#you just KNOW hermes recorded everything
athenaareia · 4 months
the archer and the knight incorrect quote inspired by my latest installment:
Apollo and Rhea, many years in the future, seen through a Seven reunion-
Annabeth: so how drunk was he?
Rhea: well... he asked me if I was single. I said no.
Piper, leaning forward: and then?
Rhea: Apollo started crying, so I felt bad.
Jason, who is HERE for the gossip: so what did you do?
Rhea: I reminded him I wasn't single because I was married to him.
Frank: so everything turned out fine, right?
Rhea: well... after I told him, he went to find our marriage certificate and tried to destroy it-
Hazel: why?
Rhea: saying "good luck returning me without the receipt!"
Leo, as a screwdriver falls out of his mouth: no freakin' way
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wlntrsldler · 7 months
bad for business | luke castellan
warnings: loser!luke agenda is strong with this one, insecure!luke because of reader's judgmental siblings but they get over it later on, suggestive content but nothing explicit, luke being happy and in love (we need more of this; i'm pointing the finger at myself, i need to write happy luke fics) aphrodite!reader x luke, in an alternate universe where the betrayal didn't happen
based on bad for business by sabrina carpenter
i. he's good for my heart, but he's bad for business.
"she's probably going to dump him soon, anyway."
"she's just doing it for the tradition, obviously."
"she's too good for him."
sometimes luke just wanted to tell them to shut up, but he's already on thin ice with-- well, everyone at camp. they weren't a fan of the smell of cigarettes that lingered on his clothes, or the ugly scar on his face (this, wasn't his fault though. if anything, they should hate his fucking dad for giving him the quest in the first place), or the fact that he's somehow dating the most popular, gorgeous, and brilliant girl at camp.
you, y/n y/l/n, the favorite daughter of aphrodite. at first luke thought that you'd be just like the rest of the aphrodite girls (he's not one to perpetuate stereotypes, being the victim of it all his life, but the aphrodite kids always turned their noses up at him so he didn't feel too bad dishing it out), but then you smiled at him with your pretty, pink lips and luke knew he was a goner. he didn't stand a chance (not like he fought it too hard anyway)
you made an effort to remember his name, say hello to him when you passed by him, and you even went as far as asking him for his opinion on things.
"what do you think of this strategy, luke?" you asked, staring at him directly. the entire blue team was arguing loudly (luke thought their strategy fucking sucked and was a sure way for the ares cabin to, once again, demolish all of you, but he was going to keep that to himself) before your soft voice broke the noise. everyone stopped in their tracks because why the hell were you talking to him? asking him for his opinion?
he blinked, even looking behind him in case there was some other kid named luke that he didn't know about. when he finally realized that you were talking to him, he managed to stutter out that the plan was fine. you looked at him skeptically, penetrating the persona he put up with everyone, but decided not to push him anymore and simply nodded.
when the red team, led by the ares cabin, of course, handed your asses to you on a silver platter, you found luke at dinner and sat directly in front of him. chris, who was just as starstruck as luke that you were sitting with them, immediately scrambled off his seat and mumbled some half-hearted excuse to leave the two of you alone.
"so, spill," you said, planting your tray of food on the table. "what did you really think of the strategy?"
your conversation went from strategy to your life to his life to everything and anything until you two were the last two people left. he was glad when people finally got tired of gawking at you and him. (many in disbelief, all in jealousy that you decided to sit with him) you didn't seem to mind the stares, though, luke figured it was because you were used to it. it was hard not to stare at you.
luke thought that dinner was just a glitch in the matrix, that it was just some weird anomaly that would never happen again. he was just thankful that it happened; but then the next day, your perfectly manicured hand knocked on the hermes cabin door and you stood in front of luke with a timid smile on your face to ask him to train you in sword fighting.
luke got dressed at record speed. chris woke up after the third time luke hit his head under his bed when he was trying to find a semi-decent shirt to wear to your sparring session (maybe one that didn't smell too much like cigarettes). chris sat up on his bed, eyebrow quirked, with a teasing smile on his face.
as luke was racing out the door, he looked at chris, "don't start.''
chris threw his head back laughing, "i didn't say anything."
luke threw a pillow at chris with an oomph before rushing out to meet you.
the training sessions slowly morphed into sitting next to each other daily during meals, then into hanging out at campfires, until it got to the point when there wouldn't be a second of free time where the two of you wouldn't be together. luke could feel your siblings shooting daggers at him whenever he was alone, like a warning to stay away from you, but it's not like he was the one initiating things.
sure, he would follow you around the ends of the world if you asked (or even if you didn't, let's be honest here) but luke didn't want to test his luck so he just went with the flow. sometimes, he just wanted to talk to your siblings to set the record straight.
"look, i'm just as fucking confused as you are," he would say, "i don't know why she's hanging out with me either."
as much as he enjoyed your moments together, a piece of him still worried that you were just being nice. maybe you were this way with everyone. maybe he just likes you so much that he's making up these scenarios in his head.
he tried to talk to chris about it, but that proved to be the wrong decision because it's not like the boy had any experience either; he was pining over clarisse. the blind leading the blind, truly.
and then one day, while you and luke were sitting beside the water, after a long day of training, you looked over at him with an unreadable expression.
panicked, luke immediately straightened his back and twisted his body to face you. he wanted to reach for your hand to comfort you, but decided against it. he didn't want to make you uncomfortable. he cleared his throat, "what's wrong?"
"why haven't you asked me out?"
you would've thought percy summoned a cold wave to crash into luke with the way he was sitting there frozen. luke was looking at you blankly, like his brain was short-circuiting. it was a habit of his to blink and tilt his head to the side whenever he was shocked.
you were frowning now, "do you not like me? i'm sorry, i guess i was just reading the situation wrong."
"woah, pause," luke leaned in closer, inspecting your face to see if there was a punchline about to drop like it was a gotcha! moment and all of your siblings would come out from behind the trees to laugh at him. he found no sign of such a thing. "do you like me?"
"luke, i've been so obvious," there was a hint of embarrassment in your voice and luke wanted to kiss it away. your cheeks were dusted with the lightest shade of red as you chewed on your bottom lip. "i thought maybe you liked me too, but i guess it was all in my head. i'm sorry-- forget i even said anything."
"yeah, i don't want to forget it," luke shook his head, now stumbling over his words. his brain was working again, sort of. "i like you, too. like really like you. sorry, you just caught me off guard for a sec."
"you do?"
"gods, i really really do."
you beamed at him and luke was so thankful that he was sitting because his knees would've buckled at your reaction and humiliated himself by falling face-first in the water if he was standing. he was especially thankful that he was sitting when you climbed onto his lap to make out with him until both of your lips were bruised.
ii. i'm mad for you, it's sad but true, and you know it. you're on my mind, you stole my life and it's showing.
word traveled fast after that. when you walked into breakfast with luke's arm around your waist, the whispers started. luke thought the staring before was bad, but this was on a new level. he felt the other aphrodite kids following his every move, poison in their eyes.
when you sat next to luke, impossibly close to him, chris' eyebrows rose in glee. he motioned to the both of you with his spoon, flicking drops of milk with the motion, "what's going on here?"
"i'm luke's girlfriend now."
luke nearly choked on the apple he was eating when he heard the words leave your lips. yes, he knew that you were dating now (his pathetically hoarse voice saying, "will you be my girlfriend?" after the hours-long makeout session the night before haunted his dreams last night; he wanted to keep his cool so bad, but it just wasn't possible when you were sitting on his lap, all pretty with your thighs on either side of his, lips glossy with his saliva instead of your typical lipgloss), but it was the first time he heard you refer to yourself as his girlfriend. his girlfriend.
"nice," chris raised his hand up for a high-five, which luke was about to complete, but chris pulled his hand away, "not for you, dude."
you giggled and high-fived chris, making luke look between the two of you in bewilderment.
"what the fuck was that?" luke asked. when did you and chris get close?
"this is embarrassing," you started, looking down at your plate of food. you were dragging your spoon across the blob of oatmeal, "but i talked to chris about you last week because i was so sad that you haven't made a move yet. i just wanted to hear his opinion on things in case i was just being stupid."
"why didn't you tell me this?"
"i tried!" chris argued, laughing a bit when luke's face turned red, "plus, i didn't want to tell you that me and y/n had a conversation because i had faith that you'd make a move! i obviously bet on the wrong horse, though, because y/n made the move."
"oh my gods, i'm a loser." luke groaned, tossing the apple on his tray. he lost his appetite. "you mean we could've been together this entire time?"
you placed a hand on his thigh, making him turn his attention to you. you gave him a comforting smile that he quickly reciprocated. you gave his thigh a soft squeeze, "it's okay, luke. we can make up for lost time."
luke smirked at you, "tonight?"
"dude, i'm trying to fucking eat."
luke threw up the middle finger to chris' face before connecting your lips.
to luke's surprise, your relationship didn't really change much after putting a label on it. (the changes that did occur were that now he can kiss you freely, which he was thankful for, and that you were even more touchy with him, which he was extremely thankful for because he loved having you next to him at all times. he was so smitten with you.) he realized then how blind he'd been the entire time because you were so very obvious about your feelings for him, he was just too stuck in his own head to notice it.
he started being outwardly affectionate with you, gaining more confidence while he was on your arm. his favorite thing to do was to wrap his arms around your torso and bury his face into the crook of your neck. he loved hearing you erupt in giggles when his curls tickled your skin. he was drunk on you and you didn't mind one bit.
you even said that you were more attached to him than he was to you (he looked at you like you had three heads because it couldn't have been further from the truth.)
he took you on little picnic dates and made you jewelry that you wore proudly, and you wore his clothes (he would be lying if he said that his heart didn't skip a beat when you walked out of the aphrodite cabin sporting his hermes sweater) but above all, luke loved the way he could talk to you about everything. he told you about his mom, his dad, his doubts and his insecurities, and you listened. you would sit there, hands in his hair, while he laid on your chest. he didn't know the last time he felt safe, but with you, he always did.
iii. all of my friends think i've gone crazy, but they don't know me like my baby.
luke tried to ignore the fact that there were running bets from campers about how long you two would last, but it was getting to him. he'd heard it all; a week, two weeks, three months. he fought the urge to roll his eyes when he heard the jingling of drachmas being passed around when you and him were seen together after someone lost their bet.
it's been two months but people still believed that you two were going to break up soon. the idea of it made luke feel sick. he couldn't imagine a life without being yours anymore. truth be told, he was wholly yours the minute he met you, but after every kiss, every hug, every second with you, he was just falling deeper in love with you.
it was a little scary.
"hiya, baby," you greeted him, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders.
you started calling him the pet name a few days into dating and luke actually whimpered when you did it the first time. you loved getting these reactions from luke and his little sounds (both innocent and not-so-innocent) only spurred you on. when he's with you, luke turned into this mush, always wanting to be held by you or touching you in some way.
"hi," he mumbled, leaning up to place a quick kiss on your lips.
you hummed happily before resting your hands on his back, "baby, you're tense. are you okay?"
"yeah," luke replied, but his furrowed eyebrows said differently.
"no you're not," you walked in front of him, wrapping your arms around his torso, "what's going on?"
luke sighed, "everyone thinks we're gonna break up-- or more specifically, everyone thinks you're gonna break up with me."
"do you believe that i'll break up with you?" you frowned, loosening your hold on him. "did i do something that made you think that?"
"no, no," he said, quickly. he pulled you closer to him, not wanting you to let go of him. "i just-- i dunno. everyone says i'm not good enough for you, and i know i'm not, and it's getting to my head a little bit."
you looked up at him, removing your hands from around him to reach for his face. you brought his face down closer to yours to pepper kisses all over it; his cheeks, his lips, his scar, his jaw. "i think you're perfect."
"you have to say that 'cause you're my girlfriend," he playfully rolled his eyes, but he couldn't stop a goofy smile from forming on his face due to your kisses.
"yeah, i am your girlfriend," you reminded him, placing a longer kiss on his lips now. your lips moved together, making luke's hands wander to your lower back to push you closer to him. you pulled away, breathless, "listen to your girlfriend, baby. i'm not going anywhere so don't worry your pretty little head about it."
there were still moments when the voices of the other campers bounced around in luke's head, but you were always there to quiet them with your reassurance and your love for him.
eventually, people stopped talking about you and luke and accepted that you two weren't breaking up anytime soon (they were about six months too late, in luke's opinion). he even managed to win over your siblings later on (kind of; they still don't talk to him unless they have to but they smile at him now, but luke isn't picky; a win is a win)
luke was happy and in love and it was all thanks to you.
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vandal-flower · 3 months
Can You Keep a Secret?
Ror men with a Male lover that they never told anyone about.
Requested Characters: Various.
Notes: I just had to make a comeback, apperantly Thor is spitting BARS.
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They don't plan on telling anyone.
Convincing him is going to be the hardest challenge in your life. He's as stubborn as donkey, one would say.
You look at him with the most deadpan look known to man, trying to convince him to listen to you, only to be met with a, "No".
It's not like he's scared, he just doesn't like the thought of people knowing you two are in a relationship. You don't know whether he is insecure, possessive, or just his personal preference. Either it's fine, what matters is you two.
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Poseidon, Hermes, Thor, Hades... + your favourites.
No one would believe them.
It's hard to believe that someone like him ended up with someone like you. Sometimes as insult and others not so much, it just doesn't make sense to most.
At most times, deities and people alike would stare at the both you, (mainly you), because how are you two even compatible, how can you even stand each other.
It's best to play everything off as a rumor, if you don't want any reporters coming to your place, trying to interview you. It's a good thing your lover left at the backdoor way unnoticed.
Loki, Thor, Ares, Buddha, Hercules ... + your favourites.
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Sorry ladies he's taken.
Prepare to make the local goddesses and ladies weep in their sleep. You took away their chance of being with the man of their dreams.
You better be ready for the moment some girls decide to lunge at you to pummel you down, only to be chastised by your one and only lover.
Currently you hold the Universal Record of the Most Assassination Attempts against you. You have your in laws to thank for protecting you throughout the whole ordeal.
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All of them. (who are we fooling.)
Everyone already knows, don't even bother.
A good majority of the Pantheons already knows the relationship you two have. So much for keeping it a secret.
Even if you told everyone now, no one would be all that surprised. The two of you are two peas in a pod, a couple made in heaven. Or hell depending who you're talking to who.
Just expect many of the other Pantheons to bombard the two of you on when's the wedding. In due time, in due time.
Hercules, Ares, Loki, Shiva... + your favourites.
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kidcosmonaut · 10 months
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I’m at One With the Silence — Luke Castellan x f!Reader — Part One
Description: Luke learns sign language in order to get to know you, the silent, angry daughter of Apollo. Warnings: canon-typical violence, injury Word Count: 1.2k A/N: The reader character in this fic is mute and uses ASL! Descriptions of signs will be used, but it's super duper hard to describe hand signs with text, and I'm not a fluent signer myself, so don't use this as a learning device. Also, I have no idea how many parts this will be yet. Let's say three? Four, maybe.
Part One ☆ Part Two →
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Luke wasn’t generally one to people-watch, but this was… a sight.
Your hands were balled into fists as you stormed out of Apollo’s cabin, the sound of a dozen talented singers battling for supremacy spilling out behind you. You were saying — mouthing — something, your lips moving a mile a minute. You cut through the center of camp like hellhounds were on your ass and, as you approached the edge of a hill, bent down to pick up… a pile of pebbles.
Luke watched. Maybe it was the anger in him that enjoyed the anger in you. Maybe he was just curious what your problem was, or what you meant to do with the pebbles. Maybe he liked what the sunset did to your face. He watched.
You began tossing — no, hurling — the tiny rocks at the sky. The sun, he realized; you were looking right at it, a feat only the children of Apollo could pull off without going blind. You were throwing rocks at the sun.
Not hard to figure out the meaning of that.
Your lips kept moving as you attempted this small act of violence against your father, your jaw wild as though you were shouting, and when you ran out of pebbles to throw, you’d move your hands, too, as though by sweeping them wider, you could sign louder. And then you’d dip down again, scoop up more, and repeat.
If Apollo cared at all, if he even noticed his daughter’s rage, he didn’t show it. The sun kept setting, and no one came.
The gods were deaf to their children. Luke knew that better than anyone.
He kept watching, even as you tired of throwing rocks at gods and shuffled off — still away from your cabin, he noted. Not tired enough to go back there.
He didn’t know why you were angry.
Oh, he could guess. It couldn’t have been easy, the fall from grace; going from your father’s favorite child — the gods all picked favorites, it was only the less honest ones who pretended that wasn’t true — to just another in the pile mustn’t have felt good, especially for you, the demigod who gave everything.
But was that it? Was that why you hated your father? Because Hades had silenced you?
Your voice had been beautiful, for whatever ‘had been’ was worth. Luke had only heard you sing once before it was ripped from you, but he remembered being mesmerized.
You were fourteen then, too. It was your second — maybe third, he wasn’t sure, he didn’t know you personally — summer at Camp Halfblood, and his first. He’d been shy, not that anyone remembered that now, and he hadn’t spoken to much of anyone other than those who slept in Hermes cabin, let alone pretty girls with older, meaner boyfriends. But he’d been dragged to a bonfire party by an older brother of his, and you were there, with your guitar and your sunbeam smile.
Luke had never liked old music. His mother had all these dusty records that she’d put on and dance to like they were the only things that made sense, but they never made sense to him. If the lyrics had meaning, he didn’t get them, or at least couldn’t relate, not like the nu metal he’d ripped onto his mp3 player.
But you were singing something that night, a Prince song he’d heard before, and on your lips, the words made sense. They were beautiful, even.
He could still see it, the light flickering across your face, your fingers moving fast as light against the strings. You were talented with your guitar, too, though he hadn’t caught sight or sound of the thing since the quest that took your voice, either. The way you played reminded him of the mariachi bands he’d seen on the New York subways — hard to believe a person could pluck so fast.
And you sang. He could still hear it, too — When Doves Cry. It was different, of course, acoustic and melancholy, but the song was the same.
He must have been staring. You must have noticed.
You were coming towards him. He didn’t think anything of it at first; you twirled, you danced, you walked.
“Touch, if you will, my stomach. Feel how it trembles inside.”
And then you were in front of him, so close, and looking him in the eye, and his breath caught. You seemed to almost smirk at that.
“You’ve got the butterflies all tied up. Don’t make me chase you,” you sang, to him. “Even doves have pride.”
And then you turned away from him, like it had been a blip, like you had never been looking at him at all. You danced on.
“How could you just leave me standin’, alone in a world that’s so cold? Maybe I’m just too demandin’—” you grinned there, head turned up to the sky— “maybe I’m just like my father, too bold.”
And then your eyes changed, cast out to the lake, like your mind was elsewhere. “Maybe I’m just like my mother, she’s never satisfied. Why do we scream at each other? This is what it sounds like when doves cry.”
The next day, you embarked on your quest. You did well, too — returned a week and a half later with the item you were sent to steal back from Hades. Hades the place, it turned out, but not the god himself; it was Persephone who had stolen one of your father's precious sunbeams. She'd missed the sunlight in her months down below, she told you, and took it to keep herself warm. An understandable desire, certainly, but it'd lead to snow in the Sahara and summer blizzards in Boston. She gave it back over without a fight, but her husband hadn't smiled upon you sneaking into his domain.
If it weren’t for one of his furies catching you just outside the barrier and digging its claws into your throat, they’d have marked it down as a flawless victory.
The staff managed to save your life, but not your vocal chords. When summer came to an end, they said they commended you for your sacrifice, as though you’d had a choice.
Maybe it really wasn’t that big a deal; half the kids in camp were willing to die in service of the gods, and given that you’d collected more quests than beads, you were probably in that number. But then, dying is different than surviving with a disability. Not worse, but different. What kid actually considers the limb when they’re risking life and limb? What risks would one take if they had to live with the consequences?
Worse yet, as far as he could tell, your daddy never called you back afterwards. No ‘thank you’s for the maimed daughter, no more gifts. Insult to injury, used and discarded.
He’d throw rocks at the guy, too.
Which brought him back to that moment, alone in the settling darkness. You were gone by then, off somewhere, likely pushing your anger aside for something you considered more productive, though Luke couldn’t begin to guess what that would be. He didn’t know you, still.
He might like to, though. Perhaps the two of you could be… allies. That thing inside him that burned, that he hid… he could, potentially, share it with someone who felt the same.
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sketchy-owl · 2 years
Episode 18
(Oowlie Note: the reader here MUST be biologically a female, so I have to use she/her pronouns I'm sorry for my non binary readers 😥)
Y/N:*having a nice talk with Jack while sitting on Heracles' legs*
Snake:*enters in the room * "Why do I have to bring the message to Lord Hercules !? Why Hermes couldn't do it!? Worst of all Adam is here..." *clearly pissed*
Y/N:*stops talking*
Jack:Dear, is there something wrong?? Is the tea not of your liking? *clearly sad*
Y/N:*stands up and smiles* Oh Jack, I do like this tea I just have to....do a little thing right now.
Heracles:*remembering that time in episode 16 * "Oh shit"
Y/N:*walking towards the Snake*
Snake:What do you want, lowly human?
Y/N:*punches him with all the strength she has in her body*
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Lu Bu:*thumbs up*
Owlie:*films everything*
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Adam: Yeah! Make him pay sweetie!
Eve/Jack:...."Should I tell her...that he is not actually the reason why they/we have our period?"*sweatdrop*
Nostradamus: Wait.... you think that's why you have your periods? ....
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Nostradamus: *laughs*HAHAHAHA OH MY, FOR REAL?!!! HAHAHAA You women are all s-
Y/N:*turns around*
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Nostradamus:...sssssssso strong to endure that pain! Snake you should pay for your crimes!*clearly shaking in fear*
Snake: WHAT!?
All the men inside the room: "Nice save Nostradamus"
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earthtoharlow · 7 months
Flashing Lights
15) In Case You Miss Me
Jack Harlow x Singer!OC
Series Masterlist
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Jack pulled up to the studio to pick up Maryse, as they planned on spending the rest of the evening together. They were back in NY and would be taking a quick drive to New Jersey the following morning so they could attend the Video Music Awards where Jack would be hosting and performing. 
When he arrived the studio light was red, signaling that Maryse was recording. He watched her through the window, and no matter how many times he’s watched her perform he would always be awestruck by her talent. 
Her upcoming tour would be the first of many milestones in her career, and he couldn’t wait to see her shine on stage, captivating audiences with her undeniable talent.
As Maryse emerged from the studio, her face lit up as she noticed him. “How long have you been standing here?” Maryse asked, jumping in his arms to greet him. 
“Not long, but you were amazing in there!” He exclaimed, showering her with compliments. “You’re going to blow everyone away while on tour.”
Maryse’s face warmed at the praise, “Thanks babe,” her voice tinged with excitement. “I’m nervous, but I’m also really looking forward to it!”
As they drove back to her place a wave of sadness washed over Jack. On one hand he was happy and excited that Maryse was going to tour with Coldplay, knowing that this was everything she dreamed about but on the other hand he couldn’t shake away the nagging feeling of guilt that tugged at his heart. 
Jack knew he should be supportive, but deep down, a part of him wished she didn’t have to go, wishing they could stay together, cocooned in their own little world together. 
When they arrived back at the apartment, Jack put on a brave face, determined to savor the moments they had together before the tour pulled them apart. He laughed and joked as they tried (and failed) to cook dinner together before eventually deciding on ordering a pizza all while hiding the ache in his chest. 
Not wanting to ruin the evening together, Jack pushed aside his own feelings, not wanting to burden her with his worries. 
Their stylist teams had just left the room as they had just finished helping them get ready for the VMA’s. Jack watched as Maryse stood in front of the floor length mirror, carefully examining herself. He couldn’t help but smile as a sense of contentment washed over him. The faces she was making in the mirror as she fluffed her hair made his heart skip a beat. Despite being together for 7 months, he still found her captivating. 
When Maryse caught Jack watching, a hint of shyness flickered across her face, her face beginning to warm. Jack found it endearing that she still got flustered by his gaze. After Paris, the tension from before seemed like a distant memory.
Jack walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. “You look amazing.” He murmured. Planting a soft kiss on her cheek. Maryse’s nervousness melted away as she leaned into his embrace. 
“You aren’t going to match with me?” he joked, playfully pouting as he ran his hands up and down her hips. Maryse was wearing a custom green two piece set from Romeo Hunte with a lace green bra to match, while Jack’s was wearing a custom brown leather Hermes suit that she knew he was going to sweat in as soon as he stepped outside. 
Maryse turned to him, a twinkle in her eye, and laughed. “Don’t worry, darling,” she replied with a grin. “We’ll be matching with your second outfit of the night.”
Jack nodded in satisfaction as he wrapped his arms around her once more, leaving kisses down her neck. “How mad do you think everyone would be if we just stayed here in the hotel and ditched the award show?”
She threw her head back and laughed, and lightly elbowed him in the stomach. “VERY! Now come on, I know Neelam already sent you a message ten minutes ago saying the sprinter was here. I don’t want her to hate me more.” Maryse said, pushing him away lightly and grabbing her clutch and heading towards the door. 
“Wait for me!” Jack replied, quickly snatching his phone off the bed, rushing after her. “She doesn’t hate you, she just doesn’t know you like I do!”
Maryse rolled her eyes and continued walking to the elevators, Jack quickly caught up and grab her outreached hand. 
It was quiet as they stood in the elevator, with a mischievous glint in his eye, Jack pressed Maryse against the wall of the elevator, his body pressed against hers as he captured her lips in a passionate kiss. Maryse’s breath hitched at the suddenness of his actions but she quickly surrendered, her hands sliding up to tangle in his hair. 
They were so wrapped into each other they almost didn’t hear the ding of the elevator doors making them reluctantly break away from one another with flushed cheeks and ragged breaths.
“You sure you don’t want to stay here?” Jack asked as they stepped out into the lobby. Maryse wanted to so bad, and Jack knew it.
“No.” She lied and walked ahead of him. Jack couldn’t help but smirk as he followed behind her, ignoring the look on Neelam’s face when they climbed into the car. 
Jack smiled big as the paparazzi snapped away, a sense of validation washed over him as he held his four awards of the night each a testament of his talent. This moment felt like a turning point.
For months, Jack had been grappling with self doubt and insecurities as he was haunted by the negative reviews on his album. The harsh criticism weighed heavily on him, almost casting a shadow over his passion. Tonight made him realize that those voices of doubt were just that—voices. They didn’t define him or his artistry. 
Amidst the sea of flashing lights, he caught Maryse’s eyes from the side of the stage, watching with a huge smile that mirrored his own. Jack began to wave her over, wanting her to celebrate with him. Maryse rushed to his side, unable to contain her overwhelming excitement. 
Maryse ignored all the camera men and began pressing kisses all over his face, each one a testament to her unwavering support. Each kiss, she whispered words of encouragement and adoration. Her love radiated with each kiss. 
After arriving back to the hotel room, after celebrating with the crew Jack realized that he didn’t want to start his world tour next week without Maryse by his side. The thought of being apart from her, even for a moment, felt unbearable especially after their last argument. He didn’t care if others saw him as clingy or overly attached—waking up in a different city every day without Maryse just didn’t feel right. 
In a moment of vulnerability, he reached out to Maryse. His voice trembled as he confessed his inner turmoil. “I don’t want to go,” he admitted, his eyes brimming with unshed tears.
Maryse’s eyes softened, “What’s wrong? You love touring!” She said concerned, gently placing a hand on his cheek. She had never seen him like this.
“I’m going to miss you too much, I’m sorry if this makes me look clingy…I just.” Jack couldn’t finish his thoughts as he was getting more emotional. 
Maryse immediately pulled him as close as she could. “I’m going to miss you too.” It was the only thing she thought about as she watched him on stage tonight. 
“Are you not scared?” Jack asked softly, eyes red from crying. The fear in Maryse’s eyes mirrored his own. “Terrified.” She admitted with a rueful smile. “The thought of being apart from you for months—it’s like a constant knot in my stomach.”
His hold on her tightened as she spoke. The weight of their separation hung heavy on the air. They both knew the sacrifices they would have to make for the sake of their careers, but that didn’t make it any easier to bear.
“But…” Maryse began “I refuse to let our fear define us. Yeah, we’ll be apart but we’re always going to stay connected. We’ll make time for each other, even if it’s just a quick phone call or a text message.”
Jack nodded in agreement. “We have no choice but to make this work.” grappling with the reality of their situation.
“Is it weird that I miss you already?” 
“You still have me,” Maryse reassured him, her gaze filled with unwavering love. “Even though we’ll be miles apart, my heart will always be with you.”
A faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips, despite the sadness that weighed heavy on his soul. “And you’ll always have me too,” he replied, his voice a soft whisper in the quiet room. “No matter where we are in the world, my love for you will never waver.”
AN: just a little filler chapter before the next part where they’re away from each other 😬 and thank you always to @harlowcomehome for helping me 🫶
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wisteriaiswriting · 8 months
Can you do like a sequel to the Son of Sun Wukong Reader with Reader finding something out like some random fact that makes him stop sit down and just question everything so Reader decides to share it with annabeth because "if I must suffer so should you"
ℂ𝕠𝕠𝕝 𝔽𝕒𝕔𝕥
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Words: 241
There wasn’t much happening on this day, so you decided to float around the camp. Most people welcomed you and your cloud, entertaining you if you floated down. But today you were actually called down.
A closer look revealed it to be one of Herme's kids, unsure of what he wanted, you  stay back a bit. He seemed giddy but also shocked?
“Y/N I was just told this weird fact, wanna hear it?” It couldn’t hurt right?
The fact sounded so fact, but nope. It was true and clear records as well. When the kid finished speaking he just ran off, likely to find someone else to bother. But you weren’t happy with knowing this information, someone else had to know as well.
Luckily for you Annabeth had just returned to camp, clearly tired but you didn’t care. She had to know.
“Annabeth~” She groaned at the voice, you were always annoying her. But it was in a weird kinda way, a voice she wouldn’t want to never hear again. Right now though, you had to leave.
“I got told this cool fact, bet you don’t know it.” Really? Betting on this, she’ll entertain you for now.
“Okay so, apparently alchemists used brain matter to make their elixir of eternal life.” What.
“Yeah, might want to look it up later. Cool right!” It really wasn’t, so instead of responding she just kept walking.
“So cool, oh, there's Percy!”
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telvess · 1 year
Record of Ragnarok Hermes (headcanons) 🔞
It came out a little chaotic... I got lost in halfway. If I'm making any significant mistakes, feel free to tell me.
SFW That guy is like a walking enigma. He behaves elegantly and kindly, always has excellent manners, not to mention his perfect tact, but something in your gut tells you it's not entirely sincere. Don’t get me wrong, you aren’t that perceptive: Hermes letting his perfect image… loosen up a bit. It’s funny. He always says something almost innocent as if he learnt what innocence means yesterday. He likes playing these kind of sweet games where you both know he isn’t honest and you try your best to expose him. If you manage to succeed, forget about praises or any other reward. Hermes would just smile or pretend innocently how unexpected that was, eh… I believe Hermes doesn’t have his type. The only condition that really matters is if a person can intrigue him. He likes challenges or being the challenge. Get his attention and keep fuel curiosity. Doesn’t matter if you are goddess or human, he would be genuinely impressed if anyone surprise him with something. That doesn’t happen often. If he catches some sort of feelings towards someone, nobody would knows. Yes, Hermes is nosy, always knows what’s happening in others’ lives, but he’s way too clever to give even the slightest hint that something is going on in his love life. For Hermes falling in love is a game but whoever falls first - loses. So romance with him is slow burn kind. I allow the possibility of enemies-to-lovers trope. If, hypothetically, some minor pantheon feuded with Zeus and Hermes would be sent to deliver the threat so that they know their place-… I meant message with some kind of advice, he might come face to face with s/o. The conversation may not be spicy, but it won’t be nice either. Full of subtexts, small provocations and fake smiles, everything on the verge of politeness. Hermes would come back without a scratch, but it definitely didn't go as expected. If at the end both sides find some reasonable compromise, Hermes and s/o most likely would end up seeing each other more often. Maybe because of their duties, maybe because they happen to be in the right place and time. Half the time, they'll have their small banters. Usually Ares is part of them because he overheard something - in his opinion - disrespectful and he tries to backup his brother, but he’s so incompetent that even he realizes it himself. At that point it’s usually too late for prideful man as Ares to call it off so Hermes has to come in a clutch and safe his butt. And no - Ares never learns from his mistakes. The next day he would fall into the same trap again… Sometimes it even leads to situation where everyone is against everyone. Hermes won’t be playing on violin just for s/o, but if she joins him during the play, he won’t mind her presence. In fact, he would like to talk about it afterwards. It works both ways - he won't be pushy either, but he would be kindly interested if she mentions her hobbies and is willing to share. The tension between them builds slowly over time. They both know that the other feels the same, but they don't act on it. I think it would go from like zero to hundred in a moment. Single spark and suddenly they kiss and touch each other without hesitation. It's hard to tell if they would become an official couple. They might as well be in open relationship or just friends with benefit.
NSFW I see him as a switch. He is used to serve Zeus and others so probably feels a need to be in charge and take care of a lover. On other hand, if you insist to be top and just tell him to relax, he’ll accept the offer. He secretly likes being care of but would never admit it. It’s new to him - be able to just empty the mind like that. I think he has a thing for long neat legs. I don’t know why. It’s nice addition, like the icing on the cake. He loves having them around his waist or placed on his arms when he basically fold you in half. Hermes likes to talk during act. He’s one playful guy. Telling you what he’s about to do, a bit of dirty talk here and then, definitely some praises. He has really good voice for that and knows how to use it against you. He’s pretty creative and open to suggestions. As long as you aren’t in pain, Hermes is up to anything. He doesn’t have his routine, just goes with the flow. Sex with him is rare, he’s busy man, that’s why he wants to make the best use of that precious time just between you two. Top notch in aftercare, hands down. That’s like his natural environment. He always makes sure you’re comfortable. Massage, bath, breakfast or any other form of tenderness you can think of.
I was woken up by intense smell and strange, omnipresent wetness. I opened my puffy eyes and once I realized I’m in the water, guided by instincts and fear, rapidly tried to get up. — Shh, calm down — I heard right next to my ear. Someone’s slender hands surrounded me in waist, forcing me to stay in sitting position. I let out a surprised sigh but didn’t oppose. I looked over my shoulder to see Hermes’s calm face. Leaning against his chest, I could feel the warmth radiating from him. — Where-re we… how… — I mumbled not fully awake yet. — You passed out — Hermes explained. Memories of our last ,conversation’ flashed back to me, and then my face exploded with heat. An egg could have been fried on my cheek. I was hoping that Hermes didn’t notice my embarrassment. Pathetic daydream… He knows everything about everyone before others. — Oh… I didn’t have to turn around to see his smile. — Judging by your body language, you didn’t seem bored with our experience. That’s why I took it as a complement. — Hermes pretend to be lost in thoughts, his voice was on the verge of innocence he imitated so well. — Whatever you like. — I gave up. He had upper hand here. — Do I interpret it correctly? Am I sensing submissiveness? — No… — Sulky mood then? — I don’t have strength for that… — That’s not very alike you. — I felt his chin on the top of my head. — Perhaps I should’ve thanked you for all these sweet gifts you gave me. I sighed. Something in his voice awaken me completely. — How much I hate… — I turned to face him. — Yes? — Hermes enticed me. I could see sparkles of joy in his eyes. — … how unbearably witty you are. — I finished angry. The corners of his lips lifted a bit. — Thank you — he said calmly. I just shook my head and came back to old position. We sat in silence. My mind went to previous events that leads me to this situation. I may have started our little tête-à-tête, but he was the one who dragged it to breaking point. I remembered his nimble fingers, smooth voice as he whispers to my ears, gentle and tender gestures, the patience, and finally his steady, firm thrusts as he filled me over and over. I lost track of time, at some point everything stopped when Hermes was playing with my body in so many different ways - from the most ordinary, to extravagant, to promiscuous positions. Being at his mercy was… pleasant. — That was very nice — I whispered. — Yes — he admitted silently, next to my ear. Whether he really thought so, or whether his impeccable manners spoke through him, I will probably never know. Still, I felt absolutely no need to worry about how I fared compared to his other lovers. I was just enjoying the moment.
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ivoryand-gold · 2 months
this may be confirmed somewhere i missed, but if not i have a theory that we’ve already heard all the gods in epic the musical after seeing the new commissioned art for the horse and the infant!
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so we have this gorgeous illustration by Giulia Toneatto! you can see Odysseus holding the infant and pleading up to Zeus as one would expect listening to the song, only it’s not just Zeus up there in this illustration. There are 8 other figures up there outlined.
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and Jorge mentioned them in the comments too so he’s drawing attention to them (and while that could mainly be for engagement i think there’s more to it)
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there’s less to go on for the outer two, but my guess from left to right is that they’re Hephaestus, Hermes, Ares, Hera, (Zeus), Apollo, Athena, Poseidon, and Aphrodite. aside from Hermes and Poseidon (who should be returning in the Vengeance Saga in Dangerous and Get in the Water, respectively), the other gods listed will be in God Games at the end of the Wisdom Saga, which is the next one set for release.
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as for the horse and the infant: in the new version, Zeus’ second “i don’t think you’re ready” before Odysseus sees Astyanax has much more prominent backing vocals and they honestly feel more noticeable for the remainder of the song than in the stolen version.
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i wonder if all that plus a more forceful delivery of “this is the will of the gods” lined up with the timing of the re-releases means that the Cast of EPIC the Musical that’s credited for this song might include the other gods of Olympus? we know that gods follow different rules than mortals in Epic and can create their own backing vocals, but Hermes backs himself up in “Wouldn’t You Like” so this isn’t entirely without precedent either. this version of THATI was presumably recorded after all the Olympians were cast, so these background vocals could have been recorded at the same time as God Games. all that to say that based on circumstantial evidence and pure vibes, i think we may have already heard Hera, Hephaestus, and Apollo!
(but if anyone knows why this may or may not be true or has their own theories, i’d love to hear 😁)
and if you’ve read this far and are able to afford doing so, please consider donating to one of these go fund me campaigns to help a family in Gaza!!!
Support Arwa Afana, her young family including a newborn baby, and chronically ill widowed mother in getting their needs met after losing everything, and in rebuilding after the eventual ceasefire.
Support Mahmoud AlBalawi, his chronically ill parents, 5 siblings, and 5 nieces and nephews in their efforts to go to Egypt when the border opens again.
Support Mahmoud Hamam and his family rebuild after the genocide is finally stopped. They’ve been displaced multiple times and their home was completely destroyed.
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bones4thecats · 10 months
2023 Thanksgiving Special; RoR
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A/N: Second part of my 2023 Thanksgiving Special, this one features Record of Ragnarok characters. There are no humans here, it's only Gods in this edition. Anyways, look out for my Creepypasta and Slashers pieces coming out here soon!
Spending Thanksgiving With Them
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💪 Heracles preferred to not spend Thanksgiving with his family most of time
💪 As his adoptive father would get into arguments with either the servants or with Hera about who knows what
💪 But this year, you really wanted to meet the rest of the family, you had only met Ares and Hades so far
💪 Heracles held your hand as the festivity rang through the ears of every other god present
💪 He was thankful that his family seemed to welcome you and tried keeping the bickering down because they didn’t want to ruin his happiness
💪 But be warned, next year, expect more and more yelling
💪 You’re family now, get used to it
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⚔️ Nope on the nope rope, he did not want you coming over that day
⚔️ The amount of yelling that Zeus and Hera do is quite impressive, many wonder how their voices have lasted every year
⚔️ Ares was stubborn, and I mean that
⚔️ So it took both you, Hermes, and Heracles’ opposing opinions to get him to allow you to join the Greek God family
⚔️ When you arrived, Zeus and Hera greeted you, you had met Zeus previously, but you didn’t know him to well
⚔️ Expect slight bickering from the husband and wife
⚔️ But, as long as your Ares was there, you two could power through
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🌩️ Thor was quite enthusiastic about having you over for Thanksgiving
🌩️ It wasn’t every century that he had an S/O, so this was a big deal to him!
🌩️ You had met Odin’s birds and Loki beforehand, due to their nature of spooking you no matter the place
🌩️ Thor stood by your side everywhere you went, and whenever he was needed somewhere, he dragged you along
🌩️ You weren’t exactly used to the layout of Asgard all that well
🌩️ When you guys sat down to eat, he made sure Loki didn’t lace it like he had done years ago
🌩️ This god also had to slap Loki’s hands away from stealing food off of both of your plates
🌩️ Sneaky little rat god
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👻 This poor little thing
👻 You were the closest thing to family he had, well, you and Buddha, but you mainly
👻 So, when he had heard about Thanksgiving from Buddha, he had asked you if you guys could make the traditional meals and spend the day together
👻 You complied and spent the day making turkey, cranberry sauce, everything
👻 Zerofuku loved making desserts with you, decorating was his favorite thing to do
👻 Placing the whip cream on top of the pumpkin pie was fun, especially when he drew a little face into the sweet dish
👻 You invited Buddha over, as Zerofuku wanted his favorite god, besides you, to spend time with
👻 Let’s just say, after eating and everything, the three of you passed out together on the pillow fort and blankets you had made together
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mxomo · 2 years
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kinktober: voyeurism ♡ ︎featuring hermes (& poseidon)
Hermes spots Poseidon and his wife having a little fun. c/w: record of ragnarok, female reader, voyeurism, light choking. poseidon gets it on. a/n: this is actually more poseidon/reader, but the prompt is voyeurism so.. turned out okay i guess?
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Hermes couldn’t believe his luck.
For millennia, he had spent his time dancing around the shadows, shoving his nose into where it didn’t belong. He had seen nearly everything; Zeus’ relentless affairs, Aphrodite’s proudest sexual conquests, even Hades cooing at weird looking For millennia, he had spent his time dancing around the shadows, shoving his nose into where it didn’t belong. He had seen nearly everything; Zeus’ relentless affairs, Aphrodite’s proudest sexual conquests, even Hades cooing at weird looking demon creatures when nobody was looking like they were house pets and not drooling, sadistic monsters. creatures when nobody was looking like they were house pets and not drooling, sadistic monsters.
When Hermes had set out that morning, he was counting on making his usual rounds around the area and allowing that to lead his direction for the day. It has been quiet as of late, he realised, with very little activity to spy on.
He did, on occasion, wander in the direction of Atlantis at Zeus’ request. Since the ascension of the Queen, the seas had been oddly calm, meaning that he ventured along this rare more rarely than he used to (not that he would admit to slacking on any of his duties, ever).
He was buried carefully in the shadows as your voice echoed down the long hallway.
“Lighten up, my love,” you sang, pressing up against Poseidon as he tried, fruitlessly, to ignore you. “It’s our anniversary! You can pretend to be happy, at least.” Your teasing tone lightened your slightly jabby words as your stoic husband finally looked at you wordlessly. Your face bloomed into a big, lovely smile at his special attention, unintentionally pulling a small grin from him at your enthusiasm.
“I don’t see the point in that,” Poseidon griped as you pulled his hands onto your waist, wrapping your arms around his torso in return. “You know I am happy.”
“Do I?” you teased. Hermes, from his spot in the dark could see you pressing into your husband’s crotch area, gyrating into him in a cheeky attempt to coax him to life. “Oh, maybe you are a little happy.”
Poseidon, unimpressed as always, glared slightly at your teasing, his usual reaction to anything and everything. Though he often had a biting remark to hand, he had but moments ago noticed the lurking shadowing presence observing their interaction, and he was curious as to what you wanted to do. So he stayed quiet.
Standing up on your tiptoes, you pulled on his neck to bring him down closer to you as you whispered in his ear. “I’m happy today, darling,” you breathed, pressing yourself against him entirely, the thin cotton of your dress hardly concealing the feel of your hard nipples against his bare chest. Hermes stayed fixated as he watched you kiss your husband, his reciprocating with just as much enthusiasm as you - the most vibrancy Hermes had ever really seen coming from his Uncle.
His greedy eyes didn’t miss your next action of sliding your hand down the front of Poseidon’s trousers, gently grasping his cock in your palm as you coaxed a moan or two from your husband. “Can I show you? How happy I am?”
He hummed slightly, indicating his consent with following along with what you wanted, for now. With a delighted grin, your eyes darkened as you pulled your hand from his crotch, placing them against the sides of your tits instead. Pressing them together, you made eye contact with your husband, shuddering under the weight of his gaze, your cunny instantly dampening. Your fingers found their way to the front of your dress, flicking a gentle pressure against your hardened nipples as you swayed your hips side to side beneath Poseidon’s tightened grip, a small and effective attempt at enticing him.
Hermes’ eyes widened as your hands slid under the folds of your dress, pulling those beautiful, fleshy mounds from its confines and giving him the privilege of a full view. He delighted in your expression; content, opened mouth, blushing; pressing your tits against his chest, you giggled at his simple as you wiggled your hips a little faster, sending him a wink as the straps of your dress fell loosely off your shoulders.
Sucking in a breath, Hermes moved his hand to his own surprisingly tense member, glancing down at the long vein that was beating along the top and the weeping, reddened tip before focusing back onto you. His breaths deepened as he pulled his shaft out of his trousers, stroking himself leisurely as his eyes remained transfixed.
Hermes couldn’t help but widen his eyes at the view.
Against the wall, your dress was bunched around your stomach as Poseidon pushed you up against it, a smirk on his face as his hand wrapped tightly around your throat and he moved his teeth aggressively onto your pebbled peaks. You thrust your head back, hitting your head on the wall almost a little too hard as a long, honeyed whine fell from your mouth, your husband knowing precisely where to touch you to render you utterly incoherent and desperate for him.
“F-fuck,” Hermes moaned, almost completely inaudibly as he gripped himself tighter, spitting down onto his shaft to get a better grip. Sliding his hands more comfortably, it took him much more effort than expected to keep himself quiet, unable to tear his eyes from you as his pleasure increased with every pump of his palm. His thoughts swam with the fantasy of fucking you dumb with his cock instead of his own hand, what it would be like to bury his face between those glorious thighs, what your tits would taste like as he marked them as his. His gaze sharpened as the sight before him escalated; Hermes could only imagine how wet you were, based on how hard Poseidon was slamming into you and how quickly he was able to without splitting you apart.
Hermes was absolutely delighted that he stumbled on the King of the Seas with his cock out and raging, pounding into you as you babbled incoherently. His hand, wrapped firmly around your throat, essentially holding you up that way, kept you in place as his hard thrusts caused your tits to bounce much too dangerously, forcing you to hold onto them the best you could as your back was pressed into the wall and your legs spread wide and open for him, his other hand supporting you by hooking under the back of your knee.
Perhaps he would make the trip to Atlantis more often.
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cafeinthemoon · 11 months
Ruins - Part XIX
Chapter 19
Wordcount 4,2k
Title Part XIX
Fandom Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Record of Ragnarok
Previous chapters 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12 . 13 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . 18
Symbols ⭕ . ➕ . 💛
Warnings: none
Tagging @holdyourwine @lilacshouko @shirayuki-ayumi @telvess (If you want to be tagged in any of my stories, just leave a comment on this chapter or send an ask or a message)
N. A.: Hello again :) I've been so anxious about how this chapter would be, if the descritions would be ok, if it would be too short, too long, boring, over detailed, but finally it's published! I'm so happy and relieved! I feel like I've been putting too much expectations on the Psique's Ritual and my biggest fear was to mess up with it, but I think it's good the way it ended up.
The party after the ceremony will have much more happening, so I knew this chapter wouldn't be enough to tell everything, so wait for the next part and, for now, have some minor, "solar" conflict ;)
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The morning of the wedding came still and warm, the first one of the Spring that your life was about to become.
You left your bed with the thought of a sweet expectancy, and with the happy consciousness of having left the weights and fears behind.
It looks like any other day of Valhalla, and it could be. Except for me and my loved ones.
Days ago, you finally managed to talk to your parents about the separation that waited for you in the near future. It was a calm conversation, sad in some points, but surprisingly relieving in others, and those hours you’ve spoken with each other were something that you would never forget.
You’ve been carrying those fears for too long, but you were glad you took the chance to express them while your parents were still there. You confessed to them that you avoided talking about the dreams because you didn’t understand them, and you didn’t want to make them worried; you also supposed that they wouldn’t understand it as well. But to them, the real meaning of the dreams was as surprising as it was to you, and they weren’t less happy, as they soon made you know.
You told them you were scared with the idea of not having them forever by your side, and that you didn’t feel ready to be a Queen. And, about this, they were more prepared than you expected.
– No one feels ready for great roles in life, my dear – your mother explained – But admitting this to yourself is the first step to learn how to assume a responsibility.
– Besides, you won’t be alone in this – your father corroborated – Hades-sama is an experienced, wise god, as far as we could see. He will guide you in everything you need.
– And he seems willing to do that! – your mother said with a smile – Seeing my girls being loved and well treated is the dream of any mother, and you’re going to make it a reality!
– We’re proud of you, y/n-chan!
You felt your throat tightening with those words.
– But you’re not afraid of our separation? You’re not worried that our time together is almost over?
That time, their smiles faded a bit, but not their confidence.
– Even if you stayed human, our time together would come to an end – your father replied – Still, we wouldn’t think too much about this, right?
– We would just live and enjoy our days together, as any family in our world would do – your mother said – This isn’t different. We’re happy to be your parents, and we’re glad for the time you’ve stood with us.
You were no longer able to hold back your tears. You jumped into their arms, squeezing them tight.
– I love you so much…
– We love you too, dear.
– We will love you always.
You had that moment in mind for all the time you prepared yourself to the ceremony, content that you had no regrets.
Though you woke up early, the real preparations only started by afternoon, since the ceremony would take place by the evening. Still, you were surprised with the agitation at Valhalla during those few hours: many gods, goddesses and other people were invited, and Hermes and the elves were too busy receiving them. You had the chance to see and even talk to a few of them and, contrary to what you were expecting, they treated you with kindness, as if you were already one of them, though some had peculiar ways to show their surprise, so that you guessed that there were gods that never saw a human being from close before, and others haven’t seen one in centuries.
Hades, on his turn, has been in constant contact with his brothers and solving some practical matters concerning your imminent travel to the Underworld. According to him, Adamas, who was finishing some administrative tasks in Hellheim, was going to arrive at the afternoon, as well as Poseidon. Zeus, on the other hand, has been there for a few days now, and you’ve talked to him about the ambrosia and the procedures involving it.
You didn’t sleep in the same room as the other disciples: you were given a separated space to rest and take ceremonial baths, according to the Greek traditions taught to you by Hades. After being visited by two elvish women who brought you the garment and the accessories, you went to the room where your sisters were, and counted on them to do your hair and your makeup. You showed them the hairpin Hades gave to you and asked them to help you compose a hairstyle with it; the girls were fascinated by its beauty, and it was hard to keep Ellie’s little hands away from it.
After chatting and helping them with their own garments, you called an elf to take them ahead of you to the great hall.
You were there alone meditating when Hermes came to guide you to the great hall where the wedding was going to happen. There was a moment of silence, when you held your breath, but then you stood up and opened your best smile.
– I’m ready.
He offered his arm to you, and with one last look in the mirror to confirm everything was alright, you accepted the invitation to leave the room.
That corridor wasn’t different from the one where your room was, through which you’ve walked so many times, so you had a general idea of how long it was. Still, you had mixed sensations about crossing it: sometimes, it looked like you were almost reaching the great hall, and other times you thought you were too far from it.
In the meantime, Hermes and you had a brief conversation.
– I still find it hard to believe we’ve reached this stage, Hermes-sama – you were saying – There was fear, curiosity, warmth, desperation and, finally, happiness. It’s just too much when we remember it has only been a few months!
– You’re right – the god responded with a smile – And it was an interesting experience to observe all of this happening.
You felt your eyes getting filled with tears.
– And it was a privilege to have your company in all of these moments. You’ve been a great friend, Hermes-sama.
Hermes made you turn a corner and stopped, turning to you and kissing your forehead just like he did in the kitchen when you told him you were going to accept Hades’ proposal.
– And you’ve been, and will continue to be, a great little sister, y/n-chan.
The treatment, used by him for the first time, almost made you undo your makeup by crying, but with great effort you managed to control yourself. Hermes then guided you to the end of that new corridor, and pushed the doors that were in front of you by its end.
Soft lights invaded the corridor and touched your faces like the promise of a good dream, and you were presented to the great hall where your family, gods, Zeus-sama and the King of the Underworld were waiting for you.
In front of you, there was a long, narrow path covered with a light carpet and petals of yellow narcissus taken from the fields you once visited at the Gardens. You smiled to the vision.
– Can’t believe he remembered the day when we crossed the narcissus paths – you whispered to Hermes.
– Hades-sama has a privileged memory, y/n-chan – was his reply.
You looked around and saw many other details on the decoration that reminded you of the encounters you had: chords of flowers hanging from the ceiling, rounded recipients full of water that resembled the fountains at the Gardens and marble statues on the corners.
There were people on both sides of the path, and all of them stood up at your arrival: at the right, there were gods and goddesses from many pantheons, aside from the Greek gods you’ve already knew, and at the left, you saw the human girls with whom you’ve shared the lodge, demigods, nymphs and other spirits of nature, elves and minor deities. You felt so small when you noticed all those people who were there to celebrate the peculiar union, some of them clearly wanting to see a human for the first time, as well as to witness the rare Psique’s Ritual. For a moment, you considered asking Hermes if the goddess was present to see the ritual that carried her name, but you stood quiet. And, when you saw all those eyes turning to you, all you could think of was running away, and the only thing that stopped you from doing it was the approaching of someone you loved – your father, who came to replace Hermes by your side. He offered his arm and you accepted it, walking toward the altar.
Hades was there at the left side, waiting for you with his hands behind his back, while his brother was in the middle of it, in front of a golden table. The man you loved was as beautiful as you’ve always seen him, but something in the lights made you think his godly nature has never been so evident, and the majesty in his figure set him apart even from his fellow gods. His eyes – that is, his left eye and the right one covered with the eye patch – were glued on you, and as you approached the altar, you noticed the glow of tears over his visible eye: his happiness was there for anyone to see, and that only deepened your love and admiration for him.
You father stopped with you in front of the altar, and Hades walked down the three stairs that separated you to meet you two. Your father released your arm and kissed your head, murmuring encouraging words to you; he turned to the groom and, with a nod, he walked to your mother’s side, in the first row of the left wing, where she was holding Ellie while Luna and Helena were with her.
When your father left, Hades and you exchanged whispered, sweet words and giggling.
– You’re scary today, my Lord – you joked about the eye patch.
– Today I need to be scary, my girl – he replied – There’s too much people watching.
He took your hand and led you to the first stair, where Zeus was waiting for you. He opened a brief smile, then turned to the table and took something from it; when he turned again, you saw a silver goblet in his hands, filled with a liquid that reminded you of wine – ambrosia, about which you’ve talked in your conversations concerning the ceremony. You already knew you would have to drink it before the wedding itself, but never thought too much about this moment until it finally came, so when the Lord of Heaven offered the goblet to you, your hands hesitated for a second, but then you grabbed the object and held it tight in front of you.
Zeus changed his posture, raising his hands and speaking with a firm, louder voice, different from the one you’ve got used to hear from his mouth.
– Before the eyes of all the immortal and mortal ones who are here, I, Zeus, Lord of Heavens and Head of the Greek House, declare the beginning of the Ritual of Psique. And I call you, human Y/n of the Ys/n Family, from Midgard, to take your part on it by drinking the blessed liquid – and, looking into your eyes, – Take it, now, and change to join divinity.
A heavy silence spread all over the great hall as the echo of the god’s words reached its deepest parts and died, and you felt everyone’s eyes burning your back. With a deep breath, you glanced inside the goblet and closed your eyes as you approached its brim from your lips, emptying the cup in a few seconds.
You would never be able to remember the exact taste of the ambrosia: you only remembered the sensation of a cold liquid filling your mouth, and a warmth appearing as it was poured down your throat, but instead of the familiar feeling of a liquid reaching your stomach, the ambrosia simply disappeared inside your body, and no remaining taste was noticed in your mouth; it was like you never consumed anything.
However, it didn’t take long for the effects to start showing.
While a heat wave spread all over your limbs, a tingling sensation started on your fingertips, under your nails, and all over your scalp, increasing slowly as if something was bubbling, or growing out of these parts; the sensation, however, reverberated in your entire body. You raised your hands and looked at your nails, gasping when you saw them changing their color from the natural one, under the transparent polish nail you chose, to a purplish shade, soft and pleasing to the eye; besides, they were now longer, but still followed the almond shape you used to wear.
You looked at Hades and found him staring at you, ecstatic; at the moment when you were going to touch your hair, feeling something strange after the tingling started, he approached his hand and took off the hairpin from it, and that time you were the surprised one: untying and spreading by themselves, a mass of curls and waves fell on your back and reached your ankles’ height; you held some strands and laughed when you saw that their color was also changed, but to a darker version of the nails’ purple.
Hades approached for the second time and, passing his hands around your head, he grabbed a few strands and tied them with the hairpin. He took the chance to reveal a third change, this one invisible to you until you had the chance to look into a mirror.
– Your eyes are now lilac, little one.
You opened your mouth in surprise, and Zeus intervened:
– Since you are on the growing spectrum, more changes are expected in the next days – he explained, in a lower, assuring tone – But the first seeds of your new nature are alive and awake. Welcome to the world of the gods, Y/n.
Your emotions were roaring inside you, but you kept composed and nodded in respect.
– Thank you, Zeus-sama.
You raised the goblet and Zeus took it, returning it to its place on the table. He then showed the crowd a second object: a small, silver plate where you saw two pieces of what looked like sesame cakes.
Now, the way for the wedding was free, as the god’s next words indicated.
– For now we have both god and goddess before us, there are no impediments for the marital contract to be sealed – he put the plate between you – You both, take them.
Hades and you took the cakes at the same time. That was the moment of the ceremony you were the most anxious to take part in: the exchange of the ceremonial food. It as a simple part, but you were afraid you would start laughing of nervousness, but fortunately none of this happened. Obeying Zeus’ orientations, Hades gave you his cake and you gave yours to him.
Zeus put the plate back on the table and, for the third time, took something from it: a large stray with a golden ring and a delicate earring of the same color. Hades took the earring and, moving your hair away with a gentle gesture, he put the jewel on your left ear; you took the ring from the stray and put it on his left hand, on his ring finger.
Zeus held your hands together for a moment, then made the announcement.
– By the powers of Heaven, I declare you husband and wife.
Those words, the concretization of something you’ve been dreaming of for months, brought hot tears to your eyes. Hades – now, your husband – pulled you closer and kissed you twice, the first time on your forehead, the second on your lips.
You both turned to the crowd, and watched with silent happiness as they received with smiles and claps the new couple and the new goddess.
The festivity that happened right after the ceremony, in the same rooms where the ball in which you’ve solved Hades’ enigma took place, was organized to receive the new family of the Greek pantheon and it was a good counterpoint for the solemnity of both the wedding and the ritual. Despite continuing to be the focus of the attentions beside your husband, you were more at will now, for your family was close, you already talked to the friends you’ve made on the lodge and had the opportunity to meet many gods and goddesses you’ve only knew by name.
And, about each of them, you formed curious opinions.
One of the first gods you met was from your own, new pantheon, and even when you’ve never saw him before, you’ve kind of guessed his identity once he appeared in front of you: a young man with pretty, delicate traits, dressed in extravagant, golden garment and with a long, pink hair falling on his back approached you two with the confidence of a king, bringing with him the heat you’d expect to feel outside your home in a Summer day.
As soon as he put his scrutinizing eyes on you, a feeling of being exposed to an intense light took over you, and you had to fight the impulse of hiding behind Hades.
I’m a goddess now. I can’t just shame myself this way.
The first words exchanged between you were said by the newcomer.
– If only I could tell you, big bro, how much I had to restrain myself from approaching the altar and examining her from close – the man stretched his hand and held your jawline, turning your face from one side to the other, as to not miss the smallest detail of your appearance – She’s such a beauty! – and, blinking an eye to your husband, – You’ve always had an eye for treasures, dear uncle.
You glanced at Hades and, to your surprise, his response to the god’s attitude was to smile.
– Your enthusiasm is laudable, but I’m afraid you’re scaring my wife, Apollo.
The other man, only then realizing the possibility of being intrusive, let go of your jawline and made a proper presentation.
– Forgive me for this indiscretion, little flower – he nodded – I am Apollo, God of the Sun. It is a pleasure to receive you in our family. From now on, consider me your elder brother.
You followed the etiquette and nodded to greet him.
– Thank you for celebrating with us and considering me part of your family, Apollo-sama.
– Ah, you don’t need to thank me, dear – Apollo caressed your chin – I’m too attached to my family, so of course I’d come. Besides, don’t you know that the ritual to transform a mortal being in a deity hasn’t been seen in ages? I couldn’t miss this opportunity. And, obviously, I was curious to know the woman who won my uncle’s cold heart, that is, what kind of beauty she carried in her.
You laughed at those words: despite his extravagance, Apollo was a good guy, with a pleasing sense of humor.
The conversation would have continued in this rhythm if it wasn’t for the arrival of another person, as interesting as him: a woman of Asian traits, with a young, majestic face covered in white makeup and red lips, contrasting with her black hair, tied up with luxurious hairpins; something in her way resembled Apollo, but in a quieter manner. The god of the Sun fell silent once he noticed her presence, and you sensed that he wasn’t exactly content with it.
The goddess’ voice sounded just like her figure suggested it would sound: soft, but firm, articulated, but sensitive.
– Hades-sama, Apollo-sama – she nodded to each of them as she spoke – It’s been a long time since our last reunion – and, turning to you, – But I’m content that the reason that reunited us today is a happy one.
Hades made the presentations.
– Y/n, this is Amaterasu, from the Japanese pantheon. She’s the Goddess of the Sun.
You greeted her with the same respect you treated her Greek counterpart. Amaterasu looked into your eyes for a moment, as if reading a secret in them, then spoke in a prophetic tone:
– There is a light inside you that has been there since you were born, young goddess – and, opening a hopeful smile, – The consumption of the ambrosia amplified and strengthened it, for your own good and for the ones you love.
You had no idea of what she was talking about, but you wouldn’t interrupt her. However, there was someone who wasn’t so composed in this sense.
– It is a pleasure for me to meet you again after so many centuries, Amaterasu – it was Apollo’s voice; he was really displeased for having his chatting with you interrupted by a member of a foreigner pantheon – But if you don’t mind, Y/n must receive blessings from her own pantheon first.
The Japanese goddess stared at him and, without arguing, smiled and raised her hands in a gesture of rendition.
– I just thought you already gave her your blessing, Apollo-sama. But if you didn’t, go ahead. I’m not stopping you.
Apollo, still with his hurt ego, didn’t mind replying to her, turning to you instead.
– Young Y/n, you’ve already proved your beauty by your hard work concerning the solution of your husband’s enigma, in which you showed your aspiration for a greater fate than your former nature could concede you.
You didn’t see yourself as this ambitious person, but you let him continue. And, as he spoke, you began to see his surroundings changing as a golden light involved his figure.
Is this an ability I gained as a goddess? I felt like I’m witnessing a glimpse of his true form.
– This is my gift to you, my dear – he took your hands and held them tight between you – May you continue what you started here in your new life as a Queen, and your soul grow in wisdom, kindness and strength of will, for all of this is beauty.
You gave his hands a soft squeeze in response.
– May everything happens exactly as you say, Apollo-sama – you whispered – Thank you for your blessing.
– Once again, no need to thank me, my flower, for prophecy isn’t but my job – untangling his hands from yours, he brushed your hair behind your ear; and, glancing at Hades, – Now, if you two excuse me, there are a group of anxious nymphs longing for company somewhere in this hall.
Without any other word or need for verbal responses from you or the other presents, Apollo turned his back on the group and walked away, as dramatic as a Summer sunset.
When he was out of sight, you heard a sweet giggle. You looked around and saw Amaterasu staring at the path taken by the other sun god.
– He never changes – she turned to you – But he’s a good man, despite what you just saw. Now, allow me to give you my blessing, Y/n – she repeated Apollo’s gesture, taking your hands in hers – The light you already bear in you, which has been brought to sight by the blessed drink, must never fade, and never fail you. The paths that wait for you, young goddess, are sinuous and dark, but may the lamps of consciousness be fed by this light, and fear never lead you stray.
Something similar to what happened during Apollo’s blessing happened now: you saw Amaterasu’s figure surround itself with a light that reminded you the first rays of a calm day, and as much as you felt encouraged and inspired by Apollo’s words, you felt comforted and determined with Amaterasu’s, and you thanked her with the same enthusiasm you showed to the Greek solar deity.
– I pray that everything happens as you determine, Amaterasu-sama. Thank you for your blessing.
The goddess inclined her head toward you, then did the same to Hades before leaving, with the same serenity in which she came.
You were still thinking of her words when you felt your hand being held by your husband. You turned to him to find a smile on his lips.
– Being blessed by solar deities is a great privilege for any person, god or mortal – he commented; and, with a playful tone, – But having two of them competing for attention is something you must never forget.
You laughed.
– I can see that. But it’s funny that, though I understand they must have reasons to not be so fond of each other, I don’t think they should feed conflicts between them so often.
Hades raised an eyebrow.
– How so?
– They might be the representations for the same concept in different pantheons, but each of them bring something unique to it – you explained – Apollo-sama, is like the imposing, powerful midday sun; Amaterasu-sama, on the other hand, is solemn, but welcoming as the morning sun. And I like both.
The King of Hellheim stared at you with kindness, as recognizing in your attitude one more reason to love you.
– Sustaining this view on such subjects is easier in theory, but I suppose it’s not going to be a problem for you to bring it to the practical field as a former human – he pondered.
– Do you think so?
He caressed your hair in response.
– I do. And I think we will have much fun learning with each other in this sense.
Part XX
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slothydaydreamer · 7 months
Circe Saga is out… 👀✨
And Jay gave some fun fact commentary in the Watch Party stream on YouTube. I compiled the most interesting bits (mostly for myself, but I didn’t see anyone else posting them here). I’ll sort them by song. (The screenshots have Alt text that transcribe Jay’s comments)
[Jay Commentary Part 1 out of two]
1) Puppeteer
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🔸 Armando’s least favourite lines to record ⬆️
I’m not sure if Jay refers to the entirety of Armando’s parts in this song, or a specific one. He posted it just a bit after Circe started singing in the stream, around the time Eurylochus says “Only I stayed outside but the rest went in.” Could refer to what came before, to what came after, or to everything as a whole. Either way, it’s interesting to know. xD
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🔸 The soldiers ⬆️
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🔸 Changes in Circe’s songs ⬆️
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🔸 Hermes is eavesdropping (pt. 1) ⬆️
These two comments were posted together around the time when Eurylochus and Odysseus were arguing, and Odysseus insisted on saving the crew.
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🔸 Hermes is eavesdropping (pt. 2) ⬆️
(When Circe comes back for the chorus)
2) Wouldn’t You Like
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🔹 The high art of giggling ⬆️
Thanks to all the promotional clips for the Circe saga involving Hermes, I can vividly picture this. :’D
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🔹 Hermes the MVP ⬆️
Does he mostly do it for shits and giggles? Probably. Is Odysseus still thankful? Absolutely. Hermes is a true bro.
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🔹 The inspiration for Hermes’ style of songs ⬆️
Let’s all say thanks to Jorge’s dad for that. xD
Aaaaaaaand that’s it for the first two songs. Thanks to tumblr’s 10 picture limit I have to make a part 2, that you find….HERE.
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freddie-77-ao3 · 6 months
Connor Stoll (aka my son)
Off to a great start here.
So, Connor Stoll, cabin 11 (claimed), sole counselor as of TOA.
Now, to start us off, identity headcanons:
Connor's non-binary (they/them), AFAB.
so when Connor was four, they got to camp (unrelated but Travis was 6), and although they had. no clue about their identity-- still was cis girl presenting, their hair was short because it's travis and connor. they're always doing some crazy shit. so, just as they got to camp, someone misheard connor or something, and just assumed their name was connor. No, their deadname isn't anything close to connor.
but as travis was about to correct them, connor was like, no, no, trav, i like this. i'm a boy?
and neither of them know what transgenderism is at this point but they just go, okay guess connor's a boy, whatever
anyway, they sorta start questioning that just battle of the labyrinth
and then after the battle they came out to everyone
also, connor is asexual. very sex-repulsed when they were younger, is now willing to make a dirty joke or two when it suits them. romantic orientation wise? doesn't know, doesn't care. if you ask them, they'll start thinking, and then get distracted by something completely different.
Random facts:
Connor isn't dyslexic. They joke it's because Travis got double the dyslexia. In actuality, Hermes kids are the least likely to be dyslexic because Hermes being a travel god means that his kids tend to be pretty good at picking up languages, including written english.
In the same vein, Connor knows A LOT of languages. Obviously english and ancient greek, Connor also learnt Latin (before HoO), French, Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, Swahili, and was brought up knowing basic gaelic terms.
Because yeah, Connor's scottish. more getting into their pre-camp story in a sec.
Connor's main friend group is Drew Tanaka and Malcolm Pace, because they're all around the same age. Connor and Drew knew each other for years before Malcolm, getting to know each other at four/five from camp, and Malcolm came when they were ten.
(Connor also has feelings for Malcolm)
Connor's also pretty close with Will, Cecil, and Lou Ellen because again, they're all year-rounders, and came to camp pre-Luke's betrayal.
Connor's birthday is April fool's day.
Connor has one of the only complete records of the titan war. they wrote it all down while it was happening-- complete notes of counselor's meetings, missions, attack plans-- lists of traitors and known allies, and, of course, lists of the dead.
Connor loves to read-- fantasy, specifically, and adventure.
They're always cold. It's not medical or anything, they're just. always cold.
Also, even though pretty much everything in Hermes cabin is communal, connor somehow manages to own even less than everyone else? they love stealing clothes from family and friends (yeah,,, clarisse isn't as fond of that one)
Connor (and Malcolm) have found complete tunnel systems and rooms around camp halfblood. Closer to the surface than the labyrinth, you can frequently find Connor there.
okay, so as i've mentioned before, Connor's scottish.
well, they lived in scotland from birth to age four (at which a point they moved to camp). I think they lived around Edinburgh, because mama stoll enjoys robbing the posh idiots in her free time, but originally the family is from the highlands.
so, the Stoll mother,,, Robin Stoll. (Robbing, because,,, yeah) I just think they're a punny family. It isn't intentional, it just is. (yeah i know i'm not as funny as I think i am).
Anyway, Robin, contrary to what you might think, had never stolen anything when she first attracted hermes. she was just a killer postwoman. she was kind to the kids on her route, who all loved her, and always had smiles and treats for the dogs, etc. Hermes was porch pirating something when they first met, and she chased him off.
of course, after attracting hermes the first time she started porch pirating, and leaving travis at home with her mother in the hopes of another glimpse of him. this eventually attracted hermes again, resulting in connor.
following that, porch pirating wasn't working to attract hermes anymore so she decided to leave the kids at home, and start robbing banks. this never did attract hermes, but the two children at home did-- travis and connor started playing with a computer one day, attracting monsters to their doorstep. although both lived, robin's mother died in the attack, and robin, forced to return home, resented the kids for her mother's death.
for a final heist, she planned to steal the queen of england's crown jewel. hermes appeared beforehand, begging her to stop--
she asked if he'd stay if she didn't.
he said no.
she never asked if he'd stay if she did.
that answer would have been no too.
so robin went off, and hermes took the kids to camp.
robin wouldn't be seen again, by hermes or her children.
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heaven-said · 3 months
The rapid fluttering of head-wings can be heard as well as the wings that adorn this being's ankles as he zips over to the large and very tall angel man to hand him a letter. "Hey there! Good to meet another messenger, how's it going? That is a nice suit of armor I must say, can practically see myself in it. Not that I could wear it; much too big for me. But anywho. I'm Hermes, at your service my very tall friend!"
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✞ Is it odd to say that he could hear that the wings were not angel wings? Well, an eternity of living does develop ones intuition, and so the sound was certainly of deep fascination to the angel. It was unexpected-- new.
And he turns from his work in some record book he leaves floating in the air to look at the flying deity with an impossible to read mask and stiff upright posture-- of course, utterly stunned by their rapid speech. He has to just listen to them, searching their words almost exclusively for a reason for their existence here, lest he maybe wouldn't have engaged at all, all the while filing away their pleasant tone and informality under reasons not to draw a sword. And that's when it clicks. And the archangel, with his surprisingly lithe but still fittingly valiant voice, suddenly comes alive a little.
" --Hermes! Of course-- forgive my confusion, it's just-- I can't remember the last time anyone has come all the way from the other pantheon. Greetings and fair travels, fellow messenger! " Amidst his delay he does take the letter, making note of the undoubtedly defined seal of the alternate deities. " So-- Why... why do you come to us now? Did they say? Is everything alright over there..? World not ending or anything yet, I hope? " He only half jests, hiding the quiet tremors of his oft neurotic worry. Receiving a message right now of all times is... alarming to say the least. Forgive him if he is not optimistic that its a simple unprovoked catch up multiple centuries later. Lord knows they have their own problems, and Lord knows they don't need more-- though he will not make that so evident to the other so immediately.
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glitchy-creations · 1 year
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I couldn’t sleep so I did a little drawing of my Blood of Zeus oc and her hubby Hermes 💕
(The pose ref is from Mellon Soup on Instagram! The @ on the side is for my instagram btw 😉)
More info under the cut!
So a little info on my bby 💕
First and foremost she should not be taken seriously to actual Greek Mythology! While I did try to use elements from theories about aspects from the mythos, she shouldn’t be taken seriously as a legit goddess! That’s my little disclaimer! ALSO; if I have anything wrong (such as names) please let me know! I’m more than happy to change anything that needs to be!
So I was looking up ambrosia and nectar a while ago just for funsies (I wanted to see what the actual mythology said about the food/drink) and saw a few times that it was theorised to have been honey. Or more specifically a really sweet kind of honey. This makes sense since honey can be consumed as a food (honey combs) and drink (mead). In typical me fashion this turned into me making an entire character based off this idea.
First off her name is Ambrosia and she’s a minor goddess known as a goddess of secrecy, mystery, magic (b/c we can never have to many of those lol), and she’s the maker of ambrosia and nectar. Her name is pretty straightforward.
She has two known epithets; Ambrosia Chrysus (meaning “Immortal Gold”) in reference to created ambrosia and nectar, and Ambrosia Mysterion (meaning “Immortal Mystery”) in reference to her being a goddess of secrets/mystery.
She’s also sometimes called Aigoklima (meaning Honeysuckle) because of her use of honeysuckles in creating the “divine foods”. That last one is similar to how Hades is sometimes called Aidonus.
I’m a big ol’ sucker for irony so against popular belief, Ambrosia is actually a chthonic goddess! She was born in the underworld and lives there most of the time. I haven’t decided if she’s an offspring of a goddess like Nyx or if she was born similar to Aphrodite and the sea foam. It should be noted that the whole “creator of the divine food” thing was given to her later in her life.
You maybe wondering how she creates the divine foods. Well let me tell you! First off she doesn’t make them in the underworld, what use is magic food if the Olympians can’t eat it right? So instead she has this little garden tucked away in a cave that she uses to grow her flowers and care for her bees.
So far I have a rough idea of how she creates ambrosia and nectar. For the nectar I imagine it’s a mix of nectar from her honeysuckles, honey from the hives, and Ichor (that’s how it become “divine”). One can either drink this mixture straight or it can be mixed with wine or other beverages. Ambrosia will usually set aside some to make into mead.
For ambrosia (the food) she essentially pours the Ichor-flower nectar mixture over a honeycomb and lets it soak in. For both of these processes she will mix everything in a larger pot, though because it’s simple enough to make she can make “single serving” amounts directly into a honeysuckle (great for on the road use lol).
It should be noted that in Blood of Zeus I believe the gods have red blood, not golden blood like in the myths or other media retelling. In this context, Ambrosia is special in she has the golden blood simply because of her extended time experimenting to create the foods. Literally a drop of blood from any god could theoretically be enough to make ambrosia or nectar since that’s where the divinity come from, her blood just looks different because she been at this for so long. Likewise i imagine her hair’s golden colour is also a result of over exposure to ambrosia/nectar.
Hebe also still holds her place as cup bearer! Think of it as; Ambrosia makes and delivers the goods and Hebe serves it. They work together.
As for her other work, Ambrosia is very organised. Because she has dominion over secrets and such she literally keeps records of secrets she finds important or interesting. Like she home in the underworld is full of scrolls and things. Her favourites are Zeus’s affairs mainly because she finds it entertaining to watch his come up with excuses to tell Hera 💀
While she claims to have no responsibility in keeping peoples secrets she would never reveal them unless given permission. She may be a god but she has morals.
Ambrosia herself is a very kind and even tempered goddess. She’s pretty chill and doesn’t really get offended easily. She’s pretty introverted so she’s content with tending to her garden and caring for her bee friends. She doesn’t have time for Olympus’s shit 😤
In terms of her relationship with Hermes, they are very loving to each other, though their relationship is kind of unconventional. Ambrosia is ace and has no desire for sexual intimacy, though she is very understanding of her husbands needs. While Hermes (at least in BoZ) doesn’t seem like he’s quite as promiscuous as his dad, he does travel quite a bit.
Ambrosia is totally okay with the idea of Hermes sleeping with others; she’s very comfortable and confident in their relationship, paired with her calm nature she really doesn’t care. She trusts Hermes whole heartedly 💕
Her only condition is that he doesn’t hide any potential “affairs” from her. As the goddess of secrecy it would be a huge offence for someone to think they could hide something from her. Like she’d get more pissed at the fact he tried hiding it than the affair itself. She’d rather hear it from Hermes then find out through her powers.
Ambrosia is also rather kind to the occasional mistress. Unlike Hera, Ambrosia doesn’t hold any animosity or hostility toward these women (for the reasons above). She doesn’t really have the time or energy to go killing random people.
Likewise, Ambrosia loves kids! She’s very motherly and would proudly wear that “I’m not the stepmom, I’m the mom that stepped up” shirt! She lives by the idea that the sins of the father don’t reflect the son; just because the parents had an affair doesn’t make it the child’s fault.
I actually have another character that’s one of Herme’s few demigod kids and he pretty much becomes Ambrosia’s helper in the garden. She very much adopted the child immediately upon seeing him 🤧
Her colour palette is primarily purple and yellow. Not only are they complimentary but they also show her status as a chthonic goddess (the darker colours) and her ability to create ambrosia and nectar. I also accented her with silver so it wasn’t fighting her already golden hair.
Sorry for the long post, when I have ideas like this I kinda just go ham 😅
Like I mentioned before if anything needs to be tweaked or changed (such ad names or little details) let me know and I’ll fix them! Also, if there’s anything you want to know about Ambrosia feel free to ask! I think I have my inbox set up 🤔
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