#art block will only allow me to draw silly little guys
coffiishake · 7 months
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Mmm I love me a trio with shared trauma :)
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wyvernet · 9 months
OC Showcase! [ Furry Edition ]
I hope you guys enjoy this small batch of OC's of mine!! I have TONS more, but Tumblr will only let me post so much XD [ Post requested by @blocked-zombieartist!! ]
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Cutter Candy (Originally named Cutton Condy, and was a gift from a friend! though I don't remember who </3)
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Forren (an OC I made in Fer.al! he looks spooky cause he's just silly like that X3)
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LSD (originally made for a roleplay where drugs, chemicals, etc were personified how we imagined them! it barely went anywhere though </3)
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Obey (originally made as an SCP OC! he has lots of neat stuff about him but i'd have to go looking through a handful of channels to find it all LOL)
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Hesoris (a galaxyspace OC! his name is a mix of Hesperos and Moris :3) (First piece is a gift from an old friend of mine!)
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Dawn (an MLP Changeling OC that regularly disguised as a Kirin! and her partner in crime, Dexter who was one of my old friend's OC's) (Art piece by an old friend <3)
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Miiky (originally named Melancholy. I'm not sure his original purpose, but he's a silly little guy and i love him lots <33)
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R.A.M (Random Access Memory) (an edgy furry OC turned silly guy!! a weird sticky liquid electricity constantly flows from his bandaged eye)
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Casey (originally named Cinnamon! she's a living chocolate rabbit like in those easter packages! yes, she can be eaten and regenerate her body)
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Cat-Putt Piorum (silly little gradient OC who's a dual-tailed fox and an alien!) (also, have a WIP drawing i'll likely never finish where i was gonna lightly redesign him X3)
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Hypryst (kinda pronounced like High Priest! he doesn't really have an origin point, but I originally created him because of @vivalaplxto's OC's Mac and Exavior X3)
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Khroma (a self-indulgent Sonic OC that has WAY too much going on LMAO, he's basically the embodiment of "be cringe, be free" <3)
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StarLord (originally a Doctor Who companion OC that I made with my friend Shadow!) (secondary image is what he's originally based off of, the OG creator of the image is fine with his existence!)
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Jessie (a Minecraft OC originally based off of a skin i saw! though I have no clue where the skin is or how to find it TwT)
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Truxby (an OC originally gifted to me by someone whom I don't remember </3 i really need to draw him more LOL)
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Thresh (a thresher shark OC originally made for my friend's mini-universe! a very silly guy who I still love to bits despite the negative emotions attached to him now <3)
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Daivat (an orca OC! same origin as Thresh :3)
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and lastly, Aspect Ratio! (a skibidi toilet OC I originally made to pair with my ex-boyfriend's OC named Ace! he also has negative emotions attached to him now, but I still love my little cinemaman silly so much <3) (secondary image drawn by my ex-boyfriend!) I have tons more OC's, like TONS more, but Tumblr only allows 30 images per post XD I hope you guys like them all!!
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lady-starbind · 2 years
So the Your Boyfriend Fandom seems to be resurfacing?
...or maybe not, but I still wanna say my lil piece before going on with my day: As little to zero of you guys know, I used to be interested in Your Boyfriend. (A Christian, into a EROTIC horror dating sim?! ...Look, Fuboo was promising a SFW version of the game, I was looking forward to that)
Sometimes, a deranged, creepy yandere guy wanting you and only you can be very enticing... BUT that enticement turned into rage when a good Samaritan on this very website pointed out the true nature of Fuboo and her hubby.
But just being told “X person is a groomer and her husband is a rapist” is not enough to get me to fully believe you... but it wasn’t just HEARSAY either, there were like what... a couple of docs? With some very compelling evidence. Reading those docs was enough for me to be like “Screw this crap, I’m not supporting a groomer and her rapist hubby!” ...I went from wanting Peter on my wall, to wanting to burn the pictures of him that I had printed out. That being said, I don’t believe one should support the creator and her crew that works on “Your Boyfriend”. If you want to enjoy Peter and crew, that’s fine I guess... Just remember to separate Artist from art. And since Fuboo isn’t as big time as other gaming companies such as Nintendo, Sega or Cheritz, I highly recommend that you keep your YB stuff more private among yourselves, as displaying your amazing art talent may get other people into the fandom... And honestly? That’s not really a good thing. I have my own fanon version of Peter known as “Seater”, he’s going to be used for a private RP between me and a couple of my friends. (Our Ingening RP to be exact, he’s one of the antagonists!) ...The point is, I’m not going to draw my fanon Peter and post him to my blog here or anything like that, because I don’t want Fuboo to get more exposure and therefore more support. My art talent is NOT for supporting groomers and rapists. ...And please, do not donate to the Patreon of Your Boyfriend or Black Shepherd Games. These shady people do NOT deserve any support whatsoever. Was thinking about posting this potential small tweet on my Twitter, but refrained bc I have baby minors who follow me and I don’t want them to get an interest in the game. By the way, if you’re a minor and you’re reading this PLEASE DO NOT GET INTO YOUR BOYFRIEND. Firstly, it’s highly NSFW. Secondly, the people who make the game are highly shady and dangerous. You’re far better off playing Pokemon, Zelda, Splatoon or heck even Fall Guys! ...Can’t go wrong with good old fashioned Among us either~
(I have made retweets and mentions on my Twitter not to support YB and to spread awareness though.)
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Which now I’ll state my second point: I find it very disgusting how there are people who are blindly supporting Fuboo bc they “Want the game to release so they can leap into Peter senpai’s pants UwU” ...There’s actually a whole doc explaining how the Black Shepherd Games server was like this cult, and they were encouraging folks on the server to talk crap about the victim and anyone who dared to stand up for someone speaking out against their rapist. If they did that. they’d get server perks or something to that effect. Now with me just telling you all this, I don’t expect you to blindly believe me. Good on you, BUT: I have a link to a thread on Twitter as to why I believe Melissa and her hubby Jake are such awful people and why they and Black Shepherd Games as a whole should NEVER be trusted. >>> Proof that backs up the claims made in this post. Now... If you still believe that Fuboo and them are innocent after going through all of this proof, please do me a favor and block me. My blog, Ingo Simping and my silly antics are not for your enjoyment. We do NOT allow Fuboo Apologists here!
But: If you just enjoy the content, separating art from artist and adamant about not supporting Fuboo and Black Shepherd Games whatsoever, then your cool. Please feel free to interact with me if you want, as long as you don’t fall into and of my other DNI criteria.
God bless and have a lovely day, and Fuboo and BSG if any of y’all are reading this, just know one thing: You may escape the law, and you may escape punishment for your actions for now... BUT MARK MY WORD, Karma has your name and when she comes to your doorstep with a piping hot plate of justice, y’all WILL NOT ESCAPE.
You guys don’t fool me, I hope you guys rot in prison!
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gwaciechang · 3 years
I Don't Wanna Go Home (1/15?)
So, this is probably going to be my most ambitious project ever. I'm going to do a fusion of the video gave Subnautica Below Zero, with the characters from Cloverfield Paradox. You don't have to have played Below Zero first, although it would certainly help. Also, as someone who has played the game, I tried my best to explain everything, which is why the first few chapters are going to be really slow, and why everyone talks so much. I also made a change to the canon of the first Subnautica: instead of Riley curing Kharaa, it was the precursors.
So, a few more things before we start this chapter. I hate "y/n l/n" stuff, so I just call the pov character Ling Tam. I don't think anybody actually uses that name in the story, but that might change, and in any case, you're free to replace her name with any name you like. Also, reader is in a relationship with Mundy at the start of the story, although that, obviously, won't last because it's endgame reader/Schmidt. Okay, that's everything, enjoy, and let me know if you want to be tagged.
@hope-to-hell @vicanth @feralrunaway @october505 @potentialproblem01
"Hey, Monk, you told me to come get you if that weird signal showed up ag-" you stop when you see the vehicle technician on the radio.
"When are you going to send me some more art? There's still a patch of bare wall here that could use some color and a touch of genius!" Monk says, probably to his kids, as he waves you away. You close the door as silently as you can, and not a second too soon, because Mundy opens the habitat door and stomps his way inside with a box. Behind him, you can see the prawn suit, with several other boxes still tied to its massive arms. There's an inquisitive face popping out of the water that you decide not to tell him about. Why shouldn't the creatures have a little fun?
"Another day, another slight by the winged furies," Mundy grumbles.
"Another interference alert?" you ask, trying to lay the sympathy on thick before you inevitably burst into laughter.
"As usual," the xenobiologist sighs theatrically. "Also as usual, I went out to see what the problem was. And, of course, it was-"
"Frozen stalagmites of feathered bird excrement," the two of you say together.
"I fear the career impact of saying this officially-"
"If you can even call what you have a career," you interrupt, getting yourself a faceful of dirty towel.
Besides throwing the thing you're really hoping he hadn't just used to wipe up bird shit in your face, your boyfriend continues as if you'd never spoken. "I could swear they're targeting me personally. The week I was out with a flu, I came back to find the tower spotless. Monk laughed at me when I asked him how he'd cleaned it. Silly me!"
"As if Monk would ever clean anything," you agree. "What are you going to do?"
"There's nothing left for me to try but quitting. But I know that's what the birds want me to do," he shakes his fist at the sky as he walks back outside to retrieve the final box.
You turn back to the screen and wonder about the signal again. It's been appearing on and off for days, ever since you got the radio tower up and running, and what would a repeat call be besides a distress signal?
"Ah jeez, these sea monkeys are going to get me in trouble," the box in Mundy's hands is scratched through in places. "This is the third shipment that those buggers have gotten their weird little hands into! Now we're running low on flares and I'm going to have to search nearby nests for stolen cargo," he sighs as he drops a mangled box on the top of his cluttered workstation. It makes a bang that would have disturbed Monk, if he weren't on the radio, or Schmidt, if he were a normal person who came back from work at normal hours. As it is, there's just you to look at him, a welcome break from potential distress signals and what they might mean.
"Just put some of your drawings on the tower, they'll be too scared to go near it!"
"Ha ha," Mundy says sarcastically, before going outside to park the prawn-
"Oh, for fuck's sake! It’s fucking gone!"
You and Monk, still on the radio, step outside, but sure enough, the prawn suit has disappeared without a trace, as far as you can tell.
"I'm still trying, quietly--I don't want any more trouble--to figure out where I went wrong. I was sure Tam had picked up a distress signal!" Monk bends down to peer at the tracks. "I was right on top of it. And then it just," he gets to the edge of the glacier, stands up, and shakes his head, "it just stopped. What if one of the precursors is still down there? And how could a hivemind alien race so advanced that they singlehandedly ended a galaxy wide pandemic leave someone behind? I'll probably be home before I ever get to find out, and it will fall to some future researcher to come and find out, I guess, I hope," he waves the two of you back into the habitat and closes the door. "But that means I'll get to be with you little rascals." His voice fades and disappears.
"So, game tonight?" you ask, hoping to erase the distress off Mundy’s face.
"That'd be nice," he says with a weak smile, just before Jensen slams her door open.
"Mundy, inside!" barks the overseer of operations.
Mundy sighs and drags his feet as he walks into Jensen's office. No sooner has she closed the door with a snap than you and Monk have your heads pressed against the door.
"Mundy, I'm not blaming you, but what do you mean, 'it's gone?' Where did it go? You had trouble retrieving the drop pod and decided to jettison the prawn suit?"
"I didn't jettison the prawn suit! I left it outside to put the supply drop away, went back for it, and it was just gone! Someone must have stolen it."
"Who? Who else do you think is on this planet besides the five of us?"
"It could be a creature ate it. I didn't lose it, that's for sure. I'm careful with my vehicles!"
You can practically hear Jensen’s eyeroll as she continues, "I'm sure you are, but you have to admit, there have been a lot of 'accidents' involving our very expensive vehicles."
"You want to follow me on a few runs tomorrow? See what it's like? Conditions are way harsher than anything I ever imagined. You can't really understand it from inside your office!"
Monk winces, and you know there's a matching pained expression on your face. Talking back to Jensen is a terrible idea, but Mundy's sealed his fate, and now all that's left is to wait for the other shoe to drop.
"That won't be necessary," Jensen says with syrupy calm. "Thank you for your time. I'll write it up as an accident."
"Thank you, ma'am," Mundy's voice is shaky. Jensen doesn't respond, so the vehicle technician’s deliberately loud footsteps approach the door, prompting you and the precursor researcher you're spying with to run like your asses are on fire back to your stations.
"I think it'd be best if Researcher Tam takes over your duties with the leviathan tomorrow," Jensen says, loudly enough for you to hear, even through the door.
Now it's your turn to wince. Mundy gives you a small smile as he walks past, and then Jensen's in your line of sight, hands on her hips.
"I believe I told you to go somewhere."
"Yes, ma'am," you drop everything to put your thermal suit on, and pour a final cup of sweet, sweet dirty bean water in your thermos. There's no cappuccino machine allowed in the cave, lest it somehow thaw out the entire frozen leviathan Mundy, and now you, are studying. Or maybe it was just Schmidt being anal about his robots, you wouldn't put it past the guy whose lips are basically permanently attached to Jensen's ass.
On the bright side, they're also attached to a guy who knows what he's doing, and is thorough in explaining what Mundy does when he's here. Still, it's barely five minutes in when the silence gets to you.
"I love and hate exploring these tunnels," you start to babble, not expecting Schmidt to respond. "Yeah, they're marvels to the power of the ice worms. I mean, the amount of ice they are able to cut through in seconds, it would take us at least a couple days. Their tunneling mechanism is ruthlessly efficient. Alterra could only dream of having this sort of mining capability, and yeah, the ice worms uncover mineral rich pockets as they tunnel. But going beneath the surface is so risky, I mean, we've lost so many already, and I don't understand why we have to stay in this particular area of the glacier. I can't wait to get off this hellhole, or ice hole? Whatever."
You can hardly believe it, but you hear a clear snort coming from Schmidt’s workstation. You fill your flasks with a wide smile on your face, which doesn’t fade even when you make your way back across the tunnel to see his with its usual pinched, sour expression.
"Hey, do you want some coffee?" you wave the thermos at him. "It might help you get the taste of Alterra boot leather out of your mouth," you say in a singsong voice.
"How much sugar and cream is in that?" Schmidt wrinkles his nose. "No thank you."
You decide to let that roll off your back and chuckle a little. "I guess my proclivities toward having coffee with my sugar is well known, huh? Just like how I should know better than to invite you to game night with me and the other researchers, again?"
Is snow blindness affecting your vision, or did Schmidt just smile?
"You should know better," he says in a soft voice, and then he takes out another set of small, sterile flasks, and hands them to you. "Get some samples from the skull, too, use the elevator."
"Thanks!" you grab the flasks, only to drop them the second you put your hand on the elevator lift button, because that's a fucking rotten peeper hanging off the edge.
Schmidt snaps his gloves off and cleans it up, which is nice of him, even if the things he says while he does it aren’t very nice. "Mundy," he practically spits, "always leaving food around. At least the nutrient blocks and the filtered water don't spoil."
"Well, the man likes to munch on things," you try to lighten the mood. "Are you telling me you don’t leave snacks around your workstation?" Schmidt opens his mouth, but you interrupt. "Don't tell me, you have a timer telling you when to go to the fabricator to make food and eat?"
He closes his mouth and turns a little red.
Holy shit, you were right? That's the saddest thing you've ever heard. "Okay, you know what, you are definitely playing Alien Intruders with us tonight, because I'm going to cook. Real food, too, none of that fabricated stuff."
"Oh, I am?" Schmidt raises an eyebrow.
"Yep! And I'm going to make my favorite dish, just for you, you'll love it! Roasted Chinese potato with shredded marblemelon and salt."
That was definitely a snort, maybe even a laugh, and it carries you through the rest of the day.
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inventors-fair · 3 years
First Name, Last Name, Occupation Commentary
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You guys really swung for the fences for this one. I was inspired to run this by fun little cards like Cat Warriors, Goblin Assassin, and Dragon Turtle. Cards that do one type by way of another. You guys, for the most part, tried to get as weird as possible, more akin to Urza’s Saga. I purposefully left it open ended to allow non-creatures, but I did not expect about half the cards to be a type other than creature. Some people in the Discord tried to break the rules even more than that. Personally, I wish there were more simple creatures, but I’m happy with what I got.
So without further ado, here’s the commentary! They’re alphabetical by submitter’s tumblr name or preferred credit.
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@alextfish​ - Fractal Fish
Holy moly that’s some fish, visually and mechanically. So let me try to parse this: the first time, you attack, get two fish, then next time you turn those two fish (which hopefully also got in for damage) into two counters. So every other turn it doubles the number of counters, assuming you get in with it every time. At a minimum, it’s a little Tana/Living Hive that can’t be used moe than once. It feels weird for this effect to be in blue, though I get why from a flavor perspective. This does feel like a fish, though, and it definitely feels like a fractal. This card feels top down, which is fine, but I’m just not super into it. It feels unnecessarily complex for an effect that you probably only want to trigger once, maybe twice. I still think it’s really cool.
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Allie - Urza’s Treasure
It’s a bit of a stretch to have a land named “Urza’s Treasure” but it’s less of a stretch than urza’s saga, so you’re good. The idea of a treasure land in general is cool to me: it’s worse than Tendo Ice Bridge and Aether Hub, but the artifact synergy is notable. Then we get to the last ability: this card is a mox opal. Or maybe a glimmer void? There are a lot of comparisons, but I don’t know which is the most appropriate. A land that effectively doesn’t tap for mana unless you have metalcraft seems awful, but I’ve seen enough affinity to know that that won’t slow it down a bit. So this is essentially a card that’s only good for broken decks, and honestly, I don’t think they need the help. I think the fact that it’s so all or nothing is a bit of a deal breaker. Every part of this card is either massive downside, massive upside, or both. You could argue that makes it balanced, but I’d argue it just makes it broken. I also wish the “Urza’s” part of the typeline played into it more, but I realize the type doesn’t have much of a mechanical throughline.
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@arixordragc​ - Warrior Dragon
Ooh, a bold choice. Dragon Warrior and Warrior Dragon send two completely different feels, and this one is definitely the cooler one. Six mana 6/6 flyer is a good rate, but not so good it doesn’t get good abilities. The abilities it gets are a ghostly prison and two circle of flames. I really like how they both have a similar feels: 2 damage and two mana. However, I think the two abilities are att odds. If you need one, you probably don’t need the other. If your opponent has a lot of 1/1 or 2/2 creatures, they won’t be able to pay 2 for each them, and if they do, they’d just die. The damage does have a little bit of meaning, though, because if they attack with a big creature you don’t have to deals as much damage to it. I also just would have expected a warrior dragon to be more offensive than defensive. This feels more like a guard or defender rather than a warrior. So it might be better to have one be offense and one be defensive. Perhaps one ability could affect blockers and one attackers? This is a good card, and a cool set of effects, I just think it needs to work on multiple angles. I also think this could be a rare: it’s not so powerful you wouldn’t want it appearing more often in packs, and it’s not too complex.
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@bread-into-toast​ - Zombie Mole
I like the flavor of a zombie mole, since it’s already in the dirt. I do think this sounds better than your original entry, Graveborn Mole, but I think the old one told a more complete story. The card itself is pretty neat, it’s a classic red black aggro card with a big body and a risk payoff. There’s some stuff I don’t like about it. First, sacrificing a land is one of those things that players don’t realize how bad it is for you, so this could lead to a lot of players screwing themselves over, especially if it’s as uncommon. Second, the fact that it can be recast with it’s own trigger, such as when you attack, sac a land, let it die, and then get it back because you had a land die is a bit too synergistic, especially because it gets him back untapped. This means that you have a 5/5 on turn two that if you somehow get to kill by blocking they can just pay two to save and untap it. Again, at uncommon, this is very strong, even if the downside is also very strong. The design as a whole is pretty cool, but I think it’s going to lead to a lot of unhappy players on one or both sides of the field. As a final note, I really liked that you put some art direction in the submission (for those at home, it said “Mood: a giant undead mole attacks, startling the giant (living) moles and miners around it”). It’s a cool way to get a lot of the benefits of art without having to make your own or go hunting.
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@charmera​ - Giant Golem Knight
I think the name here is pretty close. It feels a little awkward to say, but I’ve seen worse. The card is a little weak and a little poorly templated, but nothing that can’t be fixed. For the templating issue, I think telling a player they can’t do something then telling them they can in a different place doesn’t work. Cards like Manor Gargoyle that do this just remove Defender. Since this also says can’t block, though, you’d need something different. I might suggest just changing it to “~ can’t attack or block unless you sacrificed an artifact this turn.” It would power it up just a little in the process, but I think that’s called for. A 6 mana 6/7 is not really above the curve, and the activated ability is hard enough to activate that it doesn’t really pump up the power level of the card as a whole. Vigilance also seems weird on a card that needs to pay to both attack and block.  I could see a specific format being able to break this card, but as something you’d see in a core set, it would need a lot of support to see play. I really like the design and concept, it just needs to be rebalanced a bit.
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@col-seaker-of-the-memiest-legion​ - Arcane Trap
So, this one is interesting to me. The base rate on this card is good. Glimmer of Genius and Glimpse the multiverse are both super playable and both have a little something extra. In this case, the little something extra is the trap text, and the idea of repeating this card with arcane spells is pretty enticing for the decks that would play it. But there’s something missing here: the trap text doesn’t feel trappy. It’s a bonus, sure, but if you look at all of the existing traps in the game, the difference between hard casting and trap casting is usually massive, sometimes the entire cost! This instead reminds me more of “gotcha!” from unhinged, where the punishment for a player doing something is that you get a card back from your graveyard. It also doesn’t feel very trap-like because it doesn’t punish a player doing the trap-thing. Usually if an opponent is drawing cards it’s a good idea to out-draw them, and splicing helps with that, but it’s not like this is the “ha, you fool!” card that most traps are. It’s just a little bonus. Like when your opponent adds to your storm count. Functionally, I think this card is cool and feels unique, but doesn’t quite feel like it’s representing its types well. Also, nice job giving trap card art to a trap card.
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@davriel-canes-tea-supplier​ - Hellion Demon
You did this for the pun and you know it. Demon straight out of hell...ion. I’d love to see what this guy would end up looking like (not gonna dock points for that or anything, just on my mind). So first, the templating. You don’t need to tell them to sacrifice a totla of X, since X is undefined at that point. You can just say “you may sacrifice any number of creatures. If you do, ~ gets +X/+X until end of turn and deals X damage to target creature you don’t control, where X is the total power of creatures sacrificed this way.” I also might suggest swapping it to a reflexive trigger, AKA swapping “if you do” with “when you do,” which means your opponent will be able to respond after knowing what you sacrificed. Right now, you could target one of their creatures on attacking, then they wouldn’t know what you’re sacing to do it until after they decide if they want to protect their creature. Then again, maybe that’s for the best, since it would also mean if they bounce their own creature in response, you don’t have to sacrifice anything because it wouldn’t do anything. And actually the trigger would be stifled anyway because it has no targets, which is awkward if you were planning to just use it as a pump. What I’m trying to say is that this card has an incredibly complex trigger with a lot of pieces going on. I think it might be worth it, though, because this is a cool effect. A mix between a fling and a nantuko shade effect. It’s a really cool concept, but it’s doing so much that it doesn’t do a great job at mimicking either, and in the end I just wish it had two different abilities that were linked or something easier to parse.
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@Deg99 - Instant Trap
Okay, this is a silly card, and I’ll judge it as such. The blue = water is flavorfully pretty fun and funny, but color hate is always going to perform a little weird. But traps are famous for that! Usually, though, traps care about colors if they are built to be good against that color, and in this case, maybe? I don’t know if casting a free trap is particularly good against blue, so I’m firmly putting the trap text in trinket text land. The card itself does exactly what you’d expect. It tutors and plays a trap. Instantly. None of the traps in the game are super powerful, so you’re kind of avoiding the usual tutor issue of always searching for the same card / having exactly one tutor target that’s good. This is especially cool because the traps are by design extremely situational, so having this as a toolbox option is actually kind of useful. I think you’d usually end up getting needlebite trap, lavaball trap, or maybe mindbreak trap because it would be good in the matchup anyway. As a whole, this card is both kind of silly and kind of cool. I like it, but I wish there was some way to make this more interesting.
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@demimonde-semigoddess​ - Droning Licid
Wait a second, did you just make licids make sense? Putting bestow on a licid makes it feel just like a licid. Turning drone into droning is pretty clever, though you got the types backwards on the typeline. Granting abilities not on the normal creature is something we saw just the barest amount of bestow cards back in OG Theros block. The eldraziness of it I wish was more relevant. I love the idea of using colorless as the alternate cost, since colorless is sort of treated like a bonus, not a given, especially in limited. But the two abilities need keywords. I played that block a lot, and even I kind of forgot what they did. It’s also weird that it grants devoid, but doesn’t have it itself. You could have even given it a colorless mana cost, since nothing it does is particularly black. Every ability on the card was in every color (yes, even devoid, you know what I mean). If this was a purely colorless card it’d be cool, but it’s fine in black. This card has a lot of things meant to make other things easier (enchantments for constellation, devoid for colorless matters, ingest for processing, bestow for heroic), so I’m super curious what set this would go in! But in a normal set, this is just a really weird card. I still think it’s neat, and again I’ll reiterate I’m happy you made a sensible licid, I’m just a little confused by its existence.
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@dimestoretajic​ - Hag Fish
A hag fish is a real thing, and a hag that is a fish is what we have here. This card seems pretty powerful. It’s somewhere between a thallid and a tendershoot dryad and an ant queen. I wish the slime counters had some other use, like granting hexproof or unblockable or something. It would up the power level, which I don’t think this card needs, but it would make it feel more like it was slime on her rather than slime coming off of here. On a grander design level, I think this card requires a lot of paying attention for very little benefit. You get slime counters quickly enough you’ll rarely run out of them, but you will just often enough that you do. The tokens have evolve, which is a hard trigger to remember some times, especially on tokens that you might not have printed versions of. Plus, putting dice on tokens is also hard, since some players use dice for tokens. So while the card’s flavor and concept is pretty cool, I think it’s too complex for how simple it wants to be.
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@fractured-infinity​ - Treasure Goblin
I’ve been told this is a reference, but sadly I don’t get it. Instead, I get golden goblins. The fail state on this card is still pretty good. A 2/1 haste for two mana ain’t nothing! And just using it as a bad skirk prospector can be useful too. I like the utility of it, too, in that once you are unable to attack with it as a 2/1, you can sacrifice it for mana to power out a flying dragon or something. This card isn’t super exciting, but it certainly gets the job done.
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@gollumni​ - Gold Drake
Gold: the long lost parent of treasure. I didn’t even know that it had been errata'd to be its own artifact type. Anyway, the card itself is a reference to gilded drake. It even got hit by the card Gild! However, gilded drake is a super broken card! This is worse in the sense that it costs one extra mana and you ramp your opponent, but the artifact typing makes it easier to tutor and cheat into play, or to kill. Also, the way the last ability is phrased, I think you can sacrifice it to the gold ability and still get your opponent’s creature. If it said “exchange,” it wouldn’t, because exchanging needs both things in play. So this is a three mana permanent control magic that gives you one mana back immediately. I don’t think that was the intent.
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@grornt​ - Skeleton Samurai
Now that is a skeleton samurai! It reanimates itself like a skeleton, it bushidos like a samurai. Three mana feels pretty good for it, since it fights as a 4/3. Now, normally, skeletons enter the battlefield tapped, but I understand not wanting to do that here. After all, it’s got bushido, blocking is a huge part of that! But the reason cards like this enter tapped is to stop you from blocking with it every turn and stonewalling your opponent. But how often is that? Well, this is where it gets tricky. Depending on the standard format, losing life on your own turn is either something you have to build around or effortless. In formats with shocklands, painlands, fetchlands, or even a single mana confluence, you’ll be casting this essentially for free. So assuming it’s in something like current standard, where it’s a little tough, maybe this guy is okay. I just worry about a 4/3 blocker that can’t be easily killed. But I guess that’s why you put it at rare, which was a good choice, but I think almost every player would be disappointed to find this creature as their rare. I do love the name and effects of this card as a pair, but I think it could lead to frustrating games.
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@helloijustreadyourpost​ - Phyrexian Druid
This card has a lot of style and flair, but I’m a little cautious of it. A good comparison point for this card is Oasis Ritualist. Both can tap for one mana or two mana but at a higher cost. The mana cost and body are an important difference, and I think might balance each other out, as well as the fact that the phyrexian can only tap for green or green black. I do like that it implies that the set leans black, which feels right for return to new phyrexia. I’m having a little bit of difficulty judging power level: the life payment doesn’t really power down the card that much, but we’ve seen double ramp at 3 mana before, albeit never this versatile or at common. Still, maybe it’s fine in 2021 magic? After all, this is new phyrexia we’re talking about. Speaking of, I like how the life payment mimics phyrexian mana, and specifically phyrexian black mana. That’s a cool bonus for experienced players. I think this is a very well designed card, but I’d be very scared to print it unless I was certain there weren’t any green 6 drops at common that would be oppressive to the format when played on turn 3.
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@hypexion​ - Skeleton Knight
Undead in white are something I wish we’d see more of. The idea of duty extending beyond life feels super white, but is only ever represented in spirits. But here we have a skeleton! I like the base body, and it does feel pretty skeletonny, though the knight aspect is a little weak. Vigilance is cool but at 1 toughness I don’t know how often it will be able to attack and still block. The reanimation clause is also a little funky, since it returns it to play on attacks, but doesn’t put it into play attacking as I’d expect. It’s also odd that it comes back tapped, though for gameplay reasons I understand. You don’t want to give players a creature that can block for free every turn. Templating-wise, I should also bring up that there needs to be and “if ~ is in your graveyard” between the words “knights” and “you may.” I’m using cards like Auntie’s Snitch and Master of Death for reference there. My final thoughts on the card is that it’s fine, but the two types don’t mesh as well together as I had hoped.
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@i-am-the-one-who-wololoes​ - Spirit Shade
What a strange little creature. Shades are weird, because their signature ability is incredibly powerful and they need a pretty big downside to make them balanced. In your case, tying them to swamps is pretty clever! They already like swamps because of their heavy black costs, so this is a cool way to reinforce that. I still think this is pretty aggressive for a common, but I might be being a little too cautious. My bigger complaint is how awkwardly the sludge counters feel. This is a creature who’s already going to be tough to track since it’s constantly changing P/T, so having counters on it that change a bunch is a lot of complexity, especially at common. If there were also +1/+1 counters in this set, this card would be impossible to track in paper. I also think I would have preferred the name the other way around, but I’ll admit that’s a preference. I like this card in general, but I wish it were more player-friendly.
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@loreholdlesbian​ - Sand Elemental
Sand is a creature type not a lot of people expected, but I have a friend with a Hazezon Tamar deck so I knew. It’s a really clever answer to the prompt, especially since you’re using the word “sand” as an adjective, but it is still also made out of sand! A colorless 3 mana 3/2 is good power level for a common I think, and the ability on it is tough enough to make work that it doesn’t push the card too hard. The fact that it’s asking you to pay 7 mana also means that, so long as you have at least a few deserts in your deck, you’re probably going to have one in play or in your graveyard. The graveyard clause fits the theme of other desert cards, but I don’t know if you’d need in a theoretical future set with deserts. Their inclusion in Amonkhet block was mostly so players wouldn’t feel bad for cycling their deserts in the early game. But hey, maybe that’s just what deserts are now! So as a whole I think this card is pretty well designed, if a bit bland, but it works well with the theme of the week and possibly the set it's in. Good work!
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@morbidlyqueerious​ - Nightmare Spider
This card has a lot going on. The name feels okay. It’s a little odd, but it works in context. The ability feels creepy and scary, which is both a nightmare thing and a spider thing, but a spider without reach will always feel strange. As the for the ability, it needs a little work. There’s some strangeness with the revealing. It only really matters during a multiplayer game, otherwise just revealing every draw would be simpler and save some text, which I think this card needs. Second is the split payment: you lose 1 life, but you also pay two mana. One is optional, one isn’t, and one is 1 and one is 2. I could see this getting confusing to players. I could see swapping some things around to either make them all optional, all life, and/or all 2’s. Lastly, and this is the important one, this card isn’t fun. WotC is pretty solid on not wanting fateseal effects in the game. It makes what is already a frustrating part of the game (the variance of topdecking) into a more frustrating part. Because of the mana payment, is also means that both players will probably end up doing nothing on their turn. The fact that it can’t hit lands is actually kind of odd. Often that’s what you’ll be doing with this card anyway: forcing them to draw lands. I also sort of wish you would have swapped the P/T. I know spiders usually have higher toughnesses, but I’d like this card if it were easily killable but would end the game quickly if it really did take control of the game. Plus, the fact that you keep losing life regardless of if you pay the two means this kind of has a downside that would be more fitting on an aggro card. So while I think it fits the theme of the contest pretty well, and flavorfully it feels very nightmarish and spidery, I worry that it’s too complex and could lead to frustrating games.
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@nicolbolas96​ - Urza’s Fortification
This is… a weird one. So, you have made a land that can attach to other lands. I would be much more okay with that if it couldn’t still tap for mana. As is, it performs more like soulbond, since both things can still do the same stuff, they just get a little better. I’d also like it to turn off the original because the ability it’s granting is bonkers. Paying three mana to turn a land into a tolarian academy is an incredibly low cost. The land itself being an artifact also means you don’t even get the normal downside of tolarian academy not tapping for anything if you don’t have another artifact. You can even attach it to a land, tap that land for mana, then use some of that mana to tap another land. This means once you have four other artifacts, each of your lands tap for two mana or more. Being legendary and coming into play tapped isn’t enough of a downside for that. This would be strong even in a modern horizons set. I will say this: I do love the flavor. This really feels like an Urza’s land, which is not easy to do. The idea of a land that moves to other lands and is also a machine somehow feels cool and flavorful, too.
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@nine-effing-hells​ - Constructed Cleric
Remember when they printed an artifact cleric in Guild of Ravnica and no one knows why? Well, here’s a robot cleric that feels more clericy. The name is a great fit, and I love the flavor of it. The twobrid mana symbols are a cool way to make it feel more artifacty, but I think they weren’t particularly necessary. No one is going to play this in a colorless deck, and splashing for it doesn’t seem worth the effort. The difference between 4 and 8 mana for the activated ability is huge. So yes, I think this card would see play almost exclusively in mono-white decks. And how is it there? Pretty good! Granting lifelink to your whole board every turn is very powerful, it makes it nearly impossible to race, but you do need at least a bit of a board. I think this is a solic card in a lot of decks, pretty well balanced, so far as I can tell, and the only real issue I have with it is how weird the twobrid is in it.
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@pocketvikings​ - Hamster Advisor
What a pleasant little fellow. Not something I’d normally expect to see in MtG, but I’ll let it slide. I wish there were some flavor text explaining what he’s advising me on. Is he just telling me not to eat my food? So this card is very similar to the card Tajurur Preserver, what with being two green and preventing sac effects (primarily a counter to annihilator), but this guy has the upside of making a food but the downside of turning off your own food. I might suggest using that card’s templating or Angel of Jubilation’s templating. Maybe “You can’t sacrifice permanents or discard cards to activate abilities,” then on another ability the text from Tajurur preserver but with discard added on. It seems strange to see this card at uncommon, since it feels mostly like it’s protecting you from very specific effects that may or may not be in the format. It’s actually a pretty big downside in some decks, like turning off fetchlands, and of course if you’re playing this in a food deck you won’t want in play for long. That’s cool, and we’ve seen that on some black cards like Priest of the Blood Rite. I think this card feels out of place in a lot of formats and a lot of decks in particular, but I’m interested in the implications of it.
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@partly-cloudy-partly-fuckoff - Aetherborn Angel
This is one I didn’t see coming, but not in abad way. This feels like a natural name, and immediately conjures an image in my mind. The fact that both angels and aetherborn are sort of non-natural creatures makes he combination feel fitting, but them being opposites of the color pie and origin intrigues me. The card? It feels alright. Artifact matters seems pretty aetherborn-y, though that’s mostly just because they're in Kaladesh. Counters feel pretty angelly, but that’s usually just because white has +1/+1 counter themes all the time and big white creatures are often angels. What I’m trying to say is that while this does feel like it’s an aetherborn angel, it doesn’t feel like it’s THE aetherborn angel. But I still think the card has a place in whatever set it’s for. It seems powerful, and I like that it’s usually the best place to put your counters, but has some utility, plus I’m sure there are ways to go infinite, but when you’re paying seven mana for it that seems fair. I love powerful commons because there’s nothing saying a common can’t be powerful, just not complex, and while this does add a little strategic complexity, it’s not gonna burn any brains. This is a well made card.
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@reaperfromtheabyss​ - Goblin Knight
It sure is. This feels pretty right on the money, not just because the name feels real and the creature types fit well, but because the text on the card feels like how a goblin would be a knight. They aren’t particularly any better at fighting or better equipped, but it at least can scare some people or keep them at a distance. I very rarely ever say this but I think there was room for flavor text here. I’d like to know how this goblin got in this position, and what they’re doing to stop creatures from blocking. The cost also seems great, perfectly in between fervent cathar and voldaren duelist.
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@shootingstarhunter​ - Island Turtle [the 0/4]
One of two island turtles this week. So it’s a 0 mana 0/4 (or U if you count coming into play tapped as paying a cost). I think with literally no other text, that would be a pretty cool card, if a touch strong. There’s also the issues with land creatures, which there are some weird rules for that mostly just annoys judges more than players. However, you decided to put on some… interesting text. It can turn another land into a creature, one with a little bit more power and toughness. That seems… okay? I think if it had just said something like “Adapt 1: sacrifice a land” it would be almost identical mechanically but far, far easier to understand. I think you made this card to fit a very specific idea you had in your head, but I think you needed to step back and look at the final card and see if there was some way to make it simpler, or if not, what that extra complexity would get you.
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@snugz​ - Island Turtle [the 0/2]
Interesting. I like the simplicity of it on the surface. It’s just a Dryad Arbor but with a little more toughness, and it’s blue. A 0 mana 0/2 is on curve, I think, though I don’t know what kind of deck would want it. It doesn’t block anything but the smallest of creatures, which decks you’d need to block against probably aren’t playing. But it can chump, and doesn’t die to 1 damage from stuff like Chandra Pyromaster or Goblin Chainwhirler, so that’s something. The reminder text is appreciated, though the “isn’t a spell” feels less necessary considering the first line, but reminder text can be there anyway! The first line I feel like is trying to fix something, but most of the issues with land creatures are about integrating them into the comprehensive rules, which Dryad Arbor is already forcing WotC to do. But I guess it has it’s uses here and there. Rules aside, I think this card is fine. Like I said, I’m not sure what decks would want this, but it’s unique enough I think someone could find a use for it.
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@starch255​ - Enchantment Class Saga
Oh boy, what did I do to deserve this? First, the elephant in the room, no one at wizard’s would ever call this Enchantment Class Saga. Is it supposed to be the story of a class about enchantments? Mechanically I guess it’s at least tied to everything. I don’t think I have to tell you this is too complicated. This has more words on it than a pack of homelands. I also don’t know if it’s phrased right, because we don’t even have the comprehensive rules for classes out yet. Setting X to a certain number at the top of the card also may or may not work? We’ve yet to see a saga with a static effect like that. I also think just playing it and waiting till turn four to level it up gives you a crazy amount of advantage, digging 4 cards deep every turn if you have another saga, plus getting through those sagas even quicker. I’m having an extremely difficult time judging this one, but I can at least say it’s too complicated, and that’s enough to keep it out of the running.
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@thedirtside - Treasured Clue
This is a really cute card, but I don’t think it quite hits the mark (pun intended?). One mana for a treasure is kind of weird. We saw a lot of people thinking like that for a while with golden goose, which generated a mana on turn one and rarely did anything else, but let you ramp out a three-drop on turn two, and doing this on a colorless card just feels kind of dangerous, especially because being common means you could crack two on turn three for a 5 drop two turns early. But I also like the combination of the two types, since if you don’t need the treasure then you probably need the card. Reminds me of the Horizon lands. The name is also really close, better than some this week, but feels kind of forced. I wish there were a little more you could do with this guy to make him worth tacking on an extra mana. As is, it’s just a little too swingy to be fun.
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@wolkemesser​ - Orgg Hag
I actually had to double check to see that these were both existing creature types, but lo and behold, they were. And they’re both pretty thematic! Orggs are just like big 4 armed goblins, and hags are I guess like witches? But now witches are warlocks. Anyway, the card. I think it’s alright. Trample feels very Orgg, lifelink feels haggy, but that last ability just seems odd. Orgg itself had an ability that cared about size, and the sort of curse flavor of it feels haggy, but it just feels so out of nowhere. I feels like if you removed the white mana in the cost and the ability it would feel just as appropriate a card. Humility in general also has a lot of rules issues that don’t really make them worth it unless they are on big, swingy cards, which this isn’t quite. Still as a whole I think the card is perfectly fine, but a bit off for this week’s contest.
And that’s everybody! If you want to get a hold of me, you can contact me on the Discord. Thanks again for entering! Good luck next week!
-Mod Mr. ShinyObject
11 notes · View notes
golddaggers · 5 years
untouched || chapter two
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gif’s not mine!
pairings: alpha!thor/omega!reader, mainly, some thor/natasha and natasha/reader (friendship guys).
warnings: just a whole lot of fluff, thor acting as a father figure, mentions to arousal, but eh, nothing explicit, don’t need to worry about people behind ya! haha
a/n: i know. two fucking months to get this out. but life has been so so so messy and i got that writer’s block bad guys. it’s here though, i sincerely hope it was worth the wait!
word count: 7,8k+
song to this chapter: delicate by taylor swift
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A gush of cool air ripples across the room, stirring Feisty awake yet again that morning, her achy body groaning in pain when she curled under the sheets, seeking warmth, gripping the pillow that still smelt like him. Petrichor strong in the back of her mouth. It soothed her, pinning her down to the room, bringing joy to her eyes.  
Thor, unfortunately, was no longer there. He had left a little past five am and despite doing everything to keep quiet, Feisty jolted awake with the lack of him nestling her in his arms. The lack of his broad, strong chest pressed to her back, thick fingers swirling on the skin of her tummy that glowed bare. Something she never knew she wanted until she experienced it.  
The whine she let out still pooled blood on the back of her neck, embarrassed of her actions. There were stories about the attachment of a new Omega to the Alpha of a pack, which often ended as soon as a new one joined the pack. A tinge of jealousy widens her eyes as she realised she didn’t want that to come to an end. Yes. It would be nice to not feel so heightened around him, as if he switches on a button inside her, lowering everything and yet keeping her running. But the way he made her feel protected? That she didn’t. She wished nothing but to sleep between his arms every night, hear the thrumming of his heart as he dozes off into sleep, snoring lightly. 
After so long, more time than she would ever admit, she had had a decent night of sleep. Although the reminiscents of the prior day still made themselves very noticeable, Feisty felt somewhat relaxed. At peace. 
Gazing over at a small clock on the wall, one that the woman failed to notice up until earlier that morning, she realised she still had a few minutes to just lie there. Soaked in her thoughts. She wished her mother could be here with her to instruct as to how to act with all these new things happening. All these experiences she hadn’t had before. 
A low sigh escaped while she buried her face back on the pillow, closing her eyes and wondering to herself what would she do that day. Nat hadn’t given her a schedule or something like that, so she wasn’t sure if today they were going to go back to the mat and punch some more sandbags or do something else entirely. Perhaps Steve would steal her away to show the rest of the property like he promised he’d do the night before, at dinner. 
The meal with the others was nice, they were welcoming and overall gentle with her, though Feisty was sure they were only doing what Thor must’ve told them to do. With Steve, however, it was just different. She could tell he genuinely wanted to talk to her, to listen as she went on about old grannies from the nursing home. It was oddly satisfying. Refreshing even.
Flipping onto her back, eyes still sealed shut, she allowed her mind to spin around his beauty. Maybe there was something in the water that made those wolves so absurdly beautiful. The blond hair swept to one side, sweet blue eyes shining when he spoke about his teen years, squared chin and a strong body that certainly put many of his fellow pack members to shame. 
The ink and old parchment smell was easy on her nose, drawing her in. It wasn’t quite like Thor’s. Not even remotely close. Still, when he leaned in closer to whisper some joke on her ear, the odour made her feel at ease. Ugh. That house was a festival of scents that got Feisty feeling funny. 
Sounds from the outside stole her attention away, the girl reassuring herself briefly that it was better not to focus on that. Men, Alphas, in particular, were nothing but trouble. At least, it was what she wanted to believe in. 
Still putting her mind into the chirping birds sound, she stands up, heading to the bathroom to at least brush her teeth. This time nobody brought food to her bedroom, which meant she'd have to go to the kitchen herself. Not that she was expecting to be treated like that all the time, but the thought of people catching her making herself food made her nervous. Like she was stealing or something on those lines. 
With a heavy sigh, she splashed water on her face, drying it swiftly with a fluffy towel by the sink. Glaring at herself in the mirror, Feisty huffed, noticing that she still had bags under her eyes regardless of sleeping well the night prior. It would take a lot more than two days to recover from all sleepless nights she's had. 
Cleaning her teeth felt incredible and so did combing her hair up in a ponytail, deciding that she'd only shower after a good walk around the house. She slipped on a pair of black leggings and a pink tank top, shoving the pyjamas in the back of her wardrobe in a messy pile. 
Feet in flip flops, Feisty went out to an empty corridor, taking careful steps towards the kitchen. Everyone was probably already up and about, nonetheless, there was still a lingering need to keep it quiet, sure to not bother any single living soul. 
While she made her way downstairs, she noticed a few paintings hanging on the wall, from a long line of immeasurably gorgeous people. Women, men. Families even. This house was older than she thought it to be. At last, by the staircase, there was his picture. Blond hair pulled back, fair strands framing his handsome face still, a long beard, enough to have it braided, and eyes. Electric blue, so poorly depicted. A chill ran down her spine as she remembered it. It was art, in the literal sense of the word. It could’ve been the creative imagination of a painter if she hadn’t seen his beauty with her own eyes. 
Only then it came down to her that this house, it had been passing on through the generations of the supreme Alphas. She was standing in the wooden ground where the most powerful wolves, ones that lead revolutions, had stood years and years before. It made her feel fuzzy. Actual history had happened within these very walls. 
“I must say it’s not exactly my most endearing portrait.” A whiskey deep voice came from behind, Thor towering as he stood beside her. A surprised gasp slipping as she failed to notice him approaching. “How are you feeling today, little wolf?”
“Good,” She shrugs, “I was going downstairs to eat.” 
“Wanda made pancakes today,” One heavy hand falls to her hip, guiding her down, “Do you like it?”
“Yes, of course!” Cocking a brow, she musters an act of unknown courage to joke, “Who in their right mind doesn’t?”
“Believe me, Bruce utterly hates it.” His laugh is light, melodic, it has Feisty unconsciously leaning towards him, a grin beaming on her face, “Come. I can tell you need food.” 
As if it was agreeing with him, her stomach groaned, Feisty placing a hand over her tummy to muffle it. Thor simply chuckled, inching her closer to him, fingers going up so he could have an arm draped around her shoulder, a place she fit way too easily. He was warm, welcoming. Exactly like the bed she had left. 
The kitchen was packed with a couple of toddlers. Morgan and Harvey were soundly asleep in a bassinet, tiny hands together. There were four more at the table, one little girl and three boys. She had to be about six years old and the most adorable kid Feisty had ever seen - freckles peppered her pale skin, a blazing red hair falling in soft locks and green eyes sparkling as she saw Wanda approach her with a plate stacked with pancakes. She sat at the left corner of the table. 
Then there were the boys. The first one that caught her attention was the eldest of them, he couldn’t be more than eleven years old, he just had a childish gleam in his blue eyes. Thor’s eyes. That boy was his miniature. So alike it gave her goosebumps. Maybe it was his son? She looked up at him, silently quizzing. His eyes met hers with tenderness, easily figuring out what she wanted to know. 
“That’s Vithar, my baby brother.” The said boy scowls, rolling his eyes and muttering a curse under his breath, “Manners!” 
“You know I hate that name with all my strength, Thor.” He counters, snorting. “And who is she?”
“Don’t be rude, Vi,” A second boy elbows him. Brown eyes kind. He was probably the same age as Vithar, she presumes, “I’m Sam, by the way. And that’s Humphrey, but we just call him Freddie. He’s new around here. Nat told us your name is Feisty? Is that true? Because that’s such a cool name!”
Humphrey was pale and nervous. Feisty had to refrain the urge to wrap him in a hug, relating to him in some sort of way. She was a shy kid herself, always seeming about to cry. Probably why the other kids picked up at her so much when she went to a public school in her early years. Sam, on the other hand, was tall and confident, a bright smile forever resting on his thin lips. 
“You boys so silly,” The little girl says, quirking brows at them whilst rolling her eyes, “I’m Rosie.” 
“I, um-” Thor pats you on the shoulder, in hopes to comfort you with all that interaction with the kids, “Yeah, I suppose you can call me Feisty.” 
“Cool!” Sam screeched, “You’re going to help Auntie Wanda out? You look so nice! I mean, I can tell why Mr Thor likes you so much.” 
“He does?” Her ears get suddenly warm, the boy earning a stern look from his Alpha. 
“Enough,” Wanda finally intervenes, “You’re all scaring her! You know, they have the most unspeakable energy but are actually pretty nice when you get to know,” Tugging Feisty into a hug, Wanda presses a quick kiss on her cheek. She smells like white lilies. Soft and sweet. “Good morning, sweetheart. Why don’t you take a seat? I can fix you scrambled eggs or some toasts, what do you want to eat?”
“No, please, don’t bother doing anything else. Just the pancakes are good.”  
“Okay. Right. Well, there’s coffee on the coffee pot.” She directs a glare towards the man beside Feisty, “Will you stay with us, Boss?” 
After a brief nod from him, she goes back to the stove, pouring more of the sticky batter into the frying pan so more pancakes could be made. By now, the kids had swooped all of them into their plates, soaking with maple syrup. She snickered at the sight, accepting gladly when Thor puts her sitting down on one of the chairs at the table, whispering that he’d fetch her some coffee. 
She shrinks a bit in her seat, her gaze lost over the children, fumbling with her fingers as she waits for Thor to sit next to her again. Rosie’s eyes inspect the new girl closely, chewing her pancakes slowly, a pout growing on her lips, which draws Feisty's attention, who tilts her head at the girl, frightened that she was going to start crying any time soon. 
A tall, white mug filled with coffee appears in front of her, a hand squeezing her shoulder fondly, stealing her attention away from Rosie. She looks up at him, his blue irises blown, pupils very little. There's nothing but unspoken care swimming there.
It spreads a thick wave of peacefulness through her, eyes suddenly growing heavy. Thor lets out a harsh breath, sitting beside her, one large hand going to her knee, refraining the urge to rub his cheek against hers and then bury his face in the crook of her neck. It wasn't fair that she smelt so good. 
Wanda placed a plate filled with food, three fat pancakes, scrambled eggs in one corner and two slices of bread on the other. It's more food than she thinks she's able to eat, but, fork in hand, Feisty digs in, humming lowly to taste, so scrumptious and easy to swallow. 
"Where's Nat?" It's nearly a mute question, focus on the half-eaten pancake in front of her. "I thought we were going to pick up where we left off…?" 
"Natasha is busy," Shrugging off, Thor steals a bit of her eggs, shoving a full spoon into his mouth, "You'll be with me today. Hope you don't mind." 
"No. Not at all." 
Their little chat came to an abrupt end when the seven-year-old girl ran off of the table crying. Feisty's eyes widen in shock while Thor sighed, possibly already knowing what was going on. He presses his cheek lightly on hers, mumbling that he'd be right back, that she shouldn't worry.
Still quiet, she watches him leave, walking in large steps towards the girl, gripping her by one ankle and bringing her back to the kitchen, tears still staining the flushed cheeks. He was carrying Rosie like she was a bratty pup. Wanda leans against the countertop, glaring as Thor sits Rosie back on her chair. The boys are laughing at this point. 
"Now, leaving the table like that, especially when we have guests, it's not nice, is it?" The tone is austere, but Thor looks soft as he speaks, "I'm sure that's not what auntie Wanda teaches you." 
Her bottom lip quivers while she cries hard, sobbing childishly. Feisty grows concerned, worried that she might have done something without realising it. 
“Show some respect and apologise to her, Rosie. She’s a friend and deserves to be treated nicely.”
"N-no, Uncle Thor," Crossing her little arms flush against her chest, she stares at him, bottom lip sticking out sweetly, "She's no friend. She's stealing you from me, that's not a friend." 
A heavyweight falls upon her chest. So she was indeed responsible for that tantrum. There was no way she couldn't have known they were so close, not that it helped either way. She was overwhelmed with guilt, this was not the scenario she had in mind when joining them for breakfast.
"You're such a daddy's girl, Rosie," Sam rolls his eyes, mouth still full. It seemed like a normal day for them, "And he's not even your real dad."
"Rosie, I…" She's hesitant when speaking, bringing everybody's attention to her. Feisty feels her stomach swirl, "I'm not stealing him from you. He’s still your Uncle Thor." 
"Liar!" Rosie cries and so do the sleeping babies. Wanda groans, easily allowing Thor to do the parenting while she grabs the bassinet, taking the infants to their nursing room. "You are here for only a day and my Uncle Thor is always with you! That's stealing."
"Okay, enough, Rosalie," Thor's features are grim now, he stands up in front of her, his size making her smaller than she was already, "You are not to treat anyone like that. I won't allow it." 
"Thor, I, well, it's fine," Feisty voices weakly, "Don't treat her like her, I can leave. It's not a problem." 
"No, little wolf." With a short wave, he dismisses her attempt to leave, so she sits back, complying, "Rosalie, she needs our help, okay? Look at your brothers, they've all welcomed her nicely, you're always so proud to be as grown-up as them, and, still, you're acting like a spoilt brat I know you’re not." 
"But Uncle Thor…" It breaks the woman's heart to see that little girl crying, instincts haywire to protect and care for her, "I-I miss you vewy much and 'm jealous of Feisty, she has you a lot."
Taken aback by her words, his face softens as he falls back to his knees, eyes meeting hers filled with tenderness. One of Thor's hands cradles Rosie's cheek, big enough to cover her whole face, one thumb circling soothingly her red chubby cheek, wiping away the tears. Feisty watches everything quietly, her heart melting upon beholding the way he treats her. The awareness of how great of a father he'd be ignites something inside her, something she has to fight it off to keep herself grounded. 
Before Feisty can even consider her steps, she stands beside the magnificent Alpha, her hand seeming small when it gripped his shoulder. The boys were watching with weary eyes, though what really gets her is the warm blue, a grin pulling those pink lips up. 
"Rosie" The little girl is fierce when she looks at the new Omega. She envies her strength. Despite her youth, Feisty could smell she'd be an Alpha. "Listen," 
Rosie hums, exchanging a glare with Thor, who nods, signalling for her to pay attention. Then blazing green stares at the woman, chin up like she's about to defend herself. 
"I am not here to steal anyone," There's hope a reassuring smile is bright on her face. "You're still his favourite girl. You'll always be, okay?" 
"B-but-" Stammering, tears well up in her eyes. "Do you pwomise?" It sounds so sweet all she manages to do is shoot a smile at the child, nodding, "Am sowwy, Feisty. You are pwetty nice." 
"I told you she was, my sweet girl," Thor winks at her, pressing a quick kiss on her cheek, her cheerful laughter making everybody smile. "And I'll make sure to be around more often." 
"That is great. Now we'll have a watch." Vithar complains, being the first to discard his dishes in the sink. "Way to go, Rosalie." 
"You talk like we're doing something wrong." 
"Sam, haven't you realised by now that Thor always finds something wrong in the things I do?" 
"You are so dramatic, Vithar." 
A rough hand intertwines with Feisty's, an amusement gleam in Thor's face as he hears his brother's banter. She giggles too, lowering her head and taking some time to inspect their smells. It was a habit she developed whilst growing up. It’s still child-like, so they hadn't reached their first rut just yet, which was funny to realise, because, with Rosalie, Feisty could just tell she'd be an Alpha. A powerful one and she was further from them to have it decided. With the boys, nonetheless, it was still blurry, undefined. Even Thor's brother.
There's uncertainty in her face, but she quickly shrugs it off. It's not unusual. Nothing she should be worrying about. A lingering, tepid touch sneaks up her arm, snapping her out of the thoughts, Thor nudges her to go back to the unfinished plate and half-filled mug. He whispers something like she's going to need the energy for later. 
Both Sam and Freddie go over to the sink, standing beside each side of Vithar. The three boys start cleaning the dishes, mumbling to themselves things Feisty doesn’t bother to catch. She stuffs eggs between two pieces of bread, eating some more, her stomach stretching with the delicious, full meal. 
Rosie's puffy eyes slowly fade away as she goes back to the syrupy pancakes, humming in satisfaction. 
"Is Maggie up for a ride today, Vi?" Thor's booming voice fills the room, alongside the banging of plates. They are nearly done cleaning them, "I only checked up on Stormbreaker, but you know he's not with the rest, so I didn’t see her at all."  
"I do, yeah, but I honestly have no clue. Clint has been using Maggie to teach Rosie, but that was a few days ago." He stares at the little girl. "Which reminds me, tomorrow is your day, miss." 
"I know." 
"Also, that’s kind of Peter’s responsibility, Thor.”  
"Vithar, how many times will I have to tell you that when I'm not here, you're the one supposed to watch over the others? Anything that happens in this house is your responsibility." Electric blue eyes fly back to Thor, pink bottom lip puckered. His baby brother looks like he's been told nonsense, "Now, little wolf, are you good? Do you want more food?" 
"I'm good." 
"Then we should get going." 
With a nod, sipping on her mug to end the coffee she still had left, Feisty gets back up, collecting the things she used so she could wash them quickly. Thor snorts, taking them away only to pile them up with the rest, earning a dreadful glare from his baby brother. 
Feisty sees herself refraining a laugh. She never had any siblings, so it was nice and new to see those sort of interactions. A large hand tugs her hip, guiding her out to meet a rather sunny, warm day. White, fluffy clouds peppered across the blue sky. It never ceases to amaze her. 
Thor is quiet, softly pulling her to follow him. He doesn't feel like letting go of her, although he knows she can follow him. The silky of her skin feels comforting under his fingertips, a pungent smell of relaxation coming from her. It's good on his nose, good on him.  
The walk comes to halt when they reach a beautiful stable. Strong, wild horses running freely across a green field, only a wooden fence keeping them contained. A little giggle slips as she sees them play together, groomed and well taken care of.
As a child, she never had the opportunity to do these things. It was all far too complicated, there was no time to be a kid with a father like hers, despite all of her mother's efforts to make sure she had a nice childhood. 
"Do you like horses?" He questions, palm flush with the small of her back as he leads her towards a small door, ducking when following her inside. 
"Um, I'm not sure. I didn't-" Feisty purses her lips in a polite smile, "-I didn't have any animals. My father didn't allow them." 
"Oh" There's a shade of sadness beneath his voice whilst he reached for two pairs of boots stored above the wardrobe. It smelt like dust when he dropped them on the floor, "You'll need that, flip flops aren’t exactly nice footwear for riding. It belonged to Natasha, I figure you two have the same size." 
“Won’t she be bothered?”
“No, I don’t think she will. She hasn’t ridden in years.”
"I see. She doesn’t like it now, does she?" 
Thor shakes his head briefly, bending to undo the ties on his brown leather boots, he is quick to replace them with the rubber ones, smirking at Feisty once he's back on his feet. It makes her stomach do a spin, the way the blue in his eyes sparkled electrifying something inside her. It's so strong she sees herself looking away, cheeks warm. 
Kicking the flip flops away, she tries out Natasha's shoes, surprised that they fit her nicely. He stands beside her, gripping one of her arms, the flesh soft under his rough fingertips. Thor feels at ease when he touches her and it scares him. This, all of it, it's too much too soon. But she doesn't push him away, all she does is stare at him, curious. 
They both remain silent as they move to the gate that meets the place where the horses are running up and about. There's riding gear piled up on a dusty table. The whole place looks like it needed a thorough cleaning. 
Before Thor gets to instruct her to stay back while he deals with them, a buzz on his phone disturbs the bubble he's in. It near insanity how she can just make him forget there are other duties he needs to focus on. 
He grunts annoyed. 
"Wait here, okay, little wolf?" There's a slight pressure of his cheek on her temple, his beard itching her skin in nicely, "I'll be right back." 
Feisty barely makes a nod, a spasm on her lower tummy almost urging a whimper out. The petrichor lingers when he leaves, her lips parted in a shallow breath. It's embarrassing how he can affect her so much with such small actions. 
In the first minutes, she just stands there, hands clasped together, shifting the weight between her legs. Though she knows she doesn't have to be frightened to explore, the years of getting scolded by her father for being curious get her restrained. At first. 
On the opposite side of where the Alpha had escaped to the outside, there's another door. It instantly lights up her curiosity, so there's no time to hold back the footsteps that lead to opening it, finding a comfortable room in which an absolutely gorgeous horse sleeps. Its fur glimmers in the dim light, pitch black. What indeed draws her attention, however, it's the size. That animal is at least twice the size of the rest! 
It had to belong to him. A majestic ride fit for royalty such as Thor. She walks softly towards him, being careful to fall to her knees, the horse suddenly awake and confused to the unknown presence. He stands up way too fast, startling her and affecting her balance, she falls to the hay covered ground. 
A low chuckle slips as she looks up at the animal, mumbling under her breath a nasty word. He watches her with daring eyes, black as the night, like he's questioning whether she will or not try to do something to him. 
The Omega props herself up on her knees again, moving towards him just enough to pet his nose. It feels wet against her hand, she's glad he lets her touch him. His fur is soft as she goes further up his nose. 
"You had me worried for a minute there, little wolf," Thor leans against the door's threshold, thick arms crossed, "Stormbreaker isn't nice to strangers, I'm glad he hasn't done anything, but you should've been more careful." 
"Oh" Guilt sinks in as he helps her up, "I'm sorry. I just- I'm really sorry." 
His smile is soft and tender, one large hand wrapping around her wrist to pull her back out. The horse follows them promptly. 
"I was worried, that's all. You shouldn't be wandering off alone."  
She nods then, remaining silent and constraining herself to just watch him gather the necessary gear. Thor is taken aback by the scared, saddened way she acts and looks at him. He drops what's in his hands to swoop her in his arms, bent to rub his cheek on hers. 
There's a smooth noise coming from her chest as she closes her eyes. Scenting it's not unusual between Alphas and Omegas, although it's normally done after they have mated. Either way, Feisty holds no strength to fight back to the easiness the gentle bristle of his beard against her temple gives. 
A deep rumble shakes his chest when she places her hand there, fingers toying with the buttons of his shirt. Her fingers feel like pure fire marking his skin, burning every bit she touched. Thor couldn't shake away that all of it was insane. Yet so delicate. That pure Omega in his arms brought out all of the animalistic instincts he tried so hard to shove inside the pit of his being. 
"Don't feel like I'm giving you orders," It comes out as a whisper, his voice pitching lower than usual, "I want to keep you safe, little wolf."
Feisty lets out a little grunt, clinging to him, standing on her tiptoes to get hold of his neck. It's heady, addictive. And day after day it feels like it's growing stronger on her when it should be fading away. 
"When…" The words die on her lips, his thick arms lightly holding her up, bodies glued together, "Never mind."  
There's a wrinkle between his eyebrows, blue eyes curious. 
"What is it?" 
"It's embarrassing." 
"I thought you weren't shy when I was around," His laugh is warm, it makes her smile absent-minded, "When what happens?" 
"I know this-" She points to the two of them, "-I know it's because I'm new. But I, well, you make me feel safe, Thor. I don't want that to end." 
"I'll always protect you, little wolf. As long as you need me to." Thor squeezes her further in his arms, "This isn't about being new or not. It's my duty." 
"Sleeping with me is not your duty," Feisty brings up, blood warming her face as she feels shame settle in, "Is it selfish of me to not want to share that?" 
Her body slides against his as he lets her back down, despite not breaking the skin contact so soon. Thor isn’t sure what to do. What to say. He doesn’t feel like sharing that bond either. It doesn’t matter that it was new, that it was way too rushed. Her presence felt better than any of the other Omegas that had tried to sneak their way into his arms. None had the sweet, flowery-like smell that put him through his paces like she did. Plus, the thought of another Alpha laying hands on her, well, it made him way past angry. It was wrath. Fury. A predatory instinct that had frightened him from the very first moment. 
Thor’s nose trails up along her cheek, smooth lips pressing a kiss on her cheekbone. 
“No” It’s low, filled with something neither of them can pinpoint, “Because I don’t want to share this either. Don't wanna' share you.”
A gasp escapes as he tightens the grip on her waistline, only to finally let her go, regardless of dreading the idea. He picks up the riding gear, Stormbreaker glaring at him with judgy eyes, which makes him roll his. That horse sometimes felt like an actual human person. 
Feisty approaches him again, her chubby, child-like hands running along with the jet black horsehair. Stormbreaker neighs, leaning towards her to get her to scratch his ears, bringing a laugh out of the woman. A sound that makes Thor sway on his steps. He'd heard her giggle, seen her smile, but an actual laugh, it was the first time. 
If it was even possible, that makes him even more aware of his craving for her. No. Sharing that intimacy with somebody else was not an option for him. 
"I was going to get Maggie for you," He says, fastening the girth to secure the saddle on his horse, a bright blue saddle blanket underneath the leather seat, "But since he's taken a liking for you, I don't mind you riding him." 
"Isn't he too big for me?" Uncertainty soaks up her question, "What if I fall off?" 
"Don't worry, Stormbreaker is a nice horse-" Thor is cut off by a loud neigh, a booming laugh following, "-See? It'll be fine."  
"Okay," She smirks patting the majestic animal again, "Go easy on me, alright?" It comes off as a secret between her and Stormbreaker, the Alpha gazes at that amused. Feisty certainly belongs to that place, "How do I, um, get up there?" 
"Here, let me help you." 
With a quick instruction to place her left foot in the stirrup, Thor helps her up to settle on top of his horse, her shaky fingers barely grasping the reins to remain in place. This is going to be fun, he thinks as he watches her finally find balance. He doesn’t want to admit out loud, but on those thin leggings, boots and all perched up on his horse, he’s never seen someone so gorgeous. 
The soothing words he mumbles, whilst they go out, give Feisty a sense of protection. There is no doubt he’ll watch her and care for her. For once, she doesn’t feel vulnerable in that position, it actually imbues her with a sense of bravery she always lacked. Feels good, reassuring, so a grin takes up, hips wavering to the slow stride the horse is taking. 
It’s not before they reach an empty field, far from where the other horses were, that he stops, giving back the reins to her so she could be the lead. 
“It’s quite simple” Thor discloses, blue all blown out in those eyes. Feisty couldn’t remember seeing that colour before, it made her all wobbly and warm inside, “One tug at his belly, he’ll walk, two, he runs. If you want him to stop, pull back the reins gently.”
Feisty nods in agreement. Indeed quite simple. 
He crosses his strong arms against his chest, a smile encouraging her to start, which she doesn’t do right away, opting for a big deep breath instead. Then, Feisty looks back at him, admiring for a second his unique beauty, the way his hair falls on his shoulders and how the skin glimmers under the bright sun, a peach shade of pink covering the skin of his cheeks. 
“Yes, little wolf?”
“Will you be watching me?” 
There’s a shift in his breath and he pierces his stare at her, giving one short nod.   
“Yes, now go!” He urges, giving one last squeeze to her hand, “I’ll be right here, watching you.”
As she finally goes off, steadily controlling Stormbreaker as if she had done that many times before. Thor can’t help but drift off into his thoughts, spiralling around the sweet scent she lets off. Two days. It was insane. He had been with Jane for far more than that and she never quite got to him like that. Not in the same way, at least.  
Doomed. That’s what he was. And when Natasha finds out, she’d be sure to break his nose yet anew. 
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Grey, heavy clouds started to gather up as the hours went on, a thunderstorm ever so close from pouring down. It drives him to whistle so his horse returns with the lovely Omega atop him. The lesson ending a little earlier than he had planned. Being fairly honest, he’d have to find something else to teach her, she was just a natural at horse riding. If she hadn’t told him she never ridden one before, Thor would be sure to say she grew up riding one. 
Stormbreaker came back trotting at full speed, Feisty bouncing above him, legs tight around his stomach. There was an easy smile shimmering on her face, something that bubbled up Thor’s insides, a proud smirk as he welcomed her back, arms stretched out to help her come down to the ground, which she did as soon as she stopped, gently tugging the reins. 
There was a playful giggle when she jumped into his embrace. 
“You’re in a good mood today, little wolf.” 
Her arms are clasped around his neck, eyes pierced to his for a split second. 
“Should I not be?” 
While she slips down and stands back up on his feet, he snorts, like he’s been told gibberish. 
“Yes. Of course you should.” Thor mumbles, his gaze analytical when noticing a slight tinge of pain on her steps back inside the stable. “Are you okay? Do you need some medicine?”
“I am fine,” Her voice goes back to the shy, low tone. As if the memory of whom she really is sinks back in, the fleeting moment of wilderness over, “I really am.”
“If you say so.” 
With a shrug, he drags Stormbreaker back inside, careful when removing the saddle, the saddle blanket and the reins. His big hands stroking its neck for a moment, murmuring something Feisty couldn’t quite make out. Despite not knowing what he’s saying, the Omega can’t help but find the interaction sweet. It was definitely a side of a supreme Alpha she wasn’t expecting to see. 
As an infant, all she heard was that they were ruthless, cruel. Never measuring the consequences when deciding to strike. Thor, on the other hand, was gentle. Sure, that scent coming from him warned her that he was powerful, dangerous even, nonetheless, reminiscing on how he dealt the Rosalie situation, how he watched over his baby brother and how… How he nurtured herself. It strayed far from that definition.
Sitting down on the sand-covered floor to remove the rubber boots, she once more thinks about her new life under his care. It way past what she thought she deserved. But after the second day, being there was starting to grow roots within her, which was a completely foreign sensation to an abandoned Omega such as Feisty. 
“It’s almost lunchtime,” A deep voice comes from above, hands sneaking under her arms and lifting her, a squeal escaping from her while he does so, “Are you hungry? I don’t know if you’ll eat what Wanda cooks today.”
She scoffs, dumbfounded that he’d think such a thing. Thor glares at the Omega in confusion, one brow cocked. 
“I spent days without any food, Thor... Whatever she cooks, it'll feel like heaven to me,” His fingers greedily take hers, feeling them cold under his touch, “Don’t pity me, please.” 
“I’m not," Sighing, he pulls her deeper into his embrace, guiding them both out, the wind stinging, a lot rougher than before, “There’s so much I still don’t know about you.”
Feisty smacks at her lips, unsure of what to answer. Embarrassed that there wasn’t much to tell, self-conscious about what he’d think once he knew she was nothing but a mutt. It wasn’t something she gave a lot of attention to, however, when it came to him, there was this need to impress, to show herself off. This… She didn’t understand. Didn’t want to. 
They start walking back to the house, her mind swirling around what to reply. 
“And what is it you want to know?” It’s shaky and unsure when she finally speaks, “There isn’t much to know about me.”
There’s an abiding moment of silence, the tugging of his thick arm around her growing tighter. He doesn’t quite know where to begin, wishing nothing but to dive deep into her memories, into her niceness. Thor enjoyed the quietness she gave him, how he could be entirely silent and she’d respect his space, never urging words, never urging a stance. It made a whole lot easier to be around her. 
Slightly pressing his nose to her temple, a fainting soap smell mixing with her natural one coming off of it. Inwardly, he wondered if he would ever grow tired of it. If the effect she had over him would weaken with time. Feisty looks up at him then, questioningly, half a smile on her lips. Right then, he feels a tightening sensation on his lower abdomen, an awareness that, by that simple act, she had answered his silent question. 
No. He wouldn’t. 
“I’m curious about you too,” She as much as whispers, distressed at his sudden silence, “If I can, I mean.”
A puff escapes, his plump lips finally pressing her face, a peck on the cheek, not more than that. He mouths a yes against her skin, anything, little wolf. And that alone brings goosebumps to crawl all over, a secretive gasp falling. Feisty feels the shift in the air, the way Thor reacts to her sounds coming off too strong. She can taste his need. 
There's a subtle recoil on her shoulders, eyes growing heavy. It was nowhere near what it had been the day before, when she was left a heaving mess, yet, powerful enough for her to feel drawn to him. 
“Is it too much?” 
“Not too much,” A giggle slips as she hides her face on his chest, by now they were almost home, visible to people, “but I figure it's better to keep a little distance, I don't want people to think-"
“Think what, little wolf?” 
“That I, um-” 
The moment was suddenly over when, the exact minute they walked into the porch, little arms wrapped themselves around Thor’s legs, Rosalie much too excited to see him again to not throw herself against him. He smiled, quickly breaking the contact from Feisty to perch the girl on his hip, a childish grin on her cute face, dimples deep into her cheeks. The Omega couldn’t stifle the grin in pure glee that followed. 
"Hi, sweetheart" He presses his lips to her head, ever so fondly, "Are you okay?"
"Yes" Rosie snickers, green eyes turning to Feisty, "You liked Maggie? She’s a lil’ nowty with stwangers.” 
"Oh really?" 
Rosie nods, nosing Thor's cheek fondly, "She's a nice horsie, though my favourite is Stormbweaka,” The child scowls at the word, “Stormy, Uncle Thor’s horsie.”
"He's beautiful indeed," She agrees, still sustaining the smile. It feels so painfully domestic, a child on his arms, the way he sneaks a glare towards her… Feisty finds herself fighting off the urge to lean towards him, fighting his strong magnetic field, "Have you ever ridden him?" 
"No," A pout grows on her little face, "Uncle Thor says he's too big for me." 
"He is," Thor chimes in, putting her back down, one hand grasping hers and the other on Feisty's shoulder, urging both of them inside, where they met a delicious smell of food being cooked, "If you were to fall off of him…" 
"I'm a big girl!" 
There's a booming laugh, "Even big girls get hurt, Rosie," A large hand strokes her much smaller cheek, the two exchanging a swift gaze, "Now go, wash your hands so you can have lunch." 
"They're clean!" She cried. 
Before the girl disappears into the hall, possibly heading to the bathroom as she was instructed, Feisty is still able to hear a whispered “fine”. It makes both her and Thor laugh, her eyes quickly darting to him, staring a little bit too obviously - today she just didn’t seem like she could prevent herself from it. Nor contain the way her imagination ignites a fire inside her, going on and on about how smooth his skin felt under her touch. 
There’s no hiding those emotions from him, a sweet flavoured infatuation stealing a grunt from the Alpha. 
“It’s not polite to stare, little wolf,” In no time she feels the piercing blue onto her, shame drilling into her brain and forcing her gaze down, “No, no. No need for that, it was a stupid joke.”
“I’m-, I know I’m crossing boundaries, I-”
“You don’t have to worry about that,” A rumbling shake his chest, “God knows I want to stare at you all day long.”
 “Why?” Bottom lip quivering, she shoots subtle look towards the Alpha, “I know why I want to stare at you, but me? I’m not really that special.”
“Don’t say that,” Thor frowns, nearing her slowly, “You really don’t know what your scent does to me, do you?”
Feisty gasps, shaking her head weakly as he finally holds both her hands, bringing them to his lips, kissing the knuckles with an adoration. She was so astonishingly delicate, regardless of all the bad situations she must’ve endured - such a stark contrast to him. Thor could tell she was starved of all that human interaction. 
They stay like that for a little longer, not minding the fact they were standing in the middle of the hallway, that anybody could see them. A thick bubble surrounding them that was only broken when Natasha runs inside, almost bumping into them, quickly endorsing them to split, essentially ending the mood that enveloped the pair. Feisty swallows dryly, diverting her glaring to the red hair. 
There’s nothing but plain uncertainty on her face, the smell of fear and anxiety easily stealing Thor’s attention. It was probably related to the business that had kept her away all morning, the Omega presumes, and, by the looks of it, whatever it was, she didn’t bring good news about it. 
“What happened? Are you okay?” His voice dropped a tone, eyes wide, “Natasha...”
“I’m fine,” Nat’s voice doesn’t mirror what she says, trembling, “It’s just… They almost saw me, Boss. I almost ruined everything.”
“Breathe, Natasha, they didn’t see you after all, did they?”
She denies with a head shake, “Brunhilde helped me.”
“You talked to her?” 
“Yes, she says she’s down to help us, with a price. Honestly, the things she told me...” Suddenly, as if only then she was realising they were in company, her speech comes to pause, glaring at the Omega slightly behind where both her and Thor stood, “Hey, sweetie,” Feisty gains a sympathetic smile from the red hair, “Look Boss, I can’t discuss it all here, it’s just not safe.”
“She won’t tell anybody,” He counters, “Will you, little wolf?”
“No, it’s not that I don’t trust her,” Natasha shrugs, inhaling deeply, “We just need to gather everyone and-”
“So you did find out something,” It wasn’t a question. 
The air started to thicken, Thor’s anger boiling and stretching to the three people that. His reaction brought an itching curiosity to rest annoyingly at the back of Feisty’s brain; she wanted to understand what affected him so much, as if it was her responsibility to soothe him, to make him calmer. Possibly why she reached for his hand, noticing him go tense before melting to her touch.  
“Yeah,” Nat nods, slowly gathering her emotions, “It’s far more complicated than we thought it’d be. I-I, damn. I don’t know what we can do.”
“Just,” Squeezing the hand intertwined with his, the Alpha tries to unclench his jaw, he needed to keep himself grounded, for the sake of everyone, “Calm down. Nobody saw you,”
“No, of course not.” 
“Then we still have time to figure things out,” Caringly, he pats his friend on the shoulder, "I suggest you go rest and later we will discuss everything." 
"Are you sure?" 
Admiration seeps from Feisty's eyes, the firm way he nods and reassures Natasha, the way he leads. It's mesmerising, despite her just then realising there was trouble looming over the pack. Perhaps, and this got her feeling sick, it was her fault, maybe a witch placed a curse so troubles followed where she went. 
The strong figure of a man towering her senses the troubles nagging her. This time he doesn't push the itch on his lower abdomen back, just tugging the woman to his arms, noticing how she complies gladly, finding the place that appeared made especially to fit her. More than ever, Thor feels the insane will to protect her, like a secret. 
"Do you want to go somewhere?" 
"I think-" Warmth reaches her cheeks, "Um, I should be asking you that." 
A quick, low laugh slips as he murmurs for her to follow him, guiding her outside, towards the big garage where several cars were parked. She gawks in awe at all of them, walking behind him until they stop in front of a sports one - Feisty was nearly sure that was a Porsche, but she didn't know enough about cars to risk it. 
They don't talk, it's not necessary. One large hand settles on her knee whilst he starts the car. Feisty feels odd - she hadn't felt this energy before him, like pure lightning coursing through her veins when he touched her. Either way, it didn't stop her from craving more. To soak up every bit of care he was willing to give her.  
Neither needed saving, but both wanted to run away from everything. 
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the ones in italics i couldn’t tag for some reason!
@sea040561 @momc95
@frenfics @mrscutiefandobhaz
@lancsnerd @rishlo @desia22 
@slutlanna976 @rahma29417 @truthdaze @innerpaperexpertcloud @watermelons-aura @gluemakesmyhandsticky @ellsbells2143 @ghostlysweetsturtle @lovelylostminds @shelbyaesthetic @dreaminofpoison @marikochi @bagpipes606 @littlephyschos-world @mannls @savagemickey03
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thegeminisage · 4 years
hey liz i've been thinking a lot about story structure lately and i wanted your take on how you decide what structure your stories will have? i know there's that "you have to do what your story needs and tells you to do" thing but these bitches dont ever tell me anything they just multiply so. thoughts? - bma
(as an aside, i don't know whether involving medium would change many things but it may be worth considering. mainly i think medium is just a matter of arrangement and that the story would be for most intents and purposes the same no matter how you choose to tell it. i guess you could argue that structure is arrangement in itself and intrinsically tied to medium but i sort of feel like it is secondary arrangement, if at all? like if you consider time as an element to outline -- the time IN the story (how things happen to your characters) is not necessarily the time you’re telling the story IN (how you are telling your reader that things are happening) aka internal chronology doesnt equal your work’s pacing? or should it??? does this make sense? i dont think so. i am sorry.) - bma :|
NOOO dont be sorry ur making total sense
i think there’s 3 thots to unpack here (medium, structure, & chronology) & i’m gonna start with medium bc it’s easier. im also putting it behind a cut bc it’s gonna get just stupidly long and rambly. i’m sorry in advance if it’s not helpful to you, i have a lot to say for someone who has never taken even one single class on writing and as a result doesn’t know jack shit (there’s a tl;dr at the end dont worry)
about MEDIUM: 
so like ok i’m just some goof-off with a HS degree who writes fanfiction but In My Very Super Qualified Personal Opinion, i don’t think that most of the time medium is intrinsically tied to STRUCTURE of the main storytelling arc...i think the art of storytelling itself is distinct from the medium you choose to tell the story IN. this post puts it better than i ever could but basically for me, i feel like the story itself is sort of the raw, malleable concept, and the medium you choose to tell it in is how you convey the information??
like in a book, you can say “she forgot her keys” and in a film you have to show her smacking her forehead, heading back into the house, and swiping her keeps off the counter. you can’t TELL in film, you have to show. similarly i regret every day i cannot perfectly describe a facial expression with words when i see it so clearly in my head. for audio-only podcasts that are dialogue heavy out of necessity you have different limitations than you would for, say, animated music videos with no dialogue at all. games allow for more interactivity and exploration while sacrificing accessibility, tv shows allow for more length while sacrificing, uh, a big hollywood budget...medium affects the kind of story you can reasonably tell which is why some stories are better suited to one medium than another. i think trying things in other mediums is a good way to stretch your storytelling muscles but with enough skill nearly any story could be told in any medium. i think when trying to decide on a medium you just gotta weigh the pros & cons and what you feel comfortable with/what you think would be most effective/what would evoke the strongest reaction
re: structure:
firstly “do what the story tells u to do” is a little silly like...the story isn’t sentient. come on. that’s like “i can only write when the writing gods inspire me” there are no writing gods! inspire yourself! it’s all in our weird messed up brains! ok anyway.
this is, again, just how i do things, and i am 700% self-taught so take it with a grain of salt, but when i sit down and start blocking out a story from scratch i don’t...actually consider the big structure at all! sorry if that’s not helpful to you. i like to make a list of everything i want to happen, and then put it together in a few different orders to see what looks best. and when i’m finished, whatever i have just like...IS the structure i go with, with perhaps minor tinkering to make it flow more smoothly. (i think this might be in the same spirit as “do what the story tells you” with less bullshit and more Agency Of The Writer.)
for long and more complex projects, i actually usually have several lists - one list of stuff that is, for example, the Action Plot (the kingdom has been cursed, i’m tracking down my serial killer sister to bring her to justice, i’m running from djinn who wanna kill my dad, i’m trying to bring my dead not-boyfriend back to life). then i have another list for Character A & Character B’s romance or whatever. and maybe a even another one for solo character development (magicphobic prince learns to love magic, former werewolf hunter figures out his family is a cult, half-demon learns to embrace his own nature). and as many lists as we need for however many Main Characters and or Plots/Sideplots
how i order the lists: individually first. don’t mix them together to start with. when deciding the order of an individual list i like to, for example in a romance arc, use escalating intimacy. “A and B have dinner together” is naturally gonna go way sooner than “A and B kiss” or “A and B talk about A’s angsty backstory” because that’s more satisfying. draw it out, good/important stuff last, dangle that carrot so we have a reason to keep reading! for singular character development, it’s basically a straightforward point A to point B...if i want my guy to start hating magic with everything he is and end up being very comfortable with it, i have to put “reluctantly uses magic to save his own life” WAYYY before “casually using magic to light torches and reheat his cold stew.” 
the tricky part for me is when i’m done with these lists and then i need to mix them together To Pace My Whole Story. (this is usually why i wind up with a rainbow colored spreadsheet.) i don’t like to put too many things too close together because then the pace feels uneven. even if my Action Plot is only a thinly veiled excuse for romance and character development, i still don’t want to focus on a romance for 30,000 words and then go “and oh yeah in case you forgot Serial Killing Sister is still coming for your asses.” the more sideplots and major character arcs you’re juggling the harder it is to get an even distribution, which is my main concern always
and like, generally, whatever i have when i’m finished...is my structure. (sorry.) 
i don’t know much about the classic 3-act or anything like that, but i usually can divide them up into 3-5 big arcs based on story turning points. sometimes i take a scene out of one arc and put it in another because it fits better and i like for my shit to be organized, but usually by the time i’m finished with all that, that’s what the final story is mostly gonna look like. (there have been a few exceptions when i realized i needed extra scenes/changes while i was MID-DRAFT and let me tell you that murders me EVERY time. it happened on the merlin fic i’m currently posting and that was like my own personal hell.)
this is also where thots about chronology come in:
i think time CAN be an element of this if you WANT it to be, but it doesn’t HAVE to be. if you want it to be, i would consider it just another “list” like character development or the romance arc. 
i usually plot without considering Time very much...to me, it’s all down to the events you want to show, and however much time it takes is the byproduct. if you want to show something from a character’s chilhood but then tell the bulk of it when they’re adults, that’s one thing. if you want to show a scene from their childhood, teenhood, young adulthood, etc, that’s a different kind of pacing?? i usually do it this way so i can regard time like wordcount: it takes as long as it takes. 3 days or 3 years, a 1.5k drabble or a 100k epic...overall, my LARGEST CONCERN is that even distribution. in the same way that i don’t want one chapter to be 30,000 words when the rest are 10,000 words, i personally am not a fan of huge timeskips offscreen
(because this where i think someone’s own internal chronology DOES matter...this is just a personal preference, as a reader i have a hard time really comprehending, say, a year timeskip or a 10yr timeskip when all i did was turn one page. like, a year is such a long time. i can’t even begin to describe how different i am now to how i was a year ago. it’s the same for character development. time IS development and as a writer i’m not really comfortable having that take place offscreen - for main characters, at least. it’s just too jarring. a little prologue with something happening 10 or 20 years ago is usually fine, but for the most part, i’m not a fan. ...i can do one chapter per year a lot easier than i can do two chapters in childhood and the other 8 in adulthood. of course you can play with this a LOT with nonlinear storytelling, which is a whole other very cool thing, and someone skilled in their work can keep me sucked in no matter what, but imo if you don’t want to risk throwing your reader out of your work it’s better to keep things steady)
HOWEVER sometimes time IS an element u wanna consider outside of just making sure your shit is evenly distributed...if your heart is moved to tell a story in a specific timeframe, over a year, or from solstice to solstice (this was almost the timeline for my merlin fic and then i changed it), for the first six months of a friendship, or even a huge journey in the span of a single day (toby fox had a lot of success with this one lol).
i think it can help to choose a start and end point for your chronology the same way you do for character development (prince goes from hating magic to being ok with it, story takes place from ages 8 to 25, or from new year’s eve 2038 to 2039, whatever) - that way you can keep your distribution even, if that’s a thing you want to do...even if you have a lot of skips you can still note what happens offscreen to make it work better in your head? like, if you just make it another List, another column on your spreadsheet, when you’re in the early stages of organizing you can be conscious of it and make sure it’s playing into the story the way you want it to
anyway these r my thots im SOOOO SORRY this is so long lmao. brain machine broke today which is why i had to ramble more to explain myself. the tl;dr in case ur brain is melting out of ur ears & u didn’t sign up for an essay:
imo medium is totally distinct from storytelling tho ofc some stories are better suited to some mediums
structure? i don’t know her. i plot w/o regard to structure and then if it looks funny i mush it into a more structurally sound shape
my main concern when structuring anything, including time, is an even distribution of Events and a steady rate of escalation
structure to me is just what i have when i’m finished plotting. i’m sorry one day i’m gonna take a writing class
internal chronology matters to me personally because i have a little bit of time blindness but maybe not to everyone, i know many very successful stories where they disregarded that entirely to no ill effect
writer’s block isn’t real! everyone just needs more rainbow spreadsheets
thank u for asking I HOPE i didn’t make you regret it too badly lmao and that at least a little of it was helpful!! 
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crimsonbluemoon · 6 years
BBS Anon Tumblr AUs
Okay, so I got a little creative last night because I had this cute idea, but then it splintered into a TON of ideas and I honestly just don’t have time to write them all, so I figured what I could do is give you all of the headcanons that I have for the couples in order to help flush the idea out of my mind. So please, enjoy these silly headcanons, and let me know what you think!! <3
AU PREMISE FOR ALL STORIES: One boy loves/likes/hates/has some feelings toward the other boy, so they make an anon Tumblr and send them an ask that leads to them talking. 
Also the boys are all in college. Cause yeah...>.>
H2O Vanoss: Evan is a popular music blog “Vanoss”, Jonathan is the shy follower who sends in an unusually sweet message on New Years Eve as his New Years resolution (Luke challenges him to do something he’s wanted to do forever, and Jonathan tell him he’s going to confess to his crush but won’t tell him who it is). Jonathan has been friends with Evan for five years, and in love with Evan for two years after hearing him perform a self-written song during a charity event for the school. He intended for this to be his only ask, so he kind put a lot of feelings into it and wrote it as a submission (as Tumblr only allows 500 characters). Also, randomly reblogs a cute picture of Evan fanart. After this he goes to sleep, he wakes up to a bunch of alerts saying that “Vanoss” will be doing a surprise performance that afternoon in the school common area. Jonathan goes, wanting to see his performance (as he’s gone to all of them, being Evan’s “Good luck charm”) and hangs in the back while texting Evan a stupid good luck thing. He kinda gets surprised Evan speaks to the crowd (as he never does), and he’s kinda obviously nervous but in THE cutest way possible. Jonathan is kinda smitten by this before Evan says ‘this goes out to someone who kind of made my night, and uh… I hope they’re here listening to this. Thanks for the letter, Delirious.’ Jonathan is like ‘...WHAT’ in his head and Evan sings this really sweet/cute song. Everyone loves it, and it’s obvious that people are snapchatting it and taping it, all with the same question: Who is Delirious?! After the song, Evan gives a little smile and is like ‘If you’re here, lemme know if you like it or something, Del.’ Cue Del kinda panicking and first thought is ‘must deactivate the tumblr and get rid of all of the evidence’ but as he’s going on his tumblr, but when he goes home, he’s got +99 notifications, all of them tagging him in the video and being like ‘Respond!’ He also gets like 200 more followers (“I DON’T EVEN USE THIS BLOG”) and people sending him asks about who he is. He does kinda make a post about himself saying he goes to the school (as some people were calling him a creep/saying he’s not real) but he can’t say who he is. Cue the craziness that is Jonathan being Evan’s friend and “trying to help him” find out who Delirious is, all while trying to keep his own feelings hidden because he’s re-falling in love with Evan through their chats on Tumblr.
Okay, this one is 99% going to be written. >.> I love it too much not to.
OhmToonz: “Ohmwrecker” is a Tumblr writer, who has gotten popularity for a web-book he is doing. Luke is a friend of Ryan’s and one of the only people who knows he is the Ohmwrecker. During a moment of writer’s block, Ryan asks for people to send him motivation asks to get him back on track. Luke, bored and feelin’ some kind of way because his best friend is too busy writing his story to pay attention to him, sends a flirty anon to get Ryan to blush and then log off of Tumblr. Ryan, however, gets a little bit of courage, and ends up flirting back with ‘ Toonzy’ as the anon has labeled himself. Luke is kinda impressed with his friend, and starts sending stupid one-liners and little flirty messages that imply that he actually knows Ryan, not just ‘Ohmwrecker’. This is kinda risky for Ryan, who has kept his identity a secret from the other kids on campus. But Ryan is really into this guy, who shifts onto messenger as ��Cartoonz’ and maybe there’s a lot of sexual stuff that happens. >.> But as they kinda heat up, Luke slips that Ryan knows him, too, and now Ryan is like ‘wait, what?? We’re friends?!’ except Luke doesn’t remember telling Ryan this because he’s drunk. Now, Ryan is trying to figure out who Cartoonz is without letting Cartoonz know that he knows that Cartoonz knows him. It’s a hot mess.
TerrorMoo: Brian is a Tumblr artist, and Brock has been sending him anon messages for a while about his art. The two of them are cordial, living in the same dormintory, and bumping into each other late at night in the community room (Brock stays up late to finish papers and Brian says he draws best at 2am). Finally one day, Brock bites the bullet and makes a tumblr, wherein one night he reblogs all of Brian’s art and leaves really sweet tags on each one. Brock also does little analysis for each one, as Brian had earlier talked about possibly stopping his career in art in order to pursue a ‘more stable job’. This ends up getting a lot of activity regarding Brian’s work, and Brian takes notice of the like, 30 reblogs/comments “Moo-Snuckle” left on his work. Brian now is on the hunt to figure out who this mystery man is, and Brock is desperate to hide the truth, thinking that Brian will realize that he’s in love with him. Also can’t stop commenting/reblogging each of Brian’s new pictures, because Brian has openly said that ‘Moo’ is inspiring him to keep going with his art. Gay-os ensues.
MiniCat: Tyler doesn’t like Mini (a semi popular movie critic Tumblr) and so he sends him an anon message (was going to send hate, but Brian tells him to send a ‘love ask’ to pull a prank on him) and Tyler kinda expects a pompous answer or him kinda gloating about people sending him love. Instead, he’s surprised when Mini is really humbled, and starts to ask questions about him, as he would like to ‘get to know the person who was stupid enough to fall for him’. Tyler’s kinda stuck now, and he sorta grumbles out a ‘you’re not that stupid’ and hence them kinda talking through asks. Then Mini boldly tells him to send him a private message to him because he wants to get to know him better. Tyler, in a panic, creates ‘I-Am-Wildcat’ and reblogs a bunch of random shit to make it look like he had a blog all along. Accidentally shares some nsfw stuff, including gay boys, and Mini is like ‘oh wow, you’re really proactive about gay rights and stuff, that’s really cool’. Tyler is actually really sorta closeted atm, so he’s like ‘....fuck’. But hey, he’s anon, so it won’t REALLY hurt, right? And it’s through kinda talking to Mini that he starts to become okay with himself, and then comes the problem; how does he tell Mini that he’s falling for him when 1) Mini doesn’t know he’s gay irl and 2) The whole thing was a joke from the beginning? (not anymore lmao)
Krii7y: Smiity had just ended a relationship and was kinda feeling like shit about it. Put a post up saying ‘Should I even keep my tumblr? It’s not like anyone would care’. Smiity ends up getting an anon saying ‘I care, you fuck.’ Smiity, feeling a little self-deprecating, starts a conversation with ‘Kryoz’ about how he’s wrong, and if he did disappear, it wasn’t like this guy actually knows him. And when the guy is like ‘I do’ and Smiity is like ‘prove it’, the guy sends a anon with Smiity’s real name. And now Smiity’s like ‘wait wtf how do you know me? Who are you?’ and Kryoz is like ‘figure it out, bitch’. And this whole story is like, Smiity trying to figure out who this person is, while Kryoz gives him clues as well as flirts kinda (in their weird way) and Smiity is so focused on this new person and figuring it out that he kinda slips out of his depression about his ex and falls for this new quirky man.
So yeah, these are my silly AUs for these weirdos involving Tumblr asks. I don’t know, I just...my brain is too full of stuff. Just had to get these out. Let me know what you think. 
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artificialqueens · 7 years
Star Power Over Me - Part Five (Vixie/Trixya) - Pilandok
AN: Hello, sorry for the holdup ‘twas a little burnt out. This is a little longer, to make up for it, sorta, hahaha. Thank you for the reviews, it made me giddy, admittedly. I trudged to write this chapter. My girlfriend said the chapter should be called “Come Thru” hahahaha, what a cute. Real talk, this is coming to an end– the next chapter should be the last then an epilogue, maybe. For this chapter, I regret not being able to cameo Violet’s cat. Though, catch the Some Like It Hot reference. Pearl is also here. Anyway, thank you for waiting and thank you for reading! Part One. Two. Three. Four.
“So, I hear you’re a homewrecker now, Miss Violet Chachki. And to our power couple, no less.”
“Shut up bitch.”
Violet presses his palms against his eyelids trying to wipe away whatever sleep is left in his system. He’s not surprised that Pearl already heard about what happened that night. News travels fast in their world, and faster than a flight from LA to New York then to Atlanta, apparently.
“So,” Pearl starts drawing out his vowels, “Trixie Mattel…”
It’s too early for this, Violet thinks, wondering how he managed to let Pearl convince him to get up before noon for a coffee date. He groans and rests his head on the table. He doesn’t know how to begin explaining it to Pearl. He doesn’t even know how to explain all this to himself. After he left the bar that night he jumped into another one and drunk himself silly only to wake up the next day to his manager rushing him to a photoshoot. After that it was off to another state for a gig, then some arrangements to attend to about his calendar, then to a fashion show here, then another one there. He doesn’t have the time to think about it, he swears, and coached himself to put aside thoughts that are distracting him from his job.
He pretends that it works. He pretends that he doesn’t have the image of Trixie and Katya embracing burned at the back of his eyelids, their forms huddled into one shaking mass of vulnerability and security. He pretends that he hasn’t noticed himself flinching slightly when the song he’s lip-syncing contains the L word.
“You can’t—you can’t say those things to me, Katya, not when it’s always been you. You don’t know how it was for me!” Trixie sobs. Violet’s nails dig into his palms, he wants to look up but at the same time he doesn’t want to be there, he doesn’t want to be part of this moment. “I love you Katya, I’ve always loved you.”
Violet groans again, out of frustration, trying to block the image out of his head, trying to drown out the words Trixie said.
He hasn’t been aware that the people around him have been catching him staring off into space, eyes glued onto an invisible screen as if he’s replaying a scene in his head. They see him wrinkle his brows and clench his teeth like he’s seeing something he doesn’t want to see.
“Is it because of this?” Pearl snaps him out of his daydream. Violet looks up and sees Pearl scrolling through his phone. He reads, “Trixie Mattel snores when he sleeps…”
Violet quickly snatches the phone from Pearl.
“Why do you guys keep— seriously, fuck,” Violet huffs and glares at him. Pearl, like most of Violet’s friends, isn’t deterred by this anymore. He shrugs innocently. Violet should have deleted that stupid note.
“I didn’t know he snores,” Pearl comments.
A sudden warm feeling fills Violet’s stomach after hearing that. He knows that Pearl is watching him carefully for his reaction but he can’t help the small smile that curls on his lips.
Pearl raises his eyebrows, amused.
“I know, I know, cunt,” Violet rolls his eyes, “I have this absolutely ridiculous, embarrassing crush on Tracy.”
“Mm,” Pearl says nonchalantly.
“What, bitch?”
“Seriously girl?” Pearls asks, shaking his head. “You have a crush on me, you have a crush on Raja, you have a crush on Katya for fuck’s sake. This,” Pearls gestures vaguely at Violet’s phone, “is looking like something else.”
“Since when were you so concerned, bitch?” Violet scowls. He knows that Pearl is right but the thought makes him nervous.
Pearl hums noncommitantly.
Violet is quiet for a few minutes before making an attempt to explain the situation. He finds that as he tells the story, it’s difficult to comprehend the logic of his feelings. It’s like they’ve sprung up too quickly, as if they’ve always been there. At loss for words, he merely reiterates what he had told Katya a few weeks before: it’s emotional and whatever.
“Hm,” Pearl nods slowly, appearing uninterested as usual, “Why don’t you just be in a happy threesome with the both of them? I mean, you’ve fucked them both, right?”
“I don’t—” Violet answers too quickly. Pearl raises his eyebrows again. “I don’t like Katya like that.”
“Like how?” Pearl asks indifferently, but a tiny twitch at the corner of his lips betrays his mood. Violet realizes that Pearl has been teasing him and in turn, he keeps falling for his ploys.
“Shut up bitch,” Violet says again.
Pearl rolls his eyes good-humoredly but decides not to push. He busies himself with the drink he ordered and whatever was on his phone. Violet stares at him for a while and it strikes him that he’s surprisingly thankful for Pearl’s concern, no matter how downplayed. And with Pearl’s subliminal urging, Violet allows himself to contemplate on the things that have happened. Soon enough, he’s circling around the things Trixie said.
“My feelings for you are so immense and so ridiculous, Katya, and for the longest time I thought they were irrepressible. I felt like it was threatening to spill all the goddamn time then I’ll frighten you and you won’t look at me the same. But I did it, I kept it in, I had to, and I thought it was going to be like that forever. But when I was with Violet it was great and—” Trixie cuts herself off. Violet feels his heart stop when Trixie says his name. He hears Trixie take a deep breath before continuing, “And for once, maybe, I felt like I was getting over that.”
Violet had wanted to go over to Trixie right then and there. He wanted to go over and just… touch her or kiss her or something. But Trixie wasn’t looking at him at that moment, she was looking at Katya. At the same time, Katya was looking at Violet, and he was absolutely petrified. Violet wonders if Katya’s expression at that moment was complementing his own.
“Hey Vi, your phone’s ringing.”
“Mm?” Violet hummed distractedly, caught up in his thoughts.
“Your phone, bitch,” Pearl stressed.
Violet looks down and sees his phone ringing loudly, the vibrations causing it to glide slowly across the table. His manager’s name is flashing across the screen. Violet fumbles a little in picking up the phone.
Pearl wonders if he’s ever seen Violet this flustered. Not just in this current moment; Violet has been thrown off balance by this whole situation. Pearl still sees Trixie and Katya together all the time and he supposes that Violet has gotten the raw end of the deal. Trixie and Katya, he thinks, are experts in turning emotional adversary into their favor. The characters they’ve created both stem from dark places in their lives, and really, they’re not even characters. It’s just Trixie and Katya being themselves, transforming pain into their art. Which they seem to be doing now. They’re not the ones wandering about on stage distractedly or missing a line or two during a lip sync.
Pearl thinks that Violet injures like a feral cat.
He sighs and scrolls through his contacts.
TO: Trix
girl, you have to talk to violet
A few seconds later, a reply comes.
FROM: Trix
I’ve been trying.
TO: Trix
try harder bitch
Pearl bites his lips, always hesitant about going out of his way to involve himself with other people’s business. But he has seen the rings under Violet’s eyes and sends another message.
i don’t like seeing him like this. i don’t like hearing about you and Katya having a hard time, too.
FROM: Trix
You’re with violet?
Then almost immediately, another text came as if to remove focus from Trixie’s previous one:
Oh wow it must be serious if you’re so concerned.
Pearl doesn’t appreciate Trixie’s attempt at humor but knows that this is how he copes with things.
TO: Trix
it is.
The reply takes longer this time.
FROM: Trix
Okay, I’ll call him.
Pearl puts his phone down as soon as Violet ends his call. He looks even more distressed than he did earlier. Pearl opens his mouth to comment but decides against it. They exchange their goodbyes soon after and go their separate ways.
It was only when Pearl was nearing the airport that his phone vibrates again in his pocket.
FROM: Trix
Thank you.
                 It was around midnight when Violet answers the call.
                 “Violet,” Trixie breathes, sounding relieved that he answered, “I’ve been trying to reach you the whole day.”
                 “I know,” Violet tries to respond bitingly although his heart had been jumping to twice its normal rate whenever he saw Trixie’s name flash across his phone screen. He couldn’t bring himself to pick up, however, for reasons he can’t call anything other than childishness. Pearl was right, Violet hurts like a wounded cat.
                 “I’m sorry Vi, I know I should’ve tried harder. I should’ve talked to you that night,” Trixie rushes, “but the next thing I knew, you were gone and then the other queens said you left…” he trails off, making Violet’s stomach churn thinking about how those eavesdroppers could have described his inelegant departure to Trixie. “But that isn’t—sorry. I’m sorry.”
                 “I know,” Violet says again, with a little less sharpness in his tone.
                 The line is quiet for a while, on both sides, and Violet relishes a little on the emanating discomfort coming from the phone. He can imagine Trixie biting his lips and rubbing the back of his head like he does when he’s nervous.
There’s something unexpectedly boyish about Trixie’s charms, and it’s something that Violet is aware he’s been falling for too easily.
                 “I have your calendar,” Trixie blurts out suddenly, “the new one. It uh—you look great. Beautiful.”
                 Violet makes a surprised noise but obviously pleased, “What, how? It hasn’t come out yet.”
                 “I wanted to see you,” Trixie answers plainly although Violet hears a slight mischievous tone on Trixie’s voice.
Violet laughs, impressed. This seems to ease Trixie’s apprehension.
“I missed you,” Trixie says too easily.
                 Violet smiles, feels himself slipping again.
                 “I missed you too, bitch.”
                 They fall into an inconsistent rhythm of conversation—with lighthearted discussions of isolated topics interspaced by long stretches of comfortable silences. Violet settles himself in his bed, appreciating the fact that he’s finally able to lie down on his own bed after weeks of hectic scheduling. He listens to Trixie shuffling about on the other side of the call and feels a tenderness swell inside him. Violet can imagine Trixie laying down on his own bed in a room that Violet is missing too. He sees it: the pink walls, the graphic paintings hanging on the wall, various drag memorabilia scattered in his room, and the corner where his guitar rests next to a table with a spread of papers crowded with Trixie’s recognizable illegible scrawl.
It surprises him, the sudden wave of palpable affection he feels picturing the whole scene. At how he finds contentedness in the quaintness of it all. He doesn’t want to admit how much Trixie turned him into such a sap.
Trixie, on the other hand, appears to be completely at ease with everything, the giggling flirtations and the cheesy statements.  For some reason, this leaves Violet feeling shy. He was a teenager the last time he felt this like this. He isn’t sure if he wants to revel in it or to run away from it. But what he wants to know is if Trixie was feeling the same way.
“Trixie,” Violet calls him.
“Yeah, Vi?”
“About that night,” Violet begins with that uncharacteristic trepidation that has been a recurring theme for him when it comes to Trixie Mattel, “when you said that being with me—that you were getting over Katya…”
Trixie lets out a sigh and this makes Violet’s body go rigid.
“Violet— “
“Was it true?”
“What?” Trixie asks, confused, “Of course it was true.” The tension in Violet’s body dissipate. Trixie continues, “I know it isn’t—I mean, I didn’t want to tell you like that. I wasn’t sure if I was even going to—maybe. I don’t know,” Trixie sighs louder, “Katya was right, in a way, it’s hard for me to separate the physical with the emotional and I ended up—I began falling for you. And I know it was just supposed to be this fun, casual kaikai thing but I—sorry —and you don’t have to do or feel anything! Violet, I just— “
“Trixie,” Violet interrupts, “Brian. I like you, I like you a lot. I mean, probably more than just like,” Violet is holding the phone with both hands, a giddy whir in his chest, “the feeling is mutual, I mean.”
“Oh,” Trixie responds. Violet can hear the smile in his voice and he reprimands himself for being so full of clichés.
“That first night we, you know,” Violet says in a low voice, “when you were drunk.”
“I wasn’t drunk,” Trixie responds immediately, and realizes that Violet has been thinking of that night in a certain way.
“I wasn’t. I mean, maybe just a little tipsy, but I wasn’t drunk.”
“You practically drank a whole bottle, bitch.”
Trixie laughs, “I’m from the rural Midwest, Violet, I haven’t drunk anything stronger than what comes out from the good ol’ corn mash my grandpa’s worked on from his backyard distillery.”
“My parents would never let me marry a redneck boy,” Violet says.
Violet, feeling at ease, recalls that first night they slept together. He remembers Trixie’s flirtatious advances that Violet had always chalked up to the alcohol. Then there was Trixie’s wide, bright smile that never left his face. It’s the kind of boyish smile that Violet’s always liked on him. Then there was the memory of Trixie almost falling over himself and that sloppy smack on the lips Violet received. And then, a little later on was Trixie’s hurried tongue when they didn’t stop kissing. Violet remembers how Trixie looked like when he pushed him onto the bed: skin flushed and breathing heavily; his eyes were the clearest they have been the whole night and they were staring at him so wildly. He remembers sucking the skin on Trixie’s neck and the slight moan at the contact. Trixie was begging to be fucked. Violet remembers how it felt like finally entering Trixie and how he pulled him close and locked their lips. Violet recalls how he couldn’t stop his hips from moving and how Trixie’s muffled moans were reverberating through his body.
Violet doesn’t realize that his hand had snaked itself past his underwear. He gasps slightly when he wraps his hand around his hard dick.
Trixie appears to have been listening intently, deciphering Violet’s actions when he heard his deepening breath and sharp intake of breath.
“Fuck,” Trixie groans, feeling sensations of his own stirring in between his legs, “I can’t believe I versed for you.”
“How did it feel?” Violet asks forcefully.
“Mm?” Trixie hummed, half-teasing and slightly shocked at the roughness in Violet’s voice.
“How did it feel like to fuck me?” Violet asks gruffly. He hears Trixie make a sound and knows that he’s started touching himself too.
“Fuck, it felt good, Vi. So fucking good.”
‘Yeah?” Violet said breathily, steadily stroking himself. “You like being inside me?”
“Yes. Oh god, Violet, I didn’t think that—fuck,” Trixie sounds desperate and this makes Violet move his hand even faster. “You felt so good Vi, you feel so fucking good.”
“I want to see you, Trixie, I want you to fuck me.”
On the other end of the line, Trixie makes strained noise. He likes what Violet said.
“Say my name again.”
“Trixie, please—Brian, fuck.”
“Do you like it when I fuck you?” Trixie’s voice becomes low.
Violet whimpers, too on turned on to oppose the shift in power. It wasn’t an odd development, it’s just how things usually go with them, a constant back and forth on who has the upper hand.
“Please, Brian—I’m going to— “
“Let me hear you Vi, I want to hear you. Don’t hold back.”
“Fuck, I’m cum—” Violet moans loudly in his orgasm. Thrusting into his hand as his warm sperm spurts onto his stomach. Soon after, he listens as Trixie follows him, savoring the familiar sound of Trixie’s moans.
Violet sinks deeper in his bed, exhausted, and begins to drift off into sleep. He doesn’t put the phone down still. Instead, clutching it preciously and keeping it pressed up to his ear. He lets the low static from the phone lull him to sleep.
Suddenly, he hears three sharp knocks on the door. He jumps and turns his head towards the other side of the room, heart beating loudly. It registers that the knock came from the other side of the call. He listens as Trixie shuffles out of bed and walk towards his door.
The illusion breaks for Violet. It dawns on him that he was wrong: Trixie wasn’t at home in his room cozied up in bed like Violet had imagined. The quaint little scene in his mind vanishes. Trixie is probably in a hotel booked for him in some state. He’s probably in between gigs, still immersed in the real world, in their world, that continues to exist around them even though Violet pretended to forget.
There can only be one person who is knocking on Trixie’s door at this time of the night.
“Is that Katya?” Violet asks. There is a crack in his voice that he doesn’t bother concealing.
“Yes,” Trixie answers. The knocking continues, louder this time, but Trixie ignores it. “It’s him.”
A sort of frustrated helplessness befalls Violet. He doesn’t know if he wants to shout or cry.
“What do we—what do we do, Brian? What’s going to happen?”
“I don’t know,” Trixie tells him honestly, sounding sorry, sounding tired, too. The knocking on the door persists. “I’m sorry.” His low voice echoes slightly that Violet thinks that Trixie is leaning his forehead against the door.
“I like you, Trixie” Violet tells him.
“I, too—I’m so sorry Violet,” Trixie answers.
The knocking on the door stops and Trixie still hasn’t opened the door. Violet wonders if Katya can hear Trixie, if he’s listening on from the other side. He wonders if Katya is pressing himself up against the door, too. He can see them both, from either side of that thin plank of wood, mirroring one another as they always do. Violet can imagine that scene clearly, it’s so real for him. Although, he remembers, he could be wrong about that, too.
“We might be going on a European tour,” Trixie says finally.
“How long will you be away?”
“Three months at most, I think,” Trixie’s tone changes, “Violet I want to see you.”
“You can see me,” he answers plainly.
“No, I mean like, see you. But—I- I don’t know. Everything is so crazy right now and I don’t know what to do, what should I do?” Trixie sounds exhausted and overwhelmed and Violet wants to comfort him but how can he? It’s become apparent that Trixie is faced with a decision but both of them don’t even know what Trixie is deciding on. Starting a new relationship at the apex of their careers? The risk of letting yourself fall in love again? Dating another drag queen? Choosing between him or Katya?
“I don’t smoke,” was the only thing Violet could think of saying.
This makes Trixie laugh, a small chuckle, but enough to calm the both of them down.
“You should go,” Violet says, Katya’s waiting.
“Yeah,” Trixie responds, sounding like he doesn’t mean it, “I should go,” he says even though he doesn’t want to. Still, Trixie ends the call.
Violet regrets it immediately. In his head, there was a sudden surge of things he wants to say. He wants to tell Trixie, he knows the answer! All the things that had baffled him completely about his feelings, he can see clearly. Violet knows what he wants now. The words that have evaded him were finally resting at the tip of his tongue: I’m falling in love with you. I want to be with you. Let’s make it work. Stay with me. Don’t go.
But Violet doesn’t touch his phone again, he doesn’t move, and allows his exhaustion to drag him into unconsciousness.
In his dreams, Violet is a ditsy blonde singer with bad luck in men and a soft spot for saxophone players. She meets a woman on train, the newest member of their all-female band, except he isn’t really a woman. He’s a man in a wig.
“I’m hiding from the mob,” he tells her in secret, he’s witnessed a murder.
Violet knows she should tell someone, he might be dangerous and he shouldn’t be in here with all the girls. But he plays her a song he swears he’s made for her and smiles a familiar bright smile that makes her stomach flip.
It must be the sax, she thinks.
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high5nerd · 5 years
The Misadventures of Fanty and Pitch Black---Chap. One
Okie doke, here goes the series of chapters I post of The Misadventures of Fanty and Pitch Black I co-wrote with my old fanfic friends back in...2014.
Thank you Mystichawk, Xion5, dragoscilvio, Starskulls and Lil Angel 927 after all these years.
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Again, I write nothing like this anymore.
This is the story of how I saved the world. Don't worry, this is gonna be a good story and in fact, I don't save the world at all. This whole story all started with...a booby trap.
My name is Fanty! Nice to meet you. I used to live in the city, but a while ago I moved to Burgess upon the demand of my friends. The town is really friendly! The only problem I see with it is that the kids here are ballistic. Okay, I'll say that a bit nicer….different? All the kids in Burgess talk about these people called the Guardians, and the leader of these kids is some boy named Jamie Bennett. I slightly knew Jamie, because Angel babysits him and his sister, Sophie. Sometimes those little buggers would come over to her apartment for baking and watching movies 24/7. Honestly, Jamie is probably one of the well respected kids I've ever met! His stories really put faith in everyone, and it's something I admire.
Ever since Jamie shared his stories of this dude named Jack Frost and the Guardians to my friends and I, we became determined to see if this was all real. My friends and I all live in the same apartment building, and honestly, I bet the landlord regrets ever going into the apartment business. We're a rowdy bunch! Well, besides Drago. She's a real sweetheart that keeps herself under control, which is something I totally admire. Trust me, I'd love to be like her, but with my energy and the quirks to being Fanty, it isn't possible.
Allow me to introduce my lifestyle. I live in Apartment 4B, right across from Xion, under Mystic and above Star. My apartment isn't really...um "sparkling clean." I mean, it is, its just not….uh. Shut up, I haven't gotten to washing my dishes or cleaning the bathroom yet, okay?! I work at Building Block Day Care...yeah, doesn't sound like a promising job, does it? Don't worry. I'm just waiting for a job to open up somewhere else in Burgess. I wanna go into the graphic design business, but Burgess kind of has a lack of that. But thanks to Angel's knowledge of kids, I'm favorited there! My boss is really nice and always makes sure her employees gets a paid vacation at least once a year, which is awesome. My guess is that she thinks the kids have supernatural powers to watch her 24/7, so she acts all pleasant and talk to us like children just in case. But that's just a crazy thought. I love the kids, I just don't like the little treasures they leave for me as gifts in their diapers.
Being Fanty has its perks and downsides, though. When Xion, Mystic, Drago, Star and Angel come over and we have our biweekly hangouts and someone brings the soda, I go all over the place. Hyperactive energy is my middle name. I'm an artist, and I put that art to good use! I make a little money off of my art, which is very nice.
...Oh, and if you ever hear of Star talking about my "graffiti incident", that never happened…
Gah! I'm getting distracted from the story! This isn't the point I'm trying to make! Sorry, you're dealing with someone who easily gets distracted. You're lucky a moth hasn't flown by, or else I would've gotten onto a high speed rant about moths instead of this story I wanted to tell.
Well! You're probably wondering, 'What's the importance of telling us about Jamie Bennett and the kids and their stories of weird Guardians?' Well, that's exactly why you're here.
One day, Angel brought Jamie and Sophie over to my apartment because her apartment was too cluttered for kids. Luckily, that was the day my boss sent home a bunch of toys from the daycare to be cleaned. Sophie immediately took a liking to the giant set of mushy building blocks, especially squashing them between her hands. Jamie happily sat on my couch and watched Spongebob Squarepants as Angel and I talked in the kitchen about her work and how her week has been going.
"Honestly, it's been a little strange." Angel shook her head, folding her arms over her chest.
"You always say that when you babysit the Bennetts." I said, stuffing another sugar cookie in my mouth. Angel slapped my hand away when I reached for the jar again, and I mewled at the stinging pain.
"I'm serious! Jamie said he saw Pitch Black near his house when he and his mom were coming back from his uncle's birthday party. What do you think of that?"
"Cosplay." I grinned, wiping my lower lip.
"Fanty! I'm serious! Someone's lurking in Burgess, and Jamie's not the only one getting fidgety." Angel sat down and stared at me seriously.
I thought for a moment, trying to recollect whatever could possibly relate to this. Finally, I snapped my fingers and pointed to her. "You know Jamie's friend Pippa, right?"
"Yeah. She came over to play one time while I was babysitting, along with some kid named Monty." Angel broke a cookie in half and took a bite.
"Pippa and her mother came over to the daycare once to drop off some donations, and Pippa told me about this shady guy she saw in her friend's closet when she was over at some sleepover. I think they stayed up watching High School Musical for too long," I shuddered, "Yick...Zac Efron and Sharpay gives me the willies."
"Don't worry, buddy!" I patted her hand, smiling brightly, "I have an idea to see if this is all true."
I stood up and did a somersault over to Sophie, who squealed and giggled at my silliness. I ended up sitting on my bottom, right in front of her. I grinned, liking Sophie's bountiful happiness. She handed me a blue block, and I gratefully took it and placed it on her head.
"Fanty, no! Tip top!" Sophie giggled, standing up and waddling over to me for a hug.
I smiled as I hugged her, and started to laugh as she put the soft blue block on my head as well. I shook my head like a dog, and then turned to Jamie. He boredly turned the TV off and turned towards me with a shy smile.
"So! Angel told me you saw some fella named Pitch Black." I said, balancing Sophie on my leg in a side hug.
Jamie perked up at that name, and then crawled over to me as if he were to tell a secret to me. I heard Angel come over and sit next to me, taking Sophie's fairy wings near her discarded sneakers and flapping them playfully near her. She giggled and turned her back with her arms out, and Angel slipped the wings on. One of the wings fwapped me on the cheek, and I spluttered at the contact, making Jamie snicker.
"Yeah! He's the Boogeyman. Why do you wanna know about him?" Jamie crossed his legs in an Indian position as he sat on the couch, staring down at us girls.
"I was thinking we'd have a little bit of a joke on him." I grinned at Jamie, whose eyes widened with astonishment at the idea.
"Are you kidding!? Jamie exclaimed, a wild smile growing across his face, "That would be hilarious!" but then his face fell, pondering about something that made me slightly worried. "He may get angry, though."
"So what?! I can take him!" I grinned, and held up my fists in a fighting stance.
Angel rolled her eyes with a grin as I punched at the air, and Sophie made a grab for my hands, trying to stop my quick motion. She got up and ran over to the tower, making sure I wouldn't knock it over. I grinned and put my arms down, glad Jamie got my point.
"Jamie, tell Fanty what he looks like." Angel said, tucking her legs underneath her.
Jamie got on his knees and held up his hands to a good measurable length. "His hands are kind of big, like a man's, but his fingers are skinny and kind of long. His skin is grey, and he wears a black robe thing."
"Wow. What a fashionista." I snickered, already finding this description hilarious.
"He's got black hair that goes up in the air like this," he made a wave like motion up in the air and then continued, "he's got goldish-silver eyes and he's super tall. He runs really fast, and he appears by shadows and such."
"So what time do you expect we take action?" I looked at Angel in case she had any ideas.
"I think midnight would be cool. Like in those stories!" Jamie grinned eagerly.
"Cool beans," I grinned in response, then became serious, "Okay! Here's the plan!"
I whipped out a large piece of paper that looked like a scroll, and a stick of charcoal. Angel gave me a look of confusion and asked, "Where the heck did you get those that quick?"
"I keep stashes of paper and some sort of writing tool around this place in case I come up with ideas if I'm not near the computer or I don't have my sketchbook with me," I said, drawing the layout of my apartment floor plan. I suddenly snapped my fingers, gaining everyone's attention, "That reminds me! I need to restock the paper under the coffee machine and above the microwave. Most of my ideas come from food."
"That I know." Angel laughed, and Jamie and Sophie joined in unison.
"Alright! Listen up, cadets!" I said like an army sarge.
"Cadets! Cadets!" Sophie clapped her hands, liking that word.
I drew a dot right in the room where I slept in, and then outlined a rectangular shape around it. "This is where I sleep, and here," I drew another box on the far left of the room, "Is my closet. Most likely, he'll come out of there. There's too many boxes of art supplies under my bed for him to fit in. What we're gonna do is set up a device-"
"Like a booby trap?" Jamie asked, looking up at me for approval.
"Exactly. The floor will be covered with netting, but only the area around the closet will be triggered. Once he steps into this area," I circled the spot near the closet, and looked up at them, smiling, "he'll be ours!"
"Yay!" Jamie cheered, and Sophie clapped happily.
"I think the best person to set that up for you is Mystic," Angel turned towards me, a grin on her face, "she's got knowledge of snares and traps like Katniss Everdeen herself!"
"Who's Katniss Everdeen?" Jamie asked, tilting his head to the side.
"A character from a book and movie. You're too young to watch or read that stuff." Angel waved her hand, as if to cast that question away.
Jamie stuck out his lower lip, but then leaned forward to get a better look at the battle map I created. "What if that one fails?"
"Mystic taught me how to set up a booby trap of a water bucket on the door, so I'll easily set that up. Angel! Call Mystic. We might as well need her now. Do you have netting?" I turned towards my good friend, who whipped out her phone and started punching in her number.
"No, but she does. She's got half a closet full of them. Trust me, I checked." Angel held up her phone to her ear as it started ringing.
"Good!" I evilly rubbed my hands together, cackling maniacally.
Sophie looked at her own hands, and then mine, and started rubbing them together as if she were washing her hands. She giggled at her intimidation of me, and I smiled down at her attempt to look evil.
"Hey! Don't go teaching my sister that sort of evil stuff!" Jamie demanded, playfully wacking me on the forehead.
"Jamie! No hitting!" Angel snapped.
"WASSAHP LIL GAL!?" Mystic's voice sounded at the end of the phone.
That sent Sophie, Jamie and I into hysterics. Angel tried shushing us, but it did no good.
"Mystic? Yeah, we need your help." Angel said, trying to suppress a smile.
I grabbed the phone from her hand and whispered, "It's Operation Booby Trap!"
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jaewil25-blog · 8 years
Jayla Auset please read this in its entirety.
My government entity is Jamar Rasheid Richmond. Some people call me Búba (pronounced Boo ba) or Jae Stylez because I represent fathers from many nations who have been falsely accused of being neglectful towards their offsprings.
Who Am I?
I am humble. I am altruistic. I am extraordinary. I am being of light who has transmuted that energy into a positive amalgamation of balance between failures & successes.
I was born & raised in the Southwest Bronx, 250 Anthony Avenue, and I grew up kinda introverted unlike the rest of my crew. When I was nine years young, I developed a scientific mindset called critical thinking which saved my life MANY TIMES. This is when you start analyzing everything around you, from family to friends, to conclude daily misconceptions about who you THINK you are and what life should really be like.
Jayla, do you ever feel like there’s more to life than what you see?
Do you ever wonder why school is soooo boring at times?
Do you sometimes feel like moving away somewhere far enough to experience what life is like somewhere else?
Well…I used to question this in school all the time; having me dazed and confused constantly offline.
My Early Scholastic Persona
I was never a book-smart student because truthfully, I didn’t care about the books I was reading. I could read words in a sentence now; I wasn’t illiterate. If you’d ask me what I just read I would just literally draw blanks. I was incomprehensible most of the time in class, but never incompetent. I was an C+ student growing up who couldn’t stand class participation. Why??? Because I never wanted to participate in a lesson if it wasn’t going to enhance my current condition. My classmates used to joke on me because I had a speech impediment causing me to misinterpret certain word structures. Most of our books were written in a format I wasn’t used to. Which made me dislike reading out loud in class. English made a lot of sense to me growing up. Why??? Because of its low vibrational frequency when spoken. Nevertheless, I couldn’t stand speaking English, yet alone, articulate it as my primary language.
I just want you to know that I’m here for you and nothing or no one will ever change that.
My crew & I would travel all over the Bronx to interact with our environment like nobody else’s business and didn’t care who or what we came across in the process. (You would definitely like them all). We used to chill on the block engaged in everything from Manhunt, Off Tha Wall, Dodgeball - using a blue hand ballI, basketball - using anything with a hole in it as a hoop, football - using the street as our field dodging cars & tackles, bike riding like 11 deep up the Grand Concourse to Van Cortland Park, and many other activities I can’t remember at the moment. I tried showing your mother how much love & respect we had for her, nevertheless, she decided to not participate. I remember introducing her to some key components on the block to significantly increase her curiosity about hood life NOT that shit portrayed on tel-lie-vision. I’m talking men who protected women and finessed their celestial presence with greater appreciation for family.
Imagine, eleven guys - with their own personality - acting like big brothers & uncles making sure you were protected from parasitic rodents who would try & infiltrate you & your mother. My crew are creative geniuses who knows the importance of being 2G’s - Gangstas & Gentlemen. My crew have passions of auto mechanics, education, masonry, technical math, applied science & engineering, an eclectic mix of music, theater & art, entrepreneurship, creative masterminds, internal security, natural law, and my personal favorite…advanced technology. We are indeed well rounded. We never act like “tough guys”. We are warriors. We get along with everyone, just some people ironically hate us.
What Makes Me A Solitary Sol-Doer
I mastered the art of fighting WITHOUT REALLY FIGHTING. You maybe asking, ‘how is that possible’? Well, I’ll share some life secrets with you when the time is right. BUT, you must promise not to share anything I reveal to you with anyone; not even your closest love one. Only share it with your mother. What I can say is – some battles are fought in the third dimension, which is the physical realm that you’re able to conquer with your five senses (feel, taste, smell, hear, see). On the other side, there are metaphysical conflicts going on internally that includes knowing thyself first, mastering your level of abilities second, and tapping into unknown forces only activated by your Crown Chakra afterwards. Like I said, I will share more with you and how to tap into this naturally without trying when times presents themselves.
I Never Abandoned You
Jayla, your mother (Kenya) unfortunately never tried to get to know me in-depth when we were around your age. I, Jamar, am extremely sorry for many things I’ve NOT done in your life, but I hope you’re aware that I was VERY involved during your early development stage until I was forced to leave you in 2003 (that’s a long story Jayla). I used to spend the night at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital in Manhattan when you were 2-3 months young just to learn about your congenital heart dis-ease. Ask your mother. I sacrificed my livelihood for you to live a comfortable life on taxpayers expense due to your implanted pacemaker. I always knew how important it was for that pacemaker to be removed because of its electromagnetic frequency waves that can be interrupted by RF devices. After work, I would rush downtown so I could speak face2face to nurses & cardiologists about your severe condition. I used to even talk to you while you were sleep making sure the sound of my voice resonated deep within your subconscious mind while you were courageously recuperating from your traumatic open heart surgery.
When you were just 13 months, your mother made a life changing decision regarding you & I finally getting to know one another. (Jayla, plz read very carefully)
Jayla, you’re my firstborn. You are my ONLY. When you were released by a plethora of doctors at NYU Medical, your mother & I had an epic disagreement. This was a very unhealthy situation for you. So, when you were 13 months, I gave in and allowed your grandma to take full responsibility in my absence because she had a scholastic background, Afrakan centered living conditions, and most importantly, a holistic approach on maintaining optimal health. Jayla I REALLY, SINCERELY APOLOGIZE FOR LEAVING YOU, but I had no other choice. What your mother was going through with her health I just didn’t want to make matters even worst for her. I NEVER - and I’ll repeat - I NEVER put my hands on your mother or anyone else for that matter. I didn’t fight with my body; I fought with my mind…
Your Grandmother Stole The Show
Jayla, I’ve always adored you. I even have your name tattooed on my arm (I got that tat in 2004 when you were 3). You’ve always been my world Jayla Auset. No matter who you currently view as your father or father figure. No one - and I repeat - NO ONE (besides ya moms) has sacrificed more than I have so you can have prestigious support from your environment. Your mother and I are both on your Certificate Of Live Birth which forever binds our lives together. Your grandmother Robyn benefited from a lot from it as well. She capitalized on the Order Of Protection more than your mother did. I was NO THREAT to your safety and well being. But…your grandmother thought if was removed from your life by authoritative force, then her position would be reinforced as primary care giver OR sole provider. Don’t get me wrong Jayla. Robyn sacrificed to take care of you as well, but her sacrifice is NOTHING compared to what your real parents endured during the process. She became legal guardian due to your mother’s medical condition. Your mother should’ve called me but she blamed it on an Order Of Protection that was filed in 2003 for the reason of not reaching out - which was a poor excuse. The real reason your mother didn’t want me to step in is because I would’ve caused to so much confusion, distractions, and down right dysfunctional behavior in your family. That’s the real reason they kept me a secret. So, your grandmother stepped in to care for you like her own giving her a second chance at raising her daughter in an image she wanted all along. Robyn thought her sacred knowledge was the reason for your eminent support. It was your mother’s (Kenya) tenacious attack on the battlefield of Lupus and my extraordinary prowess in the 3rd dimension that kept you safe from malicious intent. I work my mind everyday to provide quality service to the people making sure I don’t promote any cataclysmic behavior or activities. I’ve been secretively supporting you & your mother’s endeavors since you were ripped from her mortal portal.
(I’m deep and abstruse at times…I know.)
What I’ve Always Thought Of You
You’re phenomenally extraordinary!
You’ve always been.
From the little bit I’ve seen & noticed, we have some similarities regarding your personality. You can be a bit silly and intelligently witty like your mother. You also have quiet side - an introverted persona - instilled by your grandma who has taught you well gaining you access to unlimited data in your universe. In other words, you are ENRICHED with wealth generating principles! When we finally meet, I will train you on esoteric wisdom from underground circuits you should’ve learned way before anything else. The foundation of our ancestors will be communicating through our unison. The plan is simplistic but it also requires your mother’s undivided attention.
You Are Everything & Everything Is You
Remember, always influence your own outcomes…don’t allow the mind state of others to influence you. For example, if your colleagues or constituents force a ritual upon you because they are not aware of your delicate condition, you don’t have to fit in…EVER. Trust this…as you get wiser, people will become tactful. Meaning, they will persuade you to consent to something that has destructive tendencies in it. You don’t have to appeal to ANY relationship between you & your peers because of ritualistic behaviors like companionships, friendships, hardships, etc. I’ll teach you how to attract more responsive connections in your life. I’ll teach you how to remain positive in a world full of buyers, sellers, pimps, and hoes (figuratively speaking). Jayla, I’ll teach you lessons about life you could only imagine. Lessons that are not taught in school or any educational institution. Imperative lessons like how to create YOUR dreams into YOUR reality without the Internet. How to struggle smart and live long enough to embody your life’s mission. How to learn about yourself enough to never fear anything again. I’ll start off real slow and incrementally work my way into your respective governments. I grind. I diligently hustle. So, working through the abyss is child’s play for me. Your mother is welcome to tag along; I know she won’t let you out of her sights yet anyway.
YOU ARE THE CENTER OF YOUR UNIVERSE. Your mother & I have blazed a path for you to educate yourself on arcane knowledge, inspire your true inner circle (loyal families & synergistic connections) with intrinsic values, and motivate others to change society’s obsolete ordinances and convert them into your divine essence…Universal Power!
We Are The Afro-Related Trinity
I’m going to share something with you Jayla that I hope you have practiced as well…celibacy. Truth be told, I was a virgin when I met your mother. Your mother never believed me when I confessed this to her earlier. I hope you have very little knowledge on this subject - and if you don’t - I hope you’ve been schooled properly on both girls & boy’s pubertal development.
When I met your mother, back in Y2K, we were raised completely different. Your mother was raised by a strong-minded family of scholars & careerists whom followed everything by the book. I, your biological father, was raised by an eclectic family of hustlers & “go-getters” who did things “by any means necessary”. Your mother was brought up with both of her parents. I was brought up with only my mom & grandma. Your mother was book smart and into poetry. I was into extracurricular activities and technology. Your mother tried her best to fit in high school. I tried my best to stand out. The point is Jayla…your mother and I are something, on the esoteric realm, called quantum engineering. Your mother was involved with her own quantum entanglement and transition onto my side which was a more quantum computing power. In other words, she is like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (ideology of unity) and I’m more like Malcolm X (implementation of unity).
We’re from opposite ends of the same source which is YOU. You are the reason, the beginning, and the only reason to amalgamate negative & positive forces synergistically generating electromagnetic power in abundance. You are the one, of many around the world, who will join forces together and create a better place for future generations of energy beings on this planet.
We must build our Prowess Society so all Earths’s energy beings can empower their environments with self love, global prosperity, and elemental longevity - humanity’s source code under Universal Law.
Wow! See how quickly I can get off topic Jayla???, especially when it’s concerning our planet’s future possibilities. Anyways, Jayla…your mother & I have failed our generation. We involuntarily surrendered our rights to have a lackluster impact on our Omniverse because we didn’t realize what was really important…US AS THE TRINITY - Positive (Kenya Simone 9/19), Negative (Jamar Rasheid 10/2), Neutral (Jayla Auset 10/24).
Nature needs us to showcase supreme consciousness through our inevitable reconciliation.
Time is calling for it.
How will we respond???
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trandangelilber · 4 years
Are 400+ TV Shows Happening In The Same Universe? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios
here’s a fan theory a certain portion of television history took place almost entirely inside the brain of a young autistic boy okay so first things first a couple days ago we released a version of this video that was wrong my understanding of the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis was just completely incorrect if you would like to watch that video for academic purposes you can click here or you can find a link in the description we are going to turn off comments on that video if you did write a comment we saved it we put it in a paste bin there is also a link to that paste bin in the doobly-doo okay now on to a version of this video that is hopefully correct for the next several weeks here on idea channel we’re gonna be doing something a little bit different every other week instead of taking a piece of popular culture and smashing it up against some academic or critical theory to see what happens we’re gonna talk about fan theories speculations about the ways of some of our favorite pieces of media may work even if it doesn’t really appear that way on the surface we’re gonna do five of them we’re gonna talk about Harry Potter Pokemon Star Wars probably dip at least a little bit into Final Fantasy Legend of Zelda and a few others the first fan theory we’re gonna talk about right now is really I think something special it’s a little old so it’s gonna take some explaining but I think it’s important because it’s paradigmatic of fan theories it hits all of the fan theory high notes it’s called the Tommy Westfall universe or the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis and it states that over 400 television shows and Counting all take place in the same universe the theory is defended thusly in 1988 the American television show st.
elsewhere ended its broadcast run a sort of dark comedic medical dramedy set in a hospital the end of its final episode can be read to suggest that the entire series took place inside the brain of a minor character a young autistic boy named Tommy Westfall in opposed to titled six degrees of st.
elsewhere comic writer Dwayne McDuffie explains that this could mean most if not nearly all of television had taken was taking and would continue to take place in Tommy’s brain he writes if saying elsewhere played by the rules of comics either they wouldn’t have been allowed to do it or they would have precipitated a crisis in TV land far bloodier than DC Comics crisis on Infinite Earths why because crossover wise st.
elsewhere is the Kevin Bacon of TV shows end quote how so well if Tommy imagined nearly everything about st.
elsewhere including the people and those people show up on other programs doesn’t it stand to reason that those programs are also imagined by Tommy Westfall this theory says yep now what you might say is okay sure but how many people meaning characters not actors are going to show up in other TV shows how many crossovers could there possibly be I hope you are watching this in your car but parked safe and completely stationary just so that you can literally buckle in one central and very important crossover takes place when alfre woodard who plays st.
elsewheres dr.
Roxanne Turner reprised that role in a 1998 episode of homicide life on the street titled mercy this means that if the fictional dr.
Turner is a complete Westphal fabrication and she shows up on homicide then homicide must also by extension be a Westfall fabrication but okay hold on because homicide and much of television draws from its surroundings from the past and present of its medium as well as others Tommy Westfall becomes not unlike the breadcrumb trail or contrast medium making visible the extreme intertextuality of popular primetime TV once homicide is part of the Tommy Westfall universe every character crossing from it to other shows draws those shows into the westfall universe even if the characters crossing over aren’t in the st.
elsewhere to begin with characters crossing from those shows to a third circle of shows then draw more characters into the universe and the process continues until the complex of TV we normally think of as being comprised of many discrete fictional universes separated by show title is laid out as one continuous fictional landscape unbelievable and as you might imagine that landscape is big just to take you down one pathway source here Eliot Carlin from Newhart visits the psych ward in st.
elsewhere layer old Darrell and Darrell also from Newhart squat in coach Hayden’s cabin coach and drew Carey as well as Allen and grace under fire all end up together in Las Vegas during a crossover block Mimi from The Drew Carey Show appears in the key uglies daryl hugely and Nicky Parker from the Parkers crossover onto each other shows the Parkers as I spent off of Moishe who’s Niecy and Hakeem go to the prom in clueless whose main character cher was visited by Sabrina the Teenage Witch from Newhart to Sabrina all in Tommy’s mind but it doesn’t stop at just characters oh no no props work too for example John munch from homicide which remember is part of the Westfall universe because of dr.
Turner questions the lone gunman from the x-files the x-files cancer man smokes Morley cigarettes Morley cigarettes have been in 24 American Horror Story the Americans Breaking Bad Fraser orange is the new black shameless that 70 show up all night Buffy the Vampire Slayer and as you may have guessed many many other shows the ending of st.
elsewhere with its snow globe and slow zoom and exposition suggesting Tommy has imagined six whole seasons of television and perhaps countless others provides the final piece for a puzzle many television fans would like to solve generally how can we imagine all or much of the media we love being somehow related somehow intertwined capable of interacting is there a pathway between Mulder and despite what if someone on the John Larroquette show influenced history in such a way that it made certain portions of Star Trek possible in the way that it’s fun to see public figures you like interacting with one another on social media it’s fun to consider how your favorite fictional universes may intersect or interact heck it’s a whole genre of fan fiction it’s even an incredibly popular video game with the point I don’t think is that the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis or any other fan theory for that matter is correct is 100% and totally verifiable and we figured out a secret thing that’s actually true about television and oppa bow before it’s deductive completeness the point is that fan theories provide new ways to think with and act our favorite pieces of media and culture fan theories try to determine what noon or exciting situation can be reasonably wrung out of a story based on what already they’re a good fan theory rearranges our reinterprets but doesn’t recreate and append they allow us new ways to consider well-known often discussed popular and/or beloved media and they almost always meet whatever that media is on its own terms this approach has its pros and it’s cons but most importantly it’s fun for me fan theories are kind of like critical thinking popcorn this is why I wanted to start with Tommy Westfall are there people out there who believe unequivocally that the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that over 400 television shows really and truly do exist in exactly the same universe that instead of it being a symptom of intertextuality resulting from purposeful cleverness sure but also a practical convenience actual accident and literal coincidence it proves a fundamental characteristic of Caroline in the city and the wire is that they could in fact be happening a mere train ride from one another inside a young boy’s brain maybe and if so that’s awesome but even Dwayne McDuffie himself followed his Proclamation that quote the last five minutes of st.
elsewhere is the only television show ever everything else is a daydream with an admission that quote obsessive cross series continuity is silly he was making a point about comic books and maybe fixating on that kind of thing is silly but also novel and as movie bomb points out both fun and something you can go deep on fan theories maybe Tommy Westfall chief amongst them are a way to reconsider stories and universes that you love maybe they’ve sharpen your thinking bits maybe to gain a little bit more insight into parts of the story not captured on the page or by the camera or maybe because you really honestly do believe that Calvin and Hobbes is a prequel to Fight Club if you don’t know about that one you gotta go google it it’s very convincing what do you guys think what role do fan theories play in popular culture and do you think the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis holds up at all let us know in the comments and I will respond to some of them in next week’s comment response video in this week’s comment response video we talk about your thoughts regarding trigger warnings in classrooms if you want to watch that you can click right here or find a link in the doobly-doo we also have one bit of very exciting news idea channel finally has hold on one second t-shirts it was designed by my andrea AKA art sparrow who is a very talented illustrator really really excited that we got to work with her so i’ll put some links to her work in the description as well as well as a link to the dftba.
com store where you can buy this idea channel shirt it is the only thing that we have available right now we’re working on a couple other t-shirt designs as well as some other fun stuff trying to figure out how to get like stickers and and various and sundry other things but yeah the merch train is finally leaving the station which is very exciting choo choo this week’s episode was brought to you by the very hard work of these context Crossing fictional characters we have a facebook an IRC and a subreddit come hang out and the tweet of the week comes from Nick Stoller who points us towards an article about conveying and experiencing existential dread via super mario maker you.
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/us/are-400-tv-shows-happening-in-the-same-universe-idea-channel-pbs-digital-studios-2/ from IPTV Restream https://iptvrestream.tumblr.com/post/629438207975686144 from Best IPTV Channels https://reneturgeon.tumblr.com/post/629439254559375360
0 notes
reneturgeon · 4 years
Are 400+ TV Shows Happening In The Same Universe? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios
here’s a fan theory a certain portion of television history took place almost entirely inside the brain of a young autistic boy okay so first things first a couple days ago we released a version of this video that was wrong my understanding of the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis was just completely incorrect if you would like to watch that video for academic purposes you can click here or you can find a link in the description we are going to turn off comments on that video if you did write a comment we saved it we put it in a paste bin there is also a link to that paste bin in the doobly-doo okay now on to a version of this video that is hopefully correct for the next several weeks here on idea channel we’re gonna be doing something a little bit different every other week instead of taking a piece of popular culture and smashing it up against some academic or critical theory to see what happens we’re gonna talk about fan theories speculations about the ways of some of our favorite pieces of media may work even if it doesn’t really appear that way on the surface we’re gonna do five of them we’re gonna talk about Harry Potter Pokemon Star Wars probably dip at least a little bit into Final Fantasy Legend of Zelda and a few others the first fan theory we’re gonna talk about right now is really I think something special it’s a little old so it’s gonna take some explaining but I think it’s important because it’s paradigmatic of fan theories it hits all of the fan theory high notes it’s called the Tommy Westfall universe or the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis and it states that over 400 television shows and Counting all take place in the same universe the theory is defended thusly in 1988 the American television show st.
elsewhere ended its broadcast run a sort of dark comedic medical dramedy set in a hospital the end of its final episode can be read to suggest that the entire series took place inside the brain of a minor character a young autistic boy named Tommy Westfall in opposed to titled six degrees of st.
elsewhere comic writer Dwayne McDuffie explains that this could mean most if not nearly all of television had taken was taking and would continue to take place in Tommy’s brain he writes if saying elsewhere played by the rules of comics either they wouldn’t have been allowed to do it or they would have precipitated a crisis in TV land far bloodier than DC Comics crisis on Infinite Earths why because crossover wise st.
elsewhere is the Kevin Bacon of TV shows end quote how so well if Tommy imagined nearly everything about st.
elsewhere including the people and those people show up on other programs doesn’t it stand to reason that those programs are also imagined by Tommy Westfall this theory says yep now what you might say is okay sure but how many people meaning characters not actors are going to show up in other TV shows how many crossovers could there possibly be I hope you are watching this in your car but parked safe and completely stationary just so that you can literally buckle in one central and very important crossover takes place when alfre woodard who plays st.
elsewheres dr.
Roxanne Turner reprised that role in a 1998 episode of homicide life on the street titled mercy this means that if the fictional dr.
Turner is a complete Westphal fabrication and she shows up on homicide then homicide must also by extension be a Westfall fabrication but okay hold on because homicide and much of television draws from its surroundings from the past and present of its medium as well as others Tommy Westfall becomes not unlike the breadcrumb trail or contrast medium making visible the extreme intertextuality of popular primetime TV once homicide is part of the Tommy Westfall universe every character crossing from it to other shows draws those shows into the westfall universe even if the characters crossing over aren’t in the st.
elsewhere to begin with characters crossing from those shows to a third circle of shows then draw more characters into the universe and the process continues until the complex of TV we normally think of as being comprised of many discrete fictional universes separated by show title is laid out as one continuous fictional landscape unbelievable and as you might imagine that landscape is big just to take you down one pathway source here Eliot Carlin from Newhart visits the psych ward in st.
elsewhere layer old Darrell and Darrell also from Newhart squat in coach Hayden’s cabin coach and drew Carey as well as Allen and grace under fire all end up together in Las Vegas during a crossover block Mimi from The Drew Carey Show appears in the key uglies daryl hugely and Nicky Parker from the Parkers crossover onto each other shows the Parkers as I spent off of Moishe who’s Niecy and Hakeem go to the prom in clueless whose main character cher was visited by Sabrina the Teenage Witch from Newhart to Sabrina all in Tommy’s mind but it doesn’t stop at just characters oh no no props work too for example John munch from homicide which remember is part of the Westfall universe because of dr.
Turner questions the lone gunman from the x-files the x-files cancer man smokes Morley cigarettes Morley cigarettes have been in 24 American Horror Story the Americans Breaking Bad Fraser orange is the new black shameless that 70 show up all night Buffy the Vampire Slayer and as you may have guessed many many other shows the ending of st.
elsewhere with its snow globe and slow zoom and exposition suggesting Tommy has imagined six whole seasons of television and perhaps countless others provides the final piece for a puzzle many television fans would like to solve generally how can we imagine all or much of the media we love being somehow related somehow intertwined capable of interacting is there a pathway between Mulder and despite what if someone on the John Larroquette show influenced history in such a way that it made certain portions of Star Trek possible in the way that it’s fun to see public figures you like interacting with one another on social media it’s fun to consider how your favorite fictional universes may intersect or interact heck it’s a whole genre of fan fiction it’s even an incredibly popular video game with the point I don’t think is that the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis or any other fan theory for that matter is correct is 100% and totally verifiable and we figured out a secret thing that’s actually true about television and oppa bow before it’s deductive completeness the point is that fan theories provide new ways to think with and act our favorite pieces of media and culture fan theories try to determine what noon or exciting situation can be reasonably wrung out of a story based on what already they’re a good fan theory rearranges our reinterprets but doesn’t recreate and append they allow us new ways to consider well-known often discussed popular and/or beloved media and they almost always meet whatever that media is on its own terms this approach has its pros and it’s cons but most importantly it’s fun for me fan theories are kind of like critical thinking popcorn this is why I wanted to start with Tommy Westfall are there people out there who believe unequivocally that the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that over 400 television shows really and truly do exist in exactly the same universe that instead of it being a symptom of intertextuality resulting from purposeful cleverness sure but also a practical convenience actual accident and literal coincidence it proves a fundamental characteristic of Caroline in the city and the wire is that they could in fact be happening a mere train ride from one another inside a young boy’s brain maybe and if so that’s awesome but even Dwayne McDuffie himself followed his Proclamation that quote the last five minutes of st.
elsewhere is the only television show ever everything else is a daydream with an admission that quote obsessive cross series continuity is silly he was making a point about comic books and maybe fixating on that kind of thing is silly but also novel and as movie bomb points out both fun and something you can go deep on fan theories maybe Tommy Westfall chief amongst them are a way to reconsider stories and universes that you love maybe they’ve sharpen your thinking bits maybe to gain a little bit more insight into parts of the story not captured on the page or by the camera or maybe because you really honestly do believe that Calvin and Hobbes is a prequel to Fight Club if you don’t know about that one you gotta go google it it’s very convincing what do you guys think what role do fan theories play in popular culture and do you think the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis holds up at all let us know in the comments and I will respond to some of them in next week’s comment response video in this week’s comment response video we talk about your thoughts regarding trigger warnings in classrooms if you want to watch that you can click right here or find a link in the doobly-doo we also have one bit of very exciting news idea channel finally has hold on one second t-shirts it was designed by my andrea AKA art sparrow who is a very talented illustrator really really excited that we got to work with her so i’ll put some links to her work in the description as well as well as a link to the dftba.
com store where you can buy this idea channel shirt it is the only thing that we have available right now we’re working on a couple other t-shirt designs as well as some other fun stuff trying to figure out how to get like stickers and and various and sundry other things but yeah the merch train is finally leaving the station which is very exciting choo choo this week’s episode was brought to you by the very hard work of these context Crossing fictional characters we have a facebook an IRC and a subreddit come hang out and the tweet of the week comes from Nick Stoller who points us towards an article about conveying and experiencing existential dread via super mario maker you.
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/us/are-400-tv-shows-happening-in-the-same-universe-idea-channel-pbs-digital-studios-2/ from IPTV Restream https://iptvrestream.tumblr.com/post/629438207975686144
0 notes
iptvrestream · 4 years
Are 400+ TV Shows Happening In The Same Universe? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios
here's a fan theory a certain portion of television history took place almost entirely inside the brain of a young autistic boy okay so first things first a couple days ago we released a version of this video that was wrong my understanding of the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis was just completely incorrect if you would like to watch that video for academic purposes you can click here or you can find a link in the description we are going to turn off comments on that video if you did write a comment we saved it we put it in a paste bin there is also a link to that paste bin in the doobly-doo okay now on to a version of this video that is hopefully correct for the next several weeks here on idea channel we're gonna be doing something a little bit different every other week instead of taking a piece of popular culture and smashing it up against some academic or critical theory to see what happens we're gonna talk about fan theories speculations about the ways of some of our favorite pieces of media may work even if it doesn't really appear that way on the surface we're gonna do five of them we're gonna talk about Harry Potter Pokemon Star Wars probably dip at least a little bit into Final Fantasy Legend of Zelda and a few others the first fan theory we're gonna talk about right now is really I think something special it's a little old so it's gonna take some explaining but I think it's important because it's paradigmatic of fan theories it hits all of the fan theory high notes it's called the Tommy Westfall universe or the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis and it states that over 400 television shows and Counting all take place in the same universe the theory is defended thusly in 1988 the American television show st.
elsewhere ended its broadcast run a sort of dark comedic medical dramedy set in a hospital the end of its final episode can be read to suggest that the entire series took place inside the brain of a minor character a young autistic boy named Tommy Westfall in opposed to titled six degrees of st.
elsewhere comic writer Dwayne McDuffie explains that this could mean most if not nearly all of television had taken was taking and would continue to take place in Tommy's brain he writes if saying elsewhere played by the rules of comics either they wouldn't have been allowed to do it or they would have precipitated a crisis in TV land far bloodier than DC Comics crisis on Infinite Earths why because crossover wise st.
elsewhere is the Kevin Bacon of TV shows end quote how so well if Tommy imagined nearly everything about st.
elsewhere including the people and those people show up on other programs doesn't it stand to reason that those programs are also imagined by Tommy Westfall this theory says yep now what you might say is okay sure but how many people meaning characters not actors are going to show up in other TV shows how many crossovers could there possibly be I hope you are watching this in your car but parked safe and completely stationary just so that you can literally buckle in one central and very important crossover takes place when alfre woodard who plays st.
elsewheres dr.
Roxanne Turner reprised that role in a 1998 episode of homicide life on the street titled mercy this means that if the fictional dr.
Turner is a complete Westphal fabrication and she shows up on homicide then homicide must also by extension be a Westfall fabrication but okay hold on because homicide and much of television draws from its surroundings from the past and present of its medium as well as others Tommy Westfall becomes not unlike the breadcrumb trail or contrast medium making visible the extreme intertextuality of popular primetime TV once homicide is part of the Tommy Westfall universe every character crossing from it to other shows draws those shows into the westfall universe even if the characters crossing over aren't in the st.
elsewhere to begin with characters crossing from those shows to a third circle of shows then draw more characters into the universe and the process continues until the complex of TV we normally think of as being comprised of many discrete fictional universes separated by show title is laid out as one continuous fictional landscape unbelievable and as you might imagine that landscape is big just to take you down one pathway source here Eliot Carlin from Newhart visits the psych ward in st.
elsewhere layer old Darrell and Darrell also from Newhart squat in coach Hayden's cabin coach and drew Carey as well as Allen and grace under fire all end up together in Las Vegas during a crossover block Mimi from The Drew Carey Show appears in the key uglies daryl hugely and Nicky Parker from the Parkers crossover onto each other shows the Parkers as I spent off of Moishe who's Niecy and Hakeem go to the prom in clueless whose main character cher was visited by Sabrina the Teenage Witch from Newhart to Sabrina all in Tommy's mind but it doesn't stop at just characters oh no no props work too for example John munch from homicide which remember is part of the Westfall universe because of dr.
Turner questions the lone gunman from the x-files the x-files cancer man smokes Morley cigarettes Morley cigarettes have been in 24 American Horror Story the Americans Breaking Bad Fraser orange is the new black shameless that 70 show up all night Buffy the Vampire Slayer and as you may have guessed many many other shows the ending of st.
elsewhere with its snow globe and slow zoom and exposition suggesting Tommy has imagined six whole seasons of television and perhaps countless others provides the final piece for a puzzle many television fans would like to solve generally how can we imagine all or much of the media we love being somehow related somehow intertwined capable of interacting is there a pathway between Mulder and despite what if someone on the John Larroquette show influenced history in such a way that it made certain portions of Star Trek possible in the way that it's fun to see public figures you like interacting with one another on social media it's fun to consider how your favorite fictional universes may intersect or interact heck it's a whole genre of fan fiction it's even an incredibly popular video game with the point I don't think is that the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis or any other fan theory for that matter is correct is 100% and totally verifiable and we figured out a secret thing that's actually true about television and oppa bow before it's deductive completeness the point is that fan theories provide new ways to think with and act our favorite pieces of media and culture fan theories try to determine what noon or exciting situation can be reasonably wrung out of a story based on what already they're a good fan theory rearranges our reinterprets but doesn't recreate and append they allow us new ways to consider well-known often discussed popular and/or beloved media and they almost always meet whatever that media is on its own terms this approach has its pros and it's cons but most importantly it's fun for me fan theories are kind of like critical thinking popcorn this is why I wanted to start with Tommy Westfall are there people out there who believe unequivocally that the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that over 400 television shows really and truly do exist in exactly the same universe that instead of it being a symptom of intertextuality resulting from purposeful cleverness sure but also a practical convenience actual accident and literal coincidence it proves a fundamental characteristic of Caroline in the city and the wire is that they could in fact be happening a mere train ride from one another inside a young boy's brain maybe and if so that's awesome but even Dwayne McDuffie himself followed his Proclamation that quote the last five minutes of st.
elsewhere is the only television show ever everything else is a daydream with an admission that quote obsessive cross series continuity is silly he was making a point about comic books and maybe fixating on that kind of thing is silly but also novel and as movie bomb points out both fun and something you can go deep on fan theories maybe Tommy Westfall chief amongst them are a way to reconsider stories and universes that you love maybe they've sharpen your thinking bits maybe to gain a little bit more insight into parts of the story not captured on the page or by the camera or maybe because you really honestly do believe that Calvin and Hobbes is a prequel to Fight Club if you don't know about that one you gotta go google it it's very convincing what do you guys think what role do fan theories play in popular culture and do you think the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis holds up at all let us know in the comments and I will respond to some of them in next week's comment response video in this week's comment response video we talk about your thoughts regarding trigger warnings in classrooms if you want to watch that you can click right here or find a link in the doobly-doo we also have one bit of very exciting news idea channel finally has hold on one second t-shirts it was designed by my andrea AKA art sparrow who is a very talented illustrator really really excited that we got to work with her so i'll put some links to her work in the description as well as well as a link to the dftba.
com store where you can buy this idea channel shirt it is the only thing that we have available right now we're working on a couple other t-shirt designs as well as some other fun stuff trying to figure out how to get like stickers and and various and sundry other things but yeah the merch train is finally leaving the station which is very exciting choo choo this week's episode was brought to you by the very hard work of these context Crossing fictional characters we have a facebook an IRC and a subreddit come hang out and the tweet of the week comes from Nick Stoller who points us towards an article about conveying and experiencing existential dread via super mario maker you.
from IPTVRestream https://iptvrestream.net/us/are-400-tv-shows-happening-in-the-same-universe-idea-channel-pbs-digital-studios-2/
0 notes
ophelialamarre · 4 years
Are 400 TV Shows Happening In The Same Universe? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios
here's a fan theory a certain portion of television history took place almost entirely inside the brain of a young autistic boy okay so first things first a couple days ago we released a version of this video that was wrong my understanding of the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis was just completely incorrect if you would like to watch that video for academic purposes you can click here or you can find a link in the description we are going to turn off comments on that video if you did write a comment we saved it we put it in a paste bin there is also a link to that paste bin in the doobly-doo okay now on to a version of this video that is hopefully correct for the next several weeks here on idea channel we're gonna be doing something a little bit different every other week instead of taking a piece of popular culture and smashing it up against some academic or critical theory to see what happens we're gonna talk about fan theories speculations about the ways of some of our favorite pieces of media may work even if it doesn't really appear that way on the surface we're gonna do five of them we're gonna talk about Harry Potter Pokemon Star Wars probably dip at least a little bit into Final Fantasy Legend of Zelda and a few others the first fan theory we're gonna talk about right now is really I think something special it's a little old so it's gonna take some explaining but I think it's important because it's paradigmatic of fan theories it hits all of the fan theory high notes it's called the Tommy Westfall universe or the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis and it states that over 400 television shows and Counting all take place in the same universe the theory is defended thusly in 1988 the American television show st.
elsewhere ended its broadcast run a sort of dark comedic medical dramedy set in a hospital the end of its final episode can be read to suggest that the entire series took place inside the brain of a minor character a young autistic boy named Tommy Westfall in opposed to titled six degrees of st.
elsewhere comic writer Dwayne McDuffie explains that this could mean most if not nearly all of television had taken was taking and would continue to take place in Tommy's brain he writes if saying elsewhere played by the rules of comics either they wouldn't have been allowed to do it or they would have precipitated a crisis in TV land far bloodier than DC Comics crisis on Infinite Earths why because crossover wise st.
elsewhere is the Kevin Bacon of TV shows end quote how so well if Tommy imagined nearly everything about st.
elsewhere including the people and those people show up on other programs doesn't it stand to reason that those programs are also imagined by Tommy Westfall this theory says yep now what you might say is okay sure but how many people meaning characters not actors are going to show up in other TV shows how many crossovers could there possibly be I hope you are watching this in your car but parked safe and completely stationary just so that you can literally buckle in one central and very important crossover takes place when alfre woodard who plays st.
elsewheres dr.
Roxanne Turner reprised that role in a 1998 episode of homicide life on the street titled mercy this means that if the fictional dr.
Turner is a complete Westphal fabrication and she shows up on homicide then homicide must also by extension be a Westfall fabrication but okay hold on because homicide and much of television draws from its surroundings from the past and present of its medium as well as others Tommy Westfall becomes not unlike the breadcrumb trail or contrast medium making visible the extreme intertextuality of popular primetime TV once homicide is part of the Tommy Westfall universe every character crossing from it to other shows draws those shows into the westfall universe even if the characters crossing over aren't in the st.
elsewhere to begin with characters crossing from those shows to a third circle of shows then draw more characters into the universe and the process continues until the complex of TV we normally think of as being comprised of many discrete fictional universes separated by show title is laid out as one continuous fictional landscape unbelievable and as you might imagine that landscape is big just to take you down one pathway source here Eliot Carlin from Newhart visits the psych ward in st.
elsewhere layer old Darrell and Darrell also from Newhart squat in coach Hayden's cabin coach and drew Carey as well as Allen and grace under fire all end up together in Las Vegas during a crossover block Mimi from The Drew Carey Show appears in the key uglies daryl hugely and Nicky Parker from the Parkers crossover onto each other shows the Parkers as I spent off of Moishe who's Niecy and Hakeem go to the prom in clueless whose main character cher was visited by Sabrina the Teenage Witch from Newhart to Sabrina all in Tommy's mind but it doesn't stop at just characters oh no no props work too for example John munch from homicide which remember is part of the Westfall universe because of dr.
Turner questions the lone gunman from the x-files the x-files cancer man smokes Morley cigarettes Morley cigarettes have been in 24 American Horror Story the Americans Breaking Bad Fraser orange is the new black shameless that 70 show up all night Buffy the Vampire Slayer and as you may have guessed many many other shows the ending of st.
elsewhere with its snow globe and slow zoom and exposition suggesting Tommy has imagined six whole seasons of television and perhaps countless others provides the final piece for a puzzle many television fans would like to solve generally how can we imagine all or much of the media we love being somehow related somehow intertwined capable of interacting is there a pathway between Mulder and despite what if someone on the John Larroquette show influenced history in such a way that it made certain portions of Star Trek possible in the way that it's fun to see public figures you like interacting with one another on social media it's fun to consider how your favorite fictional universes may intersect or interact heck it's a whole genre of fan fiction it's even an incredibly popular video game with the point I don't think is that the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis or any other fan theory for that matter is correct is 100% and totally verifiable and we figured out a secret thing that's actually true about television and oppa bow before it's deductive completeness the point is that fan theories provide new ways to think with and act our favorite pieces of media and culture fan theories try to determine what noon or exciting situation can be reasonably wrung out of a story based on what already they're a good fan theory rearranges our reinterprets but doesn't recreate and append they allow us new ways to consider well-known often discussed popular and/or beloved media and they almost always meet whatever that media is on its own terms this approach has its pros and it's cons but most importantly it's fun for me fan theories are kind of like critical thinking popcorn this is why I wanted to start with Tommy Westfall are there people out there who believe unequivocally that the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that over 400 television shows really and truly do exist in exactly the same universe that instead of it being a symptom of intertextuality resulting from purposeful cleverness sure but also a practical convenience actual accident and literal coincidence it proves a fundamental characteristic of Caroline in the city and the wire is that they could in fact be happening a mere train ride from one another inside a young boy's brain maybe and if so that's awesome but even Dwayne McDuffie himself followed his Proclamation that quote the last five minutes of st.
elsewhere is the only television show ever everything else is a daydream with an admission that quote obsessive cross series continuity is silly he was making a point about comic books and maybe fixating on that kind of thing is silly but also novel and as movie bomb points out both fun and something you can go deep on fan theories maybe Tommy Westfall chief amongst them are a way to reconsider stories and universes that you love maybe they've sharpen your thinking bits maybe to gain a little bit more insight into parts of the story not captured on the page or by the camera or maybe because you really honestly do believe that Calvin and Hobbes is a prequel to Fight Club if you don't know about that one you gotta go google it it's very convincing what do you guys think what role do fan theories play in popular culture and do you think the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis holds up at all let us know in the comments and I will respond to some of them in next week's comment response video in this week's comment response video we talk about your thoughts regarding trigger warnings in classrooms if you want to watch that you can click right here or find a link in the doobly-doo we also have one bit of very exciting news idea channel finally has hold on one second t-shirts it was designed by my andrea AKA art sparrow who is a very talented illustrator really really excited that we got to work with her so i'll put some links to her work in the description as well as well as a link to the dftba.
com store where you can buy this idea channel shirt it is the only thing that we have available right now we're working on a couple other t-shirt designs as well as some other fun stuff trying to figure out how to get like stickers and and various and sundry other things but yeah the merch train is finally leaving the station which is very exciting choo choo this week's episode was brought to you by the very hard work of these context Crossing fictional characters we have a facebook an IRC and a subreddit come hang out and the tweet of the week comes from Nick Stoller who points us towards an article about conveying and experiencing existential dread via super mario maker you.
The post Are 400+ TV Shows Happening In The Same Universe? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios appeared first on IPTVRestream.
Source: https://iptvrestream.net/restream/are-400-tv-shows-happening-in-the-same-universe-idea-channel-pbs-digital-studios/
from https://iptvrestream.wordpress.com/2020/04/14/are-400-tv-shows-happening-in-the-same-universe-idea-channel-pbs-digital-studios/
from Free IPTV - Blog https://pierpontartois.weebly.com/blog/are-400-tv-shows-happening-in-the-same-universe-idea-channel-pbs-digital-studios
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jacquesgoddu · 4 years
Are 400 TV Shows Happening In The Same Universe? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios
here’s a fan theory a certain portion of television history took place almost entirely inside the brain of a young autistic boy okay so first things first a couple days ago we released a version of this video that was wrong my understanding of the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis was just completely incorrect if you would like to watch that video for academic purposes you can click here or you can find a link in the description we are going to turn off comments on that video if you did write a comment we saved it we put it in a paste bin there is also a link to that paste bin in the doobly-doo okay now on to a version of this video that is hopefully correct for the next several weeks here on idea channel we’re gonna be doing something a little bit different every other week instead of taking a piece of popular culture and smashing it up against some academic or critical theory to see what happens we’re gonna talk about fan theories speculations about the ways of some of our favorite pieces of media may work even if it doesn’t really appear that way on the surface we’re gonna do five of them we’re gonna talk about Harry Potter Pokemon Star Wars probably dip at least a little bit into Final Fantasy Legend of Zelda and a few others the first fan theory we’re gonna talk about right now is really I think something special it’s a little old so it’s gonna take some explaining but I think it’s important because it’s paradigmatic of fan theories it hits all of the fan theory high notes it’s called the Tommy Westfall universe or the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis and it states that over 400 television shows and Counting all take place in the same universe the theory is defended thusly in 1988 the American television show st.
elsewhere ended its broadcast run a sort of dark comedic medical dramedy set in a hospital the end of its final episode can be read to suggest that the entire series took place inside the brain of a minor character a young autistic boy named Tommy Westfall in opposed to titled six degrees of st.
elsewhere comic writer Dwayne McDuffie explains that this could mean most if not nearly all of television had taken was taking and would continue to take place in Tommy’s brain he writes if saying elsewhere played by the rules of comics either they wouldn’t have been allowed to do it or they would have precipitated a crisis in TV land far bloodier than DC Comics crisis on Infinite Earths why because crossover wise st.
elsewhere is the Kevin Bacon of TV shows end quote how so well if Tommy imagined nearly everything about st.
elsewhere including the people and those people show up on other programs doesn’t it stand to reason that those programs are also imagined by Tommy Westfall this theory says yep now what you might say is okay sure but how many people meaning characters not actors are going to show up in other TV shows how many crossovers could there possibly be I hope you are watching this in your car but parked safe and completely stationary just so that you can literally buckle in one central and very important crossover takes place when alfre woodard who plays st.
elsewheres dr.
Roxanne Turner reprised that role in a 1998 episode of homicide life on the street titled mercy this means that if the fictional dr.
Turner is a complete Westphal fabrication and she shows up on homicide then homicide must also by extension be a Westfall fabrication but okay hold on because homicide and much of television draws from its surroundings from the past and present of its medium as well as others Tommy Westfall becomes not unlike the breadcrumb trail or contrast medium making visible the extreme intertextuality of popular primetime TV once homicide is part of the Tommy Westfall universe every character crossing from it to other shows draws those shows into the westfall universe even if the characters crossing over aren’t in the st.
elsewhere to begin with characters crossing from those shows to a third circle of shows then draw more characters into the universe and the process continues until the complex of TV we normally think of as being comprised of many discrete fictional universes separated by show title is laid out as one continuous fictional landscape unbelievable and as you might imagine that landscape is big just to take you down one pathway source here Eliot Carlin from Newhart visits the psych ward in st.
elsewhere layer old Darrell and Darrell also from Newhart squat in coach Hayden’s cabin coach and drew Carey as well as Allen and grace under fire all end up together in Las Vegas during a crossover block Mimi from The Drew Carey Show appears in the key uglies daryl hugely and Nicky Parker from the Parkers crossover onto each other shows the Parkers as I spent off of Moishe who’s Niecy and Hakeem go to the prom in clueless whose main character cher was visited by Sabrina the Teenage Witch from Newhart to Sabrina all in Tommy’s mind but it doesn’t stop at just characters oh no no props work too for example John munch from homicide which remember is part of the Westfall universe because of dr.
Turner questions the lone gunman from the x-files the x-files cancer man smokes Morley cigarettes Morley cigarettes have been in 24 American Horror Story the Americans Breaking Bad Fraser orange is the new black shameless that 70 show up all night Buffy the Vampire Slayer and as you may have guessed many many other shows the ending of st.
elsewhere with its snow globe and slow zoom and exposition suggesting Tommy has imagined six whole seasons of television and perhaps countless others provides the final piece for a puzzle many television fans would like to solve generally how can we imagine all or much of the media we love being somehow related somehow intertwined capable of interacting is there a pathway between Mulder and despite what if someone on the John Larroquette show influenced history in such a way that it made certain portions of Star Trek possible in the way that it’s fun to see public figures you like interacting with one another on social media it’s fun to consider how your favorite fictional universes may intersect or interact heck it’s a whole genre of fan fiction it’s even an incredibly popular video game with the point I don’t think is that the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis or any other fan theory for that matter is correct is 100% and totally verifiable and we figured out a secret thing that’s actually true about television and oppa bow before it’s deductive completeness the point is that fan theories provide new ways to think with and act our favorite pieces of media and culture fan theories try to determine what noon or exciting situation can be reasonably wrung out of a story based on what already they’re a good fan theory rearranges our reinterprets but doesn’t recreate and append they allow us new ways to consider well-known often discussed popular and/or beloved media and they almost always meet whatever that media is on its own terms this approach has its pros and it’s cons but most importantly it’s fun for me fan theories are kind of like critical thinking popcorn this is why I wanted to start with Tommy Westfall are there people out there who believe unequivocally that the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that over 400 television shows really and truly do exist in exactly the same universe that instead of it being a symptom of intertextuality resulting from purposeful cleverness sure but also a practical convenience actual accident and literal coincidence it proves a fundamental characteristic of Caroline in the city and the wire is that they could in fact be happening a mere train ride from one another inside a young boy’s brain maybe and if so that’s awesome but even Dwayne McDuffie himself followed his Proclamation that quote the last five minutes of st.
elsewhere is the only television show ever everything else is a daydream with an admission that quote obsessive cross series continuity is silly he was making a point about comic books and maybe fixating on that kind of thing is silly but also novel and as movie bomb points out both fun and something you can go deep on fan theories maybe Tommy Westfall chief amongst them are a way to reconsider stories and universes that you love maybe they’ve sharpen your thinking bits maybe to gain a little bit more insight into parts of the story not captured on the page or by the camera or maybe because you really honestly do believe that Calvin and Hobbes is a prequel to Fight Club if you don’t know about that one you gotta go google it it’s very convincing what do you guys think what role do fan theories play in popular culture and do you think the Tommy westphall universe hypothesis holds up at all let us know in the comments and I will respond to some of them in next week’s comment response video in this week’s comment response video we talk about your thoughts regarding trigger warnings in classrooms if you want to watch that you can click right here or find a link in the doobly-doo we also have one bit of very exciting news idea channel finally has hold on one second t-shirts it was designed by my andrea AKA art sparrow who is a very talented illustrator really really excited that we got to work with her so i’ll put some links to her work in the description as well as well as a link to the dftba.
com store where you can buy this idea channel shirt it is the only thing that we have available right now we’re working on a couple other t-shirt designs as well as some other fun stuff trying to figure out how to get like stickers and and various and sundry other things but yeah the merch train is finally leaving the station which is very exciting choo choo this week’s episode was brought to you by the very hard work of these context Crossing fictional characters we have a facebook an IRC and a subreddit come hang out and the tweet of the week comes from Nick Stoller who points us towards an article about conveying and experiencing existential dread via super mario maker you.
The post Are 400+ TV Shows Happening In The Same Universe? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios appeared first on IPTVRestream.
from https://iptvrestream.net/restream/are-400-tv-shows-happening-in-the-same-universe-idea-channel-pbs-digital-studios/
from IPTV Restream - Blog https://iptvrestreamnet.weebly.com/blog/are-400-tv-shows-happening-in-the-same-universe-idea-channel-pbs-digital-studios from Restream IPTV https://belisardacoudert.tumblr.com/post/615347901253795840
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