#arrest george soros
Instead of the power trip that led to cyberattacks on a true humanitarian, the UK press could have focused on this humanitarian crisis: Author Mitch Albom Details Harrowing Escape from Haiti 💔
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schraubd · 1 year
The Most Dangerous Threat To Jews Are The People Threatening To Kill the Jews
Yesterday, June 16, 2023, a federal jury officially convicted Robert Bowers, the White supremacist whose 2018 mass shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania that was the deadliest antisemitic incident in American history.
Also yesterday, a man in Michigan was arrested on charges he plotted to conduct his own mass shooting at a synagogue in East Lansing. Like Bowers, Seann Patrick Pietila was also a far-right White supremacist, though it appears his immediate inspiration was the Christchurch Mosque massacre, on whose 5th anniversary he planned to launch his own killing spree.
There is a line one increasingly hears in conservative Jewish circles that insists that Jewish fears over right-wing antisemitism are naught but a ginned up panic. Just a few weeks ago, Jonathan Tobin had the gall to claim that "It isn’t going too far to assert that Soros is endangering far more American and Jewish lives than stray marginal extreme right-wingers." To say that at a moment when the Tree of Life survivors are forced to relive a massacre perpetrated by one of those "stray marginal extremists", one whose violent hate was inextricably bound up in the fever swamp of antisemitic conspiracies for whom George Soros is a central figure and which the likes of Tobin are now trying to render Kosher, is sickening.
The most dangerous threat to American Jews is not liberal Jews supporting policies supported by most other American Jews. The most dangerous threat to American Jews is, and continues to be, the people trying to murder Jews, right alongside the people ginning up, spreading, apologizing for, or horrifyingly endorsing the conspiracies that justify those murders. It's not that complicated. But apparently it still needs to be said.
June 16, 2023, in some ways represents the ongoing circle of antisemitic death, closed in on itself. One antisemitic mass murder reached "closure" (if such a thing is possible). Another was thankfully averted, due to the vigilance of law enforcement who fortunately did not take Tobin's unsolicited, misguided, politically opportunistic, and downright dangerous "advice" that right-wing antisemitism is non-threat.
They know it. We know it. The Tobins of the world, trying to deny it, are absolutely and utterly beneath contempt.
via The Debate Link https://ift.tt/OvkZ4PY
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Marjorie Taylor Greene had to leave the Trump arraignment rally after she was drowned out by counter-protesters.
During her chaotic arrival in New York on Tuesday, there appeared to be more members of the media than protesters present.
Ms. Greene was joined by the New York Young Republicans – a group with ties to embattled congressman George Santos, who also made a brief appearance at the rally before departing after being mobbed by the media. Ms. Greene was also met by counterprotesters holding their own “emergency noise demo” to drown out her “hate speech”.
The New York Young Republicans at one point responded with a USA-chant.
As clashes between pro- and anti-Trump demonstrators took place, the NYPD tried to separate the groups. Both camps were separated with NYPD barricades and community affairs officers between them.
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Ms. Greene took aim at New York Mayor Eric Adams, saying that “you send your henchmen down here to commit assault against people by making loud noises”.
Per Ben Collins of NBC News, the reason it was difficult to hear Ms. Greene may have been because a Trump supporter handed out whistles. He was apparently unaware that Ms. Greene was attending.
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Ms. Greene urged Americans to “take a stand” during her brief speech, large parts of which were drowned out by the sounds of counter-protesters.
She claimed that the government has been “weaponized” against Americans, adding: “I’m here to protest and use my voice and take a stand. Every American should take a stand. This is what happens in communist countries – not the United States of America. We have to take a stand against the injustice, the corruption, and the communist Democrats.”
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She continued: “They’re taking our legal code, twisting it, manipulating it, and perverting it into something it was never meant to be. Donald J Trump is innocent, this is election interference. DA Alvin Bragg is nothing but a George Soros-funded tool. He is a tool for the Democrats to try to hijack the 2024 presidential election. This is a travesty!”
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Ms. Greene soon left the rally and appeared on RSBN, saying that Mr. Trump “is joining some of the most incredible people in history being arrested today. Nelson Mandela was arrested, served time in prison. Jesus! Jesus was arrested and murdered”.
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She was slammed by New York congressman Jamaal Bowman, who told her to “go back to your district. What are you doing here? You’re here for politics, you’re here because you want to be VP ... you’re here for your own nonsense”.
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
By Rich Calder and Matthew Sedacca
Far-left billionaire kingmaker George Soros has funneled more than $15 million since 2016 to groups behind this month’s pro-Palestine protests, where demonstrators openly cheered Hamas militants’ craven terrorist attacks on Israel.
A Post examination of Open Society Foundations records shows Soros’ grant-making network gave $13.7 million of the money through Tides Center, a deep-pocketed lefty advocacy group that sponsors several nonprofits who’ve justified Hamas’ bloody attacks while claiming Palestinians obsessed with the eradication of the Jewish state are the real victims.
Tides’ beneficiaries include Illinois-based Adalah Justice Project, which on the day of the Oct. 7 massacre posted a photo on Instagram of a bulldozer tearing part of Israel’s border fence down and a caption: “Israeli colonizers believed they could indefinitely trap two million people in an open-air prison… no cage goes unchallenged.”
Members of the Palestinian advocacy group occupied California Rep. Ro Khanna’s office on Oct. 20 to demand he sign a resolution calling for ceasefire in Gaza. Adalah’s members also co-sponsored a rally that same day in Bryant Park where hostile demonstrators spewed antisemitic chants and waved a sign that read “I DO NOT CONDEMN HAMAS.”
It also gave $30,000 in 2020 to Desis Rising Up and Moving, another co-sponsor of the Bryant Park protest where 139 people were arrested, financial records show.
Open Society Foundations gave $60,000 in 2018 to the Arab American Association of New York, a group co-founded by politically connected activist Linda Sarsour that helped plan a hate-filled “Flood Brooklyn for Palestine” protest in Bay Ridge on Oct. 21, where protestors called for the eradication of Israel and held a sign of the Israeli flag in a trash basket that read “Please keep the world clean!”
Open Society Foundations also awarded $1.5 million to Adalah’s founding nonprofit, Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, but only $800,000 of it was received before the legal center cut ties with the American organization in 2018. The legal center says its mission is to promote human rights in Israel.
Other Soros-backed, Palestinian advocacy groups whose members have been spewing hate at rallies since the massacre include Jewish Voice for Peace and If Not Now, which received $650,000 and $400,000, respectively.
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gusty-wind · 11 months
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-Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer
-Stephane Bancel, CEO of Moderna
-Pascal Soriot, CEO of Astra Zeneca
-Alex Gorsky, CEO of Johnson and Johnson
-Dr. Rajiv Shah, President of the Rockefeller Foundation
-Klaus Schwab, President of the World Economic Forum
-Tedros Adhanhom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO
-Anthony Fauci
-Peter Daszak
-Francis Collins
-Bill Gates
-George Soros
-Barack Obama
-Hillary Clinton
-Bill Clinton
-Joe Biden
-John Podesta
-John Brennan
-James Comey
-Adam Schiff
-Peter Strzok
-Mark Zuckerberg
-Melinda Gates
-Nancy Pelosi
-Lindsey Graham
-Gen. Mark Milley
-Volodymyr Zelensky
-Henry Kissinger
-Ralph Baric
-Blackrock, Vanguard, Statestreet
-MN Gov. Tim Walz & Keith Ellison
And about100 other treasonous bastards in politics,7 Dem. Governors Grandma & Grandpa Killers, Judges, Prosecutors, Federal Agencies, Darpa, DOD, FDA, CDC, WHO, WEF, WEF Health Governors, United Nationals, *Liberal Main Stream Media*, *Big Tech*, Medical Field, Hospital CEOs, Pedowood/Pedoland/Pedo-world, Banks & Corporations, etc…..
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
Gamergate drove a male escort to attack a politician's husband. Yeah, I don't believe that even for a second. It almost feels like he was reading from a script.
A man accused of a hammer attack on ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband has testified how he hatched a plan to end US corruption after becoming absorbed in conspiracy theories.
David DePape, 43, has pleaded not guilty to two charges including attempted kidnap of a federal official.
He cried as he testified how he hatched a bizarre plot that included wearing a unicorn costume while interrogating Ms Pelosi and posting the video online.
If convicted, he faces life in prison.
Closing arguments in the trial are expected on Wednesday.
On Tuesday, in sometimes tearful testimony, Mr DePape told the court he used to have left-wing political beliefs before a political transformation that started when he was living in a garage without a toilet or shower, playing video games for hours at a time. Giving evidence for more than an hour, he said that in the course of looking up information about video games he became interested in Gamergate, an anti-feminist campaign that targeted prominent women in the gaming world and became a huge online trend starting in 2014. He began listening to right-wing podcasters and watching political YouTube videos.
"At that time, I was biased against Trump," Mr DePape said, "but there's, like, truth there. So if there's truth out there that I don't know, I want to know it."
He said he formulated a "grand plan" that involved luring "targets" to the Pelosi home.
Inflatable unicorn costume
The names on his list included University of Michigan academic Gayle Rubin, California Governor Gavin Newsom, Tom Hanks, congressman Adam Schiff, former Vice-President Mike Pence, former Attorney General Bill Barr, Senator Bernie Sanders and liberal mega-donor George Soros.
Ultimately, Mr DePape said, he wanted to confront President Joe Biden's son Hunter, and after he got his targets to admit to corruption, he planned to ask the president to pardon everyone he considered a "criminal".
"It's just easier giving them a pardon so we can move forward as a country," he said, crying on the stand. _______________________
Article is finished under the cut, got another submission going out soon too doing this one first tho.
They need a shrink or three that don't know who he is or why they're doing it to evaluate him, because ya this is looking incredibly scripted in a way that provides a win win for both parties in the case.
Nancy gets to talk about right wing conspiracies and Pepe gets to walk on a temporary insanity defense.
Mr DePape said he went to the Pelosi home in the early hours of 28 October last year, hoping to talk to Mrs Pelosi about what he thought were false theories of Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election.
He said he planned to wear an inflatable unicorn costume and upload his interrogation of her online. He was arrested with zip ties and duct tape in his possession.
When asked why he hit Mr Pelosi, he responded: "I reacted because my plan was basically ruined."
"He was never my target and I'm sorry that he got hurt," he said.
Mr Pelosi, 83, testified on Monday of his alarm upon waking up to find Mr DePape "standing in the doorway".
Mr Pelosi spent six days in hospital with a fractured skull and injuries to his arm and hand.
Defence lawyers are not denying that Mr DePape struck Mr Pelosi, but they are arguing he was motivated by his belief in conspiracy theories rather than Mrs Pelosi's status as Speaker of the House.
Because the charges involve assault on a federal official, prosecutors must prove that Mr DePape's actions were motivated by Mrs Pelosi's elected position.
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darkmaga-retard · 5 hours
10 headlines the media didn’t report today.
The Vigilant Fox
Sep 24, 2024
#1 - Diddy predicts his own demise in newly-resurfaced video.
“They probably gonna be arresting me.”
“Your parties are the hottest ticket around,” an Entertainment Tonight reporter told Diddy in a 1999 interview. He replied, “They won’t even give me a permit for the parties, man. They don’t want me to throw the parties no more.”
“You gonna hear about my parties, they gonna be shutting them down, they gonna probably be arresting me, doing all types of crazy things, just because we wanna have a good time.”
READ MORE: https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2024/09/24/sean-diddy-combs-predicts-his-own-demise-over-his-parties-in-resurfaced-interview-theyre-probably-gonna-be-arresting-me/
(Keep scrolling for more stories)
#2 - Alex Clark lights up the childhood vaccine schedule during chronic disease roundtable.
"Today, a child following the recommended vaccine schedule will receive up to 70 shots by the time they turn 18...Are all these shots producing healthier kids? According to the data, no. Are we allowed to even ask? Also, no."
Credit: https://x.com/TheChiefNerd/status/1838374805571047697?t=Kaqn7tSSNX-5rs4H1vcEUA&s=19
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#3 - Popular YouTube influencer astonished at number of fellow YouTubers dropping dead.
READ MORE: https://vigilantnews.com/post/popular-youtube-influencer-astonished-at-number-of-fellow-youtubers-dropping-dead/
#4 - Trump urged use of troops to protect Capitol on Jan. 6 but was rebuffed.
#5 - Former AG Barr 'dumbfounded' at DOJ’s decision to release letter of Trump would-be assassin.
#6 - FCC fast-tracks George Soros' purchase of 220+ radio stations before November's election.
The stations reach 165M Americans. This has never been done before.
Credit: https://x.com/EndWokeness/status/1838562719672259032
While you’re here, don’t forget to subscribe to this page for more daily news roundups every weeknight.Subscribe
#7 - Cardinal Dolan mocks Kamala Harris for refusing invitation to the Catholic Al Smith dinner.
“We’re not used to this. We don’t know how to handle it. This hasn’t happened in 40 years since Walter Mondale turned down the invitation. And remember, he lost 49 out of 50 states…Senator Schumer said to me, ‘I don’t think she made the decision. I think her schedulers are saying she can’t make it.’ So we’re not giving up. We hope she’s here.”
Credit: https://x.com/CortesSteve/status/1838551916197941274
#8 - U.S. lawmakers prepare for “Mass Casualty Event.”
#9 - Censorship regime scores victories on Telegram and X.
• Telegram will share user data with governments following CEO arrest.
• And X will comply with Brazilian government’s censorship demands.
#10 - Idaho man charged after allegedly making nine or more phone calls threatening to “personally” kill Donald Trump.
“I want Trump in a body bag.”
Credit: https://x.com/CollinRugg/status/1838659215633846630
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BONUS #1: CNN's Eva McKend completely demolishes Kamala's "I'm tough on the border" routine in the classiest way possible.
"So for her to go down there, and characterize herself as tough on the border, it isn't consistent with a lot of the policy positions that she previously has espoused."
Credit: https://x.com/charliekirk11/status/1838638130855055391
BONUS #2 - Joe Rogan goes there on drag queen story hour.
Finally, someone is speaking some sense.
“How weird is it that it's an argument whether or not drag queens should be reading books to kids? ... Whose idea was this?”
“How about guys on parole for violent crimes? How about them reading to kids?”
“How about corrupt politicians: have them read to kids?”
“How about CEOs who've been arrested for embezzlement? How about them reading to kids?”
“People convicted of violent assault, but they wouldn't do it again. It was a bad move. How about they read to kids?”
BONUS #3 - Medical doctor warns America is racing toward a genocidal health collapse.
Big Food and Big Pharma are literally poisoning us, and you won’t believe how bad it is until you see these stats. According to Dr. Casey Means:
• "Metabolic dysfunction now affects 93.2% of American adults."
• "Americans live eight fewer years compared to people in Japan or Switzerland, and life expectancy is going down."
• "For each additional serving of ultra-processed food we eat, early mortality increases by 18%. This now makes up 67% of the foods our kids are eating."
• "82% of independently funded studies show harm from processed food, while 93% of industry-sponsored studies reflect no harm."
• "95% of the people who created the recent USDA food guidelines for America had significant conflicts of interest with the food industry."
• "1 billion pounds of synthetic pesticides are being sprayed on our food every single year."
• "99% of the farmland in the United States is sprayed with synthetic pesticides."
• "Recent research from just the past couple of months tells us that now about 0.5% of our brains, by weight, are now plastic."
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azuremallone · 5 months
OK, so let me get this straight...
Is it legal to organize and fund a rebellion? Because last time I checked, that was called Seditious Treason. So when are the Gates going to be arrested by the Secret Service, put into handcuffs, and put on trial? What about Soros? Or what about the leaders of those organizations who openly stated their intent to instigate a rebellion?
Wasn't that the whole lefty run on the January 6th bullshit?
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mightyflamethrower · 9 months
Compton Business Encounters Social Justice
As local police are marginalized, the “marginalized” become ever more entitled. In the Los Angeles area, liberal utopia has been achieved. Good luck to capitalist oppressors trying to run a business:
A mob of over 100 looters purposefully crashed a Kia into a small bakery in Compton, Calif., before they flooded in and ransacked the store during a night of rampage on the streets earlier this week.
This same means of entry has been used in Chicago, which now has a mayor who sides with mobs of looters openly, instead of implicitly like most Democrats.
The thieves had gathered in the area for an illegal street takeover around 3 a.m. Tuesday before making the mile-long trek to Ruben’s Bakery & Mexican Food.
This could be why in the olden days the streets were policed rather than left to mobs of lowlife. But that was found to be racist.
Police had received two calls about a car on fire and a street takeover outside the bakery just before the looting occurred.
Maybe they thought better of intervening, lest an officer end up getting the Derek Chauvin treatment. It’s not as if any of the looters would be prosecuted anyway. Los Angeles County DA George Gascon was installed by George Soros, #1 bankroller of the Democratic Party.
No injuries or arrests were reported in Tuesday’s looting.
Of course not. If there were consequences, lawlessness would not be escalating out of control.
Ironically, the Ruben’s storefront prominently features “We Accept EBT” notices. EBT is a government-implemented form of looting, whereby taxpayers and holders of inflated US currency are the ones who get looted.
Welcome to the new Post Modern American Utopia
Thank you DEI
Thank you Democrats.
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william-r-melich · 5 months
Group-Non-Think - 04/30/20204
The anti-Israel protests at colleges and universities around the country seem to be growing and gaining momentum, a current trend that is very disturbing to me. Why so many people dislike the Jews perplexes me, what ever happened to live and let live? I stand with Israel and its right to defend itself against the terrorists' regimes that raped, tortured, and murdered over 1,200 of its innocent citizens back on October 7th of last year. It appears that most of these protestors are not students, but paid agitators sent out to disrupt an orderly society, to sew chaos and division among American citizens. Newsmax reported today that 60% of the protestors at the University of Texas who were arrested in Housten were not students. They're probably being paid by NGO's (Non-Government Organizations), many of which are funded by George Soros. It wouldn't surprise me if the UN is involved too as they are helping with facilitating all the illegal migration that's been going on for the last 3 years. So, our tax dollars may be paying for some of these protestors, that's quite unsettling to say the least. At Colombia University they were breaking windows and they have barricaded themselves inside one of the buildings, essentially taking over the school. People have a right to free speech and to protest, but it's wrong and illegal to destroy property, insight violence, block traffic or block students from attending class. Where's Joe Biden in all of this? Why aren't the police arresting them like they did in Texas? This is crazy.
A good number of these protestors don't even know what they are protesting, which was revealed when reporters asked them about why they were there, and many of them said they didn't know. It's collectivist hatred run amok, or what's commonly referred to as groupthink, but I think they really don't think; because if they did, they probably wouldn't be doing it, although I'm sure that getting paid has something to do with it as well. A lot of them also said that they didn't believe the Jewish holocaust in Germany during WWII had occurred. It obviously did since there are photographs and motion film that documented the horrific human atrocities. To deny it is to deny reality. And to carry on as they do it's clear to me that they're not thinking clearly or not really thinking at all, which is why I call it Group-non-think. It's evil and it needs to be stopped.
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Radley Balko at The UnPopulist:
Donald Trump and his allies constantly complain that they are regularly targeted, singled out for abuse, and deliberately humiliated by the criminal justice system. They claim that there are “two tiers of justice”—a strict, unrelenting one for MAGA, and a loose, deferential one for the migrants, rapists, and killers that George Soros-funded prosecutors refuse to punish. But even before the conservative justices in a party-line ruling handed Trump virtual immunity from fomenting an insurrection, he had been getting the criminal justice system’s “platinum door” treatment. His cases are unusual in that he’s a former president. But his status and political position have helped him far more than they have hurt him. I want to compare and contrast some of Trump and his supporters’ complaints with how the criminal legal system operates in the real world.
Treating Trump With Kid Gloves
Trump has complained that his criminal trials have been a huge inconvenience for him—keeping him from using that time to campaign for president, potentially keeping him from attending his son Barron’s high school graduation. Typically, people facing criminal charges have to show up when court begins and then sit for hours until their case is called. They’re required to take off work, or find someone to watch their kids. And those are merely the people lucky enough to be released before trial. In many courts, they aren’t allowed to have cell phones. Over the last few years, I’ve watched dozens of people wait in a courtroom, staring at the wall for half a day or more, only to learn that their case has been continued, so they'll have to do it all again in a month. I don’t know if any of them had to cancel a political rally, but many have certainly been fired, missed doctor’s appointments, or lost other opportunities. I suppose it’s possible that a judge at some point let a defendant charged with 34 felonies delay a trial to attend a graduation ceremony, but I imagine if you asked a public defender if that’s a regular occurrence, you’d need to set aside some time for the laughter to die down. Incidentally, Trump was permitted to attend his son’s graduation.
Trump and his supporters have also complained about the tactics the FBI agents used when serving the search warrant on Mar-a-Lago. Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene described the raid as “the rogue behavior of communist countries,” and Steve Bannon insisted that the GOP will move to incarcerate officials who approved it. Trump himself accused FBI agents of not taking off their shoes while walking through his bedroom. As someone who has written about aggressive police raids for over 20 years, it’s hard to image a more pathetic complaint than that. The FBI gave Trump’s Secret Service detail a heads-up that they were coming. They deliberately conducted the search when Trump would be out of town, to save him embarrassment. When National Security Agency intelligence officer, William Binney, a whistleblower, tried to point out problems at the agency by going through internal channels, FBI agents raided his home unannounced, entered without authorization, and pointed their guns at him after finding him in the shower.
Far-right media personalities like Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham have also suggested that Robert Mueller’s office may have tipped off the media to maximize publicity around the raid. But of course tipping off the press about a pending arrest is a time-honored tradition among publicity-seeking prosecutors. The amusing thing about this complaint is that a carefully staged perp walk as a publicity stunt is a technique first popularized by … Trump’s personal attorney and bag man Rudy Giuliani, who used it to humiliate the International Monetary Fund’s chief. We now know that Mueller’s office did not tip off CNN. The network’s reporters had staked out Stone’s house after noticing unusual activity in court fillings from Mueller’s office. It was just good reporting.
MAGA world has also been critical of how search and arrest warrants were served on other Trump-adjacent personalities. FBI agents were accused of “manhandling” Paul Manafort and his wife during an early morning raid, which legal commentator Jonathan Turley called “excessive.” In response to the FBI’s raid on Roger Stone, Sheriff Joe Arpaio said: “I’ve been busting down doors for 50 years and I’ve never sent that many units to the baddest murderer.” (Arpaio once sent a small army of cops to raid a guy accused of cockfighting. That raid ended with actor Steven Seagal, cosplaying as a cop, driving an armored vehicle into the poor guy’s living room.) But of course the FBI and other federal agencies routinely conduct volatile, aggressive raids on people suspected of nonviolent or low-level crimes.
Jan. 6 Rioters More Equal than BLM Protesters
Then there’s January 6th! Increasingly over the past couple of years, Trump and his allies have complained that the Jan. 6 rioters have been singled out for abuse, especially when compared to those accused of rioting and looting during the George Floyd protests. The Jan. 6 rioters are frequently referred to as “political prisoners”—Trump himself calls them “hostages.” Let’s look at the facts.
About 70% of people arrested and charged with Jan. 6-related crimes were released on bond or under their own recognizance, including everyone charged with crimes that would qualify as “peaceful protest,” such as trespassing. Just 25% of federal criminal defendants are released pre-trial overall. If we factor in both state and federal courts, the number of people routinely detained while awaiting trial in this country is so large that there are actually more people behind bars who have yet to be convicted than people who have. But seven in 10 Jan. 6ers were released. It is true that the conditions in Washington, D.C. jails are terrible. They’re under-supervised, unsanitary, and hellish, and have astronomical rates of suicide. When Trump was booked at the jail in Fulton County, Georgia, he complained that the facility was “poor and disgraceful,” adding, “It’s worse than you could even imagine. It’s violent. The building is falling apart.” But Trump was quickly booked and released. He didn’t spend any time in an actual jail cell.
All of the Jan. 6 defendants who were not released prior to trial were charged with serious felonies. Federal public defenders have made clear that the federal courts have been far more likely to release Capitol rioters pre-trial than other defendants. And, in fact, the D.C. federal public defender’s office went all out to make sure that Jan. 6ers received a robust defense. They ramped up staffing and enlisted attorneys from other federal offices to help. We can contrast the extraordinary efforts to make sure the Jan. 6ers were well defended to the ongoing crisis in public defense I’ve been regularly documenting. There are parts of the country where people sit in jails for weeks or even months before ever seeing a lawyer. Some meet their attorney for the first time just minutes before they’re due in court. Many public defenders have no access to investigators. Most are severely overworked.
The System Has Gone Way Easy on Trump
Trump has been treated far better and received more preferential treatment than just about anyone ever ensnared in the criminal justice system. He’s the only person in U.S. history to have his criminal case appear before a judge he appointed—and one he could promote to a higher court should he retake the White House. He’s also the only person in U.S. history to have his criminal case appear before the U.S. Supreme Court after having appointed a third of that court’s justices. Consider how his classified documents case compares to similar cases against non-former presidents. The Justice Department became aware that Reality Winner had leaked a single classified document to a media outlet—a document she believed served an important public interest—in May 2017. She was arrested the following month. By August 2018, 16 months later, she had been sentenced to five years in prison. Trump was indicted for hoarding around 200 classified documents, lying about them, refusing to turn them over, and then obstructing the government’s attempts to recover them. Whatever his motivation was for all of this, it definitely wasn’t whistleblowing.
Trump illegally took the documents in January 2021. The first indication that the government became aware of them was in May of that year. The National Archives then gave Trump repeated warnings. Instead, he showed off and boasted about top secret documents to Mar-a-Lago visitors. The FBI didn’t open an investigation until March 2022. The search of Mar-a-Lago didn’t take place until the following August. Trump wasn’t indicted until June 2023. It has now been 37 months since the government became aware of Trump’s 200 documents, and it’s unlikely that his trial will happen any time soon.
Trump Monetizes Criminality When Others Lose Their Shirt
People with criminal convictions also typically struggle to pay court fines and fees, probation or parole fees, child support, and private debts accumulated while they were incarcerated. It can be difficult to find housing, and they’re far more likely to experience homelessness. Trump himself faces significant fines and fees. He owes $450 million to the state of New York for crimes committed by his company, and $90 million to E. Jean Carrol after a jury found him liable for defaming her after he sexually assaulted her. Trump also has a habit of not paying his creditors, though in his case it’s usually more a matter of not wanting to pay than the inability to do so. Still, unlike others with felony convictions, Trump will not end up homeless or destitute. It’s unlikely he’ll even need to alter his lavish lifestyle.
[...] Over the years, I’ve interviewed more people treated unfairly by the criminal justice system than I can count. They often say that the experience changed them. It made them more empathetic, less trustful of police and prosecutors, and more willing to entertain the notion that the system sometimes gets it wrong. Most understand that any system capable of the injustice inflicted on them has certainly done the same or worse to others. Powerful people who encounter the justice system can be particularly effective agents of change. But that isn’t going to happen here. That’s partly because Trump has experienced only the most glancing of consequences from his criminal convictions. But it’s also because MAGA revels in victimhood. Conceding that the system is fundamentally unfair would merely make Trump one victim among many. The false narrative that courts and prosecutors are hellbent on targeting him and his supporters—while showing outrageous leniency toward scary drug dealers, rapists, and killers—only amplifies the outrage and victimhood.
MAGA’s beef with the system isn’t that justice has been weaponized, it’s that it has been weaponized against them. Their answer isn’t to insulate the system from politics, it’s to ratchet up the politicization, then aim it at their enemies.
Radley Balko wrote in The UnPopulist expertly debunking the MAGA lie that the so-called "weaponization" of the criminal justice system is being used to rightly prosecute Donald Trump and his allies for their crimes.
In fact, the criminal justice system has gone soft on Donald Trump and his allies.
Balko said it best here: "MAGA’s beef with the system isn’t that justice has been weaponized, it’s that it has been weaponized against them. Their answer isn’t to insulate the system from politics, it’s to ratchet up the politicization, then aim it at their enemies."
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breawycker · 5 months
From UNC Charlotte student Mom who was arrested twice:
Watching narratives on the student protests on college campuses has been interesting.
Hearing that the campuses are run by outside agitators. Hearing that the protestors are being paid. Hearing that the protestors are somehow being led.
My son was arrested at UNC Charlotte on Tuesday, May 7th at 6:40am for protesting. He was the one person arrested. He was peaceful. He did not resist arrest and calmly went with the arresting officers.
UNC Charlotte repeatedly told the press in statements that it wasn’t clear if my son was a student since he did not give his name when he was arrested. This is an obvious lie on behalf of the university, as they suspended him and banned him from campus while he was in jail, via an email- so they definitely knew his name and status.
He was bailed out of jail by fellow protestors using a bail fund that the students had all contributed to. George Soros, unfortunately, did not provide any money for the bail fund, and it was a bunch of 18 year olds who managed it.
He returned to campus in order to go to his dorm room, his cell phone was dead and he did not have his laptop, so he had not seen the email from the university which suspended him and banned his access to campus. He was arrested for second degree trespassing at 6:40pm (same day,Tuesday, May 7th). Again, he was polite and did not resist arrest. Despite the narrative that campus police and the university have told to the press, he was no where near any protest when he was arrested for a second time.
He spent the night in jail, he was seen by the bail judge at around 11:30am the next morning, and his release took until nearly 4pm to process. During his bail hearing, the public defender pointed out that he was in jail for a crime that, if he received the maximum penalty, would only warrant a fine.
The protests were non-violent. Any argument that they are antisemitic, is heavily belied by the fact that Jewish Voice for Peace is one of the main organizing groups.
In the 1980s, university students protested apartheid South Africa and demanded that universities divest from South Africa. This is the SAME request that is being made today.
News articles are heavily weighted in favor of what the university says. How many students are the reporters speaking to? Yesterday, there were twenty students downtown in front of the Mecklenburg jail all day, waiting for my son to be released. No local reporter bothered to speak with them.
My son’s name is [REDACTED]. I am proud of his moral strength in standing up for what he believes in. Both of his parents are navy veterans. His father, who is his namesake, died on active duty. We are patriots in my house, and we are also believers in the need to do good in this world.
My son spent his childhood hearing me quote the following passage to him when discussing how we must live in this world and how we must care for each other: Matthew 22:34-40 (NRSVUE) 34 When the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, 35 and one of them, an expert in the law, asked him a question to test him. 36 “Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?” 37 He said to him, “ ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the greatest and first commandment. 39 And a second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
Love God. Love your neighbor.
End the slaughter of the Palestinian people. Stop using US money to pay for Israeli bombs.
My son was arrested on a university campus, where he is a student, yesterday. Across this country, many students have been arrested for protesting the horrific destruction of Palestine and the senseless killing of tens of thousands of Palestinian civilians.
There are no universities left in Palestine. Israel has destroyed them all.
I am proud of my son. A part of me certainly wishes that he was less willing to be thrown to the lions, but I am very proud of his moral strength and insistence on using his position of privilege to be a voice for others.
I am incredibly proud of my son.
I am ashamed of UNC Charlotte, the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police, and every single reporter who uncritically simply quoted UNC Charlotte.
Feel free to share this post. It is public, and I believe that the best thing we can do is amplify youth voices and do our best to correct any incorrect narratives that we hear or see.
*this post has been edited to clarify the dates of both arrests as Tuesday, May 7th.
*There was a correction to Jewish Voice for Peace from the previously incorrectly named “Jews for Peace”. My apologies for the original error.
*the final statement telling people to feel free to share the post was also added on to the original post.
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
by Daniel Greenfield
The message that has been sent by DA Alvin Bragg, DA George Gascon and Judge Laura F Priver of the California Superior Court is that Muslim attacks on Jews will go unpunished. According to reports, Judge Priver thought that “counseling and Museum of Tolerance program was a better solution than sending the two to state prison as the prosecution had requested.”
While these two Muslim mob attacks on Jews caught the attention of the world, there have been individual assaults that have gone unnoticed and mostly unpunished.
Also in 2021, Suleiman Othman accosted Blake Zavadsky in a Brooklyn neighborhood with a sizable Jewish and Muslim presence and demanded, “Why do you support those dirty Jews? What are you doing in my neighborhood?”  Othman then assaulted the Jewish man.
“The hateful and unprovoked assault this defendant admitted to today left one victim hurt, but also shook an entire community,” District Attorney Eric Gonzalez declared. “His conviction, jail time and probation should send a message that this kind of intolerance has serious consequences.”
In reality, Othman was offered a six month plea deal and when he turned that down, got only 60 days in prison and probation.
DA Gonzalez, like Bragg and Gascon, is a pro-crime prosecutor who ran on a platform of reducing incarceration. He’s a member of pro-crime organizations like the Soros-funded Fair and Just Prosecution alliance of prosecutors who commit to giving criminals a pass.
Gonzalez’s office had previously resisted filling hate crime charges against Farrukh Afzal, a Muslim cab driver who tried to run over a Jewish man, then after failing to hit him, got out and assaulted a second Jewish man, Rabbi Lipa Schwartz, 62, while shouting, “Allah, Allah” and declaring that he wanted to “kill all Jews”.
The Pakistani Muslim severely beat the rabbi who had been on the way to synagogue for morning prayers. He shoved him to the ground and repeatedly hit him in the head. When another Jewish man attempted to intervene, Afzal attacked him too, until he was finally restrained.
The DA’s office had attempted to dismiss it as a road rage incident with no hate crime element to it even though Afzal had eight prior arrests. Eventually he was convicted, but not of hate crimes, and while he was supposed to have been sentenced, there is no word on the outcome. No records appear for anyone by that name in the city system while the state system shows a man by that name who committed assault had a parole interview date last year.
Antisemitic attacks are routinely greeted by promises that they are being taken very seriously followed by the offenders quietly getting a slap on the wrist. Millions watched videos or read news stories about the violent Muslim mob attacks in New York City and Los Angeles. Only thousands are aware that most of the perpetrators walked away with anti-bias classes.
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First to leave was Louisiana, followed by Alabama.
Then, in one fell swoop, Florida, Missouri and West Virginia announced on Monday that they would drop out of a bipartisan network of about 30 states that helps maintain accurate voter rolls, one that has faced intensifying attacks from election deniers and right-wing media.
Ohio may not be far behind, according to a letter sent to the group Monday from the state’s chief election official, Frank LaRose. Mr. LaRose and his counterparts in the five states that left the group are all Republicans.
For more than a year, the Electronic Registration Information Center, a nonprofit organization known as ERIC, has been hit with false claims from allies of former President Donald J. Trump who say it is a voter registration vehicle for Democrats that received money from George Soros, the liberal billionaire and philanthropist, when it was created in 2012.
Mr. Trump even chimed in on Monday, urging all Republican governors to sever ties with the group, brlessly claiming in a Truth Social media post that it “pumps the rolls” for Democrats.
The Republicans who announced their states were leaving the group cited complaints about governance issues, chiefly that it mails newly eligible voters who have not registered ahead of federal elections. They also accused the group of opening itself up to a partisan influence.
In an interview on Tuesday, Jay Ashcroft, a Republican who is Missouri’s secretary of state, said that the group had balked at his state’s calls for reforms, some of which were expected to be weighed by the group’s board of directors at a meeting on March 17. He denied that the decision to pull out was fueled by what the organization and its defenders have described as a right-wing smear campaign.
“It’s not like I was antagonistic toward cleaning our voter rolls,” Mr. Ashcroft said.
Shane Hamlin, the group’s executive director, did not comment about particular complaints of the states in an email on Tuesday, but referred to an open letter that he wrote on March 2 saying that the organization had been the subject of substantial misinformation regarding the nature of its work and who has access to voter lists.
Defenders of the group lamented the departures, saying they would weaken the group’s information-sharing efforts and undermine it financially because of lost dues. And, they said, the defections conflict with the election integrity mantra that has motivated Republicans since Mr. Trump’s defeat in 2020.
Republicans haven’t always been so sour about the work of the coalition, which Louisiana left in 2022.
It was just last year that Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida mentioned the group’s benefit to his state, which he described as useful for checking voter rolls during a news conference announcing the highly contentious arrests of about 20 people on voter fraud charges. He was joined then by Cord Byrd, Florida’s secretary of state, a fellow Republican who, on Monday, was expressing a much different opinion. In an announcement that Florida was leaving the group, Mr. Byrd said that the state’s concerns about data security and “partisan tendencies” had not been addressed.
“Therefore, we have lost confidence in ERIC,” Mr. Byrd said.
Representatives for Mr. DeSantis, who is considering a Republican run for President, did not respond to a request for comment.
Mr. LaRose, in Ohio, also had a stark shift in tone: After recently describing the group to reporters as imperfect but still “one of the best fraud-fighting tools that we have,” by Monday he was also calling for reforms and put the group on notice.
“Anything short of the reforms mentioned above will result in action up to and including our withdrawal from membership,” Mr. LaRose wrote. “I implore you to do the right thing.”
The complaints about partisanship seem centered on David Becker, a former Justice Department lawyer who helped develop the group and is a nonvoting board member. Mr. Ashcroft said he didn’t think that Mr. Becker, a former director of the elections program at the Pew Charitable Trusts who has vocally debunked election fraud claims, including disputing Mr. Trump’s false claims that the 2020 election was stolen, should be on the board.
Mr. Becker is the founder and director of the Center for Election Innovation and Research, another nonpartisan group that has been attacked by election deniers.
“There’s truth and there’s lies,” Mr. Becker said on a video call with reporters on Tuesday. “I will continue to stand for the truth.”
Mr. Hamlin vowed that the organization would “continue our work on behalf of our remaining member states in improving the accuracy of America’s voter rolls and increasing access to voter registration for all eligible citizens.”
While some Republican states are ending their relationship with the group, California, the nation’s most populous state, could potentially join its ranks under a bill proposed by a Democratic state lawmaker. But in Texas, a Republican lawmaker has introduced a bill with the opposite intention.
Still, Sam Taylor, a spokesman for Texas’s Republican secretary of state, said in an email on Tuesday that “We are not currently aware of any system comparable to ERIC, but are open to learning about other potentially viable, cost-effective alternatives.”
New York, another heavily populated state, is also not a member of the group.
Seven states started the organization more than a decade ago. It charges new members a one-time fee of $25,000 and annual dues that are partly set by the citizen voting age population in each state. The Pew Charitable Trusts provided seed funding to the group, but that money was separate from donations that it had received from Mr. Soros, according to the website PolitiFact.
Shenna Bellows, a Democrat who is Maine’s secretary of state, said in an interview on Tuesday that the group had been particularly helpful in identifying voters who have died or may no longer live in the state, which became a member in 2021.
“We have a lot of Mainers who retire to Florida for example,” Ms. Bellows said.
Ms. Bellows called the recent defections “tragic” and said that her office had received several inquiries from residents who had read criticism of the group online.
“Unfortunately, this move by our colleagues in Florida and elsewhere to leave ERIC in part because of misinformation being spread by election deniers deprives all of us of the ability to effectively clean our voter rolls and fight voter fraud,” she said.
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Can someone explain to me why some really sharp prosecutor hasn't sat a grand jury, gained an indictment, and obtained an arrest warrant using RICO and put this global criminal in jail ??
Seized his assets, frozen his accounts and put an end to this ????
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benevolentbirdgal · 1 year
watching the r primary debate with some red wine as streamed by a smarmy liberal dude. holy fucking shit a shitshow.
recap from a snarky blue haired progressive:
They opened with a message from Biden. Then a SONG that the candidates had to analyze the popularity of.
They all played Blame The Dems For The Economy, except Haley, who also quoting statistics on why the Republicans suck economically.
Christie said Ramaswamy talked like ChatGPT. Dammit Christie, I can't unhear it.
We got a whole 19 minutes in before the first "deep state" - DeSantis broke the levee on that one.
Minute 24: There was a video call from someone representing a conservative youth group. The kid basically said that climate change is biggest issues for young voters. How will you assure the American voter (esp the young voter) that you as prez/party leader care about this? The hosts asked for a show of hands if you believe humans are driving CC. Before anybody could Florida Man went on a rant about economics and China.
wait is Haley against the Dobbs decision? okay kindasorta asterick-asterick but she's WAY more moderate than the Florida man or the rest of the squad on stage. And also more realistic about getting the required senate votes. and actually named not arresting women for getting abortions.
DeSantis then had to ramble about abortion and how /he/ got it through in Florida and how he could totally get a national 6 week ban or more.
Minute 37 before anybody invoked their Christianity as political stance - Pencey-wency. (re aborsh).
oh the north dakota guy exists. right. he actually opposes a federal abortion ban. actually shocked he believes in the 10th amendment to that degree.
oh the Arkansas guy exists. he seems to think, much like Pence and DeSantis, he can just push it through on sheer power of will. same for Tim Scott.
Damn I wish I could play live shit on 2X.
Pencey-wency is walking a tight fucking line re Trumples.
47 minutes at invocation of Hunter Biden. (Christie, on crime).
49 minutes for "George Soros" (Florida Man).
ND Man's solution to crime to learn from small towns.
52 minutes to someone referring to Trump as indicated (Asa Hutchinson).
Hell of a tightrope that Christie is walkin' re: Trump.
I really do think Token Billionaire New To Politics buys his own bullshit.
Jersey Boy is out for blood. Productive? No. Panem & Circus? Yes.
so much flat out lying. from multiple people.
Florida Boy still won't answer yes/no questions.
Arkansas Dude actually said the word "insurrection." (1:07 in). and that he would not support a convicted Trump. genuinely surprised.
Jersey Boy actually seems to understand the VP oath of office as well. Haley dodged the question. DeSantis dodged it ramblingly.
Does Billionaire Man know what "contrition" means? Not convinced he does.
Is Pence pitching Jesus as his running mate? Or a physical copy of the constitution?
The Ukraine funding is actually showing some difference in opinion. From "not my problem THE BORDER" to "that's fucked up and we should fix it for humanitarian reasons but also to keep Russia away from us" to "not buddying up with Russia is empowering China." This seems to be the issue with the most diversity of opinion.
1:17 in and they have to explain how the bell works again.
More arguing about Ukraine. More arguing and non-cooperative-overlap regarding foreign aid and foreign military intervention.
Tim Scott: lets fire the IRS for national security!
There should be some mechanism where they CANNOT answer in rambles until they press a yes or no button. FFS.
DeSantis is REALLY into the anecdotes about "I met a random person and blahblahblah."
1:29 to "the wall" being said.
1:38 to "gender ideology" and "critical race theory" (Florida Man).
"The nuclear family is the great form of government known to mankind" - Billionaire's solution to education. Went on a rant about single mothers being "paid" to be single versus keeping a man around. he's winning the bonkers take award and it's not a field full of normal takes. see also: he wants the voting aged RAISED and having to take a test to vote?
1:43 - "lightning round" - "keep it 30 second, PLEASE."
1:46 "Judeo-Christian" (Scott). Followed by "break the backs of our teacher unions."
1:48: Jersey Boy has to answer a question about UFOs. "Would you level with the American people about what the government knows about these encounters?" not the most cray-cray question of the night.
Closing statements were pretty boring, honestly.
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