#apology to aryn
slafkovskys · 4 months
no bc i imagine babysitter reader has such a good relationship with the tavares family (and john would be so protective, especially when knies joins the household). and i need to know she meets jw for the first time and what the interaction is like 😭
loela smiles down at her phone screen as she scans over the text from aryne. it was a picture of a picture drawn by jace on green construction paper and it was apparently meant to showcase the two of them playing at the park. she doesn’t have time to type out a response before arms are thrown around her shoulders, “it’s baby free night, remember?”
“do you think that i forgot that you tried to turn my phone off in the uber,” the nineteen year old rolls her eyes as she hearts the image before placing her phone in her bag. “what are we doing now? shots?”
“you my girl,” celeste reaches across the table to boop her friend’s nose, “are going to walk up to the bar and talk to that man who has been staring at you since we walked in.”
“oh c’mon loe. get a drink out of him at least,” jenna croons from behind her, “for you or for me.”
“why don’t you go and talk to him then?”
“because i am engaged and i don’t think that your brother would like that very much,” jenna claps her shoulders, “you’ll be amazing. just swing the hips, smile like i taught you, and we’ll be getting you down the aisle next.”
“unlikely,” loela mumbles as she finishes off the last of her cocktail that was already in front of her. the girls make a show of cheering her on as she pushes away from the table and grabs her bag, crossing the room to lean against the bar just a couple of spaces away from her target. she gets the bartenders attention, “cosmopolitan, please.”
“never had that before. is it good?” she turns her head to the side to find the man in question suddenly a lot closer than he had been. she hums and he raises two fingers, “make that a double.”
“trusting a stranger?”
“you seem to know what you’re talking about,” the guy shrugs nonchalantly before reaching a hand over the empty seat between them, “i’m joseph.”
“have we met before, joseph?” she raises a curious eyebrow, not being able to shake the feeling that she had seen this man before. he shakes his head and she places her small hand in his abnormally large one, “‘m loela with an e.”
“loela with an e?” he chuckles, “any particular reason for that e?”
“my mom had never seen it spelled that way and she also wanted to make sure that my name was misspelled every single time,” she shrugs her shoulders, sending the bartender a smile when he sets their drinks down in front of them, “most of my friends just call me loe.”
“have i earned that privilege?”
“i’ll let you know in a little while, joseph.”
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“loela, you gotta be faster!” axton calls as he darts down the hallway. she bounces a sleeping rae in her arms as she rolls her eyes at the boy, “c’mon!”
“i’m holding your sister, ax. come back here please,” loela calls out. her eyes go wide as the boy crashes into the back of a pair of legs which puts her into overdrive to get to the little boy. she bends down, carefully cradling the baby’s head as she helps axton to his feet, “are you okay, dude? you need to watch where you’re going.”
“but i was watching you,” axton pouts as she dusts off his pants.
“and i was behind you, wasn’t i?” she quirks up an eyebrow and his frown deepens. “it’s okay, ax. you just need to apologize-”
“loe?” the voice is vaguely familiar. she looks up just in time to see the eyes of the man she had fallen into bed with the night before staring back down at her. she notices the hoodie adorning his upper body, looking eerily similar to the issued one that she had seen matthew and john wear on multiple occasions, “what are you doing here?”
oh, well this is just great.
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cadrenebula · 8 months
Prompt #23: Suit
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The first time he'd put it on... It had evoked feelings he'd not quite understood. Looking over the fine gold work done by Aryn. The fine stitching by Ely. The two of them had made it for him based on the dancer attires of old though subtle changes had been made. The two of them had done well in making it fit him even if they'd never taken actual measurements of him. Not unless Ely had done so while he'd been sleeping.
It had been meant as an apology gift to him. For Aryn's behavior towards them in their early days. Aryn had kept his word about not looking at Ronove with such desire anymore. Ronove however had taken his time in not being so on guard around Aryn for a time. Afraid that the viera would forget and go back on his word. He'd barely known Aryn then outside of being helpful with healing.
Ronove turned to look at himself in the reflection of the fish tank. Running fingers over the fine gold chains. It felt fitting to see himself in this gear. Especially now that he understood better the reason there were so many feelings about it.
For a moment he thought he saw his mortal form in his reflection. Looked around to make sure he'd not actually heard someone speak that name. Looking back at his reflection again. Reaching out to lightly touch the glass with his fingers.
"That's who we used to be..." Ronove spoke softly with a sad look.
But the dancer's suit wasn't just sad memories of a mortal life he couldn't have back. Nor of a boy he loved and basically died for. There were happy feelings too.
His first dancer's attire once he'd gotten out of training with the troupe. One that Fenryr had gotten for him. Dark tears dripped down his cheeks. Wiping them away before they could stain the material. Fen had been one of the best parental figures in his life after the troupe had taken him in when he was mortal. He remembered taking that first official dancing costume from Fen and being so excited for it. Hugging the one many called Nonna. He'd asked Nonna to be the one to get it for him. Nonna had been delighted. Calling Jesse by fitheach beag, little raven. He'd always loved that nickname.
But after so long... He'd found the troupe again. Found Nonna again. Fenryr was like him, not mortal. Ronove couldn't remember if that had been the case when he'd still been Jesse. Probably so. But he'd been scared upon first meeting Fenryr in this life, wary even. He'd had no memories of being Jesse at that time. But Fenryr? Fenryr hadn't forgotten him. Fenryr and Ely had helped break the bond keeping him bound to the Elder's service.
Parts of his memories returned from time to time. They would till he had them all back again. Fenryr had been kind enough to slow them to a leak so he wouldn't be overwhelmed.
Seeing himself in these clothes... It felt right but also odd. Because he wasn't yet sure who he was supposed to be in this life. He was Jesse and he was Ronove. He'd spent so long as Ronove that he was still trying to figure out who he was supposed to be now that he knew the truth of who he used to be.
But he knew one thing was still true even if he hadn't decided who he wanted to be yet...
Glancing towards the direction he'd thought he'd heard his old name from. Hand drifting to the ring in his pocket. Taking it out and putting it on his hand now.
He'd made a promise then. That promise still felt right. His heart still belonged to Elijah even if the man was nothing more than a ghost right now. Even if he was still deciding who he was.
“I accepted your promise and gave you my own. My heart belongs only to you. Now and forever. Wherever life leads us, Elijah. And that still holds true even now. I'll help Stefan see to the Elder's end so no more Vanguard ever suffer our fate.”
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smilesrobotlover · 6 months
apologies if im getting your au mixed up with another but I recall you saying like has a little sister if I’m correct on this what is her relationship with mipha
He does! And it’s sort of canon that he has a little sister? Sorta kinda not really. Anyways his little sister is named Aryn and she loves Mipha. She’s so cool
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everythingisblue-if · 2 years
Hello Aryn !
The ROs reaction to MC saying "You know, I was so scared when I got here.. and your distrust on my story didn't help at all, but now..I can't imagine how could I live without you by my side...I love you, as long as you'll have me "
Don't touch me...I'm soft 🥺😭
This is gonna be a lil short than what I usually do, but I hope it meets your expectations.
His eyes softened, and memories of him first meeting you flickered through his mind like a movie. He never thought back on the treatment and coldness he gave you, but it seems like they remembered well. And he didn’t want them to remember that anymore.
He gently grabs your hand, lacing his fingers through yours. He gives you a soft smile, rubbing his thumb on the back of your hand. “I love you, too. And…I’m sorry. I did not think back to how I treated you.”
You shake your head, brushing off his apology. “It’s fine now. You’re okay, and you trust me.”
He grimaced, remembering holding you at sword-point in the forest. He could’ve killed you, without truly knowing who you are and how much you would mean to him. He didn’t want to think about that though, because it didn’t happen. You’re here now with him.
He puts an arm around your shoulders, pulling you to his chest. “I never understood that you felt that way. And I apologize for any distress I caused. I just did not know you were the one who would turn my heart upside down.”
His finger twitched on his lap, but his thigh brushed against yours. He was quiet for a moment, thinking about the words you were saying, trying to hear between the lines. But all he heard was that you were scared, but you love him now. That’s what he was stuck on.
“I…” he started, picking lint off his trousers, “admire you, too. Simon and I would’ve hurt you, and I don’t know if I could forgive myself for that.” He grimaces. “But, you’re alive now, so there’s no need to dwell on the past.”
B purses their lips, a few tears appearing in their eyes, but never falling. They thought about this often, but have never brought it up to you. They wanted to apologize, but they didn’t know a way to go about it. But you brought it to them on a silver platter.
They place a hand on your arm, drawing your attention. “I sincerely apologize for the pain I gave you when we first met. Truth be told, I did not believe you were the most trustful person once you told your story. But, now I know, and I stand corrected. All I can say is that I hope you can forgive me.”
(Now for her, a lil spoiler, but she always believed MC, so I’m not sure if this ask dictates to her, so…)
They bite their lip, remember when they were assigned as your guard. They had to be trustworthy of you, but that never happened. They were wary and were glad for the opportunity. Them being assigned to you wasn’t initially meant to keep you safe, but to keep you close, if you were lying.
“I’ve watched your every move since you came here.” They had a twinkle in their eyes, looking you up and down. “I did not trust you then, but I trust you now. And I love you, also, and I’m proud to hear that you feel the same.”
Henery feels very justified and does not believe he was totally in the wrong when he first met MC. I can kinda understand. They’re headed to war and this person shows up with no trace of how they got there. A mystery.
Thanks for the ask!! 💋👑
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greyias · 1 year
Okay, so having finally played Echoes of Oblivion for a second time in my attempt to rush little Benny Boy to meet Rass, I got back to musing about that one theory that someone posited right when Echoes launched. I apologize, I have forgotten by now who the eagle eyed player was, or the original thread, but when replaying today, I was like "Wait..."
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I remember the first time playing through that it was a bit odd there were two named characters we'd never met that were specifically called out. But having played through a second time, and seeing some supplementary material now, I was like
"Wait. Syl??? Isn't that the red headed student? She was already dead before they went mind spelunking?"
<--- mind of steel trap, this one. To be fair, I could have just forgotten
And then of course, this very ominous shot of the final confrontation with Valky happening, and Vaylin noticing the dead body on the ground... in the spirit scape??? I--you know what--I'm not going to question the metaphysical ways of the Force. That way lies madness. Sure. Syl's dead body was just. There. In Satele's mind? While a bunch of other Force ghosts are walking around??? Let's go with it.
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(Which does beg the question... was Syl's spirit... just not there for the events of the epic showdown? Did her spirit decide to take a nap after the fight? Wait no I'm getting into the weeds, focus)
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And then, because I just wasn't sure, I went and dug up the short story with Satele and Aryn, because I remembered there was a little guest appearance near the end:
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And yep! Confirmed. Syl is the red-headed student from the cutscene.
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That is a Vaylin expression if I ever saw one
Which brings us to the Vaylin and Syl mentions in post-Echoes mail:
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Yeahhhh. So someone is definitely using little Syl's body here as a meatpuppet, and all real evidence points to Vaylin. I had just completely forgotten that Syl had already expired pre-adventure.
So my original assumption that she was following in dear old daddy's footsteps was indeed off. Which had bothered me a little because I can see Vaylin possessing an already lifeless husk for a new chance at life/vengeance/whatever her end game here is, but suppressing someone else's spirit and manipulating their body definitely seemed completely against the grain of her character. Er, except for the time she completely reprogrammed the Gemini droids and wiped out their free will during KOTET. But you know, that was different... sort of...
It's just gotten me wondering. especially considering everything that Malgus is up to, with his Children of the Emperor Mark II shenanigans. I wonder if Vaylin, posing as Syl, will have any part to play in the upcoming storyline. Or if she's lying in wait, perhaps as a future antagonist (or ally... or both). Because you know Vaylin would absolutely tear apart any machine with her bare hands that would dare try to take her free will away from her again.
But also, I just kind of want wacky adventures of Satele trying to mentor Vaylin masquerading as Syl? Like I'm just imagining every time Satele's like, discussing Jedi philosophy, sipping on tea, and everything peaceful and calm and not Force choking everything in sight Vaylin is just like. Seething inside. Waiting to burst. But she has to keep up the act because what if someone suspects? And so like there's all of these banal things happening, and Vaylin is just constantly internally screaming. Because she went and picked a Jedi to possess instead of a SIth or something. She escaped death. But at what cost.
Anyway, just food for thought.
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Calabria, Italy among the World's Greatest Places 2022 - TIME Magazine
Hike across the boot
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Calabria is one of the most overlooked Italian destinations—­underdeveloped and unfairly dogged by a louche reputation. (Easy Jet was forced to apologize after a 2020 ad cheekily promoted it as a land of “Mafia activity.”) The province, spanning the toe of the Italian boot, is home to breathtaking beaches, stunning mountain vistas, ancient hilltop villages, and unique, spicy cuisine.
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Last year a group of enterprising and passionate hiking guides knitted the landscape into a three-day cross-­country trek, starting in the beach paradise of Soverato on the Ionian coast and ending about 34 miles west, in the 14th century fortress town of Pizzo on the Tyrrhenian Sea.
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The meandering Kalabria Coast-to-Coast trail takes hikers through olive groves, mountain pastures, deep forests, and small villages, with stops in towns famous for their wine, smoked ricotta cheese, and a spicy spreadable sausage known locally as ’nduja. The trek is well signed and self-guided, but ­hikers—who should be reasonably fit—who have paid the 5-euro registration fee can access help, advice, and encouragement via a WhatsApp business account run by the organizers.
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The website includes a list of local hotels and B&Bs to stay along the route. Participants receive a certificate of completion once they reach Pizzo’s Murat Castle. The best way to celebrate? Tucking into Pizzo’s iconic tartufo ice cream, another Calabrian specialty.
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Written by Aryn Baker
JULY 12, 2022 7:10 AM
Follow us on Instagram, @calabria_mediterranea
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cxsmictxy · 1 year
🧃 { Aryn & Grim, make the bunny cope with childe? }
((You are horrible and I love it @atdutiesend))
There's a Jackal pup loose in the storage halls. Well, to use the vocabulary of your average Sharlayan, there's a beastkin pup loose in the storage halls, under the artificial sun, completely unsupervised. They're so little they don't even have horn nubs yet, their short-cropped hair sitting smooth on their little head. The size of the place was absolutely baffling them.
It was so much to absorb that they didn't really notice what was in front of them until they collided with Grim's leg and landed firmly on their little behind with an "ah!", quickly scrambling to their feet again.
And apologizing in a strangely adult, coherent cadence. "I-I'm sorry, need to watch where I'm going better."
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wait im curious is aryne pronounced ar-een or areh-ne\ hwah wait my backspace isnt working help shit. i meant ar-een or ar-aine or smth else? apologies for the technical difficulties
I think it's pronounced what you meant by areh-ne but I'm not sure what you meant by that lmao? It's pronounced like "are in" like "the books are in the car or whatever? Except idk I never actually started Aryne's story even though I love her because well I am lazy and too focused on my murder mystery 💀 but I should write abt her more she was a mermaid because one time I decided I wanted to write abt mermaids and then made up her and all kinds of characters and a world and all this lore and never wrote abt it 😭 but yeah are in lmao
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spine-buster · 2 years
the hurt/comfort, pt. 2
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A/N: Apologies for no real Rasmus/Lusine interactions in this chapter, but the interactions that do happen are important (as rough as they are) because y'all know I love my character building. Enjoy and let me know what you think!
It was a weird name, Lusine thought, although she had a weird name too. It was spelled weird as well, although, again…pot calling the kettle black. She was at the game because her boyfriend, Kasperi Kapanen (she made that very clear) used to play for the Leafs, so she knew some of the women around – particularly Steph, who had introduced them in the first place. Saylor had invited her friends to the game with her, and there was a whole group of them – Loren, Sadie, Amanda, Jen, along with Saylor. Lusine could have sworn she recognized them from somewhere upon first sight, and when she heard Jen’s voice, she remembered – the coke party. These were Gina’s friends.
She made sure to stay far, far away from them.
Steph didn’t really pay much attention or talk so much with Lusine until Saylor and her friends left to go to their seats in the stands. Bee and Aberdeen were running late, it seemed, and while Lusine sort of clung to Steph because she was a familiar face, Steph seemed to want to do anything but make small talk with Lusine. They didn’t have a lot in common besides their blonde hair – Lusine knew that – but Lusine also knew how to hold polite conversation.
“So, what did you and Rasmus get up to during the All-Star Break?” Steph asked, finally.
“Uh…nothing?” Lusine answered. She didn’t know why she answered it the way she did, but the simple question made her nervous. It was almost like a certain thing that they had to get up to something. “I—I was in school the entire time. Lectures, tutorials, all that.”
“And you didn’t take a few days off with him? It would have been so easy.”
“N—No. It was a pretty busy week.”
“I used to do it all the time when I could get time with Mitch,” she said, waving her hand holding her drink around, her gigantic diamond ring shimmering in the light of the family room. Lusine knew why she was asking – she kept up on Instagram with the trip to Miami that Steph, Mitch, Justin, and Audrey Holl took together. Lusine hadn’t posted anything besides a picture of a stack of books she had to scour for an essay and a few stories of her and Rasmus walking Piper through the U of T campus. “So you guys just…did nothing?”
“Well, we hung out, obviously. We just didn’t go anywhere,” Lusine clarified.
“It would have been nice for you to take the time off so he could whisk you away somewhere,” Steph said. “I know I’d take advantage of that opportunity any chance I got, especially if it meant I could skip lecture.”
Lusine remembered back to what Aberdeen told her. Your partner isn’t supposed to take you away from yourself. Rasmus knew how much she liked school and learning in her lectures. For most people, school was a burden or something they were forced to do, a trap their parents forced them into so they would ‘get a good job’. For Lusine, school meant freedom. School meant a way out from her parents’ grasp. She loved school because he provided her with so many experiences. She didn’t want to give it up for a three-day trip to Miami where she’d undoubtedly get sunburned.
“What’d we miss?!”
Lusine and Steph whipped their heads to look behind them, and Lusine had never been so happy to hear Aberdeen’s voice. She was still bundled up in her coat, meaning she’d rushed up to the family room, and Lusine was grateful. She didn’t know how else Steph was going to make her feel bad in their conversation, but she didn’t want to know. “Hey Aberdeen,” Lusine got up from her seat to hug her hello. “You haven’t missed anything, don’t worry.”
“Good. I want to see Sidney Crosby!”
Many of the other wives and girlfriends began to roll in – Aryne, Courtney, Audrey, Ashley – and then Bee arrived unexpectedly with Aleida and baby Helena. Lusine was happy to see Aleida again, having not seen her since her concert, and another baby in the vicinity was always good news. Helena was just over eight months old, so she was in her prime chubby phase and looked completely adorable in her little baby jersey and tights. Steph seemed to disappear at that point, so Lusine stayed with her regulars.
Before the game started, Lusine sat with Bee in the stands while Aleida changed Helena and Aberdeen went to refill her water bottle. She glanced back to see Steph with a wine glass in one hand, laughing about something Audrey had said. She didn’t realize it before, but both of them still had nice, natural tans – no doubt from the Miami sun. She glanced at Bee, noticing she was still pale. “Can I ask you a question?” she asked Bee suddenly.
“Of course.”
“Did you and Morgan do anything for the All-Star Break?”
“We usually go back to Vancouver,” Bee began. “This year was supposed to be the Olympic break and, well…Morgan had a good shot of making the team. But after everything that happened, and all the rescheduled games, we didn’t get as much time as we usually get, so instead of going to Vancouver, Morgan and I just rented a cottage in Blue Mountain for a few days.”
“Oh. Okay.”
“Why do you ask?”
“I…well, I couldn’t do anything with Rasmus. I had lectures and stuff, and an assignment due, and I just couldn’t go to like, Miami or whatever.”
“Ras wanted to bring you to Miami?”
“No! I just—he knew we wouldn’t be able to do anything. He brought it up early but I told him my schedule and it wasn’t an issue with him whatsoever,” Lusine babbled like an idiot.
“…Well then what’s the issue?” Bee asked.
Lusine wondered if she should even bring it up. But Bee was the most responsible, mature, and level-headed person she knew, so Lusine knew she’d have good insight. “Well, I was talking to Steph earlier—”
“—oh Lord, here we go—”
“—and she was saying how it would have been nice for me to take time off for Rasmus so he could whisk me away somewhere. Like I should have just skipped my lectures to be with him during the time he had off. You know, like Miami or whatever—somewhere nice, not necessarily Miami.”
Lusine watched the split second that Bee rolled her eyes. “If you had school, and Rasmus knew you had school, and he was totally fine with not doing anything for the, what, five days we had off? Then you’re good,” Bee replied. She took a deep breath before continuing. “Did anyone ever tell you that the first home opener game Morgan invited me to, I brought homework?”
Lusine’s eyes went wide. “You did?”
Bee nodded. “Nothing came before school for me, especially when I was finishing my Masters. Lusine—I—you don’t have to listen to me if you don’t want to, but I’ll say it anyway so I can say my peace. Don’t let anything get in the way of your education. I mean it. And don’t feel guilty about it. Your education is your education.”
Bee was right. Steph could try to make her feel bad all she wanted, but Lusine couldn’t let her. This was her education. And besides, it wasn’t like she and Rasmus didn’t get up to a lot of fun staying at home. Even just going outside to walk Piper was fun for them – it would usually turn into a gigglefest or makeout session, and that was good enough for her. Not everything had to be about Miami or Mexico or the Dominican Republic. “Thanks Bee,” Lusine nodded appreciatively.
Lusine was trapped.
Saylor caught her during intermission after the first period. Lusine knew Aberdeen, Bee, and Aleida were waiting for her back in their seats, but Lusine didn’t know how to back out. Saylor was nice enough, but there was a fakeness about her that Lusine couldn’t get away from. From her smile to the words she was saying, Lusine just had a gut feeling that none of it could be trusted. Not as she went on and on about her time in Toronto, not as she went on and on about the drama of living here and dating a Maple Leaf, not as she went on and on about some of the other women – women that she had sucked up to when she first arrived. Lusine saw it with her own eyes.
“D’you wanna come sit with my friends and I? I bet you’d have a ton more fun,” she smiled.
“Oh, I’m already sitting with Aberdeen and Bee, but thanks for the offer,” Lusine rejected as politely as she could, knowing she didn’t want to go anywhere near the other girls. They probably already told Saylor about what had happened in the party. Lusine didn’t want anything to do with them.
“I would be careful of Aberdeen,” Saylor cautioned suddenly, stepping closer as if they were about to have a discreet chat, friend-to-friend, though Lusine didn’t even know her. “She seems super-nice but she’s not scared to go behind your back and betray you just like that,” she snapped her fingers for dramatic effect.
Lusine was flabbergasted right off the bat at the way Saylor was describing Aberdeen. Aberdeen was not the way Saylor was describing her. “Uh…really? Aberdeen?” she asked, if anything just to entertain Saylor.
“Mhmm,” Saylor nodded her head dramatically. “She used to work for Brendan Shanahan, so she thinks she, like, owns the team. When she was working here, she made all the guys on the team throw her a birthday party on the road and buy her this huge expensive gift, and because she was buddy-buddy with the videographers, she even got them to film it and post it on all the team’s official channels so everyone could see,” Saylor babbled on. “She was so desperate for relevancy. She even pushed her way to be around my boyfriend every chance she got. I mean, she even pushed her way into the bubble. Can you believe it? I mean, it’s one thing to be assertive, and it’s another thing to be pushy, you know?”
Lusine furrowed her brows. She didn’t know what type of shit Saylor was trying to sell, but it wasn’t working on her. Aberdeen was anything but pushy. All the things Saylor was implying couldn’t be further from the truth. Aberdeen had told her about her time in the NHL Bubble with the team, and she went in because Brendan Shanahan and Kyle Dubas wanted her to, not because she pushed her way in. “What are you even talking about? Aberdeen’s not like that at all.”
It was Saylor’s brows that furrowed now. She looked Lusine up and down, absolutely disgusted. “You must be dumb enough for her to fool, then. No wonder she likes you so much. She’s already brainwashed you,” she said before turning around and disappearing into the stands.
Lusine was taken aback by the outright viciousness of Saylor’s words. She’d never been spoken to in such a way by anyone at any time in her life – not even a TA or professor, and she was sure she’d said some dumb shit in lectures and tutorials before. Saylor’s ability to turn on a dime was astonishing. Was it Lusine’s words? Her tone? Regardless, Lusine knew she couldn’t dwell on it. Saylor was apparently going to be Saylor, and Lusine had to be Lusine.
During the second intermission, it happened again.
Saylor found her again. But she didn’t look at Lusine with a completely disgusted face, like how she left – instead, she was more inquisitive. Lusine had no clue what she would want to know, but she knew she’d be as secretive as she could. Saylor didn’t deserve to know anything about her.
“I want to apologize for before,” Saylor began. For a split second, Lusine believed she was apologizing for her comment, but as she continued speaking, Lusine realized she wasn’t. “I didn’t know that you got into a sticky situation with Gina a few months ago.”
Saylor was a true gossip in every sense of the word, and Lusine didn’t like that. “Uh, yeah,” she nodded slightly, not wanting to talk about it. “I went to a party at her place and it wasn’t exactly what I was expecting.”
“You know, it’s sooooo funny how small the world is!” Saylor smiled mischievously. “I’m surprised Rasmus got with you. Did he tell you he tried to hook up with Sadie before – I mean, she’s stunning, so who wouldn’t, right? – but she rejected him. And now he’s seeing…well, you. Which isn’t the same, but, well, not everyone can be as stunning as Sadie.”
Lusine tried to stand tall. She tried not to let Saylor intimidate her. But it was hard. It was hard because she was bringing Rasmus into it – someone she loved. “Yeah. Small world.”
Saylor smiled one more time before turning to walk. But then, she flipped her hair over her shoulder and looked back at Lusine. “You know they have Bio Oil for that thing on your forehead, right?”
Lusine froze. She was so rigid that her hand didn’t even dart up to her forehead like it usually did. “W—What?”
“That scar on your forehead. And the one on your cheek? I mean, do you even try to hide them? They’re brutal.”
Lusine was deathly still. She wasn’t even watching Saylor walk back to her seat – she was in such shock that she wasn’t really watching or concentrating on anything besides the comment that was just said. They’re brutal. They’re brutal. They’re brutal. It was all she could think about; all she could hear in her mind. Just those words over and over again. They’re brutal. They’re brutal. They’re brutal. She felt like she was going to be sick.
She ran to the washroom, and only when she was in the privacy of the room did she let out a loud, heavy sob, tears almost immediately streaming down her face as her chest heaved and she tried to catch her breath. Even when she tried to calm herself down, she couldn’t. She’d hear the words they’re brutal, they’re brutal, they’re brutal, and she’d break down all over again, crying even harder than before.
It wasn’t until the doorhandle jiggled slightly, with the door swinging open, did Lusine even remember where she was and where she was supposed to be. In walked Aleida – beautiful, stunning, perfect Aleida – balancing Helena on her hip and her diaper bag over her other shoulder. Aleida stopped dead in her tracks once she noticed Lusine sobbing. Her face went completely serious, just like it had during the dinner at SoHo House when Auston mentioned the situation with Gina. “Who did this to you?” she demanded.
“Why are hockey girls always so mean?” Lusine didn’t answer Aleida’s question, but posed her own instead. “It feels like all the girls in the city hate me because of who I’m seeing.”
“Who did this to you?” Aleida repeated.
Lusine took a couple of deep breaths before answering, if only because she didn’t want to be a bawling, blubbering mess in front of one of the most beautiful women in the world. “Saylor,” she revealed. “She—she caught me in b-b-between p-periods, and Gina told h-her about what h-happed, and as she left she said—sh-she said ‘You know they have Bio Oil for your scars? They’re brutal.’.”
Lusine watched as Aleida’s face went hard. “I’ll take care of it,” she said, opening the change table and setting Helena down on it expertly. “I promise, Lusine. I’ll take care of it.”
“Why do they hate me so much, Aleida?”
“They don’t hate you. They hate the idea of you,” Aleida clarified, focusing her attention between Lusine and changing Helena’s diaper. “They hate the idea that someone they don’t know is living the life they want. They’re trying to intimidate you—”
“—No, no,” Lusine interrupted, shaking her head. “This isn’t about that. This is just evil, pure evil.”
“Because they’re evil. They’re not good people but you’re a good person.”
Lusine stayed silent, shaking her head, tears still falling down her cheeks. “Why would she say something about my scars?”
Aleida could hear the heartbreak in Lusine’s voice, and her heart almost broke too. “People like Saylor and Gina are willing to say and do anything to get their ideal – whatever that may be,” she explained, throwing out the dirty diaper and prepping Helena for a new one. “They go low because they have no morals. You can’t let it affect you. They do it to get a rise out of you because you’re new and they think it’s easy.”
“Sometimes I wish I wasn’t so stupid that I fell for their trap and went to that party. None of this would have happened if I knew what I was fucking doing,” Lusine lamented.
“Don’t beat yourself up over it. It could have happened to anybody,” Aleida assured her. She finished putting a new diaper on Helena and put her clothes back on before balancing her on her hip again. “And remember, I’ll take care of it.”
Lusine didn’t care about Aleida taking care of it. She never wanted to see Saylor or Gina or any of the other girls for the rest of her life, and Aleida ‘taking care of it’ wasn’t going to help that happen. She wanted normalcy, she wanted to stop crying, she wanted to not be such an emotional, naïve child. Most of all, she wanted Rasmus. “What am I supposed to do?”
“She cannot see you cry. If she sees you cry, she wins,” Aleida said. “Just stay in here to collect yourself, and come out when you’re ready.”
“I’m never going to be ready. That’s the point!” Lusine emphasized. “I’m never going to be ready for any of this! Why can’t somebody just tell me what to do so I don’t have to go through something like this?” she couldn’t stop sobbing – hadn’t stopped sobbing since Aleida walked in on her in the washroom. She kept playing the line over in her head; it was all she could hear – they’re brutal.
“You have to be the hero of your own story, Lusine,” Aleida said sternly, like the good mother she was – though it was something Lusine’s own mother never told her. “You’re the writer of your own story and if you don’t write it, others are going to. Johnny once told Bee that one of the risks of being quiet is that other people can fill your silence. You can’t let people fill your silence.”
“But how can I fill my silence when I don’t know what to say?!” Lusine wailed. “I’m still learning, Aleida! How can you know what to say when you’re still learning?”
“Whatever you say is better than saying nothing. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to come from you—”
“I’m not a grown up!” Lusine cried out, louder than anything she’d said thus far. The pain and fear in her voice struck Aleida like a ton of bricks. “You’re all older and grown up and you think I am but I’m not! I’m nineteen for heaven’s sake! I don’t know what I’m doing!”
For the first time ever, Aleida saw herself in someone else. With those simple words, Aleida saw herself at nineteen years old. So Aleida did the one thing she wished she’d gotten when she was nineteen.
She gave Lusine a hug.
Lusine bawled in her arms, her entire body shaking as Aleida held her tightly. She didn’t speak – at least not yet – because she knew the action was louder than any words she could say right now. And more than anything, she wanted Lusine to feel comforted. Aleida knew what exploitation was, and there was no way in hell she was going to let that happen to another young girl in this city. She was subjected to so much the second she turned eighteen, and it fucked with her in immeasurable ways – it fucked with her identity most of all. Lusine had much more naivety about her, that was for sure – she definitely wasn’t as ‘street-smart’ as Aleida was at eighteen or nineteen – so it made Aleida even more protective. Knowing that someone – let alone Gina or Saylor – preyed on Lusine because of that naivety didn’t settle well with her. Quite frankly, it made her blood boil.
Lusine knew there were mean people in the world, but she didn’t expect to interact with them in the same timeline that she met the love of her life. It was one thing to be jealous from afar – to Instagram stalk, or simply just watch as another person lived the life you wanted or did the things you wanted to do or interacted with people you wanted to be in the same room with. But that was completely different than being jealous up front and personal – being jealous to a point where the other person saw it; being jealous to a point where you inserted yourself into that other person’s life to destroy it or at least uproot it. That was malicious. That was cruel. That could only be done by a special type of psychopath.
“I don’t know if I can do it,” Lusine said once she had calmed down enough to speak.
“Do what?”
“I don’t know if I can put up with it. I don’t want to be part of their game.”
“Then don’t be,” Aleida told her.
“It feels like all the progress I’ve made since SoHo House and wearing something that shows off one of my scars has just…gone,” Lusine continued.
“Don’t let them take that away from you,” Aleida stressed.
That was easier said than done. On a good day Lusine would be strong enough, but right now she wasn’t. “Maybe Toronto isn’t right for me. Maybe I’m not meant for…this. Maybe up until now I’ve been seeing everything through rose-coloured glasses and this was the hit of reality I needed to see that I don’t belong and never did.”
“You are meant for this city. And it’s meant for you.”
Lusine didn’t know if she believed Aleida, but one thing was for sure – Aleida was making her feel better, even if it was just a little bit. She still felt defeated, and upset, and hurt and angry and helpless, but at least she wasn’t crying alone. At least there was someone there with her…and a baby. A very quiet, well-behaved baby. “When did you know you were meant for this city and it was meant for you?”
Aleida shrugged. “I’ve lived her my whole life. I was never really meant for it – I made this city, and this city made me.”
Aleida saying she made Toronto? Only she would. “I would kill for your confidence.”
“A lot of people would.”
Lusine paused. “Did you ever feel like this when you were my age?”
Aleida nodded. “All the time.”
“What’d you do?”
“Exactly what you’re doing now. Except nobody found me in a washroom and gave me a hug.”
This was already hard, so Lusine could only imagine how hard that was. “I didn’t think this was normal.”
“Being nineteen and not having a clue what you’re doing? Lusine, that’s totally normal,” Aleida almost giggled. “Nobody expects you to know what the hell you’re doing at nineteen. Why do you think you have to?”
Lusine shrugged. “I just don’t want to be seen as juvenile or immature. I came from—I was very, very sheltered, and I don’t know a lot, but I don’t want people to know I don’t know a lot. I want to prove to myself that I can survive here – anywhere – without my parents hovering over me.”
Aleida figured the ‘hovering’ had something to do with the car accident she explained at dinner. She didn’t want to push it. “I’d say, for a nineteen year old, you’re doing a pretty decent job so far.”
Helena fussed suddenly, and Lusine sort of snapped back to reality – here was Aleida, a new mother, comforting her in the bathroom of an arena when she should be paying attention to her baby. Lusine was taking that away from her selfishly. “Listen, I’m gonna have to put Helena back in her car seat – do you want to come back out with me? I’m going to handle it, like I promised.”
Lusine immediately shook her head. There was no way she could show her face out there again. But she wouldn’t tell Aleida that. “I think I’ll wait until I’ve calmed down more,” she lied. “Maybe until my eyes and cheeks aren’t so red.”
“Okay, well…I’ll be back,” Aleida stared her down. “Deep breaths, Lusine. And remember – nobody knew what the hell they were doing at nineteen, either.”
“How’s my sweet baby girl doing?” Bee cooed at Helena as Aleida took her seat beside Bee in the row.
“Ladies, we have a situation,” Aleida announced, handing Helena over to Bee.
“A situation?” Aryne asked.
“I found Lusine crying in the washroom,” she said. “Apparently Saylor found out about the party with Gina and found her. She told Lusine there’s Bio Oil available for her scars and that they look brutal.”
Aryne, Aberdeen, and Bee’s jaws dropped at the revelation. “Are you serious?” Aryne was shocked.
“That motherfucking bitch,” Aberdeen seethed, looking towards the section she knew the other girls were sitting in. “I’m gonna fucking go over there and knock her teeth down her throat.”
“You’re a famous author now, Aberdeen. You can’t risk doing that.”
“Yes I can—I—Aleida, why are you taking out your phone?”
“I told Lusine I was going to take care of it, so I’m taking care of it.”
“What are you doing?” Bee asked, though it was no use.
“Hi, Chris? It’s Aleida Casillas-Andersen,” she spoke into the phone. The girls immediately recognized the name – Chris Henderson, the head of security at Scotiabank Arena. “Chris, I think we have a bit of a situation…Can you check the security cameras? I have it on good authority that some of the guests that we’re hosting of the Pittsburgh Penguins have brought drugs into the arena – specifically into the family lounge and washroom.”
The girls’ jaws hit the floor. They kept listening in on Aleida’s conversation. “Mhmm…mhmm…do you remember Saylor Greene? From when Kasperi Kapanen was on the team? She’s one…Yes, and she also has a friend named Gina.” Bee mouthed “Holy fucking shit” to the other girls as Aleida nodded her head. “Yup – the same Saylor Greene that would always cause trouble when she was here. Some people don’t change, right?...Mhmm…Mhmm…well it was a friend that saw it, and Chris – I really don’t think she deserves another opportunity. I mean this is the family lounge. Can you…oh, they can come with handcuffs? Perfect. Thank you so much Chris. I really appreciate it.”
Aberdeen was holding on to the armrests for dear life. “Aleida—”
“I handled it,” she said simply, putting her phone back in her purse.
The girls looked at each other. Bee was very clearly trying to hide her smile at what Aleida had just done – as was Aberdeen. “And you handled it perfectly,” Aryne piped in, hiding her own pleased smile.
Aleida still had it in her. It was just somewhere deep down.
The girls waited. It wasn’t long before two security officials came through the family lounge and down the steps into the stands, looking around at the crowd. Once they spotted Aleida, she discreetly pointed them to the correct section. They watched. They watched as the officials made people get up, entered the row, and made their way towards Saylor and company. A couple a few rows down who were taking a video of the game heard and noticed the commotion, and turned their camera to film what was happening. A loud shriek emerged from Saylor, followed by a wail from Gina, and lo and behold – they were handcuffed right then and there, screaming as they were dragged out and up the stairs away from the stands.
“Ma’am, there are security cameras. You are under arrest,” one of the officials said to Gina as she kept screaming passed where Aleida, Aryne, Aberdeen, and Bee were seated. They couldn’t believe it actually happened, but Aleida could. She always knew Gina and Saylor would get their comeuppance one day, and she was glad that it came from her.
“I can’t believe that just happened,” Aryne was still shocked at what transpired in front of her. “I mean – incredible work Aleida – but wow.”
“I’m going to go check on Lusine. She’s still in the washroom,” Aleida announced, getting up. “You still got Helena?” she asked Bee.
Aleida made her way up the stairs and back into the family lounge. She knocked on the door to the washroom. “Hey Lusine – it’s Aleida. You doing okay in there?” she asked.
No answer.
She knocked again. “I dealt with them, Lusine. They won’t bother you ever again. You can come out now.”
No answer.
Aleida jiggled the doorknob and noticed it was unlocked. “Lusine?” she asked as she swung the door open.
The bathroom was empty.
Lusine barely remembered to grab her jacket before running out of Scotiabank Arena.
It must have been some sort of divine intervention, because the snowstorm had started outside. Yet another 15-20cm expected before morning, which meant it was really coming down. But all the snow falling didn’t stop her from walking the streets of downtown, tears streaming down her face.
Lusine didn’t know if she could do it. She didn’t know if she could put up with it. Which is why she ran away. She wanted zero part in their game. With only a few words, they’d already destroyed any progress she’d made. They fractured the part in her that believed there was more to her than just scars.
Maybe her parents were right.
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rainofaugustsith · 3 years
SWTOR and Force Empathy, Revisited
Spoilers for SWTOR content up to and including Secrets of the Enclave (6.3).
So I hypothesized before about what is going on with the comments from the PC and the NPCs in Secrets of the Enclave, alluding to the fact that the PC isn't able to feel things around them like Rivix, Krovos or Aryn Leneer. After playing through with a Jedi Consular, I really feel that the hypothesis that the PC can block what is around them is fair. I don't think i t's going to be a deficit - I think it's going to be one explanation as to why the Commander is so exceptionally dangerous.
I think that while Force Empathy can be a special trait, completely concealing one's emotions/cutting oneself off from sensing things in the Force can also be a talent. I think it's one that can be exhibited by non-Force sensitives too - Theron is not Force sensitive, but his mind cannot be read by Lana, the Revanites OR the Order of Zildrog. Lana out and out says his mind cannot be read. I think it's a two way street - the PC blocks both incoming and outgoing traffic, so to speak. Because it's coming up that other characters cannot sense the Commander's presence or read their thoughts/emotions. It would also completely explain why the PC is so overpowered a lot of the time, even against Force sensitives. Their actions and intentions can't necessarily be read. Two more things have jumped out at me. Spoilers for SWTOR content up to and including Secrets of the Enclave (6.3). In this scene after Secrets of the Enclave, the Commander stands in the doorway listening to Rivix's conversation with Acina/Vowrawn. When they make their presence known, Rivix jumps and is visibly frightened. Darth Rivix cannot sense the Commander standing in the doorway. He also appears afraid of the Commander, but let's leave that for a second. Let's focus on the fact that Rivix, who was all "I sense all this in the Dantooine Enclave, I'm surprised you don't" cannot sense the Commander, who appears to be standing about 6 feet away from him.
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Darth Rivix: Oh, my apologies! The briefing doesn't start for a few more minutes. I thought... On Iokath during KOTET, Lana can only feel the Commander is alive if she's romancing them. She's also especially thrilled about it. That would imply, in addition to the Force bond that has been mentioned in the canon, that the guard is down only because the Commander is close to her.
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Lana Beniko: I knew you were alive. I felt it. Also: 1. The Sith Warrior can successfully lie to Darth Baras from the time they are an acolyte. When Baras sends you to kill Tremel, if you refuse, there's never an indication Baras ever finds out until the end of the class story, when Tremel appears again. The same is true for Rathari on Nar Shaddaa. 2. The Sith Warrior can also apparently mask the fact that they live after the Quesh betrayal, until someone (likely Quinn or the Entity) tips Baras off. 3. The Sith Warrior can also stand right behind Baras when he's talking with Darth Vengean, without even being noticed. 4. The Sith Inquisitor can also completely conceal their thoughts from their mentor. Zash doesn't know about the Inquisitor's relationship to Lord Kallig unless the SI tells them; she also doesn't know how the Inquisitor recovers that holocron on Korriban unless the SI chooses to chare. 5. The Sith Warrior can completely hide from Darth Ekkage in the same room. 6. Valkorion is in the Commander's mind but isn't able to see what they did on Nathema or if they spoke to Lord Dramath or picked up the holocron. He later asks directly about that twice and can't see beyond what the PC tells him. 7. All eight classes can resist the Dread Masters on Oricon. 8. All eight classes can resist Vitiate on Ziost. 9. In KOTFE/KOTET, Valkorion is in the Commander's mind, but only has control over the Commander if he is directly summoned and given permission; or if the Commander is incapacitated at that moment. 10. In the Dark Temple on Dromund Kaas, there are three separate side quests where all four Imperial classes are said to be "immune" or clearly not feeling at all influenced by the spirits in the Temple. They also can clearly see when others are possessed.
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Aneryah: No. Whatever seems to be...distracted, now. I was able to escape, and you seem immune. 11. For the saboteurs in the audience, it's always seemed foolish that the factions would trust the PC in spite of everything. Only Malgus and the Jedi at the end of Echoes seem to have suspicion. Everyone else just seems to assume the PC is on the up and up with them. But if they can completely conceal their thoughts and motives it makes much more sense.
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imaginesbymk · 3 years
Preference // Reservoir Dogs.
When You Two Fight.
CHARACTERS / mr. white/larry dimmick, mr. orange/freddy newandyke, mr. pink, mr. blonde/vic vega, nice guy eddie, mr. brown
TAGS / swearing, smoking, drinking, there’s a gif with blood in it!
AUTHOR’S NOTE / i’m back on my bullshit!!!!! leave a like/reblog + feedback!! would you guys like a preference of how they make up after a fight? let me know in the comments!
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what were you two fighting about? whatever it was, larry gets the last word
white is gonna feel absolutely shitty for raising his voice at you
for most fights, you two fight because he cares and he’s terrified of you getting hurt so he has to yell to get his point across
he’ll definitely give you space, but then he’ll approach you making dinner or something and he’ll try to grab your arm and make you have a conversation with him
and the poor guy is like talking sweet to you, apologizing for yelling :(((
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freddy is honestly not the smartest boyfriend at times
he’s kind of an idiot and he’ll be like “come on babe what did i do this time????”
then he gives you space but he doesn’t know when to come back and communicate and talk things over
honestly he’ll just apologize just so you won’t get mad at him anymore cos he hates that feeling
you make him sleep on the couch and he’s like reflecting by staring down at his marvel superhero action figures
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constant bickering.
the thing is, pink doesn’t like to fight with you, but something always comes up cos he’s an asshole sometimes and you two disagree on a lot of things
he’s fighting with you in the car, he’s the one driving
you eventually win the argument and he has to let off some steam 
if it’s not an argument in the car, it’s in the living room - his clumsy ass knocks over stuff while he storms out of the room and lets out a loud “FUCK!”
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he’s more calm when you two fight, it’s hard to point out if that’s a good thing or a bad thing
not that he’s scary when he’s mad, but that means he isn’t taking you or your feelings at heart
he’s so stubborn and likes to talk back
blonde honestly thinks he’s right in the situation 
honestly he would get mad at you for being mad at him and for not talking to him 
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you two always argue over the phone
he has his phone with him at all times and the dogs grow concerned or annoyed when they hear him yell over the phone
it’s awkward as hell when he hangs up and he looks up to see the guys staring at him
joe wouldn’t try to come between you two because he feels like his son can handle it on his own but eddie literally rants to him
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he’s the one that argues more because he's so passionate 
you two wouldn’t even have serious fights, most of the arguments are debates over music and films 
sometimes it’ll get a bit serious when one of you takes it too far but the fight is immediately squashed 
you and brown just go back to watching a different movie on the couch and it’s just awkward small talk 
suddenly he’ll crack and ramble on as if you two didn’t fight 10mins ago, “okay, but did you notice that scene? did ya scene that y/n??? incredible”
TAGLIST: @locke-writes​ @aryn-the-bearheart​
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locke-writes · 3 years
A Sense of Understanding
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Author: locke-writes
Title: A Sense of Understanding
Prompt: Three Musketeers (2011), Silver, It's Alright - Mother Mother For: @aryn-the-bearheart​
Rating: T
Word Count: 673
AN: Silver often represents strength and clarity
Rafael Barba felt regret wash over him in an instant. It was three in the morning, freezing cold, he was drunk, and he'd just knocked on your apartment door. There was always somebody waiting to buzz someone up or someone willing to buzz anyone up if they sounded desperate enough in a lie about lost keys. That was the only clarity he had for the moment up until he heard footsteps and you grumbling to yourself from behind the door. He knew he shouldn't have come but he also knew that the two of you had a pact that you'd be there for one another through anything at all.
The door swung open and you took him by the arm leading him inside and having him sit on the couch. He tried to speak, tried to say some words, utter an apology of any sort, but nothing came out, not a single sound to even explain what he was doing there. In fact really he didn't know what he was doing there. Why hadn't he gone home? Why had he felt compelled to go to you? You were friends, yes, you'd seen the worst in people from your respective jobs, yes, but that didn't mean that he should take advantage of you based on the fact that at one point you told him he could come over any time he needed to talk and the fact that you told him that he could trust you.
He was dazed, only half listening to the questions you were asking and not giving much of a response. A pillow was offered, a few blankets gifted, and then a water bottle with some pain meds was placed on the coffee table in front of the couch. In a few moments he was asleep and all thoughts of where he was or who he'd come to see had been wiped clean.
The smell of eggs was what woke him up and he gladly reached out for the water as well as a cup of coffee that you'd placed there. He sipped it finding that somehow you knew exactly how he liked it and he wondered when the two of you had had that conversation. Glancing down near the end of the couch he found that the coat he'd been wearing and his shoes were in place as though waiting for him to slip them on and walk away. Part of him wanted to, wanted to walk away into the morning and head home never to speak of this with you again. The other part knew that you had questions and he had answers.
The other part of him knew that he should still tell you why he'd arrived at your doorstep in the first place. It wasn't hard to remember why, he was sure the words would stick with him for the rest of his life and yet he couldn't begin to understand just what was so different this time from all of the other times it had happened.
"They came back with a not guilty verdict."
You turned the stove off before facing him not saying a word as you knew he would continue to speak without prompting.
"After everything that we had, all the evidence, they still came back not guilty."
"It's bound to happen and it will continue to happen Raf."
"I just keep thinking about what I did wrong, was there something better I could have said, something more I should have explained? The people I represent are victims who deserve some justice and this time that doesn't exist."
"I know saying it doesn't make it easier to do or to accept but, you need to use this as a way of pushing forward, not dwelling on what you could have done. Think about what you will do for your next client."
He nodded knowing that you were right, knowing that this was why he came to your door. You'd offered him help and this time he was clinging to it like a lifeline.
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everythingisblue-if · 11 months
After you said your Patreon was available again I tried to join but I’m still unable to? I’m getting the “you can’t join this creator’s membership” message at checkout.
Membership was meant to unpause automatically today, but I assume it was set at a certain time if the day I was not aware of, so I apologize. So, I manually unpaused it so that you’re able to join. Sorry for the inconvenience 😅
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darkesthourrpg · 2 years
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NAME: Park Ah-In GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis Woman, She/Her DATE OF BIRTH: November 25th, 1995 PLACE OF BIRTH: Gangnam, South Korea CURRENT RESIDENCE: The Bronx OCCUPATION: Assistant to Selene Khan FACE CLAIM: Seo Ye-Ji
Trigger Warnings: Death, Grief, Loss
Park Ah-In was born on Nov 23, 1995 in Gangnam, South Korea to her father, Soo Hun and mother, Ji Hye. Her mother had died giving birth to Aryn as it was a complicated birth. Her mother was always weak and constantly sick. After being told that his wife or the baby could possibly die during the birth. Her mother was determined to bring her into the world, even after her father said that they didn’t need a child to be happy. Her mother refused to abort the child and said it was a blessing for them to have created a baby given the state of her health. Devastated by his wife’s decision to keep the baby, Soo Hun tried everything to have his wife give a safe delivery. Ji Hye told him that no matter what happened he must protect and love the baby with all his heart. The day of Ah-In’s birth was the worst day of Soo Hun’s life. She came a month early and Ji Hye had been sick the last few months of her pregnancy. Soo Hun went to get the pack healer and with their help they were able to deliver Ah-In. Ji Hye, weak and exhausted from the birth, quietly begged to hold her daughter and with a soft smile named her Ah-In. Meaning Benevolence which she hoped her daughter would grow up to become in adulthood. It was with that last breath that she slipped away and never took another breath again.
Consumed with grief, Soo Hun refused to see his daughter as he mourned the loss of his soulmate. For weeks, Ah-In was in the care of the Omega who became her wet nurse until her father was finally able to face her again. Once he took his first proper look at his daughter, he wept as he could see his Ji Hye in her face. He told his alpha that he was leaving the pack and country. His alpha did not take kindly to that and attacked Soo Hyun. Soo Hyun barely escaped with his life and returned to take Ah-In and vowed never to return here. With that, he took Ah-In and left South Korea for good and traveled to New York, The United States of America. There he took up residence in the Bronx area where for a long time he was drifting from jobs and keeping a low profile. The move was good as no one knew who he was and he could be free to live and raise his daughter.
Growing up as a werewolf wasn’t easy for the young girl given she had no maternal figure in her home. Her dad refused to marry again and she never saw him with a lady friend. She always wanted to have a mother figure and wondered if she ever would have that kind of love. When Ah-In was in elementary school the principal called her father to the school to talk to him about his daughter’s behavior. It was learned that Ah-In had gotten into a fight with an older boy who was teasing her for not having a mother. Her father apologized for her behavior and was quiet as they made their way home. Ah-In knew her father was disappointed in her but he never expressed anger to her, no matter how badly she acted he never raised his hand or yelled at her. She would throw fits and act out to gain his attention but all she ever got was a look of disappointment. Eventually she grew out of her immature ways and started looking elsewhere to get his approval. She would study hard to get good grades to show him and he would smile when she showed him 100s on tests. Motivated by this Ah-In spent most of her time studying and working hard to get her father’s approval.
Once she hit puberty, Ah-In was terrified, she had been home alone as her father was at work. That day she learned that she had to embrace her nature and turned her focus on having absolute control over it. Her father was proud that she had fully come into her abilities. Now, she had a whole new set of abilities and also a hairy dealing once the full moon happened.
Once she was in high school, she got caught up in theatre when a friend invited her to join the theatre club as a costume maker. She had a knack with a needle and an eye for colors and design. She only joined because her friend begged her and not long did she grow to love working with the theatre club. She would spend hours designing costumes for plays and she was offered the position of head of the design team. She was hesitant as it would cut into her study time a lot and she didn’t want her grades to hurt for it. She declined the offer and simply helped when she could as she realized she couldn’t let her grades drop. High school flies by and she graduates as valedictorian of her grade and was given a scholarship to any university she wanted.
 18 year old Ah-In chose to go to New York University in Manhattan to get a bachelors in fashion and design. Her father was not sure why she chose such a career for herself as he felt it wasn’t a good career path. Ah-In was not put out by his opinion and decided she will do what she wanted. During her university years she met a lot of people, human and nonhuman. She went on dates and it wasn’t until her last year did she find someone who made her heart skip a beat. His name was Mathias Killerman. He was her first of everything, she thought she had found her mate even though he was human and had to hide her identity. She introduced him to her father who took a dislike to him. Not understanding why her father disliked him so much, Ah-In disregarded it and continued to see Mathias. Months go by and the couple start looking for a place to rent.
 Ah-In was interning at The Khan Company renowned for their fashion and event planning. She loved the company and looked up to the owner Selene Khan. She helped to inspire her to achieve her goals. She never thought a vampire would be the one to encourage her to do her best and not let anyone stop her. The 22 year old was overjoyed by how her life was turning out. Until, it all came to an abrupt halt. She had come home from work early to surprise her boyfriend, she was going to make his favorite meal and wear his favorite lingerie. What she found will change everything. She found him in bed with one of her best friends. He was just as shocked as him and he fumbled with an excuse. Enraged and hurt, Ah-In nearly transformed right before his eyes. She was able to stop the transformation but her fangs and claws appeared along with glowing eyes. She ran off before the humans could realize what they saw. Heartbroken, Ah-In dived into her studies and working at The Khan Company that she nearly ran herself sick. She ignored Mathias’ attempts to explain or talk to her. She didn’t want to hear his pathetic excuses and she was worried she would rip out his throat for his betrayal.
 She graduated and started full time as a fashion designer and owner of Blush Boutique, having successfully entered the fashion world and created her own business. She used her degree and connections with the Khan Company to dig roots in the fashion world. She worked hand in hand with Selene trading clients and business together. As great as her career was, her love life was a barren wasteland as she never once opened her heart again as she felt she would not put herself in that humiliating situation again. Now at 26, she was working her dream job and achieving more than she ever expected.
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laurenairay · 3 years
Sweater Weather - M. Rielly
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Summary: Morgan didn’t warn you about his new favourite Christmas sweater…
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: established relationship fluff, trash-talking ugly sweaters, a little anxiety from Mo
A/N: fully in my winter holiday feelings! ☃️ This one is for @broadstbroskis – I haven’t written for Mo before so I hope you like this Sarah!
“Mm, I almost forgot,”
“Forgot what?” you asked breathily.
Morgan didn’t answer, just continued to kiss your neck, arms wrapped around you from behind, making you shiver. It was only when he sucked hard at the spot where your neck met your shoulder, making you moan softly, that you broke out of your lusty thoughts and spun around in his arms to face him.
“Stop distracting me!” you giggled, batting at his chest, “what did you almost forget?”
“JT’s having his Christmas party on Saturday, and you’re invited,” Morgan said.
“Saturday? As in, two days from now Saturday? Really?” you sighed fondly.
It’s not like you had plans, but come on, a little more notice would’ve been nice! Morgan just smiled sheepishly. “Sorry?”
How could you be mad at that face?
“I’m sure it’ll be fun, count me in,” you nodded.
Morgan punched his fist in the air in celebration, making you giggle.
“Oh, the theme is Christmas sweaters – there’s even going to be some kind of competition!” Morgan grinned, “I found my new favourite sweater in a store the other day, so I can’t wait to wear it!”
Eurgh, oh god. Christmas sweaters. If there was one thing you hated about the winter holiday time, it was the insistence on everyone around you of wearing gaudy tacky sweaters that were (most of the time) itchy and uncomfortable. You’d gotten away with not wearing one for years, your family not really that fond of them either, but your work colleagues had done so with vigour since you started working there a few years ago – and you should’ve known that Morgan, sweet Christmas-loving Morgan, would wear them too.
He saw the grimace on your face and winced, before his eyes went wide and pleading. Oh god not the puppy dog eyes.
“I know you’re not a fan of them, but will you wear one for me?” he asked hopefully.
Damn it. How could you say no to that face?
“I’ll ask one of the girls at work if they can bring one in for me tomorrow,” you sighed.
The grin that lit up Morgan’s face showed you that your agreement, however reluctant, would be worth it.
Fortunately (or unfortunately) your colleague had been more than willing to lend you a Christmas sweater yesterday, so come Saturday evening you were dressed up in cute sparkling leggings and a black strap top, staring down at the sweater while you waited for Morgan to pick you up from your apartment. It wasn’t completely awful, thankfully – just a very dark blue with snowflakes stitched all over it, with silver glitter thread running through to make it shimmer. Definitely could’ve been worse.
When you heard him knock on your front door, you sighed and pulled it over your head, ruffling your freshly curled hair before letting him in.
“Oh wow, that’s such a cute sweater!” Morgan grinned.
You rolled your eyes fondly, but pressed a gentle kiss to his lips in greeting. “It’s not itchy or overly warm, so...”
“Thank you,” he murmured, wrapping his arms tightly around you in a hug.
Your smile softened, and you couldn’t help but sink into his body as you hugged him back. Anything for him. Luckily it didn’t take long for the two of you to get to JT and Aryne’s house, and you were greeted with big hugs and a kiss on the cheek.
“Thanks for coming guys!” JT said cheerfully.
“Thanks for the invite!” you grinned back.
Aryne sent you a pout, making you giggle as you unbuttoned your coat. Her face lit back up through at your christmas winter sweater…and then Morgan took off his coat too. Oh good god. The sweater…the sweater was the most garish thing you’d ever seen. Holy shit. Bright red with dancing cartoon reindeer all over it, with snowmen and even Santa on the shoulder. Not to mention the actual bells stitched on. Morgan grinned as John cheered (how much eggnog had he had?!) and bounced on his feet, making the bells jingle.
“Oh, and it lights up!” Morgan added.
He reached to the side of his sweater, flicking a switch – and yep, dozens of tiny little lights
“What do you think?” Morgan asked you.
You froze slightly, making his smile dim a little. Damn it.
“I like the lights! Very festive,” you said quickly, running your thumb over a cluster of them on his shoulder.
“The reindeer are really sweet, Mo,” Aryne added.
Thank fuck for Aryne.
Morgan seemed to relax slightly, making you feel a bit better. Well, as good as you could – why hadn’t he warned you about the sweater? No, no judgement. Morgan clearly loved it and you weren’t going to ruin that. Not for him.
But when the four of you walked into the main ‘party room’, everyone saw Morgan’s sweater and fell silent.
“Jesus Mo, it’s like Christmas threw up on you,” Auston snickered.
You felt Morgan tense next to you as people laughed, squeezing your hand just a little tighter. Oh shit.
“And I thought Willy’s sweater was bad,” Mitch giggled.
Bad. Oh no.
“It’s festive!” JT said, clapping Morgan on the shoulder.
Thank fuck for JT.
“It’s a headache,” Auston retorted, nudging Mitch.
That earned more laughter from other people in the room. You glanced up at Morgan, and winced at how forced his smile now was. Shit.
“Shall we get a drink, babe?” you asked, trying to break the tension.
“Yeah, I could do with a couple,” he nodded.
You frowned at his teammates as you walked into the kitchen with him, but only Zach noticed, and he winced, sending you an apologetic smile. You just hoped the teasing would stop there, for Morgan’s sake if nothing else.
It didn’t stop. The teasing didn’t stop at all, and you watched sadly as Morgan got more and more deflated over the hours you were there. It even got to the point where he switched off the lights, which only made things worse. The smile didn’t drop from his face though, not once, even when he was awarded ‘Most Garish Sweater’ at the end of the night, Aryne murmuring her apologies to you.
You just hoped that you could do some damage control when the two of you got back to Morgan’s house.
“Is it really that bad?” Morgan asked, as soon as the front door closed.
The way his voice went quiet and a little sad made you die a little inside. Oh God. This was genuinely upsetting him. Shit.
“I mean…it’s a bit intense,” you winced, making Morgan wince too, “But, that’s the spirit of this, right? It’s incredibly festive!”
“Festive, right,” Morgan sighed.
“Hey, look at me,”
You waited until your boyfriend looked at you with those beautiful blue eyes.
“You like this sweater. That’s all the matters. It made you happy when you put it on so screw everyone else. And me, for making you feel like this,” you said firmly.
“I’m not mad at you, no!” Morgan said, shaking his head.
But you pressed your lips together in a tight smile and shook your head right back.
“I stayed silent at what they said – that makes me just as bad as them – so I’m sorry,” you insisted, “just because I don’t love all the Christmas traditions that you do, doesn’t mean I should’ve let them make fun of any of it. Especially not something like this,”
Morgan sighed softly, before smiling. “I’m not going to win this, am I?” he mused.
“Nope,” you grinned back.
He didn’t deserve to feel this bad over something that made him happy. No way. You were just glad he was giving you the chance to redeem yourself. Morgan just laughed, leaning his head down to kiss you gently, before resting his forehead against yours. “You know, there is one way you can make it up to me…”
“Yeah?” you mused.
“The store has a matching one in the ‘women’s section’ – wear it with me at my family Christmas?” Morgan suggested.
Oh god. Oh that was just unfair! The sparkle in Morgan’s eye showed you just how much he was enjoying this – but for him (and his family) you knew you would do it. Damn it.
“Fine. I will wear this sweater with you,” you groaned, burying your face in his neck.
It would be worth it, to make him smile, you knew that much.
“I love you too,” Morgan grinned.
You just laughed, making him laugh as well. Loving him was just too easy.
“You know what I would love too?” you asked innocently, raising your head to look at him.
“What?” Morgan mused.
“Seeing that sweater on your bedroom floor,” you smirked.
Morgan’s eyes flashed dark, making you shiver in anticipation. Oh happy holidays to you.
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greyias · 3 years
6.3 Mail Call!
The last thread was getting too long, and besides, it’s mail time!
But first, a palette cleanser for all of my possibly completely off base, long whinging/ranting:
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I just love that shot. The sky, the composition, the pose, those birds fluttering off towards the Enclave, as a symbol of life continuing on. Nothing really deep, just pretty and calming.
Anyway! MAIL!
First up came while I was typing up furiously, and I’m not sure if I somehow missed out on these earlier because I kinda forgot to log in for a month or so?
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Oh, Shae. Happy to help! Also make sure to give Indigo a nice punch in the helmet for me! Not because I necessarily think he was involved--that’s just how he and I say hi to each other.
Then we have:
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Rasssss! Oh my goodness I love you so much, you sweet adorable baby brother Mando. And I love that no one is letting Grey live down the fact that every form of transportation she gets on explodes.
Also him signing it “Space Pirate” -- seriously. I love. And that brotherly ribbing 😂 
Never change, Rass! Never Change.
And aww, Aryn sent us one:
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 AHHH--I don’t know why I keep forgetting that she and T7 had a connection! I love that’s another connection that the Knight has (yes, I know he’s with the all the Outlanders now, but Knights had him first!), and T7′s quest to uncover the truth about Master Zallow during Vanilla.
Also, I love that Satele and Aryn are connecting here, hinted at in the devblog prequel story. They had such a brief interaction in the Deceived novel, and I love that they’re building on it here. It’ll be interesting to see Aryn and Satele continue to appear in the story.
Do Aryn and Satele swap kid stories? Do they force Arra and Theron to have afternoon tea parties on the Coruscant terrace? (I will never get over that its canon that Theron and Satele have tea parties post-SoR).
I do hope that as Aryn’s story continues, she might still be given a chance to have that forever happy ending with Zeerid and Arra. One thing I’ve noticed in Star Wars canon, a true happily ever after is... rare. And for a while it seemed like Aryn had found hers. I hope she finds it again, and that she can finally let go of her taste for vengeance.
And finally:
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You know, Vinyor -- can I call you Vinny? Don’t answer, I think I will -- you don’t make the best second impression either what with this non-apology of “if anything you think I said made you feel bad then I’m sorry you felt that way” schtick. Also really? Your first thought when you looked at Aryn was... spy???
Or are you calling the OUTLANDER the spy?
Really--who are you accusing here, buddy? Maybe you need to get your head out of those tomes and datapads and go make a friend or two. You’re starting to get a bit paranoid. Sound a little weird.
(Says the woman with a semi-permanent cork board covered in red string).
Although seriously, I do like this kind of antagonistic quality to this guy. Like I said, Jedi are no saints, and it’s nice to see a little friction among the allies. And this overreaction and extreme paranoia actually does make sense from someone who’s survived an ordeal. Like, one thing the Outlander really doesn’t know in the way the other characters do is exactly how bad things got during the timeskip. I like seeing hints of that here, and the fact that yes, the Jedi were nearly eliminated during the conflict with Zakuul, and it left a huge impression on the survivors. I think with the breakneck speed things go at in game, it’s sometimes easy to forget that.
That being said... I won’t necessarily stop Kira from sneaking a whoopee cushion under his chair at meetings if he’s going to keep this up.
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