#april 13th cw
fictionkinfessions · 1 year
Oh god it's the homestuck. Its It's coming. On Thursday, that is. If you have birthday wishes or April's 13ths, feel free to send them in now!
They will be tagged with April 13th cw and holidays cw.
-The manager who manages.
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Lycée Kingsworth Students Rewritten
Below are the rewritten backstories for Rose, Juleka, Nathaniel, Kim, and Ivan
Rose Lavillant:
Rose was born on August 13th to her parents Claire and Antoine Lavillant, along with her other parents Fujino Miki and Vanni Opizzi For most of Rose's childhood she was in and out of the hospital for her poor immune system. She got sick often, that was the main reason, but she was also diabetic and the combination of the two made her visits to the hospital more than her parents would like She was also accident prone, wanting to prove that she wasn't weak just because of how often she went to the hospital, so there were several times of her injuring herself, though thankfully most of those injuries didn't result in a hospital trip Rose also tried to be tough, to be strong, to be positive, and she was; she didn't want people to worry about her just because she wasn't as strong as other people When she was 12, she met Juleka, and Juleka told her she was the strongest person she'd ever met Rose wanted to continue to be the strongest person Juleka ever knew
Juleka Couffaine:
Juleka was born on Janurary 22nd to her parents Anarka Couffaine and a man she never truly knew. From the very little her mom would tell her about their dad, all she knew was that he wasn't the best dad Juleka's childhood was a decent one, it wasn't perfect by any means but they wouldn't trade it for the world, Luka was an amazing sibling to them and Anarka always did everything in her power to make sure everything went as well as it could for her children When she was 13, she was in a small car accident that thankfully only resulted in a broken leg. However while in her stay at the hospital, she met a girl her age named Rose. Despite being in a hospital bed and not feeling well, Rose was so positive about everything and Juleka was so confused how she could feel that way; the two became inseparable Rose would eventually confess to Juleka when they were 16/17 respectively On Juleka's 18th birthday, they and Luka got matching tattoos Juleka became a member of her siblings band "The Band of Witz" by Luka's invitation and she and Rose joined as the lead singer and bassist respectively
Nathaniel Kurtzberg:
Nathaniel was born on November 5th to his parents that not long after passed Nathaniel was in the foster care system for his entire life, going in and out of different homes many times until he eventually just aged out of the system. Throughout his life he did countless odd jobs until he could actually apply places, saving up the money to get himself an apartment, but when it came time to, Alim, Alix's dad, told him that he didn't need to and offered one of the extra apartments within the Louvre like the one the Kubdel's lived in and he was quick to take the offer
Ivan Bruel:
CW: Past Mental/Emotional Abuse and Child Neglect
Ivan was born on April 25th and adopted into his family when he was 7, and his adoptive parents Pénélope and Seraphine Bruel and eventually becoming the older brother to Sophie Ivan's life after he was adopted was filled with nothing but love and care from his family and the few friends he had over the years However during his first seven years with his birth parents, he faced nothing but neglect and emotional and mental abuse, resulting in him developing selective mutism as a coping mechanism as, to him, staying quiet is almost always better Over the years, he slowly began to unlearn the habit of going mute for days at a time, now only doing it in times of extreme stress When he was 14, he met Mylène and despite not believing in them before, he knew he had met his soulmate and tried his best to befriend her, eventually doing so by the time they were 15 and beginning to date not long before they turned 16 When he was 16, he met and become rivals with Lê Chiến Kim; truthfully neither really remember what exactly had started this rivalry, but neither had let up on it since they met
Lê Chiến Kim:
Kim was born on December 10th to his parents Lê Chiến Quan and Cleménce Mullins, however his parents wouldn't stay together long When he was 5, his parents divorced but not for any fault of their marriage, it was because they were forced to conform to society and refused who they truly were By the time Kim was 10, his parents were in happy and loving relationships, giving him his Dad Badru, his Papa Quan, His Maman Cleménce, and his Mom Aya Throughout Kim's life, he had issues with reading social cues and learning, something that very quickly caused him to fall back from his peers and even almost causing him to be held back a grade during his early education He (and his parents) would figure out he had ADHD when he was 11 and his parents helped him in any way that they could, including getting him a personal tutor but his tutor's never really stuck until the one he got when he was 16 His tutor was a year younger than him and yet was in the same grade, which wasn't that exciting since he only skipped one grade, but that wasn't what made Kim work better, it was the fact that his tutor, Max, managed to explain things to him in ways that made him understand it Eventually the two went from tutor and student, to friends, to dating three years later When he they were 17, he met and become rivals with Ivan Bruel; truthfully neither really remember what exactly had started this rivalry, but neither had let up on it since they met
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v0vivi0v · 2 months
Posting an oc of mine. His name is Cynder Issac. He's one of the main protagonists for a story I want to make in the future. The story itself is called "Project Archon".
In-universe, he's supposed to be a hybrid between a fantasy race of anthropomorphic dragons, and cat people. I call the dragon race Sarasques, and the cat race Kisamata.
Everyone in the setting I've created has the ability to use magic, as everyone, except for humans, has ethereal energy inside them that allows them the ability to cast magic. However Cynder was born with unstable Magic Energy. The unstable Magic Energy would often flare up when he felt large amounts of negative emotion, or tried casting a spell. When this would happen, he would feel like his body was burning up from the inside. Sometimes it would get so bad that it would affect the outside of his body. As a child, he would often be hospitalized, and had to get many procedures done to get his Magic Energy under control. Nowadays, he takes medication to somewhat stabilize his magic energy.
He's often seen hanging out with his friends, an anthropomorphic fox girl named Nancy, and an anthropomorphic cat girl named Viola.
(Side note: Anthro Foxes in Project Archon are called "Renvole", and Anthro Cats are called "Bascaia". Bascaia are not to be confused with Kisamata, which are far more "human" in appearance.)
Fun fact, he used to be an anthro Cyndaquill oc! And he was the main character for a pokemon ask blog I tried making.
(Drawing created December 3rd 2022)
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(Drawing created August 9th 2023)
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(Drawing created January 13th 2024)
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!!!! Blood cw !!!!
(Drawing created February 23 2024)
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(Drawing created April 4th 2024)
The drawing below depicts Cynder after a time skip. Due to certain factors, he's undergone mutations of sorts. In the previous drawings, he's 17-18, but post time skip, he's 19.)
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 2 months
Year 1680 - Part 1
TW/CW: Death, Child Death, Stillbirth
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The year in Tartosa began with the family mourning the losses of the previous year and the young Collari twins growing into bigger infants with Sabina having ruby eyes and her brother having pale yellow. Though despite that, the famine and the lack of clean water had not been resolved yet and on January 16th, Alessandro collapsed and quickly passed in the early hours of the morning. He was buried near his late wives and passed surrounded by his family.
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Just a few days later, Clement celebrated his sixth birthday with his family as Orelia and the girls had returned to celebrate with him.
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Sadly the birthday of his much younger cousin was of little joy to Giuliano as he mourned his beloved wife but more pressing was that young Rustico was constantly crying from pains in his gut and the lack of comfort from his mother that he missed.
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Sadly on January 24, Rustico finally slipped away after a fitful sleep that he never awoke from.
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Borthola did her best as a big sister to cheer up Ricciardi as his closest playmate had just passed but the adults were devastated and even more so as Bastiano started showing signs of extreme lethargy not long after Rustico's funeral but they did their best to carry on.
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By the time Orsetta's sixth birthday came around they were back in the islands once more which was fine with her as the waters were nice to swim in and the paths were much prettier than in Newcrest.
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On the ever less common good days Bastiano had with energy, he, Borthola and their cousins would spend the day swimming and despite Giulia wanting the children to study after the past few months she was willing to be more lenient with them. Especially after the loss of Alessandro's mother on February 13th.
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But a bad day came for Bastiano on March 6th and he took a nap that he couldn't wake from after being gripped with intense headaches and cramps. Sadly it was Ricciardi who found him and whose cries alerted the family. But the losses didn't stop there as just a few days later came news that Antea had also passed from similar causes.
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While recently orphaned, Camilla grew up into her infancy in the care of Gabriella. But sadly her cousin, Sabina from the main branch of the Collari family passed away that April and on July 4th, the family Matriarch Bianca passed away as well leaving the family in the hands of Marcello at least until Salvador came of age.
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As the birth of their child approached, Giovanni Cesare and Vivienne decided that it was time to put aside their unfulfilled wishes and make the best of things especially after Vivienne's eighteenth birthday that March. The young couple decided to genuinely attempt a real relationship.
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While other adults of the house were out in town, Vivienne and her brother were happy to get along in secret.
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In late July on the 24th, Vivienne went into labor and when the midwife told her there was a second baby on the way it made sense on how quickly her pregnancy had shown but sadly the joy of her daughter, Elisabetta's birth was quickly dashed as the second girl was stillborn. The young couple called their late daughter, Elena, and while she couldn't be buried in the churchyard, she was buried not far from the home.
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Following the birth Vivienne had difficulties bonding with her daughter as the conflicting feelings of loss for her secondborn and the lingering thoughts of how if she hadn't gotten pregnant in the first place, she'd be free to marry into a similar life of luxury that she had grown up in reared their ugly heads. Giovanni Cesare though, was taken with his daughter. The loss of Elena hurt him dearly but after losing so many family members in his life, he was used to grief and dealing with it so he chose to refocus and give his daughter the love he had for both children especially as Vivienne only seemed to interact with her to feed her or change the occasional diaper.
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Unfortunately for the family the losses did not stop as Giuliano and Ashley's only daughter slipped away on August 29th. Giulia couldn't believe just how quickly their household full of noise and children and young love had changed in less than a year.
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beringandwells13 · 2 years
More on the Bering and Wells Big Bang!
Happy December, everyone! Now that it is no longer NaNoWriMo, as promised here is further information about the Big Bang we're planning for the 13th Anniversary of Bering and Wells in 2023!
(Please note that this Big Bang is not the same thing as the Bering and Wells Gift Exchange - two separate events, twice the fun! We're doing our best to set up this Big Bang in such a way that you can participate in both if you want!)
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A few questions were already answered over here, such as What is a Big Bang and How much am I supposed to write for it? - Today, under the Readmore, we're gonna go a bit further into the event's timeline and organization!
Timeline for this Big Bang:
December 17th-26th: Sign-up period for artists, betas and writers. Writers should already have an idea that is hefty enough for a Big Bang and that hasn't previously been published or talked about (so that the summary will remain anonymous), and should state what kind of beta support they're looking for. Betas should state what kind of beta support they are able to provide. Artists should state what kind of content they are not willing to provide art for.
December 27th-31st: mods match up writers and betas, and inform them.
January: writers develop their draft with help of their betas.
February 1st: drafts due: writers send in their drafts/outline/WIP (whatever fits your writing process) with a summary, tags/rating and applicable CWs. The draft/outline/WIP should be solid at this point, with no major changes anticipated. Summaries and tags/rating/CWs are then published anonymously for artists.
February 2nd-4th: artists pick the WIP they want to create art for, in form of a ranked top 3 list. This will help ensure that every fic can be matched with an artist.
February 5th: mods inform artists and writers about their match-ups; writers subsequently make their WIP available to their matched artist.
February 6th-April 9th: working on fic and art together!
April 10th-16th: finalizing fics and art for publishing, picking a publishing date in the following week
April 17th-23rd: publishing period, staggered to let each individual collaboration shine!
The mods will check in with all participants every now and then to make sure things are still on track and collaboration is working smoothly. You can also always reach out to mods with any questions or problems that might arise!
What kind of content is allowed/expected?
It’s all Bering and Wells, babey! Please focus on the relationship between these two; so no Myka- or Helena-only fics please, and if there are other relationships in your story, they shouldn’t overshadow Bering and Wells! All ratings are allowed (just please tag and CW accordingly), crossovers and AUs are possible too – as long as the focus is still on Bering and Wells.
As stated above, the fic idea should be new/previously unpublished - if it can be traced to you, the artist pick will no longer be anonymous! And of course the art should be new and created for this fic specifically as well.
Reminder: in order to make this more approachable, we propose to not set a minimum word count. BUT we would ask that as a writer, you commit to a fic that is equal in the effort and time you put in it, as an artist might give their artwork, and vice versa.
Requirements for all participants:
You will need an active email address to sign up - an AO3 account and/or Tumblr account are optional but helpful for posting your fic and art. The mods have AO3 invite links if you want to create an account for this purpose!
You may sign up for more than one role, either in an either/or or in an and/or fashion; please state so when you sign up ("I'd like to be an author and beta, and potentially a pinch hitter artist") - but please consider your spoons, and only sign up for what you are certain you can deliver on.
You may sign up as a pinch hitter writer, beta or artist: someone who fills in if a writer, beta or artist has to drop out. In this case you will take over a part in a collaboration that has already progressed, and while you're not strictly bound to what's already been worked on, you should be willing to work within that framework!
Expectations of all participants:
We ask that you are ready and willing to devote your time and energy towards creating a long-form fic or substantial work of art, or providing continuous beta support to your collab writer. If you feel ready now/at sign-up, but realize during the Big Bang that it is too much for you, that's alright, that happens - just in that case reach out to your fellow collaborators so that they're aware, and let the mods know so that we can make accommodations that will help, or find a pinch hitter to fill in for you if necessary.
As this is a collaborative event, we expect you to be ready and willing to work with your collaborators and the mods. That entails giving and receiving feedback, and communicating in a timely, respectful and supportive manner, including responding to mod check-ins. Unresponsive participants (towards mods, but even more so towards their collaborators) will be warned first, and can be removed from the event entirely (two-strike system). This includes regularly checking your communications channels and spam filters!
And lastly, we expect you to keep details of your collab's fic and art secret from anyone outside your collaborators and mods - they're only to be revealed once they're published!
Is the Big Bang the only fan event you're organizing for the 13th anniversary?
No it's not! We have quite a few more things planned, from prompts for fics and art as well as a round-robin style collab fic, to a zoom get-together like we had last year with headcanon bingo and trivia quizzes; if you have something else you'd love to do, let us know! We'll get to all of this closer to the actual anniversary, though.
If you have any questions, please let us know! And please feel free to reblog this post to boost the signal!
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Berly and LA recap the season three Supernatural episode, Ghostfacers. Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞
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spoilertv · 2 months
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j2memories · 4 months
TV Line article (April 13th 2022)
Jensen Ackles Talks Directing Jared Padalecki on Walker and the Episode's Many Supernatural Nods (Kansas!)
By Vlada Gelman / April 13 2022, 1:55 PM PDT
Having spent 15 seasons together on Supernatural, the men who used to go by Dean and Sam Winchester almost didn’t even need full sentences when Jensen Ackles stepped behind the camera of Jared Padalecki’s current CW series Walker.
“It was very nice to be back with someone who I’ve got such an incredible shorthand with, which we’ll always have,” Ackles tells TVLine. “You don’t lose something like that. Spending 15 years building that up, that’s never going to go away. So that was fun. And being able to direct him in such a quick way… I think some of the other cast were kind of like, ‘Wait, what was that note? Did you just reference a movie and you’re now changing your tone?’ So those kind of things were a lot of fun for he and I to play with.”
In addition to marking an off-screen reunion between the former castmates, the episode (airing this Thursday at 8/7c) also features a Kansas performance of “Carry On Wayward Son” (aka the unofficial Supernatural theme song), as well as plenty of other references to the pair’s long-running drama.
Below, Ackles discusses the nods to the Winchesters that he snuck into the hour, the prank he pulled on Padalecki and whether he’ll make an on-screen appearance on Walker.
TVLINE | What was it like working with Jared again, but for the first time on something where you aren’t in the world of Supernatural and he’s not playing Sam Winchester?
I feel like if I ever get on screen with Jared, we will instantly fall into those shoes. So it was a good thing that I wasn’t actually sharing the screen with him, allowing him his space to be this new character, which was a lot of fun to watch. Because not only do I know him as Sam, but I also know Jared very, very well, and I’ve probably had to stare at his face more than most people on this planet, and I’ve seen all the idiosyncrasies, the facial expressions and the reactions and everything that he does. So none of that was very new for me. It was just kind of a variation on a theme…
And we had some fun on set, probably more than I think the rest of the cast was used to having. And this is one thing that Jared and I kind of laughed about. I was like, “Man, it’s amazing that all the jokes that we repeated for 15 years are now landing on fresh ears. We have a whole new audience! This is amazing!” [Laughs]
TVLINE | When the show first premiered, it took me a minute to wrap my head around the fact that Jared was now playing a dad to two high schoolers. So I was curious if there was anything that surprised you or something new that you learned about Jared, seeing him as this new character, seeing him in this new capacity in a new show?
I mean, that’s the thing, I spent a lot of time with Sam Winchester, but I spent more time with Jared Padalecki. I know him as a father, I know him as a brother and as a son and a dear friend. So I’ve seen him play these roles in real life. So to see him just kind of translate that to on-screen stuff, it was no stretch for me. It was just another facet of the person that he is, and he’s really good at it. So seeing him bring that to the on-screen character just seemed very natural in my eyes.
TVLINE | I feel like there must be a story about filming the blindfolded obstacle course scene with Jared.
I mean, look, I could have really like brought out the big guns for that, but I do know the guy and I do love the guy, and I was like, “I don’t know that this is the kind of torture I want to put him through.” [Laughs] Honestly, I’d do a whole episode about just him trying to make it through an obstacle course. I’d watch that. But it was a hot day, Jared sweats like crazy, and it would have made for a miserable shoot. So I actually tried to make it as doable as possible and took it easy on him. I got him in other ways. I had a life-size bear come to life and attack him in one of the scenes.
TVLINE | How did the Kansas performance come to be a part of the episode? Was that a make-good from them not being able to be in the Supernatural series finale?
Yeah, the planets kind of aligned as they kind of fell apart at the end of Supernatural. But they kind of aligned for it to happen, and everybody kind of looked at each other like, “Wait, can we actually do this? Can we make this happen?” They asked if it was something that I’d be cool with, and I was like, “Absolutely! Let’s 100 percent do that! What we tried to do two years ago, let’s absolutely try and do that now.” Kansas was totally game and just totally great and awesome about it. The crew was super excited to be all of a sudden shooting a rock concert. I think I’ve got some behind the scenes footage of me literally dancing and singing at the top of my lungs behind the director’s monitors during one of the takes, so I’ll have to post that whenever the episode comes out.
TVLINE | Were there any other nods to the show that you included in the episode that maybe I missed or that were more subtle?
Some very subtle ones. I don’t know if you noticed, but I kind of opened up on a plate of bacon being slapped down. Very Dean Winchester. There’s also a very familiar green cooler that gets brought into a scene, and that was the actual cooler that Sam and Dean sat on and drank out of and sat in the back of the Impala for 15 years. I had to massage the dialogue a little bit. I think Mitch [Pileggi] looked at it and he was like, “What kind of heathens would…?” I don’t think that was in the script.
There was a few others. I have to go back and remind myself, but there was definitely some verbiage, too, that was thrown in. [For one scene], we needed a shadowy figure of some sort, and I said, “Hey, this is the perfect opportunity to slide myself into the episode.” [Laughs]
TVLINE | I know you’ve been very busy with The Boys and The Winchesters, but has there been any discussion about doing an on-screen role on Walker? And if so, what type of character would you like to play?
There has been some talk about it, but the possibility has been earmarked, we’ll say, until things kind of slow down with my schedule — if they do. I’m kind of over committed as it is right now. So we kind of just said, “Well, down the road, we’ll keep an eye out.” And if I was to ever do it, I don’t know if it makes sense to do something completely opposite of what he and I did for 15 years together, or if it makes sense to lean into that a little bit, have some familiarity there. I don’t know. We’ll see if we get to cross that path. I wouldn’t be surprised, also, if somebody comes knocking and says, “Hey, they want to do a Supernatural short-order reboot or movie or something,” and then that’s the next time you see Jared and I together.
TVLINE | I don’t think anyone will be complaining about that.
[Laughs] We’ll see.
Link to the article
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libertyreads · 1 year
Book Review #30 of 2023--
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Blood Debts by Terry J. Benton-Walker. Rating: 3 stars.
Read from March 9th to 13th.
Before I get into the bulk of the review, I want to say a quick thank you to both NetGalley and the publishers over at NetGalley for allowing me access to the ARC in exchange for an honest review. Blood Debts is a Fantasy novel set in New Orleans that follows twins Clem and Cris who attempt to avenge their family by solving a 30 year old murder. The book comes out on April 4th and is available for preorder now.
The book covers a lot of heavy topics such as magic, grief, generational trauma, family secrets, mental health, racism, and politics. For me, it felt like way too much for a book that is less than 400 pages long and action packed. A lot of the time I felt lost in the plot. Every character seemed to have their own thing going on and we never really got a moment to tie everything together. I would have loved it if the reason for all the action had been explained better and if we had gotten moments to breathe between all the chaos and drama. For me, it felt pretty reminiscent of CW teen dramas--which would lead me to believe I would enjoy it since a CW teen drama set in New Orleans and featuring magic was a show I loved watching a few years ago. But I was too confused by either the plot or the magic to fully enjoy it. I also felt like the author didn’t dive deep enough into the New Orleans setting/world building. There are some books when you can just feel the setting and see the world around you as the story unfolds but it wasn’t happening here which is sad given how much promise the premise of the story has. But, like a lot of the reviews I’ve seen, I can’t tell if it’s just me or a book problem.
I did enjoy the concept for this one and I thought the family had a lot of dynamics that I’d love to see explored some more. The book ended in such a way that another book could be in the offing, but also wrapped up well enough that it doesn’t have to have a sequel. Which felt pretty well done given how the plot felt leading up to the third act. I will say that the third act packed a punch and gave me a lot of the things I felt were missing in the first two. The third act is less than 50 pages so I don’t think it’s quite enough to redeem the book as a whole, but I was flying through the end of this novel. We got to see one of the twins really dive head first into revenge while another explored darker magic. We got a satisfying ending with the villain of the story. And we got to see some gods behaving badly (who doesn’t want that?).
Overall, I think this book is good for people who can picture things without needing to be led by the author. I also think it’s a good read for anyone who likes witches/witchy vibes. It definitely does that well. I wouldn’t say it’s perfect for those who want to see a character go there with their vengeful plots, but it’s good for people who don’t always want to see their favorites cross that line. This was still a pretty quick read and good to get you in the spooky mood.
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fictionkinfessions · 1 year
happy homestuck day to one and all! theres homestuck kins in the real world, like in the medical field. dave strider can legally administer you medicine in the state of california!
-a dave strider kin whos legally named dirk strider
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A Realms-universe WIP intro
✾ high fantasy ❉ first-person pov (journal entry & past-tense) ❇ undecided amount of books ❉ romance subplots :> ✾ cw for war, trauma, running away, violence, etc.
Like most of the kids living in Tennington’s, a small orphanage located in the kingdom of Litalane, Celia, Drevil, Kylar, and Max are from all over; some from the Overrealms, some from the Realms. But they’re all from somewhere, and they’re all part of the small population of older kids at Tennington’s. It’s a happy life, though simple. Until, after nearly eight decades of peace, Quatzine declares war on Litalane once again in its quest to become an Order. When tensions rise to a breaking point, Tennington’s is left unrecognizable in the ruins of Litalane. Along with it, Celia, Drevil, Kylar, and Max are left to brave a new world much too similar to those they once escaped.
Basic character information
Celia - "Ceil" ✾ she/her ❉ heterosexual ❇ aged 13 (at the beginning) ❉ Realms ✾ born May 17th
Drevil - "Drev" ✾ he/him ❉ gay ❇ aged 13 (at the beginning) ❉ Overrealms ✾ born January 29th
Kylar - "Hammond" ✾ he/him ❉ pansexual ❇ aged 13 (at the beginning) ❉ Realms ✾ born April 1st
Max - "Makix" ✾ he/him ❉ heterosexual ❇ aged 13 (at the beginning) ❉ Overrealms ✾ born January 13th
Other information
✾ As I said, I haven't decided how many books there will be yet, but I know there will probably be at least 2 - the first for their 2-ish years together, and the second for the conclusion to that chapter of their lives. ❉ They all have code names! (Aka the names in parenthesis next to their real names). Clearly, some are more different from their old names as others, but I still like them. ❇ Romance subplots for all - some gradual, some quick. But I adore both ships either way :)
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drjohndisco · 1 year
OC/Canon + Self Ship Oneshot Masterlist (2)
Note: The multi-part works that are listed here, can be read as stand-alones, but are best read together.
Spare Keys | Cursed!Beetle + Ruby (+ Rain) - Pre-Relationship (13th January 2022)
Wooden Kisses | August/Rain - Pre-Relationship, A Tightly Knit Family? Universe (10th March 2022)
Late Night Conversations About Cannibalism | Alexander/Basil - Post Canon (08th April 2022)
Fractured Vase, Fractured Life / After | Alexander + Basil - Pre-Canon (15th May 2022 / 08th June 2022)
Proposal | Basil/Clara (06th July 2022)
Wet / Annoyance / Rules? | Cordelia and Yarrow + Wesley/Yarrow - Pre-Relationship (29th July 2022 - 1st August 2022)
Band-aids | Amy/Basil/Rory (11th August 2022)
Two Tired (And Rather Sappy) Mages | Alice/Douxie - Post Canon (22nd August 2022)
Pick-Up | Wesley and his kids - All's Well That Ends Well (26th August 2022)
Knife to See You | Basil and Matt (03rd September 2022)
First Words | Wesley + Yarrow and their kids (+ Lorne) - All's Well That Ends Well (9th November 2022)
Getting Wings /Stuck in my Head / Yarrow Ex Machina | Yarrow (+ The Angel Investigations Gang) (18th January 2023 - 14th February 2023)
Shrunk? | August/Rain (+ Neal) - A Tightly Knit Family? Universe (March 10th 2023)
Care Package / Accidental | Basil/Harry (+ Peter) - Room-Mates Universe (1st February 2023 - 9th April 2023)
First Kiss | Bee/Daniel (+ Sam) (23rd April 2023)
Heart Song | Bee + Daniel (+ Teal'c) - Pre-Relationship (30th April 2023)
Peace? | Wesley + Yarrow - Pre-Relationship (3rd May 2023)
Entanglement (Yet Again) | Briar + Nick (+ Adalind and Sean) - Pre-Relationship, Canon Universe (29th May 2023)
Electrical Accidents | Harry + Basil - Pre Relationship, Room-Mates Universe (30th May 2023)
First Meeting | Basil + Simon - Pre-Relationship (June 17th 2023)
Hair | Bee + Daniel - Pre-Relationship (July 15th 2023)
The End Of Their Tale | Wesley + Yarrow - July 26th 2023 (MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH CW)
Check-In | Basil + Gren - Pre Relationship (24th September 2023)
Emotional Overload | 11th October 2023 (DEATH CW)
Unexpected Confession | Basil/Jack (06th November 2023)
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 28 days
Year 1686
TW/CW: Infant Death
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Nesta began feeling off in a familiar way as spring came into bloom and she was excited for another child that she hoped would be a son after two daughters though she had a problem... she had no clue who the father was.
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Even so, she told her husband about the new arrival though she simply omitted any mention of her paternity doubts and he was excited for a third child as well.
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Nesta also told Giovanni Cesare about the pregnancy and while he was happy for her the moment it sunk in that it might be his, he panicked as he didn't want drama to start but since Jaxsen was unaware of their dalliances, well, no need to make a fuss when it was just as likely to be Jaxsen's anyways.
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In Newcrest, Luisa delivered twins on March 2nd. The older one, the girl, was named Marie and her twin brother was named Jacques.
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On April 25th, Marcello and Chanel welcomed their son who they named Giovanni after Marcello's dear friend and uncle Giovanni Cesare.
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Both of Luisa's twins grew up well as it appeared that Marie favored her father and Jacques favored his mother but it wasn't to last as on July 13th, Jacques burned up with fever and slipped away in the night.
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Elisabetta grew up into a rambunctious child with plenty of energy to her father's great relief. Though sometimes she had too much energy and her father would have to talk to her about getting in the way of his work and send her to spend time with her aunt when Orelia was in port.
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Baby Giovanni grew up into a darling boy though his parents fussed over him excessively especially after the news of Luisa's son's passing and the memory of the loss of their firstborn, they were determined to lavish their son the best they could.
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Young Kathy quickly joined the ranks of bigger children behind Elisabetta and while the girls became more distinct in the personalities they remained close.
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But what the girls loved the most was when Orelia could visit and tell her stories of life on the ocean. The way Orelia spoke made life on the water seem magical though growing up on the islands they couldn't quite understand how it could be so interesting to the aunt when they were surrounded by water and boats all the time.
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On December 27th, Nesta got her wish as she delivered her son Francis in good health. It was too soon to tell who the boy took after but she hoped that he would look like her and her fears simply wouldn't matter.
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February 2023
Date  cw (kg)  fat% cal int  exerc
22th 66, 3 // 34% // 2000kcal
17th-21th BINGED
21th=66,3 😭
16th 65 // 33,2 // 1800
From now on, a binge = >2000 kcal
15th 65,6 // 33,1 // 1700
zumba 40 min + HIIT 15 min
14th 65,3 // 33,2 // 2300
zumba 10 min + lower body 30min
Happy Valentine's day :)
13th 66,3 // 33,6 // BINGED
Honestly, I hate being so weak. it's the fifth binge episode this month!!! And it's not even half a month! 😭
12th 65,3 // 33,2 // 1300 kcal
11th 66// 33,3 // 1600 kcal
I have a very important trip next month.
I must lose at least 4 kilos due to March 10th
10th 66,3 // 33,2 // BINGED //
40 min HIIT+ 40 min zumba
No more liquid calories
today the trainer told me my stomach is "starting to look flat". I know there is still a long way to go in front of me but receiving a compliment from people who aren't my parents made me happy :)
9th 65,3 // 33,4 // BINGED // none
8th 64,9 // 33,1 // 2300// HIIT 20'
7th 65,1 // 33,4// BINGED// none
6th 65,1 // 33,4 // 2000kcal // zumba 40' + HIIT 20'
5th 65,1 // 33,7 🥺// 1700kcal
4th 65,4 1400kcal
3rd 65,9 1500kcal
I got my period today.
2nd 66kg 1700kcal
1st      66,4 BINGED
it wasn't a very fit way to start this month. I won't do it again.
Hw: 78.6 kg (Dec 2018)   Height: 163 cm
SW: 70.4 kg (Nov 1 2022) 
gw1: 66 😊 23.01.2023
gw2: 63 (due to March 5th, 2023. I hope)
gw3: 60
gw4: 57
Ugw: 54kg  (due to April 30th, 2023. I hope)
Dec:  67.3 / Jan: 66, 4
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Berly and LA recap and discuss the season one Supernatural episode, Provenance. Over drinks, they'll discuss lore, gore, and what they adore about the Winchesters and their adventures. Now, let's get tipsy!  CW/TW for violent and lewd commentary; listeners beware! 🔞
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