#intuitive connections
studyhelianthus · 3 days
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Well, that was a sheer intuitive coincidence. It took me forever to figure out the actual correlation behind it.
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"Our minds are like Cyberspace; we’re communicating with debris. Call the plumber; one of the pipes broke loose; it was obstructed by bad news."  - Melissa Allegories (​Caged-City)​
Yeah, about that... Maybe, for another time. Weird. 🤷🏾
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galacticguidance · 1 year
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solselah · 8 months
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🚨Very truthful & may be triggering for some who aren’t ready to hear it quite yet ! Do take your time & feel free to Come back if need be :)
PILE 1 :
It’s TIME to move on !! Whether this be in love, a career, or simply mental ! There is something here you are holding onto like white on rice ! Like you’re stuck on this one thing that can bring you pleasure for the moment but doesn’t quite fulfill you in the long run ! I can tell you know this, but there is something pulling you in the same direction constantly ! From what I see, it’s because there is a big lesson for self-respect & it’s meant to be learned & accomplished by you. You know right from wrong, so your ancestors are waiting for you to take that step to release what it is that burdens you. You may overlook what I’m speaking of, and it might just hit you a little later which is okay. As long as you’re able to digest the truth !!
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PILE 2: I’ll say this ….
“The truth will set you free”.
under all circumstances!! And even though what you may be going through doesn’t seem fit for that saying, you are in fact a direct reflection of “The truth setting you free”. You’re almost good at lying to yourself to make you feel good. You need a powerful wake-up call. And btw, it’s not to harm you “further” it is to enlighten you about the things you’re actually doing and the karma for that. I don’t see the worst karma, but there are some lessons involved with you bypassing the lessons & TRUTH once again. The mask you wear can only last, but so long. The right person can /will come across you and either read you down or politely mirror back to you your Triggers & Lies. You’re obviously not a bad person, but it’s a thing you do that can definitely be cleaned up or removed in totality. You will learn 📚❤️
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You need to know immediately that the people who have wronged you or crossed you will receive their KARMA & you will be on the receiving end of justice. Whether this be judicial /Spiritual / physical etc. it’s important you view yourself as a Queen /King and step into your power accordingly! The path is clear and set for you & it’s up to you to take that step forward! Your guides are making it known that you would benefit from bringing a light-hearted energy into this new phase of yours!! It may be shocking or very sudden, but ultimately it’s a jump start to your desires. You’ve uncovered & experienced what’s not for you & it’s now time to manifest and attract what IS !!
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PILE 4 :
You do NOT need to kiss ass !!!! Whatsoever. You tend to overanalyze your movements! It’s time to wake up that confidence within you so that you can begin to change the outlook you carry about yourself!! Heavy self-love energy. It’s so important for you to indulge in self-care & healthy patterns just to assure you everything from the inside out is balanced & free from tension. You are waking up a confident part of yourself, and it’s completely stopping all self-rejection and self-doubt !! So just know you are absolutely on the right path and have so much to uncover about yourself!!
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Hope you enjoy ✨
IG: @soleccentric
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euphorictruths · 4 days
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Contact- Terra Keck; 2024
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zvaigzdelasas · 8 months
Okay, i wont vote biden. If trump wins we get illegal trans care in multiple states, stricter border patrol thats only gonna get worse, probably a pipeline to fix gas prices, more bans in florida, more police funding, still no financial aid, more covid denial, more republican jurisdiction actions, AND israel will still be funded to bomb palestine. What do we do. No solution has been provided people just keep saying dont vote and dont think about your future.
anon you really need to stop being so self-absorbed. literally nobody cares that you're voting for biden, in fact most probably assume just by your mannerisms & political disposition. Nobody on the post is telling you not to vote, you're not important or novel enough that your actions take up any mental space whatsoever.
All that's being asked is to not have an aneurysm when people say they're not voting for biden & to stop acting like normal people's decisions on voting is based off of who's most belligerent to them online, instead of their degree of subjectively-experienced engagement with the candidate's promises/track record & whether they believe the candidate will materially improve their lives. Most people dont vote because they don't feel the political process materially benefits them. The only way that will ever change is if the political process materially benefits them. Until then you're yelling at a brick wall.
said the same thing in the comments of that post. I've provided this solution time and time again. This isnt even that radical of a solution nor is it something vague and indeterminate 'burn down the system!!!1!!'. Today unionization is in a massive upswing, meaning this is actually much easier to do with much more tangible outcomes than any time in the last like. 40 years. Concrete steps can be taken, today.
Or you could just continue trying to shame and berate the brick wall. your choice idgaf, just go whine somewhere else that's not my inbox
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thatfrailsoul · 3 months
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P.s. See the full painting at the end!♡
Slow down for a moment. Allow your heart to guide you, to tell you if there is really a message here for you... And whatever the answer is, feel free to listen to it or to let go. Remembering that when you will be ready or will have the need, your true message will find its way to you.♡
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For so long you took care of this connection, of this bond that each day grew between your hearts... You nourished each moment. You cherished each smile. And you worked hard to protect everything, from your own heart.
A heart that felt so safe, so accepted, so understood... that fell slowly and gently for them, for a person that knows this connection as something different from the one your heart more and more desperately wants.
Time passes, and the line between the reality of this connection and that more that you want becomes confusing. Harder to be aware of, once you are by their side. Harder to maintain, in this constant battle of respecting their boundaries, but also the calling of your feelings that veil your logic mind.
And you will not resist for much longer, under the pressure of this feeling, but also anxiety and fear of ruining everything, creating inevitably a wall between you... You feel already your limit, so close and heavy both on your mind and heart. You see it in the way it influences your connection, your ways towards them that start to change... But you don't see that they already know everything and understand as well.
As you discovered these feelings, learning so much more about the power of your heart, they saw it all, being always so close to you, knowing so well your soul. They saw it, they learned about it day by day as you were going through it, trying to hide it from their sight.
But you never spoke about it, you hid it, pretending that everything is okay and well. And they played along with it, knowing that you will find the courage sooner or later, and that they can wait.
And this moment is here, it's time to be open about what overwhelms your heart. Simply because otherwise you will explode, with all the feelings bottled up deep down and ignored in hopes that it will resolve on its own.
Even if you fear to ruin everything, even if you fear to loose them, even if they already know what is going on... You need to tell it. To allow your heart to speak up finally and freely, accepting fully your own feelings, accepting their reality by letting them flow out of you. You need to tell the truth.
Because you are good at hiding, but they are so good at seeing you for who you are. Because there is a reason why, knowing all fully, they still waited and stayed by your side. And it's simply because they know you, they see you, they feel you. And they already accepted your heart.
P.s. If you would like to receive a more personal message and guidance about your situation - find out all about it here!♡
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You both always knew that this connection was meant to be so different, much deeper than what it became because of the constant challenges of your life. You both know it, you always felt it, that pull that brought you to each other in that first day, first moment that you crossed your gaze and recognised a familiar heart.
But as time passed, as things became difficult, the situation too heavy and overwhelming, your conviction became weaker, changing the decision of your hearts. You followed both the logic, you both chose to protect yourselves, your lives, from a connection that seemed to only challenge it. But even if this was the right decision, it doesn't mean that there can't be any doubts or wanders, that your hearts can't miss eachother, like it is happening right now, after all this time.
It's natural to miss eachother, to come back to that decision, now that your life feels much more safer and calmer. Once you have finally that balance and the things you needed and desired, missing only that person that you never truly left behind.
It is natural to feel that calling once again, to see those memories and precious moments. And to wander if that was really the end or if there might be a second chance.
And indeed your story didn't end, it was only starting, and so many moments that are yet to be created and lived, were put on hold. Giving you both time and space to take control over your lives again. Giving you the opportunity to grow, to learn, to change in the way you face a challenge, in the way you hold onto what is really important for your soul.
There isn't any risk in coming forward now, there isn't any shame in looking for them once again. Not if this is what your heart calls for. Not if you finally feel ready to answer those questions that scared you so much back then.
A connection as the one you feel to them it's not imaginary, they felt and feel it too, it's real. And in the same way, after all this time, it still has a place in your heart and life - it does in theirs too. Those feelings that are waking up in you again, never went to sleep in their heart, that still wanders and waits for you.
We all make mistakes, we all feel at least once confused and overwhelmed. We all know too well the need to escape, hide, to protect ourselves. As well as the regret of harming someone that never doubted, contrary to our heart and mind that needed some rest. And they know it, they knew it from the very start. This is why they let you go when you run away.
They knew from experience, they recognised that overwhelming fear and tiredness that they too once felt. And they knew that you were strong enough to overcome it. They knew that it would be worth it, to believe in you and in the right moment that will give your story another chance.
They still remember you, they still wait, they would still welcome you. Because that tenderness and true affection, never really goes away.
P.s. If you would like to receive a more personal message and guidance about your situation - find out all about it here!♡
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Letting go of each other back then wasn't the only solution, the only option. There were many things that could've been done differently to save a connection that was so important for your hearts, for you and them, no matter how challenging it was starting to become. But the fact that it was possible to do more, doesn't mean that your decision was in the end a wrong one.
And you know it, you understand it very well now when you look back at everything that was happening, and everything that you faced and worked hard on in this period of time. You see and feel that it was all worth it, that it was the right decision to prioritise the health of your heart and mind. But you can't help but wonder, if they still feel the same. If they too have still that desire for more that you weren't able to create.
But what you are longing for is something that is already in the past, in those memories of moments and connection that you left behind. It's only in those hearts and minds of you and them that still didn't make that decision, that still had those chances to resolve everything if only they had enough patience and courage to try.
But time has passed, and while you were growing they grew up too. They had the same realisations, they gained the same understanding of what could've been if only you both tried more. And how, even if it was the right thing to be honest about each other's limits and letting go... It did change everything, being apart. It did influence those feelings, for which you both didn't fight hard enough.
It left you both with tenderness and affection for someone that you loved. Someone that you once already let go of, and that you need now to allow to continue on their path, while you continue on your own.
It is always a shame, to know what you missed, to feel the desire to try again now that you understand more, but being unable to do so. But what your decision gave you, that chance for your own self and the journey that you needed to do on your own... Is worth it. And it's enough to keep moving forward, leaving these doubts, wanders and decisions in the past, where they belong.
P.s. If you would like to receive a more personal message and guidance about your situation - find out all about it here!♡
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"The Proposal", William - Adolphe Bouguereau, 1872
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daily-hanamura · 1 year
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#p4#p4g#persona 4#persona 4 golden#hanamura yosuke#yosuke hanamura#im so so so so weak for this scene because it's really... yosuke stepping up to fill in for yu in yu's absence#teddie's the one that jumpstarts it when he says he wants to visit nanako but yosuke makes the connection immediately#and doesn't let it become a missed opportunity and his actions became so crucial in this scene#he understood the gravity of the situation and starts reaching out to everyone else#also when yu is down for the count kanji is yosuke's first point of contact#listen LISTEN the yosuke kanji friendship is so dear to my heart#yosuke called kanji first and then naoto second even though naoto is supposed to be the “sensible” one#but its also about the way he delegates - he trusts kanji to storm the police station with him while getting naoto to check on nanako#and having naoto disseminate information to the rest of the team#and it's actually so clever because naoto may be known by the police#kanji is more intimidating and yosuke understood that speed and force was more crucial here#but naoto's level headedness made him a better candidate for checking in on nanako#because if nanako had disappeared then naoto as a detectice would be the first on scene as well as being the best in assessing the situation#intuitively i would have thought to being naoto to the station#but this was actually way better#chewing glass like yosuke being yu's second in command really isnt just some kind of throwaway line like he really gets it#he knows how to strategise and he knows the strengths of his friends the way yu does and how to best get them going#and also how yosuke's directions go more or less unquestioned? especially in this time of crisis? when yu isn't around?#the team doesn't splinter off and quabble amongst themselves they paid attention to yosuke and listened to him!!!#because they trust him like how they trust yu!!!!#AAAAAAAAAAAH#yosuke oh yosuke yosuke truly my beloved#he's good with his queue
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studyhelianthus · 5 days
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🌊 ♥️ 🔥
"The fish metamorphoses into a kind of bird by the name of peng, whose back covers thousands of li." - CSS
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stagefoureddiediaz · 6 months
Sooooo this post by @lover-of-mine got my brain going brrrrrr over the Mitchell Mitchell Charlie Charlie ambulance of it all
Because there are also two Freddie’s tied up in this as well but it’s more than that - it’s the living/dying danger/no danger (technically) of it all.
Bear with me - I need to set it out for my brain because there’s something about the Mitchell’s dying and the Charlie’s putting Buck and Eddie in the line of fire (by this I mean both of them at the same time and not one or the other being in danger)
We have Charlie 1, who puts the both of them in danger (unintentionally) with the grenade in his leg. Up to this point Buck and Eddie have been at odds but this bonds them and we get the ‘we might end up real close’ line. This is essentially the foundation stone/ moment of their relationship.
Then, 7 episodes later we have Mitchell 1, who gets crushed by a car and dies. Neither Buck or Eddie are in any danger during this call. And we have the establishing of Bucks method statement - ‘you don’t find it you make it. (Which imo is the first time we see buck misunderstanding the assignment)
Then we have Charlie 2, again Buck and Eddie are both put into (again unintentional) danger when the come under gun fire. This time Eddie does get hurt but it plays into the might end up real close concept as ultimately we see the bond getting even tighter through the will.
Then guess what 7 episodes later (you can’t tell me this isn’t intentional at this point) we meet Mitchell 2, who like Mitchell 1 dies. Whilst Buck and Eddie can be seen to be in danger throughout this episode, in reality neither of them are truly in danger - killing them wont get Mitchell what he wants, so even though we are held in suspense through the episode, the reality is that they’re ‘safe’.
There is something about how a Charlie binding them ever closer together while Mitchell’s are a omen - they foreshadow events later in their respective seasons.
Mitchell 1 gets crushed by his car, foreshadowing Bucks crush injury at end of season (and the hand holding parallel is not lost on me either - Thomas holding Mitchell’s hand and Eddie being the one holding Bucks).
Mitchell 2 is Eddie’s foreshadowing - he blows out his brains to protect his heart so it can be transplanted into his son. This is foreshadowing Eddie’s mental health breakdown - he neglects brain in trying to protect his son - his heart - Mitchell’s heart is a literal one and a metaphorical one while Eddie’s is more just metaphorical.
Then there are the two Freddie’s - Freddie Costas sets of bomb that crushes buck and Freddie Vaughn is the guard who is lax with Mitchell and ends up injured at the initiation of the prison riot.
And now we have two Thomas/Tommys - both who seem to be there to direct Buck to the correct path in some way - Thomas set buck on the path of you make it and it feels to me a bit like Tommy is going to play a part in either reenforcing that concept for Buck (correcting his path) or building onto the idea of making something.
Basically we need to be on the look out for Charlie’s Mitchell’s Freddie’s
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848ellie · 22 days
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I ride the dolphin, guided by the ocean's rhythm. As I move through the water, I feel my connection to the sea. The waves are my intuition and the sun is my awakening. 🐬🌊🌞
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silvershiningtarot · 1 year
💣💋❗💡Pac 18+ How Will Your FS Pursue You and What Is Your Karmic Contract with Them? ❓👋🏽
Take the time to inhale and exhale. I hope this reading gives you clarity about your FS. Remember this is a general reading. Only 3 piles I'm only doing. This is for 18 and up. I've made some new decks I want to share with you guys. I hope you enjoy this reading. There is more to come very soon.
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Pile 1: The way how your FS will pursue is intense. For a few of you, it seems like your husband gets bullied by their friends. They make fun of them. They'll treat you like their close friends or family member. I can see them inviting you to places with them. Showering you with their compliments and giving you gifts. Oh, no wonder their friends bully them. Ugh, which sucks. But I can see that they want to hang out with you only. JUST YOU!. Holy, snap They'll be straight up asking you out. They don't play no games with you. Once they got their eyes on you. They got it. That's why they wanna hang out with you only. Your FS will be a bit clingy, jealous, and possessive. Maybe, some of you like that about your husband or not. But I sure do. The way they pursue is straight up they'll show it to you. So they'll take good care of you. Whenever you are sick or having a bad day or whatever it is. They'll be right there standing. They are your number one support. Shit, you might put them as your emergency call. I feel like you are going to like how they make you laugh. They are going to be making jokes. Anything to make you smile. So whatever they can do to impress you. then they'll do it. I told you that possessive and jealous come in. They would be the type to interrupt your date. Pretend like they didn't know you weren't there at the restaurant. I can see where the jealousy kicking in for them. They might be a Scorpio or they are just jealous. Haha, They might use business to interrupt your date. I can see them walking over to you while you are talking to your date. Just keep interrupting. Oh, I can feel their eyes watching you. I just had a vision that you guys are on your date. Their eyes are looking at you. I can feel their eyes watching you. They probably got intense eyes. I don't think a lot of people like to at your FS in the eye. Maybe, they got Scorpio placements in their chart if not. Their eyes are super intense. Hahaha. Your FS is a blunt man/woman. They'll flirt and touch you in front of company. They don't care if they are in front of you or their mother. You two have beautiful chemistry together. I can see them really being next to you all the time. Aw, They are going to love giving you nicknames. You are going to like that. "Who is my little kitty cat" I can see you blushing every time they say that. They'll yell that shit across the room where you are at. Cuddling next to you aw. They really do enjoy your company. They love being around your presence. Your aura lights them up.
Your Karmic Contract with Them is going to be intense. Let's delve in deeper. I'm gagging right now. I can see that you'll be the one that will help them with their career. Maybe. their company is going downhill and you help them. See! I feel like a major of you are meant to be wealthy with them. Some of you are meant to be wealthy on your own. I do see some of you have partners but major of you, is with your FS. So I think that some of you are business partners ONLY! You and your FS are each other's, soul families. They are coming in. I have a sense that once you meet your FS then the rest of your other, Soul families come in too. Yay, you two will be breaking family traditions. It won't be the same as how you two grew up with y'all families. This contract means friendship with them. I sense that with some of you, it's friendship. Or you are going to have a lot of friends through this karmic contract with them. Both of you got a big task to complete together. I don't know what that is. But only you two will know. A lot of you, I sense that you had found your one or you are going to find your one through them. But major of you, you had definitely found your one. Whether you know them or you know of them. You had found them. You should be proud of y'all yourself. I felt this that some of you might be in a relationship with them but it won't last long. it's a short-term relationship. I told you that some of you will find your husband through them. In my opinion, don't be disappointed because it's short-term. Again, there is always a happy ending throughout this journey with them. Pay attention to your dreams. These are messages from the universe and signs from your husband/wife don't ignore them. Ahhh. In this karmic contract, you both are meant to be famous. For a lot of you, this is your high-vibe soulmate romantically. They are craving your energy. Every time they are around someone they are constantly feeling your energy. Again, some of you might meet your twin flame and think it's romantic but it isn't they are just your mentor. but through your twin flames, you'll meet your soulmate. Aww, yes it is a marriage you'll have with them. In the beginning, it's love at first sight. Again for some of you, you might feel that way about your Twin flame now but they were supposed to guide you to your true husband. Most of you met your husband and you will be married to them. Did you see how bold they were when they pursue you? Haha, again this is your High-vibe Mate! again if most of you don't know what that means. High-vibe soulmate. don't get it twisted you got a karmic lesson with this high-vibe soulmate as well. I can't say it's forever because that's practically up to you and them to make it work. It is a private connection between you and them. I don't think anyone else isn't to suppose to know about y'all. Both of you will be playing pranks on each other. See! "There's A Clear Path In Your Way. Welcome it in." Welcome this clear path. Wooo your connection is here! you two have a 4D connection with them. It is manifesting. That shit is close to me. You guys need to believe it. A lot of you repeated the same karma in y'all past life. Both of you are meant to end in this life. If you don't you'll repeat again in the next life. Regardless of who is it. A tin flame or a soulmate. You gotta put in that work with them. In this contract, I am sorry for most of you. But there is a lot of interference from inside than outside people. some of you it can be outside people but most of you it's the ones you at least expected to be. The insides one who knows y'all business. Again, a lot of you need to pay attention to your dreams ~vivid dreams~. You guys have to pay close attention, I don't care what the dream is about you've better right them write it down in your journal or if you guys have a dream journal. Either way, write it down.
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Pile 2: The way I see how your Fs pursue is very cute. They would want to be next to you ONLY!. I can feel that this pile will be a bit similar to Pile 1. Aw, They are going to like holding your hand. OMG! They would always wanna talk to you about their problems, situations, and things about their future with you. They always wanna talk to you. Remember that okay, ALWAYS! Haha, I fucking said it. They trust you with their issues. The second theirs an issue they are going to call you or text you about it. Before they tell their friends or family about it. I don't care how this shit sounds but you are their first priority. In my opinion, so the fuck what. you deserve it so fucking take that shit. They privately like you a lot. They will let their friends know about it. They will tell their friends to back off from you. Friendly touching you. you'll get a little touch here and there. you'll see them touching you. Even if they are laughing they'll just be touching you. Showering you with compliments. I can see them looking at you with their dreamy eyes. They have dreamy eyes. You'll be fallen for them. Because of their eyes. I told you it's a bit similar to Pile 1. They'll be popping up on your dates. I feel like this time it like random. Maybe, it's a favorite place they like to go eat or shop or whatever the case may be. but seriously, you two just magically end up being there. They'll be making up excuses to let you stay at their house. I can see them being very close to you and you being close to them. Inviting you places with them. I don't sense much of jealous for this Pile. But I do sense of clinginess from their friends that they told to back off. they'll straight up ask you out. No more waiting. I heard them say "No more waiting" Aww, they would want to cuddle next to you and be near you all the time. I heard this is instant trust. You both have a beautiful chemistry. This pile makes me wanna cry right now. They way how they pursue you such gentleman like.
It seems that in this contract with them. I can tell that they'll be the ones to invest in your career. I hear that's part of the prophecy. I think that this might be your last life with them. After this, you might ascend somewhere else. Or you might have more Karmic debt with someone else after them. Basically, you meant to help them with their career too. Both of you are meant to help each other. I told you it's a bit similar to Pile 1. You must pay close attention to y'all dreams. Especially, the vivid ones. Pay Attention. Most of you are meant to have a long-term relationship with them. I think that some of you, are probably an old soul. Not like old soul music or anything. It means that your soul has been down plenty of times. probably from behind time or British times. That is what I'm getting. I sense that you probably were married to your FS in a past life but you guys got divorced and stayed their friend. Or it might just happen in this life with them. I feel like you two will rebirth into your soul family. You meant to transform with them. You two have a big task to complete. This must be a very important task. Maybe, your dreams are trying to tell you something about this task. You got to pay attention. Most Of you will stay together with your FS in this lifetime. Maybe, in those other lives before you guys didn't stay together. I don't know for what reason but it is also part of your mission. You two will be highly intelligent and intuitive or some of you already are. Yes! I think that some of you maybe have found the one! your forever person. Again, I'll explain it in this pile. It is up to you and your FS to stay together. not me or anyone else but you and them. You both have an individual path and you need to focus on your path. That is part of your path. I believe that this will be your romantic Partner only. Nothing else. I do see you and they have an important mission but you two have y'all own individuals. I feel like you and they are protecting each other from dreams like harmless dreams. You and your FS union are close or getting close. Both of you like to have heart-to-heart conversations. I think that your FS doesn't mind protecting you. They'll check their fans. Whether or not they are famous as a celebrity or not. Ahh, you two went through a similar situation together or you both will go through it together. Oh! snap, 4D connection this is confirmation, you guys. Very much so. I think some of you should read Pile 1. This union is close and I don't know if you guys are manifesting it or calling it in but whatever you guys are doing. Keep doing it. Both of you will be emotionally supportive of each other. You two will tell each other everything. This is your High-Vibe Soulmate romantically. I think that you two just meant to love each other and that is all. Again, I am not saying you two won't grow from each other but be there for one another no matter what. They came down to be your husband again. They are meant to be your husband AGAIN!!!. See you two are meant to be on an individual path. Again, you two are meant to love each other. Aww honeymoon vibes. This was your first husband in a past life but now they came down to be your husband again. So you might be married in this life. You two are Intertwined with each other. You're next romantic lover is coming in very soon. Your next lover is your husband. But remember even now focus on your path.
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Pile 3: The way how your husband pursues you. I think that they'll be messing up at your job. They'll be low-key stalking you. I am getting Obsessive vibes. Yeah, they would want to be next to you only. They would grit their teeth if anyone or their friends touches you. They would wanna be taking care of you and making sure that you are. They will be helping you with your career. Y'all have beautiful chemistry. OMG, they love your aura and you just bring them good vibes around them. They trust you with their issues. They'll lean in and kiss you first. They'll be buying you expensive clothes and jewelry. I think that their friends bully them. They will treat you like a close friend and family. I see why they would want to be close to you. I think that they don't like to be around their friends like that. I sense that this might be a close friend of theirs. I don't know but I sense it. I noticed that they'll be popping up on your dates. I sense it on this Pile they are doing it on purpose. Just to get you alone. Oh woah, they will pursue by giving you nicknames. you'll think it is cute. They will be touching you in front of company. I said it they just wanna hang out with you Only! They are praying that your date doesn't go well so they can rescue you.
Your karmic contract with them is Marriage. But I believe it will be short term for some of you. Again, I think some of you should read Pile 1. you have a solo mission that you are meant to do on your own. Messages from your ancestor is trying to help you. Either you or them is paying attention. You will be having a lot of vivid dream on this ourney with them and before them. You have a Karmic debt finished up with your family. I think you or them is meant to lead. but in my opinion, you meant to lead your own path. Your own journey. Nobody else can't tell you anything about your journey or your path beside you. This is a Karmic marriage. Through this marriage you have some Karmic debt to deal with them in this marriage. Both of you are spiritually connected. Most of you are meant to be stay with them in this life. Ahh... I see now. Past life enemy to lovers. So maybe, you and your FS were enemies and I think that you two fell in love with each other in a past life that were forbidden. I think that you two kept your love a secret. I am sending something very private. You two were sneaking around in a past life. You guys are repeated the same karma , ended in this life. YThey cam down to be your husband again. This contract is very important and this journey. I keep hearing you need to focus on your on your path. Again, High-vibe soulmate romantically. it seems like a lot of you, are meeting your soulmate regardless of the label. Again, Emotioncally support each other. Very balanced you to will be. It seems like all of these Piles got the 4D connection. I am deadass, you two need to focus. Everything is in align. So this is divine timing. You two have to be patient. OMG, you two might get a farmhouse or a beach house together. This is incredible. Again, this sound all beautiful. See! Individual path mission. This is fucking important. Dreaming About you! Woah, they are dreaming about you. Marriage AGAIN!!!!! this is love at first sight. Yes! you are going to grow. OH, I see that their friends is going to like you and look how will they pursue. That's why they will tell them to back the fuck off. High Vibirational souls. Everything was meant to happen like it was suppose to. You two will have a Private Connection. Again, you guys are going to be private again. Regal connection. very classy you two will have and I think that's y'all dynamic. See! This connection is very important than you think. Not only pay attention to your dream but pay attention to you journey. You have a lot of healing to do.
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solselah · 8 months
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For this pile I channeled an all white cleanse as your effective mode of cleansing!! That revolves around wearing all white for a specific amount of time ! For example 5-7 days etc! Honestly however many days you feel drawn to!! This cleanse for you will help awaken your crown chakra & Help you to lean softly into awakening your spirit in totality (think of what caffeine does to the body). This method of cleansing will Suck out all of the shadow energy that has been trapped in your auric field & body!!! It may bring fourth heavy and vivid dreams along with remembering certain things from the past & past LIVES ! You may use this cleansing method when things do not seem clear to you …. When things are literally unknown and you truly can’t figure out what to do next it may be necessary to clothe yourself in all white to connect with your YANG ! At this specific time I believe there is some unresolved anger needing to come to the surface and Dissipate!! It’s time to move on from an angry space to a space where growth and Purity are present!! Wearing all white is your armor , it will help your spiritual connections way more than you actually think. Your white clothing act as an Antenna it will help you to strengthen the connection with whomever and whatever you’re planning to connect with !! CLARITY ✨
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There are a few things here
You may be someone in the limelight or center of attention without even trying & people really do evil eye you very often, im talking when you step out the “eye” pops out!!! It’s automated at this rate. Totally not your fault your energy is just powerful and magnetic! Very !! So using a spiritual bath with certain herbs will help you to fully release the energy that has been projected onto you ! Even if you wear a certain necklace or bracelet it’s still a necessary step to submerge your whole entire body in water to spiritually cleanse yourself! It’s almost like you get in the shower everyday to cleanse your physical body so it’s important to keep the same energy spiritually! That’s so needed for you guys in this pile. It’s time for a deep / full reset. You will notice after your spiritual bath I’m talking a day after you will feel light as A FEATHERRR ! You may feel intense energy which may come off as heavy, but it takes just a moment for that baggage to clear out ! (As herbs do have different properties and time that they are effective) For you I would always make sure to add a dash of ground coffee to your bath just a pinch I’m talking a sunflower seed amount !! It will help to add a kick to the cleansing process as far as time is concerned!! When it’s a beneficial time for you in life it’s important to also indulge in a spiritual bath ! It shows you are putting your best foot forward in attempt to grow , to change. You may even receive spiritual gifts by doing spiritual baths routinely!!! That’s specific for the type of energy you carry but for the most part doing this long term is so beneficial!!!
I’m feeling the heaviest of Pisces and Libra energy if this is you please do take this Into consideration. Especially if you have mercury in 5th house :)
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YOU & candle work go absolutely hand and hand. This could be something you do regardless , I can see that for a select few of you, you may have used candle 🕯️ magic in the past to invoke a soul mate or to manifest love in your life. I do see here that at some point you were successful and came into “a” union with your mate. Creating a bond attached with a contract!! I believe it’s time for you to utilize candle working with cleansing intentions in mind. White candles specifically!!! But In addition, with black candles there is usually some deeper energy to wipe out! I would start with a black candle with intention to burn out certain energies that may be holding you back or crowding over you in a negative way!! Soon after I would purify and cleanse a white candle and ~purify~ my energy!! Think of a washer machine and the process of putting the clothes in , adding your choice of soap & rinsing a few times , and soon after drying. So This could be a longer process of cleansing but for you..it’s very deep and effective!
You could be an Aries or a Virgo !! Also I’m feeling LEO energy !! You like to utilize a FLAME! And for you it works!! And it feels effective to you. Which is a bonus & all that matters!
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THEIR IS A VERY CLEAR MESSAGE if you are burning sage currently stop !!! (Unless culturally your practice)
There is a specific Range of herbs you are meant to use to cleanse yourself & I feel for a few of you sage hasn’t been as effective for you personally ! No hate against it it’s just that soul wise you haven’t felt any differences regarding how you feel ! So for those who don’t know what herbs are effective for you to smudge with I’m hearing
Frankincense and myryth & Dragons blood! Along with cloves & Cinnamon !!
I’m seeing bay leaves for some ! So there are a bunch of effective herbs for you to smudge with that will help to be effective for you as per your personal ENERGY! Now I’m not saying the sage won’t do what it’s meant naturally ,it just doesn’t seem to be effective for you personally! You smudging in general helps you to release your fears and your self limitations at that VERY MOMENT !!! Pairing your smudges with song or Chants are super powerful ! So powerful !!! It may even release so much energy for you you’ll encounter an emotional reaction & just start sobbing because of it! In the long run it will help you with rejection you experience / experienced! Helping you to put pieces of you back together !!! It helps , and is effective so don’t get discouraged by one method not doing what you want! Keep trying different herbs that you intuitively feel driven and guided towards !! It Helps to ground you as well. It’s important & imperative that YOU stay grounded.
*I am picking up Capricorn energy along with Cancer & Sagittarius!!*
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Hope you enjoy ✨
IG:@ soleccentric
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euphorictruths · 1 year
Flow— don't force. If it's meant to be, it will be.
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void-tiger · 2 months
An Idea that is also admittedly OOC but wdyd is…
Kakashi actually tracking down Itachi immediately after the Uchiha Genocide ‘cause let’s face it, he’s that good of a tracker/shinobi (even if Itachi can completely kick his ass) and single-minded when in mission-mode and was clearly not one of the ANBU/Root or S-Rank jonin enlisted for this. (If he’s going rogue instead of bending the rules for a half-hearted sanctioned pursuit? Call it his Obito&Rin Guilt Complex + remaining guilt over not keeping a better eye on his “junior” when Minato literally dragged Kakashi out of that life for a time so he could recover a bit mentally.)
Anyway. Kakashi catches up to Itachi.
But instead of finding the tween prodigy hypervigilent in bloodlust and ready to engage him in a battle, he accidentally finds the kid mid-breakdown absolutely losing it in grief and guilt once Itachi presumed he was a good distance away from any Konoha or Atasuki pursuers.
And well. This is awkward. And not at all what Kakashi expected.
Does this finally knock Kakashi a bit out of his avoidant apathy to take a more active interest in Sasuke’s and Naruto’s lives? Maybe? But well, it’s a start. Only trash abandon their comrades.
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seedsense · 4 months
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May the feeling of love expands
With each breath, with each hearbeat
With each person that looks another in the eye.
We are one, in pain, and beyond it.
Exhale grace. . .
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