#J me
jamiegeode · 5 months
Hey. Hey. Use it/its pronouns when people ask you to cowards
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anoddrock · 2 months
Reminder: romantic love is not inherently greater than platonic love.
I always see it phrased the other way around, saying platonic love isn’t less valuable. That irks me a bit.
Believe me, both are amazing. But I Definitely feel platonic love more strongly than romantic love. If the romantic love isn’t an addon to preexisting platonic love, then personally I just don’t get it.
Because I am deeply in love with some of my friends. I forget it sometimes, and then I hang out with them and it’s just. Joy. Giddy. I’m me again. But it’s truly platonic! It’s not ‘Just Platonic’ - that’s undermining!! I legitimately feel this love to my core! It’s in my heart and soul and bones! But it just…isn’t romantic. To me, it’s much bigger, because romance is bonus content, not a standalone.
Romance fills out spaces that you didn’t know were there. It’s like having dessert. It’s connecting dots you might not have otherwise connected, but that aren’t essential to the story. It’s deciding to paint your nails this week instead of just trimming them.
I want to spend my life with the people I love, but romantic attraction isn’t its own book in my library of feelings. Romantic attraction is taking a well-worn copy of one of your favorite books, and filling it with annotations and sticky notes, double underlines and exclamation points. But the book itself isn’t romantic attraction, it’s the friendship that you have, familiar and well worn and deeply, deeply loved.
I couldn’t annotate a book I didn’t have. But I have a vast library around me full of books, and maybe I’ve tried annotating one or two, but as of right now, there’s only one book that’s felt right to have properly annotated.
But even if I’ve only annotated this one book, that doesn’t mean I’ll stop reading the others. No, I couldn’t ever stop reading. Sometimes there are new books that I end up not keeping, but there will always be a shelf of books that I could reread endlessly. The fact that I don’t annotate them doesn’t mean I don’t love them, and that they haven’t impacted me to my core. It just means I didn’t annotate them.
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ikarakie · 8 months
if a character means enough to me i will truly never stop thinking about them. i just retire them into a little back room in my brain and periodically bring them out to stare at them under a little light
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unhingemyheart · 5 months
Prime Video: So, Good Omens Season 2 
Neil Gaiman: Yes
Prime Video: What‘s the Story? 
Neil Gaiman: No story, just vibes.
Prime Video: Neil, we need a little more to work with. 
Neil Gaiman: Okay, do you remember Sister Theresa Garrulous and Sister Loquacious from Season 1?
Prime Video: Yes?
Neil Gaiman: They‘re in a coffee shop AU.
Prime Video: Aaaand?
Neil Gaiman: And they need to fall in love. 
Prime Video: But Neil what about Crowley and Aziraphale?
Neil Gaiman: Oh, don‘t worry. They‘re already in love. 
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inside-my-gay-mind · 3 months
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sleepinginmygrave · 4 months
do you ever feel like yay!!! .. and yippee!! .. yahoo!!! ..but then you feel urgh ..... urghhhjjhggh ...... uurghghjjjggkghgghhg urghhhh .....
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axiliern · 3 months
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god please take every traumatic incident i had as a younger sibling and give it to tim drake
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lemongogo · 5 days
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dont forget what happened to icarus
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nipuni · 1 year
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the snake of eden 🥰
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imagine: you get your memories back after years of amnesia to find out your whole species is dead and earth doesn’t exist anymore. that the only thing left of your culture is your weird ex and his busted honda civic that barely even works that he stole from the government when he was 13. And he’s been taking members of an alien species for trips in his honda civic and they’re all like “woah it’s so cool” and you get upset because it’s NOT COOL it’s a honda civic, the turn signals don’t even work “wow it can go up hills” yeah OF COURSE IT CAN GO UP HILLS EVERY CAR COULD DO THAT. but they’ve never seen a car before so everything it does is the coolest thing ever. And your ex’s only tool is a fucking screwdriver which is somehow also cool to this dumbass alien species even though it’s a fucking screwdriver so you just look like an idiot screaming about how none of this is even cool it’s actually really shitty but your whole planet is gone so you can’t even prove it but also you’ve had a constant drumming sounding in your head since you were 10 slowly driving you insane. I would become evil too.
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vavoom-sorted-art · 11 months
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Angel/Demon Mating Dance (all the turtleneck madness drove me to... whatever this is. Enjoy.)
(yes, it is inspired by this:)
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jamiegeode · 8 months
If Magnus archives spooky, why so easy to sleep to???
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anoddrock · 9 months
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Would You Still Love Me If I Were A Wyrm, written and illustrated by me.
This interaction has stuck with me for a while, so I figured I should write down my thoughts about it. So here we are.
Please click for higher resolution, reblogs are appreciated, do not repost.
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arabriddler · 8 months
” I don’t go here but…” is such a cool tag to get idc idc. You don’t know what I’m talking about but you like it anyways? Let’s make out
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scales-n-art · 6 months
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✨️ Starmaker Fallen Angel ✨️
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vodkaing · 9 months
the problem is im so used to urasawa/satoshi kon/katsuhiro otomo men that whenever someone asks to show me "an old anime man" with no wrinkles no gray hair no big nose no different face shape at all i feel like ive been cheated
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