#anyways.... i probably should go study now byeee~~
dreamlandxrunaway · 1 year
some times I wish I was as genius as my short bursts of creativity lead me to believe I am sksnsisnsisbsjs
I'm going over some of my ideas... and I keep finding such gems... damn fam, put them in a full coherent sentence and context 😳🥵
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fatuismooches · 1 year
hiii lovely!!
I am absolutely in love with your fragile! reader content, especially dottore and fragile reader it's just so hhdnsjsfhs anyways I noticed on the fragile reader but they died post that the reader is mentioned to have only met dottore after he became a harbinger so it made me wonder whether dottore would have a slightly different reaction to akademiya! reader, how the letter would be etc like imagine reader talking abt the akademiya days and whatnot </3
anw!! I just wanted to say I adore ur works and they hit home cus I'm rather sickly lol
mwah mwah byeee
- 🌕
Yea, when I wrote that I didn't think of how good a fragile Akademiya reader would be unfortunately, but I wish I did cuz it would have been so much better-😭 AND YES HE DEFINITELY WOULD ILL WRITE A LIL SOMETHING HERE
To Zandik,
As I write this, it is late at night. One of your clones put me to bed a while ago, yet for some reason, I cannot sleep. I keep tossing and turning and so I decided to do something to occupy my mind. It has been rather restless lately, I admit. I... don't know how to tell you this in person, so I'll just write down whatever comes to mind right now. You'll probably end up finding this eventually, so I might as well just let everything out.
I have been thinking a lot about the past lately. Our Akademiya days, to be specific. I have secretly been wishing to go back to those days, even if just for a bit. To go back to the first moment I met you. (How handsome you were.) To go back to those painful study sessions. To go back to those picnics under the stars. To go back to the time I was not sick, and I could spend life with you to the fullest.
Really, those were some of the best moments of my life. I have been thinking about this because... I have not been feeling well lately. I mean, I don't feel well most of the time but nowadays I feel as though the illness is creeping more and more in me. It might just be a temporary thing, I don't really know. I know you are working as best you can, I know you better than anyone. So... don't blame yourself.
Hah, it's too bad. Admittedly I have also found myself daydreaming about the future, although it seems rather dim. I want to see a lot of the world. Did you know that? Well, I should correct myself. I want to follow you wherever you go and see the world that way. You've gone to Sumeru recently, yes? I know you've told me about how much it's changed, but I hope to see it myself one day. And I want to befriend some of your Harbingers friends. What is their opinion of me, by the way? Ah, and I want to take on that Traveler, too. They seem rather pesky.
Well, if I do get better, I will burn this letter and apologize to you with everything I have. But for now, I'll stash it somewhere just in case. And I'll say this now - I love you, Zandik. I love you so much that if I were to be away from you for too long I'd go mad. This love has burned inside of me since the Akademiya, and it still rages within me. I hope you know that.
Dottore would be much more affected although he doesn't really show it. Hell, even the clones are affected, from how they linger by your door a second too long, remembering that there is no you any more to wake up. He puts a mask on his emotions to pretty much everyone. You have been a familiar face for countless years of his life. In the Akademiya, after pulling another all-nighter, the first thing he'd be greeted with was your sleepy embrace around him. He'd roll his eyes at your nagging, and the two of you would get ready for classes. During his expulsion and exile, even though you were ill, you still stuck by his side. And even during the Fatui, you still sent him that tired but lovely smile. Every day, without fail, you could be seen with him at least for a bit. Yet he failed. For the first time in a long time, he failed.
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zer0-is-me · 3 years
Chapter 3 - The Olympians
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 4, Chapter 5
I need to stop writing at 1 AM. Oh well, I went to bed at 12(i think-) yesterday so i probably am not sleep deprived.
For now.
Anywho, without further ado, this is the third chapter! read on :)
Katsuki stared at the newly named, 'Kibo’s, hand, before ignoring it completely. He stood up, stretching, and turned to leave.
He paused right before he was about to jump to the floor, and sighed.
“ Name’s Valour. If we’re doing your cringe-y ass shit, the vigilante of courage and bravery.”
As an afterthought, he added, “ And, no, I’m not using your name, dumb fuck.”
And then, he was gone.
Izuku couldn't get them out of his head.
The vigilante from the night before, that was.
It was just so... so... well, he couldn't really describe it. Take intriguing and confusing along with a hint of amusement, mix them up, and there you have it.
But seriously, it kept on bugging him. He knew it was too early to tell, and he knew Valour, as they called themselves, probably wouldn't be seen again for a while (they had mentioned, after all, that they usually patrolled in a different neighbourhood). And yet he couldn't help but feel that them meeting up would be important somehow.
That, because of the certain chain of events that led to another, something good would come out of it.
He quickly brushed that feeling off when Valour was nowhere to be seen for the next week. They'd probably forgotten all about him, anyway. Soon, instead of thinking about the mysterious figure that had saved him that day, his thoughts were plagued with rightful worry.
His mom wasn't getting better.
She had been in a car crash. Izuku wasn't with her - he was at school when it had happened. Sometimes he wished he had been. Then maybe he would be in her position instead.
Inko had suffered a traumatic brain injury during the crash, and it was moderate, according to the doctors. She might recover mostly, though that would be around twelve months away.
He had cried rivers that day. Not in front of the doctors, no, but when he was locked away in his room.
He remembered feeling numb when they had told him the news right up until he had forced himself to work on homework. It all crashed onto him in one thought, and he remembered clutching his pencil in such a knuckle-white grip that it cracked. His homework page looked a lot like it had been dipped into a swimming pool afterwards.
It had been two months ago.
Since then, Izuku had tried to keep moving. He'd never let a tear drop since that night, sucking it up and braving the kids from school's taunts and bullying. (He deserved it for not being there for her when it happened, anyway.) He'd found a job - since his mother couldn't make money for them anymore - at a convenience store which was conveniently placed close by.
... Convenient.
He tried his best in school and studied hard, hoping that his mom would be proud if- no, when she got out.
And Izuku knew that he should stop his vigilant activities. He knew it would be better for him - to instead try and balance visiting his mother, studying, school and work only, than try to shove vigilantism into it. Every night, he'd tell himself that it wasn't worth it; that the heroes would be able to fill his place easily, and he wasn't doing much anyway. That he should sleep a full eight hours for once.
And yet every night, Kibo left the house and travelled to the neighbouring neighbourhood, ready to save people.
The kids at school didn't make it much better, though.
Kacchan's tauntings and shoves never seemed to stop, even if he'd never seriously hurt him more than a bruise or two. It didn't bother Izuku much, actually - more like an annoying brother who just loved to be an asshole to you and say mean things.
What really bothered him were the other kids at school - those who'd place spider lilies on his desk, like a request for him to die, or punch and kick him between classes and after school.
Those things... they eventually kind of got to him. He'd stare at a blade for a second or a minute, before putting it out of sight.
His only motive to keep going at this point was the people he'd save as a vigilante, and his mother.
He couldn't leave her without a son.
Izuku was putting on his costume. Yup, he was going for another night of vigilantism. (An awesome conversation changer, he knows.)
(A week and two days had passed since he had met Valour. He wasn't sure why he was tracking this.)
As he walked through alleyways and shadows to get to the next neighbourhood, he decided to do something he hadn't in years.
He stayed in his home neighbourhood.
Who knew, maybe there would be more crime here.
" Tch. Man, shut up. I know what I'm talking about."
Well that's convenient.
He heard it from a nearby alleyway and went to take a look. Innocent people usually wouldn't be talking in a secluded alleyway at 2AM. Peering around the corner, three men stood. The same person spoke - he had large horns coming from his forehead (sort of like demon ones).
" I'm telling you-"
Another interrupted. He looked tall and strong, and had red, glowing eyes. " Look, we get that you want money. We all want it. But seriously, a quirk trafficking ring? That's a bit too far."
The remaining man had a long crooked nose and dark eyes, like the kind of villains you'd see in a more or less kid-friendly film, and his stature was thin and crooked.
" No, no," he said. " I want to hear where this goes. Go on."
He did. " Thank you. What I was saying, was I heard about a trafficking ring. It's... Well, apparently, the organization's lead by people who call themselves, 'The Olympians'. Obviously, they trade and sell kids with good quirks. There's a twist, though. If they are trading with another quirk trafficking ring, and not selling, they'll insist on doing something called 'The Tournament'. From what I've heard of it, that's how they decide who gets what kid. Not sure what happens there, though."
" Interesting," the thin man said. " Thank you, Nakamura."
" You're welcome, Ito."
The other with glowing eyes huffed. " How do we know you're lying or not?"
'Nakamura' growled. " Well, Kobayashi, you'll know if you take my word, won't you?"
'Kobayashi' scoffed, " What are we even supposed to do with that information? Where even is it?"
Nakamura sighed, " You idiot, if you look at-"
He cut off and his hand shot up to his neck, clawing at something that wasn't there. Kobayashi scowled. " Call me that again, asshole, and see what happens. You need to remember who's best between me and you."
Nakamura dropped to the ground and gasped for air. " F-Fine! Fine."
He scowled at the ground, " If- If you look at where kids have gone missing lately, y-you'll realise that they disappear in a specific location and time. I don't- don't have the info, b-but I'm sure if you dug around, you'd find it."
Kobayashi sighed, " Well. You're really quite useless."
He raised his hand, but Nakamura stuttered out, " W-Wait! I have connections. I can get you whatever you need."
Kobayashi smirked, " Now that wasn't so hard, was it?"
Ito, the thin guy, chuckled darkly. " Oh, you didn't have to be so tough on the newbie, Kobayashi."
" Well it worked, Ito, didn't it?" Kobayashi said.
" Of course."
Nakamura was slowly getting to his feet, when he heard a near-silent scrape of shoes on cement. None of the men seemed to hear it, but Izuku knew he had heard something. He looked up just in time to see a figure dodge out of sight from the rooftop overhead.
He made a split second decision and climbed the building, hoping to see who else had been eavesdropping.
He'd definitely try to turn these guys in, but curiosity got the better of him in that moment.
Whoooo another chapter posted! This took way too long, sorry!
Ooooh we got some new people :0 Who will they be, and what part will they play?
Btw, if you haven't figured it out already, the chapters will be in the perspective of the two boys one at a time - so in one chapter, it'll be Izuku, the next, katsuki, the next izuku, etc.
I hope you have a wonderful day, bye byeee! <3
✨@mymanbakugou ✨ (damn this taglist is lonely. If anyone else wants to be tagged, just tell me :))
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eunsthings · 4 years
Part 2 l Again?
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Genre: fluff🥰, slow burn i guess
(Reader is a veterinary student on more or less her final year of vet school who has a part time job in editing and is kinda smol and socially awkward)
Pairing: Tsukishima x fem!reader (post timeskip)
Word count: 2.2k
Here’s Part 1  II Series masterlist II Part 3
You have been offered a big project and now the odds are really testing you... 
[friend] = a friend’s name
The content of the sent email—along with other details—stated that if you were willing, to email them back and go to the Sendai City Museum whenever you were free this week. Sitting on your bottom bunk-bed, checking your schedule, you see that you were available on the 7th of September; a Friday afternoon. You email them and confirm that you were going.
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A few days had passed and it was now Friday. You were having lunch with [friend]—a close friend of yours—in a café outside your campus. After your lunch, you were going to head to the museum.
“You know, you should have just texted me.”
“What?” [friend] stops and looks up at you, pausing from eating, an innocent expression plastered on her face.
“You where the reason my phone almost got destroyed,” you deadpanned.
Your friend stares with a blank face… then bursts out laughing. “I’m so sorry—” she says, almost choking on food from laughing, “I—hahaha!” still snickering trying to speak in between gulps of air, “Oh, man. I really am sorry; it’s just that… what kind of luck do you have? A nosebleed because of a phone call?” It went on like this for some time.
“Oh by the way, are you going on the school trip?” your friend asks.
“When was that again?” you face her.
“Uhhhhh, the last week of September I think…”
“Oh, yeah, right. I don’t really know… going on a trip with people I barely know for a whole week is kind of draining,”you softly replied; pondering.
“But like—oh no! It’s almost time for your meet-up,” [friend] tells you; cutting her sentence short, both of you got lost in the euphoria of chatting with one another.
“Oh yeah, no, I have to go, I’m so sorry. Byeee~” you reply in a jumble standing up and bringing your bag with you.
“Wait,” your friend stands up with you, “I’m going with you,” She left no space for refusal as she picks up the scarf you almost left and hands it to you.
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“Wow, ok,” you thought to yourself as you see the museum building in front of you. It was a very nice modern-looking building.
 With your friend beside you, you enter its doors.
Inside, it had many things on display–mostly about the history of Sendai and samurais as well as a certain “Date” family. Both of you try looking for the office and almost ended up lost before you were able to look for a person to ask; it was weirdly devoid of people.
Reaching the office, an assistant, you had guessed, told you to make yourself comfortable while waiting. You did as you were told. Both you and [friend] were seated in a big open space with displays all around. This area was frequently passed by tourists, you can tell by the layout of the space.
Your friend was looking at displays around the huge space and you were scrolling through your phone when a man appeared around a corner.
You barely glance up when you look back down to your phone. “Wait a second,” you look back up again, bewilderment rising. He was holding a pen and notebook in his hands, “Oh no,” by now, memories of your “faceplant incident” had surfaced. You were silently staring as he passed–the blond man who handed you a handkerchief. “What in the world!? Was he here to take notes for research or something?” he turned to the side almost disappearing around another corner when you made eye contact.
He momentarily paused, fixing his glasses ; probably confused—“He had glasses on… did he have glasses last time?”—when another voice sounded from the end of the hall he was in. Someone probably called him. He then broke eye contact and vanished behind a wall.
You were still dumbfounded, staring at the wall in front of you trying to process what just happened. “What are the odds of that huh?” you had chuckled at yourself. “Who was that?” your friend had come down to sit beside you.
“Ugh. Remember when I told you about how my phone almost broke?”
“Yeah, you faceplanted on the sidewalk.”
“That guy was there to witness it and kinda helped me,” [friend] burst out laughing again after your statement.
“What are the odds of that happening!” she now had tears in her eyes from laughing, “Is it embarrassing? HAHAHA. It’s ok… it’s ok,” by now she was smacking her leg and doubling over.
“Yeah, yeah, I know, stop laughing at me~” you were shaking her trying to make her stop. You can’t handle any more shame.
“Ok, ok. But he was just probably here for his studies you know, so that’s over now, at least you didn’t have to talk to him.”
“Yeah, ‘at least.’”
The assistant had come back for you, telling you to follow them to the office. Your friend had only offered a thumbs-up as you left her in the hall.
You enter what you guess to be an office. A middle-aged man sat behind a desk in the room and gestured for you to take a seat; a chair in front of his table. He introduced himself as a Mister Yasuhiro, the director for the museum. He discussed the reason for calling you; they’d have a big charity event to be held in the museum on the first week of October; so that leaves about a month of preparation time. They needed animators to make the motion picture to be played in a loop all around the exhibits---for overall effect. He smiles warmly at you.
“Y/N, I know you’re a very talented artist,” he stated, “We’d really like to have you on-board for this project although I know you have school. You have top marks so I don’t think that it will be a problem considering you’ve been doing this for a long time now,” he was right, you never really had a problem in school, just times when you have off weeks or think you failed but still keep pulling though up top, “Although of course you’ll have one other animator with you to help share the load,” Yasuhiro continues.
You were thinking and something seems off to you, “Um—Sir, I’m really thankful for the opportunity you’ve given me but… why me? There are better professional animators out there… which, compared to me—” he cuts you off, “You see, we are also tasked to showcase the talents of young individuals and why not apply that to everything else?” You couldn’t reply anything else but a soft “oh”.
“We’d love to have you but I’d really have to ask if you’d be okay taking on this project on short notice,” Yasuhiro makes you consider the offer. “If you’re really fine having me help, then I’d be very much more than willing to,” a soft sort of calm determination escapes you—this was a very big chance after all. The middle-aged man lit up in joy and thanked you.
 He seemed friendlier in contrast to others with the same position as he; much more now when he was clapping softly. You had noticed he was a cheerful man.
After you accepted their job, he discusses to you about the amount they’ll be paying you; and man were you happy you took the offer. Yasuhiro then proceeded to talk about what you’ll be doing in a general sense, “Oh and don’t worry about the content, you’ll have someone as a partner from the museum to help you with it.”
“That would really be great! Thank you!” You replied.
The director then proceeded to call his assistant, “Could you bring him in now?” Your brain glitches a bit, “him”? "A boy!? Nah, it’s just probably someone he’s got business with,” a short internal monologue played in your head.
You hear the door squeak open behind you and then come to a close. You were still facing the director, “This fellow will be helping you with the content of your animation, he��s currently an intern here,” you slowly turn around trying to face the alleged intern hoping to see a new face. Instead, you were met with a tall, blond and uninterested-faced person; glasses in front of his golden-brown irises. “Your partner for the project, Tsukishima Kei,” Yasuhiro announces from his desk.
Looking down for the first time since he entered, the guy named “Tsukishima” only blinked in response to what seems to be his own  shock and confusion.
Unable to meet his gaze, you turn back around to face the director just gawking at him with slightly squinted eyes and a stupid expression displayed; unable to form words. “What are the odds?”
Mister Yasuhiro—having been facing you—asked, “Is something the matter?” he trailed off awkwardly.
“No,” you replied in unison.
 “Oh?” the director was now joined in both your confusion.
 “It’s fine, we just happened to bump into each other a while back. We’re just surprised,” Kei explained in his drawly voice as if nothing happened.
 “Oh! Well that’s good then. You’re already acquainted so that’s step one done,” the director clapped his hands together in joy. “So that’s that. Kei will be showing you around the museum later. He’ll coordinate your schedules and disclose to you everything else that I missed,” the director smirked and sat up from his chair, “You can meet with the other duo the next time you come here. Good luck to you both.”
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 You found yourself in a hall outside of the office. A tall man beside you. Silence heavy in the air.
“So…” the beanpole spoke, “What’s your name?” both of you facing the same end of the hallway.
“I—uh. L/N F/N. Nice to meet you,” a straightforward reply, still refusing to look at each other.
“Yeah, nice to meet you too… for the third time.” The awkwardness was killing you.
“Yeahhh—about the first time… I never got to thank you for helping me…” you soften to a whisper, “and your handkerchief is ruined—I’ll just replace it.”
“Tch. There’s no need for that,” he looks at the bunch of paper in his hands, “Anyway~” he starts walking, “I have to show you around the museum.”
 You follow behind him and later he stops abruptly. You are now in the big hall you were waiting in earlier. He hands you a sheet of paper, “Here’s the initial schedule. We’ll alter that to accommodate your own next time. Hold on to it for now,” He then looks around the room, “Weren’t you accompanied by someone else?” Realization dawns on you, yes, you were accompanied by F/N. Where is she now? You check your phone.
“Ah. She had forgotten to submit a term paper,” Tsukishima’s only response was a shrug and a slight pout, “Well then, let’s proceed.”
Touring around the city museum took a long while, your amazingly weak ankles decided to act up but in the end, you finished going around the displays in the building. He showed you where they were planning to put the main event as well as where all the side gimmicks would be. Accounting it all, it would kind of be an immersive event wherein wherever you go in the museum, you’d be greeted by animations and displays. 
Both of you finished your tour at the main entrance balcony outside; it was already late in the afternoon. He paused beside you and turned to face you. You look to your side and see him fumbling around his pockets.
“Uh— w-what are you doing?” you asked meekly.
He raised his head to the ceiling and let out an exasperated sigh, “I was supposed to give you your museum pass. But I forgot that the ones meant for you and the other guy haven’t been modified yet—don’t ask.”
“Well that’s fine I guess, I can always just ask permission.”
“No, that makes a lot of hassle for everyone,” he interjects too quickly for your liking, but then he follows softly, “plus not everyone is always present here to let you in… that and the varying schedules clash.”
You felt thankful for his kinder follow-up, “Oh. So what now?”
“About the schedule, I think we need to exchange contacts.” And so you both did.
You gave him your phone number as well as your messenger account (in case). He then entered his phone number in your phone.
“Huh, I guess your phone’s okay now,” he handed it back.
“Really!? He had to bring it up,” you half-scream internally.
“And about the pass…” he placed everything he was holding in one hand and removed the ID dangling from his neck, “here,” he was holding it out to you.
You held your hands up, “But that- that’s yours—”he didn’t let you finish your sentence, “I can’t have you coming and going without a pass, so here, I won’t always be here to babysit you” he slipped it on your head, “Your pass later on will look somewhat like that. Don’t worry, I have an extra one at home, just don’t lose that. We’ll trade later.” Your face began to heat up, “What the heck!!”
"Until next time then Y/N."
He walked back to the doors but before he entered, he held the handle and looked back at you, “Expect me to contact you sometime between tomorrow and the next day, try not to ignore it,” with that, he goes inside leaving you in front of the stairs in the late afternoon glow. 
Part 1 II Series masterlist II Part 3
We use messenger because why not... (It’s actually because in my country we use messenger a lot and so yeah...)
I wish you enjoyed (0.0)
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writingfandomfeels · 5 years
Tadashi Hamada - Awkward Nerds
You walked through the public library, caught up in the pages of your book when you bump into a stranger, knocking his huge stack of books over.
"Oh I'm so sorry!" You apologized, helping him pick up his books. "Don’t worry about it, I should've been more careful." He replied. "Wow, a lot of medical books." You noticed. "You studying to be a doctor or something?" "Yeah, something like that...anyways I should get going. I wanna get my favourite spot to read before someone else takes it." "Is it the one over there?" You pointed back in the direction you were coming from. 
He nodded. 
"Yeah it's already full. That's my favourite too. But hey I know another good spot, if you wanna share?" You offered. "Sure. I'm Tadashi." He smiled. “Y/N.” You smiled back and lead him outside, toward a bench that circles a tree. 
Tadashi began sharing with you the robotics project he’s working on. "So do you still have to build him?" You asked with curiosity. "Nope, he's pretty much all done. I just want to check that I'm not missing anything in his programming. I wouldn't want to overlook any illness he might not know of." "Wow. Sounds pretty amazing. I mean the idea itself is revolutionary but the fact that you were even able to make it is just....wow. I hope it becomes a really popular thing and I'll get to see it." You encouraged. He grinned then got a weird look on his face, like he got a great idea. "Hey...do you want to meet him right now?" "What?! Oh umm..." You stammered. "Unless… you have somewhere else to be...?" "No, actually...I was just gonna get my book and go home and read." "Great!" You went with him out to the front of the library, following him, when you see him climb on a red scooter. 
"Hop on.” He instructed. "Umm...can I walk?" He laughed. "Not really. C'mon it's fine. It's totally safe I promise! I'm a good driver! Don't you trust me?" You looked at him hesitantly. "Here." He tossed you a helmet and you nervously put it on and joined him, realizing now too that you have to put your arms around him to hold on. Your heart raced as you wrapped your arms around his torso. He started to go but accelerated a bit quickly and startled himself. 
You laughed. "I thought you said you were a good driver!" You teased. "I am! Usually...." He grinned sheepishly. 
As you drove off to the university, your heart continuously raced as you tried not to think about how you were currently touching. You couldn’t seem to calm down until you arrived at the school and let go of him. 
Walking inside, he lead you down several hallways to his office and you passed by a few different people. "Hey Tadashi, and...who's this?" A girl with short black hair streaked with purple directed her attention to the two of you. “Gogo, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Gogo, and Honey Lemon.” Tadashi introduced, gesturing to the short haired girl and to another girl with long blonde hair. "Hey." Gogo said, sounding permanently bored. "Nice to meet you!" Honey chirped. "Hi." You responded and looked around a bit, taking in the sights of the lab. Honey Lemon then noticed this and took you aside to show you her latest thing.
"Seriously, you're bringing a girl to the nerd lab? Wow." Gogo rolled her eyes. "She wanted to meet Baymax." Tadashi shrugged. "You're kidding." Gogo blew a large pink bubble as she stared, dumbfounded."Fine. Then show her Baymax. I'm just saying we don't need someone in here that we gotta watch out for. So just keep her outta my way." "ISN’T IS AWESOME?!!!" Honey Lemon squealed over whatever she was showing you and your attention swerved back to her. You quickly nodded, pretending you hadn’t just been eavesdropping. "Okay, so, Baymax?" Tadashi reminded you. You nodded, following him again and giving a wave to Honey and Gogo. 
He opened a door just off the lab to a room with a round window. Tadashi crossed the room to a red box, hitting a button and turning on Baymax. "Hello, I am Baymax, your personal health care companion." The white robot greeted. "Wow!" You stared. "Yeah, he's pretty amazing." Tadashi gloated and leaned on the table next to you. "I am sensing an increased heart rate in both of you." Baymax stated. A rush of heat filled your face and your gaze darted over to Tadashi, who also was blushing and looking back at you. Both of you quickly looked away again. "Okaaaay!! Well I think that's enough there Baymax!" Tadashi jumped up and began to push him back towards his box. "I cannot deflate until you say you are satisfied with your care." "Yes! I know, of course, I am satisfied with my care." Tadashi said. "Okay. But are you sure you don't want me to analyze the reasons behind your increased heartbeat? I am also sensing an increase in dopamine and neuroto-" "Nope! We're fine! I am satisfied with my care bud!!" "Okay." Baymax said and deflated into his box. Tadashi let out a big sigh. An awkward silence ensued. "So..." You started. "So..." He responded. "Um..." You fidget with the edge of your skirt. "The increased heart thing?" "Oh, yeah, I guess I got some more work to do on him." "Well...I mean...my heart was kind of racing...so for him to pick that up… is kind of impressive.” You commented shyly. "Why-why was-why would-your-your heart be racing?" He stuttered and nervously talked with his hands before crossing his arms. "Oh! Um..." I panicked trying to think of a reason, "maybe because I've just never met a robot before?" "Right." He quickly agreed. "And a...you?" You asked. "Me?! What about me?" "Well...Baymax said yours was too..." You pointed out. "Oh. Yeah. Right. Well I was probably just nervous to show him off to someone." Tadashi defended. "Oh have you not shown him to others?" "No, most of the university has met him." Tadashi answered. "Oh." You said. 
Awkward silence. 
"So umm...it was just coz you were nervous then…?" You asked to confirm. "Right." He quickly responded flatly. 
You were quiet for a while. 
"Unless..." He started. "Unless?" You piped up, interested. "It was something else?" He suggested. "Yeah! Yeah it could be couldn't it." You agree. "Like...maybe..." Tadashi took a step a little closer to you. "We make each other nervous?" You suggested, finishing his sentence. 
Your eyes lock on his, your reflection lost in the depths of his brown eyes. "OH FOR PETES SAKE JUST ASK FOR HER NUMBER ALREADY!" Gogo yelled from the lab, obviously able to hear everything, making you both blush even more. "Ah...so...umm..." Tadashi stepped back and ran his fingers through his hair nervously. "You...a...you got some paper?" You asked. "You know I do...somewhere...but usually I just end up writing notes on my hand." He smirked. "Oh, okay I guess we could do that..." 
As he handed you the pen you realized he didn’t just want you to tell him the number, he expected you to write it down yourself… which meant coming in contact with him again… which meant more butterflies. You took the pen and blush a little again as your hands make contact. "Okay, so...a...I guess I should take you home." Tadashi said. "Oh don't worry about it, I don't live too far from here." You smiled. "You sure?" "Yeah...so...um..." Awkwardly you get up to go and don't want to say the cliche 'call me' but want to say something to that effect. You point to his hand, stiffly. “You, uhh, you make sure to use that.” 
He looks at you slightly confused. 
“I mean, not your hand, but the, err… the number?” You stumbled over your words. 
“Oh!” He laughed a bit. "I will" "Okeeey..." You mutter. "A...byeee." 
Spinning on your heels, you turn and walk away. "HaHAAA! YESSS!!!" He yells, causing you to look back. 
You see his shadow through the frosted glass do a little happy dance before he falls and Baymax activates. "I heard you fall. Are you alright?" "Yes. Yes Baymax. I am alright. I am better than alright!" "Your mood seems to have increased dramatically." "As a matter of fact it has!!" Tadashi cheered.
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blisslilywrites · 4 years
they’re not you.
– Day 7 of KNB Valentine’s Week hosted by @vanilla-daydreams and @theuglycrybaby
A/N: Aaa this is the last day of the challenge. I hope everyone had fun with this cuz I know I definitely did. On a slightly different note...
I know I gave you a gift already but here’s another one cuz why not hehe. ~Lily
Summary: You and Kise were the best of friends, but you had a secret crush on him for the longest time. However, with so many of his fans around him on Valentine’s Day, you start to get even more discouraged...
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Your alarm clock just had to be broken today, the day you had a test during the first period no less. 
You quickly grabbed your bag and ran out the door. 
What’s even worse was that you burned a hole in your uniform too. 
Dammit, mom’s gonna kill me.
Groaning, you hurriedly made your way to the train station and thanked the heavens when you saw the train hadn’t left yet. 
You boarded and moved to the back of the train, where there weren’t as many people. The train doors closed behind you and you shivered slightly. 
You reached into your bag for your jacket but didn’t find it there. Then you remembered that you left them in your room this morning when you hurried out.
You groaned inwardly. 
Guess today’s gonna be a bad day for me. Should’ve expected it. I never have much luck on Valentine’s Day anyway.
You looked out of one of the train windows and couldn’t help but smile. The view may not be beautiful to everyone but it was to you. It was a view that just filled you with a calming sense of nostalgia.
Even today, with everything going wrong so far, it still somehow managed to calm you down, to some extent at least. 
“You’re always being such a worrywart y/n-chi”
His words suddenly came to mind. 
Just like the view from the train window, he’s one of the few things, or rather people, that could actually get you to smile and relax. 
It’s not that you weren’t a relaxed person. It’s just that a lot of the people you were with, your friends and classmates at school, somehow brought out a tenser side to you. 
That all changed when you met with Kise Ryouta though. Since the moment you two first talked, something just clicked. The two of you became really close and stuck together through thick and thin. He was what you deemed a really good friend, a best friend even. 
Suddenly, your phone started ringing. You picked it up and to no surprise was greeted by Kise’s panicked voice.
“Y/n-chiii, where are you? Assembly just finished and class is about to start. Sensei also seems like he’s in a bad mood today. You better hurryyy.”
“Oh great... sorry Ryouta. My alarm clock broke and my uniform got burned and ughh I’m not really having the best start for today. But I’m on the train to school and I think I can make it in like 10 minutes max.”
“Ok. Just hurry though, I don’t wanna have to do this test myself.”
“Ryouta, you’re gonna have to do it on your own anyway.”
“I know,” he whined. “It’s just that I feel more confident when you’re around.”
Your heart swooned at this. Yes, yes, here you were in the classic “in love with best friend but can’t tell him for fear of losing him” situation.
“Oh crap. Class started. Gotta go. Hurry. Please. Byeee.”
“Right. Almost the—”
He suddenly hung up on you. You understood though. Your first class teacher was pretty strict and is almost always in a bad mood.
A few seconds later, you felt the train slow to a stop. You sighed in relief as you realized this was your stop. Quickly gathering your things, you made a beeline for the exit and ran the rest of the way to school.
“How’d you think you did?” Kise asked you after class ended. 
You had made it with just enough time to quickly finish the test. you didn’t have time to double-check the answers but at least you were able to complete it. 
“I think I did good enough. I mean I did study a lot last night and the test wasn’t that bad so I guess it should be fine. How about you?”
“Well I have a great tutor so I’m sure I did good too,” he replied, winking at you.
A small blush crept up to your face. 
Arghh, why’d he have to be all flirty and cute all the time?
As you were trying to calm yourself, a girl you’ve seen a few times before walked up to you and Kise. Completely ignoring you, she told Kise to come with her as she had “something important” she wanted to discuss with him.
You rolled your eyes. 
Kise looked at you as if asking for permission. You told him it’s fine and to go with her. 
“I’ll wait for you in class,” you said with a forced smile.
It was the same every year. Valentine’s Day just seems to give everyone ten times more confidence. 
It honestly scares you a bit though. Even though Kise kept saying there wasn’t anyone he really liked, you kept worrying that maybe, one day, someone would come and steal his heart. 
What’s even worse is that you were the main reason Kise was so popular.
It had started around middle school when puberty began to change Kise. At the time you were into photography and had also noticed how he had become much more attractive.
Knowing he was a naturally photogenic person and wouldn’t mind helping you out, you asked him to model a few pics for you. You posted them on social media and he immediately became a big hit. He told you he had fun doing it with you so you guys continued. Until of course, a professional agency scouted him. You two have still stayed close friends through it all though.
You’d always find it funny how much of a cliche the situation you were in was. 
Girl meets boy. Girl helps boy become successful model. Boy becomes popular with the ladies. Boy meets another girl and falls for her. Girl is left heartbroken as she’s had feelings for him this entire time.
At this point, you’ve kinda accepted it already. You did want to tell him how you really felt, but you valued your friendship with him way more. So that’s why you just enjoyed whatever time you had with Kise. That in itself was already more than enough to you.You took a seat in the classroom and took out your materials, waiting for Kise.
You tried not to think about what was going on between him and that girl because, despite everything, you still can’t help but get jealous. It’s only natural but it’s a hell of an annoying feeling and you knew it would only get worse if you fixated too much on it. 
Kise finally came to class a second before the bell rang. He held a small heart-shaped box in his hands. You glared at it but tried your best to hide your jealousy. 
Fortunately, Kise didn’t notice anything off and quickly came to sit beside you. 
The rest of the day went by the same as every other Valentine’s. Kise would receive gift after gift and have to deal with all his fangirls and even some fanboys.
Today though, there seemed to be an extra amount of people giving him gifts, which you didn't think was possible.
Because everyone was always crowding around him, you decided to leave him for now. You felt kinda bad for him but there wasn’t exactly much you could do. Besides, you’d probably make things worse for him by being there. 
When school ended, you waited at the train station for Kise. You remembered he said there wasn’t any basketball practice today and you were hoping the two of you could go home together. You had sent him a text telling him you’d wait for him here. 
After waiting almost an hour though, you just about gave up and was about to board the next train when you heard a voice calling out to you.
“Y/n-chii! Wait!” 
You turned and saw him running up to you. He had a few chocolates, roses, and even a teddy bear in his arms. He came to stop in front of you, panting.
“I’m sorry for making you wait,” he said sounding sincere.
You tried to give him a sympathetic smile. “Well, I’m assuming you were probably cornered by those love-crazed people again so don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault anyway,” you said more bitterly than intended.
Kise fell silent. 
“Y/n? Are you ok?”
“Yeah, sorry. I'm just not really having a good day that’s all”
“Oh ok…”
Not knowing what to say you both stayed quiet.
You looked at the sign by the train tracks. There were 3 minutes left until the next train arrived. Kise gestured to an empty bench and the two of you moved to take a seat.
“Y/n,” Kise said softly. “There’s something I want you to know ok?”
You looked at him in slight confusion.
He cleared his throat and continued, “I may get presents and gifts from all those ‘love-crazed people’ as you put it. But none of them matter to me.”
At this, your confusion grew. What’s he trying to say?
“None of them matter, because, well because they’re not you.”
He looked at you, golden eyes shining.
It took you a second to process what he had just said, but when you did, you blushed heavily and quickly looked away.
He laughed, “Don’t be so shy y/n-chi. I thought you already knew anyway.”
“Knew what?” you asked trying to feign innocence.
“Knew that I like you of course,” he said with a suave smile.
“Oh,” your brain seemed to have short-circuited after hearing his words.
“Umm I like you too…” you mumbled lamely.
He smiled widely at you and you blushed back.
“Well if we both like each other I think it’s only right that I ask,” he said before standing up and extending a hand to you.
“Y/n L/n, will you be my valentine?”
You shyly nodded and took his hand, “Of course.”
The train arrived and he pulled you up, putting an arm around you as the two of you boarded the train. 
Needless to say, what had started off as a bad day ended up being one of the best days you’ve had in quite a long while.
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fencheto · 5 years
Forbidden - part 2 (Dimon romantc)
The story can also be found on Wattpad You can find the first chapter here Feedback is greatly appreciated. It has been a little over three weeks since I moved in my dorm and started my studies at the Uni. Although I am still quite ‘green’ as the graduates would call it, I actually started to get used to my new life here and I do like it. It feels freaking good to be meeting tons of new people who know nothing about you and have never met you before. I’ve gotta say that Chelle and I have really hit it off and get along quite well, too. We go out at the discos every weekend and it’s been a great fun to get lose with her. She is one pretty crazy gal, can talk about the weirdest shit ever and wouldn’t even bother. We usually go out, pass by some fast food chain to grab a bite, then leave for the big alcohol smash and return to the same restaurant spot to eat afterwards again. Don’t ask me why, it just is that way every time. It is now 10 AM on a Sunday morning and at this point my hangover is killing me for real. And the sunlight piercing through the windows doesn’t help at all, so I just cover my eyes with my right arm. I can’t help but wonder why every time after a good night out, the next morning feels like a payback? A few minutes later and I get this really irritating feeling of having to pee right on this instant. I groan tiredly at the idea of getting up and although that’s the last thing I feel like doing right now, my full bladder wins, so I slowly waddle my way to the bathroom. The smell of cigarettes and alcohol is everywhere, my clothes smell, my lingerie smell; even my skin has soaked it up. I’m in a desperate need of a shower, so this is the priority task on the to-do list now. I do my job on the toilet in what feels like a slow motion and collapse back onto my bed. Despite all the drinking and partying there was still no puking or anything, so good job Demetria, I tell myself. Sleeping on doesn’t seem possible right now so instead I grab my phone and start scrolling over my social media. Most of the stuff I see is memes and photos from the party last night, so I quickly run through the galleries. I zoom over every picture that I am tagged in and fortunately for me, I look more or less decent in them. I decide to go through my own camera snaps in search for something new to upload on my profile, but the majority of the pics are either vague or too dark, so I drop it. In the mean time the phone buzzes in my hands and I notice a messenger head pop from Marissa, my best friend back home. I click onto the icon to have a look on what she says. “Wazzzzza girllll, is everything alright with u there? Give me a call when u see that.” I chuckle to myself and dial her number. I haven’t talked to her in a good six days, being busy with the project we got from the uni or going out on the free days. When I got admitted for my studies she was a bit upset that I was leaving, so we promised each other to keep in touch and share a lot with the latest news and gossips going around. After 3 beeps, she picks up. “Yoooooo, wat up, chicka?” “Took you long enough to answer, eh?” – I teased her. “Haha come off it, I was in the bathroom” – She replied, laughing. “Oh well, since when aren’t you bringing it with you in there?” “Since I dropped my brand new Galaxy S in the loo last year, remember?” – We both started laughing at the memory of it. “Oh yeah, right, I now remember this masterpiece of yours. How are you, what’s going on?” – I asked. “Well nothing much to be honest. I’ve been bored as fuck lately with uni, work, you know how it is. “ “Awwwwwee, does someone miss me and my trolling comments?” – I mocked her again. “You wiiiiiish lol. But yeah, I do. Nobody here is up for anythi-i-i-ing, so I’m living a retiree’s life now I swear.” – She complained. I chuckled at her whiny voice. “So tell me, what’s new around you? Haven’t talked to you in like a week” “Yeah sorry, I’m still overwhelmed with everything here, lessons, parties, classmates, all of that” “Anything in particular? Like, tell me are there any hotties going around those lessons, parties or classmates?” – She asked cheekily. Always the first one to ask about that. “Well, there are some going around, not gonna lie. But hey, there’s still Rob, in case you have forgotten already”. – I remind her, even though I’m technically single already. “I thought you guys broke up?” “Well, we did, but I promised him I’m not gonna hook up with anyone here, so” “Oh come on Demi, you are so far away. You don’t expect to never like anyone for the next few years there, do you? The same goes for him.” “Marissa, I’m not saying it is impossible but I have no desire for it whatsoever now.” “I think you are over-doing it here. I mean that’s why you guys broke up, so that you both see if you love each other enough to not like anyone else. What you’re doing is different, though.” “And how exactly is it different?” “Well, you should check if you will like someone else, but what you are doing is trying not to like someone else.” – She explained in her serious tone. “You’re wrong. But you know, there isn’t anyone so far anyway.” “We will see about that. Anyway, let’s cut the shit, give me some highlights or I don’t know, some spicy stuff from Berklee now please, I’m so bored” I guess it was no surprise that my mind immediately wandered over to Simon. I mean that was surely one of the highlights and unfortunately, probably the most embarrassing moment so far during my month of stay here. And the cringer part is, one: he is my lecturer and second: I still find him very attractive. Too much for what is acceptable for a student. As if any of this is acceptable at all, I thought to myself. “Demi? You there?” – I heard Marissa ask on the line. “Yeah, sorry, I just got carried away a bit there…– I replied. “But alright…since you’ve asked, I’m gonna tell you about it… there was this really cringy thing that happened to me” – I trailed off. “Yes?” “But don’t mock me too much about it, alright?” “God, Is it that bad?” “Not my greatest move by far” “Okay, now I really want to know. What’s up?” – She asked curiously. “Ehm, I was basically... you know… ehm so the other day, when I was going to school and was just crossing the street, a car nearly hit me and so it stopped right next to me, stirring the wheels and all” “Jesus, are you okay?” – She asked worriedly. “Yeah yeah, don’t worry, nothing happened. Anyway, the thing is I was running late so I got mad at the driver. Called him a fool and kicked the bumper, like not that hard but still…” I heard her laughing on the other end of the line. “Why am I not surprised?” She kept on laughing. “And, what happened afterwards?” “Well, I kept walking my way, got to the Uni and all and long story short, it turned out the driver of that same car was also my lecturer…” “HAHAHAHAHA, Oh my God, are you serious?” – She was laughing hysterically. “Yup” – I replied, not believing it myself, shaking my head. “Oh my God, I’m literally gonna pee myself here.” – She said through what sounded like tears from laughter. “So much for a friend’s support” – I replied ironically. “Oh come on Dems, it is funny.” – Her laughter was only confirming my fears of how bad it was. I couldn’t blame her though; perhaps I would have laughed just as much. “Hey, come on Dems, I’m sorry okay. But Jesus, tell me about bad luck there. Did he recognize you later on in the class?” – She asked much calmer this time. “Yeah, he did and he told me he knew it was me. I was so embarrassed, Marissa, you have no idea…” “I get it hun, and I’m not gonna lie to you, Dem, that’s pretty embarrassing. But it’s not like you wanted to offend him, I mean you didn’t know it was him so he shouldn’t take it close to heart.” – She said. “I know, but still, I felt like the dumbest ass over there, seriously.” “Ehm, did you, like, apologize?” “I tried, but he didn’t let me. Once he was done talking he left the room so I couldn’t.” “You have pissed me him off, Dem. It is understandable. He will get over it, don’t worry about it. Maybe just try to say sorry when you can.” “Do you think that will fix it?” – I asked hopeful. I now got a feeling that I probably cared more than I should, but more importantly, more than I thought I did. “Well, even if it doesn’t, that’s all you got.” “I guess you are right...” “I am. So just breathe now and don’t think about it anymore alright?” “Yes. Thanks hun, feeling better now to be honest.” “You welcome. We all make mistakes, I doubt it that he never made one.” I silently agreed with her. “Hey Dems I gotta go now, so I will talk to you later chicka.” “Alright, drop me a line when you can.” “Will do. Byeee” “Bye”. And I hang up. It always feels better after sharing your worries with a close friend. Marissa was surely the only person who knew so much about me, both good and bad stuff. Mostly bad, I mean nobody hides the good part, do they? I dropped my phone on my left side and thought about my convo with her. She did try her best to calm me down and most likely has sensed I was worried about it. Not something quite typical, but she didn’t give it a second thought, at least while talking and I was thankful for it. The thing is, I really don’t know if I care so much because I fancy him somehow or because I am still pretty ashamed of what I did. I thought about what she told me regarding Rob as well. That it is not only dependent on me if we will stay true to each other, but on him too. That was one thing that didn’t really cross my mind so far, and it did incent my doubts. Not that I didn’t trust him or anything, it is just that by now I have kept my focus on what I am doing and never actually thought that it is not just me and what I am doing here, it is about us both. And it is scary. Did he love me? Well, he told me he did. Did I love him? I think I do. I mean I’ve been in love with him for the past few years that should mean something right?? Whilst on theory everything seems to be working just fine, it surely isn’t as simple. I need time to think, and I should surely have it figured out by Christmas, when I will be going home for the holidays. I played a bit with my fingers and heard Chelle moving around in the bathroom. I was surprised she has woken up just now, it is already almost 11 AM and she usually handles hangovers much better than me. I heard her shutting the syphone and then knocking on my door quietly. “Hey Dems, got a minute?” – She called from outside. “Yep, come in” – I said, still curled up under my covers. She came in and sat on the verge of my bed, next to my feet. “Hey, still lying in bed I see.” – she smiled and poked me on my shoulder. “Noo, I’m awake, but just talked on the phone with my friend for like an hour” – I explained still sleepily. “I know. I heard you telling the story about you, Mr. Cowell and your intriguing acquaintanceship to someone.” – She laughed at the memory. Chelle was the first person I shared this with, she was in the dorm when I got home from that embarrassing class and sensed something was up. She then asked me and I told her about it. “Yeah, don’t even mention it, I’m still so embarrassed.” – I said, hiding my face in my pillow. “Oh come on Dems, we talked about it. It’s over already, you can’t do anything to change it.” – She shrugged her shoulders. “I know Chelle, but it is just so bad…” “It is not the end of the world, Dems. To be honest I thought you were over it by now, you haven’t mentioned it lately.” “Well yes, because I haven’t had classes with him ever since, but guess what – next week I will.” – I said kind of irritated. “Right, I heard he was back in the states from his work in Britain the other day too.” – She said. “He is like the buzzing topic among the girls here.” “Having in mind even you have heard something, he surely is” – I laughed and she followed too. “Come on, let’s go out and have some food. Just let me take a quick shower.” – I added, running to the bathroom already. “Okay, 20 minutes and we’re going” – She replied, jumping off my bed and going to her room. I guess it is time to get this Sunday finally started.
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mysterierants · 3 years
Dating Apps... We all know how they can suck.
Yes, I've tried them. No, I haven't gotten anywhere. Yes, I've tried just chatting with people face-to-face.
I've come to the realization that for people like me, those apps, sites, and other attempts at dating just aren't worth it. What kind of people, you ask? The kind that are shy, socially awkward, don't know how to flirt or start a conversation, etc. We aren't the kind of people that are strictly in it for the sex. Sexual acts or intercourse really isn't something we're into; it just doesn't get us "going". That said, going on a date or meeting at a social event is something that's more our speed. We're more of the "old fashioned" type. The type that are more interested in a long term, romantic relationship that has substance.
I can't tell you how many times I've been hit up, on dating apps mostly, for nudes, one night stands, or for being "fuck buddies". To me, that whole concept doesn't make sense nor does it seem useful. I mean, I understand the core ideology of the concept. It's the concept of only knowing each other and meeting up for sex; nothing else. The 'why' doesn't make sense to me. Are you a nymphomaniac or something?
Unfortunately, with modern dating, its customary to have sex after a period of time. To me, that period of time should be determined when both parties are ready to partake; not just one. One side pressuring the other to have sex isn't acceptable, in my mind; it shouldn't be for you either.
Now that, that explanation and ideology is out of the way, I can get on with this rant. YAY!
One app that I've been drawn to, for some ungodly reason, is called Chat & Date. It allows you to find people whether you're there for a hookup or just there for a decent conversation or anything in between. Turns out, there's a few features that you have to pay for, after a while. Nah, I'm not going to pay from them. I'm too cheap.
Are there some guys on there that pique my interest or that I find attractive? Yes. I've tried talking to them and after wasting a bit of time, they ask for sex, nudes, or both. It fucking sucks. If it weren't for the last casual conversation that's going on, I'd just delete my profile and the app; I'm that done with it. I've just had it with the "Oh you won't sleep with me? K byeee!" stuff. What happened to good old fashioned romance?
It's not much of a secret that in the summer of 2016, I had a major medical crisis. However, it is a bit of an unknown fact that I've suffered from Medication Resistant Epilepsy ever since. Life and cardiac arrests can bite you in the ass REALLY hard, too. So yes, Karma is real and she's an absolute bitch. I also suffer from the side effects of the medications that previous neurologists have put me on, but that's besides the point.
I've gone through several seizure studies and have to go through at least one more before they decide what part of my brain is the best to have surgery on. I'm so done with all the seizures, injuries from the seizures, meds, pity, and hospital stays that I'm completely game for surgery no matter how dangerous. At this point, death even sounds like an option.
Why? I've been having at least one Grand Mal seizure, a month, for 4 years now; they're getting worse and longer, too. These bitches need to go.
Now that you know this, you're probably asking where the dating comes into play.
It's not a "final wish" or anything. No. It's a support thing. The entire time I've been fighting Epilepsy, I've had to be the strong one. The shoulder to cry on. The one constant in people's lives. It's finally wearing me down to the point of no return. The last guy that let me lean on him, for support, left me when I was in the hospital, the third time, durning summer 2016. That was a low blow, asshat.
It would be nice, no, comforting to have someone to lean on and love (romantically). Someone that I can talk to without having to watch what I say, but hopefully not share the stress. I hope they could relieve some of the stress, too. Yeah, okay, I do have friends and family that I could talk to, but I have to watch what I say; I have to keep quite a few things from them. It gets frustrating, actually.
That's some of the reason I made this blog.
Trying to find a decent guy, that's around my age, has become frustrating as well. Yeah, on these apps, plenty of guys have "okayed" me or flirted. It mostly seems like they do this because of my looks. Not cool, dude. There's a couple of key qualifications that makes them get turned down, and this is going to sound racist but isn't meant to be. Ya ready? Well, we're going anyway:
1. Age. I'll admit that I do say age doesn't really matter; its personality that does. I mean that with predominantly friends. I mean, at the time that I'm writing this, I'm 25. I'm not going to be into dudes that are 40-60 years old. I mean seriously, what the fuck.
2. Color. This is the one that I said may sound racist, but really isn't meant to be. In any other context, like friends, I don't give a flyin' flippity fuck what you look like. All that matters is your personality. But when it comes to dating, I prefer white dudes that have even the slightest bit of tan. This can potentially come back and bite me in the ass, too, cause I am part Native American; just not as dark most of the time.
3. Looks. Yeah okay, I'm not much for the superficial junk, but I've noticed that this does have a slight bit to do with it. I think it's mainly 'cause it helps me figure out their personality and how they truly are. You may be curious about how this helps exactly, but that will be talked about later.
4. Speech. Wait, wha-? Yes, word usage, speed, and how they speak does matter to me. It not only tells me their amount and type of intelligence, but also helps with personality. Speech also helps me learn what some of their priorities are. This has helped me to decipher whether or not the guy is just talking to me for the sole purpose of getting me into bed or for legitimately getting to know me. It has saved me from inadvertently getting into trouble, too.
5. Swagger. Like the slang, right? No. I'm talking how a guy carries himself (walks), talks, dresses, and stands. When I say this, I'm not talking 007 or Tom Hiddleston swagger. Nor am I talking about how fat his wallet is. A dirt poor man can have that absolutely sexy swagger. It's more of a mindset and the amount of respect he gives others. Well, I guess Tom does count. You get my point, though.
I'm probably missing a thing or two, but these pretty well cover it. Out of 'em, I couldn't tell you which matters most, though.
These are some things that people can fake on dating apps. Chicks are notorious for this; they give the rest of us a horrid name. I hate it. The guys can also act all 'big 'n' bad' behind a screen and make you think they're totally badass and sexy. Then you meet them in person and... BOOM! Less funny Don Knotts with tiny metaphorical balls. I've met some guys that have smaller balls than I do and I'm a chick! The hell?! You remember the speech and swagger I was talking about? Yeah, that's where this comes into play.
Anyway, this pretty well concludes my rant about dating apps.
Welp, see ya next rant! Bye my lovelies. 💜
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wanna1things · 7 years
Undercover Agent!Yoon Jisung
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i LOVE jisung SO MUCH and gjhdgfhgsjf he looks so gOOD in his teaser pics lmao gtg byeee
Genre;; uhh undercover agent!au,, fluff,, sorry if the stuff about the police and stuff is wrong lmao am not a cia agent
Warnings;; theres mention of a contract killing & hits and a bar and like,, gang stuff??
Pairing;; Yoon Jisung x reader
Requested;; nope
Summary;; You are undercover for the organised crime unit. Yoon Jisung is your prime suspect for the contract killing of a rival gang member. Little do you know, he’s thinking the exact same thing about you...
Style;; bullet point + stuff
Word Count;; 1801
im SUPER sorry;; if you’ve requested something im super busy w family stuff and work but next week im free so ill get the requests done,, this was just something i’ve had written for a while lol its basically the plot of an episode of a tv show i watched when i was in spain in august idek what it was called but it was super cute and i thought it fit jisung because?? idk i feel like his personality fits this sort of thing lol anyway hope u enjoy
you joined the organised crime unit straight out of police training and tbh you were a prodigy
you were known for solving cases in record speed and you were always effective in undercover work
you knew of someone else on the force who was just as good at solving cases/being undercover as you were
but you had no idea who they were, just that they were in the homicide unit
your unit had been following a gang for quite a while
and you’d come to know all of their members quite well
when suddenly, the guy you were preparing to arrest was killed by a contract killer
your unit managed to catch the killer and he confessed that he was paid to kill the guy by a guy within the main gang in the city
and so your unit decided,, you should go undercover
you studied up on the members of this second gang and you focused all of your efforts on who appeared to be pulling the strings even though he wasn’t the leader
this guy called yoon jisung
luckily someone else in your unit was already undercover in the gang and so when you joined he introduced you as his half-sister
and straight away you spotted jisung looking at you up and down
you knew he was a bad guy, his files said left the police force a year ago and joined the gang straight away
he was very close to the leader already and was almost like his right hand man
little did you know, jisung was also an undercover agent
THE undercover agent from the homicide unit
he kept his real name in the gang to make his story more believable,, also because he can’t deal with fake names because he’d never adjust to being called something else lol
but boy did he think it was fishy that straight after this guy from another gang was killed that you were introduced
he immediately suspected you were in some way connected to the contract killing,, probably because you had close ties to a contract killer or something
after the gang meeting where you were introduced he approaches you straight away
and you're just like wow okay that was easy lol already my suspect is talking to me try to find info;;
that's literally exactly what he's trying to do with you as well
ahhh when he starts speaking to you you realise ;; oh my god;; he’s actually super good looking lmao no don't fall in love with a criminal
he holds out his hand for you to shake it and he smiles wide and tilts his head to the side slightly
‘Hello, y/n!! I’m Yoon Jisung!!’
you take his hand hesitantly because how is someone in a gang this bright lmao
he immediately starts asking you where you’re from and stuff which is really cute because he’s listening so intently to everything you say and he seems really interested
he’s interested for a different reason lol
so you recite what your,, fake,, life history is
it’s got bits of truth in there too but your undercover identity is that you do really have “ties” to a contract killer organisation
lmao bad idea jisung is even more suspicious
he also thinks you’re really cute and sweet?? Like??
and he's mentally kicking himself like lmao they’re a cold hearted killer don't fall in love
and over the next few weeks you’re always put on jobs together
when you both had to go to a meeting with the head of a supplier chain he claimed that ‘the boss told him that you needed to accompany him’
your coworker later revealed to you that no… jisung requested that you went with him to the meeting
this all was a bit,, suspicious but
you accepted it because it meant you could get close to your suspect even if it was in a weird way
one day, after you attend another meeting together he invites you out to a bar for a drink
and the gang you two are in basically controls that bar lol
so you decide you’ll try to get him drunk and get some information out of him so you can arrest him
but when you get there turns out he had the same idea and you both order virgin drinks lol
you swallow your pride and ask him about the case and you find that he oddly knows a lot??
like he knows who did it ok suspicious much jisung
and he’s realising that you know who did it too,, which is also really making you look suspicious lol
but you’re also realising that under this soft light god damn is he beautiful?? Oh my god??
lmao he's thinking the same about you like god they’re so?? Evil?? But so?? Good looking??
of course its jisung so he makes lots of terrible jokes along the way when will he stop
out of nowhere he starts to talk to you about the story of his friend in the gang being killed in a hit by the gang the guy who died was from
and he was telling the whole truth, his friend was undercover with him (which he didn't mention obviously lol) and he was killed
and jisung didn't know why he was opening up to you but you just seemed so easy to talk to lol
and you could tell this thing with his friend was really eating at him like he was truly upset wow gangsters have feelings??
in the back of your mind you were thinking ok motive found but you pushed it aside because he was really opening his heart to you and he was genuinely upset and no decent human being is about to ignore someone in distress
so as it seemed like he was about to cry you took hold of his hands and held them
he squeezed your hands back and looked up
and oh my god
he was crying but it was like a hiccupy cry (you know the one)
and it was so cute because he was smiling at you as well as like;; a thank you for being so comforting
and seriously this guy is damn cute for a gangster like wow how??
but really your feelings for each other are just getting deeper and deeper and you know it's so wrong because you’re meant to be arresting each other but you know love you can't help it
soon enough you guys are pretty much partners (in crime, literally)
like you always attend meetings together and stuff,, and y'all are both close to the boss
and you can full on admit you’ve totally fallen for this weird soppy cute gangster and don't tell anyone but he's fallen for you too UH
when suddenly there's an attempt on your colleague's life, the guy who you’re undercover with
and almost immediately there's a retaliation from what seems to be your gang
something clicks inside your brain and you realise
jisung put the hit out for that retaliation
nobody died but he did it because well you’re his partner, and your colleague is supposed to be your brother so it's like the done thing in a gang lol
little do you know, he's thinking the same about you, that you put the hit out yourself because well… it's your brother of course you’re going to get one back
so that night he decides to invite you out for a drink and then he’ll arrest you because well clear motive??
and when he invites you, you also decide that tonight's the night you’ll arrest him because DAMN the evidence is overwhelming
when you both arrive at the same bar as you went to before, you both order virgin cocktails and sit next to each other at the bar
reminiscing about the past few months of knowing each other and stuff, and laughing about how dumb jisung looked when he cried (sorry jisung youre cute i love you really??)
after a while theres a break of silence
and you both reach into your pockets/bags and pick out the handcuffs inside
you breathe in and out slowly and turn to fake jisung right as he turns to face you with his hands in his pockets
‘y/n, you’re under arrest-’
‘jisung, you’re under arrest-’
‘wait, what??’
Jisung stands up straight away and hes completely taken aback like whats going on
And theres a total ruckus going on in the bar now because ok theres two policemen here?? what
Jisung quickly grabs your hand and pulls you out of the bar and down into an alley beside it
as you’re trying to recover from that shock he fires questions at you like;;; quick fire
‘What was that?? You’re police too? What unit? Why didnt you tell me? Were you going to arrest me? What for? Oh my god, my boss is going to kill me…’
somehow you find the humour in all this
like you were just about to arrest each other for the exact same crime at the exact same time but you’re both undercover agents
(pls @ police units improve communication look what you’ve done)
when he hears your soft giggles he stops worrying and just joins in laughing because
admit it
its pretty funny yall were both the best undercover agents and you just tried to arrest each other
then he realises this cute little gang member he has a crush on isn't a gang member at all and there is no reason that he can’t kiss them right now
so he does
right then and there
and of course you’re shooketh because oh yeah;; he’s not a gangster i can totally do this and not feel bad lol
and then you realise your cover is completely and utterly blown and you can’t stay undercover anymore because BASICALLY the whole gang knows you’re policemen… either that or they think you’re into really kinky stuff oo ;)
and you can see the look on jisungs face when he realises it too but
‘Cover is blown but… got to admit it was worth it’
and he leans in to kiss you again uh BLESS
after that mess of a case you join the same unit as jisung and you two become the famous undercover couple
you always go undercover together, always as a couple because a) its easy and b) you don’t even have to act
every time someone new joins the unit you take your roles as the official parents™ of the unit and you train everyone who wants to go undercover as though they’re like your child uhh cute
your picture is up in the hall of fame for agents and sgadjfg the picture is so cute because you LOOK like parents
basically you two are like the cutest and the BIGGEST undercover agent power couple
ahhhh i hope this was enjoyable to read,, i wrote it on the train when i was on holiday so yknow not the best quality of writing but i thought it was cute so!!
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iqueenmyles-blog · 7 years
bad day i guess 1/19/17
so today it's the second day of our exams and i decied to freaking restart my blog lmao. I just wanna talk about my day here ad let all the anger out. so my day was pretty much bad cause i woke up to my parents fiighting ovr cleaning the house- smh at these two fighting like cats and dogs- so i just didnt mind them. my parents actually pisses me off cause they keep n ranting here and there and it just annoys the shit out of me. anyways so skip tos school time. me being in school is like a whole new universe cause i really feel so happy because i have myfriends and all so it wasnt really bas- except when the exam started. when my mom icked us up from school shewas pissed idek why adn when we got home isaw my DOG OUTSIDE ON THE FUCKING POURING RAIN AND I WAS SOPISSED AND ALL CAUSE SHE WAS SO DIRTY AND I DONT WANT TO GIVE HER A BATH IN THE MIDDLE OF A FUCKING COLD ASS WEATHER CAUSE SHE'S GONNA BE COLD BUT I DID ANYAYS CAUSE SHE WAS DIRTY AND TEHRE MY MOOD INSTANTLY FUCKING CHANGED. MY DAD TOD ME THAT IF I DONT LOOK OUT FOR MY DOG AGAIN AND LIKE TAKE CARE OF HER STUFFS AND ALL I SHOULD SELL MY DOG OR HE WILL LET MY DOG GO. BITCH ASS MOTHER FUCKER FUKING PISSED ME OFF REALLY IF THEY DIDNT WAT TO HAVEA FUCKING DOG IN THE HOUSE THEN THEY SHOULDVE NOT AGREED WITH ME IN THE FIRST PLACE. now i gotta study for tomorrows LAST DAYOF EXAMSSSSS YEYEYEYYEYEYYE byebye to the people who gonna read this probably no one lmao byeee
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