#ari oc
cepheusgalaxy · 3 months
From this ask game
(Ty for waiting! I'm so happy you sent an ask, even tho I took long to answer)
🫚Ginger - Who is your most Responsible Oc, how old are they, how much coffee do they need to survive, and how many hours of sleep do they get? (We know it's not a lot)
I think my most responsible oc would be Arielle. They're 18yo (most of them are pretty young), and they're not a coffee drinker usually, but when they're under a lot of stress she drinks quite a lot. She usually tries to maintain a nice sleeping schedule, but when she is pretty stressed out she's quick to throw it out of the window to get things done.
🍌Banana - Give me your most mentally deranged character and list off their mental issues (Optional: How they got them/why they have them)
That's probably Polaris.
Polaris - Experiences dissociation, has probably has generalized anxiety and hemophobia. I'm still fleshing him and the others out but he got them because he was born as a living weapon 🫠
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doodleferp · 1 year
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Same jammies!
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towelclips · 5 months
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Little thing I doodled to test a font I made of the angelic alphabet while also doing a wee bit of world building
Just like in real life, there are many ways to introduce yourself, but in the world of angels, the most professional way to do so is shown above, stating your name by saying you "are the angel ____" and stating which of the seven archangels you work under.
The romanization of Ari's greeting would be this:
Esotura litorik Ari nor Kny'mesula
With the more direct translation being:
I am angel Ari belonging to the Tower of Knowledge*
*The archangels all recently (recently in their time, it was a few thousand years ago) adopted the names of various human gods/planets as nicknames, as they thought they were endearing, one could refer to their archangel by said nickname, but it's considered more professional to refer to them by their title
(post with angelic alphabet sans a few symbols)
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ursiday · 4 months
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Some oc worldbuilding stuff I've been chipping away at, I've been thinking about how cat people would approach grooming and accessories. I want to do a part 2, there's a lot more I was going to include but I haven't had time to keep working on this
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braincell-art · 2 years
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Meet my OC: Ari! Through a dark ritual used to forge the most powerful blade in existence, his blade eats life force. It gets this through killing people or consuming Ari's life force. In order to compensate for the drainage, Ari drinks human blood to get by.
I.e., Evil sword turned Ari into a sexy sexy vampire.
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malama-art · 2 months
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Anipoke oc i’ve been working on :P
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archfey-edda · 6 months
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Max and Akta's masters - San-Ari & Ven. Probably won't be drawing much of them.
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aris-has-a-paracosm · 22 days
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The first chapter of my sci-fi dystopian Team Rancher au, Finality’s Fault, is here! I worked really hard on this first chapter and am very proud of it, so comments and rbs (feedback in general) would be greatly welcomed!
Also, asks are always open if you wanna ask me about it, theorize, or just chat in general :)
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donutdrawsthings · 29 days
A wip of that scene from the missing serial The Macra Terror. Not sure if I'll finish it, but I had fun with this bit!
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ari-cuno · 23 days
Feelings are hard.
A quick Aim and Axel drabble
Tw: Angst, Post-Partum Depression (implied) , sickness
Axel belongs to me
Aim belongs to @zu-is-here
Anko was just an accident…a fluke. Certainly not an unwanted accident, just a little blip that wasn't planned.
Axel certainly hadn't planned on becoming a parent so soon out of all his siblings, especially his sisters, with their already blooming relationships. He was alone for the most part before this, the girl of his dreams having rejected him and leaving him in the pitiful ‘friendzone’ as they say. He'd never been the best at expressing his feelings to others besides his immediate family. It was hard to ask for help, or to show weakness, especially when so many people relied on him during harsh times his parents were gone.
…and then he found Aim.
Axel had wanted to explore how far he could go in his multiverse, despite the warnings from his mother about straying too far, thinning the borders between their world and those of an entirely different multiverse. Oras had done it before when she met alternate versions of important out codes and even when communicating with the voices, but he was…in search of someone.
His worst fear was he'd be long gone by then, time was strange between worlds afterall. Axel sort of was annoyed by his parents revealing his immortality so late. He'd remembered sensing a little spark so long ago in his childhood that stuck close to his heart for so many years.
Axel searched for what felt like forever, a grassy field before him with a tall, healthy apple tree in front of him. When all hopes seemed lost he hadn't noticed a much larger skeleton looking surprised a few feet away from him.
“...Can I help you?”
Axel laid his head on the soft cushion tiredly, although it did nothing to stop the constant aching sensation in his body.
…no one had told him being a parent could be so scary.
There were never any troubles with Anko. He'd appeared one day, only serving to complicate the relationship between Axel and the couch potato Aim had reserved himself to. He wasn't born by normal means, he'd just appeared one day, a happy little accident that was quickly accepted into the family.
But this was different.
The baby currently curled up in the bed in front of him wailing away hadn't been made like that.
Axel understood Aims' way of affection, he understood and respected that way in which he showed it. There had been a spark one day, and whether they thought of it or not, a decision was made. Axel had wanted more, he'd wanted love, he wanted to be someone worth loving…but also love others that way too.
“Shhh…” Axel tried to hush the suffering little girl gently, her soft cries making it hard for him to focus his own thoughts. It was hard being weak for so many months, the vulnerability was foreign to him, even with the support he was shown. And yet…things hadn't been okay.
He was scared, oh so scared. Eve, his beautiful daughter, their beautiful daughter… had been born sick.
She was sick, and they didn't know why. Her body and soul were weak, leaving her vulnerable and frail. Despite his powerful magic and blood…what could have gone wrong?
Axel tried so hard, he tried to give her whatever worked to ease her pain. It had been several weeks since her birth…and it had gotten worse. Nothing was working, she still coughed, cried, and the most he could do was hush her for but a brief moment. He'd left her older brother with his parents for the time being.
It would be scary if Anko saw one of his parents crying.
It made him feel weak and ugly, but the tears streamed down his face as he reached out, holding Eve's little hand with a gentle yet fierce grip. It was hard to resist the urge to make his crying vocal, but he choked back little sobs as he stared down at her. It wasn't fair. She didn't deserve to suffer so young. It was terrifying, he wasn't…wasn't sure how she would feel better- *if* she would feel better-
Axel took a deep breath, quickly trying to wipe his tears away and hide the stains left on the blanket below. “A-Aim… ?” He said, silently cursing himself for stuttering like a fool.
Aim was there, orange tinted goggles and the large body of a huggable man. Even through the goggles he could see the concern on the tallers face. “Everything okay? I heard her crying, but…” Aim paused, watching Axel desperately trying to recompose himself.
“...Were you crying-”
He was going to hate himself for this later.
Axel practically fell into the man he loved for most of his life. He buried himself in his taller frame, unable to stop the cries from coming out. He needed this…
Aim was momentarily stunned as Axel sobbed, weeks of pure exhaustion, worry, and fear crashing down on him in an instant.
“I'm sorry…” Axel apologized quietly, trying to calm himself down. “She's not getting better…I don't know what to do…”
There was a heavy silence.
“I'm scared…I can't do this alone…” Axel finally confessed, “...I need you. I want to be more with you…“ he whispered in a slight pleading tone.
“I love you...”
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lnbeep-art · 17 days
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Last round up of my Mermay stuff for this year…
Cam messing with his husband by changing his form, as always.
Ari belongs to my bf <3
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cepheusgalaxy · 10 days
Oc stuff:
She was born, initially, as I was writing one if the first scenes. I needed someone to introduce the protagonist to the magical world. Like a satyr in the PJO books, or (forgive me) Hagrid from HP. They were a member of Onemia, a responsible person with a position in there, a tough pal. Their role would be to get Kaiki in, introduce him to the world and later join him in the main cast.
With time, she began to tone down her thoughness. She is sweet. I wanted to make her pangender. I was questioning, and that was one of the genders I saw and tried. Representation was nowhere to be seen. Then I thought, I must make my own! But I wanted her journey to show. They would identify as bigender for a while, and only figure it out onscreen. With time, my plans changed: Guess Arielle become pretty fond of the Bigender label.
Today, I come to give you an update. Kaiki was put on the supporting cast where he will shine the better, and...
Congrats, Ari! You are now promoted to protagonist!
[Plain text: Congrats, Ari! You are now promoted to protagonist! /end PT.]
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fosbat · 1 year
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We are the lifeless stars Shining in the dark
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Ari’s vocabulary definitely… expanded during her stay at the ROR frat house lmao
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ursiday · 4 days
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heat waves
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ladybugkisses · 6 months
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unsolicited fashion advice, ft @jaybutnotthebird's Jasper 🔸
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