shaepschift-a · 8 months
defo wanna explore more disco writing this year: im just so very basic when it comes to disco 😅 so if you're patient and willing to teach totally feel free to hit me up for writing there !! idk how to make servers or make them pretty but hey, we can figure it out together 🥲
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zestyaahbutler · 1 year
Integra's Mom Doodles
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Introducing Amulya!
This name means priceless (courtesy of Athena)
So I was talking with @hellogreyeyedathena about Hellsing and the topic of Integra's mom came up and I was like, "well how do you think she died?"
That turned into brainstorming ideas and headcanons about her mothers life and other lore regarding her passing. Then it turned into me doodling her for way too long.
Anywhooz, She is 22 year old Indian woman in 1977 who was engaged to Arthur Hellsing whenever he is in his 50s-60s. The marriage holds more than meets the eye besides the obvious age difference. I'll make a post later in regards to this lore if anyone would like to hear about it.
Her design is supposed to reflect Integra's very luscious curly/wavy hair. She is shorter (5'3 to be exact) but has other qualities such as the same catty smile. They also mirror each other in parts of their personality.
Her eyes are more doe-like. I felt Integra would have gotten her father's eye shape. Her clothes are inspired by 70s Bollywood actresses, traditional Indian wedding Saris, and British fashion.
I will mention that she never knew about what exactly the Hellsing organization was until the end of her pregnancy. So she was kept away from any knowledge of the supernatural.
You may wonder: "Zesty, why have you not drawn her with her husband?"
I tried and got really lazy
Her and Walter's relationship is pretty interesting
Walter became her main attendant after Arthur got uncomfortable having her around much younger workers. No particular reason but he does trust Walter much more. Naturally, she became rather attached to Walter. She is in a new country and is rather isolated/lonely. Besides companionship, there is more hiding under the surface. I just don't feel like writing it right now.
Treat this as a trailer, let me know any thoughts or questions you have. My inbox is open.
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megnificent-reads · 8 months
A Court of Wings and Ruin - Christ alive/5 ☆
Warning - this review is 1.2k words, and 98% negative. If you love SJM and the ACOTAR series, love that for you /gen. However, for your own mental health, I genuinely would not recommend you read this. For everyone else, and those who hate-read, Let's begin!
Okay, so I actually rated this 2 stars on Goodreads because I didn’t hate it the whole time but, I’m mad about it so it gets a special rating. ♡
I honestly lament when I was excited to read this book. Being what I refer to as a Lucien Lover (nuanced), I enjoyed a good bit of the beginning of this book. That’s not to say I wholeheartedly enjoyed every word of the first 100 pages of this book. 
So we start with Feyre in the throes of rage, becoming a master manipulator. Now, before I put just a minute or two of thought into it, I loved it. I love a girl tearing shit apart and using intellegence as a form of strength. However… 
Anybody think she was doing a little too much…?
Like, okay, Tamlin fucked up. Big time. I will admit justice is needed! Love when women take back power! But not only dismantling his entire country but turning everyone against him for things that he actually did not do? Crazy! He sucks! But people still live in that country. We still need order! His life is ruined now and I don’t necessarily think all that was necessary. 
Tamlin sidebar: “my father and my father’s father did the Tithe, so I’m going to do it.” Didn’t you acknowledge two books ago that your father sucks absolute ass? What fucking sense does that make? How in the first book was he the Perfect Moral Man that now can’t see the very evident immorality in the shit you’re doing. Anywhoozers. 
So, Feyre has her cool girl moments and returns to the Night Court. In book one, I was bored out of my mind until we arrived in Rhys-land. (Good one). This time, it was like the moment we arrived here the magic was lost. I was no longer excited to read. And honestly, I think the big issue was actually our beloved bat-boy, Rhysand.
I don’t know her personally, so this is not an attack on her character, but I’m starting to feel like SJM writes Rhysand based off of her fantasy version of what a man is like. Dominating, but soft and loving. Perfectly moral. Capable of evil, deplorable things, but too loving of people and their dreams to be that way. I’m going to be referring to it as PMS (Perfect Man Syndrome). 
Many of her men (sorry, males) are unfortunate PMS victims, but Rhysand is by far the worst. I wish I had underlined it when I was reading so I could cite it, but there’s just something about his actions. He is PMSing so hard that he doesn’t develop at all. He was old enough to be grown during the faerie-UK version of the Amercian Civil War where of course he was anti-slavery the entire time despite being raised by people who appeared to be violent racists. Good for our educated king. He also, of course, runs a sanctuary for abused women. 
Of course, I’m not saying that being anti-slavery and supporting abused women is bad. I love it. But like… be real with me here. I know that this is fictional. It’s not real. We can be happy here. But can I have some dimension, please? This man is the personality version of Flat Stanley. We had two conflicts between them since they got together and both were resolved by Rhys nearly getting on his knees and saying everything is his fault and he’s so sorry. The first conflict was just her thinking she stepped out of her Womenly Line and him not even knowing there was an issue. 
He’s just so. Fucking. Boring. 
Moving on. ♡.
Let’s talk about what makes me so goddamn angry about this book. I’ve seen complaints about SJM where other people are saying that other people call her books feminist literature. I personally have never heard anybody say that, but if I did, I don’t know if I would be able to control the rant that would ensue.  
I’m willing to have a civilized conversation, but I don’t remember Feyre actually doing anything. Yes, SJM puts her women in positions of power. Do they use said power? Maybe once or twice. 
Amren is an ex-god with powers above any character we’ve met so far. We see it used I think once. The rest of the time is spent talking about her power and her holding down the fort at Velaris while everyone else is off to war. 
Morrigan - also very powerful (described only). I remember her power being “truth” and never elaborating on that. She is a known soldier, that doesn’t fight. 
During the two huge battles, Feyre, Nesta, and Morrigan are on the ground while Rhys, Cassian, and Azriel are in the air fighting. After the first battle, Feyre is seen tending to her beloved mate’s wounds, Nesta is fetching water for Cassian, and Morrigan is getting mad at Nesta for wanting to fuck Cassian. So strong of all of them. 
Azriel is there doing… nothing. Which he has a habit of doing. Speaking of habits, SJM will create characters that I like because I’m excited to see how they will grow and develop. 
She then proceeds to do nothing with them.
I know more books are coming, as they will with SJM until the end of time, but it’s starting to drag. I love Elain. Well, I love what Elain could be. She’s a seemingly fragile, docile character. With her Seer powers, I was excited to see her notice the world around her sucks and develop into somone capable of holding their own. Instead, she uses her powers to relay some cryptic messages that no one heeds or even tries to, then she “snaps out of it” and can’t really do anything else. 
Azriel has a tragic backstory and seemingly a big story to tell. God, I wish I could ever fucking hear it. 
This is getting exceptionally long, but I remembered I had a list of things I wanted from ACOWAR and didn’t receive, so I’ll pick one more thing off. 
The Ouroboros. Out of all symbols, the Ouroboros is my favorite. Cycles and inevitability and all that. We spend a good chunk of this book leading up to Feyre retrieving this. It drives everyone mad. Only the strongest can look in it and survive. I was so excited to see what she saw! What the battle with herself would be like! How does she overcome it?
I guess we’ll never know.
She ended up seeing… herself? I guess she wasn’t previously aware of her flaws and then simply accepted them. Would love to have seen it!
And to finally end this review, I think the Ouroboros is a good symbol of every issue I have with this book. There’s so much build up and excitement that ultimately leads nearly no explanation. It’s like there’s ideas and concepts but then no idea how to execute them.
I won’t be reading ACOFAS or ACOSF or anything else. I already didn’t want to, then I found out about the pregnancy thing and. Yeah. I think I’m good off that.
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fullsweetspainter · 6 months
HELLLOOOO!!!! I'm here working Catalina's official sketch right now. I feel like trash, though *sobs in spanish*
Anywho, anywhooze, anybooze I just wanted to hop on here and show y'all what I got :3
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urluvposie · 2 years
literally had SUCH a good day at uni today, right? i got my midterm paper back and turns out i had the highest marks in the class and was selected to workshop with other students and i have the BIGGEST craving for academic validation so this was IT for me. came home and had soup (i love soup) and read and finished up some writing. come time for bed i’m laying down scrolling through tiktok and then it hits me.
i had two assignment due at 11:59 and it’s 11:42.
so here i am scrambling to submit that fucking journal entry and discussion board and i almost do! it’s 11:59 and i’m pasting my journal into the submission box and press submit but i get an error. turns out, for some weird reason, this weeks journal entry had to be submitted as a pdf. i’m at twenty seconds and this doc i have the entry in has a whole lot of other shit that’s not for the class so i’m trying to delete that and low and behold midnight strikes.
anywhoozers that was a long rant but everyone i know is sleeping and i HAD to let it all out. i’m LIVID it’s only worth five points but her grading scale is absolute dogshit. to remedy my mood i’m going to read angst fanfics. toodles.
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mieczlw-a · 7 years
mitch rapp owns my ass™#6853
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patchfowlr · 3 years
Yea so guess who started watching Succession. Anywhoozers.
Tom Wambsgans' Lizzie Bennett-ification Playlist
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wingsofkpop · 3 years
The more you know, I suppose~
I too, have now learned this, excuse me while I go find one—
Anywhoozers, how are you, love?! I feel like it haven’t talked to you in a hot second, even thought it’s only been like a week 😅
And the ponies are doing good! We have got lots of rain, so they have enjoyed a nice wallow or 12 in the mud this past week.
I mean, NSFW alphabets exists so I probably should have known SFW alphabets are a thing too... but as you said, the more you know!
That’s great to hear! I’m so glad the beauties are keeping themselves happy and entertained! A mud bath is always good every once and a while hehe~
I’m doing very well! As of right now, I have two more finals and one more full week of classes before I’m free for the summer🎉 I’m very, very excited to finally have time to relax again haha.
It’s always a joy to hear from you, love. I hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself❤️❤️
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mayonnaiseandbread · 4 years
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i heard about this day called #FRIDAY where business'd folks dance off into its warmth..... unless you work #weekends... thats just nasty. thats just not right. you need a 2 day toaster, eh? milo's sweet tea & summer shorts. neverending goodvibes necessary, so fannypack accordingly. anywhooz, heres an updated #ISABELLE /#animalcrossingnewhorizons #animalcrossing #nintendo #wtf https://www.instagram.com/p/CAgrPqphbEC/?igshid=kpzemy7mqs8x
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backtonormalthings · 5 years
Thank you for the tag! I have like no internet frens so it was nice to see 🥺 anywhoozers how are you today?
No problem! I know that we kind of run in the same-ish circles so I was curious about you! (That sounds creepy I’m sorry) I’m doing okay, I’m planning on reading my book today, as well as grinding through some of my homework. How about you!
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Just gonna get a little person and a little emotional so forgive me and ignore me lol
I have always been what you would say a “bigger girl” all my life. I kind of hit rock bottom in my high school years when my parents divorced and I fell into depression and lead to me gaining a lot of weight. And I mean a lot of weight. 
I struggled over the past 15 years to lose it. I hit my highest weight a few years ago and then lost over a hundred pounds when I moved to Louisiana. After losing that first initial pounds it was as if I hit a brick wall and have been stuck at a certain weight. 
When I was seventeen I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) yeah it’s not fun. Which lead to more bad news as I was also told that I have a hostile uterus so my dreams of having kids kind of went spiraling down the drain. 
I began going from having a period every other month to every few months, to maybe once or twice a year and then I haven’t had a period in over a year. Yes, I tried birth control and everything else my doctors recommended and it just seemed like my body was just giving up. 
Well recently, my parents got onto the Keto diet which includes two Keto drinks that you do one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I was quick to jump on this and try it out. The first few days I got rid of my bloated weight by peeing a LOT lol. I have been super strict with my eating on this and trying to slowly incorporate exercise ( I have a fucked up knee from a previous soccer injury that I never took care of properly) but I’m doing it to the best of my ability. 
Now here comes today, I’m dragging ass because the Keto drinks have caffeine in them and I haven’t received my caffeine free drinks for the afternoon. Anyways, I run off to the bathroom and lo and behold I started my period. After fifteen months of not having one single period, I get mine. Today. I about cried tears of joy because like holy shit. 
So my step-mom is a nurse so I about blew up her phone asking if the Keto diet could “reverse” symptoms of pcos. Sure enough, she says yes and I fall into a hole of how the Keto diet and pcos are connected and let me tell you I’m kind of relieved. 
Anywhoozers, I’m done rambling about this, just needed to get this off my chest and tell someone. 
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vortship · 5 years
@irkborne continued from x
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From the floor of her father’s sizable living room, his decor a shining wall-to-wall display of tackiness, Hal sat on her knees in front of the TV. 
“They’ve got two Tallests now?” 
Galdino, splayed out on the couch beyond necessity, struggled to light his cigarette.
“‘Won’t be long before they get their asses blown up too.” he scoffed and finally managed to take a drag, exhaling the smoke slowly with a heavy sigh. “Why we watchin’ Irken shit anyway? Turn somethin’ else on.”
Hal rolled her eyes, she didn’t comply with her brother’s demand. An announcer droned the ‘Almighty's’ names, though it didn’t take her long to forget them. Unseen by Hal, a familiar, lanky figure loomed close behind.
“Hey.” came a wistful voice, she sensed a pointed finger in her peripheral gesture towards one of the newly ‘elected’ Irkens, “I know that guy.”
She’d spoken quicker than she could figure out what it was she was even saying. No situation couldn’t be improved without a bit of levity, right? For all the past trouble she’d been in, this was almost too much to quantify; it towered over her like silhouette she was facing, comparatively massive (thank the universe the Vortians did not rank themselves by height). 
Her experiences on Earth had broadened her horizons to the peace of an isolated planet. The ever-present threat of the Armada was not an issue for humans. It never had been. And as soon as both her and Zim had learned the truth, she was summoned elsewhere.
Summoned. Captured. Same thing.    
While Hal hardly expected a warm welcome, his harsh, disturbing words seared. She cringed. A cursory glance taken at the surrounding technicians indicated they were just as surprised.
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“Um... right...” what else could be said? At the very least, he’d managed to wipe the seemingly permanent smile from her face.
 Expected or not, Nimas were never exactly a desired sight; a family many called cursed. There was only so long it seemed they could go without the itch to cause unbridled mischief overtaking them. Hal was just another in a long line of debauchery. 
“I’m not trying to bleed on your bridge or whatever... uh really I’m just trying to not go to back to jail but... you know how it is.” did he? Probably not. “Anywhoozers, you gonna show me around?”
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Sorry for the dramatic interruption from regular blogging. I’m really pissed that someone who treated me like shit sent an attack via a stranger and I’m really not going to let someone say those things.
I’m good. I’m often compassionate to a fault. I know my overly trusting self isn’t my best self. But yknow what? I’d go through all of this pain, all of the loss, all the bad things they’re trying to say about me again VS becoming a person who doesn’t love, who doesn’t care, who isn’t compassionate. I swore to myself I’d create positivity and light and love into the world after dealing with so much trauma and darkness.
So, if anyone reads this and needs help, needs a friend, needs support, reach out to me. I want to be a listening ear to those who need it. I’m kind, and no mean and terrible words will ever break that in me. I can promise that.
Anywhooz, back to your regularly scheduled random blogging 😅
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lowkeyseunghyun · 8 years
ok so koko and i went out to dinner at a chinese buffet for some bff bonding time anD THERE WAS THIS REALLY CUTE WAITER. HE WAS SO CUTE, HE HAD A CUTE SMILE AND WAS NICE. I GOT A LITTLE TOO HAPPY WITH HIM BEING OUR WAITER. ANYWHOOZERS i got his name, i was brace enough to ask for a name and he's pretty tall(?). NOT EXTREMELY TALL BUT TALLER THAN ME. ANYWAYS, I JUST WANNA SHARE THAT BC IM HAPPY BUT IDK WHAT TO DO. SHOULD INITIATE FRIENDSHIP???? -ADMIN LOKI
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blueorchidsims · 6 years
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Furnishing is hard.
This took me about an hour to do just this one bedroom and then I was so burnt out I couldn’t even furnish a bathroom. If yall wonder why there’s been no story lately, here is your answer (as well as work and my just being generally tired and lazy lol) I redid some makeovers of the cheerleaders from the Hargrove save that got lost when OneDrive malfunctioned, and I can’t stare at their faces any more. I didn’t even finish. Anywhoozers, back to work tomorrow *sigh*
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