#archie madekwe fic
firemenenthusiast · 26 days
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—“like earth orbiting the sun”
farleigh start x fem!reader
summary: farleigh start! who makes his girlfriend his entire personality.
content warning: sfw, sweet fluff all the wayyy, farleigh being down bad for reader. farleigh being sweet (rare), suggestive themes at the end but just a little bit
a/n: giggling, kicking my feet, rolling on the bed while writing this. farleigh just one chance pls
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farleigh had always told himself and people around him that love’s a scam. he was taught that family are supposed to love each other. but after learning about what happened between his family and his mom, why should he believe in such thing ? after they hurt his mom in the name of love ? he refused to believe in such thing. until he felt it himself.
-ever since he’s fallen for you he’s willing to use all of the love he has on you. ever since you show up into his life its like his earth stopped orbiting the sun and started orbiting you instead. you’re his new-found love. but farleigh’s still the same old farleigh who’s too proud to say it. so he shows it instead. you understood long ago that his love language is act of service that he only does for you. anyone else that wants him to do something out of his will can fuck off. so he said.
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“you’re going out again ?” you swiftly turn to face your roommate sitting on her bed, folding her clothes rather messily. she couldnt care less if theyre not stacked symmetrically, just wanted to have the mountain of unfolded clothes out of her chair. “of course, its friday night! aren’t you ?” you cheerfully say as your hands busy putting on the earrings you’d picked out earlier. “is that new ?” she asks, eyes squinting in an attempt to have a closer look before getting up to actually take a look. “-and no, i’d rather stay in. wow these are pretty- if they ever go missing best bet that’s me”. you hold still as she examines the newly bought earrings before chuckling at her joke. “yeah, farleigh saw them when he was walking around town” you hear her groan before plopping herself down onto her bed. you giggle at her response. “im sorry! i promise to not mention his name anymore” you raise both your hands to surrender before letting out a laugh.
you couldn’t blame her, you’d be annoyed too. its always farleigh this, farleigh that. farleigh bought me this, farleigh bought me that- and you love him for that. always letting you in on stuff. he tells you everything too. thanks to him, you can atleast watch out for those people he’d gossip about, so you dont get into their mess. if it wasn’t for him you wouldn’t know anything. you’re not the type to hop around searching for gossips but you love hearing about them, then fueling his gossips with your insults. in that sense you’re fit for each other, and you’re happy to have your own personal source of campus gossip. “do i look okay ?” you take one last look at your reflection in the bodysized mirror hung on the wall, smoothing out your casual dress. nothing too sexy or uncomfortable, you just wanted to chill and have some drink. “you look absolutely gorgeous like always m’darling” your roommate teases you before giggles erupt between the two of you. “where are you going anyways? need your location” she asks, not bothered to look as she’s more focused on folding a tshirt.
“the pub- like always. farle-“ his name almost slip your tongue as you receive a warning look from your roommate. you widen your eyes as you mouth an ‘okay’ before saying, “well he, who shall not be named- invited me. wants me there, he said” she rolls her eyes. “he always wants you EVERYWHERE” “bet you’re there when he goes shopping for new underwear”. she jokes. you look at her with your head cocked to the side, confused. her jaw drops as she points at you “oh my gosh, you’ve totally done that !” she gives you the most dramatic mind blown look ever “is that not normal ?” “fucks sake its not !” you shrug at her, not caring for her going ballistic. it’s not like you’re always there with him anywhere. shit, are you ?. you cant help but give it a quick thought. well you sometimes have classes buildings away from each other, so no, you think. a normal response for someone in denial. making sure you’ve put everything you need in your purse, you blow your roommate a kiss before waving her bye bye to which she jokingly shoos you away
the pub’s busier than other nights with it being the weekend and all but mostly because you and farleigh’s friendgroup members are all bunched up together tonight. courtesy of felix offering to cover every round of drinks. who would pass up on an offer like that ? you’re approaching the bar, lips letting out singsongs as your fingers play with the new earring on your right earlobe. farleigh had offered to walk you from your dorm but you declined, telling him to save you a seat instead. so he did just that. also because its just a 5-minute walk or so. the atmosphere in the pub getting thick as he’s getting antsy waiting, almost barking at his friends who tried to sit in the seat designated for you by him. “that’s for my girlfriend you dumb” he told them. as felix walks towards the table at which they’re all circled around, farleigh’s head cocks seeing the pub’s door being pushed from outside. he almost jumped out his seat seeing that it’s you. “there she is !” he exclaims, he’s quick to get you at the door. everyone else cheers seeing you walk with your hand in farleigh’s, fingers intertwined.
as soon as you’re both seated he has his hand around your waist, resting at your thigh. “how was the walk ?” he asks, his nose almost nudging yours. you lean in to give him a quick kiss before nodding, “it was nice, a little breezy” you told him without giving it a second thought. he quickly took off his knitted cardigan-like sweater to drape it over your shoulders. you giggle at his reaction, you didn’t think he’d react that way as you weren’t trying to imply that you were cold. as he is admiring your pretty face, he notices the shiny thing on your earlobe. “is that—“ his hand reach up to touch the earrings, a huge smile appears on your face before nodding. “wanted to show you. you pick the prettiest things for me. maybe i should bring you when i shop for jewelries” its been long since you last went jewelry shopping. probably since you started dating him cuz he always buy you shiny things that he’d stumble upon. he spends a lot of time looking to pick the prettiest among them. he would buy them all but he thinks that it would only show that he’s lazy. he wants you to know how much he loves you and the time he spends picking them out shows it.
farleigh would go absolutely feral whenever there’s like a bazaar on campus where students set up their businesses’ booths cuz that means there will be girls selling their handmade jewelries. he thinks they’re so pretty that it would be a waste if they’re not being worn by you. bazaars happen maybe a couple times a year and the girls already know him cuz he spends the longest time looking at their rings, necklaces and earrings trying to pick out something for you. the first time he came by the booth they thought he was gonna insult them, maybe say things like ‘aren’t you too old to be making bracelets?’ or call their handmade pieces ugly. they tried to avoid him until he picks one of them up without saying anything, taking a closer look before handing them one that caught his eyes the most. one of the girls gathered all her courage to ask him who was he thinking of buying the stuff for and he proudly said “its for my girlfriend, she loves handmade jewelries” as they nod at his answer he started going on and on talking about you, stuffs you’re interested in so they can help pick out what would suit you best. “—yeah she’s in class right now, wouldn’t want her to know im here. want to suprise her with these. she’ll go wild” a grin plastered across his face imagining your reaction. sometimes its tmi for the girls but they dont care, they think its the sweetest.
farleigh doesn’t necessarily think buying you the most expensive things is the best way to show his love, its just as long as he’s poured much thought into his gifts. he fixates on thinking whether or not you’ll love the gifts he thinks of buying you and if you probably won’t, he’ll find something else.
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“they’re only pretty when you wear them. you make them look pretty” he whispers into your ear before taking your hand into his. he lean in to kiss you before pulling away just to kiss you again. and again. he rubs circles on the back of your hand with his thumb before looking back up at you. you’re getting all giddy from the attention he’s giving, your cheeks heating up. “yo guys— if you want to do romance maybe get a room” you hear one of his friends yell from across the pub. he flips him off before saying, “why were you looking at us anyways, loser ?” farleigh’s quick to rebut as the others’ reactions fill the room. he gives the guy a disgusted look before looking back at you, who is smiling. “sorry baby, would you like your usual ?” you nod before he gets up to go get your signature drink that you always have everytime you’re here. you’re not really into the heavy stuffs so he doesn’t force you to do them. he only does that to oliver.
apart from saving your seat, picking out jewelries for you and always getting you your drink to make sure it’s safe in his hands, he always want you with him everywhere he goes. just like your roommate had told you. he doesn’t care if he has to walk all the way across a field or a hallway to get to your classes, he’ll make sure he’s waiting outside for you by the time you’re finished so he could have you beside him everywhere he goes. and you dont care following him around. sometimes its just meaningless walks around campus but you’re happy as long as he’s with you. you’re his bestest friend. his home. he’d be telling you jokes as he walks, getting in front of you to make big movements to accompany his storytelling like he’d never run out of energy. like you’re his source of energy. you would give him the best reactions to his stories and gossips and he‘d fall even more in love with you if that’s even possible
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he was already quite famous on campus before dating you, but now almost literally everyone knows the both of you as THE couple. he would casually mention you everywhere he goes when you’re not with him, which is probably only the times when you have different classes. and you’re always with him too. the cafeteria, the pub, the field (he loves picnics with you), his homeroom, your homeroom, the random benches along the building, the hallways. its always the two of you. somehow you never got sick of each other probably cuz he’s nice to you. sure, there are times he’d accidentally lash out on you about something that got to him but he’s quick to make it up to you. he couldn’t imagine not having you everywhere with him. his buddies have all grown accustomed to you now, unlike the first few weeks when he started dating you. they got soo annoyed everytime farleigh brought you to hang out with them. he’s always out and about telling them like, “my girlfriends coming later” or “gotta wait for my girlfriend first” before actually hanging out with them. they were irritated cuz you weren’t as fun before, back when you were just being introduced to them. bros before hoes they’d told him. farleigh made sure to let them know you’re not just some ‘hoe’ and after that they’re basically pretty chill with you as soon as they realised you’re just like farleigh, but in female form. you get along with them and their convos just as well as farleigh. so they dont mind you tagging along anymore
its becoming his whole personality, dating you. its always you before all else. sentences like, ‘cant, gotta go get my girlfriend’ or ‘my girlfriend would love this’ or ‘the other day my girlfriend-‘ and ‘did you know ? my girlfriend-‘ are converging into his daily dictionary. you, are just the same. always mentioning him in everything because you do everything with him. like it or not the story’s gonna involve him cuz he was there. or it happened to him. or he was the one who told you. the two of you set the dating standards so high that the girls only want what the both of you have when it comes to relationships. cuz the both of you made it possible, you’d become the couple everyone put their trust in love in.
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you let out a laugh joining the others at something farleigh had said before taking a sip of the drink he brought you earlier. he has his one hand around your waist, grabbing your hand and the other on the table, near your drink, holding a lit ciggie in between his index and middle finger. he offers you a smoke to which you lean in. he holds the cig for you, watching you pull a puff before taking a puff himself. he closes the distance between you, leaning in to blow the smoke into your mouth, shotgunning.
the swirls of smoke mixing yours before he kisses you, deep. one of his favourite things to do with you. his hand that was holding your hand reaches into the hem of your dress, teasingly playing with it. he grins as his eyes bore into yours, tongue poking at the inside of his cheek. you giggle at his fingers dragging along your thigh, tickling you. he nudges his nose against yours before getting up, gently pulling at your hand. you follow him as you giggle, already knowing where this is going. he pulls your hand, walking towards the door before saying, “ciao everyone, and you-“ he’s pointing at the dude yelling at you guys earlier,
“-thank you for your suggestion” he chuckles as the whole room roar in mixed reactions. safe to say your poor roommate slept alone that night.
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taglist: @june-ebgert @radioloom @themoonchildwhofell @love-me-pls @imjustheretoreadsmuthaha @fuckshitslover @szapizzapanda @khxna
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ghostgirl101 · 5 months
Hi!! Loved your post about Oliver Quick being obsessed. How about Farleigh being obsessed with you 👁️👁️👁️
Dating Farleigh Start Would Be Like This...
A/N: Pffft his face here is a whole mood 😭 I got a similar request for Felix too, so he's next 🙃 Dating headcanons coming right up, with a side order of freaking obsessive, naturally:
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⚜️• I don't know what to say about this guy that isn't already shown in the pic 😏 he's a cocky, rude, arrogant flirtatious player who takes every opportunity and advantage to use to his best. Once something's caught his attention, it'll play on his mind and he'll get to it in his own way, because that's the Farleigh Start we know and love.
⚜️• You'll meet him at Oxford, maybe hanging out around his friends with Felix and the rest, maybe not. I think he'd be very much drawn to someone who's not like the girls he sees always running after Felix or trying to make him jealous when they don't have his attention. You be you, and when he uses a very bold and seemingly smooth line on you, give him a look of amusement and slight confusion, and he'll be stunned that you didn't fall all over him for his charms like he's used to.
⚜️• Farleigh just watches you leave for a solid minute in bewilderment and intrigue because the guy got kicked out of every school because of how he is, but apparently, you're not that easy? This is new...?
⚜️• Don't think Farleigh's just some rich prick playboy who has to pick on the smarter kids to stay in college though, because he's surprisingly smart, which wouldn't be a first guess based on the way he acts around people and mocks anyone who isn't anywhere in his circle of friends and social class with Felix. If you saw him reviewing essays and stuff with Oliver and the teacher near the beginning of the movie, you can see he knows his terminology and how to study to get good enough grades in class. The only reason he kept getting kicked out of schools was for messing around with the teachers. It's not like Farleigh's stupid, not at all, but there's no way he's going to work harder than he has to... which isn't that hard at all.
⚜️• So when he saunters over to you yet again with his familiar arrogant smirk and charm, offering you a drink while his eyes unsubtly trail up and down your figure in intrigue, and you smile in amusement and casually turn him down... 😑😐 (his face) and then realises that okay, he might have to work harder than he usually does, because there's something about you that's made him curious, Farleigh has to rethink for a second before trying to get you to tag along with him and his friends more often.
⚜️• If Felix doesn't ask you over to Saltburn for the holidays, Farligh will nag at him to do it, with seemingly no other reason than "you're hot" and "why not have a new face?" and whatever else he thinks up on the spot that's half earnest and true, and also because a big manor out in the country with private gardens is just the perfect place to take this person he's been mildly obsessing over for the past while to draw them in... Felix, say yes now, because boy won't take no for an answer.
⚜️• During the course of your stay and hanging out around Farleigh, you'll come to realise that he's actually not a total jackass and snob that fools around with any girl he thinks is hot enough. His ties with the Cattons are pretty fragile and complex, and there's a lot more to him than he'll ever really show. There's a lot of pressure in fitting in and matching Saltburn's aesthetic and definition, but if you're someone who's not completely used to all the wealth and standards and makes him feel more relaxed and accepted without a facade everyone seems to wear, you'll see more and more of what makes Farleigh, Farleigh.
⚜️• So well done to him for discovering that there's more to an aspiring relationship than just the sex and passion, there's communication and actually getting to know each other too 👏
⚜️• As you get properly closer, you'll see that the dude gets ridiculously jealous when any other guy or girl shows an interest in you that goes past platonic in his eyes. He's started arguments and fights before about lesser things, so don't think he won't tense up and his eyes won't narrow into an annoyed glare at whoever it is that's taking up too much of your time. Farleigh will probably finish it off by humiliating them in some way, smirking in amusement from his seat as he watches his efforts pay off, and shrug with a faux innocent look when you call him out on it.
⚜️• If Oliver Quick happens to be Felix's guest at Saltburn too, Farleigh's jealousy levels and possessiveness will spike too, along with a hint of protectiveness. Since he basically thought right from the beginning that there was something weird about Oliver - maybe not to the realistic point that's revealed, but enough to not have one friendly or lighthearted word for him - Oliver going to you for friendship or most likely something more will only motivate Farleigh to exclude him as much as he can from the rest of the group.
⚜️• I feel like Farleigh would grow to quickly love what it means to be in a committed and official relationship, when before he turned his nose up at the idea of being restrained to only one person instead of a fling, and not having to worry about telling each other things that go too deep. It seems to all come naturally with you, and he loves it; being a loud and gleefully obnoxious supporter when you're doing whatever club or sport or anything at all with half a crowd watching from the sidelines. Proud, smug boyfriend right in the front row taking an unnecessary amount of photos to put up on a wall in his room.
⚜️• Farleigh makes simping look good. 😎
⚜️• He'll take advantage of the money he gets to buy you as expensive things as he can get, smirking proudly when he remembers you talking about something you like to get you. Farleigh can absolutely be romantic if he tries, mostly when you're alone and he makes sure he's the first one to tell you he loves you, it'll be surprisingly heartfelt and sweet and vulnerable, and then you've officially, one hundred per cent, seen Farleigh Start for everything he really is, which isn't all bad at all.
⚜️• Big-time pda, and if you're not into that, tell him now, right now, because he's fairly shameless and won't think twice before showing off to his friends by making out with you at uncalled moments, or being more subtle and sweet by having his arm naturally around your shoulders when you're watching a movie or at some social event. Big handholder as well; walking to and from class, alone, in public, doesn't make a difference to him.
⚜️• His jealousy factors into his affection outside sometimes, not that he doesn't trust you, but Farleigh definitely isn't the only player around, and when you're at Saltburn with Felix, he might find himself being frustratedly insecure that you'll be drawn to him because... well, it's Felix, and everyone loves Felix. So when you show that you're not interested at all and it's Farleigh you're dating, duh, he'll chill out a bit after being clingy for a day or two.
⚜️• I will say that even though I don't write smut, it's gotta be obvious that you'll have more than enough going on behind closed doors, because it's Farleigh, and he likes you a lot, so... yeah, brace yourself 😏
⚜️• All I'm gonna say, though, is watch out for Oliver Quick, who's most likely watching it all with that familiar longing and envy of having such a close and strong relationship with someone beautiful and unique, who seems to fit in with the rest of the family just by being you. He's going to. want it, really want it, and whether he gets it or not is a matter of luck and dark fate.
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ruerecs · 1 month
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horrendously down bad for him. i NEED more fics of him and his characters.
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leeofthevoid · 2 months
I do not have a Crush
Jann Mardenborough (Movie) x Reader
a/n: Hello guys. I am alive, so please don't be mad about being MIA. School is hectic but finals are almost over. Rich World will continue but will change the title soon. (Yay!) This one is for the Jann girlies!
word count: 2673
warnings: Strong language
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Part One
You sat next to Jann as he looked longingly at Audrey, who was chuckling with his younger brother, Coby, and his friends. 
“If you stare long enough, she might just melt.” You sarcastically remarked as you sat beside him, a beer in your hand. Jann rolled his eyes, looked down at his Diet Coke can, and sighed. “Any reason you’re bugging me and not Coby?” 
“No reason. I just wanted some fresh air, and this is my spot, the last time I remembered.” You leaned on the railing, stretching your back as you looked at the friends laughing. “You should shoot your shot. Audrey likes tall guys the last time I remembered.” 
Another dismissive sigh was heard from his area while playing with the can, which he barely touched. “You know that your advice won’t make a difference, right? I heard you had a thing for Corey, yet you still haven’t made moves.” He looked at you with a victorious smirk. A moment passed until the words finally settled in your mind, and retaliated with violence by smacking him on the arm. “Oh fuck off, I was helping you.” He busted out laughing while you walked away to go back to the group. 
That’s how it usually goes when you try to be friendly with Jann. He was always the hopeless romantic, yet he always had a knack for annoying you when it’s just you two. 
The next time you saw him was by the department store. You and Coby had the same schedule that day, and he wanted to go to where Jann works to assert some younger brother dominance thing that you would never understand. You saw Jann’s tall frame putting back women’s clothes as Coby called him over a few aisles down. 
“Jann! Come here!” The loud calls did not go unnoticed by anyone in the store, embarrassing him enough to run to you two and pull you aside quickly. “What is wrong with you, man? I’m at work!” He glared at his brother and hit him on the shoulder. Coby laughed and pulled you in front as a human shield.
“Relax, I just brought her here to shop for some lady stuff. Said she had a date to go to that needed some hot undie set.” You raised your eyebrows in confusion while shaking your head. 
“What? No way? I came here because you said you will mghdnfdg…” Coby clasped a hand on your mouth, muffling your comebacks while he pushed you off to Jann, who caught you and ran away.
“That asshole! What was he up to?” Jann slowly let you go while you balanced yourself, silently thanking him. He sighed and cleared his throat. “Whatever it was, it’s his stupidity catching up to him.” 
You also sighed, having no idea what to do now that Coby left you to fend for yourself. Jann scratched the back of his neck and checked his watch. “Hey, if you’re not busy, maybe ditch buying that ‘set’ and grab lunch with me? I’m done for the day anyways.” 
Your stomach was growling, and you barely got to eat something before coming here, so lunch sounded terrific. “You’re right. I’m starving. I’m craving some sandwiches, so take me somewhere with that, and I’ll pay for our lunch.” He chuckled and walked to his co-worker, probably saying something about leaving now, to which the other guy nodded. 
He turned back with a smile as he removed his vest and threw his arm around your shoulder, dragging you out of the store and to a sandwich place nearby. “Her Highness needs her food!” You rolled your eyes before walking to the counter and ordering your food.
He was such a bastard when it came to food, but he made it up to you by bringing him to where he played that racing game he was so obsessed with. He told you it was called ‘Gran Turismo,’ but you insisted it was a racing game just like every other you’ve come across. It was fun to piss him off, even if he didn’t. 
“Go wider!”
“But there’s a line! That’s the point of the game: you follow the line!” You grip the wheel of the console and glared at Jann. “No, the point of the game is to win.” Jann puts his hands on yours and takes a wider stance on the wheel instead of following the line. You hated his weird obsession with whin, but it was his fault for making you play a game. You heard Dylan call your name from behind while patting your head. “Thanks for going today, love. Seeing Jann so frustrated is such a treat.” He chuckled as he watched the screen of the console. 
The car effectively passed by the others and eventually got to fourth place, but at this point, it was all Jann. He even scooted you over to sit next to you. Brows creased in focus while his hands gripped tighter on yours. You watched the screen as he maneuvered past third place and second. Dylan and some other people gathered around as you two played the game, a sight you were new to. He was always the withdrawn type, but his apparent obsession with this game gained him a small fanbase in this arcade.
Jann held on, his palms sweating while turning and tailing the car in the first place. He hastily turned the wheel and accelerated, making your car and the first placer side by side before he stepped on the gas and made it to first place. The crowd around you cheered while you felt the shoot of adrenaline finally settle in you as Jann fought to keep his spot in first place. 
“Woooh!” You happily screamed out as you saw the finish line. “Jann, don’t you dare lose!” You hear him chuckle as he nods and steps on the gas while the car approaches the finish line. The crowd shushes, and you only hear your heart beating as the time slows. The next thing you know, you saw the car cross the checkered finish line, and the big letters “First Place” flashed. 
Everyone cheered as you both jumped up from the seat, screaming and jumping at him. “Oh my gosh, you’re amazing!” He caught you and gave you a tight hug before setting you down. 
“I mean…You did help so…” You shoved him off and rolled your eyes as a friend of Jann’s came over. 
“Holy shit, bruv, you did it again!” He looked at you and then smirked, “Is this Miss Audrey with us right now?” He offered his hand to you while you took it, giggling. 
“No way, I’m far from Audrey. She’s prettier and dresses simpler. I’m more of Coby’s eccentric best friend, who he ditched.” You took his hand and shook it lightly before sliding it away. 
“My name’s Bryan. And you mentioned being ditched? A pretty thing like you?”
You giggled softly and playfully rolled your eyes.“Y/N. And Jann should totally bring Audrey next time, no?” Bryan poked the boy behind you while he teased Jann about his very obvious crush on Audrey.
The rest of the day went swimmingly when Bryan and Jann offered to drop you off at your flat, getting Bryan’s number saved in the process. Such a flirt, that one. Who would have expected that Jann’s friends weren’t all weird geeks? 
After a few weeks or a day, before Jann got the good news, he was lying on his bed contemplating the trajectory of his life. 
He knew that he had no solid plan for his future, but he was sure it had some good things in it. Driving was his passion, and it was a big deal for him to be somewhat of a driver. He may not have driven any of the real cars in GT, but he knew all of them inside and out. It was meant for him. 
A few taps on his windows suddenly broke his quiet reverie. He slowly sat up and looked at the window, waiting to see if it was in his head or not. 
It was not. 
After the taps became much more apparent, he stood up and slowly approached the window. When he saw you smiling at him, he quickly opened it and let you in. 
“How the hell did you get up from there?!” Jann let you in before checking outside the window. He looked around to see how you scaled his house and saw no decent ledges you could have used. 
“Jannie! So sorry for being an intruder, but Coby was still not in his room, so…” You chuckled as you rambled. 
“Wait, Coby knows about this?” 
You paused and sat down on his bed, giving him a confused look. “Of course he does. I always swing by his room when I’m either high or drunk and wait for it to sober down.” 
His face twisted in an even more confused and worried way while checking his small snack box for water. He opened it before he gave it to you, sitting beside you. 
“Any reason why you’re dressed up, smelling like alcohol and cigarettes on a Wednesday night?”  You giggled while ungracefully handing him back the water bottle. “It’s a thing with my cousin. You know how it is.” 
“Being used like an ATM machine?” Jann interjected with some sass you never heard from him. 
You scoffed and raised your eyebrows. “Coby probably exaggerated the stories! I just don’t know where to spend my money!” He wasn’t convinced and pushed himself up against the wall, tuning you out, perhaps. 
“Ever since you broke up with your ex, Coby noticed that you’ve been partying a lot. I mean, don’t get me wrong. I get wanting to splurge, but you don’t even do it for yourself.” 
“Says the guy who saves up for his set-up. At least don’t be a hypocrite.” Warranting another eye roll to Jann for being a snoopy ass. “Besides, it’s fun. The party was amazing, and so many people were there.” 
“Spare me the details and sober up so you can go home.” He got up and went to his closet only to toss you a sweater when he closed it. “What?” The confusion and delayed effect of the alcohol and joint were there. 
“You are barely covered up. It’s freezing out there, and you have no layers on.” Jann sat on his gaming chair, a nod of plea to put it on without any resistance. 
After the slow, grueling struggle to put it on, the exhaustion hit you. You slowly slid under the covers of his bed. “Jann, wake me up in a few. I’ll nap. The running here must have tired me.” 
“What? You ran here?!” His question was left unanswered as you dozed off.
Jann sighed and draped the covers over your shoulder while setting up a chill late-night cruise on Gran Turismo with his friends. 
Little moments like those were never really forgotten. You just act like it’s nothing and never talk about hanging out with Jann when you two get the chance. It just happens, really. It's not like you’d ask him using a lame excuse just to talk about stuff or do activities together. His leaving you with the dumbest goodbye didn’t even make you feel empty at all. 
It just felt weird in a way. Coby started to practice more since his brother suddenly got into a rich guy’s sport instantly while he had to work hard. Men and their pride will always amaze you. 
You were lounging on your hotel bed one weekend when you got a call from Jann. You slowly deliberated before answering it because, first of all, it was out of nowhere. And secondly, Why? After three more rings, you had the guts to answer it finally. 
“Took you too long to answer for someone glued to their phone the whole day, huh.”
You rolled your eyes before hearing a slight chuckle on his end. 
“Hello to you too, Jann.” 
“Hello, you. How have you been?”
How thoughtful of him to ask first. “I’ve been well. Although it is a bit fishy that you go radio silent and suddenly call me out of nowhere after a few months and then suddenly talk to me.”
“Always the skeptic.” He chuckled, then cleared his throat. “So um…A little snitch mentioned that you were in Japan, and I flew Audrey out here to spend some time together. We could use the company?”
Wow. That’s a lot to unpack right there. “Okay, what? You and Audrey are an item now? Since when was this?” He was about to speak when you cut him off. “Second, who the hell told you about me being in Japan? Third, of all…Are you proposing a double date?” 
“Hold on, what? Double date?” You groaned and dropped down to your bed when Jann sounded hell-bent on your new love life. 
“It’s just a date. I’m staying here for two months and might as well make the most of it. Answer my questions, too, though!” 
“Okay. Well. Agree to go meet us at this location tomorrow night, and I’ll tell you everything.” 
“Hm. Fine.” 
The call promptly ended with a goodbye before he sent the location of the place where you’d have your double date at. You wanted to think about it a little. The temptation was strong, though. Feeling homesick and alone can really distort a person’s perception. 
You stared at the recent call logs and sighed. You left the app and opened the chat with Tadashi to tell him that date night is now a double date. 
This was the worst idea ever. Jann has been weird around Tadashi ever since you introduced them to each other. It was awkward and tense for the first few minutes, Jann occasionally raising his eyebrows at you. You four were sitting in front of each other in a really nice sushi place that he was recommended. 
“So…Where did you two meet?” Bless this girl. Audrey will always save the day. “Actually, it’s a funny story.” You rubbed Tadashi’s hand as he snaked his arm over your shoulder. You smiled at him as he did the same. “We met at the fish market when I slipped trying to buy some fresh salmon.” 
“No way! You guys, that's so cute.” Audrey smiled at you in excitement. She’s such a good friend, but at the same time, her excitement might confuse Tadashi about your short-term set-up with him. “She looked offended when I asked her for her number, but I guess that noodle shop recommendation put me in her good books.” The three of you chuckled before Jann interjected, “That doesn’t sound creepy at all.” Audrey widened her eyes and lightly hit his shoulders before apologizing to Tadashi and you. 
The passive aggressiveness did not stop there, though. Throughout the whole dinner, Jann always had some weird bullshit about your life ever since his parents dubbed you their ‘Long lost daughter’. It’s just weird that he was the one who insisted on meeting up with you. 
At one point, Audrey decided to call it a night and even bought you some dessert when you paid the bill. It just upset you that Jann never even said thank you or acknowledged anything whatsoever.
Thankfully, that son of a bitch realized his rudeness two days later and texted you. 
J: Hey 
Y: What? 
J: Was a jerk 2 u 
J: sorry :( 
Y: It’s fine 
Y: Tadashi ghosted me. Your fault 🙄
J: U were too good for him n e ways
Y: Fuck u 
J: in your dreams 😇
Y: Ill block you if you dont stop 
J: was just jokin :( want to watch me practice driving? Audrey left and I have sum time to spare before germany 
Y: You just want me to buy you food 😒
J: nah. I’ll buy u food
Y: K fine. 
Y: Tomorrow? What time? 
J: I’ll pick u up. Send location 😛
a/n: Part 2??? Steamy part 2?? You tell me. :P
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burntsaltsblog · 2 months
shiny new toy
(felix catton\reader)
chapter four
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details: a saltburn inspired short story.
content warning: profanity, explicit sexual content, and mentions of abuse (physical and mental)
warning for this chapter: this chapter depicts explicit sexual content. if you are not an adult, DO NOT READ!!! the aftermath of physical violence (da) is also contained in this chapter.
MNI 18+
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The first thing I registered was the cold, hard floor beneath me. It did little to comfort my injuries, but it was the only proof I had that I wasn't dead. And that was surprising, considering the last thing I remember was Eric preparing to slit my throat. 
A myriad of voices rang from somewhere nearby. I vaguely recognized them, but I was already gripped by the darkness, which promised to drag me back to a peaceful slumber. 
"Damnit, Farleigh. I specifically told you and Venetia to keep an eye on her."
"I did! It's not my fault she wandered off."
"And why the fuck didn't you follow her? Christ, mate, this is exactly why I needed you to watch her."
"Well, she's your fucking toy. Why the hell weren't you watching her?"
"Don't call her that. It's not like that this time, and you know it."
"Oh, do I? Because so far, it is. Tell me, Felix, when will you grow tired of treating people like objects? Because I-"
"Enough. If you say one more word, I will personally ask my father to withdraw his invitation for you to spend the summer at Saltburn. Where will you go then, hm? You'll have to shack up with one of the teachers here you've blown."
"Fucking hell, will you two shut up? Your bloody bickering isn't going to help us find Iris. I'm going outside to check the yard. Farleigh, why don't you come with me? You, little brother, can search the rest of the house."
Silence filled the air before footsteps vibrated in different directions. A door squeaked before someone above me said my name in anguish.
"Iris? Jesus, what happened?"
Warm hands braced my upper body and rolled me onto my back. It took immense strength to crack my eyes open, but I was glad I did because I saw the one person I wanted more than anything.
"Felix?" I whispered through bloodied, cracked lips.
"It's me, darling. I'm here," he said, falling to the floor and pulling me onto his lap. I whimpered quietly and buried my face in his chest, inhaling his calming scent.
Felix consoled me, tightly wrapping his arms around me to ensure my safety. "Shh, it's ok, love; I've got you."
"Damn, what happened to your face?"
I weakly craned my neck to see Farleigh and Venetia standing in Marcus Ackerly's bathroom doorway, looking equally shocked and disturbed. I suppose Eric did a number on me for people to regard me in such a way. 
"Shut it, Farleigh," Felix uttered lowly, coming to my defense. "I'm going to take her to my room so you two can return to your previous activities."
Felix stood with me, still cradled against his chest, and murmured words of comfort as my sore body protested against the sudden shift. 
"Feel better, Iris," Venetia said as we passed her and Farleigh, still hovering by the door. A small smile graced her face, but Farleigh's remained unreadable. I smiled feebly in return before relaxing against Felix as he carried me away from them and out of the house.
The walk to Felix's dormitory was quiet, and I anxiously studied his expression. It was one of stone as he tensed his jaw and ground his teeth.
His face immediately softened as he looked down at me, concerned. "What is it, darling? Does something hurt?"
Technically, everything hurt. But I didn't want to say that out of fear that I'd worry Felix even more.
"I was wondering why you looked so mad. Did I do something wrong?" 
My thoughts were spiraling out of control, and I wondered if I was burdening him too much. After all, he was taking me back to his room, so I had, without a doubt, ruined his night. I'm sure he would much rather spend his evening with a woman who hadn't just got beaten to a pulp by her crazy ex-boyfriend.  
"No, sweetheart, you didn't do anything wrong," he assured me. "Someone fucking hurt you, and it kills me that I wasn't there to protect you. I should've been there to protect you."
"No, don't blame yourself, Felix. You were busy with Ollie-"
"Exactly, I was busy entertaining the pathetic fantasy of a fucking lunatic and not staying with you like I was supposed to," he growled.
"What are you talking about? What happened with you and Oliver?"
"It doesn't matter now," Felix responded briskly as he kicked open the door to his room. 
He delicately sat me on his bed and put an arm on either side of my legs, caging me in. Felix's head dipped between his shoulders, and he took a moment before speaking to calm himself.
"Iris," he started lowly, almost inaudible. "Who did this to you?"
When I didn't respond, he lifted his head, and our gazes clashed: earthy brown against forest green. 
"Who did this to you? Who fucking hurt you?" His anger was rising, and I knew the only way to subdue him was to give him the answer he wanted. 
"Is it who I think it was?" he pressed. "Was it that piece of shit who wouldn't leave you alone?"
"Yes. It was Eric," I faintly confirmed as tears blurred my vision. My throat threatened to close, but I forced myself to continue.
"He was mad about the text. He'd been watching us all night, and then when he saw I was alone, he chased me into the bathroom and cornered me there, and-"
"Fuck," Felix swore harshly under his breath. 
I wanted to say more but refrained when he dropped his forehead to mine. 
"I need you to know how fucking sorry I am, darling. I never intended to abandon you like that. I should've known that Eric would try to pull something like this." 
Regret had infiltrated his voice before the tone became more confident. "Over my dead body, will that asshole ever come near you again." 
"Felix, please, don't talk like that," I begged, shrinking away due to the topic of his death. It was something I found too utterly painful to comprehend.
"I'm sorry, love. But I'm serious; he will regret ever touching you."
"What are you going to do?" I asked, nervous that Felix would try something stupid and risk his safety. Eric wasn't worth it. 
"Don't worry. I'll take care of everything," Felix mumbled as he traced a bruise on my cheek. 
To signal that the conversation was over, Felix stepped into his bathroom. A moment later, he reappeared, holding up a bottle of rubbing alcohol and a small towel. "I'm gonna clean you up, ok?"
I nodded my head, earning a smile from Felix. He doused the towel in alcohol before coming back to stand directly in front of me. "This might sting a bit. Just squeeze my hand if it hurts." 
Biting my lip, I grasped his empty hand and was comforted by his touch.
Felix began working carefully over my face. I did my best to mask my discomfort, but when it became too much, I squeezed his hand, and he promptly leaned down to kiss my head before whispering, "You're doing so well for me, love. I'm so proud of you."
He finished cleansing the gashes on my face before moving to my hands, arms, and legs, which were covered in minor cuts due to the broken glass from the shattered mirror. 
"Almost done—just a few more minutes. I gotta make sure these don't get infected. I need my girl healthy." 
My girl
The simple phrase had butterflies erupting in my stomach. They flew widely around, and I knew there was no chance of me calming them down. 
"All done," he announced, giving me one of his gentle smiles, which I'd grown to love so much. 
"Thank you. For everything. If it weren't for you, I'd still be passed out at Marcus' place." 
Felix's face hardened, and I knew he was recalling what it was like to discover me bloody and bruised. 
"When I found you, for a moment, I thought I had lost you forever. I can't even begin to describe how fucking terrifying that was. The mere idea of losing you is something I can't bare. I need you, Iris. I need you."
His eyes were frantic as they searched my face—for what, I'm not sure—but his stare added an intensity to the air and charged it with something neither of us fully understood. But it was enticing and intoxicating.
Felix held my face between his hands, and I reached up to cover them with my own as I promised him softly, "I'm here, Felix, and I'm ok."
He tenderly kissed my forehead, and his hands, almost hesitantly, settled on my waist. He paused for a moment to analyze my reaction before placing another kiss on my temple. Gradually, Felix worked down until his mouth was under my jaw. In a daze, my head lulled back, giving him access to my neck.
It didn't take him long to find my sweet spot just below my ear. He bit down briefly before darting his tongue out to soothe the area from his assault. I moaned breathlessly and gripped his shoulders, needing something to stabilize myself. 
Felix's hands dug into my hair, pulling at my scalp and eliciting a whine from my throat. "Felix, please. I want you."
He withdrew his face from where it was settled in the crook of my neck and appraised me with blown-out pupils. "Are you sure? You've been through a lot tonight, love and-"
"Felix, I need you." I interrupted, echoing his words from earlier. My desperation oozed off me as I stared at him, wide-eyed and pleading.
Felix was quiet for a moment before he nodded and traced a finger over my bottom lip. "Ok, sweetheart. I'm gonna take care of you. I'm gonna take care of my girl." 
He leaned in and brushed his lips over mine agonizingly slow. I tilted my chin up, attempting to close the small gap between us, and he chuckled under his breath.
"Such a desperate girl."
Before I could reply, Felix firmly pressed his lips to mine, causing my thoughts to evaporate. My tongue slipped easily into his mouth, resulting in him groaning lowly. The sound traveled right to the spot between my legs that throbbed with immense need. I wrapped my arms around him, bringing him closer. But even with Felix tightly against me, I still craved more. I drew back just enough to grasp the top button of his shirt. "Off," I commanded. 
With a lazy grin, Felix stepped back and nimbly unbuttoned his shirt. He took his time shedding the material, and my eyes drank him in each second he revealed more of his toned chest. 
Once his shirt hit the floor, Felix reached for his belt buckle. The clang of metal caused my legs to snap shut and my thighs to rub together in search of friction. Felix raised a brow at me. "My needy girl looks like she's going to cum just sitting there."
I pouted at him and reached my hand out." I wanna to do it." 
Felix stared at my fussing nature before approaching me so I could touch him. "Ok, baby. You can do it. Be a good girl and unbuckle my belt."
I ruefully smiled as I wrapped my hands around the brown leather, tugging it away from his waist. I then made quick work of unzipping his jeans and dragging them down his thighs before he took over and kicked them off so they joined his shirt's place on the floor. 
My eyes grazed Felix's body in silent reverence. I was convinced he wasn't a human but, instead, a Greek God carved meticulously from stone; he had no flaw in sight. I lightly raked my hands down his chest before he took hold of them and placed them in my lap. I was momentarily confused before he began fiddling with the hem of my top. Then, his intentions became clear. 
Felix pulled my shirt over my head, and he immediately gaped at my breasts that were spilling out of my bra. He wasted no time in ripping it off and tossing it aside. 
"Beautiful," he murmured before he leaned forward and used his tongue to swirl over my right nipple.
"Oh my God," I breathed, raising my hand to curl around Felix's neck, urging him to continue. 
Felix dragged his tongue along my chest, between my breasts, and down my stomach until he reached the top of my skirt. 
"Stand up, love."
I groaned in protest before Felix harshly twisted one of my nipples. My core pulsed painfully as my eyes widened in surprise.
"Let's get one thing straight," Felix said, placing a hand under my chin so I had no choice but to meet his stern gaze. "When I give a command, I expect obedience. Do you understand?"
With glazed-over eyes, I nodded my head. Felix observed me as he ran his tongue over his lips. "That's what I thought. So be a good girl and stand up."
"Yes, sir." 
The words left my mouth before I realized it, and Felix's face darkened. "Fuck, I knew you were perfect for me." 
I rose to my feet, never breaking eye contact with him. He grabbed my hips, turned me around, and placed a hand on my back, pushing my upper body down. My cheek met his soft comforter as I felt my skirt ride up.
"I think this is in the way," Felix drawled as he eased down the zipper of my skirt and pulled the garment from my body. I turned to see his reaction as he took in the black lace panties I wore, the only clothing I had left. 
A string of curses left his mouth before he delivered a sharp slap to my ass that left behind a stinging sensation. I buried my face in his bedding and pushed my hips back.
Felix pulled my panties to the side, and I felt cool air hit my pussy. "You're fucking drenched, and I haven't even touched you yet," He said, running a finger through my slick folds. "Is this all for me, sweetheart?"
My arousal began dripping down my legs, and I moaned when I felt his tongue begin to lap it up. He licked up my legs and stopped right at my glistening entrance.
"Felix, please," I whined.
"I know, darling, I know," he mumbled, placing his hands on my ass and spreading me open. A soft cry left my mouth at being so exposed, but it was apparent I loved it due to the juices that ran from my pussy. 
Felix's tongue drew tight circles over my clit, and I couldn't stop the whimpers that left my mouth. He eased his finger past my swollen lips, and I clenched around his thick digit. 
"Fuck me, please, I begged. 
"If you want me to fuck you, you need to first cum on my face, Ok?"
Felix's words made my brain short-circuit, so I only nodded in response. He tutted at my reaction before withdrawing his finger and slapping my pussy. "Use your words, darling. What do you say?"
"Yes, sir," I cried.
Seemingly satisfied, Felix lightly pinched my sensitive bud between his fingers as he started fucking me with his tongue. I gripped his sheets tightly as if they were my lifeline. 
"So good," I mewled loudly. It occurred to me that I should probably be quiet on account of the other people living in this building, but the faster Felix's tongue worked in and out of my pussy, the less I cared about who heard. 
"Are you going to cum for me, love?" Felix asked, replacing his mouth with his fingers. Two of them eased into my sopping core and curled down, hitting a spot that had me practically sobbing my answer.
"Yes, sir."
Right as I came, Felix introduced his tongue back into my opening and fucked me through my climax. His thumb roughly worked my overstimulated clit as I gushed all over his face. Felix wasted no time in lapping up my juices, and I couldn't miss the way he groaned in appreciation when doing so. 
"Such a good girl, cumming all over my face, just like I told you to."
Felix's tongue lazily traced my entrance, but my overwhelmed state caused my legs to give out. I was thankful when he caught me.
"It's Ok, darling. I've got you," he said soothingly as he picked me up and gently laid me down on his bed. My head hit his pillow, and I gave a small sigh of contentment.
"Oh no. Don't get too comfortable, sweetheart. I'm not done with you yet." Felix said, leaning over me. His gold chain dangled in front of my face, and I watched it slowly swing back and forth, entranced. 
I snapped back to the present when Felix's fingers wrapped around the waistband of my panties, dragging them down my legs. He threw them over his shoulder, keeping his eyes on me. 
"Do you know how long I've thought about this? Having you naked in my bed, looking up at me with those big eyes, just begging me to ruin you." 
"Then do it, Felix. Ruin me."
My reply had him peeling his black boxers off of his body and revealing his cock, hard and already leaking pre-cum. He stroked himself a few times before reaching across the bed and searching his nightstand's top drawer. He pulled out a small, silver package, but I plucked it from his hold, surprising him.
"No, I want to feel you," I whispered.
Felix hesitated. "Are you sure? I know we're both clean, but-"
"Felix, I want to feel you, even when you cum. Especially when you cum."
My face heated at my admission, but I'd used my fingers to fuck myself too many times, thinking of Felix driving into me, raw and deep, before cumming right at the edge of my cervix, claiming me completely.  
"Jesus," Felix breathed, closing his eyes. "You're going to make me cum before I'm even inside you."
I bit my lip as I watched him spread my legs and stare at pussy, hopelessly clenched around nothing.
"What a pretty cunt. All wet and swollen. Just begging to be stretched with my cock."
Felix lined himself up at my entrance, nudging my clit and causing me to whine impatiently. I bucked my hips, silently pleading for him to fuck me.
Finally, he entered me in a long thrust; I turned my head from side to side as unintelligible words left my mouth. I knew his size was impressive, but nothing could have prepared me for how my walls stretched to accommodate him. 
"It's Ok, sweet girl. I know," Felix said as he circled my clit, giving me pleasure to combat the pain.
"You're so big," I cried, breathless.
"But you can take it, darling. You can take it for me."
Felix's praise caused me to squeeze around him, and I watched his face tense. "So fucking tight, "he groaned. "So fucking perfect for me."
After being able to take all of Felix without much discomfort, he slowly drew out before thrusting back in. My back arched, and he took the opportunity to pinch one of my nipples. I mindlessly moaned and wrapped my legs around his waist so I could take him deeper. 
Felix soon found a steady rhythm in which he fucked me. Our cries clashed in the air, and through my hazy vision, I threaded my hands in his hair, dragging his mouth down to mine. Our tongues danced together in a passionate kiss, and it only drove me higher toward my inevitable orgasm. 
"I'm close," I gasped.
Felix smirked, driving into me harder. "Yeah? You gonna come around my cock, sweetheart?"
I openly wept as Felix wrapped a hand around my neck, applying pressure to just the right spot. 
"God, you're just fucked dumb, aren't you? My girl only knows my cock and nothing else."
"Please," I cried. It wasn't a descriptive word, but Felix understood what I needed.
The pressure around my neck increased, causing a light-headed sensation. Felix pressed his other hand on my lower stomach, causing my eyes to roll back and my mouth to hang open. 
"That's it, pretty girl. You're doing so well. You're gripping me like a fucking vice."
Felix's words drove me over the edge. My cry was guttural, and I clenched around him, causing him to omit a low groan as he reached his own climax. He thrust in one final time, coating my walls with his seed in thick, hot ropes. 
Eyes closed, I fell into a satiated state. My body was numb, yet I could feel every single nerve ending. I was barely awake as Felix pulled out, whispering soft words of praise the entire time. "You did so good for me, my love. I'm so proud of you."
As I registered his words, a faint smile crossed my lips. I glowed under Felix's compliments. 
I heard him walk around his room before feeling him spread my legs. But this time, it was to clean me up with a towel. 
Eventually, a blanket was draped over my body, and Felix pulled me against him in a warm embrace. I rested comfortably on his chest; his steady heartbeat was the perfect lullaby that lulled me to sleep. 
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chapter index
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
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r4vn · 6 days
kai w those promots u reposted ill die
“I don’t mind wasting time on you.”
something where the reader hates kai more and is an overall bitch but kai is the only one who tried to talk to her despite her attitude, but he accidentally got on her bad side and he got petty and just started being a dick (as deserved) to her. for no rsn she gets mad cs of the way hes treating her and they argue, hes gen pissed cs he tries so hard for her, and she makes it seem like hes like such a bad person to her + even insults him and goes personal. hes vv pissed (angsty except put everything on the reader) its sad cs hes so sweet to her —doesnt have to be smut exactly (but it so can) cause idk where you’d put that but ill take wtv idea fr
OR OR i know how dumb ts is for the reader to be wrong so if u wanna find a character or make sb up feel free idk +so sorry ab the size of this my way witj keeping msgs brief are critical
—DYNAMIC [prompt]
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kaı x fem!character
w.c: 3,150
disclaimers: enemies to lovers, sweet!kai, angstttt!, fluff¿, meanfem!character, no smut sorryz, the blue doesn't exist in this lol, happy ending, not many warnings tbh
—synopsis: you never rlly understood why kai followed you around like an annoying puppy. but soon you begin to see how much time he wastes with you, or wants to waste.
a/n: from the enemies tl lovers prompt(s) i reblogged couple of days ago :) SORRY FOR THE WAIT. TY 4 READING ♡
「divider by @/ cafekitsune」
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nahara wasn't particularly liked on the ship. she wasn't a prissy bitch like julie was or super serious like sela, but her most known attribute was being brutally honest and pessimistic. she was the only one to show such traits.
of course character traits are complex, like a color wheel. anything and everything can overlap. nahara has friends ,yes, due to those who compliment her traits are best compatible. sela and nahara got along well during class time. meanwhile, julie and zandie were two-faced drama queens, snakes the size of humans. though, nahara had two friends who were on the sweeter side. laura, who was a shy sweet girl and penelope who was more of a blunt nerd, and they were seen often together.
some particular characteristics are hard to blend with nahara's personality, but they jump between interest and irritability.
charisma. unpredictability. and of course, persistence. kai checked all those boxes off. if only he wasn't obnoxious and he would linger more on the interest zone more.
"you think chris sleeps with sela? i know zac wonders." kai spoke with a hint of amusement as he held up a pair of pliers for her to grab when ready. nahara sighs loudly to symbolize her annoyance.
"no, kai. i don't care who sticks their stick in someone's hole." the deep auburn sighs out. she turns to kai, who is holding her tool like a servant. she grabbed the pliers and went back to the wiring.
"thanks." she mumbled.
"always," kai grinned in content. "now, are you sure you dont care hara?" kai grins, biting back a laugh. nahara clenched her jaw to hold back on becoming flustered.
"kai has anyone ever told you're a super interesting character?" nahara questioned. the slightest of faux politeness laced her voice, but of course kai didn't catch it. he was too caught up in her even initiating conversation. he brightened at her question, forcing his smile to look subtle.
"u–uh no why? am i that interesting..super interesting?" he queried with hope, fidgeting with the back of his curly hair. nahara shrugged, carefully clicking wires in the ship software.
"well you certainly are special.." kai heard her mumble. he saw a small smile pushing at her lips. she was being sarcastic.
"ha ha. very funny nahara." kai slumped his shoulders and rolled his eyes. nahara chuckled to herself and kai's heart fluttered. he couldn't help but smile too.
kai was quietly known to help nahara around the ship. whether it was just holding her tools, cleaning around her as she continued to work, or simply helping her with little tasks. unfortunately in return, nahara doesn't fully acknowledge his actions, scolding and being being a smart ass as he helps her. he plays along with being naturally charismatic and tries to make her smile. though she would ever admit that she gets flustered from the brunette male easily.
when they were young on the ship, nahara often either socialized with sela or by herself. kai would naturally talk to others. growing up into pre-teens, kai would try to strike up conversations with nahara whenever in class, and quickly got shut down most times. other times, she would have to talk to him due to group work. fast forward to now, he enjoys any time he gets with her. but there is a striking difference between them.
regarding the unspoken 'popular' spectrum, nahara landed more in the middle. kai was on the higher end of popularity. the only time they would cross paths was while eating, doing the same ship tasks, and in the sparring room.
recently, kai has been more persistent with his actions. nahara didn't know why, but it was getting more unbearable as days went by. within the past week, laura and penelope had been gossiping with nahara about kai. they'd ask why she hasn't pursued him and how he is exceptionally handsome.
"nahara, why haven't you gone for him? he seems sweet." penelope asks, fidgeting with a little pen. laura nodded quickly, agreeing with the blonde
"yeah until zachary comes around, then he is an obnoxious manwhore and wants to talk to everyone." nahara replies, staring outside the window that separated them and space. penelope groans dramatically, waving a hand in the air.
"he's like a completely different person with you! he seems genuine! think about it please, yeah?" laura said, cutting in. nahara did not respond, instead changing the topic. she already sees him everyday involuntarily. she didn't want to think of him in her room. after gossiping, penelope and laura left nahara with her thoughts.
unfortunately, she began to think about her and kai in their early teens and how extroverted he was. he always was involved in any social group, attatched to the hip with zachary. hara wasn't interested in such group talks. she would instead sit in the med bay and memorize tools with sela. her and sela aren't best friends, but they were pretty close and enjoyed each other's company.
kai went through a small phase of scaring nahara to start conversation. he would pop out behind a corner and nahara would be startled and annoyed, walking away. of course, kai would follow and try to chat it up with her. nahara chuckled at the memories. suddenly, she felt a small ache in her stomach, gulping.
her brain began to play every single memory of kai with her, the ache becoming more prominent. she sat up in her bed, holding her abdomen. her mind focused on his features next, his eyes, hair, lips. nahara stood up, pacing her room.
is this..do i...
"nope.. nope nope. i do not.." she mumbled to herself. she hit her own head with the palm of her hand to quickly disperse the memories. to get out of her thoughts, she went to shower, then came back to her room to sleep, tossing and turning all night.
"you okay? you look.." started laura.
"like i didn't sleep? yeah, i didn't. thanks for noticing." nahara answered bluntly as she got her tray of food. all three girls sat down at an empty table before eating. nahara occasionally added in a comment or two in penelope and laura's conversation about space theories again.
"well i know we are only the first generation of three, but what if we make something that makes us live to see the planet? all of us?" penelope asked before eating a piece of fruit.
"immortality isn't always a good thing. imagine being cursed with immortality–" kai immediately sat down in the empty seat next to laura with his tray and a smile.
"i think immortality would be pretty cool, don't you think nahara?" he asked, diverting the attention to the auburn brunette. hara sighed and shrugged, eating her food.
"i think i'd rather die than deal with two generations, let alone already raising one." she stated, getting a laugh from kai.
"what? you don't like kids? sooner or later you're going to have to find someone." kai spoke with amusement. laura and penelope gave each other a look, silently giggling before continuing to eat their food.
"nahara, laura, kai, and tayo, you're all on security wiring." chris stated. the auburn rolled her eyes hearing that she has to do splicing and wiring again with kai. not necessarily with kai but he always finds a way to get stuck sith doing his tasks right next to her
"looks like we are stuck together again, hara." kai nudges nahara's shoulder with a cheeky grin. she sighs and nods, rubbing her temples as the group walked to the security room. the sleep deprivation was getting to her now and they were only halfway through the day.
chris handed each of the teens wiring kits to each of them and everyone got to work. in the recent days, security had been glitching and cutting out, and some kids were taking advantage and slacking on tasks. so chris has been enforcing those to fix it as fast as possible to stay on course.
nahara was more avoidant to kai than usual, and he noticed everything about her. so he damn sure saw how she didn't even bother to complain about working with him again. kai didn't say anything just yet, instead doing his usual tasks; subtly helping nahara around.
he sat next to her, working on opening his new wires silently. hara was already taking out old ones from the security switch boards. kai stole glances, watching how careful she worked. as rough-edged as she was as a person, kai wondered if her touch was the same too. or if it was the opposite, and her touch was as tender as her looks.
kai quickly swatted away his thoughts, clearing his throat. as soon as he opened his mouth to start a conversation, he noticed nahara was struggling with connecting wires. she seemed to be losing her cool quickly, mumbling curses under her breath.
"hey– hara, you want some help?" kai pointed to her hands. they seemed to shake, but of course she didn't acknowledge it.
"no. im fine, thanks." nahara murmured, her hands slipping at the wire every few seconds. kai stayed quiet and watched, frowning at the state she was in.
"nahara, are you sure? just take a break." kai placed his wiring down. he fully turned his body to her and closely watched her body language. she seemed on the brink of losing it.
"i’m fine, kai." she said again, more firmly this time. the wiring clipped off from the board again and nahara's eyes glazed over from frustration.
"hara stop being stubborn and let me help–" kai finally had enough of watching her suffer and grabbed ahold of her hand along with the wires she held. she flinched and immediately broke.
"for god's sake kai i said i got it!" nahara pushed kai back, snatching her hand away from his. she immediately stood up away from the now shocked brunette male. kai furrowed his brows and stood up, confused and his chest aching.
"whats your problem? im just trying to help. like i always do!" kai asked loudly. the other began to look and watch the altercation unfold.
"you're my problem kai. i never asked for your help. i never asked for you to sit with me. i never asked to know you!" kai clenched his jaw at her words. they sliced through him like a serrated knife.
"everyone think you're this sweet, extroverted social butterfly when in reality you're an obnoxious leech who can't detach himself from me and i hate it! i'm sick of you!" nahara yelled out. her heart pounded in her ears and her hands trembled at her sides. kai stayed silent, staring at her with eyes filled of disbelief and hurt. his chest ached, burned of anxiety. he took a step towards her, his brown eyes daring into hers before opening his mouth.
"fuck you, nahara." her heart jumped, stopped even. the slightest of shock painted her face from such sharp words. kai stepped away from her and sat back down, working on his wiring. nahara said nothing in return, instead silently taking her exit and leaving kai where he was.
it had been 2 days since kai and nahara's fall out, and no one spoke about it. of course, kai was still loved and was very social with others. meanwhile, nahara was treated the same, but with more silent stares. she couldn't care less though. she only relied on those she truly spoke to, laura, penelope, and sela.
"are you sure, you're alright nahara?" sela asked quietly at the table. the three girls worried for nahara. ever since the fight with kai, she had become even more detached. she spoke less within group conversation and only did her tasks. she spaced out alot during class time and even in the medbay with sela.
"mhm." hara nodded at sela's question. she wore a bored expression on her face. laura and penelope couldn't even read her. a group of people started getting louder with laughter all of a sudden and it caught hara's attention. her eyes traveled to the labeled 'popular table', watching kai julie, zac, zandie, and kai laughed and converted. as nahara's eyes wandered to kai, they eyes met, hara looking away first and she immediately stood, dumping her tray before leaving.
as she walked to the other main room for tasks, she noticed everything felt quieter. maybe it was because kai wasn't yapping in her ear about the future but there was a slight ring in her ear from the silence. her headspace felt more gloomy and her chest had a dull ache. she didn't know why. she didn't like it because she did what she wanted to do. she got kai away from her. he annoyed her. she didn't like him. she couldn't stand him actually.
she couldn't stand him, yet he inevitably flooded her mind.
"nahara, you're on wires again. just finished the last few replacement wirings and you can be dismissed." chris said, typing away on a tablet. nahara did not protest, instead taking her electrical packet and headed back into the security room. as she sat in her spot, she noticed kai a couple rows down, conversing with julie as they worked together. she mentally cringed at the sight, rolling her eyes. nahara detached the old set of wires from the data box, being extremely delicate. she sure as hell didn't want to get electrocuted by a 1200 volt charge. her ears subconsciously listened toward kai and julie's conversation.
she could hear julie's sickening giggles from kai just rambling about nothing. nahara didn't know how to feel about it. maybe it should have been her, and not kai. but it was her. it was nahara. and she lost her opportunity.
"oh wow your arms look nice kai.." julie giggled out. hara’s head twitched from restaurant. she damn near broke her neck to look at them but subconsciously stopped herself. she would have immediately looked guilty. nahara tried her best to focus on the wires to get out of there quicker. she began to quickly unravel the new pack of colored wires and began to reconnect them to the box. she started mentally saying her abc's to block out her interest in their conversation. she hated her brain. she half wanted to stick the end of exposed wires into her ears and destroy all her hearing.
"oh yeah? thanks for noticing." he replied to the short curly brunette. she giggled again.
ugh god please shut up..
"of course, have you been doing something different?" nahara heard her ask in a meek tone.
nahara sighed to herself briskly. she was almost done now, she began inserting the new wires, her head was spinning with anxiety. she truly believed ignorance was bliss and she wanted to hear nothing of this conversation right now.
"i guess recently i've had, well, more time on my hands–" suddenly, a loud zap, followed by a bright spark ignited from nahara's direction. she yelped loudly, quickly scrambling away from the sparking circuit box. everyone stopped what they were doing and looked towards nahara's direction, noticing she was holding her arm. kai, the only one snapping out of his shock, immediately ran to the emergency shut off button and turned off the electricity to the security room. the room fell silent, everyone's eyes landing on nahara.
nahara slowed her shallow breathing, swallowing thickly from anxiety. she looked at everyone in the room, her eyes falling on kai last. it took every ounce of tall brunette's being to not run to her aid. he stood like everyone else, being the only one to visibly express concern. nahara's eyes glazed over as she picked herself up and walked briskly out of the room.
tears trailed her face as she walked the halls. she was hurt, both mentally and physically. though it was her fault for her own hurt. she ran away from her feelings and in the end the person who she thought of when in danger did not immediately come to her aid, and it was her fault.
she missed it. missed how he'd drop everything to help her. missed how he helped her even when she didnt want it. she missed him.
she quickly ran to the medbay, crying out of frustration. she opened several cabinets for her tools and sat down in a rolling chair before placing her arm on a small sterile metal table. she sniffled, gently coating her electrical burn with a thin layer of antibiotic gel. she was lucky it only left a surface burn and did not electrocute her entire body. she placed the gauze on top, sighing out in even more frustration as it wouldn't stay in place for her to wrap. tears welled up in her eyes again, a feeling of helplessness taking over.
"nahara..c'mere let me see." a voice calls out. out of the corner of her eyes, she could see a familiar tall brunette walking through the open door with anxiousness in every stride he took. closing the door behind him, he swiftly grabbed a chair and sat across from her to help. hara sniffled and took the gauze away from kai's reach before he could grab it. she looked down at her arm to avoid eye contact.
"don't bother wasting your time. you know i'm basically right behind sela in medical training–" abruptly, she swung her head back quickly at the touch of kai's hand on her wrist, pulling her arm towards him. he grabs the gauze with a soft smile.
"i don't mind wasting time on you." she flushed a bright red and avoided eye contact, sitting silently. kai could see her nose had a tint to it, keeping down a laugh. he silently dressed her wound, wrapping her forearm carefully. the auburn got goosebumps every few seconds from the tips of his fingers tenderly touching her skin. as he finished, kai raised her arm which caused her to finally look at him, her lips parting as she watched him plant a soft kiss on her skin. nahara gently pulled away before diverting her gaze. she got up to walk away from him, already terribly flustered.
"thanks–" though kai stood up right after her and grabbed her wrist, spinning her smoothly into his body. he wasn't done with her. hi cupped the side of her face and her waist before capturing her lips. the kiss was gentle, nahara's body immediately relaxed under his touch. her anxiety slowly dispersed under him. that gloomy cloud in her head finally let the sun shine through. she felt lighter. nahara slowly pulled away and kai smiled softly, their brown and hazel eyes mixing.
for the first time, kai saw her eyes soften towards him, and he took in every moment of her loving gaze.
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© r4vn ²⁰²⁴, do not repost my work.
much love. ♡
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elordistar · 2 months
i’ve started to write a felix x reader fic but i can’t tell if i hate it or love it 😭 i haven’t written a fic in well over a year and would love if any of you very talented saltburn fic writers would send me any saltburn prompts or felix/ollie/farleigh x reader promts, or maybe quickstart/cattonquick promts!! having a huge urge to write lol!
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fuddlewuddle · 9 months
I wrote a very random fic after watching Gran Turismo: based on a true story (and I’ll never be over that being part of the title), if anyone fancies reading it.
Jann doesn't celebrate with the others after Le Mans.
He goes to Jack's hotel room instead.
Someone reading this other than just me would be nice 🥹
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archieyelash · 4 months
Don’t know if I shared this or not👀
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ludicdoll · 1 month
hello! been obsessed with your work! (I think I already read all archie madekwe x reader fics from you tbh). Been sobbing over Lizzy McAlpine's song Vortex. And I couldn't stop imagining Farleigh x reader who is in an on and off again relationship. Reader tries to stop herself from going back every time he's at her doorstep begging. But always fails. And it's just sad. LMAO
farleigh start ☆
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pairing: farleigh start x fem!reader
contents: angst, mentions of sex, slut calling, farleigh being a little bitch, reader is also an american, smoking, suggestive at the end but no smut, kinda toxic
synopsis: although your relationship with farleigh is complicated, you can’t help but run back to him every time he needs you.
a/n: this is so late im sorry i’ve been so busy and this has been sitting in my drafts for a while😭
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there’s something so alluring about farleigh that makes you chase him constantly—even if he pays no attention to you. you long for his approval, his touch, and in his absence you realize you can’t seem to function correctly without him. your relationship with farleigh is complex, to say the least, and everybody around you knows this. whenever you would tell felix that you and farleigh had split up again, he always replied with “give it a week.” and somehow, he’s always right. but, this one was different. you split up with farleigh a few weeks ago and he hasn’t even tried to make an attempt to contact you. he knew you’d come back around sooner or later, but you were persistent on keeping your ground.
your breakup with farleigh was because he had called you a slut, just straight up—which was quite ironic because he was the known campus whore. usually you would ignore his silly and childish name calling, but you hated him calling you a slut, it was too degrading for you. you remember the way farleigh blew up in your face when you told him the two of you were over, it was a priceless expression. now, you’re currently standing outside of the saltburn estate, leaning up against one of the large extravagant stone pillars. felix was hosting a party tonight, a big one at that. the colorful flashing lights can be seen outside, a neon cast over the large grassy field.
you decide to step out for a smoke and some fresh air after you locked eyes with farleigh as he was dancing with a girl, her hips grinding against his. that image alone made you shiver in disgust. although you had broken up with him, you missed him bad. you tried to deny it, but if you had to be honest with yourself—you didn’t know who you were without farleigh. if only he would give you a genuine apology, everything would be fine but his pride stopped him from doing so.
you turn your head when you hear the grand doors behind you creaking open. you watch as felix stumbles out, his dark brown hair disheveled from the party. you’re surprised to see him since he had vanished halfway through the party with some random girl you presume. felix turns, a surprised expression on his face. you look over at him, smiling weakly as you raise your cigarette to your lips.
he stands by the door for a minute, stretching his neck before walking over to you. “what are you doing out here?” he asks. felix scans your appearance, eyes widening when he spots a bottle of vodka in your hands, the same bottle that mysteriously disappeared a few hours ago. you shrug slightly, tired and feeling nauseous from the amount of drinks you’ve had tonight. “you missing the states?” felix nudges at your arm playfully. you stare ahead, shaking your head. “i just needed to clear my mind,” you mutter as you lift the bottle to your mouth, taking a long gulp. felix notices that you’re out of it, and he looks concerned. “you haven’t been yourself.” he starts, “ever since farleigh—” you raise your hand out, your palm facing him. “don’t. mention. him.” you groan, rubbing your temples to soothe your migraine.
“he misses you,” felix smiles widely. you stare at the red cups littered on the paved ground, slowly zoning out. “we’re not talking.” you reply, he sighs in return. “well, he wouldn’t stop talking about you in professor anderson’s class.” you turn to look at him, raising a suspicious brow. you think he’s joking at first, but his face is completely straight.
“really? i didn’t know the two of you even attended classes.” you joke in an attempt to move the topic elsewhere. “oh, ha ha.” felix replies sarcastically. there’s so many things racing through your mind, but at the same time—your thoughts are empty. you think that the alcohol from tonight has made you more sensitive. “i don’t like it when you guys fight.” felix mutters as he slowly takes your bottle away from your grip. “you should stop drinking too,” he waves the half empty bottle in front of your face.
“it’s not a fight, felix. it’s a breakup.” felix scoffs, shaking his head with a laugh. you turn to look at him, a scowl on your face. “oh, so you think i’m gonna run back to him?” you ask in a bitter tone. he steps back a little, blinking at your unexpected tone switch. “what? i didn’t say anything.” he says defensively. you suddenly feel irritated at everything around you. you excuse yourself abruptly while he tries to explain himself. you speed past him, leaving felix by himself outside while you open the doors to the mansion.
you can’t stop fidgeting with your pen, clicking it rapidly as you scan the words in the open book in front of you. you were sitting in the library, not for the sake of studying but for the sole purpose of distracting yourself from having a mental breakdown in your dorm. you couldn’t even think straight since your hangover was so bad. you hadn’t tried to dress up today, you didn’t even bother to put on makeup or fix up your hair. you knew people would see you and talk, but you were so tired you couldn’t do it. usually when you and farleigh would split, you’d still be in close contact with your (who were really just his) friends. however, this was different. everyone seemed to be avoiding you—everyone except felix. whenever you’d ask to hang out, their only excuses were “i have to study,” or, “i’m busy tonight,” and when they see you, they’d scurry off in a blink of an eye.
you could only imagine what bullshit story farleigh has came up with your break up to make them run away from you. felix was the only person who still spoke to you, but now you think you’ve lost him after what had happened at the party last night. you stop clicking your pen when you hear a cough in front of you. you look up, freezing up when you see a familiar curly haired boy in front of you. “fancy seeing you here.” he says. you scoff, rolling your eyes and avoiding his gaze. he laughs quietly to himself before crossing his arms. “i didn’t know you studied.” he emphasizes the word “studied” almost like he was attempting to mock you—but he knew you did study, he just wanted to make fun of you. “i didn’t know you even knew what a library was.” you snap back instantly, farleigh just smiles blankly at you as he pulls a chair out and seats himself right across from you.
“what do you want?” you ask sternly. he sighs, shrugging. a tense silence fills the air and you’re slowly suffocating. “i’m serious, farleigh.” he stays quiet, his eyes still on you. “what did you tell the others?” you inquire.
“no one’s talking to me anymore.”
“that’s not true,” he laughs, “felix was just talking to you last night.” you squint at him, brows furrowed. “were you watching us?” you ask. farleigh tilts his head to the side, flashing a deadpan expression. “please, i have better things to do.” he replies arrogantly. you nod, closing your eyes. “i’m sure you do.” you look back down to read the words on the page, not taking in any of the information—but just so farleigh would piss off. you could still see him in your peripheral vision, but this time he’s leaned closer against the table. “get a life, farleigh.” you mumble under your breath. he laughs dully, a small smirk forming on his lips. “that is rich coming from you. you really like assuming shit, don’t you?”
“well maybe if you took my name out of your mouth, i wouldn’t be assuming.” you reply nonchalantly as you close the book, standing up to leave. you pack your stuff back in your bag, turning away from him. he mouths a quiet “wow” before getting up from the chair as well, following closely behind you. he swiftly steps in front of you, blocking you from leaving. he leans closer to you, just inches away from your face. “you think you’re all that,” he starts. “but in reality, you’re just a fucking whore with no personality.” you quietly wince at his response, eyes wide. “you’re lucky that i even gave you a fucking chance. i made you known, and this is how you repay me?” farleigh spits out, he sounds truly angry—you’ve never heard him like this before. “but it’s fine,” he says while leaning back up, “such a shame, you’re a pretty face. too bad you’re boring.”
you can’t muster up a snappy comeback, you just stare at him, scanning his face for any sign of empathy—but there’s nothing. he just looks distant and cold. you glance around, realizing there was a few students nearby listening. you sniffle under him, blinking away your tears as you quickly brush past his arm.
it hurts to pretend like you don’t care about what other people said about you, because in actuality you take all of their words into consideration—especially farleigh’s. you had successfully avoided farleigh all week ever since the conversation in the library, and in an attempt to make yourself feel better, you had finally started dressing and glamming up. of course, there was still rumors going around about you and farleigh, every day it seemed like there was a new bizzare one. you had just came back from shopping, sitting on the carpet of your dorm. it was getting dark, everyone else in the hall was getting ready for bed. as you slowly dive into a wormhole of your own thoughts, the sound of an abrupt knock on your door brings you back to reality. you blink, turning your head to look at the door.
you choose to ignore it, pretending like you weren’t there. then, another string of knocks pound on your door loudly. “oh my god, i’m coming!” you yell out as you get up from the floor. you pad over, opening it with an unenthusiastic swing. the person standing infront of you was the last person you expected—farleigh. you almost screamed when you saw him standing there. you groan loudly and roll your eyes, immediately reaching to shut the door on him. before you could lock him out, farleigh stops the door with his hand. “can we talk?” he mutters with his head low, almost as if he was afraid someone was going to hear him. you stand still in the crack of the door, contemplating whether or not you were gonna let him in. farleigh whines, shaking his head slightly.
you sigh in defeat, slowly creaking the door open for him. he gives you a small smile before sliding through. he looks around your room for a second, taking in every aspect of your interests plastered on the walls. farleigh sits down on the edge of your bed, realizing he’s never actually seen your dorm before. whenever the two of you would fuck, it was always in his dorm, a random bathroom at the pub, or somewhere at the saltburn mansion. he runs his hand against the soft duvet of your bed, laughing to himself when he spots a pile of stuffed animals by your pillows. you shut the door, turning to face him with your hands on your hips. you stare at him, raising your brows as a way of saying “go on,” farleigh clears his throat, clasping his hands together in his lap. “i’m sorry.” he sounds hesitant when he says it, like he’s being forced to apologize.
you blink, staying silent as he stares up at you with bambi eyes. “and?” you press. farleigh sighs, dropping his eyes to the floor instead. “i was just upset, i didn’t mean anything i said. i love you, you know that.” he says with a whiny tone. you’ve been through this same scenario multiple times, he fucks you over, comes back to apologize and beg for you back, then you have make up sex. every time this happens, you forgive him easily, letting him fuck your brains out to forget everything he had said to you prior. you didn’t want to give in again, but the way he was looking up at you with his dreamy brown eyes, his highlighted curls framing his face perfectly, even his cologne was driving you crazy.
you missed him, you missed his voice, his explicit compliments, especially his touch. “i miss you, baby.” he whimpers. you cock your head to the side, trying to hide your excitement. “really?” you ask with dilated eyes as you slowly step over to him. farleigh nods, a small smirk forming on his lips. “please, baby—please don’t make me sit here and beg.” he groans. he looks at you up and down before reaching for your hand. he intertwines his fingers into yours, a perfect fit. farleigh nuzzles his cheek against the soft flesh of your skin, then he kisses your knuckles, a predator like glint flashing in his eyes. he pulls you onto the bed with him, placing you in his lap as he leaves a trail of delicate kisses down your neck.
“let me make it up to you.” he whispers. you moan softly, looking up at him. you lean your head against his shoulder as his hands roam up your back, then under your shirt. “forgive me, okay?” he mutters in your ear. you feel his hands stopping midway to your bra, and you whine softly in response. you lock eyes with him, nodding eagerly. he gives you a faint smile before he continues to unclasp your bra with a swift move. you knew that he’d fuck up again soon, and you knew you would run back to him again—but if it meant incredible sex, you didn’t mind.
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© please do not publish my work on other sites.
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mercurytojupiter · 4 months
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the labyrinth - prologue
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a/n: i'm going through an archie madekwe phase no one look at me
warnings: farleigh being farleigh, which includes underage drugs, drinking, cigarettes and sex 18+
fic summary: ariadne gavin and her childhood best friend turned enemy return to saltburn for the last time
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Ariadne Gavin wishes she could say the first Catton she met was Felix or even Venetia. She would have loved to explain to people how she had tripped into Venetia at the airport when she first landed in England, or how she had been greeted by Felix's already tall, grinning face.
Instead, the truth was, the only reason the Cattons held their arms open to her as they did was because of Farleigh fucking Start.
Ariadne had met Farleigh when she was seven. Her father, Laurence Gavin, was a new money tech mogul who was making a name for himself selling computers. He had dragged her along to a fundraising gala, and it was there that Ariadne found herself forever enamoured with the Cattons.
Ariadne had never met another child before. Her upbringing was limited to her Nanny, Lilian, the house staff, Douglas, Marcus, and Tyrone, and her mother, Vienna. Ariadne had only even known that white people existed because of her storybooks.
"Hello," She whispers politely. "My name is Ariadne Marie Gavin."
"I'm Farleigh." The little boy shrugs.
Ariadne tilts her head. "How old are you?"
Farleigh looks at her strangely. "Seven and a half."
Ariadne pouts. "Oh. I'm just seven."
Farleigh's eyes widen in panic. "That's okay! Don't be upset! It's okay to be smaller than me! Normally I'm the smallest person."
"Youngest." Ariadne corrects.
"M'kay," Farleigh says, but makes no move to say the sentence correctly. He jumps down from his chair and squishes her cheeks. "Do you want to play hide and seek?"
"Won't the grown-ups be mad we're gone?"
"They never notice." Farleigh smiles.
That smile got Ariadne in more trouble than she could count over the next thirteen years.
At some point between seven and a half and fourteen, Farleigh stopped being her only friend. Or, more accurately, Farleigh began to make friends and it meant that Ariadne was going to be alone unless she made some of hers.
Or, that was, until Saltburn.
Ariadne didn't like the person Farleigh was becoming ever since they'd become teenagers. He'd been mean, and flaky, and worst of all, he kept hitting on her friends.
And yes, perhaps she was a little jealous, but she had always been territorial, and Farleigh was hers, not Ashley's or Jessica's. Besides, Farleigh grew like a beanstalk, and all her friends only liked him because he was tall. They didn't spend Sunday evenings conditioning his hair or laugh at his terrible -and slightly mean- jokes.
Overall, they had begun to drift a tad, but a crack was not a canyon, as her father liked to say.
But that didn't mean Farleigh wasn't still the only person her age she truly trusted, so he still came over to her house every Sunday to do homework and complain.
"Did I tell you my mom's family wants me to come to England over the summer?" He sighs, stretched out on her floor.
Ariadne has her nose tucked into her copy of Pride and Prejudice for her book report and looks up suddenly. "Excuse me?"
"I know, right? Like, why would I waste my summer-" Farleigh starts.
Ariadne shushes him. "Shut up, Far. Doesn't your mom's family pay for all your mom's shit? And yours, for that matter?"
"I mean, yeah, but they always said I'm out after eighteen." He shrugs.
Ariadne grins. "Because they don't know you. But if, say, you went to England in the summers, made connections with them, flashed some puppy dog eyes," she trails off.
Farleigh raises a brow. "You want me to go to them like some kind of homeless kid asking for spare change on Alameda Street?"
Ariadne kicks him. "No, I want you to use your brain. You're going to be my business partner once I inherit, obviously, but it's going to be obvious that we're only working together because we're friends if you don't at least have a college degree. Now, imagine, we get into some fancy British university, we network with like a billion people, and suddenly we have investors lining up at graduation."
"All it'll cost me is my pride." Farleigh grumbles.
Ariadne purses her lips. "Not if I come with. Then, it's just going to be us, two rich kids, going and being rich on a different continent over the summers."
Farleigh sits up. "I'm going to hate this, aren't I?"
"Not in the long run." Ariadne grins.
Ariadne wishes she'd never suggested going to Saltburn. She and Farleigh were one change in conversation away from escaping the Cattons and she'd never forgive herself for it.
Maybe it's the new money, manifest destiny, red-blooded American in her, but she never liked the look of Saltburn. She missed her modern, sleek home in Bel-Air, and from a single look, she knew Farleigh did too.
Saltburn was cold and ancient. There was no carpet, only million-year-old Persian rugs. No many-buttoned showers, only antiquated tubs. They didn't even have a bidet, which Ariadne thought was borderline uncivilized.
But they adjusted, slowly but surely, to the famous, trademark brand of Catton Madness that had sent his mother running for the hills all those years before.
Farleigh hadn't known that Felix and Venetia were their age, but they certainly were, and they were wilder and more English than anyone Ariadne had ever met.
She also found that they took to calling her demeaning, patronizing pet names like "Pet" or "Girlie." Farleigh got about the same treatment, only, in her opinion, worse, because there was no way to spin "Boy" or "Dog" as respectful.
Vee liked to call her "Newmo", short for "New Money" and Ariadne knew this was an insult, but bit her tongue.
She did that a lot, after Saltburn.
She starts at St. Mary Magdelene's Secondary Academy for Girls with Venetia that year, and Farleigh attends St. John's Secondary Academy for Boys with Felix. Twice a year, the adjoined schools have huge dances and dinners where they exercise their best manners.
The Gala is poorly chaperoned, as it is also the only time the faculty gets to mix and mingle. The dinner is mostly manner-based, but by the time the dance begins, most adults turn their heads away from the teenage drama and illegal activity.
When their first Fall Gala comes around, Ariadne looks around excitedly for Farleigh, peering through the crowd of white faces. She wants to tell him everything that's happened since they separated at the start of the school year.
Unfortunately, all she gets is Felix's stupid face. "Where's Farleigh?"
Felix rolls his eyes grinningly. "Smoking outside. Again."
Ariadne blinks, takes a step back, and laughs disbelievingly. Farleigh had gotten more rebellious since they'd become teenagers, sure, and maybe England was rubbing off on him, but he never smoked. "Are you kidding?"
Felix snickers. "He said you'd be pissed off."
That was another thing Ariadne hated about the Cattons. Everything was a fucking joke to them.
"No fucking shit!" She whisper-shouts. "He can't- He's going to ruin his lungs! This is my fault, I knew it was a bad idea for us to go to different schools!" She bites her lip, flicking her wrists in and out.
It was a terrible nervous tick. Lilian had always said it was unbecoming. Ariadne couldn't shake it.
Felix steadies her by the arms, charming doe eyes staring right into hers. "Farleigh will be fine, everyone smokes once in a while. Besides, he's finally letting loose, isn't that worth something?"
Ariadne wants to spit that it is not something, because Farleigh doesn't need to let loose, he needs more structure. He'd already been let loose his whole life and Ariadne had spent most of hers cleaning up the debris.
She doesn't yell at Felix, just shakes her head mutely.
"Well, maybe you need to let loose too. Vee's got weed or shrooms or something in the bathroom, go try that."
And, shockingly, Ariadne lets Felix lead her to the door of the Girl's bathroom, where a small puff of fogged-up air escapes.
"Have fun, Pet!"
He shoves her inside and lets the door swing closed.
Vee offers her a joint, grinning, and for the first time, Ariadne's thoughts cease.
After Ariadne is introduced to weed for the first time, she no longer worries about Farleigh. Still, the worst does not come until the Spring Gala, when she walks in on him losing his virginity to Arabella Vaillancourt.
All the jealousy she had felt in middle school hit a breaking point then. This wasn't flirting or even a kiss on the cheek. Arabella had claimed Farleigh in a way Ariadne would never be able to compensate for.
Ariadne turns her head away from the sight of them, sweating and naked and wholly consumed by each other and goes back to her dorm.
Vee sees her tears and offers her a line of coke, and from that point on, Ariadne and Farleigh are no longer friends or even allies.
When the summer break retrieves them again, she hardly looks at him in favour of making jokes with Venetia and walking Felix through the process of getting girls to like him. While Felix was pretty, most of the girls their age couldn't stand him because he was so boring to talk to. She pierces his eyebrow so he has something interesting to talk about. Felix is horrible at flirting, too. Not like Farleigh, she thinks, recalling the many girls he had wooed bitterly.
Soon, everyone at Saltburn forgets that Ariadne and Farleigh were ever even a pair. Or, in their respective cases, at least pretend to forget.
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firemenenthusiast · 1 month
thinking about being jann’s wag (wife and girlfriends of sportmen or women)
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summary: what its like being at jann’s races
content: fluff and wholesomeness
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“and also spotted here with us today with the nissan crew is jann mardenborough’s partner smiling bright at the chances he has today”
the loudspeakers of the track booming with the commentator’s light voice. suddenly your face is plastered all over the big screens with your name across it. you flash your proudest smile, looking up at the screens as you hear the whole audience cheer.
they could be cheering for anything else but you’re here to cheer for your handsome boy. the broadcasting cameras are now tracking him down, as shown on the big screens. he’s standing beside his car, his face tilted upwards obviously watching the screens that were showing you. he’s grinning realising that he’d been caught snooping. the racing suit hugging his body perfectly showcasing his broad shoulders. and his slutty waist. he shakes his head still smiling before returning to the paddock with his helmet in his hand
its not the first time you’d follow him to his races, you’d insisted on going just to enjoy how hot he looks on the tracks in real life. not that you hadn’t seen him on the tv but they dont really focus on jann all the time. here, you get praises from the crews all the time because of his talent and skills. everytime he would advance they’d be searching your face for a reaction and you couldn’t be prouder. and he knows it too, it’s become his motivation on the track, he’s focused to do his best and to make you proud
best part of being at his races ? you would get to see him coming towards you in all his glory, face shiny with a thin layer of sweat. just like right now. you greet him into the paddock with a hand on his chest, his arm wrapped around you. he leans down for a kiss which you return passionately
“i saw you on the screens” he tells you
“yeah ? well i saw you passing capa, you looked hot”
“you couldnt even see me in the car”
“exactly” at which he throws his head back chuckling
though he has other things to settle before going home after finishing the race (winning), he’d ask jack to go see you first just to be peppered with kisses all over his face. after couple of times, jack already knows he’d want to go see you first and he’d just be happy for the both of you.
puppy love, he thinks.
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ghostgirl101 · 5 months
Can you do a fanfic for Farleigh Start? 🥹
He's next up, I gotchu 😏
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Then I'll do Felix, so stay tuned 🙃
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ruerecs · 1 month
𝑓𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡 𝑓𝑖𝑐 𝑟𝑒𝑐 𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡.
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overleftdown · 5 months
deranged post-canon farleigh speculation
so. archie madekwe said something that makes me question a lot of the other post-canon speculation (often quickstart dynamic post-canon fics, speculation, etc.). Basically, he was talking about how tired Farleigh was getting, in the point in time that the movie is set. This is depicted through his confrontation with Felix, which Archie confirmed was the first conversation Farleigh has had with the cattons about the issue of bias.
a review by hilton als briefly touched on farleigh's possible future, as well. it was a very negative and... honestly understandable idea of what farleigh would grow up to become. aka, someone who exploited and tokenized their race for "brownie points," pun not intended. i see a lot of people crafting stories of farleigh finding different ways to rejoin the ultra-rich class. and i kinda wanna say that i... don't like that. here's an anecdote: my cousin and i had a conversation about his experience moving from a white-dominated, suburban environment. he argues that although racism is still prevalent where he now lives, the racism he experienced in his hometown was so painfully, covertly delivered. it's this sort of "could you just call me a slur or something" mentality.
although farleigh is terrified of change, although farleigh is terrified of losing what he believes is an accommodation for his marginalization (it isn't; you can't buy your way out of racism), although farleigh learned to be materialistic through the ways in which he was raised, although farleigh is constantly running away from something--i think he was reaching a point of genuine hatred for the ways in which racism is delivered to him in this environment. i would also go insane. so freakishly insane. i think his conversation with felix made him understand that maybe the cattons will never even try to change. that the cattons couldn't even acknowledge the problem in the first place. that you can't really win, with people like the cattons. it's always a game of when, and never if. when will they finally, politely discard me?
this leaves a couple options. the first, farleigh learns to be financially independent and very much successful. he would never rely on other people again, especially not white people. this leaves room for hilton als' interpretation, but the fact that farleigh was cognizant of and willing to mention racial bias to felix is evidence for me to assume that farleigh is beyond belittling himself like that. farleigh already experienced so much shame from catering towards the cattons and their whiteness... i don't think he'd keep going with that. not with the way it ended. not after he had the horrible wake-up call that was both his cousins dying. so, maybe farleigh does find his way back to wealth. maybe through fashion, through modeling like his mother, through another form of art, through business, whatever.
the other option is that farleigh just... doesn't acquire that level or even close to that level of wealth again. i kinda like this idea. i kinda like imagining farleigh in a city flat or smaller suburban house, finding a significant other and probably never ever having kids. that, of course, still leaves room for farleigh to go and brutalize oliver out of saltburn. but i'd like to think he wouldn't take saltburn back. as i've said before, farleigh was never greedy. he never wanted to replace or succeed the cattons, nor did he want any form of dominance over them. to be their equal, yes. to be seen and heard and given attention, yes. but never did he play his games to knock felix or venetia down. i feel like farleigh would be the "eat the rich" that saltburn didn't have. not in the corny way, because farleigh is no robin hood, nor is he an innocent and selfless person.
my ideal "sequel" type situation would be farleigh returning to saltburn after living comfortably and humbly for the last 20 years. he's not here out of moral obligation. he's not here to steal back the catton wealth. he's here selfishly, and out of burning hatred. he's here because oliver stole any sense of closure farleigh could've ever had. he's here because oliver never gave farleigh the opportunity to forgive his family, nor to mourn them, nor to visit those memories, nor to make new ones. farleigh is here to wreck oliver's shit. it's not healthy, it's not pretty, it's not clean. i'd imagine 40-year-old farleigh, having matured, returning to saltburn and regressing to the same games he always used to play. lying, people pleasing, pretending, sex, drugs, sass, etc. ahhh. my ideal sequel. a man who found peace without closure and finds closure through a significant lack of peace. and, also, oliver dead as hell.
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archiemyback · 2 months
: 24 HOUR MARK : jann mardenborough
: RIDIN’ & DRIVIN’ : jann mardenborough
: NSFW ALPHABET : jann mardenborough
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