#apocalypses in general
wuxiaphoenix · 1 year
Zpoc Survival, Retail Style
For some strange reason, a lot of recent zpocs, System Apocalypses, and other world-changing disaster plots seem to catch protagonists at home. Or, at worst, in some kind of vacation cabin or remote getaway. There’s nothing wrong with this, especially if you want to show off how prepared (or not) your hero is in everyday life.
But what are the odds? Seriously, if we’re talking a more-or-less average guy or girl, with a reasonably “ordinary” life prior to Things Going Boom - what are the odds that they’re actually at home when the apocalypse happens? As opposed to at work, caught in rush hour, or even picking up the week’s groceries?
I grant you, if the thought of an apocalypse hitting while I’m at home is bad, the thought of trying to dodge zombies inside Walmart is levels of urk worse. Channeled exits, mazes of shelves and items, people screaming - it’d be worse than Black Friday.
But. It’s a likely scenario. Meaning any serious prepper, or game nerd who’s daydreamed about playing the End of the World before it actually hit, might have at least considered what they’d do if that happened.
So. You’re in a retail store when the World As We Know It changes forever. What do you do?
In the first few moments of this situation you need to do something counterintuitive: ignore that this is an apocalypse.
Survival comes first and foremost. You have to deal with the immediate life-threatening danger. The zombie trying to eat your face ranks higher on the “must deal with” list than a dragon rampaging in the street outside. Treat it like any other natural disaster, and evaluate what you absolutely must do to make it through alive. What course of action gives you the best chance? Fort up where you are? (See, dragon outside.) Or flee the scene? (Trapped inside with zombies.) In prepper’s parlance - are you bugging in, or bugging out?
If you’re running for it, then exactly what kind of retail store you’re in may be less relevant. Remember that any reputable store has to comply with fire safety rules. That means fire extinguishers you can grab as makeshift weapons, yes - but more important, the main doors should be unlocked. If you’re closer to the back of the store and there are Things between you and the usual way out, head for the employee doors. You’ll set off an alarm going out, but that’s the least of your problems.
...Well, aside from the noise drawing more zombies. Plan accordingly.
But what if the major threat is outside, and you plan to bug in? To stay put, whether that be for hours or days or just a few minutes to catch your breath?
Consider the kind of store you’re in. If you’re in a strip mall or square, also consider other nearby stores; they may be better options, and can give you a wider variety of improvised weapons and supplies. Let’s take one particular short comparison: hardware store that Shall Not Be Named, vs. Books-a-Million. (Note, drawing off various stores I’ve personally been in, your local shops may vary.)
I’m looking at these in particular because they both have an advantage for siege/monster situations: you can get up onto an above-head-height level. In Hardware that generally means climbing the shelves or using the lifting machines, but you’ve got it. BAM has a slight advantage for those of us less athletically inclined in that the second level is, in fact, a formal second level, with stairs and all. OTOH that means you have a set place you have to barricade to keep anything else from getting up there. Both places do have breakrooms and bathrooms, so as long as the plumbing holds out and there’s some way to do electricity, sanitation and cooking are going to be easier. That said, there are some differences - here are a few!
Hardware. Pros: Tools, tools, tools; improvised weapons galore. Building materials to fortify the place. Maybe some comfy cushions and other homey stuff, depends. Also if you’re working with other people trapped in the same apocalypse, many customers and employees are likely to have useful making-stuff-work skills.
Cons: The stuff in this place was never meant to be lived-in long-term, the fertilizers and concrete dust and other assorted insults may eat your body alive by way of immune system arrrgh. Recruit a doctor. No, more than one. And look into getting a lot of fresh air.
BAM. Pros: Books. So much to read. How-to manuals will be Really Important if the internet goes down! Also when the fit hits the shan, “bookstore” is likely to be low on anyone’s “to be looted” list. You may pass unnoticed long enough to get the place set up and defensible.
Cons: You’re going to have to get most of your fortifying stuff somewhere else. And the people you’re likely to team up with here will have... a varying skillset.
Of course, the most awesome option would be having access to both of these. But that likely means laying claim to, and holding, a moderately large chunk of town. In the middle of an apocalypse. With everyone else going crazy trying to survive.
...Now that would be a story!
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Artwork by: DreamsinFrames
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probablybadrpgideas · 3 months
Powered by the Apocalypse game where the only move is "Fall To Your Knees, Rend Your Clothes And Lament Your Fate"
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hypnogogyc · 1 year
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PLEASE stop playing super smash on the couch that thing's lived through at least 5 fires by now
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flygutzz · 8 months
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4 score and 7 years later I finally have time and stuff to post
Also, I wanna make an ask blog for this infection au, would y'all be into that??? Idk how ask blogs work so any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated 🙏
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catalinemorosetheblog · 10 months
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I decided to be silly with memes, especially in the realization that a lot of some "antagonists" (if you can call some of them that) keep having connections to this very specific dead guy.
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valeffelees · 7 months
some quick snowbaz sketches for the soul :)
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and also this lmfao
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hazelntss · 1 year
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Has anyone done this yet? I hope not
Reblogs appreciated :D
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rhinocio · 10 months
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what's up you cool baby
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Have you played MASKS : A New Generation ?
By Brendan Conway
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Young superheroes grow into their powers and the paragons they will one day become, while grappling with villains, adult pro heroes, and the tribulations of young adult life.
A Powered by the Apocalypse game
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orchidscurse · 27 days
episode five of coffee & film is finally here!! i am extremely proud of this one and terribly happy to be able to share this with the world. ☕️🎞🛸
excerpts of the interview james duval and i did are interwoven throughout the episode. the entire 1h45 interview will be released on youtube somewhere in september!!
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jollycryptid · 4 months
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My character Amina who I played in a friend's Masks game. She's a Doomed hero cursed with lycanthropy, her curse is now in remission.
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her and the fairy she pulled by being autistic.
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Artwork by: John Blanche & Amy Brown
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probablybadrpgideas · 5 months
A move that adds collateral damage to every investigation or social move you make
­"I open my phone and deal everyone in 30 miles 2 harm worth of psychic damage"
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goturtongue · 3 months
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"I'm gonna lop his dick off like a chicken head"
Parker Posey as Brandi in Gregg Araki's The Doom Generation, 1995.
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rainstormess · 23 days
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Sorry guys for sketches only, I want to feel the character in this au and Rex helps me a lot with this. It was interesting for me to draw him, especially with the chainsaw. Good boy, anyway! ( ‾́ ◡ ‾́ )
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