#art by admin ken
premleaguehigh · 1 year
who gets the best (and the worst) grades at school?
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Okay, the geo thing was NOT my fault… I swear. It’s like, Pep had to do it or something.
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challengedbywiley · 9 months
// dexduo / dumbassduo
// got bored so i had to draw the besties as the barbie photo because the vibes were so funny. it’s what we get for jumping in the crater @trainergraceneedstherapy
// join the area zero survey corps
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katewillaert · 2 years
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Carmen Sandiego Dossiers
One of my biggest video projects currently is an epic, lengthy deep dive into the making of the original 1985 version of Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego? I've corresponded with everyone involved in the game, from the CEO to the guy who designed the box art.
In the interest of being thorough, I decided to ask around about the identities of the Broderbund employees who posed as the "suspects" in the original manual (back before dossiers were included right in the game). Here's what I found:
Carmen Sandiego was played by Marsha Bell (née Goodman) whose job title was Advertising / Marketing Secretary. She also appeared on the cover of the sequel, but she is not the woman on the cover of the first game. The cover model's identity is still unknown.
Merey LaRoc was an anagram for Carol Emery, who was the Product Acquisitions Secretary or "Acquisitions Eminence Grise" depending on who you asked.
Dazzle Annie Nonker was a partial anagram for Ann Kronen, Product Manager on such programs as Dazzle Draw and The Print Shop.
Lady Agatha Wayland was Kay Wayland, who was an Admin Assistant in Product Development before becoming a Product Manager for programs like Fantavision.
Len "Red" Bulk was Ken Bull, who'd become the lead programmer on the Carmen sequels after Dane Bigham left.
Scar Graynolt was Carmen co-creator Lauren Elliott. It's a shame Gene Portwood and Dane Bigham don't also appear as crooks, seems like it would've been an obvious thing to do? The name is an anagram for company co-founder Gary Carlston.
Nick Brunch was Dane's roommate Scott Shumway, who programmed various ports (including Carmen C64).
Fast Eddie B. was Ed Bernstein, Editorial Director of Product Development who oversaw all the Product Managers. He later founded Palladium Interactive, who published the MYST parody PYST.
Ihor Ihoravich was Alick Dziabczenko, a programmer who worked on The Toy Shop. If this is an anagram, I can't figure it out.
Katherine "Boom-Boom" Drib was Katherine "Cricket" Bird, who was one of two Product Managers on this very game, taking over for the previous Product Manager halfway through development. More on that in the eventual video.
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catulhu333 · 2 years
Jessie, James and the Rocket Executives
A bit of an addendum to my earlier re-blog about proto-type James and Proton, but it does seem the Rocket Executives were always based on Jessie and James - indeed I the original Gold, Silver and Crystal games they MIGHT be them.
To explain, the Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal seem to be sequels to specifically Pokémon Yellow (seeing Red's team, as well as his and Blue's battle sprites, among things).
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In Pokemon Yellow Jessie, James and Meowth were introduced, and in many ways we're a prototype for latter Executives, Admins and other higher rank members of villain teams.
And as seen in official Ken Sugimori art for the female and male Executives and Jessie and James, they even look like older Jessie and James:
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Jessie even had in the second season cut hair and looked extremely like the female Executive.
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There does appear to be several male Executives, but it does appear "James" was supposed to be the highest ranked one, and and kinda leader (though very probably sharing this role with the female executive/"Jessie", as she also calls herself the "interim boss", after Giovanni leaving).
Why? As aside this one was the one who was to have the Sugimori design, and having a from Weezing, the male Executive has Houndour and Houndoom. While James never had these two, the Houndour-Houndoom evolutionary line is a Gen II, dark counterpart to the Growlite-Arcanine evolutionary line - and Growlite was James' starter Pokemon.
There might be wonder that the two Executives appear more competent, ruthless and cruel than Jessie and James. Well, Jessie and James can be at times competent as Team Rocket members, as especially seen in the Black and White/Best Wishes series. And in Pokemon Yellow Jessie and James are competent, and pretty ruthless. IE they were involved even seemingly lead the Lavender Town operation, which involved kidnapping an old man, and killing a Marowak.
Giovanni completely giving up (in the original continuity) on Team Rocket, also probably contributed to Jessie and James becoming more competent and ruthless.
Hilariously, this means Jessie would have a visible revenge against Cassidy in the Yellow-GSC continuity, as Cassidy was seemly demoted to a Team Rocket Grunt.
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The Johto seasons of anime though gave the Rocket Executives role to other characters (ironically Butch and Cassidy, Tyson, Attila and Hun, Iron-Masked Marauder, Domino and Professor Sebastian).
Well except causing problems at the Goldenrod City Radio Tower, that was done by Jessie, James and Meowth, if James also taking the role of another Team Rocket connected character - Impostor Professor Oak.
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The remakes (HeartGold and SoulSilver) though did define the Team Rocket Executives as separate characters, if as I mentioned Proton has some similarities to James, but so does Archer, as does Ariana resemble Jessie.
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(Archer, Ariana, Proton and Petrel)
Pokemon Let's Go: Pikachu and Let Go: Eevee though as well as Pokemon Masters do though show Archer, Proton and Ariana as separate from Jessie and James. James does note, and is surprised he and Archer share preference in Pokemon (the Koffing-Weezing evolutionary line), probably as a reference to their shared origins.
Pokemon Let's Go: Pikachu and Let Go: Eevee, as well as Pokemon Masters, are their own continuities, separate from the one of the original games, and first remake continuity. With Pokemon Let's Go: Pikachu and Let's Go: Eevee, even the player characters and their rival, are essentially newer, alternate versions of Red (Chase) and Green/Leaf (Elaine) and Blue (Trace), that somehow co-exist with a version specifically based on Red, Green and Blue's original designs. So there is a basis in thus continuity for various versions of the same character co-existing. And I guess Ariana could still be seen as a version/counterpart of Jessie (unless a theory about Ariana is true, as then it would be just weird) and Archer and/or Proton of James.
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askthechronoverse · 1 year
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Character Tags
Previous Gen Characters
Unikitty - ⌈i'll still keep the party going⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the princess⌋
Richard - ⌈tied to so many things⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the advisor⌋
Puppycorn - ⌈a kid with a butterfly in my paw⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the prince⌋
Hawkodile - ⌈the love of a hero⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the bodyguard⌋
Doctor Fox - ⌈questions of science and progress⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the scientist⌋
Master Frown - ⌈oh! the misery!⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the frown prince⌋
Brock - ⌈not a game but an adult thing⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the roommate⌋
RJ - ⌈swingin' to my own sound⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the wildcard⌋
Lucy - ⌈break it down!⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the warrior⌋
Emmet - ⌈you may say i'm a dreamer⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the special⌋
Queen Wa'nabi - ⌈unduplicious. unmalicious. unconniving. unnasty.⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the benefactor⌋
Bim-Bom - ⌈I'm a self-made runway queen⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the fashionista⌋
Multidimensional Allies and Enemies
Chief Blaise Starhawk- ⌈know when to walk away and when to run⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the lawman⌋
Doctor Melody Bunny - ⌈what a world. what a feeling⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the lawyer⌋
Chiffon Limonata - ⌈only things that rise are cream and...⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the master⌋
The Doctor - ⌈never refuses when people need help⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the time lord⌋
Beach Ken - ⌈don't know why you couldn't just stay with me⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the accessory⌋
Tim Goodman* - ⌈that magic is called hope⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the partner⌋
Detective Pikachu* - ⌈super effective bolts of brilliance⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the detective⌋
Kevin McAllister - ⌈keep the change you filthy animal⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the wishmaker⌋
X-PO - ⌈fell asleep during dimensional rift making class ⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the expositor⌋
Next Gen Characters
Kit - ⌈think with my heart not with my head⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the truthseeker⌋
Bellamy - ⌈here to fight despite the odds⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the protege⌋
Vito - ⌈younger than you realize⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the peacekeeper⌋
Charmy - ⌈... but why am I here?⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the adventurer⌋
Master Apocalypse - ⌈on the border of starting over⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the hunter⌋
Aimwata Wa'nabi - ⌈where I want to be⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the royal⌋
Bubblegum Underwood - ⌈my charade is the event of the season ⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈the masquerader⌋
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Post Categories
Character Aesthetics
Music - ⌈sing with us⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈music⌋
Quotes - ⌈think before you speak⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈canon quote⌋
Incorrect Quotes - ⌈did i hear you right?⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈incorrect quote⌋
Headcanons - ⌈the truths in my head⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈headcanon⌋
Original Content
Ask Answers - ⌈tell us all your thoughts on god⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈answered ask ⌋
Standalone Art - ⌈all dots and lines ⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈art⌋
Stories - ⌈the newspaper isn't antiquated⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈writings⌋
Comics - ⌈pictures tell a story⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈comics⌋
Worldbuilding and Lore - ⌈touring the world around us⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈lore⌋
Meta Posts
Administrative Posts - ⌈hear the words of those upstairs ⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈admin post⌋
Promotions for This Blog - ⌈a word from... myself⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈self promo⌋
Promotions for Other Blogs - ⌈a word from our sponsors⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈promos for other people⌋
Ask Memes - ⌈making everything move and pulse⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈ask meme⌋
Other Stuff
Queue - ⌈the material just writes itself⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈queue⌋
Reblogs - ⌈take a look at this ⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈reblog⌋
Submissions - ⌈packages tied in strings ⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈submissions⌋
Art That Isn't Mine - ⌈made by someone awesome⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈other people's art⌋
* While Days of Oblivion depicts the video game version of these characters, the tags will have a mixture of the video game and the movie.
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Location Tags
There are a lot of locations from many dimensions. Just check out the map and use the format:
⌈location of interest⌋ ⋆❈⋆ ⌈location⌋
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ask-lightheim · 3 years
Hi, I'm a MAGOR FAN of Lightheim your posts of Ian in "femenin fashion" is just a inspiration to All! I'm a crossdresser(kinda like Ian, except I dont wear any "masculine fashion") and seeing one of my fave characters like me made me cry joyful tears😀 I hope diseny make Lightheim official & make a movie about it
I have some ideas for outfits you could put them in.
Devel&Angel: Ian as angel & cleric as good devel
Woody & bo peep: Ian in bo pees sheperdress outfit & Ian as woody
Barbie & Ken: Ian as barbie & arik as ken
French renasance: Ian in ballgoun(like lol omg miss royal) & aeric in frilly suit
Cute Vampire & vampieress: Ian as vampieress & aeric as vampire bad boy
Kawaii/harajuku Ian & aeric (similar to the bunny outfit)
Ian in drag?
Just wanted to give some suggestions, hope you like them, your a huge inspiration to all & hope you know I support Lightheim
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lots of great ideas, but I had to go with Earring Magic Barbie and Ken since Aeric is an actual gay icon and Ken is an accidental one 😂 (sans necklace because... reasons)
also it was fun to put them in such iconic early 90s looks! 💕
was this your ask? let people know with a reblog that the ask box is now live and open!
support me on Ko-Fi!
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hirespokemon · 5 years
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Another enhancement by team FLECKABEN / loumilouminosus , ロケット団の幹部  Rocket's Admin by Ken Sugimori, from the 2004 TCG set "Ex Team Rocket Returns". This Admin design later became Sird in the manga "Pokémon Special"
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gory-and-gorgeous · 7 years
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I did that thing where you draw an OC based on your favourite characters, so here he is; Silas.
An angry demon robot boi who is actually a big cinnamon roll
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conarcoin · 3 years
r/hobbydrama masterpost
i love this subreddit so much i read it way too much when i’m bored. so i decided to compile a list of some of the most batshit insane writeups from this subreddit
Four for the Price of One: How a venerable furry artist pulled off a harmless long con that lasted 30 years
Creatures, or how the US Navy genetically engineered an animal to only feel pain.
The bisexual genderswapped JFK abortion Zootopia fanfiction webcomic trilogy drama, and an explanation of how those words actually go together
Cease and Digest: One man’s quest to erase all men from his Skyrim vore mod
The admin who created 80,000 pages about titties
That time a female chess player was accused of hiding a supercomputer in a tube of lipbalm
How Destiel made everyone on Tumblr and Twitter regress 6 years and go fucking bonkers
“Space Buns”: How an Animal Crossing player’s hairstyle led to doxxing, death threats and destruction
The ongoing drama behind unconverted Neopets
Neopets introduces NFTS, burns itself (and its goodwill) to the ground
How history and gay porn defeated a sci fi alt-right takeover
How a decade of teen obsession with an incel created a thrilling horror mystery plot
So what happened to the guy who made Minecraft, anyway?
“Sexy times with Wangxian”: How one hated fanfiction and its record-breaking (and computer-breaking) number of tags caused mass protests on one of the internet’s largest fansites
The legacy of Wifemas 2020, or how a transphobic grinch accidentally caused a Christmas miracle for LGBT+ Neopets players
Controversies, death threats and hacks: The story of Minecraft Monday
Dream and the Glow Squid: how one of Minecraft’s most famous creators brigaded a poll and started a backlash
The tale of how someone spent $1500 in game currency on r34 art
How a Discord of Tumblr “real witches” banished a bunch of “fluffy witches” to the Weenie Hut and then vanished
A chance of 1 in 7.5 trillion - The time Dream (might’ve) cheated
The HIV+ high school AU/cannibal mermaid Hamilton fanfiction incident
The furry that sold for $20.5k
Yogventures: How a group of YouTubers attempted to crowdfund a Minecraft clone and threw half a million dollars down the drain
“The haters need to BLEED for their crimes!!” - The s(ae)ga of Sonic.exe
How two moderators hacked their own forum to spite the admin
How over 200 characters were wiped from existence: the Ken Penders story
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kpopnlockit · 2 years
Master List
FICTION, FICTION~ ((updated 1/2/2023.))
* indicates rated story
Admin R’s Stories
Have Yourself a Merry Leo Christmas*
Burnt Cookies*
Anatomy Lesson*
Welcome Home*
Optional Bias
Day Off*
Big Bang
Hot Water* 1 2 3*
I’m not an Ahjumma
Ride-jumma’s Return
Guyliner Part 3
Block B
Jealousy at its Greasiest
Day at the Beach
The Duck Song
Dirty Dancer*
Because I Love You
Jiminie Babo
Rap Monster
Admin O’s Stories
Block B
The Chase 1 (discontinued)
Boy Next Door* 1  2*
Treasure* 1 2* 3*
Salted Caramel
Dented Cans
Happy New Year*
Chocolate and Champagne*
Royal Counsel  1  2  3  4  5  6 7 8  9  10 11  12  13 14  15  16  17  18
Too Hot*
Just Business* 1 2*
Hot Enough*
Angel*   Demon*
Shall I Compare Thee
Bangtan Boys
Rap Monster
Expensive Girl* 1 2* 3*
I’m Sick*   2*  3* Epilogue
Needing You*
Sleep Talk
Bastards 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11  Epilogue
Unhonest Work
Victoria with appearances by VIXX Leo and Winner Mino
Witch Cafe Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 (discontinued)
One Shots
Bratty Smut - N  Leo  Hyuk  Ravi  Ken  Hongbin
Optional Bias
Tethered (angst)
Collabs between Admin R and Admin O
Bangtan Boys
Cookie Art
Guyliner  Part 2
Block B
Sunshine 1  2  3* 4*
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shipme · 7 years
Day 14
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“Paint it on a little thicker This night is deeply spreading So I can’t escape”
-VIXX Shangri-La
Admin Haethers you once again a paint inspired, this time, by the song Shangri-La by VIXX, one both of us admins enjoy (the M/V is so aesthetically pleasing and soothing) Last week, we posted Cherry Bomb by NCT127 if you wish to see. We want to thank you for bearing with us, it’s already been 14 days, which means we only have 11 days to wait until Christmas! We hope you will enjoy what we will post next, see you soon! And admin Haethers is sick, let’s hope she gets better...
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premleaguehigh · 1 year
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Fine Johnny, here’s your pictures i guess… gonna change my phone password so this never happens again 😒
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chwrpg · 4 years
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Who needs affection when I have blind hatred? -- Pete Verona
A NOTE FROM ADMIN B: Don’t look at me accepting myself on Admin R’s behalf. When will I ever not be back at it again with applying for more characters? I’ve been pining to play my man forever okay, and the time has finally come. #applyforkenya
Pete Verona is many things to many people. He’s the guy who lit a state trooper on fire, the guy who did one better than Ozzy Osbourne and ate a live duck, the world record holder for repeatedly turning down the Ravens’ team recruiters, and the least customer friendly of the staff at Mallrats. He’s also the guy who makes tea for his grandma every morning, who scrounges up every spare penny he can get his hands on to buy art supplies, has a favourite pokemon (Charizard, duh), and an entire Dragon Ball Z tattoo right there on his chest. What people think they know about him is their business— he isn’t built like the rest of Rosewood, he genuinely could not care less what anyone says about him behind his back, or what anyone imagines when they notice the scars on his face. He’s just trying to fulfil a promise to his grandma to get home to her in one piece every day, though his temper and the eternal test that is Rosewood tend to push his limits.
As Pete wove his way through the party he was starting to wonder how it was that he’d ended up being the most responsible one out of the entire little squad of strays he’d collected. Slipping through a tear in the fabric of reality into an alternate universe was the working theory, because how else was he supposed to explain serial good boy Cohen getting his ass beat, Birdie defending him with her fists, and… whatever was going on with Kenya? All while he played chaperone, too sober to find it all that entertaining.
As much as he felt an uncomfortably protective tug in his chest when he’d heard Cohen was somewhere else in the labyrinth of a house party with one hell of a shiner, he already had his hands full. Something had set Kenya off in a way he’d never seen before - which was saying something, since he was always pushing her buttons one way or another - and she’d become so drunk so fast she was basically sentient jelly. He knew her well enough to know there was no way in hell she would have wanted people to see her in such a state so dishing out payback for his boy was going to have to wait, though it seemed like he was in safe hands with little miss million dollar baby anyway. On the down low he’d been worried that Cohen was too busy trying to reach his goal to consider the fact that he might have infatuated himself with a girl who didn’t actually care about him, but he could endorse someone willing to throw hands.
Living up to his reputation, the second Pete realised people had been filming Kenya’s impromptu show he started on damage control. Yeah, he knew about the cloud, the internet, whatever, but that wasn’t the point. The more phones he smashed, the more he scared people, the more he looked like he didn’t give a shit, the more likely they’d be to think twice before they tried it again on some poor girl who might not have been as resilient and downright badass as Kenya. Besides, if he of all people was pissed off about something that wasn’t even about him, they didn’t have to stretch their imaginations too far to envision the kind of rampage the eldest Stratford sister would set out on if that footage ever saw the light of day.
“Shit, Ken—” those reflexes the Ravens’ coach was always thirsting over came into play the second Kenya smacked her head on the chandelier and stumbled off the table. Breaking phones could wait; she was groaning about being tired, though she wasn’t in the kind of state he felt comfortable leaving her alone in. Not to mention the fact that it took her way too long to snap at him to fuck off and put her down. She kept arguing, their back and forth not slowing down for a second even with her barely coherent, but he refused to leave her at least until she could hold her own head up. The compromise: parking themselves on the sad little swing set outside.
Surprisingly, they were inching closer than ever to making a breakthrough. Pete had caught her again, before she could lose her balance and face plant on the ground, and she’d looked up at him like it was the first time she’d ever seen him— like the sight of him wasn’t a nuisance, which was a new and almost disarming concept. Something about his eyes had been mumbled, too fast for him to comprehend while his own attention was caught on the freckles sprinkled over the bridge of her nose. Nothing made Pete Verona soft, but any onlooker could absolutely be mistaken if they spotted him in that moment as the moonlight caught her eyes and she leaned toward him… and threw up all over his shoes.
Yeah, there was no point denying it anymore. He was falling for Rosewood’s most tempestuous: Kenya Stratford.
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qatychi · 7 years
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some art to come soon~ this is based off the song 4 O'clock by V and Rap monster from BTS i'm in love with the song and just the story behind it inspired me to draw this ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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wcardegi · 4 years
where we’ve been
OKAY SO i think i’m done reblogging art (I’m pretty sure I didn’t get all of it though), BUT...
sorry for the silence on this blog! neither of the admins have easy access to this blog anymore, as both are mostly inactive on this website for our own health LMAO. the server itself is still kicking and we’ve got plot coming up, we just... don’t post on the blog anymore!
i think the best way to ask questions now that the ask box is closed is to add arctic (discord tag on the staff page) on discord! (she doesn’t mind + she doesn’t bite)
this blog May be updated periodically, but don’t expect much. i’ll probably be updating the tabs and pages and then disappearing again. BUT, you can assume that as long as this post is up, the roleplay is still active and we are open to being added on discord!
stay healthy and take care everyone!
- mod ken
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hellyeahheroes · 5 years
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DEATHSTROKE #48 written by CHRISTOPHER PRIEST art by CARLO PAGULAYAN and FERNANDO PASARIN cover by ED BENES and RICHARD FRIEND variant cover by KEN LASHLEY Deathstroke is back and more ruthless than ever as he challenges the Legion of Doom and continues a bloody rampage to attain the power that Lex Luthor gave to Slade’s son, Jericho. Meanwhile, the tragic deaths of two teenagers in a sleepy Arkansas county lead a local police chief to discover a secret that could cost him his life. ON SALE 10.02.19 $3.99 US | 32 PAGES FC | RATED T+ This issue will ship with two covers. Please see the order form for details.
Priest: As you asked, I made Deathstroke into a zombie. He is now eating people.
DC: Why did you do that?! We asked for Zombie Deathstroke VARIANT COVER!
Priest: Ooooops.
- Admin
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