#mankai dorms
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(part 1 | part 2)
TipBox 🩷
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gayforjuza · 2 years
important question:
when u guys do ur pretend livestreams (like when ur just talking to urself pretending ur live or recording a video, im assuming everyone does this) whos the audience that ur imagining? is it real people in ur life or is it blorbos from ur shows???? need to know
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ashipiko · 11 months
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AKA. natsugumi gets stuck in the rain and has to survive w one umbrella 😔 gone wrong
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Summary: An eight-year-old Sakuya turns up to the dorms with the Cinderella Clock—sixth of the Seven Mysteries of the Mankai Dorms. Mankai is determined to throw him a birthday party he won't forget, but how can they do it when the little boy keeps on breaking their hearts with simple words and wide-eyed expressions? No one has to carry that amount of emotional baggage alone and at such a young age. If all they can do is to remind him that things will get better, then they'll do it.
Author: @hajimariwaquartet
Note from submitter: cries. holding sakuya gently
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the-himawari · 9 months
A3! Spotlight Event Translation - Spotlight (Secret): Ikaruga Brothers & Hyodo Brothers & Shadows in the Moonlight (1/19)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi
Prologue: Secret Special Feature
*door opens*
Kasumi: Hi there.
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Izumi: Kasumi-san!? Wait, did we have a meeting scheduled today?
Kasumi: Nope. I had an interview nearby, so I decided to stop by.
Izumi: Oh, I see! That surprised me.
Kasumi: Ahaha. I guess my little prank was a success. I’m glad I happened to bump into Isuke outside. Oh right. Thanks to all of you, our last feature on Flora High and Tsuku High was a huge hit. It looks like everyone can’t stop longing for their youths, huh?
Izumi: I guess so. I’m glad all the readers enjoyed it. Ah. You came all the way here, so please have some tea. I’ll make some right now.
Kasumi: Aw, thank you. Actually, I also brought something I’d like to pass along to you. I received a whole lot of these, so I’m sharing them with you.
Izumi: Woah, thank you so much! Are these sweets? They’re all Christmas-y and adorable!
Kasumi: Hehe, aren’t they? There’s several different types of packaging…. This one’s a Christmas tree, and this one looks like Santa.
Izumi: Ah. Is this one a gingerbread man? Christmas is just around the corner, alright.
Kasumi: Mm, I wonder if I can ask…
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Izumi: ? What is it?
Kasumi: What are your plans for Christmas? Naturally, I’m going to spend mine with my daughters… But I wonder who Director will be spending it with.
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Izumi: I’m… not telling.
Kasumi: Aw~.
Izumi: You’ll see if you come to the MANKAI dorm.
Kasumi: Ahaha. Doesn’t that mean you’re going to spend it with all the troupe members?
Izumi: Fufu. I heard it’s common to spend Christmas with your family overseas.
Kasumi: Family…? I see. Why don’t we make “family” the next “Spotlight” special feature then? Because we’re family, there are sides of each other that we know, and on the other hand, sides of each other that we don’t know. And there are surely bonds that you would never be able to form anywhere else. I’ve always wanted to write an article about that kind of special, deep relationship. During this season, I’m sure each family has their own Christmas stories and such. We can ask troupe members who have family or close connections within or outside the troupe. What do you think?
Izumi: Family, huh… (Speaking of families, we have Juza-kun and Kumon-kun, Misumi-kun and Madoka-kun, and also…) (Hisoka-san and Chikage-san, I suppose?) (If we’re going to make a special feature, then the Hyodo brothers might be a good choice…) (But I think it would be safer not to reveal the relationship between Misumi-kun and Madoka-kun since he's still just a student and part of another troupe.) (As for Hisoka-san and Chikage-san…) I-It’s really hard to explain…
Kasumi: Hm?
Izumi: Ah, nothing! … …I think there are lots of different types of families, not just one. There are families that society would call "normal families", and there are also families who have missed each other and are now finally growing closer, little by little… There are also families who may not be related by blood, but the strength of their bonds are even stronger than that. MANKAI Company is like one big family, so I consider all of them my family. That’s why when you say “family”, it’s a bit hard to narrow it down…
Kasumi: …I see. That’s very true. A “family” is a special relationship, so it can be difficult sometimes. I mean, even our home is a bit different than what society considers normal as well. Alright, let’s discuss the next special feature again in a proper meeting next time.
Izumi: Sounds good. (I know I was declining the offer in a roundabout way, but I’m grateful Kasumi-san understood.) (Though, I do feel sorry I turned down the special feature just like that. I’ll have to properly explain the circumstances and apologize later…) (It won’t fill in for the feature, but I wonder if they’ll tell me if I ask them. About their special memories with their precious family members—)
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jujumin-translates · 6 months
Sakuya Sakuma | [SSR] Mankai Crepe | A Crepe Bouquet
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Citron: Good afternoon, Madam! You seem in a good blued today~!
Fukatsu: Ooh, I think you’re trying to say, “in a good mood”! You’re still as funny as ever Cito-chan.
Citron: Thank you!
Citron: By the way, Madam. What was it you wanted to talk to me about?
Fukatsu: Ah, right, right, I have an acquaintance who runs a crepe cart. They usually hire students to work, but…
Fukatsu: They’re having staffing issues because all those kids are going to be unavailable because of exams.
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Citron: Oh, that sounds like a problem!
Fukatsu: That’s why they’re looking for people to help fill in for the time being.
Fukatsu: Hey, Cito-chan, do you know anyone who could help? You must have lots of friends and acquaintances, right?
Fukatsu: You’ll be paid for it, of course, and there’s a training period, so there’s no need to worry if you don’t have experience.
Citron: If you are the one asking me to do it, I must accept, Madam! I will talk to everyone at the dorms about it first.
Fukatsu: Thank you so much! By the way, the shop name is--.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Ah, Citron-san!
Citron: Oh, Sakuya! I thought you were working until this evening.
Sakuya: It was pretty calm around the shop, so we closed up at lunch. That’s been happening a lot lately.
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Sakuya: Where have you been, Citron-san?
Citron: Having tea with one of the madams I know! She was asking for some help.
Sakuya: Oh, really? I hope she can get that help soon…
Citron: I need to talk to everyone else about helping! I want to talk to you and the others when we get back.
Sakuya: Got it!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kazunari: Mh~, this pear crepe is supes tasty and good! The line in front of the cart was like, crazy long, but it was totes worth it~!
Banri: I usually just get stuff from the regular cafe, but this sweet potato chai latte is real good and spiced too.
Izumi: Wow, they all sound so good. I’ll have to go sometime.
Sakuya: We’re home.
Citron: We are home!
Izumi: Welcome back.
Sakuya: Waah, those crepes look really good!
Kazunari: They are! I swung by a crepe shop on my way home from uni and got ‘em~.
Kazunari: There was this super cute, inste-able cart and they all looked supes good! There was major hype around that place!
Sakuya: Now I kinda wanna go there too…!
Kazunari: BTDubs, the shop’s name is “Epoch de Crepe”--.
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Citron: Aha! That is exactly the shop!
Izumi: Huh?
Banri: What is it?
Citron: I need to talk to you about that crepe shop!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Kazunari: I getcha~, so that’s why there was a poster on the side of the cart looking for part-time workers.
Izumi: From what I’ve heard, that place is pretty popular, so being short-staffed is a big problem. I’d love to help out myself, but… could you guys do it?
Citron: It was one of the madams’ requests, so of course I will!
Citron: But I heard that they need around three people to help, so I am not enough.
Sakuya: Well then, let me help too!
Sakuya: My part-time jobs haven’t been very busy lately, so I think I should be able to do it.
Citron: Thank you, Sakuya. That will be much help!
Banri: That said, can you guys really help out at a crepe shop?
Citron: You can count on us! I will be able to handle anyone in line!
Sakuya: I do customer service and cashiering at some of my regular part-time jobs, and I’m sure I'll be able to adjust my shifts, so I’ll be fine.
Banri: Nah, it ain’t just about the customer service part…
Citron: Anyway, two is not enough. So I must find someone else!
Kazunari: Ah, wait a sec, RonRon!
Kazunari: I think Setzer said earlier that he’s relatively free right now. So maybe he could help out…!?
Citron: It would be berry helpful if you came, Banri! I would like it if you joined us!
Banri: Well, whatever. You ain’t gotta worry anymore.
Izumi: Well then, I guess we’ve got our three!
Banri: Yep.
Sakuya: I’ll do my best!
Citron: Now that it is decided, let us do our best to bring in even more customers than the usual workers~!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Citron: Hello! We are the people Fukatsu-san sent to help.
Sakuya: We’ll do our best!
Banri: What he said.
Shop Owner: I’ve been waiting on this, so I’m really thankful for the help! Let me start by explaining the schedule.
Shop Owner: I don’t think you’ll be able to make the crepes right away, so you’ll just be in a training period for a while--.
Citron: Eh?
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Sakuya: Make?
Banri: Ugh… I told you we wouldn’t be able to do this.
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Sakuya: …Alright, so, there’s a training period, but I wanna get good at baking the crepe batter as soon as possible.
Sakuya: So, that’s why I wanted to ask for your help with making the crepes, Omi-san. And also why I wanted your help with tasting them, Juza-kun…
Omi: I see. Well, how about we make them together then?
Juza: I’ll help as much as ya want if ya want me to.
Izumi: I can also help out!
Sakuya: Thank you so much, guys!
Sakuya: Anyway, I got this utensil for spreading the batter. They call it a rake.
Izumi: Wah, how professional!
Omi: Nice preparation. Well then, let me borrow that from you for a bit, Sakuya.
Sakuya: Yeah, of course!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Omi: Hmm… it’s not quite up to the quality of something you’d sell, but how’s this for now?
Sakuya: It’s amazing! I never knew you could make something like that in such a short amount of time…!
Izumi: The thickness of the pastry is even and it’s at the level of something you’d find in a shop!
Omi: Haha, thanks. Now, finish this one off with some fruit and cream…
Omi: And, done. Here, try a bit of it.
Sakuya: Lemme try!
Juza: ! ‘S’incredible.
Izumi: It’s so fluffy and delicious!
Sakuya: It’s really tasty and it’s got a good balance of pastry and filling…!
Omi: Well then, you ready to try, Sakuya?
Sakuya: Sure! I’ll try my best to get the same outcome as you did!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
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Sakuya: Whoa, it was too thin and I ripped it! And the other one was a little too thick… uuueh.
Omi: Seems like the rake is a little tricky to handle.
Juza: The thick ones are good ‘cause they’ve got more to ‘em, and the thin ones are good ‘cause they’ve got more fillin’.
Juza: But if you’re gonna sell ‘em, guess they’ve gotta have a consistent thickness.
Sakuya: Yeah…
Izumi: How about we look up some tips online? Maybe we’ll find a method that works well for you, Sakuya-kun.
Sakuya: Ah, no, I’m gonna call it here for today!
Omi: Already?
Juza: We can still help ya, y’know.
Sakuya: Thanks, but you guys have already done enough! I’m gonna go out and look for some crepe shops in town and study from pros.
Sakuya: I’d be glad to get your help again next time I practice!
Izumi: (Sakuya-kun’s enthusiasm is so admirable…!)
Izumi: Got it, good luck with your search. See you later!
Sakuya: See you!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Ah, seems like there’s another food truck crepe shop just like “Epoch de Crepe”…!
Sakuya: (It’s amazing how fast their hands are working. And the batter isn’t sticking to the rake at all.)
Shop Worker: Welcome, sir, would you like to order something? If so, the menu can be read there…
Sakuya: Ah, sorry for staring! Actually, I was just…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Shop Worker: I see. So you want to see the making process?
Sakuya: Yeah, I was really impressed by how you were handling the rake. Sorry…
Shop Worker: No, I appreciate the compliment. I can give you a few tips if you’d like.
Sakuya: Eh, are you sure?
Shop Worker: We’re in a low-traffic time right now. Actually, I also struggled with this at first.
Sakuya: Really…!? Thank you so much, I’ll do my best to learn.
Shop Worker: No problem. Alright, first, for using the rake…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Shop Worker: …And make a point like this.
Sakuya: That was so helpful! I’ll definitely practice this again by myself. Thank you so much!
Shop Worker: It’s nothing. Good luck with making delicious crepes.
Sakuya: Thanks!
Shop Worker A: Thank you for waiting. Here you go.
Kid: Wah! This crepe looks like a really pretty flower!
Mother: Fufu, it does.
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Sakuya: …
· ❀ —– ٠ ❀ ٠ —– ❀ ·
Sakuya: …What do you think?
Omi: It’s very nicely baked.
Izumi: The pastry’s thickness is even all over!
Juza: Tastes just like somethin’ you’d get at a shop.
Sakuya: I’m glad…! The tips I got from that shop worker were really worth it!
Omi: I’m glad you found a technique that works for you, Sakuya.
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Sakuya: Me too! But I still need to work even harder to make ones that are even more delicious!
Omi: Haha, make sure you don’t overdo it.
Juza: We’re supportin’ ya.
Izumi: And good luck with doing the real thing, too!
Sakuya: Thank you!
Izumi: (Sakuya-kun seems like he’s got some confidence now. I’m glad he got so good at making them.)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Shop Owner: You’ve gotten so good that I don’t really have anything to say in terms of things to practice! It’s time for the real thing today, so let’s keep up the good work.
Sakuya: Yeah, let’s!
Customer A: Hello. Are you taking orders?
Sakuya: Yes, go ahead!
Customer A: Umm, then I’ll get a pear-apple mix and…
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Customer B: It’s so good~!
Customer C: The thickness of the pastry is perfect!
Sakuya: (I’m really glad the people who are eating the crepes I made are saying they’re delicious.)
Izumi: Are you taking orders, sir?
Sakuya: Yeah, of course!
Sakuya: …Huh, Director!? And Masumi-kun!
Izumi: Hehe. We came here to get something to eat as soon as we could.
Sakuya: Welcome!
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Masumi: …Why’s Sakuya here?
Izumi: Huh!? I thought I told you we were coming here to eat because Sakuya’s working here part-time!?
Masumi: I only listened to the part about going on a crepe date with you.
Sakuya: Ahaha…
Izumi: Alright, which one do you want to get, Masumi-kun? I’m getting this one with fresh strawberries and whipped cream.
Masumi: I’ll have the same then.
Sakuya: Coming right up! I’ll get started on your order as soon as possible.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Thanks for waiting. Your fresh strawberry and whipped cream crepe!
Izumi: Waah, it looks so good! …Wait, huh?
Izumi: The ingredients are the same, but is the shape of the toppings different from the sample…?
Sakuya: So you noticed? I tried arranging the strawberries to look like a flower.
Sakuya: When I was at the shop where I was given some tips, I saw a little girl who was super happy because her crepe looked cute like a flower--.
Sakuya: And since you came all the way here, I thought I’d arrange your crepe to look like a bouquet, Director!
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 1: It’s pretty.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: It’s so pretty! Almost like a real bouquet.
Izumi: I’d better take a lot of pictures of it before I eat it. …Fufu, the pictures are so cute, I’m sure I’ll be looking at them again soon.
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Sakuya: I’m glad I could make you smile with the crepe I made. I mean, you’re always lovely, but you look really, really cute right now, Director!
Sakuya: Ah…! Sorry, I didn’t mean to say you were cute!
Izumi: Ahaha, it’s a little embarrassing since I’m not used to being told that. But, I’m glad.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 2: It’s well-made.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Izumi: It’s really well-made. It almost seems like a shame to eat it.
Sakuya: The recipe wouldn’t be the same as the one from this shop, but if you ever want to eat one, I can always make something similar for you at the dorms, Director!
Izumi: Ahaha, really? Well then, I’ll eat this one freely.
Sakuya: …How is it?
Izumi: It’s really good! It has a gentle flavor.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Sakuya: Really? I’m glad then!
Masumi: …You’re talking to her too much.
Sakuya: Ah, s-sorry. I’ll go make one for you too, Masumi-kun!
Izumi: Ah, right! Do you want yours to be like a bouquet too, Masumi-kun? It’d be really cute and it’d match with mine!
Masumi: Matching with you… Sakuya, make me the same.
Sakuya: Hehe, coming right up!
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taichissu · 5 months
a3 au where everything is the same except some day sakuya's like "ah... so much has happened, and yet it's like no time has passed at all, huh? must be because we're having so much fun!" and misumi's like "oh? it's because we're stuck in a timeloop" and everyone's like what "what." and misumi's like "the timeloop, it's one of the mysteries of mankai dorms. you guys haven't noticed? it's actually been 7 years"
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currytantou · 5 months
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[translation] – Mankai Channel vol 2 Natsugumi Ban drama track also x-posted on my wordpress blog
do not use my translations to create subtitled video or base it for re-translation to other languages. linking is permitted but do not copy paste whole blog content. sharing partial screenshot for fangirl/boying purposes is acceptable (with link back or credit).
0:01 Tenma: Ready? All: Blo-bloo-blooming! Tenma: Hello eve- Kumon: Hello guys! Misumi: Thank you for watching! Tenma: This time- Kazunari: It’s Summer Troupe’s turn this time! Misumi: Spring Troupe’s episode last time was fun, right? Kazunari: We played that game in the dorms, didn’t we? Tenma: Don’t say hello all at once! Ehem. Starting over. I’m Sumeragi Tenma, the leader of the Summer Troupe. Thanks for tuning in to Summer Troupe’s episode, following the previous episode with Spring Troupe. Yuki: Thank you. Muku: Thanks for having us! Kazunari: Summer Troupe’s plan is “morning routine”! Kumon: We had various plans in mind, right? Playing games like Spring Troupe, no-foreign-words-challenge, and ghost prank! Misumi: Tenma won the rock-paper-scissors! Muku: Tenma-kun’s spirit when he played rock-paper-scissors was amazing! Yuki: Especially when he wanted to avoid the last option; the ghost prank~ Tenma: Shut up! Kazunari: That said, each and every member’s morning situation was recorded on camera so let’s check them out at once~!
1:11 Tenma: First, it’s me. I woke up at 6am on this day. I woke up earlier than usual because I had a shooting. Muku: Tenma-kun barely had bed hair on him. Yuki: His usual hairstyle pretty much looks like bed hair anyway. Tenma: What are you trying to imply? Misumi: Oh, he’s taking care of *UneUne-kun. (literal meaning: zigzag) Kumon: Huh, who? Yuki: His bonsai, I think? Tenma: This is a white pine. Apparently, it is 20 years old. It’s about time to cut its old leaves. Kazunari: It took several years to reach this form, right? What a fine bonsai~ Tenma: Once I’m done cutting bonsai, I’d have some plain hot water in the kitchen. It’s Azami’s recommendation and I find myself in a good condition when I do that. Yuki: Hm? Guess I should try that too.  Tenma: After that I did morning workout. As recommended by Tasuku-san. Kumon: You do everything that’s recommended! Tenma: I would try anything good for my body. Misumi: Like a grandpa. Tenma: Uh, it’s granted for an actor to take care of his health. Kazunari: A body is an actor’s asset! Tenma: After I’m done with breakfast, Igawa picked me up by car and I went to shoot for magazines. Muku: Igawa-san always comes punctually. Tenma: He’s a reliable manager. Yuki: It’s unusual for him to praise someone. Kumon: Maybe Igawa-san would cry if he saw this video..?
2:36 Yuki: Next is me. On this day, I woke up at 7am as usual. I think I slept at 10pm the previous day..? Kazunari: Yukki washes his face thoroughly! Yuki: Recently, I’ve been using this facial cleanser. I like how it is hypoallergenic and creates plenty of foams. Misumi: That reminds me, Azami told us to wash with lots of foams. Muku: I wanna see how Yuki-kun washes his face. Yuki: I switched face lotion to this one, after sticking to the same brand for a while. Recently, I feel like my skin type has changed and after discussing with Azami, he suggested that I use one for sensitive skin. So far so good, I guess? Kumon: Can skin type change? Yuki: I suppose you can tell if you look at it everyday? Misumi: What is ‘skin type’? Yuki: You should start from there and learn through Azami. Kazunari: I wanna ask him for some suggestions too. I should ask Azamin skincare tips later! Tenma: Sounds good. I wanna ask him what my skin type is too. Yuki: Once I’m done washing my face, I get prepared and wear my school uniform. Kumon: You’ve made preparation for school, eh? Yuki: I made sure to do that the day before. Misumi: Yuki is so firm~ Yuki: Then, I’d have breakfast and check fashion related news and think of any designs, I guess? Muku: Is it easier to brainstorm design ideas in the morning? Yuki: Maybe. I sometimes come up with a better idea the next morning even though I was stuck yesterday. Kazunari: Perhaps, your brain thinks of it while you are sleeping. Kumon: I wish I could memorise English vocabularies while I’m sleeping~
4:15 Kazunari: Next, let’s check out my morning routine~! I woke up at 9am! I woke up a little late on this day because I stayed up to make it to the deadline. After waking up, I spent time idly on bed and scrolling through SNS, replied to comments, checked out what’s trending.. Yuki: Hurry and get up. Muku: Kazu-kun takes it easy in the morning. Kumon: Like it takes a while to get the engine heats up in the morning? Kazunari: Maybe~ Then I dressed up and prepared my bag for college. Tenma: So many different gadgets. Misumi: Kazu’s bag is like a magical pocket. Kazunari: Recently, I’ve been carrying around this portable charger and mobile monitor! These are freaking convenient for quick work outdoor and online meetings. When I told Itarun, he immediately started using ‘em. Also, these are my favourite noise cancelling wireless earphones! I’ve tried others but for me, this works best. And, a smart watch! Although I don’t keep it in my bag. These are the gadgets that I carry around. Tenma: I’ve been contemplating on getting this smart watch. Kazunari: I totally recommend this! It’s much better than the previous release so you should buy it now! Tenma: Hmm. Show me that later. Kumon: Kazu-san knows a lot, you’re so cool!~ Muku: It’s best to ask Kazu-kun when it comes to gadgets. Misumi: These videos were recorded using the camera lent by Kazu. Kazunari: It has good image stabilisation and spot on waterproofing. Easy to use, right?
5:56 Muku: My turn next, right? Uh..I woke up at 7am on this day. I washed my face and changed…Sorry that it’s way too ordinary! Tenma: It’s odd to apologise for being ordinary. Kazunari: Mukkun’s dailies are systematic. Muku: I had spanish omelette and freshly baked walnut bread for breakfast on this day. As I ate, I talked about newly released shoujo manga with Sakyo-san and Azu nee-san…. Yuki: The latter half is nothing ordinary though. Kumon: What kind of shoujo manga? Muku: A girl who has been living under oppression of her family meets the son of a distinguished family who runs a sports gym. She starts to workout and solves all problems with muscles. It’s a really interesting success story! Tenma: The second half is way too unexpected! Yuki: Some of Muku’s favourite shoujo manga are quirky… Kazunari: But it makes you curious to know more! I kinda wanna read it! Muku: I’ll lend it to you later. I did other stuff before I left the dorms, but I watched tv with Juu-chan on this day. They happened to broadcast a coverage on sweets. Yuki: Right, you two were glued to the tv. Muku: We planned to check out the chocolate ice cream shown on that program.
7:20 Misumi: Next is me. Yuki: Where is this place? Outside? Misumi: Rooftop. On this day, I said my morning greeting to a cat that I’m friendly with, and I joined the cat’s meeting. Kumon: Cat meeting! Wahahaha! So many cats! That’s cool!! Tenma: You’re doing this first thing first in the morning? Kazunari: As expected, he blends in with the cats. Muku: What do you do in the cat meeting? Misumi: We talked about so many things. Neighbourhood’s rumours, notices about stray cats, info about homes that give away food or any problems. On this day, *Kuroneko-san ranted how it can’t walk past its usual passage. (lit: black cat) So I went to help it. Tenma: So? Where is this place? Misumi: The passage that Kuroneko-san strolls by. Kazunari: Looks like a cat’s documentary footage. Muku: It’s interesting, since it’s a view we usually don’t see. Yuki: You’re breaking the expectation of a morning routine in many ways. Kumon: Ah! What jumped against the wall just now?! Misumi: See? I removed the trash thrown in this narrow passage. And I found a beautiful triangle here so I picked it up. Yuki: That’s how he picks triangles, huh? Tenma: I had no idea. Misumi: I cleaned the triangle with water at the park and made it to the dorm for breakfast time. Kazunari: Sumi had such an adventure before he joined for breakfast~ Muku: That is so dramatic!
9:00 Kumon: Finally, it’s my turn! I usually wake up at 6am! I had time to go for a run with nii-chanand Tasuku-san! Yuki: So much energy first thing in the morning. Kumon: After running, I practised swinging in the yard! Tenma: That’s way too much energy! Misumi: Looks fun~ Kumon: Sumi-san should join me next time! We can do karate with Guy-san! Misumi: Let’s do that! Muku: It feels good to move your body in the morning~ I feel refreshed when I start my day with running. Kumon: Yes, yes! I’m in good condition throughout the day!~ After practising swinging, I did some light squats and showered before having breakfast! Yuki: Now I know why you’re always fussing about being hungry in the morning. Tenma: Of course you’d get hungry if you move this much. Kazunari: Kumopi, you’re so healthy! Kumon: I’d brush my teeth after breakfast and I would check out the English vocabs app before I left the dorms. Muku: A test is coming up soon. Misumi: Kumon, that’s admirable. Kumon: I forgot I was supposed to be early ‘cus I was on duty on this day. I hurriedly left and dashed to school! Tenma: Running again? Yuki: His energy has no limits.
10:09 Tenma: That wraps up Summer Troupe’s morning routine. But is it interesting for them to watch these videos footage..? Kazunari: With the variations of morning routine, I suppose it is interesting~ Yuki: I thought the content would be pretty much the same but our routines are much more different than expected. Kumon: The cat’s meeting was fun! Misumi: It’s interesting to me, knowing what you guys are doing in the morning. Muku: I think Yuki-kun’s skincare tips and Kazu-kun with his gadgets are useful! Tenma: Well, I’m glad if this makes the audience happy. That said, do look forward to Autumn Troupe’s episode next. Kazunari: If you enjoyed it, please like and subscribe to the channel! Misumi: Bye bye~
Thank you for reading! <3 - curry
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asordinaryppl · 2 months
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 14: DREAM CATCHER - Episode 23: Best Shot
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Troupe member A: Misumi-kun, rehearsal’s running a little late, so we’re gonna start 20 minutes later than planned.
Misumi: Okaaay!
Troupe member B: Misumi-kun, you’re really good at acting, but how much experience do you have? Have you been acting since you were a kid?
Misumi: Nuh-uh, I started when I joined MANKAI Company.
Troupe member A: The new MANKAI Company was established only a few years ago. Oh-ho, we’ve got a natural amongst us.
Troupe member B: What made you want to act all of a sudden?
Misumi: They invited me when I sneaked into Grandpa’s theater company’s dorm~
Troupe member A: Your Grandpa’s company is…
Misumi: My Grandpa’s name is Hakkaku Ikaruga.
Troupe member B: You’re Hakkaku-san’s grandson!
Troupe member A: Ohhh, is that so? Now that you mention it, you do have the same last name.
Troupe member B: I can tell why Syu-san has his eye on you.
Troupe member A: Did ya know? Syu-san is a die-hard fan of Hakkaku-san. He’s still got a picture they took together on his mirror.
Misumi: A picture of Grandpa!?
Syu: What’re you tellin’ him.
Troupe member A: Uh-oh, and here I take my leave.
Troupe member B: Haha, he’s bound to find out anyway if he pays attention.
Misumi: I wanna see the picture of Grandpa!
Syu: … I got no choice. Here ya go.
Misumi: Grandpa…!
Syu: Hakkaku-san didn’t really like taking pictures. This one’s rare, ain’t it?
Misumi: Yup!
Syu: It’s from right around the time you were born…
[Flashback starts]
Hiro: Congratulations on your grandchild’s safe delivery, Hakkaku-san!
Syu: Congratulations.
Kasumi: Wahhh, the baby is so cute~
Zen: Is it a boy?
Yukio: He has your and Kusumi-kun’s eyes.
Syu: Have you decided on a name?
Hakkaku: No, I’ve got a few on my mind, but I haven’t picked yet.
Syu: Since he’s your grandson, he might have a bright future as a scriptwriter.
Hakkaku: Nah… I’d be more at ease if he were an actor. Well, the best thing would be to let him do what he wants to do.
Hakkaku: But if that does end up being his future, I’d really like to see him on top of the stage.
Hakkaku: Especially if it was here at MANKAI Theater. I’d have nothing to complain about then.
Yukio: Haha, we have to do our best to keep going then.
Hiro: You have to get him into acting while you still can.
Zen: If you force him into it, he’ll just avoid it.
Kasumi: You have to live a long life too, Hakkaku-san.
Hakkaku: You’re right. Who’d have thought I’d be making new dreams at my age?
Yukio: Oh, Hakkaku-san. We should take a picture with your grandchild.
Hakkaku: Whaddya mean, with my grandson? This is just a photograph of him.
Yukio: We’ll do it to commemorate! And I’ve just bought a new camera for our company.
Hakkaku: You just want to take a test shot, don’t you? Well, whatever.
[Flashback ends]
Syu: I’m sure Hakkaku-san would’ve also loved to see ya act.
Misumi: Grandpa…
Syu: Nice photo, ain’t it? Normally he’d have never agreed to such a thing, but he was in an unusually good mood that day.
Syu: I’ll give it to you. It’s only right to give it to the person it oughta belong to.
Misumi: Eh? Are you sure…?
Syu: Just as we were going to give the freshly printed photo to him, he told us he’d decided on a name for his grandson.
Syu: Look–
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noorionoodles · 3 months
❁Spring Troupe Boys and their (S/O)'s Snuggles (Headcanons) ❁
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Spoilers for Act 2! TW/: swearing cuz i'm passionate lol
❁ Sakuya Sakuma
- blushy boi = happy boi
- i'd imagine he'd be rehersing alone in the wee hours of the morning onstage, and your sleepy ass would surprise him by coming up from behind and wrapping your arms around him.
- he'd definitely be startled!
- after the initial shock, he'd give you one of those gorgeous smiles you adore and be like, "Oh, (S/O)! Where did you come from?"
- and when you give a muffled reply through the fabric of his hoodie, he'd stay still with a shade of pink slowly reaching his ears, letting the warmth of your embrace sink in.
- he'd REFUSE to focus on his script again until you let him go. Rest assured he'll walk into practice with that memory for the rest of the day. (the rest of the troupe would definitely pick up on their leader's giddy attitude, but none of them find it in them to tease him cuz omg he's so precious— )
- would be too flustered to ask for some himself so you're gonna have to take the reigns here—
❁ Masumi Usui
- he'd deny it. Oh he'd def deny how good it feels to have your arms slink around his waist, your face buried in the crook of his neck as you wake yourself up from your drowsy state.
- he'd be all flustered and shit and would snap if any of the guys even go so far as to mention it.
- but when it comes to you? Ohhh boy
- You created a monster
- it's taking every ounce of his self-control to not pull you back to his dorm and nap with you.
- rehersals be damned! (Just kidding, he'd begrudgingly get up after a while. Hard to sleep in when you have Sakuya as your personal alarm clock)
- after that moment he'd crave your cuddles.
- Every
- Single
- Day
- he'll beg if he has to (in the end it's your choice anyway lmao)
- and as much as you're annoyed at him for dragging you away from work, all is forgiven since he gives really good hugs.
❁ Tsuzuru Minagi
- congratulations, Mankai Company has finally found a way to get their script writer to get to fucking bed on time.
- pulling all nighters? Throw you on his desk.
- refusing to sleep cuz of early shifts? Throw you on his bed. The others will take care of work.
- has pulled all nighters anyway and is now passed out on the ground? THROW YOU ON THE GROUND—jk both of you are hogging the couch
- just like how Citron's terrible japanese, Izumi's concerning obsession with curry and Banri and Juza at each other's throats 24/7 has become a staple in our theatre group; You clinging to Tsuzuru in your sleep while he makes coffee for himself has swiftly made its way up there.
- if Tsuzuru has completed a script or the Company has produced yet another successful play; it's a guarantee they will find you guys hibernating in at least 45 different spots—
- this'll keep repeating till Omi and Takato carry you two back to your dorms.
- rinse and Repeat lmao
❁ Itaru Chigasaki
- listen
- Imagine it's the weekend and Itaru is sitting on his gloriously comfy beanbag playing yet another one of those RPGs (god I sound like a boomer lol) and he feels a weight on his back and he realises you're snuggling against him still half asleep wrapped in your blanket?
- bro's in heaven
- like deadass, man would stop BREATHING if it means you won't wake up
- he just thinks you're so snuggly and cute and smol like this and AHHHH—
- outside he calm and all suave but inside he panik (in a good way) (like the 'this is so cute ima explode' panik)
- would tease the absolute bajesus outta you once you wake up tho
- ngl he'll want more
- too bad for you he's making this a routine, if it ain't you snuggling then it's him.
- Bonus points if his (S/O) is a stoic and unfeely type, ESPECIALLY if they're touch starved
- like the contrast is wiiiild honey—
- 10/10 would hug again
❁ Citron
- He'd get so giddy and shit when he sees you asking for a hug
- man would casually just pick you up lmao idk man
- he's not that strong but he'd just see you leaning against him half asleep
- and just
- picks you up like bridal style
- that obv wakes you up so you look at your bf like 👁 👄 👁
- and he suddenly spins you around and does the zoomies till you SCREAM at him to put you down
- happens only once though lol (unless you want him to do it again in which case u're in luck)
- other than that, he'd definitely let you sleep on his lap, his legs tucked on either sides of you with his chin on your head
- like a protective mama bird lol
- would sing to you if you allow him
❁ Chikage Utsuki
- yeah good luck surprising him lmao
- I'm sorry you won't be able to do it without him figuring it out beforeand.
- man's already touch aversed (esp around girls) so he'd be on high alert
- but he trusts you
- so when you swallow your pride and ask him, he'd act all smug and tease you about it for a bit
- like what you on about mr. highlighter man I need my cuddles—
- but he'd finally give in and allow you to snuggle against him while he relaxes on the couch
- def the most calm one out of all of them
- he'd feel a subtle warmth in his chest
- it's foreign to him, but the sight of you wrapped around his arms, so vulnerable and safe in his embrace? It reminds him alot of Hisoka back in the day
- and with that connection, he'd pull you to his chest and make a silent vow to himself to always protect you with his life.
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mydictionary-yume · 2 months
A3! Event Story | A Year of Romance with You - Chapter 3
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(Contains very minor spoilers for A3! Act 12)
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Sakuya: (Lu said she’d call me around now… what’s going on?)
Sakuya: Ack-! 
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Sakuya: Hello?
Lucille: Hi, Saku!
Sakuya: Hi! What’s going on?
Lucille: So, I said I had a small plan for our anniversary, right? Well, that small plan just got big. Like, really big. 
Sakuya: Huh? What’s going on?
Lucille: Listen, I didn’t want us to do anything super crazy or expensive for this, but some stuff happened, and I have no clue how to tell you this without spoiling everything, but I’m gonna try.
Lucille: Just, meet me at the front of the Mankai dorms at around 8 am, okay? Bring a couple days’ worth of stuff, Itaru said he’d drive us to the airport. 
Sakuya: The airport?! Lu, what’s going on?!
Lucille: I told you, I wasn’t super on this plan at first either, but I don’t think I have a choice anymore. 
Lucille: And besides, taking a quick flight is better than a ten-hour drive.
Sakuya: Lu, are you safe?!
Lucille: Huh? Oh, yeah, I am. I’m not doing this because I’m, like, being held hostage or anything. Chikage scares me, but it’s not like he’d do that to me.
Sakuya: Right, haha…
Lucille: Anyway, are you alright with all that?
Sakuya: …
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Sakuya: I trust you. Let’s make the most of it!
Lucille: And there’s that spirit I fell for. I’ll see you in the morning, then!
Sakuya: Alright! 
Lucille: Bye, love you! And sleep well, okay?
Sakuya: You too! See ya!
Sakuya: (Still, I hope it’s going to be alright…)
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cherryblossomssmash · 18 days
Hello, can you post the rest of the Mankai Dorms Bedroom? And by any chance do you have the Mankai dining room background too? Thankyou
I know I have the rooms saved somewhere I just have to find them first. Hahha. But here's the Dining Room.
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mxddyhero · 1 year
Can you imagine if the people in veludo just started celebrating the a3days like we do...
Sakoda is just sitting in the dorm's living room and he just stands up like "well, time to get the backhoe" and everyone is like ??
So he has to explain that the day mankai was about to be torn down, someone on the street took a Snapchat and captioned it "backhoe on a tuesday" and it became their little inside joke and soon spread amongst their peers and he helps them throw a little parade with the dozer... someone sees the fat fuck Friday tag trending on twitter and decides on a whim to upload the merch they got from one of autumns last performances and suddenly juzas merch sales soar... idk I think it'd be funny anyway.
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meenatranslates · 1 year
[SSR] Tsuzuru | Everyone from the Minagi Family
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I worked on this for quite a while and when I decided to post after it was done, I kept it in drafts because I realised a bit too late that someone already translated this :) Though, it's such a waste to discard the efforts I put in, so I'll post this as a practice.
Midnight Crunch Time - Part 1
*Director's default name as Izumi
―Hallway (Night)―
Izumi: Let’s see, what are the plans for today...
Hm? Did something just fell?
(This is... a photo of Minagi family? That means this belongs to Tsuzuru-kun.)
(I wonder if he’s in his room... Huh?)
Tsuzuru: ......
Izumi: (Seems like he’s in the middle of doing his work. He’s so focused... Is it alright if I call him out?)
(I guess it’s fine since it’s just a photo.)
Hello, Tsuzuru-kun.
Tsuzuru: Oh, Director. What’s up?
Izumi: Sorry if I bother you. This photo is yours, right?
Tsuzuru: Hm? ...Ah! Yeah, that’s mine!
Izumi: I found it over there just now.
Tsuzuru: Argh, my bad. I didn’t even realize it fell.
Thank you, Director.
Izumi: That’s a nice photo you got there.
Tsuzuru: Kaoru came to my part-time work today. I got it from him then.
He also told me to send his regards to you.
Izumi: I’m glad to know he’s doing well.
Oh, how are Tadoru-san and Meguru-san doing?
Tsuzuru: They’ll be back from overseas at the end of this month. I’m planning on going home too.
Though, I doubt I’d be able to...
Izumi: Why’s that?
Tsuzuru: Truth is...
―Veludo Way (Night)―
Tsuzuru: Thanks, Kaoru.
Kaoru: Sorry for coming in out of the blue.
Tsuzuru: Well, I really didn’t expect for you to come.
Kaoru: I just happen to pass by chance, and I wanted to see you working.
Please send my regards to Director-san too.
Tsuzuru: Got it.
Kaoru: Oh right, I’ve been meaning to hand this to you.
Tsuzuru: ?
Midnight Crunch Time - Part 2
Kaoru: I printed out the photo that we took when you were back at home before.
Tsuzuru: Wow... We’ve been taking photos with phone lately and leaving them as they are, but it’s kinda nice to have a printed photo like this.
Kaoru: Right?
I guess the next time you come home is when Tadoru-oniichan comes home at the end of this month.
Tsuzuru: Right... I said something like that, didn’t I.
Kaoru: Meguru-oniichan said that he’ll show up at home then too.
Tsuzuru: End of the month, huh... The deadline for my assignments and my part-time work might overlap then...
Kaoru: That sounds tough. Don’t push yourself if you’re busy.
Tsuzuru: Yeah. Still, I wanna see you guys, so I’ll try to finish them as soon as I can.
Kaoru: Tadoru-oniichan and Meguru-oniichan wasn’t included in the photo from last time, so I hope we can get a photo with all of us together next time.
Tsuzuru: I hope so.
*flashback ends*
...And that’s why I might not have the time to go home.
Even so, I’ll do everything I can to show up, so I’m starting with what I can do for now.
Izumi: I see.
🌸CHOICE 1: Don’t push yourself too hard
Izumi: Don’t push yourself until you pass out like when you’re writing your script.
You’re too focused when you concentrate that you forgot to eat and sleep.
Tsuzuru: ...I’ll be fine. It’ll be all for nothing if I pass out.
Besides, writing script is something that I like to do, aside from the report.
🌸CHOICE 2: You’re very family oriented
Izumi: I see you’re very family oriented.
Tsuzuru: Hm, there were times I wanted to be alone when I’m at home, but...
I figured that living apart like this makes me miss them.
Izumi: Your house is very lively after all.
Tsuzuru: Well, the dorm isn’t that much different. They both are precious places to me.
I’ll keep writing more good stories as the playwright for MANKAI Company.
Izumi: Fufu, I’m looking forward to it.
―Dining Room (Night)―
Izumi: Our dinner tonight is Massaman Curry!
Chikage: The scent of the cardamom and coriander is nice.
Izumi: I got my hands on some good spices, so I tried using them.
Citron: Oriental aroma is wafting through the air~. It stimulates my appetite!
Masumi: Your curry is the best in the world...
Sakuya: What kind of curry is it?
Izumi: It’s a curry of chicken, potatoes, onions, and peanuts simmered in spices and coconut milk.
Sakuya: It's quite unique to have peanuts included! I’m excited to know what it tastes like.
Izumi: I made a lot, so you can have seconds!
Masumi: I’ll eat the whole pot until there’s nothing left...
Izumi: You don’t need to eat the pot too.
Chikage: The spices work well, and the ingredients are simmered soft and tender.
Itaru: You sound like a nagging food critic.
Chikage: The "nagging" part was unneeded.
Sakuya: It’s very delicious, Director!
Citron: It feels like I’m traveling in a foreign country~!
Izumi: Fufu, I’m glad you like it.
Tsuzuru: *yawns*
Citron: What a big yawn!
Izumi: Not enough sleep?
Itaru: Were you grinding for a game event all-night too?
Tsuzuru: I’m not the same as you. I’ve told you before that I’m trying to finish my report.
Chikage: College report?
Tsuzuru: Yes. Though, it’s not going smoothly because there’s a lot that I need to research...
Masumi: He stayed up late last night too.
Izumi: Really?
Sakuya: Are you okay, Tsuzuru-kun?
Tsuzuru: Well, I’ve got a lot of part-time work, so there’s not that much progress...
I need to concentrate on finishing it soon, or else I won’t be able to go home... I’ll get it done somehow.
Thank you for the food. I’m gonna head back to my room.
Izumi: I hope he’s not working too hard...
Sakuya: He looked really tired too.
Chikage: He’s a workaholic after all.
Citron: We’ll ‘curse’ him if he passes out! [1]
Izumi: ‘Nurse’, you mean.
Itaru: He’d get instant death if you do that with the way he is right now.
Sakuya: I hope his assignment goes well...
Izumi: I hope so too...
Masumi: ......
[1] Original:
❌カンチョー / kanchō - The act of putting your fingers together in a pointy position and sticking them up somebody else's butt.
✅介抱 / kaihou - nurse / taking care of
Midnight Crunch Time - Part 3
―Room 102 (Night)―
Masumi: *zzz...*
Tsuzuru: *yawns*
...It’s never-ending.
(My shoulders are stiff, and my eyes hurt too...)
I’m so tired... Oh, it’s already that late?
(...Guess I’ll take a nap.)
Masumi: ......
Tsuzuru: Mm...
(Shoot, I overslept...)
Hm? A blanket...?
(There’s even a jelly drink...)
(I doubt anyone would come into the room in the middle of the night like this.)
(So that means...)
Masumi: *zzz...*
Tsuzuru: ...Thanks, Masumi.
Alright, let’s wrap this up with one final push.
ーHallway (Day)ー
Izumi: Oh, Tsuzuru-kun. Good morning.
Tsuzuru: Good morning.
Izumi: How’s your assignment going?
Tsuzuru: I think I’ll make it in time.
Izumi: That’s great. Sounds like you can finally go home now.
Tsuzuru: Yeah, I’m also glad that I can adjust my part-time shifts.
And here, look... I got this from Masumi.
Izumi: A jelly drink...? He brought you a refreshment?
Tsuzuru: Seems like it. It was on my desk while I was napping.
Izumi: The way he didn’t give it to you in person is very Masumi-like.
Tsuzuru: Right?
I never thought that Masumi, who used to argue with me a lot when I first joined the troupe, would come to support me like this.
Izumi: ...You’re right. Both of you have such a great relationship.
Tsuzuru: Well, he's like a cute little brother now, just like Sakuya.
Masumi: ...You’re too close with Director, Tsuzuru.
Tsuzuru: Oh, Masumi.
Izumi: Good morning, Masumi-kun.
Masumi: Good morning. You’re very cute today too.
Izumi: Ahaha... You sure are lively too.
Tsuzuru: Hey, Masumi.
Masumi: ...What?
Tsuzuru: You’re the one who left this for me, right?
I finished my report without a hitch thanks to it.
Masumi: ...Director was worried, so.
Tsuzuru: Thanks.
Masumi: So annoying. I want headpats from Director herself, not you.
Tsuzuru: Yeah, yeah.
Masumi: ...I told you to stop it. I’m not a dog.
Tsuzuru: Come on, isn’t it fine?
Masumi: No, it’s not.
Izumi: (It’s so heart-warming to see that both of them are like real brothers.)
Story Clear!
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joseimukeaddict · 5 months
Finals be beating me hard rn and my period cramps kicked in. Spending the rest of this short break from finals work typing up random headcanons bc my electric belly warmer needs to charge 🤡. There’s more stuff and yeah, this is not my week.
CW: Izumi cousins, workaholic and Tsuzuru fainting, most of it is how Izumi spends her time off (farmer’s market, reading, etc)
Izumi Headcanons (pt 2)
It’s pretty much implied that Izumi is an only child but cousins are free game
Yukio is definitely an only child
Her mother would have 1 or two siblings that have children much older or younger than Izumi
She’s either their caring big sister figure or the younger sister they tease
There is definitely a cousins group chat or something where they all keep each other up to date
Only a few of them have met MANKAI by traveling all the way to Tokyo to see a play; they all live far away
Other than the mother-daughter semi-monthly trips (see previous post), it’s very hard to convince Izumi to take a break because she’s such a workaholic
If someone takes up her MANKAI work for her, she’s just go help out a different troupe
Will work until near exhaustion but she knows her limit
She learned her lesson after collapsing once in college right before a theater performance where she took on like 5 different backstage jobs
The play went off without a hitch but she was so upset that she missed it, and all her friends were so worried about her they made her promise to never overwork herself like that again
Because of this, she’s actually really worried about Tsuzuru’s fainting after he finishes a script
She brews some calming teas for Tsuzuru whenever he’s on a script writing spree
Her poorly hidden worry is initially the reason why Masumi starts taking up the task of making sure Tsuzuru eats and doesn’t collapse when he’s writing, but soon he takes the job seriously as he grows to really care for his roommate (almost never shows it though like a tsun younger brother)
Izumi’s full-day breaks are scheduled monthly and she has to be half-threatened by Sakyo and the rest of the dorm to take a proper rest and not run off to a different troupe to help out
Sometimes it works, but sometimes she comes back with groceries or whatever supplies she noticed the dorm was running out of(and lots of curry supplies)
She has a few favorite spots to get curry ingredients such as a local farmer’s market
She’s usually driven by one of the boys who can drive (bc they can’t trust her with the car alone, my girl only knows how to drift), but if they can’t, she’s fine with public transportation
She chats with some of the vendors there and they hook her up with some tips to better prepare her ingredients and some new recipes
The market is also frequented by MANKAI for their grocery runs, so the vendors also give Izumi compliments about any plays they’ve watched from them since the company is always on a tight schedule whenever they come by
Citron frequents the farmer’s market too, so he tags along with Izumi if she made plans to go, but he can usually be found chatting with the aunties there on the weekends
The aunties don’t know too much about the housing situation with MANKAI and Izumi doesn’t talk about it, so they’re making bets on which one of the boys Izumi is secretly in a relationship with
Citron has one of the biggest pools because he’s just the aunties’ favorite, but Omi is also up there
Citron knows about the betting pools but pretends he doesn’t know because it would be awkward to bring it up, and he knows the aunties are only doing it for fun
If not the farmer’s market, Izumi will curl up with a good book or plan an outing with a non-theatre friend she hasn’t hung out with in a while
She can’t help but to read some theatre magazines to keep up to date with the industry, and she’ll indulge in a good historical romance novel once in a while
She’s the type to get really immersed in a novel, so it’s hard for her to notice distractions when she gets into it
She likes reading on a lounge chair on the balcony facing outside since she requires some quiet before she starts reading
Sometimes the tea club comes out to have a party and they bring out an extra chair for her so she can join
And that’s it for now. Got off-topic for a few of them 😭 and my break is way over now. Time to get back to stats…
Unrelated but Anzu (Ensemble Stars) and Izumi (A3!) would be friends and go to cafes together
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the-himawari · 24 days
A3! Sakisaka Muku - Translation [SSR] MANKAI Treasure (3/3)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Muku: …I hope it’s filming properly? I just received my next hint from Sakyo-san. Once again, the hint written on the note is… “The first night with your roomie ☆” Fufu. There’s only one person this could be.
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Muku: I’m back, Kazu-kun.
Kazunari: Welcome home~.
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Muku: …This hint is referring to you, isn’t it?
Kazunari: Drumroll pleeese! You got it! I’ll give you a perfect score!
Muku: Ehehe. Thank you! After I saw your hint, I was thinking about our first night together after becoming roommates the whole way home.
*flashback starts*
Kazunari: Alrighty. Let’s get some shut eye!
Muku: Sure. Goodnight.
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Kazunari: Night-night. I’m turning off the lights~.
*lights flick off*
Muku: … (The lights have been turned off… But what should I do? I don’t feel like I can sleep at all…) (B-But I don’t want to be loud and make too much noise, so I have to stay quiet…) …
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Kazunari: …Mukkun, are you still awake?
Muku: Huh…!
Kazunari: Ah, you’re awake? Thank goodness~. When I thought about the fact I’m gonna be living here from now on, I got so hype my eyes flew open. Say, if you’re still awake then why don’t we chat some more?
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Muku: ! Sure. To be honest, my eyes won’t close either.
Kazunari: Seriously? Ahaha, we’re the samesies! Alright, I’ll turn the lights on again ♪
*lights flick on*
Kazunari: I know. Since we’re both awake, why don’t we go out to the courtyard? The weather’s nice tonight so I bet we’ll get a great view of the stars.
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Muku: Wow, that sounds nice. Going outside at this hour kind of makes my heart race.
Kazunari: I feel you~! Ah, let’s bring blankets with us. I’ll lend one to you too. Here you go.
Muku: Thank you! I’ll take it then.
Kazunari: As expected! We can totes see all the stars sitting on a bench in the garden~.
Muku: Yeah. They’re breathtaking…
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Kazunari: …The dorm still has plenty of empty rooms. I wonder if more people will come~.
Muku: It will probably get even livelier than now once the dorm rooms fill up.
Kazunari: Right! You think we’ll be able to throw a party everyday?
Muku: Fufu, why not? I’m sure every day will become livelier, brighter and more fun than now.
Kazunari: Just imagining that day coming someday totes pumps me up~! I also think I’ll be able to spend super exciting days with you too, Mukkun!
Muku: Fufu, I’m happy to hear that. I feel the same way. …*Yawn*…
Kazunari: Ah, are you feeling sleepy now?
Muku: S-Sorry…!
Kazunari: No need to apologize. Why don’t we head back to our room soon?
Muku: Here’s your blanket back. Thank you.
Kazunari: Ah, don’t even sweat it. You might be able to use it again for another occasion, so I’ll give it to you! It’s your keepsake as my roomie!
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Muku: Ehh!? Is that really alright though…?
Kazunari: Of course! Use it lots, ‘kay~.
Muku: I will. Thank you.
*flashback ends*
Muku: I’m sure you noticed I was still awake that day. And you stayed up talking with me until I got sleepy… Since I know you a lot better now, I can see how kind you were back then.
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Kazunari: Mukkun…! If you say it like that, then I’m gonna cry~! But tbh, I did notice you were still awake. But it’s also true I was so excited I couldn’t sleep. I figured that in that case, I’d like to chat a bit more and become closer with you~.
Muku: Fufu. Thanks to that, I had a really fun night.
Kazunari: Same here. …And so—. Happiest of birthdays, Mukkun~! Here’s a present for you!
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Muku: Wow, thank you…!
Kazunari: Open it, open it!
Muku: Oh, it’s a blanket with a bear print! It looks adorable…!
Kazunari: You’ve been taking super great care of that blanket I gave you that night, haven’t you? But that one wasn’t new to begin with, and it’s beginning to show its age. I thought it wouldn’t hurt to have a 2nd gen on hand too!
Muku: Thank you, Kazu-kun! I’ll treasure both blankets.
Muku: …Is this how it goes? The size is just right. He’s so cute and cool…!
Kazunari: Ooh, military uniform William looks cute af! Is that from Frooch?
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Muku: Yeah! I heard you checked William’s size for him. Thanks for that.
Kazunari: Don’t mention it! Actually, I was worried you’d think it was sus when I asked to borrow him from you.
Muku: Now that you mention it, that did happen… I see, you were evaluating the size back then. You were acting so natural, I didn’t notice at all…!
Kazunari: Hehe. Surprise: success ☆
Muku: Alright then. I’ll place the bear blanket I got from Kazu-kun here… and I’ll put William here…
Muku: How does this look?
Kazunari: You nailed it! Everything looks cute in the frame. Everyone will love it~.
Muku: Fufu. I’ll post it to inste then.
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