If it's still okay, can I ask how the SCS kids would be in general as lovers? How would they be with an s/o? uwu
He's controlling in the kind of way where he's obviously trying to compensate for his own internal issues. Delaney was certain that Angelica would be the last person (outside of his family) that he ever cared about. But now you're in his life, he cares so much, and it makes him panicky. That's why, while he acts like a charming gentleman on the surface, Delaney has some very bad habits in the relationship. He's greedy for your love and terrified of losing you, so he gets possessive of you and jealous of everything else you pay attention to. He just wants to have you— in every way.
It hurts, though. Delaney is genuinely scared to be this attached to someone, and it makes him panicky and frustrated to see his own weakness. He's a bit of a distant lover, yet at the same time, he's desperately clingy and always seeking out your approval. In a lot of ways, his partner becomes a replacement for Angelica, with him developing the same frantic need for them to acknowledge him. He's also highly emotionally immature. Clueless, really.
Highly self-sacrificing. Gwynn is the type of lover who always wants you to be happy, even (and especially) at the cost of his own needs. He's very gentle, caring, and attentive, but that comes with the issue of him constantly trying to put himself down in favor of pleasing you. It makes him nervous for you to pay too much attention to him, so he'll try to keep your focus away from himself and his interests and desires as much as possible. Gwynn thinks that being your lover means bending to your will and giving you what you want no matter how it hurts or distresses him.
However, he's also just sweet. You'll feel safe around him no matter what. Gwynn accepts his partner for every part of them. He tends to overlook negative traits and potential red flags, dismissing them as "just part of you", and nothing to worry about. He wants to take care of you and be useful, bending himself to whatever you want so that you'll feel comfortable around him. And while he's somewhat shy about it, he's very affectionate.
Protective. So, so protective. Since he's never had any kind of relationship outside of his brothers, Braithe only knows how to show fondness the same way he does to them. This means that he's still grouchy and short-tempered, but also very obviously trying to keep you safe. He's not good at affection or closeness. Any advances on your part leave him red-faced and defensive, and yet, he's clingy in a way where there's no mistaking that he cares. You'll always find him doing little things to make your life easier— even though he'll deny that he did them on purpose.
Braithe is also bound to idolize you. Just like it is with Delaney, he starts to see you as someone who can do no wrong. Pessimistic worries about whether or not you'll stay with him are a common issue, though he's massively embarrassed by how unrealistic he's being when the anxiety kicks in. He's nervous about what you're going to want from him, if he'll be able to fulfill it, and if he'll ever really be good enough for someone like you to keep around.
Ah, the disaster incarnate. Argyris is a tough one to be around, especially when you're trying to have him for a lover. When he's actually attached to you, he goes back and forth between near-worshipful adoration and vicious hatred every time he thinks something is going to go wrong. He tries to charm you with his looks and anything else that could possibly catch your attention, but his self-loathing is so great that you can barely touch him without triggering a nasty meltdown. He wants you all to himself at the same time that he can't believe he deserves to have that.
And of course, all of his issues kick in quickly. Since he's used to forever being in the shadow of the "better" twin, Argyris is convinced that you'll eventually find someone better too. He really, really wants to prove that he can be good enough, but every time you're gentle with him, it feels like he's being turned inside out to put all of his most painful, vulnerable places on display. He's terribly possessive and pushes you away all at once.
Especially in the beginning, Auriel is distant. He's the type of person who's too afraid of failure to really try at things, so even in a relationship, he's fearing rejection a lot more than he wants to admit. So he keeps his guard up when interacting with you, always trying to look his best in front of you so you won't realize that he's not the golden child he was always supposed to be. Affection is hard to handle, let alone give, so you're always the one making the first move. Auriel really just doesn't know how to process respecting someone— and he does respect you.
He's also a very jealous one. If you spend any time around Argyris, he'll be furious. That anger is entirely fueled by thinly buried insecurity, though, and it's also precisely what he needs to start showing how much he cares. Even then, he's bad at doing things for you or fulfilling your needs. He loves you, but it's so, so hard to leave his old, selfish habits behind. All of that combined makes him tense and desperate, which isn't exactly a safe combination.
He's uncomfortable to be in a relationship with, in a lot of ways. Viorica is legitimately trying his best to be a good partner for you, but his definition of "good partner" tends to line up more with "emotional punching bag", mostly because he doesn't know anything else. He fully expects you to take out any and all bad feelings on him— both because he deserves it and because he's yours. Somehow, he's both needy and attentive, always wanting more from you at the same time that he acts like he'd give his soul away if you asked for it. It's all incredibly hard to deal with.
Viorica really doesn't know what you want from him. He can't be very pleasant to be around, but you don't make use of him the way he expects, either. And that makes him nervous. At the same time that he obviously adores every aspect of your being, he constantly comes across as nervous and waiting for something bad to hit. It's hard for him to believe that he could really have a good relationship; there has to be some kind of catch, in the end.
Being in a relationship with Umber is a lot like a perpetual babysitting job. He's difficult, to say the very least. Since he feels a massive need to overcompensate for everything he, deep down, thinks is wrong about himself, you're constantly dealing with these attempts to be bigger and better and stronger than he really is. Umber desperately wants to impress you. He loves you, and that just makes him all the more frantic. He's constantly trying to show off and look good, all while missing the mark on what you actually want and need from him as a lover and partner.
Being so massively insecure, Umber has a hard time accepting that you really have feelings for him. He's clingy because he's always scared you're going to leave him and treats you like a servant because that's all he knows how to do. No one's ever seen him as anything but a useless runt before, so all of the attention he gets from you leaves him panicked and needy. You have to manage his worst sides— but he's also easy to feel sorry for.
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fallenlightsif · 10 months
Hola, konnichiwa, and other greetings. I’m on a walk and ended up here. Not a really serious question, and pretty weird, but I like asking these things to see the outcome.
How would the ROs react to a MC who chose only a chair to fight? Out of all weapons they can choose, out of any magical doohickey or clever scheme, they ignore the most obvious choice of weapon and hit the enemy over the head with a chair.
Florian: He's known you since childhood; he's come to expect and be amused by your nonsense.
Marcella: Same as Florian, except she would grab a chair and join in.
E: They've known you since childhood, and they're consistently exasperated by you.
Ari: She'd be confused at first, and would then provide backup so you don't get yourself killed. Expect a firm talking to after the fight.
Dimitri: You worry him so often that he's almost certain he's going to get ulcers from knowing you. He frets at you afterward.
Julian: He's highly amused and cheers you on. Seeing how pissed your opponents get makes his day.
Orion: He will confiscate the chair, sit you in the corner, and then take care of the fighting.
Rowan: They call you a dumbass afterward, but they're laughing. That's a huge win, seeing as Rowan almost never laughs.
Kira: She'll light the chair on fire for you, so now you're throwing a flaming chair. She's an enabler of chaos, so she approves.
Cier: He's also an enabler of chaos, and will hand you more chairs to throw while he lounges and enjoys the show.
Ilaria: Before you can fight with the chair, your enemy is already dead courtesy of her. From the look on her face, you might be next.
Ezrah: Who do you think taught you to fight with a chair in the first place? Him, of course.
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oldsardens · 14 days
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Argyris Stylianidis - Muse
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There was a soft plop as Gia chucked something on the counter. ‘Merry Unbirthday,’ they said.
Maia examined the object. It looked like one of the jester-like hand puppets that had been for sale in Fleur City for the Festival. She shot Gia a quizzical smile. ‘Thanks?’ she said. Gia may have been stoic and unreadable to almost everyone, but those who knew them knew they did have a whimsical streak, so Maia figured they thought the puppet would be a fun souvenir.
But when she picked it up, she realised there was something inside it. She turned it upside down to have a look, only to see the last thing she was ever expecting to find there. After about thirty seconds she looked back up at Gia, whose expression was as neutral as ever.
‘How did you...’ Maia started, but trailed off at the look Gia was giving her. The change in their expression was negligible, yet somehow still conveyed that the answer was the most obvious thing in the world.
‘You wanted one,’ they said plainly. ‘But I knew that when you made the choice to go back, you were giving up your shot at a living one, so...’ They gestured at the hand puppet.
‘...So then how did you get your hands on it?’ Maia asked.
‘Swiped it just before we got out of the city,’ Gia said. 
Maia looked back down at the flower sitting in the hand puppet, its violent, glowing orange petals unmistakable. Gia had essentially handed Maia a loaded gun. If anyone knew about this, the two of them—and Grim—would be thrown on their arses outside Night Raven’s gates faster than they could blink.
‘Why?’ Maia asked. Gia had done plenty for her already in the months they’d known each other, but this was on a whole new level. Why would they take this kind of risk?
‘Honestly?’ Gia said. The corner of their mouth quirked up into the barest hint of a smile. ‘I just wanna see what you’ll do with it.’
Maia returned their smile, carefully pulling the firelotus out of the hand puppet and examining it.
‘Get that thing potted ASAP,’ Gia said. ‘I risked my neck to get it for you, least you can do is try to keep it alive.’
Maia snorted and turned away, heading towards her lab. They were right, of course.
LEL HAPPY BIRTHDAY @ramshacklerumble I know it ain't much and that you've already read this but I still wanted to do a little something. I mean after all I have you to thank for my descent into TWST Hell and Maia's existence in the first place lmao
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mrs-stans · 2 years
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@denisegough1: I wasn’t on insta when I made this film so I’m #tbt to #mondaythemovie as one of my all time favourite screen experiences. Sharing everything (literally everything) with my on screen partner and dear friend @imsebastianstan was a huge gift. Finding a man who isn’t afraid of (or irritated by) an intense female performance is so exciting and always a massive relief. He met me everywhere I went in every scene and said ‘yep, more please!’. I love him. @argyburgy gave me the opportunity and then provided me with all the love and support I needed to carry it all through to the end, a gift I’ll be forever grateful for❤️. I consider this movie experience to be like my university , I learned so much from everything and everyone. And never have I ever danced with a cinematographer the way I danced with #christoskaramanis. Thank you all for the gifts my friends and thank you Greece for everything! #mickeyandchloe#romcomgonewrong#mondaythemovie
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aureliawisenri · 3 months
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@realmsbeyond had an idea
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enterfilm · 5 months
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MUSIK (Angela Schanelec, 2023)
"The joys of love but a moment strong. The pain of love endures. A whole life long"
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clouseplayssims · 4 months
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This was a fairly relaxed household, despite having two little ones.
Their total income was $1,119.
Taxes - 40% of Income: $448 Rent: $500 Tithes - 10% of Income: $112 Fees: n/a Fines: n/a
Total owed: $1,060.
Cutting it close, but they paid what they needed to.
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Mirrors — [[Argyris]]
Perched on the bathroom counter, Argyris stares into the expanse of the mirror in front of him. 
The opposite image of the white-tiled room around him is captivating in its distortion, but the flash of silver in the center of it is what truly holds his attention. 
Silver. Second best. Never like him. 
He's pretty; Argyris knows that much. He's his mother's most beautiful child, all delicate features, soft smiles, and silky, well-combed hair. Even if he's not golden like his twin, his luster is nothing forgettable. And he tries. Unlike Auriel, who has everything come oh-so-easily to him, Argyris works his hardest to be worthy of Mother Angelica's love. 
Would he look better in braids, perhaps? He twists sections of his hair around his fingers, tongue poking past his lips in concentration. Will Mother call him cute for it? 
If only there was more he could do. Makeup like Mother's would surely suit him— painting his lips crimson like hers, dusting an artificial blush high on his soft cheeks. Even if his jawline has been looking sharper lately, that would keep him pretty. 
Auriel has no such luxury. 
His harsh, boyish features are nothing in comparison. Argyris will always win in that regard, and he's proud of himself for it. He'll always be the lovely one. 
Looking good is a valuable skill, and he's perfected it. No matter what has to be sacrificed, he keeps himself perfect in her eyes. Doing what he's told, pushing down his own wants in favor of what will make Mother smile proudly and tell the others they should all be more like him—
That's the dream. That's what he's always wanted. 
When his hair is finally woven into two neat braids, it doesn't look so good, after all. They're uneven, one higher than the other— no good at all. 
Argyris, frowning, meets his own dissatisfied gaze. 
He starts to unwind the braids. He'll try again. He'll try until he gets it right. 
Wattpad link
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fallenlightsif · 9 months
ros’ favorite ice cream flavors?
also i just would like to express my eternal devotion and love for florian ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Florian: English Toffee Caramel
Marcella: Butter Pecan
E: Black Raspberry
Dimitri: Moose Tracks
Ari: Cookie Dough
Julian: Rainbow Sherbert
Orion: Chocolate
Rowan: Pistachio
Cier: Mint Chocolate Chip
Kira: Strawberry
Ilaria: Cherry
Ezrah: Salted Caramel
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crossbowtrades · 2 months
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whimsimarion · 10 months
Funny how in most European countries, there's this rivalry between Asterix fans and Tintin fans, but in Greece these two characters were voiced by the same voice actor.
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mrs-stans · 7 months
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@argyburgy via Instagram Story (Feb 24, 2024)
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heavenlycinema · 3 months
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Monday 2020
Dir. Argyris Papadimitropoulos
“You are not happy unless you’re failing.”
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greekbooks-poll · 3 months
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admireforever · 9 months
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