#apologies for the caps
multi-lefaiye · 2 years
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awinglessduck · 2 years
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yamjooon · 2 years
I hate technology that is needlessly complicated for the sake of being "super convenient." this is about hp printers. why does my printer need to connect to the internet. why do I need to download two apps to find the printer. why does the printer throw a goddamn fit when ONE INSIGNIFICANT THING isn't right and refuse to print. you are a PRINTER. your only job is to PRINT. WHAT'S THE POINT OF YOU BEING HERE IF YOU CAN'T PRINT??? YOU'RE A $80 PAPERWEIGHT AT THIS POINT.
and don't get me started on all these fucking pop-ups and alerts and notifications that don't mean anything. "sowwy I can't pwint 🥺 check the website for details." how about YOU check the website for details PAL. maybe it'll tell you how to function as a printer. fuck you.
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maxmilian-koudelka · 4 months
Behold the seven deadly sins of Sherlock Holmes adaptations:
Having Holmes constantly wear the notorious deerstalker cap
Making Holmes into a sociopathic big-brain asshole
Portraying Watson as a bumbling idiot
Holmes and Irene having a romance thing going on for some reason. It's either that or making her evil
The villain always being Moriarty
"Elementary, my dear Watson"
Lemme know if I missed anything!
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anime-to-the-t · 1 month
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nerdyenby · 3 months
Zane: can’t stop fucking dying
Jay: can’t fucking die
Kai: just some fucking guy
Cole: died without dying that one time
Lloyd: can’t fucking stay dead
Nya: just some guy- WHAT THE FUCK SHES IMMORTAL NOW- oh wait, nevermind
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courviknight · 9 months
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happy holidays and a happy new year, @ko-rka!! i am your secret santa for @fmasecretsanta ^^
i drew for you emo punk ed fashion, cats, and stars... and let me tell you, it's been SUCH a pleasure drawing as i've listened to your mcr playlist!! i ended up liking a lot of songs on spotify back-to-back, but some of my favorites were "to the end" and "sleep"
i hope you like it, and i'm wishing you the best for the new year! :]
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skelelun · 1 year
cap has a lover (and neo wants to know who it is)
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romanreigns · 11 months
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Happy to let you all know I will be visiting Lt. John Irving's grave in the coming days - I'll give him a smooch for all of yall
+ just a little Fitzier
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Happy birthday Four!! I have drawn some art in his honor :)
Also, imma tag anyone who showed interest in said birthday in this post, which also inspired me, as did the amazing art by @akchimp75!! Sooo here goes!
@illegiblehandwriting1 @margindoodles2407 @turdofanerd @uniquevoidflowers @ladye-zelda @undertheopensky @uncleskyrule
also @prince-of-red-lions! (thank you for the advice :D)
also, here is a wider version under the cut, just because I like the grass XD
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hermit-frog · 3 months
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Louis, what do you mean it's not on him? Louis? What do you mean, it's just as your fault? LOUIIIIS? what do you mean, please, please stop this bs. yes, you'd brought her home to fill your growing emptiness and ease your guilt, i get it, but she was alive. she had to leave because of him, because of the abuse, and your neglect. you were so suffocated you didn't have her back until you had and almost died. she came back, broken but alive. she had figured it out, she made it work for herself. and he hated it. she came back to you, for you. but lestat views you as his property, still does. this bitch had abused both you and your daughter for years, he had almost killed you (not knowing if you'd even survive the fall), because if he can't have you, then no one can. if he can't force you, then he'll break you, like a child. both you and Claudia were oppressed to the point y'all had to take action in self-defense and flee the country, you have spared him, Louis, Loooouis. he came back for the trial, he rehearsed it, he watched her burn without even trying to save her. he only views her as his extension, her good qualities are because of him, his blood, and not whom she is apart from him. very logan roy of him to “admire” claudia's murder attempt, and defiance. if it's no about lestat, then it doesn't matter, then it's a mistake, a disappointment. if she's her own person, then she must leave or die. he makes her louis' lapdog, because my hysterical wife can't deal with an empty nest, abuse and depression, my housewife won't "pay attention to me", which i have 100% right to, as her husband (he complains to his, also abused, mistress). i mean, come on. Claudia had achieved her happiness/freedom twice, only for it to get snatched away from her at the last second. by Lestat, by the coven and Armand, and Lestat again.
Louis, he gave you to your and your daughter's murderer like you're a goat. he still thinks he owns you and has the right to make decisions for you, to punish you, to let you “learn”, like you're a child-wife and he's the all-knowing father. you stayed with this said murderer for years, not knowing the truth, because it was withheld for you as a lesson, he doesn't see you as an equal. you have wronged, Claudia, yes. many times. you have chocked her to save your abuser because you no longer know how to live without his suffocation, it terrifies you to get out of the boiling water. you're free but you keep drowning, in your guilt, in your attachment, trauma bond, punishing yourself. don't take the equal fault. y'all were forced to flee. do you hear me? both of you were forced to leave. she was forced to leave three times because of him! Looooooouuuuiissss aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
they could've delivered this differently, i understand that this is loustat hurricane of a toxic abusive patriarchal relationship + the focus on that both Louis and Claudia are black and lestat as their white master, good exploration on that. and Louis as a character to say shit like this also makes sense (from his pov), his mother, his role in the family, scapegoat, all that., come back, separate, come back. like i said, he's used to this. but the takes on this scene online.....
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am i overreacting?
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tarydarrington · 2 years
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🎵 I’m makin’ my wayyyy 🎵
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sunshinechay · 8 months
Nont feels like a replacement. He came in disguise but I think once that disguise got dropped, I think he assumed that everyone has come to care about him as well as his brother. I think that statement is true, but I think Nont doesn’t believe it.
He just learned his brother may have died by suicide, but also that Nant may have staged it. Nant was a sex addict, a drug addict, a man capable of violence against someone he claimed he loved, manipulative and more cunning than Nont had imagined his brother to be. Nont idolized his brother but now that has all come crashing down.
Nont is upset and sad and angry and yet all anyone seems to care about is that Nant might still be alive. They want to keep searching, they want to find him, they don’t seem to care that Nont is coming apart at the seems. That he is losing the one thing that made him want to find out what happened to his brother, the pedestal that Nont put him on.
So he walks away from the boys he hadn’t realized he wanted to be friends with, he goes towards a man he might be falling in love with, thinking that man loves Nant. He offers to be Nant for that man just once, because he wants to feel that love. He is so desperate to feel wanted by someone that he will burn himself alive just for the chance to feel like someone wants him, even just one time.
But the way the boys look after Nont walks away, how uncomfortable Prom looks at the idea of pretending that Nont is Nant. They do care about him, they do love him. They don’t want him to leave or to feel like he is alone. Nont is a part of their lives now, but none of them know how to say it in a way Nont will believe, so they say nothing. Prom tries to show him through action, but all it does is convince Nont that Prom is in love with Nant. That Prom is not in love with him.
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babovens · 22 days
I’m doooooone…
Done diddy done done done
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teruel-a-witch · 1 year
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After they fell into bed together, Steve woke up afraid that they'd done something they won't be able to take back, even though Danny was everything he'd wanted for years. He was scared Danny was going to regret it, and he decided to sneak out before he woke up so they could pretend nothing happened. Having already put his shirt back on, he couldn't resist looking back at Danny, watching him stretch sleepily, before it was too late Danny woke up.
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When putting it like that, it seemed ridiculous, how could he slink away in the middle of the night as if they did something wrong when nothing ever felt more right?
Danny knew Steve well enough to know it was just his instinct to flee when things got real, leave them before they leave you, that sort of thing. He knew he had to grab onto Steve and not let him go for Steve to know he was wanted. He wasn't about to let him slip away when they finally got to this point.
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Steve couldn't help but smile, Danny knew him so well. Knew him and accepted him and wanted him to stay. He was being stupid, they would be alright as long as they are together they will figure things out.
As Steve shrugged out of his shirt and wrapped himself around Danny's body again, Danny murmured 'There, isn't this better? Don't forget you promised me morning sex, you better be up to task'. Steve chuckled as he kissed his cheek softly. 'Anything for you, sunshine'.
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