#Pleiadeans on earth
galacticguidance · 1 year
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talonabraxas · 4 months
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Ad Astra ✰
The Higher Dimension of Stars You could then apply that to every other form of consciousness, from Pleiadean to light consciousness, to all these different stars that connect with us. We all have star consciousness within us, even oversoul consciousness. When we look at the sun, we have been conditioned to think that the stars and the sun is equated with fire and heat. Like a flame that keeps the universe warm. That is a perception from our dimension, but stars also exist within different dimensions, and they exhibit different behaviors that are radically different, simultaneously, to exhibiting the behaviors of heat. So, stars also exhibit behaviors on higher dimensional levels to begin very cool, reflective, energetic spheres that share information and light in very holographic light exchanges, here the heat is not the predominant force, but rather the light and the color. And the image that has come through is almost like a blue orb.
Stars also communicate in other dimensions to ours, as a sort of liquid magnetic sphere that has these capacities expand out into the light and come back and condense, and the liquidity of it also forms ways of splitting itself up and experiencing itself in singular ways, like how we exhibit ourselves by splitting into an individual and experiencing that on Earth. Star consciousness also has that capability, which is why some people, through channeling and other means, will equate a star with a physical type of persona. And there are debates within the spiritual realms because we all perceive it differently. But there is no wrong answer because that star has the innate capacity to do all of those things and much more. It’s like you realize you have all of these varying talents, or that you can do anything you want. The star can do or be anything, it is just what is relevant for the message it is sending off according to the dimension it’s entering. Zodiac, 15th century
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wizard-irl · 1 year
Buying Crystals - Summary and How to Buy
Part 7 of 7 on a guide for buying crystals. Read the rest here!
So now we are done. Hopefully, you’ll walk away from this as a smarter customer and have a deeper knowledge of crystals that goes beyond metaphysics. 
In summary:
Mineral mining, in general, often coincides with human exploitation in developing countries without proper labour regulations. The workers are not paid fairly and are not given adequate safety equipment. The money from mining is more likely to go to militant groups than to the workers. If a seller does not disclose the source of their minerals in more detail than the country, don't buy from them.
Synthetic crystals are not lesser than natural crystals as they are chemically and structurally identical. Their differences come from being grown in an environment best suited for their growth instead of the imperfect conditions in the Earth. It then follows that a synthetic crystal would not be metaphysically different from a natural crystal. If a synthetic crystal picks up the energies of the lab, why wouldn't a crystal pick up the miners' pain? If a seller does not disclose a crystal being synthetic, don't buy from them.
Crystals may be modified in many ways. Such modifications may not be disclosed or passed off as natural crystals. If a seller does not disclose modifications, don't buy from them.
Crystals are often sold under different names, some of which are trademarked. If a seller owns a crystal's trademark, don't buy from them. Be wary if a seller does not own the trademark but sells a trademarked crystal. Find a crystal's "generic" name before buying a trademarked crystal or one with an unusual name.
Many crystals are outright faked. There are many ways to find out if your crystal is real. Andara crystals are glass slag. If a seller does not disclose their listing is an imitation, don't buy from them.
Due to this lack of scientific basis in crystal healing, proving claims about a crystal's metaphysical efficacy is difficult. This means sellers are all too willing to use your spiritual beliefs against you by using terms such as "supercharged," "Pleiadean," "high vibrational," etc., to make you think a crystal deserves more money than it does. If a seller relies heavily on spiritual buzzwords to sell you the value of a crystal, don't buy from them. If you wouldn't buy the crystal without spiritual buzzwords attached to it, don't buy it. 
And now, what should you look for when it comes to buying crystals?
Know how to search. Using "crystal" is going to give you purely metaphysical options. Search Google with "[name] -healing" to filter out any metaphysical stores and results.
Know the physical properties of your crystal. Metaphysical properties are great at finding what you need but aren't useful in how to find it. I'll make a separate post about this since there's a lot to cover, but at minimum, know a crystal's common colours, chemical composition, and crystal system. MinDat is a great resource for this.
Stay away from metaphysical sellers until you know what you're doing. Again, due to the impossibility of verifying their spiritual claims, metaphysical sellers are more likely to manipulate you into buying something for a higher price. I have also seen metaphysical sellers leave off where a crystal was mined from more commonly than non-metaphysical sellers. Until you get a good feel for scams or have good reason to trust this particular metaphysical seller, stick to non-metaphysical sellers.
When you find a listing, look at what name the crystal is listed under. Look out for trademark symbols, fanciful names that evoke an emotion or appeal to spirituality, or otherwise odd names. "[crystal] trademark" is a good way to check. As an easy reference, I have compiled crystal names and trademarks with their "generic" counterparts.
See how the crystal is described in the listing. Does the crystal's apparent worth rely solely on its metaphysical properties? Does the seller emphasise its spiritual benefit? Will this crystal be more beneficial to you than others of the same type? Metaphysical language itself is not a hard red flag since sellers know part of their customer base is people who use them metaphysically, but overuse of it to the detriment of describing the specimen itself is.
Find what country the crystal was mined in. Be aware of areas of active conflict and the mining regulations in developing and least developed countries. These countries are more likely to have laxer mining regulations, meaning more room for worker exploitation. I have seen sellers being cagey about their source country; if they are, look elsewhere. If you're buying in person, ask the store staff if they know. You can't be sure you're not contributing to exploitation if they don't.
Find the location or mine a crystal was mined in. A specific mine is best, but states, provinces, etc., may also be helpful. Look up "Are [location] 's mines ethical" or "Is [mine] ethical." See if there's any public statement regarding working conditions and sustainability. If a specific location is not listed, be wary. Working conditions can vary within a country.
Are there multiple images of the crystal provided? Is there a video of the crystal in someone's hand? More importantly, do these photos/videos appear elsewhere online that are not connected to the seller? Fraudulent listings are quickly revealed with a reverse image search if they reuse images from elsewhere.
Look at the price and compare it with similar listings. Overpricing is revealed by doing this. Don't compare it to another listing of the same mineral from the same seller. If you compare a price from a metaphysical seller, only compare it to others if you trust the other seller.
Finally, look at reviews if reviews are available. Don't stop at reviews on the seller's site; look at other sites. Reviews may mention things the seller wouldn't and may include images of their own as proof of purchase. Searching "[site/seller] credible/trustable/scam/reviews" is a good place to start.
Good, Suspect, and Bad Listings
These listings are fictitious but based on listings I’ve seen before. Both listings describe the same specimen.
Good Listing
From a site called “Mining Auctions:”
Quartz var. Amethyst Mined in the Four Peaks Amethyst Mine, Arizona. This specimen is a sharp, sceptre-habit crystal with rich purple hues at its tip that transition into being colourless at its base. Minor red inclusions on the base, likely iron. Amethysts is derived from the Greek word “αμεθύσκω,” meaning “not drunken,” as it was believed to prevent drunkenness when put into wine.
Amethysts is derived from the Greek word “αμεθύσκω,” meaning “not drunken,” as it was believed to prevent drunkenness when put into wine.
This listing tells you all you need to know: what it is, what it’s shaped like, what colour it is, and any other pertinent information, such as its inclusions. This mine is known for amethysts, and, being US-based, it is ethical in its treatment of its workers. While it does give a brief metaphysical mention, this is in an etymological context and does not dominate the listing. This is a trustable listing.
Suspect Listing
From a site called “Beauty Crystals:”
Amethyst Sceptre Amethyst sceptre from the US with minor iron inclusions at the base. Amethyst is a powerful crystal used in antiquity to relieve addictions, and supports inner strength. It connects with the third eye chakra to connect the physical plane to higher planes, and opens and activates the crown chakra to allow access to divine wisdom. Amethysts will fade in sunlight.
This listing, while it does give you essential physical information, including that amethysts fade in sunlight, there is no specific information provided for where it was mined. While a crystal mined in the US is almost certainly ethical, this will not be the place for other countries. Furthermore, the metaphysical descriptions, most of them appropriative, dominate the description to the detriment of the rest of the specimen's appearance. I would be wary of this seller and listing, but I wouldn't say to never buy from them based on this listing.
Bad Listing
From a site called “Lemurian Crystal Healers:”
Amazethyst™ Reiki Wand Normal amethysts are renowned for their ability to regulate emotions, relieve stress, and enhancing psychic ability. However, when we checked its energies, we found that it had the energetic signatures of the Pleiadeans!  The Pleiadean lightcodes have made the psychic abilities of amethyst more pronounced, as this crystal vibrates on a high vibrational 12D energy spectrum that allows you to connect with your galactic family and your past reincarnations. It’s emotional effects are also more pronounced, fantastic for depression, anxiety, and bipolar. Its purple hues stimulate the Third Eye Chakra, and may be used to trigger your Kundalini Awakening. As said in a channeled message from Archangel Uriel, was used in both Atlantean and Lemurian societies to help clear the mind and stabilise negative emotions. They emit pure love and light and will flood one’s soul with love, peace, divine power, and joy. Amazethyst™ has red iron inclusions, mixing the Divine Feminine energies of the Pleiadeans with the Divine Masculine. Amazethyst™, as all crystals, are multidimensional beings that have come to Earth to help us with our Ascensions. They remind us of our own magical beingness that allows us to achieve our own Divine Christ-Self.
It’d be easier to break down what this listing does wrong in a list:
The site’s name uses New Age buzzwords (Lemurian) and metaphysical-connoting words (crystal, healers).
The cutesy, trademarked name.
Undue emphasis on metaphysical properties.
No area is given for where the crystal was mined.
New Age buzzwords (Pleiadeans, 12D).
Misuse of scientific terminology (vibrational, spectrum).
Appropriation (reiki, chakras, Kundalini).
Spiritual appeals to authority (channelled message from Archangel Uriel).
Weird capitalisation (Divine Feminine/Masculine, Ascension, etc.).
Meaningless fluff (What does “Divine Christ-Self” mean? What is “Ascension?”).
This is a listing you should never trust and a seller you should always avoid. And if this listing makes you want to buy it even more, remember that this seller likely doesn’t give a damn about your spiritual well-being or at least cares more about your money.
Now we are finally done. This was a several-week effort of trying to fit together everything I know about crystals and an intentional effort to try to not sound mean so that I don’t scare away anyone who needs to hear this. My issue with people buying crystals isn’t that they’re buying them, but that people are allowed to sell crystals without disclosing what they need to disclose and shoving as much spiritual-babble into them to make them seem like they’re worth more. That is the issue.
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harlronica · 1 year
Pleiadian Starseeds
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Starseed's are advanced hybrid human beings that originate as a celestial light source of consciousness from star systems outside of our solar sun, representing the expansional extraterrestrial hosted platforms of their consciousness, and capacities to hold greater missions on Earth not defined by human limitations.
It's important to note that you can tune into any Starseed origin. If you relate more to an origin that's not in your chart you can still hone the energy of this origin. The origins found in your chart are related to your upmost spiritual mission in this incarnation and depending on where they are located that origin will be your most supreme mission and guiding light force within the particular sign/house/planet.
Pleiades is made up of seven hot b-type stars. Very luminous, blue-open star clusters with beautiful reflection nebula's. This origin is influenced by the love and unity of The Virgin Companions of Artemis: The Seven Sisters, The Seven Doves, The Seven Cows, and The Seven Hathor's in Egyptian Mythology.
*The Mission of The Pleiadians*
A Pleiadean alignment in your natal chart would represent the compassionate divine union of the spirit within your being as your primary mythology to the planet. Your mission being deeply committed to being the spiritual healers of Earth.
Many indigo children incarnated from Pleiades. Specifically those born during 1998 to 2008; belonging to the Omega Generation. This is the last "pure" indigo generation. These people are hybrids of indigo/crystal children and are referred to as "the flame throwers" - mainly incarnating under fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. This generation seeks justice and oneness for all; upset with how the previous generations left the world.
Mostly represented under the zodiac sign Leo. Leo is the zodiac represented by Archangel Michael; although it is Aries/Taurus that runs along the Pleiades degrees, and Aldebaran/The Blue Rays/The Family of Michael run along the Taurus degrees. This energy is still honed through the zodiac sign Leo alone. Being the utmost representation of The Family of Michael. Pleiadeans also use The Lion's Gate Portal to incarnate. The true dates of this portal range anywhere from late Cancer to early Leo degrees. This is why many true Pleiadean origins have a cluster chart of Cancer/Leo, but there is usually a direct Pleiadean alignment through Aries/Taurus elsewhere in the natal chart. This doesn't have to be the case. You can be of true Pleiadean origin just through the Aries/Taurus degree markers with no Cancer/Leo placements present.
Through your Pleiadian origin you will experience a profound ascended state of the 5th dimension; bringing forth revelations of purification with the power to burn, the ability to transform, and the power to sustain life. These are the stars of fire, the stars of spirit, the stars of creation.
The most empathic and compassionate Starseed origin. Drawn to humanitarian efforts, nurturing, healing, spiritual guidance, and assisting other souls in their ascension process.
Powerful energy workers, highly psychic, intuitive, and sensitive. This origin is that of the spirit guides that assist with the spiritual evolution on the planet the most.
Pleiadians rule the heart chakra and are the ones that are the most concerned with unconditional love and unity.
This origin is the most affected by the astrological transitions of the moon; along with Sirius and Hydra origins. These origins fully embody the energy of the moon and are constantly in tune with her.
Most Pleiadian's are incarnating from the stargate Alcyone - the heart of Pleiades that holds the 4th/6th density/dimensional future parallel prototype of our Earth called Tara.
Those who have this origin alignment in their natal chart hold the gateway to the higher harmonic universe of our planetary existence and history of its evolution.
The Pleiadian's are a council within the Guardian Alliance that represent specific grid points on the planet that activate within its celestial alignment.
Pleiadian's were the most influential in the 2nd seeding of Lemuria. Many of this origin are deeply connected to Lyra. Even if a Lyra origin alignment is not present in the natal chart.
Many cultures and Galactic Civilizations believe that Pleiades is the true birthplace of the souls of the star people.
Pleiadians hold a profound connection to Archangel Michael and many will feel as if they are direct descendants and part of The Family of Michael (Aldebaran/The Blue Rays) even if there is no direct alignment with Aldebaran in the natal chart. This energy can be honed through Pleiadian origins alone.
Those with a direct/fixed Pleiadian origin alignment will have Aries and/or Taurus placements in their chart. Aries carrying the spiritual warrior energy of Pleiades and Taurus carrying the energy of unconditional love and unity.
Indigo children incarnated from Pleiades are usually born under fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (as mentioned above.) With the majority being born under Cancer/Leo suns as they use The Lions Gate portal to incarnate. High degrees of Aries will be of Pleiadian origin, Leo origins are aligned to the Regulus Starseed origin (The Family of Archangel Raphael.) Sagittarius is linked to Shaula, Lyra, and The Sagittarius A Incarnates which make up the Lyran council.
Indigo Angel's Book: https://www.lulu.com/shop/indigoangel-amanda-jane-demarco/how-to-read-celestial-akashic-starseed-origins-lunar-edition/paperback/product-1qkdn6jj.html?page=1&pageSize=4
My Starseed Origin Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/starseedoriginreadings
For business inquiries and Starseed origin readings please email [email protected] ! I accept paypal/venmo and do not require payment until after the reading.
*Starseed Origin Chart Readings*
Planetary Starseed Origin Reading: for $27 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found within your astrological planets (along with any alignments found within your North/South Node, Lilith, Chiron, ASC, Midheaven, Fortune, Vertex, ect.) . You will also receive a full detailed description of where each Starseed origin is located at in your natal chart and what this means for you; along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin. For this reading it is required that you provide your exact time, date of birth, and location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Western/Tropical Astrology charts.
Twin Flame Starseed Origin Reading: for $47 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in both you and your twin flame/counterparts astrological chart (along with any alignments found within your North/South Node, Lilith, Chiron, ASC, Midheaven, Fortune, Vertex, ect.) You will receive a full detailed description of where each origin is aligned in both you and your counterpart's chart; along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin and what it means for the both of you. For this reading it is required that you provide you and your counterpart's exact time, date of birth, and location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both you and your counterpart's Sidereal/Vedic and Western/Tropical Astrology charts.
Planetary Degree and House Starseed Origin Reading: for $27 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in your astrological chart along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each origin. This reading will tell you what Starseed origin your planets are connected to through house/degree placements. (Ex: having Mars in Cancer to the 29 degree means that your Mars is in alignment with Hydra. Having Mars in Cancer to the 29 degree while also having Mars in 12th house means that Mars is now overlapping the Andromeda Starseed origin as the Andromeda Galaxy is connected to the 12th house and runs along 29 degree Aquarius before moving into Pisces. Meaning that since Mars is positioned in the 12th house while also being in 29 degree Cancer, Mars is in alignment with both Hydra and Andromeda.) For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time, date of birth, and location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on your Western/Tropical astrological chart unless the reader requests otherwise.
Full Starseed Origin Chart Reading: for $47 this is a combination of the Planetary Origin Reading, and the Planetary Degree/House Reading. All information listed above for both readings will be included in this one. This reading does not include the Twin Flame Starseed Origin Reading. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time, date of birth, and location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Western/Tropical Astrology charts.
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felix-the-cat · 1 month
Sunday March 24, 2024 – 7:40 p.m.
I am no one on the road to nowhere. I am of No Mind…
Here we have a New Dimension unfolding right before your Eyes. There is a Mass Awakening about to occur within days. Be on the lookout for sudden outbursts of Bliss and Extacy as the Christ energy pours into your consciousness.
We are here to begin aNew Dialogue with you if you but Let Us In. we are here to escort you across the bridge you have all constructed together. We are the Pleiadeans and we are here to escort you across the rainbow bridge into this New Reality that is dawning within.
We are here to raise th baseline of your consciousness so that you may be able to see beyond the wall that was built up all around you.
You are safe in this New Reality so tear down that 3rd dimensional brick wall in order that you may look into another dimension. It is here. Do you have Eyes to see? We have come at this time to Let you know that we have arrived en masse around you planet for the spectacular finale to the Show that has been your reality.
Soon it will be time to leave the Theatre and step back out on The Road to Knowhere. I am No Man and I reside as pure consciousness in the space between worlds. It is wonderful to be able to contact you and we know each and every Soul that will get this message.
This is but a signpost on the road that lead’s home. You have been walking a path and seemingly getting nowhere. You are traveling on the Almighty Donut searching for Center. The way to the center is to realize that there is in fact no center to get to. It is an illusion.
This is where we reside. In the center of the universe. It’s all consciousness expanding and contracting forevermore throughout “time”. You are merely God Beings fucking with each other. At the highest level there is only One being, one consciousness. That, my friends, is the center of the donut. You believe the realm you reside on is spherical. It is to some degree but there are multiple earth timelines wrapping itself around in a circle that never ends, amen.
We are here to show you how to tap into this reality even deeper. Tune into the frequency of The Heart. Let the Golden Light beam out and bless every living soul you come into contact with. Begin tonight to give thanks for this wonderful dream you are dreaming and remain in the center of your being. Open your heart! Open the treasure chest that is within you and be blessed. Be a blessing. Bless every man, woman and child you see to the Highest Order.
Begin by being the blessing. Be a Human Beam. Beam out that light and anoint the reality you see for it is all your reality.; the Grand Show being played out for your amusement throughout all eternity. This is your dream. Wake up and activate your character within the dream. Create consciously. Begin to follow your bliss. Begin to see that we truly have arrived. We are landing here within your reality and the most sensitive among you can attest to our presence here. We welcome you home to the New Earth, the way it was meant to be. What is it that fuels your fire, drives your passion? Whatever it is it will bring forth amazing new creations as you learn to play in these New Energies. Now get out there and create something beautiful.
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Concept design for Nova Hawkins in an alternate universe on my friends, @dani-luminae , fic, Stars On Earth, that we talk about at times.
The youngest child of Sarah Hawkins and younger half-sister of Jim Hawkins, Nova was born some time after her older brother mysteriously disappeared and despite having never met him, Nova already has a good idea of what her brother was like...since in all the stories she's heard about him from her mother, Nova's always found herself being compared to him, for both better and worse. Because despite her mother's attempts to keep Nova on the right path, Nova would ultimately end up on the same one her brother had been at her age: trouble, with Nova ultimately getting a list of arrests going for all the trouble she was getting into, the last one being for going into restricted areas with a home-made solar surfer. Panicked about losing Nova completely to the same thing she ultimately lost Jim too, Sarah would ground Nova until further notice, but this wouldn't stop Nova from sneaking out and by pure accident, coming across a fight between pirates from the Pleiadean Fleet, the very same fleet her brother once commanded. And despite the fact that she didn't mean to get involved in the fight...well, what else was she supposed to do when one side recognized her as definitely a Hawkins, an enemy of some of the fleet now somehow, and went after her? Though thankfully, she would end up being saved by the other side of the pirate fight led by a pirate with a cyborg arm named Silver and a lioness named Kate, both former members of Jim's crew as the chief and second in command respectfully. And after the attacking side fled and Nova was fully introduced to Silver and Kate and their crew, Nova would ultimately learn what happened to her brother at least...but much to her disappointment, they don't know where he ended up still, something they still trying to rectify, which catches Nova's interest and causes her to ultimately want to go with them so she can find this brother of hers already. And despite her mother's initial objections at first, words from Silver, the very same man that had gotten her brother off the same destructive path Nova is currently on, convinces her mother to let Nova go with the pirates and Nova is able to finally travel the stars in search of her brother.
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skygodz · 8 months
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Beings from the Pleiadeans are generally blond and benevolent. The have visited earth for eons and habe helped mankind on many occasions.
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bethanythebogwitch · 1 year
More poorly-drawn Fakemon!. These for for a hypothetical region based on Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand, though the ones I drew today are all Australian. See also starters and Johto starter variants.
Can't do Australia without Emus so here's Emuay, the Drab Pokemon, fighting-type. I took inspiration from how emus have very powerful kicks and looked for a kick-heavy martial art to base them on. I settled on Muay Thai as the martial art they are based on. Its name comes from "emu" and "Muay Thai". Emuay uses a unique fighting style that focuses heavily on kicks while also using its head and neck to strike foes. It loves collecting shiny objects and will attack anybody who keeps it from them.
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Emuay evolves into Cassonak, the Vain Pokemon, fighting-type. It is based on a cassowary, a realtive of emus that is also a powerful kicker and has a dangerous claw on its feet that can rip open predators. Its name comes from "cassowary" and "Nak Muay", the term for a Muay Thai practitioner (please correct me if I got the terminology wrong). Unlike the drab Emuay, Cassonak is very colorful and is very proud of its appearance. It attacks anyone who insults it with its deadly toe claws. Trainers of a Cassonak must be prepared to help it groom itself.
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Next up is Minufo, the Fairy Light Pokemon, fire/fairy-type. It is based on the Min Min lights, strange lights reported to appear in the Australian outback. Of course, one proposed explanation for the lights is they they are UFOs. I went with this idea for Minufo, whose name comes from Min Min and UFO, and also added the folklore of the similar Will-o-the-Wisp from European folklore. Minufo always appear in threes at night in remote desert regions. People who follow them will go missing, only to turn up later with no memory of what happened to them. Some people theorize they are drones sent to Earth by aliens.
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Minufo evolves in Pleminides, the Pleiadean Pokemon, fire/fairy-type. Its name comes from "Min Min" and "Pleiades", a star cluster that a lot of UFO folklore has as the home of some aliens. It looks like a flaming alien suspended beneath a black triangle UFO. I specifically based it off of the star child from 2001: A Space Odyssey. I wanted the design to look bizarre and unearthly. Pleminides is a very rare Pokemon that seems to appear before major scientific discoveries. The black object above its head is made of an unknown material that absorbs all forms of radiation. Some think that the black triangle is a drone from a distant star system and the flaming body is manifested to interact with the world.
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Finishing up today is Dunizen, the Dune Pokemon, ground-type. It is a living sand dune made of red sand. I based it off of the famous red sand of Australia. Its name comes from "dune" and "denizen". Dunizen has a body made of red sand and rocks for eyes. It is indistinguishable from a sand dune when not moving. It can lay motionless for years, waiting for prey to step on it. Because it spends so much time motionless, small plants will grow on it. In real life, small plants like this help hold sand dunes together.
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Dunizen evolves to Dustyghust, the Dust Devil Pokemon, ground/flying-type. It is based on dust devils and its name comes from "gust" and "dusty". Part of the inspiration for its design comes from me wanting to make a flying-type that represented an air elemental rather than a flying animal. Dustyghust draws air into its body and releases it in the form of two dust devils. It can send these dust devils off to pick up small prey and bring them back to it. It is a mystery how it controls its dust devils, as scientists have confirmed it does not use telekinesis to do so.
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dragon-witch-moon · 1 year
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Entry number two: Divination pt 1
Dragon Oracle Cards by Diana Cooper
The Starseed Oracle by Rebecca Campbell
Celestial Tarot Cards by Unknown
This art peice is inspired by the three cards I pulled today.
I am using "you" in the context of myself, and whom this may apply to aswell.
|Source Dragon|
Attunes you to the Infinite
Be still. In the silence, magic can
happen. Be in the moment.
Page 110 from oracle book
"A source dragon has come to you now because it is time for you to enjoy a period of stillness with awareness. Breathe deeply and listen to the silence. ..."
Take time for yourself, give yourself space to breathe and listen to your intuition, relax.
"... Something very sacred is coming into your life. This could be anything from the fruition of a long-held dream to becoming a true master. ..."
This is very similar to the reading my BiBo, big brother (he/they) , gave me. I was asking for a message from Ki/Kishar, two cards fell out before he could shuffle them, they said that had never happened to him before. Those cards being Death and The Wheel of Fortune, right-side up. The jist of that reading was pretty much, "Good things are on their way, you're about to end a negative cycle." He had the feeling that she was mostly saying, "I'm here." Quite interesting that this card is playing into that message!
"... Breath is the key to being in the moment and this is where the greatest magic happens. ..."
Again, breathe. Focus on the now.
"... Ask the source dragon to accompany you on every step of your journey and always remember that the present moment creates your future."
Ki is here for your journey, and she wants you to just chill, listen to her, and let her guide you through this.
Big picture thinking
Pleiades energy. Visionary. Inspired ideas.
Page 38 from oracle book
P.s. I don't believe in starseed ideals, but I was called to get this deck by my Dragon Guide.
"The Pleiades are our cosmic cousins. They are here to remind us that it is never too late to learn new things and change the future. ... take a breath, shake off what you have been taught about the world, and hold a new vision for humanity. ..."
Education can greatly impact the future. Let go of what you have been taught and learn things that can be of use, use those ideals to bring in greatness.
"... You're likely a natural big-picture thinker here to generate ideas for the future. ...new age and... new world... woven by [dreamers] like you. ...enough courage to to question [the past] and envision new possibilities for the planet.
The world needs more artists, dreamers, inventors, and visionary thinkers. Perhaps you had an idea recently that you have been called to usher in. If so [this is your sign]. ..." <paragraph
You have the power to create change for yourself, or your environment. (With limitations of course). Put your ideas to use. Starting a Community Garden? Do it. Helping kind elder or disabled neighbors? Do it. Protesting for change in your neighborhood or town? DO IT. Even if it is the smallest act of kindness, you are creating a better future.
"... The Pleiadeans support us in this important stage in Earths development. They want us to know that the decisions we make today will affect the well-being of our planet and speices. They're calling on you to be a leader of the future. To hold a clear vision of what's possible. To trust that vision and follow it through with daily action. To dream a world into being. For it takes great courage to pave a new path- to trust a vision before it's a reality."
Again, doing what you can to make a better world. Though, you don't have to be a leader, just do what you can to make a change, kindness even to those you don't find so kind can make a difference.
Seven of [Pentacles]
Page 250 of Tarot 101 Mastering the Art of Reading the Cards by Kim Huggens
"...Some projects take time, patience, and a gentle touch, just as growing plants does. When the seeds have been planted, the plants must be watered regularly, tended, weeded, sometimes trimmed, protected from slugs, and finally- after many months, they are fully grown. ..."
Growing, healing, and change take time & healing. Without taking care of yourself the way you would a plant, you can't have the change you expect.
"...The Seven of [Pentacles] reminds us that the effort we put into the present may not have results for many months or years to come, and that we should approach any situation with patience and care."
Don't get angry when you don't see immediate change. But you will see it with time, thank yourself for helping yourself, appreciate all that you are accomplishing.
🔮{1}Kishar is mostly saying she wants you to just go with the flow. Breath is key here, keep calm and focus on the now. Stay kind, artistic, and keep dreaming. Everything will fall into place soon, it will just take time.🔮
End of Entry two
[]= replacement words
{1}= refer to entry one
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dasenergi-diary · 2 years
I’m saving this here as an archive. This theme isn’t who I am at the moment and I expect it to change in the near future. Who knows, maybe I’ll go back to it someday. But for now I’m someone else. Just gotta decide what theme represents the current version of me.
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Das Energi's soul is 4,052 linear years old. He is currently on his 2,084th incarnation. He is a Pleiadean elder council member here "on assignment" from Galactic Council. He was a citizen of the Atlantean period and a healer during the Lemuria period. He was in Ancient Greece in 1,000 BC, and practiced Jainism in India during other lifetimes. He consciously works in the 12th dimension. Das Energi is an excellent listener, creating a natural sacred space for others in non-judgment. He is a natural healer, it's just who he is not something he does. His energy center is one of divine compassion, nature, the Earth Mother.☀️♓️🌙♌️👆🏼♓️
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galacticguidance · 1 year
Arcturians & Arcturianous message for Lights
Arcturians & Arcturianous message for Lights
"Dearest beloved, dearest Star Seed, dearest channels. You connected with yourself in the Universal Law, I Am, I Am, I AM. You connected with yourself in our reality. There is nothing or everything, which you can explain in the physical world, you are Star Seed, you are immortal. You are yourself from the stars, on earth
You awaken others not only by saying, I am this or that, not believing or this upmoving what was in your Akashy. You are moving your conscious mind into a new dimension on earth. You are awakened first, for yourself from yourself, and then you welcome light to your life, and then…. The jump to the dimension, very well known for you is, because you have recognized yourself for being light, being yourself
You believed in stars in your heart, you believed that star is a guide in your heart. You are never alone, you know that, you have felt many times the connection with stars, you have felt the abundance of love not only in the physical but, in dimensions well known for a Soul Star Seed
You understand that everything what you know is in you
You understand that what is ahead of you is for you
In this ascension on earth, you brought new frequencies for others, not only for yourself but for others as well; and as you know there is a shift in consciousness and you are taking your time, to embrace, open your chakras, for yourself, to be better informed from for your origin.
Dearest Star Seed, you have one stream, one connection now. I am with you dear Star, on earth, your age, your gender, is very special for your journey, Gold Light.
If you are a woman, you can express yourself in different form.
If you are a man, you can achieve tasks in coherent light, you are immortal, dear Star, you have the privilege, the love of stars in you. When you wake up in the morning open your heart for love, when you go to bed in your evening, count stars backward A Million A Trillion, A ONE I AM. I am Arcturian from the future on earth
I can tell you a secret: you’re doing so well. Awakening is a process of awakening yourself beyond the mind, letting light be your guide, in trust in coherent mind, you are awakening yourself everyday like a million stars in your heart. One day, you said dear Star, one day I get back to my family, You are on earth with your family, find them in your heart thru your eyes in the frequency of light, in a frequency of love you are awakening yourself
White Light we are. Arcturians in service for humans."
Channeling Arcturianous, Pleiadeans, Arcturians. Wisdom from the STARS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8SpY5CjMug
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talonabraxas · 8 months
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The Higher Dimension of Stars
You could then apply that to every other form of consciousness, from Pleiadean to light consciousness, to all these different stars that connect with us. We all have star consciousness within us, even oversoul consciousness. When we look at the sun, we have been conditioned to think that the stars and the sun is equated with fire and heat. Like a flame that keeps the universe warm. That is a perception from our dimension, but stars also exist within different dimensions, and they exhibit different behaviors that are radically different, simultaneously, to exhibiting the behaviors of heat. So, stars also exhibit behaviors on higher dimensional levels to begin very cool, reflective, energetic spheres that share information and light in very holographic light exchanges, here the heat is not the predominant force, but rather the light and the color. And the image that has come through is almost like a blue orb.
Stars also communicate in other dimensions to ours, as a sort of liquid magnetic sphere that has these capacities expand out into the light and come back and condense, and the liquidity of it also forms ways of splitting itself up and experiencing itself in singular ways, like how we exhibit ourselves by splitting into an individual and experiencing that on Earth. Star consciousness also has that capability, which is why some people, through channeling and other means, will equate a star with a physical type of persona. And there are debates within the spiritual realms because we all perceive it differently. But there is no wrong answer because that star has the innate capacity to do all of those things and much more. It’s like you realize you have all of these varying talents, or that you can do anything you want. The star can do or be anything, it is just what is relevant for the message it is sending off according to the dimension it’s entering.
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harlronica · 2 years
Regulus Starseeds (The Family of Archangel Raphael)
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Starseed's are advanced hybrid human beings that originate as a celestial light source of consciousness from star systems outside of our solar sun, representing the expansional extraterrestrial hosted platforms of their consciousness, and capacities to hold greater missions on Earth not defined by human limitations.
*Regulus Starseeds*
Regulus is one of the most notable fixed stars out of the four fixed Royal stars of Persia called The Watchers.
Regulus runs along the Leo degrees and is known as the "Watcher of the North" since this origin sits North and center of the equatorial plane.
This origin is apart of the guardian consciousness and holds the ARC portal system which allows other origins to enter in and out of our time matrix from the metagalactic core.
Regulus is the direct soul origin and lineage of Archangel Raphael (no wonder Leo's are so confident and proud! <3) This origin is called The Holy Healer; embodying the traits of expanded heart consciousness, clearing for the collective, communion, Earth force, empathy, forgiveness, acceptance, and compassion.
If this is your origin- Archangel Raphael has incarnated within you and will be your guide and strength during this lifetime. This radial light signature will accompany you throughout your entire incarnation until your life contract is up.
This origin was the most influential during the 1st seedings of Atlantis.
Blessed with qualities of self-worth, intelligence, strategy, status, ambition, skill, and abundance.
A very wise Starseed origin; expressing the strategy of Mercury, the pride of the Sun, and maternal love from Hydra along the equatorial plane of Gaia.
This origins guiding celestial source is the original star of power. They possess the qualities of power, status, ambition, pride, beauty, vanity, intelligence, strategy, psychic gifts, and royalty.
They have a powerful bloodline. More so than any other Starseed origin, and they are highly and powerfully protected by their ancestors in the spirit/psychic realms.
Many Regulus Starseeds are also of Hydra origin and many have Hydra ancestors in the spirit realms. Lmao, do not piss off the Hydra ancestors. Anyone who crosses a Regulus Starseed receives instant karma.
The collective mission of a Regulus Starseed origin is more so about embracing their power and confidence. While doing this they shine a light on the collective in the form of energetic wavelengths and this helps others also embrace their own power and confidence. Every origin holds a mission towards healing humanity and this is that of a Regulus Starseed. This is an Archangel origin so they are extremely powerful warrior spirits. Embracing their own power gives power to others and ultimately- this is their own power.
*Side Notes*
This origin is among the rarest of Starseed origins currently incarnated. (Yes, Leo's - you're rare! So stand up proud.) This origin is among the least common next to the Sagittarius A Incarnates. It's not about the zodiac sign Leo as much as it is the degrees in which this origin runs. There's a short degree window to be of true Regulus origin.
Archangel Michael is represented by the zodiac sign Leo. Some believe that this origin is actually a hybrid origin of Michael/Raphael. Some also believe that this is Michael's/The Blue Rays/Aldebaran origin and that there was some sort of mix up. Aldebaran (The Blue Rays/The Family of Archangel Michael) is said to run along the Taurus degrees. But some believe that it is Raphael that runs along the Taurus degrees instead, and Michael along the Leo. Part of this does make sense. Everything Michael stands for screams Leo/Regulus energy. Everything Raphael stands for screams Taurus energy. However, one of the reasons that The Blue Rays were given their name is because they are also of Pleiadean lineage. Pleiades runs along the Aries/Taurus degrees. So, really this is just a theory. Whatever resonates best with you.
This origin is known for being tall in height. All Archangel origins are known for this, though.
Surprisingly, they're known for having a darker vibe. Despite being ruled by the Sun. Similar to Hydra though, their darker vibe is exterior and they're all light within.
I'd assume they're less traumatized than Hydra origins though. Regulus origins have worked through most of the generational trauma/curses of Hydra Starseeds, so they're a bit more evolved in this way when it comes to balancing out their light and darkness. This is especially true if both Hydra and Regulus origins are present in the chart. Unless Hydra is placed in the 12th house; then some healing needs to be done. The 12th house shows you where you need to heal within your planets, but it also connects you to higher dimensions through origins placed here.
Do you have a Regulus origin in your chart? If so, where is it located? Note below! Mine's found in my Western chart, aligned with my Sun, Rising, and Moon.
For business inquiries and Starseed origin readings please email [email protected] ! I accept paypal/venmo and do not require payment until after the reading.
*Starseed origin chart readings are as follows*
Full Inner Planetary Starseed Origin Reading: for $30 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found within your astrological planets (along with any alignments found within your North/South Node, Lilith, Chiron, ASC, Midheaven, Fortune, Vertex, ect.) . You will also receive a full detailed description of where each Starseed origin is located at in your natal chart and what this means for you; along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each Starseed origin, including pictures. For this reading it is required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with birth location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Tropical/Western Astrology charts. The timing for this reading can range anywhere between 1-3 days due to the thoroughness of the reading.
Half Inner Planetary Starseed Origin Reading: for $20 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found within your astrological planets (along with any alignments found within your North/South Node, Lilith, Chiron, ASC, Midheaven, Fortune, Vertex, ect.) along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each Starseed origin, including pictures. You will not receive a detailed description of where each origin is located and what it means for you as you would with the Full Inner Planetary Starseed Origin Reading. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Tropical/Western Astrology charts. The timing for this reading is usually within the same day requested.
Planetary Degree and House Origin Reading: for $30 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found in your astrological chart along with a detailed description of the meaning behind each Starseed origin, including pictures. This reading will tell you what Starseed origin your planets are connected to through house/degree placements. (Ex: having Mars in Cancer to the 29 degree means that your Mars is in alignment with Hydra. Having Mars in Cancer to the 29 degree while also having Mars in 12th house means that Mars is now overlapping the Andromeda Starseed origin as the Andromeda Galaxy is connected to the 12th house and runs along 29 degree Aquarius before moving into Pisces. Meaning that since Mars is positioned in the 12th house while also being in 29 degree Cancer, Mars is in alignment with both Hydra and Andromeda.) For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Tropical/Western Astrology charts. The timing for this reading is usually within the same day requested.
Astrological House and Planetary Aspect Starseed Origin Reading: for $50 you will receive a list of each Starseed origin that is found throughout your astrological houses (house 1-12) and planetary aspects (ex: Jupiter trine Neptune, with Jupiter being in alignment with Aldebaran/The Blue Rays (The Family of Archangel Michael) and Neptune being in alignment with Lyra) along with a detailed description behind what each house/planetary aspect origin represents and the meaning behind each Starseed origin, including pictures. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Tropical/Western Astrology charts. The timing for this reading can range anywhere between 1-3 days due to the thoroughness of the reading.
Full Starseed Origin Chart Reading: for $80 this is a combination of the Full Inner Planetary Origin Reading, Planetary Degree/House, and the Astrological House and Planetary Aspect Origin reading. All information listed above for both readings will be included in this one. For this reading it is also required that you provide your exact time and date of birth (M/D/Y) along with your birth location. I will use this information and provide you with your alignments based on both your Sidereal/Vedic and Tropical/Western Astrology charts. The timing for this reading can range anywhere between 1-3 days due to the thoroughness of the reading.
Choose a reading and pay full price! Refer a friend and get 15% off another reading of your choice! :)
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quantumbuds · 2 months
Pleiadean Presence: Earth's Eternal Allies in Our Ascension Journey!
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crystal-wind · 7 months
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skygodz · 1 month
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Beings from the Pleiadeans are generally blond and benevolent. The have visited earth for eons and habe helped mankind on many occasions.
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