#are they flirting or threatening each other - unknown
leaentries · 3 months
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SYNOPSIS: there was no way quinn would ever have feelings for his best friend, never.
WARNINGS: angst w/ happy ending, misunderstanding, alcohol, drinking, getting drunk, loser guy harassing reader in a bar, reader breaks a bottle over a loser guys head, reader gets punched, quinn pulling a colin bridgerton (iykyk), swearing, reader gets into an accident, non-life threatening injuries, protective quinn, not proofread
“You know, the longer you stare at her the more pathetic you look.”
“I’m not staring.” 
“Really? Cause I don’t think you’ve blinked in the past ten minutes.” 
With rolling eyes, Quinn finally tore his gaze away from where you stood, enticed in an animated conversation with a random guy. He looked to Jack with an unamused face, hands twirling the straw that danced with the ice of his empty rum and coke. Irritation stirred at the back of his neck, causing him to grunt as he stretched out the muscle. As annoying as Jack could be, he wasn’t necessarily wrong in this situation. 
“Can you blame me?” Quinn barked, “She’s over there smiling with some jackass she’s never met before.” 
Jack just let out a cackle that, to Quinn, reminded him far too much of their father, “It’s called mingling, Quinny.” He slapped a hand firmly onto the older boy’s shoulder, “We came here to have fun and that’s exactly what she’s doing.”
“Well, she could at least be smart about it and not talk to strangers.” He placed the tip of his straw into his mouth, blowing into the empty cup. Quinn knew he sounded like a whiney toddler, but he couldn’t seem to bring himself to care. Not when it came to you. You had been by Quinn’s side since he got drafted, recently having been hired onto the Canuck’s marketing team. It was all too easy for the boy to immediately cling to your side since both of you were new to living in a new country by yourselves. The both of you found a special solace with each other that could only be described as “home.” At least, that’s what it felt like to Quinn. 
You had become a rock, a symbol of strength and perseverance through his rookie year, and that only seemed to grow stronger with each passing season. He found himself falling reliant on you and your presence, through the little things you would do, such as bringing him lunch when he had been going overtime on the ice or simply helping him clean up the mess of his apartment. Whatever it may be, Quinn couldn’t push away the feelings he had associated with you and your relationship. However, all he could chalk it up to was that you were his best friend, nothing more. 
“Said the world’s biggest introvert,” Jack remarked, “Dude, if you don’t want her to flirt with other people then grow a pair and ask her out.” 
This statement had Quinn’s eyes bulging and shards of ice shooting through the straw he had placed in his mouth. He turned his head, partially to cover his cough, but mostly to hide the red that bloomed on the skin under his stubble. Quinn felt a twang of panic surge through his stomach, nerves spiking. 
Now if you ask Jack, he’d say Quinn was stupid, which could be the only reason the eldest brother let the phrase fall from his lips. 
“Ask her out?” He asked with disbelief, “We’re just friends, I could never be into Y/N like that. Never.” 
Jack felt his own eyes widen at Quinn’s words, coughing awkwardly as his gaze fell behind the brother’s right shoulder. Quinn’s brows formed a deep ‘v’ as he turned around. He swallowed thickly, suddenly feeling his mouth run dry. His throat felt as if it was closing, a gate to the words that wanted to chase after you. He watched the way your eyes filled with an unknown emotion, your shoulders slumping as you made a b-line past him. Quinn’s body was screaming and fighting against his skin to run after you, yet he stayed put. He sat firmly in that chair and watched you run out of that god-forsaken bar. 
He felt as if he was watching his heart rip from his chest and walk away. And in some ways, he was.
You felt stupid. 
Stupid for letting yourself feel things for him, stupid for getting close to him, but most of all, for thinking you actually had a chance.
You had been excited to go to the bar that night, having gotten the invitation from Quinn that morning. Admittedly, a sparkle of hope glimmered in your chest every time he invited you somewhere. What started as a casual outing between friends, developed into something far more. His hand would often find home on the small of your back, guiding you and keeping you close if it was crowded. Always taking the liberty of ordering your drinks and food because he somehow managed to remember them all. Beyond all of that, he cared for you. He put in the effort to hang out with you, to check up on you, something that many others lacked in doing. However, all of this seemed pointless now. Empty promises and misread signals now resided where the longing and hoping used to live. 
You could feel your resolve break the second you heard Quinn say those words to Jack. Embarrassment consumed you, and an uncomfortable burning painted your skin red. You felt your heart fall to your ass the second he turned back to look at you.
The worst part? He didn’t even care. 
Quinn made no moves to check up on you later that night after you’d found a ride home, nor did he the following day. Two days eventually turned into a week, and you’d officially gone without speaking to Quinn longer than before the two of you had met. Your heart ached every time your phone lit up, hoping his name would appear under your notifications. You grew tired of waiting, tired of the itch that seemed to cover your fingertips every time you hovered over his contact. 
After the seventh night, your girlfriends decided you needed to quit sulking and go out. And, as if scripted, the familiar knocks at your apartment door announced their arrival. You opened the heavy door, as your two closest friends barged their way in, practically pushing you over. The searing squeak of the metal hinges were begging for help as the door heaved open so quickly. You smiled as they ran to your kitchen, grabbing the tequila bottle, which just so happened to already be on the counter and a few shot glasses. 
“Get your ass over here, y/n/n, we are pregaming this shit.” Demanded Willa, one of your close work friends. She had been there the night everything went down at the bar and didn’t hesitate to get you the hell outta dodge the second she saw tears welling up in your eyes. 
“Do we have to?” You droned, “I want to at least be able to walk to the bar without falling over, Wills.” 
She just rolled her eyes, swatting her hand through the air as if it were your words, “Just one, pretty please?” Her wide brown orbs were rimmed with amusement, clearly getting a kick out of your hesitance. Unfortunately for you, the shit-talking brunette also knew that you were very easily peer-pressured, at least when it came to her. 
“Aren’t you gonna try to convince me to drink too?” You questioned the ginger sitting to the right of Willa. 
Duke just grinned, her freckled cheeks rising to meet her sapphire eyes, “Don’t need to, Will’s already got you covered.” 
You sucked in a harsh breath, giving in to the liquid temptation sitting on the cool granite countertop, “Fine,” You waltz over, snatching the shot glass out of Willa’s hand, “Bottom’s up, bitches.” You guzzle down the shot, the burn almost mute at this point. The situation with Quinn, paired with the off week the Canuck’s had, it was horrible timing for you. But proved to be great timing for the local liquor store. 
Managing to take another shot, you all quickly go to your room to finish the final touchups for your nightly escapades. Duke hooked her phone to the speaker, playing the shared playlist the three of you had, specifically for nights like these. You could feel the tension from the past week melt from your body as you jumped around with your two best friends. 
After the first few songs, you settled down into a comfortable chatter, talking about nonsense as you curled your hair on the ground by your floor-length mirror. Willa sat on the bed, legs crossed as she did her eyeshadow in the camera of her phone and Duke somehow wriggled her way onto your dresser, feet dangling as she sat back against the tan walls. She had never been one to overly dress for clubbing, but her style suited her. 
“...and then he told me that I had a pretty voice,” Willa giggled as she rambled about her newest boy toy. As much as you loved the girl, there was no denying that she got around, but you’d never judge her for that. In all honesty, it was almost refreshing to hear about her many rendezvous, giving you insight into a life you could never live. Not that you wanted to, the thought of jumping from guy to guy made your skin crawl and dread fill your throat. You were more of a one-stop-shop kind of girl. 
“Which one is this again?” Duke’s voice slurred slightly, a tell-tale sign she was already tipsy. 
Willa rolled her eyes, “Duke, have you not been listening this whole time?” 
Duke slumped over to her side, “Sorry,” She snarked, “I’m sure this guy is fantastic and will be the one to get you to walk down the aisle.” 
The brunette scrunched her nose up in disgust, “Ew, not a chance.” 
You just laughed at their banter, finally curling the last few pieces of your hair. Duke turned her attention to you, eyeing you up suspiciously. “You seem rather quiet, y/n/n. Is everything okay?” At her words, Willa looks up from her phone, brows furrowing as she waits for your answer. 
You manage a nod and a half-assed smile that wouldn’t fool them from a mile away, “Yeah, I’m all good. Don’t worry about me.” 
Duke gave you her “don’t lie to me” look, which almost had you spouting yout guts out to them about Quinn, but Willa managed to beat you to the punch.
“Is it Quinn?” She asked, voice uncharacteristically serious. 
You just sighed, giving them the answer they needed. Willa moved off the bed, sinking onto the floor beside you, “Look, I know we are normally supposed to gang up on the guys that hurt us, but coming from someone who watches the two of you interact on a daily basis,” She paused, thinking of the right words, “I think you should text him.” 
Your eyes widened at her statement. Usually, Willa was very anti-man, in the sense that she would smite anyone who looked at you wrong, so hearing her tell you to reach out to him was shocking, to say the least. 
“Why would I do that? You heard what he said about me at the bar. He made it very clear he would never have feelings for me.” 
“All I’m saying is, you never even gave the guy a chance to explain himself, that’s all.” Willa’s voice was resolute. You just nodded, taking her words into consideration. Maybe you’d text him, but not tonight. Tonight was your time to let loose, to have fun. The calm before the storm that surely awaited the second you clicked the call button under Quinn’s name.
Getting out of the Uber, Duke grabbed your and Willa’s hands, leading you to the front of the line. 
“Duke? The line starts back there,” Willa said, pointing back to the line that wrapped around the brick exterior of the bar. 
With no reply, Willa just huffed and continued to let Duke lead the way. The redhead turned sharply on her heel, “Stay right here a second, I’ll be right back.” 
“Du-” You cut yourself off. She was gone before you even had the time to call out her name. You looked around, leaning up against the wall. You let your head fall back, blowing out a deep breath into the night air. Despite it being warm outside, your skin erupted in goosebumps, no doubt due to your outfit, which didn't serve as much insulation. Willa groaned, slumping back next to you. She took this moment to bring up the one guy you were trying to avoid thinking about for the night. 
“Do you wanna know why I think you should text him?”
“Depends,” You snapped, “Are you gonna give me an actual answer?”
She nodded, not at all phased by your attitude. Having worked with you for 6 years, she had gotten used to the front you put up when you were frustrated. 
“I think you should text him because I think he was lying.” 
Your eyes snapped to her, and you shook your head in confusion, “Why would he have any reason to lie?” 
Willa shrugged her deep-brown shoulders, “Because I can see the way he looks at you. Y/N if you actually paid attention to the way he treats you, you’d understand where I’m coming from. That boy doesn’t just see you as a friend.” 
Your body tenses, scared to ignite that flame of hope again, “That still doesn’t explain why he would have lied about it and made it seem that dating me was a fate worse than death. You didn’t hear him, Wills,” Your voice dropped, “He was being serious.” 
She turned her body to face you completely, her arm now fully rested against the copper-toned brick, “Maybe not, but you didn’t see his face when you ran out of there. He looked like someone just killed his dog.” 
You huffed, annoyed at the whole ordeal, “Then why didn’t he just come and tell me himself?” Your teeth bared down, sending an almost painful tick through your jaw. 
“Now that, I don’t know. I just said he wasn’t being honest, not that he wasn’t a coward.” 
You couldn’t help the puff of amusement that escaped your nose, Willa now sounding more like her usual ball-busting self. Just as you began to grow impatient, Duke emerged through a side door, ushering you two inside the building. 
“What the hell, D?” You asked, very concerned and slightly worried about the fact that you were sneaking into a very infamous bar in downtown Vancouver. She just rolled her eyes and continued down the long hall until you reached the end. A dark metal door with a keypad served as the only barrier between you and the dance floor just beyond. Duke quickly typed in a code, the door making a dull ‘click’ signifying that it was unlocked. 
Before the three of you made into the main floor, Willa grabbed Duke’s arm, “What the actual fuck is going on?” 
Duke laughed at your faces, her husky voice echoing through the, otherwise, empty hallway, “Remember how I mentioned I was seeing someone new?” You and Willa nodded simultaneously, “Well, he happens to own this place and gave me the code for whenever I wanted to bring some friends.” 
You felt all your worry ease from your bones, no longer nervous about getting kicked out, “You know you could have just told us that.”
Duke chuckled as she opened the door for you all to walk in, “I know, but where is the fun in that?” 
Walking into the crowded room, you could already feel the smile forming on your face. Maybe your friends were right about getting out of the house. The DJ on the big stand played some early 2000’s songs and you fought the urge to scream along. You laughed as Willa immediately dragged you to the floor, Duke running off to find her mystery man. You threw your hands up, swaying your hips to the beat of the music. It was intoxicating, being able to let loose and not feel the pressure of everyday weighing down on your shoulders. For once in the past week, you could confidently say, you weren’t thinking about Quinn Hughes. 
After an hour or so, you and Willa managed to push your way through the crowd, desperately needing a drink to soothe your sore throats after all of the screaming and singing. On your way to the bar, a large frame steps in between you and Willa, her body quickly blending in with the sea of people around you. You look up to the man who all but blocked you, noting the devious glint in his eyes. His light hair was cut short, not complimenting his crooked nose or the way his lips turned up. There was something about this man that made your hair stand straight and your gut clench. 
“I saw you dancing with your friend, you looked really good out there.” His rough voice almost made you cringe. You looked over his shoulder, eagerly trying the find Willa or Duke. 
“Uh, thanks,” Your hands picked at the fabric of your dress, nerves now on edge. 
“Wanna show me some more moves?” He bent down next to your ear, “Maybe something a little more personal?” 
His words shot panic through your body, a shiver of fear running up your spine, “I’m actually trying to find my friends right now,” You say curtly, hoping he’d catch on and leave you be. “So if you’ll just excu-” However, he proved to be more stubborn. The man quickly grabbed your wrist, stopping you from going anywhere. Your eyes widened in terror, breath picking up as you rapidly searched for someone to help you. As you tried to pry your arm from his grip, the man let out a sound that was borderline animalistic. 
“You’re not going anywhere, sweet cheeks.” He smiled wickedly at you, his perfect teeth almost sickeningly white. The nickname made bile rise in your throat, stopping any screams or pleased for help from coming out. Seeing a nearby table with empty glasses, you quickly reach to snatch one, not missing to smash the bottle down onto the man’s head. His hand loosened around your wrist and you took the opportunity to tear away from his grip. 
“You little bitch!” He snarled, starting after your retreating form. 
You turn back, noticing the man growing closer on your heels, you try your best to escape him but he grabs your shoulders roughly. As he swivels you around and you reach a hand up to scratch down at his face, aiming for anything to get you the hell away from him. Tears shook through your ribs as a fist came hurling at you. Blinded by the anxious sobs, your head flew back at the impact of the punch. Everything around you went blurry, sounds mixing. A high-pitched ringing echoed through your head, all of your senses seemingly disappearing. At first, you don’t register what happened, but the searing pain on the left side of your face has your mind crashing back into reality. Fresh tears well in your eyes as you stumble away, the man having appeared to run off. 
You manage to get to the bar top, Willa sprinting over the second she notices your bruised and bloody face. 
“What the fuck happened?” She thundered, anger plastered all over her delicate features. 
You couldn’t answer over the deep sobs that racked through your entire body, the pain in your face growing worse by the second. 
“Shh, shh, it’s okay. We’re gonna get out of here,” She soothed as she pulled you into her body. She quickly took her phone out, presumably to call someone, but you were too focused on getting the hell out to notice. Once you got out of the building, Willa guided you to sit on a nearby curb, letting you lean onto her body as you stared blankly into the black asphalt of the road. You somehow managed a breif recap of what happened, Willa beyond furious, her brown eyes dark with anger. You were so caught up in your head, that every echo or screech sent your muscles tightening and body flinching in response. You whined at any subtle movement in your face, the pain had you hoping to the universe nothing was broken. 
“I called Duke to let her know what happened, she said she’s gonna have her boyfriend look through the cameras to see if they caught anything.” You could only break out a weak nod, not wanting to aggravate your injury any more than it already was, “I also called Quinn.” 
Your head shot up, but only earned a deep whimper out of you as the pain shot through your face and down your neck. Willa just gently guided your head back down to her shoulder, running a hand through your hair.
“FIghting or not, Quinn is still one of your best friends. Are you seriously gonna tell me you don’t want him here?” 
If you had the energy to argue, would you? Probably not. Willa always managed to see right into you, and blame it on the injury, but you wanted nothing more than to feel Quinn’s arms wrapped around your body. You remained in that positon until you heard heavy footsteps hurrying towards you. Picking up your head, you couldn’t fight off the rush of relief you felt when Quinn came up beside you. 
“Who did this to you, baby?” He rasped breathlessly. The boy inspected your face closely, not even noticing the nickname rolling off of his tongue and maybe if you weren’t so uncomfortable, you would have acknowledged it. 
You shrug, swallowing the fresh batch of tear that threatened to fall, “Some random guy,” Your voice cracked, laced with emotion and pain, “I was just trying to get a drink.” 
Quinn pulled your body into his, making sure to be careful with your head and face, “Oh, baby,” He cooed, trying his best to keep his voice soft through the anger that coursed in his veins. He stroked your hair soothingly, letting you grip tightly onto his hoodie, “It’s okay, pretty girl. I’m here now, no ones gonna touch you.” Quinn’s words grew sharp with venom at the end of his sentence. He couldn’t describe the feeling he got when Willa had called him. All he knew was he needed to get to you, and he needed to get to you fast. Did Elias give him a weird look for bursting out of the room at record speed? Yes, but Quinn didn’t give a fuck, not when you were hurting. He would gladly burn down the city if it meant protecting you from the vile monsters like the man who put his hands on you. However, Quinn knew that wasn’t possible, so he settled for what he could do, and that was keep you close to him for as long as he could.
You’re not sure how long the both of you stood there, but the night began to grow colder and a chill ran up your neck. 
“You cold, pretty girl?” His voice asked softly, placing a kiss on your forehead. You nodded, not quite ready to try and speak again. “Okay, come on, I’ll take you home.” 
Bidding quick goodbyes to your friends, you let the comfort of Quinn’s body and hands guide you to his car. Luckily he hadn’t parked very far. In all honesty, he hadn’t really parked at all, far too busy rushing to get you. He helped you in, turning on the heat to the exact temperature you would always pick when in his car. The engine hummed to life as he gripped the steering wheel in one hand and intertwined your fingers with the other. 
The ride back to your apartment was silent, but the unspoken words hung heavy in the air. Neither of you spoke until he walked you up to your place, helping you inside and locking your doors. The both of you stood awkwardly, not knowing how to address the tension. Biting back the pain, you decide to break the ice.
“Why did you say it?”
Quinn let out a shaky breath, “I don’t know.”
“That’s not good enough, Quinn.” You quipped, shaking your head in annoyance. 
“I-I don’t know why I said it,” He replied desperately, “I guess I’m a coward,”
You scoffed.
“But what I do know,” Quinn looked deep into your eyes, “Is that I didn’t mean it.” He grabbed your hands, his warm palms encasing the bitter cold that nipped at your fingertips, “Jack caught me off guard and I didn’t want to admit to myself that I’m in love with my best friend.” 
Your eyes widened at his confession, but before you could speak, Quinn continued, “So here I am, because I don’t want to be a coward anymore and I can’t live without at least telling you how I feel. Because even if there is a sliver of a chance you might love me back, then I have to take it.” 
You were speechless. For the first time in your life, Quinn Hughes had left you speechless. When he got no response, he nodded glumly, taking that as his que to leave. Your mouth gaped as you screamed at your mind to say something, anything. Whatever it took to stop your boy from leaving for good. 
“I love you too,” You squeaked. 
He stopped in his tracks, body turing back to face you, “You what?” He whispered, not believing his own ears. 
This time, your voice came back full force and even the pain in your cheeks wasn’t gonna stop you from saying those five words, “I love you, Quinn Hughes.” 
It took three stride for Quinn to make it back in front of you, his hand gently cupped your non-injured cheek, eyes darting down to your lips. 
“Can I kiss you?” Quinn’s voice was timid, as if he was scared you’d break if he talked normally. 
The only answer you gave was colliding your lips with his. The kiss wasn’t exploding fireworks, but rather a ‘welcome home’. The taste of morning dew and the comfort of a freshly made bed. He tasted like the honey you’d put in your tea and felt like the warmest fire on a winter’s day.
Quinn Hughes was a man of many talents, a man of many things, but home was definitely number one. 
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iveantive · 22 days
prompt: yujin gets jealous
yujin catches rei flirting with a boy
TW: g!p, rough sex, choking, breath play, watersports, degradation, blowjobs, biting, belly bulge, size kink
"Are you gonna do something about that, or just keep staring at them from afar like a weirdo?" Wonyoung rolled her eyes. 
Yujin had to have been watching Rei for the past half an hour. The younger girl had stated that she was off to use the bathroom. Initially, it really raised no suspicion, but after 15 minutes went by, and still no sign of the younger girl. Their team's staff had sent Yujin off to go look for her; after all, as the leader, it was one of her duties to look after the members anyway. So, really, she couldn’t say no. 
And that's how she found Rei leaning her head against the wall and smiling from ear to ear in front of some boy group member that Yujin really didn't care enough to learn the name of. The boy's hand was on the wall next to Rei's head as they talked. From where Yujin was standing, she wasn't even able to tell what the boy and the Japanese girl were talking about. However, she knew for a fact that there was no way that boy could be that interesting. 
The boy continued to talk to Rei, and Yujin could feel the temperature in her body rising at the sight. She stared at the pair, the boy slowly inching his way closer to the Japanese girl as they talked. And that's when Yujin saw a noticeable shift in Rei. Her eyes fluttered closed. If Yujin didn't know the younger girl so well, she would almost mistake it as a flirtatious gesture. 
But she knew her better than that.
As Rei fluttered her eyes at the boy, her eyes flickered over to the side. She was looking at Yujin. Making the older girl clench her jaw in anger. The Japanese girl knew Yujin was there yet she kept up the same flirty gestures to the boy in front of her. If not for the other idols and staffers in the room, Yujin would have had no issue with putting her hands on that poor boy and shoving him back to his unknown group. 
And she was just about to, if not from hearing Wonyoung come up behind her. 
"Rei knows I'm here, and she is still flirting with that stupid guy." Yujin tried to keep her emotions under control. 
"And since when did you care about what she does?" Wonyoung couldn't help but laugh. It was so out of character for the older girl. Sure, Yujin cared for each of the members on a colleague level, but beyond that, whatever matters went on in their personal lives, Yujin typically couldn't care less. 
"I-I don't, it's just infuriating watching her twinkle her eyes at some guy for attention" Yujin watched as the guy ran his hands through his hair and bit his lip as he stared down the Japanese girl. Who did nothing but nod stupidly at his every word. 
"Again, Yujin, why do you even care? You flirt with girls all the time. Why can't Rei have a little fun of her own?" Wonyoung shrugged. 
"Oh, so you're defending her?" Yujin sounded almost offended.
"No, I'm just putting my two cents in. If you really have an issue with it, go make up so stupid leader shit and drag her back over here," Wonyoung threw her hands up in defeat as she walked away. 
And that's just what she did as she made a beeline towards Rei—completely ignoring the various other idols and staffers who were staring at her. None of them wanted to be in the way of whatever mission Yujin was on. She, by all means, stomped her way over, putting a firm hand on Rei’s shoulder and making eye contact with the boy she was talking to. 
“We’re up soon, sorry we have to go” Yujin said in the most polite tone she could in contrast to her threatening gaze. 
“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” The boy rubbed the back of his neck. 
“No, we don’t we still have an hour.” Rei pulled out her phone, indicating the time. And really Yujin couldn’t argue with that. They really didn’t have to be back in their dressing room for at least another half an hour. 
So, she had to come up with another excuse. 
“Yeah, well, the managers need you.” Yujin began to tighten her grasp on the Japanese girl. Almost as if it was a warning sign. And Yujin could have sworn she saw the faintest of smirk come from the younger girl as one side of the corner of her mouth raised. 
“Then tell them I’ll be there in a few minutes. I’m busy.” Rei rolled her eyes at the older. 
“I-if this is a bad t-time, I can just go.” The boy was seemingly able to catch onto the strange tension between the two girls.
“Yeah, it is a bad time” Yujins tone was stern and low. 
“Aw, well, maybe next time! At least let me get your number” Rei smiled as she passed her phone to the boy. Ignoring the nails that were digging into her shoulder by that point. 
Rei waved the boy goodbye as she got dragged away by the older girl. Yujin had one hand around Rei’s wrist, her grip tight, not even giving the chance for the Japanese girl to break away if she tried. She continued to drag Rei back all the way to their dressing room, which, thankfully, at the moment, was vacant except for the two. 
She shoved the younger girl into the corner and towered over her. 
“What the hell was that?” Yujin spat. 
“What a little jealous Yujinie?” Rei pushed back the older girl. Not one to back down, she stared back into Yujins eyes. 
“No, I just can’t believe you’d fuck that guy,” Yujin scoffed. 
“Watch yourself, Yujinie. You’re sounding a bit jealous,” Rei said with a chuckle. 
Yujin said nothing. 
“So what is it then? Why do you care what I do?” Rei stared into Yujins eyes wanting a genuine answer from the older girl. But knew she wasn’t going to get one. She watched as Yujin’s jaw clenched as she prepared to open her mouth.  
“I’m wondering why you’re acting like a slut” Yujins voice was filled with venom as she spoke.
“Me a slut? How many girls have you slept with in the past month?” Rei scoffed. The younger girl wasn’t stupid. She saw all the girl's numbers Yujin would get. Almost to the point, she had girls lining up outside their dressing room just to drop Yujin their numbers. And, of course, Yujin would accept every single one. She couldn’t even begin to count how many times she’d caught the older girl sneaking out or, on the other side, sneaking a girl out of their dorm. She’s just lucky Leeseo hasn’t seen them.
Yujin opened her mouth to speak before closing it again. 
“Hanni, Chaewon, Minju, Chaeryeong don't even want to know how Chaeyeon felt about that one. And most recently fucking Somi. You want me to keep going?” Rei was just beginning to scratch the surface of girls she’s witnessed sneak out of their dorm. 
“T-that's different,” Yujin remarked. 
“Yeah? How?” Rei rolled her eyes not believing the words that came from Yujins mouth. 
Once again, Yujin was silent.
“You get everyone you want. Why can’t I have someone, too?” Rei couldn’t help but feel a certain pit in her stomach as she spoke the last few words. While Yujin snapped herself out of it, she wouldn’t take that for her ego's sake. 
“Yeah, I do get everyone I want.” Yujin leaned in and pressed her lips against Rei’s, feeling her try to push her off. But after a couple of moments, she leaned into it.
Their brief moment of intimacy was interrupted by the sound of footsteps and the jiggling of a doorknob. Immediately, the pair broke away, going to separate corners of the room and fixing themselves to be more presentable. With Rei’s lipstick smeared, and remnants of pulled fabrics on Yujins outfit. 
As they prepared to take the stage and Yujin was behind Rei for the formation, she leaned in close to the younger girl's ear. 
“Tonight, my room”.  
"Fuck" Rei seethed through her teeth. As her back met the hard concrete wall behind her. 
"Would it kill you to be a bit softer?" She pushed the offender's hands off her. 
"Why should I? We both know you like it this way," Yujin said with a smirk. Just bruting past Rei's hands that were trying to push hers away. Finally managing to get them where she wanted, she tugged at the fabric of the younger girl's long-sleeved shirt. 
"If you want me to take it off, fine, just don't rip this one like you did the other two," Rei spat at the older girl. 
"Takes too long." The sound of ripping fabric rang out, and loose buttons could be seen falling between the both of them. Yujin, with a sly grin on her face, tore the blouse down the middle even more till the rip was clean through the middle. Exposing the younger girl bra clad chest and tummy. Rei had what could only be described as an unamused expression on her face. She wouldn't ever admit it to the older girl, but she did find it so arousing how desperate Yujin was to see her skin bare. 
"You're buying me a new one" Rei pushed Yujin away as she stripped herself of her now ruined blouse along with unclasping her bra and tossing it to the side. 
"Yeah, yeah, I know." Yujin had barely let the younger girl breathe before she had so easily picked Rei up and tossed her on the bed. Yujin followed suit, flipping Rei so she was lying on her stomach. 
"Hands and knees, come on" Yujin had raised one of her hands up before she brought it back down, making contact with Rei's still-clothed ass. The Japanese girl let out a loud gasp before she quickly bit her lip to stifle anymore sound that threatened to fall from her lips. 
"God, you're such an asshole" Rei couldn't help herself. She still unconsciously followed Yujins orders. She grabbed a nearby pillow, tucked it under her chin, and held it close to her chest while she settled herself on her knees. 
"Don't act like you don't like it; we both know how this goes, Rei-ah. You pretend to be annoyed at me when I know how wet you are for me." Rei rolled her eyes at the nickname. She knows Yujin is right. They've gone down this same exact road more times in the past years than she could count. It always started the same. But that didn't mean it wasn't fun to annoy the older girl. 
"Not even. I could get anybody I want. I'm just settling for you." Rei looked back at Yujin before sticking her tongue out at the older, only riling Yujin up more as she had made her way to the bed. Stradling the younger girl, feeling her wriggle under as she let out little grunts with every movement. 
She couldn't help herself as she admired Rei's bare back. Her skin was smooth and lightly tanned from the hot summer weather. The tiny moles that marked her back. She'd be damned if she let Rei around anybody else. She should be the only one who could see Rei like this. The memories of mere hours before raged in her mind as she recalled that stupid boy who even dared to look, never mind touch, what was hers. 
Yujin roughly grabbed Rei by her hair with one hand as her other one found its way up to her mouth. She took Rei's chin in between her forefingers and her thumb, then squeezed. She bent forward so her lips were close to Rei's ear. While she was this close to the younger girls she was able to hear the quickened exhales through her nose.
"You're much better when you're quiet," Yujin purred into Rei's ear, hearing the loud gasp that left her mouth. Thankful for the position she put them in, she was able to keep Rei's wiggling body still as she struggled under her. 
"We both know that's not true," Rei scoffed. 
"I  know how much you love when I moan your name when you're fucking me. I just feel that good, right Yujinie?" Rei smiled the best she could despite Yujins hand disrupting her ability to do so. 
There definitely was truth to Rei's words. No matter how many girls Yujin had slept with over the years, none of them came close to sounding how good Rei did. She didn't think that moans could even really sound cute until it came to Rei. Prior to the Japanese girl, Yujin knew that when a girl moaned, it meant she must like what was happening. But, it never did much for her. Matter of fact, she might even go as far as to say she found other girls' moans a bit annoying, over-exaggerated, or, on the contrary, too quiet.
Whenever she heard Rei's moans, it was like her body went into overload when all she could think about was making her feel good. All she wanted to do was keep thrusting faster, keeping her fingers curved just right, or flicking her tongue in the right way. It was different. Dare she even say a bit strange for her to even care about the person who was under her?
However, she couldn't let her demeanor falter just yet. She still wanted to have some fun. 
"No. I said you're better when you're quiet," Yujin growled as she pulled harder onto Rei's hair till she was effectively looking back at her. Her other hand changed its position to cover the Japanese girl's mouth roughly. Yujin saw how Rei's eyes widened pupils shook as she held her by her hair. She could feel the panic set in for the younger girl. Rei's breath tickled her palm as she tried to take in more air. 
Yujin felt Rei struggling in her tight grasp. The way she kept trying to shake her head free from her arms. The younger girl's attempts to use her own hands to push away Yujin were met with no success. She tried to reach her hands up and use her nails to scratch at Yujins arm to get it off her. But Rei knew the older girl was much stronger than her. She continued to struggle under the hands of Yujin till an idea popped into her head. She waited for just the right moment when Yujin's fingers would rearrange their position ever so slightly.
"God, what the fuck" Yujin yelped. As she had, in fact, let Rei go. Looking down at her middle finger, which had started to draw blood. She looked towards Rei, who, in the midst of this, had managed to wriggle her way out from under her with a couple of droplets of blood dripping from her lips. 
It was Rei's turn now. Yujin could act as tough as she wanted, but Rei knew better. She knew exactly how to make the older girl's confident demeanor shatter. 
The idiot was still looking down at her fingers at the not-even-deep bite on her skin. And Rei took this moment of opportunity to strike. She pushed Yujin back on the back, catching the older girl off guard. 
'"It's just a little pain, Yujinie. Can't handle it?" Rei said with a smirk. Yujin's head is now resting against the headboard of the bed. Rei straddled the older girl's lap. Feeling her bulge press up against her clothed front. 
"There's nothing I can't handle." Yujin laughed the younger girl off. Admiring the view in front of her. While Rei internally cringed at the older girl's wording. She really doesn't understand how Yujin managed to pull so many girls when that's her choice of words. 
Rei leaned down, pressing her lips against Yujins as she began to grind down on her. She deepened their kiss. Running her tongue along her lips, Yujin opened her mouth, letting their kiss fall deeper. She felt one of Yujins hands inch its way up her thigh making contact with the waistband of her shorts. 
Yujin pulled away from the kiss and used her other hand to push Rei's face closer to her. She ran her lips against the shell of her ear. 
"Take it off," Yujin rasped in her ear. Rei could feel the shivers down her spine as the older girl talked to her. The tone of her voice had lowered an octave as it hit her eardrums. 
"Y-you first," Rei retorted. Her voice was starting to falter as she felt Yujins fingers starting to sneak beneath her shorts. 
"Oh, don't be like that, baby; we both know how much you want it." Yujin slid her fingers underneath the fabric. Ghosting her finger over the younger girl's panties. She could feel the heat radiating off her clothed core. Yujin looked up at Rei, her eyes staring back at her. Gone was the fire and rage in her eyes instead, replaced with a soft gaze. 
"Tell me you want it." Yujin cupped Rei's chin with her free hand. Using her thumb to caress her cheeks. While the hand beneath the Japanese girl's shorts was lightly brushing her fingers over the clothed pussy. She was able to find her clit over the fabric and slowly drag her finger over the sensitive nub. She heard Rei let out a breathy moan. 
Instead of replying to the older girl, Rei opted to just ignore her. However that didn't stop the absolute throbbing of her core that was craving more. She dragged her hips down, trying to feel more pressure against her sensitive core. Letting out a loud moan as Yujins fingers pressed on her clit head-on.
Yujin knew precisely what the Japanese girl was doing. And if she wanted to act like that, so be it. She started to lightly rub the younger girl's clit. Letting her digits glide over her clothed slit. She was practically able to feel the slick leaking from the girl on top of her, threatening to leak out of her panties and onto her fingers. Yujin could hear the muffled moans that were falling from Rei's mouth. In the midst of her movement, Rei's hands had found their way up to her own mouth making a futile attempt at hiding her moans. 
"Come on, Rei-ah, all you need to do is say the word," Yujin hummed. She watched the younger girl shoot her a harsh glance that was contrary to the way she was biting her lip under her hand to keep herself quiet. 
"Should I feel how wet you are for me?" Yujin glided her fingers under Rei's panties just right over her hip bone. Letting her fingers feel the younger girl's soft skin against her fingertips as they got horribly close to where Rei needed it most. 
Rei thrashed her hips against the older girl as she shook her head no, which did little to stop Yujin from getting her free hand to tightly grip her thighs to halt her movements.
"Aww, don't be like that, Rei-ah." Yujin's fingers rubbed the outer folds of the Japanese girl's hot core, resulting in Rei letting out a high-pitched moan she couldn't react fast enough to stifle. Yujin smirked as her fingers fully slid under Rei's panties, swiping her fingers across her slit. She heard another moan ring in her ears as she did so. She continued to tease the younger girl, slowly getting closer to dipping her fingers in Rei’s sopping wet core just to go back to rubbing the outside of her folds and gliding her fingers through the slick only to rub the wetness back onto Rei's skin. 
She looked back up at Rei, seeing tears starting to form in her eyes as she continued her teasing movements. Yujin almost felt bad for the girl if not for remembering the bullshit she had seen hours prior. It didn't help that the younger girl looked absolutely beautiful her chest was flushed red. Her lips were swollen, and her eyes glossed over. At this point, even she was starting to get a little desperate. Her boner had been straining her pants for the better part of an hour. Yujin's grip on Rei's thigh was still strong and hard as she pinched her skin to gain her attention back.
"Say you want it," Yujin purred into her ear. Her fingers were wet with slick as they rested over Rei's wet pussy. 
Rei couldn't hold it any longer. She knew she was dripping all over herself and Yujin. She could feel it. It wasn't even worth hiding it anymore. With every moment that went by, she could feel herself getting closer and closer to cumming. And she knows Yujin would never let her live it down if she came without even having the older girl inside her yet. She needed Yujin. She needed to feel her thick length stretch her out. And fuck her till she was sore.
"I-I want it," Rei muttered. 
That was all Yujin needed to hear as she had removed her hands from Rei's core and practically tore off the remainder of the younger girl's clothes, tossing her shorts and soiled panties to the side. And in a just as quick manner, she was able to tug her pants down just enough to let her cock spring out. The cold air of the hotel room made her shudder as pre cum had already started to drip down her length. 
"That's a good girl." Yujin lightly tapped Rei's cheeks with one of her free hands. 
It felt like it wasn't even another second before Yujin lined up her length with Rei's core. And started to push her tip in. The younger girl let out a loud, breathy moan as she collapsed onto Yujin. She wrapped her arms around the older girl's neck and buried her head into her shoulder as she felt the pressing of Yujins cock enter her. 
Inch by inch, Rei could feel Yujin stretching her out. Letting out shaky moans in the crook of her neck. But Yujin knew she could take it. She knew how much the younger girl loved the stretch of her cock inside her. The first time they had hooked up, Yujin couldn't help but be overwhelmed with concern as she had felt the younger girls' nails gripping their bedsheets so hard, biting her lip to the point it had started to bleed. But all Rei did was tell her to keep going. That's how she knew how much Rei loved the burning pain of being stretched out. She wanted to feel every inch of her, no matter how much it hurt in the beginning. 
Yujin continued to feed more of her length into Rei, the guttural moans she was letting out only urging her to bottom out inside her. When she had finally done so, she could feel the sweat dripping from Rei's body onto her own. She held the Japanese girl to her chest as she let her get used to the pressing length inside her. 
Rei could feel every single inch of the older girl deep inside her. And she loved it. She really does hate to admit how compatible they were when all they did when they weren't fucking was bicker. She began to subtly grind her hips down on Yujins cock. The stretch only made her moan even louder. 
"God, you're such a slut" Yujin said with a chuckle as she pushed Rei off of her. Leaving her staring back at her. 
"Don't even act like you don't like this." Rei rolled her eyes. As she very strategically she might add clenched around Yujin. Hearing the older girl let a low groan fall from her lips. 
"You're right. I do like this" The older girl had basically slammed into Rei with a hard thrust. Making her let out a loud guttural moan. She kept her hands on Rei's thighs for leverage. She began to thrust up into the Japanese girl's hot core.
"F-fuck y-you're s-so a-annoying," Rei got out between breathy moans. She kept her hands steady on Yujins waist as she tried to meet Yujins thrusts. Only to be met with Yujins nails digging into her skin to get her to stop.
"No. You'll take what I give you," Yujin said with a growl. She planted her feet on the bed and began to thrust. She was setting a hard and deep pace with every movement of her hip. She watched Rei's loll to the side with every harsh thrust. 
Rei had looked absolutely entrancing. With every thrust of her hips, her breasts moved in tandem. She couldn't help but reach out and cupped one of the younger girl's breasts. Squeezing the soft flesh between her fingers, causing Rei to moan. 
Yujin was already able to tell that the younger girl was inching closer and closer to her orgasm. With every harsh snap of her hips, she could feel Rei tightening around her. The way her moans had started to sound needier and needier were both a tale tell sign she was getting close. 
Yujin set both of her hands back on the Japanese girl's hips as she slowed her movements down with them becoming less fast but much harder. She enjoyed the harsh slapping noise of their skin meeting with every hard thrust. Which she knew all too well would make the girl on top of her tip over the edge. Every moan that fell from her mouth started to blend together in a long string of needy whines. 
Till she had finally fallen over the edge with one last loud moan, her body tensed up and shook as she came. Yujin didn't let up and instead kept up the same pace fucking her through the hot wet tightness. Now just wanting to chase after her own orgasm.  
"S-stop" Was the next word that Yujin heard fall from the younger girl's mouth. And for a split second, she almost did. If not for them having a conversation like this before. It was out of habit that after her first orgasm, Rei was always sensitive and would give verbal indicators that she wanted to stop. However, after some much post orgasm discussion, Yujin knew that wasn't true. The younger girl always just fell overwhelmed for the moment, proceeding to her orgasm while her mind and body wanted more.
So, Yujin didn't stop. She kept going. Only after her own orgasm now she go back to her original pace. Hard and fast, just how she liked it. She could feel the burning in her abs telling her to stop, but she kept going. She looked at the girl on top of her eyes clouded with tears that were threatening to spill over. She could already feel Rei coming close to her orgasm again.
Yujin set her hands around the younger girl's waist, running her fingers over her lower stomach, feeling the slight bump that would come through with every thrust. She began to press down, enjoying the extra pressure against her tip.
"O-oh f-fuck Y-Yujin S-stop," Rei was just barely able to get out. However, Yujin kept on inching closer and closer to her own orgasm.
"G-gonna cum" Yujin warned the younger girl as she continued with the hard fast pace. Pressing on the subtle bump on Rei's tummy harder as she got closer. It was different this time, though; there was a new wetness that was there that definitely wasn't there before. But she couldn't even focus on it as it only made thrusting into Rei easier.
Yujin slid her thumb down and started to rub the younger girl's clit. She wanted the younger girl to cum with her. She wanted Rei to feel her as she pumped her load into her. Resulting in her letting out a loud cry. With a gush of wetness that flowed out of her. At the same time, her hot core clenched around the older girl. After a few more brutal moments, Yujin came with a loud grunt as her thrust started to fizzle out in intensity. Her load shot deep into the girl above her. 
Rei had once again fallen onto the older girl, catching her breath. While Yujin, at the same time, recovered from her own intense orgasm with a shaky breath. The pair stayed like that in silence. Not one of them even wanted to attempt to break the stillness of tranquility the pair found themselves in. 
That was until Yujin was starting to become more aware of the soaked sheets under her. Not to brag or anything but she has had some experience with ruining hotel sheets. And for some reason, this time, it had felt different. It was almost like it was wetter. The dots had started to connect in her head, recalling the gush of wetness on her when Rei had cum for the second time. 
"Did you piss on me?"
"to be fair, I warned you, and I prefer the term squirting."
"What the fuck"
"There isn't a difference anyway. Let me guess, you haven't made a girl squirt before." 
Yujin started to recall back to prior experience. Was the younger girl trying to gaslight her or something? She is so sure she has had girls squirt on her before, but it wasn't like this.
"Hold on, I definitely have, and this isn't it."
"They're the same thing. And it seems like little Yujin didn't mind." Rei rocked her hips, being able to feel Yujin's hard length still pressing inside her.
"After all that, you still wanna go again? You're such a slut, you know that, right?" Yujin scoffed while at the same intentionally pushing her length deeper inside of the younger girl. Making Rei let out a loud moan for the nth time that night followed by her seething her teeth. 
"And what does that say about you? You're still hard" Rei teased as she clenched her walls around the older girl. 
"Mmmm, he says he wants to go again, too." Yujin clicked her tongue before she, by all means, knocked Rei off of her, changing their positions. So, the Japanese girl was the one with her head towards the headboard.
"Did you just call your dick he?" Rei quirked an eyebrow as she leaned her head against the pillow.
 "Yeah, what about it?" Yujin pulled the remainder of her clothes off and tossed them off to the side before she settled back between the younger girl's legs. 
"Well, that doesn't make any sense. You're a girl. Why is your dick a guy" Rei looked at Yujin with a look between disgusted and weirded out. Watching the older girl look to the side and cross her arms seemingly to actually go into thought for a second. 
"Just feels right," Yujin shrugged. As she gave her length a couple of strokes, and before she was even able to look down again, Rei had lunged forward, taking the head of her cock into her mouth. Starting to suck on the tip.
"F-fuck," Yujin gritted her teeth with every movement from the younger girl. She couldn't help but shudder under her touch. She was still feeling sensitive from her previous orgasm. And yet she didn't want Rei to stop. She reached for the younger girl, instinctively gliding her fingers through her soft hair. Feeling her lean into her touch as she took more of her length into her mouth. 
The warm, wet feeling of the younger girl's mouth felt so good around her. Almost like Rei was trying to pull her in deeper. Yujin needed to feel more of her. With her hands still settled on the younger girl's head, she pushed down on her as she tried to push her dick deeper into Rei's throat.
Only for Rei to push her in an attempt to shove her away. Which was met with little success as Yujin kept a firm hand on the younger girl, being able to keep her close to her. Yujin could feel every last vibration around her cock from what she would guess was Rei trying to say something in protest to her current situation. Just making the smirk on her face grow even wider as she indulged in the ministrations she put upon the younger. 
She supposed she should be glad this wasn't their first go around. She knew the younger girl well enough that she wouldn't choke on her cock. But that didn't mean that she didn't get any satisfaction from watching her suck her off. 
"You wanted this, so take it," Yujin gritted through her teeth, letting a low groan fall from her lips. 
Rei couldn't help but roll her eyes at the older girl's words. Sure, she may literally have Yujins cock in her mouth and maybe enjoyed that said cock in her mouth. At the same time, though, Yujin annoyed her like no other. The absolutel audacity that the older girl had to say that to her when Rei knew Yujin wanted it just as much as her. 
She dug her nails into Yujins thighs in another attempt at getting her to stop. Just to me met with a harsh singe of pain to run through her body. She realized that the older girl had pulled her hair. 
"Stay still," Yujin spat, keeping the tight grip she had on the younger girl. Only making Rei want to resist even more. But she couldn't physically move if she tried. She couldn't deny the power Yujin had over her. 
However, she could could counter her.
 Rei had to admit she had been saving this one for a while now. She had just been waiting for the perfect moment. And the position she was as better time as any to do it. Ever so slightly, she brought her teeth down, letting them lightly graze the sensitive skin. Hearing a high-pitched gasp come from the older girl. If her mouth wasn't full at the moment, she knew, she'd be grinning from ear to ear at being able the ones to exude those sounds from Yujin.
She focused back on the problem at hand (or you could say mouth) and sunk her teeth deeper into Yujins cock. 
The following moments were a blur, with Yujin immediately pulling out with a scream and a very high-pitched one at that. And holding her little yujin in her hands to check the damage (there wasn't any). Before she centered back on the younger girl, who was sitting back against the headboard of the bed with a shit-eating grin on her face. 
"What's wrong with you!" Yujin yelled out. She was able to practically see her face turn red from anger as she looked at the perpetrator. 
"You wouldn't let me go." Rei tilted her head and shrugged at the older girl. She watched as Yujin had a moment of contemplation before she looked back at the younger her eyes darkened as they focused back on Rei. 
With rough hands, Yujin took Rei's ankles and yanked her down, resulting in her head hitting the pillow below her with a loud thud. She pushed the younger girls' thighs apart and settled between them. Despite the minor injury done to her member, it was still as hard as ever ready to go again. Yujin reached one of her hands up in a quick motion and held her hand against Rei's throat. A loud gasp sounded out when the Japanese girl felt the pressure pressing down on her windpipe. 
"Now I really won't let you go," Yujin had got close to the younger girl's ear and whispered. Feeling the ragged breaths, Rei was letting out, tickling her skin. 
"Pl-ple-please," the Japanese girl muttered between breaths.
"Aw, please, what? Use your words, Rei-ah." Yujin stared deep into the younger girl's eyes as she taunted her. And at that same moment, she was able to feel the faint tugging at her arm. She looked to see her hands out reached, trying to pull her hand off. Only making Yujin let out a snort as she pressed her palm against the front of Rei's throat and used her fingers to squeeze the sides of her neck. 
The younger girl could be seen mouthing words in an attempt to talk to the older. However her attempts at any communication were met with indifference by Yujin. She stayed true to her words in not letting go. Rei couldn't help but feel overwhelmed, only being able to feel the sensation of Yujins hands pressing against her throat. And the brief relief when she would loosen her grip to let her breathe before going back to the tight grip. 
"Cats got you're tongue, huh," Yujin said with a laugh. 
"You know, Rei-ah, this is all your fault. All. Of. It." the older girl made sure to eunciate her words with the pressing grip on the youngers throat.
"Just couldn't help yourself. Acting like a slut in front of that fucking boy. When we both know you only want me," Yujins voice was low and rough as she forced eye contact with the helpless girl. She was able to feel Rei gulp against her palm with every insulting profanity she threw at the younger. And more importantly she was able to feel her trying to wiggle her hips.
Catching Yujins attention as she looked down looking at how wet the younger girl was. Their combined fluids leaked out of her in combination with a new wave of wetness that flowed out. 
'And look at you still getting off to this," Yujin scoffed.
"But, I'll hand it to you, Rei-ah. You were right. I really can't get enough of your pussy" Yujin said before she plunged her length into the younger girl's soaked core. Making the Japanese girl let out a loud, choked moan as she began a rough, brutal pace. Her only goal in mind really was to make the younger girl suffer for her actions. 
Yujin had one hand still firmly around Rei's throat while the other one was pressing on the stomach, loving being able to feel herself through her tummy. And already the younger girl's eyes were glossed over, just barely being able to tell she was looking at her. Yujin loved every second of it (not that she would ever admit it), but she absolutely thrived the most when Rei would bend to whims. Whether it be of her own will or not, she loved it. 
She kept plunging her length into the younger girl's hot core, hearing the little pants that fell from Rei's lips with every thrust of her hips. In comparison, Rei's mind could only focus on one thing. Yujin. Her senses were only able to feel, smell, and think of Yujin. How much she hated her. How much she wanted her. But, in every sense of the word, it was all her. 
Not once while Yujin was fucking Rei did her eye contact ever falter from the younger girl. Just building the tension in the air for the both of them. As Yujins pace would just not let up as she kept fucking into Rei, only ever letting out rough groans in between every thrust. By this point, they were both covered in sweat from pure overexertion. Both felt exhausted, but neither daring to want to call it quits just yet.
Yujin could feel herself getting closer and closer to her orgasm with every thrust of her hips. But she needed more. With a rough push, she let go of the younger girl's throat at last. Not failing to miss the loud gasps of air coming from Rei. As Yujin hiked Rei's legs over her shoulders and chased after her own orgasm, She fell forward, both of her hands now beside Rei's head. She couldn't help but admire the work she had done. Rei's head was lolled to the side, her chest heaving. 
"You're mine. Only mine. Only I get to fuck you like this. No one else," Yujin growled as she kept up the pace. Feeling herself quickly approaching her orgasm. 
"Say it." Yujin spat at the younger girl. Not caring how fucked out Rei was, she wanted to hear her say it. But after not hearing a response from the girl, she brought one of her hands to her face and made contact with her cheek, hitting the younger girl. 
"Say. it." Yujin repeated herself. Watching the younger girl ever so slightly focus her gaze back onto her. 
"I-i’m y-yours," Rei was finally able to stutter out. 
And that was enough to send Yujin over the edge as she emptied herself into the younger girl with a loud moan. Collapsing onto Rei in the process. Who was letting out raggedy breaths against her ear. 
Yujin heaved as she tried to catch her breath. She could feel her bangs sticking to her sweaty forehead. And more importantly she could still feel the younger girls walls tight around her. She could feel her own load threatening to drip out with every movement she made. So, she made a subtle attempt at pushing her limp length deeper into the Japanese girl.
She stared down at Rei, her eyes still hooded closed and her breath ragged, still trying to catch her own breath. The marks she had left on her neck were very much still visible. Most likely to start bruising in the following days. And just at that moment, the dull stinging in her back reminded her of the scratch that the younger girl had no doubt left on her. Yeah, their makeup artists were definitely going to have a word with them. Yujin couldn't help but laugh to herself. 
When that all too well urge made itself known. She needed to piss. Unsurprisingly, it was her normal routine after she came; she usually needed to piss. So, ever so slightly, she moved to pull out before she heard a whimper.
"N-no, n-not yet. P-please," she heard fall from Rei's mouth. She sounded so vulnerable, almost borderline pathetic, Yujin thought. She couldn't deny it, though she did find the sight rather amusing and, dare she say, cute. However, that didn't hinder the fact that she did still, in fact, have to piss at that moment. 
"Rei-ah, I have to go to the bathroom; I'll be back, okay?" Yujin reached to cup the younger girl's cheek and lightly caressed it as she spoke. 
Before she could even pull her hand away from Rei's cheek, she felt the Japanese girl's hand gripping her wrist.
"N-no," Rei pouted, pulling at Yujin to make her stay. The older girl sighed in defeat. How could she ever deny the younger girl what she wanted when she did that?
"O-okay, fine," Yujin reassured the younger girl, but she didn't feel her grip around her wrist loosen. The urge to piss was only getting stronger at this point. She tried to ignore it, though, as she leaned into the younger girl's touch. Pushing her hips ever so slightly to keep herself buried inside the Japanese girl. This proved to be a mistake as she felt her bladder being put pressure on by her stupidity. And, well, her being pressed up against Rei so closely. 
"Rei-ah, I really have to go. Can I just-" 
"Mmmm, N-no!" Rei pouted as she shook her head. 
Yujin couldn't even tell anymore if Rei was back to being able to think rationally or not. Her cheeks were still flushed, and walls were as tight as ever around her length. And the way she was speaking it was different. Usually, when they were done fucking sure, they'd cuddle for a few minutes after, but Rei was always quick to kick her to the side once she was able to think clearly again. 
She wondered what was different this time. 
Yujin couldn't wonder for long, though, as another wave of urge hit her. It was starting to get a bit painful at this point, if she was being honest. The dull pain of holding was starting to become a chore in itself. She looked down, seeing as Rei somehow had gotten a grip on both of her arms; there was no way she was getting out of this one. 
And that's when an idea popped into her head. She could, in theory, just go right now. She is almost certain Rei wouldn't care as long as she stayed inside her. Yujin had entirely made up her mind on her next move. It wasn't like they were staying in their own dorm anyway; they were in a hotel, at least a good few hundred feet away from the other members. However she did have a shred of dignity left not to do what she was about to do on the mattress she was going have to sleep on for the next two days. 
So she gathered Rei in her arms and lifted her up. Despite hearing pouts and whimpers of "no's from Rei, she kept them connected. As she made the tread to the shower, she was able to feel the dribbles of cum leaking out of the younger girl onto her. 
Yujin pushed Rei up against the tile of the enclosed shower. Hearing her let out another whimper as her bare back made contact with the cold tiled wall. Yujin was getting just about ready to burst at the seams at this moment. It was getting harder and harder for her to hold. But she wouldn't let go until she saw that Rei was reasonably comfortable. She saw how the Japanese girl's head was knocking against the cold tile ever so slightly. So, Yujin kept one of her hands behind her head. It was the most she could do at the moment to keep her at least somewhat comfortable. 
"Rei-ah, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, okay?" Yujin looked at the younger girl to look out for any sort of response. To which she just got a blank stare and a hesitant nod from the girl. This was as good a response as any for this moment, Yujin thought to herself. 
It took a few moments, but Yujin was able to start going. Letting out a satisfied low moan as she did so. It was a strange feeling at first. As Rei was already wet, she wasn't really able to tell if there was a difference in feeling of the wetness the younger girl was providing and the one that was exiting her body. 
Her arms were starting to become sore forcing her to have to readjust ever so slightly. She hiked the underside of Rei's legs around her, forcing some of the warm fluid to leak down her legs. Partnered with a quiet moan falling from Rei's lips. Causing Yujin to tense up. Was Rei actually enjoying this, she thought? She was so sure at this point that the younger girl had to somehow still be out of it. There was no way there was a sane part of Rei that was enjoying this. 
However, Yujin didn't have to wonder anymore when she felt Rei starting to wriggle in her grasp and let out little incoherent noises. 
"M-more," Rei muttered in a barely audible tone. Causing Yujing eyes to practically bulge out of her head. But, who was she to deny the younger girl, and after all, she still did have to go? 
In the moments proceeding, her stream started to pick back up, and the light tightness around her had started to become comforting in a way. As she continued to piss, she was able to feel the pressure starting to build up. The feeling was comparable to continuing to drink water without swallowing. She had to make a conscious effort to keep pushing piss out.
"F-full," Rei once again stuttered in a hushed tone. The trickle of piss inside her at first was barely noticeable, but as Yujin kept going, she could feel the pressure in her lower stomach building and building. It felt almost pleasurable in a way, being so full in a different way than she had ever been before. 
"I-it's okay, R-rei-ah i-i'm almost done," Yujin gritted through her teeth. Having to actively make herself release the piss she had been holding. As she looked down between her and the younger girl, she could see the Japanese girl's tummy had started to bloat in a way that was barely noticeable. She couldn't help but be proud she did that. 
That was hers. 
With a final grunt, Yujin had finally emptied her bladder. She rested her head against Rei's. Feeling the younger girl's shallow breaths hitting her face. She could feel Rei clenching so tightly around her, almost like she didn't want to let go. Or perhaps she wanted to keep something in. But Yujin knew she had to pull out, her arms were starting to get tired of holding Rei up. 
"I-I'm gonna pull out, okay?" Yujin asked. Getting a nod in response from the Japanese girl. 
So, ever so slightly, she started to pull out. She could feel Rei's arms draped over her back as she did so. Yujin watched as the fluid started to trickle out of the younger girl; it was entrancing in a way, watching the liquid flow out of the Japanese girl's hole. 
As Yujin was able to fully pull herself out, the intensity of the liquid leaking out of Rei increased. It was almost disgusting to say she could feel the fluid getting splashed back onto herself. She watched that with every clench of the younger girl's pussy, more of her piss would be expelled. Hearing the quiet whimpers that fell from Rei's lips. The stream had started to dwindle intensity out of the younger girl as she saw the linger of white dribbles being pushed out along with the rest of her fluid. 
Once again, the pair caught their breaths. Yujin was just barely able to keep Rei stable with her own body. She looked down at the younger girl to see her looking back up at her with those stupid, innocent eyes she always had. 
"Well, I guess that's one way to get rid of cum" 
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jolapeno · 1 year
iv. before the gold and glimmer
javier peña x f!reader | chapter four of late night texts
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summary: It's the year 2000. Javi is minding his own business on the porch of his pop's ranch when a text from an unknown number vibrates his phone. The only problem is, no one knows he has a phone and no one has his number.
chapter warnings: fluff. flirting. continuous romcom vibes. an: i adore each of you who are coming along this weird and wonderful journey, we're getting closer, i promise. wordcount: 2.5k.
text key: bold is you/reader | italics is javi
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I’ll be home in an hour.
I’ll be ready 
Are we going to do the crossword tonight or are you going to spend an hour flirting?
too early to comment
I’m bringing my A game. 
to flirt with me? baby you flatter me 
No. Crosswords, you fucking flirt.
hermosa did you just swear at me 
I did. Now I have to concentrate, stop distracting me. 
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Javi is aware that his pop is thinking things. 
Has been since the phone conversations began. The ones initially having slotted in when the house was empty. Quiet. Just him and his thoughts banging around, occasionally punctured by him pressing the keys on his phone until the phone rang.
Now, the phone calls have bled out into quick chats on other nights (Javi’s hand over his mouth, trying to muffle a laugh). He’s caught sight of his pop’s smirk more than once.
He’s very aware that he hasn’t helped things by dropping your name into conversations.
Accidentally, at first.
Then just accepting his fate and embracing it. Talking about you as if you’re this fully fleshed thing in front of him—mentioning the news thing you’d heard, something funny you’d said. 
He even mentioned you to Murphy. Again, not on purpose. 
Steve was quick. Picking up on it immediately in their latest monthly catch-up where usually Javi listens to how amazing, disruptive and yet tiring kids are—how Miami would be good for him, and that Connie misses him. This time it segwayed suddenly into, and who might she be then, Jav? 
It had crossed his mind to play it down. To conceal you—because a part of him suspects he should hate all of it.
Before, he had always preferred secrecy. Kept the women he had been seeing behind lock and key. Partially due to the nature, the risk—now, though, he thinks he just doesn’t want to share. 
Doesn’t want to taint it. Selfishly wanting to keep you all to himself, his slice of happiness that no one can dull.
It also aids in holding himself back from falling over the cliff, tumbling into ruin because he let himself get ahead of himself. 
Feel too much, too quick, because Javi didn’t even know what you looked like. Hadn’t eyed you up across a bar, hadn’t spotted you in the aisle of the store.
You’d stumbled into his life.
No reason, no real cause or explanation, and now he’s not entirely sure as to why he feels the amount he does. That he cares, that he likes you. How that when he talks to you, he feels only happy, content and joy—like he could do and be anything.
You provide the key to the semblance of normalcy he’s been longing for. Liking what others would think is mundane, like about your day. Now he longs for it all face to face, where he can read your face instead of dissecting your voice. 
She’s just someone I’ve been talking to. Don’t—don’t even know her, really.  You knew all the others well before? Fuck off, Murphy.  Just sayin’, sometimes, shit just don’t make sense, Jav. 
Steve says it as though it answers all his problems. 
Like he thinks the words will make all the pieces click into place, suddenly cemented and real—all understood and no longer complex. 
But it’s all still very much messy—a tangling of feelings that ready exist and more which threaten to come.
In truth, he doesn’t mind the complications of it all. He just thinks it’s best to protest it a little. Pretend he hasn’t abandoned all logic just because someone made him smile and feel a little less broken.
Because he knew, just like those around him, that he was done for. 
It all perfectly evidenced by the fact he doesn’t mind when his pop begins giving him one of those smirks more often than not—the ones surrounded by wiry white hair, partnered with a knowing look on his face. The same conversation circling, the one that’s been going on for days now—
“When the two of you meeting?”  “I don’t know, pop.”  “You made plans to see her yet?” “No, pop.”  “You should go see her. You need a break.” “Pop.” 
At some stage, his pop stops beginning it—challenging him. Now he just signals the words with a look. One he assumes parents are given when their child enters the world—the one that is part knowing and part ‘you know you’re going to do what I’m saying, anyway’.
Javi hates that more than he hates the rest of the situation. 
Because his pop isn’t wrong. He wants to see you, watch your expressions instead of imagining them. 
Not just to see what you look like, but so that he can see how you react when he says certain things. Whether you scrunch your nose or your lips curl before you smile; whether you hide your face when he embarrasses you, or whether you fold your arms and pout. 
Each time the two of you text or call, he thinks it—wants to bring it up and ask.
A need in him growing, in the same way his feelings do. Multiplying, quivering in his bones when you laugh, and it travels straight to his heart—making it swell and bloom. Filling the expanse of his chest until he isn’t sure he can feel any more happiness. 
Picking up the phone on the first ring, he hears your usual chirpy hey, which he follows with his now usual: “Hey baby.” 
“¿Cómo estás, Javi?”
“Ay, you’ve been practising.” 
Hearing you laugh makes him smile. Unknots the stresses of the day from him as he pulls the chair over—sitting on it as his head rests against the wall. 
“I purchased a Spanish for kids book, so that’s my skill level.” 
Smirking, he rolls his lips. “You trying for me?” 
Snorting, he rubs the bridge of his nose. “Eres tan linda, querida.” 
“I know the last word means darling.” 
“I said you are very cute.” 
You pause, a shuffling sound coming from your side of the phone before the softest of sighs. “You’re making me blush, again.” 
“You make it too easy.” 
“Stop,” you say, all fake warning and all likely accompanied by a cute smile, “How’s your day been—tell me you got a splinter in your ass?” 
Smirking, he slumps further into the chair, legs spread, spare hand resting on his thigh. “Starting to think you only talk to me for my body.”
The laugh you let out is closer to a howl, and his cheeks hurt from hearing it—his grin so large, it doesn’t fade for hours. 
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apprehensive feeling, 5 
Come on, Javi. 
I think it may be angst 
If I were there I’d kiss your cheek. 
I know you mean that in a nice way but it feels demeaning 
Oh no I meant it as the latter. 
is that how we’re being
You tell me. 
paris divider, 5 
Seine. You ever been to Paris?
no have you 
Not yet. 
not yet? 
Well there’s always time. Heard it’s a romantic place to go.
maybe if you were nicer someone would take you 
You make a good point. 
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things go ok this morning
Not like I wanted but not the worst. I can apply but they’re playing the experience card again. 
bullshit, you ok
I will be. Thank you for checking in on me. 
you can tell me if youre not yknow
I just need to destress is all. It’s like talking to a fucking wall sometimes.
fuck I love it when you swear 
Javi, stop. 
do you really want me to 
No. But you’re making my face burn. 
bet you look real pretty getting embarrassed 
I actually do not, so you should stop so you don’t inflict the face on others. 
I don’t believe you
Maybe one day you’ll see it for yourself so you can believe me 
wish one day was today 
Why would you destress me? 
baby I’d make sure you couldn’t even think the word stress never mind feel it 
You confident in that? 
youll have to find out
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Something was different in the air the moment he woke up. 
Things went far easier than they normally would. No one tried to bowl him over during feeding. The fence he went to check on didn’t look all that bad—and there wasn’t even a queue when he visited the homeware store for pop. 
There also wasn’t a rain cloud in the sky.
And it put him on edge. 
His gut—the one he had relied on to take down the narcos—flared back to life. It could be a good day, a once-in-a-blue moon, a blessing in a sea of disguise. 
But rationality didn’t stop him from checking over his shoulder, do a final sweep of the land. 
It had been like that when he’d first gotten back. All on edge, finding it difficult to settle. He had smoked back then, worse than he had done when he’d been over in Colombia. It’s why he’d chosen to quit.
Now, he rotated the phone between his finger and thumb, feeling it vibrate against his palm, checking if it was you before he allows the smile—the one you pull from him by just texting him—blossom. 
So I have good news and I have bad news lead with the bad first I can’t call you on Thursday night
His heart drops, plummets. 
A part of him knew something bad was around the corner. Taking in your text, over and over. Checking he understood it as he climbed the stairs up the porch. 
Javi rolls his head on his neck, staring up—the flies around the porch light buzzing away as he tries to compose himself. 
Somehow always knowing that deep down, this day would come. His mind is too quick to act, abruptly busy with conjuring thoughts. That old analytical part of him whirs back to life as it tries to make heads or tails of the situation in front of him, as though it was a case.
Because he suspects that your good news is that you have a date—someone you’ve seen face to face and has swept you off your feet. A person who will take you away from him because he can’t offer you that.
Plus, you don’t even know him.
Not really. 
He’s just this person you text. 
This person he feels…
well fuck. The good news best be the best news ever I think it is. Don’t tease me, querida Says you, baby.
It takes him a second. 
The four letters blowing all the conjured theories well and truly out of the water. 
His eyes trace over the letters, even after he’s sent the reply. Javi’s heart suddenly in his throat, pulse in his ear—the blood banging around. 
Shut up. Anyway I can’t call you because I’ll be on an early flight in the morning to Houston. Work needs me to check out some odd sales. You’ll be in Texas? Yeah. So the good news is, if you meant what you said, we could meet in person.
He swallows, spine straightening—posture suddenly pristine, making the muscles in his back ache from the day as they flex and tighten under his shirt. 
You want to meet him. 
Or he thinks. 
Not wanting to read between the lines—needing the confirmation, to hear you say it. His shirt begins to cling to his back, hair falling over his forehead as sweat grows, strands of hair being grasped against his skin.
You want to meet me? Of course, I’m the one suggesting it. But if you don’t, that’s fine. I mean, I’ll begin judging how lonely you actually are if you don’t. But it’s fine.
His thumbs aren’t quick enough. 
Each text firing in—and he wishes, more than he usually does, that he could be there with you. Clutch your cheek, assure you, make you breathe—
baby breathe. I want to meet you, I do But? but nothing
Even if there is. 
There seems like there’s a but
Javi doesn’t mean to, but he laughs. 
Somehow, miles away—you can already read him. Know him. His thumb massaging his nose, wrist hiding his smile from the world. 
I’m nervous about the fact you could see me and never want to speak to me again You think I’m that shallow? No. It’s just you’ve been the best thing about my day in a long, long time, querida Call me. it’s late isn’t it Javi. 
He moves, the chair he had been on almost toppling over as he opens the storm door and then the next. Moving into the kitchen, not even needing to pull your number up. He knows it. 
It’s burned into him. 
The receiver meets his ear as you answer in record time as your voice greets his ears. Followed by a sigh when he greets you in a low-whisper.
“Javi, I feel the same.” 
He swallows. “Yeah?” 
Silence greets him before you do a soft laugh. That little one he’s begun noticing you do when you later tell him you’ve just nodded or shrugged—forgetting he can’t see down the phone. 
“I wanted you to call so you could hear it. That I want to meet you because I can’t stop thinking about you. And that might be insane, and odd. But… I like you. I feel things.” 
“I know,” he says, pressing his forehead against the wall—eyes closing, hand tightening around the phone. “I like you, too.” 
Javi hears it. The discernible way you relax. 
It comes across in the way you take a breath, in the way he suddenly feels his own shoulders slide from his ears. 
“But if it’s too soon, I can use some time off—“
“No, cariño. No. I… I want to. I’ll be there.” 
You swallow—loud in the silence. Almost clunky. “I’m scared too.” 
Opening his eyes, he stares at the peeling paint. Something running over him, from his head to his feet. It whispers to relax, to breathe—allowing him fully to do both. 
“You could… I don’t know, see me and find I don’t match the image of me you’ve created. Or, find me horribly boring. Or that I’m actually the strangest person. It’s scary. I’m scared too.” 
He nods, smiling to himself. “I’ll pick you up from the airport.”
“You don’t have to—“
“Baby.” It silences you, and the thought makes him smile. “I’ll pick you up from the airport, okay?”
It takes a beat. 
A full ten seconds. 
“We’re going to meet,” you say softly, almost wistfully. 
And it cracks then, a smile. A real one. His usual one. Turning on the spot, pressing his back against the wall, head meeting it as he lets the grin spread into his cheeks, almost to his eyes if his thumb and finger didn’t begin rubbing them. 
“We’re gonna meet,” he replies.
Opening his eyes, seeing the noticeable flicker of the television—its shimmering light flittering through the doorway, illuminating his pop, who is standing smiling at him. 
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AN: remember, if you wish to see the deleted 18+ scene for the birthday bash, be sure to check back on 8th of July, otherwise see you next Tuesday 
next ->
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junosmindpalace · 1 year
may i request a gojo x reader one shot where y/n is gojo's former student, after she graduated she went out of the country then after 5 yrs she comes back to work at tokyo jujutsu high as a teacher like gojo. y/n used to have a crush on gojo back then (maybe she still does 😋) and now that y/n's back after a long time gojo kinda missed her so they often spend time together. y/n keeps convincing herself it's just some kind of friendly reunion, nothing more but one day during the sister school goodwill event she gets jealous when she sees gojo teasing utahime and interacting with her. gojo wonders what got y/n into a pissy mood and y/n is like "why do you even care? just go back to your flirting session" then that's where gojo finds out she's just jealous. he'll tease her and idk maybe a confession between them will follow? i'm rlly sorry i suck at explaining things but i hope you get most of it and this gets accepted 😭 thanks! 💓
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hi anon! thank you for your request and patience! i changed a couple of details in this request and it turned out soo weirdly angst but the main idea is still there! i hope that’s alright!
3.2k words. a little all over the place.
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“call me every single day, you hear me? you can’t leave me all alone with this guy.” 
shoko doesn’t even look over her shoulder as she jabs her thumb toward the white haired teen standing behind her shoulder, who drops his mouth open in disbelief at her insulting tone. the tension in your chest eased up as you laughed.
“of course.” 
leaving your friends so soon after graduating was hard to wrap your head around, even with a car waiting to take you to the airport outside the gates of the jujutsu tech building and the occasion bump into your suitcase as you shifted your weight between your legs. 
with the assassination of the star plasma vessel and the suguru incident that made your worlds turn upside down, it seemed reasonable that you’d want to stay; immerse yourself in something familiar. but staying at jujutsu tech--in japan all together--was overwhelming. you needed time to figure and sort yourself out; cope without having to relive painful memories every time you passed where the incidents took place. 
leaving the two people who helped you cope during the ordeal with suguru was difficult, but though they too were pained to part from their friend, they also understood the importance of your leave. they weren’t too stressed, though. you’d stay in touch. you promised. 
shoko stepped forward to give you one final departing gift, wrapping her arms around your neck as you immediately reciprocated, and in shoko’s arms did you mull over whether this was the right choice for you for the nth time. 
a couple moments pass before the two of you pull apart, with shoko whispering a threatening “you better call.” one final time, jabbing an accusing finger at you as if you had already broken your promise, before stepping off to the side to allow satoru to get his own affairs in order. he stepped toward you with a roll of his eyes. 
satoru gojo has been an insufferable ass ever since you met him in your first year. to you, he once came off inconsiderate and ill-mannered, and to satoru, you once came off stuck up and uptight. yet somehow the mutual distaste you two had for each other upon first meeting turned into a friendship filled with teasing.
it felt weird leaving satoru behind especially, because somehow along the bumpy road the two of you took to get to where you were now, something yet again shifted in the way you viewed him, a shift you were still unfamiliar with. it felt strange leaving without it figured out. but you’d get a chance to, you hoped. like with everything else in your bizarre life. 
your usual banter insued as satoru took hold of the handle on your suitcase, swinging it back and forth before loading it into the open trunk. you threatened satoru to look out for himself and not be too much of a nuisance while you were away as he did so. he clicked his tongue as he brought the trunk down with a thud! and waved off your false threats. 
”don't miss me too much, y/n.” he smirked over his shoulder, tinted glasses sliding down the slope of his nose as he stepped back up on the sidewalk. cerulean eyes shone under the morning sunlight, fixed on you with an intense gaze in contrast to his easy smile. you looked over your shoulder as you opened the rear car door, mimicking his expression. 
”won't be a problem.”
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the first couple of months went strong. you upheld your promise of calling shoko frequently, and satoru would often squeeze himself into the frame of shoko’s camera to tease or hurl an insult toward you. she’d shoo him off or laugh along, because she too missed the playful banter you all once immersed yourselves in. and though you were far from the paths you once trekked with your friends, only ghosts of those moments lingering on them now, at least there was no trace of your dying friendship.
more time passed and contact became less frequent. life went on, and keeping in touch as regularly as you once did became increasingly difficult. only on occasion were you able to organize a chat, so much yet so little to be said. each new life event shared left you to ponder over even hours after you had hung up the phone. 
and soon enough, a decade had passed. ten years you thought you’d spend in agony over being away from the people and places you considered home flew by considerably fast, and the thought nauseated you slightly as you reminisced on memories from your youth. 
the nostalgia of your teenage years lingered like a light fog in your mind, always finding some way to trace even the most mundane of things back to your old friends, especially satoru gojo. even after ten long, busy years, you still found that annoying white haired friend of yours lingering in the back of your mind. 
though so much time had passed, you hadn’t gone cold turkey with your communication from your friends; only infrequent. you knew of the important things: the promising new students at jujutsu tech, satoru becoming a teacher, the curse that was rika, the night parade of a hundred demons, toji’s son that satoru was now looking over—suguru’s death. all things recollected to you from your texts with shoko and gojo. though neither of them were quite big on details.  
ten years has definitely granted you time to think, to organize, to consider and try new things. you worked through complicated feelings, you met new people, you saw and experienced new things, and certainly had all those things teach you a couple of important lessons. 
and ultimately, after over a decade, you made the decision to return to japan as a teacher at jujutsu tech. 
around this time, you felt a consistent nagging as if there was still a missing, unsorted piece of your life. you believed that perhaps the decision to return home was spurred by the growing intensity of it. it built up slowly over your less frequent phone calls and text conversations with your old friends and the ever growing amount of changing of their lives back home. though perhaps suguru’s death compelled you to return as well. 
you returned the following year after the night parade of a hundred demons. you convinced yourself it would just be a friendly reunion like with the rest of your old friends, but the second you were standing face to face with satoru, your heart said otherwise. 
it wasn’t unusual to feel anxious when reuniting with someone, but the painstakingly long pause that followed upon being reunited after so many years made you suppress a shudder. It was hard to believe the man in front of you was the troublemaker you used to go to school with. It was hard to believe he was even real. 
you used the silence to get a good look at him, just to make sure it was truly him (and you think satoru was doing the same, regardless of his six eyes.) he had gotten even taller, and he now wore his messy locks of snow white hair up. his uniform was still fitted as it used to be, always just a bit baggier than his tall frame. 
but the most prominent difference was his new defining feature, and so you decided to comment on it first. satoru was still in a sort of trance (of shock you guessed; your only indicator were his slightly parted lips) when you broke the ice with a smirk and the words he had parted with you over a decade ago.
"hope you didn’t miss me too much, satoru. what's with the tacky blindfold?” 
and the grin that followed on his lips stretched from ear to ear.
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satoru your coworker wasn't all that different from satoru your classmate. he was still as childish as ever, irritated by the higher ups and an irritation to all those around him. you found that out rather quickly when reuniting with yaga and nanami. you made a dramatic fuss over how much they both had changed, nanami shyly looking down with a slight frown reminiscent of the signature one he wore when he was younger. you didn’t feel it was appropriate to bring up haibara or suguru at any point. 
but your relationship with satoru your coworker was off from your relationship with satoru your classmate. It had been years, and you’ve fallen into your normal rhythm with satoru pretty quickly and easily on the surface. but the passage of time was still evident in your conversations as it was with the changes in your appearances. time matured him (or most likely his ordeals with suguru). even his manner of speaking was so serious sometimes that it caught you off guard. it felt even worse than having him hate you, treating you as if you were a stranger hurting that much more.
so much yet so little had changed. you were taken aback by the amount of maturity in his reasoning for wanting to become a teacher, even if it was so out of place for him, over a catch up brunch. it almost made you feel as if he were a stranger, with a new sense of maturity coupled with his new, more distant look and behaviour.
he’d tease you like he always did, but it didn't have as much bite. he'd show you around tokyo, treating you to desserts and jokingly gifting you funny souvenirs; but because satoru had become so unfamiliar, it didn’t feel as comforting as you thought it would. 
and that nagging feeling that you couldn’t quite put your finger on arose again.
you reunited with mei mei and utahime during the sister school goodwill event, with the latter enveloping you in a large hug reminiscent of the ones you received when you left them over a decade ago. they had all stayed relatively close, with utahime becoming a teacher like satoru at the sister school in kyoto. 
you were good friends with her, always defending her from satoru’s insults and indulging in her (in your case, faux) hatred toward satoru. you two had also stayed in close contact, appreciating all the emotional support she provided and her updates on the events in her life and the jujutsu world (with complaints about satoru tossed in here and there). 
which is why your jealousy was irrational, you thought to yourself as you watched satoru and utahime in the monitoring room. you knew satoru and utahime being the last two people in the world wouldn’t make them fall in love. even if they were, your jealousy was still out of place. if anything, you should feel happy for your two old friends.
but perhaps it had more to do with the distance and familiarity satoru and utahime were able to maintain, even if it was their regular quarreling and distaste for one another. perhaps the way they were able to slip into the routine they’ve kept up for so many years, no matter how ruthless it was, ate at you, reminded you of how different things were between you and satoru. you weren’t two teenagers who’d sometimes catch each other’s stares from across a room. you weren’t attending school together and going on missions. 
and the distance was bound to strain your relationship. but you figured that if there was anyone you’d be able to break back into routine with, it was the troublemaker you had known since the two of you were fresh faced students like the ones he now mentors. 
it was all those little things stacked atop each other, that casual and distant demeanor satoru treated you with as if you were a stranger, time staring back at you in the mature way he, shoko and utahime carried themselves, and satoru slipping into a routine that you were sure you and him would be able to maintain with someone else, made that whole tower of unease fall apart with that final crack. 
he had walked off after you after you had excused yourself from the room, feeling sick the more you thought about the large gap in memories, in time, in knowledge, between you and the others. 
“jealous?” he smirked, clearly amused by your sudden outburst (and deeply curious, since it was so out of character for you). 
“not a chance.”
not in the way he was suggesting, at least. you waved him off. “go back to your flirting session.” 
and Satoru stopped in his tracks, recoiling in disgust over the mere implication. because even he knew that you would never think such a thing of his relationship with utahime, even if he were to one day tell you that something was going on. 
perhaps it was the distance, satoru thought to himself sadly. because while to you satoru didn’t seem to be all that affected by your return, he still saw in you that old classmate of his that made his face burn with simply the strength they exhibited, with only a short meeting of gazes from across a room as a teenager, and his heart ached at emotional distance. there was no way that classmate that knew which treats to bribe him with and what games were his favorite would ever assume such a thing about him. 
getting through to one another was never easy, both of you equally stubborn in your resolve. and when you throw this terrible distance, these horrible feelings of insecurity and confusion, it made the miscommunication between the two of you that much worse. 
but satoru remembers the day you left as if no time had passed at all. he remembers the rising lump in his throat as he watched you say your goodbyes with shoko. he remembers the wave of fear that washed over him as he watched you turn your back from him, reminiscent of the event that took place when his best friend left him for good. he remembers the confession on the tip of his tongue as he looked down at you and into your sharp gleaming eyes, words he’s debated with himself for years over whether or not he was a coward or a hero in not saying.
and right now, as he stares at your confused and hurt expression, your back turned to him yet again, all those feelings wash over him and he feels as if it may be the former, because now he’s let his insecurity hurt you. but he also knows that whether he was a coward or hero then doesn’t matter now. he wouldn’t allow a repeat of what happened all those years ago. he wouldn't let himself hesitate.
he reached to grab your wrist, and you harshly recoiled, shooting him an angry glare from across your shoulder. “what the- hell, satoru? would you just-”
“i wasn’t flirting.” 
“whatever. I don’t-”
suguru knew him better than anyone. shoko knows him better than anyone. you know him better than anyone.
“utahime? really? i would think that you know me better than that.” 
the pout on his face seeped into his voice, and you further struggled in his grip. “things change with time, satoru. you can’t expect me-”
the distance was fine. satoru could do distance. but it was this misunderstanding that made his stomach churn uncomfortably. it was the fact that he seemed so unknown to you. that you seemed so unknown to him. who knew that such a minor misunderstanding would carry so much emotional baggage, invoke such strong reactions from the two of you? 
“can’t use that excuse if i’ve always been in love with you.”
you immediately stopped fidgeting, staring at satoru’s serious expression with wide eyes. his pout settled into a deep frown, and you’re absolutely despising the fact that you can’t see his eyes with that stupid new blindfold. stupid time. stupid change. 
“i’m in love with you,” he said again with a shrug. “and that never changed.”
silence. all you could do is continue to stare at him as he held your wrist. but then you inhaled sharply and satoru released his grip. you took another deep breath, and then…
“how the hell am I supposed to know something like that? it’s been over ten years, satoru gojo. everything feels different- you look different!- and you expect me to know you’ve been in love with me for how long?”
you ranted all your anger toward him as you jabbed a finger into his chest, while he continued to stare down at you with a frown and his hands now buried in his pockets. his lack of a reaction only added to your frustration, and you still felt as if you were staring at a stranger. 
“take off that damn blindfold.” 
his mouth drops into a small o for a moment, before he brings a hand to his face. it feels as if an agonizing amount of time passes as satoru slips the blindfold down from his eyes to hang over his neck. his hair falls into that familiar disheveled heap, and you’re immediately met with a familiar rush of anxiety rushing through your veins as you make eye contact with his blue ones. 
big and bright, and staring down at you with so much longing. his hand stays on his blindfold, and the frown stays etched into his face, but you can finally see those eyes. the ones that sent a wave of warmth over you when they connected with yours. the ones you found yourself gazing at as you leaned your head against a desk, admiring them from a sideways angle as they glistened in a ray of sunlight. one’s you knew you could rely on, not because they belonged to the strongest or because of the power they held, but because they belonged to your best friend, to the boy that made your heart stutter. 
and you’re too emotional finally seeing your satoru gojo to care about the fact that you were now sobbing into satoru’s chest in relief over something familiar, and you cried even harder when his arms wrapped around your frame, head resting sideways into your hair. and you felt stupid for breaking down over something so childish, so minor.
but maybe some things didn’t change and maybe some change was for the better. because you’ve had over ten years to figure yourself out and so did satoru, and with your decision to return home was your decision to return to satoru synonymous with it. 
and you felt satoru finally smile a genuine and childish and familiar sort of smile, into your hair, and you couldn’t find it in yourself to care about how stupid you felt in that moment. 
and that final unsorted piece of your life finally stopped nagging at you, as if satoru had exorcised a curse that lingered on your back these past ten years. those confusing and unidentifiable feelings you felt for satoru way back when. together, you’d be able to rebuild your relationship with satoru into the way it used to be all those years ago, not a single detail unknown, so you could put all those insecurities and fear to rest. 
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suckerforcate · 1 month
This is so exciting!
I love Kate Stewart!
May I request a Kate Stewart x fem reader? Older woman x younger woman ( legal age gap of course)
A one bed trope/ forced proximity/ will they won't they trope.
Reader works closely with Kate Stewart. They have a very caring/ slightly flirtatious dynamic but both are in love with each other and Kate is very protective and possessive over reader and gets jealous when men flirt with reader as reader as regarded as a total catch .
Can be a mixture of fluffy , angsty and smutty😊
I'm so happy Kate is getting the love she deserves!
Pairing: Kate Lethbridge-Stewart x fem!Reader
Word Count: 4223
Warning: 18+, oral sex
Summary: When you drive to Scotland with Kate and spend the night in a pub where a guy hits on you something in your relationship finally shifts.
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A/n: So it's just a hint of the one-bed trope and more of a shared proximity. I also sprinkled a bit of pretend/fake relationship in there. I hope it's what you had envisioned!!! It's a bit longer than I had planned, hence why it took a bit longer. @freshmoneyalmondathlete <3 It's also my first time writing for Kate, so I hope it not totally off-character. I would love a repost, like, or comment <3
It had been months. Months since this strange sort of dance had started. You both knew there was something, but no one acknowledged it and work was way too time-consuming and hectic to talk about it.
You’d been working for UNIT for some time now, having started there as an exited young scientist just finding out about the wonders of the Universe. And you were good at your job, which helped you quickly work your way up into a bit of a lore important position. You still did mostly lab work, and that was a part you’d never give up. But it was nice to be recognised for your hard work and to be given more responsibility.
More and more often you were right in the middle of the action. A trusted consultant for Kate when hell went loose, and it felt good. To know your opinion was valued by the boss herself. But it was more than that. You admired her, no question about it. What she does and the way she worked for it couldn’t be described as anything else than admirable. But you also couldn’t keep your eyes off her when you were in the same room. She took your breath away in all her smart pantsuits and high heels.
And whether Kate knew about it or she felt similarly, there’d been a sort of charged air around the two of you right from the beginning. It wasn’t unknown for the two of you to flirt even, or maybe especially in life-threatening situations. A way of staying grounded, keeping some light-heartedness to the job was all you could do to stay sane.
You obviously cared for each other immensely, but no one dared to make a step forward. And whenever you thought you’d ask her out something happened. Cybermen came, the earth was nearly invaded, the Doctor showed up. It felt like the Universe itself was against you. At least until now.
Your hard work had led to Kate taking you with her to a call they’d gotten up in Scotland. Someone had apparently seen something that could be connected to a scientifically unexplained phenomenon that Osgood had picked up upon a few days ago. It needed to be looked at and that’s how you found yourself in the passenger seat of a UNIT vehicle next to Kate on the way up to Scotland. It was cold outside. And considering it was November and you were driving up north, that was not surprising. You had thrown a sweater over your long sleeve, but you were still cold.
„Turn the heating up.“ Kate suggested, clearly having registered that you were cold. The way you were practically curled up into the passenger seat and had your arms crossed, it probably wasn’t hard to put one and one together. You turned to look at her and shook your head.
„Too much heating air gives me a headache.“ You explained and looked back out the window. It looked peaceful, just miles and miles of fields and flat land. In the corner of your eye you saw Kate nod in understanding. It was silent for a few seconds before she spoke.
„I have a jacket in the backseat. You can put it on.“ You looked at her and then turned your head around very uncomfortably to look at the backseat. Sure enough there was a cardigan, looking soft and incredibly warm. For a moment you hesitated. Another look at Kate, but she was just smiling softly. It was probably a bad idea and would make you fall even more in love with her. But you were so cold.
So you bent your back awkwardly and reached behind your seat to grab the cardigan. Your shoulder brushed Kate’s and your face was far too close to hers. The sift smell of her perfume filled your nose, and it made your heady dizzy. As soon as your fingers wrapped around the soft fabric of the cardigan you pulled it to the front and sat back normally. With a little bit of fidgeting you put the jacket on. The fabric a little tight around you, but so wonderfully warm. You let out a happy sigh and nuzzled into the cardigan with a soft smile.
„That’s much better, isn’t it?“ Kate said and even though you’d closed your eyes you could hear the smile in her voice. That beautiful smile, the one you wished would always be because of you. The familiar sensation of fluttering butterflies made itself known inside of you. You hummed in agreement and just nuzzled deeper into her cardigan. It smelled exactly like her and that gave you so much comfort.
You felt a tender touch on your cheek, soft fingers brushing over the skin there. Unconsciously you leant into it, humming happily. A warm chuckle, soft like honey made its way through the fog of sleep.
„(Y/n), dear. We’re there.“ The same warm voice said, soft and quiet. Sounding so much like Kate. Suddenly your eyes snap open. It was Kate. You immediately sat up straighter and untangled yourself form the complicated mess you’d brought your limbs into in the seat. You blinked a few times to adjust to the darkness around you, just a little light in the car on around you.
„I remember when I could sit like that.“ Kate chuckled amused as she pulled the car key out of the ignition. You looked at her next to you, still a bit out of it from the sleep. You hadn’t even realised you’d fallen asleep. But that soft, tender touch in your cheeks… You couldn’t stop thinking about it, you craved more of it.
„My old body won’t allow something like that anymore.“ She said, laughing, and before it registered in your brain she had stepped out of the car. You hastily put your shoes back on and in an attempt to quickly get out of the car, nearly fell face-first into the mud. In the last second you caught yourself, albeit not very gracefully. When you looked up you saw Kate peeking around the car from behind and grin at you, eyebrow raised. A bit embarrassed you stuck your tongue out to her and closed the car door. A hearty laugh came from Kate, slightly morphing into that absolutely ridiculous laugh of hers. It wasn’t heard too often around UNIT headquarters it always made your heart warm.
„You’re being mean.“ You said, sounding like a petulant child, but it was clear you were joking. You rounded the car and stepped up next to her, grabbing your bag from the boot.
"And you’re not old.“ You added, the actual reason you’d even started that ridiculous exit from the car. Without waiting for an answer you walked away from the car and into the little inn that Kate had parked in front of. Kate looked after you, as soft smile on her lips and slightly shaking her head. She closed the boot and followed you inside.
The inn really wasn’t big and was more of a Pub with a few rooms than an actual inn. Very Scottish, but cosy and most importantly warm. You could just hope the rooms would be warm as well. There were a few people scattered across the room and an old man behind the bar. You walked up to him and his thick Scottish accent immediately woke you up. Half asleep you wouldn’t have understood a single word he said.
Kate came up next to you, and you looked at her, right in the middle of paying for the room. Room, not rooms. Kate suspiciously eyed the one key you had. You quickly wrapped up with the man and practically shoved her through the room and into a very badly lit hallway with creaky stairs.
„I didn’t understand a single fucking word of what he said.“ You told Kate as you walked up the stairs. The whole Pub had an unmistakable smell of spilled beer to it. „I think he said something about the other rooms all being full. And I think he assumed we were a couple.“ You explained, trying to remember the few words he’d coherently spoken and string them together. You heard a sharp intake of breath behind you and stopped in the last step to look back at her.
„Everything alright?“ You asked a bit concerned, it was hard to make out faces in the near complete dark of the hallway. But you could see Kate nod and wave you off. For a moment you hesitated but figured she’d speak up if something was wrong, so you kept walking. The room was at the end of the hall, and you opened the door easily, though just like the stairs, it creaked a bit.
You stepped inside holding the door open with your foot until you felt Kate hold it. Two steps, and you were in the middle of the room, and you abruptly stopped, resulting in Kate practically walking into you.
„What-…“ She started but immediately got why you stopped. Not only was it fucking freezing in the room, and you shortly thought about sleeping in the much warmer hallway, there was also just one bed. One, quite small bed. Your insides practically fell over themselves, fluttering at the thought of sleeping in that bed with her.
„I’ll sleep on the floor.“ Kate’s words pulled you out of your daze. Turning around to her, an eyebrow raised critically you shook your head. Absolutely not.
„Don’t be ridiculous, your back would kill you.“ Was your simple answer, and you stepped further into the room, rounding the bed and setting your bag down on the right side of the bed. You took Kate’s cardigan off and slipped out of the pullover underneath, leaving you in a long sleeve shirt. It was definitely freezing in the room. You just wanted to put on a thicker sweater on when you see Kate remained standing by the door, just watching you.
„Kate, we are grown people. We can share a bed for two nights.“ You nearly sounded like a scolding mother and that seemed to snap Kate out of it. She walked to her side of the bed and silently started unpacking her bag.
A part of you wishes Kate really would sleep in the floor. It was the reasonable part, the one that this couldn’t end well. The bed was too small, the room to cold. Your body would surely seek warmth in Kate.
„I’ll treat you to dinner downstairs. As compensation for having to sleep in a bed with me.“ Kate said a bit softer again and looked up from her bag, now nearly completely unpacked. You look at her, your pj’s in hand and tilt your head.
„That’s really not necessary, but thank you.“ You knew arguing would get you nowhere with Kate, so you just accepted it. Quickly you finished unpacking your things as well and saw her waiting for you. She was leaned against the wall, hands stuffed into the pockets of her pants. She had taken her blazer off and the pale blue blouse underneath drive you crazy. The upper buttons were opened, and her sleeves were neatly rolled up. The sight alone made your mouth water.
You shook yourself out of it and without thinking put Kate’s cardigan back on. You missed the way Kate looked at you in her jacket and smiled softly, her cheeks ever so slightly flushed. The long sleeve and the cardigan would be too cold for the room, but the bar room had been nice and warm, with the fireplace alight. You walked over to Kate and gave her a smile. Opening the door you gestured for her to step into the hallway. She shot you a smirk and walked past you.
Nothing had changed in the bar room since you’d crossed it to get to your room half an hour ago. The old Scottish man still stood behind the bar, now reading a newspaper. Seven people were spread around the room. Three young women, crouched into a corner chatting and giggling like teenager. Best friends, you assumed. An old, presumably married couple sat at a table by the bar, eating fish and chips. And two men, about your age sat at a high table on the wall opposite the bar. They were just drinking beer, a bag of crisps in front of them.
You simply followed Kate to a table close to the fireplace. Sitting down across from her, your back turned to the warm fire you sighed happily. Kate smiled at you softly and opened one of the menu’s. When she was done looking through it, she turned it around and pushed it to you.
„What will you eat?“ You asked absent-mindedly, while looking through the menu. She leans back in her chair and crosses her legs, running a hand through her blonde hair.
„Fish and Chips and the bitter they have on cask.“ She answered and pulled her wallet out of her bag. She looked ready to stand up and walk to the bar, just waiting for you to decide.
„I’ll have the pie and mash and the lager on cask, please. Thank you.“ You said and closed the menu, putting it back in its holder. She stood up and walked over to the bar to order your food and pay. You were thankful actually, at least you wouldn’t have to talk to the old man again. His accent really was not understandable. You watched her lean on the bar, looking so effortlessly attractive. One hand pushed into her pocket and the other gripping her wallet.
She had one leg behind her other, foot propped up in the tips and tapping on the floor impatiently. It brought out her figure even better, and you shamelessly stared at the way her suit pants clung to her ass. She paid and as you saw her reaching for the two pints in front of her you turned your head away. She placed the beer down in front of you and sat down on her chair again. You blinked your glasses together and spent the time waiting for the food talking about anything but work. A welcome change to your usual conversations.
At some point your mind slipped away, and you barely listened to a word she was saying. Her lips were moving, but the words didn’t hit you. You couldn’t help but stare at her lips, your eyes flickering down the few open buttons of her blouse, a tantalising amount of cleavage exposed for your eye. You were thankful that at some point the food had come and Kate was too preoccupied with it to see where your eyes were directed to.
„What do you want to drink? I’ll buy you one. You already paid for the dinner.“ You said after you had both finished eating and shoved your empty plate away. Without warning, she grabbed your glass and took the last sip of it.
„I like that. I’ll take one of that.“ She said nonchalantly and puts the glass back down. All you could do is nod, your eyes still glued to where her lips had touched the rim of the glass. You grabbed your wallet and headed over to the bar, trying to get your head straight. You ordered two half pints and paid for them.
„I’ve never seen you here before.“ Surprised you turned your head to the side. You saw one of the man from across the bar standing next to you. He was your age, brown curls, a tad taller than you. A slight Scottish accent could be heard in his voice. He actually looked kind of nice. Like someone, you’d be friends with, definitely not someone you’d date. But with men you could always see it in their eyes, he definitely wanted to pick you up. You gave him a polite smile.
„That’s probably because I’m not from around here.“ You said, putting your card back into your wallet and looked back at him, waiting for beers to be ready. He had his eyebrows raised, the question clear on his face.
„London.“ You offered as an answer, and judging by his understanding nod you’d read his question right.
He leaned on the bar, trying a bit too hard to look relaxed. You turned to him fully and grinned, in the corner of your eye you could see Kate's eyes glued to you. A tilt of your head helped you take a look at her. She looked...jealous?
"And what does such a pretty London lady do in a dump like this?" His word shook you out of it, and you looked back at him, chuckling amused.
"I'm afraid, that's classified." He looked a bit taken aback, but he quickly found his smirk again and nodded.
"Classified, huh? What are you, the MI5?" Awfully pleased with, he grinned at you and just at that moment two half pints of Lager were placed in front of you. You took them, shoving your wallet into your jeans and smirked at the man.
"Maybe." You simply reply and walk past him, towards Kate. You missed the dumbfounded look on the man's face and just saw Kate's eyes still trained on you. A hint of possessiveness and jealous still gracing her features. You more assumed than knew that the man would be following you. And when you set down across from Kate he stood right beside the table. You sighed and crossed your legs. Taking a sip of your beer first before giving him any attention.
"Let me give you my number, we would have to talk about your classified work." He said, and the innuendo was clear in his tone of voice and the smug expression on his face. You had to concentrate hard to not roll your eyes. You shot Kate a look and hot an idea.
"Sorry, mate. But I'm already spoken for." You said and looked at Kate in just the right moment to make it clear who you were spoken for. You saw Kate's eyes widen a bit, but for the sake of the moment she pulled herself together.
You did not like the look in the man's face when he eyed Kate. Not at all. He looked at her disparagingly, like he would be a better match for me. And no doubt that's what he thought.
"Come on, how old is she?" He said and that was definitely a mistake. Your little thread of patience you had with men like him ripped in mere seconds. You looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.
"I'm not sure that's any of your business. Besides, she gives better head than you." Well, that effectively shut him up. He gawked at you for a moment, like a lost fish and then retreated back to his table. You snickered amused and sipped on your beer, but when you looked at Kate you didn't see the smirk you had expected.
Her whole demeanour had changed, and her eyes had darkened. The only word you could think of to describe what you saw was hunger. Sure, the two of you had danced around each other for months. And you were quite sure that there was something between you. But this was new.
"Drink up." She said and her tone of voice cut right through you and went straight to your core. A bit perplexed you stared at her, blinking a few times. But there was no patience in her eyes, so you quickly drank the rest of your beer. She stood up and reached out a hand for you to take. You took it and followed her through the pub, past the guy that had hit on you and into the darkened hallway. You went up the stairs, her hand still tightly gripping yours, and towards your room.
Inside the room you were immediately pulled flush against her and soft, warm lips pressed against yours. Considering the hunger and possessiveness you'd seen in Kate's eyes downstairs the kiss was surprisingly tender. But that was Kate for you, full of care and gentleness. It was what made her such an excellent leader. She always kept a clear head and could lead and make aliens falter with one look. But she never lost the care and empathy she felt for the world. For her officers and her team. For you.
Instinctively your hand reached up and tangled itself into her honey-blonde hair, soft and silky. You’d wanted to touch it for so long, and it nearly made your legs give out, the way she kissed you, so fiercely and yet so loving. When you both felt like you might suffocate if you don’t take a breather she pulled back and rested her forehead against yours.
„I don’t like men flirting with you.“ She admitted and nearly sounded embarrassed, like she had no right to feel that way. And you assumed in some ways she didn’t, but you wanted her to feel jealous. You wanted her to want you for herself.
„I figured as much. You were quite jealous.“ A soft giggle bubble out of Kate as you said that and the sound was so unfamiliar, so unusual for her, it made your heart stop for a moment. And with the way your heart warmed and everything inside you felt like you just wanted to hear her make that sound again, there was no denying your feelings anymore. You were head over heels, absolutely stupidly in love with her.
Gently you let your hand wander from her hair into her neck and played with the soft hair there. You felt her shiver slightly and a soft sigh escaped her. Her hands gripped your hips a bit tighter, her fingers digging into the material of her own cardigan draped around you.
"So, you think I give better head than that douchebag, huh?" She whispered, but there was a hint of a challenge in her tone, and you chuckled in responds. Slightly pulling back you were able to look her in the eyes. With a mischievous smirk on your lips you spoke.
"Why don't you show me?" She answered with a grin and suddenly her hands were all over you. Tugging the cardigan off your shoulders, pulling your shirt out of your jeans and pushing you back towards the bed. With a slight oof and a giggle you fell back onto the sheets, and you quickly kicked your shoes off. The sight in front of you made heat pool between your legs. Kate easily fell to her knees, settling between your legs in front of the bed. Her slender fingers made quick work of the button on your jeans.
"You'd like that, huh?" Kate practically husked, and it was enough to tell you that she was just as affected by all this. Eagerly you lifted your hips when she hooked her fingers under them hem of your jeans. Tantalisingly slow she pulled them down your legs, exposing more and more of your skin. From up in the bed you had a delicious view right into her blouse and the soft pale curve of her breast drove you crazy. Before you knew it your knickers were gone as well and strong hands pushed your thighs apart, digging wonderfully into your flesh. Your head fell back onto the mattress, and you just heard her hum.
"You're dripping, darling." She commented and that alone nearly made you burst. You needed her, now. One of your hands made its way back into her hair, impatiently pushing her closer to where you so desperately wanted her. She chuckled, deep and warm and the sound went up your spine and through your whole body like honey. The next thing you heard was your own moan as her tongue trailed through your folds and your fingers tightened their grip in her hair.
"Shit, Kate." You gasped. She was good at this, really good. No doubt better than the guy from earlier. Her tongue on you felt like heaven, and you asked yourself how you'd been able to resist her all these months. Your hips lifted up involuntarily, and you ground against her. Desperate for more, for her. Her hands held you steadily in place, fingers massaging the soft flesh of your thighs. Gasps and moans filled the room when she sucked on your clit, a wonderful mix of hungry and gentle that made your head spin. Your free hand gripped the bedsheets desperately. When you came your back arched off the bed and your thighs wanted to squeeze shut. But Kate held them open, spreading them for her to ride you through it and clean every bit of you up.
The smug smile on her lips when she pulled back and looked up at you made you laugh. Breathless but absolutely content. Gently to untangled your fingers from her hair and cupped her cheek.
"Come here." You said, smiling and pulled her up on top of you. One leg wrapped around her, you pulled her flush against you. Your thumb tenderly trailed over her bottom lip.
"You were definitely better than that douchebag." You confirmed and chuckled at her happy face, she looked awfully pleased with herself. Swiftly you pulled her into a kiss and switched your positions on the bed.
"Your turn."
The small, single bed definitely wasn't a problem anymore.
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creedslove · 5 months
Mari!!! I love your writing!!!
Do you think you could write a little jealous Dave York, maybe he has gotten with reader who is a little younger and he's a bit insecure, so he follows her or sees a guy flirting with her and he gets super jealous or protective. But in the end she's like I only want you and she let's him cum in her. 🫣
Sorry I just love Dave York I can't help it ❤️
Dave York x f!reader
A/N: bestie, who doesn't love Dave? He's literally precious, I love him with all my heart, and so do all of us!!! 💞❤️
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• okay, let's just establish something here: Dave is a jealous type, okay? No arguments about it, he can be a prince and sexy and treat you like a queen, but he is NOT gonna like to see any guy anywhere around you, he's gonna be pissed off and territorial
• you are definitely the best thing he has in life, he will never risk you having an interest in anyone else but him, he just gets angry and scared to even consider that, because it would break his heart and he would feel so betrayed
• luckily, just as he's obsessed with you, you're also obsessed with him, and you both are mature enough not to play stupid games or mess around with each other's feelings: you both love and respect each other and you don't flirt with other people for fun or whatever reason
• still, other people might try their chance, since you two are a very attractive couple: women all have their eyes on Dave and guys can't help but keep their eyes on you at times, and that's when our hitman gets bothered
• Dave isn't clueless, he knows he's a successful, charming and handsome man with a very attractive position at work but he's also aware you are younger than him, being his second marriage and already burnt by his ex wife, it's made him suspicious, because sometimes it's hard for him to see that good things can happen to him and you are one of them
• overall, underneath all of his hitman threatening persona, lies a rather insecure man who thinks you are way out of his league and that at any minute you're gonna snap from it and finally find someone you should really be with instead of him
• so when he has a break over the week, he decides it would be a great idea to call you up and meet you for lunch, just something quick: going to your favorite bakery for some sandwiches and a slice of cake; it was the kind of date you two didn't plan in advance but you loved it nonetheless, as it was so simple and romantic
• you felt so excited to meet your handsome Dave, you decided to look really nice for him, arriving a little before he did as he was still leaving the office, you picked a nice table and took a look at the menu, checking up your options when you felt glares at you
• you didn't know that man, he looked alright you guessed, he wasn't ugly, but he wasn't Dave's level of handsome either. He was wearing formal clothes which showed it was also his lunch break and once he captured your attention, he smirked and greeted you
• you politely greeted him back, wanting the interaction to end once for all, you weren't interested in him, simple as that, but the guy figured that if he insisted, things would be successful somehow, so he approached your table at the same time Dave got off the car and saw it from outside that unknown man making small talk
• Dave's body heated up at the same time he felt himself going cold and a bitter taste of jealousy flooded his mouth: he hated seeing you talking to him. He didn't know who that guy was but he definitely didn't want him around you, when you two were supposed to be having your lunch date, he didn't want to see you talking to a man who was visibly younger and fitter than Dave, whereas your hitman was going a little a gray and his belly was rounding up a little
• he feels his heart sinking at the same time he approaches the table, he wants to get there immediately and break apart whatever contact is going on, but hearing your voice brings Dave back to reality:
"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested, I'm waiting for my boyfriend, he's just arrived"
• you told the guy and got up, smiling and walking towards Dave, kissing his lips and hugging him. Your hitman simply wrapped his arm around your body and kissed your lips, giving the guy a rough stare
"is there anything wrong in here?"
• the man just shook his head and excused himself, apologizing and trying to hide how nervous he got once he "accidentally" spotted Dave's gun in his suit jacket. You didn't see when he flashed it at your admirer but you couldn't care less, you were just glad to see your handsome hitman there ❤️
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pale-opal · 20 days
I Listened to "The Wisdom Saga" and I Have Some Thoughts - Part 2
This is the sequel to this post. I will be picking up right where I left off, starting with:
4. Love in Paradise - I feel as if I've been tricked, been backstabbed, and quite possibly, bamboozled. - I came into this expecting unrequited-love related hijinks. - Do you wanna know what I got instead? - The most emotionally taxing song in the entire freaking saga. - I have listened to this song several times and so far, every time it ends I feel sad. But when the song starts, you have no idea what you're in for. - "Love in Paradise"? More like "Suffering in Paradise" (/j). - We begin with a medley of some of the most iconic songs from past sagas, starting with "Remember Them" from "The Cyclops Saga". After that point, the rest of the songs go by quickly, with Athena speedrunning through a montage of Odysseus' past up until his current point. The remaining songs in the medley are:
Keep Your Friends Close
Ruthlessness (I love how this song was changed for the medley, by the way. The faster tempo puts more emphasis on the drums and I think that's so fun)
Done For
No Longer You
Different Beast
Thunder Bringer
- Afterwards, Athena finds out where Odysseus has been for the past seven years: the ✨Isle of Calypso!✨ - He is not okay. - We will get to that shortly. - For now, Calypso has decided to wake Odysseus up:
"[CALYPSO] Morning, sleepyhead You've been resting for a while I swore that you were dead When you washed up on my isle Did you know you talk in your sleep? Tell me, though, who's Penelope?
[ODYSSEUS] She's my wife" - This man just woke up from being knocked out cold, and the first thing he does is talk about his wife. - I know that he was asked who she was, but one would expect him to be like: "She's my wife - where am I?/How'd I get here?/Who are you?" - But, no. He just says "She's my wife" and leaves it at that. He couldn't care less about everything else at this point. - This does not stop Calypso from ignoring this and acting like her and Odysseus are newlyweds, however. - And I just want to take a second to talk about these lyrics:
"[ODYSSEUS] I'm not your man
[CALYPSO] I'm what you want here I'm what you need here Just you and me, my love in paradise Now 'til the end of time From here on out, you're mine, all mine" - "I'm not your man" is sung the same way as "I'm just a man", which means that Odysseus is saying: "Just because I'm a man, that doesn't mean I'm a free piece of meat for you to make out with." - Meanwhile, Calypso is NOT listening. She is thoroughly convinced that she and Odysseus are in-love with each other, and that they're basically already married. - I would like to bring up that in Greek mythology, Apollo and Calypso are husband and wife. And we know that Apollo is part of the "Epic" canon, because he appears in the next song. From this, we can draw two potential conclusions:
Apollo and Calypso are not married in "Epic", either because they haven't met, or because they are divorced.
Apollo and Calypso ARE married, BUT Apollo doesn't visit his wife... for some reason.
- Odyessus decides to try to get Calypso off his back by threatening her with death, but she deflects this by revealing that she can't kill her, because she's a goddess:
"[CALYPSO] You're adorable Bow down now to the immortal Calypso, here to entertain But fear not, I bring no pain ... Under my spell, we're stuck in paradise No one can come nor go, my island stays unknown" - Calypso going from flirting with Odysseus to mockingly calling him "adorable" and telling him to bow to her actually works really well. Sure, she's in "love" with him, but she's still a goddess, and Odysseus is still a mortal man that just threatened to kill her. To her, she has to put him in his place, regardless of whether or not he's the "love of her life". - "I bring no pain" is really ironic, considering how much Odysseus does NOT want to be on this island with this woman. - I also find it interesting how Calypso and Circe both have similar things going on with the whole "secluded secret islands in the middle of the ocean" thing. Not only that, but they both had a thing for Odysseus. - Also, the line about the spell Calypso put on the island works as an explanation for why she instantly "fell in love" with Odysseus: she's lonely! - Now then: is this an excuse for what she's doing here? No. The buck stops at it being an explanation - everyone experiences loneliness, and a lot of people do some weird and not always understandable things because of it. But usually, those things don't involve ignoring other people's boundaries and forcing them to accept your company. Relationships are a two-way street, and if someone doesn't want to meet you in the middle, then that's their choice. You need to know when to back off and let it go. - After Calypso reveals who she is and that it isn't really possible for Odysseus to leave the island, he starts to panic (the way the line "No, no" is sung really sells this). - At this point, I have to provide a content warning for implications of attempted suicide, and discussion of PTSD, due to the subject matter the rest of the song deals with. If you don't want to read my analysis of the lyrics dealing with that material, please skip to the section for "God Games", or click off of this post. Your mental health is much more important than some silly essay about some random people from Greek mythology. - Furthermore, if you feel that you or someone else may need help dealing with suicidal thoughts, please contact the national suicide hotline (United States) at 1-800-273-TALK, or the national crisis hotline at 988. - Lastly, I am not a psychologist, nor am I anyone else qualified to be giving medical assistance or help with mental health. Therefore, treat anything I say in relation to mental health with skepticism, and do not use it as a substitute for real medical advice.
Now let us continue:
"[ATHENA] Seven years, she's kept you trapped, out of your control Time can take a heavy toll...
[ODYSSEUS] All I hear are screams
[CALYPSO, spoken] Ody, get away from the ledge!
[ODYSSEUS] You don't know what I've gone through You don't know what I've sacrificed Every comrade I long knew Every friend, I saw them die And all I hear are screams"
- For some reason, I didn't see Odysseus developing post-traumatic stress disorder coming sooner. I suppose that's because he was in "the thick of it" for so long. - PTSD tends to show itself after a person experiences trauma, and is being reacclimated to a safe environment/the feeling of safety (however, it's not impossible for people to experience PTSD while in the midst of a traumatic experience, specifically if that experience takes place over an extended period of time. One example of this is how some soldiers who served in the Vietnam War showed symptoms of what was once called "shell shock" while they were still serving, with one of the most prominent signs being the "one-hundred yard stare" (which we now recognize as a form of disassociation)). - I also didn't expect Odysseus wanting to kill himself. He's reached the point where he just wants to be done. It's not even about Penelope anymore. He's just... tired. So tired that he's forgotten why he let himself go through all that suffering to begin with. - Calypso telling Odysseus that "life would be so much worse/if you had died" and telling her to stay in her "open arms" absolutely hurts, especially since he wants absolutely nothing to do with her. - Odysseus desperately screaming for Athena at the end just makes the whole thing worse.
5. God Games - This is arguably the song that had the most hype before its release. It had a bunch of animatics on YouTube back when all we really had to work with were a few snippets, and that hype stuck around for almost a full year. - And after listening to the song, it's easy for me to say that the hype was definitely deserved. - Another thing that I would like to say is that this song has a really fast pace. At first, I thought this made the song feel rushed, but then I realized something: that's the point. Mr. Rivera-Herrans has stated on multiple occasions that "Epic" takes inspiration from video games. With that in mind, considering how each of the gods has their own themes, as well as how fast the song is, it makes it clear that this song is meant to be a boss rush. The song goes fast because it HAS to. There's no time to be dragging out each debate, because Athena has to make sure she's ready for the next one. - On that note, "Love in Paradise" feels like a cutscene that takes place when "switching characters" over to Athena from Telemachus. - The first verse starts us off with Athena making it clear as to why she was considered to be Zeus' daughter in the Greek canon: "Father, God King Rarely do I ask for favors Now, I'm knocking on your door With hopes to save a friendship with one who's a prisoner far from home Odysseus"
- I did not expect Athena to be sucking up to anybody, but considering how egotistical Zeus is (ironic, considering how "Thunder Bringer" implies that he doesn't have any patience for hubris), this is most likely the best move she could have made. - I also noticed an interesting change that was made in the final cut of the song in comparison to the snippets: originally, Zeus tells Athena to convince Apollo, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Ares, Hera, and him to set Odysseus free. However, in this version, he tells her to choose between persuading the aforementioned gods or him. Athena picks what is arguably the harder option. Keep this in mind. It will be important later. - The first god Athena has to go up against is Apollo: "You all know I'm a fan of catchy songs So with so many sirens gone, I think Ody's in the wrong" - Right off the bat, I was not expecting Apollo to lowkey sound like a hipster. That's cool, though. It works. - I like how Apollo being troubled by the siren deaths that took place back in "Different Beast" isn't because he doesn't approve of the murders themselves, but because the sirens were good singers. - Fun fact about the sirens: initially in Greek mythology, they were large birds with the heads of women. However, as time passed, they became replaced with mermaid-like creatures. - Luckily, Athena knows exactly how respond to such weird logic: by telling him that this actually helps the remaining sirens to stick around to sing more songs later.
"They were trying to do him worse All he did was reimburse them Now they'll tread with caution first To live another day and sing another verse"
- Now it's time for Hephaestus (and did y'all know that he's voiced by Jorge's dad? Both of his parents have shown up in this musical in important supporting roles. I think that's neat): "Trust is not given, it's forged Why should I give him my support? He sacrificed his own cohorts" - Hephaestus valuing trust and being upset with Odysseus for being willing to sacrifice his own crew members to Scylla works out so well when you consider that Aphrodite is constantly cheating on him with Ares. Why they didn't get a divorce is beyond me. The ancient Greeks divorced each other quite often, and it was easy for men to leave their wives. And there's even a myth were Hephaestus catches Aphrodite with Ares. So... yeah. Leave her, Hephaestus. You can do better. "Did you forget they failed to listen? He was betrayed and then imprisoned But if you make the right decision He can still build a future with those who miss him"
- What Athena is essentially saying here is: "Yeah, he did sacrifice his own men. But then they turned around and betrayed him right back. Nobody was innocent in that situation. But if you let him go, he can redeem himself with the people he has left." - Hephaestus (albeit begrudgingly) agrees with this. And Aphrodite, fittingly enough, is opponent number three (3): "[APHRODITE] Your little high and mighty Odysseus Claims to love his mother But let her die of a broken heart
[ATHENA] He was busy fighting
[APHRODITE] More like busy spiting the cyclops Let him feel the pain that his mother felt and rot" - I think Aphrodite's reasoning is highly flawed. Yes, the latter ten (10) years of Odysseus being missing from Ithaca could have been avoided if he didn't do the equivalent of giving the cyclops his government name, legal address, and social security number. BUT. She's acting as if he strayed off the path on purpose. Not only that, but in "The Underworld", Odysseus' mom's part of the song is all about how she died chilling in her rocking chair, willing to wait for her son for as long as it took. If anything, she died of old age, not of a "broken heart" as Aphrodite claims. - Furthermore, the part of the crew members who died heavily implies that the consciousness' of the dead in the underworld are a mixture of their memories and how they felt when they died. Hence why the crew members are confused as to why Odysseus spared the cyclops and are able to quote "Ruthlessness", and why Polities (😿) is still trying to encourage Odysseus to live with "open arms". In other words? Homegirl was not depressed when she died. Her lyrics about how much she loves her son and how she doesn't mind waiting for him is a representation of how she felt in her last moments. - TL;DR: Aphrodite is either making stuff up, doesn't truly know what happened, or is manipulating the situation to make it hard for Athena to argue with her. Hence why Athena pulls her into quick-thought. However, now Athena has another problem to deal with: "[ARES] Really Athena? These old tricks?
[ATHENA, spoken] Ares!" - Here we have another change from the snippets. In the older draft, Athena sounded more like she was in pain due to Ares interfering with her powers, but now she just sounds angry. Angry that he's interfering. - Ares' argument goes like this:
"What kind of sick coward Holds back his power While his friends get devoured? He didn't even fight Scylla Didn't even try to kill her Hides inside a wooden horse to get the job done Never handles things upfront Pathetic and weak like his son" - Before I lay into Ares' logic, I would like to explain more ancient Greek lore: both Ares and Athena were believed to be gods of warfare (and Aphrodite may have been considered to be one at some point as well). However, they both dealt with different "facets" of warfare. Athena was also considered the goddess of wisdom, and she was more associated with the strategic, "honorable" parts of war. Meanwhile, Ares was in charge of the bloody, tragic parts of war (which meant that not a whole lot of Greeks worshipped him). With this in mind, Ares' stance on Odysseus' methods makes more sense. However. That doesn't mean his reasoning isn't extraordinarily unsound: 1. "...sick coward/Holds back his power/While his friends get devoured": Odysseus willingly gave his friends over to get eaten by Scylla. Ares makes it sound like he was cowering in a corner while his friends were dying. 2. "...didn't even fight Scylla/Didn't even try to kill her": How could he?! Scylla's body has six dog heads, hence the six torches. Each of those heads, along with Scylla herself, are absolutely massive. Not only that, but the heads are attached to tentacles, meaning that they're chilling in the water most of the time. If one wanted to attack the heads, they would have to wait until they came out - and in that case, the heads are getting ready to strike. Fighting Scylla would've been a death wish. If Odysseus tried to fight her, WAY more than six people would've died that day, and it's likely that NOBODY would've been getting out of that alive. What good would a bloody, violent battle be if it was all completely pointless? 3. "Hides inside a wooden horse to get the job done": Oh, yeah. As if the Trojans would've just let the men of Ithaca inside. They had to sneak in because Troy was a walled city. If they wanted to force their way in on foot, they would have to either break down the walls or knock down the door. And while doing something like that wouldn't be impossible, they would've been at risk of giving the Trojans enough time to gather a force to confront them once they got in, making the battle take way longer and have much more casualties on the side of the Ithacans than needed, and/or they would've had to face archers shooting at them from the walls. And it seems like it would be pretty hard to break into a city if you have to hold a shield above your head the whole time to keep yourself from getting killed. 4. "Never handles things up front": Convenient how Ares just ignores the Winion confrontation, the cyclops battle, as well as the confrontation with Circe. Odysseus has no problem directly dealing with people. He's just smart enough to not get himself killed. 5. "Pathetic and weak like his son": Telemachus was never taught how to fight. He and his mother have been trying to keep caring for the suitors from putting them into poverty and from forcing Penelope to marry one of them. They have bigger fish to fry than getting into fights for no good reason. Furthermore, the one time Telemachus did get into a fight, he did so willingly, even though he lacked combat experience and was going up against someone stronger than him. He wanted to keep his mother safe that much. And he didn't even mind losing. How Ares could think he is "pathetic" is beyond me. - And don't get me started on him calling Odysseus pathetic. Please. We would be here all day. - Athena also has some choice words for Ares and Aphrodite: "Hold your tongue now His son's my friend And tell your lover that a broken heart can mend You want more bloodshed? Then set him free To get back to his homestead, he'll make everybody bleed" - GET 'EM ATHENA. TELL 'EM. TELL THEM HOW WHACK THEY ARE. - Let's move on to Hera: "[HERA] So many heroes So many tales Give me one good reason why yours should prevail
[ATHENA] He’s got the mind of a genius
[HERA] Try harder.
[ATHENA] He’s pretty skilled with words
[HERA] You can do better than that!" - One thing that can be noticed right away is that unlike the other gods Athena has faced, Hera isn't concerned about Odysseus' actions - she care more about his character, who he is as a person. - And Athena, like the gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss she is, figures out what will convince Hera after a few tries: "[ATHENA] Never once has he cheated on his wife
[HERA, spoken] ...Release him." - Before "The Circe Saga" came out, I thought Athena was lying here. After all, in the original "Odyssey", Odysseus does cheat on his wife. Twice (that we know of), actually. First with Circe (for an entire YEAR), and again with Calypso (even though being trapped on that island made him depressed, he was not above sleeping with her). - I am so glad that Jay cut both of those plotlines. While the ancient Greeks might have considered Odysseus to still be faithful, modern audiences would have had trouble buying that idea. - Furthermore, telling Hera that Odysseus never cheated on Penelope works for two reasons: 1. Hera was seen as the goddess of marriage. 2. Zeus cheated on Hera with a LOT of women, and has a LOT of illegitimate children. Hera has tried to kill some of them (see: The Labors of Heracles/Hercules) (with that said, I think its sweet how Hera's encouraging Athena instead of antagonizing her, since she's also an illegitimate child of Zeus'). - And would you look at that! Athena did it! She completed the task. Now let's see how Zeus reacts... "[ATHENA, spoken] I've played your game and won! Release him!
- Zeus responds to being beaten by striking his favorite daughter with lightning. - The question is: why?! She did what she was told, and she didn't cheat. Did he not expect her to win? Did he really think that the alleged goddess of wisdom wouldn't be able to outsmart her fellow Olympians? And if he didn't want her to succeed, why not add Poseidon to the lineup? He'd be enraged about Odysseus being alive at all. - Not only that, but she picked the harder option. Let me say again that Athena was supposed to be Zeus' favorite. She could've easily convinced her father by appealing to his ego and making a deal or two. But instead, she decided to increase her workload. And her reward for going above-and-beyond to prove herself is getting electrocuted? - Yeah, no. Zeus is now on the priority list for defenestration. And even then, getting yeeted out of a window might be too good for this man, once we take into account his treatment of Hera and women in general. - Ares asks if Athena is dead. A piano rendition of "Warrior of the Mind" begins to play. And based on how sad it sounds, I wouldn't be surprised if it was in a minor key. It doesn't look like Athena is getting up. As a matter of fact, it looks like this might be the end. - But this is what I'm going to call a "musical fakeout". Because next thing you know, a small part of "Legendary" starts playing, and then the brass kicks in. We are back in a major key. Athena has remembered Telemachus. She has remembered that Odysseus still needs her. She remembered why she's here. And she's not taking no for an answer: "Let him go, please... Let him go..." - Even after getting struck by lighting and what should've been an easy victory, Athena still finds the strength to get up and continue pleading for Odysseus' freedom. How awesome is that? - Oh, and based on Athena's tone here and the usage of the word "please", we know now why Zeus was so angry: Athena wasn't cowering enough when she told him that she beat him (do you think the Greek gods had windows large enough for a whole person to fit out of on Mount Olympus? Just asking...) - Also, this is the first final song out of all the sagas that doesn't feel like it has an ending moment of catharsis. All the other final songs had reached a place plot-wise that made ending its particular saga there make sense, or they had a brief instrumental at the end that let you know the saga was over. But this song simply ends with Athena asking for Odysseus be set free, and... that's it. We don't know Zeus' response. I was actually shocked (pun not intended... again) by this lack of closure. But I think it was done on purpose. We're not going to be "playing" as Athena anymore. The next saga switches us back to Odysseus, so we need to know how things go on his end (that, and it kills the tension for an answer to Athena's plea to be given explicitly by Zeus, or implied by the music). Final Thoughts - This should've been called "The Angst Saga" with all the emotional damage it has caused (exhibit A: me). - I hope "King" ends with an epic 1v1 fight between Antinous and Odysseus (or Telemachus. Telemachus works too), with Antinous getting knocked out of a window. - On that note, once again, please do not confuse anything negative I may have said about the characters with the actors or crew members of "Epic". I think the cast and crew of "Epic" are all great. Do not think that me talking smack about a character or wanting to see a character face karma is me speaking ill of or wishing harm on the actors, crew, or any other real people, because it is not. Thank you. - Somehow, the "Epic" team keeps making each saga better than the last. I have played this particular one three (3) times so far, and I will do it again.
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semisomnosres · 22 days
My random thoughts about My Immortal Soul:
The ninja suit is made from the feathers of a huge bird, and Chase turns into a huge lizard because he drank sour soup from a talking bean. Technically, they can be described as: two elderly Asians over +90 years old, fighting and flirting with each other in their fursuits.
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And let's imagine a scenario where the First still won against Chase, imprisoned his soul in Nomicon (or in a psychiatric ward), but in theory the body will remain, will it be possible to rip off the skin and make magical equipment using the same method as the Tengu suit? I'm sure somewhere in the book there are instructions on how to sew. I think that sewing something from leather is easier than doing it from feathers. And is it possible to make more suits from other powerful creatures. If so, I would start catching the most evil creatures, so that I wouldn’t feel sorry for them, and use them as weapons against other equally evil creatures. Although (apart from unknown, most likely life-threatening, conditions) there are still theoretical problems. Firstly, Chase is much smaller than Tengu, in which case it would only be enough for bracers or gloves (although it would be cool if it was enough for full-fledged armor. With a duet of Samurai and Ninja, crime would be significantly reduced). And the owner, especially a child, will not be able to curb so much dark magic at once, so it’s better not to combine them And if Chase “dies” like that in the form of a reptile, will he turn into a human or will he remain like that? It’s just that if he becomes a human, then removing his skin will look like a cut scene from Hannibal. The first one probably knows how to get rid of a person's body so that there are no traces left (ninjas are hired killers after all) despite the new circumstance in the form of a sorcerer, he was still trained in this matter, and one of the most effective ways is to hide the body in parts. Although in those days it was enough to take the body to the mountains far away, where there are plenty of animals and they will gnaw the body for a sweet soul, but there are situations where taking the body out is far from an option. or at least watched how his brothers / parents / clanmates did it
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qrosewinter · 8 months
Prev - Next
Description :Part 1 - Part 2- part 3..To be continued.
Summery: Where a girl from New Zealand goes to brooklyn to live with her Auntie and Uncle, mets a brooklyn boy with secrets and a voice like honey with pretty hazel green eyes.
Where a brooklyn boy mets a girl from New Zealand with an accent he's never heard before, who he can't seem to forget.
The start of the most unlikely relationship between two people starts to bloom, between a brooklyn boy who's just a little misunderstood.
And a Polynesian girl struggling to find who she is in the concrete jungle of NYC so far from home.
Will this relationship bloom or stay untouched? Maybe we should let fate take the lead for this one.
Fic summary: slow burn, obvious to flirting, a little bit of angst, romance, revenge, anger.
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WARNINGS ⚠️: Horrible attempts at slang, Horrible attempts at Spanish, Swearing, Weapons, Gore, Drugs, Alcohol, Mature themes, Spelling mistakes.
Be warned terrible attempt at slang for miles and Spanish, but we do be trying 🥲, this is literally my first time at trying out writing a fic and trying to finsh it too, so feed back would be nice and any ideas you may have ill take into consideration too!
Also I will be leaving little hints on what the chapters are about using small poems or quotes, so be sure to read those. It'll be a little insider on what (Y/N)'s past maybe even about Miles too, and even a little hint on what the chapter could potentially bring in the future 👀
chapter 1: Bumpin' into a stanger.
"Two souls don't find each other by simple accident" -Unknown
"Ion want to hurt you ma" he said to me his forearm against the wall next to my head as he caged me between him and the wall.
But I couldn't make out his face, it was to dark on this street, the nearest street light was to far away to give me even a slightest glimpse his face hidden in the shadows.
The only thing I could make out where his lips. They looked so soft and plump.
"Who said I'd let you?" I couldn't help but fire back as my heart pounded in my chest, and I was sure if he leaned in any closer he'd hear it.
He chuckled softly, the sound like liqud honey, but also slightly deep and so undeniably fucking attractive "you ain't got no idea who I am, do you mamas?"
"What?" I said confused, my head tilted back to look up at him even though I couldn't see his face. my hands felt sweaty and clamy as I rubbed them against my upper thighs against my jeans to wipe it away.
He kissed his teeth as he huffed a little amused "Fuck, Chica" he said smoothly his voice touched by an accent.
Spanish, I think? I wasn't sure, couldn't bring myself to pay attention, now with how he moved just a little closer, now pressed up against me.
And jesus, did that voice have my knees weak and threatening to give out under me.
"qué me estás haciendo" he mumbled leaning in closer to me and my pluse quickened my breath hitching as his lips got closer to mine.
I held my breath as his lips brushed against-
"Y/N GET THE FUCK UP YOUR GONNA BE LATE" a voice yelled, snapping me out of my dream.
My eyes shot open in fright, I shot up in bed but well ended up tangled in my sheets and tumbled out of the bed "Fuck!" I cursed as I hit the ground and I groaned.
"Well what are you waiting for young lady, get up. ka tohe koe i tenei reiti." Came my Auntie Lily's voice from the kitchen as she grumbled to herself.
My Auntie Lily's like me, she's from new Zealand too, but ended up moving to brooklyn after she met my uncle and fell in love with him.
My auntie lily has beautiful long black wavey hair hair that stops mid back, light brown skin, and dark brown eyes. And still even in her mid-thirtys she's still very beautiful.
I heard the sound of shuffling feet filled the apartment of everyone wide awake and getting ready for the Day.
I groaned from where I lay on the floor in a tangle of blankets my cheek squished against the carpet, I lay there for a few minutes before I pushed myself up and untangled myself from the blankets.
"Fuckin' mornings" I grumbled under my breath as I sluggishly made my way to the bathroom I was thankful I had in the bedroom my Auntie let my have.
The room was still plain and empty of decorations seeing as I only just got to America two days ago, and well its only been two days since I've been in new york, so I was still getting used to things here.
I made it into my bathroom and sighed running a hand through my messy hair and looked up in the bathroom mirror and grimaced a little, because well I'd seen better days for sure.
I had dark bags under my eyes, my skin looked a little oily and kinda dry in some places as I rubbed my finger tips over my skin to get a better feel, seeing as I didn't get to do my skincare before I left to get on a plane here to New York, and well fuck the 16 hour flight I had to take here and the stuffy plane filled with assholes.
And well having to get used to an 18 hour time difference was hard too, but slowly and surely I was getting used to it but not as fast as I needed too seeing as I had only been here for about two weeks.
I thought rolling my eyes to myself, then I glanced at my piercings I had and hummed in thought, thinking of the last time I cleaned them.
I had a septum piercing nothing fancy just a sliver one, then snake bites on both sides of my bottom lip and yet again nothing fancy just plain old silver seeing as I could never get the right lip rings for them, either to big, to small or just not comfortable, course I had a tongue piercing but that was just an impulse decision to get it, a plain old sliver bar with red and white stripped balls on each end.
And finally I had both my first and second lobes pierced, for my first lobe it was just a plain old sliver hoop with safety-pins hanging from them, because I remembered reading somewhere that they meant something like being a trusting person always here to listen and help so I thought why not and added them, then for the second lobe was a sliver stud shaped like a small Angel wing with a little white crystal in the center, a gift from auntie Lily for my 18th last year.
And I grimaced as I ran a hand through my hair, it felt greasy and sweaty seeing as I didn't get to wash it for the past few days being tired and trying to adjust to being in such a new place, and well it didn't look any better either and was in some need of some good TLC.
With a slow deep sigh I turned on the shower to warm leaving it to warm up as I walled into my room over to my drawers to get some clothes and underwear.
I pulled out a fair of black cargos, and a black halter crop top I had cause it was right there and I didn't want to go digging for any other shirt feeling to lazily to look for something different.
I pulled out a pair of black ankle socks and threw them on my bed to put on after my shower, then a plain pair of black panties and a bra to match nothing fancy, along with throwing a black oversized varsity jacket I had with red accents on it, onto my bed too.
Before I moved off to the bathroom with my clothes to wash up, and get my day started even though I wanted to crawl into bed and die.
(About 30 minutes later)
I walked out of my bathroom feeling fresh and brand knew after washing up, doing my skincare, and putting some products in my hair and clipping it back in a messyish bun to keep my damp hair out of my face, but still I had a few stray hairs framing my face and curling gently against my cheek.
I slipped my socks on then my old warn black Nikes with white accents, i so happened to buy myself back home after going on a day out with my sisters, I'm our small town, cause why not and I needed some new shoes and by looking at these ones I'd need to get some new shoes later on too.
I quickly swiped on some of my vanilla oil perfume putting some just below my ears, then my collarbones and then finally my wrists before setting it down, slipping on my jacket then my cross body bay I got on sale it was a small black Nike cross body bag with about four different pockets.
the one right on the front of the bag had about three different lip balms in it, the one right on the back and some cash and my credit card in it, and on the inside it had my portable charger and a small charger cord in it for both my phone and well my earbuds, the other little pocket didn't really have much in it on the inside just my apartment keys and some lose change I had.
I didn't forget to slip my phone into my back pocket while putting my JBL earbuds in my bag too after taking the earbuds out of the case.
Bought them myself when they were on sale, cause I had a Job back home, made decent money too, got paid 25 an hour just to clean some rooms on the weekend or even ever school was out, I always put half of what I had away in my savings and the rest I kept for myself to spend on what I wanted or needed.
And as I walked out of my room I swiped on some coconut lip bam cause my lips felt dry, as I started to walk for the door, after shoving it back into the front pocket of my bag.
"I'm off! Bye Auntie!" I called out to my Auntie as I slipped out the door.
"Bye have a good day!" I heard her call out after me as I slipped out the door, putting my ear buds in my ears, and tapping the side of the right one once to press play as the song 'Baby by me by 50 cent and Ne-yo' filled my ears as I walked down the apartment hallway.
down the stairs and then finally the apartment building and down the street to get my schedule from the new school I was starting in a few days, but first I was having a little meeting with the principal so he could show me around first.
~Have a baby, have a baby by me, baby, be a millionaire, have a baby by me, baby be a millionaire, have a baby by me, baby, be a millionaire, be a millionaire, be a, be a millionaire~
I hummed along under my breath as I walked down the street hands in my jacket pockets as I walked, bobbing my head a little to the beat of the music as it played in my ears blocking out the sounds of the city around me.
Taking in the sights around me cause I haven't actually stopped to take the time too really look at everything, all I really knew what this was Brooklyn, a little run down but still in its own way beautiful, graffiti here and there on the sides of buildings, a few old looking stores, people going about there day, and well a few shady people lurking around alleyways, but I knew better then to look at them so I didn't.
But the people here had spirit for sure, I could here the mix of New York/ Brooklyn slang, home cooked meals being made, the sounds of people taking even over the sound of music in my ears, the mix of American and Latin culture being thrown around with Spanish too, a language I didn't quite understand but was still beautiful nonetheless, the beautiful blends of skin tones ranging from dark mahogany skin to light skinned brown with a few pale skin tones and tanned.
~Have a baby by me, baby, be a millionaire, have a baby by me, baby, be a millionaire, have a baby by me, baby, be a millionaire, be a millionaire, be a, be a millionaire~
I stopped at a crossing as I pulled a hand from my pocket to press the button on the pole to the traffic lights before stuffing it back in my pocket, waiting for the red light to turn green.
~I don't play no games (I don't play no games, so when I'm in that thang (when I'm in that thang), come see what I mean (see what I mean), see what I mean, ow (See what I mean)~
Once the light turned green I walked across the crossing with a few others, dodging out of the way of people almost brushing against me cause they weren't looking where they were going and I did not want them touching me.
Personal preference really, I wasn't overly fond of being touched. Never been an overly touchy person either, hug's definitely weren't my thing unless I was close enough to you to be comfortable hugging you. Then again it took me nearly four to five years being comfortable to hug my own friends back home. But like I said it was personal preference.
I kept walking feeling glad I had gone with my Auntie when she had first signed me up for my new school, and that new school was brooklyns Visions Academy I was lucky enough to get into. I know you've got to be well really smart to get in and I wasn't exactly the smartest, but they started up an art program I managed to get a scholarship for to be able to join the school I think so far I was one part of the first ten students to get the art program school.
But most of all I was glad I went with her on that car ride to the school because I was so anxious and paranoid I was gonna forget the way to school, that I had before hand set up the directions on my phone incase I did forget the way there, or maybe I was just overthinking making myself anxious and paranoid.
And I had tried my hardest to memorise the way there and back home too....yeah I'm definitely just overthinking again, a very bad habit of mine I couldn't shake off.
~Said lil' mama put me on (baby put me on), bet I'll have you gone (bet I'll have you gone), come see what I mean ( see what I mean), see what I mean (see what I mean), come see what I mean, come on~
I walked down two more streets before turning a corner and spotting the school up a head with students lingering outside or making there way into the school as I walked up to it.
I took a deep breath in and tried to shake off my social anxiety as I got nearer to the stairs leading up to the school.
"That's a lot of people outside" I muttered to myself, but I cleared my throat and tried to ignore the lingering feeling of anxiety prickly at my skin.
I made it up to the stairs of the school and walking up them and passed people as I walked through the school doors ignoring there stares, and if there where whispers I was glad I couldn't hear them over the music in my ears blocking out all noise, forcing myself to focus on the music then the stares burning themselves into my back as I clenched my fists in the pockets of my jacket.
~first it's her neck, yeah then her back, yeah I'm a freak, I get into all that, girl I perform for ya, like a porno star, 'til you had enough, then I just need a little bit more~
I was lost in thought and the music playing its up beat tune in my ears a much needed distraction from my anxiety as I hummed along lowly under my breath as I looked down at my feet as I shuffled down the schools hallway to the principals office, having memorised the way there the first time I was here.
Weaving through people and trying my damn hardest not to bump into anyone, or get in anyone's way as I slid past a group of people just standing in the hallway talking to each other, a group of girls not really caring they where in the way of others getting to there lockers and trying there hardest to balance books in there arms as they headed to class a little early .
And seeing as I wasn't looking up or paying much attention being to busy daydreaming as I weaved through and around people, I manged to walk into someone, bumping into a hard chest.
'Good job (Y\L), did the one thing you were literally trying not to do'
And I winched in embrassment as I pulled away tugging an earbud from my ear and shoving it in my pocket "Shit I'm so sorry" I apologised to the person infront of me I had just walked into.
~I don't play no games (I don't play no games), so when I'm in that thang (when I'm in that thang), come see what I mean (see what I mean), see what I mean, ow (See what I mean)~
~Said lil' mama put me on (baby put me on), bet I'll have you gone (bet I'll have you gone), come see what I mean ( see what I mean), see what I mean (see what I mean), come see what I mean, come see what i mean~
I glanced up to see who I bumped into, another apology on my tongue, but it died when I got a look at the guy infront of me, but that felt wrong to call him a guy or even a boy, cause he looked like a man and held himself like one too, like someone who had to grow up just a little to fast making him so much more mature for his age then others.
He had dark skin but not to dark skin it was like the perfect mix between milk chocolate and dark chocolate somewhere just in between, he had barely noticeable freckles I could only just see being so close to him dotting his nose bridge and cheeks, his features where soft yet sharp in some places making him look more mature then he should for his age but he still had that soft boyish look under the stoic expression on his face, his lips looked soft and plump if not just a tiny bit chapped.
His hair which looked like he had 4B textured hair in dense coils was braided back, in two braids down the back of his head and only just brushing past his shoulders, a hairstyle that suited him but I could tell by the way his hair was just slightly frizzy and looking like his hair may have grown out just a bit, he was in need of a touch up.
he was taller then me thats for sure, I was 5ft6 and he looked around 6ft something and towered over me so I really had to tilt my head back to look at him, sure I wasn't exactly tall, but it was clear he got his tall genes from maybe his father? Or even his mother, but I wouldn't know, this was literally the first time I'd ever met him.
But what really got my attention was his eyes, they were a Hazel colour with hints of green in them but one eye his left had more green in it then the other did, but it was very subtle unless you where up close to him. His eyes reminded me of a forest the brown of the tree trunks with the green of the leaves or even moss, reminding me a little bit of home.
And for a moment I felt just a little ping of something I couldn't identify, maybe homesickness? Or maybe just missing the vast green of the forests, mountains and trees I was used to seeing. Compared to the concrete jungle that was NYC so vastly different.
He had on the Visions Academy uniform, his tie was hanging loosely from his neck like he just loosened it or just didn't bother to really out it on properly, the sleeves of his white button up rolled up to his elbows his school jacket nowhere in sight probably in his bag or even in his dorm, the dark navy blue trousers that went with the uniform fitting him quite well too.
Expect his shoes were Nike airs purple and white with black accents, that well made him stand out a little. But even then his school uniform didn't hide the fact he was lean, not just hard muscle, not lean enough to show he was always busy physically in the way of going to the gym or even maybe another kind of activity just as physical for him to keep his figure just right, not to much muscle, but not quite just skinny being just bones and all, it was a perfect balance in between the both of them.
"It's aight ma, don't sweat it" he said, his voice was deep but not to deep, and the way his words rolled off his tongue like honey and a hint of an accent I couldn't really place at the moment with music still playing in my ear, and the noise of students walking around us.
He had a hand on my waist having set it there when I had bumped into him, a reflex probably to make sure either he didn't fall over or to make sure I didn't ass over either.
His hand on the bare skin of my waist peeking out just under my crop top, his hands felt rough calloused just enough so it was clear he did hands on physical work but not to rough to the point it felt like the skin on his palms were gonna scratch my skin, it was a strangely pleasant feeling feeling the rough skin on my own.
And for a moment that threw me off, I hadn't ever liked someone's touch before, not even my own mothers. So for the fact I didn't mind his touch, that this feeling wasn't like the usual feeling I got when someone touched me. That it didn't feel like my skin was crawling and making me physically uncomfortable....was strange, so very, very strange to me.
I blinked a little in surprise, 'Ma? Well that's a new one' I thought to myself before I shook it off and cleared my throat stepping back away from him shoving my hands back in my pockets.
"Sorry again, I should have paid more attention" I said to the mystery man in front of me with a small awkwardly apologetic smile.
'Jesus I feel fucking awkward as hell right now, get a grip (Y/N) stop being a little bitch'
"Mm, ain't nothin' ma, just look where you goin' next time" He sounding almost a little amused, but if he was I couldn't tell over the rising anxiousness and awkwardness as he looked down at me as he seemingly shurgged off the situation, his hand fell from my waist dropping back to his side.
"Uh yeah, I'll remember that" I said a little awkwardly cause well I wasn't a people person and clearly didn't get out much to be standing here trying to have a normal conversation.
"Well I better get going, have a good day, and sorry again for bumping into you" I said to him automatically falling into a more polite tone, one that had been drilled into me for years back home by my parents, family and everyone I basically knew.To always been polite unless given a reason not to be polite to them, just like I was told to be respectful, until they didn't have the right to earn such respect for me if they couldn't give it back in return.
AI stepped away with a small smile and a nod to the man I bumped into as I started to walk away.
"See you 'round ma" he called out to me as he watched me leave, as I continued to walk down the hallway to the principals office, taking my earbuds from my pocket and shoving it back in my ear as I walked just a little faster away from him, feeling so goddamned embarrassed and awkward.
(Miles's POV)
Miles watched as the girl who had bumped onto him apologised one last time so politely making him almost, almost crack a genuine smile for the first time in along while, even told him to have a good day before she left and he couldn't help but be amused by that.
And a small smirk tugged at his lips as he watched her walk away, his eyes trailing over her from her hair clearly damp from a shower clipped back messily to the clothes she wore.
Black varsity jacket with red accents on the collar and chuffs of the sleeves, black cargos that hugged her lower body just right, he paused for a moment to look at her ass, as she walked, and yeah those cargo's definitely hugged her just right.
She had an accent too, one he didn't recognise, but it sounded like a mix of two completely different accents that seemed to blend so easily together when she spoke, her voice wasn't like the other girls voices in this school.
Coming out a tad soft and like honey when words fell from her pierced lips and slightly high pitched from embarrassment and being a tad awkward.
But what he noticed the most was how when she spoke her two uniquely blended accents just come out more pronounced with certain words as she spoke, sometimes sounding more like the other the blended together.
But it was clear she wasn't from Brooklyn not with that accent and the way she acted either, but the biggest give away was how jetlagged she still looked, along with her features that looked unique, unique in the way that showed where ever she was from she was a perfect blend of two cultures, and that was enough for him to know she was new to his city.
She was also not bad looking either, she had pretty (E/C) eyes, a pretty little body too softly curved in the right places. He remembered too how soft her skin felt against his rough palm, the tingling feeling it left behind on his palm from were his hand had been on her waist.and unconsciously he clenched and unclenched the hand that had touched her soft skin.
But he also remembered the smell of her perfume once he got a whif of it when she had been just inches from him, it smelt like vanilla and something softer, something sweet kinda like marshmallows. it wasnt strong like most perfumes that stung his nose and over powering his nose with the harsh smell of someone drowning themselves in there perfume. it was soft and subtle, Not over powering the soft scent of coconut sticking to her skin mixing in so well with the vanilla.
Miles turned around and walked off to his Spanish class his backpack slung lazily over his shoulder "Interesting" he muttered to himself under his breath as he kept walking, a barely visible smirk on his lips as he walked shoving his hands in his pockets, as he lazily strolled to class.
Next chapter
Hope you enjoyed that let me know of there's any spelling mistakes 🙃
Translations: qué me estás haciendo = What are you doing to me?
ka tohe koe i tenei reiti = Your gonna be late at this rate
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attackurheart88 · 2 years
Toxic Love
Pov: You and Hisoka are fighting again and you want to end it.
Features toxic relationships, mentions abuse, guns, mature readers only.
Things were just going good. You and Hisoka had a fight earlier in the week but everything had been settled and the two of you were good.
That was until you got a phone call at 8pm.
“Hello?” You answered curiosity. It was an unknown number one which seemed familiar somehow.
“Hi is this y/n?” A woman’s voice played from the other side of the phone.
“Yes how can I help you?”
“Could you please tell Hisoka to stop calling me. I’ve already told him I’m not interested.” Your heart stopped at what the woman just said. Hisoka your boyfriend of two years was apparently courting another woman.
“Hello?” The voice from the phone broke the thoughts running through your head.
“Right of course I’ll be happy to pass the information along miss…”
“Oh don’t worry about it. He’ll know who your referring to.” With that the call ended.
You sat on the sofa unmoving, for a long time. Millions of feelings were flooding through you all at once. You wanted to cry and beg Hisoka to tell you want you did wrong to make him stay.
But at the same time you wanted to kill him.
To trash your shared house and burn his clothes. You wanted to rip all the pictures of the two of you and beat him till he was black and blue and begging for forgiveness.
So you did.
Within two hours you screamed your heart out broke vases and flipped tables. Not thinking, you stood and grabbed a gun from the kitchen drawer. You knew you were strong but Hisoka was stronger. Despite that you didn’t care, you just wanted to hurt him.
As if god heard your prayers Hisoka came home. When entering the living room he was surprised to see his stuff thrown and scattered all over the place. Mostly in pieces.
“Y/n.” Hearing his voice you walked over, your anger showing across your face. Taking note of the weapon in your hands Hisoka was cautious.
“What’s wrong? Why is the house like this?” Ignoring his questions you asked him your own.
“Where have you been?” Hisoka was silent for a moment before responding.
“With the troupe. I had business to take care of.” You chuckled softly to yourself. “Really? Is flirting with other women your idea of business.”
“What do mean-“
“You know exactly what I mean!”
You started shouting at him as tears formed in the corners of your eye.
“Why do you always do this to me!?” You exclaimed waving the gun around. “Why is it so hard for you to be a good boyfriend.”
“Don’t act like it’s all my fault. I don’t know what you heard but I never cheated on you.”
“You’re lying!”
At this point the two of you were right in each others face screaming and arguing.
The room felt hot. Right now your eyes were swollen and your vision seemed blurred from all your tears. Without thinking you held the gun and pointed it at Hisoka.
Hisoka frowned and gave you a harsh glare. “Put the gun down. You’ll hurt yourself.” Hisoka’s voice was stern and threatening.
You didn’t back down and instead placed your finger on the trigger.
“What’s wrong? You think I won’t shoot.” You threatened.
It happened quickly. Hisoka grabbed hold of your wrist moving the gun from your hand. Making you shoot the ceiling. You tried to punch him only for that hand to be caught too.
You struggled in his embrace but there was no getting out.
You stared at Hisoka in frustration as your tears welled up again. Unexpectedly Hisoka used this as an opportunity to kiss you.
The more you tried to move away the harder and more forceful Hisoka was. Until you leaned into the kiss and dropped your gun.
Separating, Hisoka brushed the tears from your face and whispered, “You look so sexy when your angry.”
Those words were like an invitation. You wrapped your arms around him and the two of you made out while making your way to the bedroom.
This was how it always ended. The two of you could fight to the point you break up but end up having sex minutes after.
It was a torturous cycle. But neither of you wanted it to end.
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something-lacking · 1 year
Ending E
Summary: Fiona hasn't got a clue what they're going to do now. She's in a foreign country and has no real idea where she is. Civilization is nowhere in sight. Trees and hills stretch as far as the eye can see. She has no money on her. Her parents are dead. The only other family she knows she has left is partially responsible for her arrival at Castle Belli. She doesn't know any Italian whatsoever. ...It should be scary. Fiona should probably be scared. The fear of the unknown should be clawing away at her, but it isn't. After the hell that she and her newfound companions have just survived, all she can feel is relief.
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: violence.
Ao3 link here // FF.Net link here // Wattpad link here
Only one more barrier stands between them and escaping the horrors of Castle Belli: the front gate.
Aside from crickets, all Fiona can hear is their breathing. It’s strangely reassuring. Confirmation that they’re all still alive despite all they’ve faced. That Debilitas and Daniella, like Hewie, are still by her side. That Fiona isn’t just curled up uncomfortably in some cramped hiding spot, clutching the white shepherd like a lifeline, having a vaguely kind dream while daring to rest her eyes for ten minutes after being drained of absolutely everything.
Letting out a shuddery breath, Fiona wastes no more time in closing the distance between her and the lock keeping the gate shut. She has the key. She finally has it. She shakes and fumbles with it, struggling to get it into the keyhole. It bumps the edges again and again and her nerves worsen. She can’t help but worry that, while freedom's mere inches away, something bad will happen and rip it away once more.
Hewie barks his encouragement. Fiona continues to struggle.
Cold fingers wrap around her hand. The key nearly slips from her grasp in surprise, but the new hand encasing hers assures that it doesn’t. Instead of simply asking Fiona to let her try instead, Daniella guides the blonde’s hand, steady as the stone she appears to be carved out of. Her grip is firm but not vice-like. Not like earlier.
The key turns. The lock clicks. It’s open.
“Thanks,” Fiona manages to get out.
Earlier, Daniella’s scarred, bloody fingers had caught Fiona's sleeve when she hadn’t managed to successfully slip between her and the bed in the guest room, preventing her from running off. The sheer terror Fiona had felt when someone who, up until that point, had been relatively civil with her was laughing shrilly, cracking a wide grin that didn’t meet her eyes, and clearly flirting with the idea of skewering her is… already growing distant. By this point, they have spent far more time aiding each other than at odds with one another.
Fiona is glad that she didn’t give up on Daniella, even though she didn’t initially take anything Fiona tried to say in the dining room very well at all. She’s glad that she didn’t take the opportunity to bolt when Daniella stopped chasing her because she caught sight of her reflection in a mirror.
The scream that tore its way from Daniella’s throat had bled far more emotion than any words uttered during their short exchanges. First, her hands began to shake, then the rest of her body followed suit. The glass shard fell to the floor. She pulled at her hair and clawed at the skin of her face with her bitten-down fingernails. It went completely against her better instincts, but Fiona stayed with her and tried to help calm her down.
Debilitas pushes open the gate. They’re all greeted by a bridge leading into a forest.
Earlier, he had violently thrown open doors Fiona had closed in an attempt to slow down his pursuit of her, his thundering footsteps steadily growing louder than the sound of her heart pounding in her ears. He had slammed his open palms against wardrobes she dared to hide in. While he threatened to splinter its sliding door with his obscene strength, she clutched onto Hewie and prayed that he would just leave.
The cold sense of dread that flooded Fiona’s body when, after she dropped that chandelier, Debilitas rose to his feet yet again was so visceral that she started to feel physically ill.
…But he left without causing any more trouble.
And later, when Fiona and Daniella were cornered and staring down the barrel of Riccardo’s gun, Hewie unable to reach them—Debilitas had stepped in to help.
Riccardo’s panicked cries of “Exire, Debilitas!” went ignored as the groundskeeper surged forward, fingers itching to crush.
It wasn’t pleasant to watch. Not that Fiona saw much since she snapped her eyes shut almost immediately.
She prefers to not think about it.
She prefers to not think about what would have happened if she acted differently, for she cannot imagine escaping without her three companions. Not now. Time to stop lingering.
Hewie growls.
Nevermind. Fiona freezes.
The canine’s hackles are raised and his attention is trained in the direction they just came from.
“Fiona! Fiona!” That voice is one that she’s never heard before in her life. It’s lined with utter desperation. She looks to Daniella and Debilitas for potential answers, but they don’t provide any. “Don’t go!”
“Wh-who’s there?”
A frail-looking elderly man comes into view from around the corner, ignoring her question completely. “Fiona… My life… My Azoth!” Before she knows it, he’s crawling across the ground towards her with surprising and frightening speed.
A warning bark rings out.
The man reaches out for Fiona.
Debilitas takes a step closer, his fists clenched.
Daniella’s fire poker comes down, narrowly missing the man’s hand and instead striking the stone between his fingers. He pulls back, startled. As if he’s only now realizing that Fiona isn’t alone, he stares up at Daniella with wide eyes.
“Daniella! Daniella…” he begins. It isn’t fully registering that she intended to stab him, “I need you to listen to me—”
Then, it finally clicks. Something between disbelief, rage, and fear flashes across his face. “No?”
“...No. I am no longer taking orders from you.” Oh. This must be the elusive owner of the estate. The ‘old man’ Riccardo relentlessly taunted by shouting into seemingly empty rooms, the person who Daniella would refer to as her master.
“No? No?! You ungrateful wench! How dare you betray me!” He grabs hold of Daniella’s ankle, pulls like he’s trying to upset her balance and send her to the ground. She barely even blinks.
Debilitas lets out an angry grunt. “You no touch Dani!” He seizes the maid by the back of her jacket and tugs her free. She seems to nearly go limp as she’s dragged past the property line. Just like she’s done before when Riccardo has managed to get his hands on her during a chase, and when Fiona had pulled her back around a corner to avoid him later on.
“Debilitas, no! Daniella! Fiona!” the man all but screeches. Fiona is quick to close the gate once her friends are all safely on the other side. The doors are heavy, but she manages. The key is still in her hand. She hopes it’s the only one. “Fiona! No! Come back! Come back!”
She doesn’t. Instead, she stands still just long enough to tuck the key into the waistband of her skirt and make sure Daniella is alright. After that, she begins crossing the bridge.
Hewie is instantly at her side. Debilitas and Daniella take a moment to start following. Fiona supposes that although she’s downright eager to say goodbye to Castle Belli, it might be slightly more difficult for the two of them to do the same. Even if the castle is an unpleasant place and they spent their time in it being ordered around by equally unpleasant people, it’s the only home either of them has ever known and they’ve probably never been outside of it before.
Fiona hasn’t got a clue what they’re going to do now. She’s in a foreign country and has no real idea where she is. Civilization is nowhere in sight. Trees and hills stretch as far as the eye can see. She has no money on her. Her parents are dead. The only other family she knows she has left is partially responsible for her arrival at Castle Belli. She doesn’t know any Italian whatsoever.
...It should be scary. Fiona should probably be scared. The fear of the unknown should be clawing away at her, but it isn’t. After the hell that they’ve just survived, all she can feel is relief.
Hewie trots ahead of her.
Debilitas trails a few feet behind, a makeshift bag slung over one of his massive shoulders. He looks vaguely like a lost puppy.
Daniella walks off to the side. Her gaze is anywhere but in front of her. She moves so soundlessly that Fiona keeps compulsively checking over her shoulder to make sure she’s still there.
Past the bridge, they spend who knows how long pushing their way past (or in Debilitas’ case, breaking) branches and wading through the undergrowth, but the sun is beginning to smother the darkness when they finally find themselves at the side of a narrow dirt road.
“So… which direction do you think we should try? Left or right?”
Not one of them has any idea what the future holds, but the worst is hopefully behind them now.
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oathofpromises · 11 months
a flirtatious kiss on the back of the hand. (from a'atahni because he would, surprise me with any of your boys ajksdfhlaj)
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How long of a voyage had it been from Tural to Limsa Lominsa, Hiroto wondered to himself as he held his head. Shortly after turning twenty-eight, the elder Caelum left his home in an attempt to locate his younger sister, Stella. He had only heard murmurs of her escapades from passing merchants that she had become a Warrior of Light.
As the Viper settled into his seat at the local bar, a wave of queasiness washed over him, leaving him feeling slightly sea-sick. It was one of the reasons Hiroto couldn't stay out at sea for too long. It would leave him feeling very light headed. He gripped a glass of amber liquid in his hand, its contents offering a temporary respite from the unease that plagued him. As he sat there, nursing his drink, he couldn't help but dwell on the thought of seeing Stella once more. Although he was not one to indulge in excessive drinking, the mere mention of her name stirred a flicker of anger within him, coursing through his veins like a tiny flame. He loved her, there was no denying that. She was, after all his younger sister yet, in the depths of his heart, a storm brewed, threatening to consume him.
Could anyone truly blame him for feeling this way? The weight of his emotions pressed upon him like a heavy burden that he carried alone. From the moment his sister came into existence, he found himself in a world that was unfamiliar and devoid of companionship. His parents had remained with Stella and, for reasons unknown to him, had sent Hiroto away to Tural. Which ultimately meant there was little time to spare for him. Thus, he spent countless years in solitude, yearning for connection and understanding. In his soul, a profound sense of loneliness had settled, casting a shadow over his entire world. With each passing year, his heart had grown colder, its once tender and compassionate nature slowly hardening. At least to everyone around him. It was just how life had molded him, and a part of Hiroto hated that.
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Hiroto couldn't help but notice that someone had been lavishing him with their undivided attention. The way their gaze would caress his figure was just a tad more lingering than any casual observer would consider appropriate. Out of the corner of red eyes, the older Caelum caught sight of a man, his intense gaze fixated upon him, as he leaned against the pillar nearby. From the moment their eyes met, it was impossible to deny his breathtaking beauty. Yet, deep within the Vipers heart, a whisper of caution warned him that behind such captivating looks, there were almost always a hidden agenda. Maybe Hiroto would see how things played out. To gauge the desires of this individual, for the intensity with which their gaze caressed his physique, left no room for doubt. However, there was a part of Hiroto that felt there was so much more to this stranger than meets the eye. He could see that hint of loss behind those eyes.
Years spent immersed in the treacherous world of the Viper had imparted upon him a singular lesson. Leave them in a state of reflection, enticing them to return for further engagement; and in the event that they did not, it served as undisputed evidence that their motives were solely driven by a fleeting desire, devoid of any deeper connection. Nevertheless, this enigmatic individual proved to be quite indecipherable on occasion, his eyes engaging in a silent dance . Hiroto found himself pondering the question as to why he had been singled out amidst a sea of other individuals in the pub. Surely, there were plenty of other pretty people that this stranger could be flirting with yet, perhaps it was his way of disavowing the truth that he possessed an undeniable allure, at least from what so many had told him in the past.
Hiroto possessed an appearance that matched his ability to ensnare unsuspecting souls with a mere fleeting gaze. Such was the way of life he had been introduced into as a member of the Viper society. Void of his father's presence during his formative years, the young Caelum had no choice but to seek counsel from unsavory characters within the Viper ranks. The experience had bestowed upon Hiroto an invaluable wealth of knowledge, despite its arduous nature.
Hiroto's reverie was abruptly halted when he sensed a soft touch enveloping his hand, as if a delicate butterfly had landed upon it, followed by the tender caress of warm lips upon the back of his palm. It was a moment that often sparked the Viper's desire to flirt right back to tease them too, yet he unexpectedly found himself drawn into the depths of the other's captivating gaze.
"So…you've finally made the choice to grace me with your presence,you've been staring at me for quite a while since the moment I stepped into this bar. Don't think i didn't notice. Care to tell me your name or are we jumping right into flirting..." whispered Hiroto, as he raised his glass and took another drink. A faint blush spread across his cheeks, rather it was from the amount he had been drinking or that he was slightly touched deep down. There was an undeniable part of the Viper that felt curious about whom this person was and why did it feel like flirting was a wall they used to, forgot that pain that he could clearly see beyond those eyes. The same that was reflected in his own too.
"Order whatever you would like, it's on me. Now..care to tell me why you find me so interesting? Most people usually tend to ignore me unless I engage with them first. But where are my manners..my name is Hiroto Caelum.”
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fandomwave · 5 months
TCOAAL Update!
You know the drill, don't give yourself hives But for the rest of the freaks lets goooooooo:
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I can't even begin to unpack why this is happening lmao but I adore the fact that Andrew fucking hates the concept of camping so much he has to convince himself there are other people out there who willing chose to do this. If I had to take a crack in the dark I'd say they probably ran out of cash to pay for a hotel, that's the easiest answer in my brain but these two are fucking stupid your honor so it could be the worst trap they have ever laid for their next victim.
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MY FUCKIN GIRL! HOW DARE? A lot of people have said we don't see Ashley cry before but we do see one instance in the car, when Andrew threatens her after she continues to press her boundaries by calling him Andy, she is genuinely pretty distraught there. In my (frankly upsettingly exhausting) notes (that I still have no way of sharing without posting 30 essays) Ashley and Andrew start to REALLY see what their relationship will look like if they continue doing nothing to actually change their dynamic. Ashley realizes that by sticking with Andrew, his condition in choosing her is that she stops being who she is, or Andrew will forcibly stop her (with violence). Andrew is starting to realize that if he continues controlling Ashley this way he will in fact single-handedly kill whatever joy is left between them. He realizes he needs to give Ashley the room to prove him wrong in that he CAN trust her. I note that moment in the car as the real start of the coin flip between them, on if they end up down the Burial or Decay ending. If Andrew continues to double down, THIS is their relationship forever till death. Wherein eventually Andrew will act out and kill her. However... He can chose to be better, to settle down and let Ashley prove she's not Leyley anymore, that she's a fully capable adult. You can see that shift during their stay in their parents homes too. Andrew is far more playful and affectionate, we get a peak into what things COULD be between them if Ashley and Andrew just showed a little most trust in each other.
ANYWAYS All this to say that I think this is for sure a scene from Decay. It could be burial but from the way Andrew shifts his entire demeanor I can't imagine he'd go out of his way to hurt her this bad emotionally (I put the smallest caveat here to say that he COULD potentially freak the fuck out after their uh... *cough* tussle in the hotel. It would not surprise me post nut he has a cosmic meltdown which would leave Ashley feeling like this) But I could see Decay Ashley starting to understand just HOW full of shit Andrew is. We know with the hindsight of the player just how... uh... affectionate Andrew is towards Ashley. I still posit that Ashley cannot understand the difference between Romantic, Platonic and Familial love, but we KNOW Andrew can. We're well aware Andrew knows his affections for Ashley cross a line but he still doesn't STOP himself from flirting with that line. I imagine the further Andrew doubles down in his convictions in Decay, that Ashley is just a burden he needs to take care of and to stifle to the point of suffocation (literally) to make sure neither of them end up in trouble, the further those cracks start to show. Ashley probably learns just how much Andrew wants her back and probably for even LONGER than she's felt that, only to realize that he's more willing to kill her first than to entertain that concept? I'd also be on the floor in tears. Her realizing the full breadth of Andrew's bullshit would probably be devastating lbr
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And finally the video of Andrew in whatever this is. We already know that Andrew was the one to summon Lord Unknown (it wasn't till he started helping that he showed up) and we also know he's marked with the eye symbol on his hand, which could be from holding the talisman but it could also be something that resided in him much longer. Even ??? is slightly.. hesitant around Andrew, and we can infer that the black soul with the horns (bunny ears), green eyes and text, is probably also Andrew, meaning he is just as big a Tar Soul as Ashley is. It'll be interesting to see if this is an actual event that took place in reality, or if this is part of the dream-scape/demon-scape. The red flowers only seem to show up in that space so it seems odd to have them show up here, and from prior updates it looks like there is a LOT of history building for Andrew happening in that realm. Something that I am DYING to know is if the red flowers are symbolic only for Ashley or if they are in fact deeply rooted to Andrew. It would make the scenes with Ashley being guided by these flowers, as well as her temper-tantrum towards them oh so much more interesting.
I've seen a few people mention that Ashley screams off camera causing Andrew to run towards the sound, but from what I heard that 'scream' sounds a LOT like the demonic growl that comes from Lord Unknown and ??? (and Mrs Graves that ONE time but comedy doesn't care for consistency) Which makes me wonder if this is actually taking place in reality or not.
Big food for thought! I cannot WAIT to see what actually happens and I'll be thrilled to be proven wrong or right on these theories :D
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moonpersonalter · 1 year
It's the Thought That Counts
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Rating: Gen
Warnings: N/A
A/N: a gift fic for my friend @atelier-grace. Supposed tp be a commission but I took way too long to write there so here you gooooo~
When they said that opposites attract, it usually meant that people of opposite sides of the personality spectrum would have a shot at becoming a couple after some romcom levels of flirting and bantering. Hot and cold, sunny and moody, it seemed that the statement was true… for the most part.
There was nothing 'opposite' between you and Azul. In fact, hate for one's own kin seemed appropriate in this situation. The fact that Mr. Ashengrotto, head honcho of Mostro Lounge, and self proclaimed rival of your quaint little secret restaurant, is even someone whom others would be considered as your perfect match. Hell, even Ace and Deuce were inclined to agree.
And speaking of Ace…
"You two haven't hooked up yet?!" Ace screamed in bewilderment, curious eyes turning his way as his hands slammed against the dining table. This guy and his big mouth.
"Look…," you began, carefully picking out the words you need to drill in to his head, and maybe Deuce as well just in case, that… "I am not interested in hooking up with my competitor."
"Yeah but why?" At this point, Ace is just asking for a beating. That smug look he naturally puts up may not be present at this moment, but the aura he radiates sure did scream smug. "I mean, aren't you two basically flirting with each other?"
In what way did he mean by flirting? Is passive aggressively egging each other a form of flirting now? How low have the standards become in this world? Or maybe, this is the norm here. Who knows? You certainly don't.
"Then I guess you and Deuce are flirting with each other?" You mischievously flipped the conversation, Deuce nearly choking on his food. You offered him a glass of water, eyes still locked onto Ace's slightly surprised face, the mischievous glint in your eyes fading the moment Ace laughed.
Is he suddenly admitting to the flirting? You doubt it.
"You don't hear me complain about my supposed competitor on the daily, right?"
"Why would you assume I always talk about Gretana everyday?" Azul glowered, voice deepened at the mention of Ms. Raison's name, proprietress of a secret exclusive restaurant that, for some unknown reason, is outside his radar.
These days, Mostro Lounge is seen to be in a slight decline. Not that it was anything significant, but with the appeal of being a part of something as secretive as a members only restaurant, it had piqued the interest of many students already. It started small, like a candle lit aflame, surrounded by oil waiting to combust at any minute now.
It could either go in his or her favor. Either way, he did NOT want it to fall in her favor.
Jade, meanwhile, found Azul worrying about the situation quite amusing, the grin on his face growing wider the moment Azul's eyes crossed with his. "And what…," Azul slowly began, "pray tell, is amusing you, Jade?"
"Oh, it's nothing serious, Azul~" Jade muses, the smile on his face widening into a mischievous grin. "Only that your face tells me that you've been thinking about her again, am I right?"
Azul nearly drops his pen, tints of pink threatening to bloom brighter on his cheeks as he stares at the grinning mer before him. He opened his mouth but no words came out, all stuck in the back of his mind still scrambling to make a single coherent thought. "Y… you can't be serious?"
'Was that all that you could say?!?', Azul screamed internally, tempted to hide away in a pot just from the sheer embarrassment. Still, he stood his ground (or rather, sat in place). Jade, however, grinned his widest grin yet, razor sharp teeth shining underneath the fluorescent lights.
"Oh, I am definitely serious."
The conversation died there but the idea kept lingering in the back of your mind. Even as the day draws to a close and your head lay on the pillow, you would linger back to it and scoff. "A bunch of shit," you would've said if only the lingering image of Azul's face kept coming back to her, with that stupidly smug face and those stupidly smug glasses and his stupidly smug lips.
… somehow, that's where your mind fixated most. You wondered, no matter how small the thought may be, if those lips of his radiated the same warmth like a human or be as icy cold as his mer form.
… and somehow, even as the next day rolls around, he still couldn't get rid of the thought, haunting even in his waking moments. But like lightning breaking through the sky, his thought came to an abrupt stop as Floyd kicked down the door of the VIP room.
Azul jumps off his seat, about ready to shout at the invading homewrecker, but was beaten to the punch. "Hey Azuuuuuul~ what are you still doing here? You have a date to attend."
… what?
"A date?!" Azul screamed, "There's no time for a date!"
"Yeah, there is." Floyd said, bearing his jagged teeth in a grin. "Let's go already, unless you want me to carry you over there~"
The thought of Ace carrying you to Mostro Lounge seemed like a fun idea from the start, but the moment he made an off-hand remarks about your weight had you slapping his face with no time for him to react.
What’s worse? This date was taking place in Mostro Lounge. In your rival’s territory of all places. Was this some kind of revenge plan? Were they paid to torture you financially? Who knows?
“So much for being friends,” you mumbled under your breath, finger tapping impatiently on the table.
It didn't even take you too long to seethe as a familiar looking mer comes in from the corner of her eyes, slightly disheveled and red on the face, approaching her table along with one of the tweels. Seriously, if it weren't for the unkept bowtie you wouldn't recognize that as Floyd.
Azul huffs as he takes his seat, Floyd giving him a cordial slap on the back. "Don't have too much fun~" He teased on the way out, leaving the couple in the lounge.
With each other.
Awkward tensions rising.
Neither a peep nor a squeak, not even a precursory glance was given. It was just them and the silence.
"… So—"
… so much for silence.
"What brings you here?" Azul tried to play it cool, masking the blush still evident in his cheeks with that smug grin of his. "I do believe that your presence here means that you've admitted defeat?"
Really. So much for silence.
You sighed, putting on your own smug grin and said, "Or maybe, I'm here to see the sorry state of Mostro Lounge after business has been booming on my end."
You see the slight twitch of his lips, your grin growing wider. You were about to drop another quip until someone from across the room suddenly screamed.
"Stop talking about your business for two seconds and talk like normal people!!" The voice sounded exasperated, absolutely done with your and Azul's bullshit.
"… that was definitely Ace." You groaned and Azul nodded. "Seriously, what's his problem?"
"It's the same way with Jade and Floyd. They kept telling me to speak to you like any normal person would." Azul said with a similar exasperated tone as you.
It felt weird and kind of reassuring that Azul was on your side for once… maybe not once but you're not obligated to admit that those were considerable moments at all. Still, "Funny how they're soooo concerned for our well being towards each other."
"You should see them whenever I noticed our usual numbers dipped because of you," He recalled the moment as if it were yesterday, chuckling to himself. "Floyd was more than willing to scare off your customers back to Mostro Lounge."
"Or scare them away for good." You laughed lightly, a blush tinted on your cheeks as Azul had let out a laugh of his own. Somehow, your heart stopped for a moment there.
Azul was sure he saw a smile appear on your face, that small quirk from the corner of your lips before disappearing back into a flat line. Yes, he was very sure of what he saw. Somehow, that made him hold his breath, even in those few seconds it still did something to him.
Looking back, the signs seemed to be there. Or was it some kind of trick his mind liked to play? Those times of heated arguments and intense standoffs, business transactions that flew between them as they decide how to make a worthwhile compromise. The sudden brush of their fingers as he passes the pen to your hand, that curious look on your face while he reads over the terms and conditions on your own makeshift contract—
Hold on, those aren't important right now! But what is even there to do other than talk? What else is there to talk about??
"S-so—," you suddenly blurted out, brushing off that slight stutter as if he won't be able to catch it. "What have you been up to?"
A less than graceful question to a less than graceful day. You weren't sure if he's in the mood to be entertained this way but lucky for you, he is. He was told by the local eel menace that if he talked anything about the business, he might get the squeezing of a lifetime. You weren't sure if you wanted to laugh or sympathize with him, but you kept it to yourself instead.
Surprisingly, you find yourself interested in listening to him talk about general academic experiences with a side of club stuff. And more than that, you find yourself sharing about your general academic experiences with your own side of club stuff. To onlookers, it would've been the most mundane discussion ever but for some reason, it's caught your attention more than before.
Was it the change in setting or did you just enjoy the sound of his voice? You guessed it was the latter. But you weren't ready to admit that yet.
Not quite yet.
For now, maybe letting loose like this every once in a while has its perks.
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
Series: Never Leave You | OBX
Paring: (JJ Maybank x OFC! Rafe Cameron x OFC!)
Word Count: 2107
Warnings: near death experience, little soft Rafe
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Going to school Kie gives them all a ride and they could feel everyone staring at them as they walk into school.
While in their history class, all four of their phones went off. They all look to see they got a text from an unknown number. JJ and Callie get up from their seats sneaking over to Kie and Pope to look at the message. They all hold out their phones to see a picture of John B and Sarah. JJ rushes out of the class room first with Callie following then Kie then Pope. Out in the courtyard Kie texts the number to make sure it was actually them so John B talks about JJ making them all happy their friends are still alive.
After school the four talk about how to clear John B's name so he can come home. JJ had the smart idea to kidnap Rafe and threaten him till he tells the truth.
"So how exactly do you plan on clearing John B's name from a prison cell? Because that's a felony, hon." Callie give him a look.
"All right, well, what do you got, cupcake? I was just trying to keep it simple. You know, one stop, and we're done."
"All we need is a material witness. We saw Ward's plane fly right over our heads with the gold inside of it. He didn't fly it. If somebody else flew, they were there in the tarmac. They saw Peterkin get murdered. We just have to find whoever that was an get them to confess on record." Pope tells the three.
"How do we do that?" Kie asks him.
"A little light espionage." Pope tells her.
"A little ghost recon." JJ says before they all Woogity-woogity.
The plan was to plant a phone in the car belonging to Ward's pilot, who saw everything and knows the truth.
"Don't do anything dangerous." Kie tells Pope as he gets out of the car.
"Come on. I'm not JJ." He gets out.
"Funny, Pope." JJ tells him.
"It was though." Callie give him a smile so he flicks her.
"How's it been going, you know, with Pope and all?" JJ asks Kie.
"It's good. How are you two?" Kie asks not looking back at them.
"What?" They both say together.
"You know what I mean." She smiles to herself as they look at each other.
"Good. Umm, in the bedroom, is he, like, kinda freaky, cause it's Pope, you know?" JJ says making both girls look at him.
"Why are you asking? Want me to ask about you two in bed?"
"No, I was just curious. Just spitballing." He tells her.
"You don't need to spitball so stop, please." Callie looks out the window. When Pope got back he was confused why it was so quiet and awkward in the car, "JJ spitballing but we're all good." Callie gives him a smile as he looks back at them.
Later at night sitting outside the house still, Kiara calls the man, whose name is Gavin, and freaks him out by saying she knows Rafe was the real killer. As they hope, Gavin then calls Ward and says he wants to renegotiate their deal. Turns out, he kept the gun that Ward told him to get rid of, and now he wants triple the cash he was promised, plus Ward's plane. As they start to lose signal, Pope gets out running to hide closer to the car to hear the rest of the conversation. So the other three follow to learn he's meeting Ward right now.
The four record Gavin and Ward's meeting. With the meeting quickly turning heated, Ward shoots Gavin in a bid to save his son from imprisonment. Whilst all this occurs, the gun falls down a drain, and Kie screams out to Ward that he's a murderer. Forced to flee from Ward, the recorder gets broken. The four argue who was to blame, but had Kie not shouted 'Murderer', they wouldn't have been forced to rush off.
When the cops show up, Shoupe couldn't do anything since there was no body there. And when they explained everything, the truth, he couldn't believe them as they beg him to listen to them.
The next day the four search where the north drain gets washed into the gully. Pope and Kie slightly flirt about saving the environment making JJ look at Callie, "Do you want us to leave you two alone, or what's going on?"
"Just pick up the trash." Pope throws a roll at him.
"JJ, if you keep asking questions about us I'm going to do the same back. So are you two dating or just hooking up for fun?" Kie smiles at the two making Pope turn to look at the two as well.
"Excuse me?" Callie laughs.
"I saw the faint hickeys on you, and the faint scratches on your back." Kiara tells the two so JJ and Callie look at each other.
"It's none of your business. Now let me pick up trash." JJ groans.
After finding nothing they come up with the idea that it's still somewhere in the drain. The boys were too scared to do it so the girls look at each other while the guys rambled.
"You crawled through the hole last time..." Kie tells her.
"Yeah, but if you don't want to go, I will. I don't mind. I've already been through a hole and down in a well with a dead guy so." Callie sighs.
"If you volunteer, okay. Next time, I'll take something, I promise." Kie tells her with a smile.
"I'll do it." Callie steps forward.
"Be careful." JJ places his hand on her lower back so she nods her head getting down to crawl, "Holler if you need anything, okay. We'll holler back."
"Hopefully there's no dead guys this time." She tells him as she keeps going.
"So what are you two?" Pope asks JJ.
"Now isn't the time, Pope. You too, Kie." JJ huffs.
"I should have made Kie do this." Callie groans to herself as she keeps going forward. "Still nothing!" She lets the three know.
"It's probably at the bottom of the catch basin." Pope tells her.
When Callie gets there she looks around in the water and Kiara was at the exit keeping an eye out while the boys talked privately about the girls.
"I don't know what's worse to be honest. This or the well. Probably this." Callie talks to herself still feeling around and finds a dead animal. "You guys, there's something dead in here!" Callie whines.
"Like a person!" Pope asks.
"Thankfully no!" She says but they didn't hear her clearly.
"Don't touch it!" Kie shouts out to her.
"Yeah, that's how you get worms!" JJ adds.
"Did you find the gun? Is it Gavin?" Pope asks her.
"What is it? Is it Gavin?" JJ asks as well, "Just don't touch it! Unless...Is it a gun? Do you see the gun?"
"It's not a person and no gun yet! You also owe me for life because I regret volunteering!" Callie shouts back not having any idea what Rafe was doing above.
Technically he thought it was just JJ, Pope and Kie in the sewer. He didn't even think of Callie being down there alone.
The sound of water rushing makes Callie's eyes widen but look for the gun faster, "Guys!" She calls out making them tell her to get out but she didn't have time. She climbs the ladder once she finds the gun in the water, "Shit!" She starts to panic.
The three run to the street to see if there was a manhole they could get to help Callie, "Please! Guys! JJ! Help! I'm over here!" She puts her fingers through the holes hoping they will see her, "Please!" She cries out as they run over to her. "The water is coming up! Pull, pull it." She tell the three as the water was up to her neck.
The three groan pulling on it but is wasn't moving, "Hurry! Hurry!" Kie shouts putting all her strength into it.
"Please hurry! Please! JJ! JJ! Please! Guys!" Callie begs them in tears, "Kie! Pope!" She watches them struggle as she runs out of breathing room, "JJ!" Her head goes under water as it flows onto the street and they finally get it off.
Callie gets out gasping for air coughing bending over on her hands and knees, "You're okay... Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay." JJ moves to her wrapping his arms around her which surprisingly helps calm her down some since she felt safe in his arms.
"I'm okay thanks to you guys." She tells him as he lets go of her relived, "Was this what we were looking for?" Callie pulls out the gun making them happy and have a group hug going to go Shoupe.
Taking the gun to the Sheriff, and telling him the truth all other again, they are quickly thrown out of his office. "Peterkin, is screaming at you from the other side telling you to listen to us." Callie glares at him as she walks out of the office.
Callie heads home to wash up and JJ was going to swing by his place to get some clothes then will be over.
"What the hell happened to you?" Scarlett sees her daughter walk into the house.
"Went for a swim in the sewers and got flushed out so I almost drowned but my friends saved me." She smiles, "Now, I'd like a shower." She heads upstairs to take one.
After her shower Callie walks into her room to see Rafe sitting on her bed, "What the hell do you want? I told them both to not let you into this house."
"They didn't, you did." Rafe gives her a smile, "You're window is unlocked." He look over at it.
"So you're breaking into my house? Adding a new one to the long list of things you are, a Burglar." Callie forces a smile.
"Did your friends get the gun from the sewers? You know before getting flushed out?"
Callie tilts her head, "How would you know we were down there and got flushed out?" She watches him start to smile, "You turned on the water?"
"Maybe. I mean I didn't want them getting the gun."
"Well, I got it and we took it to Shoupe." She tells him and his brows get closer.
"You got it?" He asks confused.
"Yeah, you tried drowning me. I was the only one in there looking for the gun." She lets him know, "So I would appreciate it if you left the way you came in and never come back."
"I didn't even think it through you were down there." Rafe runs his fingers through his hair.
"Like that would make a difference?" Callie laughs.
"It would've actually, Callie. I wouldn't have done it if I knew it was just you." He raises his voice.
"Why do act like you care about me because I know it's bullshit. But I actually have to thank you for flushing me out because I wouldn't have gotten the gun without you."
"I don't act like I do... because I do. I don't know why but I do, Callie. I keep trying to figure it out." Rafe stands up so Callie steps back to keep distance between them.
"Please, just leave Rafe. For me, go home." Callie sighs begging him.
He just nods his head climbing back out the window, "I'm sorry." He leaves her actually meaning it.
Once he was gone, Callie goes over to her window locking it and closing her curtains before falling back onto her bed. Some time passes before JJ walks in through the door with wet hair.
"Sorry, I took a shower at home." JJ lays down next to her, "You okay?" He stares at her.
"Yeah...no. I'm thinking about earlier." She rolls over to face him, "I thought I was going to drown right there in front of you guys." Her eyes starts to tear up.
"I was terrified of losing you." He pulls her into his chest as tears roll down her cheek, "I thought I was going to lose you." He places his lips to her head.
Callie picks up her head to look at him, "I'm your girl and your my boy. That I'm your pride, And you're my joy. That you're the sand, And I'm the tide. You'll be the groom, If I'll be your bride. It takes two, baby. It takes two" Callie changes up the lyrics to the song from Hairspray.
"Does that mean what I think that means?" He can't help but smile so she nods her head giving him a kiss.
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hyunjinskinkygirl · 1 year
Hidden Hearts Unveiled
In the dazzling world of K-pop, Hyunjin, the charismatic idol from Stray Kids, found himself entangled in a secret romance with a devoted fan. Unknown to the world, their hearts beat as one, sharing stolen glances and fleeting touches whenever they could.
Yet, as their love blossomed, so did the storm of jealousy within Hyunjin's heart. Felix and Bang Chan, his bandmates and friends, seemed to be unknowingly stirring the embers of his envy with their playful flirts directed towards you. Each day brought whispers of conflict between Hyunjin and you, as misunderstandings and insecurities threatened to tear them apart.
Amid the tension, the connection between Hyunjin and you remained undeniable. Their shared moments of vulnerability, laughter, and stolen kisses in hidden corners of your world became the anchors that held you together. It was a relationship nurtured by shared dreams, secret rendezvous, and a profound understanding of each other's fears.
One fateful evening, as the sky painted shades of orange and pink, Hyunjin mustered the courage to share the truth with his bandmates. In a quiet room filled with the heartbeat of friendship, Hyunjin and you confessed your love, revealing the hidden chapters of your intertwined lives.
The group's initial shock and surprise gradually transformed into warm smiles and supportive nods. Felix and Bang Chan, once unwittingly the cause of strife, now stood as pillars of acceptance and camaraderie. The truth, rather than driving a wedge between them, deepened the bonds of Stray Kids, showcasing the strength of their friendship and their ability to weather any storm.
From that day forward, the playful teasing that had once ignited sparks of jealousy became a source of lighthearted laughter for all. Hyunjin and your love story, once a secret, now stood as a testament to the power of honesty, understanding, and the unbreakable bonds of both love and friendship.
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