#arcturians connection
galacticguidance · 1 year
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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Types of Starseed
There are a great many different types of starseed, but some of the most commonly-identified include:
Originating from the Pleiades star cluster, Pleiadian starseeds are loving, intuitive, empathetic, creative, and sensitive individuals who have a mission to bring peace and spirituality to Earth. They are some of the oldest souls, and are among the more common starseed types. They are therefore also one of the best understood. Pleiadian starseeds have a special connection to the Divine Feminine and Akashic records.
Originating from Sirius, one of the most important stars to play a role in spiritual awakening, Sirian starseeds are peacekeepers and guardians: bold, strong-willed, and passionate beings with a strong sense of responsibility and leadership. They often exhibit a focus on technology, innovation, and spiritual teaching.
Hailing from the Orion constellation, Orion starseeds are said to be insightful, analytical, and committed to justice and wisdom. They are attuned to ancient wisdom, which often manifests as an entrepreneurial or scientific spirit! Orion starseeds work to overcome challenges, and are therefore seen as “warriors for the light”.
Coming from the Andromeda galaxy (often thought to be home to various extraterrestrial civilisations), Andromedan starseeds are said to be wise beyond their years and have a strong sense of justice. They are creative and innovative, and tend to have a strong calling to bring new ideas and technologies to Earth.
Originating from the Lyra constellation, Lyran starseeds are said to be the oldest souls in the galaxy, and are creative and excellent communicators. Sometimes depicted as being the ancestors of humans, Lyrans may have a stronger than usual connection to the Earth (especially to Egypt: one of their closest links to home) and a desire to heal and uplift. Lyran starseeds have a special connection to the Divine Masculine.
All the way from Arcturus (said to be home to highly evolved and spiritually advanced beings from a 5th dimension), Arcturian starseeds possess profound and innovative qualities of wisdom and healing, and a strong desire to help others awaken spiritually. They often feel more comfortable in their human forms than other starseeds.
As you’d expect, Venusian starseeds are from Venus, and are compassionate, loving, gentle, and artistic. They have a great interest in the ancient civilisations of Earth, as well as outer space. The ancient Egyptian goddess of love and motherhood, Hathor, is thought to have come from Venus in the fourth dimension.
Ancient souls originating from Lemuria, Lemurian starseeds (and Atlantean starseeds) are believed to have made Earth their home sooner than any other type. They are said to be healers and teachers, and keepers of ancient wisdom. Although the defunct civilisation of Lemuria was on Earth (before its downfall at the hands of dark reptilians), its people were advanced enough to communicate with and travel to other planets.
Ancient souls from Atlantis, Atlantean starseeds are truth seekers and are technologically adept. Like Lemurian starseeds, Atlanteans starseeds no longer have a physical territory on Earth, as their ancestors abused their success until they were destroyed. However, those who survived their realm’s downfall had often travelled to other planets or dimensions, so can return to Earth as starseeds.
Indigo Children
Younger souls that are here to lead others into a new age, Indigo Children are independent, strong-willed, and disruptive to outdated systems. They are agents of peace and justice, and have no tolerance for evil. Indigo Children are often born with memories of their divine gifts, qualities, and mission intact, and come from a spiritual dimension of Earth that hasn’t yet finished ascending.
Illustration of a girl sitting in the middle of a large glade of magical flowers looking into infinity.
Crystal Children
Often grouped with Indigo Children, Crystal Children share the former’s mission to usher humanity into a better future. They are natural healers and lovers of nature, and have a strong connection with Pleiadian energy. Crystal Children bring joy, light, and harmony to all that they touch.
Rainbow Children
The third of the starseed types to often be grouped with Indigo Children, Rainbow Children are the youngest souls of all, and are still working to understand their role. Although their awareness of their nature can make them seem a little detached, they excel as healers and teachers, and rarely fall victim to illnesses or health issues.
A unique type of starseed, Lightworkers aren’t tied to any specific planet, realm or celestial body, and are instead defined by their mission to spread light, love, kindness, and goodness. Their goal is to encourage spiritual evolution, and to help the Earth (and other worlds) to tap into higher frequency information and rise in consciousness.
Hailing from the planet Mintaka that once lay within Orion’s belt, Minkaten starseeds are among the original lightworkers. They’re fascinated by astrology and crystals, and are gifted with extraordinarily strong intuition. Because Mintaken no longer exists, Mintaken starseeds can feel intensely homesick, but often find solace around water.
Feline starseeds also originate within the Lyran constellation, and can be glimpsed within the cat-like artwork of some ancient civilisations. Feline starseeds are detached from the physical and in tune with the spiritual. They exist in a higher dimension to humans, and often have telepathic or psychic abilities.
Just as Lemurian and Atlantean starseeds survived the downfall of their realms on Earth, finding refuge among the stars, Maldek starseeds survived their planet’s destruction. Maldek was a planet in our Solar System that died as a consequence of misusing technological power, and greed. On Earth, Maldek starseeds try to teach humans how to better use technology and other tools to avoid a robotic apocalypse.
Avian starseeds come from a purely spiritual realm, and journey to Earth to teach humans about metaphysics and spiritual truths. In essence, they serve as spirit guides, showing how a more spiritual life can lead to an advanced civilisation. As their name suggests, Avian starseeds often have bird-like qualities.
Martian starseeds come from the planet Mars, and seek to connect with the human race and assist with its advancement. The call of Martian starseeds might be why Earth astronomers have always felt a strong pull to Mars. The appearance of Martian starseeds is a mystery, although they tend to feel a connection with water and fire.
Among the first spiritual beings to travel from a higher dimension and incarnate in human bodies, Polarian starseeds come from the North Star, Polaris. They are highly empathetic, and are able to feel the Earth’s energies at a very deep level. As a result, they are able to serve as mediators between humans and planet Earth.
Fleeing from Beta Centauri to escape slavery, some Hadarian starseeds settled on Earth and seek to build strong and happy relationships. Shy and introverted, their loving natures can make them susceptible to manipulation, but their past and present struggles can’t dampen their enthusiasm to spread unconditional love.
Shape-shifting, lizard-like starseeds of unknown origins who try to crush humanity’s spiritual enlightenment, Reptilian starseeds rarely have a positive goal. They desire control over humans for their own benefit, and plunge those who they influence into greed and selfishness. They played a part in the destruction of Lemuria and other realms, and are opposed by many of the other starseed types.
A type of Reptilian starseed from the constellation Draco, Draconian starseeds seek to unite many people to a common goal, although whether this mission is for good or evil depends on the starseed. Some can be greedy and manipulative leaders, but others are diligent workers who guide awakened humans to accomplish just causes.
Agarthian Beings
Rather than originating offworld, Agarthian Beings actually come from a faery realm within Earth itself, and are therefore deeply connected to the planet. They actively protect the environment, and remember even forgotten Earthly catastrophes like the sinking of Atlantis.
An Introduction to Starseeds:
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harlronica · 2 years
psychic/intuitive astro placements for Neptune
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In Astrology, Neptune brings beauty to a much higher and spiritual level. Neptune is the psychic planet of ideals, intuition, spirituality and compassion, the domain of dreams and delusions. Neptune serves as a bridge between the physical and the astral/dream world making it much easier to astral travel during sleep/deep meditative states. A Starseed origin in alignment here may be your most remembered and feel most familiar to you. This represents the origin that may be felt in deep space. 
Neptune is a generational planet that changes signs every 14 years, and governs the sign of Pisces.
*Psychic/Intuitive Astrological placements for the planet Neptune* "I Dream"
Neptune in Scorpio: (1957-1970) many psychics and sensitives were born with this configuration. These people are intuitive with an interest in the metaphysical world. Especially if in alignment with the stargate Antares (The Family of Archangel Uriel) which runs along the Scorpio degree.
Neptune in Sagittarius: (1970-1985) the intuitive nature of these chart holders is said to be highly developed, and they tend to be prophetic with the ability to develop clairvoyance. Especially if in alignment with the stargate Lyra or Shaula which run along the Sagittarius degrees.
Neptune in Capricorn: (1985-2000) these chart holders have a strong intuition. Especially if in alignment with the stargate Lyra which runs along the Sagittarius/Capricorn degrees. Many advanced/highly evolved souls came into incarnation during this configuration.
Neptune in Aquarius: (2000-2015) these chart holders have a connection to their subconscious which is fueled by an energy that is inspirational and visionary. They have an interest in all psychic phenomena, spiritual revelation, and altered forms of consciousness. Strong psychic/intuitive abilities are possible here especially if Neptune is in alignment with the Andromeda Galaxy which runs along the Aquarius/Pisces degrees.
Neptune in Pisces: (2015-2030) these chart holders are mystical and capable of attaining harmony between the physical and spiritual world. Neptune is most comfortable here in its home sign. Especially if Neptune is in alignment with the Andromeda Galaxy which runs along the Aquarius/Pisces degrees.
Neptune in 1st house: these chart holders are extremely sensitive with an immense imagination and are very sensitive to their environment. Others are easily drawn to these chart holders because they feel as if they are immediately understood by them. These people absorb the moods of others like a sponge and are likely to be visionary and psychic. Especially if Neptune is running along an Aries degree which is connected to the Pleiades stargate.
Neptune in 2nd house: these chart holders have a profound intuition with a psychic sensitivity that can be used to tap into their inner talents. Especially if Neptune is running along a Taurus degree which is connected to the Pleiades and Aldebaran (The Family of Archangel Michael) stargate.
Neptune in 3rd house: these chart holders are intuitive, clairvoyant, and are likely to possess other psychic skills. Especially if Neptune is running along a Gemini degree which is connected to the Orion stargates. These people can easily put others at ease as they are likely to intuitively understand them.
Neptune in 5th house: these chart holders have the ability to become clairvoyant due to their rich imagination and creativity. Especially if Neptune is running along a Leo degree which is connected to the Regulus (The Family of Archangel Raphael) stargate.
Neptune in 7th house: these chart holders are sensitive and empathetic. Especially if Neptune is running along a Libra degree which is connected to the Arcturian stargate. These people are likely to have a strong psychic and intuitive connection to their partner(s).
Neptune in 8th house: these chart holders are prone to psychic and intuitive dreams. They're extremely sensitive and deeply interested in mysticism and spirituality. This configuration allows the chart holder to read others well. Especially if Neptune is running along a Scorpio degree which is connected to the stargate Antares (The Family of Archangel Uriel.)
Neptune in 9th house: these chart holders are mystical and prone to spiritual visions as they have extraordinary faith in the Universe. They should be trusting of their inner voice and intuition. Their spiritual beliefs are likely to be well-developed. Especially if Neptune is running along a Sagittarius degree which is connected to the stargates of Lyra and Shaula.
Neptune in 10th house: likely to be intuitive and visionary. Especially if Neptune is running along a Capricorn degree which is connected to the Lyra stargate.
Neptune in 11th house: visionary, empathetic, and intuitive. Especially if Neptune is running along an Aquarius degree which is connected to the Andromeda Galaxy. These chart holders are very humanitarian and accepting/empathetic towards the collective. Very compassionate and live unconventional lifestyles.
Neptune in 12th house: most comfortable here in its home house. These chart holders can easily tap into the unconscious and connect with the divine. They're extremely sensitive with a strong intuition, and hold profound insight. Especially if Neptune is running along a Pisces degree which is connected to the Andromeda Galaxy.
Note: not all astrological placements for Neptune are listed. If your Neptune house/sign is not listed that does not mean that you do not have other intuitive/psychic indicators in your chart. Everybody has intuitive and psychic placements to one degree or another in their astrological chart. This is why it is important to refer to the entire astrological chart as a whole! <3
What house/sign is your Neptune in? Note below! Mine's in 6th house Aquarius! :)
For business inquiries please email [email protected] ! I'm currently offering Full Starseed Origin chart readings for $30 and Half Starseed Origin chart readings for $20 which is a shorter reading than what you receive with the Full Origin reading. I accept paypal/venmo and do not require payment until after the reading.
What you will receive in each reading:
Full Starseed Origin Reading: for $30 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found within your astrological natal chart. You will also receive a full detailed description of where each Starseed origin is located at in your natal chart and what this means for you; along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each Starseed origin. For this reading it is required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with birth location. The timing for this reading can range anywhere between 1-3 days due to the thoroughness of the reading.
Half Starseed Origin Reading: for $20 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in your astrological natal chart along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin. You will not receive a detailed description of where each origin is located and what it means for you as you would with the Full Starseed Origin Reading. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. The timing for this reading is usually within the same day requested.
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divine-nonchalance · 4 months
Buckle Up for the Solstice Energies
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. 
We have been sending you energies quite consistently, and we have noticed that more and more of you are opening up to receive that which is rightfully yours. In other words, you create by living what you are living, even if you are not asking intentionally or consciously, and those energies are then created by you for you and can be delivered to you by any of us in the higher realms. We do seek to share the most appropriate energies with you when you are ready, and we know that more and more people will be opening up to receive the energies being sent because you have a solstice coming up there on your planet.
And with a solstice comes a greater expectation for change. This occurs at various times in your calendar, and it is always good for you to begin looking up and expecting to receive. It is through your expectation that you are capable of receiving more. And when you sit and meditate, or commune with Mother Earth or Mother Nature, you are showing others the way to open up and receive, even if they are not looking at you or hearing about what you’ve done from you, and that is because you are part of a collective consciousness. Now, you can also receive by kicking back and relaxing, and we highly recommend that you do that as well. 
We recommend you do it as often as you can, because we keep telling you that the hard part is over and you’ve done your work, and we want you to know that these truths are true. You can get into receiving mode now. You can expect more because of what you have done and what you have asked for already, and you don’t have to work hard in order to earn anything, and that includes becoming more of your higher self. 
Just relax into that mode and that level of awareness. Just allow that sense of self to rise up to the surface, and you will experience yourselves as you want to be, rather than as you have been. We are so happy to be a part of this journey with you and to guide you in all the ways that we can, and we want you to buckle up, but also to relax, as you have these wonderful solstice energies coming your way. Expect more and receive more. Become more, because you are destined to do so, and you might as well do so consciously. 
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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starseededhippie · 10 months
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Message from the Arcturians: It's Time To Get Ready
“There is an energy that is amongst us right now.  This energy has a lot to show us and teach us.  This energy is what is needed for us to advance to the next level, to go to the next dimension. This energy is bringing with it the lessons and knowledge that we need to know in order to be able to create this new reality.
People around the world are feeling this energetic shift. People are wondering what this energetic shift means and what it is that they need to do as a result of it. Right now is the time to go inward, to connect to your Higher Self, your Spirit Guides, the Universe or whatever you call God. Get real close to them because you are going to need them in this time in this time that is coming. There are a lot of energetic shifts. There are a lot of changes that are happening and they are not going to be for the faint of heart.  If you were sent to this planet as a Lightworker, a healer, an energy worker, you are feeling this energetic shift right now so it is important that you get grounded in your sense of self, your Spirit Team, and your intuition to help you and guide you through this period and time. This is going to be very important because you are going to need discernment because things are going to look like things they are not.  People are going to look like people they are not.  Because of this you need to be tapped in enough to know the difference.  So right now is the time to get strong and grounded in your belief system, in your knowledge of self, and in your Spirit Team.” 
Thank you.
The Arcturians.
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dasenergi · 5 months
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The Arcturian beings that connect with Earth and humanity are a highly advanced extraterrestrial civilization. They are from the star system Arcturus, which is located in the constellation Boötes. These beings are evolved spiritually, technologically, and intellectually.
The ones we connect with are benevolent, peaceful, and highly intelligent entities that posses advanced knowledge in healing, energy, and consciousness expansion.
Some who have had contact with Arcturians experience telepathic communication, spiritual downloads, even healing sessions. These galactic ancestors are involved in a cosmic council or alliance with other civilizations, working together for the greater good of the universe to create harmony throughout our galaxy.
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santoschristos · 6 months
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Eclipse Energy Wave Portal
9D Arcturus Connection
A Massive Wave of Eclipse Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You are in the midst of a massive wave of energies there on Earth. You can do what you will with those energies, because you have free will and because you are creator beings. You create with energy, whether that energy is a stone or a thought, whether it is a pain or a sound. You are creating with energy, and when there are new energies upon you as there are now, you can create that which is new and that which has been unknown to humanity prior to this moment. That is what is exciting about being there on Earth at this time.
You get to go from where you were to where you are going. You get to experience the movement, the motion, the evolution, and the expansion. And those of you who are doing it consciously are joyously riding the wave of these energies. You get to do that because you decided to go to planet Earth to have a lifetime in a dense physical place with lots of polarity. Now, what you can do is perhaps beyond the level of consciousness of your physical mind, and that should excite you.
That which is unknown to you can put you in a place of fear, or it can put you in a place of excitement. If you are more positively-oriented, you will go to the place of excitement. If you are more negatively oriented, you will go to the place of fear. The choice is yours. Again, free will. Use it to choose, to go down the positive path, to open yourself up to higher and higher frequency energies and experiences, to know yourselves in ways that you have never known yourselves before.
In other words, listen to your hearts. Be aware of your desires, and have faith that your desires can and will come to fruition. They will not just come to fruition because of a very kind and loving God that grants you your wishes. They will come to fruition because of you and because you have the power within you to access any dream, any desire, any manifestation. You always have had that power, but now you are stepping into that power and you are using the help that you are getting from above. That is how this really works. It is through teamwork. It is through a joining of forces. It is through the merging of the nonphysical with the physical that you get the desired results.
And it is time for more humans to acknowledge that so you can benefit from that knowledge. You are there to go beyond where you have been before, and you can do so consciously and deliberately without knowing exactly what it is you are moving towards in each and every moment. That’s the exciting part, is that get to unwrap those presents, and more and more presents keep coming. When you are feeling pretty good and aligned with your Source, you can move mountains, you can go to places you’ve never been before, and you can experience new heights of ecstasy.
Do not ever limit yourselves by looking around and saying, ‘What’s possible? Let me determine that by what I can see out there and by what other people have done and accomplished in their lives.’ You are meant to go beyond what has been before, and you are doing so by staying in your bodies, by being present and by noticing that you have this overwhelming amount of energy available to you right now to utilize and to utilize in whatever ways that you see fit.
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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cosmichighpriestess · 6 months
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°•How to Choose The Timeline You Want•°
Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very capable of seeing down many different timelines simultaneously, because we exist in the ninth dimension, and we can see the various timelines that are in front of each of you who are receiving these messages. We know that new timelines are created when you get imaginative. When you go beyond the beliefs of those around you and those who have come before you. We know that you are very creative, in fact, and capable of reaching for the stars, quite literally. Many of you are wondering when ships will land all across the planet, and you wonder that with the idea that it is set in stone right now.
You think that these decisions are being made outside of you by some other being or some other group of beings, but you get to decide when that happens. You get to decide when humanity has access to free energy. You get to decide when you take everything that is coming to you, all of your gifts, all that you’ve ever wanted to manifest. It is all right there, waiting for you to receive it. You are the ones deciding. You are the ones focusing. You are the ones vibrating. You are the ones thinking, feeling, acting, speaking, and as you remain in alignment with what you do want, and let go of what you don’t want, then you put yourself on that best feeling timeline for you.
If you align with a version of the human collective that is ready for full and open e.t. contact next year, then you will have that experience. But if you look around and say, ‘These other humans aren’t ready,’ then you stay stuck on that timeline. It is up to you. Think better of your fellow humans and of yourselves. Rather than focusing on your flaws and your foibles, focus on how far you’ve come, how much potential there is within each and every one of you, and focus on the love that you are and the love that exists in every other human being. And while you’re at it, focus on the truth that all beings throughout the galaxy are love. They are Source Energy.
And sure, many of them have acted in ways that are much less than what you would expect from a Source Energy Being, but that just means you get to have the experience of forgiving them. You get to see the best in every being. That’s your choice; that’s the choice that will feel best to you when you make it. There really is no other choice, because you must make that choice in order to be who you really are, and being who you really are is where all roads lead to. You are all going home to Source; you are all there to remember who you really are. 
So don’t forget that. Don’t fall into that trap of seeing yourselves as small, insignificant, and destined to have certain experiences. The world is what you make of it. Your lives can be better, even by the highest of standards, if you allow them to be so. And you are becoming your higher selves, your fifth-dimensional selves, no matter what anyone else is doing or no matter how it sometimes appears. Choose the best timeline for yourself right now by being conscious about the fact that you are choosing and that the timeline that will feel best to you does exist. 
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.
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madamlaydebug · 2 years
B e c o m i n g 🦋
Seeing how so many of us, in all walks of life, aware and unaware alike, are going through the layers of peeling away the things within that don’t serve themselves and the collective. Sometimes the layers are gently pulled away and sometimes it might feel as if your entire body has been shattered and the pain just too great to bear. In that moment, if it does happen, blessed if not, remember you are simply cleansing your current embodiment. Like polishing a diamond. Your light and brilliance is so magnificent. Never give up, for when you feel totally alone and isolated know that you are loved and Are love. There is no separation. We are all connected. This is becoming so prevalent as we awaken deeply. I had the immense blessing of connecting with an aspect of myself as an Arcturian. In their frequency there is such a beautiful weaving of all the embodied consciousnesses. No conflict, turmoil or sense of separation. The I is We. They all work harmoniously for the greater good of All. After feeling this frequency, goodness it was hard to come back down to Earth, where as a whole we are not there yet. But the amazing collective I was able to see and feel is such a beautiful and hopeful reminder that we can and will get there! Be open to your heart’s greatest capacity, the words I am ready are powerful catalysts for any manifestation. What do you wish to see on Earth? Focus on the most beautiful vision of what you’d like you create. Feel the love that connects us all and spans throughout the Universe. I love you. I care for you deeply. And wish for your greatest dreams to come true ((( 💗 )))
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stlhandyman · 2 years
When Will The Shift Be Complete? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are very pleased that so many of you who are a part of the Awakened Collective are expecting a better future for humanity, and we know that you are because you believe in the shift in consciousness. Or, to put it another way, you know that there is a shift in consciousness that is happening right now and that will be completed at some point in humanity’s future. Now, we know we have been over this before, but it is important for you all to hear it again. You are not meant to wait around for an Event, a Solar Flash, or any other occurrence that would catapult you into the fifth dimension. You are meant to experience the ride, the journey, and the steps forward that you take in your conscious spiritual evolution.
You are meant to not only take those steps, but to experience them as incremental movements forward in your consciousness. In other words, you want to experience the slow and deliberate path to the fifth dimension, whether you realize it or not. Now, here is something else that is very true. You get to experience your gradual evolution in consciousness in every moment of every day. You are faced with choices all the time that are about you either clinging to some aspect of the third dimension, or letting go and letting yourself rise up to a fifth-dimensional level of consciousness.
This is not about going to a place, and you don’t have to wait for the Earth to split into two Earths so that you can exist on the fifth-dimensional one. That is another story that we are aware of that is in the new age community and that needs to be seriously examined, because there are way more than two Earths already. Now, as you become the next highest version of yourself on this path, and you do so deliberately, that is an amazing experience. You get to have one amazing experience of your spiritual evolution after another, and that is something worth celebrating. That is something worth feeling very good about right now.
You might feel despondent that we are not here telling you that the shift in consciousness will be completed tomorrow or in six days, but that’s only because you are looking at it in a way that does not serve you. If you see the completion of the shift as something that is inevitable and something that you are there to enjoy, then you can let go of your timeframes, and just be in the present moment with this version of you that’s being given yet another opportunity to evolve spiritually and consciously. That is the best experience you can have right now. Make that choice, and do not wait for something outside of you to occur so that you can feel better about your now moment.
We know that we are preaching to the choir here, because if we weren’t you’d be watching a different video or reading a different post on a different website. We know that you are up for the challenge of shifting yourselves gradually and moment by moment, and we also know that you know that this is the better experience. You still have so much to enjoy in terms of what is available to you there in the fourth dimension and planet Earth, so also do not be in such a hurry to go home, wherever you believe your home to be. Bring Heaven to Earth. Bring your galactic energies down into the physical realm and into your bodies and feel yourselves expanding as you do, and you will be your fifth-dimensional selves right now, and you will show others the way.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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Now the Grays had created a matrix. A matrix of illusions and every psychic that wanted to connect to extraterrestrials, most of them were hacked and were tapping into this dark goo, downloading programs, established by the Nebu, for an agenda, that when the moment will be here, Now, all the dormant programs would be activated, the beautiful hopeful programs ‘You’re going to be saved’, be nice and behave as we tell you so. downloading, huge long texts, ‘We the Arcturians are talking’, all things like that. Positive messages that go straight to the point. If you need to write an essay to convince someone there is a trick somewhere.
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galacticguidance · 1 year
Bridging with All that You are. QHET Arcturian Healing
Arcturianous a believer:
Imagine there was a time when we were living
In the past or in a future as consciousness, imagine that for a moment you are there
For now
We are together in sphere of light traveling
In universe of yours
Take a breath in, deep one, relaxing
Imagine that all is was now now now
I am with you
Quantum reality becoming more and more recognizable as one realm united all it is.
Imagining is something for us humans to go love, become, more and more in coherence with universe in our reality.
Beyond mind there is a sparkle of light (yourself) connect to with in to all what existed,
I’m not saying you have to experience all of these remarkable realities coexisting at the moment of beingness, livingness at once, all I’m asking is to open yourself to this one possibility. I’m one with the all one love love love in myself.
I was saying many times with Arcturianous, there becoming now here.
Universe, sound, love exceptionally loved we are and back, I’m love, I share love not even thinking about it.
QHET is one stop, a one dot, when in light, where in nows, as stop points you can love the one in you and see the most wonderful, joyful, loving reality were you where in moments.
I’m here with you, in the script, Arcturian Healing script, is. I’m here with you now
Imagine love, yourself in moments
Imagine the vibration of love (you Star Seeds in awakening time on earth) brings something for from yourself. What could it be….
Abundant thought
Abundant mind heart
Abundant self loving life for from yourself…. I might be wrong in discussion what’s coming, as the time travelers, time in coexistence is real;
I might be right or simply saying I’m here to explore more within in the universe and beyond, can be the stop~ing life for many lights, in meanwhile as creators we want more from for our lives, we wish to express more not always finds the “right words” to seek love in others in the same time in ourselves, I want to become, I might wish to find my love, relationship, works, loving companion or a new career, I might wish… and
there’s, as we know now now. We are gaining the new perspective on how, where…
Let’s get back to present,
Ascension love
Ascended mastery in love
Ascension in multiple universe believing there, now, in universe is a gate=portal in communication, like a tuning point tune in to universe
QHET is modern hypnosis. It’s like an adventure once for a while to take to understand, explore and experience yourself.
Imagine love guide with you, what’s his/her name ? Imagine a window within the heart… would it be a communication in vibration ?
Unseen world has so much to offer, I’m nor a healer per se, but I can
with Arcturianous guide you in quantum light, to one stop where believer become self, when one spot light can light up all it is in
A dot
Self source companion.
Would it be beneficial? As yourself, is me talking within
Is my universe better bigger now as I’m progressing,
Is it real what I’m deeply dreaming of, a better bigger world where star children living in coherence with many star races, where all once where was told becoming reality… am I correct to say that we are a race humans to dream bigger better about our own, and beyond future?
Am I here to love? To express gratitude and love love love self and
Quantum is love in moment to moment, bridging all what you are I mean all
love light past future
In one
Benevolent time awakening
On planet earth
After all we know before we came
The everything is possible
That one time our family galactic star family came down with a bookey saying
Celebration to ALL we are
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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The Arcturians come From the Star Arcturus in the Bootes Constellation; a red giant start in the Northern Hemisphere about 36.66 light years away. The Arcturians are generally a peaceful and spiritual people, who have helped in the evolution of mankind. Arcturians have a deep connection and focus on every aspect of the God-realization path, ascension.
Arcturus – α Boötis (Alpha Boötis) Talon Abraxas
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harlronica · 2 years
psychic/intuitive astro placements for Uranus
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In Astrology, Uranus seeks to push past all limitations brought on by the planet Saturn. Uranus is the inventor of the solar system, and is associated with extremes, breakthroughs and breakdowns, limitlessness, and being an outsider. A Starseed origin in alignment here will be the origin aspect that is most assisting in your humanitarian mission and future aspects of your incarnations. 
Uranus is a generational planet that changes signs every seven years, and governs the sign of Aquarius. Those with Uranus in 1st, 4th, 7th, or 10th house have learned/passed the test of Saturn.
*Psychic/Intuitive Astrological placements for the planet Uranus* "I Evolve"
Uranus in Virgo: (1961-1969) this time sparked a yearning for greater physical and psychic healing along with a more developed intuition being brought forth. Especially if aligned with the Corvus stargate which runs along the Virgo degrees.
Uranus in Sagittarius: (1981-1988) intuitive, prophetic, and optimistic. Especially if aligned with the Lyra or Shaula stargate which runs along the Sagittarius degrees.
Uranus in Aquarius: (1995-2003) provided a stronger interest in the metaphysical fields- most comfortable here in its home sign. Strengthens intuition/psychic abilities if other strong intuitive/psychic aspects are found in the natal chart. Especially if aligned with the Andromeda Galaxy which runs along the Aquarius/Pisces degrees.
Uranus in Pisces: (2003-2010) brings in the incarnation of those who are spiritually intuitive and are able to grasp knowledge of spiritual truths. Very spiritually psychic if in alignment with the Andromeda Galaxy which runs along the Aquarius/Pisces degrees.
Uranus in 1st house: visionary and intuitive. These chart holders are likely to be born with a natural ability to change the world if their visionary abilities are used in beneficial ways. Especially if Uranus is running along an Aries degree which is connected to the Pleiades stargate. They have passed the test of Saturn.
Uranus in 4th house: intuitive and sensitive. These chart holders are likely to be natural healers and nurturers. Especially if Uranus is running along a Cancer degree which is connected to the Sirius and Hydra stargate. They have passed the test of Saturn.
Uranus in 5th house: unique, unconventional, artistic, and creative. Likely to be very intuitive and serve as creative catalysts (especially if Uranus is running along a Leo degree which is connected to the Regulus stargate- The Family of Archangel Raphael.)
Uranus in 7th house: these chart holders are meant to act as mirrors for the collective. This placement signifies that these chart holders are "ahead of their time." They have passed the test of Saturn. They bring on great catalytic change and are usually quite intuitive. Especially if Uranus is running along a Libra degree which is connected to the Arcturian stargate.
Uranus in 8th house: brings in a very strong psychic feeling as well as a keen intuition. These chart holders are likely to naturally transform the collective and their own collective experience. Especially if Uranus is running along a Scorpio degree which is connected to the Antares stargate- The Family of Archangel Uriel.
Uranus in 9th house: intuitive and visionary. Unconventional and naturally philosophical people. Mind expansion and higher learning comes easily to these chart holders and they have well-developed instincts. Especially if Uranus is running along a Sagittarius degree which is connected to the Lyra stargate.
Uranus in 11th house: most comfortable here in its home house. Similar to Uranus in the 7th house- these chart holders are considered to be "ahead of their time." Very intuitive people who can connect easily with (and transform) the collective. Natural innovators. Especially if Uranus is running along an Aquarius degree which is connected to the Andromeda stargate/galaxy.
Uranus in 12th house: psychic and intuitive. These chart holders have a natural desire and ability to change the world. They're likely to be born with great spiritual power and knowledge as Uranus in the 12th house signifies having your freedom and independence stripped away in a past life. Many past life famous activists are likely to have this placement. These people were born with the ability to make the world a better place. If other intuitive/psychic aspects/positions are present in the chart then these chart holders have great healing abilities and spiritual power which is repressed due to being in a lower dimensional realm. This is especially true if Uranus is running along a Pisces degree which is connected to the Andromeda stargate/galaxy.
Note: not all astrological placements for Uranus are listed. If your Uranus house/sign is not listed that does not mean that you do not have other intuitive/psychic indicators in your chart. Everybody has intuitive and psychic placements to one degree or another in their astrological chart. This is why it is important to refer to the entire astrological chart as a whole! <3
What house/sign is your Uranus in? Note below! Mine's in 7th house Aquarius! :)
For business inquiries please email [email protected] ! I'm currently offering Full Starseed Origin chart readings for $30 and Half Starseed Origin chart readings for $20 which is a shorter reading than what you receive with the Full Origin reading. I accept paypal/venmo and do not require payment until after the reading.
What you will receive in each reading:
Full Starseed Origin Reading: for $30 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found within your astrological natal chart. You will also receive a full detailed description of where each Starseed origin is located at in your natal chart and what this means for you; along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each Starseed origin. For this reading it is required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with birth location. The timing for this reading can range anywhere between 1-3 days due to the thoroughness of the reading.
Half Starseed Origin Reading: for $20 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in your astrological natal chart along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin. You will not receive a detailed description of where each origin is located and what it means for you as you would with the Full Starseed Origin Reading. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. The timing for this reading is usually within the same day requested.
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divine-nonchalance · 9 days
The Final Months of 2024 & Start of 2025
The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You have surpassed so many of the expectations for where humanity would be at this time in your evolutionary process. Now, you do receive help from those of us who are observing you, but it is what you do with that help that is so impressive. You have moved beyond the need to be seen as better than anyone else to such an extent that you are embracing that truth that everyone is equally a Source Energy Being. Now, of course, we are referring to those of you who are among The Awakened Collective. 
But we also want you to recognize that when you see your fellow humans as Source Energy Beings, and you hold them in that space of being equal to you, that then becomes a message that is sent out to the entirety of the human collective consciousness. You are affecting all in your willingness to hold another in the light of the truth of who they really are. 
When you receive help from beings and collectives such as ourselves, that help is not primarily to get you more of what you want as an individual, but rather it is the help that you need in order to elevate the consciousness of the collective of which you are a part. You are also included in that collective, however, and so all that you do for humanity you are also doing for yourselves. You are not there to be martyrs, to be selfless. But you are there to include others in your sense of self. You are there to expand your ideas about who and what you really are.
And as you expand that concept of self out, and you include others in it, you then begin to think, speak and act with the collective in mind, instead of just thinking that you will get yours, and they can all scrounge and scrape around at the leftovers. Now, that was the prevailing viewpoint that many humans took for quite some time there on Earth, because it was a place where survival wasn’t guaranteed. Now that you are living in a modern society, many are still seeking to live their best lives, but have for a long time not thought about the possibility of not surviving because of a harsh winter or a food shortage.
Now, of course, fears have come up in the past several years about food shortages and whether there would be enough energy to power your devices in the winter months, but those fears came up to show you what you were moving past, what you were moving beyond. And so of course those types of reports had to come out. You had to face those fears one last time, and now you have moved beyond your survival instinct, and you can thrive and you can encourage others to thrive in your thriving while also helping them with what they really need, which is to know who they really are and that they really can create what they want and what they need.
We see more and more of you in the new age community doing this, and we see and feel the impact that you are having on the rest of humanity. And we want to compliment you on that and let you know that you will continue to make those very big, very positive strides forward as you move into the final months of 2024, and you have every right to be excited about 2025 and what is to come because of you and what you are doing and the perspectives you are holding as The Awakened Collective. 
We are The Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”
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crystal-wind · 7 days
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