pupyr0arz · 2 months
Readerroach dynamics for that fic,,
his denialism is both active and not active. Active because he’s not attached to you it wasn’t his idea to bring you along so admitting he’s attached is admitting that he’s wrong which he hates doing. And not active because he honestly doesn’t have a very good idea of boundaries. His family life was a bit warped and the best period of socialization in his life was the military, the boundaries between romantic and non romantic feelings is warped. He’s also kind of a possessive and easily jealous guy. From the get go even when youre a tolerated tag along he’s not enthusiastic for you to get close to other people. I mean, HES already providing that service wdym you want to talk to other people
Collapsed society also means there’s just going to be a lot of closeness that’s a daily necessity. He’d be very caught up in it and not realize how much he actually likes you for a while. You just become part of his routine, which means a lot to him
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sagescented · 2 years
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post-apocalyptic boots by rad roach
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abs0luteb4stard · 1 year
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(Re) W A T C H I N G
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apocalypse-lover · 1 year
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rodolfoparra · 2 years
okay hear me out
d/eath s/tranding but make it ghostroach
that's it, that's my whole plan
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chaosdistracted42 · 1 year
A scene of destruction, the sky a wild torrent of reds, yellows, and purples. The apocalypse. Screams and snarls echo endlessly. But upon the earth, below the rubble….
Roach: you shouldn’t be here Nia…
Rat: Kine, please - I miss you
Kine’s expression crumples, their face twisting in frustration
Roach: Things are already bad enough. There’s barely anything left to fight over. Causing trouble now could break both our peoples.
Rat: Look at me
Nia gently grabs Kine’s chin. She looks at them with soft, loving eyes. Tired eyes, yet filled with hope.
Rat: Our love doesn’t have to be a source of hatred. We have options. Choices! You think them knowing will cause a war? Fine! Let’s leave! You want to stay? Okay, we’ll make this into an alliance! Prove we can be United! We will always have a choice. And I will always chose you.
Kine’s face crumples as they start to shake, a sob building.
Roach: I want to be with you. I want you. I will always want you. I’m sorry, I’m so sorry. You deserve so much more than me.
Rat: Hey, hey, don’t say that. I love you. I’m here, I’m right here and we can figure this out.
Roach: Nia, I don’t doubt our love. I don’t doubt you. What I- *frustrated sigh* what I know, is that I- I may love my people more than I love you. And I know that if I chose you, I lose them. I’ve spent my whole life surrounded by family. People who love me, who will always love me - like you do. How can I hurt them? How can I abandon them? This isn’t about my duty or responsibly - how could I leave the people who love me?
Nia stares at Kine, deeply hurt. She looks away, her expression filled with pain, betrayal. There’s nothing to say. There will never be anything to fill the hole Kine just carved into her chest. She turns to leave.
Kine says nothing, helplessly watching her go. Tears silently roll down both their faces.
Roach: I’m sorry…
Kine whispers under their breath.
Pt. 2
Inspired by @tapakah0 and @somerandomdudelmao comics
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teaboot · 1 year
In a world where everything is monthly subscription play to win ad break commercial break sponsored by product placement social media ad campaign tiktok viral trending I like to trawl thrift shops for CDs DVDs cassette tapes and VHS like a post apocalyptic space age survivor scrounging twinkies and powdered kool-aid from the wreckage of a demolished gas station, rifle slung over my shoulder and a bandanna over my face to keep the fumes out while my loyal stray dog companion watches our backs for Roach People and nomadic biker gangs
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lillysbigwilly · 8 months
high with my lover
(ellie williams x fem reader)
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You had been dating Ellie Williams for a whole year and ten days. Life during the apocalyptic world was tough and you found solitude within each other. You were there when Joel died and there when ellie hunted down abby. That was back when you were just friends, however.
You had been there through her hardest moments and now your with her as life starts looking better.
The two of you had just re-moved into the farmhouse that you had ditched on the hunt for Abby and Ellie thought it was just about the perfect time to dig into her special stash.
The sun was setting, logs burning on the bonfire and you were cuddled under a blanket looking out at the darkening sky.
Ellie plucked the joint she had rolled an hour prior from behind her ear and leant forward slightly, carefully lighting it using the flames from the bonfire. She was the first to take a few puffs before handing it over to you, hee hand delicately places on your bare thigh as you took a drag.
Once the joint was finished with, you stubbed it out against the ever growing pile of roaches in the homemade ash tray.
The two of you just spoke until it kicked in, ellie had been building all day while you baked in the kitchen with quiet music playing in the back.
The sudden feeling of heaviness came first, your head dropping onto Ellie’s shoulder as if it was too heavy to hold up. You could feel your mouth dry up and your eyes go glossy. Looking over at Ellie, it had also seemed to hit her too
And she looked fucking beautiful
Her eyes tinted red and glossy as she looked towards you, her eyelids hooded and relaxed
“fuck you look so pretty babe” Ellie spoke, her voice raspy from her dry throat
“you don’t look too bad yourself pretty lady” You quip back, pecking her lips. To outsiders, it would have looked almost idealistic. Two young adults, both so in love with each other and at peace with there situation
And if anyone saw, they’d be absolutely correct. the sky glowing hues of pink and orange as it set in front of the pair of you leaving a soft faded colour on each of your faces.
“i love you so much” you told her, Ellie knew even if you were to never speak those words again
“yeah, i know” Ellie joked, smirking as if she was so proud of her joke. You didn’t find it funny though, gently shoving her “hey! i was messing with ya! you know i’m in love with you”
“yeah, i know” and with that, you give her the cheesiest grin you could muster up
getting high with the one you loved wasn’t the worst way to spend your time at all
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bitciziad · 11 months
greasy oiled up bbg || blood CW!
more under the cut!
omfg genuinely this is so embarrassing it completely slipped my mind to add a content warning or another version without blood yall please ignore me LMFAOOO this is what i mean by i’m new to tumblr so expect more clueless moments like this next time AHAHHA
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(TYSM @/lewditydegreeblog for adding that one tag in your reblog, i knew i was missing something but i got that gold fish brain)
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okay we’re back- the bloody clothes have no context whatsoever i just thought it looked cool cuz i love apocalyptic vibes and i’ll admit, kylar 100% is prepared for it. like a roach. you can’t get rid of him and neither will zombies or aliens or viruses. he has a million hunting knives, pockets galore, literally makes chemical weapons. he better learn to stitch his pants back together though.
ANYWAY BACK WITH MORE KYLARRR, thank y’all sm for the reactions to my last post on him!! i appreciate it a lot holy shit y’all are great and the tags ?? love y’all LMFAO so here’s more as a thanks <3
i got a funny idea for that papa roach thing btw i’ll probably post it later if i can actually do anatomy but yknow that dramatic cliche pose of someone on their knees ripping open their jacket ?? yeah
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he’s so cute love u kylar when you’re not trying to stalk ppl (i avoided him for like three months in game time after the halloween event cuz my pc went with whitney IMSORRY)
also you cannot convince me otherwise that the local alley cats don’t absolutely DESPISE his ass, especially in the residential district, those stray alley cats beat kylar’s ass like it’s ON SIGHT any time he tries jumping the gate to and from the orphanage. they got a mark out for him, can smell his garlic ass a mile away. he scrambles, the cats are bailey’s unemployed thugs atp, doing that bastard a favor. idk how to draw cats
ironically except for whitney probably like no wonder why that idiot just hangs out in the alleyways 24/7. doesn’t even love cats he’s just that type of fucker that animals like but who’s he to complain if the random town cats also have a weird funny vendetta against kylar. love you whitney muah, and yes the whitney addition is 100% inspired by one of truthful_lier’s headcanons for whitney on Ao3!! animal magnet tbh i see the vision and i AGREE.
tbh besides the fact it’s just funny as fuck for random alley cats to hiss at kylar and chase him away or scratch him (would be just another reason why he always has scratches on his hands and face too), animals sensing the paranormal or something probably has something to do with it.
like even the animals probably think he’s a garlic smelling weirdo with some “off” vibe that just REEKS of supernatural remnants (his parents ofc) that makes the hair on the back of your neck prickle cuz it’s just an uncomfortable, foreboding feeling that’s just off.
jkjk he’s just getting punked by stray cats for no reason whatsoever. he gets bullied at school and now by the local stray litter shitters just for the hell of it. no context no reason it’s just on sight.
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also here’s close ups cuz idk if tumblr ruins quality or not but yeah here’s this sopping wet cat of a guy. ALSO HEAR ME OUT PLEASE- the eye shaped gauges ??? you see where i’m going with this right RIGHT
also pls ignore it if you see me edit the tags they were off center and it bothered me LMFAOO but anyway my interpretation is 100% inspired by yall <3 i love this greasy little rat mf cant believe a p0rn game cured my artblock but idc i love it
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roach-works · 11 months
weird realization of the night that most of you people following me can't have any idea of who i actually am because i share information about myself very infrequently and only when i want to make a point about something else. but also ive been on tumblr for more than a decade so i just assume im like... part of the neighborhood. like a raccoon in the trash. i live here. you know me.
but in case you don't hi im roach im in my thirties and i used to be a queer girl illustrator and now im a queer man working in manufacturing and ive had adhd this whole time and i used to write a lot of weird filthy fanfic and now im working on mostly original romance and erotica these days (if you like gay post-apocalyptic sci fi please check out Stories Of The Michigan Fleet).
i live in the american midwest at the moment but im probably going to spend the winter in oregon with my family. my current hobby is quilting but im intending to get back into drawing eventually, so stay tuned for a side blog. ive been called everything from a terf to a self-hating homophobic lesbian separatist, so if you see people being mean to me online feel free to make up some even better accusations. i faked the moon landing, personally, by the way. took about a week in 2014.
i like answering asks but im not very prompt or polite, so i don't get too many. feel free to say hi, tho.
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inbarfink · 19 days
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pupyr0arz · 2 months
hm. Injured reader.
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limerental · 9 months
limerental's themed self-rec lists
read my old fics, you cowards! these are majority witcher fics, because i have an illness.
silly goofy modern au
how long we were fool'd - jaskier/yennefer(&geralt)
married neighbors yennskier, suburban dad!geralt, modern witchers, little kid ciri, aroace geralt, relationship misunderstandings, borzoi roach, supernatural mystery, some canon-typical violence, found family nonsense, and my own clairvoyance in writing yennskier husband-wife but it was spring 2020
(don't) poke the sleeping dragon - jaskier/yennefer/geralt
a retelling of bottled appetites but it's a nerdy fantasy music festival, copious drug use, yennefer's sick wizard van, unicorn edibles, golden dragon dildos, outdoor sex, geralt getting pegged and double penetrated, a dialogue only threesome, accidental yearning old friend geraskier tenderness, and someone once told me they wouldn't read this fic because yen had her tits out in the summary and i will always remember that criticism for the rest of my life
as if you were a mythical thing - yennefer/geralt
old married couple, dom/sub dynamics, sex unicorn mention, geralt is very vanilla but loves his kinky wife, and he's too autistic about horses not to ruin ponyplay with horse facts
this one might hurt
long on the road & how light carries on - geralt/jaskier (eventual geralt/regis in the sequel, plus many platonic relationships)
the 80s trucker/hitchhiker au that got away from me, vietnam vet trucker geralt, aging hippie musician jaskier, AIDS crisis, terminal illnesses, dealing with mortality, falling in love, road tripping, copious american geography, period-typical queer community issues, and then... life after loss, aging, grief and mourning, queer and traumatized family dynamics both found and otherwise, finding love again, and watching the sun set on a life well lived
in dark and twisted braids - fringilla &/ yennefer
aretuza school days slumber parties, girlhood crushes, pining, unrequited love, i shook a sorceress and intergenerational trauma fell out, the inherent adolescent horror of making lasting decisions about your future when you are barely 18 but even worse because there's war and violence and permanent alterations to your body and forced sterilization and your little schoolgirl crush on someone you thought was a friend ends in betrayal and bloodshed and you end up on opposite sides of the war and she never even looked your way or thought about you and--
then send down the storm - aiden/lambert, lambert/geralt(/yennefer)
witcher roadtripping, just guys being dudes, horse stuff, winter at kaer morhen polyamory but different, ~trauma~, the mortifying ordeal of accepting you deserve more from life and also of being known, but it's too late (or is it?), grief and mourning and loss and love that was worth its loss, and also, the character death(s) are largely temporary.
aw that just ain't right :/
the witch in her tower - eskel/yennefer(/geralt)
dark fic, fairytale elements, hurt no comfort (mind the tags), morally dubious heartbroken yennefer, pining and years of yearning for geralt eskel, unrequited love, non-consensual mind control during sex, flashbacks to messed up witcher child abuse and violence and cruelty, the inherent horror of mutated and manipulated little boys becoming men who think they can't or shouldn't love paralleled with the inherent horror of enchanted and manipulated little girls becoming women who-- you get it.
the flesh calmly going cold - geralt/jaskier
this one's gross for real, a hunt gone wrong, hurt NO comfort, major character death and it's gross and tragic, gore, necrophilia, organs lovingly described (and jizzed on), basically it's just like that scene in twn where filavandrel exploded but if francesca humped his goo after. sorry.
blood of the covenant (water of the womb) - geralt/&renfri, geralt/stregobor
supernatural pregnancy body horror as revenge, ......pregobor, black sun princess trauma and curses, apocalyptic monster fetus imagery, it's about women and violence against women and evil men suffering for inflicting that violence mostly, and also the evils of standing by and watching evil happen. also, yes stregobor is magical yucky bella swan pregnant and then bad stuff happens to everybody.
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abs0luteb4stard · 1 year
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r04ch · 1 year
Promo Post!!
Ive never made one before so this is probs goofy af but whatever
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My name is Gore, Roach or Otter!
He/It + 7teen + AroAce Ficto
Arabic (white passing)
Autistic + ADHD
Find my main f/os here, full carrd here !! Please read before following
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Current interests are Call of Duty (hyperfixation), Nope (2022), Pizza Tower, and How to Train Your Dragon! I also enjoy horror media overall and apocalyptic media :)
This blog is for everything so you’ll find me posting a whole lot lol, just as long as ur respectful we will get along great!!
Very crazy about Alejandro Vargas and he is in fact the love of my life <3 I love him so much and you’ll see him A LOT (sorry !!!)
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ifridiot · 2 months
Tagged by: @anhumblegoose
Last song: My Sister's Tiny Hands by The Handsome Family
Favourite Colour: I love a lot of colours, but I'm especially fond of pinks, blues, and bits of yellow.
Currently Watching: Dungeon Meshi, Smallville, someone and his demons (sword make me better, please)
Spicy, Savoury, or Sweet: I think really I love eating savoury things best, but I love making sweets, and I love thinking about the taste of sweets, especially coffees and chocolates. Spicy foods are great, but unfortunately with my gut problems they tend to hurt me.
Relationship Status: polyamorous and dating two wonderful people.
Current obsession: My dumb little OCs in my dumb little post apocalyptic world.
Tagging, no pressure: @jawnwicks @skittering-roach @ottobooty @rainbow-smite
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