.
"In fact, I don't think any boy in this school has a chance with her. Hmm... except maybe Ushiwaka? Not that he'd be interested in dating her anyway. Sometimes I feel like that guy doesn't have any emotions at all."
Your ears perk up at the Ace's name.
Wakatoshi Ushijima has become somewhat of a celebrity at school ever since he was selected for the under 19 representative for Japan in the Youth World Championship.
He was already well known as the formidable volleyball player who crushes any team that he takes on. However, his serious and stoic nature has kept most people from approaching him. Till now, at least.
The girl was right. Wakatoshi wouldn't even think about dating anyone. You seem fairly sure of that. However, the suggestion still leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
You're wrong about him not having any emotions you think as you finally break free from the crowd and sprint towards your classroom.
You've known Wakatoshi for as long as you can remember. You remember when his family moved into the house next to yours when you were just little kids. You remember watching the reserved, determined figure of the boy practicing volleyball all by himself in the nearby park. You remember going up to him and offering to play with him. Out of all these memories, the most vivid of them all was the way his eyes subtly lit up when you said you wanted to play with him.
Time has blurred into a haze since then. Even though you both went to different schools all through junior and middle school years, you both kept alive the tradition of playing volleyball together in park.
"You should come to Shiratorizawa," he had said that fateful day. You both were in the last year of middle school. It was a beautiful evening as you both walked back home from the park, the setting sun throwing hues of red and gold across the partially cloudy sky.
"That's not in my hands. I tried in middle school, remember? I want Shiratorizawa but Shiratorizawa doesn't seem to want me," you said, kicking a pebble on the road. Funny how I could say the same about you.
"That was three years ago. You have grown," he said without pause.
"We'll see. I don't want to get my hopes too high. You know just as well as I do that they give preference to athletes over normal students like me. Casual volleyball games with you are just about as sporty as I get," you said as you reached out to open the gate to your home.
You turned to say goodbye to him and found him looking at you, his expression more serious than usual.
"It's not about athleticism."
"Shiratorizawa only accepts the best. Be it volleyball or anything else. I believe you fit into that category. You should come," he says, looking straight into your eyes.
Your stomach flutters. How could he have so much faith in you? There is no doubt that he believes in you because Wakatoshi Ushijima always means what he says. Almost 5 years of knowing him had taught you that. You still found it hard to digest, though.
"I'll try my best, I promise."
"I know you will."
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"Class, please give a warm welcome your new classmate, Hoshiko Nakamura!"
You can't help but gawk at her. Saying she is pretty would be a severe understatement. If she looks pretty on screen, it is nothing compared to what she looks like off screen. You look at your desk partner to see if he is thinking the same. Wakatoshi, however, seems to simply be listening to the teacher.
"Miss Nakamura, I'm sure you will have no problem settling in here. To kind of help you settle in this new environment, I was thinking of seating you next to Ushijima as I believe you two have met before at some of the national events."
The teacher might as well have thrown a bus at you and it would have felt just about the same as you do now.
Hoshiko's face lights up. "That would be great. Wakatoshi-kun has always been a delight to be with. Thank you for having me," she says and bows.
Did she just call him by his first name?
"Ah, Y/N, sorry for springing this on you so suddenly. I wanted to get a hold of you before morning class but couldn't. I hope it's not a problem," the teacher says.
You force a polite smile. "It's not a problem at all," you say and start packing your bag.
Hoshiko walks up to the desk and waits patiently for you to gather your stuff, thanking you again.
Your legs feel heavy as you take the empty seat diagonal to them in the adjacent row.
I'm panicking for no reason. They just know each other from an event. It makes sense to make her sit with a familiar and safe person, given her popularity. Yes, Wakatoshi is definitely the ideal choice in this scenario. He is not someone who would be creepy in any sense. He's also strong and intimidating so it would keep the creeps away. It's fine. It'll be fine. Nothing is going to happen between them... right?
"Wakatoshi-kun, I'm so glad I got to sit next to you," she says, smiling at him, speaking loud enough for people sitting nearby to hear.
"Actually, if I'm being honest, when I decided to come back to my hometown to complete my studies, I knew I wanted to go to Shiratorizawa immediately," she continues.
"Of course. Shiratorizawa is the best school in the prefecture. It's only natural to want to study here," Ushijima says, completely seriously.
Hoshiko blushes. "Ah... that is not what I meant... nevermind," she says, causing the guy behind them to burst into laughter.
It seems like the hollow sensation growing in your stomach is here to stay.
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It has been two months since the day Hoshiko joined your school. With Ushijima going to school earlier than usual and practicing late into the night for the Inter High preliminaries, he hasn't been able to spend much time with you lately. Normally, this wouldn't have bothered you because you could see him in class everyday but with Hoshiko now taking your place, you barely get to say more than hi to him.
However, with the prelims now over and the upcoming week-long break ahead, you're hoping to get some one-on-one time with him once again. All these years with him have made him such an intrinsic part of your daily life that it feels like something big is missing when he's not around. To the world, Wakatoshi Ushijima might be a lot of things. But to you, Wakatoshi Ushijima is home. He is comfort. He is strength. He is someone that you know like the back of your own hand. He is someone that your heart always keeps coming back to. He is the only love you have ever known.
You know that he doesn't share the same feelings for you. But that doesn't stop your heart from longing for him.
The lessons for the day are over and you walk back to your class, eager to pack your bag and go home with Ushijima. You wonder if he'll want to go to the park in the evening.
"She's asking him out! She's asking him out!"
"No WAY! I am SO jealous."
A small crowd has gathered around the window and they're whispering amongst themselves as they look outside.
"Man, that Ushiwaka is so lucky! He gets to date the most beautiful girl in the entire country."
"I mean… he is in the nation's top 3 aces and an under 19 representative of Japan. Not to mention he's tall and strong and good looking. They're actually perfect for each other."
Your heart drops down to your feet.
You look out the window and find yourself looking at Hoshiko and Ushijima standing a ways away from the school building. They're in a quiet, secluded spot and Hoshiko seems to be blushing as she says something to him. You see him nod and say something in return. Hoshiko's face lights up in pure delight and even though they are at a distance, you can hear the joy in her voice.
"No way!!!! He said yes?? I thought he wasn't interested in girls!"
"Goddamn it! There goes my chance!"
You feel dizzy as you watch the two of them walk back to school together.
No. This can't be. You have always known that he doesn't like you that way. But you thought he wasn't interested in dating at all.
No. You shouldn't make any assumptions just yet. These gossip mongers are messing with your head. For all you know, he could have said yes to being in a show or something. You shouldn't despair before you hear the truth from him.
You blink back your tears and run to your class. Thankfully, it's empty. You take a few deep breaths to calm yourself and wait. Both of them soon appear in the hallway. The crowd surrounds them instantly, wanting to drown them in questions but Ushijima breaks away from them easily and walks towards the class. He comes up to you.
"Y/N. I'm sorry I won't be able to come to the park today."
It's true.
"Hoshiko and I are going to watch this new movie playing at the theatre-"
He's going on a date with her.
"Apparently it has a lot of volleyball in it-"
He's going on a date with h-
"You should join us."
"I figured you might like it since you play volleyball with me even though you don't play it otherwise."
What? What? What?? What is happening right now??
Ushijima patiently waits for your answer.
"Uh... Whose idea was it to go to the movie?"
"Nakamura's. Why?"
"And how did she bring up the idea?"
"Well, I was returning from the club and she asked to speak to me in private. And then she told me about the movie and if I wanted to watch it with her."
He didn't get it.
"Ah... Toshi... I'm pretty sure she was asking you out on a date."
His eyes widen with surprise.
"A... date? But she never said she had romantic feelings for me."
Could this mean...? Can I hope...?
"Well, her asking you out on the date was her way of saying it."
"I see. I didn't realise. Thank you for telling me. In that case, I should tell her my feelings for her as well."
He has feelings for her.
Your heart shatters.
You're glad that he walks out right away because you couldn't have stopped your tears from coming out even if you wanted to. You run out of the back door, desperate to get far away.
I guess I was the problem all this time. I just wasn't someone you could look at that way.
You had always known that. You had always known that he didn't feel for you the way you did. But that hadn't stopped you from falling for him. Hard. How could you have not? Eight years of knowing him... You didn't even realise when you fell for him. Loving him just came so naturally to you.
Logically, it makes sense. They make sense. She is beautiful and tall and smart. And so is he. They are the type of couple who would be featured on the cover of a magazine. Which, given their career trajectories, is bound to happen sooner or later.
But the heart doesn't care for logic and at this moment you feel like it will actually burst from the amount of pain you're feeling.
You spend the rest of the evening and the entire night crying in your room.
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Morning comes and you feel worse than ever. Your head is throbbing, your nose is stuffy and your eyes are swollen. You decide to skip school. It's the last day before break anyway. Maybe this break will be good for you. It will give you some time to adjust to everything and compose yourself.
You go back to bed and sleep through the entire day.
You thought you'd feel better after getting some rest but you still feel like shit.
You drag yourself out of bed. Your entire body feels like it weighs ten times more.
Maybe a shower and some fresh air will do you good.
You head out.
No matter how much you try to think of something else, your mind keeps coming back to him. Your eyes keep searching for him. You look in the direction of his room. The curtains are open and you can see it is empty.
Of course he's not home yet. He's probably out with her again.
Even though it's barely a minute away, you feel exhausted by the time you reach the park. Thankfully, it is empty.
You sit on one of the swings and look around. Most of your memories with Ushijima are tied to this park. This is where you both have spent the majority of your last eight years together.
All the sweet memories make you tear up again.
"You didn't come to school today."
You were so lost in your head that you didn't realise when he walked up to you. You blink back your tears.
"Oh... hi. Yeah, I - I wasn't feeling very well today," you say, not meeting his eye.
"You seem upset."
He noticed.
"Oh... I'm fine. Really. It's just been a rough day. It's nothing to worry about," you say, still evading his gaze.
He sits on the swing next to you. You look to the side and see he has a volleyball in his lap.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
You quickly avert your gaze again.
"I see. Well, would you like me to distract you? Talk about something else?"
It is getting harder to keep your tears in check. You're sure your voice will crack if you speak. You just nod.
"You would've liked the movie. It wasn't as focused on volleyball as Nakamura said it would-"
Great. He's chosen the worst topic he could have talked about. You don't want to hear about his date. You need to change the topic. Quickly.
"What are you doing here?" you blurt out the one question that has been weighing on your mind ever since he came here.
"What do you mean? I came here to play volleyball with you."
"I- I mean... I thought you would spend your free time with Ho-Hoshiko from now."
"Why would I do that?"
"B- because you're d-dating her?" Your voice cracks.
"I am not dating Nakamura."
"What do you mean you're not dating her? I thought you liked her. Didn't you go on a date with her yesterday?"
"I do like her. Just not romantically. And no, I went to watch the movie with Tendou. She had already bought the tickets so I bought them from her. I wanted to watch it with you but you went home. "
"But... you left to tell her your feelings for her..."
"I did. I wanted to clarify that I only feel for her as a friend. It was only thanks to you that I was able to tell her in time before I ended up hurting her unintentionally."
Relief floods your heart. You suddenly feel a hundred pounds lighter. You finally gather the courage to look at him. He is looking right back at you.
"Can I ask you something?" you say, your lower lip trembling.
"Of course."
"Do you have romantic feelings for anyone?"
You instantly regret speaking up as soon as the question leaves your mouth. You know he never lies. And if he doesn't feel the same w-
"Yes. You."
You stare at him blankly.
It's subtle but his expression has changed from completely serious to something a little softer. You can't quite place what it is. Is it concern? nervousness? Adoration?
"R-really? You like me? Romantically?"
"Since when?"
"Ah," he rubs his chin, "I'm not sure..."
You're still having difficulty believing that any of this is real.
"You know," he continues, "After my father, you were the first person who ever wanted to play with me."
He points towards the corner of the park. "I was practicing against that wall that day when you came up to me. Do you remember?"
"Of course I remember. I can never forget that day."
"So many people have come and gone from my life but you have been with me for so long that, I guess somewhere along the way I just assumed you would stay forever. Which, I now realise, I shouldn't have."
He feels the same. He has always felt the same.
He turns to you again.
"I love you."
He breaks into a soft smile.
"I love you too."
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Holyshit this was a ride. I'm glad I wrote this and I hope you guys enjoy.
Reblogs appreciated. Please do not steal or repost.
Taglist: @pinkiipeachiikeen @duckymcdoorknob @kakiwrites @ebiharachan @r0binscript I wasn't sure if you guys still want to be tagged for this series, seeing that it has been over two years so let me know if you want me to remove you from the taglist.
Check out THIS POST to know what all characters I have written for in this series.
MASTERLISTS | If you enjoy my work and want to, you can Buy me a Kofi!
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buckyalpine · 3 months
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18+ smutty drabble with some angst and all the fluff and possessive, fwb to lovers college Bucky, I wanted to try something, images are mine, Canva pulled through with the layout. Maybe I'll write something again with this picture, (mob Bucky? DBF Bucky?) but here's an idea:
"You up?"
You smirked at the text message that popped up, already swinging your legs out of bed because you knew exactly what was to follow-
"Come over"
You didn't bother changing out of the hoodie you were already lounging in, pulling on some shorts and throwing on Bucky's leather jacket before heading out. You pulled the jacket tighter around your body as you walked 2 blocks to his place, fiddling with the spare key he'd given you just because.
"Hey Steve, hey Sam" You gave Bucky's roommates/ bestfriends a wave as you let yourself in, padding past the living room, headed right to his room.
"Hey peanut" The blonde smiled before throwing a knowing smirk to Sam as soon as they heard the door click shut.
"$20 they keep this up for another month"
"Hey Buck-
"How come you didn't tell me you'd already left," Bucky set his laptop off to the side, his tight black tshirt riding up giving you a pretty view of his happy trail as he leaned over, closing the screen shut.
"You knew I was going to come-" You started with an eyeroll but Bucky wasn't having it, shaking his head while you looked at the knickknacks sitting on his desk.
"And I've told you to at least let me know when you leave, especially at night"
"When did you care so much" You snorted, gasping when he came up from behind you, turning you around and grasping your jaw in his hand, squeezing your cheeks, making you meet his eyes.
"You don't walk out alone at night. I would have called you an uber"
"It's two blocks-
"I don't care. So who were you all dressed up for earlier today" Bucky cocked at eyebrow, releasing the soft grip he had on your jaw, moving them to rest around your waist instead.
"I wasn't dressed up, it was a regular outfit"
"Please, that tiny black skirt with those stockings" His grip tightened, digging around your hips, "Saw you come by the field when we had practice, were you trying to show me something doll" He smirked, noting you were currently still in his leather jacket.
"I thought it looked cute, don't flatter yourself Barnes-
"That's Steve's sweater" Bucky cut you off narrowing his eyes, tugging the hem of the hoodie. You hadn't even noticed, giggling when you realized you had indeed somehow accidently ended up with Steve's sweater.
"I just wear whatever's comfy, must've gotten mixed up in your laundry last time I was here" You shrugged, tossing off his jacket onto the chair by the desk. "If it helps, it was your hoodie I intended to steal"
"You're not wearing his sweater" It was a statement, something other than lust clouding his thoughts, itching to rip the sweater off your body and keep you wrapped up in nothing else but him.
"Seriously? Why does it matter, I thought this was just casual anyway-
"Mine" Bucky growled, pulling the hoodie off your body and making a point of tossing it out of the room before locking it shut again. "You're mine"
"Always teasing me with those fuckin' skirts" Bucky grabbed you, hauling you over his shoulder and tossing you over the bed before crawling on top of you and pinning you under him. You hadn't been wearing anything under the hoodie, gasping when Bucky tugged at your nipples, smirking as they pebbled at his touch. "Do you not see how other guys look at you when you wear that baby"
"Bucky please" You sounded needier than usual, caught off guard by his surge of possessiveness, different from his usual protective nature over you. He attacked your neck with kisses, sucking bruises onto them between soft bites, letting his tongue swipe over the area after.
"Tell me, lookit you laying in my bed as soon as I call, soo needy all just for me, huh?" His hands came to lace with yours, pressing his erection between your legs, grinding against your clothed core.
"Jamie, do something" You pouted, squeaking when he came down to nip your lips, getting off you just to throw your shorts and panties off, wasting no time ridding himself of his clothes. He slotted himself back between your legs, letting his thick length rest between your soaked cunt.
"Patience pretty bunny, you have no idea what you do to me, do you. Not sharing you with anyone, you're mine"
"I'm yours?" You whined feeling his cockhead swipe through your folds, gathering your slick, a flash of vulnerability passing between you as his eyes bore into yours.
"Always, babydoll" Bucky whispered with his lips brushing against your as he started to push in, the both of you gasping at the feeling of the initial stretch. It didn't matter how many times he'd already had you like this, the feeling was forever unmatched. He didn't bother with giving you a moment to adjust, setting a brutal pace as soon as he was fully sheathed inside you. He made of a point of making you scream as loud as possible, well aware his best friends were still home, working his hips faster at the thought of you in Steve's sweater.
"You're. All. Mine" Bucky slammed his cock into you with each word, hoping to write his name in cum all over the inside of your tight cunt. "Say it, tell me you're mine, c'mon baby"
"M'y-yours" You stuttered out, "I'm yours Bucky!!"
"That's right, gonna make you scream that all night"
And he kept his word. Bucky kept you impaled on his cock until he couldn't hold it any longer, spilling ropes of his load into you, one after the other. He would watch it drip out before getting hard again from the sight along, pushing his dick back into you to make sure not a drop was wasted.
You panted, withering under him as he pulled one more orgasm out of you before letting his bodyweight drop, his now disheveled locks and flushed cheeks resting against your bare chest.
"I meant it you know" He murmured, pressing a kiss between your breasts before looking up at you, "It's more than just physical for me"
"Are you sure?" You giggled as he leaned up to nudge his nose against yours with a shy smile he reserved just for you..
"Very sure. I love you" Bucky mumbled against you hair, pulling the sheets up to cover you both, his arms wrapped tightly around you body to his chest.
"I love you too"
"I also meant it when I said you can't wear his sweaters"
"I want my $20"
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dr3c0mix · 3 months
Alistair x (platonically) Teen Reader
In the fic he is like oh my god a bride, he walks in and instead of an adult..or a bride-
They find a teen, who literally threw a pebble at him, an angsty teen💀
I’m very happy to read ur fics and usually pair them with teen/child mc because I find it funny because they expect the love of their life
and teen mc standing there :🧍‍♂️
anyways sorry for the long request, luv ur writing, and ur art :D
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Yandere! Evil King x Teen! GN! Reader
CW: platonic relationship, Alistair is a bit of a DILF so do with it as you will, Dads are hot you guys!! READER IS A MINOR.
👑 Who is this sassy lost child?
👑 His minions kidnapped you while you were on a carriage ride back to your kingdom.
👑 He was hoping for like a princess or something to marry and take over the kingdom with or whatever so like...what tf he gonna do with you???
👑 Clearly you were too young to be in a situation like this, but theres no way he's giving you back without a reward, so yes he still holds you for ransom.
👑 "Child, I am Alistair, King of-ACk!"
👑 Did...did you throw a pillow at him?!
👑 "How dare yo- AHK! Stop it!" another one..
👑 You refuse to listen to anything he says, you just wanted to go home
👑 You two had a bit of rivalry for a bit. He hated you and you hated him.
👑 He promised not to show any affection or care towards you since in his eyes, your actions didn't deserve it. How can someone be so rude to a king !?
👑 But he starts to notice you don't eat much. He never sees you in the dining hall and has only seen quick moments of you nibbling on some bread or pastries the servants gave you.
👑 He scoffed, so irresponsible! You must eat a proper meal right this second or you'll starve!
👑 You're surprised to see a meal prepared for you during your routine trip to get a snack from the pantry with a note on the plate.
👑 "Next time, ask for a proper meal. I don't want your parents to think I've been starving you. -Alistair P.S. go to bed early."
👑 Huh...
👑 Alistair smiled from the doorway of the dining hall, watching you eat up with a smile on your face. You might have been too scared of him to ask for food so you've been sneaking snacks while he wasn't looking.
👑 Of course he wasn't doing it because he cared about you, he just didn't want royalty like you to resort to such pathetic means to eat!
👑 Why are you still sad? Perhaps he should get you some things to keep your attention..
👑 He asks (threateningly may I add) about your hobbies or interests.
👑 The next morning your cell (which has been upgraded to a lovely room in the castle because he didn't want you to be filthy and gross in a dungeon) was filled with anything he could find that he thought you'd enjoy.
👑 Don't think he wants you to be happy! He's just tired of seeing you sulk everywhere!
👑 He denies everything, but you swear you could see a tiny smile on his face when you hugged him happily.
👑 You start being a little more open to him, showing him anything you've made or done with pride and he'd receive it gratefully, but he won't show it of course.
👑 "I made you this friendship bracelet!"
👑 "I've seen better jewelry."
👑 "Oh I'll take it back then I guess.."
👑 "No, it's mine now, back off."
👑 Drawings and the like that he said would be thrown out as soon as you left would be seen framed in his room
👑 It would be a..waste of good canvas..
👑 And of course he buys a few books of your choice for you to read, he'd be damned if your brain turns to mush.
👑 Bro bro he'd be the type to let you swing around while holding onto his bicep.
👑 If you ever have any problems, or come to him in a bad mood, he'd have no idea how to help other than to sit down and listen to your troubles.
👑 He's not the most physical when it comes to affection, but you bet your ass he's gonna do everything he can to cheer you up.
👑 At this point he's rewriting his demands for the ransom. Either your kingdom lets him sign some adoption papers or he's starting a war.
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ilovemeadema · 4 months
alessia russo x reader - first time
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a/n - hiya guyss, ive finally gotten some notivation to write (about fucking time) , ill be doing a couple of asks ive had for a few weeks too, so hopefully writing becomes more frequent from now on
no promises tho :,)
anyways enjoy this smutty alessia fic lol x
summary : r and alessia have been dating for 2 months, and neither of them have been brave enough to iniciate anything more than a steamy makeout, untill a needy alessia decides otherwise.
warnings: a lotta fluffy smut
You and alessia had been officially together for 2 months now, you'd both met through Leah, since your Leah's cousin, you had been invited to her birthday party, you had both exchanged numbers and from that night onwards, you'd texted every day, and eventually you asked her on a coffee date and she responded “took your time, and yes, i'd love too x”
After 4 weeks of going on dates and getting to know each other, a very red Alessia asked you to be her girlfriend while walking on the beach, a gorgeous sunset colouring the sky with oranges, yellows and blues, Alessia's freckled face glowing from the shine of the slowly falling sun, her smile growing as you immediately say yes and wrap your arms around her, her warmness enveloping you.
You felt warm
 you felt safe 
You felt loved
Now 2 months later, you are at Alessia's apartment, you both took turns inviting each other over, one week at Alessia’s, one week at yours, you preferred to stay at Alessia's apartment more, her cosy decor made it feel more homey than yours, and truthfully, you also wanted cuddles from her gorgeous grey cat. You also loved the sweet smell of alessia covering every room, it made you warm inside, her familiar vanilla scent made your heart flutter.
“ pebble!, don't smack me” alessia huffed as her cat swatted her cheek while she walked past her on the sofa, the two of you covered in warm fluffy blankets, your head on her shoulder as you watched some random romcom you found on netflix.
“Maybe she smacked you because you took away her favourite toy” you argued laughing, alessia rolled her eyes at you.
“Baby that toy makes so much noise, we couldn't hear the film” she whined, you laughed and cuddled your face into her neck, pecking it softly, as your lips made contact with the soft skin of her neck a second time, alessia sighed shakily, moving her head back, giving you more space to work with. 
You and Alessia, unlike other couples in a two month relatioship, hadnt had sex yet, sure you both had very intense make outs, but once you both reached a point you just stopped and didn't take it further, it's not that you didn't want to do it with her,you definitely did, it's just you were scared, scared of messing up or embarrassing yourself, youd had your fair share of one night stands, but it had been a while since you had fucked a girl, so naturally youd start to overthink if things got too far and quickly stopped it.
“ y/n..that feels so nice–fuck” Alessia swore as you bit down softly, leaving a red mark on her neck, you soothed it with your warm tongue, leaving shiny residue behind, you leaned back a bit, looking at the cute mark you had left on Alessias pale skin, her hands then found your hips and guided you to sit on her lap, her thumbs stroking the exposed skin from your slightly risen shirt, her head slightly turned away from you, looking at her hands on your waist.
“Lessi?” you said softly, looking at the overwhelmed expression on her face, her eyes avoiding you.
“Baby, talk to me” you tried again, reaching your hand to her jaw, softly pushing it so she would look at you.
“y/n.” she said, finally meeting your eyes, she leaned forward, your faces inches apart, so close that you could smell her minty breath.
“Less?” you whispered, not used to the way she was looking at you, it was something that you'd only seen a couple of times when the kissing got intense.
 Alessia looked hungry.
Alessia then gently grabbed your wrist and moved your hand onto her chest, your eyes widened and you felt a shiver run up your back.
“Touch me, please” alessia whispered, her hooded eyes staring into yours.
You took in a small breath and gave her a small nod, you dragged your shaky hand slowly down her body, from the middle of her chest to where you could feel her pretty abbs under her white shirt, her hard nipples noticeable through the thin fabric.Alessia leaned slightly forward, starting to kiss your exposed shoulder, you collarbone and up you neck, you slightly lifted alessia's shirt, slipping your hand underneath, your cold hands touching her warm skin, you felt her shiver at your touch, smiling to yourself, you moved your hands up once again, placing them under the curve of her breast.
“Fuck, y/n hurry” alessia breathed out, you smirked at her neediness.
“Maybe if you ask nicely” you teased, you heard her let out a huff at your words.
“Please baby i need you, please just touch me” alessia whined, you'd seen alessia needy before, a few times, but this was new, and you loved it.You smiled at her and began lifting her top up slowly.
“Can i?” you whispered, alessia nodded at your words.
“Words baby” you said softly
“Yes, please just take it off” she whined, that was all the confirmation you needed, you started lifting her top up and over her head, tossing it on the floor somewhere. You stared at her chest, her perfect round breasts and perky nipples now exposed to you, sure it's not like you hadn't seen her topless, but having her like this, small puffs of hair leaving her parted lips and her blonde hair a mess, you had never seen something so gorgeous.
You shifted your body slightly lower so your face was in front of her chest, you then planted a kiss on the side of her left breast, Alessia's hand found the back of your head, nudging you slightly forward. You then finally wrapped your lips around her nipple, sucking and licking softly, alessia's back arched, pushing her chest further into your face.
“Oh god” alessia moaned out softly, the hand that wasn't at the back of your head grabbed the pillow behind her.
You disconnected your lips with a pop, you then looked at alessia who was already looking at you, you leaned up and claimed her lips, she tasted like coconut chapstick, like she always did,  alessia then bit down at your lip softly and you let out a small moan, she used that to slide in her tongue, pushing it against yours for dominance over the kiss.
“Lessi, let's move to the bed” you said in between kisses, alessia nodded, you then grabbed the back of her thighs and picked her up, alessia immediately connected your lips again, you smiled against her lips at her eagerness. You easily found your way to your bedroom without looking, you then placed Alessia on the bed and she shuffled backwards, her blue eyes now dark, you followed her and placed yourself on top of her, your legs tangled together.
“I want to see you” alessia whispered, you nodded and took your own top off along with your sports bra, alessia then started scanning your chest.
“You're so beautiful,” she said, lifting a hand up to softly squeeze your right breast, you let out a breathy moan at her warm touch.You then kiss down her body, first her neck, her chest down to her stomach until you get to the waistband of her joggers, you look up at her, softly tugging on it.
“Take it off” she said nodding, you wasted no time, you grab the sides of her bottoms and pull them down her long legs, leaving her in her pretty blue lacey underwear that matched her eyes, you immediately notice the dark damp patch and smirk 
“All this for me?” you say, she whimpers in embarrassment but nods.
You then place a small kiss on where her clit is, Alessia's hands once again grab the back of your head.
“Baby, are you sure you want this?” you said looking up at her.
“Yes, fuck yes, i just need you y/n” she moaned, and with that, you tugged her underwear down, exposing her perfect pussy, neatly shaved, you moaned at the sight of her, you could now see how wet she really was.
“Your pussy is so fucking beautiful” you groaned, slightly opening her legs, her wetness glistening, slowly dripping down the curve of her ass, “can i taste you?” you asked her, looking into her eyes from between her thighs.
“Please” alessia whimpers impatiently, you then glide your tongue over her folds, your eyes connected with hers, taking a slow long lick, savouring her taste.
“You taste so fucking good” you groaned against her, the vibrations causing alessia to moan, you start moving your tongue faster against her, her moans get louder as you increase the speed, your tongue tries dipping inside of her, slightly pushing.
“Fuck baby just like that” alessia moans out, pushing your head further into her.
“y/n, i need more-– fuckkk” you cut her words short as you rub her clit and move your tongue against her entrance.
Alessia lets out a while as you stop your movements, you climb up the bed to meet her beautiful face.
“Wanna taste yourself pretty girl?” you whisper, your face glistening with Alessia's juices and your own saliva, she nodded and you connected your lips, she moaned at the taste of herself.
“I need your fingers” Alessia whispered, her fingers playing with the baby hairs at the back of your neck, you smirk at her boldness and slowly slide your hand between your bodies, you slide two fingers between her folds, moving them up and down, Alessia's head fell back onto the pillow as she felt your long fingers tease her hole.
“Baby, inside, please” alessia whimpered, you then finally slowly pushed in your middle and ring finger, Alessia's nails scratching your back as they slid in with ease, when fully in, you keep them still and look at alessia.
“Are you doing ok love?” you ask, your hand that's not inside her comes up and touches her cheek softly.
“Yeah, just give me a minute” she says, slowly getting used to the feeling of being filled by your fingers for the first time.after a minute she gave you a small nod and you began slowly thrusting your fingers in and out of her, every time your fingers would re enter her she winced, but after a few minutes, her face relaxed, and her mouth parted, letting out pretty noises.
“Fuck y/n, feels so good” alessia whispered, you smiled and bit her earlobe softly.
“Is this what you wanted, baby?, my fingers filling you up?” you teased, adding your thumb onto her clit, rubbing it while still pumping your fingers in and out of her, you then felt her walls start to tighten around your fingers. “Look at you, doing so well for me” you encouraged her.
“Fuck baby, im close” Alessia’s legs wrapped around your waist pulling you closer to her.
“Yeah?, you gonna cum for me?” you replied, pressing harder on her clit, your mouth latched onto her neck.
“Fuck, Faster baby, im so close” alessia whined, you do as she says and move your fingers at a quicker pace, curling them so they would hit her most sensitive spots.
“Right there,right there, don't stop baby '' Alessia shouts, your neighbours won't be too happy with all the noise she's making, but you love it, the way she screams and whimpers for you has you soaked through your joggers. You then feel Alessia’s walls clench around you, she then bites onto your shoulder to contain her moans as she breaks apart on your fingers, you watch her as she flops her head back onto the pillow, her chest heaving and you help her ride out the orgasm.
“Mm baby im sensitive” Alessia whined, you slowly pull out of her and she whimpers at the loss of being filled up. you move yourself from on top of her onto your beck next to her.
“You did so well love, you were amazing” you say, kissing her all over her face, her cheeks flush and she hides her face in the crook of your neck.
Alessia then notices the wet patch on your joggers from the corner of her eye, you then feel her head move slightly forward.
“Baby?, what's all this?”, she teases looking between your legs.
“Not my fault you're so sexy” you groaned and looked away embarrassed
You then feel Alessia move from her spot beside you, she moves her body on top of yours and pins you down on your bed, she moves her knee between your legs and applies pressure.
“I think i should return the favour pretty girl”
hope u enjoyed this lil cutie petuti fic xxxxx
rember yall, asks are open so pls feel free to make some requests :)
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planetnini · 10 months
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࿔・゚*࿐ You kept catching glimpses of Suguru around even after his death. Thinking it may have been a trick on your mind, you brushed it off but when someone that looks and sounds exactly like him shows up at your apartment, you have no other choice but to take matters into your own hands... that is until you find out that he still might be in there.
pairing. geto suguru x gn!reader
tags. angst,, like seriously angst (this hurts so much please listen to me), the first half is a trick there is no happy ending, shibuya arc spoilers!!! (kenjaku is a bitch), violence/fighting (i get a bit descriptive sorry) and of course,,, major character death :)
word count. 2.8k
notes. this idea came to me one night and bambi encouraged me to write it so here it is. i hope no one kills me for this, i also can't believe this is my first official fic of jjk... anyways, get ready to (c)rumble, thank you! <333
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“I thought I told you not to worry about me.” you said, phone tucked on your shoulder holding it to your ear as you took the grocery bag from the old lady giving a curt nod and smile. You moved the bags in one hand and pulled the phone out from your shoulder, pressing it against your ear.
“But then what else would I do?” Satoru whined, masking his concern with a playful question as you walked to the crossing, going to take the usual route home.
“Go bother someone else.” you teased.
Going for the dramatics you heard him gasp through the line, “You are so mean.” he replied and you don’t have to see him to know he is pouting. 
You chuckled, stopping in your tracks as you glanced over the scenic route through the park contemplating to take the long way home. Your attention is suddenly turned to the children with their parents, chasing each other around.
Your heart stuttered.
The mere sight elicited thoughts about your future; the plans you had come up with; the dreams you’d wish to share with Suguru that were torn away from you. The burdens of the jujutsu world were too much to handle alone, and you just know that if you were just a bit more attentive, you could have saved him.
“You need to be reminded that you’re not the only special grade sometimes.” you said, glancing at the way the soft cerulean of the sky weaved with a beautiful light orange. The sunset reminding you of days when Suguru would take you out after missions together.
“Do you think you’re stronger than me?” he chimed, and you rolled your eyes at his comment. Satoru was always like this but you knew that his voice was laced with worry and concern.
“I’m going to hang up.” you threatened as your feet move against their own will, deciding to take the long way home today. The cherry blossoms danced along with the wind, falling beneath you on the concrete as you continued down the path.
It is quiet for a moment and you think Satoru has hung up on you in response to your comment but when you hear him sigh, you can’t help but do the same.
It has been a rough few years for everyone, especially for Shoko, Satoru, and yourself. Not only had you lost your best friend the first time but you also had to lose him another time.
“Are you still there?” he interrupted your thoughts.
“Yeah.. I’m still here.” you replied as you let out an exhale, kicking some pebbles along your path.
“Are you still seeing him around?” he questioned, words picked out carefully.
You sighed, “you make me sound insane.” you responded as you stood at the traffic light waiting for the cars to pass by. Your eyes moved to the blossom leaves falling atop your head and on your clothes.
“I never said you were insane Y/N.” he grumbled and you can’t control the way your whole body relaxes at his words. You knew Satoru cared for you deeply and you had always appreciated it even if you didn't really show it. He had always kept an eye out for you, even before Suguru’s death, and while he was a handful, you knew he always had good intentions. “It wasn’t easy to be there." he added.
You thought back to that day where Satoru insisted you stay back as he went to find Suguru but one look at you and he caved. You wanted to go to find newfound peace but seeing him in this state did nothing for your closure, it only made your heartache worse.
Seeing him smile at you like he did the first day you met had sent butterflies all throughout your body.
Everything about him- every minuscule detail about him- had been exactly as you had remembered. He still had the same sweet and playful look in his eyes. He still had the same goddamn smile. He was still the same person you fell in love with all those years ago so it hurt. You cried, wept, and tried to be strong as you thought about the moments shared with him and how cruel it was that this was where you ended up.
You leaned down, and kissed his cheek as tears adorned your cheeks. Holding his hand and with three tight squeezes- a sign of sorry that you established as your relationship blossomed- he closed his eyes, prepared for the worst as a tear rolled down his face, and then he took his last breath.
“Satoru…” you uttered, completely speechless as you tried to clear your head, “I wanted to be there.”
There was a pregnant pause.
“Do you think it’s possible?” he questioned, uncertainty laced in his voice.
“That what Satoru? That by some miracle he’s alive?” you replied immediately regretting it.
It wasn’t just you that had to grieve the loss of Geto Suguru, and as much as you wanted to just go about your day without thinking about it, guilt would eat away at your bones for not constantly thinking about him.
“i’m sorry.” he sighed and you felt your heart clench at his apology. Why should he be apologising? It was unfair that grief was making you behave this way and you knew that sooner or later you'd need to talk to someone about it.
“I’m the one who should be sorry. I just don’t think my mind will let me forget it...” you sighed as you continued to walk slowly to your apartment.
The line is quiet and you don’t know what else to say. You don’t expect Satoru to even reply to you.
“You don’t have to forget. You can just live with it.”
Shoko had once told you that 'grief was love with no place to go' and while you hadn’t really understood it then, you did now. It was a way to understand the emotional ruins of grief as a continuation of the love you once had, even if the object of that love is no longer a part of your life. In a sense, Satoru was also telling you the same thing. He acknowledged that moving on didn't mean erasing the past and staying stagnant in the moment, but recognised that you can continue living a meaningful life whilst also carrying the grief with you.
You thought you were losing your mind and that seeing Suguru everywhere was a curse but maybe it was the world's way of letting you know that he was finally at peace. As you walked up the pathway to your apartment in a comfortable silence, you thought about his and Shoko’s words. 
Every single day you would return home to a place void of any remnant of Suguru. A place that is supposed to offer comfort now did the opposite but today felt different. Maybe it was a step towards another way of living and it wouldn’t be so hard to live with the grief.
“Where are you now?”
“Outside my door.” you spoke as you used a key to unlock the door.
“Okay. I’m glad you got home safe," he remarked, "I'll see you tomorrow?”
“See you then.”
“Stay safe.” he said and you know what he means.
“Love you too.”
You hung up the phone and took off your shoes before tossing everything onto the kitchen island and groaning as you stretched your back and neck. You turned to open the fridge, “Whoever you are, you have ten seconds to run before I kill you.”
You wouldn’t say you were the strongest, your abilities were nowhere to be compared to Satoru but everyone deserves a second chance, right? You let the entity decide its own fate. Don't say I didn't warn you...
“So... you’re the infamous Y/N.” 
That voice…
Your feet were frozen in place and you could feel your own heart sink into the pit of your stomach. There were words stuck in your throat as the nauseous feeling crept up and threatened to spill from your lips. This can’t be right… 
What felt like minutes passed by as you processed what, or rather who you just heard. The way your name rolled off their tongue was foreign. Was it really who you thought it was? Your mind must be going through it right now and although you know it’s not possible, you can’t help but hope it is who you think it is as you turned around.
“Suguru?” you uttered, eyes wide as the tears brimmed the edge of them as you stared at the man in front of you. 
“Bingo!” he chuckled.
You begged yourself to snap out of it. This was clearly a sick and twisted transformation technique but your heart betrayed you, standing there and not making a run for it.
“You’re probably thinking this is some illusion but thanks to your friend, I was able to obtain this body without much trouble.” he smiled and you felt goose bumps crawling up your arm at the strange sight. Despite how much this man looked and sounded like Suguru, you knew this was not the case at all.
Your jaw clenched, “What the fuck did you do to him?” 
“I could ask you the same thing,” he said, standing up from your sofa as he trudged towards you, “My cursed technique allows me to transplant my brain into anybody," he explained and you're heaving as you tried to keep your rage at surface level, "I have access to all of his memories, his skills, and whatnot."
You don't have it in yourself to attack just yet.
"He lived a long time without you in his life but somehow," he paused, "you take up almost every single memory.” he sounded frustrated and the tears threatening to escape your eyes do so- whether he was telling the truth or not, they still hurt you immensely. 
“So why are you here?” you growled as your body allowed itself to move again and maintaining eye contact with him as you focused all your energy to charge your technique.
“You are a hindrance to my plans.”
His weakness.
You released your cursed technique at him immediately and launched him across the room and as you moved to the table to grab your phone. One of Suguru’s cursed spirits wrapped around your hands and restrained you and using your abilities, you managed to get away from it. You shot him a look as he tilted his head with a smile, “I gave you ten seconds to run but I have something else settled for you now” you snapped as you continued to use your technique to your advantage as you continued to fight him.
You would say that against Suguru, it had always been a close call of who would win in a fight but this time it felt difficult. Who was this guy?
You continued to attack the man, fighting back with all your might. He wasn’t actually Suguru, so you didn’t feel the need to hold back. He caught you off guard with a calculated move and knocked you to the floor. You saved yourself from further injury as you used your arm to break the fall, but you managed to hit your head on the furniture with your head in the process.
You winced pushing yourself off your elbow as the man walked towards you with his hands in front of you as he tried to force you up by the throat, “Suguru...” you managed to say before he could grab you. 
Before you can even process it, there is a twitch of his hand that came up to his throat, choking himself as his fingers pressed down against the side of his throat, ultimately stopping himself from putting a hand on you.
Your eyes widened as your breath caught in your lungs. Was he still in there?
Kenjaku’s eyes widened, as his vessel- Suguru’s body- fought against him, and a laugh that used to be full of joy now sounded like nails on a chalkboard as it echoed through your apartment, “This is impressive!" he spoke, amused at the action.
By no means was Geto Suguru still alive, but protecting you had become muscle memory; it was an instinct that has embedded itself deep within his soul, one that Kenjaku would never truly be able to understand..
You are still on the floor, blood dripped down the side of your head as you moved up from your spot. Using your technique, you try and catch him off guard by putting all your strength into your next move, attacking him when he least expects it, “In all my years, I have never seen anything quite like this and it is all because of you.” he cackled. 
“It sounds like somebody is scared.” you taunted, smirking at the imposter to try to size him up.
“Well, let me tell you this,” he cleared his throat, “When a part of the original host reacts, you know what that means?”
“What?” you seethed, jaws clenched as you waited for him to finish his sentence.
“He’s still in here.” he whispered, and t had caught you off guard.
You wanted to attack but instead your heart sabotaged your next move allowing Kenjaku to have the upper hand. You struggled to react as you felt the pain of something on your left side and suddenly, you are on the floor gasping for air and you can feel him hover over you.
He pinned you down to the floor and slammed you against it to stop you from struggling but you were already incapacitated so what was the point?
In terms of physical strength, Suguru would always win by a landslide and this is when you wished you had taken your training more seriously. 
There was a visceral reaction that tears at Kenjaku as he has you in his hands which entertains him once again, “You have some nerve calling yourself a special grade sorcerer,” he sneered, “Are you holding back?”
You looked up at him and tried your absolute best to move but the pain is too much to handle. You clenched your jaw as your breathing became erratic, “You will find no peace, so long as you live.” you choked out.
He laughed and wrapped his hand around your neck tighter, his right hand reaching over to your hand- you don’t know what he expected from you now that you’re bleeding out. "You're hilarious," he rejoiced as his hand intertwined with yours, “So let me make this easier for you. Just think about him...” Kenjaku needed you to suffer so that he could shake Suguru’s will to its core, stripping anything left he had. You don’t know what you expected but then you felt a gentle squeeze.
You forced your eyes open to look up at the man who squeezed your hand. It seemed that he was unaware at the action. This guy said he had all of Suguru’s memories so was he just doing this on purpose? Is this Geto Suguru or is this the imposter that is using his body?
“It is honestly so sweet just how much he loved you after all those years apart.” he chuckled.
Kenjaku continued to put pressure around your neck with one hand, feeling the exact opposite of what Suguru was probably going through- an intolerable, gut-wrenching pain, without exaggeration. He can’t do anything but squeeze his hand in yours again.
You can’t fight back, you have no will. Even if by some miracle, how could you possibly hurt the man in front of you? The man you once loved...
“Is that why you’re not fighting back? Do you love him too much to hurt him?” 
Suguru’s soul pleaded. 
He wondered why he couldn’t be strong right now for you and resist but it was no use. You could see a tear falling from his face now as the final fragment of his soul tried its best to push through.
You’re choking. You can't swallow. You can't breathe. You can only see the man you loved in blurry vision from the lack of oxygen and through tears. He was sorry...
“I… I.. forgive.. y-” you choked out, voice restricted as Kenjaku forced himself to push through with his execution, tightening his grip.The finality of it all settled deep within his soul as Kenjaku watched the life leave your eyes as you took your last breath.
A tear rolled down your cheek and your existence on the Earth came to an end.
Suguru was not really gone but he might as well have been. He will exist for a long time knowing that he was the one that killed you and that he couldn’t do anything to stop it either.
It was on that night for the first time that Kenjaku felt the overwhelming amount of agony from his vessel. His soul ached, cried, and wailed that night, longing to be with you but he couldn’t- that was just how things were meant to be for you two.
You hoped he knew that you forgave him and that you would love him endlessly but as for now, you would wait...
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tags! @stsgluver
i made y/n a special grade user because they could easily take down suguru if they wanted but just didn't do it hahahahahah
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thehusbandoden · 9 months
I love imagining that Kirishima would be even more excited to be a dad than to be a Pro Hero. But I also think he'd try to keep those parts of his life separated, to keep his kid(s) safe. You just KNOW the first time his child(ren) get caught up in some danger he'd go feral on some Villains.
A/n: I loved this idea and went a little overboard lol. I kinda want to write a drabble but I'm not too sure, but for now here are some headcannons!
Kirishima as a Dad Headcannons
General info:
Genre: slice of life (?) \\ wc: 1,625 \\ female reader
Warnings!: kidnapping, violence, Kiri losing it, kids being taken away/kidnapped, ummmm pls let me know if I miss any! <33 Anon, if any of these are triggering for you please reach out to me and I'll fix it!
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Oh my goodness yes.
When you told him that you were pregnant he cried- happy tears of course. Manly happy tears.
He was so excited, and was instantly asking for paternal leave
Which was denied- but anyway
He loves to take care of you.
Foot massages, belly rubs, kisses wherever whenever, cuddles, weird cravings, manual labor, anything, you name it and it's yours.
Honestly you got a little spoiled lol
Though he's so excited for his gorgeous baby that will have the perfect mix of genes, he tires to drown out his thoughts of you and the angel you're growing in your womb.
He has work to do, and if he doesn't do his work you and baby will have a higher risk of harm befalling you.
He slowly masters the art of not thinking about his reason for existence, and solely focusing on work.
He already hides you pretty well from his fans, simply telling them that he was in a very happy, and very serious long term relationship.
The majority of his fans were super understanding about it all and were just glad he was happy, but the fake ones would still hit on him, try and guilt him into sharing more details, or even try stalking him to get a glimpse of Mrs. Perfect.
He didn't tell the public that you were expecting until he left on Paternity leave, and he didn't share anymore details outside of that.
The real and fake fans were clear to see by their reactions.
Once baby is born he's literally already so in love.
If you had a problematic delivery he'd be more worried about you, of course; but as soon as he knows you're okay he is immediately putting eighty percent of his attention on baby boy, and keeping the other twenty on you.
Crying manly tears as he watches you hold him, standing next to you as you feed him for the first time.
Once you two have had enough skin to skin time and you decide to rest, he takes your beautiful baby boy in awe before kissing your forehead lovingly.
"Thank you so much Pebble. He is just as perfect as you."
After making sure you're situated he sits on the chair closest to your bed, and simply watches sweet baby boy.
When he falls asleep he holds him to his bare chest, talking to him softly.
He doesn't dare rest until you're awake. He's read too many horror stories of the horrors of villains harming a pro hero's baby, or even having the baby purposely or accidentally swapped with another.
Once you do wake up, he's quick to reward you with a sweet kiss and your baby boy in your arms.
For the next while in the hospital you two take turns with baby boy, you mostly holding him while you're awake, and Kiri holding him while you rest.
Even though you tried to convince him to get some sleep, he wouldn't listen. He literally could not rest until the two of you were safely tucked into your home. There were too many dangers for you and baby, and he refused to make you wait on him.
Once he gets back to going to work he is absolutely miserable. He hates being away from his babies, and the worry kills him every time.
Luckily, nothing happened to you or baby, well at least for a few years.
Baby boy was seven, and you both had a daughter who just turned four.
Kiri was at work, and you were making dinner.
Your son had asked you if he could take his sister outside to play in the backyard; not seeing anything wrong with it, you agreed.
You even had a window above the sink looking over where they were playing, it was supposed to be safe.
A new organization of villains targeted your family due to Kiri stopping a robbery that would help them immensely.
Using their leader's quirk, they were able to find out a bunch of information about you and your precious babies.
All he needed was two men.
One to take you, and one to grab your kids.
Though you put up quite the fight, you stopped as they started to target your stomach.
There was something they didn't know; that you would make sure to keep hidden.
They ended up with you and your kids handcuffed in a dark room.
You were absolutely terrified of what was going to happen to your babies, but you put on a brave face, comforting your children with a smile.
They would cry and shuffle as close to you as possible, asking you where daddy was and asking if he wasn't coming for them.
"No no, darling. Your daddy is coming, he'll save us very soon!"
And that he did.
Like always, he came home to eat dinner with his gorgeous family.
Walking in, he let out a loud:
"Daddy's home! Kisses and hugs are in order~!"
He expected to hear giggles and the pattering of small footsteps sprinting towards him, a far more familiar set following close behind.
But, to his disappointment; the house was silent.
Walking toward he kitchen, he frowns at the mess by the island. Spilled food and cooking utensils scattered the floor.
"Y/n baby? What happened in the kitchen?!"
Walking outside, he panicked at the sight of a fallen off shoe and jacket.
Those were both signs of struggling..
Sprinting inside, Kiri yelled for you to come out as he scoured the mansion for another sight of his gorgeous family.
The lights were on- if you left you would have turn them off.
Calling your phone, his heart dropped at the sight of it's cracked screen lying on the floor of the kitchen, his contact name "Hubby 🥰😏" lighting up the screen.
Taking a second to collect his thoughts, rage filled his being as he studied the picture of him being hugged and kissed by his babies, huge smiles planted on their faces.
Hanging up the call, he quickly went to Bakugo's contact, calling the tsundere uncle.
"Ha? What do you need n-"
"They're gone."
"Somebody decided to try and take my world from me. They're gone- and we need to find them."
The seriousness in Kiri's tone made the man shiver. Somebody was dead- so dead.
"I'll call the idiots. You get Rikona on the line."
Rikona was a fellow hero in the Bakusquad agency. Her quirk was related to her immense intelligence, and she was the one to call if you needed to get any kind of information quickly. She could easily find Kiri's family in mere minutes.
After calling her, Kiri followed her instructions, which eventually got him to a run down ware house.
After thanking the hero and sending his location in the Bakusquad groupchat, Kiri put his phone on silent and made his way inside.
He silently took down every villain he came across.
After a short while he found his way to a large room, where several men were.
Studying the scene closely, Kiri could only see red as he spotted you tied to a chair, cheek visibly reddened.
Your kids were on chairs near you, tears streaming down their cheeks as they watched the men hovering around them.
Moving to contact the Bakusquad, Kiri snapped at the sound of a slap.
Jerking his head towards the sound, uncontrollable anger pulsed through Eijiro as he lunged towards the villains, knocking down every single one that dared try and stop him.
Getting to the scum that dared touch you, Kiri hardened his arm before elbowing the villain in the face.
Now that the path was cleared, Kiri wasted no time untying you and your angels, hugging the three of you comfortingly.
"Shhh it's okay. I've got you now, I've got you."
He stayed right next to you, glaring at any villain who dared take a step closer.
He was cornered. And there was no way he was going to leave your side- it would be too easy for someone to take you away again.
As a villain approached, Kiri hardened his arm a little more, sending out a warning.
Anyone stupid enough to get close enough to reach any of you received a harder-than-rock elbow to the face.
Just as five villains approached, Bakugo and the Bakusquad burst in, immediately setting to work to help.
Bakugo and Mina immediately started attacking the villains, while Denki and Jiro started tying up the knocked down villains.
Using his tape, Sero brought you and your kids to him and out of harm's way, much to Kiri's relief.
Now free to go all out, Kiri absolutely annihilated any for he could reach, not holding anything back, he pounded the villains into the ground, only stopping to attack the next one.
After all of the villains were defeated Kiri moved to the leader- the one that hurt his Pebble.
Bashing his elbow into the dude's face, Bakugo literally had to pry him off of the passed out villain to stop him from beating him to death.
After snapping out of it Kiri instantly hurried to the separate room Sero took you and his angels to.
Throwing open the door, he hugged the living daylight out of all three of you, apologizing and cooing words of comfort and reassurance.
After taking you three home Kiri spoiled the kids, playing any game they wanted.
And after reading them to sleep, he turned to you. Engulfing you in an embrace as you finally let yourself cry.
Kiri took the next three weeks off, finding ways to keep you all safer.
The first thing, would have to be a guard dog. A giant, beautiful German Shepherd.. yeah that sounded nice.
A/n 2: I hope this was okay! If not feel free to reach out to me! <3
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Reblogs and feedback are immensely appreciated! <33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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tuxebo · 3 months
What do you think of John marston?
he's hot, that's about it (pretending i didn't just write this whole thing abt him.) while i've read that he gets better over time, i'm yet to see it so i have mixed feelings on him. he's not a good father, not a good friend, not a good husband. let's be real here, he wouldn't make a good partner unless he fell in love before joining the gang.
john marston who wasn't completely alone before dutch saved his tail from getting hung. there was this poor baker and his wife, they had a kid, you. you weren't wealthy folk, no, but you always brought john dinner or shared yours. it wasn't large portions, but enough to keep him from dying of hunger.
you first met him when you caught him trying to steal from the bakery, rather than telling your parents you just handed him to bread. you had a mini picnic on the bakery's front porch, you talking his ears off was more than enough payment for the food.
you brought him food a couple more times, talking about yourself while he ate in silence, eventually he opened up and started engaging in the conversations you started. he never told you much about himself, other than the orphanage you could find him at. he showed you which window was his and that you only need to toss a pebble at it to get his attention.
as time passed, john became more and more of a no b.s. little boys. the kind of little boy that got himself killed or in a gang, as your daddy said. he didn't put up with anyone messing with you, in that respect he got more aggressive with your bullies, but never with you. you taught him things you learned from your mother as she was your teacher, some of it didn't stick but you tried.
inevitably, john disappeared. he was either dead in a ditch or in a gang, your dad didn't mention a third possibility but you liked to believe he'd been adopted by a nice family and that you'd see him again. you were only about 11 years old and he was 12, it wasn't shocking for you to have such enthusiasm.
life continued as usual for about three decades. you never married, business was going well after your parents died and suddenly you had one too many responsibilities on your plate for any of that. the world was becoming more and more industrialized by the day, you wouldn't even recognize it to what it once was when you were a kid. the only place that felt like home was your bakery, which is part of the reason it was doing so well, the nostalgia.
having had been in the business for so long, you were no stranger to thieves ─ you even caught one before you were double digits. one a particularly slow morning, the grey clouds settling in as you prepared for rain, a quiet hum caught your attention.
stepping out from the back, you caught a young man staring down your trays of different breads. he wasn't quiet at all, practically begging to be caught. you smiled, planning on just giving some to him anyway, but the look he gave you rendered you speechless from deja vu. same type of bread, same guilty smile, same brown eyes, same thinking hum.
"aw c'mon, son ─ jus' had to be this one of all the damn shops on the block," a man swore, the same way your dad did when he read about some young-ins doing stupid stuff in the paper. the voice was familiar, deeper as it had been many years now, but before you was john marston and another younger john marston.
since leaving the gang and his son's mother, john marston was a changed man. finally able to pay you back for all the bread and the bread his boy tried to steal. this time he gave you a proper picnic, in the large yard on his property. he set up under on of his sycamore trees, just like you had described three decades ago.
john marston may not have been adopted by some nice family nor was he always a nice man, but he was ready to become one for his son and you.
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icycoldninja · 2 months
Hello! Can you do a dmc boys + V with a rich S/o? Perhaps the boys didn’t know that their s/o was rich when they first started dating but as time went on and the relationship becomes serious the s/o starts to spoil their boyfriends with all kinds of stuff related to the things they like because after the stuff they went through they definitely deserve it.
Aww yes, here you go and enjoy!
Sparda boys + V x Rich!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-He was completely oblivious to your wealth (as you did a great job of hiding it) and didn't really give it much thought until one day, when his power went out.
-He groaned, suddenly remembering he had no money to pay the bills, but then, astoundingly, the lights flickered back on.
-Was it a miracle? No, even better, it was you. You had paid his bills and gotten him out of debt with Lady--how?! Then you revealed you were rich, and Dante's mind was blown.
-Even after this stunning revalation, Dante still didn't care. He was very thankful for all your help, but he honestly had no sentiments towards being rich. He still treated you the same.
-The only thing he'll ask you for is for you to buy him some pizza, maybe once every week or so. He's not greedy.
-If you decide to shower him with presents anyway, he'll gladly accept and immediately find a way to make it up to you, be it taking you somewhere nice or...something else. No do not read into that
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil never noticed, and never cared. He is far too MOTIVATED to trifle with mundane things such as wealth.
-But then you presented him with a rare copy of a book that was worth hundreds of dollars, and he had to question, how did you obtain the funds for such a thing?
-Thus, you revealed you were absolutely loaded with cash, and Vergil was, understably shocked.
-After thanking you, he went right back to not caring about wealth because now he has this interesting book to read.
-Still, he appreciates it when you gift him little gifts, regardless of what they may be. You could give him a pebble you found on the side of the road, and he'd still treasure it forever.
-To reward you for your generosity, Vergil will do his best to take good care of you, physically and otherwise.
□ Nero □
-Nero didn't think much of it either, cause he's not shallow, but one day, Nico's van broke down in the middle of the road and was assaulted by demons who ripped up the exterior. Repairs were going to be extremely expensive, but then you stepped in and promised to take care of it all.
-Nero had to wonder, where'd you get the funds for that? You sheepishly revealed your wealth and he just shrugged.
-After thanking you and all that, things proceeded as usual, with you and Nero splitting the bills for everything as you always do.
-Nero never asks for anything, regardless of how expensive it is, but you don't care. You shower him with gifts, love and affection because this sweet boy deserves it.
-You two end up leaving little treats 'n things for each other at a designated "drop off" spot somewhere in your house.
-Your gifts always seem to be well thought out and expertly made, proving that you don't just buy meaningless trinkets to appease him, you get him things that truly have value.
● V ●
-V noticed you always seemed to be impeccably dressed, but didn't dwell on the subject since it wasn't all that important. His current objective was to get to know you further.
-Then, as things progressed between you, he found himself constantly receiving little presents on his doorstep, usually wrapped in shimmering velvet bows. There was no name tag and no writing on it, so he had no idea who was doing this or why.
-One day, Griffon caught you placing a little gift box and, Griffon being Griffon, decided to rat you out.
-V then approached you the next day and expressed his appreciation, which led to a massive confession on both your parts. You explained you just wanted to give him the luxury he deserves, and he was very touched, but insisted you didn't need to do that.
-But of course, you don't listen, and continued to spoil him however possible, even if you have to break in at 3:00 A.M. and leave it on his kitchen table.
-Eventually you had him move in with you, where you can treat him like the lovely princess he is.
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lucettapanchetta · 3 months
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[LIVE BROADCAST] - PRIVATE Seven Red Suns, No Significant Harassment
[ If you didn't know, I have a messenger in the works ever since the initial broadcasting attempt. ]
[ Oh really now? ]
[ Yes. I made this one long after the unfortunate demise of my previous messengers. ]
[ Well, that seems to be rather proactive, especially coming from you. ]
[ Well, it's always nice to have a template, wouldn't you say? ]
[ Yes, I agree with that sentiment quite a bit. ]
[ ... ]
[ I do have to ask though, what will you change with this messenger in particular? ]
[ Well, considering that this is our "final" attempt to get in contact with Moon, I did a fair share of modifications to its anatomy. ]
[ Such as? ]
[ For one, its esophageal wideness and gastric pouch capacity have doubled. ]
[ Isn't that interesting. Why specifically those parts though? ]
[ For storing pearls of course. My messenger must be able to protect our information in order to aid Moon and Five Pebbles. ]
[ Oh? I wonder what you wrote on them. ]
[ Nothing. I haven't started them yet, but I can give a gist of what will be written. ]
[ Go ahead. I'm listening. ]
[ The first one is for context. The messenger will give this to Five Pebbles as an instructional guide of sorts. ]
[ Made this one to ensure he doesn't do anything drastic. I personally don't like his way of thinking. ]
[ Well, I wouldn't mind lending a hand in writing that one. Honestly, it would probably make Five Pebbles a lot more reassured if it was written by me. ]
[ Fair enough, I don't think he'd appreciate my style of humor anyways. ]
[ With that being said, the second pearl is a fail-safe if all goes wrong. ]
[ Doesn't seem quite helpful if you ask me. ]
[ Well, this pearl is also a broadcast amplifier in the event it is overwritten or erased. ]
[ A broadcast amplifier? ]
[ Yes, it would probably be a good idea to let him speak one last time if anything bad were to happen. ]
[ Eh, that's not at all depressing to think about. Could we move on to something else? ]
[ My apologies. ]
[ Anyways, once the fail-safe pearl is added to the communication pylon, it will brute force Five Pebble's voice to the other broadcast groups without seniority privileges. ]
[ Oh, so you are jailbreaking pearls now? How uncouth! You know our creators would find that quite apprehensible~ ]
[ Haha well, if our creators didn't want us to do that, then they should've made us all lobotomites instead. ]
[ Nice one. ]
[ When do you think it'll be finished? ]
[ Give or take, 25 cycles at most? Not sure honestly. ]
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neteyammeowmeow · 5 months
I don't think I've ever brought up Morro and Lloyd's bond which is actually really funny because if this was 2020, I'd write a whole paragraph about them. I still will anyways. (In the situation that if Morro were to ever return back to the living)
At first, they both avoided each other as if they were going to contract the plague. It became more of a competition eventually: Who will leave the room the fastest when the other walks in? Who's going to make up the best excuse? Lloyd doesn't want to talk to the guy that possessed him, threw him into the water, put him through the worst month ever. Morro doesn't want to talk to the guy that took his ambition, that he believed doesn't even deserve that title, that he died for nothing, and he doesn't even understand. Why should he?
It was easy during the first few months, not acknowledging the other at all. But then avoidance became difficult, how could he ignore the guy he hates so much, if he knows they're both not going anywhere from the house (monastery)? Tell him to leave? Where else should he stay? And then guilt starts to gnaw, maybe there are unspoken things that they should speak of, maybe they were brought together for, not a chance of redemption- but understanding.
That's how Lloyd finds himself fidgeting with a cracked chunk of the Monastery's stairs- until it cracks, and it became a pebble, and he's sitting beside the guy he did not imagine ever able to. It's really awkward, they want to leave, never speak again, but they just can't. Neither of them knows why.
"It sucks." Lloyd says, he was so quiet.
"`What?" Morro responds, his voice sounds like a snake about to bite, always does.
"Being the Green Ninja. It's not- it's not as great as you imagined."
"Obviously," Lloyd almost winced at how Morro spat those words. "It's you, because it's you. You didn't train for it, your uncle just unrolled a scroll and shoved your face on it."
"..." He looked at Morro, his fists were clenched, his face seemed calm but they both knew he was trying to hold back a punch. Lloyd almost wondered if Morro could've thrown him off the stairs, if he could. But- "You're right."
"What?" Neither of them expected that. But Lloyd found himself a revelation. Morro stared, waiting for him to answer, Lloyd thinks, That's the first time he's ever looked at me.
"You're right, I don't deserve it," Lloyd shrugged carelessly. "I don't deserve it as much as you, Morro. You were promised a destiny and you tried to live up to that expectation, you were ready to face the world but-" It was pointless in the end. The sentence hung in the air unspoken.
Morro looked at him but said nothing, and for the first time, there was no spite in his eyes. Nothing, just a blank stare.
"I think... I think if you were the Green Ninja, things could have been better." Lloyd said, he looked beyond, his gaze wandered elsewhere, he seemed distant. "At least you wanted it, right? I didn't have a choice, I don't think I did. My uncle just unrolled a scroll and shoved my face on it. I just wanted to be a boy, I wanted to cause trouble, I wanted to steal candy. But he told me that when I grow up, I had to beat up a bad guy- my dad- I thought I had to kill him and I- I was a kid."
Morro spoke nothing still.
"I thought I had time to spare, I thought maybe I could still be a kid, I could live with training and annoying. But I grew up, I didn't ask for that either, I never got to be who I wanted, and I still don't know what I want. I wasn't ready, but you were. Even if you don't agree, Morro, but you know what you were going to be."
They were once young birds, pushed off the nest by the parent. One, prepared to soar its wings, far too excited to realize the ground was before its eyes, the other so terrified it was able to soar as it needed to.
"I hate you." Morro's words were a whisper, but they held no disdain at all.
"I know."
"I really, fucking hate you."
"I know."
Yet, there was a gentle breeze that drifted past them anyways. It was so gentle, it felt like the softest hug. They sat in silence, adrift, there was nothing left to say.
Morro was the first to stand from either of them, he left without a glance to spare, he left without a smile, or a word. The breeze trailed after him, whether he knew or not, he did not care.
But nonetheless, Lloyd remained unphased, neither of them looked back. He did not feel upset, nor did he feel happiness, he felt relief. He smiled.
He wondered, if in another place, another time, maybe the bird who yearned to fly took its wings, maybe it caught its unprepared companion, maybe they soared together, soared like freedom.
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miasmaghoul · 1 year
Hello if your doing writing I was wondering dewdrop and mountain in the greenhouse don't answer if you don't want to
It's one of Dew's favorite places, and not just because it's where the weed lives.
It was a place he felt called to as a water ghoul, especially in the winter. Too cold to risk the lake, but the greenhouse carried similar comfort. Humid and filled with life, Dew would sneak in whenever the opportunity presented itself. Pebble was their head earth ghoul when Dew was summoned, and he didn't like anyone messing with his plants. Dew had to be quiet and subtle, had to slip in undetected and hide behind a pallet of exotic ferns and soak in the atmosphere.
That changed when Mountain took over. He was more than happy to entertain others, often making all of them lunch and inviting the whole pack to the greenhouse to eat. Dew took to Mountain quickly, joining him most mornings to water the plants both in and out of the greenhouse. If those outings tended to end in stoned makeouts and heavy petting, it was surely just a coincidence.
After his transition, Dew thought the joy he gleaned from the greenhouse would vanish. His yearning for the lake certianly had, so it only made sense that he'd stop wanting to visit that big glass box too. Surprisingly, though, it hadn't. Hadn't even dimmed. As soon as he was recovered enough to be out on the grounds again, it was the first place he went. It was a chilly October morning, and the burst of warm, damp air that greeted him there had been distinctly comforting. The scent of fresh earth and exotic flora flooded his nose, made him dizzy, but in a pleasant way. Something wasn't quite right though. Something was missing.
Then Mountain had rounded the corner, clad in his silly old apron - pale blue and covered in cartoon daisies - toting a stack of terracotta pots. He'd smiled, broad and bright, and Dew's stomach had done a funny little flip.
Okay, maybe it wasn't just the greenhouse he enjoyed.
Since then, some things have changed. Rain came to be, for one. A new water ghoul for a new era of leadership. He was drawn to the same places Dew used to be, and moreso to Mountain. Their connection was as palpable as Dew's with Aether; while they were all a pack, Dew couldn't help the rusty growl that had bubbled up in his throat when he'd found them in the greenhouse for the first time. Couldn't help the way he stormed off with a faint stinging feeling at the backs of his eyes.
Mountain was having none of it. He'd found Dew soon after, smoking in the chapel. Had sat next to him, far enough not to touch, and told Dew in no uncertain terms that Rain's presence changed nothing. That Dew would always be welcome, and an important part of his routine. Dew had mumbled something about Rain being more useful, and Mountain had rested a gentle hand on his arm. Had assured him that anyone can hold a watering can.
Dew hadn't known how to express that it wasn't the greenhouse work he was worried about. It was Mountain. Dew had already experienced so much change, so much loss, he couldn't stand the thought of losing what he had with Mountain too. He couldn't get the words out, but Mountain seemed to know anyway. He'd taken Dew's chin in his hand, looked into his shining copper eyes, and had kissed him with such tenderness that Dew hadn't known what to do with himself. An unspoken promise that Mountain would always have time and space for him.
Dew thinks of that kiss often, especially during moments like this.
On his back, naked and watching the stars through the glass ceiling. High as a kite and utterly blissed out, his body spent and his mind fuzzy. At his side, Mountain snores softly. He's curled against Dew's side, head on his chest and his tail flicking every now and again. He always falls asleep quickly after these romps, and Dew doesn't mind it a bit. Dew drags idle claws over the other ghoul's shoulder, purring deep in his chest. His other hand rests between his legs, feeling where Mountain left him sticky and open, and his purr ratchets up a notch.
The sound rouses Mountain, who chuffs and presses sloppy kisses to Dew's chest. He brings a large hand from where it was resting on Dew's thigh and presses it over Dew's hand, wringing a dull groan from the both of them.
"Need it again already, firecracker?"
Dew hisses when Mountain brushes over his abused hole, but he can't deny the frission of excitement that slithers down his spine.
"Soon," he breathes, nuzzling Mountain's hair and inhaling the herbal, sweaty scent of him. Mountain presses the very tip of a finger inside and Dew's eyes slip shut as he clenches around it. "Can we?"
Mountain pulls back to look at him, eyes red rimmed and glassy, and they smile at one another. Mountain catches him in a deep, languid kiss as he works that finger deeper inside, and Dew sucks at his tongue in return. Mountain breaks the kiss and rests their foreheads together, rubbing noses in a show of sweet, stoned affection.
"Of course," he rumbles, "whatever you want."
"One more," Dew slurs, rolling his hips. "Just one more."
They both know one more is never enough.
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pedrostylez · 1 year
Mi Luz | Javier Pena x fem!reader
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pairing: Javier Peña x fem!reader
summary: reader and Javier are coworkers that typically hate each other, but find each other helpful in relieving that stress
rating: 18+ (no minors please)
word count: 1.7k
warnings etc: smut, dirty talk, light choking, unprotected p in v sex, pet names, established relationship. NO USE OF Y/N.
A/N: Hi! Please be kind...first attempt at writing something. I got a thing for Narcos Pedro ok? Anyways. There's potential for this to be a one-off or have a prologue/continuation. Just wanted to get my toes wet :)
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"That's not good enough baby." His breath fanned across your chin and neck, hands wandering your sides to your hips, pressing down so you wouldn't move. He kept you in place, teasing your clit with his leaking head.
You couldn't help but still try to squirm, even though he was holding you down. "I just want to feel you."
His chuckle was quiet, deep in his chest as he tilted his head to get a better look at you. "You can feel me if you just ask, darlin'."
It was either beg or get nothing-You knew that.
He loved that.
You were so demanding and bratty at work-always knew what you wanted and how to get shit done, but meaner than just your powerful woman. He had no problem with women that knew what they wanted, but the attitude and tone you took with him specifically always made him grind his teeth. Having you under him and begging for release-begging to not be in charge-well he craved that almost as much as he craved being inside you.
"All you have to do is ask nicely and I'll take care of you. Just how you like. Don't you want that?" His hand that had been bruising your hip reached up to your nipple, squeezing lightly and then rolling it between his index and thumb. God, maybe just a quick taste so he could hear your whimper a little more.
His tongue was hot on your skin as he wrapped his lips around the pebbled bud, you threw your head back and a deep sigh left your lips. The way his teeth just barely came down on you to give you a bite made your eyes roll in the back of your head. "Peña, I need you. Please, just- fuck it feels like I can't breathe."
You sounded so good like this to his ears. He couldn't help the smirk that appeared on his face, the dimple forming on his left cheek as he released your nipple and pushed his hips forward, taking his hand that had been helping you to his mouth and moving it to your throat. "That's right cielo, that wasn't so hard was it?"
His cockiness was lost on you as he slid in, your hands reaching up to drag down his shoulders and arms, holding on at his wrist as he lightly held your neck in place. He never squeezed too hard, taking you seriously when you said you felt like you couldn't breathe. He didn't want to leave marks and have you embarrassed the next day at work when you would inevitably pretend you didn't like him, know him, or fuck him.
You needed this. Him, thrusting relentlessly at a steady rhythm, not rushed or slow, his breathy grunts and sometimes the light whimpers as he lost himself in you-it was everything.
You wouldn't mind being his if he wasn't someone that was known to get around the office. He never seemed to want to settle, and it wasn't your job to push that. But him getting on top of you and releasing the stress of the day? You could allow that much, at least.
"You're so beautiful like this, taking me like the good girl I know you can be, huh? You need me don't you, m-mi sol?" He couldn't help himself with the pet names. He tried correcting himself before he could blurt it out, but it came out as a stutter instead. He was so infatuated with you that he wanted you to desperately want him back, and it made him insecure. Even as he was making you feel on top of the world.
"Yes." You were lost in what you were feeling. "Fuck, you feel so good Peña-"
"Javi, baby. Please don't-fuck-just say my name." He was struggling to let you keep calling you by what everyone at work called him. You could get his attention with his last name while on the job, keeping it professional, but behind closed doors? With you under him? Begging him for more? He wanted to be able to hear you later when he was in the shower thinking about this moment.
"Ja-Javi." His hand released your throat as he leaned down to kiss behind your ear. "You feel amazing, Javi."
He groaned, biting on your ear and lifting your leg higher around his waist, changing the angle slighting. "Fuck, that's it cariño. I can feel you squeezing around me."
You reached up to his back, lightly scratching down Javier's shoulder blades, making him inhale harshly. "I think you're close too, Javi."
You sounded too confident, the smirk he saw on your face as he propped himself up insured that. He stopped thrusting and leaned away to reach a hand between you. "If you plan on finishing you better be going first because otherwise-" His thumb reached your clit, circling slowly as he started thrusting again, his other hand holding your leg up by your knee, spreading you out so he could see himself entering you. "you're going to just be my plaything today instead of the other way around. Is that what you want?"
He wanted nothing more than to bite your lip when you sucked in a breath at his touch and pouted. "No, please I want to cum."
Fuck-he could have come on the spot. He closed his eyes to try and regain control, stuttering in his thrusting but pushing harder on your clit. "You have no idea what you do to me."
He said it so quietly you weren't sure you were supposed to hear him, but it made your heart swell either way. "Please keep going Javi, I'm so close."
"I know baby, I want you to come around me. Let me feel you, yeah? You're so beautiful when you let go." He just couldn't help himself. He didn't even stutter that time, chastizing himself in his head but batting the thought away. You were beautiful when you lost control, body shaking and reaching for him like he was the only lifeline you had. "Let me see you mi luz."
His thrusts were getting sloppy, but he held his composure until he felt you release. It was cloud nine every time Javi was the one with you.
You had tried on multiple occasions to have someone else be your stress relief. Peña's reputation was gossip around the office, which meant you would soon be included in that. But anyone else didn't satisfy-and when you had your one night stand with Peña and no one was the wiser, you thought it couldn't hurt to continue.
Especially when he made you feel like this.
You felt yourself coming down as he began, his mouth opening slightly to release grunts, but then he caught himself and closed his eyes, biting his lip. He didn't want to let on that he was completely infatuated and obliterated by you. Being noisy would have been too much, right?
He still couldn't help it and let out a whimper, making you pulse around him and surprise him. His eyes popped open as he began to release, shocked at your reaction to his noises. "Fuck-ah-you like that? W-When I can't help but-ah-but make noise? When I c-can't help myself?"
Your face and chest blushed red, grabbing onto his forearms as he continued to thrust through his finish, lengthening your orgasm to a slower come down. He had let out a few more groans, trying to compose himself by asking you heated questions. "Yes, I like hearing you."
You were going to be the death of him. His eyes closed, halting inside you and he leaned his weight onto his elbows and was now nose to nose with you. He brushed his lips lightly against yours, not really thinking about the implications. He wanted to let you know how he felt the same-how he can't help himself around you, wants to hear you, but didn't know how to put it into words without being awkward now that you were both coming down.
He hadn't been able to be with anyone else since your first night with him. Sweaty, rushed in his Jeep after the whole office went out for drinks, but it was the best that he had ever had up until that point. Every time after that topped it, was with you.
He pulled out of you slowly, resting his hip off to your side, both of you laying naked in his bed. No one else had come to his bed-he went to theirs so that he could leave and not let people into his space. You didn't know that. You hadn't asked. "Do you want to shower?"
You giggled, looking down at your body and seeing both yours and his sweat mixed on your skin. "Yeah-Columbia's heat is difficult to get used to."
He smiled, tracing your collarbone for a moment before rolling over and out of the bed. "I'll order some takeout cariño, if you want to get the water started."
"What does that mean, again?" You questioned, sitting up and stretching your neck. You had been in Columbia with the embassy for a while, working their archives and helping officers find information they needed, but never really picked up on the language as much as you thought you would. It was disappointing in a way, but you reminded yourself you hadn't been here long and didn't converse outside of your bubble for safety purposes.
Javier paused, phone already on his ear waiting for the restaurant to pick up. "Uh, nothing. Just a nickname. I'm sorry I keep slipping into Spanish." He sounded so nervous, and you swore you saw a blush creeping up his neck.
"I thought I would have caught on by now, but I'm a little slower to understanding it. Eventually..." You trailed off, standing and heading into his bathroom and turning on the water. You looked in the mirror and saw how content you looked-hair a mess, eyes and lips puffy, but satisfied. You had a feeling that your bubble with Peña would burst soon, but for now, you were content pretending it wouldn't.
Javier finished ordering food over the phone, hearing the water running and walking slowly toward it. It was a blessing that you didn't know he had called you heaven or his sunshine. Fuck, he had even referred to you as his light...he felt anxiety in his stomach at the thought of you finding out, connecting the dots that this wasn't just a "fucking because we are stressed and nothing else" type of relationship. He didn't know how to ask you about your feelings and didn't want to right now. Why ruin the bursts of satisfaction he rarely had to begin with?
With a sigh he entered the bathroom, seeing you bent over the tub and feeling the water temperature. You looked over your shoulder as you changed the setting for the water to come out of the showerhead. "You better put that ass away unless you want to go for round two." He was breathless already, desperately hard and not understanding how he could be.
You smirked and stood straight. "Let's clean up a little first, Peña."
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shkika · 11 months
i've been curious about how iterators in your interpretation ascend exactly, since they seem to be unable to get off the string!
is the process more metaphorical/spiritual in nature? or is it entirely physical?
also!! i really really love your art and interpretations tee hee pleading face emoji
This is a pretty good prompt to talk about how I think ascension works! I'm gonna try to be thorough even if some information may seem basic! To me ascension feels like it's meant to be spiritual.
1. Ancients and ascension throughout time.
2 . Iterators and ascension
3. What Saint is and how he works.
I think some people may not realize the concept of leaving the world behind was a thing before the void fluid revolution, before our ancients discovered the ruins of the race that came before them that led to the void sea. Those were the times of those gravel eating monks.
I think ascension is supposed to be a process experienced by old creatures. It works by abandoning all your earthly desires after having been through the cycles again and again. So as you detach yourself from the world eventually.. leaving it behind and ending the samsara.
It became something worth working towards. If you didn't guide your soul to spiritual relief... you'd get stuck in the cycles. Which was painful and scary.
When the void revolution came and a much easier and faster solution was found, of course they took it. It was an answer to getting stuck, finally they would have a guaranteed method of escaping the cycles.
Turns out you can't cheat yourself out of the cycle.. if you are attached to the world too strongly, you become an echo. Which made rumors spread.
So we need another solution. Another effortless way to escape. And so iterators were made! They were designed with a few things in mind . They would be a constant in any cycle, they can't escape.. they can't ascend.. they can't die. Their taboos would make sure they don't try anything themselves and they tough bodies keep them from completely losing function.
This way they could work basically forever on the great problem.
Alright here we go!! The question! How do iterators ascend then. They shouldn't be able to, they weren't meant to do that on their own, but one allegedly managed.
Well a GOOD hint imo is Moon's dialogue in the Saint campaign.
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By this we can guess there is a solution. But it is one right answer among infinite faulty ones. And it's completely indistinguishable or was there a way to safely test it.
Once you discover it and you execute it. You're a goner.
Kind of.. how it happened with Sliver of Straw..
Kind of how Saint's ascension works too.
Sliver basically was the only iterator EVER who accidentally stumbled on it and executed the task. And ascended herself before she could do anything more than send the triple affirmative signal.
And that was it. It probably happened completely out of nowhere in a flash. And she was gone.
This is also a reason why I think she is saint. The way Saint ascends creatures is... by just giving them the solution she discovered. The moment they know it, they end up in the void.
Saint is the only one who can do this. The only one that came back.
OH also quick note.. I love how Pebbles and Moon do not understand what Saint is, unless they discuss him together. Very underrated part of the game's writing. Anyway.
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Saint's purpose is to continue their endless cycle to save others. Pebbles says that by definition no one who knows the answer can venture outside.. except Saint. It's why Moon tells him to wake up.
He's the only one that can.
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semperama · 1 year
if you wanna write sorta angst— maybe forced outing maxiel or ex husbands with benefits maxiel
Ex husbands with benefits is SO my thing. I LOVE a good exes fic! I might write a longer one someday, but here's a little taste.
In the few minutes afterward, when they're laying side by side, Daniel's leg draped over his, Daniel's come dripping out of him--it's hard to remember why this ended.
Max doesn't mind LA. It's not his favorite place in the world, but he could live here, for Daniel. He would have preferred Australia. Before the end, he dropped hints all the time that he'd be happy in Perth, on the farm, if that's what Daniel wanted, but Daniel always brushed him off for reasons Max still doesn't understand.
And he doesn't mind Daniel's life now, his friends. He's never been a fan of celebrity culture, but he won't say no to the exclusive parties and exclusive clubs. He doesn't even mind weighing in on Daniel's near-constant new merch designs, though he doesn't care about fashion even a fraction as much as Daniel does. He doesn't care about it at all, in fact, but he can suck it up. He knows how to do that much.
"How long are you in town?" Daniel asks, still a little out of breath. They didn't do the small talk beforehand. Daniel pounced as soon as he opened the door, tossing Max's bag against the wall in the foyer with a thud before dragging him to the bedroom.
"Couple weeks, maybe," Max says. "The next race is in a month, but I wanted to spend some time with my mom too."
He can feel Daniel tense up, and--yeah, Max remembers now. All their fights. I thought you were retiring at the end of this year, Daniel would say. What would I do then? Max would answer. Max is 35 now, older than Daniel was when he stopped racing, older than a lot of people, but...he still doesn't know the answer to that question. Doesn't know what he would do if he stopped.
Kids? Daniel had suggested once, but Max recoiled from the idea like it had burned him. He loves kids. He's even good with kids. But there's a difference between playing with his sister's kids and raising ones of his own.
"You're staying here?" Daniel asks, and his voice is flat, like he doesn't care one way or another. Or maybe like he'd prefer if Max didn't.
"I can get a hotel if you want."
"No, no." Daniel sighs, rolls toward Max and drifts his fingers idly over one of Max's nipples, making it pebble up and making Max shiver. "That doesn't make sense. You know you're always welcome here."
Max shuts his eyes, swallows hard. "Always?" he asks. He doesn't want to see the expression on Daniel's face. Daniel might lie to him.
Daniel doesn't answer at all, though. Instead, he rolls on top of Max and wraps his fingers around Max's wrists, pins them above his head. Max opens his eyes and looks up at Daniel, and he has to bite down on the urge to tell him he loves him. Because he does. Always has. Since the moment he met him.
It'll hurt Daniel to hear it, though, so he holds the words back. He never wants to hurt Daniel, but he always seems to be doing it anyway.
"I want you here," Daniel says, and then leans down to take Max's bottom lip between his teeth, like he doesn't want Max to say anything back. It helps, to have Daniel's mouth on his. He bucks up against him, kisses him back, and hopes Daniel can't feel what he's feeling, hopes they can both be happy with just this.
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zenala-art · 6 days
Hey Rain World Tumblr. Will you allow me to ramble a little about worldbuilding and echo dialogues?
My favorite thing about Downpour is how you can, very visibly, see the world changing as you go. It's not a vision that Vanilla has, and that's alright, it didn't have to - but there's something so beautiful about worldbuilding such as this, in a way that only an outlet such a videogame can accomplish. Passing by the same place but in a different time - familiar for sure, yet not the same. Everyone remembers the first time they went through Chimney as Saint to the Wall and saw that nothingness where the path you probably used for most of your playthroughs was. Or maybe if you didn't, you noticed how Shaded Citadel slowly faded into a fallen iterator, as the realization dawned upon you about who was above Shaded Citadel, if you had already known that part of the lore. Or heck, seeing pre-collapse Moon for the first time, and noticing the similarities (and dissimilarities) with Pebbles' superstructure! Using that area in upper right Pebbles (The Precipice) that you never really knew why was there for the first - and only - time. You get the idea. It's genuinely great. It ties every story point together so neatly, be it from the past or the future.
Anyway, I say this because my favorite part of Saint's campaign is how it handles the echo dialogue. Aside from adding 3 new echos (with the new team's writing, that honestly feels a bit different than the original - not a problem, once again), they also add new dialogue for every reoccurring echo. And I loooove them.
I want to make an example with my favorite contrasting echo dialogue: Six Grains of Gravel, Mountains Abound (the Exterior/FP echo)
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< Normal run // Saint >
Let's dissect it.
"We can feel your presence, little creature" vs "Our presence has been revealed to you, young one"
This first sentence alone already shows AMAZING contrast imo. To the other slugcats, the echo says that IT can feel their presence; while this time it's Saint who's the one feeling the echo's presence. I can't pinpoint what exactly that means, but I like to assume that's related to Saint naturally understanding echos (and iterators), so the presence could be felt differently than the slugcats with the mark. Another thing I love about this sentence is how Gravel treats the other scugs as little creatures, but Saint as "young one". Perhaps hinting at their eventual demise as an echo - or the fact that they might already be an echo at the moment of speaking, if you're into that theory. Very cool attention to detail.
"Your attunement has become... much closer to ours" vs "The attunement has become... much nearer"
Here, the most striking difference is the total removal of whatever possessive adjective/pronouns there were. Which, to me, feels like bridging the gap. It's not *your* attunement and *our* attunement. It's THE attunement, we share it. We are not so different, after all.
After these, the comparison is less direct (for the most part) because Saint didn't have to receive any mark to communicate with it, so Gravel can't talk about them like it could for any other slugcat.
But there's a great comparison here on how Saint isn't like the other slugcats - Gravel seems aware of Saint's predicament. The eternal loop it is in. And isn't it ironic that Gravel is the echo who talks about how there's a way out of the cycle to the other slugcats?
"The struggle, the cycles... / It can all fade, like a morning mist beneath the glory of the sun" vs "Like a ripple distorted upon a moonlit reflection / Repetitious, seemingly endless strife"
It's interesting how the order here is reversed, possibly to create contrast. Another detail is that for the other slugcats, Gravel compares ascension to a mist fading under the SUN - while for Saint, it compares ascending to ripples under a MOONlit reflection, further creating contrast/parallels between the normal ascension and whatever happened to Saint. Another thing to note is how Rubicon and Saint's ascension are entirely upside down, so all these reversed verses could be playing into that theme.
"The mark you received is an unimaginable gift" vs "An unimaginable curse"
These are pretty self-explanatory as the most direct contrast possible, but I'd like to point how 1. They're also reversed - with the sentence for all slugcats being before the verses in the former section and the Saint one being after them; and 2. It could imply that whatever makes Saint be able to understand echos and iterator was a curse on its own (just how the mark is a blessing). Enlightenment, perhaps? Being an echo?
"We found a way." vs "Swim with the tide or against it."
Notice how with the other slugcats Gravel is much more positive, reaffirming, proud. While with Saint, it's still a bit reaffirming... but in a more "it is what it is" kind of way. To me, Gravel implies that Saint should either accept their predicament like the other echos did or try to get out of their eternal cycle somehow. And maybe that's what they tried doing by attempting to ascend the void worm. They tried swimming against the tide and got punished for it.
Amazing echo dialogue mwah thank you Downpour for feeding my worldbuilding loving ass so well
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