#arrow-like birds
sashayed · 1 year
hello friend. have you seen. the new trailer for tears of the kingdom. because if so what are your thoughts (you always have the best thoughts)
buddy i'm soooo glad you asked me this because i hadn't and you know what, previous to this ask i was feeling a little Down about new zelda! to me botw was 1. a wonderful video game but also 2. like....a delayed-action mindfulness app, lol. its melancholy ghibli atmosphere was very important to me. sometimes i'd go out in the woods after playing and my eye would still be seeking out and lighting up little individual plants and flowers as if they were objectives in the game of Go For A Walk. this, to me, was a nice feature! i love Go For A Walk for nintendo ($69.99)! i love Hop Off A Tower and Glide to Wherever Looks Nicest! i love Encountering a Dragon By Surprise and Experiencing Childlike Awe!
ANYWAY so i was like, TOTK looks more like an Actual Video Game and i wasn't sure i liked that. i don't go to zelda to build and drive a car. i don't want to see a car in real life, why on EARTH would i want to see one in video game. i don't want to make a Big Robot. i don't want industrial hyrule!!! do i want to smack a skeleton to death with its own arm occasionally, yes, sure. but i also want a QUIET TIME with PUZZLES. i wanna wander a field and catch lizards!! however, thanks to this ask, i watched the trailer and now i'm hyped as hell again. the quiet melancholy remains and i do not think it will be necessary to build any cars unless i want to. those are my thoughts about new zelda
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tbcanary · 9 months
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(GA Vol 7 #2 (2023) & BOP #1 (2023))
he got it from his mama <3
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papaiyatree · 11 months
silly dinah thing + the fit i'll be wearing to barbie (minus the cutouts lmao, added them for Pizazz)
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melonthesprigatito · 24 days
I've been hurrying to finish my Breath of the Wild playthrough, so I stopped off at Rito Village to get the Great Eagle Bow again and I happened to run into Saki and I like her, so I talked to her to see what she had to say
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And uh…. Hoo boy, this dialogue hits different knowing what happens to Tulin in the sequel 😬
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oatbugs · 5 months
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leopardsealz · 5 months
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wing practice ft arrow. reference image under the cut
please reblog my art!
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image is from ebird
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emuwarum · 9 months
sometimes when playing ark you completely forget about something you’ve read.
I finally build a nice little enclosure for all (I think it’s around this number) 30 dodos. I put a feeding trough in and fill it up. I set everyone to passive flee, wandering, disabled mating.
I take a quick step outside to grab something, come back, look up in horror at all the mating hearts floating above the enclosure. I completely forgot that you can’t turn off mating when they’re wandering, and that they automatically mate when they wander.
so I guess I’m gonna have to deal with that tomorrow (use the resulting eggs to make kibble)
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thegreatyin · 2 months
What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding? - celestial trio (individual answers but. those 3)
okay see the thing is the person altair and canis have been avoiding is rigel and the person rigel has been avoiding is. well. okay altair and canis as well but a highly specific character related to his secret emo backstory works too
altair would simply do what he does in any social interaction!!!!!!!!! aka stand to the wayside and say absolutely nothing unless directly prompted and just kinda look vaguely uncomfortable and scary the whole time. if he had to make small talk he'd keep his words curt and to the point and probably with no small amount of aggression in his tone (9 times out of 10 he doesn't necessarily mean it) (he's not good at small talk) (someone please help him)
canis, by contrast, is a lot more actively sociable and open to conversation! whilst being very awkward and maybe too overly-enthusiastic about it. he's the type to try and make the best out of a bad situation and unless he's refuted he'll be attempting to get along with/tolerate the other person until they're both free. hi im the king of sanctus you've probably heard of me, how are you doing, how's your day been, etc etc. he leaves the scene with suspiciously even more enthusiasm afterwards but at least he can walk the walk about it
rigel is not spending one single minute in this situation. he is prioritizing Leaving. he is simply ripping the door off its hinges and walking away. if he can't do that because it's some sort of social thing or (god forbid) the door is rigel-proof he's going to start metaphorically eating the walls. possibly actually. he's absolutely not going to be the one prompting conversation but unlike altair he will respond and carry it along once it starts. he probably has the raw charisma multiplier to manage for maybe half an hour tops but any longer and he will start trailing off and making bad excuses to leave and stop talking
as a bonus, if all three of them were stuck together with This One Hypothetical Guy they'd all be trying to avoid, canis would be the hard carry of this situation. altair is being altair in the corner and rigel's staying quiet for once in his life going ^u^ and inside he is screaming in a thousand ancient languages nobody who's alive can even understand anymore. canis pastes the biggest smile on his face he can muster (that nobody can even see behind his mask) and acts like everything's fine and dandy for all three of them and then the minute they're each allowed to leave they all scatter to the winds in different directions like lemmings
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dropoutparty · 4 months
I finally got around to reading I have no mouth and I must scream and. Why is that shit kinda funny lowkey... this is a dark comedy to me.
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jaybuilds · 1 year
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pheenick · 2 months
a byproduct of making daemon aus for all your ocs is that since most of them fall in the masc category, you end up with a lot of girlies. all with their own distinct personalities and dynamics...it's neat
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sare11aa11eras · 1 year
[rotating Jon Alleras and Bloodraven around in my head] Bastard transmasc archers….. bastard transmasc archers….
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beepborpdoodledorp · 2 years
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emo crow lesbiab introduces her birbs to emo archer lesbiab 
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nonbinarybeedle · 1 year
my dad is finally playing totk and so far he has managed to travel through the entire great sky island *backwards*, explore the entire cold area without the archaic warm legwear, explore three caves, find a secret path around the lake that i didn't know about, kill a like like, and get the archaic tunic, all without completing a single shrine or even talking to rauru.
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daring-detective · 1 year
tag dump.
i. ⠀⠀ “⠀no.1 dick grayson liker⠀ : ⠀⠀ ooc.
ii. ⠀⠀ “⠀your strength is in your weakness⠀ : ⠀⠀ character study.
iii. ⠀⠀ “⠀bird’s eye view⠀ : ⠀⠀ musing.
iv. ⠀⠀ “⠀ shepherd of the damned ⠀ : ⠀⠀ promo.
v. ⠀⠀ “⠀you can always learn to fly⠀ : ⠀⠀ inbox.
vi. ⠀⠀ “⠀pretend you’re like a feather⠀ : ⠀⠀ answered.
vii. ⠀⠀ “⠀can’t clip these wings⠀ : ⠀⠀ reply.
viii. ⠀⠀ “⠀master of the trapeze⠀ : ⠀⠀ dash games.
ix. ⠀⠀ “⠀breathing in applause⠀ : ⠀⠀ memes.
x. ⠀⠀ “⠀familiar taste of poison⠀ : ⠀⠀ nsfw.
xi. ⠀⠀ “⠀runaway at heart⠀ : ⠀⠀ headcanons.
xii. ⠀⠀ “⠀the wings of icarus⠀ : ⠀⠀ comic panels.
a. ⠀⠀ “⠀letter to his father⠀ : ⠀⠀ bruce&dick.
b. ⠀⠀ “⠀of bats and birds⠀ : ⠀⠀ bat-siblings.
c. ⠀⠀ “⠀forever and always⠀ : ⠀⠀ donna&dick.
d. ⠀⠀ “⠀you were my robin⠀ : ⠀⠀ damian&dick.
e. ⠀⠀ “⠀arrow’s wing⠀ : ⠀⠀ roy&dick.
connection. ⠀⠀ “⠀.blood-son⠀ : ⠀⠀ robin v.
connection. ⠀⠀ “⠀.pistoiet⠀ : ⠀⠀ the black widow.
connection. ⠀⠀ “⠀.taissakingston ⠀ : ⠀⠀ mutant musician / activist.
connection. ⠀⠀ “⠀.pennyw0rth ⠀ : ⠀⠀ penny-one.
connection. ⠀⠀ “⠀.daring-archer ⠀ : ⠀⠀ arsenal.
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wildtornado-o · 1 year
Sorry Im always such a hater to aini btw, its just I was very excited for it since i played the first game around when it came out and ADORED IT (obviously) so I bought the collectors edition (which was very expensive) thinking, well the first game was so good I can only imagine the sequel being just as fantastic. And then aini took everything I loved about the first game and blew it up and spat on it. It was genuinely so disappointing which is why I harbour so much negativity towards it, it had so much potential :(
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