#aoba johsai 3rd years
giustoart · 7 months
Which is the silliest duo in Haikyuu? And why Matsuhana? 😆🩵
I love them.
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youmarin · 1 month
Stormy Weather | Iwaizumi Hajime x Fem! Reader
Part 1/1                  Word Count:  5,380                      hq!! ML 
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader. Hanamaki Takahiro x Reader, Matsukawa Issei x Reader, Oikawa Tooru x Reader (all platonic), Seijoh Boys's Volleyball Club
angst, fluff, comedy (me trying to write funny stuff for funsies)
tw: swearing (not as much. I think.), brief suicide mention (just one time like in passing). 
Iwaizumi Hajime is on his way to school. He’s way more than early and has plenty of time to get to morning practice but he takes quick strides under the morning twilight, slightly chilly breeze brushing upon his cheeks making them rosy, and he buries his face in the collar of his jacket. 
 It’s honestly way too early for some. Exclusively for you, since you aren't a morning person at all. When he makes it to Aoba Johsai grounds and the gymnasium comes into view he thinks you might’ve slept over the early morning and are finally coming to school later like you actually should do. He sighs in relief. His fellow third year and team captain, Oikawa, notices him and greets him animatedly. A couple of the others are already inside too. Some of his teammates remind him of you. They are still sleepy, Makki yawning while he starts stretching and he swears Kunimi still has the outline of his bedsheets stamped on his face. Kyōtani is grumpy - well, he mostly looks like that so it is hard to tell the cause sometimes. -  and his friend Mattsun also looks like he would appreciate a couple more hours of slumber.
“Ah, there she is.” He hears the dreaded words and tenses. Oikawa near him tries to hide his amusement and he hears a few snickers around. 
“HAJIMEEE!” he turns slightly and spots you sprinting towards him (you threw your bookbag somewhere along the run and it lands with a loud thump! near a wall of the gym and a few cracks are heard from the contents inside.That bookbag has had a rough life.) Iwaizumi braces himself as you jump on his back happily and he’s quick to hold you, carrying you piggyback style, arms under your thighs as you wrap your arms around his shoulders and hug him. “Good morning!” You kiss his red dusted cheeks due to all the attention you’re getting on the both of you and your actions. “Morning, guys!” 
There’s a chorus of the guys replying to you. They’re always entertained with the situation. The volleyball club doesn't have a manager (officially, at least) but you basically occupy the position dropping by every morning and sometimes in the afternoon too when you were free. Some fans of the team would drop by too but mostly just in the afternoons. So in that way, they’ve grown used to these interactions. They’ve warmed up to you as a person too and are grateful for your help and support. Even if it might be all because of your love for the ace.
“You’ve got to stop coming here this early.” Iwaizumi entertains himself by looking up at the ceiling, hoisting you up a little as you begin to slip down, not a bit uncomfortable by your weight. Then he catches on to what he’s doing and helps you get off him. You’re standing in front of him in a second. 
“But it makes me happy to come see you.” You pout. You’re oblivious of how some of the other boys whine wishing they had a girl be as happy as you to see them. “Aren’t you happy to see me too?” 
“It’s- It’s alright.” Iwaizumi is still flustered, then continues to reprimand you. “And you shouldn’t be calling me Hajime, or kissing me.” Even if it doesn’t feel wrong. 
“Right. I’m sorry.” you look down, biting your lip, fidgeting with your hands behind your back. “Sorry, Iwaizumi.” He nods, but he’s already frustrated knowing you’ll most likely forget about it by later. 
Still, you don’t let his rejection keep your mood down for long, “I’ll get my things and get started around here.”  You say with another bright smile, and return your steps to retrieve your forsaken, beaten up bag. 
“You’re so mean, Iwa-chan”, Oikawa told him later on during practice. “Honestly, you should be grateful a girl is interested in you. I know I tend to steal the spotlight.” That earns the captain a smack to the back of his head and glares from a couple of the others near him.
“I appreciate it, but I don’t like her that way.” Iwaizumi answers uncomfortably, stealing a glance at you as you watch his fellow teammates do their drills. 
“Have you tried telling her that?” Mattsun joins the conversation.
“Yes. But I feel bad and end up giving in to whatever she’s on about at the moment.” He scratches the back of his neck and grimaces. “Also, isn’t it obvious?” 
“Maybe not to her. Love is blind and all that shit.” Makki adds. 
“You should tell her upfront and stop leading her on. It’s going to be worse for her.” The captain finishes and leaves Iwaizumi reflecting on his words. Maybe his friends were right. Your intentions might be so pure and honest you hadn’t caught on that he didn’t reciprocate your feelings.
And now he’ll have to break your heart. 
After practice was over, he had showered and changed into his school uniform, he made haste to find you and get over with it even though he wasn’t sure yet what to say and how to word it best to soften the blow and let you down slowly. 
Entering the classroom, he saw your bag on your seat but you were nowhere to be seen. There was a note on your desk. He flipped it over. 
“Y/L/N: Please meet me in the garden by the tree with the white flowers.” 
He put the note back where it was and rushed out towards where the note said. And there you were, coming to stand in front of a boy. A second year maybe? He clearly was about to confess to you, shifting his weight from one foot to the other all fidgety and flustered. 
Hajime stood hidden at a safe distance but close enough to listen. What was he doing? He was eavesdropping on you. This wasn’t what he was supposed to be doing but his feet had guided him there. He stopped berating himself when he heard your voices. 
“IwantedtotellyouthatIthinkyou'resoprettyandifyou’renotinterestedinanyoneelsewouldyouconsiderme?” He blurted out in one breath, seemingly having rehearsed that one sentence in advance until it was ingrained into his mind. “Dating… Me?” 
Somehow, in a way Iwaizumi couldn’t comprehend, you understood what the boy had said. “You think I’m pretty. Me.” You sounded dumbfounded by that for some reason. He hoped it wasn’t because you really hadn’t noticed how pretty you really were. 
“I mean,sure, you could put a little more effort on your looks at school and you always have dark circles under your eyes. Are you sleeping well?” He was straying off topic very badly. “But! We’ve run into each other outside school and you look clean up nicely.”  Now, Hajime would’ve found that funny if something about that information and truly about the whole ordeal didn’t sit right with him. 
He heard your laugh. “Well, thank you for your honesty.” You hesitated a little afterwards, “I’m flattered, really, but I’m sorry I… I got someone else I like.” 
“That Iwaizumi guy from the volleyball club, right?” So, he had shot his shot knowing that the odds weren’t in his favor anyway. 
No response but he knew the answer. He figured you nodded by how the boy continued. “I should work out more. A lot of the girls are always fawning over his arms. The boys are all jealous.”  You laughed again and the boy did too. 
“It’s not just about his strong arms. I just think he’s beautiful. And,” You went on for a bit but then looked up to the boy, who seemed rather amused instead of upset by being turned down, and caught onto what you were saying. “I’m sorry!” You apologized with a deep vow, embarrassed of your slip up in front of a boy who had just confessed to you. Only you could stand there rambling about the guy you actually liked right on his face. You were down bad.
Iwaizumi felt his face grow hotter. This was wrong. He’d heard too much, so he stalked away, not listening to the rest of the conversation. 
Come third period and you doze off, head resting on your desk and part of your hair covering your face. A line of drool was dripping out of your mouth. Very pretty, indeed. Iwaizumi laughed to himself as he stared at you and stopped himself before reaching over and brushing your hair away. The teacher let you napping during lectures slide just because you always made up for it by getting excellent grades. He seemed more affected by it than you as he caught himself staring at you from time to time. 
Then at lunch, your energy was fully charged again. “Haji-! Iwaizumi.” You cleared your throat, catching yourself. He noticed your efforts. “Want me to buy you something at the cafeteria?” 
“No thanks.” He rejected. He didn’t like you spending your money on him. 
But lunch was a funny topic between the four third years. Was it during their first year? You had taken the initiative to bring lunch to Iwaizumi. It was so obvious you meant it especially for him even though you brought an extra one and offered it to the others to share. You were so shy and nervous, Iwaizumi thought you were really cute and couldn’t say no. Who knows how much effort it took you to make it, and much more to give it to him. 
Later when lunch hour arrived and they went to eat, Makki called for bids first but was shot down by Oikawa. “Y/n-chan meant it for Iwa-chan.” 
“It looks good.” He brought the food to his mouth and the others witnessed as their friend turned a little pale, then a little green but still gulped the mouthful down. He scrunched his nose. “Don’t-” he coughed, and reached for his drink. “Don’t eat that.” 
“Damn. It can’t be that bad.” Makki ignored his friend’s advice. No better way to learn than going through it yourself. Makki’s face grew pink as he started to laugh in the middle of a coughing fit. “It’s terrible.” 
“Why are you still eating it?!” Mattsun, eyes so big it looked comical as he stared scandalized at his friend, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes while finishing the food.  
Before practice that day, you arrived at the gym. The first thing Iwaizumi noticed was your red rimmed eyes. 
“Hey,” he started carefully, “You okay?” Then, he fucked up. “Ah, thanks for lunch. It was very good.” 
Your lower lip wobbled and the dam broke. You started bawling your eyes out in front of everyone. Pathetic, right? You’ll think about it later and it will haunt you for the rest of your days. 
Everyone’s expression ranged from concern, surprise and well, hilarity (Makki was crying too, laughing uncontrollably at you while Mattsun smacked him trying to hold his own laughter and Oikawa rushed towards a frantic Iwaizumi trying to figure out how to calm you down.) 
Iwaizumi’s stomach was not harmed, though it is not so certain about his taste buds. Makki got food poisoning and had to skip school the next day. 
To this day, you are still trying to learn how to cook.  
“Cool. Does the offer apply only to him or…?”  Hanamaki, having come in from his own classroom, asked shamelessly. 
“I’m kidding. What do you want?” 
“Yes! Free food. Oh, I’ll go with you.” He ignored the glare Iwaizumi sent him.
“Bring me something too!” Mattsun yelled after the two, receiving an On it! from you as a response, seeing you walk away with his best friend. “What?” he asked, the ace’s unhappy stare now on him.
The sky was dark with swelling clouds in the evening as practice came to an end and everyone gathered up, hurrying to head home before they decided to burst. 
“Let’s walk home together.” You offered to Iwaizumi, “I know you always forget your umbrella. Plus I got a new one.” By new one, you meant one of his from another day you had walked home together. You didn’t forget yours. They just tended to break. But that one you had managed to keep safe. 
He thought about it. He’d been meaning to talk to you all day but the chance never presented itself. “Okay.” He saw your smile grow as you counted your victory and his resolve almost dropped.
As you began your walk, it started to rain down. You raised your arm carrying the umbrella high above your heads to keep you and Iwaizumi covered. He had given up on trying to hold it himself. You seemed pretty happy doing it.
The rain shower was okay until the wind picked up too, sending a chill up your arms and you shuddered. 
“Y/L/N…” he started as you got closer to his house, before your paths diverted. 
“I keep telling you, you can call me by my first name.” a small smile shone through. “The others don’t mind. Oikawa started to do so before I had to tell him anything.” 
“Y/L/N,” he repeated, sounding more serious and you stopped walking. He had done so too. You turned to face him, “This has to stop.”
“What do you mean?” It was harder to look into your eyes, seeing you were genuinely confused, but he forced himself sternly. Why did it have to be him? 
“Everything! I don’t like it. I don’t like you.” Seeing the sudden pang of hurt in them sent an uncomfortable, almost painful jab to his chest. “All the time.You’re too much.”
Your eyes get shinier, heavier with tears, like the droplets of rain gathered in the clouds above. But you put in all your efforts in trying not to spill them. Not in front of him. You choked in a painful, almost pitiful sound that tried to escape your throat. “Okay.” Was your meek response. 
He didn’t think he’d ever hear your voice sound like that. It sounded foreign to his ears, yet he swallowed back the disagreeable feeling it brought him, “Okay.” 
“I should probably give this back then.” You grabbed his hand and returned the umbrella to its owner before you plunged yourself under the rain, your tears starting to blend with it. He suddenly wishes he hadn’t spoken watching you blur away while he stays back, powerlessness fixing him in place. 
The storm lasted all through the night and next morning early again, light rain was still falling. He enters the gym after changing into his shorts and t-shirt for practice and before he knows it, it is about to start.
“It’s weird that senpai hasn’t shown up.” he hears Kunimi say to Kindaichi, referring to you. The third years silently agree and throw not so subtle glances at Iwaizumi. 
“She got tired of waiting for Iwaizumi and abandoned the rest of us.” Yahaba says.
Kindaichi shuts him up fearing the third years are listening, then adds quietly. “She wouldn’t do that.” 
“Oi, didn’t you two walk home together yesterday?” Mattsun asks Hajime. “Did she get home okay?” 
“Yeah…” He debated for a while if he should text you last night after your conversation but when he finally did, you hadn’t answered. Didn’t even read it. “She’s not answering my texts.” 
“Did you talk to her?” Oikawa guessed. By Iwaizumi’s expression he could tell he had done it. 
“No way.” Makki chuckled dryly, clearly lacking humor. It sounded like a sad movie scene. “Out of all the times you chose to turn her down while it was pouring rain. That’s so messed up.”
“Even I feel like shit.” Mattsun agreed with a grave nod.
“You guys said I should do it!” Why were they all ganging up on him now? 
“It wouldn’t have cost you to read the room a bit and wait a little longer.” 
“I didn’t want to in the first place! I panicked!” 
“You panicked.” Mattsun more like stated, slowly, “You. You did.” While they figured out what to do with their usually collected friend, that gave him time to go back and repeat the words he had said to you in his head. He slid a hand down his face and up again through his hair, messing it up a bit.
“And what exactly did you tell her?” There it was. 
“You fucked up so bad didn’t you?” 
Makki almost groans after he repeats the exact words he had thrown at you last evening. 
To their surprise, you showed up for class later. There’s still some time before the bell rings so they’re hanging in the hall when they see you. Iwaizumi falters and stops abruptly on his tracks. You send a weak smile at the three other boys and try your best to act like Iwaizumi is not right there beside them, walking past them on your way to the classroom. Something feels so off. He’s usually greeted with your smile (and a little bit of brute force). And to no one’s surprise you had definitely been crying.
For now they think it’s better to give you some space.
At lunch break, Makki and Mattsun’s figures appear under the door frame. The former seemed to look for someone and then he remembers. “Where is she?” 
“Cafeteria.” Oikawa answers while Iwaizumi keeps eating his lunch silently. 
“You wanna come?” He hears Makki ask Mattsun and then both disappear after you. Makki’s clearly a bit irritated with the ace. 
Both boys find you eating lunch at a table at the cafeteria, alone. 
“Hey,” the strawberry blond smiles at you, taking a seat in front of you while Mattsun takes one by your side. “You brought your own lunch?” Matsukawa tries to hide his concern after he also notices it. You nod. 
“Did your mom make it?” The raven color haired boy hopes. 
“I made it. Though she guided me through it.” Your mom gets closer to a mental breakdown every time you get near the kitchen. It should be considered a skill your immense lack of skill. 
“Are you trying to kill yourself?” Makki reaches for your lunchbox. 
“It’s actually good this time.” You say throwing them an offended look and they're glad to see that dead aura leave you for a few seconds, yet still a bit unsure about your statement. “I’m not going to kill myself because of a boy."
Makki snatches some of your food and tries it. Just to be sure. He already knows what’s the worst that can happen. His eyes go wide, pleasantly surprised. “You can cook!” At that you actually chuckled, making him do so too. Then Mattsun also steals some of your food. 
“At least something good came out of me making a fool of myself for years.” And just like that the happy spark dies. You push your food aside and look down, trying to hide your tears as your vision gets blurry.
“Hey, no,no,no.” Makki is tilting your head up while Mattsun awkwardly brushes a hand through your hair trying to comfort you. “You know you can ugly cry in front of us.” 
A hiccup keeps you from answering, then, “Don’t I look pretty when I cry?” 
“Nope.” He says just to bother you. You laugh again but then you actually start crying and Mattsun hugs you. “There it is.” 
Next day, the bell rings and as he walks inside, Iwaizumi’s eyes are looking for you, then asking out loud, “Hasn’t Y/L/N arrived yet?” 
“She’s not here?” That boy who’s always fighting with you over perfect attendance turns around and it’s just as surprised when he sees your empty seat. “Huh. I wonder why she’s not here.” he mumbles. 
As class is about to start, Mattsun comes by.
“Matsukawa, why aren’t you in your homeroom?” The teacher sighs.
“Our teacher didn’t come today.”
“By the way, can we split our group and take your class now?” Makki said, popping behind the middle blocker. Now that would sound strange coming from him but he was just looking for a way to get over with classes sooner. 
“Hold on. That’s not why we’re here, stupid.” Mattsun scolded and headed over to their teacher to tell them the reason for your absence. You had catched a bad cold. The image of you under the rain taunted him and the guilt didn’t take long to eat away at him.
The days kept moving all the same. There was afternoon practice, some supporters (mostly from Oikawa’s considerable fan club) showed up for a while, but no you. Walking back home, there was no you with your exciting chatter about whatever thing had your interest now, whether it was about that book you were reading, or that tv show you’d told him about or a new song from your favorite artist. No texts asking if he got home safe. And the same thing the next morning, the next afternoon, the day next. From what he’d heard from your mutual friends, it might take you a few more days to get back.  He’d found himself missing all of it more than he ever thought he would. Which in turn made him the more confused. 
“Iwa-chan. That crease between your brows will become permanent. I don’t think it will suit you.”
“Shut up.” He turned his face away from the brunette and faced the window, scowling even deeper if possible. His head was resting over his folded arms on his desk.  
“Did you eat something bad?” Even that stupid question made him think of you. He groaned. 
Then enter the tall, dark haired boy and the strawberry blond, the latter laughing at something in his phone and showing it to Mattsun. 
“Are you still pestering y/n?” That was Mattsun. As if he hadn’t joined earlier. Iwaizumi perked up at the mention of your name.
“Let that poor girl rest.” 
“She’s fine, see?” He turned his screen to show Oikawa a picture of you, still smiling softly at the camera, the tip of your nose pink, same as your cheeks. You look a little sleepy too. 
“We have a groupchat. Why is she always sending stuff to you?” 
“Jealous much?” 
“What is up with him?” Mattsun noticed Iwaizumi, trying but failing to subtly steal a glance at Makki’s phone. 
“He’s brooding.” 
“I’m not brooding.” 
Oikawa ignored him. “Thinking too hard for his own capacity.” 
“Are you looking for a fight?” 
“That’s what you might be good at. But why don’t you tell us what are you so upset about?”
“I told you I’m not upset. I’m just…” he brushed a hand through his hair, exasperated. “I just don’t get it. I said what I said to her because I was sure that was how I felt,” 
But why do I miss it all so much? He wanted to add. 
“How do I fix this?”  He asked, looking so helpless and lost as they had ever seen him. 
Makki sighed, “If I was her, I wouldn’t want to deal with anything about you anymore,” Very supportive of him, “But unfortunately she likes you a lot.”
“Do you really like her or you just miss the attention?” It was low blow after low blow. He kinda deserved it. Very much. 
“I think what they’re trying to say is that you really need to be sure about what you feel if you don’t want to fuck up even worse.” 
But when you got back you avoided him like the plague. The contrast was impressive; how you were able to shower someone with affection but when it wasn’t desired you'd sneak around and away with such an ability. He still didn’t know how to approach the topic best, considering how bad that had ended before. 
Then you started going back to help during practice, even during the mornings.
“Told you.” Kindaichi elbowed Yahaba, regarding with full admiration at his senpai. 
Makki hummed contentedly,  “Long time no see you around these premises.”
“Sorry I bailed on you, guys.” You apologized to the rest of the team but they told you you had nothing to worry about. Meanwhile you felt Iwaizumi’s stare burning into you. Was he uncomfortable with you being back? Panic started to bubble up inside you. You weren’t obliged to be there anyway. “Captain. A word?” You squeaked out and before Oikawa could question this new odd behavior of yours you were pulling him away from the group.
Iwaizumi tilted his head observing the interaction. Oikawa threw him a quick glance before he directed a smile at you and you were nodding, looking unsure. 
“Okay, everyone, let’s start!” The setter walked over to him and patted his back, then whispered, “Talk to her.” 
Light started to fade away as signs of a storm rolled in. It was time to finish for the day.
“Where is she?” 
“What? Ah, she just left- Wait- Wait until I tell you where she is! Jeez. She said she left something behind in homeroom.” 
Iwaizumi made a run for the classroom and slid open the door. Empty. All these days he didn’t know why he had bothered to fix his hair for the countless times he’d ended brushing his hands through it out of frustration and messing it up. He was messing up a lot lately.
He sprinted his way towards the school entrance just in time to see you stop in your tracks as it started to rain outside. Of course, he had your new umbrella. And he never brought one. 
You turned around hearing the flurry of steps headed towards you and there he was, arms dropping at his sides as he gasped, his lungs desperately trying to recover some air. Iwaizumi saw your eyes go wide and for a moment it was like he was able to see every single one of your movements before they reached completion. 
“Wai-” You dashed outside and away. Damn. Were you scared of him now?
He groaned in protest before he started to run after you, “YOU’RE GOING TO GET SICK AGAIN!” He managed to say. You kept running like your life depended on it, as if you didn’t hear him. Maybe you didn’t because of the downpour that suddenly surrounded you. “OR BREAK SOMETHING,” he tried speaking between hurried breaths, “IF YOU FALL!” 
He grabs hold of one of your upper arms, making you stop and turn around. “You’re pretty damn fast for someone who hates to exercise.” a deep breath, “But I’m faster.” 
You wanted him to let go and keep running, but his grip was firm and even if he did let go, you weren’t sure if you’d be able to look away from his eyes. Iwaizumi was staring at you with a new intensity that had your feet rooted to the ground. 
“Why are you doing this?” After he tells you to stay away, he chases after you. And now he’s looking stupidly handsome even though he’s soaked from head to toe, his spiky hair pushed down by the heavy droplets that keep falling on you. And his plain t-shirt from practice is sticking to his body - you’re thankful he’s casted a spell on you and can’t break eye contact, you think, in fear of staring-. Somewhere else in the back of your mind, an annoying voice tells you you probably look as if a stray cat had taken a bath. 
“I can’t take back what I said.” He starts, “I wish I could because I didn’t mean them that way. And then I realized I didn’t mean them at all.” 
That doesn’t enlighten you at all. “What do you mean? You…You mean you still want to be friends?” 
“We can’t be friends.” 
“Okay, you’re being really confusing right now-”
He closed his eyes and shook his head, “Please,” He knew, but he was trying, “Let me talk before I go crazy.” 
You shut up, and listened as he started talking,“I like when you smile at me in the mornings even though you hate to be up early. I like how cute you look while you nap during class and I hope that doesn’t sound creepy at all. And when you tried to make lunch for me and it was so, so bad, but I still ate it because you made it. I like walking home with you and learning about the things you like. I liked all of it and I regret so much saying it was too much because I know it hurt you when it wasn’t even true. I didn’t know how I felt about you because I thought your feelings for me were stronger than mine for you. Because you’re so open about them compared to me. But I like you just the same way, and I’ve missed you these past couple of weeks so much.” He took in a deep breath, then let it out, shuddering, partly because of the cold rain shower, partly for what he was about to say next. “I totally get it if I ruined my chances. I did it to myself. Even though it’s going to hurt like hell knowing I could’ve had you.” 
The boy of your dreams was right in front of you, baring his heart and pouring all his feelings out. You should feel ecstatic, overflowed with joy. And you are, warmth seeping in and settling on your chest all while goosebumps crawl on your skin from the chilly weather. And though it is obvious you are, there is some uncertainty in how you look at him and Iwaizumi sees it. He feels something close to desperation even though he knew mending the damage he’d inflicted couldn’t be so easy. 
“Is that how you really feel?” 
“I wouldn’t joke about something like this.”  And you know he wouldn’t. 
You lift a hesitant hand to his face and cup his cheek, brushing your thumb gently over it. It feels just as cold as your fingertips. For a moment you’re worried he’ll fade away. Your other hand closes around the front of his shirt and pulls him down into a kiss. He lets out a whimper, surprised by your actions, but he returns the kiss right away. He wonders how he could have been so long without this. Then it is over. So, so, soon. You break away for air but he wants more and this time he kisses you. 
When you pull away for the second time, your eyes meet his, “I had to do that.” And he totally understands. 
“Would you give me a little more time?” 
Though you’re not totally rejecting him, it still stings. But he can do that. He nods fervently, “Yes.” 
You’re holding one of his hands and give it a light squeeze, then continue your way home walking this time. 
He’s sure this in no way resembles the way you were heartbroken that day, he remembers Makki’s words. It was really messed up.
It was Iwaizumi’s turn to be sick. But unlike you, he recovers faster, back in shape after some bed rest and 3 days out. Oikawa nags at him for being so careless as to run in the rain. He has his suspicions about what happened but doesn’t push him for details. You’re doing better. And though the spiky haired boy looks to be awaiting for something eagerly and seems to stop breathing every time you look at him, he’s doing alright too. 
Then it came a sunny morning against a bright blue sky. Iwaizumi was chatting with the captain about an upcoming match when he heard someone arriving into the gym. He turned around and sure enough there you were with Makki, whom you’d ran into on your way there. You stood there staring at each other as if in a frozen picture frame. Only melting when you smiled at him just like only you could do. He blushed but opened his arms wide as you shrugged your bag off - Makki letting out a puff of air after catching the heavy thing out of reflex, saving it from another disgrace- and made a run for it and jumped, legs wrapping around his waist as you hugged him while he kept a strong, safe grip on you. 
A/N: Hello! I share with you dear reader my first Iwaizumi fic! I had the idea not too long ago and finally started shaping it into words on Wednesday evening, then continued Thursday afternoon/evening, Friday and editing/proofreading today (probably did a poor job at proofreading cuz my brother came home to visit and he distracts me all the time. And that’s why it took me longer to post it). This was a bit complicated to write because I didn’t want the fluff ending to feel baseless, as if Iwaizumi’s feelings bloomed out of nowhere just because reader wasn’t giving her undivided to him, yk? I hoped I achieved that. And that the ending transitioned smoothly? And wasn’t abrupt. Honestly I was just about to finish it after Iwa confessed and they kissed but I wanted him to suffer a bit lol. Oh and Makki being besties with reader . I just loved it. Reader is like sister #3 (like his # too <3). Also it’s been raining for the past two weeks so maybe that’s why it rained so much in this story lol. Let me know what you think, what aspects you liked, if any. Likes, rbs and comments are always appreciated. Enjoy your reading and check out my hq!! ml for more! - Youmarin
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pom12art · 8 months
Some Sketches
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Drew Lalli in Nekoma's uniform and a Volleyball AU (That's totally not a Haikyuu AU) where Lalli and Emil are in the same team. Don't know what position he'd play though XD
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shrits24 · 2 years
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Ok updated question..
Seijoh 4, MSBY 4 or karasuno first year 4
Again, as far as group dynamics go, I'd still say Seijoh 4 because as a group, they're the only ones that are all actually friends with each other.
MSBY Friendships:
Bokuto - Hinata
Hinata - Atsumu
Sakusa - His hatred of the world and everything in it These are the main ones. I don't think Bokuto and Atsumu are close enough for me to call them friends but I could be wrong/could have forgotten their manga interactions. Atsumu likes to tease Omi who mostly just seems irritated/uninterested so I wouldn't really call them friends idk. Bokuto and Hinata are bright shining rays of sunshine and need to be protected at all costs. They try to be friendly to everyone even if they don't get the same response from the other side.
So yeah, as a group, I am not fond of them. As players, yes. As a group, no.
Karasuno First Year Friendships:
Kageyama - Hinata
Tsukishima - Yamaguchi
Yamaguchi - Hinata
Kageyama and Tsuki dislike each other, Tsuki feels inferior to Hinata, Kageyama and Hinata are rivals first and friends later and the former has been downright cruel to him at times which I don't like. They're not a even group, actually, they all just happen to be in the first year and play together.
And then there are these adorable dorks from Seijoh 4:
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I mean, there is just no competition. I love them <3333333
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bizkitsnuggets · 11 days
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main m.list
(chapters will be added once “like no other” is finished)
synopsis: the struggles of a 3rd year aoba johsai student trying to ask his crush to homecoming.
flufffff, highschool au, hajime being head over heels, seijoh4, more tba
status: ongoing!
likes and rebloggs are vv appreciated!!!
table of contents —
day 1: unveiling secrets
memoir 01
day 2: tba
day 3: tba
memoir 02
day 4: tba
final day: tba
memoir 03
homecoming: tba
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May I please ask for headcanons Aoba Johsai with a manager whose skilled with archery and sharpshooting please
Yes of course! Sorry for the wait I was working on a Rindou piece and my physics exam. It’s like 3Am right now, but I still want to finish this for you boo. Thanks again For requesting Anon, if you like this, don’t forget to like and ask if you have any other ideas. Also, you didn’t specify which you wanted, so this can be interpreted as romantic or platonic. Status: unedited
warnings: crackfic, bad grammar, cursing, violence, oikawa exists, oikawa slander, color coded characters, reader is a whole ass menace, mentions of vaping
🩵🤍Aoba Josai With a Sharpshooter/ Archer Manager🤍🩵
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As a Team (platonic)
Oikawa, Iwazumi, Kunimi, Kiyotani, Kindaichi, Matsukawa, you
My first thought when I looked at this post was simple. How many times and we hit oikawa in the head. Everything else kinda spiraled from there. Just imagine being able to do that shit with pinpoint accuracy, and when he turns around to see who did it, be like the gremlin chick from hotel transilivania and be like ,” I didn’t do that”. And then he proceeds to blame Iwa, and pure unrefined chaos erupts from there. *clears throat and sips matcha* good shit
But on a more serious note, these boys are completely ready to take full advantage of your skills. Remember when oikawa sprained his ankle? Guess who had to replicate his serves instead so they could practice receives. That’s right, you. And your aim is a little too good sometimes (Kindiachi has been hit in the face) but they honestly don’t care, they just looking to get practice in, and maybe a few tips here and there for aiming.
But that’s just during their practice. During your archery or other practice. Oh my god. Imagine having like 12 annoying older brothers. Like both Archery and Sharpshooting are pretty quiet sports. But with these mfs at your practice? Oh dear lord. These gon be the most obnoxiously loud humans to walk the planet (3rd only to Fukurodani and Kurasuno). Imagine with me. It’s so silent you can hear a pin drop. You’re trying to concentrate before you’re pulling back your string. You take a deep breath and just as you’re about to let go- “WOOOOOOOO THATS MY LIL SISSSSSS/BROOOO!!!” “SHUT UP SHITTY KAWA!THEY NEED TO FOCAS!” “HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW IWA!?” “YOU WOULD KNOW IF YOU WEREN'T SUCH AN DUMBASS!” “IF YALL DONT SHUT THE FUCK UP ILL SHUT YOU UP MYSELF” yeah they’re THAT kind of sports parents. They got kicked out last time :)
I just know yall have made oikawa put an apple on his head and see if you can hit his head. Ofc you can, but it’s funnier hitting him with the Velcro arrows and watching him rip his hair out, and ruining it for the day (his fangirls hated you for that lol.)
I just KNOW that the other teams got some crazy ass conspiracies about you. They call you the Seijo Assassin, and that you kill the best players of the opposing team, and they never find the bodies. And tbh it was probably oikawa who started it, to get back at you for getting Velcro stuck in his hair. So while you’re just as hot as kiyoko, everyone is terrified of you, and are only referring to you as L/n-sama (even though you’re only a second year.). I swear to fuck hinata pissed himself when tsukki told the team about you.
also yall know the sharpshooter shaving cream balloon prank thingy? I know damn well the whole team is having a competition for who can do it best. Like it’s literally so funny, especially when someone not on the team gets hit. Like I know oikawa has accidentally hit the coach with one of those. Do with this information what you will.
Individuals: Could be romantic or platonic, either way fits (though both are seriously on crack.)
Somehow or someway, Oikawa will convince you to be his bodyguard. And not even like paying you money. Just like a, “ YoU wOnT wALk yOuR pOor dEfEnSLeSS FRiEnD tO cLAss? WhAt iF my FAnGirlS Kidnap MeEEEEE?!” “yep.” “Do you even Love Meeeeeee!?” “Nope.” “…I’ll pay you~” “pay me what?” “Food~” “DONE!” *throws chair out window* yeah y’all’s relationship is pretty much just blitz and stolas in the loo loo land episode. Like when Stolas was just walking while Blitz is pretending to be Batman, lurking in the shadows and pointing a gun at anything with a pulse? Yeah that’s you two walking around the school, except with a nerf gun instead.
oh and you know the team jackets? He bought you yours. But not just any jacket oh no. Yours is special. He payed extra to have it say, “The Seijo Assasin; Oikawa’s bobyguard.” He also might have gotten it in 4xl because he doesn’t know your size, but still wants it to be way to big on you so he can make fun of you. He’s an ass.
Iwazumi is much nicer on the other hand. He (regardless of if it’s platonic or romantic,) is all about helping you carry your stuff. He doesn’t even ask either, he just kinda picks it up and does it. He says it isn’t a big deal, and that you’re carrying enough with your archery equipment anyway, and that he needs the weight training anyway. Def the kinda guy to use your backpack as a dumbbell and use it to lift while y’all in the hall.
I know y'all have a running competition on who can hit oikawa in the head the most. Body shots are one point, head shots are worth 2, and the groin is worth 3, especially if he’s being creepy to someone. The score is currently 34-31, slightly in your favor. Whoever hits him the least by the end of the month has to buy the winner ramen. Oikawa doesn’t approve of this game, and ends up attempting to bump everything back your way. But on the bright side, it’s a good way to scare off his fangirls :).
Kunimi just kinda vibes with you. Like he doesn’t really acknowledge much of what you do, just kinda goes like, “ oh so that’s why you were so good at that. I just thought you hated oikawa. Anyway can I have your Chez-its?” Yeah my boy don’t care enough, but he cute so yeah.
also I just know this mf, plays Fortnite and vapes blue raspberry burst. Do with that what you will. ( to be clear, I wouldn’t ever vape, i just know he does, and honestly had to look up what flavors there are.
The honesty biggest thing you do that impresses him is the whole good aim card slicey thingy. Idk man, he just seems like he would be good at that, and would try to fight you on it.
Despite everything, Kyotani is actually relatively nice to you? Or at least as nice as he can be. His version of nice is avoiding you like the plague, cause he’s scared you’ll be scared of him. He actually really likes you and wants an excuse to talk to you. So what does he do? Asks you to help him aim while spiking, so that he can use his strength more efficiently. He actually is pretty patient with your teaching, and genuinely respects you enough to take your advice. ( tell him to shower pls, I can smell him through the screen, luv him though)
He also uses a whole bottle of axe body spray every time he walks out of the house . Be careful not to get too close to him. Please find someone strong, or stupid enough to bully him out of it, for the sake of the teams lungs🙏
Kindaichi is probably the only person on the team who still calls you Y/n- senpai. He’s way too precious. That being said, he still did give you a twenty if you hit kageyama with a vollyball during warmups. He may be nice, but he mad petty. And $20 is $20 man
Matsukawa is definitely a COD type of guy. He knows a lot about guns. Bond over that (then give me his number pls)
Thanks for reading, sorry the last part was rushed, I am just not feeling it rn. If y’all liked this make sure to follow, Like, and request something of your own. I literally have nothing else to do. Love y’all sm, peace
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sosobunnyw · 2 months
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༚༅༚˳ . ♱ . ˳༚༅༚
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1st year,
Hinata Shoyo :
Kageyama Tobio :
Tsukishima Kei :
Yamagushi Tadashi:
2nd years,
Tanaka Ryûnosuke ;
Nishinoya Yuu ;
Ennoshita Chikara;
Nothing here…
Kinnoshita Hisashi;
Nothing here…
3rd years,,
Asahi Azumane ;
nothing here…
Sugawara Koshi ;
Nothing here..
Daichi Sawamura;
Nothing here…
1st years
Nothing here..:
2nd years
Nothing here…
3rd years
Nothing here..
1st years
Nothing here
2nd years
Nothing here
3rd years
1st years
Nothing here
2nd years
Nothing here..
3rd years
Nothing here…
nothing here
nothing here
nothing here
nothing here
nothing here
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moonbyulsstuff · 2 years
Aoba Johsai VBC with a manager series.
Story: The team finding out that someone has given you a love letter.
GN reader
Not Requested.
Request Rules.
(I’m sorry if this is a bit sloppy, my mind has not been on the right track lately, and it’s mostly the four 3rd years that get’s a lot of mention in here)
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[L.Name] [Name] is Aoba Johsai manager, the team didn't have any manager prior before so the team was really ecstatic to have a manager this year.
And besides, the coach felt like he could only trust them with the position since ever since Oikawa joined the team with the same year as them.
But anyway, it was the usual. The team were having 5 - 5 and such while the coach and assistant coach observe them and them were taking notes of their performance. But [Name] mind kept coming back to the letter that they had found underneath their desk before they went to the gym.
They shook their though and looked back at the team but was only met with a ball growing towards them and hitting them in the face.
The others mouth were wide open as what just happened, they held their head as the team went up to check up on them.
"Oh god! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it!"
Iwaizumi said panicking walking in front of you.
"Are you alright [L.Name]-senpai?" Yahaba asked as you looked at them with a smile as you shake your hand. "Don't worry, I'm alright. Don-"
"AAAHHHH! [L.Name]-san! Your nose is bleeding!"
The others went to panic mode as everyone was scrambling around at the fact that their precious manager nose was bleeding and Iwaizumi was just apologizing profusely even more.
"Go grab a tissue and instead of running around! You idiots!"
"Yes sir!"
Kindaichi ran towards where they always kept the tissue ran up to the manager with the box and handed it to them, [Name] took some tissue and put it inside their nose to stop the bleeding.
"I'm alright you guys, it's just a bleeding don't worry. And Iwaizumi, please stop bowing." [Name] said as they put their hand on his shoulder.
"All right, all right. You guys go back to practicing now. And [Name], you should go to the infirmary." He said as [Name] nodded and stood up putting the notebook and walked out of the gym to get checked by the nurse.
"Is [L.Name] going to be okay?" Kindaichi said watching the manager walked out of the gym holding their nose. "Don't worry Kindaichi~ it's just a nosebleed. [Name] dealt much more worse than that." Oikawa said patting his shoulder.
"Yeah, like dealing with OIkawa."
"You two!"
"Get back to practice!!"
"Don't worry the bleeding will eventually stop, just sit down at the bed and I will check in a few minutes later if the bleeding stopped." The nurse said as [Name] nodded their head as the nurse walked out of the bed that was covered by a curtain.
They will need a few minutes before they could go back to the gym, they sighed and took out another tissue from the box and took out the tissue from their nose and put it in the new one inside.
While in the gym, practice was already over and everyone was taking a break and the team was talking to each other while drinking water, sitting on the ground and wiping off their sweat. But then Kunimi eyes saw something on the ground, he looked at it and it seems like a paper, or an envelope,
It probably flew inside the gym, he sighed. It was probably from Oikawa fangirls. He went towards the envelope and took it and walked back to the group. “Hey, I found a letter from the ground.” Kunimi said waving the letter around as the others looked at it and then looked at each other.
“It’s probably for Oikawa.”
“All right, just give it to OIkawa. Kunimi.” Iwaizumi said as Kunimi nodded and handed the envelope to the male, Oikawa opened the letter and it seems like it wasn’t really sticking to the paper well. He shrugged it off and took the paper out of it.
He read through the letter but his face contorted when he read the first few words making the others worry. “What is it Oikawa?” Hanamaki said standing.
“Why does your face look so shock?” Iwaizumi said as OIkawa looked at the group. “This is not for me...”
‘What do you mean it’s not for you! Every goddamn love letter is always for you!”
“I mean, I don’t wanna brag bu-”
“Shut the fuck up Hanamaki.”
Iwaizumi walked up to the male. “So who is it addressed to?” He asked as Oikawa had a horrified look on his face. “It’s addressed... to our precious manager. [L.Name]-chan.” Oikawa said as he crumpled the paper in his hand and started shaking Iwaizumi.
“We can’t let out precious manager be taken by some weird guy!! What if their creepy and dangerous as hell!”
“Calm down Oikawa!”
“What do you mean “calm down”! Our manager is going to be taken!” 
“This is not the time to be calm Iwaizmu!”
“We should protect our precious manager!”
“You two are seriously agreeing with Trashykawa right now?!”
“How about let’s all calm-”
“Watari!! How can we be calm whe-” Oikawa was cut off when he was hit in the back of the head by the male. “Calm down! We don’t even know if [Name] returns the feelings!” Iwaizumi said as the others went quiet.
“Ah, you’re right about that.”
Mattsukawa said nodding his head as well as Hanamaki, then they all sat down on the floor as the letter laid down in the middle of the group. They were all staring at it deeply then Iwaizumi spoke. “Oikawa, read the letter.”
“Yes.” Oikawa said crawling and took the letter and went back to his spot adn read the letter out loud for the team to hear. 
“Dear [L.Name] [Name],
                   I am writing this letter to you as I currently have feelings for you, and I have feelings for you ever since our 2nd year. I always watched you from afar and I always want to talk to you but I’m too shy to do it so, and I feel like I don’t deserve to be even near you. I really don’t like at how clingy Oikawa is to you, what is he? A child- AAAH THIS BASTARD!!” Oikawa stop reading the letter as he crumpled the paper even more.
“Yah! Don’t crumble the paper even more!!”
“You’re going to rip it half!”
“But their kinda right to be honest.”
Iwaizumi smacked Oikawa to stop from complaining even further than he is right now. “Continue.” He said as the brown haired male nodded his head and continued reading the letter.
“And I’m also the person who has been sending you those little gifts that you find in your shoe locker, I really hope you appreciated it. I was hoping you would come by in Friday behind the school when school is ended.
Sinceriously, your secret admirer.”
The others were quiet for awhile before chaos ensued in the gym as everyone was panicking especially since the admirer was going to confess this Friday, so creaming could be hear inside the gym making the people outside wondering on was happening inside the gym.
“What are we going to do?!”
“We have to kill them of course!”
“Oh! Nice idea Matsukawa!”
They calm down as everyone except for Iwaizumi got on their knees, Iwaizumi sighed and shook his head. “Look, let’s just put the letter back on where it belong and act like nothing happened, all right?” Iwaizumi said as everyone nodded but Hanamaki spoke up.
“But what about [L.Name] secret admirer? They could be dangerous?”
“How can we know that?”
Iwaizumi sighed. “No, let’s just investigate and see who it is. And Kunimi put the on [Name] notebook before they get here.” Iwaizumi said as the 1st year nodded and put the letter back on the notebook so that it won’t fly off.
And right in time, [Name] came back and saw everyone practicing and such. The team saw them and walked towards the manager. Asking if they were okay which they replied it they were and Iwaizumi apologized once again before [Name] said it was okay.
“You guys, I'm alright but you should go back to practice now.” [Name] said as they nodded and went back to practicing and [Name] went back to the bench and took the note book and opened it as the letter flied into their lap.
They picked it up and saw how wrinkled it was more than before but they shook thought off but then thought. ’Did the team read the letter?’ They thought but shook it off once again.
A few days later
[L.Name] was starting to think that maybe everyone did read the letter since ever since that day, the team has been way more protective of them lately. Someone would always be there beside them and whenever someone goes to talk to them, they would be glaring hard at them. 
And they have to force them to go away since they wouldn’t leave them alone, so she had asked Kindaichi since they know the male will tell them truth and can’t lie to them because he can’t in general. Well, to them not to others.
They saw Kindaichi standing around presumably waiting for Kunimi.
“Kindaichi.” [Name] called out for him, the said male turned around and saw the third year. “A-Ah! [L.Name]-senpai, what are you doing here?” Kindaichi asked. “Oh, I was planning to ask you something actually.” They said.
“All right! You can ask me anything [Name]-senpai!”
“Did you guys somehow read the letter that was given to me?” [Name] asked with a smile on their face, Kindaichi flinched and froze as he was sweating hard under [Name] gaze on him, what was he supposed to do? Tell the truth? Well, that’s the right thing to do but also at the same time. He was trembling heavily on their gaze making it a dead give away to [Name] that they did read the letters.
But of course since three certain third years were noisy little shits, they were following their manager and saw the interaction and were running towards the two and took Kindaichi, since the male was being completely obvious right now.
“Sorry [L.Name]! We need Kindaichi to do something for us!!” 
They ran away far from the manager who stood there watching them disappear into the distance. 
‘I fucking knew it.’
At Practice
“Kindaichi, you were being obvious back there!!” Hanamaki whispered to the 1st year. “I’m sorry!” He apologized as Iwaizumi walked up to the two. “What are you two whispering about?” He asked as the two looked at him. “[L.Name] had asked him if we had read a letter that was given to them.” Hanamaki said.
“And he was being really obvious about it actually.” Matsukawa said walking towards the three.
“And they probably knows about it right now..”
The three except for Iwaizumi shrieked and saw [Name] looked at them with a “gentle” smile, they knew they done goofed up since they were basically reading they were not supposed to know especially without [Name] permission. The others were trembling as [Name] let of the gentle smile on their face as they let out a huge sigh.
“Look... I really don’t like it when you guys read through my stuff right?” [Name] said as they all nodded. “And I don’t like it even more when you guys try do something stupid to find out about something, you guys should have confronted to me about it.” [Name] said while shaking their head.
While the others were dumbfounded as they realized on how easy it could’ve been but then again, they didn’t want to face [Name] wrath when they found out that they have been snooping through their stuff. They certainly don’t want that especially the 2nd and 3rd years, the 1st years haven’t experienced it... yet.
“Wait... so we should’ve have asked you about it?” OIkawa said as [Name] nodded. “Of course, I know you guys would be snooping around once you found about the love letter that I had received. You think I would be dumb enough to not know this would happen one day?” [Name] said while raising an eyebrow and their arms crossed.
“We’re sorry.”
“It’s alright.”
[Name] said as they took out the letter. “Also, tomorrow is the day that I’ll be meeting the secret admirer and for your information. I don’t have feelings for this person.” They said as the team let out an relief, but then Kunimi spoke up.
“But [L.Name]-san, do you know the person who wrote the letter to you?” He asked as [Name] nodded their head. “Yeah, I accidently found out while I was walking back to my locker to gets something but enough of that. You guys should go back to practice now before the coach kicks your asses again.”
That Friday.
“I like you [L.Name]! Please go out with me!”
They bowed in front of them as [Name] looked at them. “I’m sorry but I can’t return the feelings [R.Name].” They said as the bowed while the said person stood up straight.
“O-Oh... is that so...” They awkwardly said since they don’t know what tp say about the rejection that they had received. “I’m really sorry especially since you bought those gifts for me, but I haven’t opened them and I want it to return them to you.” [Name] said as they handed them the bag that was filled with unopened gifts.
“You should give them to another person that returns the feelings for you.” [Name] said as they bowed once again and walked off, [R.Name] looked at the bag as they tried to stop the incoming tears and walked off.
The team was watching the confession behind the wall, they let out a sigh of relief but also at the same time felt bad for the person. Especially since [Name] didn’t open the gift that they had spend money on but they know [Name] can’t accept gifts but specifically the ones romantically for them.
Even though to others, it kinda seem like a jerk move but [Name] just doesn’t open the gifts because they think that they should only open the one if the sender is who they have feelings for. So, they just give the gifts back to them.
[Name] does feel guilty about it since they had spend money on it but it’s basically useless since they don’t have feelings for the person and it would be weird to keep the gifts in general.
The manager saw the team looking behind the wall and approached them. “What are you guys doing here?” They asked as the team stiffened and look to the side. “Uhhh... we were... just watching..” Oikawa said as [Name] sighed and shook their head as the team got away from the wall and stood in front of them.
“Let’s go.”
The five 3rd years walked together to the gym, it was quiet between the them when Matsukawa spoke. “You guys wanna grab ramen after practice?”
“It’s Oikawa’s turn to treat us this time.” [Name] said as Oikawa flinched as he knew they would order the most expensive shit on the menu. 
“All right...”
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kookie-doughs · 1 year
Your Voice
Oikawa Tooru X Reader
-In a world where only a few people has a soulmate, and they are burdened with a disability until they meet their other half.
Chapter 27: Soulmates
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"So tell me, how is it that you lovely couple had come to meet. And why is it that your relationship had changed the world of soulmates most especially in sports."
You look at your now fiancee and chuckled to the interviewer.
"Well it all started with a lie a certain someone had been living up to his whole life." You rolled your eyes and your lover chuckled.
"As a kid, I've always been a fan of volleyball. And when I found out I wouldn't be allowed to play. I pretended. It was easy to pretend I only lost my taste after all."
"Imagine I tried pretending." You laughed.
"I managed to keep up till my 3rd year in Aoba Johsai. When I met the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."
"Suck up." You rolled your eyes earning laughs from the audience.
"It was as if I knew. She was the one. I was drawn to her. I tried talking. But she didn't hear me so I thought oh we weren't soulmates-"
"You had to talk to meeee not talk around meeee youre so stupiddddd!"
"I know nowwwwww~" He laughed. "Yea anyway, we got closer and we fell in love more and more. Then when valentines came. She made chocolates for everyone in the team except me."
"At least he thought I did."
"And the team would pile up all my sweets for valentines back then because I dont really eat them. And Hanamaki forced me to eat one. I regained my taste and I was devastated because I didn't know who it was from and couldn't find the same again."
"I made the best among them."
"You didn't. "
"Wow I guess this news is also about our break up."
"I'm kiddinggggggg! Y/NnNNNNN~"
You roll your eyes. "After that he became depressed and tried hooking up with some girl, he failed because I caught them before he could try. Then he asked me out."
"You did it too!"
"Whatever Tooru! Fine. We ended up confessing at the same time and he asked me out. My cousin, Iwaizumi Hajime, who was practically my dad too gave him permission to do so. And like, I was bullied so hard. Since he quote doesn't have a soulmate unquoute."
"Yeah I remember getting in a fight with Karasuno during Interhigh. One of their member accidentally gave his opinion."
"He was about to beat him up. Luckily their team captain was quick."
You gave him a pat on the head.
"And we got to Finals against Shiratorizawa back then. When we won. I immediately called for her attention and ran to her."
"She never dropped it she's a pain." He sighed
"Whatever. And like after the whole thing. We got to nationals. Quarter finals and we lost but we managed to be seen."
"We decided to go and train those of which with soulmates that wanted to play volleyball too. It was a whole deal where the entire school of mine participated. Even Shiratorizawa joined with us then."
"I was surprised we didn't get in trouble, instead Japan just took a look at the sport system. The volleyball league of Japan reached us since we're like the biggest deal at that time."
"They took notes and everything. She also told about one of our team members, Kyotani Kentaro. He was good at volleyball but he couldn't be honed because he couldn't find his soulmate at the time. She went on to list number of amazing players who had a soulmate."
"And after I graduated. They removed the rule."
"Lesson learned. Lie and break the rules." You concluded earning laughter once again.
The interview continued on. It went great. After it you went home.
You looked your husband to be and you smile to yourself.
He hummed in response taking your hand.
"I'm glad you were my soulmate."
He glanced at you, he sees you looking at him with pure adoration and it made him feel...
"I love you."
He smiled pulling the hand he held to his lips.
"Te amo más mi amor."
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Previous | Masterlist
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Hellooooo omgomg i actually finished itttttt
For those is there's actually some that are confused the last chapter is the time skip. Oikawa only came to Argentina after you graduated
It took forever im sorryyy i had a block but i got my boost again and I managed to finish it
Thank your for the longest supporter of the series @wormonastringonastick and @gayer-than-the-gayest-gay
I have more stories and another one coming up. Im still debating which one I'd do but im feeling like I want more of either soulmate or ABO (reluctant because im bad at writing scenes
Once again thank you alllll for supporting Your Voice I love you all and check out my other stories
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Thank you!
@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @rukia-uchiha-98 @wormonastringonastick @the-sander-fander @applepie-macaroon
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strawberrykake · 2 years
Transferring to Karasuno pt 1
. . .and becoming that school’s vb club manager yikess (you were the previous school's vb club manager too LOL), then you meet at summer camp
warnings: none
part 2 (shiratorizawa, inarizaki, date tech)
Nekoma, Seijoh, Fukurodani || 3rd-year!reader
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✮ Nekoma ✮
To be a little honest, you were quite nervous to see your ex-schoolmates. But work must be done, so you’re pulling an empty cart that once carried the volleyballs onto the opposite side of the room to refill it. Exactly where they are. They’ve been staring at you during the initial greeting in the parking lot. But you couldn’t make eye-contact from awkwardness. After that, they’ve started focusing on practice. However, you could only avoid them for so long.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the one that got away…” a familiar silky voice is heard. You turn to see Kuroo with a smirk on his face. Kenma is next to him coughing into his hand.
“Traitor!” the blonde setter chokes out.
“Hey, I heard that.” You finally give them your attention. Although, a little guilt roams within your heart from his word. The smirk on Kenma’s face shows that he doesn’t really mean it.
“Huh, I was beginning to think you were totally ignoring us,” Kuroo stands, arm crossed, and his devilish grin turning into a soft smile. You walk over to them.
“Sorry, I just…didn’t know how you’d all react to see me…here.” Kenma opens his mouth to say something when Lev, Yaku, Yamamoto, and Inuoka run over to you, almost tackling your body. They must’ve noticed your presence.
“Y/n!!” The loud guys are teary, clutching onto you in a group hug. Laughing, you hug them back. “I miss you guys, too.”
“Oi! Give her some space!” Kuroo tugs one of them, Yaku, by the collar, after some time of hugging.
Kenma tugs on Lev’s jacket. “c’mon guys,” he says while Fukunaga sits on the bleachers with Kai laughing at the scene. When they finally let go, you turn to the remaining guys you haven’t given a hug, arms open.
“Okay, you’re guys’ turn!”
Kuroo scoffs. “You think we forgive you—I forgive you?” the captain says a little too dramatically, a hand placed on his heart. You roll your eyes.
“Alright fine, minus Kuroo,” you say, turning to the others who smile and gladly take your offer. Kenma reaches you first, before Kai and Fukunaga join in, hugging you. Just then, an additional figure, one that is taller, moves behind you. Two arms embracing the group.
“It’s not the same without you,” Kuroo pouts. Your hand reaches up behind you to pat his rooster hair. “There, there, big guy. I’m sure you’re all doing fine.” Fukunaga snorts at your comment. And it makes you all break into laughter, before you pull away. “But just because you’re one of the…crows,” Kuroo pronounces ‘crows’ with a distasteful tone. “doesn’t mean we’ll go any easier,” he says with a cunning expression.
“You got that right,” Yaku joins in.
“We’ll show you what you missed out on!” Lev exclaims, arms resting on his hips. By the determined looks on their faces, you might’ve given Karasuno a slight disadvantage.
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✮ Aoba Johsai ✮
Since the day you officially became manager of Karasuno’s volleyball team, you’ve dreaded bumping into your ex-school team. Why? Because you know them. They will not let you hear the end of it. That’s why you purposely tried to avoid them, arriving late, hiding in the bleachers. But it was inevitable. Especially when Coach Ukai called your name for some help. The mere mention of your name catches the ears of the rival team.
“Pfft! Look who it is…” Iwaizumi laughs in disbelief, as he watches you slowly jump from the bleachers, in the school’s black jersey, head low in defeat. Just as Oikawa was about to take a drink from his bottle, he lowers it.
“Wh— y/n-chan?!?! The hell?? No, no, no…” Oikawa has his head in his hands. The only thing in his mind is the fact that Karasuno (Tobio’s school!!) took one of their great managers. Why did it have to be Tobio’s school??? Meanwhile, Matsukawa sprays the drink from his mouth upon realizing it was actually you. Only you wear those shoes, walk like that with your hands behind your back, ponytail bouncing with each step.
“Hah, I can’t actually believe this,” Hanamaki chuckles. Then there’s Kindaichi who is speechless and repeatedly slapping the arm of a tired Kunimi on the bench. Annoyed, Kunimi looks up from his hunched form, following Kindaichi’s gaze. The boy who’s eyes were droopy from exhaustion, is now widening from shock when he notices you frolicking amongst the crows. Yahaba is probably the most heartbroken, next to Kyoutani, who has his eyebrows furrowed out of confusion and incredulity.
As you walk back into the gym, you accidentally caught onto their stares. Oh no. Oikawa is quick to approach you, some of them following him.
“So! Y/n-chan, when were you gonna tell us that you were gonna be the volleyball manager for our rival team? When you pull the knife from my back?” Oikawa asks with a passive aggressive smile. You sweetly smile back, wanting to argue like you usually do with Seijoh’s captain. Man, you miss his snarky remarks.
But Iwaizumi is behind him, slapping the setter’s head before you could retort. “Shut up, Shittykawa.” The ace turns to you. “Y/N! Really didn’t expect to see you here,” he starts. “I hope you’re not teaching them any of our tricks.” Iwaizumi squints at you. You put your hands up defensively as a joke.
Matsukawa and Hanamaki sit on the floor next to you. “If you do, we got some more tricks we came up with—without you. So, you don’t have to worry about us, losing,” Matsukawa confidently affirms with a smirk.
Oikawa pouts. “I still can’t believe you’re managing for our rival team—our rival team!!” You walk over to him, giving small pats on his shoulder.
“C’mon, Oikawa-kun, managing is fun! Plus, I got great credentials for it! And…” you lean in to whisper. “You guys will always be my home team. Always,” you place a palm over your heart before adding, “don’t tell Karasuno.” Your words seem to comfort them, especially the troubled Oikawa, who now has a softened look.
“Hmmph. At least it wasn’t Shiratorizawa, that would’ve been unforgivable,” the setter mumbles to himself.
“Y/N!” Yahaba is practically sobbing at this point from hearing what you said.
“Awww, y/n!!” Hanamaki pulls you in for a hug, and messes the top of your hair. Iwaizumi seems to also be getting a little emotional as he turns to the side, cupping a hand over his eyes. Soon, the others are joining the hug. Even Oikawa, who is reluctant at first.
You look over at Kunimi and Kindaichi who awkwardly idle by, and you wave a hand, motioning them to join. And Kindaichi is quickly running like an excited kid, pulling his stoic friend in too. A part of you is glad that they are still the same doofs as they were before you left them. It doesn’t take long for your current school’s team to drag you back, Tanaka and Nishinoya hitting themselves for not watching you carefully enough that you almost got stolen by the enemy team. Seijoh did try to sneak you back to their side.
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✮ Fukurodani ✮
“If only y/n were here…it feels lonely without them,” Bokuto suddenly remembers you. And as if a genie granted his wish, one of Fukurodani’s managers, Suzumeda, shouts your name and there you were in all your glory rushing over to chat. A small commotion happens between the bunch.
“Speak of the devil…” The wing spiker, Konoha nods to your direction. Bokuto’s mouth is wide open, watching you walk over after a quick reunion with Suzumeda and Yukie. The usual cool-headed Akaashi is surprised himself, turning his head slightly your way.
“Oh my gosh! Hey, guys!” You greet them. The black jacket you wore was very off-putting to them. Akaashi is first to acknowledge you.
“Y/N-san!” the blue-eyed setter greets you first with a friendly hug. “It’s a surprise to see you, here!”
“Well, I meant to let you all know before we met, but I’ve just been caught up with some manager stuff,” you explain as you’re giving other members a hug.
Compared to the others who greeted you with open arms and smile, Bokuto had a hostile attutude, his arms crossed. As if he wasn’t one of those bawling his eyes on your last day at Fukurodani.
“Heh, I’ve seen you already adjusted well to this school, eh?” a petty Bokuto says as you walk up to him.
“Look how quick they became the manager already,” Konoha teases, still finding the outfit your wearing really weird.
“Right?!We were the school with the most pretty managers and now Karasuno beat us! Why, y/n?! Why?!” Komi kneels to your feet, his head on the ground showing frustration. You shake your head and help the poor libero up.
“Listen, I miss you guys, too!! But it is what it is…” you calmly explain.
“It iS wHaT iT iS,” Bokuto repeats mockingly. You giggle, looking over at Bokuto’s petty behavior.
“Bo, can I get a hug??” You know he loves hugs.
His lips twitch, trying to maintain his cool posture, but it breaks and he’s running into your open arms. “Why’d you leave ussssss???” he cries, getting a little teary.
“There, there,” you pat his back. “I’m sure you’re all doing fine in the hands of two great managers.” Yukie and Suzumeda are on the side, watching with grateful smiles after hearing your words. Everyone one else eventually joins in the group hug.
“Hey, bring back our manager,” Tanaka’s voice is heard from behind. Nishinoya stands next to him, both acting like bodyguards with their hands in their pocket.
“I guess that’s my cue. Gotta go. It was nice catching up,” you say, leaving them. Small grumbles and ‘aw’s can be heard amongst them. “See you guys later!” you wave at your manager friends, who planned to have lunch with you and the Karasuno managers.
“Y/N-san.” Akaashi calls once again, making you turn back to your old schoolmates. “We’ll make you proud.” Those words made your heart skip a beat, but then you hear a laugh from the group.
“Wow, Akaashi, you almost sounded cool saying that. Almost,” Konoha jokes. Except Akaashi wasn’t trying to be cool, he was being serious.
You could tell from how they were playing the whole day. At times Bokuto would glance over you, making sure that you’re seeing them win or would shout: “Y/N! Did you see that spike I made?” They really improved a lot from the last time you saw them. Every time they would make a winning point, you couldn’t help but celebrate along.
“FUKU-RO-DANI!” you’d clap, cheering for them and trying to restrain yourself from running over to their side of the court. Fukurodani members respond back by sending you a holler. It makes some Karasuno members look at you. They’re unsure how to react, knowing that you were an ex-Fukurodani student. “Sorry, force of habit,” you’d apologize sheepishly. They’re understanding, though. Kiyoko is giggling at your reaction while Daichi pats your shoulder, giving a reassuring smile.
“It’s alright. Even I want to cheer for them.” The captain’s words fill you will pride. Fukurodani would always be your home school after all.
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youmarin · 1 year
I Don't Like You | Hanamaki Takahiro x Reader!
Word count: 5,462
Relationships: Hanamaki Takahiro x reader (enemies to...) Oikawa Tooru x reader, Iwaizumi Hajime x reader and Matsukawa Issei x reader (all platonic)
Another day, another class, another occasion for Hanamaki Takahiro to disrupt it with the ruckus he and his best friend Matsukawa had going on at the back of the classroom. You rolled your eyes. 
You’ve known the strawberry blonde ever since middle school. He was slightly popular with being on the volleyball team and everyone saw some sort of charisma in him that you failed to appreciate. To you, he was just a class clown who liked attention. An insufferable, dumb jock. 
Then you were first year highschoolers. You almost cried while you read the lists of your assigned homerooms when you stumbled upon his name. One thing was just bearing with him in the hallways, but now he was your classmate? 
“Sorry, my bad. Dude, stop fucking pushing me.” He absentmindedly apologized to you as his dark haired friend nudged him to make way to the front line before the bulletin board. 
“How?” You heard Iwaizumi exclaim. 
“Did you two bribe the principal or something?” Oikawa chuckled. “How is it that you ended up in the advanced courses?”
“What? What are you talking about? We wouldn’t be so dumb to do that.” 
“Well, apparently you aren’t as dumb as to not make it into first class.” 
“No wonder we couldn’t find ourselves anywhere else.” 
“I heard the advanced English teacher is hell.” some other student said, and they picked it up. 
“Oi, is that true?” Matsukawa asked warily.
“A lot of people have said that. They said a lot of upperclassmen used to complain about her.”
“But-But these are optional right? You can change to regular classes if you don’t like where they placed you.” Hanamaki asked not so confident.
“Sure. But you can validate these as college courses. If you plan to go.” Hajime explained. “You should give it a try either way.” 
“If by midterms you’re failing you could switch up. Or find a tutor.” Oikawa advised. 
“How is it that you’ve been in advanced courses all this time? Honestly, I never saw you as the smart type outside of a volleyball court.” Oikawa was triggered and offended, to say the least. 
“FYI, I’m very smart. Also I work hard and that pays off.” He adjusted his glasses.
“And y/n has saved his ass countless times.” Added Iwaizumi knowingly. 
“Y/n?” Hanamaki asked curiously, “That name rings a bell. Is it that nerdy girl with glasses who makes out everyone else is stupid and thinks she’s hot shit?” 
“No. How dare you confuse my sweet y/n with that meanie. She’s bitter because y/n always beats her and is first in our class. Wait, there she is. Y/n-chan!” Oikawa called out to you and Hanamaki followed his gaze ‘til he met a girl: average height, long, wavy black hair, cinnamon kissed skin, full lips, small nose and dark eyes. You smiled at Oikawa and at Iwaizumi who was by his side. But when your eyes landed on him and Mattsun you became serious. 
“Huh. Smart, pretty too. But, ” Matsukawa said, looking at you as you made your way over to them. “she looks quite scary.” 
“She can be.” Iwaizumi agreed, “but she’s good.” 
“How is a shrimp scary?” Hanamaki snorted, making fun of his friends.
“Who are you calling shrimp, My Melody?” you bit back. 
“Oh.”  Yeah, Mattsun still found you scary.
“Just so you know, that’s a compliment.” He smirked at you. “Bad bitches look good in pink.” 
“Okaaay off to a rough start I see.” Oikawa made a survey of the situation. “Y/n, you’re making me look bad.” 
“Huh, I thought that was just how you looked.” Iwaizumi pondered, making you laugh. Okay, she laughs, Makki thought.
Oikawa glared at his spiky haired best friend “Whatever.” He plastered a smile on his face addressing you, “I wanted to officially present to you some new classmates.” He gestured towards the duo, “Meet-“
“Hanamaki Takahiro.” He cut Oikawa off. 
“Matsukawa Issei.” followed the tall, black haired boy, throwing an arm over the former’s shoulders. 
“Oh I know you two.” 
“Keeping tabs about us?” 
“Rather staying clear of you.” 
“Tōru, I think your friend chose to be sour today.” 
“I… Hope we can get along. Someday.” Matsukawa said awkwardly. 
Back to the present, you were now in your last semester as second years and to your surprise he’d managed to stay in the group - barely making it yet somehow- and you still thought the same way about him. 
“Is there something you two want to share with the class, Mr. Hanamaki and Mr. Matsukawa?” 
“Uh, not really, sir. You see, this is a private conversation.” Takahiro answered, gesturing between Mattsun and himself.
“Then why don’t you take your private conversation to somewhere more private, like the principal’s office?” The teacher said.
“I wouldn’t want to bother the principal, sir.” You noticed how the rest of the class held back their smiles. Your teacher sighed, asking for patience from the heavens to deal with a brat. 
“Alright. I'll humor you too. In fact, class, thanks to Hanamaki you’re all to hand over the exercises from pages 67 to 72 in their entirety. They’ll be part of your grade for a surprise test.” If anyone had a trace of a smile on their face it had vanished now, and the entire class erupted in complaints, some throwing nasty looks at the culprit, remarkably his other two friends. Iwaizumi and Oikawa turned on their seats and muttered something to him. 
“Nice job, dumbass.” 
You gathered your things when the teacher dismissed the class. In fact, you just had to review your notes and the material from your textbook. You had already done the exercises from the workbook in advance, given that March was approaching and with it your finals. You had tons of homework assigned already, and you didn’t like to pile them up. 
“Y/n-chan.” You heard his singsong voice. Almost everyone had left the room besides the four volleyball team players and you. The teacher had held Makki and Matssun back to reprimand them. 
“Let me guess. You want the answers to the exercises.” You told Oikawa knowingly. 
“I don’t think the answers will be enough.”  Oikawa grimaced. “I would like to understand what he’s talking about if he’s going to make us pass a test.” 
You smiled a bit amused, “So, study session?” 
“Of course! Have I told you you’re an angel? 
“Yes, you have. Every time you use flattery to make up for what you asked.” Iwaizumi looked at him disgustingly. 
“I don’t know, she seems more like a demon to me.”  Hanamaki shared as he walked over to the rest of you, Matsukawa following him. 
You glared at him before dismissing his comment and addressing Iwaizumi, “You’re joining?” 
“Uh- Sure. I could use a little help too.” He gave you a small smile, feeling a little embarrassed. 
“Oh you’re making a study group?” Mattsun asked, interested. Makki wished he could take back his latest comment. While Oikawa saw the opportunity and grasped it. Hajime saw his intentions clear in the brunette’s eyes. 
‘Oh, yes! It’s perfect. Why don’t we all study together?” He suggested. It was a great plan where you could sort things out with both class and Hanamaki. It was hard for him that his friends didn’t get along -for whatever the reason was- when you spent most of your days together during class and rather often outside. He could try to make Makki be a little gentler with you and if he managed to convince Hajime to do the same with you he was sure it’ll work out. 
“Uh I don’t know…” you looked over indiscreetly at Hanamaki. 
Makki was about to respond “Wait. Me? With you?” He made a face. As much as he could use your help he’d rather die on the spot than asking you. But Tooru kicked him slightly, making him yelp in surprise, stopping him from finishing whatever he planned to say. “Okay, okay. If you don’t mind.” He muttered throwing foul looks at Oikawa. 
It was Monday, the volleyball club’s day of rest, so the group walked together straight to your house when school was over. You walked ahead with Iwaizumi, the air still cold in the mid February twilight. Your cheeks were turning slightly rosy, and you could see your breath when you exhaled. You wished you had brought your scarf. 
As you all agreed to stop at a coffee shop, Oikawa threw a look at Makki and gestured something before he left with Hajime to order. He didn’t understand what the former wanted, “What?” he mouthed.
Tooru almost groaned. This is why girls say chivalry is dead. 
Matsukawa picked up the message instead. “Here.” He said, getting your attention. Taking off his black scarf, he didn’t lose time to gently place it around your neck, not giving you any time to protest nor reject his gesture. 
“Thanks.” You welcomed in the warmth the soft fabric brought, and Mattsun took that as a win. Sure, he’d felt that during the past months you had at least become acquaintances and had been polite to each other. Things between you weren’t as hostile as when it came to Hanamaki, who finally rolled his eyes as he understood what the brunette meant. He’d lost the opportunity. Mattsun gave him a sorry look, but soon Makki brushed it off. Why did he have to be nice to you when you were the one who acted like you had a stick up your ass every time you were around him? He never did anything to you. 
“We’’ll go to my room so as not to disrupt my parents.”  
“Is your mom home? I'd like to greet her.” Your mom had already met Oikawa by the countless times he’d been over. She loved him and needless to say she would plan your wedding if you so much as told her you liked him. But to her dismay you were just friends. Your dad didn’t like him though. He said pretty boys like him must be looking to break your heart. Also Tooru was scared of him. 
“She’ll be here later.” You told him as you guided them through the hallway and to your room. 
“Would like to know where she gets her attitude from.” Makki said under his breath. 
“Oikawa would say from his dad because he doesn’t like him.” Hajime confided and they snickered, making fun of the brunette. 
Tooru sneezed, then turned to both of them at the same time you did, “What are you two going on about?” 
You had gone out of the room for a moment, telling the boys to make themselves comfortable, feeling a little mortified to let into your house and into your room a boy you supposedly hated his guts. 
Oikawa jumped in your bed while Iwaizumi got your desk chair, and Mattsun sat on a bean bag chair on the floor. Hanamaki inspected your room, seeing several posters of your favorite musicians, a CD player laying on your bed that Oikawaa had grabbed, bookshelves, drawings on top of your desk, pictures - Mostly of landscapes but there were also family pictures . He recognized you with Iwaizumi and Tooru on a couple -, some paintings on the wall and some on the floor waiting to be hanged. 
“It’s a nice bedroom.” he commented, and everything was going fine, until he opened his mouth again, “I remember this girl that took me over to her place and she had this collection of creepy porcelain dolls on one big shelf that covered the wall opposite her bed. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get i-”
“Okay,” you came back in time to cut him off, carrying another bean bag chair in for him, “Thanks for the compliment on my room but I don’t need to hear that.” 
“Right. Sorry. Forgot you probably have never gotten laid, or either kissed someone.” 
“Ugh, Makki, please shut the fuck up.” Oikawa shook his head and Hajime brushed a hand down his face. He was unbelievable. 
“Not that is any of your business, but I do have kissed someone.” You said calmly as you took your notebooks out of your bag and sat next to Oikawa. 
“That’s a shocker. Who?” He said, plopping down on the chair as he finished his tea. 
“Why do you care?” You raised a brow and Oikawa smiled down at his hands. In any other moment he would be harassing you about the subject in question to know but he was being real quiet. 
“I don’t but since you’re dropping information like that you could just share the whole thing.” He shrugged. “Does he go to Seijoh too?” 
“And what?” 
He smirked, as if realizing something, “Nah, wait. Bet it was some weird ugly ass kid and that’s why you don’t want to tell.” 
Now if he wasn’t able to speak, you four would’ve witnessed a miracle that evening, “Excuse you?! Who the hell you dare call ugly. If I may say I’m the prettiest male in the room.” Oikawa came clean and you smacked him right in his chest so hard he lost his breath for a moment. 
“Oh great.” you muttered, a hand covering your face. 
“No fucking way.” Makki started with a chuckle, staring at Oikawa incredulously.
“You didn’t know?!” Mattsun asked Iwaizumi given his expression.
 Hajime shook his head, “No wonder you weren’t curious.” 
“Really? This guy?” Matsukawa continued. 
“What does that mean?” Oikawa whined. 
“Fine. We were in middle school and were what? 15?” 
“Yeah I had just turned 15. And you were still 13.” Oikawa smiled as he recalled. 
“So you dated?” 
“Not really. We’ve always been good friends. It just happened, everyone was doing it and we wanted to know what it was like.” 
“We just figured at that moment that if we wanted to have our first kiss there wasn’t anyone better than us.” You chuckled, flustered. It was a little embarrassing, and you basically had forgotten what led you to this conversation. 
“Wait, so,” Hanamaki kept in interrogation mode, “you haven’t kissed anyone else since him?” 
“No.” you shook your head, “What are we doing? What am I doing? Grab your notes and let’s start studying.”
Spring brought new beginnings, a gentler breeze, slowly beginning to bid farewell to winter with soft sunny days and much livelier nights. 
Your eyes captured the pretty pink veil made out of cherry blossom trees, which flowers rained down as their branches danced with the gusts of wind. It was very romantic walking under the pink snow. 
Hanamaki was walking to school that morning when he saw you as he turned in the curve and got to the main road. He didn’t live far from your house, so sometimes - when he wasn’t late- he saw you. The couple of times you’d noticed him, you’d just nodded in acknowledgment and continued your way, walking with him just a few steps back. He wondered if he should greet you. Thinking about that time at your house it wasn’t that bad between you two. Hopefully you might think the same. 
He debated with himself and at the end chose to go for it, words dying in his mouth when he saw you stop to take pictures. Makki wondered how many cherry blossoms were in your camera roll by now. He waited as to not interrupt you, and that’s when it happened. He saw you slip as you were about to resume walking, and before he knew it he was running to catch you, under the risk of slipping on the blossoms himself and breaking something. 
You had screamed and closed your eyes tightly, accepting your fate, but the fall didn’t come. Instead, you felt a pair of arms engulfing you in a secure grip. You opened one of your eyes and were met with a worried Hanamaki looking down on you. “You okay?”  Having not recovered your speech yet, you nodded hastily. Then, grinning, “Falling for me?” 
“Shut up.” There it was. “Going to help me stand up?” you shrieked as he made it to let go of you while he laughed. 
“You really thought I would drop you after all?” Some of the flowers had gotten on his hair. He did as you said when you just remained silent looking up at him and his smile, and got you back on both feet safely. 
 “You could’ve hurt yourself.” You said, avoiding looking at him. 
“So you mean to say I was supposed to let you fall?”  you shrugged and he scoffed. Makki took a look at you: your hair had gotten a bit messier, hands buried in the pockets of your jacket, expression serious and rosy cheeks. He wouldn’t lie, he thought you looked cute. “Or by any chance you’re worrying about me?” 
“I’m not.” you quickly protested, frowning. “But I don’t want to be the reason you miss volleyball club.” 
“Of course. It’s just that.” He raised a brow, amused as you nodded along. You still weren’t looking at him. “A “thank you” would’ve been enough for me.” 
“You’re very welcome.” he smiled, pleased, but it quickly vanished as you turned to keep walking. “Wait, hey- Wait up!” He hurried to fall into step with you, careful not to slip, “We can walk to school together since we’re here.” 
“No, thanks.” you spoke back to him.
“I thought we just had a moment back there.” he gave you a side look. “And back at your house you had to admit it wasn’t so bad.” 
“Yeah, after I cut you off before you could talk about sex.” 
“Ugh, this is what I’m talking about.” you stopped and turned to him, irritation clear on your voice and in your features. “You’re so unserious. “I’ll be surprised if you actually cared about something.” 
A look crossed his eyes you couldn’t quite grasp. Did it actually hurt him what you said? No, whatever you said couldn’t possibly matter to him. You continued walking, thinking he wouldn’t say anything but then he spoke up, “Okay, you can think whatever you want. Even if you barely know me.” 
When you reached the school gates, he spoke up again, “Honestly, I think you could be nice. Maybe if you weren’t so worried about everything and guarded all the time… I don’t know. I think you could use some unseriousness.” Then he went ahead, leaving you to take a deep breath to get your cool back and reflect on what he had just said. 
Maybe… Maybe you’ve gone a little too far. 
 It was the day of the opening ceremony and you were about to begin your last year of high school. 
“Oi! Sour Patch kid.” You heard him call you by that nickname he’d picked for you. Makki was waiting for you at the entrance of the hall. Ever since that conversation you had, your behaviour around him had improved. He wondered if it had something to do with whatever he might’ve said - he’d forgotten most of it by now-. But he wasn’t complaining, and neither were the rest of the boys. At least now you could stand in a room without throwing comments at each other. It was a sort of silent truce. 
“Where are the others?” You asked, looking around for them. Still, it felt awkward to be left alone with him.  
“Oikawa was held back somewhere by a bunch of girls and Hajime went to the rescue. Mattsun is saving our seats.” You nodded.
“They let you inside like that?” You signaled. 
“Oh. That. We avoid the principal and the teachers.” He shrugged. He gave a step back and threw his hands up as you stepped over to him. “Woah, what the hell are you doing?” 
“You could at least button up your shirt.” You started to fix it up for him under his nervous gaze. “And where is your tie?” 
“I didn’t- I didn’t bring one.” He stuttered an answer and you shook your head. 
You fixed his collar without it. “There. Looks much better now at least.” You smiled, satisfied with your work, until you looked up at him. He was staring at you intently. You hadn’t removed your hands from his shoulders. 
“Sorry for being late!” Oikawa shouted and sighed as if he had been running for miles, breaking whatever spell you had fallen under and startling you both, “What were you two doing?” 
“Waiting for you. What else?” You crossed your arms defensively.
“Did our homeroom teacher see you?” Iwaizumi said to Makki and snorted. “You look like a model student for once.” 
When you three walked inside, Mattsun waved you over. “Makki, you look… pink. And I’m not talking about your hair.” He spoke to his best friend who was blushing furiously. 
One of your new teachers had thought that by moving Makki to another seat far from Mattsun or the other boys she was doing something. What she didn’t know was that the strawberry blonde was capable of making conversation with almost anyone. 
“From now on you’ll sit next to y/n.”  Your eyes widened and you gave her a pleading look. She glanced at you understandingly yet you could see her asking for your cooperation. Mattsun looked dramatically devastated as Hanamaki grabbed his stuff and switched places with the boy beside you. Iwaizumi and Tooru looked at each other. Things were either very convenient or about to go to hell. 
“Hello, partner.” He smiled at you while you merely gave him a look before turning your attention back to the lecture as the teacher took over where she had left. Hanamaki then attempted to start a conversation with the guys sitting behind you, yet they seemed a little apathetic. Turning to his side, his intentions were quickly discarded. No way in hell he was speaking to that Yui girl. So he propped his head in his hand as he tried to keep his attention on what the teacher was saying. 
After she gave the instructions for the day’s class work, you started to complete it diligently. By your side, Makki looked over at the board, then back to his notebook, turning his pencil on his hand and back again. To be honest, he had no clue about what he was supposed to do, yet he gave it a go. You threw glances now and then to your right, and seeing him erase something for nearly like the tenth time, you spoke, “Do you need help?” Iwaizumi perked up at the sound of your voice and nudged Oikawa, pointing towards you two. 
“Me? No. I’’m doing great. Easy.”  Oikawa smacked himself on the face. 
“Are you sure?” 
“Yeah, just… Peachy.” 
“Okay.” You went back to your notebook. Glancing around as lost as he was, he looked back again: notebook, board, you. 
He sighed, “Okay, I lied.” he admitted, “ I could use a little help.”  
You did the rest of the work together while you explained it to him. Makki swore no one had ever explained to him something as easy as you made it seem. Every day during that class you two worked seamlessly together, and needless to say everyone was surprised, and each time Hanamaki caught himself staring at you more. Noticing your small smiles, the small frown etched on your face as you focused, how you pushed your hair back from falling over your notebook until you gave up and tied it up in a messy bun instead, how you explained the things he didn’t understand. 
One day during practice, Mattsun caught him staring at you while you chatted with Oikawa sitting on the benches. The setter had sprained his ankle and was out until he recovered. They had a practice match soon, so his mood wasn’t the best, but you keeping him company kept his thoughts from spiraling. He laughed at something you said, making you smile. 
“You think Oikawa might like y/n?” Makki found himself asking as they practiced underhand passes. 
Hajime, who had paired with Kyōtani and was beside them, snorted, “He’s simping over his girlfriend so that’s out of the question.” 
“Didn’t they break up?” Mattsun asked. 
“Almost. They’ve been arguing a lot lately.” Iwaizumi clarified, then turned to Makki, “Why do you ask anyway?” 
“Unbelievable.” Matsukawa let the ball drop, “You like her.” 
“Doesn’t she hate him?” Kyōtani brought up and the trio stared at him. 
“Of course I don’t. That's ridiculous.” He brushed Matsukawa’s statement off as if it was the most absurd thing he’d ever heard. “And you,” he pointed at Kentarō, “are wrong. We hate each other.” 
“Oi! I’m still here and watching you all. Why are you stopping? Quit gossiping and get back to practice!” The captain yelled at them. “We have to crush Karasuno with or without me. But hopefully with me.”  You shook your head as he smiled, pleased with simply the idea. 
“Hate each other my ass.” Matsukawa called him out, “You’re always searching for her.” 
“That’s not true.” 
“So you fell for her but she hates you?” 
“Shut the fuck up, Kyōtani.” 
“What if I don’t?” 
“Well things have gotten better between you two but I can’t say from her part.” Iwaizumi thought. 
“Y/n/n,” Oikawa started, his demeanor changing all of a sudden, “Do you think I’m a shitty person?” 
“What? Of course not!” you laughed, yet you were confused, “What made you even think that?” 
“I don’t know.” He was looking down, fidgeting with his hands. Suddenly he resembled a little boy being lectured, “The way I act sometimes…” 
“That doesn’t make you a shitty person, Tōru. It just makes you a human being.” you smiled at him even though he wasn’t looking at you, “And I don’t think you really hate Tobio or Ushijima. You two just have this rivalry and it’s because you care so much for what you do. Well that’s how I see it. You’re great, don’t let anyone make you believe you aren’t.”
He nodded, finally turning to look at you with a smile. “Do you know I love you?”
“I love you too, stupid.” You laughed as he threw himself at you and kissed your cheek, “Be careful.” Then he laid his head on your lap and you brushed his hair as he looked up at you. “How’s stuff with Aoi?” His girlfriend that clearly disliked you.
He sighed, “We’re back talking but… She’s being distant.” He feared she might break up with him after all. “But let’s not talk about that.” 
“Then what?” you said expectantly. 
“How about you and Makki?” 
“What about him?” you looked over to the court and your eyes found him. 
“You don’t seem to hate him as much.” He chose his words carefully. 
“I don’t.” And that was what he called progress. “I still think he’s weird and a pain in the ass though.” But remember: don’t count your wins too soon.
“You’re not exactly the definition of normal.” you smacked him and he laughed. 
“Neither are you.”  
“Thanks.”  . . . “But do you find him attractive?” 
“What are you on now?” you said with a scandalous face that wasn’t not funny, but you were blushing. Oikawa took that as a yes.  
“Nothing. I was just asking.” 
“I don’t like him if that’s what you’re assuming. And I’m sure he doesn’t like me either.”  
“Want me to ask him?” 
“No. What for?”  
Next morning, you were a sight (not in a good way). Somehow, Hanamaki Takahiro had made his way into your dreams, startling you awake in the dead of the night. After that, you tossed and turned but weren’t able to go back to sleep. Finally, you had lost it, you thought. You blamed Oikawa’s absurd questions.
“Are you okay?” The brunette dared to ask when he saw you, “You look a little…” 
“You look terrible.” Hanamaki cut him off bluntly. You glared at both boys, and they backed off as you walked by over to your seat.  
Iwaizumi smacked both on the back of their heads, following you. “Way to go, idiots.” 
Needless to say, during class you were struggling to not doze off. After doing a pretty good job during morning periods, it was during your last class that you finally succumbed. Thankfully, since Iwaizumi was sitting in front of you, the teacher couldn’t notice from his spot in front of the class. 
Makki was sitting next to you too, and when he glanced your way he found you asleep. His gaze became softer seeing your relaxed features, your head lying on one of your arms folded on top of your desk. 
Later at home when you sat at your desk and took your things out of your bag to begin your study session, something slipped out from between your notebooks. Stranged, you picked it up, and saw the note stuck to the papers. “Notes from litt. class. Get some proper rest later. No use messing with someone who can’t talk back.” - Hanamaki 
You read the words over and over, and you couldn’t help but smile a bit. 
“It’s weird, y/n’s still not here.” Iwaizumi mentioned. The day of the practice match had come, and you were always there early to wish them good luck before you went to find a seat at the stands.
“There’s still a few minutes.” Mattsun allowed. “Makki’s not even here yet.” 
Aoi had come to see Oikawa and he’d gone out of the locker room for a moment to meet her before the match, otherwise he would be complaining about your unusual tardiness. He certainly would later. 
You were hurrying towards the gym at the same time the other team arrived and was about to go inside, getting the attention of some of them. “Look, it seems like Seijoh got a cute manager too since the last time we met.” 
You were wearing your PE tracksuit pants with the school t-shirt so thinking back you should’ve known that was what caused the misunderstanding. A dark haired boy you recognized as the libero stood in front of you. 
“Hey there, Miss manager.” He gave you a smile. 
“Hello,” you started politely yet the look in your eyes showed you were confused, “Manager? I’m sorry I’m not-” 
“What’s your name?” He barely let you get a word in. The captain was about to interfere, knowing where things were going but Sugawara stopped him. 
“I’m Y/n. But I’m not-” 
“Are you going out with someone?”  
You shook your head, “I-” 
“Sorry, man, she has a boyfriend.” your eyes went wide, as you heard none other than Makki - who was late- speak up. Standing now behind you, he leaned down to press a kiss to your cheek, leaving your cheeks burning, “You okay, love?”  Love?  Then he looked over at the boys seriously. 
Sugawara snorted. 
“Boyfriend?!” You two bursted into the locker room. “What the hell was that?!”
“Well, it worked. None of them will bother you now.” He seemed amused rather than bothered by what he just did unlike before when he saw that guy flirting with you, although he was blushing too now that you came into the room with some of the boys still inside shouting about what happened. Being a sweetheart, as always, he thought. 
“You do tell, please.” Matsukawa smirked, “What are you two lovers quarrelling about now?”  
“Your friend just told the whole Karasuno team we’re a couple.” 
“What the hell made you do that?” Iwaizumi asked before he started laughing. His friend was an idiot.
“Same thing I’m asking.” 
“Some guy was bothering her so I told them we’re together to get him and anyone else off her.”  which Mattsun translated as I was jealous in his head as he looked at him biting his tongue to not call him out on his bullshit. 
“They found out before me?!” Oikawa screamed by the door, entering the room. 
“It’s not true!” 
“Not yet.” Mattsun muttered to himself, “But you’ll have to play along, right? Otherwise they’ll think you’re both liars.” Speaking up as a proper best friend and wing man. 
“What?” you looked at him, then towards the strawberry blonde, “It’s not like they’ll be paying me much attention.” 
“But my girlfriend should cheer for me.” He shrugged his shirt off and you looked away, flustered,  while he put on his uniform. Then he grabbed the extra one he had and threw it your way.  His club shirt. With his name, and the number three stamped on both sides. 
“How are you so calm about this?” You stared at the piece of fabric, then nervously up at him. “Everyone at school will think we’re together. Are you really okay with that?” 
“I don’t care what they think. Do you?”
A/N: Another example of terrible fic names for you! First time writing for my Seijoh boys. Oh I love them so much and hope you like the interactions between them and with y/n. Was going through Makki brainrot again back in December but also had to show some love to my Oiks <3. Also this had like 5 extra pages on my docs. buuut I wasn't entirely sure with how it was going and I still don't get a good scene to end this story lol. Until next time! -Youmarin
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kosi-annec · 5 months
[HAIKYUU!!] Season 2 episode 22
Oh? Flashback? Ah, this was after the match with pink team i think
HSJHSJ "must've had to take a shit" I almost forgot about that LMAO
God, yama's becoming one of my faves now, look at him understanding that he messed up and is taking responsibility, look at him owning it and wanting to do better. I love this boi, he is probably the most relatable char here
And back to present! YAS DADCHI! Dammit, they almost got it. But fuck, mad dog's serves are so strong it knocked dadchi down
YES TANAKA GOOD SAVE! Ok they got another point thats good, gap's still big but we're getting there
AWWW god i love hinata just hyping his friends up
Oop another flashback. Awe he went to get advice from the person who thought him the float serve, he's basically yama's father at this point
Don't underestimate him, oikawa. He's a different man now
Breathe, yama, just breathe, and hit the ball, don't chicken out...
OMG HE FUCKING GOT IT! Nothing feels better than finally succeeding after failing so many times
GSAP AWWW TSUKI! He's believed that yama could do it the whole time. Another point for the ship
Omg wait, it finally clicked why enoshida was the one to defend yama all those episodes ago, CUZ HE GETS IT, HE UNDERSTANDS WAT ITS LIKE TO RUN AWAY, FUCK. I love this anime
"let's cut cut off" HA! Good luck with that, my boi is on a roll!
Oh fuck- they got it. Keep your cool, yama! THAT'S THE SPIRIT YAMA! KEEP FIGHTING
Uh oh, hun is your shoulder ok? Do you need a doctor??
Ya know i should probs be calling him tadashi instead of yama, for less confusion lmao
WOOOO KEEP IT GOING TADASHI!! 23-23, just 2 more points!
LMAO oikawa trying to be the reliable captain, but he's surrounded by mostly cool headed ppl
GOOD ONE-TOUCH TSUKI! Really out here saving his man's serves. OH! Nice eye tanaka!
SHIT- seijo's got too good of a receiver. COME ON BLOCK HIM! FUCK- streak's broken. But tadashi did so good this round, the true MVP of this match
"next time, I'll get the 10 points" THAT'S THE SPIRIT!
FUCK- this is like the match they lost to seijo all over again...
Oh yeah, if aoba johsai loses this, this would be oikawa's and the rest of their 3rd years last match. I didn't even consider that... If karasuno wins, oikawa's never gonna have that final rematch against shiratorizawa..... Fuck, now I'm conflicted over who should win rn
HHHH FUUUUCK- idk if oikawa's gonna hit it, this show has subverted my expectations before...
OMG NOYA! Holy shit that could snap someone's neck off wtf. Forget about mad dog, that could legit give you a concussion
Shit, 27-26, seijo only needs one more point
God i want karasuno to win this, to get revenge for their lost before. BUT I ALSO WANNA SEE SEIJO VS SHIRATORIZAWA. I'm still rooting for karasuno, but HHHHH
HHHH MY ANXIETY CAN'T HANDLE THIS! FUUU- they lost. Shit, ok I don't think karasuno's gonna be able to win 3rd set... BUT I STILL BELIEVE! Even if I'm a lil conflicted, I still want karasuno to win
God, noya and tanaka just one the best hype man duo
3rd set, the one that'll dictate it all
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Digital Portfolio Entry #1 - Oikawa Tooru
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Oikawa Tooru is my favorite Haikyuu character because of how well written his character is in the series. Before we get to all of the traits of why this character is so compelling, let’s have a quick backstory. 
Oikawa Tooru is a 3rd-year student who plays on Aoba Johsai's volleyball team as their setter and captain. Motivated to defeat Ushijima Wakatoshi, another 3rd-year student who attends Shiratorizawa Academy, who always seems to be one step ahead, Oikawa’s goal is to defeat Shiratorizawa in the finals, which means going to Nationals. His entire character is based around the fact of wanting to surpass Ushijima and Kageyama Tobio, a genius 1st year setter. While this may seem like a boring character, his character is one that goes deeper than the eye.
While surpassing others may be a main trait of Oikawa, how he gets there is often overlooked. Despite putting hours into training and practicing, Oikawa has failed many times to achieve his goals, but each time he fails, he picks himself up and works even harder. Many people fail to see that his character trait is based on his dedication to keep pushing himself to succeed, despite never winning against Shiratorizawa. His drive and dedication are what make him such a great character. Oikawa is known as a setter who analyzes his teammates and brings out the best of their abilities. He focuses on not only improving himself but the others around him.
Furudate does a great job at creating a character that keeps pushing forward even though they never receive the results that would be expected of someone who worked that hard. Giving your 100% and practicing as much as possible, but never reaping any of the benefits is hard for a person to continue what they are doing. Many people at that point would quit and give up, and move onto something they can be successful at, but Oikawa doesn't. He keeps pushing himself each time he fails, and strives to be better than what he was before.
But all of this is blinded by his naturally competitive personality. Many people fail to see this because they are stuck on the fact that he almost hit Kageyama in middle school. During the event, Oikawa was in an anxiety-like state and wasn’t in his right mind. But many people jump the gun and claim he's selfish, and only wants himself to succeed. This comes from the fact that Oikawa refused to teach Kageyama anything, not because he didn’t like the boy, but because he was afraid that Kageyama, the prodigy underclassman, who had everything that he had and more, would surpass him and that all of his hard work would go to waste. I relate to Oikawa on the fact that naturally gifted people are picked over people who aren’t. Even if I work just as hard as the others, I will never be the first choice. While many people dislike Oikawa because of what almost happened to Kageyama, that is what makes him a real person. A person who has emotions and is afraid of his hard work going to waste. All of these reasons are why I believe he’s such a well-written character, and why he’s my favorite character. 
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keijislvr · 2 years
summer bucket list | masterlist
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→ softly, softly ml – oikawa tooru x reader
↳ smau with college!tooru and reader. press link for masterlist and summary!
karasuno !
→ coming soon.
aoba johsai !
→ random third year hcs – oikawa, mattsukawa, iwaizumi and hanamaki friendship, no reader insert.
↳ just some cute, fluffy ramblings about our favourite vb players when they were in their third year! a little look into their friendship, including usual teenage shenanigans...
→ 3rd year bf!texts – oikawa tooru x reader
↳ texts you receive from your clingy bf, the captain of seijoh! lots of fluff included...
nekoma !
→ coming soon.
fukurodani !
→ college bf!texts – akaashi keiji x reader (nsfw)
↳ you decide to rile your boyfriend up whilst he works at the college library. things never go quite as planned when he knows exactly how to get to you though...
↳ part two!
→ don't hold it against me – college president! akaashi keiji x (kind of) delinquent!reader
↳ songfic (friday by freak slug.) the ups and many downs of your ambigious relationship with keiji, as recorded through a song.
shiratorizawa !
→ coming soon.
inarizaki !
→ to be loved by a god – god!kita shinsuke x grim reaper!reader. (angst)
↳ kita is an old god who has just lost two of his most dear friends. you, a past lover of his, have the unfortunate job of collecting their souls.
misc. !
→ coming soon.
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Week 1 Results!
Karasuno 3rd Years: Sugawara Koushi Karasuno 2nd Years: Nishinoya Yuu Karasuno 1st Years: Kageyama Tobio
Aoba Johsai 3rd Years: Iwaizumi Hajime Aoba Johsai 2nd Years: Kyoutani Kentaro Aoba Johsai 1st Years: Kinimi Akira
Shiratorizawa 3rd Years: Ushijima Wakatoshi Shiratorizawa 2nd Years: Shirabu Kenjiro Shiratorizawa 1st Years: Goshiki Tsutomu
Date Tech 3rd Years: Moniwa Kaname Date Tech 2nd Years: Aone Takanobu Date Tech 1st Years: Koganegawa Kanji
Miyagi School Showdown: Tershushima Yuji (Johzenji High)
Girls' Team Showdown: Michimiya Yui (Karasuno)
Week 4 will pit the top contenders from each school against each other, so that every school will have one representative* in the final bracket.
And now we move to Tokyo teams. Polls are already up, get voting for your favorites from Nekoma! [three links]
*girls' teams get a buy because this series majorly lacks ladies and we gotta give them a CHANCE
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