#art museums often have snack bars
mrchiipchrome · 7 months
The Museum
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this is so the 'pookie looks absolutely fire' tiktok couple coded
thank you to the anon that requested this, much love to you:)
The skittles made a crunching sound as your molars bit down on them, it was an every day snack for you, tasting the rainbow more often than not. It was a relatively new habit, but when your ex had broken up with you, you promised yourself to become a better person.
It obviously had to be you who had something wrong with them, otherwise she wouldn’t have fallen in love with someone else and out of love with you. Quitting smoking was the first thing on your agenda, hence the skittles.
The next thing was to get away from the small southern town in Texas, move so far away that you left the country entirely. The only thing you’d taken with you on the plane was a carryon with 2 changes of clothes, your cowboy hat and a dream of bettering your life.
The third thing you bettered was your health, going out for a run every morning through the streets of London, going to the gym after work, doing push-ups before bed. It worked wonders, the tips you got from the ladies at the bar where you worked were simply incredible.
The fourth thing you wanted to improve was your cultural knowledge, the exact reason why you were standing in the middle of a museum, old renaissance paintings in every corner of the large room. It was something you appreciated, none of that modern bullshit where people just taped a banana to a canvas and called it art, it was back from when people actually painted.
Your hand slipped down your body into your jacket pocket, fetching another piece of candy, although a voice speaking up from your right startled you nearly enough for you to drop it back into the bag.
“You’re not supposed to eat in museums, you know?” The woman had a foreign dialect, just like you. You guessed it was from somewhere in the middle of Europe, maybe Germany or any of the neighboring countries.
“It’s not a problem if you don’t tell on me, no one has to know.” She seems just as startled by your accent as you were by her speaking to you, her cheeks dusted with a light pink at the wink you sent her.
“What are you going to do if I tell them? Take me back to your ranch on your horse?” The mystery woman teases, obviously making fun of the accent and the cowboy hat sitting perched on your head. In response you laugh under your breath, shaking your head in amusement.
“I’m afraid that I left the ranch back in Texas, Miss. All I have here is a small one bedroom apartment.” She looks up at you through the side of her eye, her half smile distracting you more than you’d like to admit. Her brows knit together when she notices a security guard eying the two of you curiously and her elbow digs into your ribs when you once again reach for the skittles in your pocket.
“Nice hat, my friend would be jealous.” You nod in agreement, plucking the stetson off your head and turning it around in your hand. In a brief moment of stupidity, you place the cowboy hat on the pretty stranger’s head, it falling down the front of her face to cover her eyes. It’s frankly adorable, the way she brings her hand up to push it back to the crown of her head.
The reassuring smile on her face tells you that she approves of your action, a relief to your entire being. She takes her phone out of her back pocket, turning it on and snapping a picture of you both, the cowboy hat still perched on top of her head.
In response, you snap a picture of her alone, the woman posing like a cowboy would for you. She was going to be the wallpaper of your phone for a while, even though you didn’t even know her name.
“So, do you have a name or am I just going to have to call you mine?” The cheesy pickup line just slips out, not at all consciously, it was like instinct took over, a pretty girl was to be flirted with.
“I wouldn’t mind being called yours, but for now you can call me Lia.” The woman doesn’t seem uncomfortable by your advances, in fact she embraces them, teasing smile telling you that she found it amusing how worried you got over a simple pickup line.
“Lia, a beautiful name for an even more gorgeous girl.” She gains her pink tint back, the compliment likely the cause of her blush. It wasn’t like she never got complimented, it was just the attractive zing your accent put over the words that made them feel more sincere.
“And how about you? A name attached to that pretty face?” Now it was your turn to blush at the other woman’s words, her lips splitting into a full toothed smile.
“Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n.” You imitate Bond to introduce yourself, sticking your hand out for her to take, a firm handshake and the tip of an imaginary hat letting her know who exactly it is you are. 
“Good to know my future last name.” She winks at you and the blush that’s already covering your face deepens significantly. The insinuation that you were to marry the girl beside you too much for your poor little heart to take. 
She starts to walk away from you and towards another section of the room, looking back over her shoulder when she realizes that you weren’t right beside her, walking. Waving her hand in a “come here” motion, you quickly catch up with the older woman. 
“So, why skittles? Is there not any other sweet you’d rather have?” She asks as you match her slow rhythm of steps, your hands shoved in the pockets of your coat with your arms forming loops. Lia threads one of her arms through yours, leaning her head on your shoulder, standing still all of a sudden to look at a painting. It didn’t feel like you’d just met, like you’d just introduced yourselves to one another, it felt like you’d known each other for decades, easily slipping into being comfortable with each other.
You gaze at her as she looks at the painting, making sure to map out all her gorgeous features and commit them to memory. She was like a breath of fresh air in a world of polluted oxygen.
“First of all it’s called candy, not sweets, candy. Secondly, they’re amazing for when you want to stop smoking.” Her cheek smushes against your shoulder as she turns her head to look up at you, her eyebrows scrunched together adorably.
“You were a smoker?” You feel the strong urge to place a peck atop her lips, soft and warm against your own. But in the end you resist, you’d only just met the woman for god’s sake, you don’t want to make her uncomfortable. Her eyes hold so many emotions that you just can’t read.
“Yeah, only for about a year. My ex stressed me out so much that I felt it was the easiest way to deal with it. But when she broke up with me, I decided to get my life back together, moved here, got a job at a bar and that’s it. That’s why I’m here.” Lia listens intensively at the story you’re telling her, the way she looks at you suggests that she’s hanging off your every last syllable.
“So no more smoking at all for you?” You puff your chest up, proudly displaying the grin on your face and your now discolored tongue. Lia looks on in amusement at your actions, a grin that could light up an opera house on her face. 
“Nope, I’m never picking up a cigarette again.” The amusement turns into a sort of profound proud feeling, a feeling that she definitely shouldn’t be feeling for what is practically a stranger. A stranger that in the matter of a mere hour had worked their way into her heart and made themselves home.
“Good, I’m really happy for you.” The softened look on Lia’s face makes you blush, it was the way most people looked at their loved ones. You couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like to be one of her loved ones, how it would feel to see her first thing in the morning, to gaze into her tentative eyes and try to read her like a book just because you know exactly how it is she acts, how she feels at that exact moment, what she thinks.
At your faraway look Lia nudges you in the ribs, giggling at the embarrassed expression that occupies your face. Her giggle could only be described as a ray of sunlight, lighting the glum room up in seconds, giving it a golden glow.
The older woman doesn’t miss the fondness in your gaze as you watch her laugh, your own lips splitting into a smile and soon after a loud belly laugh bubbles up in your chest, welling out of your mouth like water out a dam. 
Only moments later the both of you are doubled over in laughter, tears slipping down your cheeks and arms crossed over your stomachs. Some scattered guests give you two dirty looks, as if you were peasants in a house full of royals, but they are counter effective because it only makes you and Lia laugh harder.
The security guard from earlier approaches you both as you drop down to the floor with a loud thump, Lia bursting out into an entire new fit of laughter as you try to catch your breath.
“Y/n, I’ve already let you get away with a lot today but this is your last strike. Up you get, I’ll escort you and your lady companion to the exit.” He speaks through his thick mustache, his round beer gut bobbing up and down with every word like he needed every fat covered muscle of his stomach to get the words out.
Small giggles escape you both as Lia and you are led out of the building by a firm grip around both of your arms. You both watch in amusement as the fat man gets winded walking back up the stairs he just led you down, bending over for a brief second at the top before disappearing back behind the door.
“So, I take it you know the security guard then?” She sounds a little out of breath as she speaks to you, flyaways sticking out of her bun, your hand itches to reach up and smooth them out, undo her bun and run your fingers through her hair. But you don’t. 
“Yeah, he’s my regular. Comes in every day and buys a pint after work, a good friend of mine he is. He lets me get away with eatin’ in there every time I come.” You stand right in front of the brunette, hands again in your pockets as you smile at her tentatively. Her hand comes up to rub at your arm, and you feel as though you were going to pass out at any moment, the electric feeling of her ring covered fingers touching your arm overwhelming in a good way.
“Ah, a museum nepo baby then.” You can tell that she’s joking by the way her eyebrows raise all the way up to her hairline, and you imitate her by doing the same thing. Another fit of giggles ensues, Lia looking directly into your eyes, holding eye contact for a prolonged amount of time.
It makes you nervous, her somewhat challenging gaze locking on your face for a moment longer than necessary. When she grasps your hands in hers you finally look back at her, meeting her tender gaze with your own.
“I really enjoyed today, I was hoping we could do it again sometime.” The older woman looks at you sheepishly, nearly nervously. You’re mesmerized by her gorgeous simplicity, simple smile grazing her lips as you nod, a recognisable warmth behind the hug she gives you, the quick kiss she places on your cheek haphazardly before walking away, not looking back to see your rose tinted cheeks.
It’s only when Lia has disappeared far behind the horizon that you realize that you have no way to contact her AND that she essentially got away with your favorite cowboy hat. You aren’t as distraught about your hat as you are about not getting her number, it was a dumbass move from you.
You drag your feet all the way back to your apartment, not knowing that only moments after you left the museum, the girl of your dreams ran back all the way to get your number. And like you, she dragged her feet all the way back to her apartment, sulking and questioning her own intelligence.
Arriving at the bar that evening was strange, you felt almost empty without the girl you’d met earlier that day, no light brown cowboy hat perched atop your head nor a beaming smile. It was weird to everyone around you, you always had that damned hat on, but now it was a completely different one, black with a few white accents.
“What happened to you? It looks like someone ran over your dog.” Your co-worker and best friend Marla asks, placing her hand on your shoulder softly as if you were to break if she did it any harder. Shaking your head, your other friend and co-bartender Jason comes up to rub your back softly, the comfort from both of your best friends loosening you up significantly and soon after you spill everything that had happened up to that point.
They were both smirking at you when you finished up the story, knowing that despite only just meeting the woman in the museum you were already in love. 
“So do you have a picture of this goddess who’s making you drop to your knees?” Marla asks you, looking knowingly at your other best friend, who in return wiggles his eyebrows at her. You knew something would happen between them soon, and you’d rather be in hell than to watch it.
“Yeah, just give me a quick sec.” Pulling out your phone, you quickly unlock it and enter the photo app, not needing to scroll as the most recent photo was of her, Lia.
“Girl, are you fucking with me?” You look at the dark skinned girl in confusion, her eyes widening as she realizes that you had no fucking clue who it was you had met. She looks to her ‘boyfriend’ quickly in shock, who looks back at her equally appalled.
“Are you telling me you don’t recognise her?” The moment you shake your head is when the green eyed boy facepalms, not believing your stupidity. “Not at all? You haven’t seen her before.” When you once again shake your head the man sighs in disappointment, all faith in your intelligence practically gone.
“Girl. That is Lia Wälti, you know one of the best midfielders in the country? Arsenal Women’s player.” Now it’s your turn to look shocked, not at all knowing that she was a footballer. All the times you’d gone over to Marla’s house to watch footy, she’d probably been injured.
“Are you fucking kidding me? I didn’t even recognise her.” You lean against the door, sliding your body down until you’re sitting flush on the floor, head in your hands. Jason places his hand on your shoulder, smiling softly at you as he tries to reassure your overwhelmed mind.
“Hey, man, it was probably a good thing that you didn’t recognise her. She knows that you’re not some crazed fan trying to kill her, eh?” Marla’s hand plucks your cowboy hat from your head and runs her fingers through your hair, your shared shift started in mere minutes and yet they were there, comforting you.
“I’m okay, just a bit shell shocked.” They both laugh, pulling you up by your hands and bringing you into a group hug, patting your back before Marla gives you your hat back, smacking both you and Jason’s asses before disappearing out to her office.
“You know, we have an extra ticket to the Arsenal game on Sunday, so I mean if you want to see her again then you’re welcome to join.” You smile at the man’s kindness, telling him that you’ll definitely take him up on his offer. You didn’t have a shift at the bar either way that day so spending it looking for your … well you didn’t really know what it was she is to you. All you know is that you wanted to see her again.
Two days later you find yourself sitting as close to the pitch as you possibly can, waiting for the North London derby to start. 
Lia is in the starting lineup, looking determined as she waits for the whistle signaling the start of the game to sound. The shrill noise cuts through the air and the game starts.
It’s physical right from the start, loads of pushing and shoving coming from both sides, red and white. There are a few times where you nearly jump to your feet as Lia gets pushed but the fact that your friends sat there right beside you made you choose not to.
At half time the score is the same as the beginning, nil-nil. Despite not knowing much about football you join in on analyzing the first half of the game, mentioning all the times Lia went down. Marla makes some ‘innocent’ comments about how you’d much rather have her ‘go down’ somewhere else. The blush that overtakes your face is enough for you to blend in with your jersey, the red of the Arsenal shirt the same shade as your face.
When the second half starts, you’re basically on your feet all the way through, cheering loudly when Alessia scores, meaning that the gunners were up one-nil.
It’s particularly hilarious when Lia finally notices you, a pause in the game meaning that she had the time to look around at the fully packed Emirates Stadium. When those eyes you love to gaze into meet yours for the first time since Friday, her face split open in a smile, a smile reaching all the way up to her eyes.
It looks like she has to physically restrain herself so that she doesn’t run over to you, her body shaking slightly as she calmly inches her way towards you, the cheers of the fans around you becoming louder as the player comes closer. Lia tunes them all out though as she looks at you, the only thing cutting through her trance being the whistle signaling the freekick being awarded. 
Lia looks back towards you as she walks in the direction of the group of players and you wink at her, even though she’s far away it seems like she saw it, the deep tint of red dusting her face definitely more than exertion from the game. 
When the three loud whistles sound throughout the arena, it explodes in cheers as Arsenal manage to keep their one-nil lead and in doing so make London red again. But you don’t even acknowledge the win when there’s a speeding Lia Wälti heading straight in your direction.
She only starts to slow down as she reaches the barrier which separates the fans from the pitch and players, with you standing up behind it to watch her come closer and closer with every quick step she takes.
Lia throws her arms around your torso when she comes close enough, the way that she had been longing for your touch had been driving her crazy in the days since you first met. She also knew that it wasn’t smart to do it all out in the open, fans and professionals alike were probably going to know everything about you within a few days. You didn’t seem to mind though, content with having her in your arms again.
Pulling away from her, you quickly take her face in your hands, looking her over to see if her face was scratched up from all the times she’d met the ground in the game. 
“Shit, darling, I think you spent more time on the ground in this game than on your feet. You ought to be more careful.” Your southern drawl is especially thick when you speak to her, the worry you’d experienced the entire game bubbling to the surface.
“I’m perfectly fine, I think you’re forgetting that I do this for a living.” She smiles at you reassuringly and you calm down fully, her hand placed on your arm a sure factor of it. Lia’s head turns to your side, looking directly at your friends who both send her starstruck looks. 
“Hi, I’m Lia.” The footballer smiles in their direction and they both remain in their seats, completely unmoving. She looks back to you concerned and in response you just laugh, they were apparently not expecting her to actually greet them. “Are they okay?” 
“I think they’re just a bit starstruck.” Gesturing towards their gaping mouths, Marla quickly slaps your hand away from her face, biting at the air to show you that she wasn’t afraid to bite.
“Oh okay, well do you think they want anything signed? I can ask the team, or maybe if you want we can go meet them?” Lia sounds unsure of herself, apparently doubting that her first impression on your friends was good.
“I think that they’d love that sweetheart. But judging from all the looks we’re getting from that same team, I do think they want you back.” You glance towards the women gathered in a clung in the middle of the pitch, all of them staring at you and Lia interacting. She sighs at their slightly invasive culture, but alas there wasn’t anything that she could do about it. When you smile and wave at them, you’re thoroughly amused when every single one of them repeats your actions back to you, some in confusion and some in amusement.
“A guard is going to tell you to follow him, just do as he says and we’ll meet again soon.” By that point the stadium was almost empty, everyone wanting to go home and brag about their team’s win over the archrival. So as Lia walks away from you, you’re totally free to stare at her ass, only stopping when Marla slaps your arm harshly.
“Did that just happen?” Jason asks shakily, running his hand down his face in embarrassment.
“You’re damn right it did.” You laugh at their stupid expressions, their embarrassment clear on their faces. “Well look on the bright side, y’all are going to meet the team.” With that their embarrassment turned into excitement, meeting their favourite athletes quickly turning their mood around.
“Y/n Y/l/n? Come with me and take your friends with you.” Walking around the labyrinth of slinging hallways and narrow paths, you appear in front of the locker room in no time, the loud music escaping the door a clear indicator of the Gunners good match.
“Now just wait out here until they come out, they’ll probably be out in a few.” The guard tells you unbothered, not caring at all that he’s leaving people he doesn’t know outside of the locker room.
“Yes sir.” You speak up clearly, mock saluting him as he disappears down the hallway with a sigh.
“I can’t believe that you’re 28, you act like a 12 year old.” Marla tells you jokingly, leading to you pushing her away from you. In the span of a few seconds both you and Marla find yourselves on the floor, engaging in a wrestling match. It only gets broken up when the sound of the door opening echoes through the hallway, both you and your best friend quickly getting on your feet.
“Nah what’s going on here?” A very amused Irish accented voice escapes the player exiting the locker room, one Katie McCabe staring at you and Marla.
“It was her fault.” You point at Marla so as to gesture that it was her who started it, the woman vehemently denying it.
“So I’m guessing you’re Lia’s cowboy then?” Katie completely ignores the blame game currently going on in front of her as she talks to you. Blushing at being called Lia’s, you quickly start to stutter out an answer.
“I- uhm yeah, I think so?” Laughter coming from behind the Irish woman makes you glance in the direction of the sound. Seeing Leah Williamson of all people is not what you expect, a bit starstruck yourself.
“Of course it’s the cowboy you buffoon, who else would wear a cowboy hat in London? You have to tell me where you bought the one Lia brought home, I need a new one. Mylie-moo chewed mine to filth a couple days ago.” Leah throws her arm around your shoulder as if you’d known each other for years, the woman clearly having heard a thing or two about you.
“Oh well I’ll be sure to bring you one next time I go back to Texas, my buddy Carl, he’s 72 and he makes the most gorgeous hats you can imagine. Last time I visited him I made him an instagram page, I’ll send you the link if you want?” You speak enthusiastically with the England captain, her arm still resting around your shoulders casually. Both Marla and Jason are in a conversation with Katie and Lotte, who just got out of the locker room.
“Important question, so answer me truthfully now, do you like country music?” She looks at you skeptically, trying to deduce if you’re being truthful or not. The question itself makes you roll your eyes playfully, but alas it didn’t surprise you. It was widely known that Leah was quite the country fan.
“Ma’am I grew up in Texas, yeah I’m a country fan. I’d be disowned if I wasn’t.” Leah looks at you like you’re her hero, it was clear to you that she accepted you. The hinges of the door squeak as a few other players exit, namely Lia.
“Lia please let me steal her, she’s perfect.” Leah says jokingly, holding onto your arm softly like she was a little kid. Lia looks at her weirdly, but quickly catches on to the joke, walking over to the two of you.
“I know, that’s why I want to keep her.” Lia wraps her arms around your waist tightly, her newly washed hair curling up into adorable curls, head placed on your shoulder. 
“Sharing is caring.” Leah is on the verge of laughter as she talks, the statement a shocking one for sure. It was hilarious though so you also had to keep from laughing.
“I mean I wouldn’t mind-” Lia shoots you a mean glare at your half serious words, and even though it was like being glared at by an adorable kitten, Lia already had you wrapped around her finger. “Actually I’m taken so I don’t think that would work.” 
All it takes for you all to break character is a shouted ‘WHIPPED’ coming from one of the players watching the interaction like it was a soap opera, the three of you laughing like it was the last thing you’d do.
“Alright, anyone want a drink? Not to brag but I can make a mean cocktail.” The women all cheer as you ask them, everyone rushing out to get into their cars and get to the bar. Just as you’re about to follow them, someone takes hold of your collar, making it so that you can’t go. 
Lia looks back when you don’t follow her but you just wave her off, telling her to go on without you. Turning back, you’re met with all the ‘scariest’ Arsenal players, looking like they’re about to beat you up.
“Listen carefully now, because this will only be said once, if you hurt a hair on her head, do anything to hurt her emotionally, if you do anything wrong that makes her sad, we will not hesitate to take your knees.” It’s Katie that speaks, all the others just nodding intimidatingly, glaring at you. 
“I’m going to try my best to make her happy, I know that she deserves the world.” They let up the facade of intimidation at your words, patting your back and pushing you in the direction of the car park. The conversation as you all are walking out of the building is pleasant, when you arrive at the parking lot there are just a couple of cars left.
Both of your best friends had left you to carpool with one of the remaining players, Lia called dibs though the second she looked at you, so it was with her you went.
“They weren’t too scary with you right? I know how they can be.” Lia says over the soft music being played from the radio, some Tyler, the Creator song. You look at her face, she was in deep thought and absolutely adorable. 
“Nah, it’s like being threatened by a pair of teddy bears. Let’s just say that I’ve had worse shovel talks.” She giggles as you start to tell her about all the weird shovel talks you’d gotten back in Texas, everything from being threatened with Chinese water torture to being hung upside down from a tree for simply speaking to a girl that wasn’t her.
When the bar comes into sight you see that multiple people have parked their cars right in front of it, telling Lia to just park on the curb.
“Y’all are such dickheads.” You laugh, slapping both Marla and Jason’s heads hard, they left you stranded. 
“Well you’ve got a girlfriend now who can drive your broke ass.” Marla shoots back, rubbing her head in pain. You roll your eyes at her dramatic actions, the slap wasn’t that hard.
“One-nil to me then, at least I have someone.” The sibling like banter was normal between you two by now, she was your best friend after all.
“C’mon cowboy, let’s sit down for a little.” Lia’s hand rests on your stomach as you both sit down on the booth, the place to sit being suspiciously small, to the point in which Lia had to throw her legs over your lap to get enough space.
It was nice to sit and talk with the team, they were regular people just like anyone else and it made you glad to see them just relax after a match. The atmosphere was calm, so calm in fact that Lia managed to fall asleep on your shoulder, quiet snores escaping her mouth.
Only moments later you fall asleep too, after having fought sleep for as long as possible. Your head rests on top of Lia’s and the girls think it’s absolutely adorable, some of them taking pictures of you both to send to their group chat.
“I knew being friends with her would pay off.” Jason jokes, thinking naïvely that you were fully asleep, getting a few laughs from the girls in the room. They get startled though as you utter a quick;
“Hey!” In protest, everyone soon laughed at your dramatic reaction to his joke.
Who knew that going to the museum would result in you getting a date?
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desi2go · 1 year
What do the perfect dates look like?
What would the Stray Kids members do with you?
Pairings: Stray Kids x reader
Warning: fluff
Author's note: I'm so sorry that it took me so long to update. These days I'm really stressed and need to focus on my A-level. Anyways, HAPPPY BIRTHDAY FELIX 💕 if you have any requests, just ask ;-)
~~ Bang Chan ~~
Chan loves the nature. Especially the ocean and everything that has to do with water. So, when it's warm, you to like to go to a sea. A beach date is for Chan the best, because he loves you and the sea. Whenever you have the time, you two spend the whole day at the beach. Getting a tan, playing games and swimming is a must. Chan and you would do a swimming competition to find out who is faster. Of course it was Chan, but it was fun. After you were for hours in the water, you would lay on your towel, enjoying the sunny weather while you two cuddle. When the sun goes down, you walk along the water and watch the beautiful sunset.
It isn't a secret that Chan likes to cook. He often cooks for the other members. Sometimes, especially when it's cold outside or the weather is bad, you adore to cook together while listening to music. Most of the time, Chan will cook because you can't cook well and the chance of you getting burned is really high.
~~ Lee Know ~~
Minho likes the autumn, so whenever you two find time, you would walk around and enjoy the nature. Autumn symbolises wealth and abundance. This is exactly how he feels around you, filled and richly endowed.
Minho and you adore the cool air and all the bright colours in the nature. You would stroll through the rustling leaves, holding each others hand to keep them warm.
You also like to do Movie dates with your boyfriend and his three cute cats. Usually he would let you pick the Movie while he gets some snacks from the kitchen. After placing a blanket on your laps, he would cuddle with you. It will not take long until his three sweet cats will jump on your laps, purring and ready to be pet.
~~ Changbin ~~
I think that Changbin would go to a good bar with you. Grabbing a drink while talking to you about the day. If a stranger would ask you out, he'll just watch and be amused because he knows that you can handle it on your own and even if the person is very intrusive, he will be there and protect you.
When he sees you humming to the melody of a song, he would ask you, if you wanna dance. He knows that you love to dance with him, so you agreed with a big smile. He twirls you around the little dance floor, laughing and giggling.
Like Lee Know, he would also do a Movie Date with you, but he loves to watch scary movies with you even though you were a little bit scared. But you know, he'll protect you, if a big bad monster would try to eat you. Maybe that's why he is training so hard at the gym?
Hyunjin loves to be around you. You inspire him like you're his muse. Every time you to are together he gets so many painting ideas. In the summer, he loves going on a picknic date with you. You're also interested in art, so every time you have a date outside, you would bring your art supplies with you so that you two could paint together.
In this time you don't much, only a few sentences. Just enjoying each others presence and being inspired by it. After you finished your paintings you showed then to one another and exchange them so that you have sweet little memories you can look at in the future. On the side you feed each other the food you brought with you.
When the weather isn't that good, you go to a museum, looking at the famous art. You two try to guess what the artist meant and wanted to express with that painting. What was a serious game at the beginning became more and more silly by your jokes. Most of the time, you ended up creating funny and chaotic stories while you laughed out loud.
On a day off, Han would take you to your favourite Café. It was very hidden and in a quieter area of the city so that you could go there without worrying that someone will recognise your boyfriend. On the way there, he told you proudly his new jokes that he came up with. You laughed because most of them made no sense at all.
In the Café, Han would order you an iced coffee with a piece of strawberry cake, your favourites. He ordered himself a big piece of cheesecake and chocolate cake. You shake your head amused because he was like a black hole. You could feed him so much and he would still be hungry.
In the winter, you two love to go skating. At first you were insecure because you never tried ice skating before. You stood there, shaking and trembling. Maybe it was the cold, maybe it was because you feared to fall. Han just smiled and pulled you on the ice. You clawed at him tightly, not wanting to fall. But after you overcome your fears, you loved skating, especially with Han.
~~ Felix~~
Whenever you two have time, you like to spend the whole night on a field, looking at the stars. Laying in each others arms on a soft blanket has become a habit for you two. You adored the mild summer air while you only listen to Felix's heartbeat.
I think Felix loves to bake brownies with you. You two will challenge each other to see who bakes the best. While you mix the ingredients, you dip with your index finger into the flour. "Hey Felix!" You shout. Immediately, Felix turned around. Quickly you brush over his nose and spread the flour. You chuckle when you notice his confused look.
He brushed over his nose, looking at the flour, then looking back at you. He grabs some flour and walked to you. You run through the kitchen while you were hunted by your boyfriend. At the end of the day, the bake date turned into a merciless flour battle.
He will take you to a walk through the city or a park. He doesn't plan where you two are going, just being spontaneous. Whenever you see something interesting, he notice how your eyes shine and will go with you into the store or cafe.
He will hold your hand the whole time and brush slowly over your fingers. A short walk turns sometimes into a four hours or more walk. Your boyfriend and you loved to watch the sunset on a park bench while you lay your head on Seungmins shoulder.
After that walk, you often go to the little restaurant, that you discovered on a walk. It's small, but the food is great and the service excellent. Seungmin loves the little things like sitting in that restaurant and admiring your wonderful body, your face and that sweet, gorgeous smile you give him.
At the first few dates you two ever had, Innie was so nervous. It was the first time he ever dated someone therefore wreck. He stumbled over his words and played the whole time withe his accessories to calm himself. After some time the nervousness faded away and made room for the incredible love for you and the comfort around you.
I think that Innie would love to go to a karaoke bar with you. Of course he'll sing some Stray Kids songs to impress you. But on the other hand, he'll sing with you funny songs, joke around and be totally silly. He loves to hear you laugh that's why, he will choose the strangest songs. On the other side, he'll adore every tone you sing and will compliment you for your voice and how good you can sing.
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Let's show how I am living right now.
I stay in my room, most of the time, and avoid seeing people.
I go online on vrchat every night, usually I go on with this one person. He's transphobic, it's annoying to deal with, but if we both ignore it, it's fun to talk to him. He usually tries to teach me stuff, and it's quite interesting. I do like learning, and going to a museum for hours instead of taking a quick walk through would be really cool. Unfortunately, my parents tend to rush through museums and we don't really go to any anymore. Oh, I don't like school learning because of the entire system. So no, I don't like school learning. I like learning on my own free will at my own pace.
I spend a lot of time watching things too. I take it at my own pace, pausing and pacing around to process information when I need to. It helps.
As for food, I don't eat many meals. My parents haven't been cooking and I can't cook. And obviously, I stay in my room most of the time. I don't eat much in general, but I do keep snacks in here to eat. I have chips, seaweed, bread, granola bars, and cookies in here to eat. I keep canned soup, mostly chicken noodle soup, and canned chickpeas to eat (they are soooooo delicious I love eating the whole can in one go, probably provides nutrition I miss out on most of the time too.) I have monsters in here to drink, as usual. Sometimes I bring caprisuns in to drink too. I drink about one monster a day, and I think this helps to keep my mood up since caffeine is like medication to me. I have to make sure I don't run out.
I take a shower once every few days. I have a cigarette rolled if I ever want to go outside and smoke (I can do that easily since it's summer. No school and less cold temperature). I also manage to brush my teeth without forcing myself to more often.
I sleep during the day, falling asleep sometime in the morning and waking up between noon and evening. I'm awake all night, and go out of my room mostly during this time. I'm allowed to make food at night, so I'm able to get food if I feel like it.
My room is very warm compared to the rest of the house (if I had to guess, about 75°-80°), and so even though I get cold easy, I'm usually comfortable in here. When I leave my room I put on a jacket.
There are plenty of non-online things to do as well, like making outfits or doing arts and crafts (I have way too many things I've been gifted over the years that I almost never use) and looking at my figures (Something I do often, they look very satisfying).
I try not to think about spending money, since it's distressing that I often can't buy what I want to.
I hope in the future I can get more snacks in here, get a second monitor for my computer, get some more keyboards (I like the different sounds different keyboards have), get a minifridge (for foods and especially drinks, since a lot of stuff needs to be cold and I often can't leave my room), and get more stuff for my VR. I hope to start streaming eventually, but for now, I don't know how to get started and would like to do it with a friend. I also hope to be able to smoke more freely at some point.
I'll be getting a new desk eventually. That'll be nice.
I wish things were like this forever.
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June 13th
The next day, I woke up and had a bagel that I had saved. I started to get ready early since, as a group, we decided that we wanted to dress up to go to the theatre. We knew we would be out all day so I planned to dress in layers. We stopped at the center for a couple of snacks. 
Later on, we all met up at the bus stop to head over to the theater together. The bus was relatively close to the theater, and we made it to the Abbey Theatre just in time. The Theatre was built in 1904 and is rich in Irish history. However, the original theatre burned in the 1950’s and was revived in its current location today.
We toured backstage (pictures 3, 5, 6, & 8), learned about the founders, and peeked in on one of the makeup rooms. I had the opportunity to work on shows growing up as both an actor and in the tech crew. It was gleeful to see how a professional theater works. 
After the tour was completed, we went to the Guinness Storehouse (pictures 7, 9, & 10). I had no idea what to expect, but it was so cool! It was interactive, interesting, and fun. There was a tunnel that was dark and black and as you passed through you entered a room of white light, and it felt heavenly. It was an experience. We went to the 360 bar up top for the beer tasting.
The 360 bar is a room where they serve you a complimentary pint of Guinness and sit with windows all around you while overlooking the panoramic views of the City. I noticed Dublin does not have a lot of skyscrapers. You can see everything without being blocked by steel and concrete.
After we drank our pint, we went back to Abbey Theatre for the play (picture 13). It was absolutely exhilarating. I was a little worried when I saw that it was a one-woman show, but it took my breath away. It made me laugh, cry, and feel every emotion in between. The storyline was about a woman who’s mother struggled with suicide. The daughter made a list of Every Brilliant Thing she could think of to remind her mother why she should continue to live. What was once her mother's coping mechanism turned into her own when she went through similar thoughts and feelings. 
It was heartbreaking and empowering. I loved seeing the play in the Abbey Theatre and will tell everyone about the story of Every Brilliant Thing. Maybe even see the play back home.
June 14th
Today we had a class discussion that focused on art through music. We talked about how art and music have influenced our culture in ways we don't often see or hear. I listen to a lot of music that has some sort of message in it. Either subtle or the message is very clearly written and expressed. I like to listen to songs that tell the story of someone in love or someone who experienced a hard time or lost a battle. I think that there are a lot more songs describing the depth of emotions through happiness, feelings of sadness and fits of anger. This affects our culture because it influences the conversations we have. The more vulnerable people we have influence our converstaions, the more likely we will be vulnerable in our private lives.
My teacher keeps telling us all about how Irish people tell stories and how that is how they communicate. I have been seeing that more and more the longer I stay here. They tell stories of their culture and share it with others. The words then live on. I especially experienced this through the Pub Crawl (pictures 2, 4, & 11). 
Later we went to a few national museums and observed Irish art (pictures 12, 14, 15, 16, 18, & 19). There were so many gorgeous paintings, sculptures, and photographs. You could visually imagine the scenery and story with every stroke. After we left the museums, we went to the National Library and took in the exhibits on Irish Literature and how it has grown over the years. 
We then went to O’Neils for food and to see if they had the long anticipated Baileys Cheesecake. This time we were successful. After we ate, we strolled down the streets and looked in windows before heading back. 
I packed for Scotland and our trip to Galway the next day. I can’t wait to go to Galway! I have heard so much about it, and it has been on my bucket list.
June 15th
I woke up and got ready to leave for the bus to take us to the train that would take us to Galway. We eventually got on the train, and I sat with my teacher and her family. We talked and I listened to music on the way there since the WIFI was not working. 
Once we got off the train, we went exploring all that Galway has to offer. We went to the best fish-and-chips place in Ireland, tried oysters, went to a small bakery, souvenir shopped, and even found a used bookstore. I got so many great souvenirs in Galway. 
I loved the atmosphere here. It felt so much like Barcelona. The city was alive and full of live music and friendly people. I wished we had more time to spend here. Eventually, we met with all the students in our group at the park and just talked. It was great to bond with everyone even more. 
The train back was pretty uneventful. The wifi was still out, so I read some books I had downloaded on my phone. On the way back, we made fun of one of the girls in our group’s book that she was reading. She was reading a chapter that was NSFW and all of us, including our teacher, teased her about it. Eventually, we got off the train and went back to UCD. 
I finished packing for Scotland since I had to wake up insanely early for my flight. Right before I went to bed, however, my classmate came over and gave me the book she had been reading. She said I could keep it and that it was an amazing read. I decided I would take it to Scotland with me and went to bed.
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exploretopic · 5 months
Things to keep in mind when visiting Bandarban during the rainy season
Are you planning a trip to the hills during the rainy season? While the lush greenery and cool weather can make for a picturesque getaway, it's essential to be prepared for the unique challenges that come with traveling in rainy conditions. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience, here are some detailed tips to keep in mind:
1. Check the Weather Forecast
Before embarking on your journey, be sure to check the weather forecast for the region you'll be visiting. Heavy rains can lead to landslides, road closures, and flash floods, so it's crucial to stay informed and plan accordingly. Consider rescheduling your trip if severe weather is predicted.
2. Pack Appropriate Clothing
Pack lightweight, quick-drying clothing made from moisture-wicking materials to stay comfortable in wet conditions. Don't forget to bring waterproof jackets, pants, and sturdy hiking boots with good traction to navigate slippery trails safely. Additionally, carry extra layers to stay warm in case of sudden drops in temperature.
3. Equip Yourself with Essential Gear
Carry essential gear such as waterproof backpacks, dry bags, and waterproof covers for electronics to protect your belongings from getting soaked. Invest in a reliable umbrella or a quality poncho to shield yourself from the rain while exploring outdoor attractions.
4. Stay Hydrated and Energized
Rainy weather can make it easy to forget to stay hydrated, but it's essential to drink plenty of water, especially if you're engaging in physical activities like hiking. Pack nutritious snacks like trail mix, energy bars, and fruits to keep your energy levels up throughout the day.
5. Be Mindful of Safety Precautions
Exercise caution when walking on wet and slippery surfaces to avoid slips and falls. Stick to designated trails and avoid venturing off the beaten path, particularly in areas prone to landslides or flash floods. If you're driving, drive slowly and attentively, especially on winding mountain roads.
6. Embrace the Rainy Season Experience
Despite the challenges, traveling during the rainy season can offer a unique and enchanting experience. Take advantage of the misty landscapes, vibrant greenery, and cascading waterfalls that come to life during this time. Don't let the rain dampen your spirits – embrace it as part of the adventure!
7. Plan Indoor Activities
Be flexible with your itinerary and have a backup plan in case outdoor activities are hindered by heavy rain. Research indoor attractions such as museums, art galleries, and local markets where you can seek refuge from the rain and immerse yourself in the local culture.
Research Indoor Attractions: Before your trip, take some time to research indoor attractions in the area you'll be visiting. This could include museums, art galleries, historical sites, or cultural centers. Look for places that offer interesting exhibits or activities that align with your interests.
Museums and Art Galleries: Many destinations have museums and art galleries that showcase local history, art, and culture. These indoor attractions provide an opportunity to learn about the region's heritage, view captivating artwork, and escape the rain while immersing yourself in enriching experiences.
Local Markets and Shopping: Explore local markets and shopping districts where you can browse unique crafts, souvenirs, and artisanal products. Indoor markets often feature a variety of vendors selling everything from handmade jewelry and clothing to local delicacies and artisanal foods.
Cafés and Restaurants: Seek out cozy cafés and restaurants where you can enjoy a leisurely meal or indulge in some comfort food while waiting for the rain to pass. Sample local cuisine, sip on hot beverages, and savor the ambiance of charming eateries tucked away from the elements.
Workshops and Classes: Look for workshops or classes offered in the area, such as cooking classes, art workshops, or craft sessions. Participating in hands-on activities indoors can be a fun and interactive way to spend a rainy day while learning something new.
Indoor Sports and Recreation: Some destinations may have indoor sports facilities or recreational centers where you can engage in activities like bowling, indoor rock climbing, or swimming. These facilities provide a great option for staying active and entertained indoors.
Relaxation and Spa Treatments: Treat yourself to a day of relaxation and pampering at a local spa or wellness center. Indulge in a massage, facial, or other rejuvenating treatment to unwind and de-stress while listening to the soothing sounds of rainfall outside.
Plan a Movie or Game Night: If you're traveling with family or friends, consider organizing a movie or game night at your accommodation. Bring along your favorite board games, card games, or movies to enjoy together indoors while creating cherished memories.
8. Respect Nature and Wildlife
During the rainy season, wildlife may be more active, and vegetation may be denser, providing excellent opportunities for nature enthusiasts. However, remember to observe wildlife from a safe distance and refrain from disturbing their natural habitat.
Considering all this, Labatong Hill Resort offers the perfect blend of natural beauty, warm hospitality, and luxurious comfort for an unforgettable stay in Bandarban. Whether you're seeking a romantic getaway, a family vacation, or a solo retreat, our resort promises to exceed your expectations and create memories that will last a lifetime. Book your stay with us today and embark on a journey of relaxation and rejuvenation amidst the pristine hills of Bandarban.
By keeping these detailed tips in mind, you can make the most of your hillside adventure during the rainy season while staying safe, comfortable, and prepared for whatever Mother Nature may bring. Happy travels!
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thelatvianblog · 1 year
Talsi - Latvian city
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In the course of history, Talsi has endured wars, and its inhabitants have faced hardships. The city also suffered a major fire in 1733.
In 1873, Talsi opened a private district school, known as the "kreisskola." Notably, linguist K. Mīlenbahs served as the director of this school from 1881 to 1889. In 1887, a city school with instruction in the Russian language was established in Jauntalsi.
At the beginning of the 20th century, Talsi experienced the events of the December 1905 uprising and the atrocities of punitive expeditions, resulting in the burning of around 60 buildings and loss of lives.
Talsi was granted city rights by the Provisional Government of Russia in 1917, but peacetime life began in the 1920s. Talsi remained a city of craftsmen and small traders, with each house often having its own small shop. Since 1913, when the Latvian Society House was built, Talsi became a hub for theater, dance, singing, and art exhibitions by local artists. In the 1930s, popular sports included football and athletics.
In November 1960, a modern cinema, "Auseklis," with 500 seats, spacious waiting areas, a reading room, and a snack bar, was opened. In 1960, the construction of an open-air stage began, and after its reconstruction, Sauleskalna estrāde could accommodate 5,000 spectators. Until 1961, a narrow-gauge railway served passenger transportation, and the last small train ride took place in 1967. In 1965, the "Talsi" metalworking factory was established, once the largest and most renowned enterprise in the city.
In the autumn of 1972, the construction and improvement of Jauntalsi began, following the demolition of the Orthodox church. In 1976, the new Talsi administrative center, hotel, and car park were opened. In 1980, the construction of a sports hall commenced.
From the 1960s to the 1980s, multi-story buildings were constructed in the A. Pumpura, Dundaga, Rīga, and Darba Street districts.
During the period of the First Republic of Latvia, the city of Talsi commissioned sculptor Kārlis Zemdega to create the sculpture "Koklētājs" (The Whistler) as a tribute to the heroes who fell in the struggle for freedom. Suitable granite stone was found in the forests near Dundaga, and funds were collected. In 1995, sculptor Vilnis Titāns began working on this project, and on November 16, 1996, the monument was unveiled at the foot of Ķēniņkalns.
Local residents take pride in and proudly show visitors the Oktes baron Firks city house, which has housed the district museum since December 21, 1996.
Today, Talsi serves as the administrative center of the district. It is a small town known for its picturesque views, nine hills, and two scenic lakes.
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elshells · 1 year
Happy STS Ella! Since summer has begun for the northern hemisphere, my question is: what would your characters be like on vacation? Where would they travel (be it in our world or their world) or would they choose to stay home? Would they overpack, underpack, or forget their luggage all together? Late to the airport or six hours early? Stuff like that!
Happy STS, Morana! Great question, this was fun to think about!
If Sophia ever got to take a break from work, she would love to visit Mexico, which is where she and Ahren went for their honeymoon. The packing process would drive Ahren crazy because Sophia doesn't have a method for packing—she just piles her shit in with no rhyme or reason and somehow manages to get everything to fit into a suitcase and carry-on. Meanwhile, he'll agonize over what to bring and pack his suitcases very methodically, yet he'll still need to buy socks at their destination once he realizes he forgot to bring any. They would arrive at the airport much earlier than necessary, anxious and on edge, but as soon as they made it through security they would start to relax for their plane ride. Once they landed, I imagine they would spend a lot of time outside, hiking and enjoying nature together while they could be free from their responsibilities.
Janus would hate the idea of a vacation, but if he absolutely had to, he'd probably opt to have a cross-country road trip. No security to deal with, just some guy driving a car that he probably stole from city to city and having a good time. He'd manage to fit all of his belongings into a single backpack, and what time he didn't spend on the road he'd probably spend asleep in a motel (a luxury he doesn't get to indulge in very often). Even with all the time to himself, he probably wouldn't know what to do with himself. Some days he might choose to brave the crowds and go see the sights, taking walks on nature trails, visiting museums or art galleries, or maybe even going to a karaoke bar if he's feeling spicy. While he'd prefer to do all of this on his own, if he were to invite anyone he'd most likely invite Bellona. Given their complicated history, she would probably decline, but if she did agree, they may or may not end up committing a series of bank heists Bonnie and Clyde style just for the kicks.
Jade's grandparents live in the Caribbean, and with their permission, she would invite Harley and Max to come visit them with her one summer. Prior to the trip, they'd meet to make lists of what necessities they'd need to bring, and get together to pack it all up to make sure they didn't forget anything. Harley would overpack, Max would underpack, and Jade would shake her head at both of them and help them both fill their suitcases effectively with packing techniques like a game of Tetris. On the day of their flight, Max would arrive a few hours earlier to make it through security and buy them snacks, and on the plane Harley would choose to sacrifice herself for the middle seat. Jade's grandparents would pick them up from the airport and spend the entire trip doting on the three kids, taking them from island to island, where I imagine they'd have a lot of quality beach time. If you're interested in reading about what exactly they might do on the beaches, I touch on it a little bit in this post. :)
Alternatively, I also like the idea of Max and his family traveling to Korea for a couple of weeks, because his father is the only who's ever been there and I think that kind wholesome bonding trip is super on-brand for the Ahn family. <3
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thisislizheather · 1 year
March Magic 2023
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Above Photo: Nothing better than this view
I do a million things the month of my birthday and I never regret it. Some people roll their eyes at the phrase “birthday week” or “birthday month” but those people tend to be supremely unhappy and I express my sympathy towards them. Here’s what happened in the birthday month!
The best tweets of the month can be found over here.
I recapped how I did with my winter list of things to do.
I made my new seasonal spring list of things I’d like to do.
Loving the new tomato leaf candle from Trader Joe’s as well as the great new sweet carrot cake from Bath & Body Works.
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Above Photo: Tomato leaf candle from Trader Joe’s, March 2023
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Above Photo: Sweet carrot cake candle from Bath & Body Works, March 2023
Ice skating in March with friends? Always a good idea.
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Above Photo: 75% of us bought skates for this hahahah, it’s called FRIENDSHIP
You know the food blog Grandbaby Cakes? She just put out a new cookbook and the two main things I want to make from it? The salted butterscotch apple whiskey snacking cake as well as the chocolate pecan pie shortbread bars. 
If you have a NYC/Queens/Brooklyn library card, are you aware that you can get free tickets to museums all over the city?
I have made this chicken marsala at least three times this month, it might be my favourite way to eat chicken.
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Above Photo: Chicken marsala should legally be eaten once a week
I bought this Banana Republic Factory funnel-neck sweater in black as well as white because it legit makes me feel like I have a 401k.
I know zero about coffee, but I’ve done this heating-the-press up method a few times now when I make iced coffee and I think it might taste better when you do it?? Nathan claims there’s no difference, so I might just be argumentative?
In love with the tomato potato chips from Eataly.
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Above Photo: Available at Eataly, NYC
Will I ever use this pasta mold from Zara Home - or will I watch it sit on a kitchen shelf each day for twenty years while I yearn to be the type of person who uses a pasta mold?
Love this short article: Want to Lead a Better Life? The Secret Is in the Cemetery.
I had brunch at Quality Eats and the short rib hash was great, but really just inspired me to make it at home.
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Above Photo: Short rib hash, Quality Eats
In birthday discount news…
Are you aware that Target gives you a measly 5% off one item on your birthday?! It’s so insulting, I wish they’d just do away with it altogether, it’s pathetic. Why are brands becoming such ingrates when it comes to customer loyalty?
I went to Ulta for my free March birthday gift and they were “out of stock” at TWO locations. And nothing was offered in its place. SWEET.
Milk Bar is supposed to offer some kind of birthday something, but since their loyalty “program” is so new, none of the employees have been taught what the benefits of the program even are. WHAT IS HAPPENING?? (Sidenote: am I the only one who think their cookies suck?)
You know the bra store I love, Journelle? They got rid of their birthday month discount, too! So I guess all these companies have decided that our collective slow march towards death with include ZERO BIRTHDAY PERKS. Cool cool cool.
I tried the crab rangoon March special at Mimi Cheng’s and they were only all right, why is everything disappointing me lately? They weren’t terrible, just too cream-cheesy. While we’re on the topic, on what planet does crab need cheese to accompany it? Seems dumb.
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Above Photo: March Special (crab rangoon dumplings), Mimi Cheng’s
I also tried this newish Croatian restaurant in Astoria, Selo, and it was absolutely nothing special. I may have to stop giving such credence to the critics at Eater.
My niece Layla got me an incredible birthday gift - a ticket to Tao of Glass, which the New York Times called “a fantastical and often moving tribute to the composer Philip Glass and the power of art to flow through our lives.” IT WAS SO GOOD. Philip Glass was even there on opening night, which was too exciting and I was floored by the whole evening. God, I love it when someone knows you so well and can arrange the most perfect gift.
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Above Photo: March 2023
I bought new jeans after maybe a decade and I can’t be more in love with these ribcage straight ankle Levi’s I got.
Some things I’ve watched: 
Tusk: I absolutely hate when American directors talk about Canada in their films, it’s always embarrassing. And jesus, the dialogue in the scene with the girlfriend: has Kevin Smith ever spoke to a girlfriend before? Needless to say, I severely hated the entire movie. I hate torture stuff. Weird that even needs to be said because doesn’t everyone? Johnny Depp was terrible. One of the most originally awful movies I’ve ever seen.
Scream VI: THE WORST SCREAM OF THE ENTIRE SERIES. I vowed not to even see this because I remain #teamneve but Nathan insisted so I begrudgingly went. What a shit show. It was terrible. I’ll never go to another one again, which is a little sad but also fuck everyone involved who thought it was an acceptable idea to move forward without Neve Campbell.
Frantic: I didn’t even know it was a Polanski movie until the end since Harrison Ford was the main draw here. It’s actually a great idea for a movie, but it just trails off midway through so I can understand why no one talks about this movie.
Succession: So I’ve only seen the first few episodes and here’s the thing… it’s legitimately a bad show. The dialogue is so terribly written, I’m actually confused why people praise it so much. NOBODY CALLS THEIR SIBLING SIS. Words can’t express how much I hate the camera work. Shiv’s American accent is wildly bad. I know we’re all desperate for a good show to watch, but the lies need to stop. This is unwatchable.
I’m not sure that I can even speak about it, but I went to a private rehearsal of a play with Michael McKean and good god, I love that man. I met him afterward and he was so kind and lovely, it was unreal. I mean, it’s Mr. Green for god’s sake.
So in love with these new USPS railroad station stamps. I may or may not have made a list of where each station is incase I ever find myself in that city so I can see it in real life.
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Above Photo: Can I meet and hug the person who came up with this stamp idea?
I’ve been looking for a real fur coat for a few years now and I finally found her at Exile Vintage in Toronto. It was such a steal because the inner lining was shred, but my mom sewed it all up and it’s absolutely perfect now. So excited to throw out my faux-fur teddy bear coat from Marshalls that every. single. woman. owns.
There was an insane sale at Steve Madden in Soho and I got these new wedge heels for $16. To be clear, that’s $8 PER SHOE.
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Above Photo: But can they replace my Terminators? Time will tell.
I saw the new Broadway play Shucked and… yikes. Yes, it was corniness taken to a whole new level, but parts of it were okay. If you love Rodney Dangerfield jokes, then this production was made for you.
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Above Photo: March 2023
I also saw Pictures From Home with Nathan Lane and it was slow at first, but really picked up and got good. Love that man.
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Above Photo: March 2023
I made a tres leches cake and words cannot describe how heavenly it was. Even if you suffer from dairy issues, I’d recommend that you pound a few Lactaids and eat this immediately.
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Above Photo: Tres leche cake
I finally had lunch at Wayan (Jean-Georges’ son’s place) and I can’t wait to return. Best dishes: the corn fritters, the spring rolls (maybe my favourite at any restaurant ever), the lamb kebabs and the chocolate chip cookie with cheddar ice cream. The crab fried rice (which I was most excited for) actually wasn’t anything that special, though.
I had my birthday dinner at The Grill in the Seagram Building (the office building from Scrooged) and it was so great, if not insanely priced. The pasta appetizer was the most incredible thing we ate - they used this crank-type machine table-side to make the broth for the pasta sauce out of MEAT BONES and I can’t stop thinking about it. The other highlight was the gluten-free zucchini cornbread, which was magical. The only downside? Do not get the crab cake - $50+ for the most underwhelming appetizer of your life.
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Above Photo: Pasta appetizer, The Grill (a must order)
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Above Photo: Vowing to wear more tulle on a daily basis
The Mets promotional giveaways were announced if you care!
Some spring recipes I’d love to make:
Lemony Green Pea Fritters with Cottage Cheese
Banana, Pecan, Coconut and Chocolate Chip Blondies
Cadbury Egg Blondies (I’ve never even made a blondie before, but the urge is strong this season)
Lemon Almond Pudding Cake (love a texturally weird cake)
Carrot Cake Ice Cream (no ice cream maker needed)
Spring Couscous Bowls with Lemon Feta Vinaigrette (I made this last year and it’s spring in a bowl)
Things I’m looking forward to: I visited the insanely gorgeous Kings Theatre in Brooklyn so I’ll do a post about it this week, finally trying the bone marrow gravy at Hawksmoor, I have to get my hands on the Easter Dove Milk Chocolate and Peanut Butter Eggs, I’m trying to get a last minute lottery to see the Phantom of the Opera in its final days, I will find all of the NYC cherry blossoms, seeing the rooftop exhibit when it opens at The Met on the 18th, and finally going on a tour of the old City Hall subway station (this has been a dream of mine for years).
If you’ve got any interest in reading last month’s roundup, you can see what went down in February over here.
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Above Photo: Baby Dog witnesses snow, March 2023
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yoongi-sugaglider · 3 years
Daegu Quarantine
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Jungkook x reader
Gang/ zombie apocalypse au
Gore, violence, zombies, mention of drugs and drug dealing, weapons discharge in self defense, main character death, zombies, course language, zombies, drinking, did I mention zombies?
They were the top of their game, known throughout the city as the smartest and most dangerous crew to ever hit the Daegu streets. But what’s going to happen when this group of young men encounter something right out of a horror film?
Word count: 2640
Part 15===Part 16===Part 17
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The next handful of days became a blur of activity. Well, more so for the others than for me.
Hoseok and I had been ordered to strict bedrest, which only one of us actually took seriously. While I sat in bed most of the day, watching movies on my laptop or vegging out on as many snacks as I could convince Jeanette to bring me, Hoseok on the other hand snuck by Jimin as often as possible to help the boys with various projects around the house.
The only reason I even found out is because every few hours I’d hear Jimin fussing at him all the way up the stairs and back to the bodyguard’s bedroom.
I sat with Jeanette, Rose, and Jimin one afternoon, chatting away with them while Jimin checked my leg wound when Jungkook wandered into the bedroom, a stoic look on his face as he sat at his computer desk and turned to stare blankly at my injured leg.
“Something on your mind boss?” Jimin asked as he cinched the bandage tight and turned to begin putting his tools away in his bag.
The noncommittal sound drew my attention and I frowned at him, worry creasing my forehead as I reached my hand over to the small throw pillow I’d been using to prop up my injured leg.
“Oi! Earth to Jeon!” I yelled, tossing the pillow overhand at him. He caught it midair, never breaking eye contact with my leg as he tossed it onto the floor beside him.
“We can’t let Eun Kwang get away with this…” He muttered, the stoic look dissolving into a frown when he finally met my eyes.
“We’ve talked about this Kookie. There’s no point to trying to retaliate. We have no idea where they’re holed up. Nor how many of them there are or what kind of fire power they’re packing.” I leaned forward, pulling my pajama pant leg down and leaning back into the headboard.
“If we had even a sliver of that information…”
“Jungkook please…” I whispered, eyes pleading with him to drop it.
He growled, shoving his way out of the chair and to his feet. Fists clenched at his sides he glared at me, though the moment didn’t last long as his gaze softened.
I shook my head, nodding to Jeanette and Rose. “We have far too much on the line to risk even one of us getting dropped because of some half thought out revenge scheme. Jungkook, going out there would be suicide.”
“You wouldn’t leave a girl widowed before you’ve even gotten a chance to marry her boss, would ya?” Jimin’s quiet words seemed to do the trick.
Jungkook stared at him with wide eyes, mouth slightly agape as if he’d had half a mind to argue with the words from the wise doctor. But after a moment of fish bowling he shut his mouth, shaking his head with a resigned sigh.
“No...you’re both right. It’s hot headed and foolishness that’d get me killed before I even made it halfway there.” He bowed his head for a moment, eyes closed as he inhaled slowly.
“See, Tae said you were a smart man.” Rose grinned at him, standing from the bed and patting him on his arm. “Come on bud, let’s get some food in ya. I bet you haven’t eaten all day have ya?”
I snorted at the two, waving them off and thanking Jimin for his hard work. The room quickly cleared out, leaving just me and Jeanette to ruminate in our thoughts for a bit while I shifted around in bed trying to find a comfortable spot to mope in.
“Hey y/n?” Came the whispered voice of Jeanette, causing me to pause in my movements.
“What’s up?” A smile came to my lips as I watched the timid woman worrying at the hem of her shirt.
“Well umm… I was talking to Jin this morning while we worked on breakfast...about the pantry and stuff?”
I nodded as she paused, motioning for her to continue when she glanced over to me with a look of worry.
“Well, it’s just that… Yes, we have an amazing pantry. MRE’s keep for ages and so do canned goods. But like...wouldn’t it be nice to have fresh produce?” When I remained silent and smiling at her words her face lit up.
She began talking faster, turning in place to sit cross legged before me. She pulled the pillow I’d discarded earlier into her lap to protect the tiny protrusion of her belly as she spoke at length about her plans.
“Since there aren’t that many of us it wouldn’t have to be that big at first. And of course it would take a while for anything to grow. But just imagine, come fall we could have all kinds of amazing fresh veggies. Corn, carrots, tomatoes and potatoes. I could even manage cucumbers and watermelon if we could find things for the vines to climb.”
I leaned forward, taking her hands in mine and running my thumbs reassuringly across the ridges of her knuckles as she spoke, watching the idea grow bigger and bigger within her. The passion in her voice alone had me picturing the enclosed area, teaming with life and greenery and her tiny plump form tending to the plants as she coo’d at them as if they were her own children.
As she began outlining plans for bird proof netting she paused though, mouth curved into a gentle O of surprise and if I didn’t know any better, fear as her head whipped to the door to stare at Yoongi who’d been watching us...well her, talk this whole time.
“Oh...Yoongi I…” She bowed her head, seeming to shrink in on herself as if seeing the man had taken the wind out of her sails.
“Go on…” He whispered, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe with an encouraging smile.
“It’s just….Jin told me to ask Hoseok, who pointed me to Jungkook, who told me to ask you...and well.”
“Jeanette…” My smile only grew when her gaze finally mine. Hope began shining in her eyes and it seemed that the entirety of her frame lit up with our shared excitement.
“I love the idea. Honestly. We can get Namjoon to draw up your plans. He’s basically a genius so I’m sure he could engineer it to be the second safest place in Daegu. And since we’ve been having issues with Hoseok sitting still for long enough, he can be on duty for helping you till the soil or anything else that you might need.”
“I’ll be there to help as well…”
I glanced over to Yoongi and he grinned at the shocked look on my face.
“All of my end of things is done. You can’t exactly expect me to sit on my thumbs while cleaning my weapons all day now can you?”
Jeanette giggled at his words, gingerly lifting herself from the bed and smoothing out the black YG shirt that drowned her figure, another of Yoongi’s favorite shirts.
“Thank you y/n. Really I mean it. I was worried that I wasn’t able to contribute enough to everything that was going on and well...with this…”
“Hey now, we talked about this.” Yoongi walked over, wrapping her in a side hug and tracing his fingers down the bare skin of her arm. “You’re doing plenty enough. Between laundry and helping Jin cook all the meals?”
“Exactly.” I chimed in, shifting to my side a bit so I could send her a less pained smile. “Nobody in this house thinks you’re a burden in any way. And if they even think it I’ll tell Jungkook to beat them up on the spot.”
Yoongi snickered, sending me another grin. “He’d do it too, no questions asked. So don’t worry your pretty little head about it, yeah?”
She nodded after a moment’s hesitation.
“Well, alright then. It’s settled.” He began steering her towards the door, shooting me one last grateful smile. “Let’s get those plans started on. Let the boss lady get herself some rest.
As my bedroom door shut behind them, I couldn’t help but to wonder when and how they’d gotten so close.
By dinner time I’d managed to convince Jimin to let me down to the basement. Everyone was off doing their own thing and frankly sitting alone to eat in the bedroom again had made me so nauseous just thinking about it that I’d almost opted to skip dinner all together. But he’d seen the desperate plea in my eyes and relented, barring that I allowed Jungkook to carry me down there.
I sat with Taehyung and Rose, munching away at my meal as I watched them giggle over stories they shared of when they’d first met.
“It was a coding nightmare. I’d only been working for the main office for two months when they put his case in my lap. Some young kid that’d managed to bully his way into the Seoul Police department’s criminal database and posted all of the corrupt politicians with arrest warrants and speeding ticket fees to every news site that he could get his grubby little hands on.” Rose cackled, throwing her head back as her entire body shook with the force of her laugh.
“Hey! That was some of my best work!” Taehyung pouted, tossing a wayward green bean in her direction and causing her to snort harder.
“Best work? You had everything so scrambled from that little backdoor snipe that it took their tech department 2 years to set everything straight.” She shook her head, popping the betrayed green bean in her mouth before tossing one of her own in his direction.
He caught it in his mouth easily, smirking all the while before continuing his rant. “It was the art job that did me in.”
“Art job?” I leaned forward, almost instantly regretting the movement when a rib shifted and sent a spike of pain shooting through my chest.
“Shit, you good?” Tae asked, looking as if he was half way to dropping everything to come to my rescue.
I waved him off, shoving a hand over the cursed injury and grinning despite the pain.
“I’m fine. Now come on, tell me about the art job!”
Rose snorted, placing her plate beside her and leaning back on her hands to give Tae a coy smile. “It was why I call him Art Nerd. He decided it would be a good idea to hack into the archives of one of the biggest art museums in the world.”
“You wouldn’t believe it!” Tae tossed up his hands, all angst and agitation as he stood abruptly and began pacing the room. “Of all the places you would think that would be trustworthy about their pieces and whether they were authentic or not. The Louvre!!” He paused in his pacing, pointing angrily to his computer before spinning on his heels to scowl at me when I began snickering.
“Did you know…” He paused, stalking closer and bending forward to glare in my face, “that 87% of all the art in the Louvre is fake?”
I gasped, feigning shock at the revelation.
“That’s right! It’s a travesty! They spit on the names of the greatest artists to have ever walked the face of this planet!” He growled, turning from me to begin pacing again. “The nerve of those imbeciles. Displaying Van Gogh forgeries as if they were the real deal.”
“Needless to say when he tried to tell the world what he found out he got caught.” Rose shook her head, picking at the last of her mashed potatoes with her fork.
She glanced over at me, sly smile broadening into a full grin.
“Did you know he was wanted in 27 countries for that little debacle?”
“Tae!!!” I gasped, eyes wide as I stared at him in awe.
He shrugged, literally beaming at this point with pride though he tried to play it off as bashfulness.
Rose pointed behind me and I shifted around to stare.
“Wait…” My eyes widened with equal parts horror and pride as I whipped my head around to glare at Taehyung. “Tae...you didn’t!!”
This time he couldn’t disguise the pride. He bounded around the sofa, skidding to a stop before what I had previously thought was just a bunch of band posters. There, hanging on the wall was what Tae had told us long ago was a quilt that his grandmother had given him.
He’d sworn that he’d remove the hands of anyone who ever dared touch it. Hell he’d chased Jungkook halfway to downtown Daegu once for nudging it with his shoulder during one of the boy’s many playful basement wrestling matches. But as he slowly and reverently lifted the blanket I quickly realized the real reason why he treasured it so much. Right there on the wall, hanging between two trashy band posters was…
“Tae is that Starry Night?? Like… the actual real fucking deal Starry Night?????” I screeched.
“I couldn’t help it. When I found out they’d hung it between two forgeries I just knew I had to save it.” He lovingly traced his fingers above the protective glass, never actually touching it but making the motions nonetheless.
Rose muttered behind me, snickering into her hand as Tae dropped the quilt back into place and turned to frown at her.
“What was that Jangmi?” he growled, his already baritone voice dropping as he walked back to stand over her.
She squeaked, shrinking back as he crouched down and lifted her chin with a single finger so that she was forced to look him in the eyes.
“I said...I...hnnggg…” The brilliant blush rushing to her cheeks had me bursting with laughter, gripping my sides as I pressed myself into the sofa.
“Damn you two are adorable.” I wheezed, wiping at my tears as I watched the two hackers spring apart as if they’d forgotten I was there.
Tae gathered up our dishes, muttering to himself all the while as he disappeared upstairs. But not before I spotted his own crimson cheeked grin.
“Huh…” Rose muttered. I returned my attention to her, realizing quickly that she was now staring at the security feed pulled up on the tv before us.
“What’s up?” I asked, eyes darting over the various live images before settling on one that showed Jeanette and Seokjin talking in the area they’d decided would be the future garden.
“I thought I saw something.” Came Rose’s absent minded reply. She clicked on the video I’d been watching, bringing it up to fill the screen and squinting at a corner of the shed beside the unaware pair.
“Are you sure?” I whispered, straining to make anything out in the depths of the shadows.
“Maybe not… Tae’s better at security monitoring than I am… Let me just…”
She began typing rapidly, a series of commands appearing on screen before a top down view of the area appeared.
“Is that…”
“A live satellite view, yeah. I figured, I’ve got access to them, why not use them…” She clicked again, zooming in rapidly before suddenly screaming. “Oh shit! There’s chatterers outside the fucking gates!”
“The fuck did you just say!?”
We both screamed as Jungkook charged around the sofa, appearing as if from nowhere and grabbing Rose’s arm in a death grip.
“What do you mean there’s chatterers outside the gates?” Jungkook glared at Rose, the hardened criminal in him causing her to cower as far back as his grip would allow her.
“I’m sorry okay! I was wondering what it was that I’d seen in the backyard, and when I switched to the satellite feed I saw them. It’s at least 30 of them. Jungkook, we’re surrounded!”
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themarcspector-a · 2 years
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ford ellison daviau roscoe
character inspirations: mat.ilda, #5 from t.u.a, vi.llanelle, l.eon the professional. 
“talk less, smile” or “nod” more, is a very specific ford thing to do. he’s not the most chatty person in the world and is much more actions than words — like he’ll sing you a song or make you a playlist or an origami bird – when it comes to meeting new acquaintances and friends. he’s a cool person to be around because he’s mellow and isn’t much for starting drama unless someone starts it with him first. he’s the type of friend who will chill with you indoors, outdoors, whatever - as long as he gets some you time. he is something of a trouble-maker though, so some of his friends are probably gonna be troublemakers too. and his friends who aren’t troublemakers are probably goody-two-shoes who go to law  school. it all depends on where he’s at and his mindset. but he is an alright friend. just not super well-behaved and he kinda is in love with himself. so i doubt he’d be friends with anyone is constantly talking shit about or judging him.
ford has a temper on him when he’s pressed or when he feels like someone can’t defend themselves. he is calm for the most part, but if you call him names or egg him on by pushing, there’s a one-hundred percent chance you are getting decked in the face. he’s also gotten into trouble at random bars and clubs for getting into fights with men who just won’t leave women alone. and when he gets into trouble for it, he doesn’t apologize because he thinks he’s doing the right thing. Which is another thing, the fact that he’s so goddamn self-assured could be something that bothers people.  Oh, and his mouth.
Biography / Headcanon Sheets
Ford Roscoe’s beginnings were somewhat lonely. His mother only kept him out of obligation and his father left her when he figured out she was pregnant. She didn’t treat him awful per-say, but she did treat him as though he wasn’t there most of the time. And as a child, he longed for the warmth of his mother and her love. And this longing only intensified when he started preschool and he saw how loving and affectionate other mothers were when it came to their children. He tried to convince his mother to love him by attempting to impress her with grades and positive behavior but he ended up growing farther apart from her as time went on. Instead, he gained the attention of his teachers and an art museum worker. 
His teachers would take care of him by paying for his lunch when his mother forgot to give him money for it, or they’d find him clothes when he grew out of them. They’d praise him whenever he came in for tutoring or during lunch to study. He appreciated this quite a lot because the attention he longed for from his mother but never really received.  Then, with the art gallerist, he became friends with her son and she became something of a Miss Honey-Type for him, which ended in him visiting the art museum often  - because she bought him snacks - or nights where he spent the night at her place and hung out with her son.
He basically stayed there quite a lot, and it got to the point where people saw him as her son. She never argued against these statements, which always made him feel really good. However, one day, his biological mother got a boyfriend and he didn’t like him very much. He told him to his face as much one day, and asked Ford’s mother to choose him or Ford, and his mother chose Ford. Without even blinking an eye, his mother kicked him out of the house. And not knowing where else to go, he rode the bus to the woman’s house and told her the story.
The woman, Claudia, was furious and drove over to his mother’s house and angry smacked her as soon as she opened the door, telling her that she should be lucky to have Ford as a son. Ford was shocked by this and was even more shocked when his mother said she’d give her guardianship over him because she just couldn’t handle him anymore and just wanted to be with her boyfriend. Ford gathered his things after that, and then he set off to live with Claudia who continued to treat him as a son - only this time she was his actual mother now.
Ford went to private school on scholarship and knew Claudia’s son, Rory before he began to visit the museum a lot for food and drink. Rory had told him about it one day made a point to tell him about how he hung out there a lot with his mom and how he could hang out with him, too. The two of them hung out a lot there and frequently played scrabble, connect four, and chess together. They formed a strong bond and might as well have been brothers before they became actual brothers.
Ford’s been called a sassy little shit and this description of him has been stated even throughout his adulthood. He’s also very deadpan and serious, and his emotions are there but due to his upbringing, he’s somewhat lowkey about showing how he feels. He also has to keep his emotions in check since in verses where he has superpowers he’s telekentic and when his temper acts up shit floats or explodes and occasionally people get hurt. He prefers that not to happen and sees a therapist to find coping mechanisms to control his anger and upset, and so far this keeps his feelings and powers in check. It should also be noted that another power that Ford has is healing, and when he’s hurt or someone else is hurt, he can’t heal if he’s angry. Anger only manages to make things worse. In verses where he doesn’t have superpowers, he did get into fights while attending school because at his private school talked shit about him being on scholarship and because he was a bit of a teacher’s pet. He kind started to not give in after he moved in with the Roscoes. 
When it comes to love his love language receiving gifts. He likes making playlists with songs that remind him of friends, family members, and romantic partners and gives them to them discreetly - usually on CD, but sometimes through Spotify. He can be playful despite serious, so at times he’ll leave little messages through the Spotify song titles. On the subject of musis an adult, he can play guitar so he sometimes plays guitar in small bars. Usually with music that isn’t written by him and that’s written by other people. He has a good voice though and makes habit of teaching himself to get better at using his voice and playing his guitar. This originally was something he did to distract himself while in law school, but now as a criminal defense attorney, like Claudia’s wife Beth, he just does it for fun and gets a lot of joy from it.
When he wants to get away from everyone he goes to the local aquarium. As a child, he’d sneak out of his new mother’s house and when he lived with his biological mother, her house, to go to the aquarium. He’d stay there for hours and just think about everything and nothing particular. It kept him occupied because he enjoyed watching sea life and learning the names of the fish and plants. As an adult, he’ll go to the aquarium with his tablet and go over notes for his cases.
Knows a lot of useless facts but can’t retain information for anything super important. You ask him what people’s names mean or how licks it does take to get to the center of tootsie pop and he’ll tell yah, but when asked what he had for breakfast what he wore the day before he won’t recall the information at all. However, when it comes to the details of other people - specifically friends and family - he’ll remember everything from their favorite color to how quickly it usually takes them to eat a bowl or top ramen.
Luna and Delphine’s successor. He is an assassin by trade in order to make his great grandmother and grandmother happy. He volunteered because he thought it would be fun, which is something they just did not understand at all. He gets along with Maidens who work for Luna and Delphine’s family. So he works with both on different occasions and he actually likes his job? What he doesn’t like is when Delphine gets all huffy with him, it makes him a little temperamental. But like whatever, it is what it is. 
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rita-gxrl · 4 years
Hear me out, platonic RFA (+V and Vanderwood maybe?) headcannons?
Sure thing! This idea is just so immaculate. I hope I did a good job at this for you.
Best Of Friends!
 Both of you love to have all nighter gaming sessions
 You two met in school
 You are also his wingman/wingwoman
You and Yoosung always vent to each other about anything.
 You two are study buddies. 
You make sure to aleays help him especially during test time.
Yoosung forces you to be his taste tester when he tries to make new dishes.
Yoosung says that he wouldn’t want to imagine what things would be like without you in his life.
The two of you met while Jaehee was on one her breaks. She ended up dropping some paperwork on the floor while on her way to the coffee shop. You made it your duty to talk to her.
Both of you enjoyed coffee. The two of you began coming to that same shop everyday.
You both had the common interest in Zen’s career.
You would go over each other’s houses to watch Zen’s works. Having many snacks on hand.
You let Jaehee vent to you about her stress of work.
At one point, you even offered to help her with paperwork, but her being her, she politely declined saying that it was her job not yours and not to worry about it.
Jaehee says that your kindness could never be replaced and that you are a dear friend to her.
Zen and yourself met on the set of a musical that he was in.
He noticed you were looking a bit down and decided to ask you what was going on.
You vented to him about some things. It was unexpected coming from you but felt like it was alright to tell Zen about it.
When he heard what you were going through, he was angry. Not at you but the people who made you feel this way.
From that day forward he made sure to call, text, and meet up with you as often as he could. Busy schedule and all.
People of course started assuming the two of you were dating but that wasn’t the case at all.
He’d always invite you to go shopping with him. He’d let you judge his outfits and he’d do the same for you.
He’d always make sure to get all of his merchandise for you so that when he’s away you won’t feel so far away.
Zen says that you are the strongest person for going through everything that you did and still managing to be here another day.
Jumin and you met while he was out on one of his business trips.
Jumin was alone in a part of this fancy bar and you chose to chat with him over glasses of wine.
You both owned your respective businesses.
You both were fond of cats. You ended up telling him that your business makes custom pet clothing.
Ever since that day Jumin did not let you out of his sites.
He made sure to invite you wine tastng and golfing trips.
You always manage to make Jumin laugh.
Jumin says that you are a very free spirited person and he admires you for that.
The two of you met online
Seven was taking a break from his job and just so happened to come acroos you.
After getting the boring intros out of the way, the both of you would often send memes back and forth to each other.
When Seven has his often all nighters, you would spam his messages telling him to go to sleep. He would be annoyed but happy that someone cares about his well being.
When Seven turn serious he would question why the two of you are even friends.
You would just say everyone needs at least one.
Seven would otfen prank you and even hack into some of your devices.
One time he turned on a song that you hated and you couldn’t turn it off because Seven had programmed it to stay on repeat for a specific amount of time.
He would always make you laugh.
He says that he’s thankful that you’re willing to put up with him.
Vanderwood would often tease you.
At first it was a bit annoying but then you just got used to it.
You’d tell Vanderwood to calm down when it came to him yelling at Seven telling him to do his work. Vanderwood always said to stay out of his business but he would keep in miind what you said.
Overtime, Vanderwood would become a very friendly and chill peroson towards you.
You two often talked about anything that came from your minds.
One time he even dragged you into doing a prank on Seven that one time when he was acting ‘strange’
Vanderwood says that you’re a good time.
You two met in a art museum.
V bumped into you as you stared at a piece of artwork. He went on and on about how sorry he was.
You insisted that it was alright. You went as far to invite him out to grab some tea.
Over cups of tea and snacks you talked about how you liked to paint.
You then learned that he was a photographer.
Since that day, you would always invite each other on trips to go sight seeing.
You and V would share deep conversations all the time.
Before putting out a new work, V would always ask you you’re thoughts on his photo. He was always insecure about releasing new things.
You seemed to always like his photos. And if you didn’t, you made sure to remind him that everyone sees things differently and that it’s okay.
This would make V very happy.
You always tried your best to give V more confidence in himself.
V often tells you that he’s never met such a vibrant personality like yourself and that he will always cherish his time with you.
The two of you had a very rocky friendship.
One moment you two were talking and then the next Saeran wanted nothing to do with you.
But you always were by his side.
As much as Saeran didn’t want to admit it, he cared deeply for you and wanted nothing but the best for you.
When you would have an issue with someone, Saeran took “I will kill them” to an extreme.
To the point where you just hid your problems from him until he got mad at you.
When Saeran isn’t being as protective of you, the two of you would often go to gardens and grab tea together.
Saeran says that you can be very reckless but he doesn’t mind it when it comes to you.
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natexarnoult · 3 years
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hey all!! my name is mads and i’m 23, use she/her pronouns, and live in mst! i’m so excited for y’all to meet nathan - he’s a char i’ve had in mind for a while and i’m stoked to finally bring him to life! i’ve included some main points about him under the cut, along with his bio and a couple extras for him - please message me if you’d like to plot :D 
Nathan comes from a single-mother household... at least, until he was in high school.
Nate knows who his father is and is trying to build a relationship w/ the man but is still hurt from his mother hiding his father’s identity & not hiding the truth.
He is very much a ‘trust-fund’ kid but is working hard to distant himself from his parents’ wealth and build a name that isn’t connected to his parents.
Nathan truly is a sweetheart but has a hard time expressing this to those he cares about - he grew up in a home that wasn’t welcoming to affection and is still trying to break this habit.
He’s been in Heartsdale for several years and I’m so open to creating some pre-existing connections with him! Friends, ex friends, exes, enemies - anything! Please just message me so we can chat :)
He graduated from UCLA with an art history degree but is more interested in actually making art than learning about it - he travels a lot as he likes to make his show room diverse and brings in pieces from all around the country.
Nathan lives above his gallery but spends most of his time outside of both his gallery and his apartment - it’s either a midlife crisis and he regrets his choices or he’s just trying to meet new friends, who knows?
His pinterest is here and is constantly being update; please follow me if you feel so inclined!
Annnnnd: bio here as well:
Nate’s parents met while his father was on a school trip. A senior studying art history at Harvard, he’d taken the trip as an excuse to ‘see the world’ - if that world meant England, sure. His mother was the manager at a museum they visited on the trip & his father found himself returning to her canvas filled institute daily. They spent hours talking, sharing their love of paintings and critiquing some of the pieces her museum had chosen to display. Neither of them wanted to admit that their time together would be coming to a close - his trip was only for 3 weeks over the winter holidays - but on his last day in the country, Nathan’s father left a note within her bedside drawer, his address and phone number scrawled sloppily across a spare receipt & he snuck out before the sun was up. Saying goodbye would be too hard.
He returned to the States. He graduated. He got a job. He went years without hearing from the woman he’d met. One day, when his father was leaving The Met - he’d become a director of programs - his eye landed on a woman who looked so familiar, her hand clutched by a child, no older than 10. That moment was Nate’s first memory of his dad.
He remembers sitting in his dad’s house, a wide and bright space that was 20 minutes from where they’d met on those huge steps. This man had given them a ride and was now setting tea in front of his mother, but Nate was playing with his dog. He remembers snippets of the conversation - his mom was apologizing a lot. Apparently she hadn’t wanted to see him. They were in the States to visit her sister, Nate’s aunt. He remembers that this man kept looking between his mom and him & he looked so confused. Finally, he remembers a silence falling over the room and the man asked a question. Nate couldn’t make it out but his mother’s response was clear, definite; “Yes. He’s yours.”
At the time, Nate had no idea what that meant. He hadn’t yet been given the talk and his mother didn’t explain her relationship to this man. She introduced him - Nathan couldn’t remember his name - and said that he was an old friend from college. But soon, he found himself with this man more often. His mother invited him to join them at his aunt’s birthday party. When they flew back home to England, his mother would often be stuck on the phone with her old friend from college. One day, a year or so after their New York trip, his mother was picking him up from school, nervously pressing her thumb nail into the steering wheel. She asked if he remembered her friend from college, the one they’d seen while in New York. Nate did. She asked if he’d like to take another trip to New York to see his aunt, to see her old friend from college & maybe stay longer this time - like maybe the whole summer holidays?
They stayed the whole summer and when fall came around and it was time for Nathan and his mother to return home, he was sad - he was going to miss his aunt, he was going to miss the excitement of living Stateside. The rest of his year was almost a blur - his school year went by relatively painlessly, though he had begun to feel the hurt of being one of the only brown kids in school - and eventually spring had returned. His mom, again, sat him down and began asking questions. Eventually, and now Nate was smart enough to see where this was going from the start, she asked Nate how he would feel about moving to the States, about living with his aunt for a while. The move itself was quick and before he knew it, Nate and his mother settled in the States. He spent his days at school and his afternoons in extracurriculars - his new school had an art program that Nate was excelling in. They spent nights hanging out with his aunt or his mom’s college friend and for the first time in his young life, Nate felt comfortable. His mom’s friend had begun taking him to the museums, explaining the complexities of the canvas hanging on the walls and asking for his opinion on the work.
When Nate was about halfway through his junior year of high school, his mother and her college friend were both in the car when he was picked up from school. It wasn’t entirely all that weird - he wasn’t dumb enough to think that they weren’t dating, but Nate did always wonder why his mother never broached the subject with him. It’s not like he was a little kid anymore, for fuck’s sake - if your kid is old enough to date, they’re old enough to know who you’re dating. Nate probably couldn’t tell you the rest of what happened that day. He remembered getting home and grabbing a snack, as he always does, and he remembered getting told to sit down by his mother, that she had something important to tell him.
Nate’s life split into the before and the now - before Stephen was his father & now. While typically a rather well-mannered teenager, Nate was furious. Sure, his mom didn’t have to disclose her love life if she didn’t want to, but to know that Stephen was his That they’d known since the start and never told him? He thought back to their first visit to New York, when they ran into Stephen on the steps of the Met - he remembered his mom was surprised, thrown off her guard, but never uncomfortable, never not wanting to be around this man.
He slammed the door on his way out of the house, hopping on his bike and riding off. That night was the first night he ever acted out - Nate made it to his friend’s place out in the suburbs and snuck in their basement window. The rest of his friends, along with a couple girls he knew from his English Lit class, were circled around a small table, upon which sat a small tray & a bong. Nate welcomed the small act of rebellion, in the face of such shocking news, & spent his night testing his limits.
His parents, as he now so affectionately referred to them as, soon regretted telling Nate at such a volatile age. He soon spent all his evenings with his friends, sneaking into the house after midnight (if he’s early) and going straight up to his room. They tried not to push it and Nate was torn between appreciating being left alone and pissed that no one cared how he felt. His mom had tried to address it a couple times but Nate always shut down, refusing to give her more than a two word response.
It went on like that for 2 years, silence, short answers, tension. At 18, Nathan found himself going off to college, moving across the country to attend UCLA. He lived off his parents money, figuring the least they could do after years of absconding from the truth. And he lived lavishly - drinks on him every time his friends went to the bars, new clothes, new shoes, everything he could want.
He graduated with minimal rule infractions, an MIP here, possession of controlled substance there. But his parents always paid for a lawyer, flew out for the week and handled everything for him. After college, Nathan bounced around for a year, spent a couple months in LA, three in New York, and another 6 or so in a van his parents had financed, driving around the US.
Six months on the road proved to be exhausting, however, and Nathan found himself back in one of his first stops at the start of his trip, Heartsdale. It wasn’t long before he signed a lease on an apartment downtown and spent his days as a barista at Legal Grounds. He didn’t necessarily need the job - his parents still financed his whole life - but it was nice to have something to meet people in town. After a while, however, being a barista became boring. Nate spent his time admiring the local work they had pinned for sale on their walls, admiring the fine line work and critiquing in the way he’d spent four year training to do. On a walk, he found himself fantasizing about owning his own gallery, having his space to curate an experience. Nate’s eyes caught on every single ‘For Lease’ sign downtown, pausing and forcing himself not to take a peek inside. It wasn’t reasonable, he told himself. Irrational, at best. He had no experience managing anything, no experience building something from nothing.
And yet… he couldn’t help. One brisk morning, the sun was bright against a For Lease sign, practically screaming the numbers at him. His fingers were typing the numbers into his phone before he even realized what he was doing. It was 4:23am, the downside of an opening shift at a coffee shop, and he wasn’t expecting anyone to pick up anyway. “Morning, uh,” he paused - was he really doing this? “My name is Nate Arnoult and I’m interested in the space you’ve got on 1st and..”
Moving in was quick, it only took 6 months before Nathan settled in the space above the retail spot. He spent his first night with his friends, drinking and dancing. His friends, just as ecstatic as he,  commended him - Nate had been hemming & hawing about opening a gallery space for months and to finally have a space, a place to start… Nathan was on cloud nine. And it went better than he thought it did. The art scene extended out of his small town and he was able to show pieces from all over Georgia. He even flew out to other states, offered small artists a space in his show room.  The rest, he supposed, is history. He’s been living a comfortable life and still maintains contact with his parents, despite their rocky past - not friendly, but not fatal either.
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bush-viper-cutie · 5 years
~ ~ ~ Series ~ ~ ~
Heather Potter (ongoing)
Pairing: Snape x OC (VERY slow burn)
Summary: Follow Heather Potter (Harry’s often forgotten twin) through their Hogwarts years.
Love Me Roughly 
Pairing: Snape x fem!reader
Summary: Severus Snape survives the war and decides to start his new life and leave everything and everyone behind.
Death’s Home (Gothic AU) (Ongoing for October)
Pairing: Snape x OC
Summary: 22 year old Severus Snape moves into a very old home with his parents after leaving the wizarding world.
~ ~ ~ One Shots ~ ~ ~
A Warm Kiss
Pairing: young!snape x fem!reader
Summary: You attend Slughorn’s party alone and unsure of what to do with yourself. You decide to talk to Severus Snape, a classmate you never talk to, and end up having a night you won’t forget.
Needed Words
(A Warm Kiss Part Two)
Pairing: young!snape x fem!reader
Summary:  After what happened after Slughorn’s party last night with the dreamy and reserved Severus Snape, you’re eager to see him again. Severus is eager to see you too and quickly lets you get carried away with him in the back of the library.
What Now? 
Pairing: young!snape x reader
Summary: All of Hogwarts is forced out of the castle to participate in several activities throughout the grounds. It’s an awful time for both you and Severus Snape until you convince him to go along with your great idea.
Finding Rocco
(What Now? Part Two)
Pairing: young!snape x reader
Summary:  After a night out after hours, you enlist Severus to help you find Rocco after losing him yet again. He is determined to return him to you, even at the expense of his safety.
Blue Heart 
(What Now? Part Three)
Pairing: young!snape x reader
Summary:  A week into summer break and you are finally able to hang with your boyfriend, Severus Snape, and surprise him with an invitation to your house while your parents are away.
Happy Birthday
Pairing: young!snape x reader
Summary:  It’s your birthday and you can’t wait to attend a big party where most of your fellow 7th years will be, including one Severus Snape. Ready to be more outgoing, you take a chance and participate in several fun activities that leave you wanting more.
First Kiss 
Pairing: young!snape x reader
Summary:  Severus makes a new friend and receives his first ever kiss.
The Pond 
Pairing: young!snape & fem!reader
Summary:  Lonely and disliked Prince Severus Snape befriends a village girl in the forest just outside his castle’s woods.
Garlic Chips 
Pairing: young!snape x reader
Summary:  You drag Severus down to Hogsmeade with you to enjoy the day with him. Some warm snacks, a spot by the frozen lake, and snow falling all around you. What could be better?
sMuggled Art
Pairing: young muggle!snape x reader
Summary:  Severus is forced to take work in his father’s coworker’s wife’s store where he meets (Y/n). Severus’ view of the world seems dark, and you don’t really make things any better, but there is yet hope to change his mind!
Midnight Stars Tree
Pairing: young!snape x reader
Summary:  Three days before the start of seventh year, you attend a yearly potions demonstration at a wizard hotel across the street from a wizard museum. Every student seventeen and older participate in a tradition where you skip the last demonstration to hide away in a secret spot in the museum with someone of your choosing.
I’ll Be Your Valentine
Pairing: young!severus x fem!reader
Summary:  Severus is humiliated once more by his friends in an attempt to fit in. It was a miscalculation on his part, but he couldn’t have predicted how disastrous his mistake would be. It had taken you days, weeks, months to build up the courage to confess your feelings to your crush, but what did you expect to have happen when doing it on Valentine’s day?
Late Birthday Wishes (NSFW)
Pairing: Snape x fem!reader
Summary:  Severus heads down to celebrate his 24th birthday at the Three Broomsticks. You’re working a late shift at the bar and find yourself intrigued and attracted to the mysterious stranger that has just walked in.
Slow and Steady (NSFW)
(Late Birthday Wishes part two)
Pairing: Snape x fem!reader
Summary:  The morning after for Severus is just as amazing as the entirety as last night with you. He’d spend longer if he didn’t need to head back to his job teaching potions. You manage to sneak in a little extra time, though, making his day amazing.
The Crystal Ball
Pairing: Snape x fem!reader
Summary: Dilyn Grisial, a renowned match-maker, promises a teenage Severus Snape and his classmates a chance at finding their soulmate. Severus struggles with the possibility he may not even have one especially after it’s been years since he first tried reaching them.
Green Lace and Peonies
(The Crystal Ball Part Two)
Pairing: Snape x fem!reader
Summary: Severus Snape goes on a date with the girl his crystal ball paired him with. The date does not go as he thought it would, but he comes to realize how perfect she really is for him.
Only You
(The Crystal Ball Part Three)
Pairing: Snape x fem!reader
Summary:  After Severus has a bad interaction with a particularly annoying and irritating guy, he opens up about his feelings and accepts what he’s told about his worth.
Messages (part 1)
(The Crystal Ball Part Four)
Pairing: Snape x fem!reader
Summary:  Severus experiences a major bump in his relationship that he’s never experienced before. It’s easy to be confident in a working relationship when being together is a daily habit, but when the relationship turns long distance after summer is over, he just doesn’t know how to keep himself afloat.
Mess After Mess 
Summary:  Severus is forced to restock almost all his potions ingredients at once all because of two clumsy students who never learn their lesson.
Thrice Hexed 
Summary:  Severus has to deal with one of his more annoying students who asks for his help with the dark arts, which he is reluctant to do, but is forced to help.
Pairing: Snape x fem!reader
Summary:  Severus is forced to attend Lucius’ party. The plan is simple, get rejected enough times, have Lucius think he’s a helpless cause, and go back to Hogwarts to continue reading his book.
Summary: Severus is tired of Minerva making him run around the castle delivering his messages and makes him get an animal that can do it for him.
Too Hot 
Pairing: Snape x fem!reader
Summary:  It’s way too hot for Severus to think about anything other than melting on the spot.
~~~ Headcanon Requests? Lil stories?~~~
Guinea Pig Adventures: Curse of the Friendly Tickles
New Student, New Friend
~ ~ ~ Drabbles ~ ~ ~
Severus Loses His Glasses - 100 Words
Severus Drinks Coffee - 100 Words
Severus and Hagrid Drink Tea - 100 Words
Severus Grades Essays - 100 Words
Severus Grows an Orange - 100 Words
Severus Catches a Cold - 100 Words
Severus Helps Lockhart - 100 Words
Severus Tries to Sleep - 100 Words
Severus Cuts His Hair - 100 Words
Severus Carves a Pumpkin - 100 Words
Severus in Bed (NSFW) - 100 Words
~ ~ ~ My Art ~ ~ ~
Snape Hands      Young!snape and Snape collages     
Care to Explain Yourself?!        Snape has a cold
Amusement park part 1
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bledsun · 3 years
lukayuk - stardew valley wiki
birthday: summer 2 lives in: cindersnap forest address: abandoned house the variq home family: mother, father, brother (eldest), brother (middle) friends: dwarf, junimos, krobus, evelyn, linus, pierre, alex(?) marriage: yes best gifts: spicy eel, fire quartz, complete breakfast, gold bar, sunflower, whale meat soup
schedule varies by season, varies by year. typically returns to father’s home island beginning of winter & returns in either spring, summer, or fall of that year. each year is different based on her father’s fishing schedule back on his home island. obsidian isle is a relatively small island nestled in the middle of the gem sea between the ferngill republic and the gotoro empire. although it is technically gotoro empire territory, the island itself has been a neutral ground for decades. it’s fishing and mining industries supplies both the gotoro empire and the ferngill repubic with much needed resources. each season, her schedule varies. sometimes, she picks up shifts at the bar. other times, the library/museum. sometimes even pierre’s store. most often, she can be found at the community center or the cindersnap forest near her home. she frequents the mines adventuring. on rare occasions, she may be found in the secret woods or witches swamp/hut. she is never seen at the beach or near bodies of water except during festivals/events (this may change after the eight heart event).
relationships she has a complicated relationship with her parents, who are fairly strict. she is pretty close with her brothers & often talks about missing them since they’ve moved out & moved on with their lives. she flirts with just about everyone. she has very few close friends. morris is her sworn enemy. she often gets in trouble with mayor lewis. pierre has a soft spot for her thanks to her anti-joja corp antics. she has an innate connection to magic and the supernatural, making herfriends with the junimos, dwarf, and krobus. she enjoys picking flowers to give to evelyn whenever she is in town as a thank you to looking after her for some time while she was younger and she often offers linus food she forages. verse dependent: timeline dependent, she and alex spend time growing up together when evelyn is her caretaker, her parents are very busy working and needing the support.
gifts- birthday
loved:  ❛ wow, this is a pretty great gift. thank you! ❜
liked:  ❛ a birthday gift? for me? thanks! ❜
neutral:  ❛ i’m surprised you remembered my birthday. ❜
disliked:  ❛ what a weird birthday gift. ❜
hated:  ❛ ...are you kidding? ❜
loved  ❛ for me? really? wow, thank you! ❜ spicy eel. fire quartz. complete breakfast. gold bar. sunflower. whale meat soup.
liked  ❛ oh, sweet. thanks! ❜ anything foraged. all flowers. all cooked food. all animal products. 
neutral  ❛ hmph. thanks. ❜ all fish. alcohol. shells. anything related to magic.
disliked  ❛ ha! seriously? ❜ seaweed. algae. white algae. seafoam pudding. monster items. void items.
hated:  ❛ this is a joke... ❜ anything bought at joja mart. joja corp products. trash. scraps.
movies & concessions
loved: natural wonders, it howls in the rain fries. ice cream sandwich. nachos. personal pizza. truffle popcorn. sour slimes. stardrop sorbet.
liked: the brave little sapling, journey of the prairie king cotton candy. hummus snack pack. kale smoothie. popcorn. star cookie.
neutral: wumbus, the zuzu city express apple slices. jasmine tea. jawbreaker. salmon burger. salted peanuts. rock candy.
disliked: the miracle at coldstar ranch  panzanella salad. chocolate popcorn. black licorice. cappuccino mousse cake.
hated: mysterium joja corn. joja cola.
heart events
two hearts: enter the cindersnap forest anytime during fall year 1.
four hearts: enter the community center anytime while she is there.
six hearts: enter pelican town between 11pm and 1am at the end of spring year 2.
eight hearts: enter the beach between 8am and 10am during summer year 3. luka is standing by the water. as you approach, she explains she has been afraid of the water since a terrible accident where she almost was swept out to sea as a child. she takes your hand, saying she wants to be brave and trusts you. you both slowly wade into the water.
ten hearts: enter the secret woods. when you enter the secret woods, you will see luka practicing her sword skills and chatting with the junimos. she is surprised, however says this is the perfect time to tell you her secret. she explains her connection to nature, keeping the balance, and the junimos. she states that she is grateful to find someone with a similar connection, you kiss under the stars, and fireflies sparkle around the screen.
group ten-heart event: luka does not participate in the group event.
fourteen hearts: exit the farmhouse between 5:30am and 7:30am on any day in winter. since its close to the holidays, luka will admit she has been working on your gift. she states she can’t wait until the holidays to give you your gift. luka takes you into her workshop space and gives you your gift: a small set of hand crafted clay figurines of whatever is listed as the farmer’s ‘favorite thing’.
note: if you choose to destroy the community center and replace it with the joja warehouse, there is no way to earn any of luka’s heart events. joja corporation is the enemy and if you choose joja corp over the community, it will not be possible to trigger any of her heart events in the future or even become her friend.
marriage once married, luka will move into the farmhouse. like other marriage candidates, she will add her own room to the right of the bedroom. she’ll also set up a small greenhouse workshop behind the farmhouse where she'll sometimes go to study magic and work with the juminos on improving the town, working on art projects, and protecting the wildlife. when she leaves the farm, its often to go to the community center. on rainy mornings and mornings when luka stays inside the farmhouse all day, she may offer you ginger ale. on rainy nights, she may offer you dinner: roots platter, chowder, autumn’s bounty, super meal, or fruit salad. on new years' eve (winter 28), she'll give you a bottle of wine.
vandalize joja mart: luka will randomly request help with a ‘secret project’ by bringing her an egg (any size/quality) to the east side of pelican town between 11pm and 1am. if you walk into pelican town with the item in hand at that time, you will have a cutscene where she is egging jojamart. she will ask if you’d like to join. if you say yes, you will receive 3x item value and 1 friendship heart. if you say no, you will receive 50-100 friendship points and 1.5x item value.
art project: in winter of year 2, you will receive a letter from luka requesting 100 pieces of clay upon her return in summer of year 3. completing this quest will reward the farmer with 1000g and a handcrafted piece of jewelry.
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jjuzoir · 4 years
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Daily life at the Mankai Dorms [Act 1]!
A/N: another one that’s been on the folder this ones from like May this is embarrassing 💀 i never post imfhshde ALSO this takes place during act 1 so no Chikage (🤢) and no university for banju!
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- Izumi and Omi wake up at 5:40AM weekdays, Izumi showers first while Omi organizes the kitchen, making sure to prep the space so he can start cooking early for the members.
- By 6:10 the two are ready (showered and all) and starting to cook breakfast, soon they’re joined by Sakyo for a while before he goes to take a shower (he mostly pesters Izumi about schedules and money poor Izumi).
- At 6:15, on the dot not a second late, Tasuku leaves to go on his morning jogs and Tsumugi is already working on the garden, he likes giving his plants a schedule and plays them music (mostly classical (though sometimes Homare insists his CD’s be played)).
- A few minutes before breakfast is ready, the remaining Uni students (read: Kazunari and Tsuzuru) are sitting at the table watching the news or are on their phones, Kazu is updating his followers about his schedule and Tsuzuru is texting his brothers about the weather so they make sure to bring a coat.
- At exactly 6:40 Sakyo wakes up the high school and middle school students and chaos officially ensues.
- Masumi and Sayaka are the first two to shower, since they have to arrive at 7:50 and their school is notoriously strict when it comes to schedules.
- Sayaka goes first and Masumi goes second, they wake him up a bit earlier than the rest because he tends to fall asleep standing in the shower and he can and will push everyone back by an hour give or take
- Yuki is next, followed by Muku, they have to arrive at 8:20 but both enjoy having a head start since they sometimes walk to school instead of getting a lift from one of the older members.
- By 7:15 1/2 of the boys are ready and breakfast is served, Izumi and Sayaka start organizing the bags and lunches. Sayaka insists on leaving notes for the lunches for everyone, it’s very cute and at first Itaru was very against it but he warmed up to the idea the more it happened.
- Taichi makes a run for the bathroom and gets ready quickly, he does take some time with his hair but Sakyo pulls him by the ear to sit down and eat because if he didn’t he would spend the whole morning gelling his hair.
- Tenma goes in next, nothing much happens with him, he’s rather chill, yes he’ll make a mess but he’ll (try his best to) clean but overall; Tenma is a good bathroom user 20/20.
- Then, Banri strikes; he takes 20 minutes (when he’s feeling nice) to get ready because he knows Juza’s classes start earlier than his, Juza gets pissed and knocks the door open and pushes Banri (who’s probably been done for 10 minutes but stays in to piss everyone off) out- it happens almost everyday and Sakyo tried buying an alarm clock but it ended up breaking after Juza threw it at Banri’s head one morning.
- By then it’s 7:35 and Taichi, Juza, and Tenma leave- Izumi hands Juza a big lunch and snacks as a sorry gift for Banri since he often misses breakfast because of the other boy.
- During the whole chaos, Itaru wakes up and gets ready to leave for work, he crams himself in after Juza leaves the bathroom- Itaru either gives the middle schoolers or the Hanasaki students a lift (not really the others since Hanasaki and St. Flora is on the way to his work).
- Izumi and Omi will give the boys their lunches and help them with their bags, this is also the time when Muku ends up freaking out about possibly forgetting something and Yuki needs to assure him there are no missing assignments or extra cardboard to bring to class.
- By 8:30 Tsumugi joins them in the kitchen as they clean the place up. Since most of the loud members are gone by then, it’s fairly quiet but you can hear Homare ranting about his latest poem if you strain your ear enough.
- After that, the rest (aka; Hisoka, Azuma, Homare, Tasuku, Tsumugi, Citron, and Misumi.) take their mornings slowly- Izumi will be out for the rest of the morning stuck in meetings while Sakyo bounces around town doing whatever yakuza do (idk I’m not part of the mafia).
- Omi and Tsuzuru head to classes alongside Kazu at 10:30, though sometimes the green-eyed boy will leave earlier if he’s going out with friends or has a project (art students things).
- Depending on the day, Omi or Izumi will arrive and make lunch or they’ll go out to eat at one of the cafes nearby (I feel like Veludo has many cafes and bars, it makes sense since it’s a hotspot for theater and art lovers so it’s only natural a lot of places would open up).
- Tasuku can be seen walking alongside Veludo helping other troupes, sometimes Tsumugi will join him; if you wanted you could probably play a game of how many theaters can you see Tasuku in a day (Citron once claimed he saw him at 30 but Tsuzuru doesn’t belive him).
- If not alongside Tasuku, Tsumugi will be preparing the work for his students and tending to the garden, though sometimes he enjoys going out into town and visiting cafes and flower shops. He’s well liked around the elderly women population, very good with old ladies.
- Citron will spend the rest of the morning outside of the dorms experiencing Japanese culture and/or helping the vendors in Veludo, if he wanted he could help the dorm save up a years’s worth of groceries with all the favors he’s done.
- By 12:00PM most of the members are outside of the dorms and, if she hasn’t arrived earlier us to shorter work days, Izumi arrives from her meetings (though there are the odd days she’s out for longer).
- At around the same time, Misumi will start his triangle hunt, comes back with gifts and then goes to work at a circus (he has a clown card and I’m sure he’d make a good acrobat or flexible man... I think) or whatever, sometimes the schedule will change depending on what’s around the area. No one understands Misumi’s schedule but he says it’s made to be as triangular as a schedule can be (I belive him).
- Hisoka and Azuma stay in the dorms until work starts for both of them which is often later than most, Homare comes back at this time from his meetings with publishers but will leave again. He likes going to museums and art expositions often, might take Azuma out with him if the silver-head isn’t busy.
- By then it’s 2:40-3:00 and Omi comes back, normally without Kazunari (who’s out with friends) or Tsuzuru (who’s working part time somewhere).
- Izumi and Omi will start making snacks for the students, first come the St Flora boys at 3:30, then Hanasaki high 3:45, and finally the remaining students at 4:00. Normally at the same time, Tsumugi will go to his students and start his classes.
- Misumi pops up, now done with his job, with some triangle gifts, he also manages to somehow cram some other part time job during his absence (like truck loading). It’s very weird but he brings in money so no one can really complain, he seems to enjoy it too.
- Sakyo arrives and makes sure the students (uni or not) have done their homework and lets them spend the rest of the afternoon practicing if they’ve got a performance coming up or doing whatever as long as they aren’t too noisy or do anything dumb (his wishes are almost never fulfilled).
- By the time all the students have worked to Sakyo’s standard (aka finished all of their homework for the next month basically), it’s 5:00 and Tsuzuru and Hisoka will come back home.
- Hisoka tends to work around the evening instead of early in the morning, it’s an odd time to work (especially since he works odd jobs mostly) but it keeps him busy and with a steady income.
- At 6:00 Kazunari and Tasuku come back, Tsumugi and Azuma will follow a few minutes later.
- By then, most of the dorm is back (excluding Itaru, the household desk worker), and practice starts with the whole troupe- depending on who’s practicing Izumi will make dinner with either Omi or Tsuzuru.
- Official full-troupe pratice starts at 7 and ends at 9 during weekdays, though it’s not rare to find people practicing during the day/outside of the schedule.
- Depending on if the Spring troupe has a performance or not, Itaru will arrive at 8 or 6, if it’s at 8 he’ll go straight to his room and play games, if it’s at 6 and he’s got a play he’ll head to the practice room and play mobile games during breaks; the grind doesn’t stop when your Itaru Chigasaki and there’s an event going.
- By 9:15 dinner is ready and the whole dorm comes together and eats like a family!!
- Once they're done it’s 10pm and the students are sent to their rooms to get ready to sleep unless they’re on cleaning duty (20-26 plates don’t clean themselves and Sakyo refuses to buy a dishwasher he says it’s too expensive), it takes 30 minutes to clean the place up and by 11PM Izumi and Sakyo are making rounds to make sure the high schoolers are in their room sleeping.
- By 12PM the whole mankai dorm is asleep, except Itaru who’s probably gaming… and Homare who could’ve gotten an inspirational rush at 1AM… or Tsuzuru while he works on a script… or Misumi who’s stuck trying to take out a triangle sticker out of some magazine he found.
- It depends on the day of the week, the moon cycle, and if Misumi prayed to the triangle gods.
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swiftful-thinking13 · 4 years
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afternoon tea. dancing on tables. going home with someone else’s coat. dessert for lunch. christmas lights. bus rides to work and back. walking off hangovers in beautiful parks. mulled wine. strolls along the thames. prosecco picnics. colorful houses. adult ball pits. winter wonderland. tea before bed. late-night nando’s. old bookstores. vintage markets. watching football games. stumbling onto the tube at ungodly hours. raindrops streaming down my window. street art. flower markets. rainbows. picking up snacks at tesco after class. romcom movie nights. spending hours walking around museums. kissing boys with accents. pub life. running home in the pouring rain. nights at the theatre. pub crawls. clubbing. shopping. eating. running. cooking. drinking. working. socializing. journaling. bar hopping. learning. dancing. flirting. exploring. Oh, how I would do anything to have this life back. 
One year ago, I set off on what I often refer to as my “dream life.” I was 22 years old, I had never left the country before, and I was determined to have as many adventures as I possibly could. During my time in London, I took four classes and I secured an internship as a social media manager for a homeless charity in Shoreditch. To study and work in a city as academic stimulating, culturally enriching, and simply iconic as London was nothing short of life changing. I experienced changing seasons for the first time. I became a more confident traveler. I spent my weekends in some of the most iconic European cities. I visited the landscape of my favorite Jane Austen novel. I was always on the go. Every single day was a new adventure. I never felt sad. I didn’t felt homesick, not even once. I felt free and independent. I was never bored. I never felt more myself. 
London offered me everything that LA can no longer offer me, which is why I’m determined to make my way back for school. Living in London was the first time that my life made sense, and I can’t wait to do it all over again in the future❣️
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