#art fight theme reveal 2022
filmmakersvision · 2 years
Chup Review
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November 27, 2022
by Inakshi Chandra-Mohanty
Many films have been made on the film industry. Films that show the intricacies of the process through the eyes of an artist integrated within it. But few have shed light on the tumultuous relationship between a filmmaker and a film critic. The two professions are constantly at loggerheads. It’s a never-ending battle due to the refusal of each to understand the job of the other. Chup uses a fictional tale of a serial killer that targets film critics to comment on the filmmaker-critic relation. This psychological thriller relies less on suspense and more on the interesting characters and passionate story that attempts to burn bridges between the opposing professions.
The strongest aspect of Chup is the intrigue. The buildup of how these four characters and two parallel stories will converge. And the way in which the contrasting elements of the multiple narratives lead to an exhilarating climax. This is further enhanced by its passion for the art of cinema. Writer-Director R. Balki made this film out of a pure love for the process of filmmaking. It is an ode to classic cinema with many references to the art behind old school romance. It specifically pays homage to Guru Dutt and his classic film, Kaagaz Ke Phool, and focuses on the relevance of that film in the filmmaker-critic debate.
Though the film is a multi-starrer, Dulquer Salmaan is the star of the show. Elaborating on the details of his performance would reveal too much of the mystery, but his ability to transfer between the different shades of his character is brilliant. While the remaining actors do well in their respective roles, much of the film’s impact rests on his shoulders.
Where Chup falters, is in its investigative suspense. While the police chase of this brutal criminal is smart, the characters pursuing the case have barely any background or emotional depth. Despite having considerable screen space, Sunny Deol has little to do in the film. Though he and Pooja Bhatt do well in the roles written, they have little impact due to the lack of characterization. Their characters are nothing more than props in the investigation.
Despite these minimal flaws, Chup stands out due to the themes it explores, albeit in a jumbled state.
It is natural for a filmmaker to feel disheartened on reading a scathing review. However, it is also important all types of reviews to exist. Otherwise, there will never be a standard for good cinema, filmmakers will be stuck in the land of mediocrity and no one will aspire for any better. 
As a filmmaker and a film critic, someone who has seen both the blood and sweat that goes into the simplest details in a scene and someone who has watched countless films forming strong opinions on them, this divide is something I have witnessed myself. This is a battle I am constantly fighting within. That is why Chup resonates so deeply with me. It is a confused film, one which mirrors my constant confusion between the two worlds. Chup is the product of an artist and a critic, one that cannot differentiate between the two. That’s why the messaging of Chup is so muddled. Because on one hand it puts out valid points in the defense of film criticism and on the other hand romanticizes the life of an artist engulfed by the world of cinema and pained by the words of critics. 
Through its confused state, it is not clear whether Chup has a defined message. The struggle between art and criticism will continue to remain. But somewhere in the midst of all the craziness, there is a sense of peace. A calm that sets in only on the union of the critic and the artist. Chup is at its best when the two are together, making their monotonous moments come to life with their common passion for cinema. And that may be the message that the filmmakers strive to convey. That just like Chup reaches its highest peak through the bonding of the critic and the artist, cinema will reach greater heights through a combined effort. Both the critic and the artist are necessary to make great cinema, and neither works without the other.
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highsocietyhq · 1 year
chug an entire bottle of alcohol (can't be wine but can definitely be like a beer bottle or something)
admit a kink to someone who would otherwise not want to hear it
reveal at least three resolutions to someone for 2023
kiss someone in the dark
kiss someone in public
hold someone's hand in public
apologise to someone they've wronged
reflect on whether they've achieved their new year's resolution from 2022 nye
dance one of their country's dances with a partner who doesn't know how to do it
wear a 2023-themed piece of clothing/accessory
burn something
steal something inconsequential
give a non-mouth to mouth kiss to someone
make out with someone they would usually insult
give three different kisses to three different people
kiss someone under the fireworks
reveal their finsta to someone who doesn't follow it / is aware of it
lie about something inconsequential 
lie about something important — aim for big consequences
attempt to break up a couple
comfort someone else
talk about their country’s nye traditions
bully uriah since he’s the host idk
push someone into the pool
jump into the pool
ruin someone's midnight kiss 
break up with their s/o
dedicate a song to someone
make a bet
dare someone to do something stupid
destroy the champagne tower
start/spread a rumour
reveal someone else's secret
pour wine on someone
throw their drink at someone
wake up in someone else's hotel room
have a private mini party in their own hotel room
get kris to sleep with someone because his dry season has lasted for three years
have your character punch someone / start a fight
do drugs
coax someone to take drugs
hold someone's hair when they puke
make a speech about sobriety
walk in on a couple / get walked in on
get farnauld to fuck
get marisol to slap art
more to come, feel free to suggest your own !
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Author´s insights
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I didn’t mean to write a separate post for my thoughts alone but considering the new information we received on the Harbingers, I thought it would help to clear up my approach to this fic without taking up too much space in the a/n.
First and foremost, I’d like to reiterate that I planned this entire thing at least a month before the news dropped, so any characterisations and plot points regarding the newly revealed characters are my headcanons and thoughts. Also, plot points from the game are used to further the fic and I by no means am implying or saying this is what happened/ will happen in the actual story/ lore.
Actually, I’m writing this simply to exercise all the knowledge, research and thoughts I’m having ♡)
Reader Character 
Harbinger!reader goes by the Codename of Columbina who was now revealed to be the last missing harbinger on our list. But the reader character is not based on the Harbinger released by Hoyoverse on the 11th July 2022. As you can see below, I already noted Columbina as the name I wanted to use back in late May/ early June, therefore the reader will be very different from the character we’ll see in the game.
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Why did I choose Columbina?
My choice was based on what I know about the commedia dell’ arte, the play the Fatui lore is based on. The name Columbina [or “Colombina”/ “Columbine”] means “little dove” and in the picture of all the symbols of the Harbingers, there is also the symbol of the crying dove; that’s how I made the connection. Also, Columbina is one of the important zanni characters of the play, so including her would make sense. (On that note: my working theory is that the characters inspired by the zanni will be playable while the characters inspired by the vecchi will not be playable; that would mean no Signora, Dottore, Capitano or Pantalone)
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At first, I considered making the reader one of the innamorati, Isabella, but I think it’s much more plausible for the siblings to be the star-crossed lovers; in the play the vecchi work to keep the two apart while the zanni work to unite them (for their own goals and benefits; it also works to support my theory on the playable characters)
Side note: I’ve decided on Pantalone being visionless after reading the lore of the artifact set “Pale Flame”, more specifically the timepiece “Moment of Cessation” where it’s stated that “he was not one of the favoured, and could only pursue worldly power”, read: he wasn’t granted a vision but uses his money as a power. In the commedia dell’ arte, Pantalone uses his wealth and status to influence the play as well.
Vision/ Delusion
I can’t for the life of me decide if Visions and Delusions are separate from each other or if they are two sides of the same coin so to say. The only character we’ve seen with both is Childe and he confuses me even more. In his delusion unleashed form, his hydro vision turns purple and sports a fatui logo, which would point towards the latter theory. In his foul legacy form, however, he has a blue vision like gem on his right shoulder and a purple delusion like thing on his stomach…ahhh, this makes me want to rip my hair out!!! I will SCREAM!!! (I’m writing this before a final edit exists, so did I change it again?)
I wanted to give the reader an electro vision first, for pure self-insert purposes to be quite honest. My favourite elements are cryo and electro after all, so I was really tempted to just have it be electro.
But I decided to go with an anemo vision in the end anyway. Obviously, the dove is a clear anemo indicator and anemo always brings a notion of freedom and choice which would work as good symbolism; the theme of free will vs the will of the Tsaritsa, breaking out of a cage, etc.
The vision isn’t that important though, it’s barely mentioned anyway. The cryo delusion holds more symbolism for the story though, it’s supposed to symbolise how the work for the Fatui was meant to make the reader heartless/ emotionless and the reader is then using this power to fight for her love/ family.
The mask the reader is wearing is a “Colombina mask” which covers the upper half of the face, leaving the cheeks and mouth bare. I think it goes without saying why I chose that one… (there are obviously much more extravagant ones than the example below, so I’ll leave the actual design about to your imagination <3)
I headcanon Columbina to be the sort of „peacekeeper“ among the Harbingers; again, the dove symbolism
The ice arrow the reader fires in the final battle is heavily inspired by this manga panel of Sukuna from Jujutsu Kaisen jshsh (he’s so cool <33)
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What did I change after the Harbinger news dropped?
Last but not least, how much of this is influenced by the new trailer? Not much actually, I kept everything as I’ve planned and written it before. The only detail I added was the black fur on the grey coats, they were just grey coats before that jshshs
But I wanted to keep the story as is and not let myself be influenced by the new trailer, especially considering that we still don´t have a lot of actual information on the Harbingers :)
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Okay, I think that’s it; if there’s anything I forgot or if there’s anything you’re still curious about, don’t hesitate to ask me and I’ll add it later; I’d love to talk about my writing progress with you ♡
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bahamutgames · 1 year
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Game: RPG TIME: The Legend of Wright (March 10, 2022)
Console: Xbox One
Look at that! My first RPG of 2023! RPGs are always the biggest part of every year to me, naturally since it’s my favorite genre. So of course it doesn’t take long for me to sink my teeth into one at the start of the new year. And the one we have here is VERY interesting.
I actually bought this game when it launched but it just took me a really long time to finally sink my teeth into it. But I’m very happy to say I did FINALLY play it and now you can read all my thoughts on the experience! How exciting!
As always, this is not a review. This is just me throwing up my thoughts on the game now that it’s done. If you’re interested in playing the game at all, PLEASE check it out and support the devs! Please don’t expect my thoughts to be super well written and don’t expect any serious critique.
SO! This is a little game I’ve had my eyes on since it was revealed a good long while back. It was shown off during E3 I think at one of the Microsoft conferences? Regardless, it was a game I was SUPER excited for, an RPG with a super cute notebook aesthetic? I used to draw my own RPGs all the time as a kid!! I was stoked... And then it just completely fell off my radar.
Until it launched! Then I remembered it existed and had to pick it up asap! But like I said, it took me a good while to play it. But at the start of this year I was out in the living room and decided to finally play it since it had been sitting there for so long. And I’m glad I did cause this was actually a very interesting game.
Stuff I liked
There’s a LOT to love about this silly little game. I think right out of the gate I need to talk about the art style and whole theme around this game’s graphics and aesthetics. I ADORE how this game looks. It’s all played from a first person perspective of you playing an RPG a friend made in their notebook. And because of that the main gameplay is all cute handdrawn pencil sketches, occasionally interrupted by real life items and other fun stuff in the classroom it takes place. I LOVE how this game looks. In addition to being very charming the actual pencil sketches all look great, are cute to look at, and even the real world elements look very good and cute. Thankfully they made a good call by not showing any of the real world humans so I really think the graphics in this are basically never gonna date themselves.
As for other not gameplay things. I think it has a SUPER cute ost (again the theming around the music is ADORABLE as your friend is playing it through an MP3 player and you like, actually see the track names and they come from other made up in-universe games and sources). The writing is also very funny and charming, it’s got a lot of scenes that gave me a good chuckle. Lots of goofy as fuck and random stuff happen so if you want a game where there’s never a dull moment you really cannot go wrong here. The story is also pretty basic BUT it’s standard RPG fare which I always love. Similar to Dragon Quest where the stories are pretty standard high fantasy stuff but it’s always unique enough or something you really haven’t seen before regardless.
I think the part that stuck out to me the most and was probably the most surprising with how much I enjoyed it was the gameplay. Particularly the battles. I LOVED the combat! Like, a LOT. Basically the way it works is you have a pencil sword (the you in the game, not Wright, the guy you play as.) and you have to pick where, when, and what direction to slash across the enemies on the page with that pencil sword. It’s probably not super easy to understand if you don’t see it, but it’s a REALLY clever idea that I LOVED. You’ll have to use it to slash things with timing, hit between bars, ect ect. It’s super cool and I genuinely had a blast with the fights! I do have only 1 problem with them but we’ll get to that later.
Even outside of combat is pretty cute. Not amazing but it’s fun to wander around and see all the little details in each map (there’s TONS). The whole game is just full of loving little details sprinkled across every single page of the notebook. One of my favorite details is how the center fold in the notebook is actually something Wright will walk behind. It’s cute. This game is just so damn cute!
The ending in particular really got me, the final boss is fine but I was pretty surprised that the ending almost made me cry. It’s so good and really emotional. The kid in universe who made this game is a pro. Overall the whole experience was fantastic, there’s great visuals, great character designs, interesting gameplay, and LOTS of crap to see and do. I didn’t even do everything and I already saw stuff I missed out on. There’s special move slot machines, mini ninjas hidden on every page, a drawing minigame. There’s TONS of shit to see and do in this game.
Stuff I didn’t like
Truth be told, with a smaller and more experimental game like this, there’s not a whole lot I can really take away from it as being bad. But there are 2 points I have here that bugged me a little bit through the game.
Number one is just that the game gets a little boring part way through. I would say the airship, town sections, and dice adventure chapters are kind of a drag. Thankfully they’re very short. The game never gets so boring that I don’t want to play but it has some sections where I’m kinda like... Eh? The tank game really stands out to me as being kinda dull. But again thankfully it’s short.
No my main issue with this game is that there’s not enough combat!! I LOVE the battle system in this game! Like SO much! But every fight is a very scripted affair so there’s only a handful you really do through the whole game and you don’t really refight any enemies. This is fine, it worked perfectly fine. But I can’t stop thinking about how much I would LOVE if this game had like, random encounters and stuff and each enemy was a puzzle to figure out. I’m sure that could drag the game’s flow down pretty hard but I think it can be done right, Undertale is a great example of enemies who are puzzles to solve but it works pretty well. And you could have random encounters be done on flash cards so it explains how the pencil markings go away every time.
I think this whole game could benefit from being a more traditional RPG. I know that’s really not the point. But I do think having more battles, a more standard gear system, and junk like that, could be pretty cool! Regardless, if you like RPGs that are lacking in a lot of RPG staples but are still VERY good, I think you cannot go wrong here. I swear this is not an insult but this really reminds me of the secondary Paper Mario trilogy. Both in its art style but how it also tries to make an RPG without doing a lot of the stuff that makes RPG games what they are. However... And I hate to say it, RPG TIME does this a lot better in my opinion, particularly by having REALLY fun combat. I think this new Paper Mario style could honestly learn some stuff from this game.
Final Thoughts
And that’s that on that! My first RPG of 2023! It wasn’t a very traditional one, but it really is a love letter to the genre and now it’s got me REALLY fired up to play a straight up traditional turnbased RPG.
But yeah, I had a great time with this game! It’s a fantastic little game that I haven’t really seen ANYONE play and that is SUCH a shame. I think a lot of people I follow would be REALLY into this. Like seriously if you like RPGs or goofy and cute games or ESPECIALLY Mario RPGs I think you really should check this game out. It’s now out on everything including Steam and Switch, so if you’re interesting I REALLY recommend giving it a chance! This game deserves a lot more attention than it got!
Thank you for reading! For some reason I had a hard time forming my thoughts on this game so it was a little difficult to write up what I wanted to say about the game. That’s why I liked doing these as twitter threads, it helped me keep my thoughts concise. But sadly I am stuck here... doomed to share my thoughts where no one can see them for eternity. Oh well.
I’ve got a lot of games I want to play this year, so I really need to get a move on. Sad to say I’ve been a little distracted from gaming this month due to being depressed, work, or just getting sidetracked with other games like Fraymakers (which is SO MUCH FUN HOLY SHIT. I hope Wright can show up in it!) and... Embarrassingly, Fornite. Which me and 2 of my siblings who are both very into Battle Royales have gotten very into recently. But I’m FINALLY making some progress into my next major game! So that’s nice. There’s some releases coming out this year I want to check out, lots of stuff on Game Pass I’ve had my eyes on for a while (which I guess I should take advantage of ASAP if it’s gonna go up in price. ugh.) And just TONS of old games I gotta play. My to-play list for 2023 is really stacked! Hopefully I can make time for everything, but if I get distracted by other games not on my list, so be it.
As always follow me on twitter for... uh, twitter stuff... And follow me here for more.... uh, gaming stuff? The year is still young, so let’s make the rest of 2023 great!
That’s all I got, thanks for taking some time out to look at my thoughts! Go out and play a game that makes you feel super creative!
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party-with-books · 2 years
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I posted 1,339 times in 2022
26 posts created (2%)
1,313 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 132 of my posts in 2022
#critical role - 69 posts
#cr spoilers - 43 posts
#xd - 20 posts
#exandria unlimited - 10 posts
#the legend of vox machina - 10 posts
#critter art - 9 posts
#a bookdragon rambles - 9 posts
#exu spoilers - 9 posts
#exu calamity - 9 posts
#campaign 3 - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#and it's just really nice to see them showing care for something that was arguably one of their most successful movies to come from them
My Top Posts in 2022:
I'm still crying dudes.
Cerrit kept his promise, he made it home to his family.
Even if he and his family doesn't live to see the Calamity's end, in that moment him returning was all I wanted by the curtain closing. And beating a DC 30 by ONE is some form of poetic cinema you can't make up.
39 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
Thoughts spiraling before heading to bed. That was a helluva episode, I'm still in shock and shaking.
I gotta believe--like with the Iron Shepherds--this was a fight they were meant to lose. Not for the same reasons, but same outcome was meant to be met.
Otahan was supposed to be that much more op than Bells Hells. My thought is there's no way they could have all made it out, even if they hightailed it out earlier.
Matt's reasons are his to reveal in due time, like he always does, and the fact he was never stressed or worried at Orym and Ferne dying (see: Mollymauk's death, it was the dice not being in the groups favor and their choice to stay that brought them to Molly dying) makes me believe there's SOMETHING more coming.
Only the cost for them coming back may be in Imogen "giving in".
Leaving off with Matt's tweet cause he really cares and we should be respectful no matter what.
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42 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
43 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
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Laura Bailey, queen of double entendres, breaker of DM and PCs
46 notes - Posted September 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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‪"Dorian is, for all intents and purposes, a normal bard." ‬
Dorian Storm of Bell's Hells, Brontë Wyvernwind of the Silken Squall, silver tongue and bard extraordinaire... 💙💙
‪(I tried, I failed, but) I wanted to show my thanks for this wonderful character, played by the INCREDIBLE Robbie Daymond!
‪Above is a Spiced Rum Cake with rum soak, topped with Blackberry Frosting, sugar pearls & white chocolate deco.‬
I can't draw/paint/write very well and cosplaying is a thing I'm still improving on, but I CAN bake. So I've had in my head for a while doing a series of character themed cupcakes, and Dorian's departure seemed like the perfect opportunity to start!
Every second having Dorian Storm was a genuine delight, and saying goodbye was so much harder than I thought it'd be. So it felt only right to try showing my appreciation for the last 12 episodes! Thank you Robbie for sharing your wonderful bard with us, and I hope to see him again.
51 notes - Posted February 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kudosmyhero · 2 years
Batman (vol. 1) #440: A Lonely Place of Dying, ch. 1 - Suspects
Read Date: March 10, 2022   Cover Date: October 1989   ● Writer: Marv Wolfman ◦ George Pérez ● Penciller: Jim Aparo ● Inker: Mike DeCarlo ● Colorist: Adrienne Roy ● Letterer: John Costanza ● Editor: Dennis O'Neil ◦ Dan Raspler● 
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Batman fights the Ravager on a dam outside of Gotham City. He recalls that Ravager had killed two policemen in the last two weeks with no apparent motive. Despite taking a beating, Batman knocks Ravager into the water below, and he disappears, defeated for now. Nearby, an unidentified watcher has been snapping photos of the fight, seeming to know both the identities Batman and Dick Grayson.
Elsewhere, a man in shadows listens to the radio, when a voice from it begins talking directly to him. The voice reveals that it is only in his mind, and tries to convince him to kill Batman. The man complains that he had already sent Ravager to kill Batman, but that it had failed. The voice outlines a plan to ensnare their foe.
Back at Wayne Manor, Batman returns from his fight with Ravager and collapses with a fever. Alfred Pennyworth tends to his wounds, noting that since the death of Jason Todd, Bruce has been more reckless and less calculative. When Bruce awakes, Alfred shares his feelings, commenting that he does not want to spend the rest of his life playing nurse. Bruce is nonplussed, and soon dons his uniform to do his rounds.
At the opera, mob boss Gerry Skye is approached by a dark figure who arranges for two of Skye's thugs to rob the Zwei Brothers' warehouse at 2AM. The mysterious man returns to his home to tell the voice in his radio that Batman will die tomorrow.
At the Titans Tower, the voyeur watches the Teen Titans leave, hoping to see Dick Grayson. Dick, however, is apparently absent. Seeing Starfire leaving without Dick, the unidentified individual resolves to speak with her, to see if she knows where he is.
As Skye's thugs rob the warehouse, Batman soon arrives, having followed a lead. The thugs let slip that there is a connection between the Ravager's attacks and the robbery. As he fights, he recalls Alfred's words, and tries to reason out the case, rather than simply pummelling the thugs. He soon notices a theme of twos in the crimes, with Ravager's two police killed in two weeks, Zwei being German for 'two,' and the 2AM time of the robbery. The evidence points to the fact that Two-Face has returned to Gotham. Batman visits Commissioner Gordon to give him the news.
The unidentified voyeur follows Starfire home, and asks her about Dick Grayson, but she reveals that he had quit the Teen Titans weeks ago. Determined, he finds his way into Dick's old apartment, looking for evidence of his location. He soon finds a newspaper clipping stating that Haly's Circus is closing down. He sets out on his way there.
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Fan Art: Starfire color by cehnot
Accompanying Podcast: - Everyone Loves the Drake, episode 05
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jikusartblog · 2 years
The time is upon us
Art Fight 2022 is fast approaching. We’re going to be learning our team themes tomorrow at around 5:30pm my time. I’m really REALLY excited and have been hard at work updating references that needed it. 
Though I’m just now realizing that my lofty goal of updating all 45 characters + adding new characters before the start of Art Fight next Friday is something I’ll  possibly fall short on. But we’ll see. I think I can at least get the characters with their updated reference images.
But anyway, back to the topic of the team theme! I’m super excited and I’m really hoping for something like Fantasy v. Reality or Heroes v. Villains. But in all honesty, I’m completely okay with anything! I’m just super excited to hopefully get more of a chance to participate this year.
I will be doing early bird sign-ups (as usual) and will let you all know what I decide on as my team for the 2022 Art Fight. Until then, I’ll see you all tomorrow at around 6pm (after the reveal of the theme) <3
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lucky-jiku · 2 years
It’s almost time!
Less than 24 hours until we know the theme for Art Fight 2022! 
I’m super excited! This is going to be my 5th year participating so I’m hoping to get win #2 while also drawing some really cool characters <3
Anyone have any ideas as to what the theme might be.... or what you yourselves want the theme to be?
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queen-poly-week · 2 years
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We welcome fanfiction, fanart, moodboards, playlists, or any other fan work. Your work can include platonic or romantic themes and include any tropes, AU, and anything else creative, as long as you follow the rules and guidelines.
We provide daily prompts below for your inspiration. You can, of course, create something that isn’t related to these prompts at all!
Any poly!Queen ships. A poly ship involves more than 2 people. It can be an OT3, OT4, OT5, go crazy with the ships! The only rule is it must involve at least 2 members of Queen.
You can find our written guide on poly relationships HERE!
13-16th May, 2022
Fanfiction can be posted either to AO3 to our collection poly_queen_week_2022 and/or to Tumblr. @ this blog and we will reblog it!
Fanart, moodboards, playlists, and other fan work can be posted to Tumblr. @ this blog and we will reblog it! You can also use the tag #Poly!Queen Week 2022.
One of the organizers is under 18, and so, she will not be interacting with any Explicit rated fic or NSFW/18+ art, nor will she answer any 18+ related asks.
Post your work to the collection on AO3 or on Tumblr (don’t forget to @ this blog!)
Support other’s creations! Make an effort to leave comments/kudos/likes/reblogs.
Tag your work appropriately! This includes all trigger and NSFW warnings. 🔸 AO3: Utilize the tagging system and follow the AO3 ratings and warnings system. You can learn more about them here! You can also read this helpful advice about tagging and warnings! 🔸 Tumblr: Add a ‘keep reading’ cut and the appropriate warnings before your fic or art. 🔸🔹 On desktop: You can do this by clicking the three dots on the right when composing a new post, see here. 🔸🔹 On mobile: Manually type :readmore: and press enter to insert the cut. Here is a simple guide to that.
If you receive any hate on AO3 or Tumblr - delete it and do not engage. Please inform the organizers via ask/DM to this blog and we will help you through it. To prevent or help reduce this on AO3, you can have either comment moderation and/or allow your fic to be viewed only by registered AO3 users (check the boxes on the screenshot here).
You can post your work anonymously if you feel more comfortable doing so! 🔸  AO3: In addition to the Poly!Queen Week 2022 collection, post your work to the anonymous collection on AO3. (Note: Please keep in mind that the organizers, as the Poly!Queen Week 2022 collection owner, will still be able to privately see your AO3 username. We are automatically notified via email through the AO3 system when someone posts to our collection, and unfortunately that notification does not conceal your username, even if you posted on the Anonymous collection. However, on the public AO3 archive page, you will still be displayed as “Anonymous”. The organizers will never reveal your identity, and if you have any concerns you can contact us on Tumblr via the anonymous ask system.) 🔸 Tumblr: Submit your work through an anonymous ask and we will post it!
Show your support to creators! Make an effort to leave comments/kudos/likes/reblogs.
We do not tolerate any hate during this event. This means: 🔸 No negativity or instigating any fights in the comments. 🔸 No bad-mouthing any of the band members’ real life spouses/partners, family, or other people related to them in real life, personally or professionally. 🔸 No hate on the ship and others’ fan work; 🔸 No hate on writing tropes, writing styles, and art styles.
Read the tags and warnings before opening a fanfic or fanart, so you know what you’re getting into. The fanfic and fanart you choose to see is your own responsibility.
Don’t Like, Don’t Read policy applies here! If something is not your cup of tea - click away! If you end up viewing a fanfic or fanart that is not to your liking, simply close the work. Do not leave comments saying you hated it, you did not like it, etc.
Minors or Under-18’s cannot interact with 18+ fics/art. There is no stopping anyone but refrain from discussing it with the creator or announcing your presence on the work because it makes many creators uncomfortable.
As we create and consume in the RPF realm, it is important to remember that everything that will be posted here is fictional.
With that said, it is also important to be respectful of some basic real-life aspects related to Queen RPF, so below are some helpful tips and advice that we hope all creators can take into consideration when creating their fanfic or fanart!
Freddie’s ethnicity - this post on Tumblr is a great learning resource about it.
Freddie’s sexuality - this should go without saying, but this is a reminder to be mindful about it.
Depiction of women - this post on Tumblr is useful to avoid the influence of misogyny when writing female characters into your work.
Day 1 (Fri, 13th May)
Fairytale AU
Today the headlines, tomorrow hard times
“We’re running out of time.”
Getting into a blind date
Day 2 (Sat, 14th May)
Academia AU
These troubled days, of cruel rejection
“Is that for me?”
Doing something illegal
Day 3 (Sun, 15th May)
Apocalypse AU
To tell you, when I find you, I love you
“I knew I could count on you.”
Forgetting a special day
Day 4 (Mon, 16th May)
Pirates AU
So mystic, surrealistic
“Where have you been?”
Going on holiday
❤️ We are so excited and can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with! Don’t forget to share, like, and reblog this post! ❤️
This event is hosted by wordsoflove and @sparkleslightlyy.
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kakairu-rocks · 2 years
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Hey there! The votes are in, and it was a very close race, but we do have a winning theme for the KakaIru Maze Challenge 2022! And that is…
The Supernatural & Paranormal!
Whether you think of ghost hunters, vampires, witches, demons, or cults, there’s all kinds of ways to interpret the theme; and we would like to hear about what it means to you.
What kind of things come to mind when you think of the supernatural and paranormal? What excites you about it? Is there anything in particular you would love to see explored in an amazing fic, or captured in gorgeous art?
If your mind is overflowing with ideas, or even if you just have one or two that work with the theme, please go to our form to submit your prompt suggestions for the mazes!
The last day to submit suggestions will be 31st May; and on 1st June, sign ups will open!
Now that the theme is revealed, we would like to kick things off with Part 1 of this year’s event fic, Liberation, which you can read below the cut! Like last year, each part will be released in certain stages of the event; so make sure you keep an eye out on our posts!
If you have any questions, please contact us! Mod @kakairu-shrine​ is the one in charge, so it is best to go directly to her.
If this is the first you’re hearing of the KakaIru Maze Challenge, or you would like to be reminded of the rules & guidelines, please take a look at last year’s post! We will post this year’s version very soon!
We can’t wait to see your ideas!
Liberation: Part 1
Iruka walked silently along the dimly lit street, studying his surroundings carefully. It was dangerous for a human to be wandering around this time of night; and if he wasn’t on the top of his game, he could become a victim, too. That was why he was here in the first place.
Lately there have been a string of attacks from a rogue vampire that was not just thirsty for blood, but murder, too; and after others had failed to find and slay it several times now, Tsunade had finally sent him to dispose of it. 
Iruka wished she had sent him to begin with, instead of the younger vampire slayers. Sure, they were quite skilled for their age, and did need to go on these kinds of missions to gain experience, but more often than not, in their excitement to kill vampires, teenagers tended to overlook things, and either got seriously injured or killed. And he didn’t want to see another body bag. Not when death could be prevented by sending someone like him, an expert, instead. 
Suddenly, Iruka felt like he was being watched; and his hand trailed to his hip, where his holster was strapped, as he studied everything more carefully, more alert than ever. 
He didn’t see anything unusual around him, but somehow, the shadows seemed darker, and the world quieter, as though nature knew there was a predator lurking about, and had crept back into safety, and was observing sadly, knowing that there would be another victim of the night soon. 
But when Iruka saw a shadow leaping off a roof toward him from behind, he quickly side-stepped and pulled out his stake, ready to fight. Humans weren’t going to be the victim this time.
The vampire landed on all fours where Iruka had been standing seconds before, and turned its head towards him, bearing its fangs as it let out a ferocious snarl; and when Iruka charged right for it, going straight for the attack, it rose and dove for his neck, hungry, and eager for his blood.
Iruka stumbled back as it slammed into him, and pushed it away as it tried to bite him, but the vampire was strong and began to overpower him. If Iruka had to guess, it was newly transformed, considering how animalistic and desperate for blood it was - it would do anything, it seemed; and its lack of control, and strong will made it dangerous.
But a new vampire’s beast-like manner was also a weak point, Iruka had learnt. Sure, they were stronger in general, but they also weren’t as aware of their surroundings than adjusted vampires; and he knew how to use that to his advantage.
The vampire knocked Iruka to the ground in the struggle, and quickly gripped ahold of his shoulders tightly, holding him down as it went in for the bite, but before it could sink its fangs into his skin, Iruka mustered all of his strength and plunged his stake into it, stabbing it in the heart; and it stiffened and let out a guttural scream before going limp and falling heavily on top of him.
Iruka lay still, waiting anxiously to see if the vampire was going to fight back, but a few seconds later, it turned to ash; and he sighed in relief as his stake rolled onto the ground and the weight was lifted from him.
Iruka grabbed his weapon and put it back in place when he rose; and as he began to brush the ashes off his clothes, an evening breeze came by, spreading them across the land; and Iruka put a hand to his chest.
“You can rest easy now.” He said, watching the vampire’s remains scatter. “May you reach the place you’re supposed to be.”
When he had confirmed that everything was fine in the area, Iruka turned to make his way back to the vampire slayer hideout and report, but after a few paces, he heard a strange call, and looked up to see an owl flying for him, holding a small tube with its feet. 
When it reached him, it dropped the tube, and flew up to the nearest tree to sit and wait; and Iruka opened the tube curiously, wondering why Tsunade had sent him a message when she knew he’d be returning soon.
I need you to finish your mission as quickly as possible, as there is somewhere else I need you to be.
About a week ago, I sent Kakashi to remove a small coven that has recently taken over the pub near the bank; and he hasn’t returned yet. I am concerned that the mission wasn’t as easy as it seemed, and that something has happened to him.
Please investigate his disappearance and rescue him, and aid him in killing the remaining vampires if you can. 
Time is of the essence.
- Tsunade
As Iruka read the message, his hands began to shake, and his heart dropped; and he began to sprint to his next destination. He had to leave. Now.
A week was a long time with a vampire.
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clownkiwi · 2 years
ALRIGHTY because ive been thinking about pokemon alot, here are my predictions for gen 9 and all its announcements throughout this year!!! and how people will react to them (from observing & living through sun & moon, sword & shield & legends arceus):
we will not get another pokemon direct until a week or two before this years e3, which will reveal:
the box art legends, info about the region, a gym leader (or two), some dumb new battle mechanic that'll only be featured in this game (dynamax & gigantamax will not be brought up at all, leaving fans disappointed & to ponder if we'll ever get anything as good as gigantamax pikachu & meowth), and a few new pokemon.
one of them (the pokemon) will be the "uwu" internets fave for about a good week or two, until e3 reveals more pokemon previously unannounced in late may's/early june's direct that will be the internets new "uwu" fave until the next direct
we will get another pokemon focused direct in august, focused on introducing even more pokemon, introducing a few more gym leaders, the rivals, the "evil team" (there might not even be an evil team in this game, if we're noticing the trend of the last couple core games), and introducing new region exclusive variant forms. people will cry about how ugly they look
we will get one final pokemon gen 9 lore dump before the game launches on november 18th (when it'll definitely be released, the weekend before the thanksgiving weekend), either during the september nintendo direct or in october. more pokemon will be introduced
a new launch event will be announced featuring. idk. mimikyu??? charmander. pikachu probably.
they will also unveil the next evolutions to the starters. depending on what we get, the internet will be afraid of sprigatito's final evolution, the duck will get more of a captain theme by its final evolution, and the apple. will have somekind of fruit/crocogator theme, idk
also a collaboration will be announced with toby fox where he'll compose Two themes in this game rather than one (in the next core pokemon game, he'll compose 4 themes!!!). the announcement image will be Hilarious (showing the pokemon scarlet/violet logo next to toby fox's signature)
a week or two before the games released, a demo will drop by nintendo where the full pokedex will also be leaked because for some reason, game freak hasn't been able to Stop hiding their full dex in the demo files. people will hate the starters final evolutions, especially sprigatito's if they'll be bipedal. dexit will be another complaint by pokemon fans wanting to complete the full 1000+ pokedex (which will be impossible moving forward, 1000 pokemon Are You Kidding Me???? the switch isnt THAT big), and there will be a leaked pokemon that will be the internets fave pokemon for that gen forever (like how sylveon was for gen 6, mimikyu was for gen 7, & snom was for gen 8)
the game will finally be released on november 18th, 2022, like i said earlier. ppl will complete the whole game in the weekend its out. heres what i think will happen in the story:
the player will have two rivals, one optimistic and excitable rival that will be bffs with the player character, and the other will be a stoic, hiding back feelings rival who will seem cruel. as they go through the region & fight the gym leaders, there will be no "villainous team" like i mentioned earlier. instead, the "evil team" will be a corporation where the corp's head will straight up be the ceo of the pokemon company (if not, so to save face, they will just use the ceo of game freak as an funny injoke reference). either way, the corporation will be the game's biggest twists, and yet again, fans will ponder if this game being the third core game in a row to feature a ceo as the villain is a cry of help from the developers. the game will feature an epic final battle at the end with a ceo trying to destroy the planet as they know it, the ceo will die, the player will go through the elite four and beat the champion, and the game will be finished
people's reactions to the game will be much more optimistic and positive than with sw/sw, as even though this game was only released 9-10 months after legends arceus, people will instantly forget that because this new pokemon game is just SO GOOD and all criticism about rushing the games development in order to meet a deadline or anything about the devs mental and physical well being will be null because of the new pokemon designs and great story. criticism will still be had on the poor performance of some of the graphics, simply because its a switch game that isnt nearly as powerful as a ps5 or even a ps4. criticism will also be had on how the full dex isnt available in the base game, but at this point, most people will be over that. the game will, surprisingly, be bare on post-game content, as similarily to sw/sh, they will make post-game content dlc in 2023. that, or there will be No post-game content at all because game freak just said fuck it, we NEED to release this game in the holiday season rush, that's the only way we'll be able to make money. either way, people will call this game a huge step over sword/shield that was inspired by gameplay choices made in pla, and people will claim that the pokemon future looks bright
janurary 2023 comes around, and game freak holds a pokemon direct announcing new gen 9 dlc that will feature more pokemon (from past games and new forms, the only New new pokemon will be legendaries, and even those will be few in number). also at this point, pokemon scarlet/violet will sell over 10 million copies, and game freak knows pokemon fans will buy scarlet/violet dlc because the sword/shield dlc sold incredibly well. thankfully, they dont announce a new game, but pokemon fans will still criticize game freak for not listening to their fans and making dlc for scarlet/violet, instead of making post-game content available on the base game
or, in an alternate future, they will do what they did with legends: arceus, and announce future content packs that will be Free, and will release them throughout 2023. thankfully, there will be no new pokemon games at least for a year
there will also be no new "third" gen 9 game. that will either be replaced by the dlc or the free content updates as game freak and the pokemon company thinks "third" versions of the core games are a waste of time, money and resources
2024 rolls around, they announce a crystal remake for the switch. coming out later that year
oops, oops, oops!!! went too far ahead there in the future. this post was only focusing on scarlet/violet, not the worrying future of the pokemon franchise and game freak as a whole. i will Only predict the future of the pokemon franchise after scarlet/violets release, sorry!!! hope all this prepares, and even scares you
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lonely-dog-song · 2 years
Art Fight 2022 themes revealed!!!!!!!!!
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newstfionline · 5 years
Bible App’s Most Popular Verse of 2019: ‘Do Not Worry’ (CT) In 2019 YouVersion users read 35.6 billion chapters and listened to 5.6 billion chapters through its online and mobile Bible app. In all of this reading, Paul’s advice in Philippians 4:6 was the most shared, highlighted, and bookmarked verse of the year: “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” The verse contains similar themes to YouVersion’s most popular verses in 2018, Isaiah 41:10 (“do not fear, for I am with you”) and 2017’s top verse, Joshua 1:9 (“do not be afraid; do not be discouraged”).
Trump’s war on the WTO (Foreign Policy) This week, the Trump administration is expected to further undermine the World Trade Organization’s system for enforcing its rules by blocking new members to the panel responsible for resolving disputes. That could lead to more tariff wars, like the one between the United States and China. Meanwhile, another tariff increase on Chinese goods is set to take effect this weekend.
That banana there (Foreign Policy) The Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan made news last week for his work on display at Miami’s Art Basel: a single banana taped to wall, titled “Comedian” and worth $120,000. But on Saturday, a prankster took the banana off the wall and ate it. (The artwork came with specific instructions for replacing the banana.) It’s not the first time his art has been messed with: Earlier this year, a gold toilet made by Cattelan was stolen from an exhibition at Britain’s Blenheim Palace.
Finland’s new young female prime minister breaks the mold (AP) Finland’s next government is breaking the mold in multiple ways. Sanna Marin, the 34-year-old transport minister, was tapped over the weekend by the ruling Social Democratic Party to be Finland’s new prime minister. When she takes the reins of the country, most likely on Tuesday, she will become the world’s youngest sitting head of government. In another unusual development, Marin will head a coalition with four other parties that are all led by women--three of whom are in their early 30s.
Hungarians protest for artistic freedom (Reuters) Hungary’s government submitted plans to parliament on Monday to tighten its control over theaters, triggering protests from actors and audiences who feel that artistic freedom is under threat.
Russia banned from 2020 Olympics (Foreign Policy) The global agency that fights doping in sports unanimously decided to ban Russia from international competitions, including the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and the 2022 soccer World Cup in Qatar. Moscow has three weeks to lodge an appeal. Individuals who can prove they are clean will be able to compete under an independent banner.
The Afghanistan papers (Foreign Policy) The U.S. government has misled the American public on progress in the war in Afghanistan for years, according to over 2,000 pages of documents obtained by the Washington Post. The documents include interviews from 400 U.S. officials and insiders from the Bush, Obama, and Trump administrations, revealing how senior officials hid evidence that the 18-year war was unwinnable and lauded U.S. efforts in Afghanistan in statements they knew were false. “We were devoid of a fundamental understanding of Afghanistan--we didn’t know what we were doing,” said Douglas Lute, a three-star Army general who was a White House envoy for Afghanistan under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama and a former ambassador to NATO. “What are we trying to do here? We didn’t have the foggiest notion of what we were undertaking,” he said.
Deadly India fire in one of thousands of illegal factories (AP) Day laborers in one of New Delhi’s most congested neighborhoods demonstrated against unsafe working conditions on Monday, a day after at least 43 people were killed in a devastating fire at an illegal factory there. Dozens of workers who were asleep when the fire broke out were trapped Sunday in the burning four-story building with little ventilation and only one exit. The building, zoned for residential use, had been clandestinely and crudely converted into a cluster of small factories in a pattern repeated in old and crowded areas across the city of 28 million.
Hong Kong Protests Hit Six Months (Foreign Policy/Reuters) Hundreds of thousands of protesters took to the streets of Hong Kong on Sunday to mark six months of the movement, two weeks after pro-democracy candidates scored a landslide victory in local elections. The protest stretched for two miles, through the central business district and Causeway Bay. The turnout suggests that Hong Kong’s unrest will extend into next year, Bloomberg reports. Meanwhile, Hong Kong’s leader ruled out further concessions to protesters, days before she is to travel to Beijing for regularly scheduled meetings with Communist Party leaders.
Ferries Halted, Alarms Triggered as Sydney Choked by Bushfire Smoke (Reuters) Smoke from Australia’s fierce bushfires settled over Sydney in still conditions on Tuesday, setting off fire alarms, and halting ferry services as famous landmarks disappeared behind some of the worst haze seen in the harbor city.
11 Australians Missing, 13 Injured in New Zealand Eruption (AP) Australia’s prime minister said on Tuesday 11 Australians remained unaccounted for and 13 had been hospitalized after a volcano eruption in New Zealand.
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kudosmyhero · 2 years
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight (vol. 1) #15: Prey, pt. 5 - The Kill
Read Date: June 14, 2022 Cover Date: February 1991 ● Writer: Doug Moench ● Penciller: Paul Gulacy ● Inker: Terry Austin ● Colorist: Steve Oliff ● Letterer: John Costanza ● Editor: Andrew Helfer ◦ Kevin Dooley ● 
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For several days following Strange's attack, Batman sequesters himself in the Batcave, trusting its darkness and solitude to reaffirm his purpose and heal his psyche. This process succeeds, but at the cost of giving the Night-Scourge free rein over Gotham; all the while, Strange continues to push his every advantage, even publicly threatening to reveal Batman's secret identity.
Batman contacts Gordon and asks him for one last chance to prove his innocence. He then confronts Strange, who is dressed in a Batman costume; Strange gloats that he has defeated Batman, only to be thrown when Batman claims both that he never dreams and that his parents are alive in Paraguay, undermining Strange's confidence in his analysis of Batman. Gordon and a police officer then storm the apartment, having overheard Strange confessing to his plans, and discovering the Mayor's daughter in the room where she is imprisoned. Strange is arrested, but overpowers the officer and flees; before he can escape, he encounters the anti-vigilante taskforce, who mistake him for Batman and shoot him. He falls into the river.
Batman hunts Max Cort, who is preparing to resume his activities as the Night Scourge; the two fight, and are evenly matched until Catwoman appears and disarms Cort of his swords, to return the debt she owes Batman for previously intervening to prevent Cort from killing her. Batman overpowers Cort, who flees to police headquarters; Batman pursues him in a specialised bat-themed car that he built during his recuperation in the Batcave. On arriving at headquarters, Cort is confronted by his fellow officers, who realise that he is the Night-Scourge; Batman and Gordon reveal Cort's role in Strange's plan. Cort draws a gun and tries to shoot Batman, but is killed by his fellow officers.
In gratitude to Batman and Gordon, the Mayor orders the disbanding of the anti-vigilante taskforce; while Batman is still not officially condoned,he nevertheless is trusted more by the authorities and people of Gotham. Gordon reveals that Strange's body was never found, prompting Batman to muse that he may still be alive.
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Fan Art: The Origins of Dr Hugo Strange by behljac
Accompanying Podcast: Bat-Books for Beginners - ep. 05
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jikusartblog · 2 years
Team Wither or Team Bloom?
I sat quietly pondering which team I’d ultimately call my family for the month of July. I really was kind of stumped. I like both teams and this was a theme I thought about voting for a lot.
Ultimately, I have decided to choose Team Bloom. This is not just because I have a good idea for my banner for the AF 2022 season. I also picked it to differentiate from my friend / roommate (who is more than likely going to pick Wither).
Alright, Team Bloom! Let’s do this thing! See you all on 01 July for the start of ART FIGHT 2022! <3 
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andersonvision · 2 years
Samuel Forrest is the director of Hipbeat. It was one of the last movies we tackled in 2021, so most of January 2022 is going to be spent cleaning up lingering things. Onward with the Hipbeat director Samuel Forrest interview. How would you explain the Berlin counterculture to people that have never encountered it?AndersonVision It’s free and open. People are creating a new society that pushes the boundaries of what is possible by challenging the status quo, which I think is important to progress. We see what happens in the world when people in power try to turn back the clock to a more oppressive or close minded time. Berlin is a city known for protesting more than any other city in the world. People don’t hold back from making their voices heard. Samuel Forrest dir. Hipbeat Is anarchy naturally aligned with youth? I don’t know why, but I found my attention drawn to the protests in the film.AndersonVision I don’t think anarchy is naturally aligned with youth but activism is. I think there is a frustration at the system though but most fight back with peace, art, education, and unity. Also the history of true anarchism is not a violent one in its origins, it’s an idea based on holding the system and leaders accountable for their actions. Through the 20th century there were extremists who claimed to be anarchist but were not aligned with its true beliefs. This led to a lot of animosity and conflict between the police, government, and the people. Most youth are angry at the system and disappointed at the lack of progress but resist peacefully. We have been raised with constant world crises, one after another. The future looks bleak unless there is collective responsibility and we are proactive. We are dealing with numerous existential problems at the same time. A pandemic, global warming, nationalism, racism, gender and economic inequality.  Samuel Forrest dir. Hipbeat It’s quite easy from Cabaret to the present to view Berlin as a sexually hedonistic city. Do you feel like Hipbeat made new gains in evolving that viewpoint?AndersonVision I hope so. This is something I was aware of while making the film. I wanted to show the beauty of the sexual and cultural liberation of Berlin, not perpetuate the stigmas that surround the Berlin nightlife. You meet people from all corners of the world, which makes it beautiful and diverse. There is a freedom to explore who you are and I wanted to focus on the inclusivity of the city. Samuel Forrest dir. Hipbeat What do you think are the differences between how American films handle LGBTQ issues vs. European films?AndersonVision The queer community is international. I’m not sure there is much of a difference in the approach to LGBTQIAN+ films in Europe or North America unlike some other places in the world where filmmakers are censored. There are great storytellers and artists all around the world who are honest and authentic but I have a feeling that when it comes to sexual expression in art, its embraced more in Europe.  Samuel Forrest dir. Hipbeat What drove the inclusion of the post credits scene? I almost missed that stinger.AndersonVision It's what the anarchists are hacking in the film, the websites they want to disrupt. On a deeper level I wanted to leave a statement revealing the dictators and autocrats around the world who are stopping real change from happening. A call to action so to speak that the fight for democracy and human rights is still upon us.  Samuel Forrest dir. Hipbeat Hipbeat is now available! Do you believe that audiences are becoming oversaturated with political movies? Or do you think that people rejecting such important social themes and turning towards child-like fantasies is more indicative of the global cultural mindset?AndersonVision I think there is a desire to escape from films that deal with social or political issues because we are living through such tough times. There certainly is collective trauma, which people react to by wanting to be taken to a place that is separated from reality, which is understandable. But I hope to be part of a generation of storytellers that re-awakens that curiosity and interest in films that are more real, thought provoking so to speak. To me these films are more relatable to the world we live in today because it deals with the human condition and experience. That being said, there are some prolific films being made in all genres and all stories have merit.  Samuel Forrest dir. Hipbeat What are you working on next?AndersonVision I recently wrapped a film in West Africa called Voices of My Ancestors, which  is currently in post production. We plan on releasing the film in fall 2022. I also have another film lined up in pre-production called Godhead, which is a film about artists following dreams in Los Angeles.  Samuel Forrest dir. Hipbeat
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