#aries predictions
suchananewsblog · 2 years
Aries Horoscope, 7 March 2023: You could be pleased when certain family vacations go according to plan - Times of India
Try to keep a good attitude about the events taking place all around you. You can enroll in expert classes to develop your skills. Your luck number for the day is thirteen and lavender is your lucky color today. Read the full horoscope to know more about the day.Positive: Ganesha says today is a wonderful day that could offer you a lot of enjoyment. You might be able to carry out your…
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catmarlowastrology · 7 months
Venus + What kind of partner you'll attract
🌟 Venus in Aries: You'll attract a partner who is confident, adventurous, and loves to take the lead in the relationship.
🌹 Venus in Taurus: You'll attract a partner who values stability, enjoys sensual pleasures, and is deeply committed to the relationship.
📚 Venus in Gemini: You'll attract a partner who is intellectually stimulating, communicative, and enjoys a social and lively relationship.
🏡 Venus in Cancer: You'll attract a nurturing, empathetic partner who values emotional security and creating a cozy, comfortable home together.
🦁 Venus in Leo: You'll attract a partner who is generous, loyal, and loves to shower you with affection and drama in a grandiose manner.
🔧 Venus in Virgo: You'll attract a practical, attentive partner who values order, enjoys taking care of the small details, and shows love through acts of service.
⚖️ Venus in Libra: You'll attract a partner who is charming, sociable, and values harmony and fairness in the relationship.
🦂 Venus in Scorpio: You'll attract a passionate, intense partner who seeks deep emotional connections and values trust and loyalty above all.
🏹 Venus in Sagittarius: You'll attract a partner who loves freedom, adventure, and seeks philosophical or spiritual growth through the relationship.
🏔️ Venus in Capricorn: You'll attract a partner who is ambitious, responsible, and values tradition and long-term commitment.
💡 Venus in Aquarius: You'll attract an unconventional, independent partner who values friendship, freedom, and intellectual stimulation in the relationship.
🌊 Venus in Pisces: You'll attract a compassionate, romantic partner who values deep, unconditional love and a spiritual connection.
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sagstelliums · 22 days
💌 (PAC): facts about your future spouse
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Grapes 🍇
I see that your future spouse may live or come from somewhere with a lot of water, they may also come from somewhere with a lot of sand/dirt/canyons?/mountains. They’re someone who has a lot of layers to them, they’ll be someone like you’ve never met before. I see that they may stand out physically, they may have a facial that looks very different or unique. I see that their face can be very hypnotic, you may find yourself staring at them/admiring them. They’re someone who’s calm but powerful, they don’t like drama or the way may not like loud noises. I see that they’re someone who looks very seductive or sultry. They may be a good swimmer, they may like to spend a lot of time with or in water, I see that your future spouse is definitely going to be with you for a long time, I see that they’re someone who’ll be there during the ups and downs. I see that they have a lot of luck/things always go their way or you’ll feel luckier when you’re with them, they’re good at hiding things or keeping secrets/good at surprises. They may come of as mysterious but that’s because they have so many layers to them. Signs- Pisces, cancer, Gemini. Initials- J, T, B, P, U, R, W
Orange 🍊
I see that your future spouse will be your ideal partner, you guys will get along with each other very well. I see that you guys will balance each other out like yin and yang/two peas in pod, I see that they’re very logical and they like to think things through. They’ll love spending time with you and connecting with you, I see that they may have a lot of friends or when you guys get together you’ll end up making a lot of friends together. They may be used to being around a lot of people/they enjoy being around a lot of people, they’re good at problem solving and mediating situations. They’re good at bringing people together, they could be well known or popular within their community. They could really like meeting new people and making connections, I see that they may be aggressive when it comes to the way they talk. They may be someone who’s emotional or sensitive, they may make you feel sensitive or extra emotional. I see that they’re intuitive and smart but they may like to play dumb, I see that you guys may travel a lot especially at night. I see that you guys may bump heads often because of how much you’re alike , there will be a lot of sexual chemistry. Signs- Taurus/ Sagittarius. Initials- T, O, W, N
Blueberry 🫐
(Angel number 9/999) I see that your future spouse is like hard on the outside but soft on the inside, they may seem defensive or mean at first but it’s a defense mechanism. They’re dynamic and a little difficult to understand at first, they’re someone who doesn’t like drama or conflict so they prefer not to have a lot of people around them. They’re someone who’s cautious/hesitant, they may be someone who’s not always open to try new things. They’re someone who values their stability, they like being balanced. I see that they’re someone who doesn’t let negativity keep them down, they’re not the type of person to hold grudges. They may be someone who doesn’t dream often, they may sleep for a long time. They have a healthy sleeping schedule/they’re a heavy sleeper, they love their rest and they don’t like being interrupted. They can be co dependent or they want you to depend on them, they’re reliable and don’t give up easily. They’re patient and they will put a lot of effort into making you happy, they have a calming and powerful presence. They’re someone who hates mistakes so they take their time when they do things and doesn’t like being rushed, they’ll be good at calming you down or calming your nerves. Your future spouse may have a small chest but thick things/butt or they’ll love that you have that, they may be a little self conscious about their body. They may not have a lot of muscles but they could be tall, they be a minimalist or has a minimalist style. They may like white or looks good in white. Signs- cancer/leo. Initials- V, U, S, T, Y, M
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daportalpractitioner · 7 months
aries degrees in the natal chart (1°, 13°, 25°)
1° = initiator. pioneer. noob. impulsive. stepping into leadership. issues with taking action. fear. immaturity. sheltered. deemed as incapable. taking unprecedented action. changing the algorithm. nu ventures. ancestral support. struggles with discipline + following thru. craziest ideas. misunderstood. a need to self-validate your actions. curiosity with action triggers development. risk taker. passion doesn't last long. innocent. doesn't think before acting. fleeting emotions + attraction. gets bored easily.
13° = warrior innerG. struggles to get out of survival mode. selfish. wounded masculine energy. narcissism. unprocessed anger. hella opps/haters. imposter syndrome. power struggles. narcissistic parent(s). overcoming people pleasing. boundary pusher. learning to be more considerate. gets physically hurt easily. abusive relationships. anger management class. dark feminine innerG. rebel. challenges inequality. deals with people trying to shut you down. moody. intolerable. struggles with inflammation. headaches/migraines. sensitive crown chakra. identity crisis.
25° = breaking free from parents. not giving a fuck what anybody thinks. learning how to honor your sacred rage. obtaining freedom. cannot be controlled. pro manifestor. learning how to honor + respect boundaries. a need to develop a secure attachment style. a need to balance your yin/yang energy. you have to give to receive. strong relationships. lover and a fighter. makes a great leader. learn to be a confident decision maker. desires marriage. honors the importance of freedom. dealing with people tryna gaslight you. strong identity. entrepreneur vibes. gets what you want without any force. very confident. honest.
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moonastrogirl · 10 months
2024 Numerology
- Predictions/Tips
Credit @moonastrogirl
2024 is an 8 year. Karma will be served like no one has ever seen it. Power and money will be given to the right people who deserve it.
Number 8 is often associated with the infinity ♾️ symbol which means limitless, abundance but it’s wrong. It’s the symbol of the snake eating his own tail. It’s the symbol of karma which can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on past actions and karma laws.
Number 0 is the true symbol of infinity. It’s wholeness. It’s love. It’s true bliss and abundance. It’s joy and surprise combined. Everything has to come in a full cercle. To receive abundance someone gotta give back too. That’s why lot of millionaires and billionaires donate to charity or do charity galas etc. They know to multiple their money and gains they have to give back and create the full cercle energy.
Those with a prominent Saturn or Saturn ruled placements in their chart/Saturn aspecting personal planets in their birth chart or with a prominent 8 energy in their numerology chart will understand what it truly means and how the smallest action can impact someone.
Power, connections and money will be taken away from abusive people who were using others, gossiping, spreading rumours, lying etc. Divine justice will be served. Honest , generous, loving people will receive their flowers and more.
The scales ⚖️ of divine justice are bringing back true equilibrium.
Those who went through it, true givers and generous people will receive if they are willing to receive. Takers will lose everything if they are not willing to give. People who were made fun of or put down by society for what they do even if they don’t harm anyone (prostitues for instance) will receive plenty and fast. Victims of circumstances, of violence, of abuse will also receive what they need.
Again it’s based on the willingness to receive and give back.
This energy is already being felt for weeks now : karma is here. She serves and delivers like no one. Already conspiring and bringing powerful people down (P Diddy - Cassie case).
Releasing bad karma, bad habits, lies (even white lies) is key 🔑 to receive blessings. It’s best to proactively go get yours blessings, they won’t just come to you. Work hard and smart.
Be willing to release and receive, give back and have faith.
Wishing you and myself peace, love, blessings and abundance for 2024 and may the scales of divine justice be in our favours 💫
Thank you for reading me and if this post resonates with you, please feel free to like, comment or reblog 💜
Credit @moonastrogirl
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imagineastrology · 4 months
🩵 How to get through the day for your sign 🩵
*this is joke*
Aries Moon: Buy a subscription for Calm. Bring multiple lavender sprays out with you. Have a post-it note with the words: “the world does not revolve around me” in your bag ;) 
Taurus Moon: Make sure to pack jewellery for every limb on your body. Spray perfume every 15 minutes to burn people’s noses with your ‘charm’.
Gemini Moon: Buy platform shoes to show off your intelligence and assert dominance over people. Remind yourself to interrupt people when they’re talking. NEVER forget to bring paracetamol for the constant headache inducing psycho-analysis of yourself.
Cancer Moon: Bring your go-to bubble-wrap to cover yourself in when interacting with other humans. To maintain your peace, ensure you take your anger out on the world, it is nearly always their problem ;)
Leo Moon: Remember to talk really slowly to people, just to make sure they know you’re talking about. Wear fluorescent everything. The only time when you get anxious is if you self-reflect for one second - so just don’t do it! :D
Virgo Moon: People need to be reminded of the disgusting and depressing nooks and crannies of life so make sure you remind them. Also don’t ever smile during the day as it gives you crow’s feet. 
Libra Moon: Play music without headphones on your commute. Daily life is for feeling like you’ve taken 456 ecstasy pills so if you feel sad, gaslight yourself into feeling vague happiness.
Scorpio Moon: People adore being psycho-analysed at 7am so remember to stare into their soul as they talk about what type of coffee they like. Please - for the sake of humanity, take your antidepressants. 
Sagittarius Moon: Bring your travel microphone to express yourself obnoxiously during the day. People love it when you speak your mind. 
Capricorn Moon: Keep a timer for when you take a break longer than 10 minutes. Keep your peace by isolating yourself from people, and remember to think about being productive, rather than feeling your emotions when you feel sad. 
Aquarius Moon: Remind yourself of that astro-physics documentary when you get home. Definitely remind yourself that you could take over the world if you wanted to. 
Pisces Moon: You can ground yourself by imagining that everyone is out to get you, and that your clinginess is justified. Don’t forget to bring your exercise mat for that daily hot yoga session. 
*A lil reminder that this is a joke! If you are truly struggling to get through the day, please speak to a professional or drop me a message if you need to*
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krisluxxeeempress · 2 months
Astrology Observations
Aries 10th House (Midheaven): Having this placement does not guarantee an Entrepeneur, CEO, boss or whatever else everyone loves regurgitating. To have Aries in your 10th house suggest that you are only worried about yourself when it comes to accomplishing your goals etc. For example, while everyone is stuck on social media, scrolling and watching OTHERS, videos- these individuals wouldn't be caught wasting time watching someone else. They will not support other businesses. Watch anyone else videos, or prop someone else up. It's all about them. They will never watch you, instead you'll watch them. These individuals have tunnel vision. Despite popular belief, Aries energy is capable of being patient in the 10th house. The reason being, the 10th house is where the top dogs are, the successful ones, wise, strategic and highly respected people reside. Aries energy wants to be on a higher level and in the 10th house, these individuals will be on their best behavior in terms of doing, showing and giving their best. Mentally, these individuals believe wholeheartedly, no one is better than them - so watching others is pointless and a waste of time. Yes, they are competitive however, they believe (though it's true) that others watch, mimic and try to impersonate them to reach success. These individuals lead the way. This energy is like your man cheating on you with a b*** that looks up & wants to be you. HA!!
Again, this placement has the capability and potential to be a CEO, Boss, Entrepreneur, Manager etc.
However, this placement really reveals how a person is energetically when it comes to their approach to their career / work and that of others.
Remember, they will not acknowledge you.
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8thhousepriestess · 17 days
[ PT. 1 ] — A SERIES
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truevedicastrology · 10 months
Unraveling Mars Across the Astrological Houses 1-12
In the realm of Vedic Astrology, the cosmic dance of celestial bodies paints a unique tapestry within the twelve houses of your chart. Each house, a stage for planetary performances, unravels a saga of influences. Mars, the celestial warrior, graces these houses, igniting diverse flames that shape one's essence. Let's embark on an odyssey through the cosmic abode of Mars, unwinding the enigmatic energies it bestows upon each house.
#1 The Martian Incarnation in the First House In the inaugural house, Mars orchestrates a symphony of war and aggression. Aligned with Aries, Scorpio, and Leo, this celestial warrior molds individuals with an innate inclination towards assertiveness. While viewed as a double-edged sword, the Martian presence ignites an indomitable spirit, fostering drive and self-reliance. The pulsating energy may, at times, manifest impulsively, a testament to the intricate dance between strength and restraint.
#2 Mars' Stint in the Second House As Mars graces the second house, financial realms become a canvas for its assertive strokes. Ventures burgeon with calculated risks, unveiling a heightened awareness of one's worth. The duality emerges – a prowess in wealth accumulation juxtaposed against the specter of aggression and competitiveness. Mars in the second house, a financial maestro, beckons a narrative of both prosperity and caution.
#3 The Enigma of Mars in the Third House Nestled in the third house, Mars births assertiveness and boundless energy. A harbinger of curiosity, individuals become swift responders, navigating life impulsively. Independence becomes a beacon, steering the ship of self-control. Yet, the paradox unfolds – the boon of ambition accompanied by the bane of impulsivity. Mars in the third house, an enigmatic force, grants vigor, demanding a delicate balance.
#4 Mars' Homely Vigor in the Fourth House In the fourth house, Mars dons the mantle of a domestic force. A patriotic fervor, a love for the home, and an independent streak mark its presence. The warrior's link to the land roots individuals deeply, fostering both independence and combativeness. A complex interplay unfolds – self-reliance and ambition converging with potential aggression and impatience.
#5 The Fiery Canvas of the Fifth House Within the fifth house, Mars paints a portrait of fiery spirit, impulsive nature, and quick temperaments. The canvas reveals a penchant for challenge, drawing individuals to conflict-laden arenas. Energies surge, propelling assertiveness and focus, yet pitfalls loom. Negative signs cast shadows – anger, conflict, and potentially dangerous inclinations. Mars in the fifth house, a dynamic brushstroke, depicts both vitality and caution.
#6 Mars' Work Ethic in the Sixth House Positioned in the sixth house, Mars becomes the driving force in the realm of work and service. An individual emerges, resilient, driven, and dutiful. Work ethic becomes an emblem, and competitiveness a potent ally. Yet, lurking beneath are shadows of over-competitiveness and relentless perfectionism. The sixth house echoes with the paradox of ambition and stress, demanding a nuanced understanding.
#7 Mars' Assertiveness in the Seventh House In the seventh house, Mars radiates with assertiveness and confidence. Ambition drives a thirst for achievement, entwined with an individual's maturity and chart dynamics. The pendulum swings – a testament to both beneficial leadership qualities and impulsive tendencies. Balanced management of impulses becomes pivotal, lest they cascade into destructive behaviors.
#8 Mars' Determination in the Eighth House As Mars graces the eighth house, determination and focus come to the fore. A relentless pursuit of goals defines this period, where hard work intertwines with assertiveness. Yet, the delicate equilibrium trembles – the risk of veering into aggression and impulsive realms surfaces. A thorough exploration of individual placements is imperative to unravel the intricacies of Mars in the eighth house.
#9 Mars' Influence in the Ninth House Ninth-house encounters with Mars bring forth a tapestry of beliefs and emotions. Attractions to power and authority emerge, adding complexity to professional and personal landscapes. A compelling trait arises, juxtaposed with potential insecurities. The ninth house dances on a tightrope, balancing a robust belief system with a rebellious streak, navigating a journey through philosophy and self-discovery.
#10 Mars' Ambitions in the Tenth House In the tenth house, Mars signals a symphony of ambition, competitiveness, and an ardent desire for success. A canvas painted with determination unfolds, portraying an individual driven to leave an indelible mark on the world. However, caution is advised – the penchant for aggression and excessive competitiveness lurks, posing potential conflicts with others.
#11 Mars' Vision in the Eleventh House Nestled in the eleventh house, Mars orchestrates a vision of energy, assertiveness, and a commitment to the greater good. A leader or pioneer emerges, propelled by an unwavering desire to make a difference. The dichotomy of strength and challenge surfaces – a surge of energy, passion, and initiative intertwined with the shadows of anger, aggression, and impulsiveness.
#12 Mars' Passion in the Twelfth House Mars takes residence in the twelfth house, unveiling a passionate and determined individual unafraid of confronting challenges. A leader in the shadows, creativity intertwines with self-expression. Challenges arise – struggles with self-confidence and hesitations in taking worldly actions. Yet, strengths surface – a reservoir of passion, drive, and intuitive prowess. The twelfth house echoes with the complexity of self-expression and an innate talent for healing.
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blessed1neha · 1 year
What is Atmakaraka & How it effects the native
Planet of the soul, or atma karaka
Have you ever heard of Atma karaka?
Let's begin our study of this idea, which is a part of Jaimini astrology.
In comparison to the other planets in this natal chart, Atma karaka, or the planet of the soul, has moved through its sign the most times.
You must analyse the degrees of each of the seven planets and calculate the largest degree while paying close attention to the minutes in order to ascertain it.
In our paragraph, the relevance of the lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu is not considered.
Since the Sun will always be the constant indication of the soul in the horoscope, we have found the planet with the highest degree in the chart, which will serve as the temporary Atma karaka for this life.
It is important to remember that everyone's temporary Atma Karaka will be different in their charts. For one person, it may be a planet at 29 degrees, while for another, it may be a planet at 9.
The planet with the highest degree will reveal the soul's deepest aspirations for this terrestrial existence.
Additionally, according to Atma Karaka, one can comprehend a native's karmic destiny and the experiences they must go through in order to realise it.
Atma karaka is thought to imply a higher level of soul growth if it is a malefic, or a naturally unfavourable planet like Saturn, Mars, or the Sun. This means that the soul has chosen a more challenging karmic job for this incarnation.
Additionally, if an individual's Atma karaka is benefic, such as Jupiter, Venus, the Moon, or Mercury, then many aspects of life will be very simple for them.
Analysis of the Atma Karaka
The sign of the zodiac in which it is positioned, the house of the horoscope from Lagna, as well as the signs that it dominates, must all be examined and analysed.
It is also feasible to obtain a chart of the native's wants by using the Atma karaka for Lagna.
Thus, if you have
Sun Atma Karaka
The inherent Atma karaka, or soul, is symbolised by the sun.
However, the signs of the temporary AK and the permanent AK might also appear together in a single natal chart.
The sun represents manly noble vitality, power, and strength.
The fact that a person entered this world with the intention of developing as a person via the acceptance of responsibility, inner strength, and self-confidence will be discussed here if the temporary AK coincided with the permanent one on the map.
A person with such an AK will not be able to stand on the sidelines; instead, he will need to develop his leadership qualities and take others around him under his wing. This is because the Sun is the King of the planetary cabinet by nature.
Additionally, the Sun in this position arouses a desire for a blissful, spiritual life.
The native will start down the path of spiritual growth and be able to guide others, perhaps even their loved ones, if their chart has the Sun in the AK sign and other favourable placements and aspects are present.
Additionally, the Sun represents the father, therefore one of the karmic obligations for those with a temporary AK Sun will be to foster better relationships with their fathers and, generally speaking, with older men, such as bosses.
The planet sun is brittle.
Along with strength, it will provide someone a lot of energy—typically more than they need—and tension in life.
Additionally, the Sun is the karaka of health and when it is strong, it can bestow wonderful health and strength upon the native.
Such a person would typically have a fiery constitution, or pitta, and a powerful digestive fire. He or she will also typically have a healthy, well-developed body.
negative characteristics
Selfishness, haughtiness, vanity, dominance, and pride will characterise this AK.
Since this will be one of this AK's karmic obligations, the native will have to overcome these obstacles.
Moon Atma Karaka
The moon stands for maternity in general and the feminine in particular.
Moon as AK creates a desire for comfort, contentment, and happiness.
Additionally, true happiness is internal and home.
The soul has chosen to experience unwavering love in this life, much like a mother's love for her child.
A person entered this world in order to understand the intensity of emotions and the honesty of true connections.
He will be intrigued by ideas like respect, caring, service, and care.
People with this AK may be troubled by their own minds and may exhibit uneasiness because the Moon is the planet of the mind and desires.
One of the karmic obligations for those with an AK Moon is to foster closer ties with their mothers.
The experience of parenthood will be another karmic responsibility for you to complete; depending on the gender of the native, you will play the role of mother or father and be the one to set the direction for their lives.
the potent attributes
Such an AK will be compassionate, charming, and soft.
These are the best kind of family men.
it's a drawback
can be characterised as touchiness or extreme attachment to the subjects of one's feelings, such as family.
A person with an AK Moon has a challenging mission ahead of them: learning to differentiate between real and fake love, caring for others without expecting anything in return, and learning to give the benefits of that love and care to the Almighty.
Such a native may have to endure disappointment from loved ones, but it will be crucial to learn how to retain emotional composure and humility in such a circumstance.
When analysing AK, it is important to take into account the zodiac sign that the Moon was in at the time, as well as the house that the horoscope falls under from the Lagna.
It is also important to pay close attention to the chart from the Chandra Lagna, as this will provide a twofold indication of the native's aspirations and help the horoscope be "read" and interpreted more accurately.
Mars, Atma karaka
Mars represents the militancy, strength, vigour, and fieryness of the male principle.
People with AK Mars will have a major karmic burden of controlling their rage, impatience, and growing claims against those around them.
Typically, these people are placed in a suitable atmosphere to develop their already strong character and their capacity for controlled tranquilly.
It is crucial that they learn to see lessons in their surroundings and teachers in their loved ones, as well as to express thanks for these lessons.
Such individuals possess a great deal of internal fire and may have pitta, which is a fiery constitution.
They often possess a robust, healthy, and fully grown body as well as a strong digestive fire.
Mars is the planet of action, but in a weak position it can produce the opposite, up to inaction with expectations from others. As a result, people with this AK must acquire willpower and work to see projects through to completion without giving up or moving to another.
A person can also become highly sensuous when they have AK Mars, especially if Mars is in both their own and Venusian signs.
The occupants of this position of Mars are recommended to restrain their libido.
However, a person's Mars will provide him the chance to become a good organiser and leader, athlete, and protector of the weak if he is able to conquer his impatience, rage, aggression, and anger and develops willpower and internal control.
Observing the concept of non-violence towards all living animals can be helpful in overcoming the powerful emotions that this AK causes, and vegetarianism will be especially beneficial.
I would want to discuss my practical knowledge and application of this Atma Karaka.
Most people initially think that Martian emotional outbursts are uncontrollable.
Yet it isn't.
Realising that you must stop suppressing your anger and instead learn how to properly express it is the first step in preventing its internal devastation.
The second phase, which enables a person to recognise and accept their Mars and learn to draw power from this stubbornly male force, can be taken with the aid of jyotish knowledge.
But philosophy and psychology can help by exposing the opposite side of this issue for individuals for whom even this is insufficient.
What are we actually capable of managing, one could wonder?”
Physiological functions of the body, when they occur, and in the future?
The decision we make regarding our thoughts and emotions is the only thing we can truly control.
A person can change one emotional response into another in order to end the first one. By initiating this process on his own, the person can choose to live a conscious existence in which he was not "pissed off" but instead had the choice of whether to be furious or not.
Mercury, the Atman karaka
The karaka of speech, intellect, logic, erudition, and adaptability is Mercury (Buddha).
The young prince of the planetary cabinet is Mercury.
Therefore, it bestows its person with a young aspect because it is the planet of the soul.
In addition, the local can look younger than his actual age up to a respectable age.
Buddha is a karaka of speech, which can cause some speech issues for the native.
For instance, the owner of this AK may speak very rapidly or incoherently, employ intricate turns in speech that are not always clear to others, or have other obvious flaws.
Writing, reading classical literature, taking oratory lessons, and singing are all effective ways to overcome these obstacles.
Additionally, it may be suggested that you write down your speech for later hearing, organise and summarise your ideas, and keep a journal.
AK Mercury provides
while learning can be multifaceted and not always useful, there is a desire to learn.
Such individuals may become overloaded with information due to their curiosity and ease of assimilation of new material.
However, if you choose your jobs properly and deliberately, the Buddha will offer you the chance to really comprehend and enjoy everything you do.
The AK Mercury can cause its owner to go to either of two extremes: they may become reclusive and introverted, or they may become overly chatty and unable to select a social group or topics of conversation.
If any of these things exist and show up in daily life, the native must learn how to construct communications effectively by paying attention to communication hierarchy and subordination since Buddha can provide some, perhaps inappropriate, "familiarity".
Mercury, the planet of illusions, can also introduce things like a "broken phone"—that is, a phone that is not working—into the life of a native.
A person may interpret information quite differently depending on how it was delivered to him.
Buddha as Atma karaka can provide either a poor or a strong memory, but there might be some selectivity involved.
When Mercury is at its finest, its owner can benefit from the abilities of a skilled "salesman," which are in high demand right now.
Atma Jupiter aka
Jupiter is the karaka of hope, wealth, understanding, good fortune, learning, and justice.
The Guru bestows the local with a gift for instructing and instructing others in his capacity as the Atma karaka.
Such a person is "bursting" with information, and he will have a strong desire to impart it to others.
However, the local should be conscious of tact and the futility of unnecessary advice from outsiders.
Recognise that the interlocutor needs to be prepared in order to cognitively perceive information.
Guru, like AK, won't deprive someone of information; they will unquestionably be sufficient.
However, when they are used and used in real life, problems sometimes occur.
A native with this AK may frequently feel arrogant and omniscient due to their own intelligence.
Overcoming this state will be one of the karmic challenges.
The most beneficial planet is Jupiter.
Even among the beneficiaries, it might be challenging to identify negative effects of its influence.
But even so, the Guru, in the form of Atmakaraka, will first point out issues that need improvement before recognising talents.
Excessive fanaticism in observing specific dogmas and norms is one of these "problem" areas.
The guru could present a little distorted view of life, through rose-colored glasses or with an excessively upbeat approach.
A person with AK Jupiter will also have a major karmic burden of learning how to manage money without becoming excessively wasteful.
The key is to strike a balance between the material and the spiritual without leaning too far in either direction.
Since the Guru is in charge of the children, the native with this AK might take the matter excessively seriously and not be in a rush for them to emerge in order to anticipate all the situations.
After working his Jupiter, a native with this AK is able to teach others, make a great parent, and provide information to society.
Venus, Atma karaka
Venus (Shukra) represents passion, love, marriage, creativity, and other types of partnerships.
Venus has a light, bright, pure, and imaginative vitality.
Nevertheless, it is also the energy of joy and bliss, and for those who possess this AK, one of their karmic obligations will be to restrain their cravings and uphold piety.
The proverb, "Take care of honour from a young age," certainly applies to these individuals because they are particularly susceptible to the temptation to live only for themselves.
The inner creativity of those with this AK will make an effort to manifest itself and be seen by others, although this may take time and may require teachings from the planet Venus.
In any event, Shukra as AK will make its owner feel connected to creativity and the arts.
Venus can be enhanced through creativity in any area of life, including flower-growing, culinary artistry, and even creative makeup.
Such persons should frequently travel to lovely, artistic locales with space for inspiration.
It is suggested that females pick an activity they enjoy, such as dance or sketching, and practise it on a daily basis with care.
No of how hard we attempt to discuss this AK, all of our arguments will revolve around love and relationships.
Such a person will find it difficult to believe and recognise the opposite feeling for him since he will either be extremely immersed in his sentiments, prone to idealisation, or so sceptical of others.
Shukra will benefit from being in a good position.
possessing impeccable taste, a sense of fashion, and the capacity to find beauty in everything.
In general, such people have a natural sense of beauty.
Venus, like AK, does not always make this talent apparent right away.
Natives can have somewhat odd tastes that aren't necessarily clear to outsiders.
Among other things, Shukra is in charge of the hormonal background.
For ladies, this means that taking care of your body, face, and taking baths and oil massages will undoubtedly strengthen and open your Venus.
Saturn, Atma karaka
Saturn (Shani), a hefty and chilly planet that rules over time and order, is the god of karma.
He is in charge of endurance, discipline, setbacks, challenges, pain, ailment, and grief.
When you meet someone with such an AK, the first thing you notice is his excessive seriousness, concentration, and occasionally even gloom.
Shani is responsible for a person's serious demeanour, propensity to keep his word and carry out plans that have been made in advance.
The native's look and even his facial expression are influenced by internal tension, which is the principal effect of this AK.
Others may read this expression as perpetual unhappiness or seriousness; it is a type of "mournful face" whose owner typically isn't even aware of it.
Such a person could appear older than their actual age because Saturn has an impact on appearance.
He can have a tendency to surround oneself with gloomy objects and wear dark and black clothing.
A native with this AK may attract others who are through life troubles; his primary karmic duty will be to kindly assist them.
Selflessness, selflessness, and service to others are not lofty ideals; rather, they describe a person with this AK's daily existence, particularly if he already leads a conscious life.
Shani, particularly in childhood, can cause feelings of loneliness and inner hopelessness.
These kids are typically raised by the family's elders and miss their mothers more frequently than other kids.
One of the responsibilities will be to conquer any inner anxieties that Saturn, as Atma karaka, bestows upon the native. These fears will primarily be connected to a fear of dying.
Additionally, this AK can cause issues with the skeletal system, joints, and different types of muscle and tendon stiffness.
Hoarding tendencies are another effect of Saturn's Atma karaka, thus it will be beneficial for such persons to schedule routine "reviews" of their possessions in order to clear the space.
As an Atma karaka, Saturn can grant its possessor a certain measured and slow pace because it is a heavy and slow planet.
Generally speaking, Shani values discipline and either rewards the native with it or punishes him by allowing total disarray to reign.
Depending on Saturn's favourable placement in the chart, such a person will either be extremely timely or perpetually late.
Regular yoga lessons, breathing exercises, pranayama, helping those in need voluntarily, and taking part in volunteer activities would be very beneficial for owners of AK Saturn.
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spac3trash · 11 months
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he refuses to get it removed...
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catmarlowastrology · 7 months
Moon through the signs + Worst first date ideas
🍽️ Moon in Aries: A monotonous dinner without any excitement or challenge, like a basic meal at home with no surprises and variety.
🍔 Moon in Taurus: A chaotic, fast-food joint with uncomfortable seating and low-quality food, like a crowded, noisy burger joint with uncomfortable plastic chairs.
🎥 Moon in Gemini: A date with no chance for conversation or mental stimulation, like watching a movie in complete silence.
🏙️ Moon in Cancer: A crowded, impersonal restaurant with little privacy or warmth, like a noisy chain restaurant with tables packed close together.
🍟 Moon in Leo: A date lacking effort or creativity, like a generic dinner at a fast-food chain.
🧳 Moon in Virgo: A disorganized outing with no clear plan, like a spontaneous trip with no itinerary or preparation.
🏚️ Moon in Libra: A date in an unattractive or tense environment, like a run-down diner with arguing patrons.
🎉 Moon in Scorpio: A superficial date with no chance for meaningful conversation, like a loud party with no private corners to talk.
🛤️ Moon in Sagittarius: A dull activity with no sense of adventure, like a routine dinner at a chain restaurant.
🕰️ Moon in Capricorn: A date lacking substance or respect for their time, like a frivolous outing with no meaningful conversation.
🎬 Moon in Aquarius: A conventional date following all the usual norms, like a dinner and a movie with no unique twists.
🏟️ Moon in Pisces: A noisy, harsh environment with no emotional connection, like a crowded sports bar during a big game.
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your-astro-mami · 2 years
the biggest astrological events of 2023
and how they will affect YOU
Saturn enters Pisces (March 7th)
Now that Aquarius placements have been drained of their energy, matured and learned how to overcome their difficulties, it is time for Pisces to enter their Saturn era. Saturn in Pisces shows that discipline and organization may become more difficult, blurry. People may become more disoriented - it could be hard for everyone to manage their time and stay on schedule. On a positive note, this will be the ideal time to commit to any creative plans, ideas, endeavors. The people around you may become more understanding of your struggles, there will be empathy in regards to failure.
Most prominent for: Pisces Risings (Identity, Life decisions), Virgo Risings (Relationships), Gemini Risings (Family, Home), Sagittarius Risings (Career).
Pluto enters Aquarius (March 23rd)
One of the most prominent astrological events of the century (in my humble opinion). Pluto in Aquarius will bring grandiose changes in the world. Major focus on technology - if you believe you have seen technological growth/improvements in the past two decades, wait for the Pluto in Aquarius era. AI, focus on crypto/digital currency, any personal information will be digitalized, robots and robots taking over human jobs, possible cameras everywhere/monitoring. I believe this will bring major changes in the world. For Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), this can be quite transformative, it could bring more personal power, challenges, a lot of growth. We will truly see the Age of Aquarius.
Most prominent for: Aquarius Risings (Identity, Life Decisions). Taurus Risings (Career), Leo Risings (Relationships), Scorpio Risings (Family, Home).
Mars in Cancer (March 25th)
Geminis will finally release the frustration that has been held inside them for a while. Mars in Cancer could make everyone easily irritable, fights may become more emotional, people may get angry for smaller things, there could be slight chaos due to the sensitivity around us all.
Most prominent for: Cancer Placements (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Rising); Capricorn Placements (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Rising). For Cancer it could be a rush of energy, enthusiasm, but also lack of patience. For Capricorn it will be motivation, better balance, but more conflict.
Solar Eclipse in Aries (April 20th)
The Solar Eclipse as well all know marks the beginning of a big change, of slight chaos that may turn into something bigger for us. The House the Solar eclipse is in could go through big changes in the months after it occurs. It can be a transformative time for that area of life. It can point to major shifts, important decisions, focus on the area of life it's in.
Most prominent for: The house cusp in your chart Aries is in; Aries Rising (Identity, Decisions), Taurus Risings (Spirituality, Secrets); Gemini Risings (Social Circle, Aspirations); Cancer Risings (Career); Leo Risings (Travel, Education), Virgo Risings (Finances); Libra Risings (Relationships); Scorpio Risings (Work; Health); Sagittarius Risings (Romance); Capricorn Risings (Family, Home); Aquarius Risings (Ideas, Communication); Pisces Risings (Income);
Mercury retrograde in Taurus (April 21st to May 14th)
Mercury retrograde, also known as one of the most dramaticized events in Astrology, indicates the time in which you should avoid making big decisions, signing important documents, starting something new and talking to your ex. The worst time for organization.
Most prominent for: Virgo and Gemini placements; Taurus and Scorpio Mercury;
Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio (May 5th)
The Lunar eclipse indicates chaos in the house it falls in. That area of life could go through some major shifts, unpredictable events, possible setbacks that will lead to growth, gained experience. Compared to the Solar eclipse, it could point to major endings, there is a theme of letting go, moving on - but first there could be some suffering.
Most prominent for: The house cusp in your chart Scorpio is in. Scorpio Risings (Identity, Life Choices), Libra Risings (Income); Virgo Risings (Ideas, Communication), Leo Risings (Home, Family), Cancer Risings (Romance), Gemini Risings (Health, Work), Taurus Risings (Relationships); Aries Risings (Finance); Pisces Risings (Education, Travel); Aquarius Risings (Career); Capricorn Risings (Friendships); Sagittarius Risings (Spirituality, Mental Health).
Jupiter enters Taurus (May 16th)
One of the most abundant events for the year. Jupiter in Taurus shows that luck may come regardless of how hard you work for (compared to Aries where luck is something you have to put effort and energy in order to get). Jupiter in Taurus is luck that is secure. It can point to financial growth, obtaining material possessions, financial security - it is one of the more materialistic Jupiter placements therefore it will be manifester as people spending more on shopping, anything that provides them with security and comfort. Money is happiness.
Most prominent for: natal Jupiter in Taurus people; the house cusp Taurus is in; Taurus Risings (Identity, Life decisions); Aries Risings (Income); Pisces Risings (Communication, Ideas); Aquarius Risings (Home, Family); Capricorn Risings (Romance); Sagittarius Risings (Work, Health), Scorpio Risings (Relationships); Libra Risings (Finance); Virgo Risings (Education, Travel); Leo Risings (Career), Cancer Risings (Friendships, Aspirations); Gemini Rising (Spirituality, Mental Health);
Jupiter square Pluto
This transit can be quite challenging as it will feel like everything good may require a sacrifice, a big change that has to be made in order for this abundance to arrive. It may feel like there is an overwhelming amount of pressure, tension, complication. Any intense emotions could be exaggerated because of this.
Jupiter conjunct North Node
On of the most abundant transits. There will be major opportunities for growth, for overcoming challenges and looking forward. Great opportunities may come. I believe for some time there will be grandios and positive changes in the world. You may feel like you are on the right path for the things you are doing. It can feel optimistic, hopeful.
Jupiter sextile Saturn
Luck will come with effort and hard work. Good things will require patienct. People will be more realistic about their abilities.
North Node in Aries (July 17th)
This will feel quite energetic and will bring out people's ambition, desire to go after what is meant for them. It can feel forceful, like there is lack of patience and too much movement. On a bigger scale, I think there could be violence, aggression, tension, eruption. A lot of force since Mars-ruled Aries will bring out people's energy, desire to compete, ruin their competition.
Most prominent for: Cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn), but mostly Aries placements;
Pluto square North/South Node
Letting go of past trauma, possible trauma from the past re-merging. Having to go through difficult events that will push you to the path that is meant for you. I believe this will be one of the more difficult transits for everyone. Pluto equals change, it shows us what affects us psychologically and combined with the Nodes it will be energy from the past and future combined together. It will feel tense, it will require a lot of strength.
Mercury retrograde in Virgo (August 13th-September 15th)
Again - avoid important conversations, try not to sign important contracts, don't make plans, avoid talking to your ex.
Solar Eclipse in Libra (October 14th)
The past Solar eclipse in Scorpio felt intense for everyone, but this one could be something different. The changes that will occur during and after it could bring more balance in your life. While there could be a sacrifice that has to be made, it could lead to something better for you. I think with this eclipse a lot of the changes could be centered around romance, relationships regardless of the house cusp in your chart Libra is in.
Most prominent for: The house cusp in your chart Libra is in. Libra Rising (Idenity, Life decisions); Scorpio Rising (Mental health); Sagittarius Rising (Friendships, Aspirations); Capricorn Rising (Career, Image); Aquarius Risings (Education, Travel); Pisces Risings (Finance); Aries Risings (Relationships); Taurus Risings (Work, Health); Gemini Risings (Romance); Cancer Risings (Home, Family); Leo Risings (Communication, Plans); Virgo Risings (Income);
Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (October 28th)
There will be drastic shifts in your life, ones that will require you to be stubborn, to have strength and persistence. Taurus is ruled by Venus so once again, I don't believe this eclipse will be draining or forceful compared to the ones before. Major focus on romance, finances, relationships. On a bigger scale, agriculture, finance, values, basic needs (food, electricity, water, etc.)
Most prominent for: The house cusp in your chart Taurus is in; Taurus Rising (Self, Life decisions); Gemini Rising (Mental health); Cancer Rising (Friendships); Leo Rising (Career, Image); Virgo Rising (Education, Travel); Libra Rising (Finance); Scorpio Rising (Relationships); Sagittarius Rising (Work, Health); Capricorn Rising (Romance); Aquarius Rising (Family, Home); Pisces Rising (Communication); Aries Rising (Income);
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius and Capricorn (December 13th-January 1st)
Once again - avoid signing important deals or documents, avoid making important plans and try not to contact your ex.
Most prominent for: Gemini and Virgo Mercury; Sagittarius and Capricorn Mercury;
If you want to know how these events will affect your own chart, check out my pinned post with the readings I offer <3 For orders DM me here or email me at [email protected]
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sagstelliums · 2 months
Who’s your future spouse (pac) *follower request
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Pile 1
I see that your future spouse is a Sagittarius or Leo/aries, I see that they’re someone who’s independent and out themselves first. I see that they like to sleep a lot and theyre not someone who shows a lot of emotion so they try to keep things lighthearted, they’re used to suppressing their emotions. They’re someone who doesn’t like a lot of drama and they’ve gone through a lot of endings, they’re someone who’s helpful and creative. I see that over time they may get more sensitive or more expressive about how they feel. Signs- cancer/aries.
Initials- X, K, M
Pile 2
I see that your future spouse may be a Libra or Aquarius/Gemini and they may have a lot of earth sign placements/energy, I see that your future spouse like to have fun and they can be impulsive. They would prefer to stay home than go out, I see that they take good care of their house so that’s why they prefer to stay home. They like to learn and they like teaching themselves new things, they’re smart but they doubt themselves too much. They may have a short temper sometimes, they’re financially stable and good at saving or budgeting. Signs- Libra/Aquarius. Initals- S, Q, A, L, V
Pile 3
I see that your future spouse is a Leo or Aries/sagittarius, I see that they’re someone who will surprise you and they’re good at keeping secrets. Sometimes they’re sneaky and shy, I see that they may be physically strong or look strong but they’re not that confident. I see that they have two sides to them and they’re actually funny and witty once they’re comfortable with you, I see that they’re good at dirty talking or they make a lot of dirty remarks. They’ll be honest about how attracted they are to you, they’ll always find a way to make you blush. I see that they’ll like surprising you and doing new things with you, they’ll always have a new idea. I see that they’re passionate about their ideas and they’re good at putting action towards their goals. Signs- Aries/Leo. Initials- B, D, N, H
Personal readings always available
Pngs by @pepperspoppies Divider by @saradika-graphics
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daportalpractitioner · 7 months
identifying your purpose using the angular houses in your chart
1st house = your overall purpose in life which bleeds into all sectors of life
4th house = your purpose as a member of your bloodlines
7th house = your purpose in interpersonal connections
10th house = your purpose as a member of society
remember: you don't just have one purpose. it's our responsibility to integrate all of our purposes in order to live holistically.
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Sidereal ASC signs that will be in their bag and self development during 2024-2025:
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This will occur with Jupiter special aspects (5th and 9th from itself) to their finance related houses (2nd/8th/12th). There will be a natural focus towards your daily habits, work environment or colleges, profession, resources, career, and expenses. Home environment for some of you will also receive relevant influences as well.
• Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)
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You guys are focusing a lot on expanding your resources, increasing savings, and escalating the career/professional ladder in some way. There’s really no other sign as the moment whose energy is being so highly directed towards wealth as your signs. There will also be many financial lessons to incorporate during this time as well. Expenses or losses could rise just as high if you’re not managing them well enough. Make sure to focus on long term goals since you will have the energy and motivation to achieving a lot in your work/material/financial world. Leo and Sagittarius, pay attention to legal situations coming out of nowhere to bite you if you're not wary of falling for wealth traps, moving with no financial integrity, or being too materialistic.
• Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
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There is also a focus on getting a financial relief during these times. Yes, you will get a break from financial worries creating as much stress as before, and thanks to it you will lean towards self development. You will become very philosophical and introspective, which is fantastic, since it will help you heal certain undesirable subconscious patterns. There will be plenty of work to get done, so although you are more relaxed, you have to keep the pressure on the pedal and wheels moving. Home environment will also become more pleasant, and you might witness a literal expansion to it (construction, new home, etc) so do not be surprised. Libra, keep your hands out of your savings account unless necessary, now you can’t say someone didn’t warn you.
If you’d like to know further information/details on your sign taking into consideration your whole chart, how likely this situation is to happen for you, the reasoning behind it, and even possible outcome book with me via DM for a transit reading 🦋✨
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