#anyways. guess what I got from my grandma for my birthday
anoddrock · 6 months
Before Ghibli existed Miyazaki directed Sherlock Hound. Sherlock Holmes but he’s a furry. So is everyone else. Also it’s a show. You should watch it.
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howlingday · 3 months
Close For Discomfort
A Knightfall Parody
Jaune: (In bed, Stretches) Morning, babe~.
Cinder: (Yawns) Morning, blue eyes~.
Salem: (Nude) Speaking of blue eyes, I'm making blueberry pancakes! Y'all want any?
Jaune: AGH! Grandma! For Brother's sakes, put on some clothes! Please!
Salem: Clothes ruin my morning flow! You know that! Now, you want blueberry or chocolate chip? (Walking away) Because spoiler alert, the chocolate chips are HELLA PACKED with THC!
Jaune: ...
Cinder: We need to move out.
Jaune: What?!
Cinder: NOW!
Jaune: Wh- I- B- Cindy, we've got free room and board, a literal castle with protection from Grimm attacks and... all the pancakes we could ever want~!
Cinder: Wonderful, but do you have any idea how obnoxious your grandmother has gotten since we started dating? THREE YEARS AGO?
Cinder: (Doing laundry, Rolls eyes at Salem's "Death To All Faunus" shirt)
Cinder: (Turns over, Sees "And Humans, Too") Oh... That's... better?
Cinder: And then there was my birthday last month.
Ruby: Happy birthday, Cinder~!
Cinder: Thank you, Re- Er, Ruby.
Salem: Time for presents~! (Hands over gift) Here you go, Cindy~!
Cinder: (Flatly) Oh, good, I wonder what this is- Oh, look, it's a crotchless panties and a nippleless bra. Who would've guessed?
Jaune: Hey, I remember those! I wonder if mine still fit...
Cinder: ...
Ruby: ...
Cinder: And that's NOTHING compared to the bullshit she pulled last week!
Cinder: (On Jaune, Drags fingers down chest)
Jaune: (Saucily chuckles, Rubs arm)
Cinder: (Leans down, Stops) Is that a fucking camera?!
Jaune: (Holding "Grimm Pictures Presents: Fallen Knights of Passion " CD) In her defense, the production value on this was... incredible~!
Cinder: (Takes CD, Melts it)
Jaune: AW~! I was really good in that one...
Cinder: Yes, you were. Not the point!
Jaune: Mm... I'm not sure how we'd move in the first place. Can't exactly just buy a house as "enemies of humanity".
Cinder: Well, who's to say we have to buy or rent anything? I'm sure we could easily steal a house on the shore.
Jaune: Cinder! You promised!
Cinder: I'm kidding! I'm kidding! ...Mostly.
Jaune: What about Ruby? I'm sure she could vouch for us now that Salem's gone straight.
Cinder: We could... but I don't think she'd be interested in anything I have to say...
Ruby: Cinder, what the fuck?!
Cinder: (Via scroll) You asked, I delivered.
Ruby: I asked for Sonic merch for my birthday, not for you to kidnap another Sonic character!
Big: I'm Big~!
Ruby: He's Big! ...Wait, is that your name?
Big: Yuh-huh~!
Cinder: Well, I'm glad you're enjoying him~.
Jaune: Hm... Well, we could always ask for a trial by combat. I'm already good friends with most huntsmen, so all I'd have to do is ask for the next availability. Not to mention they also pay huge, and we're probably going to win anyways because the only people who could beat either of us that aren't our friends are dead! Oh, I made myself feel bad.
Cinder: And this "next availability" would be when?
Jaune: Let's see, according to the schedule, it is... SIX YEARS?!
Cinder: Fuck that! You need a job!
Jaune: Also gonna be hard since I'm blacklisted as a huntsman and my resume aside from that is just... kid who's related to the woman who tried to wipe out humanity.
Cinder: I don't have a formal education, either. The only thing I learned growing up was the best ways to kill a woman and how to scrub week-old cum off decades-old wood.
Salem: (Pops in) Oh, now that takes me back~...
Cinder: (Hurls fireball) EAT SHIT, YOU OLD HAG!
Salem: (Walks downstairs) Oh, you know I was talking about dick...
Jaune: Okay, okay! Uh... We could do manual labor! I've been training to fight the Grimm since I was a teenager, so I can still do other work that requires muscle! We could probably build our own house and a whole neighborhood in, like, a week!
Cinder: I... I don't think I could be doing any physical labor.
Jaune: Why not? You pick ME up and toss me into bed real easy when you're feeling frisky. (Come hithers)
Cinder: (Sighs) That's not what I mean.
Jaune: I know, but I mean... I think you'd be great at it! You're smart, you're driven, you're WAY stronger than me without your maiden powers, and you're-
Cinder: PREGNANT~!
Jaune: ...Wha?
Cinder: And, yeah, I know I can still work, but I think it's really awkward to tell your boss, "Hey, I know I just started, but I'm going to need maternity leave really soon!" It just seems like a clusterfu-
Jaune: (Grabs her) You're pregnant?!
Cinder: Yeah... It's why I didn't ask for any chocolate chips.
Jaune: How... How long?
Cinder: Pregnant? About a month, but I only found out a few days ago! I didn't know how to tell you. We have something good already and everything just sort of happened and I have no idea what happens next or even if you want to-
Jaune: Cinder! (Takes her hands) You... You have made me the happiest man in the entire world. No one has ever made me feel this happy before, except you, and you somehow just keep making me happier.
Cinder: (Eyes watering)
Jaune: I... I love you. And I love our baby.
Cinder: (Hugs him) I love you, too~!
Salem: (Leaning against the wall) So, how much longer until your belly gets bigger? It's been a few centuries since my time, so I'm not sure what the standard is now. And I'd like to know before the next video.
Cinder: If our baby is a girl and we're not out of this house by the time she hits puberty, I WILL murder Salem!
Salem: Tch! Good luck! (Slurps pancake)
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luna-loveboop · 23 days
I started playing Wind Waker! Y'all want some thoughts?
-Why is the first thing I learned how to do with Link crawling on the ground like a sneaky sneak?
-Why is the SECOND thing I figured out how to do Link sidling along a wall like a sneaky sneak?
This kid is a sneaky sneak sneak!!!!
-Why is Link instantly jumping on people's tables? Get down please sir
-Wind and his family are so sweet I love them so much- and Aryll got kidnapped noooo TT
-Tetra has shot Link from a catapult
**I'm just gonna keep editing this post and adding random thoughts as I go does that sound cool? I wanna do that @hero-of-the-wolf
-Tetra's winking at Link has my heart forever she's so cute I swear
-love the glowy blue talking rock btw yesss stalker pirate girl
-Link why do you yell so loud every time you jump this is a sneak mission I thought you'd be good at this
-the game grumps on YouTube saved my life tho bc im a coward and get way too nervous in places like the forsaken fortress and watching someone else swear through the area before I do it helps ok
-Wind is such a gremlin but he's actually so polite? Like he instantly bowed to the sword trainer and then to the guy on windfall island after paying for breaking his pots- before running out of the house at breakneck speed. He's such a sweet and polite boy you can tell he's grandmas kid- yet he's such a menace what a wild yet polite lad ridndkkfkdg
-the people of windfall island are way too judgy stop being condescending to Link he's my baby. 'The Tipsters' girls have my heart tho because they.. they... well they give you tips. Tip you off you could say
-I think the King of Red Lions just legally adopted Link
Ok so small rant section but this game is so tragic. Like the art style is so goofy and fun but it hits you so hard that these are KIDS. Link is freaking twelve and his sister was kidnapped on his birthday, leaving him to follow in hot clothes because of higher defence I'm guessing (new hero clothes are more suitable for an adventure than casual loose ones but still!). But he's literally like half the height of DOORKNOBS- he has to stand on his tiptoes anytime to open doors. He is so very small.
My mom was like 'I love this animation style - does it help with your nerves that it's lighter?' And I was like 'honestly it makes me feel more deeply the tragedy of what should be a happy childhood being torn apart' but she's used to me saying weird shit like that so it's fine
-I think we as a fandom are severely underestimating how much of a gremlin Wind waker link can be and that's saying a LOT
-I got the Wind Waker!
-K learned the Wind Waker
-Ok I like got to dragon roost island on the first day and FINALLY got an empty bottle my beautiful baby where were you??
-I cleaned- like actually fully dusted and cleaned- my wii u for the first time after it was inactive for years and holy mother of improved game pad controls
-is it wierd that I'm more excited about the empty bottle than the wind waker?
. . . .
-ya know in hindsight gabon looked pretty shady. I mean he was standing in the shade but what kind of asshole stands there and tells a giant bird to throw a child in the ocean
-I think ganodonk is dumb I can't wait to get the sword and bitch slap him
-'we cANt set SaiL aGain Until you geT a GLowY thiNgy' well mr boat man sir have you considered that I realised there was most definitely a heart piece or two I forgot on windfall island and I'm doing another dungeon with three hearts? At least I got a bottle ig
-why am I trading with rats for potions this doesn't seem hygienic. I know rats are in fact very clean animals but this dungeons isn't and why do the rats want rupees anyways?
-so there's this like steamy glowy pot that teleports me to the start/end of the dungeon? I'm questioning all existence in this world why is that a thing. Honestly think Twilight princess's bald teleportation chicken made more sense but whatever
. . . .
-I saved the dragon! By riding on his tail? What a boss fight that was fun. Got a shiny thingy Yayy
-So the wind waker! I learned to change the direction of the wind which is so cool and also to change whether it's night or day. Which is wayyy too much power for this kid how come no one told me he could change night and day?
-That said I love how musical Link is. Like when he looks so happy waving the baton playing to the wind it's just really cool
- Why is the God of Wind a like. Toad surfer dude. Whatever, I like him.
-So apperently there's these little dudes called fish-men who are talking fish who fill out your sea chart- I am still questioning why link can talk to animals but that's fine
-I missed out on pawprint isle before apparently, so I'm gonna do that before whatever the red lion king tells me next
-Also I love Beedle in this game so far he hasn't threatened me like the other beedles in games I've played
. . . .
-Sailing through the ocean is really fun
-I went back to windfall and got a 'swift sail' that lets me go faster but I still like the blue one better
-I reached the great deku tree! He had monsters for pimples and I couldn't figure out how to get them off 'what are you doing?!?! go help him!!' IM TRYING ADOPTIVE BOAT FATHER. Turns out I needed to roll into him and not use the grappling hook which makes sense but still
-He. Grew me a leaf. A magic blowy leaf. Which is great it's an awesome gift and means a lot but the Deku tree grunted and grew a leaf for me and that's kinda wierd right?
-Reaching said leaf was a PAIN and I am very impressed with Wind Waker Link.
Hang on rant session. Bro's tiny little grandmas boy but flipping through the air to reach an unspeakably high up leaf is chill. He flipped through leafy child cannons a billion times to reach the Deku leaf and didn't get dizzy or give up even after falling. And that's saying nothing of how he picked up a sword for the first time and swings his way through EVERYTHING thrown at him. Gosh he's so cool I love this Link
-I HAVE MAGIC NOW!!!!! With like a little meter and stuff tidkkfdjfnkdjfkd I'm very excited that I have magic
-Reaching this high shelf with my path forward was a pain but I have to save and quit rn so if it puts me back at the start of this room I will be. Upset.
-It put me back at the start of the room.
-I ordered a game guide! I'm gonna try and play through with it- this'll be my first time using one. But I haven't updated for a few days bc I'm waiting on it :)
This whole post is a bunch of random thoughts jumping around which my adhd self appreciates- that said I really love that we can grab an enemies weapon and use it against them. Increases my respect for ww Link even more- when he had no weapon in the forsaken fortress he grabs a literal wooden stick from an enemy and kills it with. A big twig. Kid's brutal and does what it takes which is so crazy. Also using an enemies sword is great hehe shiny
. . . .
-Got game guide. Yayyyy
-The forbidden woods are scary but they remind me a lot of the forest temple in twilight princess. A lot. The mechanics are also very similar. I love Zelda games
-Maybe it's because the only time I've had free to play rn has been at night, but I find myself constantly thinking this game is creepy. It's so unsettling for a cartoon style- the boko babas freaking eat link! And chew on him like no!! Fisnfjskfkfk *shudder* aaaanyways I am NOT looking forward to redeads in this game but that's a later problem right?
-I figured out how to get the treasure chests from the sea!! And got a piece of heart :DDD
-Ok game guides are really helpful
-Apparently the 'warp pots' are a consistent thing- I guess that's just how Link teleports in dungeons in this game. The second pot is generally hidden a bit but then you can teleport to the beginning of the dungeon and back- then the third pot is near the end... I think. This is only my second dungeon in this game with the pots but it's going great! I'm learning a lot hehe
-I love the grappling hook so much. I can farm spoils/materials from monsters with it before I kill them and I love that. Also it makes me feel cool swinging it.
-Also the title screen theme and animation play around outset is very satisfying. Watched it replay three times tonight before starting the game. Time well spent.
-I appreciate the items so much. The Deku Leaf is great like I can F L Y with magic and also blow wind at enemies and make them look silly <3
-The look of Link's spoils bag has grown on me and I love it. Purple.
. . . .
-I got the boomerang!!! Oh my gosh it's so cool I love it.
-I've been trying out the switch mechanic for targeting rather than hold. It's going interestingly bc I've only ever held for targeting before. But I think I like it
-The evil flower ate Makar- the Korok I'm TRYING to save GIVE HIM BACK
-That was the prettiest boss fight ever. I couldn't even be intimidated, I don't think I've ever been more relaxed during a boss fight lol. They should make all of them purple and blue sparkly- it was legitimately beautiful.
-I finished the forbidden forest dungeon!! :DD yayyy
-Link's hopping up and down in celebration after the boss fight was so cute he's so happy!!
-Have I mentioned I'm excited about the boomerang
-Makar is so cute?!?! I love him with his little violin and- the Koroks oh my heart that was the cutest ceremony ever
. . . .
-Ok so I went around the great sea, for now avoiding the big octos I am uhh terrified interested to meet, went to a place that got 'corrupted by gannorks power' so now I'm following the pirates back to windfall island
-The pirates are stealing bombs and I think this is illegal.
-My girl Tetra's here!! :D also doing illegal stuff! And Link is just watching them rob the bomb shop lol these cutscenes are the best sometimes also I love the pirate banter
-Tetras little smile and wink when she saw Link was so cute I love her. Also the little hints that she was concerned about his island and not just treasure?? Sweet
-I stole the bombs that the pirates stole from the pirates. And getting there was a PAIN with swinging on the ropes the tiny pirate (Niko) made Link do
-TETRA is a STALKER she was watching Link through the glowy rock thingy- probably cause he was just sneaking around watching her rob a shop but still that thing scares me sometimes when her voice just comes screaming out of it
-Btw why do the pirates want the god pearl thingy anyways? Just cause it's really shiny orrr
-ok we're headed to outset! I'm so excited to get back to Link's home hehe. Also I think Tetra just dared Link to a race bc she was like 'we'll get there first we still have bombs' so yeah anyways she's spending the night here tho so I'm sure it'll be fine.
-I don't like the great sea as much when it's raining and thunderstorming all over :/ I hope it doesn't stay like this? Because that would suck
-I got sucked into a cyclone and was panicking cause it threw me across the great sea BUT then it threw me onto outset!! :D so that was uhh. Handy I guess.
-Ohhh ok so like. time is frozen from ganad's current curse, which means it's gonna stay night for right now, so tetra won't be coming in time to get the treasure from the god dude first. Nice.
-The Lion King just kindly told Link to visit his family and chill for a second and check on his island?? Sobbing yes thank you sir
-Grandma's sick oh no this is the saddest thing I've ever seen ima cry. I healed her with a fairy but she was so sad link and aryll were gone im- and then grandma blamed herself for not being there for them like no it's literally cold and rainy all the time it's frozen right now you have every right to get sick- and then she made Link soup and she'll remake it for him which is great and I LOVE LINKS GRANDMA SO MUCH it was so sad she was sick I'm glad I could heal her :))
-Link smiled and nodded so enthusiastically when Grandma told him to stay out of trouble/stay safe like Link you are a liar I just watched you steal from pirates
-I sparred with Orca and I like him. It's cool how he trains Link on his home Island with like formal training because Link definitely needs it with what he's facing
-Controlled a seagull for the first time. That was fun they can fly for such a long time like. Forever?? Idk I eventually stopped
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issdisgrace · 4 months
A/N: This takes place in 2017, character is 28.
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“You know you’ve been with us for 6 months and I don’t think you proper told us about how you started hunting.” Sam says, closing his computer. 
“Well, my grandpa was a hunter, so my father became a hunter. Then I decided to continue the family tradition and become a hunter.”
“Cool. How was your childhood? Mine and Sammy’s were fucked, to say the least? Went long periods in hotels. I had to steal food and a bunch of other shit.” Dean says.
“It was a mixed bag. It’s kinda a long story.” I say, sitting up on the bed. 
“We have time.” Sam says.
“Alright, strap in, I guess. As you guys know, I was born in ‘89. My mom got pregnant with me when she was 16 and.
"Had me a month after she turned 17 on my dad’s 17th birthday. My mom came from a very religious family, like super religious, and her getting pregnant with me got her kicked out. My grandma and grandpa let my mom move in. From what I heard, those months were good. My dad was working while trying to finish school while my mom dropped out of school. Mom helped grandma and grandpa with the stuff around the house. When my mom was 8 months and on some odd days with me, she went into labor. She was rushed to the hospital in the town over and had me around 11:45 pm. There were a couple of problems with me since I was premature, but the doctor got everything under control and after a week, I was able to go home. 
Anyway, when I was 2, my mom and dad got married. My first memory was Christmas ‘94. I remember opening a fairy princess set. It was nice at the time, but looking back now, it was very cheaply made. But fast forward to my 8th birthday, 97. I remember we had dinner and my father unwrapped his presents first, being older than I got to open mine. I had got nothing but dresses. I remember I broke out crying then when my mom and dad tried to comfort me I yelled that I didn’t want to be a girl, then ran upstairs and hid in my room. A couple of minutes later, my dad came up and entered my room. He just sat on the bed and talked to me while I was hide telling me that there wasn’t nothing wrong with wanting to be a boy and if I wanted to I could. I crawled out from underneath my bed and sat with him. He held me as I cried and we talked. It started with, is this how you really feel? How long have you been feeling this way? Would it make me happier to be a boy? I told him, It was about 6 when I realized didn’t want to be a girl, that I hated the long hair and dresses, and didn’t like my given name. We talked until it was time for me to go to bed. My dad tucked me in and stayed with me until I feel asleep. I must have been asleep no longer than a half an hour when I was woken up by yelling from downstairs. I could hear my mom yelling at my dad, saying I can’t just be a boy and that it’s just a phase. I remember hearing my dad tell her, so what if it is I have to figure out who I am and who I want to be? I just layed their crying while listening to the yelling and ended up crying myself asleep. 
The next day, things were tense, to say the least that I can remember. My grandma and grandpa talked to me after the very tense breakfast and asked if I wanted to go by something else. At that time, I didn’t know. They suggest names, even pulled out baby name books, and we looked through them. But I didn’t find a name that I liked so they were suggesting different names off the top of their head and I decide on Y/n after my mom’s brother, my uncle who is most definitely the funnest coolest person I have ever known. I remember the first time he came to visit after I came out and by then I had gotten my hair cut and a new wardrobe. I had told him that I was a boy and that my new name was Y/n. He was super chill about the absolute opposite of my mother, despite coming from the same background. And their one out he called me his mini me.
So fast forward to 99 I’m 10. My mom decide to get me nail polish and make up for my birthday. I was first upset, but that black nail polish called me and I painted them. They looked pretty good, and it made me feel masculine. After I was done with my nails and they were tried and I went downstairs to show my grandma and grandpa. They were in the living room and so was my mom. I show them and my mother butted in by asking if I was finally done with this phase and finally being a girl. I was so upset. I just ran out of the house. I ran into the woods and climbed a top of tree. I was close enough to the house that I could hear my grandparents and mother getting into a screaming match. They yelled at her for 30 minutes, then they came out to find me, but I stayed silent while I cried and they didn’t find me. They looked for another half an hour for me before my father came home from his hunt he left on a couple day prior. They rushed to meet him in the driveway and they told my father what had happened. 
And then there comes my mom came out of the house to yell about the whole thing again, saying that she wasn’t going to feed into the delusion and that I needed to start acting like a girl. Shit escalated and my dad yelled that he wanted a divorce and to get the fuck out of the house by morning. Then when things died down, my dad came and found me and I climbed down from the tree and he tried to comfort me. But i just kept crying and eventually I tired myself out and fell asleep. He carried me in and I woke up in my bed the next morning hearing loud crying coming from my mom. She tried to guilt trip and have my dad take her back. But it failed and eventually my uncle arrived and got my mom and her stuff and then she wasn’t in my life. Which in all this my uncle stood beside us, but he did help my mom because of the whole family thing. Anyway, my mom wasn’t completely out of my life. She would leave letters in the mailbox condemning me every couple of weeks.
So then fast forward to when I was 14. I was home alone. When I heard a car pull up. I went downstairs and opened the door and here comes my mom and her boyfriend. I knew something was wrong and quickly closed and locked the door. They started banging on the door and my mom was yelling how she could fix and that I didn’t have to pretend anymore. I called the police and hid in my closet. Listening to the banging. After a couple minutes, I hear two cruisers pull, then a commotion. Then eventually the commotion was over and I heard my name called out by the cop saying it was safe. I realized it was my friends Chris’ dad, John.
I got out of hiding and went downstair and the front door was totaled. It was on the verge of breaking. So I go outside they got my mom and her boyfriend in separate cruiser. John and the other officer, Charlie, made sure I was ok. They got another cop to come out and take my mom from John’s cruiser so John could stay with me. He did, and eventually my dad and grandparents showed up. We pressed charges, they both ended up getting 4 years. And that is the last thing I know about the whereabout of my mom. After that whole situation, my dad and grandpa taught me self defiance, which turned into teaching me how to hunt. 
Then when I was about 18, my grandparents go into a pile up caused by a drunk driver and died. It was really tough around then and I threw myself into my shitty waiter job at the local diner. Made decent money and got good tips. With the saved money, I got myself a car with my dad’s help and started traveling, doing hunts. Stayed in contact with dad through this time and still do. He ended up getting close to John after his wife divorced him and they fell for each other. They got married last year, which I attended their wedding, then I took a break from hunting. Then a couple of months ago I started back up my. band, that’s when I met you guys and here we are.”
“Damn sorry about the whole transphobic mom and grandparents thing.” Sam says.
“Eh, I got over it.”
“Pretty hard stuff to get over,” Dean adds in.
“Yeah, I went to a lot of therapy to get myself to this point.”
“Glad it went well for you. Therapists can be tricky. Some help and some don’t.” Sam said.
“I got paired with a pretty good one. Anyway, don’t mean to switch topics, but how does food sound to you guys because all that talking got me hungry?”
“Yes, I love the way you think.” Dean says.
“There’s a diner just down the road we can go there.” Sam says.
“Sounds good to me.”
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melanieph321 · 7 months
Ruben Dias/Trent Alexander Arnold x Reader - Dark Rivarly Part 5/15
Part 6 och 7 are already out on my Patreon for FREE!
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Reader is Trent Alexander Arnold's twin sister. The two have been inseparable since childbirth, more so now when Reader is fresh out of university looking for a job, crashing at her brother's place whilst doing so. One day Reader gets a job offer that she cannot refuse, however it would mean working for her brother's biggest rival in football, Ruben Dias.
It was your birthday. Twenty-fifth to be exact. And yes, you were celebrating it in Liverpool, but not against your will.
"Happy birthday dear Y/N and Trent, happy birthday to youuuuu!"
It was a day you shared with another person. Your other half. For this reason you were quite excited to return home.
"Open them, open up your gifts!"
The celebration was held at Trent's apartment, surrounded by family and friends. Mostly, Trent's friends, since you didn't have nearly as many.
"A golden fly?" Trent frowned, as he pulled out the item that your parents had handed to him in a neatly wrapped package.
"For when Liverpool wins the league, son." Your dad winked. "Grandma is yet to finish your golden suit."
"Thank you, I guess." Trent muttered.
Everyone cheered and threw their heads back with laughter. Everyone but you.
"I swear to God if they got me the same gift..."
As twins it was almost a tradition that the two of you received identical gifts. You and Trent were always walking around with matching pajamas during the holiday season, and that was just last year.
Trent leaned closer to you and whispered. "Where is Whiskey when you need him?"
"Poor Whiskey." You sighed. "May he rest in peace in cat heaven."
Whenever there was a gift or toy that neither you or Trent liked, you would simply hand it over to your one eyed cat. Whiskey played with anything, destroying everything. Usually people would say that their dog ate their toy, however you and Trent had a cat that got the job done for you.
"How old was he when he died, like twenty?" Trent chuckled.
"I know, right? Cat's aren't supposed to live that long, are they?"
"Especially if they've only got one eye and ate Grandma's black beans for a living."
It was nice, laughing with Trent. Whilst the party was going on around you the two of you sat back on the couch, recalling childhood memories. At one point you forgot about your reasons for letting him off easy. You had forgotten to tell him about the great news. Luckily Trent reminded you himself.
"I heard you got a new job."
"Right, my job!" You exclaimed, as it all came to you, your reason for coming.
"Grandma said you were doing terrible at her shop anyway. I guess she is glad to get rid of you."
"I actually got a great job offer." You were grinning from the inside out, eager to tell Trent the news, simply because of the mind games it would cause. "You won't guess who I'm working..."
"Do tell." Trent stretched his arm behind the couch, pulling out a medium sized box with cut out holes in it. "But first open up my gift." He said, placing the box in your lap. Something was definitely moving inside of it.
"You got me something?" You frowned.
"Of course." He nodded. "Now open it, see what's inside."
He wasn't supposed to get you something. A pact made way back. As children you swore never to buy each other gifts because it was smarter to let other people do it for you, then trade the items later.
"Come on, Y/N. Open it." He said, beaming at you like a fool. However it was you who was the fool. Trent made you look like one for not buying him a gift.
You gasped as the box tipped over in your lap with a set of soft paws pressing down on your thighs.
"Oh my God, Trent?"
There was a collective sigh from the people at the party, seeing as a bundle of orange cuteness had swept into your arms.
"You got me a kitten?" You lifted the baby cat in the air, examining him.
"He looks just like Whiskey, doesn't he?" Trent smiled. "He's from the same shelter so who knows, could be his cousin?"
You were suddenly overwhelmed with tremendous joy, and gratitude. Whiskey's death was the first heartache you had experienced as a child, followed by your grandfather's passing. And now it had been restored, a piece of your heart.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you." You threw yourself at Trent, with Whiskey Jr meowing in your hand.
"Alright alright, don't break him." He laughed.
You wiped your tears. "Trent, this is the best gift anyone could have ever gotten me. Now I feel bad for sticking to our pact."
"Don't be." He said, stretching out to pet Whiskey Jr. "I feel like I owe you."
"Owe me?"
He shrugged in response. "I told mom and dad about your situation, having them freak out on you. I didn't think they would force you to move to Manchester of all places. And I didn't think that you would...."
"That I would what?"
He had stopped talking, his hand still scratching the back of Whiskey Jr's ear. His expression was hard to read,  but it became clear when he said, "I didn't think you would stop talking to me."
It made you draw a breath, hearing the sincerity in his voice.
"Trent, I...."
"I mean what's it been, like two months?"
"Three." You corrected. "It was the longest you had gone without speaking to each other, ever. You thought about it and realized the emptiness it had caused. A black hole that just kept growing inside of you.
"Trent, I should tell you...."
You had made a mistake. A big mistake accepting Ruben's job offer. You only took it to fuck with Trent, to get your revenge. However that desire was long gone now.
"Should I take him while you get that?" He asked.
"Your phone?" He said, followed by the two of you glancing down towards the table before you, your phone rattling it as someone was calling you.
"I'll be right back." You said, excusing yourself, handing Whiskey Jr over to Trent. You recognized the number that was calling you and made sure to slip to somewhere closed off, where no one could hear you.
"Um, hello?"
"Y/N, I need you to come into work today. Can you make it?" It was Ruben on the other end of the line, his voice urgent.
You groaned inwardly. You had specifically scheduled your day off to celebrate your birthday, and the last thing you wanted to do was spend it at work. "I'm sorry Ruben, I actually can't come in today. It's my birthday, remember?"
You had mentioned it last week, when Ruben had asked you to once again come in on short notice. It was clear that as his personal stylist you were expected to be on demand during all hours of the day, every day of the week.
"I really need you to come today Y/N. I'm sorry if I'm bothering you on such an important day, however you did make a commitment to work for me, no?"
You sighed and rubbed your temple. Having only worked for Ruben for three weeks you knew that he was a demanding boss, but this was taking it too far.
"I'm not coming in, Ruben," you said firmly. "If you fire me, then so be it. But I'm not going to ruin my birthday for you."
There was a pause on the other end of the line, and you braced yourself for the worst. The worst came following the sigh Ruben let out. "Fine, Y/N, as you wish. You're fired."
"Wait what?"
The tone went flat in your ear.
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timechange · 2 months
MCFLY JULY ‘24 — dave’s night off.
DECEMBER 14, 1985, 7:46 PM
“Okay, McFly, focus. You got this.”
Marty’s staring at the pristine living room wall, hands drumming his thighs. The familiar motions help him to think, be calm.
“Nobody knows what happened to the boat that Grandpa Artie gave Mom and Dad,” he begins, like he’s studying for a history test in the garage, “but that doesn’t mean it’s gone, it’s just… in storage… somewhere. Uh… Grandma Sylvia’s crochet blanket is in your room. It smells like her perfume, not popcorn, and that’s okay, ‘cause you miss her anyway and you need to call her soon. Nobody knows what the hell happened to Grandpa Sam’s scratchy plaid couch with the busted up cushions and Grandma Stella’s quilt’s in Mom’s hope chest… she thinks.”
“The weird modern art thing Mom and Dad picked up on… their honeymoon?...” He smacks his forehead, running a hand through his hair. “Dammit, no, not their honeymoon, it was their anniversary, their tenth anniversary. Dad replaces the flowers in the vase with fresh ones every week for Mom. There’s a million throw pillows on the couch so I guess nobody sits there anymore?…”
He rubs the back of his neck.
“Uh… kitchen. Right. We got the good chips and the good cereal, not the store brand, but... only one box ‘cause I’m the only one that still eats that junk. Everybody else has… bran and muesli and shit.”
He sighs.
“Photos…” Marty picks up an immaculate frame. “This is from Dave’s tenth birthday trip to Disneyland but you were five so it’s okay you don’t remember anything.” He stares at the family in the photo; a happy mom, a charming dad, three beautiful kids, the littlest one with a grin that looks like it’s about to break his tiny face in half. He thumbs over the glass. “I’m sorry, kid. It wasn’t supposed to be like this. I hope you’re okay… whenever you are.” He sets the photo back down.
“We’ve been to Knott’s Berry Farm, Florida, New York…” They keep asking him where he wants to go after graduation and he’s beginning to run out of ways to stall.
“At least Long Beach still happened,” Marty continues. “Jen remembers, so do the guys. And you got the album and the poster and the t-shirt to prove it, so—“
“What the hell?”
“Jesus Christ!” Marty jumps, whirling around to meet his older brother’s eyes. “Dave, you scared the shit out of me! What are you doin’ home? It’s Saturday! You’re supposed to be out with the guys from the office!”
He’d had it all planned: Dave was supposed to be out, Linda was working late and then had a date, and his parents were off at the Baxters’ Christmas party. He thought it was safe.
“Oh, I scared the shit out of you?” Dave retaliates. “And yeah, it’s Saturday, but it’s the week before Christmas, genius! Maybe I’m supposed to, I don’t know, hang out with my kid brother!”
“I-I’m sorry, Dave,” Marty sighs, deflating, hanging his head and sticking his hands in his pockets. “I just…”
“You gonna tell me what that was all about?” Dave asks, putting his hands on his shoulders. Even without looking up, Marty can feel his brother’s eyes on him, searching.
There’s a long moment of silence.
“‘At least Long Beach still happened?’” Dave prompts. “Of course it happened! That stupid concert was all you talked about for months!”
Marty manages a smile, before it falls.
“You ever feel like you’re goin’ crazy, Dave?” he ventures. “Or maybe… like the world is? I-I know it doesn’t make sense, but…”
“Of course it makes sense,” Dave cuts him off with a sigh. “I was seventeen too, y’know.”
“Yeah, I remember,” Marty laughs, “you were kinda the worst.”
“Sure I was, I was a pain in the ass,” Dave agrees. He tilts Marty’s head up with his finger like their mom used to and gives him a smile. “You’re not crazy, Marty. I’ll tell you what’s happening. Senior year is makin’ you screwy and I know you haven’t been sleeping.”
“I-I haven’t,” Marty admits.
“So, here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna order pizza, you’re gonna kick my ass at Nintendo while we wait, and then we’re gonna watch a movie. Okay?”
“…Pepperoni with extra cheese?”
“Duh. What am I, a monster?”
“Okay.” Marty smiles as Dave ducks into the kitchen to order. “Hey, Dave…?”
“Yeah?” He sticks his head out, receiver already up to his ear.
Dave winks.
“Anytime, Marty. Anytime.”
DECEMBER 14, 1985, 11:29 PM
Dave turns the volume on the TV down, opting to watch the rest of the VHS on as close to mute as possible. He sets the remote down, turning his attention to his sleeping brother, curled into his side like a little kid. He ruffles his hair, sighing.
Normally, he’d tease Marty when he’d wake up about how he took photos or something stupid like that, or he’d just carry him up to bed, but things hadn’t been normal for months now. Something happened, he didn’t know what, and at least if he was right here he could watch him and make sure he was okay.
The front door opens and he recognizes his sister’s footsteps, the way she slips off her heels and the jingle of her keys and handbag as she sets them on the counter. She walks into the living room, about to say something, but Dave raises his free hand to his lips in a shushing motion.
Linda takes in the scene, then sits down on Dave’s other side. She grabs the remote, starts rewinding White Christmas, then leans her head on Dave’s shoulder as the movie starts to play.
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pacthesis · 1 year
mercedes' diamond
one is 3 bucks and one is a family heirloom
this is lore about a rock
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i got pizza man's grandma’s engagement ring
actually ordered the $3 ring for our vietnamese engagement tea ceremony but his mom casually gave me her mom’s ring and pizza man paid to get it resized 😭🥺 (thought my ring size was 4 for years but turns out its 3.25) 🫣
the resizing costed like 200 bucks but i did tell pizza man like 7 years ago "i don't care what the ring costs as long as its not over three digits" 😤
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even though pizza man has 3 siblings and a bunch of cousins- none of em wanted mercedes' diamond
most of em ended up getting diamonds like the width of my finger lol
it might be cursed though- most of the kids don't really know her cause she kicked the bucket young 🫣
grandpa actually proposed with a smaller diamond but after he saved up enough he got her this bigger one! so this rock is his hard work!! 😤
annoying ppl can call me small or whatever but i will not accept any comments that suggest or imply that the size of this rock is not huge haha
my mom was thinking my fingers are the size they are now but thinks i still got some growing to do- so she also casually gave me HER engagement ring in case i need a bigger one to wear someday 🤣
i’ve always been a big fan of cz/costume jewelry but i was also gifted/inherited more regalia/pieces from my moms and grandmas for the upcoming tea ceremony
after getting a closer look at what diamonds look like- i found the quickest way for me to tell the difference between cz vs diamond with just my naked eye is lookin at the center: dark edges/shapes = prob cz i guess
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my mom also gave me her fav jade bracelet! 🥺🫣
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looking at all these pieces that were well loved by ladies in my life i thought "guess i don't got a diamond with my name but thats ok" but then remembered wait haha yes i do
but i'll never own it
on my 1st birthday my mom got a ring made using my baby finger
its on a chain because my mom wants whoever i marry to wear it close to their heart
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if anyone deserves my diamond its pizza man
told my mom he's cared about my well being long before we got together and still cared for me when we weren't dating and i was zero percent interested and walked away
all he's ever wanted was just for me to have a good life
before any of this i actually forgot about the necklace but now everyone knows if they become the champion devoter of me they get a shiny token like how wrestlers fight for those title belts 🤣
my sibling also has a ring necklace but a champion has already been declared and its just the two of us so no more special necklaces up for grabs
anyway all this stuff bout engagement rings reminded me of this puny detail in my comic showing how harley got a heart shaped ring just tells me everything i could ever know about a him lol
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running-tweezers · 2 months
~ Pictures of You - Part 4 ~
It’s been weeks, and Zephyr is over the moon for this Mercutio guy. Maybe it’s just petty jealousy, but Nate can’t quite shake the feeling that something here feels off.
1807 Words
Rated T
CW: Alcohol, Manipulative Behavior
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
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~ June 2, 1989 ~
Fucking Mercutio.
Every time Zephyr brought up that name, Nate felt a lead weight drop in the pit of his stomach. But he couldn’t put a finger on why. Was it really just jealousy? Just some part of him that wished Zephyr was spending their Saturday nights with him instead? Or was it something else? Something worse? He hoped he was wrong, but something about the whole situation just seemed icky.
Zephyr seemed to be having the time of their life, though. The last three weeks, they’d been raving about this guy with stars in their eyes. Nate went from barely knowing his name, to learning more than he ever wanted to know.
Mercutio owns the biggest and most exclusive goth club in the city. Mercutio is practically an A-list celebrity when it comes to the local scene. Mercutio has a lot of influence and a lot of friends who follow him everywhere. Mercutio hung out backstage with Peter Murphy once. Mercutio drinks imported Shiraz and smokes Djarum Black clove cigarettes and smells like Drakkar Noir.
Ok, maybe it was a little jealousy.
“But anyway, when the club shut down for the night, we hung around until the sun started coming back up. Just us and a couple of his other friends who work there. I drank way too many Midori sours. I barely remember those last couple hours or so.” Zephyr laughed as they continued their story. “I don’t think I’ve ever been that drunk before. But I mean, he kept getting more rounds, and what am I gonna do, say no?”
Alarms started going off in Nate’s head. Back when he first started watching, they told a story about the first time they got drunk. They’d bought a bottle of cheap vodka on their 21st birthday and their cousin offered them $5 for every shot they took.
“I had just blown out the sole of my good boots the week before, and I needed $25 to get some new ones. I wasn’t gonna turn that down,” they’d said. “So 5 shots later I puked in her kitchen, tripped over the corner of a rug, hit the counter, and gave myself a black eye. She had to drive me home and we both got an earful from my grandma the next day. I swore I’d never drink like that again.'' Nate remembered laughing when they kicked their feet up on the desk in front of them, showing off a pair of well worn pointy toe buckle boots. “But these have lasted me a couple years now, so I say it was worth it.”
Nate smiled at the recollection, but that sour feeling returned quickly. They said they’d never drink that much again. That they didn’t drink much when they went out.
“I don’t even know how I got home, honestly. Had a nasty hangover when I finally woke up, but it was worth it. Best night ever.” Zephyr was practically swooning. “I don’t remember much, but I do remember him saying he wished he could do this with me every night.”
Something here was very wrong.
Nate’s arm reached for the phone like a reflex. He didn’t know what to say, he just knew he needed to talk to them. He didn’t even need to look at the number on screen anymore, his fingers pressed each button guided by muscle memory. He was about to press the final two numbers when the familiar phrase echoed through the speakers.
“Oh, we have a caller!”
Dammit. He set the phone back down on the end table. Someone was faster.
“You’re on the air.”
“Guess who?” A low, smoky voice snaked through the speakers, and Zephyr sat up at attention.
Nate’s face twisted in disgust as soon as the words hit his ears. Just those two words were enough to send Zephyr into a state somewhere between elation and panic. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind who this was.
“Oh my god, Mercutio? You’re watching?” Zephyr asked in flustered disbelief.
“Of course I am. I wanted to check out your little show. Since you talked so much about it Saturday night.” His voice was velvety smooth, but it was a thin cover for a thick layer of condescension. “I like it. It’s very… stripped back. A little DIY. Underground. It works for you.”
“Th- thanks. I just kinda threw all this together. I know it isn’t much.” Zephyr was clearly struggling to strike a balance between their nonchalant apathetic mask and the fact that they looked like a teenager kicking their feet over their crush. Their eyes darted around their barebones set, looking suddenly very aware of how low budget things appeared. “I’ve only been doing this for about a year now, I’m hoping to invest more into it as soon as I can.”
“I’m sure you'll get there,” Mercutio said. “We all start somewhere, don’t we?”
“Right.” Zephyr’s cheeks flushed a little redder. “I just wish I would’ve known you were gonna watch. I would’ve planned something more interesting.”
Mercutio’s laugh felt just as fake as the rest of him. “It’s alright, Zephyr. I’m enjoying hearing about our night all over again.”
The dull unease he felt, for a brief moment, flared into something stronger. He hated the way their name sounded coming out of his mouth.
“Good to see you’re doing alright now, by the way,” Mercutio continued, dripping with smug amusement. “Last time I saw you, you could hardly walk on your own.”
“Oh god.” Zephyr buried their face in their hand, embarrassed. “Yeah, I’m fine. Sorry I was such a mess.”
“Aw… it’s ok, Zephyr.” His words were cloying, like the pitying voice you’d use with a pet. “You make a very cute drunk.”
That flame of hatred ignited once again.
Stop saying their name like that.
“And I can answer your question, by the way. How you got home? I called you a cab. Paid the driver upfront. Plus some extra to make sure you were taken care of.” Something in the way he spoke made it clear he was expecting effusive praise for revealing this. “I assume you were taken care of?”
“Yes! Or, I think so at least. I don’t remember anything bad, so I guess it was fine?”
“Good,” he said matter-of-factly. “If you remembered any differently, I’d have to hunt that taxi driver down. Show him what happens when you mistreat my Zephyr.”
Zephyr visibly melted on screen and Nate had never felt so close to punching one of his couch cushions.
They are not “your Zephyr,” stop fucking saying that.
The swift realization washed over him. They weren’t his Zephyr either. He leaned back into the couch, defeated as they continued their flirty conversation. He had no right to feel the way he did. This was childish. Mercutio was definitely obnoxious, but he was making way too many assumptions about his character from secondhand stories and one phone call. This was obviously the kind of guy Zephyr wanted. Not him. They were more Mercutio’s than they’d ever be his.
“So, um, since you’re here,” Zephyr shifted the subject, fidgeting with the rings on their fingers. “I wanted to ask you something. I meant to ask the other night but… you know.” They trailed off, half laughing about the obvious reason they would’ve forgotten.
“I just— I wanted to know if you might want to come on the show sometime in person? Do an interview. We can talk about you, and the club, and stuff like that?” They asked cautiously, already on the defensive. “I mean, I know it’s just some stupid little show, but it could be fun maybe?”
“I don’t see why not.” Mercutio answered. “I’d love to help you out. Get some eyes on your work.”
Zephyr grinned. A real one. Nate debated turning off the TV.
“That would be awesome! Are you doing anything next week? If you are I get it, that’s soon, and I’m sure you’re really busy, but if you’re free I’d lo—“
“Anything for you, my dear.” Mercutio interrupted. “We can talk more about it on Saturday.”
Nate’s finger rested on the remote’s power button, but something kept him from pushing it.
“I wish,” Zephyr lamented, resting their chin on one hand. “I can’t be there Saturday.”
Mercutio’s voice turned on a dime. The sweetness and affection were gone in an instant, replaced with sharp indignation and authority.
Nate lowered the remote.
Zephyr also noticed the shift, tensing a bit. “Yeah, I have a family thing.”
“You told me you’d be there.”
“Did I?”
“You did. You told me you were coming to see the band Saturday.” Mercutio grew more agitated with every word.
“I’m sorry, I— I must’ve forgot.”
“Oh no, it’s fine,” Mercutio shot back, voice biting and thick with sarcasm. “I just thought you’d want to get backstage with the band. I hear they’re about to sign a record deal. You could be the first to get them on your show. But I guess you don’t care about that.”
“No, no I do! I wish I could be there, but I can’t miss this it’s been planned for months—“
“I’m going out of my way to give you all these opportunities, you know?” He was more frustrated now, just on the brink of yelling. “And you seem to be taking them for granted.”
The bigger Mercutio got, the more Zephyr seemed to shrink. “I’m sorry, it’s my grandma’s birthday, I have to be there…”
Nate watched the exchange, sick to his stomach. There was something in Zephyr’s eyes that Nate had never seen before. An anxiety and fear that made his skin crawl. And to think he’d just tried to convince himself that maybe this guy wasn’t so awful. He should've trusted his gut. He’d never felt so terrible about being right.
The airwaves went silent for an agonizing few seconds, Zephyr stiff with the fear that they’d upset him further. When Mercutio finally spoke, he softened a bit. “No, it’s ok. I understand. It’s just—” He let out a heavy sigh, now sounding sadder. Hurt, almost. “I told you last week I wished I could spend time with you every night. I’m just so busy all the time, I don’t get a lot of nights like that. I don’t know… I’m sorry I snapped at you, Zephyr. I just really wanted to see you again.”
They let out a breath. “No, I’m sorry.” Zephyr apologized. “I’ll be there. I said I would. I’ll find a way. I can probably sneak out early or something.”
“You promise?”
“Yeah, I promise.” Zephyr smiled weakly.
Nate switched off the TV and headed back to his bedroom for the night, the phone still left abandoned on the end table. He couldn’t watch any more of this.
( @pinksparkl @definetelynuwonhere @phantasmechanical )
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assortedseaglass · 2 years
Come Back To Me - Chapter Five
Billy Washington x OFC
Warnings: Language, Trigger Point (TV) Spoilers.
Author’s Note: We’re mostly with Ida for this chapter. A Washington (or three) may appear...
Word Count: 2.6K
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Billy and Ida hadn’t spoken since their argument. She ran down the stairs from his flat, hunched over the steering of her car and let her hot tears spill over. Violent, full-body sobs ripped through her body. He’d said she looked nice. That she was perfect. That he didn’t want her anymore. Bitter anger mixed with her heartbreak and she looked up to his flat. There he was, silhouetted against the window, looking down at her. She jerked back and started the engine. Fine. If he wanted to shut her out, she’d make it easier for him. The streets were quiet. Ida pulled away from the curb and sped away.
A little over a week later, she was staring at her desk. Her grandad’s guitar, perfectly wrapped in dark blue paper, leant against the chair. While looking through old photos, months ago in her grandma’s loft one afternoon, she had come across the guitar in a tattered leather case. A few coats of varnish and a set of new strings later, it was as good as new. Better than that battered charity shop one of Billy’s anyway…
“I hope he gets as much enjoyment out of it as my George did,” Gwen had said. “And I hope you enjoy listening to it as much.”
It had been wrapped and ready for weeks. With ten minutes left until she had to leave, Ida was still undecided as to whether she should go. Whether he would want to see her.
“Come on, honey,” It was Sofia, who had offered to drive Ida to Billy’s. “Just pop in and say happy birthday. If he’s still being foul, I’ll be outside waiting to whisk you away! And if he’s realised what a knob he was, even better!”
“And if he needs is head knocking against something, let me know.” Faisal called from the lounge.
Ida looked at Sofia, all bright and sunny in her favourite summer dress. She stood up and put her arm around the taller woman’s shoulders, placing a gentlest kiss to her temple. “Thank you,” she whispered.  
“Come on,” Sofia replied, nodding to the guitar. “Let’s get this over with.”
The late morning sun was heavy and oppressive and, after a week of feeling little other than despair, Ida welcomed it. The girls drove around the outskirts of London with the windows down and their hair flowing. Sofia blasted classics through the radio; Britney, Shania, Aretha, Destiny’s Child. For a brief moment, Ida wondered if Billy had been listening to Oasis, Nirvana or Radiohead. Then she thought, fuck him, and carried on singing at the top of her lungs.
By the time they pulled up outside Billy’s flat, Ida’s hair was wilder than usual, her heart was hammering and she felt like she could conquer the world. Val and Jeff Washington were sat in the car opposite, and Val gave Ida a little wave. Lana pulled in, her black brick of a car blocking the sun from Sofia’s. Sofia patted Ida’s leg. “You’ve got this! I’ll be right here if you need me.”
Ida greeted the Washingtons; Lana with a hug and Val a kiss on the cheek. Jeff pointed to the guitar and said, “Let me guess, bottle of wine?” He chortled to himself and moved to unlock the door. Ida followed them up the carpeted stairs into Billy’s flat, careful to avoid hitting the guitar on the walls of the narrow stairway. She took a shaky breath and stood a little taller. Here goes…
“Billy? Wake up.” Lana shouted into the flat, already assuming he was still be in bed. “What a shit tip,” she added, glancing at the kitchen.
Val, carrying the cake into the lounge, said in a sing-song voice, “Where’s the birthday boy?” Ida followed and set the guitar by the sofa.
“I’ll wake the lazy sod up,” said Lana before calling his name.
“If you can’t lie in on your birthday, when can you?” Ida said, and Val nudged her shoulder with a smile.
“Oh look, he started the party without us,” Jeff kicked a beer bottle with his foot, his voice somewhere between pride and disgust. Ida imagined Jeff at Billy’s age; a boring young man with an old head on his shoulders, trying to woo sweet Val with cheap aftershave and flowers from the garage forecourt.
“Well, that’s typical,” Lana entered the lounge. “He’s not here.”
“I told you we should have called first,” Jeff said to Val, who in turn held out a placating arm to him.
“He’s obviously had people round,”
“Maybe him and Becky have gone out for a birthday surprise!” Val said cheerily.
Ida and Lana’s eyes snapped to each other. As if reading the hatred Ida held for Becky in her eyes, Lana spoke quickly. “I doubt it mum. Think them two have split up for good now,”
“What?” Val seemed genuinely upset; she always saw the best in other people, which Ida admired. “He never said,”
“Well he wouldn’t, would he?” replied Lana. Ida sighed.
“His car’s gone and all-“
“Oh, that’s a shame about Becky.” Val said as Ida bristled. Not noticing, Val continued to Lana. “How did he seem when you last saw him?”
“Er, mardy? Confused?” Lana scoffed. Ida glared at her.
“No change there, then.” Jeff added. Ida caught him under her eyes too, and he turned back to the window. Each of them was silent for a few moments, unsure of what to do. Ida didn’t want to speak. Never before had she felt so uncomfortable in Billy’s flat. Without Billy here, and without the warmth she usually felt at coming to see him, Ida felt she was intruding in someone else’s life. The only thing anchoring her to reality was the other Washingtons and their whinging. She took a deep breath.
“Bloody hell, what’s that!?” Val pointed to the floor. The bandage that Ida had replaced around Billy’s knuckles lay amongst a pile of dirty clothes.
“It’s a bandage,” Lana grabbed it before her mother could reach it. “He cut his hand a couple of days ago.”
“A couple of days ago.”
Christ. The only thing worse than listening to your family argue, is listening to other people’s families argue. Ida fiddled with the hem of her skirt, thinking of excuses to leave and get back to Sofia.
“It was after Nut’s funeral,” Lana said, defeated. “He got absolutely battered. He’d had too much to drink, and he ended up smashing a window and he got arrested-”
“Arrested!?” Ida shut her eyes. Imaginary images flashed through her mind. Billy, drunk and angry, slamming his fist through the glass of the butchers’. Slamming his fist into the wall by her head. Leaning his body against hers…
“Yes dad,” said Lana. “But he didn’t want you to worry, so I promised I wouldn’t say.” Ida smiled.
“You promised you wouldn’t say.” Val said. It wasn’t a question.
“Come on, mum,” Ida’s eyes were dashing between the three Washingtons.
“What’s going on?” Val straightened and narrowed her eyes at her daughter.
“Nothing, mum. Please, stop worrying. Billy’s not turned up to his own party, what’s new?” Jeff laughed in response and a pulse of electricity jolted Ida.
“Shut up.”
All three Washingtons stared at her, stunned into silence.
“Ida?” Whichever one of them said it, Ida didn’t know.
“Just shut up!” she hissed from her seat on the sofa.
“Now just a minute, Ida. What’s brought this on?” Jeff took a step forward.
“It’s no wonder Billy’s not here,” she gestured around the flat. “I’d have run a mile too if I knew you lot were coming over. Some fucking birthday party you make.”
“Ida!” That was Lana.
“Lana.” Ida replied sarcastically, standing up to face her. Val laughed in uncomfortable disbelief and looked at her husband. Jeff took an awkward step forwards, hands out, seemingly scared of making any sudden movement in case Ida attacked him.
“It’s not the first time he’s not told us what he’s up t-” Jeff tried, but Ida cut him off.
“Can you blame him?” Ida whirled round. Billy was the tallest of the Washingtons by a long way. Her face was level with Jeff’s as she stared him down. “When was the last time you took the remotest interest in him? And not about whether he has a job or not!” Ida added as Jeff opened his mouth and shut it again like a goldfish. Not one of them answered. “WELL?”
“Shall I tell you how he is, seeing as you asked earlier, Val? He’s not feeling ‘mardy’ or ‘confused’, for a start. He’s scared and hurt and angry. If you paid any attention to him, you’d know that bitch and him haven’t been good for a while.” Val gasped at Ida’s language but she carried on. “He’s applied for job after job. No one wants him apparently. Not work, not Becky, not you lot. All he’s ever wanted to do is make you proud! He never wanted to join the army, you know? He only tried because he saw how happy it made you when Lana did!”
“He could have gone his own way,” said Jeff.
“Yeah, he didn’t have to do exactly what I did-” added Lana, but Ida bent double and roared into her fists. They didn’t get it.
“Do you know who could tell you about Billy, Jeff?” Ida was shouting now. “Hm? My grandma could. Do you know how many times he came over after you’d given him a bollocking? Billy knows that Lana is your favourite. We all do. He’s not stupid, and you’re fucking SHIT at hiding it.” She jabbed a finger at him, her hair whipping around her red face. Jeff was too stunned to speak. Clever, quiet little Ida had never risen her voice to anyone. Well, what the fuck did he know?
“Don’t you shout at them,” Lana bellowed. Ida turned on her the second she spoke.
“I know you’re used to bossing people around and getting your voice heard, Lana, but you can’t do that with me.” Lana looked like she’d been slapped. “He idolised you! He thought you’d always have his back, but you’ve been a fucking shit sister these last few years.” Tears were beginning to prick at her eyes. Ida knew she must look mad but my God this family brought it out of her. When she continued, her voice wobbled with years’ worth of hurt and anger.
“Do you know what I’d give to have a family? For gran to have her kids back? To have my parents back, and maybe some siblings too? Some fucking family you lot are. When was the last time you took an interest in him, Lana, and stopped treating him like a child?”
“Well, maybe if he didn’t act like one-” Ida laughed madly at Lana’s reply. “He’s been charged with racially aggravated assault, Ida.”
“I’m not excusing him, Lana!” she shouted over Val’s gasp. “But I’m the only one that’s tried to help him, rather than cast him out further.” Val was crying now and Ida could not bring herself to feel any pity. “CHRIST! THIS FUCKING FAMILY!” She screamed, grabbing her bag and heading to the door. “In the unlikely event that you see Billy before I do, tell him I’m gonna kill him, yeah?”
The sound of the door slamming behind her rang around the building as she tore down the stairs and out the front door. Sofia, the legend that she was, already had the engine running.
“Thought I was gonna have to come up,” she said as Ida sat in the passenger seat. “Billy not a fan of the guitar then?” She added as a joke.
“He’s not in,” Ida rubbed her face. “Is it twelve yet?”
“Pub it is.”
After a pint or three with Sofia in the pub garden, Ida made her way to the nearest tube station and caught the train to her grandma’s. She let herself in and, a little drowsy from the heat and alcohol, poured herself a glass of water. It was then that Gwen entered the kitchen.
“Hiya, love! This is a nice surprise.” She kissed her granddaughter’s cheek and set about making sandwiches, as though she knew Ida hadn’t eaten yet. Ida watched her move about the kitchen, apron tied around her waist, gardening gloves left on the table.
“I’ll do it, Gran.”
In silence, the two went about their tasks. That was until Gwen spoke again. “Something on your mind, Ida?”
“It’s just the heat,”
Gwen hummed. “Billy popped over this morning.”
Ida placed the mugs on the kitchen table as her grandma did so with the sandwiches and looked at her. How did she know? Ida didn’t speak, only waited for her grandma to continue. The older woman removed her apron and sat down. “I wasn’t expecting to see him on his birthday,” Gwen said.
“We went over this morning but he wasn’t there. Didn’t realise you’d stolen him from us.”
Gwen laughed a little and said, “Well, not to worry, I didn’t tell him about the guitar.”
They cheersed their mugs, and Ida took a bite of her sandwich. “Did he say what he was up to today?” she asked, trying to sound casual though her heart burned to know.
“Don’t talk with your mouthful. Said he’s off to see some mates, maybe catch the footie?” Gwen watched her granddaughter, and when she didn’t say anything, added. “What’s happened with you two, hey?”
Ida coughed and set her sandwich down. “Nothing,”
“Oh, don’t lie to me Ida. I know you better than you do.”
Ida looked at her grandma’s kind, concerned face, and her lips started to tremble. God, she was sick of crying. “He doesn’t want me anymore, Gran.” The heartbreak she had been carrying over the last week burst out of her and she lay her head on the table.
“Oh my darling,” Gwen cooed, standing to rub Ida’s hair. “Come on, come on.” She pulled her hand and led her into the sun of the garden. Change of scenery, change of mood, Gwen told Ida as a child. She dusted off the worn, wooden bench and patted the space next to her for Ida. Not long after they sat down Tiggy, Gwen’s decrepit tabby cat, came to sit on their laps and soak up the July sun. With each stroke of Tiggy’s mottled fur, and her grandma’s through her hair, Ida’s breathing returned to normal.
“I don’t think you’re right about Billy,” Gwen said gently.
“He told me!”
“Don’t interrupt. Shall I tell you why I think he came to have a cup of tea with the old biddy next door for his birthday?” Ida laughed lightly and nodded for her to continue. “I think it reminded him of when you were children. The amount of times you two were sat at that table, covered in mud from running around Cranstead, stuffing sandwiches in your mouth so you could get back to playing. I don’t think he wants rid of you, Ida. I think he needs you more than ever. He needs his best friend.”
Notes: Sofia, Faisal and Gwen are the miracles everyone needs in their life. Really enjoyed writing Ida going off at the Washingtons. That’s where the idea for this whole story started; a little scene of someone bashing their heads together.
Next chapter we’re back with Billy. Strap in because we’re getting to That. Point. very soon. I'm getting to writing it straight away because it's the only thing getting me through this sickness bug.
Tags: @jessssica1234 @anditsmywholeheart @bookwyrmsblog @phantomontheinternet @aemonds-wifey @slytherincursebreaker @valerie977 @i-killed-ramsey
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April 3, 1968 • Bookends
On this special occasion, the birthday of this beauty of an album, I'm not only thinking about how great it is. I’m also thinking about my Grandma, and I’ll tell you why via an episode that has stayed with me all this time.
I came to know S&G via my Daddy's audiocassette of Central Park playing in my parents’ car. They knocked me head over feet immediately and I wanted to listen to everything they ever recorded - but we’re talking Italy around 1999/2000, before the internet really was a thing. You had to buy CDs or cassettes, and if you didn’t like ‘em, then what? Lots of money thrown away, so it was basically not gonna happen.
Luckily for me, my Uncle had all the studio albums on vinyl! So I often visited to religiously listen to them on repeat, a goofy 12 yo trying not to scratch them and stuff. I had no idea what the songs were about, I was just starting to learn English, but I was in awe. Those voices! Those sounds!
And the covers of the albums, how unusual they were to my eyes! Not in a bad way, mind you, but so different from what I was used to - I was familiar with Queen, with the Beatles, with lots of other international artists and their pictures, but S&G’s just had their own kind of flavor, if you know what I mean. There were two people and not a whole group, nor a single artist, for a start. They looked so young, so bonded… I didn’t know a thing, I had no idea who they were, but those album covers spoke to me. 
The music told me all I needed to know, really. I tried to follow the lyrics on the back of the albums that had them, but of course I barely understood them - too young to get the whole meaning, but I didn’t mind, because I got the vibes.
So anyway there I was, marveling at the beauty of the harmonies and music and curious about who created such a magic. My Granny walked in one day and something upon these lines happened:
"Who are they? What is it they're singing?" 
"I have no idea Granny - they're American though, from NYC!"
"Oh yeah? What are they like?”
I picked the albums and we started looking at Bookends because you know, it’s the one where you can see their faces better.
“Do you remember seeing them on TV some time, Granny?”
“Not at all.” She paused to listen, I guess Wednesday Morning was on and Go, Tell It on the Mountain was playing. “They sound meh. But they're very handsome."
"I think they sound great and look meh, Granny."
"Hm. Lemme hear something else.” I have no memory of what I chose, but whatever it was, it won her over. “Well, shame they sing in such a strange language, I can’t understand a word. But you're right, they do sound nice. And you'll appreciate the rest when you grow up.”
And I do believe quite a lot of my problems started that day, lol. Anyway, it’s some sweet memory I felt like sharing. Happy Bookends birthday, my fellow S&G lovers!
By the way, I later discovered my Granny knew both The Sound Of Silence and Mrs Robinson because they were both sang in Italian by Italian artists in the 60s. SOS was turned into a love song, Mrs Robinson kinda maintained a pale bit of the original meaning. Anyway, Granny didn’t care about the lyrics, she was hooked by the music. I particularly remember when she heard S&G’s Mrs Robinson: she looked at me with such happiness in her eyes and agreed that it sounded just great - though she was still annoyed at the language, “Why two handsome boys with such handsome voices must sing in such an unintelligible language!”
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akihabaradivision · 9 months
ARB Birthday Special: Keiko Yumi
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~~ December 22nd ~~
"The first draft is just you telling yourself the story."
Login Lines:
*Sighs* "Finally done! Hopefully once I send these in, my publisher will get off my back for the next month or so. ...And in record time too! Once I drop these off I can head to work and see what assignments Nemu-san has for me. ...Hmm? A message from... Nemu-san? 'Work is canceled. Enjoy your birthday.' My... birthday?!"
"How foolish can I get? I've been so busy with work I neglected to notice today was the day of my birth! I messaged Nemu-san back thanking her, though canceling work was unnecessary. ...She didn't message me back, but I assume it was because she was busy with work of her own. ...But still, what am I going to do with this free time I have?"
Voice Lines:
"I received a lot of 'happy birthdays' and such from the people of Akihabara, which is nice. ...You know, it's funny. Back when I was younger, nobody really paid me any attention. I was just another face in the crowd, so to speak. And if they did pay me attention, it was usually always negative. I can't count the number of times I got bullied back in high school. I definitely don't miss those days."
"...I don't believe it. Otome-sama, herself, sent me a 'happy birthday'! I don't believe it! I always figured that I wasn't worthy enough to be in the Prime Minister's shadow. That I was just one of the many people working under her. I mean, not that I don't mind working for Chuohku, but... too be recognized by the Prime Minister, herself. This is an honor I don't take for granted!"
"What the...? Where did all these gifts come from?! Are these all for me? Most of them are from my friends at school. ...Ha. Like I mentioned earlier, when I was younger I was used to being ignored or bullied. But now, I'm adored. I don't know if its because of my manga or just because I'm in the D.R.B. ...One thing is for sure, I definitely don't miss high school. Uni beats that place any day."
"Sheesh, it's going to take a while to get through all of these gifts. Here's a fancy one! It says it's from... my mom. Tch, great. What did that hag have the audacity to send me for my birthday? ...Some cash for my birthday? How original. And what's this now? ...A photo of my high school graduation? ...Tch, I won't ask how she managed to take a photo of me like this. Probably asked grandma for it. The nerve of her! She thinks me so soft sending me this will make me forgive her?! To hell with that, and her!" *Throws the present in the garbage, not giving it a second thought*
"Criss? What are you doing here? I mean, not that I'm not glad you're here, but I thought you mentioned in your last letter you were stranded on Hokkaido exploring a haunted hospital or something. ...You hitched a ride with someone? How many times do I have to tell you that's not safe? There are a lot of dangerous people out there, Criss. Any one of them could do something to you if you're not careful." *Sighs* "Well, I suppose the important thing is you're back home and safe. But please be more mindful next time."
"...You got me a birthday gift? Not that's it not unappreciated, but how? I thought you were out of money? ...Ah, that explains it, I guess. So, what is it? ...A hoodie? Oh, and it features a manga artist on it. Cute. It looks really nice. Plus, you got it in pink, my favorite color. Thanks Criss. This was really sweet."
"Nikki? You're here? Wow, someone alert the papers! The recluse actually left her room, for my birthday, no less! I'll definitely have to mark this date down on calendar! ...Haha! Sorry, I couldn't help myself. But really, I'm glad to see you've gotten out of your room, at least, once this week."
"Anyway, are you here to wish me a 'happy birthday' too or... A gift? From you? ...Wow, I'm definitely going to have mark this day down. ...A drawing tablet? ...Wait, this is a Wicom Cintiq Pro, isn't it? Do you know how expensive these things are, Nikki?!" *Sighs* "Fine, I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth. But I really find it disgusting that you earn more than I do when you work far less. ...Yeah, whatever."
Criss Lines:
"Hey Keiko! Happy birthday! ...I was stranded, but thankfully, I managed to hitch a ride with some nice gentlemen who gave me a lift back to Tokyo! Oh, come on, Keiko! They were really nice gentlemen! Trust me, I have an inkling if I feel someone is dangerous or not. ...Alright, I'll be more mindful, but I'm really okay, as you can see."
"Anyway, here's your birthday gift! ...Oh, my check came in from my YouTube videos! It wasn't as much as usual, but it was enough to get you a gift. Ta-da! It's a mangaka hoodie! I saw it on the way here, and thought it would really suit you! ...Thanks Keiko! Glad you like it. Promise me you'll wear it, okay?"
Nikki Lines:
"Hey Keiko. ...Are you quite finished? ...You know, if you're going to act like this, then I'll just leave. I don't have to stand here and be ridiculed for my life choices. ...Whatever. Anyway, here's your birthday gift. ...Yes, it's a drawing tablet, one of the most expensive ones on the market, FYI. The guy I ordered it from said this would help with artists who draw digitally. ...Look, if you don't want it, I can always return it and get my money back. ...What can I say? Video games are my bread and butter and they earn me money."
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creativeafterdark · 1 year
Chapter 9 and 10
Heyo folks taking a @journeythroughjourneytothewest
Had to take a break from book club last week, burn out was very bad. But I've had a week to relax, celebrated my birthday and slept most of the day lol. Let's get back into Journey to the West
First: Chapter 9.
We finally meet our Monk and learn the story of his family!
We don't spend a lot of time learning about them (minus his Dad, gets a thumbs up from me. Kind to all and easy going enough to be like "I got hit by a ball-- oh I'm married now? Okay cool". Like talk about a shotgun wedding), but we do see little bits that remind me of our Monk. He does share his kindness with his Dad, and I genuinely think his anxiety is from his mom. I'll talk about her in a minute because she is a whole other thing.
My one question is... wouldn't other officials notice that Liu Hong, essentially becoming Chen E, had no idea what he was doing??? He went on business trips, did no one recognize he wasn't who he said he was????? I mean you would think anyone who took the exams with him who got positions would be like "uh... that's not him tf??". Or they just did not care. Who knows at this point. Apparently he had Six Eared Macaque level disguise skill, rolled a nat 20 in bullshitery.
Now. Lady Yin. The poor lady went through hell for over 18 years. She had to watch her husband get murdered, had to abandon her baby, and had to play wife to a murderer. Even when her husband came back... I'm not surprised she still ended up passing. That's a lot of guilt (and I'm sure Liu Hong was not kind to her) on her mind for a LONG period of time, nearly two decades. I wish there was a happy ending for the family but I get why it ended how it did, knowing what depression and anxiety can do to people.
Now our baby Monk. Our Xuanzang. I am so proud of him for being as brave as he was. This recently turned 18 year old did everything he could to help his family. Licking his grandma's eyeballs was...a choice. But it was for a good cause so good on him. I can see why he was a good choice as the Scroll Pilgrim.
And as promised, a sketch of Xuanzang
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And as a bonus baby Monk with a doggo
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But now we move to Chapter 10.
...I legit got annoyed going thru the debate between the fisherman and woodman. Like it went on far longer than it should have. I'm sure there was a profound moment that we're supposed to glean from it but I just wasn't receptive to it. Maybe I'll read it again.
I have been doing some looking into of Chinese historical heroes (I desperately want to read Romance of the three kingdoms, and I need more reading material about folk heroes and heroines) so seeing some references to the stuff I learned made me happy. There was mention of Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang and the painting of The Emporer's Generals on the doors (supposedly the Tang dynasty is where this practice was first used. A few three kingdom folks also get this treatment as door gods, or menshen, along with other important heroes and deities. Makes me wonder if the Emperor essentially deified his Generals and Wei Zheng. How does Heaven handle that?)
Fun fact! In my jttw x mythology story Wukong will work with Asena, mythical wolf mother of the Ashina Clan of Gokturks. Guess which dynasty of China had to deal with them a lot? :)
I've also come to the conclusion that Dragons just like to fuck around and find out. Like, the Dragon King just goes against heaven's orders to spite a very accurate fortune teller, does not even THINK of the consequences, and is surprised Pikachu face when he gets in trouble. Also not sure why he thought appealing to an earthly emporer would save him from THE SUPREME DAOIST DEITY'S JUDGMENT. Like, y'all, I'm beginning to think dragons just don't give a crap or just don't think. Got what he deserved for being dumb. Did the emporer make promises he shouldn't have? No doubt, you don't promise supernatural beings anything because it will make you want to die if they catch wind of you breaking promises, regardless of nationality. Did he deserve what he got? .... I mean historically probably but in the sense of this story, no.
I find the Tang dynasty interesting (because it gave us a certain Empress and had some fun female warriors, like Taizong's sister, who helped her father found the dynasty) and I can definitely thank jttw for getting my attention about it.
I think that's all I have as far as thoughts. And I apologize if my rambles just jumped around too much lol.
Over and out ✌️
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purplesurveys · 5 months
1 - When was the last time it snowed where you live? Do you like snowy weather or is it just a pain? Uh... Anyway, cold weather is definitely preferred. We're reaching high 40s now and will still go up to the 50s in May, and it is not only uncomfortable but also starting to get very inconvenient.
2 - Are you expecting any parcels in the mail right now? Not for a while. I ordered J-Hope's album but was already informed in advance that I probably won't get it until June since my shop ships stuff from Korea in bulk. Which is fine. With BTS on hiatus I've considerably calmed down when it comes to merch lol.
3 - How long is it until your birthday? Do you have any plans for the day? Like, 363 days haha. I just celebrated my 26th last Sunday, and all I did was watch a Spongebob movie with my sister in the morning, slept all afternoon, then went to my favorite hotel buffet for dinner with my family.
4 - What was the last thing you had to drink? Coffee. The Spanish latte I got tonight had a cracked lid so my jeans are now all soaked.
5 - Do you need to do any laundry right now? Yup.
6 - Who was the last person you got a notification from on social media? Is this person a close friend of yours? That would Alex, just a dude related to work. No, I wouldn't call him a friend but he is genuinely one of the nicest people I know.
7 - Do you regularly buy things on credit? If so, how much do you owe on credit cards right now? No. I got a surprise credit card in the mail a few weeks ago (I say 'surprise' because apparently I said yes when I got surveyed years ago...? then I just forgot about it I guess LOL), but I absolutely refuse to use it. It's not even activated yet. I don't want to form a habit around paying things on credit.
8 - When was the last time you got a call from an unknown number? Did you answer or call them back? Can't be bothered to check when exactly, but I know it was a few weeks ago. I probably answered it because at the time I knew it would be someone work-related calling.
9 - When was the last time you got off work early? What was the reason and did you do anything fun with your extra free time? I don't do that, I always do the full 8 hours. Earlier this month though I did file a morning leave to attend a watch party for Wrestlemania.
10 -  What do you typically eat for Christmas Dinner? Are you the one who cooks or does a family member do the cooking? My family is never consistent when it comes to Christmas spreads lmao, it's always different meals every year! For the longest time it was my mom and grandma who did the cooking; but now that I could afford to treat my family (and can't cook hah) I buy platters and trays of all kinds of stuff so that everyone can get what they want.
11 - What time did you wake up this morning? Did you get out of bed right away? I needed to wake up earlier since I already had a meeting scheduled for 9 AM. I think I started to wake up around 7:30.
12 - Do you have any plans for the weekend? Are these plans typical for a weekend or are you doing something different? Saturday will be for rest as I have back to back events on Sunday. I'd say at this point it is pretty typical for work to eat up what little free time I have - it also comes with the higher role - but I'm hopeful this phase would stop soon. I have no weekend events booked yet for May onwards so that's looking like a good sign.
13 - Would you like to work a job that involves going in and out of other people’s homes all day? (Like care work, painter, decorated etc.) That'd be cool, but I wouldn't know what kind of related job would fit me best. I did always have an interest in interior design – I like trying to look into people's living rooms when we drive by them in the village (but tbh this is also because I live around rich people and they all have super big minimalist mansions lol), and when I was younger all I wanted to do in GTA was to have a cheat code that would let me in people's homes lmao.
14 - When was the last time you had an injury? Was it a minor cut/scrape or something more serious? What happened? Sprained my ankle two years ago. I had one drink too many and ended up tripping in a bad way over some steps on my birthday, hehe... 15 - Do you ever watch movies or TV shows that require you to read subtitles? I mean I like having subtitles around in general. It's obviously helpful when watching foreign-language shows/movies, but even for English I prefer having them turned on because I hate it when actors mumble or have too-thick accents.
16 - What accents are your favourite? Don't have any.
17 - How many people have you texted today? Are these people friends, family members or something else? People I've messaged today, outside of work, would be Angela, Lei, my mom, and sister. 3 out of 4 of these people are family.
18 - Are you any good at DIY? What was the last DIY project you finished? I'm not good at any DIY or arts or crafts, period.
19 - When was the last time you had a haircut? When was the last time you dyed your hair (if you ever have)? Hair cut: Year and a half ago. Dye: Around six months ago.
20 - Do you prefer wearing tight-fitting or loose-fitting clothes? I prefer the baggy/oversized fit now.
21 - Are you currently warm, cold or just right? Is the heating or air conditioning on to contribute to that feeling? I'm quite warm, but it's not as bad as the TERRIBLE weather earlier today. It's evening so it's a lot more manageable, but that's not to say I've stopped sweating because I still fucking am.
22 - What was the last piece of good news you received? Was it expected? Pharmacist licensure exam results came out today and I saw that my cousin passed. Yes, I always knew she was going to kill it.
23 - What colour socks are you wearing right now? Maroon.
24 - Do you prefer hot coffee or iced coffee? What about hot tea or iced tea? Iced coffee, iced tea.
25 - What are some of your favourite Christmas songs? What time of year do you start listening to Christmas music? Christmas Love by Jimin :) Kelly Clarkson also has that bubbly song but I'm blanking out on the title. I usually start to listen around the 2nd week of December, then go into overdrive between the 24th and 25th haha.
26 - If you see cats wandering about in the street, do you stop and fuss them? No.
27 - Speaking of cats, do you own a cat? Are they a particular breed or just a moggie? Would you ever want a specific breed of cat at all? No.
28 - When was the last time you moved furniture around to clean behind or underneath it? Do you need someone’s help in order to do that? Just a few weeks ago. No, it's just a decorative chair in the living room so it's easy to move around.
29 - Do you have any medications that you need to take daily? Is this something you’re going to have to do for the rest of your life? I don't.
30 - Do you know how to start an open fire and keep it burning without using loads of wood? Is this a skill you use on a regular basis at all? I don't know how to start fire.
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ofdarkestdesires · 1 year
So, I think I owe all of you a bit of a life update, just to let y’all know how I’m doing personally.
As I’ve mentioned in the past here, my car is kinda shitty. It’s a hand me down van, one I got from my grandma a little after my birthday in 2018 so I could get around to work and college. It’s served me well enough, but since April it’s been having some engine problems—not so bad that I can’t drive it, but bad enough that I can’t get it reregistered with the state without spending thousands on repairs first.
With all of that in mind, I’ve decided it might be a better plan to just trade in the van for a younger, sleeker, less-engine-fucked-up model. It’s hard to find something with my current budget, since I am at the upper end of poor and can really only afford so much and still feed myself and keep my roof over my head—but thankfully I’ve got a good job that’s giving me a bunch of overtime, and parents that are very supportive.
Honestly, since about March, my life has been kind of chaotic—my grandpa’s passing was really the kick-off and it’s all been downhill since—but it feels like things have leveled out and that maybe I’m on a bit of an upswing! Which, you know, awesome!
Anyway, I just thought I’d let y’all know. If it seems like I’ve been a bit distant or with a lack of motivation, I guess now you know why. Hopefully I’ll be writing more going forward, and doing more streams!
Oh! And thank you to everyone who checks out my streams on twitch! I’m still not totally sure what I’m doing, and I’ll need to pick up video-editing at some point so I can pare down the streams to bite-sized chunks…but for now, I’m having fun, and I hope you all are, too!
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lostnfounder · 1 year
Well. Then, we shall see how. Things turn out. I wonder. Recognition eventually? Hm.
... aside from. Your theories, how are you? Doing?
... not well, S, i can't lie.
i didn't know them well, but mari... i was beginning to think we could become friends, anyway. even though i never reached out. i should have reached out. i got busy doing nothing all day.
my parents have been trying to reach out to me more recently, too, it seems, probably with my birthday coming up in december. (that's another thing, they are weird about preparing for events, like, way in advance. apocalypse preppers are like that)
and to top it off i'm still out of a job. do you, uh, have any ideas about any businesses i could maybe apply for. my skills include:
i just sat here staring at my screen dissociating for five minutes yeah nevermind i can't think of any reason a business would want to hire me
anyway. what about you. how's uh... knowing everything going. to be honest you're one of the only other people i've talked to at least semi-regularly in the past couple weeks aside from chase, grandma jean, and the clerk at 7-11. so. i guess i should at least get to know you a bit better.
what's your favorite, uh... type of cloud. (don't ask) (i can't think of anything better) (this was how i became friends with a girl in highschool so i'm hoping it will work again)
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skenpiel · 10 months
ok so that erm impromptu birthday celebration was fun but also. maybe some of the weirdest shit thats happened 2 me in awhile im gonna have to go through it all in order. first off it was at an irish pub and my uncles friend was like. a friend of the owners and he was irish so everyone was switching between languages all the time..... then i met my uncles mom (not the same as my grandma for the record) who IMMEDIATELY went "oh my god is your liver okay?????" and i was like ????? what do u mean. she was like all those painkillers you swallowed!!!! and i thought she was referencing an incident from a couple years ago and was like oh that was a long time ago im fine now haha. turns out she was talking about sometime when she babysat me when i was a TODDLER and i guess i somehow swallowed pain meds???? and she was like. still super worried about that even though it wasnt even a dangerous amount of medicine so like. lol. but then we got to talking and she asked about what i wanna be when i grow up.. i was like ohh i dunno im mostly just trying to finish school first and foremost. then we SOMEHOW got into talking about astrophysics (subject i love very much) and she got more excited than anyone i have EVER MET about that. she was squealing and stomping her feet and clapping her hands and rushing over the table to hug me and THANKING GOD i was like ???OK!!!!!!!!!??. and she leaned over to her friend and whispered, completely serious, "we need to bring her to the woods. satima, dont you think we need to bring her with us to the woods???" and Erm i guess it turns out they have hippie ass drum sessions in the woods and im apparently invited. she went on a whole spiel about how i needed to open my third eye like completely fully serious too. "your brain and intellect has invaded your third eye, you need to learn how to balance them..... here have some more wine btw". on the way back i found a dead mouse on the ground and then it turned out it WASNT DEAD and was STILL MOVING but seemingly near death and everyone gathered around and was like ohhh it feels so horrible to just leave him to die slowly like this :( and i was like. well does anyone have like a big rock or something then. i scooped it up in some box i found on the ground and moved it to the side of the road and this drunk ass irishman started talking about all the various animals thatd bitten him and how he was lucky to be alive after having been bitten by a rat. i was like. ok big pat (his name. also everything we ordered literally went to his tab, it was unreal) im sorry to hear about all your animal mishaps. he just went "ahhh they dont mean to bite ya they get scared but you shouldnt touch em" like yeah bro way ahead of you 👍. anyway this is a long ass post but everyone was SO WEIRD it was funny to watch. oh and by the way my uncles mom (the shaman lady because she apparently also works as a shaman) told a story about how she got in trouble while babysittig me once to the point where HER DAUGHTER had to scold her because she BIT MY HANDS. as she talked about it she was holding my hands and was like i just couldnt help myself they were so small and cute ^__^ i just wanted to GOBBLE THEM UP!!!!! at which point she brought my hands to her mouth and imitated gnawing sounds. like. ok so um. this lady BIT ME when i was a baby.....? and now she wants to bring me to the woods so i can open my third eye...??????? shes sami btw but she seems to be Erm sort of all over the place in terms of culture and religion. lmfao. annnnnd now im going 2 bed Bye 4ever
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