#apparently there’s a child safety mode
ace-of-drakes · 6 months
y’all i’m locked out of my microwave
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repulsiveliquidation · 7 months
She's going to be okay.
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[Ona Batlle x Reader] [ANGST] [La Princesa] [Royalty] [Angel in the House]
Mentions of miscarriages, death. Please do not read if you’re not comfortable. Really, it truly gets dark.
word count : 2.6k
“Hold on, mi amor. I’m right here, please hold on.”
BREAKING NEWS : World famous footballing couple Y/N L/N and Ona Batlle announce their pregnancy! Ona, taking a step back from football to focus on her pregnancy tells media that she is 9 weeks pregnant and the baby is doing well. Her wife Y/N says Ona’s decision to have the child was deeply pondered by both and says that “We are both excited to welcome our little one into the world, we both can’t wait to be parents. Ona will also be taking time away from football to focus on our family with full support from everyone at Barcelona.”
“Bonita, we’re going to be late!”
“Coming, just forgot my phone!”
You held both your kit bags while you waited by the door. Ona was scrambling to find her phone, you watched with amusement at her frantically searching for it.
“What–it was just here?!”
“Look at your right hand, beautiful.”
You laughed and walked over to her, shoulders slumped in defeat. You kissed her forehead and took her hand, walking out of the house to your car. She got in the passenger side wordlessly as you put your bags in the back and got in the driver’s side. You sighed seeing her looking so down. You leaned over and kissed her head, reaching for her seatbelt and putting it on. “Safety first,” you whispered to her, pulling a smile from her. “There’s my girl.” You tell her as you pull your own seatbelt on, hand resting on her thigh as you drive to the training ground. 
It’s a wet day in Barcelona as you head into the changing room. You find your national teammates Lucy and Kiera whispering just outside the door, apparently planning something. “What are you two up to?” you ask them, both turning around and looking at you innocently. As vice-captain, you have a sense of control over the team, most people listening to Alexia and you with genuine admiration. Alexia is the stricter of the two, you’re who most will find leading the making fun of Alexia when she’s in captain mode. Ona laughs at their antics and walks straight into the changing room without you as you stand there and listen to the two of them explain their plan on pranking Alexia, who was currently in a meeting with Jonatan. You tell them to leave you out of it but yell “I want it on video!” before following Ona into the changing room.
She’s on the phone, expression unreadable. The rest of the girls turn quiet when you walk in, causing you to pull a face and become concerned. “Amor?” you say simply, Ona looking right into your eyes as she ends the call. “What’s wrong?” you ask her again, towering over her smaller frame.
“That was the fertility clinic.” She says quietly, Pina inhaling sharply which caused Patri to smack her arm.
“Baby, what did they say?”
“It worked.”
She says it so softly you didn’t hear her.
“I’m pregnant.”
Mapi yells before you do, all the girls celebrating at the news. They hug and clap your back, cheering loudly at the news of a new member to the squad. Your ears drown them out, eyes fixated on the most beautiful person in the room.
Your wife. Now bearing your child.
You pull her into your arms, tears flowing down both your faces. She sobs into your chest as you kiss her head over and over again. “Thank you bebita, oh thank you!” you tell her, holding her wet face in your hands. You fall in love with her all over again, kissing her hard before your bubble is broken as the rest of the girls walk in from all the noise.
“What the hell has gotten into you all? What’s all the yelling for?” Alexia walks in, Lucy and Kiera in tow, prank abandoned.
“Y/N knocked Ona up!” yells Mapi (who else would) grabbing you by your shoulders and smiling proudly. Ingrid walked over and smacked Mapi on the head.
“I didn’t knock her up you moron, I only gave her the fertility shots. Technically the doctor did.” you tell everyone, Ona glued to your side.
“Congratulations to you both, you will be the best parents.” Alexia tells you, hugging you both tight.
“She knocked you up pretty good huh Ona, the doctor called you personally to tell you, must have been fun!” Mapi teases and before you could kill her, Ingrid gave her a look that shut her up so fast she quietly went back to putting her boots on as the whole team laughed at her.
Jonatan was thankfully still in his office as you both walked in. Hand in hand, you sat at his desk nervous before he looked up. “To what do I owe the pleasure, girls?” he asks kindly, smiling at the two of you.
“Do you remember the conversation we had a few months ago, Jonatan? About us wanting to start a family?”
“Sí. Is it good news?”
“Ona’s pregnant.”
“Oh, that’s great news girls. Congratulations. Ona, I’d like for our physicians to take good care of you while you’re pregnant. You’re in control here, whatever your course of action is from now on is up to you. My door is always open for you both. Now, you’ve both got the day off. Ona, if you’d like, I can set up an appointment with the doctors for you to have a full workup?”
“That would be perfect, Jonatan. Thank you for everything.”
2 months pregnant.
The girls rush to the door when you and Ona walk in. She’s had a hard couple weeks with morning sickness and has been staying in bed most of the time when you leave for training. She’s finally had a morning where the baby hasn’t tried to nauseate her and she wanted to spend the day out with you. Training was at 10am so you both managed to squeeze in a quick breakfast together, walking onto the pitch with coffee for the girls as a treat. They take the drinks from you both, passing them around and noticing that you got each and every one of them their regular orders. “Now you can’t say I don’t spoil you all!” you quip, sipping your coffee while Ona chats with Pina holding her tea.
Alexia walks up to you, her coffee in hand as she watches Ona and the girls.
“How is she?”
“She’s alright. The morning sickness was bad yesterday, I think the baby is giving her a break today.”
“She’s glowing, you know.”
“That she is. She’s beautiful.”
5 months pregnant.
“Cariño? It’s time to wake up angel. We’ve got a doctor’s appointment in two hours.”
“Is it that time already?”
“Sí. Come on, I’ll make you breakfast too.”
“You’re too good to me.”
“You’re the mother of my child, you deserve the world and more.”
You both sit in the kitchen and enjoy breakfast while listening to the radio. She’s sitting in your lap, helping herself to your cereal. She had requested a bagel with literally half the tub of cream cheese but when she saw your bowl of cereal, her puppy eyes had earned her a swap. You learned quickly that a pregnant Ona was also a very hungry one (more than usual at least­) and you had also learnt quickly to order what you knew she wanted but didn’t order so that she could swap and eat yours instead. You didn’t mind, as long as she was happy, you were too.
“Mrs. Ona L/N? Doctor Johan will see you now.”
“Thank you.”
"De nada, third door on the right.”
“Good afternoon, how are we feeling today?”
Finally, after what seems like an eternity, the doctor finishes all his questions and brings in the ultrasound machine. You’re sitting beside Ona holding her hand, softly rubbing the back of her knuckles as she listens to Dr. Johan. He lifts her shirt and spreads the cold gel along the bottom, ultrasound wand going over Ona’s now showing belly. You kiss her knuckles softly, looking up at her just as the beautiful sound of your child’s heartbeat fills the room. You’re both in tears, eyes locked on each other. You lean up and kiss her, smiling so wide your cheeks are beginning to hurt.
“Do we want to know the gender?” the doctor asks.
“Could we get it in an envelope? We’d like to find out together with our family.”
“Of course, you are both going to have a very healthy baby.”
6 months pregnant.
“Lucia, please don’t make me regret making you and Kiera in charge of the baby shower. If you fuck it up, Ona will slaughter me.”
“Don’t worry you worry wart. It’s going to be perfect.”
Ona was still getting ready, getting annoyed that most of her clothes didn’t fit anymore, only your jerseys did (she wasn’t complaining). Just as you had walked in, she threw off a pretty summer dress that you had got her while in Germany for a game three weeks ago.
“Hey angel, nothing’s taken your fancy?”
“Nada encaja, amor…” she whined, head in her hands as she stood in front of the full-length mirror. You walked up behind her, hugging her waist gently, hands framing her pretty belly. You perched your head on her shoulder, hands slowly coming up and pulling her own away from her face. You smiled when you made eye contact with her in the mirror, kissing her cheek softly.
“Why don’t you wear one of my jerseys? Maybe an old one we could glamour up?”
“You look so good in your outfit though, I don’t want to look underdressed.”
“Darling, you could show up wearing a fucking traffic cone and I’d say you were beautiful.”
“Hey, I told you. Don’t swear in front of El pequeño.”
“Sorry, pretty girl. I’ll grab one of my England shirts eh?”
“Go ahead. I hope you like sleeping on the couch though.”
“Where’s Mapi?”
“Ingrid, I swear if she is up to something–“
“You’re going to have to get in line, I’ll be sending her STRAIGHT to heaven if she pulls some shit–“
“Sorry, they almost forgot the ball with the right gender in there!” yells Mapi as she walks onto the patio with 5 identical footballs. Lucy had got you to wear your boots and to dress “comfortably enough to be able to kick!” The party was in Alexia’s backyard since it was the biggest, a goal set up as Mapi laid the balls out.
“You ready?” Ona asked you quietly, looking up at you with the happiest gaze you’ve seen on her face in a while. She had only had that look two other times, when you asked her out 5 years ago and when you got married.
“More than anything, my love.” You answer, leaning down and kissing her softly. She giggled nervously into the kiss, walking back to give you space. She hugged her mother, holding her brothers hand by her side as you stepped back to kick the first ball. You did, only white powder flying through the air. It happened three more times, Ona’s heart pounding in her chest, palms sweating from nervousness. Her brother gives her a reassuring squeeze, kissing the top of her head as you stepped back to kick the last ball. A cloud of pink filled the air, shouts of celebration followed soon after. You ran to Ona, picking her up and spinning her around gently. You kissed her hard, hands holding her belly gently. You knelt in front of her, kissing her stomach softly.
"Hola mi princesa".
3AM, 6 ½ months pregnant.
“Y/N. Y/N, wake up.”
“What? What’s wrong?”
“Something’s wrong with the baby.”
“It’s probably just Braxton Hicks love, want me to give you a massage like last time?”
“Y/N, there’s blood.”
“They’re in Room 2202.”
“Thank you.”
There’s a knock on the hospital room door. Your head shoots up and you stand, walking to the door to open it. You look up and see the girls standing there before stepping out to join them in the hallway.
“What happened, hermosa?” Alexia asks, hand resting on your shoulder.
“We lost the baby.”
“They don’t know. She woke up and felt wet between her legs and saw blood. She woke me and we rushed to the emergency room. They tried everything but she was already gone.” You broke down, having been a rock for Ona who was beside herself. She had just fallen asleep before the girls got there and you were on the verge of a breakdown when they knocked. Alexia catches you, all the girls hugging you tight as you fully start to mourn the loss of your child.
Minutes later you hear Ona calling for you, her voice weak and sad. You rush to her, having calmed down yourself. You sit back in the chair at her bedside, the girls slowly coming into her room to join you. The whole team mourned the loss of La Princesa.
BREAKING NEWS: Global football stars Y/N L/N and Ona Batlle have reportedly had a miscarriage after being seen leaving the hospital here in Barcelona. Ona did not appear to have a bump anymore, Y/N having to help her into the car as they were picked up by teammate and friend, Alexia Putellas.
The days pass bleakly as the two of you try to move on with life. Ona hasn’t left the bed in two weeks, having to force her to care for her needs with your help. You’re not doing any better, taking it upon yourself to care for your wife who clearly needs you more than you need yourself. She cries most of the time as you hold her, her sobs turn into dry heaving as her tear ducts have nothing left to give.
You hold her one night as you had made progress; she asked to watch some tv with dinner that Pina had sent over. The girls were the best teammates and second family you could ask for. They each took turns to come over and clean up, another group of them cooking and making sure the fridge was stocked. Jonatan had given the two of you as much time as you needed even handling a statement for the press as you both had requested privacy.
“I’m sorry,” she says one night, both of you cuddled in bed as sleep alluded you for another night in a row. Fresh tears prickled in the corner of her eyes; she was so tired of crying.
She didn’t need to tell you what she was referring to. She blamed herself, she blamed her useless athletic body for not being able to care for her child. Our child. You answered her with the same answer you had given her since the day it happened.
You kiss her softly. “It’s not your fault.”
“I don’t know why you’re still here.”
“I don’t want to be anywhere else, my perfect girl.”
“I’m far from perfect right now.”
“Regardless of what happened, you’re still the most perfect girl to me. I love you so much, Ona.”
“I just wish I had been more careful.”
“There was no way we could have avoided it. It happens.”
“Why us? We tried so hard! WHY?!” She yelled, the first time since we lost the baby; she had punched your chest in frustration. You held her wrist and kissed her knuckles, easing her muscles.
“I don’t know my darling. I wish I had an answer for you, Mi Reina.”
Sighing, she says quietly, “I love you. Always.”
“I love you too, hermosa."
You both cried yourselves to sleep that night, bodies tangled together, hands holding onto each other, desperately clinging, afraid that the other would disappear. You both only had one thing in mind as you drifted off to sleep, “I don’t care if I’m not okay but I’ll be damned if I don’t try to get her to be.”
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set-wingedwarrior · 1 year
I should have known that people would have acted annoying about the Team's reunion and, after the dumb takes I saw, here I am to make a breakdown of their reactions in relation to the context because that's defenitely how my psychology majoring is supposed to be used apparently
Before I dig specifically to each character I'd like to remind people that, like Weiss herself said, everything happened so fast. It's not just that the time itself wasn't that much. In between the fight and them trying to find each other in the Ever After it would have been, what? An hour?
It's been 2 years for us guys, for them it isn't that much time to justify the super touchy and hugs reunion like we got in V5, or V6 in Argus, or V8 when they meet back (except for Blake, but I'll get there). You all need to remember that media in general for stories like this aren't your fluffy fanfic full of feelings and hugs and kisses all the time.
Now, welcome to my psychology class! First on our list, our one and only traumatized team leader child, Ruby Rose.
"Why didn't ruby rush to hug her sister?"
Well, let's see it from her point of view; actually, we litterally saw it at the start of the episode! We saw how fast everything went from her eyes!
She had to go in fight mode in a fucking instant because, differently from Blake (who was trying to jump after Yang) and Weiss (who was busy stopping her), Ruby has been attacked immediately by Neo after her firt attempt at her life failed. She didn't even have the time to process what happened because she was already fighting for dear life!
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Our brains are very resourceful machines that always try to save energy (it's why stereotypes exist, it's our brains identifying stuff by one thing to not think about it too hard), and considering how complex and crippling the feeling of loss is, and how much it takes to process, in a life or death situation our brains would just shut it down.
Because we're all different people it might not work the same for everyone, but Ruby is a trained fighter, she's a huntress, her body and mind falling in fighting mode is actually the most logical reaction in the given situation because it falls both on habit and instinct.
And given that she didn't even have the time to process the the thought that Yang might have been dead (even during the fucking fall she had to fight Neo still, give my girl a break!!), it's very reasonable that despite the frustration and stress of everything else in the Ever After, she wasn't too worried about Yan'g safety. Because she never got time to even think "I lost her" that she got in the very same situation. So, "If I fell and I'm here and I'm okay, then Yang is too, she must be fine".
Besides, Ruby did run towards her after fighting the thing!
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Yang just interrupted her with her "Dammitt! You're not supposed to be here!" before Ruby settled to get near her and "If you thought we wouldn't come for you then you must have forgotten who raised me", so any argument about them not caring is just really dumb.
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In conclusion, considering that she found out that her sister was probably okay before her brain could have even processed the concept of her loss, and all happening in a very short spawn of time, it makes 100% sense that Ruby wouldn't need to jump in her arms and cry or whatever. They're in a weird place but they are okay and that's all that matters (before Ruby will discover the horrors of what happened after she fell and the horrors of her quickly approaching breakdown, but that's for another time!)
Blake on the other hand.
Blake is the one that speed into action the moment she saw Yang fall. When chaos wa around nobody went to attack her, she saw Yang disappear in the void. Now, she got to feel the loss, the pain, the weight of failure because she failed to save her!
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And her first reaction was to fucking jump after her. Because she couldn't fail, she couldn't lose her, she must save her! And Weiss had to drag her up the platform herself to stop her from doing so because they had a job to do and Blake was blinded by pain!
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Then, she got blinded by rage. It wasn't her fault, it was Neo! And Cinder! And I think that in that moment of emotional disregulation it's reasonable to think that Blake wasn't acting for the good of Mantle, of the plan, or anything else. We all saw it in her eyes, it was pure rage, she wanted revenge! And that's completely reasonable in that given moment. She saw the love of her life DIE because of them, OF FUCKING COURSE SHE'S BLINDED BY SUCH POWERFUL EMOTION.
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As you can probably already tell, Ruby and Blake's actions are dictated by very different feelings! Even if the action itself, fighting, is the same, the mindset and motivations differ completely!
So, what happens when she meets Yang again? That after the danger is over (because it's not like she dropped everything, they fought the thing and waited for the situation to calm down and be safe. She also waited for Ruby to say her things first tbf) she fucking runs to tackle her!
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Because Blake actually got to see and feel the loss! She thought she had lost her! She thought that she died because she wasn't fast enough! So, even regardless of the romantic feelings (that obviously play a part because come on, they've been inseparable for volumes now, it's obvious that she would have felt it all that harder), it makes sense that Blake's the one to feel pure utter relief in seeing Yang still alive! And she'd need to go to her, feel that she's there with her!
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Now, probably the most complex one to explain: Weiss.
In a way, she's middle ground between Ruby and Blake. Weiss wasn't attacked right away either, but she had to jump in action to stop Blake. That means that she stopped to see what was happening and at Yang's "death" she just assumed what Blake was about to do or else she wouldn't have ad the time to stop her (we saw how fast Blake was)
That means that, in some way, she got to take in what was going on before going in fight mode, but she still didn't get to process it herself because she needed to act on the others' behalf. Where Ruby was litterally just hanging in there and Blake was blinded by her pain, both of them against Neo, Weiss saw what happened and told to herself "I must keep going with the plan, I must protect who's left, I can't let Yang''s sacrifice go to waste" and went to fight Cinder alone (until Penny arrives).
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Weiss during the fight is the one more "emotionally stable" (more like she efficiently locked them to be functional in the fight), she's well aware of what is going on and doing her best. In this mindset, she got to fight but also to see more clearly everything that is happening.
She's also the one who stayed there the longest. She's the one who saw the worst because she's been there long enough to witness more horrors, but despite the awareness she didn't get the time to really feel them. When does she though?
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After she saw all of her teammates, her family, die. When she's almost completely alone. Only her Penny and Jaune left, Cinder towering them while she's using Gambol Shroud, everything she has left of her family, to try keep fighting. Because at that point there's less chaos, less things to prioritize her focus on, the evacuation is done, she just has to not let Cinder get Penny's powers.
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We didn't see Weiss and Blake finding each other, but my guess is that either there was a hug off screen or, more likely, she kept it together because they logically needed their weapons and teammates back first. She then chooses to stay focused (and cheer for Blake, bless her), and work, and shuts down every question about what happened because she knows that talking about it would break her down and be a distraction from their objective.
Which is why she doesn't speak until they're all together: withouth a distraction, she's crying before she even got to start.
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The pain added up and got to her, and I'm pretty sure that Ruby's big reaction wasn't just because of the news on their own, but also the feelings Weiss was letting out while telling them (you know when you feel someone is feeling bad even when they don't tell you nor openly act up on it? And you still feel deeply bad/uncmofortable?).
I got overboarded here, but in short Weiss didn't act too clingy in the reunion either because she was busy staying focused first and then dealing with EVERYTHING that happened earlier and that she needed to tell them. Like, after getting both to Blake and Ruby, Yang's safety was basically 100% sure anyway, so. And, again, everything happened so fast.
It's been 2 long years for us. Not for them. So, to the people who have been complaining, you're just projecting your own personal feelings on them and then calling it bad writing when they're not acting like you feel right now.
Class dismissed.
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writersblog20 · 1 year
I got you, baby girl
Pedro Pascal x reader
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Summary: After a traumatic event, Pedro came in to make sure you felt safe again. You’re his baby girl after all.
Warnings: rage from the reader, hints to a bad household but no clear mention. A horrible father and stepmother, intimidation, (life) threats, mention of no safety, mention of the system failing the reader, ptsd, trauma, dissociating, edibles, dad jokes with Pedro, Reader calls Pedro old man (no offense, it’s part of an ongoing joke war in the story), Pedro being some sort of father figure vibes, wholesome relationship with Pedro, age-gap.
Words: 3,9K
A/N: So eh…. Something traumatic happened yesterday and this is what it’s based on the only thing different is that Pedro is in this. But yeah, I just really want and need him to comfort me because I’m seriously going through hell right now and yes I’m using the line from joel from the last episode from TLOU
 I got you, baby girl
You went to school and had a pretty good day. You felt alright and had a little bit more energy. You texted Pedro, like you guys always do. He was your co-star and you could say you had a pretty wholesome relationship. Kind of like Bella and Pedro have. You were great friends with Bella as well when Pedro introduced the two of you. Anyway, Pedro lived near you so the two of you spent time with each other as much as you could. He really was your comfort space and you loved him so much.
You walked into your classroom and it was going to be a long day but that was fine. You had an assignment and that would be: make a after movie from the event which would take up the whole day and evening but like I said, you were ready and gladly took the job.
The day went by fast and you went outside after the lessons to get some fresh air but that was when you saw her. The wife of your father. The one who did horrible things to you as a child. She did that besides your father. She was just as guilty. You immediately got on edge and went to fight or flight mode and yours was fight. And boy, did you want to fight her. The rage you felt was out of this world and you would happily sent her ten feet underground. It wasn’t that she would ignore you… Oh no… she was way worse, just like your dad and test you. She would always smirk at you and watch you. That made it always ten times worse because you wanted to bash her head in. First do all this shit to you as a child, getting away with it because the system failed you and then would always smirk at you when she would see you. It was like the biggest slap in the face because it told you everything you needed to know. “Yeah I did that and yes I got away with it. what are you going to do about it?” kind off smirk.
You walked back inside, completely in shock and that was when you realized that the event you needed to film, was why she was here. “Fuck….” You thought in utter shock as your body started to tremble, your eyes getting watery and your breathing became rapid. You texted Pedro about the situation and he knew a couple of things about your father. Just some snipped, important snippets nonetheless.
You texted Pedro but you knew he was in a meeting and probably wouldn’t respond right now. One of your teammates who walked outside with you, advised you to go to one of your teachers, preferably mentor. So you did.
You knocked on the door and walked in, sitting in front of your mentor as you spilled what was going on. You wished to never tell anyone here but you had no choice right now. You told the most important things but still wanted to do the assignment. You told her that you were scared that she might contact your father and that he would wait outside for you. He was a dangerous man and unpredictable. You never expected this to happen. You closed this chapter a long time ago and thought you might never see them again because you haven’t seen them for at least 2 years so you thought they moved or something but apparently not and now he knew what school you went to…
Your mentor gave you advise for what you could do if you felt uncomfortable or something would happen, where you could go and to who. You were deadest on doing this assignment. You wanted to because you never want them to take something else from you away, even if it would be this dumb project. It was the principle for you. There were moments where you teared up a couple of times but pushed those emotions away as much as you could, only to notice that it was getting harder with the second.
When you were done with the conversation, you and your teammates gathered the gear and started to get ready, only to be interrupted by your mentor and one of your other teachers, asking you to come with them. So you did. You felt a heaviness in the air, how could it not but you tried to stay as professional as you could because that was how you kept your emotions under control. Like you wanted to say, you know what, it’s not that big of a deal, forget about it.
But you knew. You knew this was a big deal and not something to take lightly, even though you really wanted to take this lightly so you could dissociate from it. Yeah, not a good copings mechanism. You sat down and the air got thicker and thicker with the second, almost making it unbearable to breath. Your heart was pounding in your chest.
Maybe you took it so lightly because you were already dissociating. You weren’t thinking clearly anymore and was very much led by your emotions, which is understandable. You teacher started speaking up. “Y/N, I’m really sorry to tell you this but I think it’s better for you to go home… We can’t guarantee your safety here. We know you’re strong and you want to do this assignment but there will be more to come so you don’t have to worry about that. But I think it’s the best to go home. Not only for your physical safety but also for your mental safety and to avoid conflict. I’m very sorry…”
She spoke softly but you felt your heart break in to a million pieces. You understand where they are coming from but the point is, that it’s even necessary and how fucking unfair it is. They did things to YOU and now YOU HAD to go home. Why did the system fail you? Why do you have to leave and not them. Why do you have to fight for your mental health because of things THEY did to you. Why can they live without any consequence? IT’S THEIR FUCKING FAULT AND NOW YOU HAD TO LEAVE. That was it. You felt so much injustice and it broke you down. You started crying and couldn’t stop.
They looked with sympathy at you and you hated it. You hated this conversation, you hated the people who did this and you hated this look. It was always the look. That’s why you didn’t want to tell people. You know they mean well and of course you would feel like shit even if they wouldn’t give you that look. It was just the unfairness. They took something from you, once again. Your mentor softly rubbed your knee. You even had to go through the fucking backdoor. You felt your phone buzz and look who it was. Pedro. Or in your phone: Pedge. You picked up, needed to hear him. That was the only thing you wanted right now. You needed Pedro.
“Sweetheart, what’s going on?” Extreme worry laced in his voice. You started to tear up as you looked up at your teachers. “Could you maybe pick me up?” The cracks in your voice with the tremble was undeniable. “Are you still at school?” you hummed and let out a soft sob. “I’m on my way, stay there sweetheart.” You hang up and the teachers stayed with you until you got a text from Pedro, telling you where he was parked.
Your mentor walked with you with two security guards. The fact that this was necessary was heartbreaking. Pedro immediately got out of his car when he saw you. His face plagued by worry, anxiety and wanted to comfort you, keep you safe and protected. He picked up his pace, his eyes never leaving his face and you felt yourself crumble down with each step Pedro got closer to you.
Tears slipping on your cheeks when Pedro got to you and pulled you in the biggest and tightest hug. The people from school took a step back, giving you some space. You started to sob uncontrollably and your whole body was shaking. Pedro got out of the hug and placed his large hands on your cheeks. “Hey, look at me. it’s me. It’s okay, it’s okay baby girl.I got you. I got you baby girl.” He told you when he pulled you in a hug again. “I got you, you’re safe now. I got you.” You’ve never heard his voice this soft before. He was so gentle and you were so fragile at the moment.
“Let’s get you home baby girl.” He whispered, making you nod while you hid your face in his neck, smelling his cologne which made you feel a bit safer and calmed you down. Pedro took your backpack with your laptop and gear in it from you and hang it on his shoulder. His other arm over your shoulder, pulling you close to the side of his body. He said some things to your teacher, which you didn’t hear. You were very much dissociating right now. Pedro softly led you to his car, never taking his eyes off you.
He knew you were in for a ride now. Yeah you were safe now and stuff but the after effect, was what was going to be tough. You were extremely triggered in your ptsd. Pedro helped you in the car and slightly leaned over you to put the seatbelt on while you stared in front of you with, at the moment, no emotions behind your eyes. very much like a doll right now but that is dissociation huh.
Pedro was driving to his house, yet keeping a close eye on your while you silently cried. Just tears running down at this point. When you arrived at Pedro’s house, he helped you get out of the car and led you in the house, his arm still around you.
He placed your backpack on the table when you sat down on the couch, still having trouble processing this. Pedro sat down next to you and pulled you into side. One arm behind you and the other around you, caressing your head as he softly pulled your head towards his chest. You broke down at that point, just completely and franticly crying your eyes out while Pedro softly rocking you back and fort while he shushed you and whispered comforting words in your ear.
After 45 minutes, Pedro finally managed to calm you down. Your breathing started to slow down again and the crying started to get less and less. You felt exhausted. Mentally and physically. “There you go. There you go sweetheart. You’re doing so well princesa.” He cooed you. Your eyes were puffy and completely red at this point. “Let’s get you some tea. You need to hydrate.” He told you and only let go of you when you got out of the hug. Your back and sides started to hurt because it wasn’t the most comfortable position in the world so you got out of the hug. Pedro reluctantly let go of you, awaiting your next move.
Pedro cupped your cheeks and softly, gently wiped away the last remaining tears from your cheeks while giving you a soft, loving and gentle smile. You softly smiled back but you both knew it wasn’t a real one. He softly planted a kiss on your forehead and pulled you into another hug. His hand behind your neck, softly placing your head against his chest as he let out a soft sigh as he started to relax himself now, knowing that your safe. He was extremely worried and stressed about you but now that he had you in his arms, that fear became a little less.
Pedro got out of the hug and reached out his hand for you to take. You walked hand in hand towards the kitchen where he started to make some tea. “Let’s go upstairs and get you into something comfortable and wash your face right now baby girl.” Every time he called you baby girl, you felt more and more safer and calmer.
While the tea was waiting to boil, you both walked upstairs. You’ve been here many times when you would accidently fall asleep on his couch and he would bring you upstairs to lie you down in his bed while he slept on a couch in his room. When you would wake up in the middle of the night and find him there, you woke him up to just get in the bed with you. Nothing behind it, just sleep. He didn’t want to make you uncomfortable but he could never do that.
Anyways, you’ve been here many times by now. Pedro got some of his comforting clothes out of his closet and gave you a hoodie and joggings with some warm socks. You walked in the bathroom and looked in the mirror, only to see yourself completely broken in the mirror. It looked like you’ve been through hell. Well, you kind of did since all the flashbacks from years prior came back obviously.
You got changed and washed your face before walking back. Pedro was patiently waiting for you as he sat on the edge of the bed, looking at his hands. He quicky looked up at you when you exited the bathroom. He stood up, worry still visible on his face while he awaited your reaction. You walked towards him and placed your arms around him for a hug. You felt his arms around you and gently tighten around you as he lingered his lips on the top of your head.
“How about, we get some tea, get high, watch a stupid movie and order your favorite take- out, with the dessert obviously and you stay here for tonight and take a day off tomorrow hmh? You need your rest baby.” You nodded softly, only to tear up again. “That sounds really nice, I’d like that.” You could just cry about anything at this point. “Then we’ll do that. And don’t you worry about a thing okay? That’s my job.” You softly chuckled but you knew what he meant. He meant that he would take care of whatever would come your way.
You walked downstairs and looked outside, only to see a snowstorm going on right now. Pedro lit the fireplace as you sat silently on the couch. Pedro went to the kitchen to get some tea for you and to put your plushy heating pad in the microwave. You started to stare in front of you again until Pedro came back into his Livingroom. He placed the tea on the table and gave the plushy to you with a soft smile. He got a blanket from the corner of the couch and placed it around your shoulders and sat next to you.
You always had the corner of the couch at Pedro’s house and so now and then you shared it with him. Or well, he just sat next to you in the corner and you were perfectly fine with that. So this time was for obvious reasons no different. You were waiting for him to get comfortable before you did because you wanted to cuddle. Pedro held his arm out for you and you laid against his side, your head resting just above his heart with your arm around him. “You got the edibles by the way?” you asked when you remembered but already heard Pedro chuckle above you and gave you the candy.
You both took it and he got the tv remote searching for funny videos. You guys were easy since you both had the same humor so when you would find something, you shared it with him and the other way around. You both easily sent a lot of tiktoks to each other. It was your love language and Pedro figured that out pretty quick.
You rested against Pedro again and he softly cradled your head and chuckled softly at the videos being played on his tv, making you chuckle softly as well which Pedro noticed and dramatically gasped. “Are YOU laughing at this?” Sarcasm and a playful tone lingering on his words. “Are you??” you chuckled a bit more when he poked your side before chuckling himself as you squealed.
After a while the edibles started to kick in and you finally reached your relaxing point. You were at this point rolled up in the blanket. “Let’s order some food” Pedro remarked and laughed a little when he saw you. “My little sad burrito.”  He told you with sympathy yet playfully. You giggled slightly and Pedro held his phone in front of you so you could choose what to eat. You chose on sushi and Pedro ordered a whole bunch of stuff and obviously, desserts.
The two of you were more slouched down into the couch and Pedro more to your side at this point, cuddling up together. You both almost fell asleep until the doorbell rang. Pedro jumped up. “Fuck, I forgot.” He mumbled more to himself while he struggled to get up, making you chuckle slightly.
Pedro got back inside with three full bags full of food. The smell hit your nose and your tummy started growling, making Pedro chuckle softly. You got out of your cocoon and helped him placing the food on the small table in front of the couch. When everything was set, you both sat down on the carpet on the floor. “Thank you Pedge..  for everything.” You told him and Pedro stopped eating for a sec and looked at you. “Baby girl, it’s no problem at all, you know that right? I’m here for you, you don’t have to do it alone anymore.” He told you and softly placed his hand on the back of your head and softly pulled your head towards him so he could kiss the top of your head. You smiled softly and Pedro knew that this too, was a part of your love language.
After dinner and some desserts, you were completely content. You and Pedro cleaned the table and placed the left overs in the fridge before plopping back down on the couch. At this point the edibles reached a point where you both would laugh at everything. Or at least, you both had that effect on each other and it almost started a war from who can make the other laugh the most. So that happened on set and interviews, red carpets etc.
Pedro got your plushy again and placed it in his microwave and gave it back to you when it was warm enough. You started watching some compilation of tiktok videos on his tv and both couldn’t stop laughing. Laughing even harder at the next video so at a point you both were in tears from laughing so much. You wiped away your tears and looked at Pedro who laid stretched out on the couch, his head against your shoulder as he tried to stop laughing but failing miserably and making you laugh because of him.
It was dark outside, the whole street covered by the snow, only for more to come as the storm picked up. For some reason you always felt comforted and safe when it snowed. It made you feel like you were in a tiny snow globe where nothing could hurt you so imagine how safe, comforted and protected you felt now.
All of a sudden you just felt like giving Pedro a hug so you did. You wrapped your arms around Pedro and held him tightly. Pedro was taken back by surprise and was scared for a moment that you felt bad again. It took him a moment to respond but when he did, he quickly placed his arms around you and held you tightly while his lips rested on your head. “You okay baby girl?” he asked gentle, making you nod. “Yeah… because of you. Thank you. I know I said it before but I mean it. thank you.” He knew what you meant. You loved him and this was your way of saying so. “You’re more than welcome. You’re my baby girl, don’t forget that.” His voice still soft and kissed the top of your head multiple times.
When you got out of the hug, but still kept physical contact by laying on his chest again. At this point you both laid down completely. “Not to ruin this moment, but my back is killing me.” you chuckled at the way he said it. “Yeah, yeah you laugh about that. Come knocking at my door when you get my age, then we’ll talk” He said playfully. “Want to watch a movie in bed old man?” you chuckled, playfully teasing him as a dramatic gasp left his lips. “Did you just called me an old man? I’m offended!” You got up from the couch and reached out your hand to help him off the couch. “my fault. I meant middle aged man.” You chuckled. This was always a part of your joking routine.
Pedro took your hand and groaned dramatically when he got up from the couch, making you laugh. “You go freshen up first, I’ll warm up your plushy.” He told you. You quickly kissed him on his cheek as a thanks and made your way upstairs. When you were done, and got a pajama from Pedro’s closet, knowing he won’t mind and laid down in bed, scrolling a bit through your phone. You heard Pedro walking up the stairs and into the room. He handed you your plushy and you held it against your abdomen and thanked him before he disappeared into the bathroom which didn’t take him long.
He crawled in next to you and handed you the tv remote to look for a movie. You chose out your comfort movie and cuddled up in Pedro’s arms. Pedro knew you were exhausted and would fall asleep in no time, which he wasn’t wrong about. You were desperately fighting to stay awake, nodding off and then quickly opening your eyes again. Pedro saw you fight and he softly chuckled. “It’s okay baby girl. Get some sleep, you’re safe now. I’ll be right here and won’t go anywhere.” You mumbled a bit at the cooing before closing your eyes and feeling the safety in Pedro’s arms. You were glad you had Pedro who looked out for you and would cross the world for you if he had to. There was no doubt about that and he would make sure that you won’t forget that.  
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cas-kingdom · 1 year
Find the OC version of this fic here.
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The air had been cold all morning, but somehow it was more so as you looked out across the frozen lake. Giggles carried towards you by the wind, soft laughter and teasing remarks from Ciri as she taught Yennefer to ice skate. One part of you longed to go and join them, but the other—
You glanced over your shoulder. Geralt leant against the axe he'd been cutting wood with. His head tilted, one hand at his hip, he offered a knowing smile. "You can join them, you know."
He had already told you as such, so he knew you knew. Nonetheless, stubbornness ran through your veins like blood, and when your mind was set on something, it was set in stone. Though, Geralt had always considered himself adept at breaking that stone. He had an axe now, after all.
You sniffed and brushed your hair behind your ears, a useless act considering the winter breeze. You turned back to the lake and watched as Yennefer yelled out and slipped, grabbing onto Ciri with a flurry of giggles.
You were long over your aversion to the princess's relationship with Geralt, but this...feeling you had towards Ciri and Yennefer was unfamiliar and unanticipated. The two were obviously close. Ciri seemed to have that effect on people.
"No," you said eventually, "it's alright. Ciri has my skates, anyway."
Geralt shrugged. He dropped the axe and walked towards the lake. "We don't need skates. Come." He stopped by the bank and reached a hand behind him expectantly. When you didn't grasp it, he turned to see you stood in the same spot, unblinking. Geralt dropped his arm and sighed. "Y/N, you love to skate. Come here."
You didn't vocally decide not to listen, but Geralt was well versed in the behaviour of the girl he'd raised. When you crossed your arms over your chest, not defiantly, more unwillingly, he dropped his arm and let a small smile slip onto his face.
"You remember when I first taught you to skate?" he asked, stepping one foot on the lake. He tested it, his boot slipping easily across the smooth surface. "You were four."
You couldn't help but breathe a short laugh. "You mean I taught you."
The Witcher stepped onto the lake, using his arms for balance. He skidded a bit, then turned to face you. "I slipped over once," he reminded you.
"And used four-year-old me to keep you up."
Geralt hummed morosely. Admittedly, that had not been his finest moment. Still. He reached his arm out again and opened his hand. "If you are so good, come and prove it."
There was no hint of competitiveness in his voice, just a discreet encouragement, and you took it with a long sigh and a reluctant smile, trudging over to him and taking his hand. He helped you onto the lake, allowing you to grip his sleeve as you found your footing, and noted fondly that said grip did not slacken even as you both slid slowly along the outskirts of the lake.
Ciri and Yennefer were still far out in the middle, slipping and tripping and laughing until their hearts' content. Somehow, Geralt doubted you wanted to be close to them right now, and not because of your refusal to leave the safety of the lake's edge. He wouldn't discuss it with you until he felt you needed it. He had an idea of what was bothering you, but as long as it wasn't dispiriting you as much as it had when your disapproval had surrounded him, he was sure it would fix itself.
You let go of his sleeve eventually, eyes fixed on the ice as you slid along it. Geralt turned so he was gliding backwards, hands at the ready in case his apparently oh-so-professional child needed some support. You were determined, though, your lack of skates doing nothing to thwart you, and Geralt felt himself relaxing and enjoying the—
"Oh, fuck." The moment he took a single wrong step, everything went to shit. Balance long forgotten, Geralt went into panic mode, arms pinwheeling, feet fighting for traction. You panicked too at first, instinctively attempting to launch forward to catch him lest he fall straight forward, but when you figured out he was in no imminent danger, you straightened with a snort.
"Geralt, you—Geralt—Geralt, you're making it worse!" Your words arrived between barrels of laughter as Geralt continued in the reclamation of his balance. He looked like a newborn deer, its long legs unused to the ground beneath it. You had tears in your eyes and when a burst of hysterics echoed across the lake, you realised Ciri and Yennefer had noticed the spectacle too.
Your laughter died when Geralt did indeed fall forward, though from the look on his face you were sure it was purposeful. Before you could utter a single squeal of anticipation, he lunged towards you, grabbing your shoulders and pushing you down beneath him as he fell. His hands went behind your head to shield the impact but the wind was knocked from you all the same, even more so when the Witcher's tickling hands found your sides.
"Hey!" You could feel the laughter-induced tears on your cheeks freezing, the harsh wind almost as cold as the ice beneath you. Geralt made quick work of boxing you between his arms, poking and prodding and scribbling his fingers across every spot he knew you possessed.
"You may be better than me at ice skating," he ground out breathlessly, "but here is something I will always best you at."
"Stop ihit, you bihig lump!" You pushed at his face and Geralt grunted with his newly blocked vision. Seconds later, a heavy force ploughed into his back and he was knocked off course.
"Attack!" Ciri yelled. She grabbed piles of snow from the bank and shoved as much as her hands would allow down his jacket.
Geralt howled. "Fucking fuck, Cirilla!"
Yennefer leaned down and extended an arm towards you, still on your back and struggling for breath. You hesitated but took it. You stood up slowly, slipping once or twice, but made it safely into Yennefer’s arms. Yennefer held you close, a grin on her face as she watched the princess and the Witcher wrestle, and you found yourself leaning into her. Yennefer leant her chin on your head, and you relaxed. As always, there was never a need to worry.
Your family was too tight-knit to ever leave anyone out.
Witcher Masterpost
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lonestarfangirl2014 · 16 days
new campers have been showing up.
And before they know it cabin 3 is overflowing with kids. Maybe a few are twins and maybe 3 kids are even triplets.
And once percy and tyson show up the new kids all collective freak out.
Because you know 18 year old harley would hype tf out of the two older sons of poseidon.
imagine estelle reaction.
She'll either go
"OH THANK POSEIDON!" As she's a extremely sociable person and now she'll have even more of a excuse to actually head off to camp half blood herself during the summer.
even if she's completely mortal I feel like a exception would be made for her.
Of course she's allowed to stay in cabin 3! you really think poseidon would want to risk angering his sons if she was denied entry. Amphitrite would have his head if he did that!
Lol I can just imagine Paul and sally tagging along to since i think its canon(please correct me if im wrong) that once upon a time parents could go to camp for a day or so for parents day or something.
Or estelle could be like
Despite the age gap between percy, tyson and her I bet you estelle still got spoiled like crazy growing up.
Speaking from personally experience my older siblings are 15-17 years older then me but I still have memories and momentos of time spent together which was a heck of alot of time.
And now estelle has to share her big brothers with a group of other kids?? Litteral strangers at that!
Lol she would probably still be upset even after sally and Paul had a talk with her. Until she heads off to camp herself and sees these kids herself.
Imagine if one of the younger ones lost their mom or other dad right before they had a satyr take them to camp. Mirroring percy in a more tragic way.
*cue sally and Paul in instant adoption mode*
Or *cue percy and his significant other in instant adoption mode*
AND just imagine this kid is a head shorter then estelle and maybe a bit of a crybaby(who can blame them) and their probably 2 or 3 years younger then her making them 8/7. This litteral child would probably be ultra attached to percy and tyson because the centaur who is apparently their uncle says that's their big brothers who are heroes of olympus. The kid never had big brothers let alone siblings before and percy and tyson just let them cling for a bit.
At first estelle was upset
Imagine sally telling her daughter about what happened to her right before percy got to safety inside of the camp borders.
Imagine estelle trying to imagine life without her mom and dad and its just not computing for her.
Imagine percy sitting her down to talk. Big brother to little sister.
Imagine him reassuring her that she would always have a piece of his heart. Estelle was the one who got to know percy as she grew up. He's not just some stranger that popped up out of nowhere after she heard story after story about his adventures from a older camper. He's her big brother and has always been her big brother.
But now it was time for percy to put everything he learned about being a good big brother to use for the other demigod children of his father. His love for Estelle will never change nor will it ever diminish but his heart is still big enough to accept the other kids to.
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madswritingvoid · 2 years
Start of Something New | Eddie Munson x fem!reader
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A/N: Hi guys! I’m back! Got a bunch of things to go through but like everyone, Eddie Munson has taken over my life. So please enjoy the beginning of what will be a fix-it series with our darling Munson. This is set in 1989 and will hopefully be a fun ride for all.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Words: 5k
Warnings: none except like one swear, but this fic is 18+ because you KNOW we’ll be getting that Munson loving soon enough!
You take a deep breath as you stare out into the mall from the other side of your store’s doors.
It’s your first day as a manager of Hot Topic, the latest addition to Starcourt Mall’s already long list of retailers. But this is different. You fought tooth and nail to get this job. Finally you found a place that not only admired your less-than-popular tastes in music and fashion, but celebrated you for it - you walked out of that interview with a store to manage and a killer employee discount.
Walking into the dimly lit store this morning you took your time to admire the band shirts, the pride and joy of your store, where you find The Cure, one of your favourites, amongst other bands like Metallica and Suicidal Tendencies. The same people who sneered at you for your Doc Martens and safety-pinned pants will now have to deal with the fact that you’re here to flip their Gap-coloured world upside down. Now other “freaks” and “devil worshippers” could shop in peace regardless of whether they wanted new chains for their shirt, pants or face, and walk out sporting the latest design from their favourite band.
You adjust your lanyard covered in pins collected from the million of concerts you’ve attended, a sudden wave of nerves crashes over you. Would people who needed this store feel safe to come in? Was this the right outfit to wear? What if people came in to harass you and you couldn’t fight back because you could lose your job? You make a last-minute decision to dash to the registers in the middle of the store and grab the mix tape you brought to hype yourself up and put it in the store’s sound system. Letting the familiar synth of Depeche Mode wash over you, you square your shoulders and walk back to the front. Time to open whether you’re ready or not.
The day goes pretty much how you think it will. If you had a nickle for every time a older Christian person called you a devil worshipper, you could’ve bought at least two more coffees. Teenagers come in to oogle at you and laugh at your clothes and the outfits set up on mannequins throughout the store, families bringing in their black sheep child to wander and wonder how they could possibly be in the right place, and the occasional fellow freak who is excited you’re here. Fellow freaks like the one who has been doing laps around the outside of your store for the past twenty minutes.
You have an ongoing bet with yourself if he’ll actually come in. Mullet, denim-on-denim outfit with a Dio patch on the back of his vest, and what looks to be a shirt with some sort of devil on it from what you can make out. He’s cute, that much you can tell, especially that adorable blush that crept up his neck when he caught you staring back at him. You’ve noticed certain songs from your mix tape either excite him or cause him to furrow his brow, almost like he wants to tell you that Metallica’s “Fade To Black” could NOT be followed up by Bauhaus’ “Bela Ligosi’s Dead”. You wonder what song will make him break and come in because unfortunately a hottie is not grounds for you to abandon your store.
Apparently the final straw for your mystery man was “Master of Puppets” fading into The Cure’s “Boys Don’t Cry”. You’re crouched down fixing a stack of shirts when the sound of footsteps approaching land you face-to-face with scuffed Reeboks. Following the shoes up past the ripped back jeans and apparent “Hellfire Club” shirt, you’re met with the warmest brown eyes you’ve ever seen. “Are you the one I’m supposed to talk to about what’s going on in here?” Raising an eye brow you rise to meet him, “what’s going on here is my killer mixtape, so if you’ve come to pledge your undying love for me and my superior taste, then yes I’m the right person to speak to.” Snorting at your reply, he holds his hand out with a smile that makes those brown eyes crinkle and cause a pleasant warmth to spread through your body.
“Munson. Eddie Munson. You’ll have to excuse me having a little musical crisis outside, I just wasn’t expecting such an interesting mix playing in Starcourt Mall.” You shake his hand as you introduce yourself, still not believing you’re actually talking to him and maintaining your composure. Talking to people you found attractive was never your strong suit, but he’s in your store, so you cling to the familiarity around you to stay strong. Dropping his hand you quickly compose yourself, eager to see how long this can keep going, “Well Eddie Munson, I think you’ll find that just like this store I’m here to make Starcourt and Hawkins itself a lot more… interesting”.
With the ice broken and no customers to help, Eddie decides to stick around where you swap favourite bands, movies, and everything in between. You admit you remember him from high school, but your parents moved away after freshman year, leaving you a mystery to those in what would have been your graduating year. Especially since you’re back looking different, embracing the weird things you like and dressing in a way that definitely would have made a full four years at Hawkins High feel like 400. “Of course the only cool person ditched this town before we could hang out!” He slaps his hand on your cash counter, faking offence.
“You have to make it up to me by letting me make you a mixtape. Something you can have at the store or those nights alone, dreaming of the next time you’ll see me under these dim lights.” You pretend to think his offer over but inside your buzzing. Even if Eddie doesn’t think there’s some kind of electricity between you, you know you want to see him again and him wanting to make you a mixtape might just make your heart burst. Knowing you can’t talk with Eddie forever, as much as you might want to, you offer him what you can.
“You’re in luck Munson, I run this place, so come see me again soon and I’ll listen to your tape while trying to make up for lost time.” He slaps the counter again in excitement and points at your face, “I’ll see you tomorrow then sweet cheeks, I have the feeling we’re going to get along just fine!”
Fuck I hope so, you think, already imagining what having Eddie Munson in your life will bring.
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nazmazh · 7 months
So, I'm talking with my friends, who are relatively big into Fortnite.
And they're explaining to me what today's update did to the game (me and the one's husband who is likewise not a Fortnite person).
And like, even though I'm not a Fortnite guy, I'm listening to this, and looking at what stuff has been posted to the internet.
And like...
Holy fucking shit.
It sounds like they're aiming to gut the whole core appeal of the game.
We're all just sitting here losing our goddamn minds at everything that apparently got pushed through in the new update.
I can't believe the speed at which Epic is looking to completely shoot themselves in the foot here.
It's like they sat atop their throne, and saw Blizzard/Microsoft, EA, CDPR, Unity, etc., etc. make massive blunders that utterly alienated large chunks of their otherwise passionate fanbases.
And decided that they could do that too! "We should emulate the unpopular moves those guys are making!"
Guns/weapons in the art/assets of your 3rd-person shooter-game where people expressly are being told to kill each other in-game?
Nope. Can't have that.
Not even in personal loading screen images that literally only the user will see.
No, there's no option for "I am 18+, I'm fine if I see this imagery. Here, I can prove this."
No guns in a shooter game. Not even empty holsters.
Borderlands Psycho-Man? Nah that skin's fine.
Michael "I'm from the slasher-movie codifier" Myers? Totally fine.
Funny jellyfish man that has a bandoleer? "FUCKING RESTRICT THAT SHIT IMMEDIATELY!"
Anyway, here's our new licensed character: "Omni-Man, from the famously all-ages property, Invincible!"
They're even locking skins that came out as part of bonus content that was sent out with today's release.
They couldn't even be bothered to fix their own "controversial" art assets before releasing it.
Because that'd be the more reasonable fix, if say, you're committed to this whole "violence bad" thing in your assets. Edit all the models and skins to remove those things, not restrict the content from the users who have sunk time and money into being able to use it.
But no.
They did not do that.
As my friend pointed out - The cornerstone of their legal defense against children playing this game has been "We are aware that there are many children playing our game. However, the game is rated T. You have to have an account to play - You must be of a certain age in order to make an account. Or have a parent give explicit consent to allow you to play despite being under that age. If the child lied about their age, the account must be terminated anyway, because it's invalid. If you gave consent for your child to play without really paying attention to the content, that's on you. At any rate, we have performed our responsibility with regards to child safety."
But... If they're expressly making this game more appealing to children, while still having the rating of T, then... Aren't they themselves actively encouraging children to play their game that is not rated for children? Which kinda invalidates them saying that children should not be playing this game?
And, and! Burying the main mode (well, two mode - Standard Game and Standard Game/No Build) in a sea of uncurated fan/player-made creative mode mods?
Like, it's like they're trying to frame those modes as just another possible experience, instead of like, the core reason people play the game.
Apparently the person in-charge (they got rid a previous creative/content director, if I'm understanding properly) has said something to the effect of "The MetaVerse-type experiences are why people play this game".
Not "They're a big part of the appeal, so we want to see how we can make that better/easier to access."
Just, essentially "This is the only thing we really care about now."
Like, I'm usually pretty skeptical of fanboy-type rage. But, like, nah, I'm all-in with them on this one.
It helps that my design-sensibilities-type-rage is almost never reigned it. This is pure stupidity on many, many levels.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out going forward. Will they realize just how badly they fucked up and revert things? Or will they double-down and lose their entire audience that actually pays for things themselves, and hope that little Timmy raiding mommy and daddy's credit card will be enough to sustain them going forward?
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melissak2802 · 8 months
What comes to "villain mode transformation phrases", I don't intend to have them in my world. The ML canon doesn't seem to be able to decide what is the point of them, but clearly it isn't a case of "normal mode won't work for villainy", remember Mayura, remember Argos, remember Queen Bee during Season 3 finale. Apparently the "evil mode" exists to turn off the child safety timer (as seen in Paris special) and probably to use some less moral power modifications (as in, maybe Hawkmoth being able to brainwash his champions is a function of the "evil mode", not just of a malevolent will overriding theirs). Either way, the first thing is something that villains of my project don't need (they are adults), and the second is something they can go fine without.
(And anyway we don't know "evil mode" phrases for Rooster, Dog or Tiger, which some of the villains of my AU wield)
So in my AU the villains will use normal transformation phrases.
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Put On Your Raincoats | Unwilling Lovers (Colt, 1977)
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Now, this is coming from someone who’s watched a few too many movies that merit a colossal “Watch at Your Own Risk” label, so take this with a grain of salt, but what’s most surprising about this movie, which is a porno about a necrophile serial killer, is how not soul crushing the experience is. To be clear, this isn’t a pleasant movie to sit through, but I think the griminess is… maybe not alleviated, but at least complicated by the sheer weirdness. A lot of that comes down to the lead performance by Zebedy Colt, who also directed. Colt as an actor I know primarily for playing sickos and freaks, but what I think distinguishes him here from other porn actors who specialized in such roles is the seeming lack of agency. Jamie Gillis and George Payne played such roles to memorable effect as well, but you look at their characters and get the sense that they’re in control and might behave in ways you might be able to predict (not that such knowledge would offer much sense of safety). Colt plays this character as a clashing combination of tics, which creates a certain instability, as if his actions are at least in part out of his hands. (He takes a similar approach to his character in Sex Wish, but in that movie he is frighteningly forceful and takes control of the proceedings in ways that totally destabilize the movie.) Now I wouldn’t call this movie a work of psychological realism, but given that his character has the mind of a child and imitates what he sees and hears, and given that the only instances of sex he sees are marked by violence explicit or implicit, there’s a certain logic to him engaging in murder and necrophilia.
All of this sounds unsettling, and I suppose it is, but I think Colt both through his performance and through his direction injects an element of camp into the proceedings. Colt does a Jerry Lewis impression when in child mode and does a macho man parody when he’s imitating other characters. And Renee Sanz, as his domineering mother, plays her role cartoonishly, like a parody of a bad Southern Gothic novel. And while the movie doesn’t dance around its subject matter, it also doesn’t rub your face in it the way something like the similarly themed Forced Entry does. (“Not as bad as Forced Entry! Four stars!” says Variety.) I suppose some of that might be the ragged, not entirely competent filmmaking, but when you have a supposedly horrific murder scene where the actresses conveniently duck out of the frame to get stabbed and stumble back in clutching their stomachs unconvincingly, it’s hard not to chuckle at least a bit. I think Colt has demonstrated his knack for weirdness elsewhere, so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, even if the heavily degraded VHS rip I watched, which makes everyone look radioactive, did his craft no favours. (Colt’s striped sweater and red shoes will sear your retinas.) This was also shot on Colt’s country property (apparently the same weekend as Terri’s Revenge!), and I think the setting goes some way to diffuse the pungency of the proceedings.
If anything, the fact that the copy made everything unappealing probably works in the movie’s favour as horror, although given the great female cast, there are, how you say, limits to how unpleasant the proceedings can be no matter how much jagged editing Colt deploys. (Saying that I found the ladies in the necrophile porno hot would be a surefire way to end up on a watchlist, so I won’t say it. In those words. And certainly not out loud. “Necrophile porno has super hot cast! Four stars!” says Variety. There, they said it, not me.) This has a few Colt regulars like Jody Maxwell, Terri Hall and Nancy Dare, all of whom I like seeing in these things. Peter Andrews in a recent Rialto Report interview recalls the pleasant atmosphere on set, and I do think you get a slight vibe that this is a group of people who enjoyed coming together to make a messed up porno movie. The movie wisely also casts C.J. Laing and Annie Sprinkle, who are great to have in your movie if you want to make weird, off putting or extreme sexual content bearable to watch. Only Annie Sprinkle could make a question about “kinky shit” sound wholesome.
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openly-journaling · 1 year
Wrath: Sat, April 8th
It's been difficult to remember to journal. Life has become so wonderful since getting down here. Every week we have a sleepover with our partner. We go out and eat or see things or stay inside and snuggle.
Sadly we accidentally tore up the side of our car a little. It's not horrid but the worst part was when it hit our landlords truck. He was kind and understanding and our insurance is covering it. The rain came down and blinded us last minute as we were pulling in to park.
So.. an idea of our schedule is work Monday-Thursday and our boss says he'll start teaching us how to train dogs on Fridays. Saturdays we spent with our partner and Sunday we basically sleep all day.
We still have to do taxes, and apparently this state has a state tax that has to be paid also. We are considering dropping on our GED since our boss has offered us business.
I just guess when we're happy we feel there's less to journal about. On one hand it's like our journal is just a place to drop our vents and occasionally when things are good.
But life still isn't perfect. Because of this safety feeling we've gotten headmates that seem to be fighting and stirring up trouble. I'm guessing to keep us on our feet. Memories from old traumas are trying to slip back in and for once we're not sure how to cope. It was easy in survival mode where it was focus on the now not look back at what was unless necessary for experiences.
We've also gone back to living terrible maladaptive daydreaming stories in our head that we struggle to control. But this has nothing to do with being here. It's being in America in general.
They said it will get worse before it gets better. I hope it gets better. I'm tired of living in fear that this might not last. So I've been living each day to the fullest.
I saw a TikTok about how fear isn't the only tactic of control. But disgust is far stronger than fear, which can be dissipated quickly unlike the feeling of disgust.
--Politics, religion, anti-lgbtq mentions, child grooming mentions, etc--
People have disappeared mysteriously from protests trying to protect trans people or the LGBTQ in general and are still missing apparently. I don't know if that's true but I believe it.
They have controlled Christianity with disgust by telling them we (the LGBTQ) are child groomers. That we hurt children or that we are perverts trying to get into the opposite gender's spaces. They have said that gay men are gross and disgusting for hitting on straight men who are uninterested despite cis straight [white] men doing the same thing to women. And those men still miss the point. They have said we're murderers despite the fact that most every killer is a cis white man. They attack poc and say they are horrible people and all of them are wrapped up in drugs and sex and are generally bad people. That anyone they don't agree with must be disgusting and gross in some way.
I want to turn it back on them so bad. Put up signs that list of all the priests who have harmed children. To put up a list of all the cis people who have created shootings. I want to put up signs talking about how disgusting Christianity is for wanting to kill people they don't agree with.
I want to prove them right. Because no matter how much I scream and cry at the top of my lungs, those blind sheep will continue to see us as monsters. I don't want to prove everything right. Obviously no intention of hurting children. No. I want to prove them how violent we supposedly are. I want to fight back. I'm tired of being backed into a corner.
But the more we fight the more we are also stigmatized. We have every right to fight back and we don't. Whether it's because of fear or simply that we don't have the capabilities right now. The government would just call Martial Law and leave us among ourselves to fight probably.
And us fighting each other is exactly what the government wants. The government wants to keep us divided. But how the hell do we get through to christians? To boomers who have had everything easier, their future promised to them? How do we face boomers that see us as whiny, dramatic, ungrateful, spoiled and lazy? How they see us as disrespectful. How much do they fear us that they have to keep coming up with more labels of disgust over us that they might continue to feel high and mighty?
If we turn those tables onto them will it make things worse? Will they get more violent? Will they open their eyes? They talk all the time about being oppressed but they don't really know what oppression is. Clearly.
If we turn the tables on them, talk about how lazy they are by taking some time off work instead of working hard, or talk about how disgusting they are for taking children to church with them to groom them into religion.. what would happen? They want to just deny everything. And when we deny shit we're apparently liars... Flops
I'm tired of using my words. I'm tired of just sitting here waiting for shit to happen. And if I had nothing to lose I'd sure as hell be doing something. But until they take everything from me, I'm bound to mental chains that keep me in place. Besides. It's best to wait until the right opportunity. When the trouble finds me first. When there's no backing out and it's life or death.
Until then.. I'll stay in this.. place. I don't plan on hurting anyone of course. Even I don't think I have it in me. Not here. I just want to stand my ground. That's all.
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meezylovee · 1 month
May The 4th......
Be With You As Motherhood Challenges You With The Terrible Twos.
Motherhood = Hard.
Lets just start with that.
awoken by middle child informing me small child had awoken.
Mama gets up, restroom, wash hands, prepare breakfast... its a normal morning.
or so i thought... which is obviously very foolish of me as i own... a TODDLER.
and a sassy one at that. She is in the stage where, she enjoys shitting in hidden spots, such as corners or behind things.
after some time in her shit corner- which is by the sliding glass door to the balcony... the sliding glass door has blinds.............. she runs in from her shit spot and i instantly smell it, I grab a diaper and wipes and when i go to lay her down... i see it... all over her hands.. in-between her fingers... under her nails.... up her arms... on her shirt, on her pants.... on her FACE....and after checking her shitting station... i saw it some more.... all over the floor... and the freaking BLINDS... ughhhh
it was a shitshow..
This Shitsaster called for an emergency shower.
after the shower, we're in my room, and I'm desperately looking for clothes while were wrapped in towels. i find one diaper luckily and get her hot guns in safety mode... which apparently isn't really safety mode...
while I'm looking for clothes i notice she has ran to my desk and grabbed the pen off of it an colored all over my WHITE Chair and my green seat plush that i literally just bought.
ugh at this point im like but... buhhh... whyyyyyyyyy?????
lunch time comes around... and then a nap and all is well,
lets fast foward.... to dinner...
When my toddler is given some milk...
She finds that this milk.. makes for good fun when its spit out. Making dinner time a fun mess, where she ate probably 3 bites. After dinner.... now call me stupid, but i did it anyway... i gave her her cup of milk to finish. because she OBVIOUSLY wanted it the first time.
she.... ran around the house spitting it out....
hmmmm. should of saw that coming.
upstairs we go for relaxtion and movie time..
and then it happens, left alone to watch a movie while you can clean up after dinner, check on the new kitten, and whatever else....
when i return.... i found a happy little toddler still in her baby jail.... covered in poop.
this time its dads turn...
and even after the shitshow is over at the end of the day, i still love that little turd. yet i have a message for all of you thinking of having children some day... please just remember this entry. and remember you can't have anything nice and everything is shitty.
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repulsiveliquidation · 7 months
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Ona Batlle x Reader
An alternate ending to "She's going to be okay." which can be read as separate works! [La Princesa] [Royalty] [Angel in the House]
Fluff with angst. Enjoy!
word count : 4.3k
“Hold on, mi amor. I’m right here, please hold on.”
BREAKING NEWS : World famous footballing couple Y/N L/N and Ona Batlle announce their pregnancy! Ona, taking a step back from football to focus on her pregnancy tells media that she is 9 weeks pregnant and the baby is doing well. Her wife Y/N says Ona’s decision to have the child was deeply pondered by both and says that “We are both excited to welcome our little one into the world, we both can’t wait to be parents. Ona will also be taking time away from football to focus on our family with full support from everyone at Barcelona.”
“Bonita, we’re going to be late!”
“Coming, just forgot my phone!”
You held both your kit bags while you waited by the door. Ona was scrambling to find her phone, you watched with amusement at her frantically searching for it.
“What–it was just here?!”
“Look at your right hand, beautiful.”
You laughed and walked over to her, shoulders slumped in defeat. You kissed her forehead and took her hand, walking out of the house to your car. She got in the passenger side wordlessly as you put your bags in the back and got in the driver’s side. You sighed seeing her looking so down. You leaned over and kissed her head, reaching for her seatbelt and putting it on. “Safety first,” you whispered to her, pulling a smile from her. “There’s my girl.” You tell her as you pull your own seatbelt on, hand resting on her thigh as you drive to the training ground. 
It’s a wet day in Barcelona as you head into the changing room. You find your national teammates Lucy and Kiera whispering just outside the door, apparently planning something. “What are you two up to?” you ask them, both turning around and looking at you innocently. As vice-captain, you have a sense of control over the team, most people listening to Alexia and you with genuine admiration. Alexia is the stricter of the two, you’re who most will find leading the making fun of Alexia when she’s in captain mode. Ona laughs at their antics and walks straight into the changing room without you as you stand there and listen to the two of them explain their plan on pranking Alexia, who was currently in a meeting with Jonatan. You tell them to leave you out of it but yell “I want it on video!” before following Ona into the changing room.
She’s on the phone, expression unreadable. The rest of the girls turn quiet when you walk in, causing you to pull a face and become concerned. “Amor?” you say simply, Ona looking right into your eyes as she ends the call. “What’s wrong?” you ask her again, towering over her smaller frame.
“That was the fertility office.” She says quietly, Pina inhaling sharply which caused Patri to smack her arm.
“Baby, what did they say?”
“It worked.”
She says it so softly you didn’t hear her.
“I’m pregnant.”
Mapi yells before you do, all the girls celebrating at the news. They hug and clap your back, cheering loudly at the news of a new member to the squad. Your ears drown them out, eyes fixated on the most beautiful person in the room.
Your wife. Now bearing your child.
You pull her into your arms, tears flowing down both your faces. She sobs into your chest as you kiss her head over and over again. “Thank you bebita, oh thank you!” you tell her, holding her wet face in your hands. You fall in love with her all over again, kissing her hard before your bubble is broken as the rest of the girls walk in from all the noise.
“What the hell has gotten into you all? What’s all the yelling for?” Alexia walks in, Lucy and Kiera in tow, prank abandoned.
“Y/N knocked Ona up!” yells Mapi (who else would) grabbing you by your shoulders and smiling proudly. Ingrid walked over and smacked Mapi on the head.
“I didn’t knock her up you moron, I only gave her the fertility shots. Technically the doctor did.” you tell everyone, Ona glued to your side.
“Congratulations to you both, you will be the best parents.” Alexia tells you, hugging you both tight.
“She knocked you up pretty good huh Ona, the doctor called you personally to tell you, must have been fun!” Mapi teases and before you could kill her, Ingrid gave her a look that shut her up so fast she quietly went back to putting her boots on as the whole team laughed at her.
Jonatan was thankfully still in his office as you both walked in. Hand in hand, you sat at his desk nervous before he looked up. “To what do I owe the pleasure, girls?” he asks kindly, smiling at the two of you.
“Do you remember the conversation we had a few months ago, Jonatan? About us wanting to start a family?”
“Sí. Is it good news?”
“Ona’s pregnant.”
“Oh, that’s great news girls. Congratulations. Ona, I’d like for our physicians to take good care of you while you’re pregnant. You’re in control here, whatever your course of action is from now on is up to you. My door is always open for you both. Now, you’ve both got the day off. Ona, if you’d like, I can set up an appointment with the doctors for you to have a full workup?”
“That would be perfect, Jonatan. Thank you for everything.”
2 months pregnant.
The girls rush to the door when you and Ona walk in. She’s had a hard couple weeks with morning sickness and has been staying in bed most of the time when you leave for training. She’s finally had a morning where the baby hasn’t tried to nauseate her and she wanted to spend the day out with you. Training was at 10am so you both managed to squeeze in a quick breakfast together, walking onto the pitch with coffee for the girls as a treat. They take the drinks from you both, passing them around and noticing that you got each and every one of them their regular orders. “Now you can’t say I don’t spoil you all!” you quip, sipping your coffee while Ona chats with Laia holding her tea.
Alexia walks up to you, her coffee in hand as she watches Ona and the girls.
“How is she?”
“She’s alright. The morning sickness was bad yesterday, I think the baby is giving her a break today.
“She’s glowing, you know.”
“That she is. She’s beautiful.”
5 months pregnant.
“Cariño? It’s time to wake up angel. We’ve got a doctor’s appointment in two hours.”
“Is it that time already?”
“Sí. Come on, I’ll make you breakfast too.”
“You’re too good to me.”
“You’re the mother of my child, you deserve the world and more.”
You both sit in the kitchen and enjoy breakfast while listening to the radio. She’s sitting in your lap, helping herself to your cereal. She had requested a bagel with literally half the tub of cream cheese but when she saw your bowl of cereal, her puppy eyes had earned her a swap. You learned quickly that a pregnant Ona was also a very hungry one (more than usual at least­) and you had also learnt quickly to order what you knew she wanted but didn’t order so that she could swap and eat yours instead. You didn’t mind, as long as she was happy, you were too.
“Mrs. Ona L/N? Doctor Johan will see you now.”
“Thank you.”
"De nada, third door on the right.”
“Good afternoon, how are we feeling today?”
Finally, after what seems like an eternity, the doctor finishes all his questions and brings in the ultrasound machine. You’re sitting beside Ona holding her hand, softly rubbing the back of her knuckles as she listens to Dr. Johan. He lifts her shirt and spreads the cold gel along the bottom, ultrasound wand going over Ona’s now showing belly. You kiss her knuckles softly, looking up at her just as the beautiful sound of your child’s heartbeat fills the room. You’re both in tears, eyes locked on each other. You lean up and kiss her, smiling so wide your cheeks are beginning to hurt.
“Do we want to know the gender?” the doctor asks.
“Could we get it in an envelope? We’d like to find out together with our family.”
“Of course, you both going to have a very healthy baby.”
6 months pregnant.
“Lucia, please don’t make me regret making you and Kiera in charge of the baby shower. If you fuck it up, Ona will slaughter me.”
“Don’t worry you worry wart. It’s going to be perfect.”
Ona was still getting ready, getting annoyed that most of her clothes didn’t fit anymore, only your jerseys did (she wasn’t complaining). Just as you had walked in, she threw off a pretty summer dress that you had got her while in Germany for a game three weeks ago.
“Hey angel, nothing’s taken your fancy?”
“Nada encaja, amor…” she whined, head in her hands as she stood in front of the full-length mirror. You walked up behind her, hugging her waist gently, hands framing her pretty belly. You perched your head on her shoulder, hands slowly coming up and pulling her own away from her face. You smiled when you made eye contact with her in the mirror, kissing her cheek softly.
“Why don’t you wear one of my jerseys? Maybe an old one we could glamour up?”
“You look so good in your outfit though, I don’t want to look underdressed.”
“Darling, you could show up wearing a fucking traffic cone and I’d say you were beautiful.”
“Hey, I told you. Don’t swear in front of El pequeño.”
“Sorry, pretty girl. I’ll grab one of my England shirts eh?”
“Go ahead. I hope you like sleeping on the couch though.”
“Where’s Mapi?”
“Ingrid, I swear if she is up to something–“
“You’re going to have to get in line, I’ll be sending her STRAIGHT to heaven if she pulls some shit–“
“Sorry, they almost forgot the ball with the right gender in there!” yells Mapi as she walks onto the patio with 5 identical footballs. Lucy had got you to wear your boots and to dress “comfortably enough to be able to kick!” The party was in Alexia’s backyard since it was the biggest, a goal set up as Mapi laid the balls out.
“You ready?” Ona asked you quietly, looking up at you with the happiest gaze you’ve seen on her face in a while. She had only had that look two other times, when you asked her out 5 years ago and when you got married.
“More than anything, my love.” You answer, leaning down and kissing her softly. She giggled nervously into the kiss, walking back to give you space. She hugged her mother, holding her brothers hand by her side as you stepped back to kick the first ball. You did, only white powder flying through the air. It happened three more times, Ona’s heart pounding in her chest, palms sweating from nervousness. Her brother gives her a reassuring squeeze, kissing the top of her head as you stepped back to kick the last ball. A cloud of pink filled the air, shouts of celebration followed soon after. You ran to Ona, picking her up and spinning her around gently. You kissed her hard, hands holding her belly gently. You knelt in front of her, kissing her stomach softly.
"Hola mi princesa".
3AM, 6 ½ months pregnant.
“Y/N. Y/N, wake up.”
“What? What’s wrong?”
“Something’s wrong with the baby.”
“It’s probably just Braxton Hicks love, want me to give you a massage like last time?”
“Y/N, there’s blood.”
“It’s okay baby, you’re going to be okay.”
“T-There’s so much blood, Y/N…”
“Shh, shh, I know. She’s going to be okay.”
You pick her up and rush to the car, putting her in the passenger seat and clambering into the driver’s seat. You hold her hand and drive fast, speed limits be damned. She’s a mess, crying and clutching her stomach. She’s also begging, begging La Princesa to hold on.
“Please, mi amor. Hold on for us. Please!” she begs, tears flowing down your cheeks too. You’ve never seen her in such distress before, your heart aching, wishing you could take it away from her.
It’s three am in Barcelona, there’s barely anyone on the streets. You get to the hospital, leaving the car right in front of the A&E. you jump out and run to Ona’s side, picking her up again and running into the emergency room. You’re yelling for a doctor, a gurney in front of you to put Ona into. They rush her into surgery; you’re left there with her blood all over your front and you don’t know what to do. The love of your life could die and your baby might not survive. Your hands shake as you call the one person you knew would know what to do.
“Y/N? I’m here hermosa. Where is she?”
“Alexia! Oh Alexia.” You begin to sob again, tears and snot running down your face. You’ve been crying the whole time, clutching at the bloody hoodie you have on. Alexia’s heart breaks at the sight of you. She rushes over and pulls you into her arms, you sob harder into her shirt. She’s crying too, holding you tight and whispering soothing words into your ears.
“I’ve called the rest of the girls. We’ve got you.”
“I can’t live without her, I don’t know what to do. I feel so useless just SITTING HERE! SHE NEEDS…needs me…” you yell and cry out, Alexia holding you closer.
“Shh, hermosa. What she needs is for you to be strong for her. She’s a tough girl, trust me.”
“Alexia! Y/N! We came as soon as we could. Where is Ona?”
Mapi, Ingrid, Pina, Patri, Lucy and Kiera walked into the emergency waiting room. They ran to the two of you as soon as they heard your sobs. They hugged you tight, their own tears joining yours. The both of you were sisters to them, your pain shared with all the girls who vowed to be there for you both any way they could. Mapi and Ingrid went to get an update on Ona, Lucy and Kiera went to get coffee for everyone while the rest of them stayed with you. Alexia hadn’t let go of you, stroking your hair softly as the others rubbed your arms and soothed you.
“Nothing yet, she’s still in surgery.” Ingrid tells the group, sitting beside Mapi who has her head in her hands.
“She’s going to be okay, bonita. Ona will be okay.” Alexia whispers in your ears as fresh tears flow down your stained cheeks.
“Three hours, what the fuck are they doing to her?!” Mapi grumbles, clearly frustrated with the lack of answers as she goes to the nurses desk for another update.
You’re all still sitting in the waiting room, cups of coffee in hand. Lucy and Kiera had also gotten you a change of clothes, getting rid of your bloody garments. Alexia handled Jonatan, explaining the situation, he gave everyone a couple days off to focus on Ona and you. Just as she got off the phone to tell you all, you spoke.
“You all don’t need to be here, you’ve got better things to worry about. We’ve got a game Thursday to focus on. Go, I’ll text you if anything changes. You’ve done more than you need to for me.” You tell them quietly, holding back tears.
“We aren’t going anywhere, pea. We want to be here with you.” Kiera tells you, kneeling in front of you as you look at her wet eyes.
“Football be damned, you two are more important right now.” Alexia says, you look at the captain for any sign of a lie. Her face is stoic, almost daring you to rebuttal her statement.
“I don’t know what I would do without you all. Thank you, you have no idea how much you being here means to me. How much it means to Ona and La Princesa.”
“What do you mean you don’t know? She’s been in there THREE HOURS! THREE FUCKING HOURS!”
“Seriously, what the hell­–“
“That’s enough.”
“Y/N, we need answers! They can’t–“
“Mrs. Y/N L/N?”
Your head shoots up and you scramble up to the doctor upon hearing your name. The girls follow, Ingrid and Lucy holding your hands.
“And they are?”
“Whatever you have to say, you can say in front of them. Where is my wife?”
“She’s in recovery. She’s had preterm labour which we’ve managed to stop. She is 26 weeks along, we realistically want her up to at least 30 to 33 weeks before we decide if we want to have her deliver early. We need to monitor her closely for the next 48 hours to make sure that she doesn’t go into labour again. The nurses will have her ready for you in a while. She’s doing well.”
“Y/N? Y/N?”
“We’ll get her darling, she’s talking to the doctors.”
“I want her.”
"Sí, nena, ella está justo afuera. Está bien."
You walk in just as Alexia reasons with Ona. She bursts into tears when she sees you. Your eyes are bloodshot, you look tired. You rush to her and sit on her bedside, pulling her into your chest. The girls filter out to give you some privacy, sitting in the hallway patiently.
“Shh, baby. It’s okay, she’s okay.”
“I was so scared…”
“I know, darling. I’m so proud of you, you’re so strong Ona. I love you so much.”
“I love you too, I’m so sorry.”
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Mi Reina. Nothing.”
“She’s going to be okay?”
“Yes, we’re going to make sure of it.”
“Lucy, you didn’t have to.”
“Nonsense, we all fought about who would pick you up from the hospital anyway.”
“What about my car?”
“Kiera came with, she’ll drive it back.”
“Thank you both for everything.”
“Claro, let’s get you both home.”
You help Ona into the back and climb in with her. She leans into you, still feeling tired from being in the hospital. Your arm is around her, kissing her hair softly. You keep your other hand on her belly, rubbing softly. She closes her eyes and enjoys the feeling, a wave of relief going over her. The word terrified doesn’t begin to describe it when she was in the car on the way to the hospital the other night and when you were just standing there as she was hauled away from you. She really thought she was going to die and the fact that you weren’t beside her almost did. The doctors were working fast, she was loopy and light-headed, annoyed that they wouldn’t answer her questions of how her baby was doing. She was panicking but they quickly anaesthetized her and she calmed.
As they told her about what had happened she couldn’t hear them. She knew they were talking but nothing was registering. She only wanted you, her mind set on wanting to check on you and make sure you were okay. Even in her demise she worried about you, a quality you admired very much.
“We’re here.” Lucy called, snapping her out of her trance. You carried her into the house and onto the couch, the girls fussing over her the moment she laid down. You kissed her forehead and smiled, muttering a soft “I love you,” before walking into the kitchen. Ingrid and Mapi kept her company, Patri and Pina gave her a massage as Alexia, Lucy and Kiera were talking in the kitchen. Lucy pulled you into a hug when you walked in, you let out a long sigh as she held you.
“Jonatan has given you the week off.”
“Thank him for me will you, Ale?”
“Already have, bonita.”
“Can I have a word with you all in the living room?”
“All of you have been the best family ever, you being there for us has been more important than you will ever know. I speak for both of us when I say that nothing we do will ever make up for all you have done for us this week.” Ona nods in agreement, tears flowing down her cheeks which Mapi wipes off her. She continues for you, Ale standing beside you and pulling you into her side as your own tears follow.
“I love you all, thank you so much for helping us. We don’t know what we would have done without you.”
“We are family, hermosa. No one in this room would rather be anywhere else. If the roles were reversed, you would have done the same if not more.”
“I can think of one thing that would make up for all of this.”
“What Patri?”
“You bring La Princesa home.”
9 months, 4:30am.
“Y/N, please wake up.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll stop breathing funny.”
“Y/N, wake up. I’m being serious.”
“What, are you okay? Is it the baby?”
“My water just broke.”
You scoop Ona into your arms, rushing out to the car. You help her in and buckle her up, running back inside to grab her hospital bag and your keys. Ona was laughing in the car, clearly the calmer of the two. She was in mild pain but nothing too serious. You jump into the car and drive, panicking already. At a red light she takes your clammy hand and kisses it, smiling up at you.
“I’m okay, hermosa. I’m not in a lot of pain.”
“What if something goes wrong? Oh god what if we get stuck in traffic and we have the baby in the BACK SEAT?!”
She laughs harder, clutching her stomach heartily. It annoys you.
“Why are you laughing? This is serious, amor!”
“Please get us to the hospital safe, hm? You’re acting like you’re the one having the baby and not me.”
“Technically baby, it was a doctor that knocked you up but don't worry, I was in the room.”
You chuckle as she stops pushing, her dilation up to 9cm already. Just a few more hours till you get to see your babygirl. The midwife suggests you climb into bed with her, helping her move forward for you to scoot in behind her. You hold her close, stroking her damp hair out of her face.
“You’re doing so well, hermosa. She’s going to be here soon, all thanks to you. You’ve made my dreams come true, I’m forever grateful.”
“You’re changing every single dirty diaper.”
“Gladly. I would gladly do that, my love. I love you.”
“Hola, hermosa. Oh, you girls look so beautiful.” Alexia said as the girls walked in with her. They were beaming, the sight of Ona holding La Princesa melted their hearts. Ona was glowing, proudly holding our bundle of joy. Born 3.9kg, she was a healthy baby girl. Mapi was crying (already), Patri and Pina taking photos as Lucy and Kiera patted you on the back and watched Ona fondly.
“Here, baby. You take her.”
“Everyone, meet Eliana Alexia Maria Batlle L/N.”
“What?” said Alexia and Mapi at the same time. Naming her after them was a no brainer, you didn’t want to spoil the surprise when Mapi suggested it at the baby shower. The two of them have been role models in both of your lives; giving your daughter their names was an easy decision.
Mapi was being consoled by Ingrid, sobbing harder than Eliana when she was born. Alexia hugged you so hard you were winded, chuckling and rubbing her back as she cried into your neck. “Thank you,” she whispered, “I already love her so much.”
“Mapi you will wash your hands TWICE before you come anywhere near my child.”
You handed Eliana to Alexia, she sat with the baby and held her like she was made of glass. Alexia spoke to her softly, promising her new goddaughter that she will love and cherish her, to teach her football and to protect her from the world as tears welled in her eyes.
Mapi held her next, kissing her forehead softly as Ingrid looked absolutely smitten over her shoulder. Mapi introduced herself and cooed at her, Eliana holding her finger which made Mapi vow then and there that she would die for this child.
“As you all know, Alexia is already her godmother. But, Ona and I talked about it and we’ve decided that we want you to be her godmother too. The protective nature you had in the emergency room made me realize that Eliana needs you the same way we did. I have no doubt that she will be safe with the two of you.”
“This is my proudest moment. Thank you both, she is already so special to the two of us. I love you both.” She looks down at Eliana fondly, muttering “I love you, princesa. Bienvenidos al mundo.”
“Are you sure, baby? We can go home, don’t worry.”
“I want to see the girls. Besides, we could use the babysitting.”
“Is that my goddaughter I see?!”
Mapi runs up to you and takes Eliana’s carrier from you, cooing at her as she sits in the shade and talks to her. Ona takes your hand and walks over to the benches as the girls come off the pitch to greet you both. You say quick hellos and run back inside to change into your training kit.
When you come back, Alexia is holding Eliana close as the girls look at her with pure adoration. Patri gives you a nod and you understand, her words from months ago coming back to memory; La Princesa was home.
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gerudospiriit · 4 months
📖 + Princess
Journal Entries || Open!
I finally managed to get the princess to agree to a meeting with me. No more nonsense of being handed over to some diplomat or other member of Hyrule's council. I would get to speak with Zelda herself to express my concerns and hopes for the future of our countries. She even wished to come to us rather than the typical mode of me and a few of the other Elite traveling to Hyrule Castle.
Or, at least, that's what I thought was going to happen.
On the agreed upon date, instead of the greeting the princess in the valley, it was instead Impa who strode over to me looking as personable as the canyon walls. Zelda was nowhere in sight.
When I asked where the princess was and why she had failed to keep her promise to myself and the Gerudo, Impa told me that she dissuaded the queen-to-be from her visit for her safety. Impa apparently worried about what me or the other Gerudo might do to a Hylian monarch who set foot on our territory after everything that has happened.
Needless to say, I was livid. First to be insulted by Zelda's failure to respect the arrangement we made, but even more so by Impa's assumption that we would try to hurt Zelda. I expressed my annoyance with her strong arming the queen-to-be like she was still a child to "protect" her from a threat that did not exist and refused to speak with Impa on Zelda's behalf. After months and months--years really, if we count the failures of the past to really make headway with the monarchy of Hyrule--of being diverted to one stuffed-shirt, disrespectful, and uncaring noble to the next, I refused to let it happen again. My role as chief may be relatively fresh, but I served as second in command before this. I earned my role, unlike the people who make up their system. I deserved respect when I had shown them respect.
Impa, of course, did not understand my frustration, let alone the the source of it: anger at her assumption that Zelda would be in danger among my people. She has apparently fallen for the same rhetoric those that would see the Gerudo eradicated from these lands scream daily. She seems to believe that we intend to finish what Ganondorf started because of their mistaken belief that we worshipped him and viewed him as infallible. We understand that his actions ultimately led to this, and he reaped the consequences as a result. Hyrule had a right to act against him. It shows her ignorance of how our culture works and speaks perhaps to her own people's prejudice against ours. Perhaps it is even a testament of Hyrule's hatred of us bleeding into her own perception. Or simply her hatred of Ganondorf for what he did clouding her judgement.
Whatever it is, I won't stand for such insults. Hyrule may have gotten used to the Gerudo playing along with them, catering to their whims because we had no other choice. But I refuse to continue the trend. My people only wish to live our lives the way we see fit. We do not wish for Hyrule's fall. But this....if Zelda truly wishes to repair the growing rift between our peoples, this has been a terrible and insulting start.
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dumbbitchfrommars · 4 months
"princess diana"
why is my making an effort to look and feel pretty, when i am in a low place, trying to break away and distract myself from the seemingly endless stress and turmoil my life is right now, exactly WHY is that such a fucking crime?
why is it that i feel like such a caricature of a woman when i make an effort to feel in touch with my feminine side? why does it feel like an overcompensation, an oversaturated and overdone attempt at hiding behind a costume? why when i look at my sisters in their many different states of being, does it all seem so effortless, when all i want is to feel like myself, like my best, like im beautiful too.
why is it such a crime to want that feeling of security and safety for myself?
i am completely afraid of going on this trip and having to face my true self, to be vulnerable with a person i dont trust and avoid completely, to know that everyone sees the block that i have in me and how pathetic it is that i can barely break through. like they all clearly have. because theyre all so fucking emotionally grown.
apparently i hide behind my maturity to avoid my wounded inner child.
all of the sudden im walking around with a target on my back.
maybe i was too quick to stop seeing my psychologist?
cause right now all i feel is rage and frustration and pain. because i really do feel like im alone, and no one including myself can make me feel safe. yet all i have ever done is try to make everyone else feel safe in my presence. when will this energy be returned to me?
why is it such a crime to ask for these things for myself? why am i so unworthy? because i dont have a fucking second to be alone when its all i fucking crave from life? for the past month all i have wanted was a second to return to myself. to workout again, to do yoga again, to go for a walk with myself again, to appreciate the lovely little beauties in life that only i can share with myself because there is no one else like me. to see from the perspective that i lost and quickly became more and more restricted the more i felt in survival mode. trying to rush to get every task done. every task that no one else would ever do.
right now it feels like no one truly appreciates the uniqueness of who i am. they just see all my flaws and weaknesses. i guess trying is not good enough, i guess something has to change.
somethings gotta give.
my best change comes from distancing myself from external energies when i come to these roadblocks and uncomfortable feelings within me, but it seems like distance could be a hard thing to reach at the moment.
even the fucking cat doesn't like me.
nobody likes me when im miserable.
its the cold hard truth.
nobody likes you when youre miserable.
sorry! dont like you. good luck with your depression and anxiety. youre on your own now.
i understand in a sense, not having the time or patience for it. i feel like maybe when you reach that plateau of spiritual growth you do tend to step up on the pedestal above all the puny, pathetic undeveloped non-spiritual folk.
what makes them any different to me in this scenario?
not nice being the one below looking up huh.
the difference between me and the people who i cut off - people i slowly distanced myself away from and never once was hurtful or bullied, just genuinely stop resonating with and took the step back from - is that i am making an active effort to try become better.
but apparently my own timing doesnt work for you. apparently my process doesnt look like yours and therefore is not valid. and so i become the butt of a joke that im not laughing at. or i am... because im a people pleaser.
fuck my life.
am i not allowed this one moment? this one reprieve from the shittiness of my situation at the moment to be completely and annoyingly drained, pathetic and enraged? is that not allowed anymore????? let me fucking live my life! this was my first day off in god knows how long, and i still ended up with a schedule jammed full of plans to run around doing things for other people!
im supposed to be writing my FUCKING THESIS!!!
my fucking fucking fuckoubgrafubnbge thesis .
its so exhausting to carry all these pent up emotions around with me. like a child. a child who doesnt know what to do with it all because its too big.
the most hurtful thing to me is that no one shares my unconditional love and adoration for all small humans and animals. especially dogs. even the ones who claim to be the closest to me, my best friend, sisters. to not share it, to not even acknowledge it in me, to reject that part of me. to judge that part of me. who the fuck do you think you are? claiming to love me and not see that side of me. to not want to see it. to ignore it. to reject it...
some part of me... i think its my inner child. its a part of my inner child. but not me when i was little... me when i was bigger, but still little. she wants me to sit it out tomorrow. to leave myself out to send the message that im hurt, and im angry, and i dont want anything to do with people who hurt me. that they have done something wrong, and should know that something is wrong, but i wont tell them why.
then theyll ask me what happened, and ill say nothing even though its something. and hold onto that pent up resentment until the next thing goes wrong.
or i tell them, and its explosive, and messy, and poorly executed, and very well mean the end of the relationship in its entirety. all for a small moment that triggered an insecurity in me.
god im so sensitive. im so sensitive but no one wants to see it. no one wants to acknowledge it. because my walls are so far up that i wont let them. and when they notice... well. i guess it doesnt matter.. because ive been hiding so long. im always hiding. whenever it shows, its rejected. i keep feeling so rejected. what the fuck is going on with me...
i feel like a pathetic child.
im hurt.
im tired, im exhausted, im burnt out, ive overextended myself, all i want is for things to be light and fun again but it feels like it never will be. it feels like it wont get better in time for the trip or the festival. it feels like im gonna let everyone down. it feels like im just one huge disappointment.
what happened to not taking things personally?
i keep thinking that to myself. but thinking it and embodying it are two different things. im repeating the words to myself like a whisper in the background, as i watch myself continue to fall deeper into this despair of "why me?" like a viewer behind a TV screen.
i actually have noticed ive been disassociating a lot more than usual lately. im just mentally checked out. i wish i could just... disappear somewhere. somewhere totally isolated where i could be by myself. maybe ill get that at the festival. maybe what i feared, being abandoned, will be exactly what i need. to just float in the water and stare at the sky for as long as i need to forget all my problems.
i dont know whats going on with me now but i just hope its over soon. i hope its over before it gets bad enough for me to revert to my old ways. i just want to be okay again. i just want to feel safe again, and to not be afraid, and to not be angry, and to be in love with life again. to be in love with myself, to accept myself, to not hate myself, to not be angry with myself, to not feel like its all coming apart, to not feel like im doing it all wrong when im giving it my all.
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mainsprop · 2 years
Hyper scape release date
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Hyper scape release date full#
The publisher has also put a bigger emphasis on multiplayer shooters with franchises like The Division and Ghost Recon. Ubisoft, best known these days for sprawling open-world action-adventure titles like Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry, has made a big push into competitive multiplayer games in the last few years with new entries such as Rainbow Six Siege and For Honor. The site also has a sign-up button at the bottom “to be the first to discover the Hyper Scape.” It’s active now so you can register for updates. mwVfs3nUEt- Kevin Sebastian June 29, 2020 Twitch chat will supposedly influence some game mechanics.
Hyper scape release date full#
Hyper Scape is being built with streamers in mind in a full partnership with Twitch. It's a FPS Battle Royale from launching on July 12th. Will you claim victory, or fall to the perils of the Hyper Scape?” Only the best contenders will make it to the final showdown. “You’ll want to hit the ground running, as you’ll need every advantage you can find to give yourself a leg up on the competition. “Get ready to drop into the neon-drenched streets of the world’s premiere virtual city, Neo Arcadia,” reads the game’s website. The site also seems to announce the game’s first mode, which is called “Crown Rush.” It definitely sounds like a version of the traditional battle royal experience. Ivy Tan” describing her company as a “hyper-network” and “the world’s leading multinational technology, media, and service company.” The message teases how Prisma Dimensions has built on Mathieu Eiffel’s “early work on direct neural stimulation.” Prisma is apparently the creator of “the Hyper Scape.” The site includes a message from Prisma Dimensions CEO “Dr. The confirmation came in the form of a teaser site launched by Ubisoft promoting an in-universe company called Prisma Dimensions. The game and its impending announcement were leaked on Twitter before Ubisoft confirmed its existence. In fact, the earlier to stop in, the better chance you have of picking a tag that is a great fit for your family.Ubisoft has confirmed the existence of a new game called Hyper Scape, which is reportedly a battle royale title being developed in collaboration with Twitch. That’s only two weeks!! If possible, please stop in the POD this week and grab a tag. So, WE need the items to us by Thursday, Dec 4 th. The gifts have to be brought to the Harbor House by Dec 8 th. We are off next week and we can’t receive the family lists any earlier. One problem in this whole set-up is the timing. The POD staff will go shopping for additional items or tags left on the tree. Want to participate but don’t have time to shop? Please donate $.Bring in your gift- unwrapped- with the tag attached (taped) and place it in the box by the tree.Bring your tag up to Dawn and record your ticket number along with your name and phone number on our list.Others wish for gift cards- allowing “Mom” to purchase items for her child. Due to the stress that these families are under, many sign up for the program late so there are also tags containing general wishes and needs for the Harbor House and the people they serve. We have a small tree in our lobby decorated with Gift Tags that contain a “wish” or a “need” for one of our families. We just received information on the families and have it at the studio this week. Everyone is invited to participate but please do not feel any obligation. These are families in financial need that are not only burdened with being able to provide for themselves and their children during the Holiday Season but are also busy securing safety for their family as well. Adopt A Family! Gifts needed by Dec 4th Posted: November 19, 2014īecome an Angel this Christmas by granting the wish of someone in need!ĭue to the incredible response we had last year, the POD and our dancer families are once again sponsoring 2 families this holiday season from Harbor House Domestic Abuse Center.
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