#archer talking
guy0510 · 2 years
i remember being a child and my parents couldn’t understand hypothetical situations for some reason?? i would ask my dad what would happen if something happened and he would say “but that’s not possible” and i said “yeah but what if it happened” and he said “but it’s not possible” and??? and today i was absoltey destroying my mothoer (piper can confirm) and she said “but it’s not possible” is it only some people or is everyone like that.
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blumineck · 16 days
Why do we segregate sports by sex?
Disclaimer: this video was intended as a fun look at the inconsistent logic of gender segregation in sports, but as a short-form video, it naturally does not go into much nuance. One thing I want to make clear is that I do believe we should be making sports more inclusive to trans and intersex athletes, and it seems to me that a great starting point would be to stop gender segregating sports that really don’t need it. Like archery!
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ollierachnid · 7 months
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This shot Has to be my favourite in the entire episode fr. Dug his own grave.. and then refused to lie in it. Too much of a coward to settle in, standing there instead, half-commitment. The dramatic irony - staring directly at the audience because we know what he did and are the only "people" who know that he can't prevent from seeing the information he's hiding, who he can't get to. The graves of the children in the foreground, staunch reminder. grrrr
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midnightspunisher · 11 months
when taylor swift said "and the only way back to my dignity was to turn into a shrouded mystery" and when she said "but if he's a ghost then i can be a phantom" and when she said "nobody physically saw me for a year" and when she said "i wake in the night, i pace like a ghost" and when she said "you know i didn't want to have to haunt you but what a ghostly scene" and when she said "help i'm still at the restaurant, still sitting in a corner i haunt" and when she said "when she stood, she stood with a desolate knowingness" and when she said "i knew you'd haunt all of my 'what-ifs'" and when she said "i guess sometimes we all get some kind of haunted"
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luvrxbunny · 8 months
it is the most embarrassing, and humbling experience to search for smut for a certain character… only to find that no one else is horny for them.. like damn.. i’m weird, huh?
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athenaareia · 4 months
the archer and the knight incorrect quote inspired by my latest installment:
Apollo and Rhea, many years in the future, seen through a Seven reunion-
Annabeth: so how drunk was he?
Rhea: well... he asked me if I was single. I said no.
Piper, leaning forward: and then?
Rhea: Apollo started crying, so I felt bad.
Jason, who is HERE for the gossip: so what did you do?
Rhea: I reminded him I wasn't single because I was married to him.
Frank: so everything turned out fine, right?
Rhea: well... after I told him, he went to find our marriage certificate and tried to destroy it-
Hazel: why?
Rhea: saying "good luck returning me without the receipt!"
Leo, as a screwdriver falls out of his mouth: no freakin' way
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szynkaaa · 7 days
give the Destined One a travel companion that knows archery because GODDAMN I am tired of those long range enemies but not being able to shoot them down on the spot without having to go aaaaall the way up
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jojotichakorn · 13 days
do y'all think some poor intern had to explain the concept of cps to the painfully heterosexual, geriatric tommy hilfiger, or did they just go "yeah, here's four nice boys from thailand, who are here together for no particular reason. what do you ask? why are they being photographed in set pairs? ehhhh... for convenience and to save time?"
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witches-dream · 2 days
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They are both playing with their birdies 🥺
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mintaikk · 6 days
Drew humanoid Wind Archer! Normally I'd try to make the cookies look more human, but he's a forest spirit, so I made him look more fay-like
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Bonus redraw inspired by @shinobiscribe but with Shadow Milk bcuz I'm deranged
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guy0510 · 2 years
@aliceyabusamesoneball come on! play jokerking!
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rrcraft-and-lore · 18 days
Something I don't think people realize about historical weapons and...should be considered in fantasy.
...a properly shot stone from a sling can generate 100ft lbs of force and rival a javelin or spear.
And they go farther...
Shepherds had only slings for ages.
They do require amazing skill, but when it's all ya got in the backwoods....you get damn good.
There are recorded quotes from conquistadors that Incan slings were chipping, even shattering, some swords. You take that to the upper 1/3 of your skull? Rip...
David beat Goliath because he brought a 9 mil. To a sword fight.
Now bows overtook the sling because it's an easier skill gap to close than mastering a sling.
Easy? No..still takes practice.
Easier? Yes.
You can also get off more shots quicker, and then when you're mounted??? The Mongol Empire, the largest contiguous land empire, has entered the chat.
But, yeah, slings are gnarly. They're cheap. Effective.
And rocks...well, ammo is everywhere.
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softchouli · 1 year
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lolathepeacocklord · 6 months
I could NOT imagine being a Detroit citizen in tfa !!! Imagine getting mugged by some guy in a Robin Hood cosplay and leggings !!!!!!!
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neonsbian · 3 months
can someone make a thai bl abt geriatric homosexuals
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