#are transition lenses bad for your eyes?
curescal · 2 years
Are transition lenses bad for your eyes?
what is a transition lens?
Transition lenses are used to change colors from clear to colored. Because they are only worn for a certain amount of time, they are commonly referred to as “tinted lenses.” When you get them changed from clear to colored, you’re essentially wearing a pair of sunglasses It protects your eyes from UV rays or ultraviolet rays. One type of transition lens is soft contact lenses that are made from silicone and are therefore safe to wear while swimming. A type of glass, also called blue-cut glasses, prevents eyes from harmful UV rays. Others are more rigid and can’t be worn in the water. Soft contact lenses are thin, flexible lenses that are made from silicone. They are also known as “wearable lenses” or “disposable lenses.” There are two types of soft contact lenses: hydrogel and silicone hydrogel. Hydrogel lenses are comprised of a thin layer of hydrogel material. The hydrogel layer acts as a lubricant, so the lenses can be changed without any discomfort or irritation. Silicone contact lenses are made from silicone material. They are more stable and durable than ….. click to read complete
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irlfelixcatton · 6 months
TALK ABOUT THE TRANSMASCULINE ALLEGORY!!! i want to hear your thoughts
ok. the long awaited oliver quick transmasculine allegory post.
to be so real it is mainly me doing 2 (two things)
-using insanely obvious prompts from the text to pull shit out of my ass
i do think that oliver quick's character COULD. MAYBE. be either headcanon'd as trans (BOOORRRINNGG) or a lot of his actions in act one can be closely tied to very common trans experiences.
my biggest thing on 'common' trans experiences as it relates to saltburn, is meeting a cis man and latching onto him with every fiber of your being, because you can't be friends with him, you need to *be* him. the first thing that really prompted me to look at saltburn from this lense was when farleigh goes "[you're almost passing as] a real human boy!", though it's clearly about oliver wearing a rental suit, it's a phrase that i've heard a million times over and over again, and i think that oliver, within this transmaculine concept of his character, dances CONSTANTLY on this imaginary line of "real boy" to "weirdo freak" that i think a lot of trans people can relate to. (i will touch on 'real boy' again later)
theres also an aspect of this incessant watching and dissecting cis men, what they wear, how they talk, how they fuck. and with all of this watching, there's this part of melding your identity into what you're watching, which we see starkly with oliver. at the beginning, when he's this oxford kid, a freak if you will, but he's more or less himself, version A. once he meets felix, he ditches the glasses, the button up shirts, the uptight manner, and turns into this entirely different version of "himself", version B. version B is the version he's taught himself that society will like much more than version A, so it consumes him entirely. version A wasn't someone that girls would fuck, felix would love, and quite frankly be 'enjoyed' by the rest of the world. version A is pre-transition, and version B is post. (all this to say, in relation to irl transition, neither version A or version B are right, good, or bad, they're whatever you want them to be. beauty is in the eye of the beholder)
for me, another piece i think about a lot is the “you’re just so real” (venetia) but that’s a bit more of a stretch. the reason i think this relates to the main point, is so many trans people have to work and rework their personality so that their 'transness' is socially palatable, real. the catton's have no general perception of a real person, they surround themselves with fake, upper class socialites who lie and cheat. but even if they met a real person, they wouldn't know it. and they don't lol. so when oliver comes around, who isn't this upper class socialite, the initial thought is that he's this "real" and "grounded" person. however, the only reason that the catton's (general society in this case) find oliver (trans people) so "real" and more or less worth accepting into their family is because he has worked and reworked his identity to be so similar and likeable to felix's.
there's also the conversation on cattonquick being a really good representation of what a mlm cis/trans relationship can feel like so much of the time. but i'll only really expand on this if any1 is interested lol. anyways pls dm me or comment on this i really want to talk more about it more.
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
Im sure you've been bombarded with asks but how did you go about getting an eye doctor to look at your light sensitivity? Mine have all just looked at my eyes and been like "yup that makes sense. Make sure to get transitions"
Like. Transitions dont help me indoors. Transitions take so long to change that im already in enough pain to go back home. I genuinely did not know until today that it could be a hardware issue instead of a software one, if you get my drift
My new doctor is a Neuro-Ophthalmologist, which means he isn't looking at just my eyes but also for any neurological issues that could be related. If you'll pardon the pun, it was eye-opening.
He had SO much stuff in his office to help with light sensitivity, and when he realized the lights were causing me distress, he gave me a pair of Axon goggles to put on over my RX glasses until he was able to finish what he was doing and turn the lights out for the rest of the exam. Those things were magic.
I've tried all kinds of blue light-blocking glasses over the years, and while they helped, the relief I got from the Axon lenses was immediate. The pain just stopped. I'm actually thinking of getting a pair of the goggles to wear over my new glasses so the sides of my eyes will be shielded on bad days.
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selfindulgentpixies · 10 months
So I wrote a very self indulgent Satoru Gojo x reader fic to cope with a couple of bad sensory overload days I had a week or two ago and it's just been sitting in my drafts half finished until tonight. Got a boost of spiteful inspiration since I spent most of today in bed with a migraine.
Contains: gn!reader, mentions of sensory overload, brief mentions of getting ill, Gojo being sweet and taking care of you, reader has a cat, reader wears glasses
Take me home tonight
Gojo could tell something was wrong as soon as you’d walked into the meeting late, not just late but later than him, looking frazzled. Even if you shared his disdain for the higher ups you played your role well enough, always on time, students cared for, work taken care of with what could sometimes be considered malicious compliance if you were pushed the wrong way. But that wasn’t the you he saw try to quietly slip into the meeting.  You looked washed out, nauseous even. It wasn’t helped when the higher ups tried to lay into you for being so late. You looked panicked which is when he swept in. Taking their attention off you. He’s not even sure you take in anything that’s being said but you at least send him a small and grateful smile. 
The meeting is barely over before you’re getting up to leave, ignoring any protest at your abrupt exit. He quickly finds you when he leaves, between his long strides and six eyes it’s easy to find you and catch up to you. You’ve stopped to sit, heels of your hands pressed against your eyes and your glasses dangling loosely from your fingers. He plops down on the bench next to you and speaks. “Mind telling me what that was all about?” He doesn’t miss how you flinch at his voice.  He’s known you long enough to catch on and his voice is quieter the next time he speaks. “One of those days then?”
You give a jerky lil nod, still covering your eyes. Even though your lenses on your glasses were transitions they weren’t activated by the lights inside the building, the barely there default tint of them not enough at the moment which was probably why you were just holding them and sitting with your eyes covered. “Y-yeah. Had a mission in the city, dealt with a curse that could manipulate light, and everytime it attacked it let out a high pitched buzzing noise, it was like the world’s worst rave and then I came straight here for the meeting.” He frowns a bit at that. Really you should have just gone home. 
“You don’t even like normal raves.” His tone isn’t something you’re able to parse at the moment, but there’s a playful enough note to it that it gets you to smile just a little.. 
“You’re right, I don’t.” 
Still speaking softly, so much so that only you can hear him even as other staff pass by. “You went into the crowded city,” you nod, “went to hell’s light show,” you nod again at his words, “And still decided to go back through the city to sit in a brightly lit meeting room and deal with the higher ups?” 
“That sums it up, yeah.” You part your fingers ever so slightly to glance at him but quickly close them. 
He sighs. “Here, keep your eyes closed but move your hands.” 
“Gojo?” You question as you hear the shifting of fabric. 
“It’s fine just move your hands,” he gently coaxes you and you feel his cool dry hands gently pull your own from your face. Then he’s gently tugging something over your head and you realize he’s putting his blindfold on you, the thick soft cloth finally blocking out all light. Instead of tucking it behind your ears he pulls it slightly lower so it covers them and at least partially softens the sounds around you. You’re both quiet for several moments until he takes your glasses and tucks them into his pocket. You don’t see that of course but you trust him to not break the things you need to see since you’ll want to see again eventually.  “You still with me?” 
“Y-yeah, thank you. Don’t you need this though?”
You don’t see him shrug but he does it anyway. “I’ll be fine without it for a bit. I’ve got my sunglasses if it gets bad. I think you need it a lot more than me right now. Do you want me to take you home? You can’t make it there blind so i’ll-” 
“Gojo, if you teleport me right now I’ll probably throw up on you.” 
“I’m just being honest.”
He hums in thought. “How about I just carry you to my office then? It’s nice and cool in there and I can draw the blinds.” 
You’re quiet for a moment and he almost asks again until you nod. “Y-yeah alright.” 
When he picks you up he does so with care, making sure he doesn’t do anything unexpected. Normally the idea of being touched by Gojo would be much more pleasant but each point of contact makes your clothes rub more uncomfortably against your skin. You don’t complain though and just let him carry you. You tuck your head into his neck. You’ll probably feel mortified later but right now all you care about is being somewhere dark and quiet.  You think you hear some of the students start to speak to him and maybe begin freaking out when they see that he’s carrying you but his energy shifts slightly and you hear him shush them. Surprisingly they immediately comply. You imagine it has everything to do with the shift in his energy and not respecting the fact that they’d  been hushed. 
There’s the soft sound of a door opening and then being closed again before you find yourself being set on a comfortable chair. “Just get some rest alright? I’ll be back.” 
“Thank you, Gojo.” You curl up in the chair and he smiles a little at you. 
You’re a little surprised later when you open your eyes and are faced with complete darkness. Your brain is hazy and takes a moment to catch back up to you. You vaguely remember the conversation with Gojo and him slipping his blindfold on you- oh. Right. You reach toward your face and push up the dark fabric. You blink in the low light of the room. Gojo is at his desk, looking terribly bored of doing his paperwork in the dim lamplight. At least you think he looks bored with how he’s resting his cheek on his fist and holding a document in his other hand. You can’t really see anything else without your glasses.
He perks up when he notices you looking at him. “Hey there, feeling any better?” His voice is still quiet just in case your ears were still sensitive. He gets up and grabs something from his desk before walking over to you. You can now see that he’s holding your glasses. 
“Yeah, still a lil fuzzy but definitely better.” You give him a sleepy but grateful smile. He almost wishes you hadn’t taken your glasses back because he knows that as your vision comes back into focus you’re now able to see how pink his cheeks are. You look so cute half asleep and it’s not really a vulnerable moment he’d ever thought he’d get to see you in. Especially not curled up in his office with his blindfold sitting part way on your head leaving your hair mussed up. You sit up and stretch, arching your back in a way that gets his eyes to track over your body before you pull the blindfold the rest of the way off your head and press it into his hand. “Really thank you. I hate to say it but I was on verge of tears before you helped me out.” 
He pulls the blindfold over his head but lets it rest around his neck instead of pulling it over his eyes. “It’s no problem really. You weren’t acting like yourself. Next time just go home if you feel that way. I’ll cover for you if you need me to.” 
You scratch at the back of your neck. “You already do so much, I don’t feel like I should be asking you to do that.” 
He shakes his head. “I mean it. Gives me an excuse to give those old bastards a hard time.”
You snort. “As if you need me to give you an excuse.” 
He smiles but otherwise doesn’t respond to that particular comment. “I do mean it. I think you might be surprised by how well I understand what you were going through. It’s not exactly the same but there’s a reason I always have my eyes covered.” 
“Yeah alright then… I’ll let you know next time.” 
His smile widens into a grin, bringing out his dimples.”Good. Now how about I bring you home now? I doubt you want to deal with the trains.”
“Gojo, if I throw up-”
“Then that’s literally on me.”
“Gross,” you echo his comment from earlier. 
You don’t get sick from being teleported but it’s a near thing as you lean heavily against Gojo in your entryway. He raises an eyebrow at you. “You gonna be alright?” 
“Y-yeah I’m good.” You let out a slow breath before taking your weight off him and toeing off your shoes in the entryway. “Did you want to come in for a bit? I won’t be up for long but I should fix something to eat. I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast. 
Gojo studies you for a moment, and without his blindfold in place you feel exposed. “How about I order us takeout then?”
“I don’t know if I should eat anything greasy right now.”
“I can order you some soup. I know a place.”
You consider his offer for a moment before nodding. “Yeah okay. Sounds good.” You begin to walk toward the main part of your apartment. “I’m gonna go get cleaned up while you order food. Make yourself at home okay?” 
He hums in the affirmative before you vanish into your room. 
When you emerge a bit later you’re wearing a clean pair of sweatpants and one of your sleep shirts, which was really just an oversized band-t. You’ve made a half hearted attempt to dry your hair with a towel. The apartment is filled with the smell of food making your stomach growl and drawing you more quickly to the main part of your apartment.  Gojo has made himself comfortable just like you’d told him to. There’s containers of food spread out in front of him on your coffee table and he’s relaxed into the love seat with your cat on the back by his head. The little shit sniffing and chewing at his hair, which you suppose meant Gojo passed your feline companion’s test for being allowed to exist in your space. But what really gets your attention is how Gojo has discarded his work jacket and is just sitting there in a tight black t-shirt that clings to him like a second skin. It takes your breath away a little because while you knew he was probably muscular in theory it just never really sank in because he always wore such baggy clothes. 
“You just going to keep standing there staring holes into me or are you gonna join me for dinner?” His voice is full of amusement.  
You squeak. Of course he noticed you. “S-sorry. I was just surprised. My cat doesn’t normally like when there are men in the apartment he doesn’t know.” It’s only a half lie.
Gojo snorts and glances back at you. “You have a lot of strange men over?” He says in a teasing tone.
“No. Just.. he hates whenever maintenance is here and he attacked poor Nanami’s leg once when he stopped by.” 
Oh now that makes Gojo laugh, loudly in fact, though he quietens himself down to chuckles when he notices you flinch at the noise. “Maybe your cat is a bad judge of character, liking me more than Nanami,” he surprises you by saying at his own expense. 
“No, I think he just picked up on how at ease you seem to be here,” you say this reflexively though a second thought occurs to you moment after when you remember how Gojo had carried you and you’d buried your face in his neck. Your scent must be clinging to him and especially to his blindfold that he's still wearing around his neck. The thought makes you blush and he tilts his head at you for a moment before gesturing for you to come sit down, patting the cushion beside him.
You suddenly wish your apartment wasn’t so sparsely furnished but since it was normally just you here the only place to sit in the living room really is directly next to Gojo. You consider saying you should move to the kitchen table but did you actually want to miss an opportunity to be so close to Gojo when he was offering it? The answer was apparently ‘no’ as you make your way over. He crosses his legs to make room for you and you take your seat next to him. At your arrival your cat mrrps and headbutts the back of your head before leaving. 
“Now-” Gojo leans forward picking up a container and a spoon for you, “go ahead and eat.” Once he’s sure you have a good grip and aren’t going to drop hot soup on the two of you he grabs his own food and sits back, his arm brushing against you. The two of you eat in silence your arms occasionally knocking into each other as you fill your empty stomachs. 
Before long you’re drowsily sagging to the side and Gojo is gently taking the mostly empty container from your hands. This causes you to jerk and blink up at him groggily. “Ah sorry-”
He chuckles. “You don’t need to apologize, you’re exhausted. Why don’t you head to bed? I’ll clean up and head out after alright?” 
You feel a little guilty. “You don’t need to clean up, Gojo.” 
He holds up a hand. “It’s not a big deal really. You just get some rest.” 
He stands and stretches, and he reminds you a bit of a very oversized cat. his fingers brushing your low ceiling. Then he’s holding a hand out to you and pulling you up from the loveseat.  The two of you say your goodnights and goodbyes before you shuffle your way to your room. He stands there in your living room with an impossibly fond smile on his face.  He catches your cat giving him what could be a judgmental stare from the corner of his eye. “Bet you think I should have asked them out, huh?” The cat just flicks his tail unimpressed. You, unaware of the small exchange between Gojo and your feline companion, fall asleep to the sounds of Gojo cleaning up.
The next morning you wake up to the chime of your phone. You bink blearily and fumble for your phone. When you unlock the screen you see you have a message from Gojo. 
Gojo: hey I hope you’re feeling better this morning. if you’re up to it do you want to come meet me for breakfast? i’d like to ask you something.
You sit up and rub at your face before responding. 
You: can’t you ask me over text? 
Gojo: it’s something i’d rather ask you in person. so will you? 
You: sounds a bit ominous but ok
Gojo: it’s nothing bad I swear! 
You grin sleepily to yourself. 
You: yeah yeah you’re just trying to lure me into a false sense of security
Gojo: you wound me!! i would never. sooo meet me in 30 minutes? 
You: not giving me much time to wake up huh? 
His next message is the location of a cafe not far from your apartment. He apparently took your question as a yes. 
So you get up and scramble to get ready, you’re still a bit disheveled but you're comfortable enough around Gojo to not really care. As you shoo your cat away from the door so you can slip out you have no idea that when you return home it’ll be with your soon to be boyfriend.
And that's it! I just needed a comfort fic so i wrote it myself. I'm still working on chapter 7 of my Satoru x reader x Suguru fic. It's just taking time to pull together
@nanamikentoseyebags @strawberrystepmom @gojoest
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polychaeteworm · 8 months
Seeing some stupid shit making the rounds in a disability community.
I get y'all think people with glasses can still move if they take them off and that's why they aren't mobility aids but none of the people saying this are actually legally blind or know what it feels like to lose your glasses when you have serious, profound vision impairment. Like the kind of eyes that glasses can't even fully help.
Like sure, if your eyes are just a little bad but totally fine with glasses/contacts, your glasses are not a mobility aid. If your nearsightedness gets better at even three feet in front of you, you can probably move through space safely without glasses.
This is NOT the same for everyone with glasses.
I just need people to understand that when your vision is profoundly bad (think 20/600 and worse) and you cannot see more than an inch in front of your face, you will not be able to safely move around a space without injury if you aren't wearing your glasses and THAT makes them a mobility aid, IF your eyes are literally that bad.
I am literally as impaired without my glasses as a blind person is without their cane. If the white cane is a mobility because it helps you to ambulate your body through a space without injury then so are my fucking glasses. You don't get to tell me I'm fine and can move without them because I lived without them for a week and it severely impacted my physical mobility and I did actually injure myself. They literally fit the definition you people seem to have for mobility aid.
I'm less able to move my body safely through space when I loose my glasses than when I lose my cane, so yes they are a mobility aid for me. I already struggle with dyspraxia and depth perception.
Nevermind the fact that people with profound vision impairment usually have to pay WAAAAY more for glasses, and we often don't get to pick transitional lense or colors because of the index needed for such a strong prescription (which colored lenses would help my irlen syndrome but I'm too blind to get that apparently)
Pretty much all of the ways glasses are fun and cool are not available to people with insanely strong prescriptions and when they are it's gonna cost you.
If you aren't legally blind then sorry but it's not up to you if someone considers their glasses a mobility aid. I don't call them that for fun or to be part of a "club" or something. I call them that so people don't snatch them off my face to try on and see how bad my eyes are, I call them that so people understand I'm going to need to stop walking so I can clean them because if I remove them while I'm walking I WILL bump into something.
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snove101 · 1 year
What're your hc's for Lab Rats?
oh my god bestie i'm so glad you asked 💥💥
silly hcs<3 a handful of them are probably inspired by others hcs or what ive read in fanfics :,)🫶
• he/him bi transman
• the tism
• spike is,,,, still an issue
• eczema !!! lactose intolerance !!! a lot of natural inconveniencing things that you'd expect to be “removed” or smth from a bionic superhuman experiment. he's pissed abt it
• the tism (again)
• tied bree’s and adam’s shoes when he was a little kid because he was the first one to learn how to do it. he still ties adams shoes on occasion
• family therapist; desperately needs therapy
- send this boy to therapy please
• lots of insecurity based around his position as mission leader
• lots of insecurity in general this guy's a mess
• praise makes him feel all bubbly and 📳 inside /nx
- /x too
• absolutely did top surgery on himself. he doesn't talk about it bc of how,,, messy and frustrating it was
• trust issues that definitely did not stem from his paternal figure (lie)
• him and tasha are like 🤞🤞 besides adam and bree, she's the only person he's like,, emotionally vulnerable with
• she/her bi fem leaning
• thought she was straight for like,, majority of her life so she'd throw herself at any boy within running distance
- kissed a girl Once at a sleepover and realized Oh I Can Like Girls 🏳️‍🌈
• adhd inattentive type !!!!! went undiagnosed until the academy days even though chase was like “r u sure you don't have adhd” every other month since middle school
• moderately popular on tiktok before the world knew about their bionics
-she includes adam and chase on occasion and ppl will ask who the cute boys are. she answers w what cute boys:)?
-she's made chase be her cameraman sm times (he doesn't mind it)
• down bad so easily it's embarrassing
• she's a little rat bastard on occasion. a little asshole as a treat
• the first person chase came out to as bi And trans 💥🫶
• protective of her family 💥💥💥 do Not fuck with them
• daddy's girl (we knew this)
• he/him unlabeled !!! pansexuality is probably the most accurate for him but if anyone asks he just says queer and leaves
• stereotypical adhd. chase diagnosed him when they were kids and donald was like yeah sounds abt right then ignored treatment
• MOMMAS BOY 💥💥💥💥💥 (we also knew this)
-tasha actually trusts him a lot,,, mostly with things that aren't fragile/glass
• went to the taylor swift eras tour with bree
-he cried
• if he can respond to text in emojis he will. mostly w 💪😟⁉️💥
• protective of his family like bree but he Will fuck you up if you mess with them
•his eyesight really deteriorated after years of not quite honing his eye lasers so the man has glasses:) transition lenses bc he thinks they're cool as fuck
• he forgets chase is trans and doesn't recognize the severity of the girly insults
- chase thinks it's funny
• he doesn't know how to film tiktoks so he makes chase help him (again he doesn't mind it)
• he likes fnaf:)
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sparrowsortadrawzzz · 9 months
Sparrow! I noticed in your image in picrew chain you participated in you had glasses! I also have glasses! Are you long or short sighted? I’m short sighted, can’t see the title of a book held at arms length lol. (yes it’s that bad. And apparently it’s gonna keep getting worse for a while yet so I’m in for a TIME) They’re a pain in the ass sometimes (you’ll know all about raindrop-y lenses and fogged lenses and smudgy lenses etc.) but honestly I love my glasses, they’re like a part of my face (also my eyes look wack without them like why they look so small). I’m curious wether that’s just me or if most people who wear glasses feel like that.
eep yes! I wear glasses ^^ I have an astigmatism, and I'm near sighted. I also am very sensitive to light, and colors are veryy bright for me, so mine transition in the sunlight and uv rays, and have a yellow tint for blue light (which helps with other colors too imo). I absolutely feel the same way- they're just a part of my face! (it's also the only thing that distinguishes my face from young Michael Sheen's besides my bangs lmao) but whenever they're not on my face I try to push up and adjust phantom frames 😭
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fourtymart · 1 year
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Welcome to FourtyMART, your one-stop-shop for some real goofy bastards, at equally goofy bargains!
FourtyMart - Independent Multimuse RP Blog by @transitpresident - Multifandom - Semi-Selective - Lit to Semi Lit - 18+ Admin
Rules, extra info, and characters below the cut.
FourtyMart is a warehouse home to a handful of colorful characters that you- yes, you!- can potentially interact with! Here's a few! (Images still in transit from our distro center...) CHSR GT#40 - he/him/his Ground Telecom Unit #40 - Channel Fourty Showrunner The face and main physical workhorse of Channel Fourty, CHSR does his job with style, quality, and a smile on his face. As an android built for the purposes of television journalism, he’s perfectly engineered with all aspects of that task in mind, especially his “top-of-the-line” social skills, which grant him a friendly disposition, a curious nature, and a kind desire to help others, especially if all strangers are just future friends. This loyal hard worker sticks to his allegiances and his work, always toting around his equipment should a prime opportunity to create content arise. Despite his high-tech nature, he still does have a lot to learn about others, the world around him, and himself, all of which he’ll discover through the viewfinder of his cameras and the lenses in his eyes. Tanfour - he/him (she/her determinant) Kevin Fouris-Tan - Fouris Variant #35 - early 20s A mall-based wasteland fixer from the SF Bay Peninsula with the tenacity, spite, and gay audacity to do whatever he can set his mind to, for better or for worse. With a well-stocked collection of questionably-acquired goods, he distributes, trades, and otherwise sells weapons, vehicles, garbage, knickknacks, and information. He claims to be able to sell anything- which may or may not be true, and whether or not you'd actually like to buy what he's got will depend. Other than be the guy offering you a steal for a crate of corned beef, he’s known to be resourceful and he’s got a knack for making things work- old cars, computer rigs, fashion statements, blatant lies- even if they do end up being held together by twine and duct tape. While he’s decent enough to tolerate in passing, it’s only up to you if you’re willing to stick around for his smug and mildly sleazy attitude, bad and snappy comebacks, ill timed pop culture references, and blunt personal statements. (Note: Tanfour's got a handful of AU variants, including but not limited to the realms of Valorant, TF2, Overwatch, and Cyberpunk 2077. See below for more fandom info.) Mols - she/her/hers 2017 Tesla Model S P100D From a far-future world where cars have outlived humans and have taken on humanoid-android forms, Mols is a laid-back, clever Tesla with a love for lazing about and enjoying the simple things in life. Despite her usually calm nature, she is prone to sparks of excitement- and she's quick in more ways than one. Quick to call things out as they are and even faster to run away from trouble thanks to her swift acceleration speeds, she's the queen of "if it sucks, hit the bricks'. President Tanner - he/him (she/her determinate) Jason Carson Tanner - Tanner-Markov Variant #14 - late 30s The 'eternal president' of a small, heavily militarized but extremely glamour-coated nation-state, President Tanner is a mostly-benevolent leader of his tech-forward and economically successful light-cyberpunk country. Though polite, he's known publicly for having a bit of a fun side, as he very much indulges in his assorted vices and is known for being more approachable than most world leaders- but under his layers, there is no doubt an ability for cruelty and a swath of dark secrets. His words are weaselly, sweet, and long, but all to hide the true meanings of what he has to say.
For now, this is our current selection- but as we stay open, new arrivals will be available in-store! Before grabbing your cart, your membership card, and gearing up for free samples and bargain hot dogs, please go over the rules of our establishment!
- Please don't hassle me for any responses. Turnaround time will vary due to my fluctuating life.
- I aim for literate and semi-literate responses and prefer not to do one-liners. Length will sometimes matter depending on what you give me, so I'll either match length or just do what I can. If you don't give me much to work with, I may not be able to give a longer response
- No unreasonable "godmodding", if for the sake of your plot, you need my characters to go somewhere or do something, that's fine, but don't just make him do things that I haven't made him do. "Unreasonable" is at my discretion.
- If I am uncomfortable with something, I will contact you, and you should do the same! However, I still do reserve the right to end communications if I feel the need to do so for my own well-being, with only a follow up message afterward.
- "Dark" or suggestive topics aren't off limits, but please communicate this to me beforehand and I'll decide on a case-by-case basis. Any suggestive situations especially must be outlined explicitly beforehand (and don't even think about it if you're under 18.)
- If you want to stop RP, no problem. Just let me know.
- Multiship is allowed! Just talk with me- but I have many characters that would like to have a relationship build over time, rather than just have an instant ship.
- Feel free to PM me either here or @transitpresident if you want to plan things out or ask questions or give context, anything really! If you want my discord contact or want to RP there, PM me for more details. Multifandom/Crossover Info - Many characters have alternate versions, some even specifically tailored to certain fandoms. CHSR, Tanfour, and Prez especially have these, so if you reach out to RP with a character from a fandom- we can arrange for an AU version of them to meet! And even if they don't have one for your source, I don't mind interacting at all! Current Familiar Sources (off the top of my head) [* indicates there are alts available]
Cyberpunk (2077/Edgerunners/RED)*
The Stanley Parable
Detroit: Become Human*
Houseki No Kuni*
And more! Just PM me! Plus, I have variants that are just generally compliant for specific settings, like modern ones, fantasy, etc. Feel free to ask! Thanks for reading through, and enjoy your time here at FourtyMart! - The Manager
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boy howdy have I had A Week
the con was great! except that I left my contact lenses at home, but fortunately I had a friend coming up to Sydney to hang out with me the day before the con! so she could bring my contacts up for me!
I forgot to get them off her, she left with them still in her bag 🙃
but I had a great time at the con, my cosplay got recognised by a few people, a stall runner gave me a free Danny sticker! (the only piece of DP merch there and she was THRILLED to give it to me)
even met @andthentheyran !! it was awesome meeting up with another phandom member 🥰 I hope you also had a fantastic time (and I hope your stall got plenty of sales ❤️)
I travelled with my sister who was going to the con on both days (I was just going on the Sunday) but then they got really sick with a bad cough and couldn't go on the Sunday 🥲 so we didn't get to go together at all (and none of my friends could make it so I was mostly just hanging either on my own or with my sister's friends)
still! had a great time! bought a lot of keychains!
until the next day, when we had to check out of the airbnb, my sister's cough developed to 'cannot fucking breathe' levels of persistent and I could not put them on a 1.5 hour train ride home unless we could get it under control and I could be certain they wouldn't suffocate while in transit and far from emergency services
so we had to go to hospital
with all our luggage
but at first we went into the wrong entrance of the hospital while looking for the emergency entrance and when we told the lady at the desk the symptoms she I kid you not LEAPED out of her chair and stood with her hand out like she was Chris Pratt from Jurassic World and we were feral velociraptors
(keep in mind, only one of us was coughing, and they were standing several metres away and we were both wearing masks)
it took a few back and forths between her panicked 'you can't come in here's before she actually told us where we were supposed to go, which was all I wanted from her anyway
(I get being covid cautious I respect that people are still being careful but also she worked in a hospital??? at the front desk??? and we were masked and social distancing??? her panicking only lead to us staying there longer until we could figure out where the fuck we were supposed to go, was just rather unprofessional and very frustrating for someone who is scared and looking for help)
so that was a whole thing
also they couldn't get in touch with their covid ward so my sister had to sit outside in the cold, making their cough worse
also they did not have covid, just fyi, they had already taken three RAT tests over the past few days when the cough developed and all were negative
they have laryngitis
they tried to get me to stand outside when we finally got into emergency, and I waited for about roughly 1 minute before they called me in to talk on their behalf because they had literally completely lost their voice (doctor also thought I was their mum, which was lowkey hilarious, especially since I had clearly used the word 'sister' during that conversation)
I guess I just have mum vibes, such is the life of being the mum friend
so yeah! this marks the second con I've been to that ended in me accompanying someone to hospital
also one of my sister's friends that we roomed with for the weekend got an eye infection from their contact lenses
we're considering this con to be officially Cursed
but hey at least we got a good tenant review from the airbnb hosts!
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btsqualityy · 1 year
Girl I’m still Ireland lol 😭 my month long holiday is in June, I haven’t gone anywhere yet 😂
But I’ll break it down for @heartfeltscribblings and for anyone curious!
So in Ireland, people pay PRSI (Pay Related Social Income), which is deducted from your salary and that means you’re entitled to certain social welfare benefits.
The standard €30 eye test is free for me because I’m covered and it’s also free with medical card. I paid an extra €10 for a retinal scan which isn’t covered then I only paid for the frame and I paid extra just for the anti glare lens. I was gonna pay €220 all in all but some of the lenses is covered by PRSI so I got a €70 deduction and ended up paying €147. It really depends on the frame, lens like anti glare, varifocals, bifocals, transitional lens etc. Obviously, the more stuff you want to add, the more you’re paying
It’s not as bad when you see it on paper but I have extra stuff to spend the end of the month before I go home 😭 I just realised that my balayage is more expensive than my glasses 😂
Interesting breakdown lol
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feb 5 23
alright here's another dump:
Today was weird in the sense that I not only had standing social plans but also answered an impromptu call to hang out with someone else beforehand. This may not sound impressive to anyone else but I genuinely cannot remember the last time I made plans with people from two different circles in one day. Furthermore I have vague plans tomorrow with K****** (member of an entirely separate THIRD circle) to help hang up her curtains--this one almost feels the most impressive, as an informal arrangement that developed naturally through casual conversation at work on Saturday.
To be clear I am not actually as woefully socially inept as the last paragraph is implying. I have made and maintained many friendships in my twentysfanlg years, and even successfully attended many social gatherings and rendezvous! Really it's still just the comparison to 2022, how the difference is still honestly unbelievable from my life now and a few months ago.
On one hand this process of societal reintegration is a bit astonishing (what do you mean I can just--go and get coffee with a friend? What do you mean I can sit in the sunlight with people who are nice to me and talk about nothing?) and on the other I am finding myself totally forgetting to remember it was ever anything different.
This is dangerous of me, forgetting to remember. Need to remember. Need to be grateful. Need to reschedule my last therapy appointment and go to AA and be cognizant of who I am and how bad it can get.
The impromptu plans were with J***, whose 8 am text asking if I wanted to get breakfast I only saw at 10 am when I woke up. I replied while still in bed sans contact lenses that I'd be down for lunch or an equivalent instead. He picked me up within a half an hour or so to tag along on his next errand, which was watering the plants in the apartment he was housesitting.
It was a 1br in the P***** building (belonging to his friends, long-time partners and start-up work-from-homers the way everyone is these days) and satisfied the mild curiosity I'd had surrounding those apartments since they opened 6ish years ago. (Smaller than I'd thought. White walls, tall ceilings. No windows in the bedroom, I don't think. Same exact oven and dishwasher as our own house.)
It was probably a mistake to bring me considering my penchant for monumentally fucking up any and all house-/plant-/housesitting gigs, and I told him as much after I had spilled the coffee he made us across the counter and stood witness to his tangling of a vined plant when he took it out of its macrame plant holder.
(We stood by the sink with me holding the top of the macrame rope and him unsuccessfully attempting to detangle the thin wispy vines from the fabric. It registered as a pleasant exercise in whatever passes for intimacy for me these days. Standing close and working together, not touching, talking about nothing without really being heard nor needing to.)
We went to the building's roof where it was too bright and too windy. He talked excitedly about how he'd figured out how to make his body throat-sing and played a few clips of his favorite throat-singing songs. I (more concerned with blocking the sun from my eyes and wind from my hair) couldn't tell if he was wanting me to ask him to demonstrate so I didn't. I told him about H teaching herself to whistle and the first clear note she managed after a year of enduring her flat and wet attempts. Something nice in realizing you can still teach your body how to do something, we agreed.
Back inside he told me he'd thought he'd finally cracked religion, or at least his definition of it. Could not pretend to record it as coherent as he said it, but the gist: Start with the fact that there is a God, and that God manifests as the underlying principles that guide the universe's machinations. The transitive property is god. Chemical formulas are God. The closest we will get to seeing God (maybe my own insertion here) is witnessing these rules in practice, and trusting their permanence.
And then---there was a second part, and I'm sure probably more he didn't say, but I can't remember it. I think a bit of all-religions-are-true, even if most have been manipulated as institutions to preserve wealth and power. The intent behind them is still valuable. Etc.
I told him it sounded interesting but felt very logos-heavy, where's the ethos? And he said yeah, it was definitely more attuned to reasoning than revelations, which was funny because historically religions tended to utilize revelations more heavily. And I said yeah, I feel like in terms of amassing followers that's your best bet, tapping into that emotional core, and he said but I'm not trying to amass followers, and I said I know, I just meant in the historical sense.
Part of me does wonder about his attempts to figure this out without plans to preach it, however informally. Part of me wonders if he is trying to convert me, however informally. I don't know how I feel about God. I feel like I should be more interested in an academic sort of way after such a formative childhood exposure to the church and my clumsy attempts to discern my own value system separate from it.
Maybe I am scared to actually decide what I think a good person is, because then I will be forced to admit I am not one?
? Hard to say. Much to think about.
The longstanding plans for today were with B*** et al, a candle-making soiree we had planned the last time we all hung out in January. I had a mild to medium time I think, although H was too sick/overwhelmed with homework to come and there was no one there I was completely comfortable with. B had outdone herself as a hostess, turned it into an early Galentine's thing with endless charcuterie boards and personalized chocolate boxes for each of us.
I feel weird around other women. This is a slightly dishonest presentation of the true feeling, which is probably: I often feel weird in moderately sized groups of people, especially in a setting like this in which we are not all perfectly compatible nor meant to be. Classmates and roommates and classmates of roommates and ex-roommates of classmates of roommates. And that this sort of gathering tends to be with primarily other women.
My social anxiety has matured enough to realize it is not a moral failing if I don't always have the right thing to say to some of these people but I do still resent the obligatory embarrassment when I don't. I'm never going to know what to say to K****e's sex jokes or A*****'s stilted attempts at polite conversation, sorry!
What should have been a comfort but actually just made things more tense: the fact that there were two other girls there also experiencing the slow burn of not fitting in:
L****, one of B's older friends, seemed downright miserable as she stood awkwardly in different corners and seemed to glare when anyone laughed. She left before we even made the candles, although I think she had other plans to get to. Again, my own social anxiety has matured enough to recognize when others' anxiety manifests in off-putting ways (God knows I do this enough), but--the resulting tension is hard to ignore.
And ******?, whose name I have unfortunately entirely forgotten, despite her staying for longer than I did. Was in B & E & K's cohort. Seemed a bit on the spectrum (aren't we all!) and prone to saying the wrong thing. Made a bit more sense when she mentioned she'd been very sheltered in Catholic school. Felt bad when I realized she was not entirely liked by the rest of the group.
But what can you do? Sometimes people simply do not click with each other! This is fine!
I don't know. I am a bit exhausted with meeting new people and having to identify then temper all their little idiosyncrasies. I miss being young and people seeming perfect. Intentionally written characters from a franchised series whose characteristics were recognized tropes, and whose dialogue was always sharp and plot-driving, and whose motivations always made sense.
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zozophoenixxx · 3 years
Serotonin Booster :D 🐉
How to train your dragon edition
Here are some things I had forgotten or little details I just noticed on my rewatch, maybe even Unpopular Opinions 🤭👀
✨Race to the Edge✨
I love how the twins were basically the reason Hiccup figured out that Johan was the spy
Omg that fight between Hiccup and Stoick in ep2 was crazy whenever Stoick said "I'm talking to the expert in getting duped by Trader Johan" and THEN HICCUP WAS LIKE "but I was only duped for half as long as you were. So what does that make you?"
Awww the way both Toothless and Skull-crusher were trying to get them to talk
And also Astrid being the only one that wasn't caught by the Hunters right away, she's just superior bro
I love how both of them were right - Stoick was right to not trust the merchants and Hiccup was right about Johan's plan
Toothless is actually so strong like he's not only agile and clever, I mean he just flew up to the ballista and crashed against it and destroyed it without using his Plasma Blast 😎🤩
Mala and Dagur fighting over where the Dragon Eye lenses are gonna be hidden is hilarious. Mala is so calm I love it
I got chills when Atali was like "no, Hiccup, this is my island I will defend it"
I really want to know the origin of the Wingmaidens, like where did all these women come from? How come they're still there?
I love Minden and Snotlout's relationship, the way he tried to convince her to not give up AND SHE KISSED HIM!!!
Krogan's Singetail actually cares about him
Never gonna get over Adelaide Kane voicing Mala
Generations ago Fishlegs's ancestors were dragon hunters
The Loyal Order of Ingerman - decimated the Dramillion dragons, pushing them to the brink of extinction
Grump is amazing I love him
Dramillions - have both a lava blast and a magnesium blast. Omnivores. Still being hunted.
The Hunters were founded by Ingar Ingerman
The Dramillion trying to take the manacle off his tail🥺
And when Fishlegs threw his helmet and THEN THE HAND THING 😭🥺
I love the Dramillions they're so smart they learned how to get rid of the manacles by just looking at what Meatlug and Stormfly were doing 🥺
I just realized that the twins are 19 AND I FIND THAT ABSOLUTELY CRAZY HOW CAN THEY BE THAT OLD
I really wish we knew each of their birthdays like I wanna know which one's older and which one's younger
I feel like for some reason the twins would be the oldest ones then Fishlegs then Astrid then Snotlout and lastly Hiccup. Idk I'm still iffy on this
Most Thorstons don't make it to 19
I love the twins' relationship, they love each other so much that they would rather be alone and not form part of a clan than leave each other alone and the fact that other people know this too? Plsss like the only reason Gruffnut got them back into the fake induction trials was by telling them how bad it'd be for each other to not be part of a clan.
"Ughh, what's the point of winning alone? Being a Thorston means nothing without him. We are one Thorston."
I love them and also technically Ruffnut won the induction trials.
Love how Fishlegs cares about global warming
I'm all Snotlout, Toothless and the Triple Stryke reacting to Mala and Dagur- I'm also Mala whenever someone tickles me I'LL KILL U
Astrid overthinking 🥺😭
"How would you like your yak cooked?" JSHDHHA
bro I love how both Tuff and Toothless noticed the betrothal necklace
"So want to deliver some scrap metal?" Hiccup baby? Why are you so oblivious?
At least he asked her if she was alright in the armorwing's island 😩
No but if I was Astrid I'd be pissed too, the dude saw a dragon eye lens from far way and didn't notice her betrothal necklace? 🙂😤
No I can't that scene was too harsh to watch, I mean I loved to see Hiccup noticing something was wrong with Astrid but then the way Astrid compared their relationship to Mala and Dagur's and then threw him the betrothal necklace... And the way he caught it too I can't- 😭😞😖😭😓🤧
Seeing the twins trying to capture Mala was hilarious JAHDHDHHSHA
I love how when they're fighting Astrid's still there for him whenever he's expected to have all the answers. She ignored her anger and went over to him and grabbed his hand and that single thing was what gave him confidence in a moment of panic 🥺
"I'm with you"
"I know"
That final Hiccstrid scene in Mi Amore Wing was just too perfect, we have Hiccup grabbing Astrid's hand to bring her outside and talk to her, the sunset in the background, every little thing Hiccup told her about being there for her and loving her with everything he had and that he should've noticed the necklace right away AND THEN THAT KISS WAS JUST AMAZING❗️❗️❗️ it was passionate and sweet and Astrid was blushing and then Fishlegs was all uncomfortable and Mala was like "okaaayyyyy😏" and Dagur like "alrighhtttt👌🏼" ig the only thing I didn't like is that Astrid didn't say I love you back 😭 but it's ok cause yk she does I just wished she had said it.
Baby razorwhips love the water
Tuffnut named the baby razorwhip that bonded with Ruffnut, Wingnutt
Top scenes of Ruff Transition ep7
Tuffnut throwing up in Ruffnut's mouth and Ruffnut throwing up in Wingnutt's mouth just do that he could be fed- seeing the windmaiden's reactions is the best lmao
Hiccup trying to teach Ruffnut how to fly (with his dragon flight suit) and then Ruffnut losing balance but Hiccup helping her regain it BUT we still get overprotective Tuffnut jumping off of Toothless to try and help but all he did was make things worse HIS SCREAM WAS HILARIOUS nonono and the way Toothless tried to help BUT AGAIN MADE THINGS WORSE 😩😮‍💨😂
Ruffnut finally figuring out how to connect with Wingnutt and fighting the dragon hunters and saving Atali was so badass and then Atali riding Barf 😭🤩
Hiccstrid kiss count (approximately) : 6😘
The way he slightly and carefully touches her face to reassure her that he'll be fine
The Singetail's only predator is the Skrill
The Berserkers used to use metal daggers to lure Skrills into traps. The dragon is drawn to it due to its electrical properties
If I could have any dragon it'd be in this order
Skrill - it's so badass and powerful
Nightfury - it's badass, powerful, pretty, strong and fast
Deadly Nadder - it's extremely fast and agile, has multiple attacks and the spikes
Dramillion - has multiple attacks and is very smart
Just realized that ep8 is called Triple Cross because 1st Johan crossed Viggo 2nd Viggo fake crossed Hiccup and 3rd Viggo and Hiccup crossed Johan and Kogan
That episode was basically jusr to show Viggo's arc and the way he changed for the better and learned to respect dragons
That's why the Singetails wouldn't leave in ep9 whenever they were trying tp free the Deathsong- their eggs! They're in that island.
I can't with Hiccup and Astrid sitting together just chilling but with Astrid feeling guilty and Hiccup assuring her that he was also at fault 😭
I love Narrator/Author Snotlout! The titles of the chapters of his book remind me of the ones from Pjo
Stoick and Skullcrusher acting as 1 and being worried about each other 🥺 I love their relationship
Also the way Stoick bats off the shots from the Singetails with his axe just like Astrid. They're both truly warriors
No but Toothless asking for a head scratch from Gobber bc he's worried abt both Hiccup and Stoick🥺
The way Toothless tried to make Hiccup feel better- I mean the man blamed himself for putting Stoick in "his deathbed" it was just so awful seeing Hiccup in that state and the way everyone was trying to make him feel better but it was ultimately Astrid who managed to get through to him😭
I love it when they put scenes of the movies
I love how Astrid always knows what to say without lying
Looks like it's you and me, then.
Always... was that corny or-
Probably. Nice, though.
The way Astrid is so natural at being a leader and putting everyone on their places 🤩
That lil moment they had in ep12 where he holds her face and thanks her for everything and I just love them too much 😭
I love how Spitelout is so happy when he's beating ass, this dude literally goes "I'm sure I've had more fun than this. But at the moment, I can't remember when"
Have I mentioned I love the Dramillions before? I love them way too much they're amazing and the sound they make is so 😩 I love it
The Dramillion is a distant cousin of the Changewing which means the Titanwing Dramillion shares the de-cloaking ability with its subspecies.
Stormfly's spine clone was literally so badass, my girl was surrounded and she finished every single dragon flyer with it. Badass move. Wish we had seen it more throughout the series
It really pissed me off that Hiccup had to choose between getting Tuff, Ruff and Snotlout out of that sinking ship when he could've been following Krogan. Like ofc it was the right decision but that wouldn't have happened if the twins and Snotlout didn't follow Gruff into the ship :/
I love how strong Barf and Belch are! They literally carried the a Titanwing Dramillion on their own.
That scene when they figured out that the Titanwing Dramillion is not the King of Dragons but instead the last piece of the puzzle to get to the King of Dragons
When the Wingmaidens got to the battle it was amazing
Also the way Dagur was so proud that the King of Dragons was a Berserker and how Ruff was so excited to see Wingnutt and Snotlout to see Minden🥺
that last Hiccstrid Scene where Hiccup is worried about Astrid's safety- I mean his face 🥺🥺🥺 and she told him that his dad would be proud and that she's proud too and when she was about to leave he held her back and kissed her 😭😭
Ik I said this before but I simp for Astrid as a leader, she's just so natural at it
Also I love how the King of Dragons has ice powers instead of fire
Valka being friends with the Wingmaidens sits absoluteky right with me
no but the way Toothless hesitated when Hiccup told him to leave him and get the egg
I love how all the dragons arrived to fight the dragon flyers, it was just so poetical to me, the dragons finally getting to fight the people that hurt them 🤩
I FINISHED IT AND NOW I'M SAD!!! I loved the end tho and I'm glad we got to see Shattermaster at Dagur's wedding, also Astrid's outfit change- we love that. And them leaving the edge is just so sad bro 😭but I love how we got to see some "insight" ig u could call it on HTTYD2 😭 also seeing Snotlout and Fishlegs's love for Ruffnut start forming was hilarious
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sodiumironite · 3 years
Tumblr media
3-year-old Fena never thought she’d ever be without glasses again but !!hullo here we are! 😳 All those years of six-monthly-reviews and 1%-atropine-eyedrops (yes friends I was the guinea pig you learnt about in eye posting) and transition lenses, and this quite doesn’t solve the problems that come with severe myopia but at least I can see more than 10cm in front of me now!! 💫 Swipe to see photos of smol fena in spectacles and what this girl has been seeing without her glasses all this time (which is… not very much LOL) Kinda miss my specs-face and being able to escape to that blurry world and also being able to hide all my eyebags, but momma is just all “this is your original face what too bad” and “wah finally can put away those glasses; everytime I see those thick lens I want to throw them away” like !?!?? hallo she’s been wanting to do what for 23 years ??? 23/7/21; which also means I have an excuse to skip studying on small screens and watch the Olympics on the big screen instead 🌚 https://www.instagram.com/p/CRv1B7vlCmMln21qaA7whdPBaJtH0t9B9YD8Aw0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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binch-i-might-be · 3 years
Hey Ray! Just woke up about ten minutes ago. Saw your post about sending asks. Bad night’s sleep for me but 🤷🏻‍♂️. I might have an exciting day. Kinda waiting to hear from my brother because he was supposed to come visit for a few days like, 2 weeks ago, and the most concrete answer we’ve gotten since was today or tomorrow. I had a GREAT day with my Dad yesterday :) we FINALLY got to go to a local farm stand that sells fresh af produce and other local goodies and we got a BUTTLOAD of stuff (side note: for some reason, “buttload” is one of my most common phrases for emphasizing scope or amount, but I’m curious if I’ve been using it while writing comments or messages or asks with you 🤔 - I’m almost entirely sure that I picked it up from House [MD] and oh fuck. I just realized that I kinda wanna rant in a good way on the impact that show had on me in a great and meaningful way :’). That’s more so for messages though, not an ask. But I vividly remember this one scene where House is made to ration his pain pills, and he’s Not Doing Well ™️ and he kinda makes a scene in a place he shouldn’t to his boss saying something like “I’m in a buttload of pain, I need a buttload of pills”. And I think that undiagnosed chronic pain life is why that phrasing and moment always stuck with me, even though I MUCH preferred either the next episode or the one after that). Aaaaanyway. Long story long, I’m excited for today - in about an hour and a half, I have an appointment to see about getting prescription sunglasses because the pair that I got from this optometrist was/is the first of too many pairs of prescription glasses that I’ve gotten and have worn for more than a week or two. Like, I don’t like to walk out onto my porch without these glasses on. Like, it’s a BIG DEAL ™️ for me that I finally wear glasses like I’m supposed to (I can see adequately without glasses, but my glasses obviously help me quite a bit and they reduce eye strain). There are two reasons - one silly to probably everybody else but me which I’ll explain through a message at some point, and the other just really fucking helpful - that I think THIS is the pair that stuck, even though my three, maybe four pairs prior to this one were my literal dream pairs that I had been waiting to have my whole life, just about, in terms of style and fit of the frames. But one of those two reasons is because I got transition lenses to help with my recently worsened sensory sensitivity to light. But yeah. They help a lot, but with the summer here, I’ve realized that even the transition lenses don’t help me with how fucking BRIGHT things are, and since they have my prescription and are probably the nicest glasses people I’ve ever worked with, I figured I’d go and check it out. I also can’t wait to read your replies to my recent comments on Green Eyes - funny, I just noticed there, how similar my mind views /Green Eyes/ and /Thin Ice/ 🤔 and I’m gonna stop this ask because I think I’ve been typing this a LITERAL half hour and I was supposed to take a med :P
Hi AJ!
Oof, hope you're alright and that your day was/is going good!
Ohhh that sounds great!! Fresh af produce SLAPS
(honestly I can't actually remember an instance where you've used it? you might have, but if you did, it's not overused)
God, I used to binge House MD! I loved that show a couple years ago, and I would love to get back into it :')
I remember that scene! And tbh I love this man even though he's a massive dick, but like, a justified dick?? He's in pain, give him a break!
I don't know a lot about glasses or prescriptions, but I hope it works out for you! I also have some sort of sensory sensitivity issues with light, I literally can't see shit when the sun is shining and I NEED my sunglasses lmao
Mine don't have prescriptions tho, even though I probably do need glasses with a very low prescription, but I'm too lazy to go find some glasses people lol
Ha, I kinda got a lil excited in some places in my replies! Hope you don't mind lmao
AJ LMAO take your med before you type out an ask for me for half an hour!!! /lh
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teacup-tyrant · 3 years
On this episode: Kaz and Inej have a lovers quarrel, I still love editing and scene transitions, Pekka Rollins is a bag of dicks, and a bunch of really good quotes.
- Oh ok the title screens are all different, cool
- Again with the scene transitions mimicking body movements, good editing, good editing
- Oh damn Kaz is scrambling to make a plan and then him and Inej are fighting, I love it. AHA and he feels bad about it when she walks away. (My roommate just woke up and I had to rewind this part and be like "LOOK, LOOK AT THEM." her response to Kaz was: *shakes head* "Idiot." Lololol)
- If y’all thought Kaz was a drama queen HAH he is nothing compared to the Darkling. Full disclosure, I don’t like the Darkling so this will be me seeing if Ben can change my mind. God, his eyes are SO BIG, it's like he’s wearing circle lenses but he isn’t.
- YES, FIRST CANE WALLOPING, GET EM BOY-O!!! Oh Jesus, I yelled when they smashed Kaz's face on the desk. YOU GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIS CANE, I WILL KILL YOU MYSELF. That is some good rage in Kaz's eyes there, as there should be with Pekka.
-“And dump you in the harbor” Pekka says, omfg this hurts meeee, this hurts me so much. Book readers, we know how important that was
- "Never make decisions out of fear, only out of spite." AHAHA that is an excellent Kazy line, 10/10 would spite again
- Scene transitions on the word “go.” Sorry, I’m going to be on about their scene transitions the entire time, get used to it
-There’s kind of a mix of various accents between everyone and every country and I like that
- Is that a fucking furry outside the Menagerie, Jesus Christ ahahaha. Ok laughing over, this scene is going to break me I just know it
- Ah yes, a removing of all the hidden knives trope scene. Classic.
- Why did she call Inej "little bird?" No no Nina is a bird. Should she not have called Inej a lynx?
- I do really like Heleen's office though. I like her peacock stained glass window.
- Ayyy he’s a slaver, why not kill him? 2 years down the line and Inej would do that job for nothing. So I suppose this is the... her getting to that stage part. This is pre-SoC Inej, remember. No killing. Yet.
- Also, jfc this one 6 hour night is going to last forever isn’t it?
- Ok so apparently Jesper and Inej have some secrets about each other they know and then Kaz appears and WOOOOSH goodbye she is gone
- Noooo I was enjoying these scenes so much, I I don’t want to go back to Ravka yet, let me stay here in Ketterdam :(
- Fedyor is cute. I like him and I like his accent, I wish they all sounded like him
- Shaky cam for inside a carriage always makes it more believable, good good
- Oh a tree in the road, you say? Call Kaz, he’ll help, he’ll get her outa there
- So this is all wonderfully violent so far, which made Netflix give it its adult rating I assume and I’m loving it ahaha sorry.
- Ohhhh the Druskelle are here! I just heard one yell "drusje." NICE
- "Listen to their heartbeats, how many are there." Ohhh that is a clever use of grisha power, I like that
- Oh shit, Darkling with a running dismount, epic
- I don’t like how these Fjerdians look like thugs. Maybe it’s just their camouflage uniforms. But I pictured them more... regal-looking since Druskelle are such an honorable straight-laced bunch. Uniforms could have reinforced that trait
- Oh my god, the cut just sliced that dude in half. Brutal.
- Jesper said he wants a demo man; Wesper stans are frothing at the mouth
- I don’t like how much they call Kaz "boss." Maybe that' because I don’t want him being the boss because he shouldn’t be a boss yet, but that’s just my book brain taking
- "That’s evil." "It’s what I would do." Hahahaaaaa yes, Kaz, tell us more about how evil you are. And also he touched his arm and Kaz was like WOAH WOAH, STEADY ON
- So Inej refuses to kill, does she? Well that’s gonna change and it’s gonna be tragic and painful. I’m here for it eh heh heh
- Even the Darkling's hankie is black. So on brand.
- Oh he pronounced Druskelle correctly. Good job, considering Ben Barnes recorded himself saying all the words and sent it to the entire cast. He was Production Dad to all these young fresh actors and I just think that’s beautiful.
- Is he riding a Frisian? I need to know. For science. Because goddamn if those horses not the most beautiful in the entire world. They are literally hair goals.
- Was that just SOME RANDOM DUDE riding a horse that was used in every promo shot?!?! Ahahaha that’s hilarious. It’s not Kaz in a fancy coat sorry lololol
- POPPY. An instant favorite new character for everyone. "Yes, you snoop." This is fucking amazing, best scene of this episode hands down
- Little Palace still looks French with Russian onion domes slapped on top. Ok.
- The Darkling has such a haughty presence. His nose is always up in the air. Yes, you're better than everyone else, we get it. Also, I cannot stress how much I love the Ravka theme music
- Oh Alina my girl, let me hug you. I would like to live in her bedroom; I would host so many tea parties
- "When our closest friend is in trouble we do foolish things." Cuts to Kaz. LOL. More magical editing at work.
- Oh god, Kaz just staked the Crow Club on her.
- I’m glad we’re staying in Ketterdam for a while and not like immediately fucking off to Ravka bc that’s a little what it felt like in SoC. Because I love Ketterdam and I want to stay there as much as possible. Also, my autocorrect keeps trying to change it to Rotterdam and yep yep, it's right but also, no.
- Ok. Lemme dish here for a sec. MY THEORY about how he’s the boss and not per Haskell how we’re going to get there by the end of the series is coming together. Helen says it’s “all yours to lose” and I think he IS going to lose it and that’s how we’re going to get to the dregs. Somehow Haskell will take over the gang and the club and he’ll hold Inejs contact and Kaz is going to have to work his way back up to get it. Calling it now.
- (*edit - so in hindsight... I guess Kaz did actually lose it? Until Alina gives him some fancy jewelry to sell in a deus ex machina move. We don't really know what else happened while they were away. Idk. Jury's still out. What do you think of my theory?)
ep1 | ep2 | ep3 | ep4 | ep5 | ep6 | ep7 | ep8
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This one was requested by the lovely @daughter-of-pan12​:
“Hey I was wondering if you could do a request I have about Scott from teenwolf I was wondering if the story could be based off of halseys music video colors but Scott and the reader end up together in the end.”
So my darling, I changed things up a bit from the video but I still hope you enjoyed it!!
Masterlist Want Me to Ship You?
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“Since when do you play tennis?” You asked Scott with amusement, smile on your face as he walked over to you from the tennis court.
“I don’t. Trying something new because Coach asked me to.” Scott shrugged, taking a seat next to you on the bleachers.
“Asked or demanded?”
“A little bit of both?”
The two of you shared a laugh.
“Well, plus side is, I may or may not have blackmail material. It depends.”
You showed him the photos you took of him playing on your camera. You were on the yearbook committee so you taking pictures wasn’t completely out of the norm.
“Depends on what?”
“If you like tennis...and how you feel about the shorts.” 
Scott chuckled and looked down at his legs. If you didn’t know how he felt about them, you couldn’t use them against him. But then again, maybe he wouldn’t mind you teasing him. It’s something that hasn’t been brought up yet but Scott liked you...a lot. He didn’t know if you felt the same. I mean, even when he’s oblivious to it, sometimes he swears you’re flirting with him...so he’ll flirt back.
There were a few instances where you both caught the other staring at each other in class. Stiles had talked to him over and over about just asking you out. He was able to ask Allison and Kira...why was it so different with you? Maybe because with Allison and Kira, they were more romantic in the beginning while he’d been friends with you first. Would asking you out ruin that friendship if it doesn’t work out?
No. Not with you. You were too amazing to let a relationship ruin your friendship...assuming it ended amicably and neither of you didn’t do anything to mess it up. But he’d have to actually ask you out before this could even be an idea.
“Shorts aren’t that bad. I could go a little looser.”
You smiled and shook your head, a small laugh leaving you.
“Then these pictures aren’t what I hoped. Unless--”
“Not in the yearbook. I’m not on the tennis team.”
“Damn that’s true.”
Scott looked up to see Stiles stop walking. He then pulled out his phone and Scott’s phone chimed. 
“Why is Stiles standing there staring at us?” You asked, slightly perplexed.
“I don’t know.” Scott replied, pulling out his phone.
But he knew. He knew that Stiles wanted to give you guys some time alone. 
Did you ask her yet?
Scott sighed and looked up at Stiles who held up his arms as if to say, “huh?”. Scott quickly typed his reply and sent it.
“Hey, so are you going--” Scott started before his phone chimed again, interrupting him.
Scott turned his phone on silent and put it back in his pocket.
“It’s okay. Judging by your reaction it’s not important pack business.”
“No, it’s just Stiles being Stiles.”
“Is it explaining why he’s still staring at us instead of coming over?”
“No. It’s a long story.”
“Anyway, you were asking me something?”
“Oh yeah, um, are you going to the carnival this weekend?”
“Yeah. Me and a couple of us were told to go take pictures for yearbook.” You replied, slightly unenthusiastically.
“You don’t sound excited about that.” Scott let out a small chuckle.
“I’m kinda not because that means I’m going for fun reasons.”
“Well, do you wanna go with me? You can get some pictures and we can have fun...like a date.”
You froze for a moment, your eyes widened in surprise. Scott McCall is asking you out on a date? HOLY CRAP! You’ve liked him for the longest time, like since the end of elementary school, and he wants to take you out…
“Or we can go as friends, it doesn’t have to be a date.” Scott backtracked after your pause in response.
“No, no that’s not it.” You replied quickly after he backtracked. “It’s just--are you sure you’re asking the right person on a date?”
“Unless you’re not the real Y/N Y/L/N, I’m sure I have the right person.” He smiled at you brightly.
“Yeah. Of course. I mean, if you want.”
“I--” You smiled, letting out a small laugh because you still couldn’t believe it. “I would like that.”
“And maybe we can invite Liam and Hayden. Double date for less stress and we’d be able to get some pictures for the yearbook.”
“That’d be great.”
The two of you shared bright smiles.
“MCCALL!” Coach called from behind them.
The mood was ruined, Coach’s voice startling the both of you as he called out to Scott from the tennis courts.
“Last I checked, Y/L/N isn’t a tennis ball or racket!” Coach Finstock continued as he walked over to the bleachers. “You flirt on your own time, two laps each!”
“Wha--me too?” You motioned to yourself in shock.
“You too, Y/L/N, get going!”
“I’m not even in--” You were interrupted by Coach’s whistle.
“That’s another for the both of you!”
You looked over to Scott in surprise before you both started laughing. What the hell?
Beacon Hills High School was throwing a fundraiser to raise money for the sports teams. The fundraiser was done in the form of the carnival. 
“What should we do first?” Liam asked the group of you.
“Actually, we’ll meet up with you guys a little later. Y/N’s gotta take pictures for the yearbook so I wanna get that out of the way for her.” Scott replied, small smile on his face as he looked over to you.
“Yeah. We’ll see you guys in an hour?” Hayden agreed.
“Sounds like a plan.” You confirmed. You turned to Scott as Liam and Hayden walked away. “You didn’t have to do that. You could’ve gone with them while I walked around and took some pictures.”
“We’re on a date. For me, this is part of it and it’s not like we can’t have fun getting your pictures.”
Scott smiled and took your camera bag from off your shoulder. He opened it up and passed you the camera and one of the lenses he recognized from the previous day. You couldn’t help but smile as you attached the lens and put the strap around your neck. Scott had already zipped up the bag and put it on his shoulder before offering you his hand.
“You ready?” He asked.
“Yeah.” You replied.
The two of you walked around for the hour, taking pictures of some of the students as they played some games, ate some of the fried foods and the rides.
Your last stop of the photo tour, per Scott’s suggestion, was the ferris wheel and a photo from the top overlooking the carnival. 
“Thanks for doing this with me, Scott.” You told him as the ferris wheel moved.
“No problem. It was fun.” Scott insisted with a light nudge of his shoulder. “We should definitely eat after we find Liam and Hayden.”
“Oh, that’s a given. I mean, we shared cotton candy but we need solid food.” 
“I was thinking by the end of the night we try that deep fried twinkie you were talking about when we passed it.”
“I’m telling you...it’s really good. Hey, so I know we have spent the first hour of our date getting my work done before we go on a ‘date’ date, but I’m having a lot of fun.”
“I’m glad. Maybe we didn’t need the Liam/Hayden filter after all.”
“I think it helps that we were friends first. It helped us to be comfortable, I think.”
Scott put his arm around your shoulders before he pointed to the sunset as the two of you got to the top of the ferris wheel.
“It’s beautiful.”
“So are you.” Scott made a face and smiled. “That was so corny but it’s true.”
You laughed and shook your head. It felt like the right moment for this. It seemed Scott knew it too because he leaned in, meeting you halfway, for a kiss.
You and Scott have been together for the past month and so far, everything was awesome. Scott was an amazing friend but was also an amazing boyfriend. The transition from friendship to relationship was shockingly easy. 
“So I was thinking maybe we can hang out at your house tonight. My parents are gonna be home and to be honest, I don’t wanna deal with the questions.” You suggested, closing your locker.
“Have you told them about us?” Scott asked curiously.
“Yeah. I just don’t want to divulge into our relationship with them just yet and then my dad tries the whole, “I have a shotgun,” thing.”
“Does your dad really have a shotgun?”
“He says he does but I haven’t seen it.” 
“Okay. We’ll have to stop by the store after school so we can get some snacks. I promised my mom I’d buy some milk anyway.”
“Sounds good. Oh, real quick, you mind holding my camera? I have to pee real quick.”
“Yeah sure.”
Scott accepted your camera, putting the strap around his neck as you rounded the corner to the bathroom. While he waited, he turned on your camera to look through the photos on them. He smiled when he saw the ones of the two of you saved on the memory card. He scrolled to see you and him and your friends...but then...what the hell was Theo doing on your memory card in between pictures of you guys? 
Why were there more than one of Theo? What the holy hell? Why were these saved in with pictures of you guys? Were you into Theo and just settling for him?
“Thanks.” You told Scott as you walked over to him. 
You suddenly felt the change of Scott’s mood. Before you could ask him what was wrong, Scott pulled the strap over his head before showing you the picture on the screen.
“Why do you have pictures of Theo saved on here?” Scott asked, irritability in his tone.
“Do I? I thought I deleted those.” You replied with a shrug.
“How do you not remember? You have pictures we took last week and a couple more weeks ago saved in between these pictures.” Scott pushed the camera into your hands. “What the hell, Y/N?”
“Why are you getting so mad, it was a simple mistake?” Your tone changed to match his.
“Is it? Because you did have a crush on him before.”
“A lot has happened since then, Scott.”
“Well, it looks to me that maybe you still have something for Theo and you’re just settling with me.”
“How could you say that? I--”
“If you wanna be with Theo then go.” Scott shook his head and stormed off.
“Scott!” You called out but he didn’t even turn around.
What the hell just happened? You have never seen him get so jealous like that let alone jump to conclusions like that. The reason you had those photos were innocent. You sighed to yourself, fighting the tears and turned around to walk the other way to class.
“I think you read too much into it.” Stiles told Scott.
“I don’t know, man.” Scott sighed. “She used to like Theo.”
“And a lot happened since she liked him. He turned out to be a dick in so many ways and knowing Y/N, that crush died when he manipulated her too in his crappy plan.”
“But then Liam brought him back...she even mentioned that she thinks he deserved a second chance after what he’d been through where he was.”
“Doesn’t mean she likes him again. Look, she may have liked Theo but she’s liked you longer than him.”
“What?” Scott looked up to Stiles in surprise.
“Dude, I’ve been telling you for the longest time but you didn’t believe me. Maybe since she decided boys didn’t have cooties anymore, she’s liked you. She wouldn’t “settle” for you like you think she is. You know Y/N, Scott. She would never do that to you.”
“Then why wouldn’t she delete the pictures of Theo in her camera?”
“Maybe she has a good explanation for that. You’re being ridiculous and a dumb, jealous boyfriend. She hasn’t given you a reason to be.”
Scott knew that Stiles was right. You never gave him a reason to be jealous and he didn’t know why he was being like this. He could blame whatever but at the end of the day, there was no excuse for how he acted. He owed you the biggest apology.
“I gotta go. I need to talk to Y/N.” Scott said to his best friend.
“Yes, go. Let me know how it goes.” Stiles urged.
Scott texted you before he got onto his bike and drove to your house. You were waiting on the porch, sitting on the steps as he pulled up.
“Hey.” He called out as he took off his helmet.
“Hey.” You replied with small shrug, a tinge of sadness in your tone.
“I owe you an apology.” Scott told you as he sat down next to you. “I was being a jealous jerk for no reason.”
“You were.” You agreed with him. 
“I should’ve let you explain.”
“You should’ve.”
“I let some insecurities I haven’t felt in a while get the best of me. I thought the worst because I remembered that you used to like Theo and then my mind went to how you might think he was better looking than me and I just fell down that rabbit hole.”
“Scott, the whole thing with Theo? That was over for a while. I could never be with someone who pretty much broke us all apart and pretty much killed you.”
“I know. I’m really sorry.”
“You know the only reason I have those pictures on there were for yearbook? I thought I deleted the files when I uploaded them to the computer at school so I never bothered to check.. And there were so many because he didn’t like how they turned out and I had no choice but to humor him.”
Scott felt stupid. Of course it was for that reason. He really should’ve given you the benefit of the doubt.
“I forgive you though.” You added. 
“You do?” Scott’s voice was hopeful.
“Of course. I get insecure too and well…” You pointed up to the sky.
It was a full moon….how did he not realize that? Maybe because he was so caught up with everything going on with his relationship.
You let out the breath you had been holding when Scott shook his head with the look of realization on it.
“I was gonna talk to you tomorrow but you texted me to talk now.”
“It’s no excuse though. But I’m still so sorry.”
“I forgive you. Promise me something though?”
“Even on a full moon, at least try to fight your instincts to walk away so I can explain myself?”
“I’ll try my best.”
You leaned in and kissed him. Apology accepted.
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