#arrived on Monday after a long week of being laptop-less
musiquesduciel · 10 months
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My new Macbook Air in Starlight ✨
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lbxbx · 8 months
Cockpit 6 | knj
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Pair: Namjoon x reader
Summary: Namjoon goes through a rough time while getting a divorce, meeting you at the club two weeks in a row when attraction becomes unreal.
Rating: +18 mature content, Smut, divorce, fatherhood
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a/n: let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!
taglist: @wecanpretendit |
You open up your eyes the next day, you didn’t get enough sleep but your phone just buzzed a notification, you click your tongue when you recall that you fell asleep before putting your phone on silent or do not disturb, you woke up with a mild hangover from last night’s poker game. You rub your eyes and immediately dig between your pillows to locate your phone.
You scrunch your eyes at the brightness when you unlock your phone, two notifications caught your attention, one being an email from the medical association, announcing that there’s a conference happening in Ilsan on Monday and you have to prepare a lecture for it. You’ve always attended those kinds of meetings but just as listener, but this year it’s your first time as a speaker since you managed to be one of the best in your department, the first notification made your day already, you’re proud of yourself.
But this email was sent a couple hours ago.
The second notification showing that someone texted you something two minutes ago and they unsent it, you click on the app and scroll through it, you even try googling how you can see who’s the sender, but you got zero results.
You scroll down and spot your chat with Namjoon, you click on it to see his last seen being a minute ago, but this doesn’t prove anything, it could be just a coincidence.
Although it isn’t.
Namjoon is dragging his carryon with him on his way to the terminal, he throws away his third empty cup of coffee before grabbing his phone, he’s been thinking about you the entire night, he wants to talk.
“how are you?”
“can we talk?”
It doesn’t even take a split second for him to unsend those messages, he can’t do it over text or over the phone, and he has to fly in less than an hour so he can’t really do anything until he lands in Seoul. He needs to see you face to face.
He swipes the app away and locks his phone when he arrives to the terminal.
“Shouldn’t the hospital pay for your ticket?” Jungkook asks out of breath, both of you are running on the treadmill, you’ve been working out together for some time now.
You and Jungkook met in the states in your first year in university, you both had majored in medicine, but he couldn’t keep up with the pressure, he went through so much that he just had to switch majors, he took the first plane back to Seoul and finished getting his degree to become a teaching assistant in Seoul’s university. You lost connection with him for a long time and you ran into him years after in a club and you became closer than ever.
“Yeah, they do, but I think I should take my car so I can move freely around there.” You shrug, he looks at you before squinting his eyes. “Honey it’s just one day, just go do your speech and fly back. Plus, the hospital is paying so you don’t have to spend anything.”
“It’s not about the money honey.” You mock his words, “It’s just that I don’t mind driving.”
“Don’t, really. Flying there is much safer.” He finally stops running when he finishes his miles. “You can’t drive there and back here on your own anyway, it’s not safe.”
You roll your eyes before turning off the treadmill, you grab your bottle of water and drink some to quench your thirst. “Whatever dumbass, you have to help me with my lecture.”
Both of you decided to shower at the gym and head out to Hoseok’s, they helped you choose a subject for your lecture and you finished it in a couple hours, it was a piece of cake with their help.
“Is it true what I heard?” Hoseok shuts his laptop and grabs a slice of pizza, you and Jungkook both turn to him in confusion. “What?” You ask.
“I heard some stuff from Seokjin hyung.” Hoseok takes a bite and wipes his mouth clean, you try and act oblivious but Jungkook is getting curious. “What?” He looks at you then back at Hoseok.
“Y/n hooked up with the guy she kissed at the club.” Hoseok shrugs. “It’s okay to talk about it since it’s over now, right?”
The younger looks at you with a shameless smirk on his face. “Nice.” He nods his head. You squint your eyes and elbow his chest. “Shut up.”
“So you totally agreed to hook up with a stranger but not with me.” He genuinely seems offended.
“Get over it Kook,” Hoseok huffs. “The guy is married.”
You study Hoseok’s face, is he pretending that he doesn’t know about the divorce? Or did he not really read his papers?
“You slept with a married man?” Jungkook exclaims a bit too loud that you rub your ear. “Okay first off, the neighbors don’t have to know, you don’t need to be loud.” He pouts.
 You rub your forehead, you recall that night clearly when you tried to guess what’s his job, you literally had his hands in yours, there wasn’t a ring on it. “And in my defense, he didn’t tell me he’s married.”
“You should’ve asked.” Hoseok points and Jungkook agrees which makes your jaw drop. “Why would a married man flirt with a stranger? He’s the one who started talking to me.”
“Men don’t get enough-” Hoseok shrugs and gets interrupted by Jungkook. “No no, men never get enough.”
You knew all along that some men are pigs but now you somehow find this very unbelievable, and you’re positive that your friends might be pigs too, they’re men too after all.
“He has a child.” Your voice barely comes out, you’re in denial.
“So?” Jungkook asks as if having a wife and a son isn’t enough of a reason, you look at Hoseok, he’s just eating carelessly and totally not shaken by Jungkook’s question and the cringe on your face.
You close your eyes and shake your thoughts out of your head. “Okay, we need to stop talking about this, it was just a one time hook up and it won’t happen again, I don’t even know the guy.”
Monday came in a blink of an eye, surprisingly you weren’t that nervous, you got into a formal attire and filled your handbag with everything you could ever need, your flight is scheduled at 9 in the morning, you’ll be landing in Ilsan an hour later, and your flight back is scheduled to land in Seoul around 7 in the evening.
You grab your phone to find your friends active on the group chat wishing you good luck, you hover your fingers over the screen and respond to them with a smile on your face.
You take a cab to the airport and check in and head to your gate, you’re on your iPad re reading your lecture again while listening to music, you take a sip from your coffee and you spot a bunch of cabin crew and you scoff.
You didn’t realize how wrong Namjoon did you until now, everything seems to remind you of how bad things turned, and no matter how hard you convinced yourself that he’s just a stranger and you won’t have to see him again, you still grit on your teeth. You’ve always been smart and wit, your gut feeling was always right and you question yourself, why did you decide to ignore it this time, you have no idea.
Maybe something deep inside you actually had a thing for Namjoon, not a crush or something, but he just ticks everything on your list, and you find him quite close to your ideal type of men, but oh well, the man is married.
Well, he’s getting a divorce too. You think and you widen your eyes at your own thoughts before you burry your face in your palms.
Even if he was already divorced or whatever, that wasn’t your problem now. The man lied, and he’s a total red flag for you now, you didn’t have full trust in him to begin with, and now you can’t trust him at all.
Do men really not get enough? You recall what your friends said days ago, they can’t be totally right, you’ve seen healthy relationships before where each partner finds the other more than enough and they’re totally happy with each other.
You lift your face back up and you see the cabin crew again, you could clearly see what seemed to be the pilot flirting with one of the flight attendants, and goodness there’s a ring on his finger. Men.
Namjoon could’ve totally slept with so many women and convinced them that he’s single just like he did to you.
Speaking of which.
Namjoon is in the airport bathroom soaking himself with perfume before he heads to the terminal, he’s a few minutes behind the rest of the cabin crew.
The past few days were extremely hard on him, he’s been flying nonstop all over the republic just to distract himself from over thinking and just to waste time. He was going to try and contact you but he still isn’t brave enough to do so. He even drove to your place and stayed in his car for hours, hoping that you’d head out of the building any minute, but you were staying home the past few days.
He knew if he called or texted you wouldn’t answer, and he’s right.
The moment he walks to the terminal and boards the plane is when your face is in your palms because you’ve been having a debate with yourself earlier.
You didn’t see him, and neither did he.
“Where have you been?” His co pilot speaks as he enters the cockpit, Namjoon puts his carryon in the overhead bin before putting his phone down on his seat. “I was having a smoke.”
Boarding finally starts and you walk through the boarding bridge while carefully slipping your iPad in your bag making sure it won’t touch your heels, you chose to wear a pair of sneakers on your way there and change into your heels when you finally get there.
A queue is forming near the airplane door and you hear the flight attendants giggling with the passengers, you step a foot into the plane and one of the cabin crew welcomes you with the fakest wide smile ever. “Welcome aboard, may I see your boarding pass?”
“Thanks.” You hand her the ticket not bothering to mirror her smile, “I’ll take it from here.” A deep voice resonates that makes you lift your face up to see him.
Fucking Kim Namjoon.
Out of all the flights your hospital could’ve booked, they chose the one that Namjoon was flying.
Your eyes meet and it feels like you’ve seen him not long ago, you feel yourself getting charged with hate and anger again when you see him and you hardly control yourself to not snap at him and make a scene.
 He snatches the ticket from the flight attendant and looks closely at it. “Come, I’ll walk you to your seat.” An immediate frown sits between your brows, you know he’s not authorized to walk you to your seat, and you can hear the other cabin crew whispering between each other.
You don’t have to take a long walk to your seat since the hospital booked you a business class ticket even when it’s just a one hour flight. Namjoon leads the way and you walk after him, he stops near your seat and points his head towards it. “Here you go.”
He didn’t leave you a good amount of space to enter your seat, so you stand super close to him before putting your bag down and take a your seat. “You didn’t have to do that.”
He bends down on his knees and leans his arm against the seat in front of you. ”How long are you staying in Ilsan?” And you immediately answer while trying to look careless, unlocking your phone and scrolling through it. “None of your business.”
“Y/N, please, we need to talk.” He begs with his voice barely whispering. “I’ll be waiting for you when we land-“
“Save it Namjoon, I’m going there for business and I don’t have the time.” You look at him, a sigh escapes his nose and he swallows when he looks at your lips for seconds, before looking back into your eyes. “I won’t waste your time, I’ll drive you wherever you wanna go. But please.” He begs again, his hand nearly falling on your leg but he stops himself and rests it on the back of your seat.
You scoff and shake your head, you look through the window for a second, then look back at him. “Look at you.” His eyes are locked onto yours. You continue. “Just so you know, there’s nothing you could say to explain yourself.”
“Namjoon, they need you in the cockpit.” A flight attendant nudges his shoulder, he nods without even looking up at her, then leans in closer. “Don’t get off the plane when we land, just stay here and we’ll leave together.”
You sigh in response and his hand finally lands on your knee for a quick touch of affirmation, he gets up and makes his way to the front of the plane, you eye him from head to toe, your eyes piercing through his big body, and he knows you’re watching.
You fasten your seat belt and lean your head back on the chair, you were hoping that you’d catch some sleep on the plane but you can’t.
You can easily predict what he wants to talk about, and you really used to fancy this man in general, but now he looks like a total different human being to you, and you can’t say you’re not disappointed.
You’re not going to over think this anymore, you’ve had enough, you’re gritting on your teeth again and your jaw tenses, you feel yourself about to get a headache. You’re seeking for closure.
The announcement bell rings and your eyes widen when you hear Namjoon’s voice radiate through the speaker. “Good morning and welcome aboard, this is your captain Kim Namjoon speaking.” You find yourself breathing heavily suddenly, you look all the way to the front of the plane, you can see the cockpit door still open, and you could see just the side of Namjoon’s body and the rest is blocked by the stupid giggling flight attendant.
“First I’d like to welcome you on Korean airlines flight number KA87 heading to Ilsan, we are currently third in line for takeoff. We are expected to be in the air in approximately 14 minutes, we’ll be up to a cruising altitude of 32 thousand feet, flight time will be one hour, if the seat belt sign is turned please remain seated with your seatbelts fastened.” You can see him shifting in his seat, before your phone buzzes a text, you grab your phone and see that he was the one who sent the text.
“I’m happy to see you :)”
Your stomach does this weird thing inside you that you haven’t felt before, your hand hovers over it and you try had to calm your breath but now your heart is fluttering.
“Please switch off your mobile phones, or turn on airplane mode for safety reasons.” He speaks through the speaker and you put your phone back into your bag with your jaw down. You cannot believe him.
“In about ten minutes after departure the cabin crew will be coming around to offer you a light snack and a beverage, until then, sit back, relax and enjoy your flight, thank you.” He closes the speaker and the back of your hand sits on your burning cheek, you’re totally confused on what’s happening to you.
You unbutton the first two buttons of your shirt and fan your face, if any of the flight attendants saw you they’d think you’re afraid of heights or you’re panicking but really, you’re not. You’re just.. Overwhelmed, if that’s the right word to use.
 “Cabin crew please be seated for takeoff.” He speaks one last time before he moves the entire plane towards the runway.
Namjoon did his hardest to stay focused on the only thing he had to do, his mind was rushing with thoughts, each one interrupting the other, he has no idea how to start talking, hell he’s not even sure if you’re going to wait for him or not. He couldn’t fight the smile that’s slowly creeping on his face, it doesn’t go unnoticed by the copilot, he even smirks before asking Namjoon. “Is that your wife?”
The question robs the smile away from Namjoon’s face, and he finds himself cringing. “No.”
She could never live up to you, no offense to her. But she doesn’t put any effort in the way she looks, she never cared, in fact Namjoon doesn’t recall the last time he saw her styling her hair or putting on makeup. She’s unemployed since she’s taking care of Jay most of the time, but Namjoon opened a bank account for her so she can do whatever she wants or even buy something for herself. But she never did.
And you, gosh he doesn’t even know where to start. You’re just you.
The second you stepped foot on the plane and he saw you, he felt his stomach twist and his heart skipped a beat, he could feel a hint of tightness in his boxers as his body starts pumping blood everywhere. He really is happy to see you.
Meanwhile you’re in your seat less than an hour later as the flight attendants take their seats to prepare for landing, and you may seem biased when you admit that this was the smoothest landing ever. Namjoon must be really good.
People almost immediately rise from their seats to claim their luggage from the overhead bin, you grab your phone and turn off airplane mode, you’re welcomed to Ilsan with a few text messages from your mobile network, the moment you clear this notification you lift your face up to see the passengers beginning to exit the aircraft, and you spot Namjoon standing with the flight attendants and saying goodbye to the passengers one by one with a soft smile with his stupid dimple showing.
His eyes pierce to you between each passenger and he’s glad you actually stayed, he grabs his carryon from the bin above his head and puts it down on the floor before nodding to you.
You take it as a sign to get up and you do, throwing your bag over your shoulders and lowering your sunglasses down to cover your eyes, you walk towards him and you feel your body heat up the second he puts his hand on your lower back. “How was your flight?”
You look at him and roll your eyes at how cocky he’s getting and he lets out a soft laugh. “I’m just messing with you.” This motherfucker.
“What brings you to Ilsan?” He starts talking as you’re walking down the stairs of the plane, and you take a second to give him a blurry answer. “I’m here for work.”
“Work?” He asks as both of you make it inside the bus that’s driving you to the airport gate.
You look around the bus and it’s packed with people and there isn’t a single seat empty, you lean your back against the window near the door and you try finding a hand grip to hold onto, Namjoon leans both his palms behind you and nods. “Hold onto me, it’s okay.”
The smell of his cologne mixed with cigarettes wafts through your nose, you’re sandwiched between him and the window, and you’re surrounded by so many people that it’s physically impossible to push him. You look into his eyes to see him staring at your lips, your eyes wander lower to his neck to see his necklace.
It’s the necklace you saw on his neck the morning he left your place.
Your fingertips move towards his neck before you fish out the necklace from underneath the buttoned shirt. The look on your face makes his heart shatter, and even his heart melts when you breathed. “That’s your son.”
He looks down to your fingers and he touches the small necklace too, making both your fingertips touch, you feel his touch in a form of electric current and you lower your hand immediately. “That’s my son.” He whispers.
You study his face for a long second.
Despite the fact that he cheated and what he did was wrong on so many levels,  he looks like he totally regrets it, and he seems like he genuinely wants to make things right with you. You’re ready to hear him out.
“Alright.” You sigh and he smiles softly, tugging softly on the loose strand of your hair behind your ear.
The bus starts moving and you immediately hold onto his wrist for support, his smile goes wider before he grabs your hand into his, intertwining his fingers between yours which settles this weird feeling down in the pit of your stomach. What in hell is going on?
“It’s okay, I’ve got you.” He takes a step closer to you, the smell of his cologne getting stronger and chest barely brushing against yours. You remind yourself that this man lied to you once and you can’t just let him off the hook this easy.
It’s a five minute ride to the airport and it felt like five hours to you, you’re getting worried at how your body is reacting around this man.
You finally get to the airport and finish all your paperwork, he fishes out a pair of car keys and leads you to the parking lot.
“You’re renting?” You question him while buckling up and he shakes his head. “It’s my sister’s car.”
“Ah yes, you’re from Ilsan.” You remember that he told you this before and he nods, you lean down to take off your sneakers and socks off, you switch to the pair of heels you have in your bag, you can feel his eyes on you so you turn to look at him. “What?”
“Where are we going?” He asks, you show him the exact location that the conference was held in and he nods and starts driving, he doesn’t even bother opening maps or anything, he knows every alley in Ilsan. “How long are you staying here?”
“Namjoon, you’re the one who’s supposed to be talking.” You sounded too mean and he starts feeling pressured, his breath becoming slowly irregular. “Fine, fine.”
You look at him while he’s driving, he’s forming small sweat pebbles on his forehead and his grip around the steering wheel gets tighter. “I’m sorry.”
You’re fed up with how hesitant and scared he seems. “Yeah, I know, and?”
“I uhm.. I should have.. told you since day one.” He clears his throat. “What I did was really wrong and unfair to you.”
Your hand sits on your chest when you exclaim. “To me? You’re married, you should feel sorry for your wife.”
A frown sits on his face and he feels his blood pressure elevating by the second, he gets really irritated at the mention of her. “No, y/n, you don’t know anything.” You frown. “Enlighten me.”
He rubs his face and his jaw tenses, he opens his mouth to start talking, but he shakes his head instead and looks through the window. “For fucks sake Namjoon.” Your voice starts getting louder, he slams the steering wheel and finally bursts. “I’m miserable, okay?” He’s louder than you are.
“I’m fucking miserable, I’m not happy, and I’m lonely.” His chest heaves up, he runs his fingers through his hair before continuing. “My life is a fucking nightmare, y/n.”
You feel your heart clenching when his voice starts getting shaky. “It’s killing me.”
This man lied to you once and you don’t feel like you can trust him again, for all you know, he could be lying to you again. You’re unsure if the reasons he listed earlier are valid enough for him to cheat on his wife.
“I feel like shit for doing you wrong.” He stops the car on the side of the road and looks at you. “You have the right to be mad at me, I know I’m a terrible person.”
And right off the top of your head you ask him. “Is she not good to you?” Your voice comes out in a form of a whisper. He scoffs and shakes his head before looking down. “I’ve known her for years, but she still feels like a stranger..:”
You lose it when you see tears forming in his eyes. “We painted this fake image of us holding hands in front of people and smiling just so they think that we’re happy, but we’re not even an inch close to happy. I tried so hard to compromise but I got nothing in return, it was always me who has to work hard for this marriage and I got nothing. I thought that life just goes on and maybe that’s what all married couple are like, but no. I’ve made so many wrong decisions in my life but she was the worst ever.” His tears finally roll down on his cheek and he just sobs, gravity does its job and his tears fall onto his lap.
You’ve never seen a man this weak and vulnerable, you feel your heart squeezing at his state, he looked so firm and happy on the outside, he looked stable, but he was able to conceal it all very well, that must’ve drained him through those years.
You unbuckle your seatbelt and sit on your knees, you grab his head into your hands and brush his tears with your thumb softly before hugging him closer to you, he wraps his arms around you and speaks. “Imagine being silenced for years.” He pulls back, leaning his forehead against yours. “I’ve been through this nightmare for three fucking years and I couldn’t say a word to anyone about how fucking miserable I am.”
“Shh. It’s okay.” You whisper, cupping his jaw in your hands and tracing it with your thumb, you brush your nose against his and close your eyes. “I’m here.”
He grips onto your top with his fist and pulls back, “What?”
You feel the need to help him escape this, the man is clearly going through severe depression and he’s emotionally deprived from any act of affection or love. It’s not like you’re offering to love him, but you need to help him get back on his feet.
“It’s okay, I’ve got you.” You smile softly at him and offer him your hand, he locks his eyes into yours and grabs your hand pulling it closer to his face, he leans his head onto it and kisses it softly.
“Thank you.” He whispers while mirroring your smile. You giggle and adjust your seat. “We have to get back on the road Namjoon.”
He nods and turns the car back on before hitting the road again, you felt the need to explain to him the reason you’re in Ilsan and he ends up offering to attend the conference with you, actually no, he insisted on attending.
He parks in front of the building and both of you exit the car, he opens his carry on and manages to change just his top before entering the main hall.
“Miss y/l/n.” The head of the medical association approaches you while reaching his hand out to you, you shake his hand firmly and smile. “Lovely to see you Mr. Baek.”
“I’m so glad you got to be a speaker this year.” He smiles back, his eyes spotting Namjoon behind you, you pull back and put your hand behind Namjoon’s back, pushing him closer to you. “Let me introduce you, this is my friend Namjoon.”
“Nice to meet you.” Namjoon shakes his hand firmly before the old man speaks to you. “It’s lovely for you to have support, we’re all so proud of you.”
“Thank you.” You smile before hooking your arm around Namjoon’s. “Pardon us.”
Even when you just introduced Namjoon as your friend, he’s not used to being touched like that in public because he was never touched like that in the first place.
Speaking in front of a huge crowd was never a big deal for you, your lecture was interesting to begin with and your powerful personality made a strong presence on stage, you almost forgot that Namjoon was between the crowd watching you with his jaw slightly open.
The second you stepped on that stage he felt… Euphoric.
He listens to every single word that comes out of your lips attentively even when you’re using complicated medical terms, he scans your body language and your hand movements and he swears he hasn’t been this impressed by a woman before.
He’s proud of you.
You’re the woman he’s always imagined having in his dreams, he was quite the ambitious person himself and he had so many goals he wanted to achieve but his personal life always stood in the way.
He finds himself charged when he’s around you and not only sexually, he’s suddenly in a better mood and his brain and body function better, he finds himself way less anxious than when he’s around his family, although he should feel this way around his son too, but your aura is totally different.
His heart skips a beat again when your eyes meet in the middle of your lecture and you smile softly at him as if he’s the one who needs support. He finds your smile contagious and he gives you one back with a soft nod, he’s really proud of you.
You finally end your lecture and they applaud you, you know you did great. You bow your head and get off the stage to be welcomed by a few colleagues who shake your hand and make small talk with you about how good your lecture and where your sources were from, they even ask you a couple questions about your topic.
You got offered two jobs on the spot in two different hospitals around the republic but you were kind enough to refuse, the hospital you currently worked at is the hospital that helped you get where you currently are.
You thank them and make your way back to your chair, Namjoon gets up on his feet and grabs your hand into his. “You were great.”
“I know, thank you.” You grin when he pulls you closer for a soft kiss on your cheek, he pulls your chair back for you to sit next to him, and both of you sit back to listen for the rest of the conference.
It’s a couple hours later, Namjoon is driving you back to the airport while you’re on your phone texting your friends on your group chat, they had planned a dinner to celebrate you tonight, so Taehyung was supposed to pick you up from the airport since he already lives close to it.
“Can’t you please stay for tonight?” He manages to turn his head towards you for a split second while he’s driving, you lock your phone and put it down before you speak. “I’m supposed to meet my friends for dinner and I’m on call tomorrow morning.”
His shoulders sulk in disappointment and a sigh escapes his nose, his eyes are now focused on the road and it’s clearly showing that he wants to be around you more, which kicks your ego up to the top.
At the same time he doesn’t argue and he doesn’t insist, he just wants to give you your own space so he won’t pressure you, you chuckle before running your fingers to the back of his head, scratching his scalp with your nails. “You know I can see you back in Seoul.”
You know your hand drives him crazy and you could care less If you crash, you want to leave him edged and thirsty for more and you like it. His eyelids starts to feel heavy and he fights it so hard to stay focused on the road. “It’s just that..” He breathes, your fingers move down to scratch his neck, he swallows before he proceeds. “.. I wanted us to be alone and away together.”
You take a long breath before you retrieve your hand back onto your lap, you’re not going to give him what he wanted immediately. You did offer your help but you didn’t forget about the terrible lie he played on you. So he deserves to be denied for the mean time. “If that’s your way of inviting me to bed than save it.” You smirk. He lets out a quiet laugh and stretches his hand to sit on your inner thigh, his fingers squeezing your covered flesh softly and stroking it, “Fine, I deserve to be punished after all.” He bites on his lip.
“Good boy. I’m glad you’re aware of that.” You managed to play the role of the tough cookie but you can’t deny that his touch is doing wonders to you, the warmth of his hand against your covered skin and his soft strokes gives you flashbacks of that night you spent together, and the other nights where you made him cum just by hearing your voice.
You finally get to the airport and he turns off the car in the parking lot, he looks at you while unbuckling his belt. “Are you sure you don’t have the time?”
“The gate is already open Namjoon.” You look at the time on your wrist, you unbuckle your seat belt and fish out your documents from the bag. “Thank you for keeping me company.”
“I’ll see you back in Seoul?” He coaxed, you giggle and take your time to answer with a slow nod. “I’ll see you back in Seoul.”
He leans in and you think he’s going to kiss you on the cheek, but he moves further down to brush the tip of his nose against the pulse of your neck, he takes a long inhale through his nose, collecting whatever he can of your smell which arouses him, he closes his eyes and whispers. “I can’t say it enough, but I’m truly sorry.”
You clear your throat before you move your hand up to his jaw and caress it with your thumb. “I know you are.”
He keeps his face buried in your neck for a couple seconds before he pulls back and locks his eyes with yours, you see the face you saw earlier this morning, apologetic and full with regret.
“I have to go.” Your faces are extremely close that he feels your hot breath hit his glistening lips, he nods and fully pulls back to collect his phone and keys. “Come on, let me walk you inside.”
“I don’t know if we say this enough y/n, but we’re totally proud of you. We’re always there for you and we’ve got your back, we truly love you.” Taehyung lifts his glass of champagne up on the air before all you clink your glasses together. “To y/n.”
You sip some of your drink and put it down before Yoongi starts. “So how was your trip?”
“It was quite chill, it’s my first time on a business class, other than that everything went great, I also got a few job offers.” You slowly nod your head. Yoongi sips more of his drink and lifts up an eyebrow. “I heard some stuff from Jungkook.”
You snap your head towards the youngest who’s totally avoiding eye contact with you, his face flushing at the sudden mention of his name.
After all, what were you expecting? Seokjin told Hoseok, and Hoseok spoke in front of Jungkook, and now Yoongi is discussing this around the table where not only your friends are sitting, but also a couple of their partners.
And by the looks of it, his wife already know since she’s studying your face and waiting for confirmation.
Do they just go around talking to each other about you? Your hookup with Namjoon will haunt you for the rest of your life.
“Yeah it’s true.” You spit out, “Namjoon’s married?” Jimin asks and your eyes almost fall out from their sockets, as far as you remember, he knows you hooked up with someone, but not with Namjoon specifically.
“He’s married?” Taehyung dramatically drops his fork which makes you roll your eyes. “I actually saw him in Ilsan.”
Your statement was followed by a complete silence around the table, you feel everyone’s eyes on you as they’re waiting for you to elaborate, you clear your throat and open your mouth. “Relax, we didn’t go together, he was flying that plane.”
You realize that they still don’t know what he does when they look at you like you said something in a foreign language that they don’t understand. Hoseok turns his body fully towards you. “Flying the plane? Like fly fly?” He blinks repeatedly.
“He’s an aircraft pilot.” You take a sip from your champagne and you clearly see Mia and Jade, Taehyung’s girlfriend, swoon over the man, you nod with a smirk. “I know right?”
“And did you talk?” Seokjin hesitates, leaning his elbows on the table and closer towards you so he can hear you better. You nod. “Mhm. He apologized and I guess we’re okay now.”
“Please don’t tell me you’re going to see him again.” Taehyung whines. “You can’t be the mistress.”
Taehyung’s words woke some sense in you and you actually admit that you cannot be the mistress. You scold yourself because you shouldn’t have let him off the hook that easily and offer him closeness immediately.
You jump in your seat when your phone buzzes and speaking of the devil, it’s him.
“Call me when you’re home.”
“I miss hearing ur voice.”
A knot sits between your eyebrows and you actually leave him on read. You are not going to reply to him and that’s it. You lock your phone and put it back in your purse. “I’m not going to be the mistress.” You firmly say, and you cross your arms above your chest.
It’s later in the night, you had already finished your dinner with your friends that night and headed back home, you showered and put on a face mask, and went to bed really early since you’re on call in the morning.
A little past midnight, your phone vibrates repeatedly and you think it’s work because they usually call for consult during the night when you’re at home. But it’s Namjoon again.
“can I call you?”
“I’m at the hotel room”
“I’m flying back to seoul in the morning”
“I’m so glad I got to see you today”
Your fingers hover above the screen and you purse your lips, debating whether you should answer or not, but again Taehyung’s words echo in your head, which makes you quickly turn off the wifi when you see him typing, you lock your phone and put it on your nightstand.
Oh so you’re going to ghost him now?
You don’t hesitate for a second, you fall back asleep in a snap of a finger.
Meanwhile, Namjoon is freshly out of the shower, his hair dropping small pebbles of water on his neck and back, his phone is in his hand and he’s getting concerned of the fact that you’re not replying to his texts.
He actually saw it coming, and he knows you’re not going to reply to his texts or ghost him for some time, of course he’s not going to pressure you to answer, so he just puts his phone down and lies down flat on his bed. He knows he deserves the punishment.
He’s in Ilsan but he doesn’t always stay at his parents. Since he’s there partially for work, the aviation he works at provides him a room at the airport hotel, so he just stays there before he flies back to the capital.
To say you wake up cranky the next day is an understatement, your period started today and your tummy and back are killing you, and your headache is getting stronger by the second.
Hoseok who decided on picking you up to and from work today has been blabbering since you stepped foot in the car and you’re waiting for him to stop talking.
“Men actually love it when women are mean with them, don’t over think stuff with that man, I remember once I hooked up with a girl and I was planning on not calling her the next day, she wasn’t that special and she wasn’t really worth the shot, but I swear the minute she started being mean with me I liked her a lot better.” He even laughs and your face falls inside your palm, you could beg him to shut up.
“When she started being nice to me I got the ick and totally blocker her number, it’s just how the world works you know, and I’m not-“
“Hobi please.” You snap. “Shh.”
And the man sulks with a pout on his face, you’re not even sorry, you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today and your body isn’t giving you a break. You could’ve called for a day off but no one wanted to switch shifts with you.
The moment you step foot into the department, the nurses actually give you a few meds to help you go through your shift, it was hectic that day.
You grab your phone a few hours later and finally turn back on the wifi, Namjoon sent one text early in the morning, which is probably right before he headed to work.
“i hope ur okay, take care.”
Your fingers hover over the screen and you decide on messaging him back even when you don’t want to.
“fly safe J”
 Your heart beats faster when he reads the message seconds later, you’re about to lock your phone but he’s calling you, and you can’t just ignore his call when you just texted him.
You wait a couple seconds later and finally answer him. “Kim Namjoon.”
He lets out a low grunt before laughing, you can’t see him, but he’s in bed stretching, he’s sleeping on his right side with his phone under his ear, his eyes immediately shut close when he hears his name. “Good morning.” His voice deep and sleepy, also low so he cannot be heard.
Fuck, he’s not helping you keeping your hands to yourself when he does that.
“Did you miss your flight or what?” You grab your white coat and make your way out of the emergency department to take your call. He breathes into his phone and speaks. “No, my flight was early in the morning, I’m in Seoul now.”
You can’t help but ask, even when you really know that it’s inappropriate and really none of your business, you even stutter. “Is she there?” And it comes out as a whisper. You’re really asking him about his wife.
It takes him a few seconds to process the question, uncertain whether he should actually answer the truth or not. Because she’s home and in the next room, if he was an octave louder he would be heard.
Although he did promise himself that he won’t lie to you, so he answers. “Yes.”
Your heart clenches and no matter how hard you think you’re going to accept it, it’s just really hard to digest.
You clear your throat and bite on your nails, and as if he can see you, he laughs quietly and whispers back. “I wanted to say this to you face to face, but you have to know, whether you showed up in my life or not, I would’ve gotten the divorce any way, so don’t worry.”
Namjoon never knew what it felt like to be taken care of or shown love, and neither did you, you’ve never been in an exclusive relationship with anyone before. Of course you’re loved by your family and friends, but someone actually offering you affection and care who is neither a family nor a friend feels weirdly good.
It’s like the missing piece in your life that you just realized you needed.
But still it feels concerning when Namjoon talks about you like that, and you actually spit it out to seek for an answer so you won’t have to overthink it. “Come on Joon, it was just a one time hookup, why are you talking like it’s more than that.” You even fake a laugh to make it sound nicer than you truly mean.
And he just blurts it out. “Because it is more than just a hook up,”  And he can sense that your tension over the phone is increasing, you realize you’ve been holding your breath for a second before he speaks with an audible smirk on his lips. “Come on y/n, we both know it’s more than just a hook up.”
It slightly irritates you at how smug he sounds, you scoff before speaking. “Wow you surely sound confidant about that. I hate to break it to you, but really, it’s not true.”
“Okay.” He’s totally not convinced, you hear him muffling under the blanket in his bed. “I’ve been thinking about you the entire night.”
Now it’s your turn to make his life a little harder. “And did you make yourself cum?” He takes a long breath before he hums. “I made myself cum when I imagined the way I wanted to please you, y/n.”
You’re ashamed at the way your body reacts, even when you’re on your period, your body acts upon his words and your face flushes, you press your thighs together to ease the increasing heat between your legs.
What he just said suddenly filled a certain void inside you that you never knew existed, you’ve always wanted a man seek after your own pleasure.
Even when you absolutely enjoy the dirty talk, and even when it makes your cunt tingle, you still manage to ask him. “Hm, so I guess you called just to ease your morning wood?”
You doubt the fact that this man thinks before he talks, he sounds so convincing and genuine when he replies so fast. “Just so you know, I don’t just see you in that way.”
Of course you’re going to doubt that, but he’s is in fact serious, he does think you’re insanely attractive and really good in bed that it makes him sometimes wonder how you’re still single, but on the other hand, he finds your job and your lifestyle very interesting and attractive, it’s been a month since you guys first met at the club, he thinks he knows enough to really fancy you, but when he attended your lecture and saw how successful you are at what you do, it made him see a totally different version of you.
“Whatever Namjoon, I need to hang up.” You sit up from the bench, he doesn’t hesitate when he asks. “Do you have any plans for tonight?”
You actually have nothing planned for tonight, but you know you’re going to be kicked in the ass from your current shift and you’re also on your period. “Maybe.”
You can hear him stretching, he lets out a low grunt before he speaks again “I feel the need to take you somewhere, that’s if you don’t mind of course.”
You cross your arms over your chest. “Somwhere?”
“I know a wine tasting tour held today, it’s on the outskirts though and there’s a huge farm there and it’s the harvest season, so we can actually go and check out the entire process, If you want to of course.” He seems excited when he’s speaking, still making sure he isn’t heard by the other two living under his roof.
You’re intrigued, your mind wants to say yes so badly, but your body is barely holding on for work. “I can’t today, I’m not feeling well.”
He shifts in his bed before he sits up. “Oh no, are you okay?” His voice coming out so soft and sweet, you try to stifle a grin but you can’t, and he actually hears it through the phone when you speak. “Oh my back hurts, that’s all.”
“Do you want me to come over?”
Screw you Kim Taehyung for saying those words, they still echo in your head and for a split second you shrug it off, fuck it, your body is aching for Namjoon and you’re a little ashamed to admit it.
“Yeah, I mean-“ You bite hard on your poor lower lip before you realize that even if he showed up, there’s nothing to do when it’s your time of the month. “Sure, come over.”
Namjoon finally leaves his room after he finished his call with you, Jay was crying his lungs out and he was on the floor throwing a tantrum, and his wife is nowhere to be seen.
“Daddy.” Jay stretches his arms up when he sees his father which makes Namjoon’s heart melt, he kneels down and holds his son closer to his chest, rubbing the back of his head softly. “Daddy’s here, what’s the matter?” He kisses his forehead softly. “Why are you crying?”
“Mommy won’t give me my ice cream.” He cries even louder and his father barely understands a word. Finally she gets out of the kitchen and starts picking up the little toys from the floor, “Jay how many times did I tell you, crying will not get you the ice cream.”
And the little toddler’s crying is loud and he starts kicking his legs, Namjoon holds him closer and smothers his tiny faces with kisses. “Shh, it’s okay.”
He turns to shoot a glare at the demon picking up the toys, he actually feels nauseated when she’s around, and ever since he met you, he just can’t look at her, so he forces himself at the second. “Why won’t you give him his ice cream?”
Jay is Namjoon’s only point of weakness, he cannot stand seeing him want something or crave something without getting him whatever he wants, he’d give him the world if  he asked and he’s willing to sacrifice anything for him, that all makes Jay adore his daddy.
“He didn’t finish his bowl of cereal and he even spilled it.” She throws the bag of toys down in the corner of the room, “No ice cream and no toys for the whole day.”
“He’s a baby, playing is all he’s got to do, you can’t just punish him like that.” Namjoon sternly speaks before standing up, still carrying his child.
“But daddy, I was too full and I said sorry.” Jay hugs his daddy tighter while wiping his own tears, “No you’re not going to get anything before you have your breakfast.” She approaches the little one and grabs him, Jay cries loud again and holds onto his father for dear life.
It aches Namjoon’s heart when he sees his child like that, he turns away and uses his palm to gently stop his wife from approaching them again. “Let me deal with this, he’s my child too.” He frowns before he goes to Jay’s bedroom and puts him down on his bed, he kneels down and cups his cheeks. “It’s okay baby, mommy wasn’t wrong, you can’t have your ice cream before breakfast,”
“But the bowl was too big, I’m full.” Jay rubs his eyes, his crying finally coming to an end, but the child is still sad. “Hmm, don’t you wanna be tall and big like daddy?” Namjoon pokes his son’s nose softly, “It’s okay you don’t have to finish your breakfast today, but I’ll tell you a secret,” He even whispers and inches closer to his son, a smile already starting to creep on Jay’s face when he’s enjoying the tiniest interaction with his father.
“We’ll go get you ice cream, but we cannot tell mommy, she’s not invited to our ice cream party.” And Jay looks at his father and it breaks Namjoon’s heart to see his son broken and crying over some stupid ice cream.
“Who were you talking to earlier?” She asks and gain’s his attention, she standing near the door frame with her arms crossed over her chest, he looks at her and wonders for a second when was the last time this woman showered?
He turns to his son’s closet and picks out a pair of sneakers. “Let’s get you dressed.”
“Who were you talking to?” Her voice gets louder and Namjoon doesn’t even flinch, he’s used to her being crazy and asking useless questions, he gets back on his knees and helps his son with his shoes. “Why do you care?” He asks, not looking back at her again.
“Just so you know, your son has been crying the entire morning asking for you, and he didn’t finish eat breakfast because you were too busy being on your phone.” She’s blabbering and even her son ignores her and asks his father. “Can I bring  mister broccoli with me?”
Mister broccoli was a stuffed toy that Namjoon got as a gift for Jay when he took his first flight ever with his father, the little one is extremely attached to this toy specifically and he wouldn’t let any of his cousins touch it.
Namjoon nods eagrly. “Go get him.”
Jay runs back to the living room and Namjoon rolls his eyes before he looks at his wife one last time. “I would appreciate it if you try and not pick an argument in front of him.” He cannot stand this woman.
She scoffs, “At least try and be a good father, try and be there for your son. He cried all night.”
Namjoon hates being called a bad parent, he isn’t. He finds himself gritting on his teeth and his heartbeat pounds faster in his chest. “Oh trust me, I’m a better parent than you are.”
Jay’s presence back in the room that eases Namjoon down immediately, even though he guaranteed divorce, but still he has to contain himself in front of his son, last week’s incident was a tough lesson for him.
“Daddy can I put mister broccoli in the back seat with me? I also want him to wear the seat belt.” Jay’s playful tone makes Namjoon mouth twitch in a smile, he nods and prints small soft kisses all over his son’s face. “I’ll let you put the seat belt for him, deal?”
Namjoon’s been flying nonstop and he’s very tired and he needs to catch some sleep to make it up for the nights he stayed up at work, he’s very exhausted but he can never say no to his son.
He grabs Jay’s tiny hands and leaves the place, leaving the woman behind him fuming. They get down to the car and Namjoon even gives Jay the key to unlock the car, and the little one is staring at his father with heart eyes, he always tried his best to give him anything he wishes for.
Namjoon opens the back door and puts mister broccoli next to the car seat, he teaches his son how to buckle the seat belt and Jay ends up doing it on his own, Namjoon gets this cute aggression around his son that he grabs his face tightly and sucks his cheek into a kiss. He can do it forever.
He finally helps Jay get into his car seat and buckles him up, before they head to their ice cream date.
Your shift is finally over by the afternoon, you hand over everything to the team on the next shift and you call a cab home, you were near breaking down and balling your eyes out, nothing major really, you’re just hormonal and tired.
Hoseok was supposed to drive you back home but you instantly regret it when he calls you from the court and says that he needs an hour to be there because something was scheduled urgently today.
You get home and take your clothes off, instant relief when you ditch the fabric off of your skin on a hot summery day, you change into your pajamas and head to the kitchen to turn on the kettle for tea, you don’t usually get that big of an appetite when you’re on your period so food is the last thing you consider making, your doorbell rings and you head to check the cameras, it’s the man you told to come over, the man you��ve been waiting for.
You unlock the door and a warm breeze of air immediately wafts through the entrance carrying the smell of his musky perfume, “Hey, Come in.” You tilt your head inviting him to come on in inside, and the second he steps foot inside your house he inhales, the smell feels nostalgic to him even when he’s been here only once.
Your place has this distinctive smell, it smells clean and fresh, a hint of fruitiness to it, your diffuser is always on so it always smells good, and Namjoon has picked up the hint of the floral scent you spray your furniture with, and also picked up your smell. Your odor is engraved into his head and he can smell it even when it’s layers away or even miles away, he finds it arousing.
He enters the house and hands you a small grocery bag that’s been sitting in his hands. “Are you okay? You look tired.” He steps closer to you and tugs your hair behind your ear.
“I’m fine, what’s that?” You open the bag to check out what’s inside, your heart melts when you see that he actually put in the effort to buy you pain killers, a heating pad and chocolates, even when you already have every item in your household. “Thank you, you didn’t have to do that.” A genuine smile creeps on your face and he smiles back at you before pinching your cheek softly, you inch closer to him and give him a soft peck on his dimple that leaves him blushing, but hardly noticeable though.
“Come on, let’s get you into bed.” He takes off his shoes and you see him walking inside, again even when he’s been here once, he knows this place like the back of his hand, you know that he’s comfortable around you even when the two of you haven’t known each other for long, he feels familiar and he feels close.
You walk into your bedroom and he follows you, he takes a quick scan at your room and he can tell that you’ve been in bed and you’re planning to spend the rest of your day in bed even when he’s here, nothing sexual planned at all though.
“Do you want me to help you with the heating pad?” He’s standing so close behind you that you feel his breath his your neck, you swallow and exhale with a shiver running through your spine, you nod softly and fish out the heating pad from the bag, “On my back please.”
“Okay.” He softly speaks before going down on both of his knees, you grab your top and pull it up for him to have better access, and he opens the wrapper and takes the pad out, he prints the softest kiss on your lower back right by the end of your tatted spine before he sticks the pad onto it and pulls your top back down. “There you go.”
You could swear he kissed your pain away, or it’s probably the endorphin rushing through your entire body when you saw him at your doorstep.
“Make yourself at home, I need to make tea first.” You’re about to turn but his hands sit on your hips, putting a soft amount of pressure, he presses his lips against your shoulder for a little kiss and whispers. “It’s okay, get in bed, I’ll make you tea.” He even kisses the same spot again before heading to the kitchen.
What is he doing to you?
You get to take a quick glance of his back when he’s leaving the room and you feel your face heat up, your hand sits on your cheek and you try to ease your quickening breath, you never felt this way towards anyone and it feels different, your stomach is pinching you and you’re unsure if it’s the cramps or what?
You’re worried for a second, you don’t know if he’s doing this because he wants to, or because he’s trying to get you into bed again? You know he’s in a miserable marriage so he might just do everything because there’s a benefit for him.
You make your way to your bed and you hear his footsteps coming closer and your heart races again at his aura, he enters the room with a cup of tea in one hand, and the box of pain killers in the other one, he approaches your side of the bed and rests the cup onto the nightstand before handing you a pill from the box, you look at him in the face and you tilt your head, his eyes lift up and lock into yours.
For a long moment both of you are studying each other.
You were never able to find out people’s intentions right away, you are very smart and really wit, you sometimes make assumptions that turn out to be true just out of coincidence. But Kim Namjoon was too difficult to read, well at least to you.
Or maybe he is easy to read, but after you found out that he masked his misery and his years long marriage, it became difficult for you to really find out what were his intentions. You appreciate what he’s trying to do, but you don’t know why he’s doing it.
You actually consider introducing him to your friends just because they know how men think and what are their real intentions, Taehyung can easily judge people and he was never wrong.
As for him.
His eyes travel between yours, then move down to your nose and lips, up to the loose strand of your hair that’s tickling your jaw, he feels drawn to you in ways he cannot explain, and if he wants to reflect on the overall situation, he easily admits that he changed after he met you, you changed him, he’s a better version of himself when he’s around you, he’s looking at you and memorizing every single detail on your face, you’re not like her, you’re not like any of them women.
Actually it’s way easier than you think, Namjoon was too easy to read, if you just stop the over thinking for a second and see the way he stares at you, you could easily tell that the man is developing something for you, let’s just call it a crush for the mean time, you don’t know the effect you have on this man.
“Thank you.” You grab the pill into your mouth and chase it with water before pulling the blanket over your body, he stands up and takes his shirt off, after all, it was really warm that day.
And goodness you forgot how big this man is, you immediately look away because you know your body gets way too excited at the thought of Namjoon naked. And you also hate to admit it, but your sex drive is usually on fire on your first day of your period.
“You can sleep if you want to, I’m here if you needed anything.” He walks to the other side of the bed and lies down next to you.
You simply nod, maybe he was right when he told you this morning that this is more than just a hookup.
Minutes later, you close your eyes but you’re not asleep, he probably thinks you are, but you can’t, you open one eye and look at him, he’s lying on his back with one arm behind his head and his phone in the other hand, he’s reading something, clearly a book. His eyelids feel heavy and he puts down the phone on the night stand next to him before he adjusts in bed and falls asleep while hugging a pillow.
And suddenly you feel this flood of emotions wash through your entire body, and you feel bad for the man, a smart good looking sensitive man whose desperate to feel loved and touched after all these years, he’s practically a virgin even when he isn’t.
You huff and hide your face under the blanket, you cannot believe that you actually validate his reasons and give him the right to cheat, you even start thinking that him cheating should be worth it.
He’s a human being with feelings, and you feel like you can offer him some of his needs.
You crawl closer and pull the blanket over his body, you even grab the pillow away from him and hold onto his wrist to and put it around your waist, he’s not in deep sleep yet, so he opens his eyes for a second and processes the fact that you’re going to sleep in his arms, he tightens the grip around and pulls you even closer to him whilst whispering in your ear. “Do you want me to get you anything? Are you okay?”
“I’m okay.” You bury your face into his neck and both of you fall asleep in a click of a button.
It’s almost like both of you felt safe enough to go into deep sleep when you’re around each other.
You don’t know yet, or maybe you do but won’t admit, but you’re developing something for him too.
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capt-spooki3 · 3 years
Hey hi hello, how are you doing, i miss you and am .5 seconds away from spamming all your work with likes and reblogs 💕☺️
So I've been thinking (uh oh).... Being close with Tommy and tubbo and telling them ur terrified to meet techno cause mans is so scary to you, and they tell him you're scared cause they're little shits. A d cut to like a few days later where you have to talk to him for smthn and he's making fun of youand teasing you relentlessly cause he knows you were visibly nervous to meet him, but he's being really nice besides the teasing. Thoughts? Interpretations?
You don't even have to respond, just know that I love you and your stuff and hope you have the best day because you deserve nothing less◖⚆ᴥ⚆◗
( ˘ ³˘)♥
am i positive if you're asking me for a fic? No, not entirely.
Am i going to write you one anyway because you're so sweet? Yes absolutely and now presenting:
My Unexpected Tutor
Platonic college au!Technoblade and Y/n
(plus besties with the rest of the sbi ofc 😌)
(Hope this is okay, i just took my own interpretation of it and changed it just a little👌)
Warnings: cursing, teasing, nervousness(idk)
3.3k works
With the final bell ringing and college classes ending for the day, you snatched up your bag and book you’ve read off and on that week before heading over to the courtyard that was near the on-campus dorms. Stopping by a vending machine first to grab a drink then seating yourself on a bench and getting comfortable while you wait for your company to arrive.
“Yeah! And that’s- HA! That’s when Wilbur just… oh!-” The nearing sound of Tommy’s voice cut off along with the softer laughing from Tubbo. You were very obviously engrossed in your book, but now you just feigned reading as you listen closely to the sound of slow footsteps nearing behind your bench. The two of them were horrible about being sneaky since you could easily hear hushed laughs as they desperately tried keeping each other quiet.
Right as you heard them stop moving, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself before turning around suddenly and lunging at them over the back of the bench with a half effort grab at Tommy’s extended hand, and yelling. Tommy screamed back, stumbling back a  few paces and Tubbo just stumbled before backing up to the bench and busted out laughing.
“Ey what the hell!” He scoffed despite not being able to hold back his growing smile, shoving his hands into his pockets. “I’ll remember that bitch, I’m gonna get you back.” he walked over to you and sat on the other side of the bench, giving you a hard glare when you laughed a little bit though it was mostly from Tubbo’s hysterical laughter. He took a deep breath and calmed himself so he could jump over the back of the bench and sit between you and Tommy.
The two boys were your underclassmen, being freshmen while you were a sophomore. The three of you met in your coding class. You were there mostly to get your English degree and major in said area, but you figured while you had the opportunity you would take classes on things you didn’t know much about. There, you met Wilbur, a senior and Tommy’s oldest brother, and he helped you quite a bit with understanding bits of coding that were a bit too confusing for you at first and were quickly becoming friends with him. That was until Tommy entered the picture. First, you just saw him as Wilbur’s chaotic younger brother who just happened to be in the coding class as well but after some insisting that you get to know him from Wilbur, you hung out one weekend in the library. One weekend turned to two then almost every weekend once he introduced you to Tubbo as well and you all had become a true trio.
You got to know Tommy’s family pretty well. His single father, Phil, who was just like a second parent to you now, and Wilbur who acted just like the older brother you never had. You knew them well despite having known them all for less than a year. The only hang-up is when it came to Tommy’s other brother. You knew he had an actual name, but only knew him by his nickname since that’s what everyone referred to him by. That would be Technoblade. The two of you had a couple of literature classes together and the fact that he was only one grade above you, you’d figure that you could befriend him with ease. Now, it’s not like he was big and scary, he was more tall and lanky but he was smart and he had some vibe around him that just petrified you. You couldn’t ever build up the courage to be around him which made it quite an issue since you were best friends with his brother, though this wasn’t an issue you had ever brought up to any of them.
“So how did classes go for you guys today?” You asked as you pulled one of your legs up onto the bench and closed your book which you held close to your chest.
“Fucking shitty! I got a fuck ton of extra work, like I know it’s college and the weekend but let me live.”
“We got one essay to write, it’s two pages long.” Tubbo reiterated with a smile while Tommy grumbled and leaned his head back so he was looking up at the sky. “What about you Y/n?”
“It wasn’t bad, I don’t have any extra work other than a bit of coding to do. Oh speaking of, Tommy?” You reached your foot over and kicked his leg to get his attention, only continuing when he was looking at you. “Is Will gonna be free at all? ‘Cause I need some help with this stuff.”
Tommy perked up a bit, sitting up to get his phone out. “Oh you're right, I actually need help with it too.” He mumbled while texting and staring at the screen as he waited for a reply. “Uhh okay so he says… I’m visiting some friends so I won’t have time… blah blah uh but ask Techno, I heard he’s pretty good at coding. Nice! That’s perfect, you can just come over to my house and-”
“Ah, you know what- I actually think I’m okay.” You quickly interrupted him, pulling your laptop out of your bag to aimlessly scroll through the assignment you were given. “It can’t even be that hard I’m sure… I can figure it out.” You said with as much confidence as you could muster despite knowing full well you’ll be completely lost as soon as you try to start on the work.
“Come on, we both know that’s a lie, you're so shit at this stuff.” He said light-heartedly and watched you ‘work’. “Seriously, just come over. I’m sure Techno is good at this stuff, if anything we can pay him to do the work.”
“It’s fine- really. I think I’ll just wait for Monday, I can ask Wilbur for help then.” You closed your laptop, keeping your gaze on it for a moment before looking over at Tubbo and Tommy who were giving you both a puzzled look. “What?”
“You don’t…” Tubbo started to speak but Tommy pushed him back with an arm on the chest so he could lean over to look at you closer.
“You don’t have a crush on Techno, do you?” He said and squinted at them as if disgusted by the thought.
“What!? No!” You sat up taller and looked at him, baffled that he resorted to that.
“Well, then what the hell is the problem! Just come over and he can teach us!” 
“I just… he’s kinda…” You grew flustered and found a loss for good words as you realized you were going to admit this. “He’s scary.”
Tommy busted out laughing and wheezed hard, doubling over as he coughed and laughed some more, stumbling over words as he tried to talk but was laughing too hard. Even tubbo who was trying to hold back, joined Tommy which only made them bounce off each other in their hysterics.
“Wha- I’m serious! Do you two not think he’s intimidating!?” You looked at both of them desperately as you could feel the heat that had risen to your cheeks.
“He’s literally-” Tubbo’s laughter interrupted him. “He’s a nerd! How the hell is he scary?” He settled down a bit and nudged Tommy to get him to calm down too, luckily he got his fit of laughter out.
“Oh my god, no I’ve got to go home now.” He grabbed his backpack that had been discarded behind the bench and looked at you once more before laughing more. “Scared of Techno- oh my god. That's good, that’s a good one. Bye bitches!” He saluted both of you before running off.
“Tommy I swear to god if you tell anyone I will deck your shit!!” You stood up, holding your laptop in hand, to yell at him but just stood there defeated once he turned a corner around a building. Tubbo got up beside you, laughing as he put his hands in his hoodie pocket.
“I wish I could give him the benefit of the doubt… but he’s gonna tell Techno. And Wilbur. And Phil for sure.” 
“Yeah... I’m sure he will. I’m going to my dorm, I’ve got to call my mom.”
“Aww-” You put your hand over his mouth, but took it away as soon as he shut up so he wouldn’t lick your palm.
“Shut- I don’t wanna hear shit from you too. Anyway, get home soon and don’t get kidnapped.” You turned away to put your laptop and book into your backpack and zipped it up before pulling it over one shoulder. You looked back at Tubbo and put your fist up to him.
“I’ll kick them in the balls, don’t worry.” He laughed a little and bumped his fist to yours and walked backward a few paces, waving at you. “Tell your mom I said hi!”
You waved back at him and stood to wait and watch him walk off along the stone path until he was fully out of sight to make your way to your dorm, which was right in the courtyard area.
Monday came around and with the school day partially over, you made your way to your coding class. You of course didn't end up doing the assigned homework even though you gave it a good try and just decided to rely on Wilbur's help.
You walked into class and took in a deep breath, it was always cool and smelt of coffee since the teacher brewed a cup before your class every day. Making your way over to your usual computer you looked over to see Tommy sitting in your spot beside Wilbur and chatting to him. You guessed he heard you coming or saw Wilbur look your way because he looked back and grinned wide which never meant good.
"Ey look at who it is! Wonderful seeing you again, how was your weekend?"
"Fine." You said, looking down at him and kicking his foot. "I don't like how you're acting, what the hell did you do?"
He just feigned innocence and looked offended that you could assume such a thing. "Me? Me!?" He leaned forward, hand gracefully on his chest. "I cannot believe you right now, I'm hurt Y/n! Truly hurt."
You scoffed with an eye roll and sat on the other side of Wilbur since the seat was free. As soon as you set your bag down and went to turn toward the two, Wilbur was already facing you and leaning on the desk area for the keyboard in a way that looked like he needed to say something in secret.
"You good?"
He just waved you down and you leaned forward to listen. "You're not… actually afraid of Technoblade are you?"
"Tommy you little shit!" You jumped up, nearly hitting Wilbur but he moved back in time. Tommy laughed and fled to the other side of the room where he normally sat so you just grumbled and took your seat.
"Is no one else? He's intimidating, I feel like he'd call me out on all my insecurities if I inconvenienced him. And THEN he would hold me at knifepoint till I left him alone."
Wilbur snorted and hung his head as he softly laughed, you reached over and hit his arm before leaning closer to whisper. “I’m serious Wilbur! He scares me!”
He looked back up at you with the most amused look. “Come on, you can’t be friends with this family without knowing techno. Honestly. Talk to him today. You two have the same literature class at the end of the day right?” He asked as he sat up and leaned back into his chair to turn his computer on and log into the coding website.
“I mean yeah but- what does that have to do with anything.” You asked, but Wilbur didn’t reply as he just stared at his screen so you leaned forward to get into his peripheral vision. “Will, what does that have to do with anything? I’m not talking to him, I hope you know that.”
You were wrong. Nearing the end of your literature class, you sat there listening to the teacher while completely lost on the assignment. Usually, it wouldn’t be too much of an issue because you would just give it the best attempt you could and see where you messed up at the end to better understand the work. It wasn’t the best tactic but you liked it better than having to ask for help. But now, this was a big and grade-determining assignment, not one you could afford to flunk.
The class was given five minutes to start on or look over the work at the end of the class. You leaned back in your chair, staring at your paper at a loss, and listened to the sound of people moving around the class near you. You didn’t try to look up since you assumed it was friends going to sit together and gossip. That was until you noticed someone took the seat beside you and shuffled a bit closer. Pulling the paper away from your face to look, you froze instantly upon locking eyes with Technoblade who was smiling lightly. You had never seen him this close, the most notable thing was his dyed light pink hair that had grown out brown roots and you could even see in his smile how his top and bottom canine teeth were a bit longer than normal and looked like he had small fangs and tusks.
He pushed his glasses up before crossing his arms and leaning forward on his desk. “Hey so I know you’re terrified of me, but it looks like you’re having a bit of an issue.” You opened your mouth to speak but were just met with a loss for words and just averted your eyes, continually glancing back at him for a moment as you were unsure what to do. He snorted lightly, bringing his hand up to stifle his laugh, and cleared his throat. “Yeah sorry for bein’ so big and scary but I can help ya. Come one, show me what you are confused with Y/n.”
“You- you know my name?” You looked right at him finally to which he raised an eyebrow at you quizzically.
“Well yeah. Did you really expect me not to? You’re besties with both of my brothers and my dad loves having you over. I was just waiting for you to say hi to me.” He leaned back, fidgeting with a ring with his hands. “Didn’t think you’d actually be scared of me, thank Tommy for snitching. He talked about it all weekend.”
You groaned, leaning forward to run your hands over your face and sigh, swearing that you’d smack him once school was out.
“Oh shi-” You looked at Techno and he was checking the time on his phone. “Hey, class is about to end. You’re not gonna be busy are you?”
“Uh… not, no I’m not.”
“Great.” He got up, moving the desk back to its original place and trotting over to grab his bag, and looking back to you. “Get your stuff and meet me at the south entrance, we can work on it back at my house.” And without giving you a chance to try to object, he called to the teacher saying that he was going to leave a minute early to get his stuff together since he rented a locker a bit away from the classroom and the teacher waved him off.
Reluctantly, you went back to your dorm which was close to where you had class. You dropped off unneeded books and grabbed a granola bar from a box you kept in your room then headed toward the entrance Techno told you to meet him at. And of course, walking up the sidewalk to the doors you saw him there sitting on a bench with his bag beside him. He saw you and jumped up, waving you over to him as he started walking immediately. While you were still behind him, you sent a picture to Tommy, Tubbo, and Wilbur of him walking in front of you and adding the caption ‘i did it :P’. 
The two of you chatted while you walked through the neighborhood and despite light teasing on how scary he was, he was easy to talk to and you had a lot in common with him. It was a shame you hadn’t taken the initiative to talk to him before. In no time, you were walking through the door after him into the familiar home where Phil greeted you with a surprised but happy look and offered snacks which Techno graciously took before heading to his room.
To your surprise, Technoblade is the best tutor you have ever had. He is attentive and incredibly patient when trying to figure out where you are having struggles and he’s smart. Like he knows every single bit of what is supposed to be brand new information from the class. Not even two hours into him helping you, you understood the assignment completely and you both spent the next three hours sitting on his bed and working together. You joked with him and he held the same energy while keeping the focus on working and even swapped laptops with him to check it over for each other.
You broke your gaze from the endless lines of text on your laptop screen to look at the window and seeing the orange sky around trees and over top of houses that indicated the setting sun. “Oh my gosh!” You scrambled off the bed, carefully stuffing papers back into your bag. “I didn’t even realize what time it was- Technoblade thank you a million for helping me. I appreciate it so much, but I need to get back to my dorm! I promised my roommate I’d help her cook dinner tonight.” You grabbed your laptop off of the bed and put it into your bag, closing it all up quickly.
Slinging it over your shoulder and adjusting it, you turned to make your way out of the room but you were stopped by a tug and looked back to see Techno holding onto your bag and looking displeased. “Not yet.”
“Wha- I need to go though-”
“It’s a tradition in this house to hug anyone before they leave, you should know that from my dad.” He let go and opened his arms up to you.
You turned to him and tilted your head a little. “You’re joking…”
He just smiled smugly and waited. You glanced at the doorway but gave in and closed the bit of distance, hugging him to which he returned snugly and spoke softly to you. “You’re a good person. I’m glad to have gotten to know you and I hope you’ll come back. I promise I’m not all that bad.” With that, he slowly let go and patted your arm before gently shoving you toward the doorway and plopping down on his bed. “Have a good night!”
“Uh.. yeah, you too!” You said back, still surprised by the exchange. His words swam through your mind as you went to leave the house, hugging Phil on your way out and wishing him a good night as well. Finally checking your phone on the walk home, you found a supportive and proud text from Wilbur, a dirty joke from Tommy, and something in between from Tubbo.
You laughed to yourself, amused by the differences in the messages. It was times like these that you most found appreciation for the three. Mentally you had to correct yourself though. The whole family was good. This you can say for sure now.
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werenotadulting · 3 years
Routine Procedure pt. 5
Over the next couple of days, it was actually abnormal for Kate not to give me some special attention down there during a diaper change. Just woke up? Let's try using my vibrator on your soaked diaper. Need a change before lunch? How about reverse cowgirl while laying there on top of your fresh diaper. Time for your night diaper? Bedtime blowjob.
Don't get me wrong, Kate and I have always had a very good sex life, but this past week was unlike any other.
On Saturday, in the middle of a mid-afternoon change, was when Kate suggested we try getting out of the house for a bit.
"You really soak through these diapers quick, Mike. We're gonna have to see about getting some more soon."
"I suppose we should, right? I mean, they're working infinitely better than that condom thing," I said as I was laying back while Kate took care of wiping me down.
Despite what she had said about showing me how to change myself, she didn't seem to mind taking care of it, and I was in no rush to put a stop to it considering what was in it for me.
"That's very true. There was only that one minor leak you had last night, which I'm sure we can find a way to prevent in the future. I'll put in an order for some new diapers tonight, so they get here by Monday."
Kate secured the last tape and ran a finger along the elastic leg gathers. "You know, that new game store opened up in the mall on the other side of town. What do you say we stop over there and see how it is?"
I froze. Being diapered at home was one thing. Going out in public though.... Kate seemed to know exactly what I was thinking.
"Mike. Earth to Mike. Remember what we talked about? No one is going to be paying attention to the size of your butt or the sound of your pants. And guess what? Even if they do, who cares? You have a medical need to wear diapers. Just like people who have trouble walking use canes, it's a medical thing. You didn't ask to be incontinent."
I looked at myself in the mirror. My jeans appeared to do their job of concealing my diaper.
"You know," Kate popped up behind me in the reflection, "if you're so worried about people seeing, they do make onesies for adults. Just a thought."
I scoffed at her, and we headed off to the mall.
About 30 minutes later, we arrived. I couldn't help but notice that it seemed like there were a heck of a lot more people there than normal. Another 10 minutes later and we were finally able to find a parking space towards the back. As I got out of the car, I made sure my shirt was pulled down as far as it could go. It was all I needed for my shirt to ride up and expose my plastic waistband.
Kate grabbed my hand, but not before giving my padded butt a firm slap. The corner of her mouth turned up ever so slightly, and we walked hand-in-hand up to the mall.
You know that feeling you get when it feels like someone is watching you? Yeah, it did not go away no matter how much time passed as we meandered through the mall.
Our first stop was in the food court, where we grabbed a late lunch of chicken and waffles. Kate went to order the food while I found a spot to sit down.
"All ready," Kate said as she walked up with a tray piled with chicken. "They accidentally made your lemonade a large, and I wasn't about time tell them they were wrong."
"It is the best homemade lemonade in town," I said, grabbing my plate off of the tray.
Kate set the tray down, then went to grab a couple of napkins. A few moments later, I noticed my shirt rising up and the back of my diaper being pulled open. I spun around and swatted the offending hand away, which turned out to belong to Kate.
"What in the hell do you think you're doing?!"
"Giving you a diaper check, what else?"
"We are in the middle of the mall!"
"It's been awhile since you had your diaper changed, and I know you are bad at knowing when you're at capacity," Kate gave me a 'prove me wrong' look.
"I'm fine!! Just... not out in broad daylight, please?" I pleaded.
"Well I didn't even get a chance to properly check just now, but if you say so...."
After stopping in a couple clothing stores, ("Hey, we should think about getting you some new jeans. Those ones seem a little tight all of the sudden.") we finally made our way to the new gaming store. It was like a one-stop shop for gamers, with board games, collectibles, and video games. Towards the back, there were tables setup, where people could break out their games or card decks and hang out for a bit.
Once we had searched down all the aisles, we found ourselves in the back next to the gaming tables.
"Hey, we're looking for two more for Ticket to Ride! Do you guys want in?" said a blonde girl from a table in the corner. She and another girl were setting up the board, getting ready to start.
Kate's eyes grew to the size of saucers.
"Oh heck yes! I never lose at this game!" It was true, she did never lose, and she never let me hear the end of it whenever we played.
An hour later, and it was clear that it was between Kate and Melanie, the blonde girl, on who would be crowned victorious. The other girl and I had all but given up. Seeing that there was no way I could complete all my routes, I had long since resorted to my usual strategy of trying to sabotage Kate.
"Annnnnd 110, 111, 112. I have retained my crown," Kate gloated.
"Oh wonderful," I said, "I can't wait to hear about this all the way home."
"Well played, you two," Melanie chimed in. "Don't worry about cleaning up, we are actually waiting for some friends to come play a round."
"Oh thank you, that's so nice," Kate said as we both stood up to leave.
"Of course! It was nice meet....." Melanie trailed off, staring at my crotch.
Both Kate and I followed her gaze, and it was then that I saw that I'd had a major leak.
Large wet spots had formed down the inside of my jeans, as well as two half-moon  shapes on my butt. Looking at my chair, there was more evidence of my accident, there for all to see.
It was obvious to anyone looking what had happened.
I was speechless.
"Oh shit, we're so sorry! Let me just wipe this up..." Kate said as she frantically wiped the seat down with a tissue.
The girls were equally dumbstruck, as they watched Kate lead me out of the store waddling behind her.
The feeling of eyes on me increased tenfold on the walk through the mall to the car. Without a jacket or anything to cover up with, we moved as fast as we could, whispers and giggles following us out.
In what seemed like an eternity later, we finally made it back to the car.
"I'll get the seats cleaned, don't worry baby, just get in." Kate pulled open her door and got the car started. I didn't need to be told twice, as I practically leaped into the car.
"That...I...I'm so embarrassed...." I was starting to get choked up, tears forming in the corners of my eyes.
"Hey, hey, there there sweetie, I'm sorry. That can't have been fun, I know. It's not your fault." Kate was rubbing my back, the car still in park.
"That doesn't make it any less humiliating! And it's not even like I had a little accident, Kate, my diaper leaked!" I was almost yelling, my emotions getting the better of me.
"Shhhh baby, it's okay, take deep breaths, it's going to be okay. We didn't know anyone there, no one important saw, you'll be fine."
I was still upset, but I listened to her, taking steadying breaths that at least got my heart rate under control. Seeing this, Kate started to back out of our parking spot.
"Let's get you home and into a bath, baby," Kate soothed. We drove on in silence for awhile as I continued to calm down.
I think," Kate broke the silence, "that we might want to consider getting you some thicker protection. Just to be safe, you know? What do you think?"
"I think that means I will definitely be waddling, and it will be obvious to everyone what I'm wearing," I said, staring out the window.
"Well, do you prefer people maybe noticing that you walk a little funny, or running the risk of leaking like happened back there?"
"I don't know Kate, I just...I don't want to think about it."
"I'll take care of it then, babe," Kate said, "those hospital diapers are notoriously cheap anyway. We'll find something that works better for you. And I'll look into some of those onesies, so you don't feel so self-conscious about your diaper sticking out."
"Yeah, whatever," I said, as we continued down the highway.
Kate knew exactly where to look when she logged on to order new diapers.
Let's see, she thought, I think probably a case of ABU Simple Ultra. Maybe a mixed case with some fun prints? No, it was too soon to go all-in like that. I'll just add in another pack of PeekABUs. That's 90 diapers, so at 2-3 diapers a day, that should be good for a month. Better throw in some boosters, too. And set up a recurring monthly order, yes please.
With that order placed, it was then to the ODU website, where she settled on several of their basic onesies.
"All in good time, Kate," she muttered to herself as she looked longingly at all of the cute designs. She could just picture how adorable Mike would look in that dinosaur onesie.
She was so horny right now. The sight of Mike in his wet jeans, his face burning bright red. Her hand slipped down the front of her shorts.
Oh fuck, she thought, he was so humiliated. She rubbed her clit to the image of Mike standing there over the pee puddle on his chair while those girls looked on.
Had she taped on his diaper perhaps a little loose before they went to the mall? Yes.
Had she intentionally ordered Mike a large lemonade? Also yes.
Had she suspected during her impromptu diaper check at the food court that Mike would protest and insist he was fine? Triple yes.
Had she known those flimsy hospital diapers would fail sooner rather than later, and she could talk Mike into something a bit thicker?
Ding-ding-ding, we have a winner.
Kate closed the laptop and got up.
She had a diaper boy she needed to fuck.
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literaryspinster · 2 years
Preview: Something In The Water Ch. 6
I hope you enjoy this 1000 word snippet, the whole thing should be posted by next week, provided nothing comes up. Konstantin Kovar had a diary, and Dick’s going to find it. He’s been looking for answers everywhere he can think of, reading into Konstantin’s past, his family in Eastern Europe, former jobs. But all his digging has led to is a corkboard of photos and notecards strangled by an incomprehensible lattice of red string, the sort of set up that looks a lot more useful and productive than it is, at least for the time being. 
To make things worse, the fingerprints dusted on the lip of the bathtub and the DNA samples collected from the site have all come back as either belonging to Konstantin, or inconclusive. Not even Kovar’s laptop or cell phone contained any potential clues aside from a slightly troubling search history on xvideos. 
None of the frenzied tips called into the station unearthed anything of consequence either. One caller swore he saw the killer in a dream, another thought it may have been the work of pirates, and the rest were even less believable than that. The worst calls though, are the frightened ones. Most people on the island are still normal it seems, and worried that the killer may come for them next, or the people they love. Not everyone can just leave at a moment's notice after all. Their livelihood is here, their everything is here. It’s for them, and for Rachel, that he presses on.
Unfortunately, the only lead that seems like it might bring something to light at the moment is that diary, which still can’t be found, unless…
“The diary, did it have a metal clasp on it? A lock maybe?” he asks Cheryl the flight attendant, over the phone. She’s audibly exasperated to hear from him again, but polite about it at least. It’s a long shot, but if the victim left it in the sand somewhere before the incident, then the precinct’s metal detector should do the trick. 
There’ll be another sweep on monday for the murder weapon, directly around the site and in the adjacent caverns, and he wants to make sure his team knows that there’s more than just a pair of cuffs to be on the lookout for. Ricky the beachcomber has been on his usual task every morning, and was given the instruction to deliver any potential evidence to the station, although his personal jurisdiction doesn’t extend past the beach. If the department can't find the diary and the cuffs near the lighthouse, it’s back to square one. 
After a long pause, Cheryl answers. “It’s difficult to remember, but I think it may have,” she says, the end going up like a question. Despite the uncertainty it’s enough of a yes for now. He hangs up the phone and rubs his temples, shutting his eyes to the mess across his desk, stacks and stacks of papers, a white mug stained with coffee, a laptop with so many open tabs that they only fit a letter each.
It’s been a chaotic week. The population has seen a 23 percent increase for the summer (down from the usual 25 but not by nearly as much as he’d hoped), and the lighthouse is still shut down until it can be cleared for the new keeper, Sanger something or other, to move in and resume work. Turns out it’s more complicated than it looks being vintage engineering and all. 
With the delivery boats unable to arrive at night, the traffic around the harbor is noisy and constant throughout the day, setting him further on edge. It’s been nearly twelve hours, and if he doesn’t stop then the chief is going to throw him out by force. He needs to spend some time with Rachel anyway, he told her he’d try his best to make the thing tonight. It’s never really been his jam– or Rachel’s for that matter– but neither is letting three rambunctious teenagers run amok unsupervised all night long. 
As soon as Deputy Kent arrives to work the night shift, Dick grabs his keys, wishes him a good night, and heads for the car. He decides not to stop at home first, even though he must be a fright, or the closest thing possible for a guy who looks like him; there’s faint circles underneath his eyes, his hair is ruffled, overlong and hanging down over his forehead like some dreamy punk in a 90s teen drama, his shirt is in dire need of a press. But it’s already pushing 830 and he could use a drink more than a comb and a splash of water on his face. 
And if Kory shows up, well, he just hopes she likes dreamy 90s punks.
It feels insane to admit he’s been thinking about her, all the while he’s supposed to be thinking of nothing but Konstantin, and solving this case so he can take Rachel home. But insane or not, she’s been on his mind off and on for days, mostly on if he’s being honest with himself. He’ll be scrolling through crime scene photos, obsessed with the possibility that he’s missed something, and suddenly he’ll picture that smile, so honest and easy. Or the scent of her hair that he caught a faint whiff of when she leaned in close to him. It smelled like sea breezes, somehow both the cocktail and the real thing in equal measure.
He shouldn’t have ran off that night. He should have gotten to know her, pushed work aside for long enough to find out what movies she likes, what sort of humor makes her smile spread wider, if her skin is as soft as it looks…
“Stop being a perv Grayson,” he says to himself as he parks the car alongside the Marina. 
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maple-the-awesome · 3 years
Be Her Guard || Chapter 9
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Words: 2,220
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The two of you had arrived back at Baker Street at around ten fourteen. By that time, Mrs. Hudson had long retired to bed while John was still out on his own date which Sherlock predicted he wouldn’t return from until at least twenty minutes past the time he had originally given before his departure.
You had been eager to remove your heels from the second you stepped inside the flat, complaining that your feet have been killing you all night. It didn’t take you long to disappear into Sherlock’s bedroom where you’ve been staying, wanting to change into a comfortable pair of sleepwear while Sherlock couldn’t care less about staying in his own outfit. It isn’t as if he's planning on sleeping anytime soon anyways.
He's instead wandered into the kitchen while you’re away, putting on a kettle filled with water over the boiler in hopes of managing to make himself a cup of tea, after all, Mrs. Hudson isn't awake to do it nor would she want to if she was.
Within no time, you return wearing a white shirt with dotted red pajama pants. Sauntering over to Sherlock's side tiredly, you lean slightly against him to sneak a peek at what he’s making," I didn't think you knew how to make tea."
"I thought it was about time to learn," you smile at his response before yawning quietly which he takes instant notice of," you've been up since six this morning. You should go get some proper sleep."
"I'm too awake to actually fall asleep, though. And what about you? You’ve up since four thirty John said. That’s the time you pulled him out of bed this morning at least.”
"I needed his opinion on something," Sherlock answers, watching as you reach over his arm, causally turning the heat up on the stove," besides, I don't need sleep."
"You do; at least seven hours of it. I’m pretty sure you only get that within two weeks’ time."
"And I'm functioning just fine," he argues stubbornly, heading into the living room with you in tow.
The kettle will warn you once it’s done, so in the meantime, you plop down in his chair, curling your legs to your chest while Sherlock himself sits at the desk to open the laptop. From there, he checks his email in silence, happy to see that he’s finally gotten an answer from someone he’s been waiting to hear from for a few days now.
You lean your head back against the chair, quietly observing your newly found boyfriend as he opens the email and scans over it over quicker than you could ever read. Whatever he’s reading, it seems to impress him at least a little," do you have a new case or something?"
"It’s an email from Alexa Mandible. Remember the name?"
It takes you a moment of thought before you nod," wasn’t she my old prosecutor?"
"Correct. I emailed her on Monday asking if she would be able to get in touch with the prison Apollo's being held at and see of his status. I can't reach the warden or anyone of use except for her. She's done countless cases involving prisoners there, therefore, if anyone can weasel their way in, it’ll be her," he answers truthfully, finding no real reason to hide it from you.
As he types back a response, you turn your body, crossing your arms over the top of the chair with a small stretch," what is she exactly supposed to find out? We know Apollo's out."
"I want to know why he's out. He got life in prison. He should still be there-"
"-They never said there was no possibility of parole."
Sherlock doesn’t answer right away. He instead thinks to what Morrison had said. They were aiming for another trial, but even then...
"They would've had to tell you if he was going back on trial. You're a part of the case as well, after all, it was your murder he planned and tried carrying out," standing, he sends the email to Mandible before looking into your eyes," I’m going to get to the bottom of this and put him back behind bars for good this time. Life without parole."
"...I know,” you sigh, standing yourself and cautiously moving over to wrap your arms around him. Despite having shared hugs before in the past, this one feels a bit foreign yet at the same time, you think it’s nice especially when he pulls you close in response to your own movements, holding you against himself tightly. Maybe you could get use to this with time…
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Even when you had finally gone off to bed, Sherlock couldn’t sleep himself. He had found himself pacing around the room for most of the time after you left, wishing Mandible would hurry up and get a response in, although, it’s highly unlikely he'll get one until the next few days, possibility not until the week's over.
John hops up the stairs at ten fifty-eight exactly, looking to be in a beaming mood. He takes off his coat once through the door, barely sparing a glance at Sherlock who has finally sat down on the couch restlessly,” have you gotten anything done since I've left?"
"I have."
"Right. In your Mind Palace, I'm assuming."
Sherlock rolls his eyes," if you must know, within the time that you’ve been gone, I’ve gotten Mycroft to give me footage of Apollo dropping off the package which was useless since I couldn't see where he went after Baker Street, (Y/n) and I went on a date, I made myself tea, and finally got a reply from the prosecutor who worked on the Timmons case. I did enough-"
"-Wait, go back. (Y/n) and you went on a date? Like a romantic date?" John shakes his head in disbelief at the only part he heard, stopping Sherlock from saying anything else," oh, I get it. You got another case while I was out, didn't you? That's what it was for."
"Don't be dull, John. You're not the only one who can get yourself a girlfriend," once again, Sherlock rolls his eyes, pushing himself onto the ground with a quiet 'thump' then bouncing to his feet.
"Wait, wait…So, are you trying to say (Y/n) is actually your girlfriend now? No spaces between-?"
"-Would you like me to spell it out for you, John?" Sherlock hisses in annoyance causing his friend to hold his hands up defensively, smiling like an idiot.
"You can't really blame me for being shocked. Sherlock Holmes has a girlfriend. You have a girlfriend. If I recall correctly, you told me you didn't like her that way," he reminds his friend, crossing his arms with a smug smirk.
Sherlock grabs the package Apollo had sent from out beneath his chair, carrying it to the couch before sitting down again, this time normally," no, I said that I didn’t feel for her the way that drunkard was referring to. I never put Apollo behind bars because of simple jealously. I did it because he tried to murder (Y/n). He wanted her dead and possibly still wants the same now. Wouldn't you put someone in prison if they did that to your precious-what's her name? Abby-"
"-Alice, and we broke up two weeks ago," John sighs.
"I thought you broke up with the banker?"
"Alice is a vet."
"Was the banker named Abby-?"
He doesn’t answer. Opening the package, he throws a bouquet onto the coffee table, finding little to no interest in it unlike John who walks over immediately, carefully picking it up and looking over the dried petals.
The bouquet’s made of a few red roses that are nothing compared to the radiant lilies, some un-blossomed while others showcasing a dark pink color outlined with white much like the one you had received in the first letter. A small lilac card is tied around them.
John sits down next to Sherlock, lifting the card and reading aloud the cursive words in a disgusted tone," 'this is what I had imagined you'd be carrying down the aisle on your wedding day. I pray it’ll still be a possibility'…"
When he turns to say something to his friend, he changes his question when seeing the detective is holding a letter in which he glares down at as if hoping his intense gaze will set it in flames," he even wrote her another letter? Is he really that delusional that he thinks she’ll still marry him after what he did?”
"Only the lilies are for her. The letter’s for me."
John stares with wide eyes," what does it say?"
Sherlock merely hands it over for John to read himself before pressing his hands together under his chin in careful thought.
The letter is written in the same cursive except it has much more written, the contents nearly feeling the entire page front and back. Apparently, Apollo has a lot more to say to Sherlock than to you. Far more bitter things, too.
To the Great Sherlock Holmes my (Y/n) loves so dearly,
Are you happy to have her back? Doesn't it feel nice having her by your side again? To laugh with, to cry with, and to give you all her love? I’m sure you feel special. You know, she would always try to weave you into every conversation she could even when you were an ocean and land away. She’d light up whenever mentioning you which never happened when she talked about me. I hated it. Let me rephrase that: I hate it and I hate you.
She was always so hesitant to be with me which had been clear from the very beginning. She never bragged about me endlessly to her friends or family and yet they all knew about you from the countless stories she’d tell. One would think you were her lover, not me. Even in those days in court, she'd be leaning in your arms, afraid to look at me yet never you. You’re the one she likes to run to, after all.
You must be thinking it's because 'I shot her'. That's what she told everyone, right? You never even stopped to consider the possibility that she shot herself. If you're truly a genius, you’d see that she was ill. Her life has been ruled by stress and depression long before I entered it and yet no one knew except for me. I was the only one who saw her suffering even if she kept denying her problems, keeping them to herself until she couldn’t take it any longer.
That's why she did it. She was too overwhelmed and confused. On top of all the pent-up pain, I had asked her to marry me, but she was just too caught up on you; a man who doesn't even know the definition of love let alone how to show it. It became her snapping point. Her solution was to kill herself and escape it all quietly- to escape the choices and the pain of the real world. Fate had it she didn't succeed which I thank God for every day.
When she survived, she became afraid of what everyone would think of her. She didn't want to face anyone if the truth came out, so she acted as if I did it. Of course, her family took her word because they refuse to believe she can ever do any wrong and then there’s you. Well, you're just so infatuated with her, you'd believe anything that comes from her mouth, wouldn't you? Even if it meant putting an innocent man behind bars; a man who acts a competition for you.
I’ve learned to forgive (Y/n) since I’ve had plenty of time to consider the fact that she was hurting back then and even now. I also admit that I’m at fault for never helping her the way she deserved. I want to help her now, though. All I need to do is just talk to her again. I need to speak with (Y/n) so that we can finally clear this all up. I'll take her home, we'll be wed, and I'll promise to do whatever it takes as her husband to help end her suffering.
The only remaining problem lies with you. (Y/n can never forget her pain unless you’re completely out of the picture. All I ask of you, for the sake of her happiness, is to leave her and have no contact at all. She’ll forget about you with time if you let her. Don't you want her to be happy?
I'll give you some time to consider and act, but you should know that I’ve promised not to give up. She’s the love of my life not yours. This isn't just me trying to be bitter. You've said it yourself: you're emotionless. You could never give her the life I could, nor would you understand how to deal with the things she goes through.
I pray you understand. There is no need for any more games. I hope you make the right choice, Apollo Timmons
John takes in a shaky breath, slowly glancing up to Sherlock who’s no longer sitting. Instead, he’s on his feet and marching towards the window. From his spot, the former army doctor watches as his friend opens it only to toss the bouquet of roses and lilies as far out onto the street as he could, finding great pleasure in seeing them be ran over countless times until they’re crushed beyond recognition, after all, you surely won’t be needing them.
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yami-writes · 4 years
Coffee & Chocolates - Cupid’s Arrow
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(✨) paring(s) — kaminari x gn!reader (🔮) synopsis — Denki finds himself falling hard for the pretty stranger at the cafe~ how would attempt to show his ever-growing love for them on the quickly approaching Valentine's Day~? (⚠️) warning(s) — none! (🔖) word count — 1.2K (💌) yami's note — denki is so cute omg ���� gotta write him more often~ aLSO HUGE THANKS TO @mortedeveles​ FOR MAKING ME THIS AWESOME BANNER LIKE DAMN LOOK AT IT BHJVUJGBI MWAH LOVE U VELES!! <3
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“C’mon! You totally have a huge crush on them!!” Mina pestered in her usual manner. “Just admit it!” 
“I do not!” Denki insisted for what felt like the 100th time. “You’re not very good at lying, Kaminari.” Tsuyu entered the back room. “But I’m not lying!” 
“Yes you are! We all see how you look at them when they enter the cafe~” Mina smirked, “You give them total heart eyes!” Denki’s cheeks tinted pink as he realized how bad he is at keeping his feelings for strangers under wraps. “Why do you guys care so much, anyway~,” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “Because! I can help you get a date with them!” 
“You can!?”
“Of course I can!”
How long has it been? a few days? A week? Two weeks? Denki wasn’t quite sure, but it felt as if it was a year ago, and the day wasn’t even here yet. 
The chilly February breeze blew against him, despite him wearing a winter jacket and a sweater underneath, it caused him to shiver. It was a gloomy Monday, the clouds far too dark and thick for the warmth of the sun rays to pierce through. Denki’s phone illuminated his face as he checked the time and unread messages. 
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Denki ran the rest of the way to the coffee shop, the name ‘y/n’ playing over and over in his head. ‘How can a person be so attractive and have such a pretty name too?’ the boy pondered to himself.
In what felt like no time, Denki found himself in front of the cafe, panting with his hands on his knees. He inhaled and exhaled from his mouth, the frosty air causing pain in his throat. With a final exaggerated sigh, he straightened his posture and opened the front door, the bell on it ringing, signalling his arrival. 
“Hey, Denki!!! You’re here!! And not late!!” Mina shoved her phone in Denki’s face, her bright pink lockscreen slightly blinding him. 9:01AM, four minutes early. “Yea, yea, whatever,” he places his backpack on an empty table. “Is...is Aizawa mad at me???” he grimaces, the thought of his boss scolding him again sending shivers down his spine. 
“Probably not. Just don’t do anything stupid today and you’ll be fine,” Tsuyu joined their conversation as she wiped down a table. 
“Thank god..” Denki sighs of relief before picking up his bag and making his way to the back room. Taking off his jacket, he continues to think about the ravishing stranger that pays a visit to the cafe every morning. It’s truly a wonder how they take up so much space in his mind and yet he only just learned their name today.
Denki watched the attractive stranger skip into the cafe, as usual, sitting down in their preferred spot and taking out their laptop, beginning to type away. Their pretty eyes stayed glued to their screen as they seemed to have their full attention on whatever they were working on. Denki begins to wonder what they're typing, who they follow on Instagram, their favourite movies and books, their interests, what makes them laugh... who they are. It’s clear to him that he’s fallen much deeper than just love, with a stranger, no less.
Customers wait around for their orders, some taking seats at tables, others lounge by the windows. Some calming music played from the Cafe's radio, a particular group in the corner taking an obvious interest in it.  Denki also enjoyed the music quite a lot, he was the one who suggested playing it, after all. y/n took the next 10 minutes to continue working, before getting up and making their order. It was always spontaneous with them, sometimes they would decide to order their favourite drink for multiple days in a row, other times they would try a new drink, sometimes they ordered a pastry with their drink. The consistency just isn't there, but Denki likes that. 
Soon enough, the stranger takes a break from their work, coming up to the counter with their order. Denki listens to them closely, playing uncomfortably close attention to how they word their order, how their oh so kissable lips move while they talk, and he can’t forget the ‘please’ and ‘thank you’s they put at the end of their sentences. For whatever reason, it had Denki swooning. 
February 14 couldn’t come fast enough. 
Okay, nevermind, February 14 came a little too fast for Denki’s liking. His infatuation with the stranger kept growing, the regular customer unknowingly making their way into his heart. Mina teased him about his crush on them every day, always expressing how she can’t wait to see the two of them get together, which never failed to get Denki’s cheeks to burn a light pink. 
y/n entered the cafe, per usual, sitting down at the same seat they always do. They got out their phone and scrolled for a while, swaying their head to the music playing throughout the building. They always seemed to enjoy the tunes that played. How would they feel if they knew Denki was the one who chose them? 
Denki’s heart tempted to leap out of his chest when y/n got up from their seat, placing their phone in the pocket of their sweater and heading to the counter to supposedly order something. “Now’s your chance!” Mina pestered. “W-wait! Not yet!”
“Don’t be a coward! Now’s your only chance!!”
“I’m not a coward!! And I know that!”
“Then don’t mess this up!!”
Denki straightened his posture as they approached, rehearsing pickup lines in his head, not that he would actually use any. “H-hello! What can I get you today?” He slightly stuttered. “Uhm…” y/n pondered for a moment. “Can I just have a hot chocolate, please?” 
“Right!... B-by the way, uh,” Denki paused for a moment, feeling slightly too long for y/n’s liking. “Since, y’know, today is Valentine's Day and all~ I-I was wondering if you would maybe, want to uh,, go to the movies? With me?” y/n’s eyebrows raised at his proposal, which only managed to raise Denki’s stress levels. “Y-you don’t have to accept!! I’ve just... Been noticing you a lot, a-and I think you’re pretty cool and I wanna get to know you... But it’s okay if you don’t want to know me-!!” 
“I think you’re cool too~” y/n cuts him off. “I actually only really come to this cafe for the music, but also ‘cause I’ve been meaning to ask you out too, I’ve just been gathering the courage.” They laugh awkwardly. Denki’s face lights up, a happy puppy being a good comparison. With his nervousness and butterflies in his stomach in the form of gloomy storm clouds out the way, all the shone now was bright rays of sunlight, his confidence, now gets a chance to shine. 
“Well then, in that case, ~ Meet me here, 6pm~” Denki takes a paper from his pocket, graciously handing it to y/n. “Maybe call me too,” He winks, prompting a giggle from y/n. “My name’s y/n!” 
“I’m Kaminari~ but call me Denki, sweetie,” 
“Okay, Denki.” y/n smiles, putting the piece of paper holding the movie theatre address as well as Denki’s number in their pocket. 
“I’ll see you there~” 
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cupid’s arrow masterlist
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bokoutoe-retired · 4 years
— #51 “i’ll always be here for you, ok?” & #6 “i’ve been falling in love with you since the first day we met”
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characters; shoto todoroki
synopsis; todoroki seems troubled and it’s up to his best friend to find out why
total w/c; 2030
warnings; a few brief mentions of anxiety, but thats it :) i also mention end**vor like once lmao
「a/n」 requested by @greywarenns oh my god!! i literally rewrote this thing four times until i got here, and i’m decently happy with how it turned out. but i found it super hard to write todo so he’s defintely a little ooc, but i hope it’s decent! this was a challenge but i enjoyed it nonetheless so thank you for the request! <3
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the realization that you’re in love with your best friend is shocking, to say the least. and it certainly was to todoroki. y/n and shoto did everything together. they studied together, trained together, ate together, made fun of endeavor together, the two were practically attached at the hip. wherever shoto went, y/n went and vice versa. but when todoroki found himself staring at you for just a little too long during one of your regular sunday study sessions, it hit him like a ton of bricks.
i’m in love with y/n l/n. i’m in love with my best friend.
that night, you didn’t notice any change in shoto and the next couple of days were pretty normal too. going about your school days and training schedules as usual. but you and shoto never ended up spending time alone together so there was no opportunity to even recognize any shifts in his behavior. you two were always separated or with another classmate, but never alone.
it wasn’t until your scheduled friday hangout that you first noticed a change. every friday night, without fail, you and todoroki set aside time to hangout. either to study, to watch a movie or even to just lay around in the same room. it didn't matter as long as you were together. during the last friday night you two had agreed that tonight's hangout was to be a movie night. now normally, todoroki wasn't an outrightly affectionate person but he did mention to you once in passing he found physical closeness comforting, and even longed for it from those few he was close with. ever since that late night conversation, it wasn’t uncommon to find yourselves situated near each other. just casual stuff like your legs touching during lunch and your feet thrown over his lap or your shoulders touching during movie nights. on particularly cold evenings you might even find your head tucked into the warm curve of his left shoulder. this subtle form of affection between you had soon become the norm, as it was welcomed and appreciated by both parties. after growing used to the comfortable, casual affection it was understandable that you felt a bit out of place when he showed up to your dorm room and took his seat on the opposite side of the bed, as far away from you as he could get. your laptop resting in the space between, almost mocking the distance while the movie sits waiting to be played. his act of separation sparked a flame of anxiety and worry in your chest. maybe it had gotten to be too much or you were making him uncomfortable, and he didn't have the heart to say anything.
“everything okay sho?” you really didn’t realize how accustomed to his touch you had become until you no longer had it. he may have only been less than a few feet away but it felt like miles compared to previous nights.
“yes, why?” he looks over to you as he answers. his face appears neutral, with no signs of being uneasy.
“oh nothing...” you trail off and shift in your seat while awkwardly adjust the blanket you had draped over yourself. it’s not like either of you had outright asked for it or mentioned anything about it out loud. truthfully, it just kind of started happening. and at this point you didn’t want to be the first person to say anything and make things awkward. you opt to keep your concerns unspoken and just roll with it for the night. your friday movie night came and went. it was nice to spend time with shoto and it wasn’t unenjoyable by any means, but you will admit it felt odd not having him pressed against you like usual.
over the course of the following saturday and sunday you invite him to hang out a few times. and all he gives you in response is a blunt “i can’t” or “i’m busy”. being his best friend you're more than aware how straightforward, or even how dense, he can be but this time it’s different. it’s sharp and curt, maybe even bordering annoyed. maybe he was just a little tired today. but maybe it was something more? between his attitude now and actions friday night, perhaps it was. it could be that something was bothering him or something put him in a sour mood. you can’t help but give into the lingering fear that maybe you had done something wrong. you let it go for the rest of the weekend, knowing that he would hopefully come to you, his best friend, if something had happened and he wanted to talk. hopefully.
it’s not until monday that you finally get truly fed up.
to start the day, there was no todoroki waiting outside your dorm room. normally, every morning without fail, you and shoto would walk together across campus from the dorms to your first class of the day. it was a wonderful way to start your day, but this time he wasn’t there. ten minutes later, when you arrived to class he was already sitting in his seat, notebook open and pencil out. had you really done something wrong? said something unintentionally rude, or had you really made him that uncomfortable while spending time together? you meet his eyes from across the room and offer him a small wave as you enter the classroom and slide into your seat across the room. he gives you a small nod and returns to looking at the textbook on his desk.
as much as todoroki wanted to walk you across campus, and as much as he wanted to talk with you before class started, he had come to a conclusion late friday night. when he walked back to his dorm after finishing the movie and saying goodnight, he decided that maybe if he stopped talking to you for a little bit he would be able to clear his head a little, sort out his feelings and figure out what he should do. as genius of an idea todoroki thought it was, a conversation with you was inevitable as you easily fell into step right next to him on the way to your second class. you immediately start talking about an album jirou had recommended to you. he listens to you speak while also doing his best to not get caught up in thinking about how pretty your smile is, or how cute you are when you get excited. it’s only when he catches a soft smile forming on his own face he realizes not talking to you would be a lot more difficult than he thought and not nearly as effective as he had hoped. he knew you would eventually realize he was purposefully disregarding you. he also knew you well enough to know that you would probably think it was your fault. that outcome definitely wasn’t what he desired. the last thing he wanted was to have you think he was upset with you for some reason, when in reality he was upset with himself for feeling about you the way he does.
it’s honestly a big relief to you when he starts engaging with you again, but you can tell somethings still bothering him. he gives you that soft smile often reserved only for you, but it doesn't quite seem complete. he nods and makes small comments as you continue talking, and it does little to soothe the nagging fear that somehow you messed up. you begin to wrack your brian for any possibilities. he hasn't mentioned his father in a while so it probably wasn't that, he did spectacular on the last three tests and as far as you know he was still ranked number one in class. he even got off campus last week, to visit his mother in person and said it went well so it’s likely not that either. there’s always a possibility that you really did do something to upset him.
after observing his abnormal behavior for the rest of the day, you manage to finally pull him off to the side on your walk back to the dorms. you gently grab him by the elbow and tug him down by the arm to sit with you on the bench.
“listen, shoto” you begin to speak, and he doesn't miss the anxiety that flashes across your face as you gently squeeze his arm with the hand still resting there, “i uh, i don’t know what's going on with you, but i know something is up and i’m really worried. you’ve been distant and moody and maybe i’ve done something wrong and you're upset-” he cuts you off in the middle of what he knows could’ve been a very long rant.
“y/n it’s not like that, i could never be mad at you. please don’t worry yourself over nothing” he does his best to reassure you without completely spilling his feelings. it’s difficult to not share everything with you like normal, but the fear of losing you holds him back.
“sho, it’s clearly something if it’s causing you to act so different. if you don’t want to talk about it right now that's fine, but just know i’ll always be here for you ok? i’ll be here to listen whenever you wanna talk” you have the softest look in your eyes as you speak and place your hand on top of his. your skin is so soft and much warmer than his. he feels an unusual heat begin to crawl up his normally cold right side, and he resists the urge to turn his hand over and intertwine your fingers with his.
“i’m in love with you!” his eyes widen as he realizes what he's just blurted out, but continues on anyways, “i’ve been falling in love with you since the first day we met. and it's so scary and i’ve just now realized it, but you’re my best friend and i don’t know who else to tell. i don’t want to lose you but i don’t think i can keep it to myself. i understand that you don’t feel the same way, and i apologize if i’ve made you uncomfortable...” his words start out bold but he quiets down as he loses confidence and sees a look of utter disbelief flash across your face. he begins to regret his words immediately and his first instinct is to leave. thinking maybe he could just walk away and pretend like this never happened, but your grip on the back of his hand tightens and prevents him from running. he stops and looks down at you only to meet your eyes, glassy with tears. he feels his own eyes begin to grow hot, he must’ve really messed up huh? he flumps back onto the bench next you, as your hold on his hand never loosens. the tears welling in his eyes threaten to spill over but his heart skips a beat when he sees your lips stretch into a smile.
“sho, you idiot! i thought you were mad at me” out of relief tears begin to stream down your cheeks “i’m in love with you too, a whole lot” you sniffle and let out a laugh, before moving your fingers to interlock with his.
“you? you what?” the breath leaves his body and he squeezes your hand in an attempt to ground himself. not once had the idea of you returning his feelings even crossed his mind, in his head he had already written himself off as unlovable in that way. yet here he is, on a bench with someone who truly loves him back. the emotions that swell in his chest are nothing but overwhelming and its all he can do to smile and pull you into a big kiss. with one hand still holding yours, he uses the other to tug you close. it’s inexperienced and clumsy as your lips slot with his. you bump noses and you can even taste a hint of your shared salty tears, but in the end none of that matters because it’s so good and so full of love.
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penguintransporter · 4 years
Winning The Game Called Love (Hector Bellerin) Part I
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Here it is my ladies and gents! I hope you like it, and I apologise if it’s too long, but I got carried away. Please let me know if you like it because I am always up to work on my writing, so don’t hesitate to write me DM or send in an ask (I promise, I am the friendliest person out there). This one is dedicated to @bitchforaesthetics. Anyway, read, enjoy because part II is coming out very soon...
P.S. There is no covid-19 in this story :D
If one asked anyone at the Arsenal Training Centre to describe Aida - the young brunette behind the reception desk, nine out of ten times one would hear the same answer:
Bundle of positive energy. 
It didn’t matter if one was a know or less-known footballer, coach, manager, medical staff or just a random fan touring the grounds - Aida, with her smile and positive energy, could chase away whatever dark cloud was looming above one's head. Yet, despite her contagious smile that was just loud enough and genuine curiosity, as any other human being, Aida wasn’t able to chase away the real dark clouds that seemed to clutch Hertfordshire sky in a tight embrace on that Monday morning. 
Seated behind the desk and waiting for her laptop to turn on, Aida observed the gloominess outside the building and all she saw was heavy blots of grey that seemed to carry all the weight accumulated during the month of December. 
Her last month at Arsenal FC, doing the job she enjoyed more than anything.
If it only had snowed; just a little.
 She would be lying if she said she liked freezing cold, and if anyone, she would be the absolute winner of “the worst balance on icy pavements” competition - if there was one - but Christmas had a different feel to it when everything was covered in fluffy and pillow white cover. And even if she wasn’t religious or celebrated Christmas as the majority of the people, she was a firm believer that snowy Christmas made that cup of hot cocoa, as she sat in her tiny studio under her favorite blanket, just a tiny bit better. 
Aida glanced at the small card that sat next to her laptop - red and golden swirls decorating the backside of it, and with a sigh she averted her gaze back at the laptop screen that had already turned on and was humming quietly - red Arsenal FC logo staring back at her. The large and Christmas decorated lobby was still quiet, but not for too long. In just a few minutes, most of the footballers and some other employees will start pouring into the building, either for training or for their 9/5 job, and with that the building will start buzzing with contagious energy. 
All except Sead. He was late on most of the days.
Aida looked at the clock in the corner of her screen before looking up expectantly at the door, and as if on cue, Alexandre Lacazette walked in through the door, talking to his fellow countryman Thomas who worked as a medical assistant. Both Aida and Thomas, along with some others were shortlisted for the layoff, but in the end it was Aida who pulled out the shorter straw. 
She shook her head, refusing to create unnecessary tension.
 Aida knew that she gained nothing from sulking and sadness. She still had to sit behind the reception desk for another few weeks, smiling and giving the best first impression to everyone who came in. So, with a deep breath, Aida lifted her chin high and looked at the two men in front of her. 
“Bonjour lads,” she grinned - the dark thoughts disappearing as soon as she spoke, leaning on the till in front of her. “Lovely weather outside, no?”
“Good morning indeed, sunshine,” Alexandre responded while still walking across the lobby, “I am actually wearing my bikini on underneath this outfit, what about you?” he added as he disappeared through the hallway that led to the changing rooms while Aida only laughed after him.  
“What a ridiculous man,” Thomas commented, stepping in front of Aida’s desk, smiling at her. “It is so cold outside. How did you travel?”
Aida sighed defeatedly. “Clio took four tries and a bottle of warm water to start this morning, despite the lack of snow and ice. I was really chuffed for this winter, but so far it has only been disappointing.” 
Her soon-to-be ex-colleague nodded, agreeing with her words before his eyes landed on the shiny invitation on Aida’s desk. “Oooh,” he mused, running a hand through his ginger curls. “Who’s date are you? Is it David? Please say it’s not him?”
“Nope!” Aida replied, giggling. There was nothing wrong with David Luiz - he was in fact a genuine sweetheart, but also notorious around the building for his charm and flirting action. Whether it was Aida at the reception desk when he needed an excuse for being late for the training or if it was Simone in the kitchen when he wanted another round of hash browns - he didn’t pick his victim nor his weapon. “Actually,” Aida started, “it was Finn from HR. He thought it would be a nice gesture since I do not get to stay here.”
“I don’t have to tell you again how sorry I am that you have to leave,” Thomas mumbled and Aida shrugged, hiding the disappointment. 
“Oh well,” she trailed off as few of the other players walked into the building and she made sure that she smiled at each one of them. She also made sure to high-five Calum Chambers as she did every morning for more than a year. “There is nothing that you can do really… Post?” she asked, trying to change the subject, and Thomas nodded, leaning over the till to grab the signing pad that rested on Aida’s desk while she shuffled some envelopes before pulling out a big, mustard yellow one. “There is something from Miami. I am assuming it is for Michael,” Aida spoke, exchanging the signing pad for the envelope. “Just tell me if there—  ,”
They were cut off by  the upstairs’ doors slamming shut with a force. Both her and Thomas looked up, watching Mikel Arteta walk downstairs with a risky speed - phone pressed to his ear as he spoke in a very quick and heavily accented English. Thomas quickly cast his eyes downwards, but Aida kept her eyes locked at the dark-haired man, waiting for the manager to notice her. When he finally did, she gave him a bright smile - ignoring the fact that he looked as if he was angry with the whole world - including Aida.
To Thomas’ surprise, Arteta returned Aida’s gesture with a friendly grin and a small wink before putting his agitated face expression back, walking away towards the training pitches.
“I really don’t know how you do it,” Aida’s colleague muttered, and she responded with a childish giggle. 
She was about to add something sarcastic, but the main entrance doors opened, letting the gust of cold wind trail in with force as Héctor Bellerín walked in with confidence that he mastered so well. He was dressed in clothes that resembled every outfit of Aida’s dad in the family photographs from the nineties, looking the only way Héctor Bellerín could -  both ridiculous and extremely cool at the same time.
“Want to watch me how I fail?” she whispered before clearing her throat a little, following their vice-captain with her green eyes. “Good morning, Héctor!” she called out, raising her voice so he could hear her perfectly. “Bollocks weather, innit?”
Not an eye-contact, a simple shrug, or any kind of motion or face expression that showed a tiniest bit of interest. 
Aida was aware that her friendliness sometimes caused people to recoil and shy away from her, and that her behavior could be overbearing at times, and she often wondered if people in the modern world, including Héctor, forgot how to be friendly and appreciate an honest smile. Aida was confused and a slightly bit hurt because it has been more than a year since she started working  for the club, and they only spoke two times - morning of her first day, and that time when they accidentally slammed into one another as they crossed their paths in the medicals. 
She wasn’t sure if she was doing something wrong because to Aida, he seemed like a nice and down to earth lad, and occasionally when she would observe him interact with his teammates and other staff members, she felt a pang of jealousy because she never got more than a cold stare across the room or occasional roll of his eyes.
“Maybe he’s just not a morning person,” Thomas commented, breaking Aida’s train of thoughts. He placed the envelope under his arm as he stuck his woolly hat inside the pocket of his puffer. “Anyway, I have to go. I have meeting in ten minutes. I’ll see you around.” 
“Yeah, good luck with your day,” Aida responded, watching Thomas walk towards his office on the ground floor. 
She sat back in her comfy chair with an itch of confusion mixed with some foreign feeling of sadness that started to tickle her. She couldn’t pinpoint what she was doing wrong when it came to Héctor Bellerín. They barely interacted, and yet he wasn’t giving her a chance. It didn’t help either that out of all people that Aida interacted with on a daily basis, he was the only one who made her heart both flutter and break at the same time. 
Her eyes glanced at the small calendar taped on the inside of her desk before resting on the party invitation again - her heart soaring with that familiar feeling.
Aida nodded, forcing a smile at some of the guests who passed her by. She wasn’t sure who they are or what their names were, but judging by their expensive clothes and blinding jewelry and watches, she figured out they must be very important people with lots of money.
The evening of the charity party has arrived quicker than she expected; quicker than she wanted, and even if the party was for a good cause, and she was meant to have a good time, she couldn’t shake off the tension that slowly accumulated over the past few weeks - her last weeks as the club’s employee. She didn’t want to leave, but despite talking with the HR department once again, there was nothing that she could do. Official answer was that the previous season was really bad for the club both, in terms of injury and finances, and that they had to cut the cost when it came to everything, including staffing. 
“Ada!” a boy’s scream rang out over the classical music they played, making Aida look up from where she was standing, and observing her pointy loafers and tiny specks of water residue from the drizzle of rain she caught on the way from the parking lot to the party.
Aida’s eyes connected with the small boy, dressed in a mini version of the official Arsenal FC suit as he ran towards her - his curly and unruly hair giving him a few extra inches in height. Despite feeling anxious and a bit sad, Aida smiled greatly at him, crouching down to his level before catching him in a tight embrace. Over his shoulder, she noticed his mother Alysha giving her an apologetic smile, but with a small nod, Aida reassured her that it was okay. She spent a lot of time with the boy on more than one occasion - in fact,  whenever Pierre-Emerick brought him to the centre, Pierre Jr. spent half of his time, sitting behind Aida’s desk as he talked in delight about his favorite cartoons and toys. 
“My God, look at you! You are so handsome tonight,” Aida mused and the boy giggled, embracing her once again, silently asking her to lift him up, and Aida obliged. Letting out a puff of air, she straightened up with the boy in her arms - it always surprised her to learn that he was heavier than he looked. With a smirk, she pulled at this red tie jokingly. “Has your daddy helped you with your tie?” she asked, tickling his stomach.
Pierre Jr. let out a loud cackle, squirming in her arms. “No, it was mamie. She also tied daddy’s.” Aida smiled at the boy’s mix of using French and English words, but as soon as the boy started telling her something about minions, Aida, as much as she hated to admit, stopped listening. 
The fact that she was going to be without a job occupied her brain and wasn’t something she was able to push away easily. Where did it go wrong? Obviously, like everyone else, she had her fair share of personal problems over the year, but she managed to keep them away from work - being nothing but professional and friendly the entire time. Aida always tried to give her best, treating everyone with nothing but respect, and even ran a couple of successful campaigns with the fans touring the grounds, but it was all in vain. 
Aida loved the club and being part of it. She loved the mornings when she would be one of the first to arrive, she loved that cup of coffee with Simone in the empty canteen, listening to all the anecdotes that happened since the older lady started working in the kitchen, fifteen years ago. Aida enjoyed the silly banter with footballers and the staff - heck, she even liked when Granit mispronounced her name and she had to correct him every day. She experienced so many nice moments during the past fourteen months and it felt so strange knowing that soon enough those moments will just be a nice memory.
“—so I told Curtys to stop hitting me with the pillow, but he didn’t. So I ate his hobnobs.”
Aida blinked quickly, reverting back to the reality from her thoughts and looked down at the little boy who was proudly explaining his hobnob revenge on his older brother. 
“Great job,” she answered, ruffling the boy’s hair before looking away from his glinting eyes and cheesy grin. Various groups of people mingled around her, and Aida moved her gaze across the room. Manager Arteta was talking to the club president while Claudia, the girl that was going to take her job along with being Arteta’s assistant was chatting excitedly with Naomi from PR. Everyone seemed to be in a better mood than she was, and Aida hated it. 
“Papa!” Pierre Jr. cried out happily and Aida followed his gaze. She spotted Pierre-Emerick, surrounded with some of the teammates and their significant others. 
“Do you want to go there?” Aida asked softly. Pierre Jr. nodded rapidly, and Aida craddled him before making her way through the well-dressed crowd.
Héctor Bellerín wasn’t exactly a man of few words, and everyone who knew him privately, knew that fact. The young Spaniard with an extraordinary London cockney accent loved to talk, appreciated a silly joke and banter, but also enjoyed discussing serious subjects and matters at any given opportunity. He was no stranger to a good book or a documentary, but also loved playing CoD with his teammates and just chill around his house. 
He considered himself polite, trying to treat everyone with respect, and most of the time he kept his cool - except that one time with Richarlison, but the lad deserved it. Yet, despite it all, the behavior of the girl behind the reception desk, for some reason, annoyed the shit out of him.
Héctor found her behavior tiring and utterly insincere. Ever since she started working, she would greet him with that smile that couldn’t have been a real one, asking him about the weather - day in and day out. It tired him to the point that he just decided to ignore her. 
On the other hand, he didn’t think that there was something wrong with her - moreover, he did agree with some of his teammates the first week she started working that she was actually pretty, but after another few weeks, her “eager beaver” behavior became a huge turn off. To Héctor, she seemed to be a type of girl that had no rest nor knew how and when to keep it down, and in his head, he used to paint this picture of her where she is making cupcakes every day, talking to fluffy animals and farting rainbows.
So, when she approached their group at the party, wearing a teal-coloured dress that wasn’t really a proper fit for her height or body type, carrying Aubameyang’s son in her arms, he waited for that bubble of overbearing happiness to burst in front of them. 
But it never did.
Instead, she greeted everyone with a short “hello” before reaching the little boy back to his father. “I apologise for interrupting your fun, but the best dressed man in this room wanted to go back to his daddy.”
“Excuse me—” Calum started, clearing his throat loudly as he smoothed down his tie. “What about us? We look decent as well, no?” 
His hand went towards Héctor’s shoulder, brushing the invisible dust from Héctor’s suit. 
Héctor swatted his hand away. 
“You look good too,” she replied, followed by a brief silence as Héctor took a sip of water, stopping himself from rolling his eyes. 
Wasn’t she a walking chatterbox? 
Has she already asked about Calum’s mother's wellbeing?
“Only good?” Alexandre pressed, but she sighed in defeat. 
“Well, I hope you enjoy your evening…” she trailed off, breaking the banter that his teammates started. “I have to go back to—” she bit her lip, looking behind her shoulder, “—I have some stuff to do.”
Only a few seconds later, Héctor watched her walk away through the crowd of men dressed in black suits and red ties. 
Part II
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vantaenims · 5 years
chocolate milk | jungkook
Tumblr media
pairing: jungkook x reader
genre:  childhood friends au | fluff, humor
word count: 6.8k
warning/s: smoking and jimin’s younger than jungkook here lol.
summary: You never planned to catch some feelings for Jungkook but you didn’t know that he’s the mastermind of all these fickle thoughts. It’s all thanks to Psychology and Human Behavior.
all rights reserved © vantaenims - do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
 Every year you and your family go to the Jeon’s rest house for your annual summer vacation along with the Kims. Your mom is best friends with Jungkook and Taehyung’s mom ever since they were in high school – soul sisters, as they like to call themselves.  So it left you no choice but to also form the same kind of friendship with their sons whom you practically grew up with.
 The tradition started when you were eight when the rest house was completed the year before. Jungkook’s mom invited your family and Taehyung’s to spend the summer there.  You’re in awe as soon as you stepped inside the premises of the newly built house that you thought you were in paradise.
 You remember that summer clearly, your eyes immediately landing on the swimming pool where you can see Jungkook refilling his water gun as he shoots you with it, the moms singing along to the 80s music playing in the background, the dads making barbeque as they set up everything for lunch, and Taehyung putting on a sunblock on Seoyun, her little sister, inviting you to swim with them as soon as he saw you arrive.
 It was supposedly meant to be a one-time thing until you pestered your mom every single day of that summer with questions like ‘are we coming back here next summer?’, ‘can we live here?’, or even a bratty remark like ‘I’m gonna cry for the whole year if we don’t come back here.’
 It was insufferable considering Jungkook and Taehyung decided to join you in consistently pestering their moms too. Looking back, it’s funny when you all screamed with joy when all of your parents agreed to come back here next summer thus marking the start of the annual summer vacation in the Jeon’s rest house.
 You and Jungkook are in the kitchen, assigned to cook and prepare for today’s dinner. Jungkook instructed you to chop the necessary ingredients needed for the meal as you can’t cook to save your life.
 “You nervous for the grades?” he said, stirring the pot filled with kimchi stew.
 You’ve gotten in the same university as Jungkook’s, with you majoring in Finance while Jungkook majors in Psychology.
 “Kinda” you exclaimed with a huff, sitting yourself on the kitchen counter after you’ve done everything he asked you to do. The grade results will be out next week and the achiever in you can’t wait to see how well or bad you did for your first year in college.
 “Don’t ponder too much about it” he said, motioning for you to get the bowls for him. But knowing you of course it’s been on your mind 24/7 ever since the finals ended, you were one of the top students in high school after all.
 “College made me feel so mediocre” you frowned.
 “Said every freshman ever” he laughed, pouring a generous amount of stew into separate bowls.
 He messed your hair after he looked up to see you still frowning, “I believe in you.”
 You remember two years ago when Jungkook came into your house unannounced even though his dorm is approximately an hour away from you just because he wanted to rant how he can’t handle the amount of work load he has, saying that he’s not good at multi-tasking.
 He brought his backpack with him as he entered your room, sitting at the floor beside your bed, asking if you could help him do some of his homework or requirements.
“Jungkook, I’m a senior student in high school. How am I supposed to do a college homework?” you looked at him if he’s being really serious. “Couldn’t you ask some of your college friends to help you?”
 “Well, I’m a freshman who clearly doesn’t have enough friends yet so can you please help me?” he sighed, pleading at you with those big doe eyes. “Plus you’re smarter than me anyway, I believe in you” he said winking at you.
 “Fine” you said, rolling your eyes. He took out his laptop and passed you a pad paper and his thick textbook in Developmental Psychology.
 “I’ve already written the questions there, I think the answers are in Chapter 3 and 4” he peered at you, a discontented look displayed on your face but he knows how you can give in to his request, he took out a box of your favorite chocolate milk and placed it right in front of you.
 “Got it Sir!” you said a little too enthusiastically as you grab the paper and textbook from him.
 Jungkook called everyone to come down after you finished setting down the dish and plates in the table. Situating yourself in the middle of Jungkook and Seoyun. You looked at the empty seat next to Jungkook. Taehyung was supposed to seat there but he’s not here
                                                                                                               “Will Taehyung be coming here?” you asked Taehyung’s mom just to make sure. You messaged Taehyung when you noticed his absence right after you arrived in the house but he hasn’t replied to you yet.
 “He’ll be coming here on Monday” she informed you. “He went on a trip with his college friends.”
 As soon as she said that, your phone buzzed. You checked to see that it’s a message from Taehyung.
 [Sat, June 13, 12:38 PM]
 Taehyung: hey Y/N! Sorry I can’t reply awhile ago, signal’s weak here. Don’t be sad, I’ll be coming there on Monday. I know u and Jungkook miss me already ;)
 You: where did you go?
You: shut up we don’t miss you
 Taehyung: Japaaaaan!
Taehyung: that’s too bad I was about to buy some green tea chocolates for u but ok
 You: I miss you!
You: we miss you our handsome kim taehyung!
You: haha anyways, enjoy!
 “So Y/N” you chucked your phone away in your lap as you glanced at Jungkook’s mom. “I heard you had a boyfriend.” You’re confused to say the least, brows furrowing with the sudden ridiculous information. You didn’t even know you had a boyfriend until this point.
 “Your mom told me a certain someone frequently visits your house” your mom laughed as he slapped the arm of Jungkook’s mom, shushing her.
 “I think she’s keeping it a secret for a while, don’t push her” your mom whispered as if you were not there in front of you to hear it. Rolling your eyes, you know who that someone is but her assumptions are wrong.
 Your mom always assumes that every boy – except Jungkook and Taehyung – who comes into your house is your boyfriend considering the fact that you studied in an all-girls school from nursery to high school.
 That someone she’s referring to is Jimin, a fellow freshman finance major who you’ve become good friends with. Upon knowing that Jimin lives in the same city as you, you’ve mutually agreed to accompany each other every time you return home weekly to make the one hour trip less boring.
 But she was totally convinced that Jimin is your boyfriend after your mother saw him dropping you off for the fifth time, giving you a knowing smile once you entered the house. An impassive look on your face as you told her that he’s just a friend.
 “You have a boyfriend?” Jungkook turned his head to look at you with wide eyes.
 “I don’t!” you whispered shout, “And if I do why is it such a big deal?”
 “Because you’ve never had a boyfriend” he said like it’s a common knowledge for you all.
 “And you’ve never had a girlfriend either so”, Jungkook was about to retort something when his father asked him to get the fruit salad they made in the refrigerator for dessert.
 He stood up, albeit reluctantly, as he squints his eyes at you, “We’re not done yet” he mouthed while you childishly stuck out your tongue at him.
 You thought catching feelings for Jungkook was out of the question but you were wrong. It started when he’d always invite you to study with him and he would always give you your favorite chocolate milk. You appreciate the gesture but you set aside those funny feelings, thinking you’re just happy to see him. A happy crush is what you’d like to say it is.
 Not too long, you confirmed your feelings for Jungkook is dangerously heightening after you saw what he looked like on your sister’s wedding a year ago. A black suit paired with a neatly white polo tucked in his slacks, his hair swept to the side.
 It bothered you how he suddenly looked different, actually ten times more attractive. You just saw him as this cute annoying boy but tonight he switched to be a fine looking man. Jungkook caught you gawking at him, a smirk displayed on his face as he watched you scramble for your phone to make it seem you were busy with it.
 Panicking, you started to video the wedded couple’s first dance until Jungkook blocked your camera. Asking if you want to dance with him as he held his hand to you, leaving you with really no choice but to accept the offer.
 Suddenly, you felt awkward as you don’t know where to put your hands until Jungkook guided you to put it around his neck whilst he put his hands around your waist. Eyes avoiding his as you try to get a hold of yourself.
 “Why are you shaking?” he laughed, sensing your nervousness.
 “It’s cold” you lied. He’s too close for your liking hence you can see the scar on his right cheek and can smell the cologne he only uses on special occasions.
 “Is this better?” he asked, leaving no space in between you as he reeled you into him, slow dancing in a hugging position. Shock overcoming you though this is not something new between you two, it’s normal for the both of you to be openly affectionate but it’s incomprehensible why you’re suddenly feeling butterflies in your stomach.
 In conclusion, you’re starting to fall for Jungkook.
 After taking a shower, you descended down the stairs to see Jungkook and Daecho – Taehyung’s younger brother – playing Tekken on the Playstation. Smiling to yourself as soon as you saw how cute Jungkook looks in a matching gray hoodie and shorts, eyes wide and mouth agape as he concentrates on defeating Daecho.
 Opening the kitchen cabinet, you got yourself some potato chips as you sit cross legged beside Jungkook on the couch.
 “Can I have some?” Jungkook asked, eyes still glued on the screen. You reached the bag of chips towards him, nudging your shoulders against his when he made no movement to get one. He opened his mouth towards you, waiting for you to feed him.
 “I’m playing” you rolled your eyes but feed him anyway. Daecho also chiming in if you could feed him too, making you their servant.
 Soon after, Daecho was called by his mom to go upstairs telling him that he should sleep since it’s late. Grumbling, Daecho stood up and bid good night to the both of you before ascending the stairs. Jungkook turned off the console and switched the television to Netflix.
 “Pick what you want to watch”, he tossed the remote control at you, standing up to go to the kitchen.
 You scan over the wide selection of movies until your eyes landed on your favorite anime film, “How about Spirited Away? For old time’s sake.”
 “There are Studio Ghibli Films now on Netflix?” he jogged back to the sofa to look at the screen while he hands you the uncooked pack of popcorn. You laughed as you grabbed it, finding it hilarious how he’s still scared of the microwave.
 It all started when he was 10, he grabbed the leftover chicken wrapped in foil in the refrigerator and put it straightaway in the microwave. Taehyung entered the kitchen just in time to see the ruckus, unplugging the appliance right away when he saw Jungkook just standing still and not moving from his spot as he watched the foil sparked into a fire.
 Taehyung scolded Jungkook for almost destroying the microwave or even almost causing a fire but immediately felt bad when he suddenly saw the younger one bursting into tears, thinking that he was about to die from a microwave explosion.
 Laughing at the memory, you walk and sat back into the sofa as you share the bowl of popcorn with Jungkook who’s laying down, placing his feet on your lap. The screen showing the scene where Chihiro and her parents enter the tunnel.
 “I still remember that one summer when you would watch Spirited Away every single day because you have a cartoon crush on Haku” he said as you threw him a popcorn to shut him up.
 Jungkook laughed as he eats the popcorn that landed on his chest until he sat up to remove the bowl of popcorn from your hands to place it in the table as he plopped his head on your lap. As an instinct, you ran your fingers into his now long wavy hair.
 “Your hair’s long” you said as you mindlessly braid strands of his hair.
 “Do you like it?” he’s touching the braids you’ve made, his hands almost touching yours before you move it to the next strand of his hair. You hummed, loosing his braids to undo it. He grabbed your hands as he sniffed it.
 “Why are you sniffing my hand idiot?” you laughed as you booped his nose with your finger.
 “It smells nice”
 “It’s the strawberry body wash you got me for secret santa last year” you said as you watched him play with your fingers and even giving you a hand massage.
 “Do you really have a boyfriend now?” he asked out of nowhere.
 “No” you firmly said, annoyed once again for what your mom said. Jungkook whined as he put a hand on his side of the head where you unconsciously tugged his hair a bit too strong. Laughing as you apologized for taking your annoyance out at him.
 “Who was she referring to?”
 “It’s Jimin” you said, “You know how we always go home together.”
 “You’ve never told me that” Jungkook turned his head to look up at you, “Besides, isn’t Jimin the guy who you had spent time that one Tuesday night right? The one when you stood me up”
 Jungkook was being petty once again, he had brought this topic too many times for it to be annoying by now but you can’t blame him though since you’re the one at fault in the first place.
 Tuesday and Thursday nights are meant for study dates with Jungkook in a café but you had spent one Tuesday night with Jimin in the library because you had to do a paper with him that is due for submission that night at 11:59 p.m.
 But you were so busy that you forgot to message Jungkook that you wouldn’t be able to study with him. You only realized it when you checked your phone in bed, ready to sleep. Your lock screen is filled with missed calls and messages from Jungkook.
 “Hey, I at least rushed to the café to still meet you” you said, pushing his head to the side.
 Jungkook was thankfully still in the café by the time you got there. You sat in front of him as you try to explain and apologize but he just blatantly ignored you until you stole his pen from him to write ‘I’m sorry :(‘ in his notebook.
 “I could drop you off at home you know” he said, eyes focusing on the television.
 “I live farther from you, Jungkook” you reminded him, fingers making it’s way back from his hair again as you massage his scalp. The action made Jungkook close his eyes, humming at how relaxing it is.
 “If it’s you, I don’t mind” he whispered. You stared at him because he doesn’t know he could make your heart race just by saying that, he doesn’t know that you have developed feelings for him and you know It deep inside that it’s a case of unrequited love.
 You reminded yourself that he’s being like this because he’s older than you which could mean that’s he’s only just being protective but times like this you’d think that Jungkook might possibly have feelings for you.
 “Do you have the list with you?”
 “Yeah, I got it” you said as you enter the car, situating yourself in a comfortable position while you buckle your seatbelt. You forgot the grocery list in the kitchen so you made a run for it while Jungkook stood by in the car.
 Switching the gear to reverse, Jungkook looked back with his hand steering the wheel while his arm is placed behind your seat as he fully backed the car from the garage to the driveway. Oddly enough, the view of Jungkook reversing the car with that arm position is inexplicably attractive.
 “It’s weird, we’re now assigned to do the grocery run” you said in kind of a rush to cover yourself after Jungkook noticed you’ve been staring at him, causing him to shoot you a playful smirk.
 “Isnt that fun? We get to be the older ones now” he said albeit enthusiastically.
 The grocery runs were usually done by your older sister and Jungkook’s older brother every sunday but they’re both absent for this year’s summer considering your sister is on a vacation with his husband while Jungkook’s brother is in America for an internship.
 You propped your elbow on the window, placing your chin in the palm of your hand. “Yeah but you know the older we get, the lesser we are in the house”, you frowned in disappointment.
 “Taehyung’s not even here”
 “He will be here tomorrow though”
 “But you know I think I just get attached to the idea that I spend every summer with you guys then for it to be gone one day”
 “We still do exist in autumn, winter, and spring you know” he said trying to cheer you up as he pets your hair, “plus you almost see me everyday now that we’re in the same university.”
 “Yeah, right” you chuckled. Ever since you started college, it’s been kind of a routine to spend at least once or twice a week with Jungkook in a café nearby your dorms to study and possibly hang out.
 You’ve basically camouflaged yourselves to be one of those college students dressed unapologetically in their hoodies and pajamas with their textbooks, highlighters, and laptops sprawled out on the table while you’re both focused in your own worlds.
 Jungkook would casually get your post it notes to draw something random like a dog or a flower but he would mostly draw your eyes, even captivating every single detail of it. He’d stick it to your book, laptop screen, or wherever your attention is. In fact, you had collected every single drawing of his as the sentimental person you are.
 Your thoughts are quickly interrupted when the car engine was turned off, looking around, you didn’t notice that you were already in the parking lot of the supermarket. You opened the door as you walk to the entrance.
 Grabbing your arm, Jungkook stopped you as he waved at the camera placed at the entrance of the supermarket encouraging you to do the same thing. Laughing as you watch yourselves being childishly silly.
 “You know, sometimes I think you’re actually younger than me” you said as you grabbed a push cart and head to the dairy section.
 “Hmm you wish” Jungkook hastily put his arm around your shoulders, ruffling your hair. He maintained his arm around yours like that, telling yourself to pay no mind to it and that it’s a casual thing to do.
 To calm yourself a bit, you brought out the list and handed it to Jungkook, instructing him that he’s in charge of getting the items while you’ll be pushing the cart around. You let out a breath you didn’t notice you were holding when he detached himself from you.
 “Do you want to play for a while?” you pointed out to the arcade as you exit the supermarket.
 Jungkook turned to look where you’re pointing at, “Sure, it’s been a while” he smiled, grabbing the cart from you, telling you he’ll follow soon after he unload the groceries in the car.
 As soon as you entered the arcade, you were hit with a sense of nostalgia as you remember when you would always tail with your sister and Jungkook’s brother for their grocery run so you, Taehyung, and Jungkook could play in the arcade while you wait for them to finish.
 You brought out the old arcade card you unnoticeably still had in your wallet as you gave it to the staff to load it.
 “You still have that?” Jungkook’s sudden appearance made you jump a little as he laughed at you when you placed a hand on your heart. “Disappointingly, I misplaced mine it was even a limited edition Pokemon design”, he said frowning.
 You laughed at his bummed state, nudging him what would he like to play first. He looked around, eyes widening at his sudden idea, “How about we make a deal? Loser gets to do whatever the winner says.”
 You squinted at him as you contemplate if it’s a good idea to take the deal because there’s a high probability that Jungkook would win anyway. “Okay, deal” you laughed, shaking his extended hand.
 For the first game, you chose to play the car racing game where you surprisingly defeated Jungkook thus making him more competitive as he is. He chose to play a round of basketball for the second game wherein he won by five points ahead of you. It is now up to the last game to determine the winner.
 “We should pick something we have never played before so it’ll be fair” Jungkook said, his eyes landing to a group of kids cheering for their friend whose holding onto two metal handles in front of the hands of a gorilla. It’s called Raging Ape as he read the sign above.
 Jungkook tugged you towards the game after the kids left, “Have you played this before?” you shook your head to say no. After observing the kids, he informed you that the game is all about hand hold strength basically you just have to hold onto it as long as you can while the vibrating frequency increases.
 There are three buttons; low power, med power, and high power. Jungkook volunteered to be the first one to try it as he swiped the card through the slot, pressing the high power button.
 “Does it shock you?” you said, noticing the lightning drawing patterns.
 “I don’t know, let’s see” he grabbed the metal handles as he waits for it to start. The machine emitted a low whirring sound signaling that the game has started, sound and vibrations increasing by the second. Jungkook turned his head to your side as he scrunched his nose when it got to the highest intensity.
 “I can’t feel my hands” he laughed as he successfully held into it the whole time, shaking his hand to get rid of the numbness. Jungkook swiped the card right away, not even giving you time to get ready.
 You hesitantly put your hands on the handle, nerves quite going up. “Does it hurt?” you peered at Jungkook for some assurance, “A bit but you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, no pressure” he teased but you can also be competitive just like him so you ignored his comment as you went with it.
 It made your hands feel ticklish and tingly at first but then as the intensity escalated it became more unbearable. You yelped making you loosen your grip around it as you felt a shock coursed right through your hands.
 You rub your hands together, looking at Jungkook as he excitedly points at himself proclaiming that he’s the winner. “No, let me do it again”, you protested.
 Jungkook crossed his arm while he put his fingers in his forehead, eyes closed as if he’s deep in thought whether he should give you another chance but of course he wouldn’t – not when he’s already the winner.
 “No, let’s go” he said making you sigh as you thought so. He grabbed you by the wrist as you exit the arcade, his hands momentarily sliding down to your hand, fully taking a hold of it. You stared at your enclosed hands, a different wave of shock surging in – a much stronger one than the game.
 You situated yourself on the lounge chair beside the pool, eyelids drooping from the late afternoon breeze. You placed your phone you’ve been scrolling through out the afternoon in your stomach as you closed your eyes, lulling your head to the side.
 “I’ve made you a mango juice” you opened your eyes to see Jungkook’s mom propping herself on the chair as well placing the shake on the table between you two. She apologized when she noticed she must’ve woken you up but you dismissed her saying that you’re hungry anyway.
 “How’s the first year of college for you dear?”
 “It was great, I’m glad Jungkook’s there for me” you smiled at her.
 “I told him that he should always look out for you” she said while she sips from her juice, “Does he always check on you?”
 “Don’t worry, we make sure to see each other every week” you informed her, “Ah I forgot to thank you for the Chicken Pesto Pasta.”
 She looked at you as if she’s confused, “It was during my birthday, Jungkook told me you made it for me”, you reminded her.
 Sleep. That was how you plan to spend your birthday after your class ended for the day, you have no energy in you anymore to bother going out for your birthday not after taking an all-nighter the day before for a presentation.
 Not until Jungkook invited you at his dorm the night of your birthday, telling you that his mom had sent you a meal. He begged you to come by telling you he would go to your dorm if it isn’t an all girls’ dormitory. So you spent your birthday at Jungkook’s dorm, eating the pasta in a microwavable container in his bed as you watch About Time in his laptop.
 “Did I?” Jungkook’s mom questioned as she tried to remember but nothing came to mind however she did recall when Jungkook called to facetime her, asking her to stay in the line while he cooks the pasta and listens to her instructions.
 “Oh yes, did you enjoy it?” you nodded eagerly, “I think it was the best one you’ve ever made yet.”
 She chose not to mention that it was Jungkook who made that for you, already taking the hint why his son hid the fact that it was him who prepared that.
 “Dinner’s ready, let’s eat” you turned around to see your mom’s head peeking out the sliding door. You stood up, taking the two empty glasses in your hand as you made your way inside.
 “Y/N can you call the kids upstairs?” your mom said, taking the glasses from you.
 You went up as you quickly knock on the doors of Daecho, Seoyun, and Jungkook, shouting that dinner’s ready. Skipping down the stairs, you sat on your seat after calling them too lazy to check if they’ve heard you but you munched on your food right away as soon as you saw Daecho and Seoyun going down.
 “Y/N, did you call Jungkook?” your mom asked while you looked at her with your mouth full, nodding to say yes, “Can you call him again?”, putting the chopsticks down, you stood up, grumbling quietly as you made your way up.
 “Jungkook, dinner’s ready” you knocked on his door ready to go downstairs again but then you didn’t hear any answer from him. Growing impatient, you twisted the door knob as you entered his room.
 “Jungkook, wake up dinner’s ready” you stood at the end of his bed, annoyed at the fact that he probably wouldn’t wake up just yet as the deep sleeper he is. You grabbed the blanket and tossed it on the floor, revealing his weird sleeping position – crossed legs and arms.
 “Please, I’m really hungry, just wake up” you pleaded as you threw a pillow on his chest. Jungkook groaned as he hugged the pillow closer, you tried to pry it away from his but his grip around it is too strong.
 “Jungkook!” you dragged his name in a deep voice deciding to seat at the side of his bed.
 He finally opened his eyes, laughing at how you look so annoyed. He rubbed his eyes as he gently grabbed your arm that is placed on his bed, sitting up in a position where his elbows supported his upper body weight.
 You’re once glaring eyes then turned into wide ones at how close his face is to yours – it’s not that actually close but it’s enough to make your heart race. Also, it isn’t helping how his half closed eyes and long fluffy hair made him look cuddlier but you wont let him know that.
 You’re just friends, that’s it. You repeated to yourself but his intense stare – you’d like to believe – says other wise. You wanted to break away from his gaze or say something but you found yourself to be stuck in a trance until you heard your mom calling for you and Jungkook to go down.
 “Let’s go” you stood up, maybe a bit too fast as you exit his room while Jungkook laid down again, smiling that maybe his plan is coming to fruition.
 All those all nighter in college changed your body clock. It’s 2:30 a.m. and you’ve done everything like reading a book and listening to your sleep playlist in order for you to sleep but you still found yourself wide awake.
 Staring at the ceiling, you thought that maybe if you do something tiring then it’ll be easier to sleep. With that thought, you stood up as you made your way to your drawer, taking out your one-piece swimsuit you used to wear during your varsity swimmer days in high school.
 You made your way down as quietly as possible, not wanting to wake anyone up at this hour. Sliding the door, you made your way outside as you lay down the towel in the chair and slipped your flip flops off.
 Being in the water feels like a second nature to you, you’ve been swimming since you were seven. Swimming was fun but then it’s more of like a hobby rather than a dream, that’s why you decided not to partake in the university’s swimming team so you could focus on your studies.
 With your hands on the gutter, you pushed your feet against the wall of the pool as you do a freestyle. You tried to follow one part of your old training routine which is doing 15 laps of freestyle.
 After completing the set, you evened out your breath by bubbling five times underwater. The freestyle was supposed to be followed with laps of 15 backstrokes, 15 breaststrokes, and 15 butterfly strokes but you think it’d be impossible to do more at this point.
 “I’m not good anymore” you mumbled to yourself, eyes closed as you rest it on your arm that’s placed on the gutter, feeling exhausted but also disappointed because you’re clearly out of practice.
 “Your Olympic tumble turns are great though” you were surprised to say the least once you heard Jungkook’s voice. He’s sitting on the lounge chair as he laughed when you splashed him bits of water for scaring you.
 “What are you doing here?”
 “I could ask you the same thing” he raised his eyebrows, cunningly smiling at you.
 “I couldn’t sleep” you said, retreating back your head to position it once again on your arm.
 “Well then, that makes the two of us” you looked at him then your eyes flickered at his hands, you come closer to the side of the pool just to make sure if you’re eyes are deceiving you.
 “Is that a cigarette?” you looked at him but he’s looking at the ground as he hid the cigarette from you, avoiding your stare.
 “Can I try?” you managed to say after he chosed to ignore you, his bewildered eyes immediately looking at you.
 “No, it’s not safe Y/N” he said in a hushed stern voice. You were just messing with him, of course you wouldn’t even try but it’s the only way to catch him off guard.
 “When did you start smoking?”
 “Just this year” he looked at you but you were giving him a look as if you want him to explain further, “My friend asked me if I want a hit so I tried until I asked him for one”, he said as if he’s disappointed in himself, you did remember when he said he doesn’t like it when his dad smokes.
 “Don’t worry I just smoke occassionaly though, I’m trying to stop before it gets worse” he assured you, putting the cigarette out even though it’s not yet close to being finished. You nodded, relieved that he’s at least trying.
 An idea must’ve been popped into his mind as he stood up to get the kickboard, “Let’s do the kickboard stand.” You rolled your eyes as he tried to change the subject but you let him have his way.
 You, Jungkook, and Taehyung invented this game wherein you all stand on the kickboard as you push yourselves further to the deepest part of the pool. It’s all just about withstanding the kickboard from surfacing until you lose balance.
 Suddenly, Jungkook took off his shirt and threw it on the chair. You can’t help but stare at his defined body, you’ve seen him shirtless a lot of times but this is the first time you became flustered about it.
 He threw the kickboard in before he dipped himself in the pool. As instructed, you sat yourself on the ledge while you placed both of your feet on the kickboard, standing slowly while Jungkook pushed it down with his feet.
 The distance between you two is close to being non-existent given that the kickboard is small. You tried to balance on it while Jungkook pushes the board into the deeper part of the pool.
 As it almost reached the end, you felt the board move a bit. The movement made you hold on to Jungkook’s shoulder so you could steady yourself, you both chuckled as he reached down to your elbow to keep you in place.
 You looked up at him see the moonlight reflecting on his face, making him more ethereal. He’s looking down as he tries to focus keeping the board from emerging. It’s one of those times where you unnoticeably get lost just by looking at him.
 Unable to resist, you swept his hair that made it’s way down to cover his eyes. The action made Jungkook quite surprised as you both silently stare at each other like what just happened back in his room.
 You were about to break the silence not until you saw Jungkook glancing at your lips which made you do the same. He gently tugged your elbow towards him as he slowly lean towards your face only for it to be ruined as you both lose your balance on the board.
 The kickboard aggressively rocketed on your face before you toppled and submerged. As soon as you surfaced, you saw Jungkook laughing his heart out, embarrassed you splashed him a water as you made your way to the ledge of the pool to sit.
 You tasted something metallic in your mouth, putting a finger on it you saw blood. “I busted my lip” you frowned.
 Jungkook tried to contain his laughter as he came closer to you, inspecting your lower lip with his fingers on it. Your heart’s beating erratically with how he’s touching your lip and him being in between your legs.  
 “Wait” he said as he got out of the pool, muscles flexing when he pushed himself up through the gutter.
 Stop thirsting over Jungkook, you reminded yourself.
 He hurriedly came back with a chocolate milk in his hand and got in the pool. He was about to place the box of milk in your mouth until you stopped him.
 “Jungkook, why would you put that in my mouth?” you ask him confused as to why he thought of this as a remedy for your busted lip.
 He chuckled, putting it to your mouth anyway, “It’s the only thing that is frozen, there are no ice cubes unless you want me to put a frozen chicken in your mouth.” He figured that you must be thinking why it’s frozen so he explained that he plans to eat it as an ice cream.
“Are you okay?” he said, stifling a laugh as he remembered the look on your face.
 You shoved his shoulder, glaring at him, “This was your idea.”
 “I know, I’m sorry”
 Your mind is going crazy again as you noticed your back in the same position before he got out of the pool – you sitting on the ledge and him in between your legs. Also, you remember when he started leaning in towards you before the incident.
 “I like you” you mumbled but quickly covered your mouth after you realized you voiced out your thoughts.
 Jungkook looked at you with wide eyes but was quickly replaced with a smirk, “I know” he said as he placed back the box of milk to your mouth.
 “What? What do you mean you know?” you’re curious if you were really that obvious.
 “I liked you first before you even like me” his confession was a surprise to you though it’s somewhat not the answer to your question.
“Okay? Congrats?” you’re confused as to what he meant.
 “I learned Pavlov’s Theory of Classical Conditioning in class and decided to test if it works” now you’re even more confused whilst he chuckled before continuing, “To explain it, he theorized that a dog salivates whenever he sees food. The salivation being the unconditioned response and the food as the unconditioned stimulus. So he-“
 “Jungkook, why are you telling me this?” you said, cutting him off.
 “Let me finish, you’ll know later”, he chuckled as he squeezed your knee, “So he introduced the bell, he rings it just before he gives the food. After a while, the dog now associates the bell with the food thus making the item a conditioned stimulus. In conclusion, the dog salivates whenever he hears the bell because he associated it with the food.”
 You blinked slowly at him, “That’s nice to know but what?”
 “This is your favorite right?” he referred to the chocolate milk, you nodded your head to say yes, “And what do you feel whenever you see one?”
 “Uh happy?” he clicked his tongue, winking at you. “Right, so I kind of conditioned you to feel happy whenever you see me because you associated me – the conditioned stimulus – to this milk.”
 It finally made sense now, Jungkook does always give you chocolate milk whenever you do your weekly study dates. The gesture made you feel happy but then you remembered that one time he didn’t gave you one, it made you feel very confused why you’re all happy to see him; you called it a happy crush after all.
 “What am I? A science experiment?” you shoved him albeit playfully.
 “The theory worked anyway” he shrugged as you rolled your eyes at him. “As the winner of the game, I could do what I want right?” you nodded.
 He removed the box on your mouth, his hands had made its way to your cheek as he takes in your beauty before he gently grabbed your chin to lean you towards him.
 “May I?” you smiled as you nod your head. Jungkook finally pressed his lips with yours, can’t believe you’ve been waiting for this moment just as him. You reeled him further into you by placing both of your hands around his neck whilst his hands travelled down to your waist.
 “Ow it hurts” you hissed, pulling back as you placed your fingers on your lips, “I don’t think I can kiss you right now” you mumbled as you try to hide your smile, shy at what just happened.
 He smiled as he gently lifted your chin, kissing the corner of your mouth then moving to your cheek and jaw until he rested his head on your shoulders, placing you both in a hugging position.
 You stayed like that for a while as he traced different shapes on your back with his fingers, his head moving further in to the crook of your neck. Giggling as you felt his breath tickling you a little when he kissed your neck.
 Smiling, you rested your head against his as you stroke his wet long hair along your fingers. Thinking how you never expected your sleepless night to go like this but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
A/N: Here’s a Jungkook one shot for you to read while we’re all in a quarantine or lockdown lol. Hope you liked it! Stay safe and be healthy! 
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tarlosbuddie · 4 years
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CapSwap - Chapter 1
Read on AO3
Summary: Taylor Kelly is back at the 118 and she’s producing a new TV Show where Bobby Nash and Owen Strand will trade places for an entire month. Bobby will fly to Austin to take over the 126 when Owen will be the Captain at the 118. 
Or a dad swap between the two Daptain.
Word Count: 2640
Chapter: 1/?
When Bobby Nash received a call from the fire chief, he expected another suspension. It’s the only thing that comes to his mind now when the highest-ranking member of the department personally asked to talk to him. To be fair, the 118 had its fair share of suspension and Bobby is driving to the fire chief office, wondering which one of his team is going to be benched again. None of them deserve it, but life keeps throwing them curveballs so Bobby is just expecting the next one. They are all doing fine lately, at least at work. Sure, half of them still need some serious therapy to get through their trauma, but Bobby trusts them to deal with it. He is about to enter the office when he sees a small red-haired woman talking to the chief and laughing with him. Bobby can barely see her face, but he recognized her voice and he is annoyed already. She is finally leaving the office and the chief waves at Bobby to enter.
“You remember Taylor Kelly?” the chief asks. Bobby is surprised to see him smiling this way. He knows he should be relieved because it probably means that no one is getting fired, but a reporter is never good news for him.
“It’s kind of hard to forget her and her cameras,” Bobby says. He is trying his best to keep his tone respectful while addressing his superior.
“Her news report about the 118 did great for public relations”, he explains. “The department had to cut some parts they didn’t like, but otherwise it helped with public opinion.” 
“Do you want her to make another video? Because I know you liked her work but I can’t say I was happy having her around” Bobby says.
“You won’t have to worry about Taylor” the chief replies and Bobby is relieved for a moment. But then he opens his mouth again and the relief is short-lived. “You will be going to Austin,” he says and Bobby’s jaw drops. “Miss Kelly had a great idea to improve public opinion. You will swap places with another captain for a month. We already cleared everything with the other department. They are sending their captain on Monday” he adds, leaving no room for argument. 
“Chief, with all due respect” Bobby tries.
“Captain Nash, your station has not the best records at the moment.” he cuts.  “Between your suspension and Mr. Buckley’s lawsuit, you are not in our good grace. Take this as a chance to redeem yourself in the eyes of the public and in my eyes too,” he says firmly. “This is happening whether you like it or not.” 
“My family is here, you can’t uproot me without my permission.”
“It’s only for a month. So I suggest you start packing because you are leaving in a few days. Unless you are willing to add insubordination to your list.”
Bobby is about to walk out of the office when the chief adds “It’s going to be a good experience for you and your team. Don’t see this as a punishment, use it as an opportunity to learn a thing or two. I’m sure AFD will be happy to have you there.”
Taylor is still in the hallway when Bobby leaves the office, but he ignores her and goes back to the station. 
He explains the situation to the team as soon as he arrives. They are all around the table, waiting for a breakfast that wasn’t cooked since Bobby wasn’t there to feed them. Eddie is the first to react to the news.
“Wait, Taylor Kelly is coming back here?” he says much to everyone’s surprise.
“Well, I didn’t think that would be the part that bothers you” Bobby teases. “I’m glad you are not too sad about having another captain here.”
“Of course I’m sad, Cap,” Eddie adds. 
“I’m not excited about this either, but we don’t have much of a choice. The chief sent me the contracts, the cameras won’t be here all the time. They just want to produce an entertaining piece about how a different captain can change things in a station but I think it’s mostly an excuse for Taylor to step up her game”.
“It looks like she already did Cap”, Buck says. “She was always ambitious and that’s one of the things I learned to respect about her. She went from traffic reports to news reports to producing her own show.”
Buck complimenting the woman that went Buck 1.0 on him and leaving him in a parking lot was not something Bobby thought he’d ever seen but he was even more surprised by the murdering look on Eddie’s face.
“What do we know about the new cap?” Hen asks. 
“I’m going to Austin, so I think that’s where the new guy is coming from.” Bobby answers. He sits on the table next to them and handles all of them the contracts to sign. He didn’t really read them in the chief office before being practically forced to sign his copy. But now that he has his in his hand and a hot-barely-drinkable coffee in the other he reads a paragraph that makes him want to spit his coffee. “What the hell?” he screams to himself but everyone raises their head from their reading to look at their captain.
“Everything’s okay Cap? Buck asks, a little worried. The youngest member didn’t even bother to grab his own contract and was reading from Eddie’s as he was close enough to see it. Both his hands were filled with food anyway.
“The Captain of the 118 would live at the Strand’s house for the duration of the contract” Bobby reads, voice higher than he would have hoped.
“Does this mean you will have to live with his wife or something?” Chimney asks, his curiosity is picked and he is dying to know more about what already appears to be a month of chaos and fun.
“His boy,” Bobby says. “It says that the Captain from the 126 added a clause in the contract saying that he didn’t want his son to be alone and that he wanted me to keep an eye on him. I’m going to babysit a teenager?” Bobby assumes. “Thank God the firehouse is the only place I’m exchanging with him because I wouldn’t want to come home to Athena to tell her that some stranger would live under her roof.”
The rest of the shift goes back without any major surprise. Every time they come back to the house in between calls, Chimney is on his laptop, googling things and laughing, Eddie is even closer to Buck, questioning him about Taylor Kelly even as they step into the showers after a call that left them covered in ashes and sweat and Hen is talking to Bobby while keeping an eyes on the boys, already guessing how insufferable the three of them will be on Monday.
When Bobby comes home after a long, mostly boring, shift, he feels anxiety building in his stomach at the idea of having to break the news to his wife and her kids. He waits for the diner to be over to start talking.
“So, the Chief called me into his office this morning,” he says first.
“Everything’s okay? Nothing to do with Buck I hope? I swear, this boy has been giving me more gray hair in 3 years than my kids in a lifetime.” 
“Buck’s fine. His ex girlfriend, though.” Bobby starts.
“Abby? She was a sweet woman,until she broke our boy’s heart.”
“Taylor Kelly.”
“The news reporter?”
“It’s Taylor Kelly, the TV productor now. She pitched an idea to the Chief and he signed for it with a big smile.”
“What idea? She’s not gonna film you again, is she?” Athena says in the same annoyed tone than Bobby.
“I like her” May says before her brother hits her arm for her to stop talking. “What? She’s good. She did some very interesting news pieces and she gave a lecture to my school to encourage young students to go to college.”
“So what did that angel of a woman did for my husband to look so pissed?”
“She’s producing a show called the Swap.”
“I’ve seen an episode” the young woman cuts again. “She had doctors trade hospitals to show how leadership can affect a place. It was great! One of them was super uptight and-” she stopped talking when her eyes met Bobby’s. “Oh shit.”
“Langage!” Athena says. “Is there something I’m missing?”
“She’s doing a firefighter version. And I guess I’m the very uptight one.”
Of all the reactions he imagined all day, the only one he didn’t imagine was the sound of his wife bursting into laughter.
“Sorry” she says, covering her mouth to stop the loud noize coming out of it. “Sorry, it’s not funny.”
“It’s really not” Bobby says.
“I’m just trying to picture you in that show, with a new team. And oh god, that poor captain is not ready to handle the 118.”
“Hey, they’re a great team.”
“They’re your kids, Bobby. You love them and I do too. They are great at their jobs.”
“They’re the best,” Bobby corrects.
“But they are also a bunch of living disasters. How long has it been since one of them ended up in the hospital? I hope the new cap doesn’t like his hair too much, because he’s gonna end up with a head full of gray hair within the first week.”
“I was hoping a little more empathy for your poor husband who’s gonna live in Texas for a month with the son’s captain as a roommate.”
“You’ll do great, honey. I’m not worried about you.”
Meanwhile, a thousand miles away.
“Are you serious, dad? Please tell me you’re kidding me.” TK whines. He places his mug on the sink and walks toward Owen who is waiting for him by the door to go to work.
“It will be a nice change, TK. Plus, the department told me I didn’t really have a choice since they needed the money to pay for the House renovation I ordered. Apparently I went a little over the budget.”
“You spend half the budget on that fancy coffee maker Judd can’t even get to work without your help.”
“Stop complaining and move your ass to the car or we’ll be late. I hope you’ll complain less when the new cap is here cause he’ll be the one driving your whining ass to work.”
“He what?”
So maybe Owen forgot to mention that part. It was the only thing that had him hesitate before saying yes, he promised he wouldn’t leave his son alone after what happened in New York. He tried to negotiate for his son to come with him but the productors insisted only the captain could come, so he only managed to have the other captain to live with his son at all time. He also knew TK wasn’t alone anymore, he saw the way Carlos looked at him the day he came picking him up at the station. He knows he will be fine but he’s not taking any chances when it comes to his boy safety. 
When they both arrive at the station, Mateo has a hot cup of coffee ready for Owen and TK goes to the kitchen to make himself his own cup. Judd is fighting with the machine and holds his hands up in defeat.
“I give up. This thing hates me, I swear.” 
“Someone is in a mood” Marjan laughs from her spot in the kitchen where she’s cooking something for breakfast.
“You’re about to be in a mood when you hear the cap’s latest idea.” TK comments. He’s about to drink the coffee he just poured himself when he sees Judd’s puppy eyes. “Did Buttercup teach you that trick? I’m not rubbing your belly if that’s what you want.” The dog comes to his favorite firefighter and TK gives his coffee to Judd. “Fine, you can have mine, but only because my hands will be busy doing this.” He says while starting petting the dog.
“So, what’s that idea of yours, cap?” Paul asks.
“First, it’s not my idea, it’s the department.” Owen says. “Second, don’t listen to my grumpy son, it will be fun.”
“What would be fun?” Judd asks, definitely not convinced but his captain enthusiastic tone.
“Go ahead, tell them cap, we’ll see if they are all as thrilled as I am” TK says.
“I’m going to Los Angeles for a month.” 
“For a vacation or something?” Marjan asks.
“For a damn TV show,” TK cuts.
“A what?” they all ask pretty much at the same time.
“It’s a captain exchange. I will go to  a new station for a month and their captain will come here.”
“Maybe we’ll get a captain that knows how to read a book” Michelle comments, thinking about the first time they met. He didn’t realise that she had arrived. She has a wide smile on her face and Owen counts this as a sign that she’s enjoying the idea, maybe a little too much. “So, who’s that new captain I’m gonna share the station with?” 
“Robert Nash, from Los Angeles’ station 118” Owen replies and Judd and Paul share a look. They are definitely taking note of that guy name to google for info later. “The cameras would be here a few hours a day so you need to sign those contracts.”
“And if we refuse?” Judd asks.
“From what I heard, it’s not like we have much of a choice. But I’m sure you’ll love the new guy.”
“I’m sure we will. But what if we want to keep him at the end of the month?” Michelle teases. 
“Then I guess I’ll stay in LA, with a team that respects and loves me.”
“We love you,” Mateo says.
“Speak for yourself, probie. I might call Robert Dad within the first shift.” TK jokes.
“Remember everything you’ll do can be caught on camera. I’ll know everything. And I know at least one person will miss me.” Owen says. He walks toward Mateo who’s smiling proudly and puts his hand on his shoulder, before bending to stroke Buttercup “You’re my favorite teammate, buddy.” He says to the dog. The team laughs at the disappointed looks on the youngest member’s face before hearing the alarm.
“Do we know anything about the other firehouse?” Paul asks when they climbed into the truck.
“We? We don’t. But I do. They gave me a file with the resume of each member of the 118.”
“Come on, Cap. You’re not gonna share that with us?” His son says. 
“Nop. That’s what you get from not liking my ideas, son.”
Paul and Judd exchange another look and TK knows that they are plotting something. It’s not like Owen is the best at hiding secrets and they all know that file will be on the second drawer of his desk. They won’t even need a distraction to get it since their captain will spend half an hour in the mirror when they’ll get back to the station after this call.
Marjan is driving toward the emergency they are responding to when all the phones except Owen’s start buzzing.
Paul sent a bunch of pictures in their group chat. Owen knows this chat exists and assumes he’s the subject of half the jokes and memes they are sending but he loves that his team gets along so well so he really doesn’t care about it. This time, it’s not him they are laughing at. Paul just sent them pictures and infos about Robert Nash. TK tries not to smile when he reads the texts.
Paul 🚒:It’s on 😈
Cowboy Judd 🤠: Let’s the fun begins
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strawbrrysun287 · 3 years
Office Chaos #1
Hi everyone!! Recently I got into writing again and decided to cross post on here and AO3! If you take the chance to read it I hope you enjoy it <3 This will be part of a series of one shots! Happy Reading <3<3<3
If there was one thing Seokjin could safely say, it was that he was a confident gay. He would always throw a wink or a kiss to baristas, those who held the door open for him, or just anyone within the distance of him if he was feeling particularly playful.
That being said he was also openly gay. In no way shape or form was he afraid or worried about showing the person he truly was. Be it soft pink off-the-shoulder sweaters, a pair of heeled boots that made his bum look like it was carved by the gods (fun fact: it was), or even a black shirt with pastel lettering literally saying (I’m Gay, Suck It).
This was amazing for his social and love life because there was no confusion platonically or sexually. However, a certain middle-aged squat ugly fuckwad who was too dense to realize sooner Seokjin’s sexuality despite all the signs decided to fire him solely for Seokjin giving a customer, a fellow gay, his number.
In his defense, the customer was cute, was hitting on him, and was even interested and gave his own number to Seokjin as well. So all in all, who could blame Seokjin? He was young, horny, and single.
But back to the original issue. He was fired for being himself which led him to where he is now. Walking down the busy streets of Seoul heading to some gaming design company for an interview as a personal assistant to the CEO. It was a major jump from a barista to PA but he had experience… in high school, he was student council president, led three clubs, and even fixed their student budget so that way they could throw a fun concert/overnight party for the graduates.. Okay, maybe that one was a little selfish. It was still experience though! College didn’t exactly go as planned but he still was involved in the radio station and another club… although he couldn’t for the life of him remember what the club was about.
As he arrived in front of the building he could feel his heart beating against his rib cage just the tiniest bit more. He was confident though, he could do this. It would be a breeze. Throw a wink or kiss at whoever was interviewing him, talk about his experience, talk up himself and his abilities, then leave with the job and start the following Monday.
Walking inside of the building left him just the slightest breathless. Fuck. Who designed this building? Who PAID for the building? Or the interior decorating? As he tried calculating it in his head he vaguely heard someone clearing their throat but didn’t pay it any attention. After a few more minutes he finally snapped out of his calculations when the throat-clearing wouldn’t stop. He was two seconds from shoving a glass of water down the person’s throat only to look around and realize the throat-clearing had been directed at him.
With a guilty smile flashed towards the main receptionist, Seokjin finally made his way up to the desk gripping the strap of his bag even tighter.
“Kim Seokjin? I’m here for an interview with a Mr. Kim? For his personal assistant?” Despite the flash of nervousness when he was caught staring into space he quickly put the confident smile back on. The receptionist seemed less than pleased though.
“Elevator down the hall to the right. Floor 35. Park Jimin will help you from there. Try not to stare off into space again, yes?” With a sinister smirk, the lady lifted her hand just to point down the hallway and Seokjin took that as a dismissal which is exactly what it was. It didn’t stop him from mumbling down the hallway the whole time though.
“Honestly? With that kind of attitude, it’s amazing someone hasn’t dumped their coffee over her by… accident... “ Once inside the elevator he hit the button for the 35th floor and listened to the boring music as the numbers flashed above the elevator doors showing what floor it just passed. Once the doors opened for the 35th floor he took a deep breath and stepped out.
Immediately he noticed an adorable guy, younger than him with bubblegum pink hair and the cutest smile when his eyes crinkled. Okay, maybe this place wasn’t all bad. That was until he heard a deep voice shouting, seemingly the pink-haired man’s name if the way his head snapped over was any indication, and then there was a body colliding with his sending him straight to the floor with the other man on top of him.
“Kim Taehyung!! You need to watch where you are going!!” Pink-haired guy’s voice rang out. Seokjin wouldn’t be surprised if the entire floor didn’t hear the shrill yell. Which seemed plausible as there were four other heads that poked out from different rooms like little peeping parrots. Well, this was turning out to be quite the impression to leave on the people he would hopefully soon be working with.
“Sorry, Jiminie! But!! We got the house! I just got the email and we can close on the house today but we have to be there within the next hour!”
“Taehyung I swear on Yoongi’s new laptop th-”
“Don’t be swearing on my things Park Jimin! I will skin you alive!!” A voice seemingly coming from nowhere yelled in offense.
“... that you better be telling the truth or else I will make you sleep our on the balcony for the rest of the week.”
“It’s real. Like really real. The realest real you can really real kind of real! But we have to GO. NOW!”
“Okay okay! Fuck. I gu-.. Oh… Hello there. I uh… kinda forgot you got thrown to the ground in the process. I hope you aren’t injured? No injuries right? Taehyung can’t afford to be sued we are closing on a house today. Uh… if I make Namjoon Hyung give you the job would you be willing to forget this entire mess? He still owes me because of that ridiculous picture I took of him a few weeks ago when he decided to get shit-faced.”
It was official. Seokjin clearly hit his head too hard on the floor and now he was in some kind of dream drama. Shouldn’t the drama involve some super hot guy? A best friend who has his own issues but they support each other no matter what? What about the chaotic couple who he questions how they are still alive? Well… he might have found the chaotic couple. But that didn’t mean anything else. Once he realized he was being spoken to he had to blink a couple of times in order to clear his head and only vaguely caught the end.
“You… you would force your boss to give me the job just so I don’t sue the guy who knocked my ass to the ground? What if I tell you I wasn’t planning on suing him anyway? Although it did kind of hurt but if you could still get your boss to give me the job that would be fantastic and I would kiss the floor you walk on because this job is desperately needed and I’m too handsome to be walking from building to building begging for a job.”
Finally getting up from the ground he rubbed the back of his head where it hit the floor before fixing the wrinkles in his shirt. As he finished getting straightened (HA) out again another deep voice that was almost addicting echoed from down the hall along with heavy footsteps and deep down Seokjin just KNEW that the person coming towards him was the big boss. AKA the one who would hopefully be signing his checks if he got the job. Before he could utter a single word bubblegum hair spoke up again.
“Namjoon Hyung! This is Kim Seokjin, your new personal assistant. Long story short, Me and Tae got the house but in his excitement he kind of barreled into your new assistant here and sent him hurtling towards the floor, and because I’m a good honest person I told him I would assure him the job.”
Namjoon stared at bubblegum hair, Jimin?? In what seemed like absolute boredom like this was a daily occurrence. Well then again, it might be. Things were already more than a little chaotic but chaos is where Jin thrived.
“Jimin. You can’t just give people jobs because Taehyung knocked them down. You have so far given away a car, an apartment, a date, a fashion shopping spree, and part of your investment in the company which I was thankfully able to get back all because Tae didn’t watch where he was going. You know, apologizing in a HEARTFELT way will do the job nine out of ten times.”
“Okay you may speak some facts but I already gave the job to Seokjin and I already read over his resume. He seems like he can tolerate you well enough and you need an assistant to start ASAP because Tae and I have to go sign for the house okay hyung? Make sure you show him the ropes and don’t fuck it up! Bye!!”
With that Seokjin and Namjoon stared as Jimin dragged Taehyung along into the elevator with a cheeky smile and flirty wave before the elevator doors closed on the image that left the pair sputtering.
“Well… I guess they won’t be back till tomorrow afternoon. At least all my morning meetings are finished so I shouldn’t have to worry too much. Ah. Kim Seokjin-sii I apologize for the uh..”
“Chaos?” Jin supplied with a cheeky grin of his own.
“I suppose that is the best possible term for what happens on the 35th floor. Since Jimin already gave you the job I am in no way able to deny it and if I’m being honest I am in desperate need of an assistant as all my paperwork is piling up and I’m not sure where the mailroom is or where the place I normally get coffee from is and the coffee here is made by my director of media and he makes it as black as his soul is what he says at least and no amount of sugar makes it any better.”
And that’s when it happened. When Jin went from being the confident flirty gay to the shy flustered panicked gay that he always read about in stories. Namjoon smiled and he had dimples. Fucking dimples. There was no way the man standing in front of him was real. Tall, handsome, successful, understanding, kind, big hands, muscled if the fabric fighting for its life stretched over Namjoon’s biceps and thighs were anything to go by, and he had fucking D I M P L E S. Who did this Kim Namjoon think he was? God? Actually, that may be true. It wasn’t until he realized he was about to suffocate did Seokjin exhale the air he was holding in before stuttering out a hasty reply.
“Assistant? Now? Like now now? Me? For you? Coffee? I’m good with coffee and with paperwork. Yeah. I can 100% do that for you, Mr. Kim. And there is no need for formalities you can just simply call me Jin as I will be working closely with you. With you. Closely. Working. Yeah. Now?”
Seokjin knew the second the last syllable left his mouth that he was an idiot. A certified idiot who shouldn’t be allowed to be the personal assistant for a business of Namjoon’s caliber but like hell, he was going to give up the opportunity to get to know the taller man and completely wow him. Fuck was he even gay? It didn’t even matter. He could figure that out later down the line but first…
“Just tell me where to sign Mr. Kim and we can begin our new… partnership as boss and assistant. I promise I’ll do everything to learn the ropes quickly to help make your life a little less hectic.”
“Namjoon is just fine Jin. Even though I’m your boss I like to keep a close relationship with those who work close with me. You will find everyone on this floor is on a first name basis and the chaos is real and alive everyday.” And there were those fucking dimples again.
Maybe Seokjin needed to send a gift basket to his homophobic ex-boss because this new adventure at Kim. Co was going to be fun.
Chaos and all.
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hisunshiine · 3 years
Escape ✈︎ Chapter 4
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✈︎ chapter 4: you have been cordially invited... |✈︎ Escape Series—18+, Mature     
   ✈︎ genre: fluff, future smut
   ✈︎ word count: 2,736 words 
   ✈︎ pairing: jungkook x [redacted] (at the very end)
   ✈︎ warnings: alcohol consumption
   ✈︎ summary: A look into what it's like arriving to Bangtania...
| series masterlist | previous | next | hisunshiine | mrsparkjimin18 |
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Everyday, since the very beginning when it was announced, you have sat at your computer or been on your phone in order to participate in the giveaway for a chance to go to Bangtania Island. Every week, one lucky person has a chance to win an exclusive invitation from the girls who organized it, all expenses paid for them to relocate out there.  
Friday couldn’t have come soon enough; your job was draining. A typical 9-5, doing office work was monotonous and you slogged through the week waiting for your weekends to come. Despite the wish to find something else, nobody was hiring in your city. Not for anything you wanted to do, anyways. Deep in your gut you felt the need for something more, instead of the repetitious clacking of your fingers against the keyboard, answering the phones, and feeling like a machine.
Fortunately, it’s the weekend, so you decide to stop and grab a bottle of wine and make your way home. You’re ready to unwind with some youtube videos and spend time browsing your social media for anything interesting. You pour a glass of wine and relax on the sofa, open your laptop and log in to twitter. You have a few notifications, including an update from the giveaway page, they had posted there was another winner chosen and that the winner would receive an email shortly.
“That was 30 minutes ago!?” You squeal to yourself, an unexplainable feeling creeping over you.
Just then your phone chimes, and you unlock the screen to check your notifications. You have multiple email notifications, so you check your email app as you sip your wine. Scrolling through them, it’s mainly junk mail, you see one that catches your eye.
Sender Name: Bangtania Island Mayor
Subject: You have been cordially invited…
Congratulations! You have been selected as the next lucky winner to be invited to Bangtania Island. In order to accept this invitation, please click on the link and fill out the application. Documents you may need to gather prior to completing the forms in the link are:
Driver’s License
Social Security Card
Please make sure to include the earliest date for you to travel, and please have your physical completed prior to boarding the plane. All documents needed are attached to the email. Please make sure to electronically sign them and reply to this email with the completed documents. If you have any questions in regards to the forms, please do not hesitate to reach out. Upon completion of all required documents per your reply email, you will receive your e-ticket for travel.
The following are the guidelines and stipulations for traveling to Bangtania Island:
You will receive a one-way ticket, free of cost. You will be picked up from the airport and transported to the boat, which will bring you to the island. You will be given a limited amount of time to decide if you would like to stay as a permanent resident of Bangtania, approximately 2 weeks. Prior to you being granted full access to the island, you will meet with the Deputy Mayor who will greet you at the dock, completing a brief in-person interview. If you decide to leave or prove unfit for the island at that time, a complimentary ticket home will be provided to you up until the 2-week window.
Thank you,
Deputy Mayor of the Mayor’s Office, Bangtania Island
You couldn’t stop yourself from spilling some wine as you low-key panicked. You knew there was a very good possibility of being chosen; some of your mutuals on twitter had already left to go there, and while you had seen them briefly on the TL, it was never for long and they didn’t say anything other than that they were enjoying themselves immensely and to share the sweepstakes link.
You set down what was left of your wine that hadn’t spilt into your lap, and ran around your room, pulling clothes off of their hangers and out of your dresser drawers before you remembered you hadn’t even clicked the link to complete the forms. 
Pausing in the middle of your bedroom, arms filled with random clothes, you took 7 deep breaths to try and calm down before dropping your handful of clothes into your pen and waiting suitcase. Sitting back down, you calmly clicked the link and once transported to the secure website, you filled in the information needed so that your flight could be purchased for you as well as any other accommodations you may need could be handled by the ones in charge. 
You printed out the forms needed for the physical, jotted down some notes to go to the doctor on Monday to complete the form, and decided that the earliest you would be able to fly out was Wednesday. That gives you enough time to go to your job, request use of your vacation hours for the next 2 weeks, and turn in your two week notice. You didn’t ever want to come back to that shit hole.
You celebrated the news by turning up your bluetooth speaker and blasting your favorite upbeat BTS songs while you packed up everything you would need. Hasta La Vista!
Catching your flight was easier than you thought it would be, as you had an upgraded flight in first class. You were given star treatment, access to a separate waiting area with complimentary food and drinks, less people to deal with, comfortable seats, the works. You couldn’t believe that ARMY was able to provide all of this for you, but who were you to complain? 
The boat ride was also nice, more like taking a large yacht across the water to the island, you stood at the bough of the boat for most of the trip, enjoying the view as you became farther and farther away from everything that was shitty about your life and closer to everything you wanted. An escape into a world that was full of other people who were like you, liked the same music, had the same mindset, and you got to do it all on a paradise island? Hell fucking yeah.
After docking, you rolled your luggage behind you as you disembarked from the ramp, and saw a girl waiting for you. She was short but cute, a friendly smile and aura of being in charge. Her cheeks were slightly sunburnt, but you were envious of the way she looked refreshed, skin glowing. You couldn’t wait for that to be you; sunkissed and relaxed from the ocean breeze and too many margaritas.
“Y/n?” She asked, and you nodded.
“Welcome! I’m Vanessa, I hope that your trip went well?”
“Oh yea, it was awesome, thank you!”
“No problem, congratulations on winning! So before we go off to the fun stuff, we have a brief interview and a few more things to go over, and then I’ll give you a tour of the island and show you to your place. If you’ll follow me?”
Vanessa led the way to a golf cart and you climbed on, your luggage secured in the back seat of the cart. She turned the key, and you were speeding off towards a large house. It was painted white with accents of brick, and green ivy climbing lattices. The windows were large and beautiful, and you felt like you had seen them somewhere before. Like they were in a magazine or some type of professional photos or something. You shrugged off the feeling of deja vu, and followed Vanessa into the house.
The windows were open and provided a good amount of sunlight into the entryway, and you tried to take in as much as you could see as Vanessa walked past a staircase and led you towards the back of the house and into a side room. It was an office, with bright white walls and a large sturdy desk. A bookshelf was the entire wall behind the desk, where she now sat at. 
She gestured to the plush chair in front of her desk and you sat down, suddenly nervous. For such a large house, it was pretty quiet, and you wondered where all the other people were. Was this actually all an elaborate trick to sell you into sex trafficking and you were brought here to die?!
You calmed your thoughts once you heard laughter from somewhere above you, and music playing lightly from another area of the house.
“So, once again, welcome! I am the deputy mayor here, and basically in charge of getting you all settled. We are a formal nation, Bangtania, with a president, a whole government system, and we’re working on expanding the businesses here. Before I can reveal anything more to you, I do need to have you sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement here in person. I know that I sent it to you via email for you to read and electronically sign, but I like to cover all of my bases.”
Like clockwork, another woman walked into the open office door, carrying a glass of wine and some papers. She took a sip and handed the papers to Vanessa, who thanked her as she headed back out of the room. The woman blew a kiss and disappeared around the corner.
“That’s my best friend, Talia, and definitely the reason that all of this was even put into motion,” Vanessa said as she shuffled the papers before straightening them gently by tapping the edges on the desk. She stapled the corner, binding the papers together, and passed it over to you.
“I know you read over most of this, but I want to reiterate a few points anyways. From the moment you leave this office, you are not to share with anyone about the other people on this island. When you first applied to the giveaway sweepstakes, you gave us your social media handles. While we won’t take away social media from you, your posts will be monitored for identifying certain people who wish to remain anonymous while here. Please always ask anyone before posting and triple check photos as well.”
She points to a section and you initial, stating you understand.
“You have a two week period here to see how you like it. You don’t have to stay if you do not want to. After that time, you will be issued a passport for Bangtania, a resident ID, and be included in our census. You will have dual citizenship for here and for your home country as well.”
“If you choose to leave within the 2 week window, it’s no charge. If you choose to leave after, you will have to fund your flight home yourself. We will pay for your boat ride back to the mainland, and from there you can negotiate work or if you have money saved just in case, you can fly out. Also, if you choose to stay, you can always fly out to visit friends and family, just remember the NDA is always in affect.”
You initialed again.
Vanessa led you through a few more sections of the contract, and you learned that a few of the girls on the island were nurses and so if you were sick or needed minor medical attention, they would help you. Everything else was pretty much provided to you, and all they asked was that they could use your skills in return. 
You weren’t surprised they knew you had skills with computers and answering phones, which made you a perfect candidate to work in the main house under Vanessa doing secretarial work for her best friend, Talia. It wouldn’t be a lot of work, you would have plenty of time to enjoy the beach and rest, and the work would be related to the giveaway, running the island, and other fun BTS related things, so you were excited.
Signing your last signature on the bottom of the last page, Vanessa took the document, notarized it, and put it away in a locked filing cabinet next to her desk.
“Now, if you’re ready, I’d love to give you a tour of the island and show you where you’ll be staying.”
After seeing the main areas that people hung out at, you went towards what looked like a restaurant, which was good because you were hungry. Vanessa parked the golf cart next to a few others, and she held the door open for you.
You almost fainted. Seated at the table right when you walked in was none other than the 7 boys that were the reason you lived. BTS. Namjoon, Jimin, Yoongi, Taehyung, and Jungkook were sat at the table, and as you looked around, you saw that in between them sat other girls, including mutuals you knew were living here. Hobi appeared from swinging doors that led to what you assumed was the kitchen, delivering plates of food from a platter as a few girls followed him as well with drinks.
“C’mon Y/N, don’t be shy. Isn’t this what you wanted?” Vanessa laughed, taking in your shocked expression.
After eating, and sharing some conversation with Jin and Yoongi, you were ready for a nap. Jin was an exceptional cook, and you were full to the brim. Vanessa waved bye to everyone, a lingering hand on a certain male’s shoulder as she walked away, leading you back outside. As you sat back on the leather seat of the cart, she checked in with you.
“I’m definitely still in shock, but now I understand the NDA a lot more.” You chuckled as she drove you towards another house. It was just as big as the main house, as you heard several people call it, but the style was more relaxed and upon entering it, you realized it was because it was lived in. It was two stories, with a large open concept downstairs with a living room and kitchen, and rooms upstairs. You dragged your suitcase up the flight and Vanessa unlocked a room for you with a key before handing it to you.
“This is our newcomer guest room. We will have a room ready for you after your 2 weeks are up, if you decide to stay. For now, most people have said staying with me and Talia has been helpful if they had questions or needed anything, but any of the girls will help you, everyone is super nice.”
You looked around the room; it was spacious with a nice big bay window that allowed a decent amount of sunlight in.
“I’ll leave you to get settled in. Feel free to explore some more, and tomorrow we will have our weekly game night so you can meet everyone in a more relaxed setting and have fun. It’s our way of welcoming you to Bangtania.”
Vanessa let herself out of the room, closing the door softly. You wanted to explore, but at the moment the bed was calling to you. You lay down in the spot where the sun was pooling, curling yourself into the warmth and passed out. Jet Lag was a bitch.
When you finally rejoined the waking world, it was definitely not waking hours. The sun had set, and you shiver, the ocean breeze now too cool in your bedroom. You get up, throwing a MOTS tour hoodie on, and climb back in the bed, attempting to go back to sleep. Tossing and turning for about 15 minutes, sleep evades you. You must have caught up on all of your missing sleep with that ‘nap’ you took. Like you said, Jet lag is a bitch. Not wanting to continue to lay there restless, you slip out of the room and down the stairs.
You walk along the road, past other houses, finding yourself walking into sand. Sitting on the beach, enjoying the sound of the waves, you finally begin to feel tired. Rather than fall asleep on the beach, you make your way back to the house.
You head up the stairs and start down the hall, being as quiet as possible since it’s late and everyone is asleep. At least you assume they are all asleep, until you hear a very familiar voice coming from Vanessa’s room.
“Come here Princess, why are you acting this way?” You step closer to the door that is slightly ajar. You can’t believe what you are seeing, but you can’t stop watching either.
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↣ all rights reserved © hisunshiine & mrsparkjimin18 2020-2021. please do not repost. translations & modifications are not allowed.
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itsreigns · 4 years
Surprising Him
Elias x Reader
(Y/N) surprises him at Monday Night Raw after not getting to see him for a few weeks.
Warnings: Angst. Mainly Fluff.
Words: 2,676
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@xfirespritex​ | @moxleysbaby​ | @shadow-of-wonder​ | @finalgirl-x​ | @bull-moose-penguin​ | @hardcorewwetrash​ | @wardl0w​ | @helluvawriter​ | @tryingtofindaplaceinthisworld​ | @laochbaineann​ | @lustyromantic​ | @the-iridescent-phoenix​​ | @sassymox​​ | @new-zealand-chic​​ | @xladyxfatex​​|  if you want to get (un)tagged let me know
It’s been too long since I’ve seen my boyfriend. Three weeks with nothing but FaceTime and iMessage back and forth. I missed his face so much. Yeah, I know I saw it on the screen but it just isn’t the same.
I miss his face close to mine. I miss his face tucked into the crook of my neck. I miss his beard tickling me as he kissed down my body. I miss his scent. I miss the warmth that emanated from his body. I miss his deep voice. I miss him.
For the past few days, he tried to dismiss it but I could sense he was upset. If I had to guess, I’d probably say he was just bummed that we couldn’t be together on our first anniversary. He always said he wanted to be home, so we could have a private dinner, just ourselves, and enjoy our company. But unfortunately, his work schedule didn’t play in our favor. 
Initially, he asked for a couple of days off and they granted them, but a week ago, after Raw, he was informed that he was needed on the show on our anniversary day. He was so disappointed, and almost embarrassed when he called me to tell the news and call our plans off. I shrugged it off, obviously, and tried to comfort him. 
It wasn’t his fault, so I definitely didn’t want to make him feel even worse. Plus, it was very likely that it meant a huge improvement in his career and in his current storyline. Deep down he knew I was right, but I think he might have gotten the wrong idea. I had the slight feeling that he thought I was okay with not seeing him and not celebrating our anniversary. 
But it was the complete opposite. I was so heartbroken with the news of our now cancelled plans, but I didn’t want him to feel guilty or sadder about it. I moped around for some time, bummed about not seeing my husband, until I had a lightbulb moment. 
If he couldn’t come to me, I’d go to him.
How had I not thought about it before? Seriously, so dumb of me. It’s a special date for us, and I can definitely arrange to take some days off work. It will be perfect. 
I grab my laptop, my credit card and my phone and head to the sofa, ready to start booking my flight and arrange some nice hotel room for us. It took me about an hour and a half and lots of surfing the internet and scheduling to do it all, but it’s all finally set. 
Seattle is waiting for me! In three days, I’m going to surprise my husband on our anniversary. It’s going to be unforgettable. It’s not what we had planned or wished, but what truly matters is that we’ll be together. 
I decided not to tell him anything about my trip. It’s kind of rude, I know, but I’m definitely not trying to torture him. If I’m being honest, I just can’t wait to see the look on his face, always full of love and lighting up when his eyes land on me, especially after some time apart. And I can’t wait to have his arms around me, holding me tight against his warm and broad chest.
Three days later...
It’s finally here! Today’s the day. I’m already on the plane, 10 minutes away from landing in Seattle. I am so anxious, my stomach is flipping. I’ve got jitters just thinking about how close I am to seeing him. I swear I feel like a teenager on her way to meet her crush all over again. Help!
I’m bouncing my leg nervously, as I look through the window, watching the city come closer and closer in sight. When we finally land, I swear my legs tremble like jelly, I can barely stand up for a few seconds. It’s almost hilarious. I mean, he’s my husband and I feel like I’m about to go on a first date or something. I love how we still get this feeling about and around each other. 
Once I check out, I call an Uber as I go wait outside the airport. In less than 20 minutes, I’ll be entering the arena. Oh God, the chills running through my body just thinking about his warmth enveloping me. 
The Uber arrived in no time and the trip down to the arena was quicker than I expected. Thankfully though! The anticipation is killing me! 
I step out of the car, thanking the driver before he drives off. I reach my phone so I can pay for the ride, and give him a tip as well because he was so nice the whole time. When I’m done, I stare at the gigantic building in front of me, taking in the sight before texting Nattie, who was my inside girl. 
“I’m outside!” I write, barely holding onto my phone as my hands shake nervously. 
A few seconds later, it beeps, signalling a new message. “Don’t move! I’ll be there in 5. So exciteeeeed!”
I smile as I read Nattie’s text. Of course she’s excited, she’s all about surprises and parties and helping out her friends. I love her, she’s a great friend, I just wish I could see her often. 
“GIRL!” I hear her voice coming out of the building, making me turn as I spot her running towards me with a huge smile on her face. “How are you? I missed you so much!” She squeals excitedly, pulling me into a hug. 
“I missed you too, Nattie! And I’m better now that I’m here.” I admit, feeling myself blush a bit as we pull back and she fully faces me.
“Yeah, now that you’re about to see your man, you mean.” Nattie teases playfully, shooting me a knowing grin and earning a genuine laugh from me. “Let’s go inside.” She says, wrapping her arm around my shoulders and leading me through the front doors. 
We walk through God knows how many halls, carefully so Elias doesn’t spot me earlier than expected, until we finally arrive at the women’s locker room. As we step inside, all eyes turn to us. Some of them, I already met, the others I haven’t but Nattie quickly solved that problem by introducing me to everyone. And they are so nice! 
“Don’t be nervous! Elias will love your surprise.” Alexa said. 
“I bet he misses you so bad, he’s going to loooooooove it.” Nia replied.
“He won’t even see it coming. I want to see the look on his face when he sees you!” Lana added. 
Everyone was trying to support me and calm me down, I guess my nerves were that palpable. But being with them, eased me off. I’m feeling so much better, and I’m so ready to see my man. 
It’s been almost 2 hours since I’ve arrived. Raw is halfway through and we’re watching Elias’ segment. My stomach twists in nervousness from both his segment and our imminent encounter. God, I truly missed him. 
I watch him intently as he plays his guitar in the middle of the ring, only to be interrupted by Randy Orton who proceeds to attack him. They engage in a rough fight, making my heart contract in fear for Elias. I’m always so scared he’ll get hurt. He’s been there before and it wasn’t easy at all. 
The match finally ends. I look proudly at Elias through the screen, he’s all sweaty and there’s a bit of blood on his forehead but... I am so proud of him. All of his hard work is finally paying off. He so deserves everything good this world has to offer. 
“It’s time!!!” Nattie yells, clapping her hands enthusiastically, snapping me out of my thoughts. “C’mon (Y/N)!” She insists, extending her hand to me. I take her hand before getting up and following her lead. “Charly texted me, Elias is getting his forehead looked at by the medics, so we’re waiting for him outside the examination room.” 
“Okay, let’s go!” I say, taking a deep breath.
She squeezes my hand a couple of times as we walk towards the room, shooting me a couple of reassuring smiles along the way. Five minutes later, we arrived at the door signaled as examination room. 
“Now we only have to wait.” Nattie smiles, sighing deeply. I could tell she was also nervous for our encounter. She’s so sweet. “It will be great! I can’t wait!” 
By my count, it’s been 10 minutes since we got here. I’m getting super worked up, definitely not liking this delay at all. What if something was wrong with him? What if the cut in the forehead was more than a mere cut? I am getting even more nervous. 
Sensing my uneasiness, Nattie pulls me into a hug. “Hey, it’ll be ok. Sometimes these things take a bit longer than we’d like to.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m just worried about him.” I mumble softly. “And I truly miss him.” 
“I know you do. He’s just seconds away, though.” She encourages, smiling widely as she pulls back and faces me. 
Suddenly, the door opens, revealing an exhausted and shirtless Elias, with his gaze glued to the ground as the palm of his hand is connected against his freshly stitched forehead as if relieving some of the pain. I can also see some red and purple-ish spots on his abdomen and his pecs. He really took a huge beating. 
“That’s my cue. Bye.” Nattie whispers to me, managing to leave without Elias noticing neither of us.
“Surprise!” I shout, for some reason really shyly.  
His gaze moves up in a fraction of seconds, shock written in his features as he stares down at me, his mouth hanging open. His eyes are shining, filled with emotion and love. I feel my own get blurry with unshed tears.
“What-? I mean, how did you-?” He tries to ask, unable to form a complete sentence. I bet his mind is running a thousand miles per hour. “Nevermind, come here, baby.” 
He takes a step towards me and I meet him halfway, launching myself at him, carefully so I wouldn’t hurt him, and hugging him tight, wrapping my arms around his waist, as if my life depended on it. He quickly envelops me in his arms as well, wrapping them around my shoulders and pulling me to him tightly. 
I can feel him taking in my hair’s scent as he kisses it a couple of times. That makes my insides flutter. He misses me as much as I miss him. How difficult it is to find someone who is on the exact same page you are. I am so goddamn lucky.
“Happy anniversary, baby.” I whisper against his chest, then planting a kiss right on the same spot. “I missed you so much.”
He pulls back slightly, resting his wounded forehead against mine. “Happy anniversary, love.” Then, he presses his lips to mine, slowly and gently, pecking me repeatedly. “It means a lot to me that you’re here, (Y/N). You have no idea how much.”
“Wherever you are, that’s where I want to be, Elias.” I reply, in all honesty. “Wherever you are, that’s home to me.” 
“I love you so much.” He sighs, hugging me again. “Every day that I spend with you just shows me that I made the right choice when I asked you to marry me. You’re my girl, and you’ll forever be my girl.” 
“And I made the right choice by saying yes.” I smile widely at him, once we pull back. Then, he lets out a weird laugh, so I raise my eyebrow in confusion. “What?”
“You know… I kind of got the feeling that you didn’t care that I couldn’t be home today.” I’m about to interrupt him, but he doesn’t let me. “I know you care, but I was just… angry for failing you, and then you just acted indifferently, and it kinda stung.” 
“I knew you weren’t feeling good about canceling our plans, I knew how much you wanted to be home, and I didn’t want to make you feel worse. It wasn’t your fault, and I bet you were feeling guilty. That look on your face right there tells me I was definitely right.” I chuckle, and he smiles back, as blush creeps up his cheeks. "I didn’t act indifferently.” I assure him, resting my hand on right above his heart. “I was destroyed inside, Elias. I missed you so much, and all I wanted was to have you for myself and myself only for a whole night.”
“You can have me, baby. Anytime, I’m yours. Only yours.” He reassures me, pecking my lips again. “I’m sorry I failed you, though. I really wanted to be with you, at home.”
“I know you did. That’s why I came up with this magnificent plan of coming all the way down to Seattle to surprise you.” I laugh, feeling really proud of myself. 
“Yeah, about that… How did you pull this off in like… what? Three days?”He asks genuinely curious and amazed by my idea.
“I sat on our sofa for almost two hours, surrounded by my phone, my notebook and my laptop. I called Nattie and she also helped me with some of the details. It was hard, I’m not going to lie, but I’m stubborn, so yeah.” I sum it all up really quick, so I wouldn’t let it slip that I had one more surprise. 
“You’re very stubborn.” I cut him off by smacking his arm playfully. “And intelligent, and pretty, and everything good in this world and I can’t imagine my life without you.”
“Good, because I’m not going anywhere.” I whisper, feeling myself blush a bit as I get on my tiptoes so I could kiss him properly. 
“Speaking of which, I’m really tired and I have a hotel room waiting for us.” He informs, looking much more relieved and happy now. 
“About that… I’m not going to your hotel room.” I say, watching his face fall. “But neither are you.” This time, it’s his turn to look confused. “With Nattie’s help, I got us a really special hotel room, so we could celebrate properly.”
“You got us a suite?” He asks incredulously. 
“You’re goddamn right I did. A master suite, with a king size bed. Champagne, strawberries and chocolate waiting for us.” I can tell by the look in his face that his mind is already wandering in dangerous places. And I love it. “And a little bonus, that I think you’re going to love, considering you’re so sore: it has a jacuzzi.” I add teasingly. 
“Oh great. A jacuzzi, I think you’ll find it very helpful too by the end of the night.” He replies, his voice laced with desire and love.
“Yeah? How’s that?” I tease him back, biting my lip. “You’re going to wear me out? Get me sore?”
“Oh, baby girl, I’m going to make you feel so good, I’m going to show you how much I love you. I’ll be giving my wife the anniversary present she deserves.” He starts, whispering into my ear. “And then, I’m going to hold you tight to me and sleep peacefully with you in my arms after we’re all worn out and sore. When we get up, I’ll get you in the jacuzzi and I’ll massage your shoulders and your back. Or maybe we’ll go in for another round before we get up and then we’ll get to the jacuzzi.” He informs, lust filling his eyes, his tone so low, that it had me clenching my thighs together. Of course he noticed. “Already ready for me, baby?” 
“I’m always ready for you. So can we go?” I stutter, knowing I sound really ablaze and unsettled but that’s the truth, I can’t wait to be alone with him. 
“I can’t wait to get my hands on you either, baby. So after you.”
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missvifdor · 3 years
Wednesday July 14, 2021: Last night I don't know if it was the start of a lucid dream or the start of Shift, but it looked a lot like it. First of all, I felt symptoms and visualized that I was falling into a space-time tunnel but felt embarrassed about something and opened my eyes. On the second attempt, I found myself on a path in a dark place, the stones of the pavement looked at times like waves pushing me backwards and then I passed some characters who seemed all excited to move towards a place where was a new inter-dimensional portal obviously, I was also interested. But then again, something seemed to want to keep me from going through it. A dark tide has come in and it's like she wants to push me back! (It was maybe my blockages and my doubts, I am impressed that it is so huge and therefore, I understand better why it gets stuck so much). Again I struggled and made it through. And there, at that precise moment, I knew that I had succeeded in quotation marks. This time I was conscious. And I'm sure I was in some sort of an unknown portal dimension mixed with a Waiting Room and I wasn't alone there. First, I appeared to be a man. This man seemed disfigured with great difficulty communicated, but the scariest part of it all was that they appeared to be a serial killer a bit like Friday the 13th. I seemed to have made a lot of victims, only women. I was also looking for my next victim. That's when I met her. I don't remember exactly what her face was, but just like me, she also seemed to have Shift in this universe. I don't know how she recognized me or knew who I really was, but she wasn't afraid of me or my appearance. She took me to some kind of store but there didn't seem to be any customers, on a laptop that I didn't notice before, she erased the files that concerned the person and the body I was in for changed them to a look that suits me. We did not agree on the subject. She advised me to go back to my normal physical appearance, the CR me. Whereas I wanted to have the look of my dreams. When I started to change the information about myself on my cell phone, I lost control and went back to the dream world.
MONDAY JULY 26, 2021: Today I had one or more lucid dreams. When I woke up in this dream, I really thought I got up in my bed, as usual I checked that I had a connection, went to tiktok and got up. It wasn't until I went to the living room that I noticed I wasn't at home, even my front bed layout was weird, not as usual. I managed to take control, it was very difficult and sometimes I lost it, but at least I tried to make a portal for Shifter. It didn't work and it annoyed me. Then my family members appeared in this apartment which did not look like ours. They too looked strange, they looked hostile to my presence. As proof, my big sister tried to attack me and my niece did not look like the one I knew. She was blonde, less chubby and she seemed to have an adult consciousness in a baby's body. Suddenly, to prevent my older sister's assault on me, I hit her with an iron until she .... died. Hearing the din, my little brother was about to arrive, and probably with the same intention as my big sister. So I ran out the window. A window probably located on the 20th floor of the building where we were supposed to be living. I let myself fall into the void, lost control until I took it back and flew into the air. On this new attempt, I tried to make Hogwarts appear for a Shifter. It was difficult and the castle did not appear. I think my "family" was preventing me from succeeding, probably my blockages. At least they no longer resulted in a huge wave of dark water. I lost control and failed to regain it. That night, I was rather gone to Shifter in the MCU, but it seems that my mind remained focused on my Harry Potter DRs. Twelve days have passed since my last attempt and my last results, I hope that equates to substantial progress. I think my mind is very slow which is why I take so long between results. I will take a real break of at least a week or two before trying again so that my mind and body are fully restored.
August 15-17, 2021 (it happened between these dates) I tried again. After listening to a few subliminals that sounded pretty good, I got some little results that are worth highlighting. First, I had mild but present symptoms. And by dint of concentrating, I saw perhaps a sort of white ceiling with gold stars carved or painted on it. Too bad I lost track and the image has moved away in the dark.
SATURDAY AUGUST 21, 2021: Since the day before yesterday, I've been trying a new Shifting persuasion technique. My brain may still have doubts about the veracity of the Shifting and that's why I started to "validate" all my actions. For example, when I say out loud that I am going to turn off the light etc, I do it and my brain sees that it is working. So when I say an "I'm going to Shift tonight" statement my brain is going to be able to unblock. I feel it helps me. And so, combined with that, I also listen to asmr, audios with Loki's voice, read my script, read Headcanon / Imagine / X Reader because it's in my DR MCU that I wanted to go. I felt it had a good influence, I will continue in this case. During my try, I felt numbness, and that I was being touched. The contact I felt had to do with my face and the top of my head. I felt the touch of a large, warm hand pressing against my cheek. At one point, the contact was mildly painful, like a scratch or a slight burn on my left cheekbone. In the corner of my right eye, I felt a tear slide down my skin. It was quite strange because when I checked, no tears had fallen. Perhaps an unpleasant event or an argument or a fight may have broken out with my DR self. At other times, I felt that my hair was pulling out of my face. It was light, strange, but not unpleasant. I am curious to know what happened in my DR. Even now I feel a slight touch on that same cheek.
SUNDAY AUGUST 22, 2021: I listened to ASMR Loki as well as a very good subliminal. I felt like someone had put their head on my stomach. I also had the usual little symptoms.
MONDAY 23 AUGUST 2021: Not much. I think I will continue. Listening to subliminals, meditating and resting my mind during the week. I'll try again later.
MONDAY AUGUST 31, 2021: I tried again, this time using a guided meditation from the Raven Method in French. Before listening to it, I meditate, reread my script and then I started the method. This time the symptoms were a bit more different than usual. The point of pain right in the middle of my forehead, right between my two eyes returned. It had been a while since I had felt it and so strongly. Then I had sensations in my feet. They vibrated as if they were resting on the floor of a moving train. I felt exactly this sensation. I had the impression to really hear the noise of a train on rails and the noises of people around but for the latter I could be wrong, it could be noises made by my family. I had slight flashes of light but they faded very quickly. Finally, I had a really strange night. I was asleep, I'm sure of that and yet I feel like I spent my time just dozing lightly. I think the fact that I finally changed my mind about which DR I wanted to go to and re-read another script totally clouded my conscience and that my indecision was a drag on better quality results. I only have to focus on one DR and one script if I want to be able to move forward in my progress.
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perahn · 4 years
Palliative Nursing
One of my patients died today.
I first met Arthur a couple of months ago. I’m a community and palliative nurse primarily, but I was covering a shift on the ward. He’d been transferred over from another hospital. I never really worked out why, since he was only coming in overnight before being discharged home.
When I came in, his wife Anne was trying to comfort him. He had only received his diagnosis recently – prostate cancer, which had spread to his bones and his brain – and he desperately wanted to go home. He was also frustrated to the point of tears at the way his body had betrayed him. He had been strong and independent, and now he was tired and weak. The struggle to find the words he wanted left long gaps in his speech, and so often neither Anne nor I could help.
He wanted to die. He wanted – he could convey that much – to leave the world ‘with dignity’; if it was time for him to go, he wanted to go. And Anne sat there, and tried to soothe and calm him. He wanted euthanasia, and he could not have it, and I was never sure whether she wanted that for him, or if she wanted to hold onto him as long as she could.
The next time I saw him, he was home again. They’d been in the process of selling their house and downsizing, but Anne cancelled it. So Arthur came home to a warm, sunlit room with an en suite, and they moved their bed down into it. He was a different man when I saw him at home. The words that had deserted him in hospital came more easily, and he smiled, and he could enjoy food again. By about my third or fourth visit – I was seeing him twice a week at that stage, just making sure he had everything he needed to be comfortable at home – he was telling Anne it was a pity all their sons were married and he couldn’t have me in the family.
He had time and support. His daughter Eden moved in for a while; his son and grandchildren live next door. The weather turned warmer, and he sat out in the garden. The family gathered around him, and they took a photo. He was, for the most part, free of pain. You don’t expect that once it gets into the bones, but I am grateful for it.
There is a distance, and there has to be. You aren’t there for every step of the journey, and you come into it as a stranger. Anne woke every time he did, and walked him to the toilet. She coaxed him to eat, helped him use the walker, rubbed ointment into his swelling legs and reminded him to elevate them. She nursed him, and so did Eden. I… stepped in for the other parts. The paperwork. The questions you never think about until someone you love is dying. How do you, and what if, and when, and what do we do about -?
There were changes, last week. Words began to slip away again, and sitting up grew harder. I asked Anne if they wanted a bedside commode for him, so she didn’t have to walk him all the way to the toilet three times a night. She said no, that the exercise was good for him, and they were managing. Then she rang the next day, told me he’d slipped while trying to sit on the toilet, and maybe they’d better have one after all. So my boss Sam and I got one out to their house on Friday. Eden followed me out to the car. She didn’t want to ask in front of Anne, but what needed to happen if, or when, Arthur died? Who did they call, what did they do about his body?
It was a long weekend, and we had the Monday off. Anne rang Tuesday morning. Arthur had significantly deteriorated over the weekend, she told us. She and Eden couldn’t get him up, and they’d been nursing him in bed. His painkillers didn’t seem to be helping as much, because he was restless, turning in bed and plucking at his clothes. My boss covered two of my patients so I could go see Arthur as soon as possible.
Anne was curled up beside him in their bed. Other family members were gathered around, and one of them left the bedside so I could go talk to him. “Here’s Katherine,” Anne said, and Arthur opened his eyes and reached out his hand. He tried to say something as I took and held it. I know he recognised me, even if I couldn’t understand what he wanted to say.
Later I came back with a syringe driver. We use these a lot in palliative care: little machines that very slowly administer a dose into the subcutaneous tissue over 24 hours. Usually, like this one, they’re loaded with morphine, for the pain; midazolam, for agitation and the restlessness that comes over the body in dying; and metoclopramide, for the nausea the morphine can cause. They’re smaller, simpler, and less invasive than an IV line, or repeatedly sticking someone with needles. Arthur didn’t even flinch as I put the first line in, or the second one. The second one is for top-up doses; I used it immediately to give him a loading dose, then taught Eden and her brother how to access it if they needed to give him more pain relief. I left an envelope with the verification of death form at the house.
I left the house not long before seven pm. According to the roster, I’d been supposed to finish at 4:30. That was all right.
The syringe driver runs over 24 hours, but I stopped in to see Arthur and his family around 11am. Arthur was lying on his side. Eden had needed to give him some extra, and so had Anne, but on the whole he’d had a good night, they told me. He didn’t respond this time, although he called out hoarsely a few times. I gave him another top-up, and told Anne I’d be back to change the syringe driver once I’d spoken to the doctor.
I discussed how much top-up Arthur had needed with the doctor, and then one of the other nurses made up the new syringe with me, and my boss covered a patient appointment I had, and I went out to Arthur around 2pm.
Eden was in the front room, continuing to work from home; Anne was on the lounge with a laptop. Arthur had been so peaceful and quiet, she thought she’d get the laundry and a few other things done. Anne and I went in, and she told him I was here to change the medicine, and she’d help him roll over so I could reach. She reached out and touched him, and then she turned to look at me.
“He isn’t-” and she backed away.
I checked the carotid artery.
“I’m sorry,” I said to Anne. “He’s gone.”
And then I held her as she wept.
She was so devastated. She hadn’t been there for him as he died. He’d been alone and she’d been sitting outside, and she hadn’t known.
And it doesn’t matter how many hours she lay beside him, how poorly she slept, half-listening and ready to help the moment he stirred, night after night, the literal around-the-clock nursing she gave him, the long years they lived together. It doesn’t matter how hard, physically and emotionally, it is to support someone you love dying at home, how much she and Eden had gladly sacrificed to give him what he wanted. It doesn’t matter how many people do die alone, waiting for the moment everyone’s back is turned to slip away in privacy. None of that softens the pain, not in a moment like that.
I pray they will eventually.
I got Eden for her, slipped out to the car to get what I needed, and to give them time to themselves.
They had him cuddled between the two of them when I came back, and eventually they chose to leave the room so I could do the necessary things.
I rolled him onto his back, heard the faint groans. Wiped his mouth and crusted eyelids. Removed the lines I’d put in yesterday, straightened his shirt. I was talking to him, every step. It’s just something you find yourself doing. “Sorry, Arthur. I’ve just got to roll you over and get these lines out. I’m sorry if this hurts...”
It’s… not an easy thing, verifying a death. I had thought he was dead the moment I came into the room, and I’d checked for a pulse. Even so, part of you almost refuses to be sure. His hands were so cold, but his throat was still warm. I couldn’t feel a pulse, but maybe that just meant I was doing it wrong (I knew I wasn’t, but what if? What if I had hurt these people so much, and I was wrong, and I had to go tell them he was still alive, and however would they cope with that?) I put a stethoscope to his unmoving chest and listened for a heartbeat, or for breath. I couldn’t hear anything, but I was breathing very loudly myself in my mask – would I hear it? Wasn’t his chest moving, just the tiniest bit? I had to rub his sternum very hard to see if there was any movement away from the stimulus, and I apologised.
Then I lifted his eyelids. ‘Fixed and dilated pupils’ is what the form says, clinical terminology that is accurate as far as it goes. What it means is that you look into those eyes, and they are still and glassy, and the soul behind them is gone.
I could doubt the rest of the tests. Not that one.
I went out, told them I was finished. We talked; I told them what an amazing job they’d done, how proud they should be, all the things that don’t mean anything to them right at the moment, but might later. I stepped into another room to ring the doctor and let her know. I filled out the verification of death form and hid it away in a plain white envelope. Eden rang her brother, and again we went over the final things to be done. Here’s the form. Ring the funeral directors when you’re ready for them to come pick Arthur up. There’s no rush. Call anyone else you think will want to come say goodbye. Give yourselves as much time as you need.
Eden’s brother arrived. She’d sent him a text to come over, but hadn’t wanted to say why. So he came striding in with a cheery ‘hello’, and Eden said ‘He’s gone’, and she choked, and he crumpled. He went softly into the room where Anne was lying beside Arthur, stroking his face and murmuring to him. Too softly; he touched Anne’s arm and she jumped.
Clearly despite herself, Eden laughed.
“I thought for a moment,” Anne said, “that he’d fooled us all. That he was just pretending.”
Which hurt, and still hurts, and I shall remember.
When I left them, it was with the three of them clustered around the bed, the son trying not to cry. They didn’t need me, but I’d drop by in a couple of days if they wanted, I said quietly.
Anne would like that, she told me, and she thanked me for all I’d done. That Arthur had always been glad to see me. “He had his favourite nurse,” she added. “Beautiful Katherine, he said.”
I don’t understand the depth of grace that lets you say something like that in the midst of such terrible grief, but I shall remember that, too.
The last time I made a post a bit like this, I had a little bit of a moral to share. I don’t, this time. I am writing because it helps me process, and I shared it because…well, I still think we need to talk about dying, I suppose, and this is a way to add to the conversation. Because it is such an honour and extraordinary privilege to be a palliative nurse. Because some of you might, like my patients and their families, have questions you don’t know how to ask. Because it touched me, and it might do the same for you. Because love and grief and service to each other are such essential parts of our humanity.
Eternal rest grant unto him, o Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.
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