lastofthebelmontsrp · 5 months
"Pspspspsps. Here, kitty!"
She's just being silly now. But she has a fish!
Trevor's ears perked up and twitched towards Aria. He carefully stepped towards her, his nose twitching, "What is that incredible smell, Aria? I desperately need to know. That smells incredible."
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((Big heckin' himbo with a very polite mun that both deserve all the cuddles, blankets, and hot cocoa. ☺️))
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((You're too nice! And yes, Simon is a himbo through and through!))
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guntherthekibby · 1 year
😖 "Gunther? Is everything okay? You look like you just saw a ghost."
"More like... something outside that window" Gunther curled up, remaining tightly knit into his corner. He seemed reluctant to leave his current spot, "it moved so quickly, I couldn't tell what it was... but I sense a very bad presence... I'm not sure if I'm going to be ok..."
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asklisafromlupu · 2 years
So... you're Adrian- Alucard's mom? Huh.. I can see the resemblance. He's got your hair and beauty... and your kindness, too.
Oh, I almost forgot to introduce myself! I'm Ariawen, but feel free to call me Aria if you'd like, Miss Tepes. It's nice to meet you!
The talking behind her caught Lisa's attention. She turned around and saw the young lady, smiling, "You seem to know a lot about me, Miss Ariawen. It is nice to meet you as well. You speak as if you know my son, then? Is he well?"
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llamagirl28 · 2 years
If you don’t mind, could you tell us the color of everyone's dragon friend? I try to search on Tumblr, but couldn’t find anything. TwT
Ok so I'll answer appearance and overall personality/random facts, too!
Elewen - Arthur's partner. Purple scales, crimson red eyes. Four times Arthur's height (Arthur is average height). Sweet, coy, surprisingly fierce when it comes to protecting Arthur. Favorite season is spring. Loves long flights and being in nature.
Melker - Lancelot's partner. Black scales, dark green eyes, horns. Two times Lancelot's height. Seemingly aloof and imposing but polite once you get talking. A considerate friend. Measured and calculated. Fond of reading.
Bridget - Kay's partner. Bright red scales, brown eyes. Fun loving, a bit reckless. Loves swimming and summer. A bit bigger than a Shire horse.
Ariawen - Gawain's partner. Orange scales, brown eyes. Friendly, playful, enthusiastic, extroverted. Can be too headstrong. Loves painting her talons and dancing. Grown up about the size of a Shire horse.
Callum - Galahad's partner. White scales, blue eyes. Gentle, shy, quiet. Insecure. Fond of painting. Grown up twice Galahad's height.
Felix - Elaine's partner. Blue scales, amber eyes. Loyal. Decisive. Protective. Loves swimming. Loves snow. Just loves being outside. Fond of plays, theater, music. About the size of a Shire horse.
Owen - Isac's friend, his family has long been friends with Isac's family. Calm, composed, brave. Beautiful singing voice. Exasperated by Isac but still loves him. Very good at fire storytelling (part of dragon culture). About the size of a shire horse, a bit bigger.
[Name Undecided] - Agravain’s partner. Black scales, amber eyes. Shy, insecure, but puts up an intimidating front. Twice Agravain’s height.
Claire - Tristan’s partner. Yellow scales, blue eyes. Patient, calm. Loves reading, calm. Can get easily anxious, a bit shy. About the size of a Shire horse.
Otto - Percival’s partner. Appearance: undecided. Twice Percy’s height.
Keri - Bronwyn’s partner. Deep brown scales, purple eyes. Twice Bronwyn’s height.
Agata - Dinadan’s partner. Green scales, black eyes. Twice Dinadan’s height.
Sera - Accolon’s partner. Yellow scales, blue eyes. Optimistic, cheerful, patient, confident. About twice his height.
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rindemption · 3 months
Da4 is going to be interesting for me, because despite having a solasmance playthrough, she's not the one who pursues him to either stop him or help him change course or support him in his choices.
Ariawen fully moves on after Trespasser. There was already a rift, removing her vallaslin left her feeling like she lost a part of herself, a part of her culture, even if she did it out of trust in him and what he told her. But then he vanished, and the next time she saw him wasn't a happy reunion, even if they parted ways amicably.
She isn't sure she can be what he wants in the future he's pursuing, and she's not sure she has anything left in her to chase him down, either to stop him or continue trying to figure out his point of view. As the Herald of Andraste, the Inquisition took everything out of her. And now she doesn't even have a clan to go back to, no place as a Keeper among the people she was meant to lead and teach.
But her brother, Feyn'ros... he became close friends with Solas, but he doesn't have the same heartbreak she does. Being the Inquisitor both hardened him and taught him significant diplomatic skills; how to listen and find common ground, how to bring people onto his side when needed. He does go after Solas, for both Solas's sake and his sister's.
I'm not quite sure how I'll make that work, having a world state both where Solas was romanced then left, and who has a close friend still on his side. I might just have to play twice and mix the two together.
I already know I'll play twice anyway, I always do, so that might be the way.
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askvladdraculatepes · 2 years
*Walks over and gives a deep curtsy* My lord, Vlad Dracula Tepes. I am Ariawen, a friend of your son. It has come to both his and my attention that you learned something that Alucard wished you not to know, and as such, he panicked upon hearing that you knew and that you were coming to meet him. I have come ahead as a messenger and mediator. If you would follow me, I can guide you to a spot where we may talk without anyone seeing us.
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"Very well. Take me there, but if I suspect any trickery, maliciousness or dishonesty I will not hesitate to make an example out of you. I do not intend on backing down from protecting my boy, even if he feels I should not. Humans are always out to hurt my family it seems, and I am tired of failing to keep the ones I love safe. No more."
OOC: tiny disclaimer in advance for this story, please don't involve other ask blogs in this storyline. Dracula and Alucard are ran by the same person who's having some fun, but I would rather avoid others getting dragged into this kind of au without their consent and prior discussion. Thanks in advance!
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"Adri, I know you think drinking helps, but it really is just going to hurt you in the long run. Using alcohol to numb the pain is just another unhealthy way to cope with it. If you need another way to handle it, then let's find another option, okay?"
Aria holds her hand out for yours.
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"...I know you're right, and there should be better ways. But I don't know what other options I have. How else am I supposed to cope with it all? With all the pain I feel, the nightmares, the flashbacks? I'm... I feel lost, Ariawen. What do I even do anymore?..."
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ariawen · 2 years
Okay, I know a lot's been said already, but I need to give my two cents on this.
What's been going on with @askadrianalucardtepes and their associated circle is not okay. Sending in inappropriate asks, manipulation tactics, guilt-tripping, all of that is irresponsible and insufferable. It's a load of bullshit that they should not have had to deal with. I get that the person who's doing this is likely a child, and we've all done stupid things when we were kids, but this kind of thing is going waaaaay too damn far. NO ONE has any right to pull that, and NO ONE should think it's okay.
Roleplay is supposed to be fun. What that particular asker has been doing is making it not fun at all. I really hope that kid learns a lesson from this, but I get the feeling it'll be a while before they do.
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Hello! (Greetings and Ask Guidelines)
"Huh? Oh! Hi there! I'm Aria! Welcome to my little corner of the Multiverse! I call it the Hub!"
Aria smiles, tilts her head, and gestures around. There are portal windows all around, each looking into a different world or timeline.
"Feel free to ask me anything -- or, maybe, tell me which world you're from! I'm always up for a little adventure through the multiverse!"
Hi! Blog Creator Ariawen here. Here's a couple guidelines for this (failing to follow this will result in one warning, then a block):
1: NO BIGOTRY OF ANY KIND IS TOLERATED HERE. This includes racism, homophobia, sexism, any variation of bigotry here. Going across the multiverse means keeping an open and tolerant mind.
2: NO NSFW. Yeah, okay... blood/violence is alright, but overly detailed descriptions of gore and torture and... the other thing... no. No. Keep it PG-13, people! (This used to be No Romance, but... who knows, might be fun. I'll look into it. I'm going to be very picky about that, though.)
3: TRY TO KEEP YOUR ASKS (RELATIVELY) SHORT AND TO THE POINT. I've seen people send in entire essays on other blogs, or asks that take up more words and space on the post than the ask itself. I don't want to be answering essays. Please, keep those for your teachers and co-workers and whoever else actually needs them. Roleplay starters are exempt from this rule.
4: GRAMMAR IS IMPORTANT, PEOPLE! I don't mind the occasional typo or grammar mistake, we all make them, it's fine. What I don't want to see is something so incomprehensible I can barely read it. Please, try to keep your grammar to at least average. For Tumblr, anyway.
5: FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, USE COMMON SENSE! If you don't think you should send an ask in, don't send it. We're all (supposedly) functional human beings here. I expect you guys to conduct yourselves as such.
6: IF YOU WANT TO START A ROLEPLAY, AND I HAVE NOT ROLEPLAYED WITH YOU BEFORE, PLEASE MESSAGE ME FIRST! This should have been here sooner. If you want to start a proper roleplay beyond funny asks or things of that nature (shoutout to Gunther here!) I would prefer a message first so I can get to know you and see what ideas you have in mind.
Let the adventures begin!
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secretghostagent · 2 years
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@ariawen since it was my tits-be-gone party i was topless (all adults consenting) and apparently he's never seen a titty before
it was hilarious warching him try not to stare and then obviously stare
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lastofthebelmontsrp · 10 months
"Erm... Trevor?"
Aria is currently wearing an expression that's somewhere between a smirk and a disappointed grimace... while holding a very muddy Christopher by the scruff.
"You lose something?" she asks with a small laugh.
((Just thought it'd be funny that THIS is how Aria meets the kids...))
Trevor laughed as he took the child from Aria, "Well, well, well. I was wondering where this one went. Come on, Christopher. To the bath with you," He looked back at Aria, "How can I thank you for finding this trouble maker? We've been worried sick about him."
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chaoswillfallrpg · 4 years
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JONATHAN REEVES is THIRTY YEARS OLD and a BARMAN at THE WHYTE WVRYN in KNOCKTURN ALLEY. He looks remarkably like LANDON LIBORIAN and considers himself NEUTRAL. He is currently TAKEN.
tw: death, bodily harm, kidnapping, imprisonment
A name that was once synonymous with promis, Jonathan Reeves has always felt on the back foot in life no matter how hard he has tried to overcome his shortcomings. The eldest child of Pure-Blood witch ARIANWEN SMITH, Jonathan was born out of forbidden love on his mother’s part that threatened to cause the Smith family disgrace. One of the oldest Pure-Blood families in Wales, the Smith family were mild mannered though they were known devout purists in more recent years with a taste for tormenting those they considered to be of lesser blood. Jonathan’s mother Arianwen and her brother AERON were not like their parents. Having been Hufflepuffs at Hogwarts the siblings were more like their ancestors and filled with idealistic ideas of love and happiness. For Aeron he’d fall in love by chance with a beautiful Pure-Blood witch who he vowed to raise better than the way they had been, whilst Ariawen would form a romantic attachment to a Muggle-Born servant named SAMUEL REEVES. The pair began a secret relationship which resulted in pregnancy. Arianwen and Samuel kept their relationship and growing family a secret until one night when a parlour witch came to the Smith family home during a party to read the fortunes of those present. As Arianwen sat across from SEIRIAN PROFFWYD the cards were not flipped in her favour and a dangerous prophecy foretold.
A Half-Blood child born into disgrace would bring the family to its knees, skilled in the dark arts he would turn upon those who wronged him and harness such power those who crossed him would scarcely live to tell the tale. Fear and discrimination would be his downfall, the hatred in his heart boiling over until there was nothing left but darkness and a desire to inflict that hate upon others. Frightened by the tale, Seirian was cast out of the party, the Smith family dragging her name through the mud as a false prophet and limiting her work with high society families in the hope the tale would never be heard or believed. With a heavy heart Arianwen said goodbye to Samuel, accepting the hand in marriage of TARAN WARRINGTON, a wealthy Pure-Blood wizard who agreed to father her son as his own. Jonathan Reeves was born Jonathan Warrington and raised in the beautiful wizarding village of Caerphilly where the Warrington family had been residents. There Jonathan was raised in luxury, in the beauty of rolling hills, silver tea trays and nannies though he never quite felt the past of the family. Despite doing his best to treat him as his own Taran knew Jonathan was not his child and was the son of poor Muggle-Born who had the true love of his wife. When Jonathan’s siblings were born, his sister ALYS and then his brother TRYSTAN it became evermore clear where he ranked among the Warrington family.
Jonathan’s father was cold with him, his mother could hardly bear to look at him and his grandmother CATRIN he often heard calling him a “half-breed”.  Jonathan went looking for answers of his own and lost himself in the process. Years of ill treatment had worn him down and hardened him. He grew to despise his mother, her weakness, her secrecy and strive for the approval of the stranger he knew as his father but knew the title was a lie. His brother and sister were annoyances, background noise he knew he should try to love but couldn’t muster the feeling. Jonathan didn’t hate Alys, he felt indifferent about her whereas Trystan he attempted to actively avoid until the day he received his letter to Hogwarts. Leaving Blackheath Hall was not a painful experience, it was an escape to a world where he could make a new name for himself. As Jonathan Warrington the world was at his fingertips. Sorted into Slytherin he befriended children with names he’d heard mentioned in passing conversation. ARISTAEUS GREENGRASS, DECIUS FLINT and LUCILLE JONES became firm friends of his, each from important families and popular within Slytherin house due to their notoriety. Jonathan can remember as clear as day the event that changed his standing in school to mirror that of the one he’d experienced at home. When he was sixteen his parents died in a carriage crash, their winged horses getting caught in a storm and getting lost over the English Channel.
Catrin, a devout purist who had never liked Jonathan and felt she no longer needed to keep up the charade put in place. Moving him to a wing in the house where she would no longer have to see him, Jonathan was registered at school under his father’s name and told him the truth of his birth. He was a Half-Blood with a filthy Muggle-Born father who was only fit to wipe the shoes of his mother’s family. With the truth of his parentage out he noticed slight changes amongst his group of friends. Decius didn’t treat him the same as he had previously and Ash always had a sympathetic glimmer in his eye similar to the one he had for Lucille. Despite also being a Half-Blood herself, Lucille became much more clipped with him, actively distancing herself from the now disgraced wizard. Jonathan was a teenager with fake friends, a name he didn’t recognise. His family was gone and those he had left he didn’t love. Upon graduating Hogwarts Jonathan left school and went in search of his father with only a name and the knowledge he had worked for the Smith family prior to his birth and subsequent dismissal. Travelling the country with no money to his name Jonathan made money working in bars and doing odd jobs, his search led him to Kent where the Reeves family were said to have owned a cottage. In the darkness he walked to the door and called for a member of the Reeves family to answer, but it was a werewolf instead that answered.
Disgraced by his family and with nothing left to lose Seirian paid off a werewolf who she had been sleeping with to murder him. Leaping from the darkness the wolf sank his teeth into Jonathan’s skin, his cries in the night alerting another wolf who jumped to his aid. Slender and agile, it fought the larger wolf and won, watching it take off into the night before licking the bite. The last thing Jonathan remembered were a set of pale green eyes looking at him before he lost consciousness and awoke to a beautiful woman sitting beside him in a forest. SELENA PETROSYAN was a werewolf who belonged to a pack which rivalled that of the wolf who had come to bite him that evening. Though she was not much older than him she had a kindness about her which was almost motherly which his own mother had lacked. With no one to turn to and werewolf venom coursing through his veins he allowed Selena to take him in, joining the ranks of FENRIR GREYBACK’s pack of wolves and accepting a job at The White Wvryn in Knockturn Alley where he hoped no one would ask questions. His new life was much more simple than what he was used to, but the kindness of Selena and their pack made him feel at ease enough to move around wizarding London and make friends with those he previously felt inferior to. It was on one of these evenings drinking with ERIK BORGIN and CAIUS BURKE he first laid on the witch who would begin to fully heal the hole in his soul.
ROSALIE FLINT sang at The Grave Affair. Her voice was music to his ears and over a string of chance encounters, dates and stolen kisses she slowly became the love of his life. Jonathan Reeves had always been a selfish man but now when his heart beat it did so just for her. Unknowingly he had entered a situation like that of his mother. He was a Half-Blood werewolf and she was a Pure-Blood witch who loved him anyway. Their nights were spent sneaking around and plotting to run away together to build a future away from London when one night it was cut short. As he was locking up after work he was advanced upon in the darkness by SILAS CRUMP who knocked him out and bundled him into a car. When he woke up he was in the cellar of what looked like a brewery. Jonathan was comfortable enough for someone in captivity, Silas was kind to him, explaining he needed his identity to clear his name and look for his daughter. Reluctantly, Jonathan agreed to help in exchange for Rosalie’s protection and the agreement would last no longer than a month. The evening of The Yule Ball, Silas never returned. Jonathan waited but with no one there to fit the chains in order to keep him contained on the next full moon he broke out to be reunited with his love. Back in the wizarding world he found things had changed. Silas was gone without a trace and Rosalie Flint was missing. Separated from her, Jonathan will do anything he can to get her back and make whoever has hurt her pay the price.
Blood Status → Half-Blood (Werewolf)
Pronouns → He/Him
Identification → Cis Male
Sexuality  → Up To Roleplayer
Relationship Status → N/A
Previous Education →  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Slytherin)
Societies → The Greyback Wolves
Family → Alys Warrington (half-sister/adversary), Trystan Warrington (half-brother/adversary), Arabella Smith (cousin), Elezar Smith (cousin), Carys Smith (cousin)
Connections  → Rosalie Flint (girlfriend), Selena Petrosyan (colleague/close friend/family figure), Fenrir Greyback (alpha), Aristaeus Greengrass (close friend), Erik Borgin (friend), Caius Burke (friend), Lucille Jones (former friend), Decius Flint (former friend), Silas Crump (adversary)
Future Information → N/A
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guntherthekibby · 10 months
((Ohhh, this is gonna be fun. @ariaacrossthemultiverse ))
Laser Focus!
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"get... back.. HERE!!!"
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asklisafromlupu · 1 year
😱 + s
"A fear that starts with 's'. Hm," Lisa fiddled with a little bit of her hair before it came to her, "The slaughter of my family. I chose this life, but I also am aware of how many people want them out of the picture. I love them so much, miss. I never want my family to go through what I did."
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⤷ a wip by @amongwriters
[ pinterest ] [ general tag ]
Born as a human princess but with an inhuman body and powers, Elize was wanted to be dead.
But her mother, the queen of humans, brought her away, gave her to their greatest enemy so she could survive. It only costed a bergain and her freedom.
Years passes by while Elize grew up as the queen of beings, Aidene Azar, wanted her to be: in satin, gold and crowns, cruel and mercyless. As a marionette, caged up and dacing on strings.
Until Elize fled, until she started fighting, until she met him, William Asher Wind, a human man.
It was time to stand up, destroy everything and create from nothing.
“It is time. Rise.”
Who are you?
“I am the flying warrior and I will destroy everything they have known.”
GENRE: high dark fantasy
STATUS: between first and second draft
THEMES: friendship, love, family, trust vs betrayal, power, human vs magic, war, self love, protest, revolution, royality, found family, mental illnesses, healing, destruction&creation, elements, magic
POV: first person, past (Elize and Liam)
Elize Emlyn van River-Lethe, Wild Gladiolus
William Asher Wind
Luciana Falmarin
Caelum Drayce Monar
Zillah Érebos
Genedy Larken Críantrùm
Nordika Astropi
Elysian Hyperion Soléa
Ragnar Ryker van Lethe
Ariawen van River-Lethe
Aidene Azar
The Seven
The gods of Tríscéalta
tell me if you want to be +/- ✧*・゚
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