#armed chick
womencharmingpix · 2 months
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transhawks · 6 months
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cybergirl2006 · 2 months
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butterfly-m0th · 4 months
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What part of my body would you enjoy seeing the most? ✨feets✨ legs✨ tits ✨pussy ✨butt✨ belly button✨ I consent to all tastes🫶
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dismas-n-dismay · 3 days
Psst. She's got something to show you!! Check it, Tiny Falin!
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The Shoulder Gang™️
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pooja873 · 5 months
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sparrowmoth · 2 months
I was tagged by @waterloou to share the first lines of my ten most recent fanfics so yeah this is all going to be Wesper not sorry djkjkd
i feel like i've known you (but we've never met)
nearlyfashion (he/they) You know, Wylie, I’ve decided… it’s not enough to hear your voice. Not that I don’t like it. I like it very much, I think you know.
My Kingdom for Your Kiss
The water, at these depths, looked all shades of black and dark blue. It felt heavier to breathe, and Wylan’s gills were burning for it.
Soul to Burrow (Little Rabbit) — and other poems
Guns bloom cherry blossom pink stains; sounds fade out to brown noise.
les fragments de la nuit
The first time is dirty, with a boy six months his younger, but built just like a tree trunk.
the perfect genius of our hands and mouths
JESPER, Sunday, 10/01 — quiz tomorrow. pick up meds. call da (you’re fine, just say you’re fine). meet matt for breakfast. do NOT text dima. do not. do not. it’s over. gods.
Leather Collar Prayer
There were days like this, rare and precious—quiet, rainy afternoons when the door to the Crow Club was locked to outsiders and the six of them withdrew to the spaces just their own.
The Only Hope For Me Is You
Even in summer, the night air was cool. They kept the window open, anyway, on the days it wasn’t raining, to get what fresh air that they could.
Armor and Amor
“Your highness, I urge you—and with all due respect—but you must reconsider! The boy is illiterate. His mother is mad!”
My Little Pony: BDSM is Magic
“Pleasure Point Stables,” Jesper’s therapist had said. “It’s a—” He’d interrupted, already shaking his head as he went to remind her he’d grown up on a farm. Already knew how to ride. And hadn’t she told him he should be trying something new? Something stimulating—
Yours, Mine, Hours
The night had started well enough, hand in hand with Jesper on the bustling streets of the Barrel. Wylan had borrowed some of Jesper’s flash to better fit the scene they were heading into.
Tagging (no pressure): @finitevoid @jazzythursday @wespertilionidae @stormkpr @oneofthewednesdays @kindness-ricochets @fizzysugarwater and anyone else who wants to do this!
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seabeck · 1 year
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Baby Paella already doing up for snacks :3
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I'll sic junie b jones on you
#very specific threats for people who read the same books as me when they were 5#junie b jones is the scariest of the unhinged little girls#like out of all of them#she would totally wreck Judy Moody's shit despite being a whole three or four years younger#she would probably form an alliance with ramona#(but i think she could beat ramona if she had to)#she would probably best Annie (treehouse girl) but that's only because Jack would be restraining Annie the whole time#rachel and kirsty from rainbow magic would def lose to her#despite what that one post going around says she would destroy greg heffley#the chick from dork diaries would get her ass beaten by junie and then put it in her diary#(yes even though nikki is in like the 7th grade i think junie could kick her ass)#allie finkle would NOT survive an encounter with junie b#i think the only one with a fighting chance would be ramona but only if she was still small and unhinged#read the tags#please read the tags#OH AND SHE WOULD TOTALLY KILL KAREN FROM BABY SITTERS LITTLE SISTER#THAT WOULD NOT EVEN BE A FIGHT#karen was scared of a lady next door junie b would beat her ass#feel free to add more kids book characters that junie b jones could curbstomp#the only unhinged child i can think of that would beat junie b in a fight is kate weatherall and that's because kate is 12 and armed#kate would probably not win if she didn't have her bucket and marble slingshot but she does so that gives her an edge#actually constance contraire might have a chance but that's only because she's psychic#i think she would beat artemis fowl in a fair fight but only if he didn't have any prior warning or his butler#because i just know that dude has no contingency for a 6 year old kicking down his door and hitting him in the shins#she would WRECK betsy and tacy no question#i think she could curbstomp the penderwicks too except maybe skye but that exception is a strong maybe#if you want to add more characters you think junie b jones could beat in a fight in the tags#please do#i want to see your takes
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Hello. I would kindly request something for the Pokémon AU please. Gil still recovering from the whole poison thing and everyone there is helping him whenever they can, even Thenas most stubborn Pokémon. Thank you!
Gil stumbled, nearly toppling all the way over before a psychic aura caught his fall. He blinked as he floated upright again. He would have expected Ninetales or even Froslass to be responsible for it, but it was neither. "Uh, th-thanks."
Gallade just glared at him, picking up one of the bags and walking out of the room.
It had been a harrowing week, Gil had learned. He was only leaving their room in the pokemon centre because they needed it for more critical patients. He wouldn't be cleared to work again for a while. He wanted to insist that he was fine, but he felt weak. And he had put Thena and Teddiursa - and poor Dragonite - through enough.
Thena looked like she hadn't slept all week. And she and their little cub wouldn't let go of each other for anything--it was like when he was a baby all over again. He kept catching them staring at him, like they were expecting him to get worse again.
The Audino and Chansey had looked him over and given him a full pass if he rested. Even the human doctors and nurses agreed he could be released.
"Hey, move slowly," Thena whispered as she came over to him. She tucked herself under his arm as if he had been limping and needed a crutch. "You're coming straight home, anyway."
Gil eyed the doorway where Gallade had all but stomped away with his stuff. "He doesn't seem too happy with me."
Thena's eyes drifted away. "It's been a tough week--on all of us."
That implied that Gallade had been worried for him too. But Gil thought it was much more likely that the Blade Pokemon was frustrated with him purely for the stress he had caused Thena.
Gil paused, making Thena halt with him. He raised his hand to her cheek. He knew it was impossible, but he could swear she had lost weight in the week he'd spent in bed. "Are you sure you're okay?"
She smiled for him, at least. But it really only served to emphasize that she had dark circles under her eyes, her cheeks felt sunken and she was lacking the usual sparkle she had. Naturally, her eyes were as vibrant as a dawn stone, but now they just seemed...sad. "I'm happy you're on your feet."
He sighed as she leaned up to kiss his cheek. "I really put you through hell and Hoenn water, huh?"
She didn't disagree with him, but she patted his chest. "You're coming home, that's all that matters."
"Has Dragonite been staying with you?"
"Yes, although I fear we'll need more room," she lamented in good humour as she helped him drag himself out of the room and from the poison ward all together. She gave him a poke, "no more big pokemon."
"So I shouldn't come home with a Tyrannitar or a Snorlax, you mean?"
She laughed, and he felt better as soon as he heard it. "Absolutely not--keep it small. No bigger than a Munchlax."
Even young Munchlax could be hundreds of kilos in weight, so that really wasn't an option for their little house on the hill either.
"Hey, I'm okay," he smiled at the ice/ghost type hovering close. He must have really scared them all if she was floating around completely visible. "I'll get some rest and be good as new."
Dragonite gave him the biggest, saddest eyes a dragon could muster.
"Oh, come on buddy," Gil chided lightly. Dragonite leaned down to let his snout be petted gently. "Don't look at me like that. You can come and see me as soon as you're done work."
Ah, their sweet little bear cub, growing up so fast. Gil patted between his ears, finally in good proportion with his head. "You too, buddy. You can't skip work to stay home with me."
Teddiursa pouted a little, but Thena nuzzled the crescent moon in his fur and pressed a kiss there. "You are a junior ranger, my Luvdisc, you have responsibilities."
The pressure from his Mama made him pout even more, even cross his little arms. But he agreed, "Ted-Teddi."
"You sit," Thena helped him into one of the seats in the main waiting area. She set Teddiursa in his arms as well, "I'll get your ride ready."
He figured it would be Dragonite, like always. But Dragonite's harness did require some holding, even with the safety buckle. Maybe she'd called a pokemon taxi. He sighed.
Gil blinked as Gallade set his bag down at his feet and sat next to him. He leaned forward, resting his weight on his knees(?) in a way that would have Thena scolding him to sit up straight. "Thanks."
Gil idly rubbed Teddiursa's back, seated on his knee. He looked at Gallade. "Sorry, for all this, I mean. I'm sure it hasn't been easy on you."
Gallade looked towards the front doors of the pokemon centre. His concern wasn't really for himself, but for his trainer. "Gallade."
Gil winced. Thena had been through too much because of this. Gallade was right to be angry with him. "I'll make it up to her."
"Lade," he scoffed. Gallade was a pokemon of few words, especially when he had to listen to them.
Gil ruffled his hair, a subconscious move in substitute of reaching for his ranger hat. "I didn't mean to get poisoned, y'know."
Oh, now it was the silent treatment.
Gil rolled his eyes. Gallade had been increasingly hostile since the beginnings of his and Thena's relationship turning romantic. He sighed, "look, I'll take care of her. These things...just happen."
Gil startled, as did a few other patrons. He hadn't expected such a strong rebuttal about taking care of himself. "Uh, I usually take care of himself-"
"Gal-Gallade, Gal," the pokemon rolled its eyes. He even crossed his arms and rested one of his feet(?) on his knee(???).
"I do," Gil scowled at the childish feeling argument--and with his girlfriend's pokemon, no less. But he watched Gallade's annoyed eyes and shifty body language. He sat back again. "These are the risks of the job, bud. I know that, and Thena does too."
Gallade said nothing.
Gil moved a little in his seat. Gallade was far past the age when it wanted to be petted like a Skitty. But he tried to catch its eye, "I am sorry, though. I know I worried you all."
Gallade had been worried about him. And now that he was better, he could experience the fighting/psychic's full annoyance as a result. "Gallade."
"I know." Gil had heard all about the pokemon's care of him. Gallade had used hypnosis to put him in a state even the pain killers and sedatives couldn't achieve.
Gallade eyed the door again before looking at him, and then swatting at him. "Gallade-Gal!"
"Okay, geez," Gil held up his hands before Gallade stood and walked outside, presumably sensing the return of its trainer. Gil looked around sheepishly at the guests. He cleared his throat, "sorry."
An older woman smiled in her seat, her Pansage on her lap. "Teenagers--he'll grow out of it."
"Hope so," Gil sighed. He looked down at Teddiursa, who hadn't spoken a word in his defense. "You were no help."
"Ted," the little bear turned his head. He was a little upset too, it seemed. Although Gil got the feeling he was mostly copying his big brother, more than anything.
"Okay, come on," Thena came back in, holding out her hand. Gallade left her side to - still scowling at him! - offer his support.
"Thanks," he sighed, standing with a heavy groan. He looked at Gallade, offering its blade like it was assisting an old man. "I can walk, y'know."
"Gal." It wasn't the first time Gallade had told him to shut up, and it probably wouldn't be the last either.
"Excuse me?" The stern words from his trainer did make the Blade Pokemon stand up a little straighter and lower his tone. She put her hands on her hips, "that's what I thought."
Gil just chuckled. He was plenty used to it, and he had somewhat missed the chaos of his usual life in the silence of his private room. "None taken, buddy."
"Okay, let's go."
"Whoa," Gil blinked and smiled, dragging his feet over to his chauffeur. "It's been a while--how are you?"
"Altar," the Humming Pokemon cooed, letting Gil bend its long neck around to receive some head scratches. It no longer possessed the little antennae on top of its head but now had long, flowing ones. "Altaria!"
"Thanks, I guess I've been better, but it's good to see you," Gil grinned. It had been a long time since he had last seen the Swablu-turned-Altaria of Thena's. "You're my ride home?"
"I called," Thena confessed, also receiving some affection as Altaria leaned its head down to nuzzle her. "I know Dragonite can carry you, but the news of your condition brought him home anyway."
It was very sweet of the retired and technically freed pokemon to return to check on him. The dragon type passed through regularly of course, always checking up on Thena.
It nodded to Gallade, who nodded back. The two original party members of her team in this region conveyed an understanding that even the rest of her team lacked. Gallade offered a wave, which Altaria met with a slap of one of its antennae.
"Come on, then," Thena said gently, helping Gil ease onto Altaria's back.
"Thena, really, I'm-" his mouth shut as he sank into the sheer plushness of Altaria's downy feathers. It really was like sleeping on a cloud. "Wow."
Thena had on a smirk. She knew that he wouldn't be able to resist the offer of an Altaria, no matter how much he insisted he was well. "We'll meet you at home."
She gave him a last kiss on the cheek before asking Altaria ever so gently to fly him home slowly and smoothly. She gave her old pokemon a kiss on the tip of his beak, their foreheads pressed together before the flying pokemon took off lightly and smoothly.
He had never flown on an Altaria before, but wow it was luxurious. It would probably be more common if they weren't so tough to actually train, let alone evolve. Only the most ambitious trainers would go through the work of evolving a Swablu that wasn't purebred.
That was his Thena, though.
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cybergirl2006 · 2 months
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edgepunk · 8 months
holy shit I didn't realize that sssniperwolf showed up at jack's house while he was livestreaming and there is a clip of him when he realized what had happened
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worstloki · 2 years
MCU trying to prove that Thor's not interested in his brother: look! he's kissing a pirate girl with blue hair!! and a werewolf lady!!!!! his type is a lot more vast than--
Me: they're both Loki aren't they.
MCU: What? There is NOTHING implying that.
Me: Ohhhhh, so Thor is trying to get over his bro by trying eccentric things, then?
MCU: Where are you getting this from??????
Me: I knew it.
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spacepunksupreme · 7 months
Been following your journey through the 007 franchise and I gotta know, who's your favorite Bond so far?
Oh I’m so cursed to love the Bonds that are only there for five minutes. Timothy Dalton is easily my favorite with George Lazenby also ranking fairly high lol.
I think Dalton really had a sweetness that none of the other Bonds have quite the way he does? His Bond is just so sensitive and gentle while still being believably badass, where some of the other Bonds are either too macho and/or too traumatized to have like real emotions lol. Similarly, I like Lazenby because I think he has the same personality as Connery’s Bond but he manages to make his Bond feel just a little bit less toxically masculine?
Also I just watched Casino Royale last week so I’ve now seen Daniel Craig Bond too! I liked him a lot more than expected, and think he’s really successfully emotionally complex, but I feel like I need watch his whole run as Bond before I can really form an opinion of him overall. I fear the other four movies will not keep up the aspects that liked about him lol
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I mentioned yesterday that my Speckled Sussex baby is terrified of me and won’t let me get close to her, but today she came up to me and even started climbing on my arm with the other chicks! My heart melted, she’s an adorable baby with huge sweet eyes, I hope she learns to trust me a little bit more!
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