#anyways ty for indulging me
thedeafprophet · 5 months
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"Consider it an honour. Consider it my gift."
Nobody look at me okay
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marbleboa · 3 months
There’s still nights where dreams take a darker turn, still moments when Sakurai finds himself lost in thought with only time-worn memories for company.   But this time the memories remain just that: memories. Eventually whatever shadows they bring pass, no phantom sounds or sensations to disturb him. Not ideal, but…it’s a start.
Still grappling with the future, Sakurai tries to take some steps in the right direction.
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blackjackkent · 3 months
Me> [struggling to unravel a very annoying UI bug]
Me> ...ok? I didn't ask right now but thank you for working that out I guess.
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octoagentmiles · 1 year
octonauts ATLA au 🤲
Barnacles is an EXTREMELY powerful waterbender from the North Pole, with a strong love for icebending—he defaults to it most of the time. He can use all subforms of waterbending, but they're a bit harder.
Kwazii's the Avatar, but he's still a pirate AND he's a natural firebender, so he still has that "scary and dangerous" reputation. He's afraid of using his firebending, because he hates it. Barnacles is teaching him waterbending, and he's pretty good at it. So far he sucks at earthbending, and his airbending is okay, but if he gets worked up it can accidentally come out as fire... which, yeah.
Peso is an airbender, and the first one in his family. He's not very skilled at bending, and he can't fly very well, and sometimes wishes he was a waterbender, like Barnacles. That way he'd be "stronger", and could utilize its healing abilities. He has an epiphany later on in the middle of S3 that makes him realize how powerful he really is, and he learns to fly :)
Tweak is an earthbender, which she inherited from her dad (maybe*). Like Barnacles, she has a love and preference for a specific subtype—in her case it's metalbending. She's very good at it. It's how she builds GUPs so fast.
Shellington is a waterbender. He doesn't use it very much, mainly because he's Not Great at controlling it—so you'll either end up getting lightly spit on or completely drenched in a tsunami by accident.
Dashi is a non-bender (with water tribe ancestry), which puts her at a disadvantage during some missions. However! She has all of her skills from the Canon Universe, plus the extra adaptiveness seen in non-benders in ATLA (Sokka, Suki, etc).
Inkling is also a non-bender, but he has studied the elements and different bending techniques his whole life. He's Kwazii's Monk Gyatso but with less dying.
Octoagents! 👇
Calico Jack is Kwazii's Uncle Iroh. I needn't explain further. His main goal is to teach Kwazii to be less afraid of his firebending.
Natquik is a waterbender, who taught Barnacles everything he knows. He got his penchant for icebending from him. He pretty much invented it. He survived Antarctica by ✨ Becoming One With The Ice™ ✨. He doesn't just study icequakes, he can make them. He can probably spiritbend.
*I'm TORN between making Marsh be an earthbender or a waterbender. If he's an earthbender, then he can't metalbend like Tweak can, but he's still very strong. Like, scarily strong 👀. IF HE'S A WATERBENDER, then he's a swampbender, full stop.
Tracker is an airbender, mainly because of how he's clearly paralleling Peso's arc in AnB. He was the only airbender in his Polar Scouts troop, and he got picked on for it a bit—but Barnacles thought it was cool as heck, and that's how they became friends.
Do I need to explain Paani being a waterbender? No I do not. He's probably VERY powerful, but very chillax about it. He successfully freaks out everyone who witnesses him bend every time. He can part the seas like freaking Moses.
Pearl is a waterbender like Shellington; she's not super strong, but she has a LOT more control over it than he does. Peri will be a waterbender as well, but he hasn't unlocked it yet. He's trying very hard because he wants to be like his mum and uncle SO badly.
Min could easily be a bender of any kind and it would make sense, but I kinda wanna say she's a non-bender. Just cuz ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Earthbender Ryla. That's all. It makes it a lot easier to get out of caves when she's stuck. She's very casual about it. So casual, that most people either forget or don't even realize she's a bender until it comes up. Then they're like "oh yeah." as she literally moves mountains.
Airbender Pinto, who has no clue how to control it. Whenever he gets frustrated with himself, he accidentally creates small tornadoes. He can also fly! He likes to brag about it. a lot. mainly to Peso.
Waterbender Koshi, who hasn't discovered that about herself yet. She's in for a fun time when she figures it out. Remember how happy she was when she got her Octowatch? Yeah :) 10x that. I also imagine their family is full of late bloomers, but because of Dashi she has pretty low expectations for herself right now.
#can you guess what im rewatching ? ✨ xD#👀👀 what if 👉👈 someone drew this 😳 haha jk........... unless 😳#octonauts#marsh being an earthbender is mainly because this entire post was inspired by watching the feuding tribes episode of atla#and the tour guide reminding me of marsh.#anyway rip to the dashi fans but sokka and uncle bumi are my favs so i promise my decision for her was made with love 🫶🤣#avatar kwazii avatar kwazii Avatar Kwazii AVATAR KWAZII#i am right#ty for your time#octonauts au#self indulgent post time#ps worldbuilding stuff:#most birds descend from the air temples‚ but penguins are weird so they're usually waterbenders if they're benders at all–#which is why peso is an airbender‚ plus the first one in his family to bend at all#pinto came right after him‚ but since peso would've been off being an octonaut he didn't have anyone around to mentor him#also pirates have mixed ancestry from every nation. but the majority of pirates Don't Like the avatar so uh yeah rip kwazii iykwim–#he might be the first avatar to be a pirate in history just bc i think that'd be neat for the ✨ story ✨#also bianca and hugo would both be waterbenders too btw#one of the cubs is a non-bender but idk who. maybe orson.#ALSO the airbenders were never wiped out in this au#the War™ never really happened but firebenders are still Scary bc of the whole Fire Is Destruction thing#idrk what the Story of this au is except for like— kwazii is the avatar. he was abandoned by his family. he joins the octonauts to help--#--bring peace to the world + nature etc. so basically the canon plot of the og show but with magic ✨ /hj#long post#surprised i haven't hit the tag limit yet#ok byebye end post
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Since humans and Vulcans are so close and have been since the beginning do you think Romulans ever regret not finding us first? Romulans are just spicy Vulcans and humans are like catnip to Vulcans so do Romulans get jealous of their Vulcan cousins? Or am I just reading into this to much lol
I am not as knowledgeable about Romulans tbh so I don’t actually know? But I like to think they are!
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pizzaplex-stargazer · 2 years
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oh right. this happens between this and that
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
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Am I projecting my love of warm weather and hiking??? Absolutely, anyway here’s wonderwall
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gvngreen · 1 month
@rebelpuff . / unprompted little thing bcuz i’m rewatching ggg eps for the millionth time
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“ billy misses ya, y’know. don’t ask me why. can’t figure that out. ‘cept he’s a sentimental guy, i guess. holds onto shit from when we were kids. sound like anyone else you know ? ” he doesn’t know why he brings it up. gun to his head, he couldn’t be sure. it isn’t like he’s let anything go. truth be told ? he doesn’t want to. he’s not sure who he would be without it.
his cigarette burns bright orange on the end amidst the night sky. he’s grateful for the minuscule distraction it brings. “ arturo, too. snake tries not to say anything when i’m around, but he’s an easy read. always has been. grubber’s a bit more tough. ” his smirk doesn’t reach his eyes, but he’s protected by the shades, regardless of the darkness. he never forgot them ; his gang. but when the nights were long & his thoughts were bitter, he’d let himself believe that they have forgotten him. their leader, the guy who found them that shack in the dump, who was the first to suggest they lie & rob & cheat to get food in their stomachs. so he refused to feel bad that his life had gotten . . . . busy, with other responsibilities. if they could be busy with a powderpunk, he could be busy with a famous & talented group. people who actually wanted him around. people who needed him.
“ but, hey. billy even sometimes misses sedusa, so. what does he know. ” ace can’t find it in himself to retrieve his grin. he snuffs the cigarette out on the balcony’s edge & stares straight ahead. perhaps it was a reminiscing kind of night.
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hershelwidget · 11 months
Some more Octonauts doodles :3 ft. Lars
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Woa! Guys!
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nono its fine they’re just sleepy ok. nothing horrible has happened the ship just needs to rest ok. ok
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when you look at bae
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*slaps roof of inkling* you can put so much love and care and thought into this old man. step 1: give him a husband. step 2: profit
i am a particularly insane variant of the average octonauts oc maker :3
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hold the octopus
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sillyjayz · 5 months
Yes please talk about your crossover!!!!!!
I want to make more posts about it either here or on a side blog due to the brain rot I keep getting from thinking about it constantly. For now, I’m gonna do my best here to explain the general gist of it all! It’s still a bit rough tbh so my apologies if it makes 0 sense whatsoever and if it’s really long (which it already looks like it will be LMAO). It’s all gonna be under the read more so people who aren’t interested can scroll past it easily!
OH and before I continue, I’m gonna briefly discuss where it takes place in the canon timelines. So for Vbros, it’s after the movie. For Postal, it’s basically after the events for Postal 4. And for Eltingville Club, it’s after “This fan…This Monster!” but before the epilogue. For EC, it’s like an au where the club doesn’t immediately separate after the events of the comic fire yet are the verge of breaking apart. The club are around the same age as the Venture twins. (One more thing: if you ask me about any specific year it takes place in, I can’t tell you nor do I care that much about it sorry BWUSBWH)
It’s basically two stories happening at the same time, in different locations:
Story A is centered around Postal/Venture Brothers. This one is pretty underdeveloped because I haven’t came up with any reasoning for why The Postal Dude would be in NYC, how he even encounters Dean in the first place, and how he even discovers that he is a Venture (aka Jonas is his actual father. Not in the clone way, but in the normal way, making him and Rusty and the Monarch half brothers). Honestly, I just wanted to explore that last idea more and see some fun uncle and nephew bonding and shenanigans happen.
Story B, on the other hand, is pretty developed and consistent. Considering I made the Eltingville/Venture Brothers crossover first before I got fixated on Postal as well. I made an entire (and somewhat outdated) outline but to summarize it quickly: Hank moves out to go live with his new uncle Monarch temporarily to become more independent from his father (and also he didn’t want to go back to New York City because of Sirena). Basically still recovering from what happened and trying to find his way. He’s able to get a job at newly opened comic store in Eltingville (since the last one….burned down) and he encounters the club. Hank, against everyone else’s advice of “Do not talk to them”, talks to them since they’re so happen to be talking about Batman which ends with Hank asking if he can join. He gets laughed at by them, who don’t believe he’s really a Venture since what the hell is a supposed rich/famous kid doing working minimum wage as a comic book employee and Bill emphasizes that “We only allow authentic fans to join the club.” To prove his worth, Hank is challenged to a trivia off. If he wins, he’s in the club (as an unofficial official member or an “intern” as Bill calls it). If he loses, he doesn’t get to join the club and has to give them some valuable collectables for free, which Hank could get fired for. He gets until the end of the week to prepare for it since Hank argues with them for extra time and they all agree, thinking he’s gonna lose anyway. However, with Gary’s assistance and some secret help from Jerry (who thinks having a new member could be beneficial for the club), he ends up winning and becoming a part of the club!
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Me, watching my own picks lose in my own tournament: “I can’t rig my own poll, I can’t rig my own poll, I can’t rig it, cause people like it now, it wouldn’t be nice to do”
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willowser · 8 months
Which blade runner inspired you to write android shoto 🎤👀
hello friend !! blade runner 2049 is one of my favorite movies of all time !! 🥺 i've had it playing and also read the script whenever i've written anything for android shouto 💀 and ex machina was a big inspiration on that little ficlet, too !!!
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Hi!! I waited a bit to ask this bc I didn't want to overwhelm you or anything, but I've been wanting to ask about your Greatest Showman au?? Could you talk about that please :O
OMG hello!! I cannot tell you how happy I was to get this ask-
I am. ALWAYS happy to talk about my aus, please feel free to send me ANYTHING at ANY time /gen :D!!!
Greatest Showman AU!!!! Of course!! It has been a long time since I talked about this au, and there's.......different routes for the au if that makes sense.
So to start off, if it isn't clear, most of my aus are made bc of me listening to music or musical songs/film music, and this leads to this sort of thing happening-
I made this au bc I watched the film and said "what if I drew my fav ships as the different songs?"........I still have the sketches for these that I want to finish one day-
It is a mostly Edgejeanist and Ectoloader focused au!!! (with a dash of some others)
(forgive me for my lack of knowledge on terminology and also for completely forgetting everyone's names /lh)
Main AU:
So basically follows the storyline for the most part!
Ectoloader are the married couple bc what kinda au would this be if I didn't make them a married couple /lh
They had the whole Childhood Friends -> Lovers things and do Circus Things together - they own the circus
Ecto did tightrope acts and I haven't figured out pl yet tbh-
Edgeshot is a Trapeze artist.
Jeanist is the guy that gets dragged into the circus by Ecto and they have that lovely Moment(tm)
Mic is the guy who gets the crowd all worked up, Aizawa does trapeze and that ribbon-y stuff- (lord help me i do not know terminology)
Cue romance and Circus Shenanigans between everyone!
Plenty of injury moments and fantastic performing stuff!
Shinya and Tsunagu get to have their 'Rewrite the Stars' Moment!
Ecto goes away to tour with Snipe! (nothing like the musical, just goin on a lil fun trip with a friend)!! Circus goes to shit!
Jeanist runs in to save Shinya, who was already out, who now runs in to save him- Tsunagu is very hurt.
Ecto loses his legs in the accident (suggested by an anon a while back and i really loved it)
Mic gets stuck, Aizawa rescues him!
Angst and Comfort ensue!!!
Not a lot of thought apart from "this is fun to imagine the characters playing as.....the characters..from the musical..."
And for fun, here is the "just here for the music" route:
All pro hero characters are kinda putting on a show, and these songs are being performed by certain characters.
(i have a big hc that Jeanist, Ectoplasm and Nighteye are besties... they're called 'The Distinguished Gays'...)
So the song 'The Other Side' just went perfectly imagining Ecto convincing Jeans to join him while Nighteye tended to the bar......idk its so fun to imagine in time to the music-
Jeanist and Edgeshot perform 'rewrite the stars' bc <3
'Come alive' is Aizawa and his students
'The Greatest show' is All the teachers and their students and some of the ua alumni popping up and making appearances!
And finally 'This is me' is absolutely everyone, and they get to have their cool moments and show off themselves and idk that song makes me feel things.
I often imagine the canon universe characters acting/voice acting in musicals for fun so yeah lol
Well! I hope that makes sense!!!
Thank you SO much for asking, I genuinely got so excited to see this ask bc <3333
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safyresky · 10 months
Legit wanna ask you all of these, but I’ll try to be abstemious! (“Try” being the operative word) —
How do you choose which POV to write from?
What’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
How do you write emotional scenes? Do you ever feel what the characters feel? Do you draw from personal experiences?
What is one essential thing to remember when writing a villain? 
How do you choose where to end a chapter?
Share a snippet from a WIP (please)
How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
Of the characters you write for, which is your favourite? Has that choice been swayed at all by your followers/readers’ reactions to certain ones?
What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it?
Do you have a favourite scene that you’ve written for CS? 
(I’m sorry for asking so many!) 
Thanks K! I'll be proactive and read more this shit now, lmao
POV: I'm a basic bitch, I go third person always and tend to pick the character who's taking precedence in the scene for perspective! On the rare occasion I go first person, it's because the character (Usually Jacqueline) is breaking the fourth wall to make themselves HEARD and who am I to refuse a muse such as Jacquie? She's in my walls, man. Not even paying rent. Unbelievable.
Common writing tip: Said is dead. Said is NOT dead! It's NOT and I will USE IT and you will find it to be INVISIBLE and the dialogue will SLAP and SAID IS NOT DEAD!
Emotional scenes: I very much do put myself in their shoes at the moment! You should see the faces I make when I write these bad boys lmao. Sometimes I'll pretend to be watching them acted out when walking around and then bc I talk with my hands I look insane to the casual onlooker.
At their heart, most if not all emotional scenes have some basis of my own experiences entwined with them! Not like, direct from Dani, straight to Video Cassette and DVD, but like. I think of situations where I have felt the same and try to describe how I was feelin/pour those moments into it. The only exception to this rule is the Dite Comes Out snippet, which is 100% based on my own experiences when discovering asexuality and trying to talk about it with friends and such!
When writing a villain, what to remember: LMAO GOOD QUESTION! IDK! My first thought is to say to remember that they're people too. Not that I'm out here like SYMPATHIZE WITH YOUR VILLAINS (she says, writing redemption arcs for villains) bc some villains are just ASSHOLES and are MADE that way so you DON'T sympathize with them! Bc they SUCK! What I mean to say is that more often than not I find villains have their own motivations/thoughts, like heroes or other characters, and they think they are in the right, or that what they are working to do is what needs to be done. It's good to remember that, especially when writing scenes and such from their POV. They have motivations and things that drive them
AND! Just bc they think a certain way does NOT mean you do!!!! Get that Anti culture RIGHT OUT OF HERE! GREY IS A COLOUR THAT EXISTS AND WHAT YOU WRITE DOES NOT MEAN THAT YOU ARE INTO AN IDEA/BELIEVE THIS IDEA/WHATEVER. It just means you have a story to tell and by GODS you are GONNA TELL IT
When to end a chapter: I have a process for this and no idea how to explain it except for THE VIBES. Usually if it's a fluffy chapter, I end it on a high note; if it's a plotty chapter, I end it on either A) a reveal or B) a cliffhanger. I definitely prefer ending on like, nice statements that read like a natural end point. This does lead to me on occasion trying to write a smooth little closing paragraph; it's not a bad habit but I think I can absolutely do more natural ends without feeling the need to add a statement that's like "and end chapter", if that makes sense, lol. Practise makes perfect!
Share a snippet: Please enjoy this funny bit from a very self-indulgent wip called "The House That Jacqueline Forgot"
Heading back into the hallway, she bopped her head into the space before the basement. A smaller room, she had had it added on way back when. Hoping to avoid ruining the hardwood floors, she had thought it a good idea to have a mudroom put on the side. It also made the basement entrance less terrifying, given that the house was built in the Limestone City, and as such, the basement was much shorter than you would expect. She wondered if the fireplace downstairs was still in one piece. She’d have to check. And then probably get an HVAC going. Lady knew she’d need it given the hot Ontario summers.  She stopped in front of the door once more, looking up the stairs. It hit her then, all at once: if she wanted to get this house in working order, it was going to be a very long road. And the upstairs would probably be twice as bad as down here!  An overwhelming sense of despair briefly clouded her thoughts as she thought of all the work ahead. She almost sunk down on the floor right then and there, were it not for the four creaks on the stairs outside followed by a loud SNAP, and a very familiar voice swearing.  Whipping around, she pulled back the door to find a large hole in her front porch.  “You've got a hole in your deck,” Jack pointed out nonchalantly. He was leaning on the rail of the portion of the deck overlooking the garden, looking as casual as can be.  “That’s so funny, because moments ago when I got here, that hole wasn’t there.”  “Are you implying that I fell through your deck?” Jack asked, aghast. The railing started to creak below him. He sprung off it like it was actively on fire.  Jacqueline side stepped the hole, standing beside her brother. She picked something off of his lapel. “Yes, I am,” she said, flourishing the piece of worn, red, wood that had escaped Jack's magical clean snap.  “Well, I can’t argue with that,” he said, taking the wood chip and flinging it into the garden.  “What are you doing here?” Jacqueline asked, hopping back inside the house. “I thought you were in the Alps today, storming it up.”  “I was,” Jack said, following her in. “Really enjoying it too, until my lovely stormy walk was disrupted by a wave of despair so intense, I nearly fell down the mountain.”  Jacqueline flushed, looking away. “Sorry. I just had a moment. It’s just…it’s fine. It’s alright.”  “But are you?” Jack asked.  “Eh...” she shrugged, pushing the door open as far as it would go. “I mean. You know. I want to say I’ve seen worse but...I have my work cut out for me,” she said, gesturing to the inside of the house.  Jack let out a low whistle, stepping inside and taking it all in. “Wow.” 
Describing my style: another good question! Idk! I'd say character-driven, for the most part. They all have little arcs and growth to do and the story structure/plot helps achieve this goal!
Fave character to write: Jacqueline's so fucking funny, and I LOVE when Bernard gets sassy. That's always fun to write. Blaise has become a surprising fan favourite (people's responses to him may have swayed me a bit, ESPECIALLY the husbando's love of the "fiery dilf") and I've found myself really enjoying writing him! And the Twins are a fucking RIOT, and lately, when they're on their own with Jack in more emotional moments, they've been surprising the shit out of me. It's been fun! They are so tiny and full of chaos but they care about their siblings so so so much 🥺🥺🥺
Oh, and Adria! Once you all meet her proper, you'll see why she's such a delight >:)
Something I pride myself on in my writing: the convos all sound natural! I literally say them out loud and write them how I'd say them/hear them. Hence the abuse of capitals and lowercase, punctuation, and half italicized words ;)
You’ve posted a fic anonymously. How would someone be able to guess that you’d written it? Abuse of the semi-colon, evil uncles, horrible puns, and the dialogue reading like MSN in 2007 (see above point)
Do you have a favourite scene that you’ve written for CS? 
SO MANY. AH! My absolute favourites are:
Chapter 11: Blinter, with the chair and the Jack look and the ...you know look the pair of them have
Chapter 22: The window breaking and Blaise being like please tell me that wasn't our kids and Jack yelling SCATTER as the four siblings BOOK it and Blinter side eyes one another like alright, damage control time.
Chapter 16: Autumn and Winter's chat, and Spring and Winter's chat. there's something about the atmosphere of a quiet, dark kitchen while you carefully tidy, the people you love nearby having a riot while you take a moment to yourself, really, really hits. and I like when Winter tells Spring off and then tells her she needs to chill, she's doing okay, really (she being Spring in this case)
Chapter 23: Jack and Jacqueline's whole chat at the Springs, and then Jacquie pushing Jack into the pool and him dragging her into it too lmao. Not to mention the WOULD YOU HELP ME KILL A GUY bit!
I've also got some bangers I've yet to write but am VERY excited to! Chapter 27 especially is gonna be a HIT
thanks for the ask, K! I'm glad you did as many as you did! This has cheered me up SUBSTANTIALLY today 🥰🥰🥰
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lavenoon · 1 year
Alright, Luce! You asked, and you shall receive! *cracks knuckles*
So, first of all, I love how easy their new routine is by now. Sure Moon doesn't need to help Robin up, but both of them want that touch, and just because it's not needed doesn't mean it's not appreciated. Just like their relationship forming, the small gestures help take the effort off the smallest things~
And how they just refer to home! So happy that it's exactly the same place they'll be returning to! Their home. For both of them and because of each of them.
And pfffff, I love them both making lighthearted fun of Sun's own antics. Like Sunny, my beloved, please XD Haha, it's good to know they just have this comfortable dynamic and I don't doubt Sun returns any teasing in kind
And ahhhh, I love that Robin just already knows them so well! It's so very sweet that they immediately pick up on the crowd and get concerned about Moon's comfort! But I'm laughing so much at the approach. Robin, hey you get a reward when we surpass this less than ideal conditions. Moon suddenly doesn't care about the conditions and wants to get home to receive his reward. Then gets annoyed at the crowd for stalling said reward and goes "Nope. Screw waiting. Want reward now" Nevermind that it's not quite a reward in that case but details, details.
I mean, Moon did spend pining a lot in the past, Robin should have known that if the offer included them he wasn't going to be very patient lkghdfskj Self-restraint? Moon broke up with her, doesn't even know her anymore XD
And then we get to the fun part!
Hand half entangled in hair half cupping their face? My, mister, what big hands you have there! (aka I see you).
Oh and he starts with the nipping, getting the teeth and the claws out immediately because he knows. He knows them so well by now and he's making it known, and also he can literally feel how correct he is going by Robin's pulse~
And he just keeps going for all the week spots huh? The trailing fingers on the marks left by clothes because he knows it must be sensitive
And the whole thing about the "still talking" line? Ohoho. And Robin wanting to get more by being a brat? Ohoho!
And! The shirt! He really just ripped that bit of the collar off so easily huh!!! Very- very normal about that yes!
(Actually very normal about all of it, definitely not having to reread to be able to comment and not get distracted, what are you talking about)
Makes sense Robin is clinging to him by now, very hard to stand firmly on the ground with all that's happening there.
But then we also go back to very sweet, with Robin wanting to kiss him too. Give him all that love and attention he also deserves, (though I think there must be also very satisfied to have them like feeling like putty in his arms ghñakh).
And haha I don't think there's much I can say about the last lines of the fic when they say it all sñfdhfñhaf other than I'm very glad to see Moon taking his self appointed duty to make sure Robin gets a good rest veeeeery seriously~
After the delay of work and cryptid sightings insanity, I get to this!
Scratch an Itch (And You) for context!
And yeah!! It was a lot of fun to just depict this normal for them, by then not even all that new anymore! They settled in it, and it's home just like the duplex, and I love letting them enjoy the domesticity of it all. They help each other even when it's not an emergency, but simply because they want to, no matter how small the burden they lift off their partner's shoulders. They're comfortable, and secure!! And I love showing that <3
Same with the Sun teasing! Like, sure, Y/N held back before, but then it's just too fun not to share, and besides, Sun may pretend to be miffed, and play that up - crossing his arms, looking up with a "hmph", but he knows they enjoy these parts of him, too, and that's why they shared!
(Moon gets teased for his gimmick still, and acting like a hissy stray whenever someone mentions "hey you might need to talk with 2+ people". Y/N gets teased for their personalized gadgets and interest/ imitation of spy movies. Everyone gets payback <3)
And look. look. Y/N knows him well, but he still surprises them sometimes <3 So when there's even more people he'd have to keep an eye on he decides to wait it out in the most fun way available >:3c But definitely also "why would I wait if I can just get it now? want it now (:" gfhdj even settled into the relationship he's done pining, he knows what he wants and knows he can get it too <3
Self restraint was a necessity he no longer has to entertain <3 Goodbye, sweet love, you are no longer needed here <3
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Look. Look. I have no excuse I am simply. I am predictable and perhaps big hands are a bit of a pleasure for me that I refuse to call a guilty one <3
We're already under the cut so. Look. I just. Projected SO much FHDJSK This shot was aimed at me and all of you are just splash damage <3
The teeth? The claws? The collar rip?
Y/N being a brat?
I just went 100% self indulgence here and I'm very glad I'm not the only victim <3 It still fit both of them, of course, because AU at the core is my AU with what I want to see! Their dynamic works out like that, Y/N is definitely not the type to simply let him do all that, they want in on the action! They also want to have fun, be it through oh so rewarding brattiness or getting his jacket open or kissing him also <3
(That being said, writing this was still fascinating because I am literally only enticed and interested in theory, I simply do not have any interest in relationships like this irl FGHDJSK)
Moon definitely had his fun - making Y/N melt, having them so obviously desperate to also get their hands (and lips) on him, they want him just as much as he wants them, and that's always nice to see <3
He also greatly enjoys that they now have a ruined shirt they need to cover, and hey, would you look at that! He has a jacket he doesn't need! <3
But yes, he takes his role as sleep watch very seriously <3 Gotta make sure they're sooo tired, and then he'll just hold them to their "I'll stack' comment hehe. Keep them close, and enjoy the quiet time once they're snoozing, looking at them and just thinking about how lucky he is <3
(Sun comes to, Y/N passed out on top of him, covered in the evidence of last night's fun... And well, he's a greedy bastard too <3 )
(Edit bc im an awkward mess: I'm hinting at making out only. I'll never even allude to sex, steamy make outs is literally all I'm comfortable with so the evidence is just the bite marks left on their neck and shoulders)
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lord-shitbox · 11 months
everything comes back to me thinking wow im solidly not a great person
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