#archeologist and shipwright
missallanious · 7 months
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Franky and Robin!!! My OP OTP, the Best In Show, Cutest, Most Fabulous,, *SUPERRRRR*, all the adjectives
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licorice-tea · 4 months
Don’t Fall In Love With Me (Yet)
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x reader
Content: strawhat!reader, gender neutral reader, feelings and fluff (my faves🤞🏽), so much tension, no resolution of that tension… yet😏, lowkey “i hate everyone but you” trope, very brief mention of some canon typical violence, but no actual violence <3
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: lalalalala i love law😇 i actually wrote about twice as much as what’s here to begin with, but i felt like it was too long for one post, so i might upload it as a second part later if anyone wants that! as always ty for the love, and i hope you enjoy! (did i write this instead of finishing part 3 of my Zoro mini series? perchance. (that will be up soon though!))
Part 2
It’s a day like any other on board the Thousand Sunny- calm waters, music, occasional shouting, and just one abnormality. Law, captain of the Heart Pirates, is a guest on board the Strawhat Crew’s ship in the aftermath of Dressrosa. And despite their hospitality, he finds practically everything about life on board their ship to be draining…
Every potentially quiet moment is interrupted by the crew’s shenanigans.
For starters: the cook and swordsman argue over every little thing, and most of their arguments escalate into fights. The navigator is actually a petty thief or a con-artist at best, and her double, the sniper, takes it upon himself to cause dangerous explosions at least once a day. The musician is an incredibly loud pervert, though the shipwright is somehow even louder and more dramatic. The archeologist is alright- she’s quiet, but Law finds her constant observation more eery than comforting. And the captain is still somehow convinced that his doctor could be used as a source of “emergency food.” Then there’s you; the one who brings whatever you’re working on at the time up to the deck so you can work in the sunlight, wears your weapons like they’re accessories, who only takes breaks from working to visit with your nakama, and always offers a charming smile when you catch Law staring… which happens multiple times in the course of the day.
Law is often irritated, rigid, and cold- so different from your own optimistic and nonchalant demeanor. At breakfast, he doesn’t talk much. Just eats his meal and thanks Sanji before excusing himself to go pour over anatomy books from the ship’s library. He does so for hours, not once joining the Strawhat Crew on deck or even taking time to explore the ship on his own. Nami frequents the library, as well, but she’s taken to drawing maps in her room or on deck since their guests arrival. When night begins to settle overhead, he may return to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, before going right back to his work.
At first, one might have been inclined to think Law didn’t like y/n at all. They can often see his gaze trained on them form from the corner of their eye, but chooses to ignore it sometimes and address it with a smile others. He almost never speaks to them if possible, only offering a nod or a mumbled response to whatever they says. But, he goes out of his way to sit by them at mealtimes and to find himself in the same narrow hallways as them, so that their arms brush. Those are the moments he obsesses over in his mind while he dozes off from his textbooks- the feel of their skin against his, and their kind acknowledgements- always void of harsh judgment.
It’s not just the lack of cruelty in essentially eveything they do, to Law; it’s the presence of love. Love for their nakama, their work, people and places they barely know, even him. He doesn’t recall ever having met someone so full of love that goes beyond superficial kindness- because they can be sarcastic and moody at times- besides perhaps Corazon.
And to y/n, there’s just something about Law that peaks their interests. Maybe it’s the feeling of having someone new around, or something even more indescribable and foreign to the pirate.
Zoro is asleep in the men’s cabin tonight, so y/n is keeping watch. It’s the usual arrangement for the 2 night owls of the crew- when Zoro has truly exhausted his body, he sleeps below deck with the others, and y/n has no trouble staying up through the night.
They turn on some quiet music on their speaker, a must have for any music lover. For a while, they just watch the sea and sky. Nights at sea are like a blackout. But, there is no need for light with strong eyesight and the even stronger moon and starlight.
So it’s no surprise that they see, just out of the corner of their peripheral vision, the top of a white and black speckled hat bobbing up and down as it moves toward the kitchen. Y/n’s eyes widen ever so slightly and their breath catches in their throat. The guest makes them feel silly, in a way, for not being able to discern their own feelings toward him, nor his toward them. They get so caught up in their thoughts about him that eventually they give up. Y/n shakes their head, mentally chastising themself for even being embarrassed or flustered in the first place. And with that confidence boost, they decide to go talk to him.
Next thing they know, y/n is standing before the kitchen door with no plan in mind for what they’re going to say to their crew’s ally. They open the door, but he doesn’t look up from the coffee brewing on the stove.
Y/n clears their throat to announce their presence, and Law whips his head around to see who it is. They offer a friendly smile and a little wave.
“Hi.” They speak softly, as if afraid to break the peace of the night.
A beat passes with no response from Law. Internally, he wishes they hadn’t walked in on him at this moment. The light from the overhead lamp catches in their eyes, and he feels entirely too seen. Not in the way he feels seen by someone like Robin, though, whose constant observation makes him feel uncomfortable; like one wrong move and he’ll have hell to pay for. No; y/n sees him and he’s scared that he might start spewing nonsense to avoid revealing his feelings. And suddenly his cheeks are on fire, and everything is quiet, and all he can focus on is the stars in their eyes that he tries so desperately to look away from.
They tilt their head, likely in concern, and he pulls himself out of his thoughts to mumble, “Hey.”
“Cant sleep?” y/n questions, their starry eyes (as described by Law) flickering over the coffee pot on the counter and back to him.
Law shrugs, then pulls his hat lower over his eyes to hopefully hide his warm face. “I wasn’t trying to sleep.”
“Hm…” they hum in response, “Want to keep watch with me then? If you aren’t busy.”
He thinks they’re just being friendly, like always. When they first met, Law was confused. It made no sense for someone so mild mannered to have a bounty of well over 500 million (now almost double that amount in the time that’s passed), though he didn’t doubt that looks could be deceiving. But even in the midst of battle, of which the two had been in several together, they refused to take kill shots or anything of the sort. So he was still unsure of how they had earned such an impressive reward for their capture. Still, they clearly had a high regard for life, and he had come to learn that they truly were just that kind hearted, not to mention witty and generous. And judging by the “Sora: Warrior of The Sea” sticker he’d noticed on small a journal they carried, which was one amongst many; a bit of a nerd, too. All of these things and more had made Law secretly impartial to them. Or at least, those were the reasons he has listed in his mind to make sense of these feelings.
So he nodded, much to their surprise, and mumbled again “Sure.”
The curve of their smile opens up into a grin, and y/n leaves while fully expecting Law to follow (whenever his coffee was ready.) Which, he does.
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joyboyish · 2 months
thats IT one piece tumblr, build a pirate crew to become pirate king
we will see if they can make it to the new word..
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eiilese · 10 months
Love the designs and descriptions you did for the straw hats!! I do want to ask, since they all have different roles and skills do they meet the crew at different points in the story? Like, since Robin is the shipwright would she have met the crew at Water 7 or would it still be Alabasta but under different circumstances? Since she’s not an archeologist she wouldn’t have been raised on O’Hara, right?
Just curious to see what your thoughts are😊 - thanks.
thank you so much for the ask!! sorry this took so long to answer it took awhile to gather my ideas. i’m so happy with how well this au thing was received ;u; TY to people who left tags and replies!! i read everything 🫶
here is the original post for role swap! this post has explanations for backstories! i really did try to have drawings to go with everything but i burned out as this month went on so not every character has doodles :(
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i kept everything mostly the same in terms of when the strawhats meet each person. i didn’t want to change too much to avoid changing important character moments that happen in canon
this isn’t a super heavy rewrite, there’s a lot of backstory to juggle and i’m not equipped to write such an in-depth au rn 😭 but i might make separate posts for arcs like water 7 or wci!! though i kept a lot of backstory the same theres a lot of rewrite potential for those sagas
i hope these are fun to read about nonetheless ^_^ i included some stuff from @flute-of-pan pan and @onethousandsunnies because they left tags on the original post that were cool ideas
nami, vice capt.
not much changes!! instead of forcing her to chart maps, arlong might just have her around as a servant girl. regardless, the deal to buy back cocoyashi village still stands and nami works hard for it
generally i think her selflessness and loyalty to her village makes her fit to be a vice captain. she looks out for people at her own detriment and was willing to take the fall for such much ahhh
in my opinion she’s good vice captain material!! perhaps a cowardly one but still reliable. also a good treasurer for the crew as always
zoro, cook
zoro grew up training to be a swordsman and competes against kuina, but he also has a knack for cooking as a hobby. he’s mostly the same but sanji’s “stuck on a rock in the middle of the ocean with zeff” happens to him instead (flute-of-pan suggested the cook always suffers the fate of starvation)
kuina decides to run away and zoro is roped into her plans. it goes wrong and they get stranded on a rock, eventually arguing and ending up on opposite sides of the rock with the little food they brought
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zoro finds out kuina gave him everything they had soon after she stops replying to him. he’s rescued thanks to kuina’s dad, who tracked them down with vivre cards. kuina’s had long since burned up
similar to canon, zoro continues striving to become the world’s strongest after her death. i think this backstory coupled with him eating those stomped riceballs at the very beginning of the story is so….(GESTURE) it’s very reminiscent of sanji’s no-waste-policy which he would absolutely also have
sanji, sniper
germa 66 has a mafia aesthetic now 👍i only have the willpower to draw reiju here she ended up kind of cluttered but i like my vision
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sanji’s backstory is mostly the same: he and his siblings are genetically modified to be the perfect soldiers, but he had a kind nature that made him the target of abuse. after reiju helps him escape, he ends up with zeff and worked as a janitor. zeff loses his leg while trying to save sanji in a maritime accident; though they don’t get stranded anywhere, sanji has to be indebted to him somehow
when the baratie is opened, he works as a busser/guard against unruly guests. flute-of-pan mentioned that he could fire the canons of the ship
when the strawhats meet him on the baratie, sanji still gives don krieg’s crew food. i don’t think his kindness around that would disappear just bc he doesn’t have a whole starving incident
usopp, navigator
on top of bluffing about being the leader of a huge pirate army, he would create fake maps and brag to everyone in syrup village (especially kaya) about these places he so evidently visited. kaya loved his drawings even if the places weren’t real
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his dream is to create a Real map of the whole world, not a fake map that he makes up out of stories. drafting the real world makes him a brave explorer of the seas, which he also wants to become :)
when the strawhats meet him, they were basically relying on nami’s limited sailing skills to get around. not only do they get the going merry but they have a real, reliable navigator now! AND he’s multitalented B)
chopper, helmsman
from a young age he set his sights on sailing the seas to escape from the isolation he faced on drum island. he would routinely make little boats for himself to escape the island on, failing each time, and hiriluk would always nurse him back to health
instead of studying to be a doctor, chopper has a general desire to be helpful and acted as an assistant to hiriluk’s medical endeavors
both flute-of-pan and onethousandsunnies pitched that chopper studied stuff like ocean currents!! overall he studied the ocean real hard but would never leave the island without hiriluk
hiriluk’s death would glue him to doctor kureha’s side and it isn’t until the strawhats come that he has the courage to embark on a new journey
franky, muscian
bro grew up running around water 7 trying to get people to join his band. tom and iceberg are still his family. his shipbuilding skills don’t go past an amateur level in this au. he would develop a line of dinky guitars (or instruments in general) that also had lasers/canons/confetti in them. his dream is A FRANKY WORLD TOUR 🤞FREE ADMISSION
many of his weaponized instruments littered the shipyard, spandam uses them in his attack
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after the whole tom/spandam situation unfolds, iceberg is the one to find and reconstruct franky into a cyborg after getting run over by the sea train. but he won’t implement piano key abs no matter how much franky asks 🙄
the newly formed franky family protect the city and throw unsolicited concerts in the middle of the street B)
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robin, shipwright
though she’s not an archeologist, she still grew up on ohara! instead of archeology, she’s a gifted engineer. her devil fruit made her an outcast and her strange, misunderstood inventions did not help her case
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when jaguar d saul gets stranded on ohara, robin constructs the raft for him :) the buster call unfolds the same as canon except this time, everyone’s actually not lying when they say robin can’t read poneglyphs! she never learned!! again flute-of-pan had the cool idea that she is wrongly accused. still, she’s pursued and branded as a devil child
she ends up with crocodile, who believes she can read poneglyphs. she takes advantage of this and earns his protection from the government but her ruse is uncovered when she lies to croc about what alabasta’s poneglyph says (girl cannot read that!)
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robin dreams of creating a ship that can carry her and the friends she wishes to have. after meeting robin in alabasta she joins the strawhats!!
brook, doctor
he was the doctor of the rumbar pirates. an injured laboon came to like brook after he nursed him back to health!! when yorki became sick from disease brook tried his hardest to cure him, but failed :(
he was doomed to watch his crewmates die to poison that he cannot hope to cure because he himself was also dying. when he came back thru his fruit it was already too late :( the rumbar pirates Do record a song for laboon though this event cannot be edited 🤞
met in thriller bark; ik that’s a long ass time to go without a real doctor on board
by the time they meet brook everyone’s already so battered that he has to go to town on them with gauze and stitches. the company delights him ^_^
jinbei, archeologist
i mentioned this in the first post abt this au but his interest in history sparked thanks to the history of joyboy and fishman island being so intertwined. at some point in his youth, jinbei frequently visited ohara (prior to the buster call) and grew a strong relationship with the scholars there (i’m just assuming they wouldn’t be racists 🤪) he runs into robin a handful of times
he secretly learns how to read poneglyphs here leading up to the buster call. he wasn’t on the island when it happened so he managed to avoid robin’s fate
his story proceeds the same from there with the neptune army, joining fisher tiger, meeting koala, etc…
i enjoy the idea of getting invited to be a warlord by the government while simultaneously being one of the most wanted people in the world for knowing poneglyph secrets
also i’m sorry if there are things i forgot about or details that don’t make sense >—>o
the anime’s pacing has ruined my enthusiasm for awhile lol and i’ve consumed a lot of media since catching up!! everyone’s backstories/canon events aren’t too fresh in my memory but i did some researching to remedy it 🫡
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frankencanon · 6 months
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The options Navigator, Doctor, and Helmsman were excluded from the poll since those roles have already been taken by Bepo, Law, and Hakugan respectively. And as this didn't exactly leave many roles left, I did my best to come up with ideas for more based on the Straw Hats' own skills, as well as other talents that I just thought might come in handy.
(Botanist: Robin & Usopp, Treasurer: Nami, Chemist: Chopper & Franky, Spy: Robin & Nami, Negotiator & Strategist: Help Wanted Robin, maybe? Storyteller and Artist used to be on the list too, but the limit was twelve and I wanted to save space for the more practical roles...Hm.)
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soranatus · 2 years
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The archeologist & the shipwright
By Chris_ting_Na on Twitter
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gale-gentlepenguin · 8 months
ML au: Miraculous Piece
(Basically just aged up miraculous heroes in the world of one piece)
Marinette D Cheng: (the D stands for Dupain) Aka Lady Luck. Captain/ Chef of the Miracle Pirates. Devil fruit: Make make fruit: A Paramecia type that allows her to create any object with her imagination. From clothing, weapons, even battle ships. Bounty: 777,777,777 Berries (most Notable crime: Killing a celestial dragon (it was actually Adrien, but it was a fake death)) Moniker for her in the navy’s own words ‘Luck beyond comprehension)
Adrien Agreste: AKA Black Cat of Chaos. Vice Captain of the miracle Pirates. Devil Fruit: Break break fruit: A Paramecia type that allows the user to destroy anything that makes contact with his left hand (so long as he wills it). Bounty: 444,444,444 berries. (Most notable crime: Attempted murder of a celestial dragon (this was Gabriel agreste, and it was real)) (his bounty is Alive only) (he is the son of the celestial dragon which is hidden)
Alya Cesaire: Aka Mirage Thief. Navigator of the Miracle Pirates. No devil fruit. Has weapons that make illusions and uses dials to deliver strong attacks. Also handles finances. Bounty: 111,222,333 Berries. (Most Notable crime: Stealing from a Celestial Dragon)
Nino Lahiffe: Aka. Shell shocker. Helmsman of the Miracle pirates. A Sea turtle Fishman (basically looks human but has a shell and greener skin). Master of Fishman karate, special technique Bubble art. Perfect at reading the flow of the ocean. Bounty: 231, 123, 321 Berries. (Most Notable crime, Freeing slaves from a celestial dragon)
Maxkov Kante: Aka. Metal scourge. Shipwright of the Miracle Pirates. Half human and half machine as a result of Vegapunk. He has an Ai intelligence inside him named Markov, thus choosing to go by Maxkov. Creates new tech for his crew. Bounty: 101,001,100 berries. (Most notable crime, Having information the world government wants)
Alix Kubdel: Aka. Devil Rabbit. Archeologist of the Miracle Pirates. Devil fruit: Clock Clock fruit: A Paramecia type devil fruit that allows the user to rewind or fast forward time around them by holding their breath. The more it’s used the bigger the headache the user gets. Can read ponoglyphs. Bounty: 333,333,333 berries. (Most notable crime: Threat to world government)
Rosé Lavillant: Aka Fragrant Healer. Healer/doctor of the miracle pirates. Rosé was a sick child that thanks to a master of herbal alchemy saved her life. Studying the herbs for years she became incredibly good at curing diseases. Her dream is to never let a child suffer from sickness like she did. Bounty: 80,080,008 berries (most notable crime: Assisting the miracle pirates in their attack on Sabody)
Luka Couffaine: aka Serenading Serpent. Musician/Therapist of the miracle Pirates. Devil fruit: Snake-Snake fruit: Model: Viper. His snake form allows him to slither quietly and use potent poisons when needed. He is looking for his sister who was kidnapped by the world government. Bounty: 150,000,000 berries ( Killing a vice admiral and attacking a war lord of the sea)
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opbackgrounds · 8 months
If you had to make a pirate crew, 10 crew members for every role that Luffy’s crew has out of any 10 characters from one piece, who would they be?
Excluding the ones in Luffy’s crew, since that would be the easy answer
Ooh tough question.
Captain: Shanks. He’s chill, powerful, and protects his crew Swordsman: Charolette Amande. Everyone who likes One Piece has a super minor character they fall in love with; Amande with her big hat energy is mine Navigator: The old granny who the Bartolomeo Crew calls for directions Sharpshooter: the wiki classifies Gladius as a sniper and his character design and power are both awesome, so let’s go with that Cook: Streusen. The ability to turn anything into food would be invaluable Doctor: Doc Kureha. She’s the most knowledgeable doctor in the series, and I bet if I offered her a bonus share of treasure she’d at least consider it Archeologist: there aren’t really that many to chose from so I guess Olvia? Shipwright: Paulie. Poor lad has to turn to piracy to cover his gambling debts Musician: Carina from Film Gold, who could also double as a Nami-esque thief Helmsman: I don’t know if there are any other canon helmsmen, but I’d want a fishman. Maybe Fisher Tiger if this is an alternate universe where he never got enslaved and was able to go on adventures instead
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thesharktanksdriver · 3 months
HEYA!!! 🛎 anon here!!
Just here to throw you some thoughts—
So In a pirate crew, you’ll need your crew members, each with their own specific roles like for example :
Luffy is the captain, Nami is the navigator, Zoro is the vice captain, Sanji is the cook, Chopper is the doctor, Robin is the archaeologist, Franky is the shipwright, Vivi (I need to add her here.I MUST. SHE IS A STRAWHAT!!!) is most likely a diplomat, Jinbei is the shipwright, Ussop is the sniper and Brook is the musician.
Tho for Y/N here, they’re most likely to be a story teller of some kind? Journalist also? Or a second role for the others like a backup archeologist for example?
They have many hobbies and talent from all of their time drifting from place to place, so I’m wondering what official role they play in the strawhat crew. Ussop is also a storyteller (but he’s a sniper first and a storyteller second) and for Brook, he’s a musician first and a swordsman second.
I wanna hear your thoughts on this!
You get a gold star my friend! Y/n is the straw hats story teller! Specifically their goal is to spread the stories if the straw hats to just about everyone!
In some sense y/n aims to make the straw hats immortal like themself but not literally. They want to make sure the straw hats are never forgotten, that their legacy lives on even when the crew itself dies except for them and brook.
They record everything that happens on a day to day basis. Writing it down in journals that have pilled up to the point their room looks more like a mini library than a proper living space. For the more remarkable tales they turn them into full on fables. Stories of true adventure as they help Brook also embellish the account into song.
Their position is somewhat ambiguous since “storyteller” can imply a few things, but it’s what fits them best. Plus in everyone’s opinion the role and its ambiguity fits them.
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yamat0 · 1 year
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anoddstranger · 4 months
"So, tell me about your crew again." "Sure, the captain's an idiot, the first mate's an alcoholic, the navigator's a thief, the gunner's a liar, the cook's a pervert, the doctor is literally a reindeer, the archeologist was a child criminal, the shipwright has prosthetic hands, and the musician's dead." "That doesn't sound functional . . ." "Family rarely is."
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tot-musica · 1 year
My mother naming One Piece Characters (and their professions) pt. 1
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Barney (Luffy): Swabber
Troy (Zoro): Captain
Deirdre (Nami): Captain's Mistress
Lance (Sanji): Lover Boy - Male lead
Bunny (Chopper): Sleigh-Puller
Esmeralda (Vivi): Cook/Bottle Washer
Leroy (Usopp): Court Jester
Sondra (Robin): Cleaner
Butch (Franky): Enforcer
Byron (Jinbe): Jiu Jitsu instructor
Jaime (Yamato): Fighter
Lorcan (Brook): Rolling Stones
Rocco/Drake (Law): Grave Digger
Thor (Kid): Bad Guy
Aiden (Killer): Assassin - Annihilator
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"Oh - isn't that from the movie you dragged that one really tall friend of yours too? Uh ... One ... One Place? Yeah that's her name. She's a singer."
I love the hit anime One Place with our captain, Monkey D. Barney, first mate and swordsman Roronoa Troy, navigator Deidre, Lance the cook, Doctor Tony Tony Bunny, the sniper God Leroy, Nico Sondra the archeologist, shipwright Butch, Lorcan the Rolling Stones musician, and helmsman Byron.
With their absentee, but just as important crewmates, Princess Nefertari Esmeralda and Oni Prince/Kozuki Jaime.
And allies, Captain Trafalgar D. Water Rocco Drake and Captain Eustass Thor with his first mate Aiden.
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boa-h · 1 year
【Monkey D. Luffy】 I Will Be Free
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You often gaze out of the window of your suffocating room. Sure, being a royalty means endless money and power, but you hated it. All those useless manners they force you to learn, how to walk like a lady, how to pour tea, how to eat and chew, how to do this, how to do that. The corset around your waist squeezes the air out of your lungs. And it was just too much for you.
Then, one day, a group of pirates docked in your kingdom. You didn’t care, pirates came all the time. It is the Grand Line after all. However, you still yearned for the freedom they have. You wish someone would take you away to the seas, you want to explore the world, and have numerous adventures with a group of people you can call friends. Even if you die, you would rather die on the vast sea instead of this gray castle.
A sharp pain on your wrist made you snap back to reality.
“You must pay attention to what you are doing, princess.” The elder maid scolded while tapping the wooden ruler on her forearm, “The tea is missing the cup.”
You looked down. Indeed, the mouth of the teapot was completely missing the teacup. Hot tea poured into the tray, wetting the other silverware. 
“I apologize, ma’am.” You said.
“That’s enough, I think it is time for you to take a break for now. In the meantime, I will cover the windows,” she says, reaching for the tied curtains. “The sun today is shining bright, but I think the view is a bit too distracting for you, princess.”
“Yes, I’m sorry. This won’t happen again.” You apologized again, desperately wanting to get out of this room. “I think I will go take a walk in the gardens.”
Taking the elder maid’s silence as a yes, you hurried out of the room.
As you were strolling through the garden of flowers your mother planted, you heard laughter coming from the other side of the walls.
“Shishishi! Hey, Zoro, look! The giant castle!” A boy exclaimed, “Huh? Zoro?” He questioned, “Jeez, he’s lost again. Whatever.”
Then, you saw a hand that reached the top of the wall, and a boy appeared out of nowhere. You were dumbfounded.
“Oh, hey!” The boy noticed you. “Wassup?”
“Who’re you? Why are you in my castle? How did you get in?” You bombed him with questions.
“Me? Oh, my name is Monkey D. Luffy! The man who’ll become the pirate king!” He laughed, “I ate the Gum-Gum fruit and became a rubber human, that’s how I got in.” He stretched his mouth to an inhuman length.
“Woah… cool! But, why are you here?”
“I docked here this morning, and saw this castle, so I wanted to check it out.”
“So you’re the pirate everyone’s talking about!” You exclaimed, but it seems like he wasn’t listening to you anymore.
“Wow, this place is huge!” He looked around.
“Hey, do you want treasure? I have a lot of gold.” You said. “But you have to tell me your adventures in return.”
“Hm?” He looked at you. “No. Don’t wanna.”
“Huh?! But…” You shouted behind him. “But I want to hear your stories! I’ve never been out of this country before! I want to know what it’s like on the seas!” You argued.
“Then, why don’t you sail out?” He questioned.
“I’m not allowed to. This place is strictly guarded, there’s also maids that follow me everywhere I go. It’s impossible.”
“Stop saying things are impossible if you haven’t even tried. Chin up, look forward, and just run away.” He told you, grabbing the cookies on the garden table.
“You make it sound so easy.”
“Then, how about you join my crew?” He grinned.
“We’re all very nice, you know. We have a swordsman who uses three swords, a thief navigator, a liar sniper who has a super long nose, a cook with swirly eyebrows, a reindeer who can talk, an archeologist, a cyborg shipwright, and a living skeleton who can sing.” He counted.
“Awesome!” Your eyes sparkled, but soon the sparkles died down, “but I don’t know how to fight, I don’t know how to play music, nor fix ships, and I can’t cook either.”
“But you want adventures.” He pointed out.
“I will be useless to you, you will let me on your ship anyway?”
He thought for a moment, “No, then how about you bring as much treasure with you as possible? Then we’ll be rich.” He laughed. “We will set sail two days later. I’ll come pick you up exactly two days from today, right here.” He said. “If you’re not here, then I’ll assume you don’t want to leave. Got it?”
“Got it.” You answered blindly.
“Alright! I’ll see ya!” He grinned and stretched his arms to the wall again, shooting himself out of the garden.
Your eyes lingered on where he disappeared, then walked back into the castle.
When he comes, we will dash into the dusk, we will run past the town, we will be laughing, and I will be free.
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“I need to get this done!” You bellowed from inside of your room, trying to get Chopper to go away. You knew that it was dangerous to your health; you knew that you needed rest. Even as your head pounded from lack of care, you would not come out. What you didn’t know however, was that he the rest of the straw hats were conspiring to help you rest and relax for a day. As you scrawled out notes, your pen hitting the paper, they were doing some writing of their own. Up in Nami’s workroom the chattering had begun. Holding a clipboard in her hands, she cleared her voice to get everyone’s attention.
“Alright, so we need a plan of attack to get them out of their room and away from their work!” Smacking down her hand for emphasis, Nami took a look at what she was working with. A cook, a doctor, a shipwright, a sniper, an archeologist, a swordsman, a musician, and a less than bright captain.
“First of all, how are we going to get them out of their room? It’s not healthy for them to be cooped up inside their room all the time!” Chopper chimed in, a worried frown covering his face. He had been monitoring your condition from outside your room, looking through your door window. He also had been taking measurements of time between meals, sleep and work. What he was seeing was quite worrying to the little doctor.
“Maybe we can trick them in some way that will require them to leave their quarters? Robin proposed, putting a hand to her chin in thought. Nami gave a devilish smile, having derived great satisfaction from that idea. She had the perfect plan for making this all happen. Huddling everyone in the room together, she began to explain their roles.
Scents wafted from outside your door, a variety of smells hitting your nose. No doubt it was Sanji’s cooking. Creaking the door open a bit, you peeked outside. An assortment of food buffet style is set up on the sunny. You recognize some of the food as tangerines from Nami’s tree.
A gentle melody flows into the doorframe, nobody else could make it quite like Brook. You squint your eyes. “This has to be a trap” you think. They must be up to something. Before you can even think of closing the door fully, you hear a shout. “Hey, (Y/N)! Come play with us!” Dragging you by the ear was a stretchy, rubber arm. You let out a scream as you chase after your crew mate. You didn’t know how your captain had so much energy! Thinking he would tire out after a few laps, you indulge in his silliness. You were very wrong.
Out of breath and almost exhausted, you plop down at the buffet, feeling a bit guilty about not enjoying the feast presented in front of you. You pop a piece of food into your mouth, and your eyes light up. Having neglected yourself, you didn’t realize how hungry you were until your tastebuds hit the food. A small voice pipes up next to you. “Did you know that the best foods for no appetite are high protein and high calorie? That way even if you aren’t that hungry you can still feel nourished!”
You look down only to find Chopper looking sternly at you. At least, as stern as chopper could be. Only to be greeted by another voice. Robin. “He’s right you know. It’s important to take care of yourself! As soon as you feel yourself protesting, a hand sprouts from the table, covering your mouth. “I won’t hear your excuses.” And instead of berating you like you expected, you find compliments and affirmations directed towards you.
Out of the corner of your eye however, you spot two troublemakers. Franky has decided to mock Luffy by changing his hairstyle. Zoro is behind them, looking utterly confused, having woken up from his daily nap. And Usopp seemed to have stolen the precious straw hat in order to achieve the prank. God, how did you end up with such a kind and supportive crew? You had pushed them away with how hard you were working that you hadn’t even taken the time to fully appreciate them.
Tears well up in your eyes, and immediately everyone is all over you, especially Nami. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” Variations of that are heard from each one of your friend’s mouths. “Yes, I’m okay. I just didn’t quite realize what I had until it was shoved in my face.”
“If you wanna show your gratitude you can give me 10,000 berries for being the one to put this all together!” Nami asserts with a finger rubbing gesture, before Usopp gets in her face about daring to charge for this, and then Sanji is mad at him for giving Nami a hard time, which just invites Zoro to take whatever stance puts him against the cook. You ignore the antics and just hug all four of them. “Thank you… thank you all…”
The squabbling stops immediately, and Luffy gives a big grin before stretching out to pull everyone else into the group hug. You couldn’t have felt better.
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snaillamp · 3 months
Been thinking about this a lot. Dunno if you watch One Piece or not BUT that does not matter-
What I have been thinking about is a pirate crew. Where the captain is anything but the stereotypical kind. All he cares about are his crew, dreams, and food. And his first mate, who is loyal and would lay down his life at any given instant with no questions asked if the captain asks him of it. Lets also make this first mate a self sacrificial idiot and the crew are sibling like, i.e, a bunch of tsunderes who will willingly cry and laugh but wont admit their worry for each other. Now this first mate is a swordsman, who has sworn his blades and his loyalty and his life to his captain for the protection of the crew and the captain. But he had to use it against his captain, due to some sort of spell used, and to break him out of it, he would have to raise it against his captain. But then everything is fine, once all is explained and the happy-go-lucky captain is all smiles again. But the first mate is guilt ridden and that night after dinner, he talks to the captain about how he commited mutiny, and should be punished for his actions, and about how the captain should make an example out of him, and the crew is shocked and the captain refuses but after multiple requests he does infact give him exactly what he wanted because he understood that if he did not give this to him, the guy would be burdened to lay his life down even more. So the captain ties his hands above his head on the deck and leaves him there and none of the crew is able to face him unless the assigned time of 3 days, without food is over.
Imagine the scope. The potential this has. Even better, if the furst mate is terrible with words and thinks he can only show his care by working for them and laying his life on the line, and although he knows his crew has his back, he cant help but feel that his crew would be just fine even without him. And after the punished time is over everyone shows their care in their own special ways (the cook/left wing of the captain makes the first mates favourite meals for lile a week, the navigator(also the one who calls the shots because her crew is a bunch of idiots but she loves them) gives him an allowance for more booze when the dock on the next island, their sniper draws near him and keeps him company in comfortable silence, their archeologist reads to him and discusses topics with him making sure he remains comfortable, their shipwright makes the crow's nest, which happens to be the spot where the first mate spends most of his nights for night watch, warmer and makes new training equipment for him, their musician sings songs from the swordsman's childhood and their doctor( who is a reindeer) snuggles him to sleep and fusses over him and health. And not to mention the captain is basically stuck to him physically. A magnet would be a great description for it.).
Just I like it. You wanna add on? A cookie for your thoughts maybe?🍪
Ooooo i do!
Maybe the first mate could deal with the pain of having their arms suspended for a long time and the reduced blood flow. And when they get their arms back down, pain!
Also their team looking after them is adorable. They’d probably need to rest and lots of care to get back on their feet! Maybe they find in their weakened state they get sea sick and can’t keep anything down, making it worse for them and preventing them from recovering which makes them weaker still! Ooooh and the angst of their emotions thinking they’ve betrayed their captain and not trusting themself anymore, thinking they’re too dangerous it’s all very nice!
Have a some cookies Porsche! 🍪🍪🍪
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charkyzombicorn · 1 year
Kizaru Luffy should get to slowly build the strawhats, probably under a different crew name, and help them to their goals while figuring out what he's doing with his life.
Yep! Completely different name: The long-nose pirates, with amazing crewmembers such as:
- A teenage captain who's friend died in a mysterious housefire and he couldn't convince his village the murderer is the current mayor
- An ex-marine teenager who genuinely doesn't understand fear and is being hunted by the marines for some reason
- A washed up depressed swordsman with a heavy limp and half of his upper lip missing from just barely surviving a firing squad
- A navigator with a deeply scarred arm and a perchant for hoarding
- A cook with too much honor, a missing eye and weirdly-conditioned anxiety
- An orphaned reindeer-beast doctor who doesn't leave his 7" tall human-ish form for anything
- A princess of a dead kingdom
- An archeologist with a questionable past and her flamboyant shipwright husband
- A clinically insane skeleton musician
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