#apologies to the two people who look forward to these - it took way longer than it should've 😭
cervicrazed ¡ 5 months
walt + all the other named members of his species
GAH this one took so long whoops
Haven't technically introduced other members of The Jek just yet, but I'll throw in one lil guy I've been rotating in my mind
OC Lore under the cut! (body horror cw)
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^ Walt's "Human" form ^ 'Standard' Jek form
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Walt-> a year or so after I made Wilton, I made Walt(on) - they weren't originally gonna be in the same story so I didn't notice there was only a vowel difference between them🤦🏽 I fixed this by having Walt choose his name to be similar on purpose, unknowingly bonding the two forever afterwards
Iniko -> originally heard it from an amazing artist of the same name! Really liked how it sounded so I looked more into the etymology & started crafting the story from there (working backwards this time around)
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
The Jek as a species are as old as fear itself - but Walt is around 80 or 90 years old by the start of the Dead Wood plotline
Iniko is about 15 years older than Bambi
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Walt -> There've been a few, but Wilton is the only one he would die for. Since emotions are all he can see/smell, he often forgets that others can't tell what he's feeling just by looking
Iniko -> Not yet. They're a bit too preoccupied plotting revenge to think about anything else
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
All Jek feed on Nightmares, but as an individual, Walt's favorite are ones that involve the dreamer being chased by A Creature™ (Adrenaline is particularly sweet)
Iniko enjoys the taste of paranoia the most - it's not as filling as a full on nightmare, but it's in a much richer supply
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Walt -> Fulfills the role of a Boogeyman-esque urban legend to keep potential trespassers away from his family. Not to say he doesn't enjoy it, as the fear he inspires is it's own reward.
Iniko -> political subterfuge/espionage; despite having no interest in whatever politics are going on. Their services can be bought, but not with money; they'll only take the job if you agree to do something for them first (you may live to regret it).
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Walt -> Painting! He can't actually see the final product, but part of the fun is hearing Bambi and Wil try and guess what the art depicts
Iniko -> Enjoys studying and growing plants since they're the only living thing they can't mimic very well
🎯 -What do they do best?
Walt -> he's a skilled strategist! Prides himself on staying at least two steps ahead of everyone else; unfortunately doesn't mean he's never wrong
Iniko -> Mimicry! They've perfected their shapeshifting into an art - even being able to seemlessly mimic the voices & cadence of others
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Walt -> Loves spending time with his family! Wil and Bambi are his entire world. Holds nothing but righteous rage towards Casters (magic users) - he blames their greed for driving The Jek to (near) extinction
Iniko -> Loves the feeling of 'getting away with it' & gossiping. It's a valuable way to get information, but they easily + inadvertently get too involved with local affairs. Hates everything about the Rader family, especially Bambi.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Walt -> Dutifully watching and waiting for his daughter to grow. It took her a year and a half before she was ready to pluck out of the ground
Iniko -> Finding out they had a sister this whole time!
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Walt -> Watching Wilton waste away to disease. While happy there was a way to revive him, Walt's not sure he can survive losing him again
Iniko -> Finding out they had a sister this whole time.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Walt -> kinda? His 'human disguise' hasn't really changed that much, but his 'true form' has changed at least 3 times
Iniko -> as of rn they don't have a design yet 💀 I'm workin on it!!
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Walt -> i wanted to make an OC based off supernatural's leviathans + that balerina girl from Cabin in the Woods (2011) bc I really liked the idea of a person's head/face being nothing but teeth
Iniko -> Getting this ask & watching Boy Kills World (2024). I haven't made another Jek character since Bambi, kinda wanted to change that thanks to this ask!
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Walt -> Animated Dark Comedy, but bonus points if the hypothetical director can pull off the live action practical effects
Iniko -> Dark Fantasy Revenge Thriller....like The Prestige (2006) if there were monsters as well as magicians
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Walt -> Masc but not exclusively + Demisexual
Iniko -> Agender + Asexual
🙌 - How many siblings does your OC have?
Walt -> one, but he suspects they're long dead by now
Iniko -> one, and they hate her
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Walt -> Was stolen from his family shortly after sprouting; still aches for that lost connection but tries to make up for it with his new family
Iniko -> Relentlessly hateful towards their parents. Doesn't want to kill them, but not out of mercy; they want to take everything away from them first.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
Walt -> teef. They make drawing him take foreverr but it's always worth it to me. Pincushion of a creature
Iniko -> their antagonist status. Dead Wood's been desperately needing one for a while now and they're a very fun fit
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
Walt -> admittedly haven't drawn him in a while ...gotta change that
Iniko -> been drawing them a lot trying to figure out what they even look like. Haven't settled on a design I like yet
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
Walt -> nah. He'll live forever, which is much more tragic
Iniko -> maybe? They're too new for me to want to do that
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Walt -> I guess technically he has all of them?
Iniko -> the only fear they have is of failure
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
Walt -> his father in-law, an ancient forest demon
Iniko -> their sister, a moody teenager
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
Walt -> Easter, 2015...9 years...
Iniko -> as I'm writing this... a month or so?
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
Walt -> 14...
Iniko -> 22 💪🏽
3 notes ¡ View notes
itsabouttimex2 ¡ 2 months
“You need to do better.”
(This gets vitriolic, and is a full-blown criticism of Macaque’s portrayal in Season Four and Five. If criticism of a character/franchise you like upsets you, I do not recommend reading.)
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Wow. I had no faith in his character writing, and I’m STILL disappointed.
And it only took one episode! How impressive!
Macaque, who has put in ZERO on-screen effort to become a better person or make amends to his victims, is criticizing Wukong for being a bad mentor! And does Wukong criticize him back? NOPE!
After getting screamed at and berated, does Wukong defend himself? NOPE!
Ooh, but there was a second long reference in a dual yelling match that mentioned that Macaque was a genuinely bad person who took glee in hurting innocent people! Oh, fucking delightful! Ooh, Wukong even points out in one episode that Macaque goes unpunished!
Pointing out a flaw in your writing does not make it less of a flaw.
Macaque will always be allowed to do whatever he wants to anyone he wants- power theft, attempted murder, insults, deceit, assault-
And the narrative and characters will never hold him accountable or force Macaque to look inwards or become a better person.
Macaque will always fall upwards into redemption without any obstacles or pushback.
There will never be a struggle to goodness with a satisfying conclusion. There will never be a moment where falters in his newfound goodness and questions going back to his old ways. There will never be explicit remorse or regret. He will never have deep introspections on his crimes and atrocities that provide a reason for him to want to change.
The sum of his “arc” will always be “you were a good guy all along”, and that lack of depth is where it will stay.
RIP Seasons 1-3 Macaque. You were fun and interesting and cool and lovable.
But the man they replaced you with was destined to be a boring and brooding “anti-hero” who has no real connection to the actions you selfishly and violently performed with your own two hands-
And you will always be a less interesting character for it.
The execution of the actual arc boils down to a single heroic (but ultimately self-serving) moment and then Macaque is immediately forgiven for all the crimes he’s committed and is a magically better person without any effort and nothing he’s done is ever brought up again.
It severely weakens any character’s arc to cut them off from their past actions. If MK forgot his traumas every season instead of carrying them forward- we’d all agree that doing so was a case of poor writing.
It was the reason that people disliked Mei’s portrayal in Season Four- she immediately moved on from the Samadhi Fire arc and “no longer wielded it” after spending a whole season gathering and learning to use it.
Why can’t we agree that it’s bad for Macaque, too?
You can’t “develop” a character by dropping an entire plotline and writing it off with one line.
You can’t “redeem” a character by pretending that they were a good person right from the start.
Sorry, bud.
I really did like you. I just wish I could like your writing.
And, what is more clear to me now than ever?
People only defended Macaque’s shitty writing because they think he’s hot.
I know this now, because I’ve seen white-hot Li Jing arc hatred from fervent Macaque arc defenders.
So we all agree that an “I didn’t really mean it!” isn’t an excuse to abuse the people around you? That you don’t get to mistreat innocent people just because you’re stressed and upset?
I wonder why people despise Jing for his dogshit “one nice thing redeems all your bad actions” arc but love Macaque for his??
(Because they think the monkey is hot.)
The funny thing, though?
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Li Jing apologizes to at least one of the victims of his actions. He expresses regret and remorse.
Macaque doesn’t even have that.
Anyways here’s a line that I hate because Macaque has in no way developed enough to have the right to deliver it-
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“You need to do better.”
Really, Macaque? Maybe you should take your own damn advice- try apologizing to one of the people you tried to hurt and tried to murder in cold blood!
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Like when you trapped MK under his staff after stealing his powers and tried to murder him when he was helpless?
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Or when you kidnapped MK’s friends and tortured the kid by forcing him to fight them?
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Or you led a violent assault against a palace full of innocent people?
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Or violently beat his dear friends until they were screaming in pain?
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Or assaulted Tang, who posed no threat to you?
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Or threatened to murder an innocent girl if you didn’t get your way, then ran away (and encouraged MK to abandon her) first thing when it put her into a life-threatening meltdown of raw power?
(Isn’t it cool how NONE of these people have interesting or varied reactions to him doing this and ALL immediately are cool with him like a gelatinous hivemind.)
(Oooh ONE mildly questioning line from Pigsy but no anger over his adoptive son nearly being killed multiple times over)
(Isn’t it cool that no one has complex or interesting thoughts on this.)
(Isn’t it cool that by robbing them of unique feelings on the matter they robbed Macaque and the Monkie Kids of compelling and interesting interactions that could’ve helped flesh out their personalities and strengthen their characterization.)
(Isn’t it cool that Macaque and the Monkie Kids are actively denied intriguing character dynamics so Macaque’s shitty “redemption arc” can happen faster.)
(Isn’t that cool.)
Why don’t YOU do better, Macaque?
(In a way that is more satisfying than “one kind-hearted speech from a kid that I tried to murder changed my mind and now I am a better person but all my character development happened offscreen and without personal introspection”, at least.)
Also what the fuck do you mean by “do better”?
Be heroic and put your life in danger? He already does that! He’s done it more than you have!
Just tell MK that he’s not alone? YOU COULD DO THAT YOURSELF, MACAQUE!
Help MK with his traumas and fears? MK doesn’t tell anyone about those! He keeps them bottled up, lock and key, and actively refuses attempts to help!
Wukong TRIED to reach out to him, and MK PUSHED HIM AWAY! Was he supposed to tie the fucking kid down and torture the information out of him?
He respected MK’s boundaries by not pushing any further and letting him leave!!
What the fuck, man
144 notes ¡ View notes
whiskeyghoul ¡ 4 months
Pt.6 || She blinded me with science || [Spencer Reid x Goth!reader]
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First part, Previous part, Next part
A/N: Ah okay this took a bit longer than expected. I really wanted to do this justice but that took a while oops. I really hope you enjoy it. A bit more good vibes towards the end. There are more plans for part 7 with backstory so hopefully that will be up and going soon. Maybe some spice? If people want? Let me know. Remember to please reblog when you can!
WC: 3,4K
Tags: alt reader, little hurt comfort, past relationships, making up, hurt comfort-ish, fluff. 
Warnings: Mentions of past relationship, toxic relationships, hinting at nsfw
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Your POV
When Spencer left the office it took a few moments for Penelope to return. Being alone in the room, surrounded by computers and Garcia trinkets, it was still incredibly lonely. You felt horrible, tears were threatening to fall from your eyes. Like they had been the entire day. You felt like a dick. Spencer had been nothing but nice, kind, looking at you with those big brown eyes like you were the only person in the world. It was just unfair that when you finally had something, someone, to look forward to talking to, that it was all taken away. You were at fault too of course. It wasn’t just the situation, you actively pushed him away but only to keep him from getting hurt.
The door opened, Penelope walked in looking concerned. “Boy genius looked upset. What happened? What did you tell him?” the two questions you really didn’t want to answer. “I just told him I needed time to work on something. Fix something.” You answered after swallowing thickly. “You didn’t tell him about Tommy?” You told Penelope before about how bad your ex was, how he had snuck into the building and left you a ‘gift’. It was always about Tommy. He made sure of that. Popping back into your life when things went well. Squashing any form of happiness down, stamping it into the ground. 
The thing with Tommy was that when you had been together he had been almost dismissive when it came to showing it. Your relationship felt shallow, like you didn’t know the person you had been with. Only discussing the basics, never truly getting to know each other on a deeper level, when you did it was a rare occasion and you both used it against each other. You had a different kind of passion though. There was undeniable tension in the way you teased and called eachother names. It was a love hate relationship if you had ever seen one. Hate seemed to be your way of love with him. It lasted 6 months.
You don’t even remember how it came to be, because it happened on a drunken night out with a mutual friend. A former friend. Who made a comment about the way you berated eachother like an old married couple. You made a comment about how you’d never do him. He made a comment about how you would be lucky to have him. Jabs were made, words were said. Then suddenly, the next morning, you woke up in his apartment with your clothes discarded on the ground and black lipstick marks on his neck. Somehow it happened, and you don’t remember hating it, nor the time after. That was the start of it.
You do remember hating the end of it. Every week ended with a fight, and not in the way you had been used to. This didn’t have the usual quips and remarks, no it was truly using sore spots to anger each other. Every week he would try to make up, apologize, buy flowers or make dinner. But every week would end the same as the one before it. You were stressed, sick and tired of the continuous flip flopping of his personality. His words were venom, and every week it settled deeper into your body, festering, feeding this growing idea of leaving him. When you finally found the courage, the right time, his reaction shocked you.
He hit you.
He apologized profusely after that. Trying to reconcile once again but that was the straw that broke the camel's back. You packed up the few items you had at his apartment and left. Still he didn’t seem to be able to let it go. Every so often he would pop into your life. Like he had done the weekend before, leaving a gift on your doorstep. Something to remind you he was still there, watching you, following every step you took and swooping in as soon as you got close to someone. Making you relive the entire thing. This time it was a small paper gift bag with a tag that stated he missed you, inside was a jewelry box you didn’t even open. It sat there on your doorstep for 3 days until you caved and brought it inside. Still though, it sat on your dining room table, unopened. 
“Yeah… He uh… I don’t want Spencer to be caught in the middle of it. I don’t know how far Tommy is willing to go.” You shook your head slightly, trying to shake away the memories. Penelope stared at you, mouth slightly agape “And you didn’t think that the FBI agent could help you with your problem?” she managed to bring out, there was clear confusion in her face. “Yes, but I need to do this myself. I don’t want to burden Spencer with this. It’s my thing, and I won’t let him ruin something good again.” You took a deep breath, knowing you might have ruined your chances with Spencer just now. It made your heart ache, terribly so. “I can hack his phone, tell him to back off, put a virus on it so it opens every porn site known to mankind as soon as it gets close to you?” Penelope’s tone being serious made you crack a smile. “Let’s keep that as our plan B.” There was a hint of humor returned in your voice.
You thought about it, you really liked Spencer. Tommy was standing in the way of things for you and you needed to get him out of your life once and for all. You looked to Penelope, “I just hope I didn’t lose my chance with Spencer.” You admitted before you were enveloped in a tight hug. “I’ll keep an eye on him, let you know if our boy genius comes back.” She said as you returned the hug. She was a good friend. The best. Always looking out for you and you so hoped she felt the same about you. You thanked her before you took your leave. Promising to keep her updated on what you were doing. 
You: ‘Is Spencer back?’
You texted Penelope the question as you sat in the lab waiting for the centrifuge to finish. It was Wednesday, you had been able to talk to Tommy that Sunday. Talk was a big word. He took your contact as an admission that you still liked him. That you wanted him back. When you told him to leave you alone he got angry. Which threw you right back to the fights that you had with him before. It was like nothing changed for him. Things had changed for you though. You finally realized he didn’t care about you, he didn’t want you back, he wanted the idea of you. 
Spencer hadn’t shown up to work again since Thursday.
Penny: ‘No, I wanted to go check on him. I can’t get a hold of him.’
Penelope replied to your text. The ding of your phone pulling your attention back to it. The fact that Penelope, the sweetest, most caring, technologically adept person you knew couldn’t get a hold of him meant he really didn’t want to talk to anyone right now. ‘I’ll try and text him again.’ You sent the message to Penelope before quickly changing to Spencer’s contact. Your previous messages sat unanswered.
You: ‘Spencer, can we talk?’ Sun, 16:30
You: ‘Are you coming into work today?’ Mon, 8:38
You: ‘Spencer? Could you please answer me? I want to talk about what happened.’ Mon, 12:45
You: ‘I fixed it.’ Mon, 12:46
You: ‘Please text me when you see this.’ Tue, 15:24
It was ironic. These messages were so similar to what Tommy had sent you when you first broke up. You really didn’t want to become like him. Just when you had finally gotten rid of him. You sighed, typing out a new message. Hitting send you quietly waited for a reply. Turning the chair you had been sitting in. Looking at the phone screen every few seconds, anxious for an answer. Watching the minutes pass by felt like it was taking forever. Until the phone buzzed alive, the screen lit up with a message.
You: ‘Spencer, everyone is worried. Just let me know you’re alive.’ Wed, 12:36
Spence: ‘I’m okay’ Wed, 12:40
You breathed a sigh of relief, the nerves settling down. Finally, he was speaking to you again. Or well, texting you again. Which was better than nothing in all honesty. Missing spencer for 6 days has been torture. No conversations, no lunch together, not even a quick pop by the lab just to get the notes on a case. You didn’t think you could miss someone so much. Especially when you had only known each other for a few weeks.
You: ‘I’m coming over after work. I need to talk to you.’
Spencer: ‘What? You don’t have to. I really don’t need you to check up on me.’
You: ‘It’s not about checking up on you. I want to apologize in person, explain what happened…’
Spencer: ‘You don’t even know where I live.’
You: ‘So text me your address. Or I can ask your colleagues for it.’
Spencer: ‘...’
Spencer: ‘Alright.’
You: ‘I’ll get you something to eat on the way over. Anything you want.’
Spencer sent you his address, and a request for chicken tandoori from a place near his apartment. A smile crossed your lips, he had needed time but he was accepting you coming over. Maybe, you could make up. There was just a little glimmer of hope. You quickly texted Penelope that Spencer was alive, and you were going to check up on him later that day. Explaining you were going to talk about what happened, to hopefully get on his good side again. Maybe have a shot at going on a date again, though that was probably too soon. You realized you had hurt his feelings, terribly so, but it was to make sure you could get rid of Tommy. Without him hurting Spencer in the process. You didn’t know what he would be able to do. An explanation was necessary, for sure.
So you stood in front of Spencer’s apartment door. Bag of Thai take-out in hand. You had texted Spencer before you left the Thai place, letting him know your ETM just to make sure he was prepared for you showing up. Nerves had begun to coarse through your body. The fact he could still be angry with you was weighing deeply in your mind. Though accepting your coming over was a step in the right direction it didn’t mean he’d necessarily want to listen to what you had to say. You just hoped he would be willing to listen. To have a conversation.
You reached your free hand up, knocking on the apartment door. Waiting a few seconds before hearing movement inside. The door opened and Spencer stood in the entrance. His hair was disheveled, a slightly large cardigan hung from his frame, just a t-shirt underneath. His eyes were tinged red. He looked… not so great. Tired. You had really hurt him. A sinking feeling in your stomach, it was terrible to see him like this. You never wanted this. “Hey.” The word came out strained. “Hi.” Spencer said in return, his eyes looked you over. You realized you weren’t looking so hot yourself either. Comfy clothes had been your go to for the past 2 days, a sadness settling in your bones at not seeing Spencer, not hearing from him. A way too large zip up from some band you didn’t listen to anymore, with holes at the cuffs from nervously picking at them in times of distress. You had foregone makeup too, not feeling the motivation for it the past days. 
“I brought the thai you wanted. We should eat before it gets cold.” You said, holding up the take away bag with a sad smile. Spencer took a step to the side, “Right, thanks.” He said as you walked past him into the apartment. It was somehow exactly what you expected from Spencer but still surprising. There were books everywhere you looked. The massive shelves that lined a wall were filled to the brim. There was a leather couch in his living room, where a blanket laid haphazardly over the arm. A small table sat next to the window, a chessboard atop with a game configuration.
It smelled like him. 
“I really like your apartment, it suits you.” You complimented as you had your look around. Taking everything in as Spencer walked to a small dining room area. “Thanks.” Spencer’s answers were short. Annoyingly so. You walked over to the table, placing the take out on the table. Watching as Spencer got plates and cutlery out and handed you your set. You got all the food out, separating yours and Spencers out and placing them on different sides of the table. You wanted to face him when you apologized. So when you both sat down you took a deep breath. “You w-” “I am s-” Both Spencer and you spoke at the same time. It was so similar to when you had both spoken that Thursday before. You let out a soft laugh, it was borderline ironic that when you wanted to apologize it happened in a similar fashion as when you upset him.
Spencer looked at you with a hint of confusion, maybe a bit of disdain at your laugh, “You wanted to talk?” he said as he piled his plate with the chicken tandoori that smelled so flavourful. “Yes. I wanted to explain, apologize…” you said, slowly putting some rice and chicken masala on your own plate. “I am sorry about what I said. I was afraid you would be caught in the middle of things that would put me in a bad light. Or maybe make you realize I am not worth the trouble.” You started, “I have an ex, Tommy, who ehm… how do I even explain this.” You felt nervous, this was the first time you had actually said something about Tommy to a guy you might like. “Tommy wasn’t the greatest. And when I finally broke up with him he couldn’t let it go.” You watched Spencer’s expression change, you couldn’t place it though, it wasn’t pity. Pity is what you usually get when you tell people about your emotionally abusive ex. No, this was different.
“He stalks you?” He said before you could continue. You were a little surprised he found that out with the words you used. Before remembering that’s what he does, behavioral analyst. Finding answers through just the smallest of details. “I hope he won’t anymore.” You answered, “I talked to him. He found out about you. After we went to the museum together he had left me something.” You continued, “And it made me realize that I didn’t know how far he was willing to go to keep me from meeting someone. I did not want you to realize I am not worth the trouble of dealing with a stalker. Or, for you to get hurt because of something he did.” you fell silent, Spencer was so too. His eyes on you felt heavy. Analyzing every little move, facial expression. “Why didn’t you tell me? I don’t… I don’t think that. I wouldn’t think you aren’t worth the trouble.” He sounded just a little upset. Like the mere thought of you not being worth the trouble was appalling to him. “But you still could have gotten hurt.” You protested. “If I was scared of getting hurt I wouldn’t have joined the FBI.” He answered so seriously. It made a wave of relief wash over you. 
Spencer took a bite of his food, which reminded you that yes, you were here to eat too. “So… You’re not mad at me?” You asked before taking a small bite of your own food. It was nice, Spencer was right to order from here. “I’m not… I was sad, a little confused at first. I knew you were hurt too… which is why I wasn’t mad. And I am not mad now.” He explained after swallowing his bite. “I am hurt that you didn’t tell me. That you think I would leave at the first signs of trouble.”
You nodded your head, he had a right to be hurt. “I’m sorry, I was just, people tend to leave. Or I don’t let them get close enough to really know what was going on. It caught me off guard that you were the first. How quickly it happened too.” your voice still sounded a little strained. Speaking words and thoughts that had subconsciously taken up your mind. Ones that you didn’t give the time of day before to fully develop, to acknowledge. Penelope sent him on purpose, she must have known, or had an inkling that the good doctor would break down your walls. His disarming nature, sweet demeanor, his smile. Everything about him made you feel safe. It was terrifying.
“So what did you say to get him to back off?” Spencer asked, seemingly a little interested, though his voice was a little soft. You cleared your mouth, “Well… I don’t know if it worked just yet.” you started. “But, I eventually made him realize how stupid it is to threaten a person who has access to lab equipment and various kinds of poison. Oh and also that if he so much as glances at me again Penelope will put a virus on all his electronics that will cause them to irrevocably be loaded with porn and viruses.” You felt just a little devious, a small smirk playing on your lips. You looked up at Spencer who had his mouth slightly agape, his eyes wide as he processed your words. He looked surprised until a soft chuckle escaped his lips, “Remind me to stay on your good side.” He laughed.
You missed that sound more than you would like to admit. More than you expected.
“I don’t think you could ever get on my bad side.” You said it, eyes softening as you looked at Spencer. His eyes mirrored yours. There was a kindness in them with a hint of sadness still. “I wouldn’t even want to try.” he said those words almost like a whisper. They were imbued with tenderness. It made a shiver run up your spine, a warmth settled in your stomach. “Can we go back to normal?” You asked, putting down your utensils on the table, “Please?” You didn’t want to plead but you didn’t want to lose Spencer. The only thing on your mind was wanting to be close to him again. You waited, watching as Spencer thought for a moment. The silence was nerve wracking. The only thing you could feel in that moment was your heartbeat. The seconds felt like minutes instead. You waited in bated breath hoping he’d be willing to make up. Hands fidgeting with the holes in your sleeves. Teeth assaulting the inside of your lip.
“Yeah… I’d like that.” You let out the breath you had been holding, relief washing over you at his words. Shoulders sagging down as finally relaxation took over fully. “Thank you, I couldn’t stand not hearing from you every day.” you spoke and you watched Spencer visibly relax too at your words. “It was hard to ignore you.” He confessed. “You better never do it again then.” Yeah, this started to feel normal again. “And you better finish your food. You gotta get up early to meet me before starting tomorrow.” You teased, taking a bite of your own food. “Or you c-'' Spencer stopped himself, a small blush tinging his cheeks. It was a little surprising, you didn’t understand what he wanted to say, but he looked extremely adorable blushing. “If you want, we could watch a movie after?” He said, it wasn’t what he wanted to say at first, but it was something that he wanted to spend time with you again. “I’d love to.” You nodded your head yes.
So after dinner, you sat on his couch together. Both dressed in your shabbiest clothes. Your head leaned against his shoulder, a blanket wrapped around the both of you. The smell of Spencer completely enveloping you. Completely at ease. Though still wondering what he really had wanted to say.
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Tag list: @luvkatryna @emma-e-a @littlemadamred @cultish-corner @styleiconsize0 @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @depressedbutartsy @mikariell95 @jasf444 @queermaxwooo @ill-be-okay-soon-enough @sammy-4103 @thedevioussmirk @pleasantwitchgarden @khxna @mega-kittyglitter-1 @superlegend216 @seninjakitey
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namorslutfanfiction ¡ 2 years
Hi if you're still taking request. Can I request a Namor x reader where reader and namor are married and reader is one of the people got turned to dust because of the snap and Namor just don't know what to do. 5 years later reader came back to him what would he's reaction be?
Thank you for the request
Summary: 5 years without you was worse than anything he had ever experienced.
In ajawo - my king
In reina - my queen
in yakunaj - my love
in amado - my beloved
Aateni - help me
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It had happened so suddenly it took Namor a moment to realize that you were truly gone. You were together at the time. In the tent in the cave where he kept most of his paintings. The two of you had been laughing when your expression suddenly changed. You stumbled and he caught you.
"In yakunaj? What is it?" He asked as he guided you to a chair, worry etched into his brow. You had a faraway look in your eyes that made his stomach drop.
"In ajawo' something is happening," You stuttered and gripped his hands like your life depended on it. "Aateni' K'uk'ulkan."
His heart clenched at the call for help as he was at a loss on how to do just that. Then right before his eyes you crumbled into dust. He looked around himself like you would suddenly reappear. He tore up the room and the surrounding caves, calling your name. But when reality sank in, he broke. The howl that the king let out rang through all of Talokan as others in the underwater civilization also vanished.
The Talokan King ventured to the surface when he couldn't find any answers in the sea. What he found was the same suffering and loss. He learned of what the alien Thanos had done. Nothing would bring you back. Nothing would bring anyone back. Any hope he may have harbored was now turned to ashes.
For the first year, no one but Namora saw the king. He secluded himself and wallowed in his grief. Allowed himself to feel the anger and loss and guilt. Your last words, your plea for him to save you to help you rang in his ears. Though Namora told him there was nothing he could have done, that did not sooth his aching and yearning soul.
On the anniversary of what the surface dwellers called 'the blip', Namor showed himself to his people once more. He wore his ceremonial garb and they held an official funeral for all those who had been turned to dust. Enough time had passed and it was time to let go. At least that is what he told his people, but at night he held your clothes close to him and prayed for your return.
The King remained detached and always stoic. He no longer swam the streets of Talokan and greeted his people. Nor was he ever seen outside the palace or his caves. No one blamed him. They all knew how he loved his Queen and her loss was felt by all.
The grief and sadness held Namor in such a grasp that he did not smile until over four years had passed. As time passed he had chosen to make room in his heart for the love of his people again. A small child had bumped into him on one of his few ventures into the city to see his people. But the smallest of smiles had finally alighted upon his face at the fright on the boy's face and his repeated apologies. He had patted the young boy and eased him.
Namor was learning to live without you in the smallest ways. He had made a conscious effort to leave the palace and caves more often. To be a more active hand in ruling his people. Seeing them moving forward with life while honoring those who left were a balm for the ever aching parts of his heart. In time he allowed himself to see the surface and the sun again. He knew you would have wanted that.
Namor was sitting on a beach, listening for any changes in the world. He knew the war against Thanos was waging somewhere, he could feel it. The energy that suddenly rippled through the world sent a hope through him that he dared not take hold of. He ran full pelt across the beach and dove back into the sea.
When he resurfaced in his caves and made it to the tent he paused. His heart was racing and hope had truly sprung up inside of him. But if he pushed this curtain and you weren't there he would be undone.
"K'uk'ulkan?" Your soft voice came from inside the tent, hesitant and frightened. A second ago he had been at your side and now you were alone.
The King almost fell to his knees at the sound of your voice. A sound he had feared he would forget as years passed without you. He threw open the curtain and you turned to him. You were standing at the table looking worried. Before you could speak Namor took three long strides and pulled you into his arms in a an embrace that spoke of longing and so much love. A sob escaped his lips as his legs gave way.
You knelt with him and held him to you as he sobbed like a child into your neck. You gripped ahold of him, soothingly running your hands through his hair as you felt tears well in your own eyes at the sound of his anguish. Namor pulled away and took your face in his shaking hands and looked at you with tears staining his cheeks.
"In amado, in reina, you have returned to me," Namor choked out the words before kissing you fiercely. Although confused you knew that something terrible had happened between the moment you had felt like something was wrong and his sudden disappearance to the entrance of the tent. You kissed him back and then held his face in your own hands.
"In ajawo, K'uk'ulkan, my love, I am here. Whatever happened to cause you this pain, I am here to make it go away," You whispered to him as he nuzzled his cheek against your palm.
"You were gone from me. You and half of the world. We have been grieving your loss and so many others for five years. I do not want to live in that world again. In a world without you," Namor's voice was low and broken. He was trying to calm his gut wrenching sobs as he explained what had happened and why you had disappeared.
The King held you close as he recounted what he knew and that he suspected that Thanos had now been defeated. Your heart broke as he described the mourning and grief that he and Talokan had suffered through. You had lost five years in a moment but he had been alone that whole time. You kissed him again, lingering so he could truly feel that you were there. He clutched on to you as though you would slip through his fingers again if he let go.
"I will never leave you again, my love. I promise you," You looked around you and could see that time had indeed passed. The tent was not as organized as you liked it. The king's paints were haphazard and there were unclean brushes sitting in places they shouldn't. Then you noticed the new mural that to you had not been there a moment ago. It was you; a detailed and intricate portrait of you in your ceremonial dress.
"I painted this the first year you were gone. I would come here and talk to you, imagining you were listening. I had no hope that you would ever return," he pressed his forehead to your temple and you cupped his cheek as you took in the painting.
"Why did you wait for me? I would have understood if you moved on. Talokan is always in need of a queen," You asked him, looking into his dark eyes.
"There was no queen before you and there will be none after you. There is only you, in reina," He did not explain any further.
Tears leaked out of the corner of your eye at his devotion. You pulled him in for a longer more passionate kiss. Pouring all you had into showing him how much you loved him. It broke a dam in the king and he kissed you hungrily. Like a starving man needing air he was desperate for your touch. Namor hoisted you onto the table and continued kissing you as his hands ran up and down your body.
Then he paused for a moment and leaned back, taking in the sight of you with swollen lips, a flushed face and neck, and your eyes dark with desire and he smiled a full wide smile for the first time in 5 years.
Alrighty, I think that's good right?
All comments, reblogs, and reviews feed me.
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thedeviltohisangel ¡ 7 months
I would die for more Spook and Bucky!! Maybe when she gets back from her mission or something when they know eachother a bit better? Sorry this isn’t much of a prompt but I loved how you wrote them!!
All The Things I Did (Interlude): A Sight for Sore Eyes
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a/n: thank you for the request! hope you all enjoy, reach out with thoughts/comments and any other future scenarios for the two most gone for each other people in western europe.
John was on her doorstep bright and early, a fresh bunch of flowers in his hands. They were less clammy this time. After their dinner in town the night before, he was feeling more confident. There was a bounce to his step. A youthful flush to his cheeks. A twinkle beyond mischief in his eyes. 
“Morning, Mary, have you seen Lieutenant Cooper yet this morning?” he asked when Cass didn’t appear promptly outside her billet. John had arrived early to try and perfect a careless lean against the side of his Jeep.
“I apologize, Major Egan, but she left early this morning.” Mary barely looked up from her typewriter to deliver the news. Unaware John had felt each word like a blow to the chest.
“Left? She say when she would be back?” It was answered with a shake of her head.
“We’ve learned not to ask,” she then spared him a glance, “and not to wait up.” Sometimes, Cass was gone for a couple of days. Most of the time. When it took longer, it meant something had gone wrong. 
“Thanks.” He turned to leave but stopped. “If something happens, who would know?” John couldn’t stop the question from leaving his lips. Had to get the thought out of his head. Stop it from ricocheting around. Mary paused her typing altogether and focused her attention fully on John Egan.
“Major, Lieutenant Cooper is one of our best. She knows what she is doing.” It wasn’t an answer to his question because John knew the answer was that no one would know. That Cass was out there detached from here on purpose. 
“I’m sure she is, Mary. Either way, if-”
“You’ll be the first to know.” He tipped his cap, the flowers finding their way into a waste bin on his way out the door. 
“When do I get to meet this girl of yours?” Buck had arrived a couple days prior, thrilled to see his best friend again but more than pestering when it came to meeting the girl he had heard about briefly over the phone. The fact that John had mentioned her at all had him beyond intrigued. 
“I wish I knew.” John was miserable. He put on a happy face, celebrating the arrival of the 100th and serving as a one man welcome wagon. But Gale could see right through it. Could see the way his eyes lingered on an empty chair at breakfast. The way he sadly accepted a bunch of wildflowers every morning from the local kids. “I was told not to wait up.” Gale couldn’t help but chuckle.
“That’s rich coming from you in such a tone.” 
“I guess I deserve that.” He smiled in spite of his commitment to pouting. 
“When she’s back, soon,” he added for his friend’s benefit, “I look forward to asking what’s wrong with her to go on a date with the likes of you.”
“You’ll like her,” he said without thinking and then caught himself. “She thinks like is a lazy word for it. You’ll be…enamored by her.” He was proud of himself. That was a word Cass would approve of. Gale had half a mind to ask John when the wedding was when a woman came running into the mess hall and seemed out of breath.
“Major Egan-”
“Mary, this is my friend, Major-”
“-an unidentified aircraft just radioed the tower asking for permission to land.
“Cass.” John breathed out a breath he had been holding in ever since he had said goodnight to her after the pub.
“They requested emergency medical support upon arrival.” John took off, rounding the corner towards the airfield just as a plane emerged from the clouds to begin its descent. 
“John, maybe you should give her some room. Let the professionals do their job.” Gale had sprinted to catch up to him.
“I just need to know she’s alive.” In his short time here, he had watched too many men go up into the sky and not come back down. She needed to come back and she needed to be alive and in one piece. John couldn’t handle the one, precious, pure thing in his life falling victim like all the others.
When she stumbled and fell out of the back of that plane, he couldn’t help himself. As he got closer he could see she was gripping a bleeding wound in her arm, a makeshift tourniquet doing its best to staunch the bleeding. 
“John.” Her voice seemed weaker. Like she was barely suppressing the pain. Her face was marred by cuts that were still dripping blood and the purpling around her eye was making his blood boil. She reached for him and he reached for her, their fingers seeking purchase, when a severe looking man pushed against chest. 
“No contact with the asset until after interrogation.” 
“Cass!” John couldn’t care less about the man pushing him back towards the grass. “Get your hands off of me!” He watched as she was lifted onto a gurney, her eyes looking back at him until she disappeared into the medical building. 
“Hey, hey, hey, let’s all take it easy.” Gale pushed his way in between the two. “We’ve all got our orders.” The man gave them a look then stalked off in the direction Cass had already gone.
“Asset? Did you hear the way he just dehumanized her? As she’s…As she’s lying there bleeding and reaching for me to help her.” He was pacing with anger. “She earned every fucking bit of the rank on her collar!”
“I’m going in there.” Gale didn’t think there was any reasoning with him until he was sure that Cass was okay. Until he heard the words from her mouth and believed them. There was no stopping him, only managing the fall out 
John opened the door to the sound of hushed voices and grunts of pain. Cass was answering their questions through gritted teeth, Colonel Huglin watching from the corner. He could only make out a few words; Gestapo, railroad network, did they see you with him? 
“Stop acting like this was my first- fuck, Doc!” John smiled. There she was.
“Gentlemen, I need the room if I’m going to get this bullet out.” Bullet? He hid behind the door until they all cleared out.
“Now that is not the mouth of a polite lady.” Life flared back into her eyes as he came into view, the smile he’d been hoping to see across her face in an instant. 
“Major, you can’t-”
“No. I want him to stay.” She reached towards him, the way she had only moments earlier, except this time nothing stopped him from reaching her. Regretted that anything had in the first place. 
“You’re back,” he murmured as stood between her legs and got a good look at her. The doctor was assembling a tray of tools to deal with the bullet wound in her bicep, a few small bandages already on her face and a bag of ice by her thigh for her eye.  But she was here and she was in one piece. That was all he could ask for. 
“I’m sorry I left without saying anything. It had nothing to do with you or our night at the pub.” She was rambling and John was mesmerized. Couldn’t look away from this slightly less guarded version of herself she was letting him see. 
“I didn’t think it did, Cass. Promise.” She released a breath she had been holding ever since he said goodnight to her after the pub. Cass had thought about it her entire trip into France. Ruminated on the fact that John was going to be upset with her. Convinced herself while she read the paper on a park bench and watched soldiers walk by that any chance of something normal with him was gone. That she couldn’t have her dream of him and this job. That, somehow, her independence always led her to being alone. 
“This is going to sting, Lieutenant.” She gripped John’s hand and he gripped back as alcohol was poured over the wound on her arm. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she chanted as her forehead rested against his chest.
“Why don’t you tell me how you got that bullet in there, Miss Spook.”
“I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you,” she teased.
“You’d love nothing more than to be the death of me,” he pushed back. 
“Bite down, Lieutenant.” The doc handed her a piece of leather.
“Eyes on me, Cass.” He gently palmed her cheek to keep her focused away from the impending procedure. She wanted to make a comment. Something snide to reassert control over the situation. To not lose her footing in those very eyes he had teased her of being fond of only nights prior. She was fond of them. Irreparably so.
“On the count of three, Lieutenant. One, two-” The doctor never got to three before searing, white hot pain ripped through her body, John’s hand absorbing as much of the pain as she could give him and his chest taking on the whips that her pained sounds were lashing against him. “It’s out, Lieutenant. You keeping this one as well?” She nodded.
“You got a collection of bullets? They all pulled from you?” 
“Yes. So every time someone tries to threaten me with Gestapo ghost stories, I’ve got proof they’re just humans.” John took the cool wash cloth from the nurse that approached them and dabbed at Cass’ forehead tenderly. “Do I scare you, John? It’s okay to tell me. I’m used to it by now.” Plenty of boys and men had taken her dancing and out to dinner and not wanted to again. All of them afraid of her sharpness and lack of regard for listening silently. They wanted nothing to do with her mind and her opinions and her desire to roll up her sleeves and stick her hands in the mud. 
“Cass, the only thing that has scared me since meeting you is losing you.” She smiled, his words a soothing balm to the demons in her mind. “I don’t know about you but I’m about sick of people getting in the way of me and you recently.” Cass stroked her knuckles across his cheek, barely feeling the pull of stitches as he looked at her with a soft hunger.
“Major Egan, that look in your eyes is dangerous,” she whispered. He licked his lips, using his last shreds of decency to maintain any semblance of professionalism in front of the infirmary staff.
“That doesn’t seem to have stopped you before.” Somewhere in the background, she thinks the doctor was telling her she was free to go and keep ice on her eye. But this silent dance between her and John was too intoxicating to disengage from. 
“How about you let me change into something nicer and then you take me and a blanket out to that wildflower field?” His nose knocked against hers, their lips brushing against each other teasingly and tauntingly. 
“I can do that.” His voice was thick with desire. She imagined it might be what he sounds like when he was in the beginning of taking a woman to bed. Cass was molten under his gaze and loving every moment. “Just don’t keep me waiting too long or I might have to take matters into my own hands.” An empty threat. The ghost of her touch was more stimulating tahn any other.
“Well, we can’t be having that, Major.” 
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importantchaosgiver ¡ 7 months
The Griffin And The Dragon:
A Big Day
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Summary: It was the day of the wedding! And not a single frown was to be seen. Not even on those who initially opposed the idea of a Queen from Concordia. And perhaps, having a queen with magical abilities wasn't such a bad thing...
Warnings: Fluff, implied smut, happy vibes
No One's POV
Today was the day! The big day. The wedding of King Viserys Targaryen and Princess (Y/N) Arcane. But, she will not be known as a princess for much longer. Oh, no. Soon, she will be Queen Consort of the Seven Kingdoms and even be officially known as Queen of Concordia. Speaking of (Y/N), she was in her chambers, looking at her being as her handmaidens flittered around her, preparing her for the day. Well, it wasn't just them. Rhaenyra and Alicent were in the room, giggling away in excitement.
"You are aware I can hear you two," (Y/N) chuckled, looking at the dress she wore. It incorporated Westerosi and Concordian parts. Only further highlighting the union between not only the people, but the two lands (pic down at the bottom). "Apologies... your grace," Alicent giggled, stepping up to the soon-to-be queen. "Oh, hush," (Y/N) said, her cheeks flushing slightly. She didn't know if she would ever grow accustomed to being called that. Perhaps, given time. "No, no. Step-mother is far better," Rhaenyra added with her own chuckle. All three of them giggled. (Y/N) could feel her nerves ease slightly, but they were still there as her (h/c) hair was left in is natural and beautiful state. "You truly look very beautiful," Rhaenyra said sincerely as (Y/N) pulled on her white silk gloves. "You really do," Alicent added, the two best friends wanting nothing more than today to be a day of pure love and kindness.
(Y/N) turned to the two girls. "I thank you both. Truly. You are honestly two very bright young women. And I thank you for being by my side in all of this," she said, a hand holding one of theirs. "And I only wish I can make your father happy," she added, looking at Rhaenyra. She didn't plan to replace Aemma, but to help him not only move on, but move forward. This was rather sudden as it still hadn't been a full year since the late queen died. Rhaenyra gave a small smile and hugged (Y/N). "I know you will... step-mother," Rhaenyra giggled, pulling away. Before she could be playfully scolded, a handmaid stepped forward. "My lady, it is time," she spoke timidly, placing a silver circlet upon (Y/N)'s head. A gift from her parents for a wedding day. She took a deep breath. Rhaenyra and Alicent gave her hands reassuring squeezes before going to where the wedding was to be held. (Y/N) held her head high. She could do this. Calm, confident and composed. Show them who you are, she thought. Show them you can be a queen, she remembered.
With that, she left her chambers, outside was her mother, ready to walk the new queen. "Oh, my dear. You look just as beautiful as I dreamed," Galene said softly, brushing back a few strands of her daughters hair. (Y/N) smiled a small smile, walking with her mother. "I hope I can make you proud, mother. I hope I can be a good queen," she said quietly, their footsteps echoing around the deserted corridors. "My daughter, do not worry. Your father and I have prepared you for this. And your husband can help guide you. You know your duties and our ways. Do not fret, my sweet child. Today is a good day. Today unties the houses of the Griffin and the Dragon," Galene explained softly. They stopped outside the doors to the throne room. "Brave heart, my child. For the gods shine upon us and bless us with this day," she whispered before heading inside. (Y/N) faced the closed doors, preparing herself for what awaited. Soon, the doors opened and everyone's eyes turned to look at the bride. So, it was time...
(Y/N) looked at the bed in front of her. Being in the king's chambers for a simple visit was one thing, standing before him as his wife was another. It had been a long day, filled with festives and cheer as (Y/N) was not only declared Viserys' wife and Queen Consort, but Queen of Concordia. Yes, it has happened. She stood in her gown, the light of the setting sun casting a low orange glow with the help of the fire and candles. She wrung her hands nervously. It was the wedding night. One of the most crucial parts. She was to be taken to bed, her maidenhead broken and claimed by her king. To say she was nervous was an understatement and as a pure maiden, she had no idea what to expect in these matters.
But, as Viserys removed his gloves, her thoughts were diverted. "What happened?" she whispered, taking his hand gently in his. There was a cut on his pinky finger. Thinking back, she remembered it being bandaged. But now, it looked like some form of infection had been growing and festering. "I was cut upon the Iron Throne. An occupational hazard," he said with a small chuckle. (Y/N) gave him a concerned look. "You are lucky I have seen it. Who knows what would happen should this be allowed to continue," she said, observing the cut and infection. "I do not think there is any cure, my dear," Viserys said gently, caressing her cheek with his other hand. She chuckled. "Because this isn't a problem one often sees in Westeros. In Concordia, we have many remedies, aided by our magic," she said, holding the infected area. (Y/N) closed her eyes, focusing what she had learnt as a young teenager. She could feel warmth in her palm as she felt her magic take hold.
Viserys could feel tingling in all the areas that had shown the infection. His hand, back and arm. He no longer felt fatigued or ill. It was... working. After a few minutes, (Y/N) let go to show his hand was as good as new. It was enough to shock him. "You, my dear, are full of surprises," he chuckled, flexing his fingers. She smiled as well with a soft chuckle. Yet, she wasn't awake of what she just prevented. Of what pain she had stopped from happening. Of what suffering would have awaited. No, only peace. Only the Concordian way...
Then, (Y/N) felt his hand touch her chin, lifting it a little. She took a quick breath as her eyes locked with his. Viserys smiled softly, his thumb tracing her bottom lip. "Never have I seen such beauty before. Nor your kindness, caring or purity before. But tonight, my dear, I intend to take away your purity. If you will have me," he whispered, his lips dangerously close to hers. (Y/N) felt a jolt of lust shoot through her, settling into the pit of her stomach. His touch was gentle and soft. And he spoke with such passion. Her eyes looked into his and gave a timid smile. "I-I do not know what to do, Viserys," she whispered. He chuckled upon hearing her stutter. It was so endearing. "Then, allow me, my dear," he whispered, his hands upon her waist, gently turning her around. He started off simple, removing her gloves, necklace and circlet, gently stroking her arms, feeling her soft skin in a far more intimate sense. It made goosebumps rise upon her skin. But, she never once protested. It felt nice to be held and touched like this. Carefully, his hands moved to the clasps of her dress, the heat in the pit of her stomach growing more as she felt Viserys' lips upon the column of her neck. She let out a soft sigh as he undid her dress, letting it fall to the floor. And what a night it was...
Okay, I know this is taking a very big and drastic turn. But, I had to let Alicent and Rhaenyra keep what they had. And, besides, things will only keep getting better and better. Next part I'll get into more of Concordian lore. Hope you enjoy. And should I do a smut at some point? Would you want to see it? I dunno. Anyways, here we go and enjoy...
Wedding Dress:
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cloveswifey ¡ 1 year
Other Woman
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Parings: JJ Maybank x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Cheating, Swearing, crying, Annoying Kiara, pleading, begging, use of ‘I love you’.
Type: Angst ~ fluffish
Words: 0.7
JJ and Y/n’s love story was a classic tale of two people who found each other in the most unexpected place and fell in love. They shared a strong bond, built on trust, respect, and honesty. They had been dating for a year, and their relationship was going strong.
JJ and Y/n were both hardworking individuals. Y/n, was a successful marketing executive at a prestigious firm. Even though their busy schedules kept them apart for most of the day, they always made it a point to spend quality time together.
One day, I came home from work earlier than usual. I was looking forward to spending some quality time with JJ, but what I saw broke my heart into pieces. JJ was kissing Kiara in their living room, and it was clear that they had been at it for a while.
The sight of JJ with another woman left me in shock. I didn't know what to do or say. I just stood there, staring at JJ and Kiara, their hands wrapped around each other. JJ was the first to realize that I was there. He immediately pulled away from Kiara and took a step back, his eyes wide with shock.
“What the fuck.” I mumble.
"Y/n, it's not what it looks like." JJ stammered, but I didn't believe him. I was hurt, angry, and in disbelief that the person I loved could do this to me.
"Really? So, what is it then? You were just having a friendly make-out session with Kiara in our living room?" I lashed out, the hurt and anger boiling inside of me.
JJ tried to explain that it was a mistake that he didn't mean to hurt her, but I was having none of it. I stormed out of the apartment, not wanting to hear JJ's explanations.
JJ Pov
One afternoon, Y/N had left for work as usual and I had decided to spend the day working from home. As I was typing on my laptop, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to find Kiara standing there looking upset.
"What's wrong, Kiara?" I asked concerned.
Without hesitating, Kiara burst into tears and confessed her love to me. She told me that she had been hiding her feelings for me for a long time and couldn't keep them to herself any longer.
I was surprised by her confession, I have a girlfriend that I love very much.
Kiara suddenly kissed me; passionately and I found myself lost in her embrace. It was as if time stood still as we shared this moment. However, our kiss was cut short when we heard the sound y/n.
“What the fuck.”
"Y/n, it's not what it looks like." I stammered, I love y/n way too much for her to leave.
"Really? So, what is it then? You were just having a friendly make-out session with Kiara in our living room?" Y/n lashed out, the hurt and anger boiling inside her. "I can't believe this is happening," she said quietly.
Kiara apologized to Y/N, saying that she didn't mean to hurt her.
“If you were sorry you wouldn’t of kissed him.” Y/n scoffed, leaving the apartment.
Y/N realized the depth of JJ's remorse when he showed up at her doorstep, pleading and begging her to take him back.
"She kissed me, I swear," JJ pleaded, tears streaming down his face.
"JJ, you kissed her back," Y/N sighed, her face twisted with a frown.
"I didn't know what I was doing. It just happened. I know it seemed like we were at it for ages but it was only five seconds tops. The second I realized she kissed me, I pulled away," JJ cried. "Please, baby. I love you."
It took some time for Y/n to trust JJ fully again, but with time, they were able to overcome this rough patch in their relationship. They worked on their communication, made time for each other, and promised to always be open and honest with each other.
In the end, JJ and Y/n's relationship became stronger and more resilient because of what they went through. They learned that mistakes happen, but if they love each other enough, they can overcome them.
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alcoholfreenayeon ¡ 1 year
Mina being jealous because reader is very close to other members
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Most people would have the impression of Mina being quiet and introverted. And that was how she really was more often than not. Also she would daydream a lot.
However she surprised you by being a complete chatterbox. You actually found it kind of cute, how she would sound shy and excited while speaking about her favorite topics yet she would also be slightly guarded, making sure you were really listening and then smiling cutely when she saw you were.
The two of you became friends when you joined her Minecraft server. It was a complete accident though, she forgot to make it a private server and coincidentally you went on it.
A couple of months later you both decided to meet up and safe to say both of you were a bit surprised.
You couldn’t believe that your Minecraft friend was THE Mina while Mina was taken aback by how you were just as charming in real life as you were online.
The two of you grew extremely close really soon and Mina introduced you to the other members.
Fast forward a month and the 10 of you all became good friends but due to scheduling conflicts couldn’t really meet together.
Mina hurried towards the building, she was already 30 minutes late. All of twice were supposed to meet up today but she had a photo shoot and it took longer than it should have.
She entered the room, apologizing but was taken aback to find y/n there.
Y/n what are you doing-
‘I invited her’, Sana interrupted, ‘I asked y/n if she could make it and fortunately she could.’
‘Come on let’s finish already!’, Chaeyoung whined. ‘Mina unnie, there’s some food in the kitchen, we’ll finish by the time you finish eating and then you can join us the next round’
She went to the kitchen, took some pizza but didn’t go back to the others, instead she sat by herself, her chin resting on both her hands. She felt tired, sad and for some bizarre reason even betrayed.
Mina just couldn’t understand why she felt like that, everyone was late to the Twice gatherings at some point and they always played mafia or liar game or something while waiting for the person who was late. In fact this wasn’t even the first time she was late.
It’s silly to feel this way, she told herself. No one is doing anything wrong. No one is being mean. Everyone likes each other. So why did y/n not tell me she was invited?
The realization hit her, she wasn’t upset at her fellow members, she was upset at y/n for not telling her. She was upset that y/n was getting closer to the other members than her.
But she couldn’t really blame y/n, after all it’s much easier to get along with Sana due to her friendly and extroverted nature or Chaeyoung who is unique and quirky or Dahyun with her charismatic personality or even….
Sighing, Mina stopped thinking about it, she was feeling envious towards her friends and that was so unlike her…it’s so wrong of her to think like that.
‘What’s going on with me today’, Mina thought to herself bitterly. ‘Well firstly it was a bad work day then I’m losing my friend to my other friends and th-.’
‘Oh I see’, she noticed, ‘I’m feeling jealous because I felt like y/n is going to be closer to the others’
‘Mina…?’,You asked as you saw her sitting by herself at the table looking forlorn. ‘Everything ok?’
‘I’m-I’m fine’, she quickly replied, a bit surprised at you for interrupting her thoughts.
‘It’s just that you looked sad right now and….you haven’t even touched the pizza yet. Also I..everyone is waiting for you. Is something bothering you?’, you asked her, taking a seat opposite to her.
‘It’s nothing, I was just thinking…’, She replied with a longing smile.
‘About what?’, you ask her, tilting your head with a curious smile.
‘I….I just wondered who is your favorite twice member?’, Mina blurred out unable to think of anything else.
‘Obviously it’s you Mina’, you replied a little shyly. ‘I mean I like all of you but your my favorite. I feel we get along with each other and that’s what sets you apart.’
Mina smiled cutely and thanked you. ‘I was just overthinking’ she thought to herself.
‘Well come on let’s go to the others then Minari! I have been waiting for you to come for so long!’, you said, grabbing her hand and getting up, ready to drag her.
Mina smiled and slowly got up and followed you to the other. ‘Y/n really is so kind to me, I was wrong to be jealous but it’s hard not to be when such a nice person is close to you’
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fuzzykazeki87 ¡ 3 months
La Seine (Kaze to ki no uta Short Story)
Seine river, Paris, France - 1886
Years have passed since Serge took Gilbert away from the slums.
Even though he and Pascal had to use a little force, Gilbert finally couldn't help but give in.
Now, Serge was being pulled by an impatient Gilbert all the way. He held his top hat down by the brim slightly with his other hand, the sound of their loafers tapping fast on the streets of Paris and several passersby who would look in their direction.
"G-Gilbert, slow down!"
Serge shrieked when they almost hit a merchant who shouted at them.
“D-Désolé!” he apologize quick with a swift move glancing at the old man over his shoulder before shifting back on the energized Gilbert's back in front of him.
Suddenly the world felt like time was moving slowly. He admired Gilbert's wavy golden hair which was starting to get a little longer than before bouncing under the top hat he was wearing, the knee-length frock coat that hugged Gilbert's slender body and created a beautiful curve even from the back.
Both of them are both 19 now. They had entered the stage of true maturity after being forced to become adults after they escaped from Lacombrade 3-4 years ago. Serge's piano skills led him to a musical career and performing in front of many people as a young pianist who became quite famous (and also because he's phsically charming), while Gilbert had completely recovered from the effects of the drugs that almost killed him. He had half forgotten about Auguste thanks to Serge. He tries to take a job that suits what he likes, in Art.
They finally arrived at the Pont Neuf bridge. Gilbert suddenly stopped his track as if he put on the brakes and let go of Serge's hand causing the dark-skinned man to get throwned off, losing his balance and-
Gilbert, regained his conscious after hearing a loud thump and some gasps. He quickly look to the side and his green eyes widen immediately; Serge, laying on his face on the ground, grunting mostly in pain, his hat was an inches far from him and fingers slightly twitching.
Well....that's the opening.
"I'm sorry."
said Gilbert muttering with his pink rose petal-like lips slightly pouted and his sharp eyebrows furrowed as he cleaned Serge's slightly dirty face with his hands, by gently patting them and rubbing.
Gilbert rarely expresses or shows emotions. He almost looked like a puppet being moved by strings, but this time, Serge could see and feel his emotions.
He scrunched up his nose when the blond brushes off the bridge of his nose, his other hand cupping his jawline firmly. These gestures of Gilbert are very affectionate.
"I was too excited, didn't I?", the beauty says with a slight smirk and he put Serge's top hat back on his head.
"Ah..you're always too excited."
Gilbert raise an eyebrow and he turn away scoffing, elbowing Serge's stomach.
The dark skinned boy laugh nervously while rubbing the spot where Gilbert hit him. They approached the barrier wall of the bridge and leaned forward looking down the Seine.
"This is my first time seeing the Seine." said Serge softly with a smile. He felt two sharp eyes glued on him from beside him, "Really?"
"Yeah, I only know about the city of Paris, but never the Seine...La Seine."
"I only heard and read about the Seine River in the library when we were at school, but never actually came here. Even when we were living in our first apartment, even though it was in Paris, we could never come here."
Serge said while continuing to look down at the lively and calmly flowing Seine river.
"Because, we were stressed out with such poor amount of pennies." add Gilbert bluntly and Serge couldn't help but snorts, covering his mouth.
"What? It's true! Ne te moque pas de moi ! (Don't laugh at me!)", Gilbert said with cheeks flushed red, embarassed deeply and shoves Serge to the side as he continue to hold in his laugh.
Serge rub his eyes as his cheeks were hurting from trying not to laugh and he wave his hand defensely at the blond, "Okay, okay, sorry. P-Pardonnez-moi de rire. (P-Pardon me for laughing.)" he said a bit breathlessly.
Gilbert scowl and turn his face away for a moment, but he roll his eyes playfully and formed a small smile. He turned his face back to Serge,
"Well, actually I have been here several times. It's just that at that time I was little and didn't understand anything. As time went by, I became fascinated by Paris and the Seine river.
One of the hearts of France is the Seine river... it's like a heart, it wouldn't live without a heart." Gilbert said while looking straight ahead with the wind blowing over the two of them. The gust of wind made his golden hair underneath his top hat seem to dance in the air.
Serge who looked at him felt breathless, his mouth slightly agape.
Truly perfect beauty.
"...I used think of myself as Paris, but without a Seine so I feel lifeless.
But, who would have thought, that I had now found my Seine and it was standing right next to me now."
Serge's breath hitched and red color slowly raising up in both of his cheeks when he realize what does the blond referring to.
The blond smile and walked up to Serge, standing right in front of him. The brown eyed stunned when Gilbert suddenly cup his face gently with both hands, holding his jaw.
Gilbert's thumbs traced Serge's chin with his eyes following the movement. His hands slide down Serge's high collar, resting on his firm chest underneath the layers.
"Yeah, it's you. Happy now?"
I am Gilbert's Seine.
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vega-creates-things ¡ 1 year
Muse (Part 3)
ROTTMNT Leo x GN/Rabbit Yokai!Reader
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Warnings: Fluff, Embarrassment, Aged-up Turtles
Synopsis: You've been visiting Run Of The Mill Pizza maybe a little too often just to see the blue clad turtle of your affections and draw him. You're pretty sure he hasn't noticed you at all, bad news for you, he has and he is far too curious about why you watch him.
A/N: I'm not sure how many parts of this I'm going to do, but let's enjoy this story while its still going on, yeah? Honestly I'm just trying not to jump ship to a different Leo x reader story that I'm DESPERATE to write... but I digress!! This is a repost from my old side blog since I wanted to make a main blog for this stuff. Let's get this show on the road.
The days had gone by pretty quickly, and at this point you had begun wondering if maybe, just maybe you should cave and show Leo your sketchbook, maybe it would be fine… you were a little surprised by his dedication to figuring it out… maybe it would be fine. Okay- yeah. You would show him, just to reward his dedication. The moment you had come to the decision a worry had started to bloom forth in your brain. What if he stopped talking with you entirely after he got what he wanted? As much as you liked to think the two of you had become much closer over the course of four weeks, what if he didn’t actually feel the same way…? What if his kindness was solely to butter you up?
No! No. You were assuming things, letting your fears and anxieties talk you out of your decision. Besides, if all he wanted was to see the sketchbook and he left afterwards, then you didn’t need him in your life… but it would hurt- If it is not meant to be it is not meant to be. It wasn't like you were dating anyway.
You took a few calming breaths, walking along the pathway through the group of street vendors and the crowds that surrounded them. You just needed to get to the one that sold what you were looking for, hand made crystal necklaces. They were nothing special of course, but you had always loved the way they looked and had finally saved up enough for one at your part time job.
When the stall finally came into view you relaxed, squeezing through the last bunch of people with a quiet apology before making your way up to the doberman yokai behind the stall who was currently in the midst of writing in a small black book. You smiled a bit. “Hey, Alden.” You greeted, watching the way he instantly closed his book and folded his hands neatly on his lap, looking up at you with intrigue.
‘Y/n! It’s quite good to see you again,” he insisted, smiling ever so slightly before he began to speak again, “where have you been? I was beginning to miss our daily talks.” He leans forward, book set aside as he rested his elbows on the table, resting his chin on his hands while his docked ears pointed eagerly in your direction. From the sound  of it, business hadn’t been great lately.
You smiled in response, chuckling and fidgeting with the strap of your leather satchel. “Well… I’ve been busy, making a new friend-“
“Ah, replacing me.” He shook his head, chuckling to show he was only teasing, his hand over his heart in mock offence.
Instantly rolling your eyes, a smile that reaches your eyes spreads across your face and you relax at how easy and comfortable this is. After all, Alden had been your friend for years, practically since you were both kids. “Oh hush, no one could replace you, drama king.” You hum, eyes flitting over his wares and you swear you see the curiosity bubbling in his chocolate coloured eyes. “So, I was hoping to get a necklace with rose quartz?” You offer, your gaze having lingered on the crystal for a little longer than you’d realized. You hand him the money for it, having become acutely aware of his prices from spending time here constantly.
Alden pauses at that, any teasing comment he was going to say being cut off by a bewildered expression as he tucks the money away. Nevertheless, he lets you pick one of the rose quartz crystals he has on display and then carefully winds some wire around it to make a little pattern and also hold it securely in place before putting it on a black wax cord that has simple metal clasps. “You know…” he begins, already standing to help put the loose choker necklace on you. It still takes you by surprise at how much taller than you he is. “Rose quartz is one of the most sought after love stones.” He murmurs, carefully hooking the necklace on you and adjusting it to sit properly.  “It’s meant to build trust, tolerance, and true unconditional love… So who is it then?” He muses, moving to lean against the side of his stall, head tilted.
You feel your face heat up the moment he explains the gem you had chosen. It wasn’t like it was your intent to pick a love stone, you just thought that one was pretty, you had felt drawn to it! “Oh- I- um…” You feel your phone buzz and swallow thickly, having a pretty certain idea of just who that might be, eyes darting down to the pocket of your denim jacket before meeting Alden’s unintentionally intense gaze. “Just… some guy I met… He’s- he’s really sweet… and funny-“
He holds up his two toned black and tan hands in a placating gesture and grins at you for a second, before moving back behind his stall and digging through his collection of rings, murmuring to himself. Soon enough he comes back around the stall and takes one of your hands, sliding the silver ring into your hand. “Green aventurine. For luck- in love and life in general.” He lightly taps the perfectly glossy and rounded gem in the centre of the intricately designed olive branch shaped band.
“How much is-“
“Free. You’re my best friend, dumdum. I’m giving you this for free.” He hums, huffing in surprise when you quickly hug him tight around his torso, burying your face in the soft fabric of his v-neck black sweatshirt. Alden can’t help but smile, holding you close, one of his hands resting on the back of your head, softly rubbing his thumb between your ears, earning a soft purr from you.
You pull away after a moment and look up at him fondly, already easing the beautiful ring onto your your thumb. “You’re the best, you know that, right?” You inquire, pausing when your phone buzzes again. You don’t want to be rude though, so you don’t answer it just yet. 
Waving you off dismissively, Alden just offers you a simple smile, gaze gentle as he pats you on the shoulder and then moves to sit in his chair once more, putting his feet up on the small milk crate you know is behind there so he can sit bunched up. “I think someone is trying to get your attention.” He hums, flicking one of his ears in the direction of something behind you, a bemused smirk finding its way to his face showing that he has a feeling on who it is.
You glance in the direction he had gestured in and pause at the sight of Leo weaving through the crowd and attempting to get your attention by furiously waving his hands. Growing slightly flustered before glancing back to Alden, you move to speak, but soon a new customer grabs his attention and you’re left with the knowledge that your best friend is 100% able to tease you about your crush.
Shaking your thoughts aside, you turn smoothly and wander over to one of the silk scarf stands where Leo is squirming through the crowd. You begin wondering why he didn’t just portal over to you, fully aware of his special skill since he had used it countless times to startle the hell out of you and try and get the drop on you. Shaking your head, you move to carefully guide him through an opening you had spotted. “Now why would a turtle with portalling abilities not use said skill to get out of that mess? You inquire, tone lighthearted and teasing.
Rolling his eyes, Leo offers you a cheeky smile, nudging you playfully. “I wanted to go it the old fashioned way.” He shrugs. You can’t help but notice the way he is glancing behind you in the direction of Alden’s stand. Before you can comment on that, he quickly brings it up for you, “so who was that? Your boyfriend?” He casually asks, starting to walk with you to look at some of the other stalls clearly not as familiar with the wares as you are.
“Oh, he’s just an old friend of mine. We’ve known each other since we were really little. More like a brother, really.” You offer, not at all missing how he seems to relax ever so slightly at that… but, that can’t be right. No. You imagined that. Why would he be tense about the possibility of you having a boyfriend? Because he wasn’t, obviously.
Leo nods to himself. “Cool, cool, cool-“ he began, pausing after a minute or so and then gesturing at your new necklace. “That’s new- pretty. It matches your nose!” He muses, referring to the pink splotch on your otherwise dark brown nose- one of the small things that normally made you a little self conscious about your looks. He seemed quite pleased with that realization, glancing into one of the stalls with intrigue.
You sit there for a moment, dumbfounded and gently kicking a rock off of the dirt path as he looks at the sweets, but you quickly shake yourself out of the flustered state you had begun to enter, carefully fiddling with one of your ears by softly brushing your hands over it. “Oh-! Um… thank you.” You murmur, noting the amused smile he offers at how flustered you got. “I recommend the  meringues.” You offer quietly. “The ones Donna make taste exactly like roasted marshmallows.” 
The idea of that alone seems enough for him and he quickly purchases two of them, not missing how the woman behind the stand seems to look between you both with intrigue, thought the familiarity towards you is what intrigues him most. As you’re walking away, he takes one of the pale gold sweets out of the small parchment bag and gestures the other one to you. “I got you one.” He offers lightheartedly. “Mm, also! Do you know everyone who works here or something?” He inquired, already taking a careful bite out of his meringue after he had assured himself that you’d taken yours.
Shrugging and guiding him over to a bench, you easily sit down, looking over the sweet with a bit of a far away stare. “Well, yeah. I do know everyone that works here. I used to spend all my time in this place, people watching.” You admit, noting how Leo has already finished his dessert while you hadn’t even started yet, quickly making work of it since it was only small anyway.
The slider quirks a brow, nodding to himself and sitting in deep thought, leaning himself against the back of the bench and even resting his arms on it in a very open gesture that has your face heating slightly, after all, in the movies you’d seen that was normally always a way the male love interest would wrap his arm around his love interest. “Huh. So why did you stop coming here as often?” Leo asks, glancing at you curiously.
You shrug again, not exactly wanting to admit to him that he was the reason. “I got curious about Run Of The Mill and discovered I really like their pizza.” And by pizza, you totally meant Leo. Sorry Hueso.
He nods in understanding, drumming his fingers on the backing part of the bench behind you for a moment before he notices you fidgeting with your bag a bit. “You okay, Y/n?” He inquired, soft concern lacing his usually confident voice.
You swallow thickly, not looking at him as you remove /the/ book from your bag and hold it out to him. It’s only when it has been a few minutes of just holding it there that you turn to look up at him, almost confused by his own confusion. “You can look in it-“ you urge quietly, nearly entirely loosing your nerve, especially when his gaze leaves the book and he instead completely locks eyes with you and shakes his head.
“Nah. I don’t think it’s time.”
Leo smiles slightly, standing up and widely stretching. “You’re giving in because of how much I bug you about it- probably telling yourself you’re giving me it to see as reward for how dedicated I am to my cause- or something like that.” He chuckles at that, not looking back at you just yet, not until he starts speaking again. “I want you to give me the book to look through when you actually feel comfortable doing it. I don’t want you to force yourself just to make me happy.” There’s a sincerity to his words that has your heart lodging itself in your throat and thrumming so loudly you can hardly hear it as he offers you a simple, “bye, little rabbit.” With a flashy wink and smile before swiping his sword through the air and disappearing into the bright blue portal before you can say anything.
Your hand that was holding the book goes slack and the object falls to the ground with a soft thud as you simply stare at where the portal was. That was new. You had thought Leo would jump at the chance to finally sate his curiosity, but apparently you had misjudged him.. expected the wrong outcome. Part of you wondered why he had denied himself, but you do know that you appreciate how he wants you to give him the right when you’re actually ready and not just “giving in” like he had said.
Boy… you were down bad.
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mondscheinprinzessin ¡ 9 months
Soulmate shorts pt. 2
Written for @another-sun christmas event <3
another short Aleksi/Joel/Joonas soulmate installment for the long waiting time you guys have to endure
the timeline doesn't matter here at all btw
Sprinkling in a little hurt/comfort because of course, it's me, and I hope you enjoy😊
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It only needed one look towards Joel for Joonas to know something was up. They hadn’t seen each other for most of the day after Joel and Niko had gone off to the radio station for another interview and the rest of the band was left alone in the studio under Aleksi’s supervision.
But the first step Joel took into the studio made it clear he wasn’t alright, and it wasn’t only Joonas who noticed; Aleksi shot him a worried look, well adjusted to every sign by now that one of them needed a little more support.
Now wasn’t the right time though to do an intervention and they settled with keeping an eye on their partner for now.
And it wasn’t a coincidence that today they finished earlier, producing a small lie to the others, so they could head home a little earlier than usual. It wasn’t easy anyways to concentrate while aware their soulmate was struggling. Joonas could swear his soulmark was itching but did his best not to act upon it, not wanting to further worry Joel in return.
Instead they drove home, Joonas and Aleksi kept on their toes since they knew a direct approach has never worked with Joel. It felt more offensive for Joel to discover that his mood was troubling his partners, so much so that he would rather keep shut and pretend a little longer he was fine.
Joonas didn’t want to think about how similar Aleksi and Joel were in that matter. Different story, same ending. And it hurt none the less when Joonas experienced it second-hand.
But to their surprise Joel didn’t mind showing off his gloominess in fullness. Not even in the dramatic way that liked to come forward when it wasn’t much of a concern, and he was more annoyed than truly upset.
No, as soon as they entered their flat Joel strode towards the couch and lay down, a pillow under his head, and his long hair didn’t even attempt to hide his glistening eyes.
The picture did its best to break Joonas’ heart, and he and Aleksi quickly discarded their stuff so they could join. While Aleksi took a seat at the end of the couch, picking up Joel’s feet to put them on his lap, and running a soothing hand over his legs, Joonas cautiously sat down at Joel’s head.
Another hand ran a comforting path along Joel’s body, loosening knots in his hair, and warming the skin on his neck. His face was already hot and red and Joonas could hear the sniffles that Joel couldn’t suppress.
“’m sorry.”
“What should you be sorry for?” Aleksi asked first.
So Joel didn’t even know if he had done anything wrong with them, apologizing first and gauging their reaction to see if any criticism was following.
“There’s nothing coming to my mind.” Joonas calmed him down. “We just want to know what’s up.”
Joel swallowed, obviously fighting with himself. But they gave him the time.
“I fucked up after the interview.” He finally said. “The guy was rude and I couldn’t help myself. What if we will never be invited by them again? I fucked up this chance for us and now we never get to play our songs there and no one will hear us.”
Evidently they were already deep in the spiralling phase, producing disaster scenario after disaster scenario, not being able to see the truth right in front of his face.
Joonas, the ever-logical mind among them said, “I’m sure that if you had been really disrespectful, they would have given management a call already, but we didn’t hear from them all day, so I’m sure it’s fine. They will air the interview, and they’re not the only two people deciding about the music on their channel. Regardless there’s more than one radio station out there. Don’t forget you’re visiting Rock Antenne next month!” He tried to cheer him up.
To his satisfaction he could hear Joel chuckle and giving a little acknowledgment in return.
“I will never be like Niko though.” The negativity outwon in his mind. “He always keeps so calm and professional.”
“Good.” Aleksi answered. “Because we don’t need another Niko. What do we need two rappers for?” He tried to break up the mood and smiled audibly.
“Exactly.” Joonas joined. “We love you because you’re you in case you haven’t noticed yet.” Joonas flicked a finger against Joel’s nose to get him out of his head. “If Niko was so special, he would have our soulmark, but he doesn’t, because you belong to us, and we love you, and you’re great. Yes, you can fuck up at times, but all of us do. You don’t need to be like somebody else.”
It took a little time for Joel to absorb all that and to answer.
“Yeah sorry.”
It wasn’t the answer Joonas had hoped for, it sounded more like surrendering to their approval than truly understanding what they had wanted to convey. Maybe they didn’t choose the right words. Especially the part about Joel being special.
It was clear that he had just wanted to fit in ever since he was circled out his whole life by school mates and coworkers and family that didn’t really understand at first. It wasn’t always comfortable being ‘unique’, and sometimes all you wanted was to be normal, to be like someone else, be under security of someone else’s personality and not show your own.
Joonas understood better than he would have liked, all of them did, but it nevertheless hurt that it was still such a big part in their lives.
“We love you Joel.” He repeated therefore and turned Joel’s face so he could lean down and drop a kiss to the tip of his nose.
The problem wouldn’t resolve itself today no matter what they said or did, it took time for Joel to embrace the kindness back, just like his tears needed to dry and a smile would build itself slowly up.
But they could cuddle on the couch, all three of them, watch a movie and wait till Joel has relaxed enough that they could go to bed. Maybe Joonas would start a tickle fight with Aleksi to distract Joel, that would end in a wrestling match and one of them falling down on the carpet, but it was what they needed, and Joonas would do everything for his soulmates.
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Aleksi stilled in his movement when Joel suddenly appeared before him, blocking the bedroom door.
“We need to do something about Joonas, you in?”
It has been 5 minutes since Aleksi had stood up after a night with pleasant dreams, so excuse him if he was a little slow, but Joel’s sentence didn’t make any sense.
“You want to do what?”
Joel took away his arm from the door frame that had been obstructing Aleksi’s view to the hallway and the bathroom that called for a nice shower. But it was also a bit hot to see Joel looming over him, he couldn’t lie. Okay get back on track brain.
“You can’t tell me you haven’t been noticing how off Joonas’ has been lately? He needs to relax and we’re going to help him.”
Oh. Yes, this Aleksi indeed has noticed. But it wasn’t surprising for Joonas to be tense and stiff with his current workload. And in addition to that Aleksi had to admit that he and Joel didn’t have a great time lately either, and Joonas had always been there to comfort them, giving everything and apparently forgetting about himself.
Aleksi sighed. Yes, they needed to do something for him. “Alright, you’ve got something in mind already?”
Looking at Joel’s face he most likely had, and with the head start Joel had by being awake earlier he certainly had enough time to think about it.
“I’m going grocery shopping so you can cook something nice. Go take a shower my star.” Joel replied and gave him a kiss finally.
As soon as he had appeared as quickly did he vanish out of the door and Aleksi could only shake his head as he fetched his things for the bathroom. When Joel had set his mind on something he could be incredibly determined.
The jingle of keys indicated Joonas’ return, and Aleksi swirled in the sauce to make sure it’s ready. He had timed his cooking perfectly and the table was already set for three, just waiting for them to sit down and eat.
In the hallway he could hear Joel welcoming their boyfriend and soon he felt a pair of arms snaking around his middle and a kiss to his neck. He smiled happily down into the pot, the feeling of one of them pressed to his back, warm and comforting, never getting old and never something he could get used to, always making his heart speed up.
“Smells delicious baby.”
Oh what a compliment could do to Aleksi, he thought as he joyfully served everyone a plate.
Sitting opposite of Joonas gave him the perfect view to observe him and it was effortless to him to see behind his smile. The contentment was real, but the hard lines around his mouth and eyes didn’t vanish with a good meal. It has been too long that Joonas was letting himself torn apart to all sides, and another full day at the studio with Olli did its rest.
Making a good face was something they all learned to do, and especially in their line of work it had to be done, keeping up the face for the press and fans even when they were utterly exhausted. But here, around his loved ones, Joonas didn’t need to pretend.
After they were done eating it was time for round 2 of their plan and after Joel had disappeared for a minute and Aleksi had done his best to convince Joonas they could leave the dishes for a while, they only needed to get Joonas to the bathroom.
“Out of your clothes.” Joel demanded rather excited for that their goal was to help Joonas relax.
Joonas looked at him surprised. “Uhm, I’m sorry Joel, but not today. I’m tired.”
“No, no, no sexy time today, promised, but get out of your clothes.” Joel replied but before Joonas could even lift a finger he was already being shoved towards their bathroom.
Aleksi followed and laughed silently to himself as he watched Joel undress him while Joonas was still busy taking everything in.
Food wasn’t the only thing Joel had bought, a few candles had found their way into the shopping cart and were now lightning up the room to dim the harsh light from the lamp. It made for a seriously calming atmosphere, and the sweet and flowery smell from the bath foam only added to it.
The bathtub was almost full of water and Aleksi quickly turned off the tap before an accident could occur. Testing the temperature, he deemed it safe to enter the water and got rid of his pants and long shirt at least.
Meanwhile Joel and Joonas had gotten naked and while it was certainly a nice picture to see them so close together with their bodies on full display it also warmed his heart to see Joel so careful and attentive to Joonas.
Before anyone of them could get cold Joel helped Joonas get into the bathtub and Aleksi positioned himself outside at the head. There wasn’t enough room for all three of them anyways (nothing they could fix as easily as making more space on the couch and bed) and he had another job to do.
Carefully guiding Joonas’ head back, giving a loving smile before making him close his eyes, Aleksi put both of his hands to his head. He started out with his thumbs at the temple, rubbing the skin there in circles, then travelled to his forehead to card his fingers through his hair.
While he was tending to his curls and the scalp, eliciting the one and other mellow moan of satisfaction, Joel was running his hands over the rest of Joonas’ body.
Although at times it seemed like he was just trying to push the foam around to get a better look at his body.
“I love you both.” Joonas said after some time, his voice quiet and soft.
For Aleksi it turned out to be quite difficult to answer to this at times, and his eyes would cast downwards, feelings too many that they would definitely spill out of him incomprehensibly and with too much force. But while his mouth struggled to find the right words (he only needed three and they were right there but so hard to form around his tongue), his hands were extra careful to caress Joonas’ face.
And Joel was right there to reassure Joonas that they were feeling the same, leaning forwards to capture his wrist and kissing his way around the little soulmark, a shiver noticeable on Joonas’ body. Aleksi could almost feel Joel’s caress on himself, and although he was lacking the symbols that united them, their love for each other was strong enough that in this moment he didn’t need them for assurance. Joel’s loving gaze he got when he broke away from Joonas was all he needed to know.
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wolfxkissed ¡ 2 years
Thanzag Sickfic
@thatlesbiancrow — first time writing a sickfic, but this was fun! ty for the suggestion, i hope you enjoy it <3 apologies in advance, it's more fluff than anything, but hey, you get thanatos being a little sweetie so ?? :)
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Zagreus climbed his way out of the Pool of Styx, making no attempt to greet anyone as he ducked through the lounge's hidden entrance and into his chambers. He let out a groan as he flopped down onto his bed, which he very quickly came to regret, and slowly turned his attention to the marks that covered his skin, left behind by the satyr's poison.
Everything ached as he tried to find a more comfortable position to lay in, eventually settling on laying on his side, with his back to the entryway.
Gods, he felt like shit.
He almost let himself drift off to sleep, until he heard someone enter his room. Without even thinking, he spoke up, deciding to take a guess at who his visitor might be. "Than?"
"That easy, huh?" Thanatos responded, that hint of amusement shining through, that only ever appeared when it was just the two of them — Meg being the sole exception to that rule, of course. He made his way over to the bed, a bottle of the mandrake cure in his hand. It took some time, but they managed to obtain several bottles of the stuff, should situations like this occur.
"The list of people in this house who would think of entering my chambers is so small, I could count them on one hand..." Zagreus muttered, looking up at Than, as he hovered over him. "I'm glad it was you who decided to visit, though," he added, reaching a hand up to cup his face.
Than let a smile show at the comment and sat down beside him, taking a moment to open the bottle.
"Meg found me just after you left the lounge... informed me of your condition," he explained, bringing the bottle to Zag's lips. "Open up."
With a sigh, the Prince took a drink, admittedly feeling a little better almost immediately — likely due to him being a god, or maybe the plant held magical properties; he never bothered to check. He shuffled back on his bed to make room and gently tapped the spot next to him.
Thanatos didn't need to be told twice. He put the bottle and his scythe aside for the time being and laid down next to him.
"Do you need anything else?" He asked, resting an arm on Zag's hip.
Zagreus gave a small shake of his head. "No thank you.. just some company. Thanks for the cure, as well.. feeling better already," he murmured softly, trying to ignore the dull, aching pain.
"It's no problem, Zag. You don't have to thank me," Than murmured back, leaning forward to press a kiss to his forehead.
Zagreus had made a note of his increase in affection as of late, and found it to be rather adorable. It was nice to see this other side of him, and he made sure to savour the moments while they lasted.
"You're the best, Than.." Zag whispered, planting a kiss on the corner of Death's lips. "Could you stay a while?"
Than nodded. "Of course I can."
He watched quietly, then, as the Prince's eyes slowly fluttered shut. How peaceful he looked.
《 ☆ 》
When Zagreus next awoke, the spot next to him was cold. He wasn't exactly surprised, but that didn't stop him from missing the presence of his partner. He sat up slowly and tentatively stretched out his arms, breathing a sigh of relief when he felt little pain from the movements.
He took a few moments to look around his room, and paused when he spotted a note on the shelf behind his bed, marked with a "θ" — theta. Than. Beside it, sat the bottle of mandrake.
Zag picked up the note and carefully read through it.
I apologise for my disappearance. I would have liked to stay longer — at least until you woke up — but I was called away to work. I left the mandrake with you, should you still need it. Please don't try and tough it out, and don't do anything stupid until you're fully healed.
Get better soon, all right?
Zagreus couldn't stifle the smile that formed as he finished reading the note and set it aside. He then directed his attention toward the mandrake and, thinking back on Than's words, decided to take another sip — just for good measure.
"Heh, I love you, Than.." he muttered to himself, fiddling with the bottle for a few brief moments before putting it away. Still smiling like a fool, he pulled out his Companion Mort and held it close as he curled up into a ball, waiting patiently for Death's return.
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dxncingwithastrxnger ¡ 1 year
9. interlude: possibilities
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A/N: Chapter 9 and the third interlude of this story!! Most of the chapters after this will be quite a bit longer than the others, I think, so I apologize if they take a bit longer to get out than usual, but I’ll still try my best to get them out as soon as I can!! I really enjoy writing these little snippets, they’re really fun, tbh, so I hope you guys like them, too. Not much to say in my little note right now, so onto the chapter!!
Pairing(s): Tristan x Lancelot (kinda)
Summary: It’s not always our fault if we choose the wrong possibility. Sometimes, it’s the only one we’re able to make. Even if it means you take one step back instead of one step forward.
Tag(s): Breaking and entering (mention), breakdown
Song Inspiration: N/A
Word Count: 796
Not beta’d, all mistakes are my own.
[Series Masterlist]
[Chapter 1] [Chapter 2] [Chapter 3] [Chapter 4] [Chapter 5] [Chapter 6] [Chapter 7] [Chapter 8] [Chapter 9]
[Read on AO3]
[Author Masterlist]
They say the world is full of possibilities. Anything can happen, anything is possible, nothing is impossible. Is the teacher going to give a pop quiz or announce a new project? Is dinner going to be turkey or chicken? Is that present going to be a new book or a new lego set? Some possibilities are connected to your own choices, but most of them aren't. Most of them are provided without anyone's say but that of the universe itself. There are those who claim it's unfair and try to force their own possibilities. People try to force control where there can be none. And in doing so, they actually push themselves farther away from the possibilities they want so much in the end.
Then there are some people who aren't even aware that they have possibilities in the first place. Some people just see one possible choice, one possible outcome, and nothing more, when maybe there's actually four or five of them. And when they choose the wrong possibility, they feel guilt, as if they did something wrong. At times it is, for those so blinded by their own mind that they aren't allowing themselves to see what's right there. And for others, it's the opposite, other people blocking their view or the path they've led up until that point not allowing the other possibilities to even be visible in the first place. The man frantically searching the dark house he had forced his way into is experiencing the latter.
"Tris!? Tristan!?" The blonde-haired man cries out for another. Around another corner. Back up the basement stairs. Through the kitchen once more. Up to the second floor. He's quickly dissolving into hysterics, despite how much he's trying not to. The two women in the house with him, waiting by the door, exchange looks of deep worry and concern. A hint of sadness to them both, slouched shoulders and dull eyes.
The blonde goes through every single room in the house, every single floor. He looks in each closet, in each cupboard, just in case. He presses at the walls and moves every bookcase as if expecting some secret door to be at each one. His breathing is quick and heavy, way faster than it should be, but he can't find it in himself to care. The women gasp as he throws a fist at the wall with an angry shout at the one who's caused his despair. The one who took his love away.
A sob escapes his throat and he falls back against the now broken wall, sliding to the floor as he curls in on himself. The pinkette and bluette move to his sides immediately, hoping to provide whatever comfort they can, even though they know it won't really help the man. He breaks down. Fully and completely breaks down. He's sure he's not done so in over a decade. He breaks down because the house is empty. In fact, the whole place is covered in a thin layer of dust, as if no one had been in it for weeks before they'd came and disturbed it. And he knows for certain now that he cannot live without the man he's lost. It's...impossible. How could he ever be without a person when it hurts this much to be? Or, a better question, how is it even possible to be this attached to one single person? How can someone, after just months of being in his life, carve such a large place for themselves inside his heart?
He knows now, without question, that he is in love with the man. It's the only explanation for how much pain he's in, as if his ribcage is being forced open and with every snap of bone, he's sinking deeper and deeper into dark, cold waters. And he has no idea if the snapping will ever stop or if it'll just continue until a hand can wrap around his heart and squeeze, stealing his entire life away from him. The man has no idea if he'll ever find his love again. Because this house is the only possibility he knows of. He doesn't know about the large weapon of a house hiding away in the middle of the woods. He doesn't know about the dark, soundless room or anything around it. He doesn't know that there's another possibility just hours away from him. Because his path never allowed him to. And now, because of that, all he can do is sit and cry in this barren living space, hoping that the man will return to him one day.
A/N: What do you guys think?? Everything’s gonna start connecting together real soon!! Lemme know your thoughts on this chapter!!
[Lemme know if you'd like to be added to the taglist for this series and any other stories relating to it!!!]
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Hows about... tsukkiyama, lost in time? Interpret that however you wish.
Very vague, very loose interpretation of this being Tsukishima getting hit in the face with the passage of time and how that -surprise- makes people different. Thank you sm for sending this in I'm sorry I took like a week to get to it ily <3
There is no denying that Tsukishima Kei is absolutely taken by Yamaguchi Tadashi.
Yamaguchi's hair is getting longer, in the waning summer months. He's in dire need of a haircut, but he's wary of it since the hairdresser took a little too much off last time (he hasn't cut his hair since that horrible haircut in their third year, and it's startling just how quickly a year has passed without Tsukishima noticing it). Says he'll make the call eventually, but he really doesn't mind pulling it back. He has a wide collection of headbands and hair clips, and there's this one that makes him look like coach Ukai that Tsukishima teases him over all the time.
Yamaguchi's wearing said headband now as they study, his fingers tangled in the hair at the nape of his neck, chewing on a pencil. Tsukishima had learned a long time ago that there's no use in trying to get Yamaguchi to stop that habit, no matter how disgusting it is, but whenever he and Yamaguchi's gazes meet across the coffee table he mimes taking a pencil out of his own mouth anyway. Yamaguchi always understands him and pulls the pencil away, only to return to chewing a moment later. They're at Yamaguchi's apartment, because Tsukishima's is taken over by Kyoutani and his boyfriend right now; they'd been arguing about something or another, and he didn't feel like third-wheeling to their weird sadomasochistic gets-off-on-beating-each-other-up shit. Yamaguchi's apartment is much cozier, warm, and his roommate is usually never home so they tend to have free reign of the place. It's- It's nice. Kei often spends hours at Yamaguchi's apartment with him, doing nothing, and not even notice the amount of time that goes by.
"You're staring."
"You're staring," Yamaguchi repeats, a small smile tugging teasingly at his lips, and Tsukishima feels his cheeks flush ever-so-slightly. When had he gotten so confident? Where was his shy, bashful Yamaguchi who wouldn't dare speak up and comment on Tsukishima's blatant staring? Yamaguchi holds his gaze for a moment, his smile faltering a bit. "Something up?"
Ah. There he is.
"You need a haircut."
Yamaguchi snorts and rolls his eyes. "Of course, Tsukki, whatever you say, Tsukki."
"I'm just saying," Tsukishima raises his hands in surrender. "It's long. Do you even own a hairbrush?"
"I do, actually. The length is sort of growing on me. I was thinking, actually, that those shag haircuts are quite trendy right now..."
"Since when do you want to stick with the trends?" Yamaguchi is leaning forward a bit, his elbows propped against the wood of the coffee table as he twiddles with a strand of hair absently, and Kei can't help himself. He reaches across the table and grabs Yamaguchi's hair near the back of his head, giving it a sound tug.
Two things happen then.
One, Yamaguchi's head falls back and his eyes fall shut as a small moan slips from his lips.
And two, Tsukishima's jaw drops- though, whether in shock at his own actions or at Yamaguchi's reaction, he can't quite decipher. Either way his cheeks burn much, much brighter than they were just a moment ago and he pulls his hand away, clearing his throat. Yamaguchi rubs at the spot Tsukishima's hands had been a moment ago, opening his eyes again but avoiding Tsukishima's eyes, an apology probably already on his lips, but Tsukishima beats him to the punch-
"I'm- I'm so sorry," Tsukishima says, his voice barely a whisper. "I didn't...Sorry."
"No, I'm-"
"You don't need to apologize. I was the one that pulled your hair. You can't help what you like. My bad, Yamaguchi. We don't have to talk about it, if you don't want."
There's a dusting of pink on the bridge of Yamaguchi's nose, and he's gnawing at his lower lip, embarrassed, and Tsukishima wants to go back in time to thirty seconds ago before he royally embarrassed himself. "Thanks, Tsukki. I- I'm sorry, still. Don't know what came over me," Yamaguchi laughs and turns back to his homework, and Tsukishima watches him curiously for longer than is probably necessary.
He's always found Yamaguchi attractive. He's pretty in a way that most don't find appealing, but Tsukishima's very appreciative of. His dark hair, long or short, was a lovely dark shade of brown that Tsukishima knows for a fact is soft as all hell when he takes care of it. His eyes are a similarly dark shade, but unlike most people (in Tsukishima's opinions) it's so easy to see his emotions, his intentions, in his gaze. He has such a loving outlook on life that not many people, especially those who've been handed similar hands in life, have. And sure, Yamaguchi's face is bumpy and scarred and covered in freckles, but Tsukishima loves ever last bit of it.
Yamaguchi's face isn't the only thing Tsukishima loves. Sure, his appreciation for Yamaguchi's body is a new discovery, but now that he's realized his attraction it's like he's always felt that way. It's- It's just nice. There's no other way to say it. Lithe and toned despite the fact that he isn't in a sport right now, long limbs tanned all over, soft in just the right places. Tsukishima isn't afraid to stare whenever he feels the urge, and lately he's under the impression -no, he knows- that Yamaguchi's taken notice of this as well. What, with how often he's been wearing oversized sweaters and too-short-shorts lately.
"...I'm sorry, Tsukki, I don't think I can focus on homework anymore tonight. I know you wanted someone to body double with you, but..."
"Hm? It's fine, Yamaguchi. If you wanna go on your phone or whatever, I don't...oh." Tsukishima looks up mid-sentence and can't help but trail off when he sees that the flush on Yamaguchi's cheeks has spread, and that he's tugging at the collar of his sweater with just a hint of misery behind his eyes. "You okay?"
He decisively is not, and Tsukishima has a sneaking suspicion why, but he wants Yamaguchi to be the one to say it. Needs him to be.
"I'm fine, uh-" Yamaguchi swallows, and Tsukishima's stares uncaringly. "I'm just, uh...I'm sorry, I'm just a little restless all of a sudden. Do you want something to eat? I could-"
"Yamaguchi," Tsukishima says in a tone that says "Don't lie to me." Yamaguchi audibly gulps, and Tsukishima tries not to dwell on the fact that Yamaguchi being intimidated by him is actually a little hot.
"...Sorry, Tsukki. It's just- you...I..."
"Spit it out."
"I'm a little worked up all of a sudden, and trying to figure out a polite way to escape for a few minutes to jerk off."
Tsukishima had been hoping for an answer like that. He loved the idea of getting Yamaguchi worked up and teasing him, maybe making him cry a little bit with it. He just- hadn't expected Yamaguchi to be so honest in his response. Maybe he should've; they're both a lot different now than they were when they first met.
"You don't have to sneak off, y'know. Just go ahead and fix your little problem. I don't mind."
Yamaguchi huffs. His cheeks burn impossibly brighter, his fingers twitching against his sweater, but he doesn't recoil. Doesn't withdraw. "Maybe you should fix my 'little problem' yourself; you're the one that caused it, anyway, asshole."
He knew it, of course, but hearing it is a victory in and of itself. He grins. "Well, I've always been one to clean up my own messes. Though, is it really all my fault? You're the one that got turned on by just a little bit of innocent rough-housing. And here I pegged you as the innocent type~"
Yamaguchi rolls his eyes. "Are you going to help me out or not?"
Tsukishima crawls around the coffee table and deposits himself in his friend's lap with a cocky smirk tugging at his lips as he pulls Yamaguchi in for a kiss. When they finally pull away a long, long time later the sun is long gone from the sky, and Tsukishima thinks this might be his new favorite way to pass time.
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thotsforvillainrights ¡ 2 years
Can I please get a fic for AFO with a G!N Reader who was one of his earliest and most loyal supporters when he started building up his criminal empire, was given a longevity quirk by AFO, along with the powerful gravity based ‘crushing’ quirk he was born with, and now is one of Shigarakis’ most valued and powerful allies?
~I Trust You~
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“It would appear you’ve grown tired of the device I gifted you last week?” A familiar voice spoke from behind your relaxed form. You didn’t bother to look behind you as you’d already known who was talking to you. Instead you focused your vision on the many stars above your head. He slowly approached you to sit at your side, ignoring the thin layer of melted snow wetting the pants of his suit. “Got a space flight quirk you can give me old man? I think I want to see the stars up close.” You mumbled while reaching outward. “Not particularly. My apologies. Perhaps a vision enhancing quirk would suit you?” He offered and you thought on it. “Nah. That’s what telescopes are for.” You looked at him and smiled. For a little while he was quiet as he sat next to you. He admired the stars, the constellations and the glow of the moon right alongside you. Finally he decided to break the comfortable silence between the two of you. “Y/N, you know how much you’ve served me?” He waited for your response. “Yes sir, of course. Are you dying or something old man?” He chuckled at your words. “Not as far as I know. However, I’m moving forward with some things and I have to make preparations now. This includes handing over Machia to the doctor and pushing my young mentor forward.” You frowned at this. “The blue haired kid you took in? Are you anticipating your own downfall or something?” You had your answer when he stayed silent. “Sir with all due respect, are you sure you should just roll over and let them take you like this?” He chuckled at your words once more. “Try not to see it that way. Trust me. I have everything planned out far ahead of what you can see for now. In the mean time I need you more than I ever had. I need you to see to it that Tomura is successful in his endeavors. Can I trust you to do this?”
“Sir, you can trust me always.” 
Although it was cold, you stayed up on the roof and stared at the stars for a little while longer by his side until the cold air became too much to take.
That was a week ago. Right now you were completing your move into the League of Villains base. It was hard to say whether or not you were adjusting very well. It certainly wasn’t your master’s mansion that’s for sure. You tote your last box past the shining lights of the bar and straight up the shabby wooden stairs to your assigned room. Since being here you’ve gotten to know some interesting people without a doubt. There was Toga, Twice, and Magne the eccentric friends of the group. Spinner was rather interesting but tended to be a little quite when near you. Muscular was rather obnoxious and violent and Mustard was boastful of himself. Moonfish was downright weird and Dabi was a tad bit creepy even for you. Compress was at least likeable and you’d already known Kurogiri for a long time. It was mostly interesting to see and reconnect with Master’s young ward. Shigaraki was much bigger than he was long ago when master had first brought him into the mansion. You still remember like it was yesterday.
How lucky that your longevity quirk hadn’t affected your memory as a side effect.
“We need you on the front lines.” Shigaraki had interrupted the peace of you arranging you belongings in the dusty room. “Me? Don’t you have enough goons to handle whatever mess it is that you’ve got planned?” You tried to not seem too snippy in front of the young man, but it was a little difficult since you were essentially thrusted into the situation a week ago. “The vanguard action squad needs to move as a unit. I wouldn’t ask you if I didn’t think we needed you. Y/N, you’ve served master for a very long time. As long as I can remember so when he told me he was sending you here a few days ago I have to say I was a little excited. I know without a doubt you can bring us the success you did just as when you worked directly under master. I trust you.” 
“Alright. Whatever you say.”
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bitterfates ¡ 1 year
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The two soldiers sent to her had crisp presentations, she’d give them that. Their uniforms were all pressed to standard and free of any snowfall from outside, hats firmly secure above their…unseemly horns. Their salutes were at perfect angles, despite how hard it must be to get into proper positioning with scales all over their bodies. She would have been impressed, if she could have tolerated looking at them for longer than necessary.
It was no secret that most Garleans harbored suspicions about the nature of the conscripted soldiers and annexed people brought into the Empire, and Hanne was no exception. She was only slightly mollified by knowing that even though she held only a minor public official rank, she could have these beasts deferring to her as they would a superior military officer. Oh, she was sure it angered them — especially the Auri male with the light-colored horns who hadn’t stopped glaring at her the moment he entered the office space — but there was etiquette to observe for these particular situations, and she would gleefully follow it.
So it was with a tiny smirk that she merely nodded her head at their salute, before smugly asking, “I trust you have the documents I need? Optio Ulfila wouldn’t have sent you all this way empty-handed when he knows how busy we’ve been lately. I thought this would be a task even a child could handle quickly, but you’ve been even slower than I expected, and I expected very little from you to start.”
“...Yes, my lady. Here they are. We apologize for the delay.” It was the pale-skinned one with night-black scales that answered her in his composed and accented manner; a wise decision, to be sure. Hanne had the perception that had his companion responded, she would not have heard anything so carefully courteous. She had heard about these two before in passing gossip, something about how they were always together and worked as efficiently as any machine unit, but she didn’t trouble herself with any specific details about the pair. As far as she was concerned, the less she saw of these foreigners, the better.
The one who spoke held out the requested papers to her, but all she did was stare at his hand for several long seconds; it took that long for him to realize his “mistake” — it was considered distasteful to most to have direct contact between citizens and non-citizens. When he understood, he moved forward to lay the forms down in the center of the desk Hanne was sitting behind. He gave her a polite smile before stepping back into his original spot beside the other man.
She made a show of picking up the documents and combing through them slowly, reading each page as if they contained highly-classified state government secrets and not the usual weekly report on ordered rations and personal letters from home. Hanne did not so much as look up at them during this entire performance; she would be willing to bet that the more aggressive one would break the silence if she waited long enough.
“...Is that all? Can we leave? This is taking too long.” The much rougher voice was quieter than she expected it would be, as it clearly was not meant for her to overhear. There was a swift shushing sound after that, followed by a hurried and low conversation between the two that she could not quite make out words to, but could guess the contents of. She had to quickly hide her face behind the papers in her hands so that she could laugh. Savages were so predictable. 
“Is there anything more important than contributing to the prosperity of our great nation? You should be more grateful for the chance to prove your loyalty. One day the rest of your kind will come to view you as role models, if all goes well on the frontlines and we can show them the peace and freedom to be found when you join with Garlemald.” Though there was a tease to her voice, projected purposely louder to make it clear that she was responding to the whisper, there was also a bite to it; a warning she did not need to emphasize with more blatant threats.
For a moment, Hanne thought that the larger Au ra would leap across her desk and attack her, so primed for a violent outburst to her taunt as he appeared to be, but he was held back by a tight grip on a forearm by his peer. No one moved then, all three sets of eyes locked on each other, waiting for the first sign that the tension would break one way or the other.
Well, let no one say she couldn’t be gracious to even the lowest among them every once in a while.
With an affected sigh, she lazily reclined back in her seat and flicked a wrist in the air, as if brushing them aside. “You may leave. Tell your commander that I want my reports delivered to my desk before the work day begins next time. If it means standing outside and waiting to be let in, then so be it; at least I know I’ll have what I need on time. Oh, and tell him I want you both to do it. You can tell him I am…interested in seeing your growth. He’ll understand, I’m sure.”
The men turned their heads to one another and shared a long look, communicating everything they needed to say through that alone. Quicker than when she had made them wait, they simultaneously faced her and smartly saluted her again, and with practiced emotion exclaimed, “Glory be to Garlemald!”
It would not do to appear to meet their apparent passion with less fervor, so she rose from her chair and echoed the same phrase and salute, wry grin spreading on her face.
Glory be to Garlemald, indeed.
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